8A Unit1 Friends教案


8A Unit1 Friends教案-2023-2024学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册

8A  Unit1  Friends教案-2023-2024学年牛津译林版英语八年级上册
To categorize adjectives to describe important qualities of a friend according to personal preferences
Step 1 Presentation
T:I’m very happy to teach you English again. First, ask the following questions:
How to use adjectives to describe people’s appearance and characteristics.
Step 1 Revision.
1.What are the most important qualities of a good friend?
T:‘Teenagers’magazine is holding a writing competition. Some students havewrittensome entries for it. Please read and find out their main qualities.
1---generous, helpful
Long legs do not fit under the school desks..
Can keep a secret
Never say a bad word about anyone
Step 5 Retell
1. T: So we have got a table about them. And you have known a lot about them.Can you say sth about themaccordingto the information in the table.

牛津译林版八年级英语上册8A Unit1 Friends 单元教案

牛津译林版八年级英语上册8A Unit1 Friends 单元教案
(Hobo is Eddie’s good friend because they always share things with each other.)
Ask the students toread the Comic strip and answer the questions:
(1) What does Eddie give Hobo?
1. Describe a good friend of yours with the words and phrases learnt in this lesson.
2. Finish the Workbook exercises.
8A Unit 1 Friends Reading (1)
Step 5 Retell
1. T: So we have got a table about them. And you have known a lot about them.Can you say sth about themaccordingto the information in the table.
Sentences may be used:
I think my good friend should be very … because…
I agree. / I don’t agree with you because …
It’s q important for a friend to be …? Do you think so?
Eyes, nose: big, small
Face: round, square
Body: thin, strong, slim, fat, tall, short

8A Unit1 Friends 教案

8A Unit1 Friends 教案

8A Unit1 Friends 教案教学目标本节课的教学目标主要包括以下几个方面: - 学生能够理解并运用本单元所学的词汇和短语。

- 学生能够根据提示描述他们的朋友。

- 学生能够运用一般现在时谈论他们朋友的喜好、爱好等。

- 学生能够通过合作活动提高他们的口语表达能力。

教学准备•教材:初中英语教材8A Unit 1 Friends•多媒体设备:投影仪或电子白板•学生课前任务:请学生提前阅读课本Unit 1 Friends并准备讲述他们一个朋友的简介教学步骤引入新课(5分钟)在黑板上写下“What are friends for?”,然后向学生提问:“朋友是为了什么的?”引导学生思考并回答。


复习所学单词和短语(10分钟)在黑板上列出课本中Unit 1 Friends所学的重点单词和短语,并与学生一起复习。







例如,教师可以问学生:“What does your friend like to do in his/her free time?。

[精品K12]8A Unit 1 Friends上课学习上课学习教案

[精品K12]8A  Unit 1 Friends上课学习上课学习教案

8A Unit 1 Friends教案www.5ykj.com中学英语学科教案总课题8AUnit1Friends总课时10第1课时课题welcometotheunit课型New教学目标知识目标1.To revisevocabularyandexpressionsusedtodescribepeople2.Toguessmeaningf romcontext3.Togenerateideasaboutpeople’sappearanceandpersonalities4.Tocategorizeadjectives todescribeimportantqualitiesofafriendaccordingtoper sonalpreferences能力目标Tounderstandtheconceptofthingsthatareunusual.情感目标Touseadjectivestodescribefeelingsandopinions教学重点Tolearnhowtouseadjectivestodescribepeople’sappearanceandcharacteristics教学难点Tocategorizeadjectivestodescribeimportantqualitieso fafriendaccordingtopersonalpreferences课前预习1.Previewthenewwords.2.Listentothetapeandreadthedia logue.教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1warm-upStep2:PresentationStep3PracticeStep4:Pr esentationStep5PracticeStep6SummarizeStep7HomeworkT :Helloeveryone,gladtoseeyouagain!Didyouhaveanicesum merholiday?Areyouhappytobebacktoschoolandseeallyour friends?Sstalkabouttheirsummerholidays.T:Thissummer holidayIwenttoAustraliawithsomeofyourclassmatesandf riends.wetookalotofphotos.wouldyouliketohavealook?S howthepicturesandintroducesomeplacesofinterestandan imalsinAustralia.T:Look,wetookaphotowiththisfamousm an---Batman.He’saheroandpeople’sgoodfriendbecausehehelpspeopleindanger.Doyouagree? whatdoyouthinkofhim?SstalkaboutBatmanwiththeadjecti vesdescribingappearanceandpersonality,suchasfriendl y,helpful,kind,polite,clever,brave,etc.T:Thereareso memorewordstodescribepeople.Forexample,wecansayBatm anisgood-looking.Butweneversayhe’sbeautiful!wedon’tusebeautifultodescribeaboyoraman.Ifsomeonelikesmus icorisgoodatmusic,wesayheorsheismusical.Teach “good-looking”and “musical”.1.Playaguessinggame.Ssdescribetheirbest friendsintheclassandguesswhoaretalkedabout.2.T:just nowweheardsomeofthestudentstalkabouttheirbestfriend s.couldyoutellmewhichwordsareusedmostoften?Ss:frien dly,helpful,polite…T:Sotheseareveryimportantqualitiesofabestfriend,doy outhinkso?whatotherqualitiesareimportanttoyou?Sscom pletethetableinPartB,P7.Thenworkinpairstoexchangeth eirideasandhaveadebate.Sentencesmaybeused:Ithinkmyg oodfriendshouldbevery…because…Iagree./Idon’tagreewithyoubecause…It’squiteimportantforafriendtobe…?Doyouthinkso?Idon’tthinkmygoodfriendmustbevery…3.T:whydoyouthinkhe/sheisyourbestfriend?whatmakeshi m/hersospecialtoyou?canyoutalktohim/heraboutanythin g?Doyoutalktohim/herwhenyouhaveproblems?Doyoubeliev ewhathe/shesays?whenyouarehappyorsad,doyoutalktohim /her?why?Teach“sad”,“believe”,“honest”and “joy”.SscompletePartA,P7andreportindividually.4.Texplainssomelanguagepoints.1.T:Howoldisyourbestfrie nd?whataboutyou?Ss:15/16…T:Soyouareteenagers.wecallchildrenbetween13and19tee nagers.Teach“teenager”.T:wehaveagoodfriend,Eddie.Isheateenage r?Ss:No.2.T:who’sEddie’sgoodfriend?why?TplaysthetapeofthecomicstripandSstr ytofindouttheanswertothequestion.3.Ssreadthecomicst ripandanswerthequestions:whatdoesEddiegiveHobo?whatdoesHobowant?DoyouthinkEddieisatruefriend?why?4 .Ssreadthedialogueinpairs.5.Texplainssomelanguagepo ints.1.Ssactoutthedialogueandtheyareencouragedtoadd insomethingtheylike.2.Discuss:whodoyoulikebetterasa friend,EddieorHobo?why?3.Ssworkinpairstoaskandanswe rabouttheirgoodfriends.Amodeldialogue:A:who’syourgoodfriend?B:…A:what’she/shelike?B:…A:whatdoyouthinkofyourfriend?B:…A:whatmakeshim/hersospecialtoyou?B:…canyoutellmesomethingaboutyourgoodfriend?T:Todayweh avelearnedsomeimportantqualitiesaboutagoodfriend.It seemsthatweallthinkappearanceisnotsoimportant,butafriendshouldbehelpfulandhonest.AndIhopeeveryonecanbe likethatandyouwillhavemorefriends.1.Describeagoodfr iendofyourswiththewordsandphraseslearntinthislesson .2.Finishtheworkbookexercises.板书设计Unit1FriendsPhrases:havesomethingtodrink,makesomebodyhap py/special,keepsecrets,shareone’sjoy,believewhatsomebodysays,talktosomebodyaboutany thing,cleanandtidySentences:Doyouwantsome?canIhavesomethingtodrink?whataboutsomemilk?canIhavesomemorefoodtoo?There’snothingelseinthefridge.教学反思总课题8AUnit1Friends总课时10第2课时课题ReadingI课型New教学目标知识目标1.Toguessgeneralmeaningsfromkeywordsandcontext2.Tos kimtextforoverallmeaningsandscanfordetails3.Toident ifyspecificinformationaboutdifferentpeopleformtheir friends’descriptions4.Touseadjectivestodescribepeople’sappearanceandpersonalities能力目标Byreadingaboutthethreefriendsappearthebasicsituatio n,Understandingfriendwithdescribewordstodescribethe appearanceandpersonalityofdiscourse.情感目标Learntoappreciateothers,learntotreasurethefriendshi p.教学重点Toguessgeneralmeaningsfromkeywordsandcontext教学难点Toidentifyspecificinformationaboutdifferentpeoplefo rmtheirfriends’descriptions课前预习1Previewthenewwords.2Listentothetapeandreadthetext 教学方法情景教学法、归纳法教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1:Revision.Step2:PresentationStep3PracticeStep4 PresentationStep5PracticeStep6SummarizeStep7Practic eStep8HomeworkT:yesterdaywelearnttotalkaboutfriends .Friendsareveryimportantinourlives.Almosteveryonene edsafriendandalmosteveryonehasafriend,doyouthinkso? Let’slookatsomeinterestingEnglishsayingsaboutfriends.Pl easetrytoguessthemeaningsofthem.Ssreadanddiscuss.T:whydoyouthinkfriendsareimportant?whatcanfriendsdofo ryou?Ssgivedifferentanswers.T:Isyourfriend’sappearanceveryimportanttoyou?Ss:No.T:Good.weshould neverjudgeapersonbyhisappearanceorclothes.Butit’llbegoodforyoutolearnsomewordstodescribeyourfriends ’appearance,right?Tshowsthepicturesandteaches “shoulder-length”,“slim”and “pooreyesight”.SsdoPartB2,P9individually.Afterche ckingtheanswers,TaskssomeSstogivesomemoredetailsabo uttheappearanceofeachpersoninthepictures.1.T:Asyoua llthinkthatappearanceisnotveryimportant,couldyoutel lmewhatisimportantinyouropinion?Ssanswerwiththeadje ctivestheylearnttodescribequalities,suchascleanandt idy,helpful,honest,etc.T:Excellent.NowIhavesomegood friendshere.canyouusesomeproperwordstodescribethem? Ssfillintheblankstocompletethesentences.Tteaches “generous”,“joke”,“humorous”,“haveagoodsenseofhumour”,“atruefriend”and “beready/willingtodosth”.2.T:‘Teenagers’magazineisholdingawritingcompetitionaboutgoodfriend s.Somestudentshavewrittensomeentriesforit.Pleaserea dandfindoutwhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalse.T:playsthetaperecorderfortheSstorepeat.Ssreadan ddoPartc1,P10.3.SsreadagainanddoPartB1ontheirown.Te llthemthattheyneedtolookforspecificdetails,whichfit eachofthepersonsdescribedinthearticles.1.Sshaveagro upcompetitionbychoosingtoanswerthequestionsaboutBet tyinthetable.2.Fillintheblankstocompletethedescript pletethebriefintroductionaboutmay. T:whatdoweusuallywriteaboutwhenwedescribeourfriends ?Ss:Appearance,personalities…T:yes,inwhichparagraphdoweusuallywriteabouttheappea rance?Ss:Paragraph1.T:AndinParagraph2?Ss:Personalit ies.T:Right.wealsocallitpersonalities.Inthe3rdparag raphwecanwriteabouttheirbehaviorsorfutureplans.1.Ss doPartc2,P10andfindoutwhoeachofthepersonalitieswill voteforandfillintheblanks.Thenchecktheanswersbyaski ngandansweringinpairs‘whowillAmy/Simon/Sandyvotefor?’2.Ssvoteforoneofthe‘bestfriends’describedinthearticlesandtellthereasonwhy.3.Ssdoacl assvotefora‘bestfriend’.writeabriefdescriptionaboutapersonth eyconsiderasabestfriend.Readsomeofthedescriptionsandthenvoteforoneofthem.Explainwhytheyvoteforthatpart icularperson.1.Retellaboutthethreebestfriends.2.Rec ommendabeststudentinyourclassandtellthereasonwhyyou voteforhimorher.板书设计Unit1Friendswords:slim,shoulder-length,generous,singer,a lmost,eyesight,smart,truePhrases:travelaroundthewor ld,havepooreyesight,haveagoodsenseofhumour,knockoff ,atruefriend,sayabadwordaboutanyone,votefor教学反思总课题8AUnit1Friends总课时10第3课时课题ReadingⅡ课型New教学目标知识目标1.Tolearnsomeusefulexpressionsandusethemindifferent context2.Tolearnhowtodescribefriends能力目标Byreadingaboutthethreefriendsappearthebasicsituatio n,Understandingfriendwithdescribewordstodescribethe appearanceandpersonalityofdiscourse.情感目标Learntoappreciateothers,learntotreasurethefriendshi p.教学重点Touseadjectivestodescribesb’sappearanceandcharacteristics教学难点Todevelopagoodattitudetowardsfriends课前预习1.Listentothetapeandreadthetext2.Tosummarizekeypointsofastorybysequencingstatements教学方法讲授法练习法教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1RevisionStep2:LanguagepointsStep3:ExercisesSte p4:SummarizeStep5PoemStep6Homework1.T:Foryesterday’shomeworkIaskedyoutovoteforabeststudentinyourclass. Nowcanyoutellmeyourchoiceandyourreason?Pleasedescri bethatpersonindetailsandlet’sguesswhoitis.Thenwecanvoteforhimorher,ok?2.T:yeste rdaywealsometthreefriendsin‘Teenagers’magazine.They’reBetty,maxandmay.Howmuchdoyourememberthem?Sshaveag roupcompetitionbyansweringquestionsaboutmax.T:wonde rful!youhaveaverygoodmemory.Nowlet’smoveontolookatsomeusefulphrasesandsentencesintheth reearticlesandlearntousethem:1.SheisasslimasIam.她和我一样苗条。

译林版8A Unit 1 Friends教学案

译林版8A Unit 1 Friends教学案

课题8A Unit1 Friends Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit学习目标知识目标掌握四会单词,词组和句型课前自学一、通过预习,翻译下列的英汉短语1 be hungry2 你真好3 再来一些食物4 分享我的快乐5 be honest6 keep secrets7 make me happy 8 有问题9 干净且整洁10 有趣的11 音乐天赋的12 我能喝点什么吗?是的,可以。

13 There is nothing else in the fridge.二、预习对话,回答下列问题1.What does Hobo get from Eddie?2.What is there in the fridge?三、预习Welcome to the Unit Part B,根据实际情况回答。

1.What qualities are very important in a good friend?2.What qualities are quite important in a good friend?3.What qualities are not important in a good friend?课堂交流展示一.听录音,回答Comic strip问题1 What does Eddie give Hobo?2 Is there anything else in the fridge?3 What does Hobo want? Why?二、朗读对话,并且小组内分工合作表演对话三、根据对话内容,完成下面短文Today Hobo was ________. Eddie gave him ___________ and some_______. Hobo wanted to have ____________ food. But there was ____________ in the fridge. At last, Eddie had to _________ the pizza with Hobo.四、小组讨论,Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why?五、根据上面的讨论,得出好朋友应该具备的那些品质,展示预习检测的第三题。

《8A Unit 1 Friends》教学设计-优秀教案

《8A Unit 1 Friends》教学设计-优秀教案

8A Unit 1 FriendsComic strip and Welcome to the unitI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. identify the new words and phrases;2. describe people’s qualities with simple and proper words;3. know more about friendship and try to develop some good qualities.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: thirsty, honest, care about, keep a secret, make sb happy, be ready todo sth, have problems, believe what he/she says, tell lies/funny jokes.2. New structures: Can I have something to drink?Can I have some more food?What makes good friends?You can trust them because they never tell lies.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyDescribe people’s qualities with simple and proper words.IV. Teaching proceduresA Comic stripStep 1 Lead-in1. The topic of the unit ― friendsT: Hello, boys and girls, do you have a friend? Yes, of course, you do. As we know, every one of us should have at least one or two friends. Time seems to go faster when good friends are together.2. Free talkAsk some open questions:Who is your good friend?Could tell us something about your good friend?Why do you choose him/her as your good friend?Step 2 Presentation1. Show pictures of Hobo and EddieT: It’s nice to see Hobo and Eddie again. Do you like them? Yes, they are funny and they can always make us happy. Do you think they are good friends? Let’s watch a short video and answer the questions:What does Hobo think a good friend should do?What do they share?2. Have a discussionWill they share the pizza? Why or why not?Two possible answers: Yes, they will share. Because good friends always share.No, they won’t. Because Hobo already has a big cake.3. Complete a short passageEddie is kind. He often ____ others. Today Hobo feels _______. Eddie gives him a _____. When Hobo wants something to _____, Eddie ____ him some milk. But Hobo still wants to have ______ _____ food. Eddie tells Hobo there’s _______ else in the fridge. But when Hobo sees the _____ in Eddie’s bowl, he wants to _____ it. What should Eddie do?Step 3 PracticeRead loudly and try to act it out. Add an ending to it.B Welcome to the unitStep 1 Lead-in1. Let’s brainstorm. What qualities should a good friend have?The teacher should encourage the students to say as many as possible.2. The teacher can use the pictures of Pinocchio and Mr. Bean to teach the new words “honest”and “humorous”.3. The teacher can use the pictures of Harry Potter and his friends to tell the meaning of truefriends.4. The teacher can use the pictures of the characters from The Journey to the West to show theimportance of team work.Step 2 Presentation1. Let’s match the qualities on the left with the questions on the right.Check the answers by speaking out with the complete sentences.Eg: My friend is helpful so he/she is ready to help when I have problems.2. Let’s listen and answer the questions:What qualities does Amy think a friend should have?What qualities does Daniel think a friend should have?3.Let’s discuss in groups.What makes good friends?If you agree, you can say “Yes, that’s very important.”, “That’s true.” or “I also think ...”.If you disagree, you can say “I’m afraid not.”, “I don’t think so.”“This might be true, but ...Step 3 ConsolidationLet’s interview.The students have an interview about friends with their partners and then make a report in the class. The one who gets the most information wins. The teacher can ask some questions for the students to begin with and the students are encouraged to ask more questions.Step 4 Extension1.Let’s learn some proverbsThe teacher shows 4 proverbs and asks the students to guess their Chinese meanings. Encourage the students to find more on the Internet after class.2. Let’s enjoy an English song, “Count on me”Step 5 SummaryThe teacher gives a short summary about friends and offer some advice on how to make a friend. Spend more time around people.Join an organization or a club.Be a volunteer.Be a good listener.Choose your friends wisely.V. Homework1. Finish the exercises in Period 1 of Unit 1 in the workbook2. Read the poem “A Forever Friend”.3. Try to find what good qualities your best friend has and give as many examples as possible. Write a short passage.8A Unit 1 Friends Reading (I)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. find out the names, looks and personalities about the friends in the text;2. describe their friends with proper expressions.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: generous, helpful, straight, any time, a sense of humour2. New structure: She is also helpful and ready to help people any time.He is the tallest boy in our class.She is taller than I am.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyDescribe people’s qualities with simple and proper words.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Questionnaire”2. Free talkT: A life without friends is a life without a sun. What makes good friends?T: Friends …Step 2 Presentation1. Read and answerT: Today I’ll introduce some friends to you. They are teenagers like you. Let’s see who they are.Open your books at Page 8. Read the text quickly and tell me their names.2. Listen and chooseT: We know Betty and May are both girls. Look at two pictures. Let’s listen and choose who Betty is and who May is.Ask the students to read sentences about the looks of Betty and May.3. Read and answerT: How is Betty? How is May? Please read the short passage about Betty and May. Can you find the adjectives about their personality?Betty: generous and helpfulMay: sweet and trueT: Why do we say Betty is generous and helpful? Please read and find the sentences in the first passage.T: Why do we say May is sweet and true? Please read and find the sentences in the third passage.5. Listen and repeatListen to the record of Part 1 and Part3 and repeat sentence by sentence. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.6. Listen and repeat(1) Listen to the record and repeat sentence by sentence.(2) Retell the passage according to the table above.7. Read and answerRead Part 2 and answer the following questions.How tall is Max?Does Max look lovely when he wears small round glasses?How do we feel when we are with Max? Why?Do Max’s legs fit well under his desk?What happens to him when Max walks past the desk?8. Listen and repeat(1) Listen to the record and repeat sentence by sentence of Part.(2) Retell the part about Max’s personality with the clues.Step 3 Extension1.Pair workHave a discussion about “Who do you want to choose as your best friend, Betty, Max or May? Why?” in pairs.2. SummaryTeacher gives a short summary.V. Homework1. Listen to the tape and repeat after it three times.2. Finish the exercises B1 and B2 on Page 9.3. Write a passage about your best friend.8A Unit 1 Friends Reading (II)I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. introduce Betty, Max and May with the help of a mind map;2. use the key words and expressions to express their own ideas;3. write about a person they are familiar with in detail;4. know how to organize a good paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting details in logic order.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: fit, walk past, knock onto, worry, give her seat to someone in need,have a good voice, wear small round glasses, bored & boring, havelong straight hair, say a bad word about anyone, be good at tellingjokes2. New structure: She is also helpful and ready to help people any time.She wants to be a singer when she grows up.They make him look smart.He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh.They do not fit well under his desk.When something worries me, I can always go to her.I never feel bored with him.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyWrite about a person they are familiar with in detail.Know how to organize a good paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting details.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inShow three pictures of Betty, Max and May and ask students to describe their looks. Point out that when describing people’s looks, we should pay attention to their figures and distingushing features.Step 2 Mind-mapping1. Help the students to recall the details by mind-mapping(1) Introduce BettyTeacher shows four pictures of Betty and asks students what they can see in the pictures and what we can learn from the pictures. Teacher helps the students finish the mind map.(2) Introduce MaxTeacher shows the structure of the second entry and asks the students to retell with the help of some pictures and phrases.(3) Introduce MayTeacher shows the mind map of the third entry and encourages the students to retell with the help of some key words and phrases.2. Ask the students to introduce Betty, Max and May by mind-mappingStep 3 Language focus1. make sb do sth & make sb + adj(1) ExplanationTeacher shows four pictures and four sentences,asks the students to use the words to fill in the blanks, then T shows the usage of “make”.(2) DrillT: What does your teacher/parents/friends often make you do?” I’ll give an example. Can you make more sentences using “make sb do”?2. bored & boring(1) ExplanationT: We use “bored” to describe how a person feels when something is not interesting. Look at the picture, the boy feels bored because his friends are not here. You look bored, whynot turn off the TV and do something else?T: We use “boring” to describe something that is not interesting. Look at the picture, the boy just can’t read this boring book any more. Let’s stop watching this TV programme, it’s so boring.(2) DrillT: Do you know more words like “bored”and “boring”? Can you use these words to complete the sentences?3. fitT: What does the word “fit”mean here? The word “fit” has some different meanings, please complete these sentences.4. verb + preposition combinations(1) walk + prepositionTeacher shows three pictures to explain “walk past”, “walk through”, “walk across”and gives more sentences as examples.(2) knock + prepositionTeacher shows four sentences to explain the meanings of “knock on”, “knock down”, “knock over”, “knock off” and “knock onto”.5. worryT: Can you say “when something worries me” in another way? The word “worry” here is a verb, we can say “worry sb” or “sb worry about sth”, and we can also say “sb be worried about sth”. Try to explain他们为即将到来的考试而发愁in three different ways.Step 4 Complete a passageTeacher shows another passage and asks the students to complete it using the words we’ve learnt.Step 5 Writing1. Guide the students to explore the features of a description of a personTeacher shows the three entries and points out that they are all descriptions of a person, asks students which entry they like best and why, guides the students to consider about three parts .detailsparagraphsendings2. Find many strong details in the description of BettyTeacher asks the students to find the details of Betty and consider why the writer uses so many details.3. Learn how to write a good paragraph(1) A topic sentenceTaking the second paragraph of the second entry as an example, Teacher asks the students to find the details, and uses the mind map to help the student understand main idea and detail.Point out that a good paragraph includes a topic sentence and supporting details and the topic sentence is usually at the beginning of a paragraph.(2) A good endingT: Can you find a sentence that tells how I strongly feel about Max? This is an exclamation;do you think it is a good ending?Teacher points out we should use different sentence types to add variety.(3) Supporting details in the logic orderTeacher asks the students to put three sentences in the best order and reminds the students that the supporting details should be in the logic order.4. Ask the students to write down their own ideasStudents write about a friend or someone they know well. Tell what the person is like. Tell what they like to do together. Use the Writer’s Checklist to help.V. Homework1. Finish the writing and make a story book.2. Read more descriptions of a person and share them in the class.8A Unit 1 Friends GrammarI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know when to use comparatives and superlatives;2. use comparatives and superlatives correctly;3. compare people or things.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: height, slimmer, worse, worst2. New structure: We use comparatives + than to compare two people or things.We use the +superlatives to compare three or more people or things.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyIntroduce the structure of comparative and superlative adjectives.Change the adjectives into comparative and superlative adjectives.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Try to describe.Describe two girls’ appearances.2. Try to compareShow a table about two girls’ appearance. Lead the students to compare them.Alice is shorter than Lucy. Lucy is taller than Alice.Alice’s eyes are bigger than Lucy’s. Lucy’s eyes are smaller than Alice’s.Alice’s hair is longer than Lucy’s.Lucy’s hair is shorter than Alice’s.Step 2 Presentation of comparative adjectives1. Try to work out the ruleAsk the students to read these sentences and try to find the rules about comparative. Introduce when we can use comparative and the basic structure of comparative adjectives.2. Try to sayShow some pictures. Ask the students to compare them. At the same time, the teacher gives some adjectives to help the students. Lead the students to find what the short adjectives are.3. Try to findAsk the students to observe the comparative of the short adjectives. Let the students find the rules of the forms.4. Try to changeAsk the students to change the adjectives into their comparative.5. Try to thinkIntroduce the long adjectives and let them list some more long adjectives.6. Try to concludeLead the students to conclude the rules according to the sentences of long comparative adjectives. And introduce the irregular adjectives and their forms.Step 3 Presentation of superlative adjective1. Let’s enjoyEnjoy the story about “Three little pigs”.2. Try to compare(1)Try to compare the houses of little pigs’. Introduce the superlative adjectives.(2) Try to compare other things using the superlative adjectives.3. Try to concludeLead the students to conclude the rules of superlative adjectives, including the form rules, the sentence structure.4. Try to guessLet the students guess the answers according to some sentences.Step 4 Consolidation1. SummaryMake a summary about the comparative adjectives with the students.2. Try to changeLet the students change the words into their comparative and superlative.3. Have a guessLet the students read the sentences and guess the meaning.4. Try to writeLet the students compare the class profile. Finish the exercises in the English book.5. A group workAsk the students to make groups of four. First finish their group profile, then make a report.V. Homework1. Read the words on P11 and remember the rules of comparative and superlative adjectives.2. Write a short passage to introduce your family. (Please use some comparative and superlative adjectives.)8A Unit 1 Friends Integrated skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. understand some new words and expressions and learn to use them;2. catch the key points from the listening materials;3. learn to talk about future plans and friends.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: meet different people, make friends, listen to people carefully, heippeople with their problems, travel around the world, our future plans,be a social worker, learn more about art2. New structures: I would like to be a social worker when I grow up.I am always kind to people.I will be happy if I can make other people happy.I want to be as famous as he is.Who’s the boy/girl on the left/next to Peter?III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyGet specific information from listening materials.Talk about future plans.IV. Teaching proceduresA Future plansStep1 Lead-in1. Enjoy a song “My Dream Job”.2. Free talkWhat do you want to do when you grow up?3. Play a guessing game: I would like to be ...Show some phrases and expressions about five different people’s personalities, hobbies, abilities, dreams and ask the students to guess their future plans.Step 2 Listening1. Listen and and complete Part A1 (Task 1 Listen and tick)(1) What would Nora like to do when she grows up?Tip: find out the key words.(2) Teach the new phrase “social worker”Teacher shows some pictures about social workers, tells the students that social workers work to help people live a better life and they help to solve different problems.2. Read and complete Part A2 (Task 2 Read and write)Tip: use the information in A1.3. Listen and complete Part A3 (Task 3 Listen and complete)(1) Listening skills: predicting before listening; writing parts of the words; listening for keywords.(2) Introduce Xu Beihong and his paintings.Explain the phrase “beautiful works of art”.Step 3 Consolidation1. A short summary: How can we make future plans?Use four sentences in the diary to help students conclude that we should think about our personalities, hobbies, abilities, dreams and so on.2. Make a survey (Task 4 Make a survey)(1) The teacher asks the students to tell the future plans in groups of four with the help ofmodels. The students may also ask some questions.(2) The teacher asks the students to take notes and fill in a form while listening.T shows the listening skills at the same time.(3) The teacher asks the students to make a report about their group members’ future plans tothe whole class. The teacher gives some sentences as a help.B Speak up: What’s he like?Step 1 Presentation1. Read the pictures(1) T shows the pictures of Helen and Sandy and asks who Sandy is.(2) Introduce the sentences: Sandy is the girl on the right.Sandy is the girl with glasses/a ponytail.(3) Teach the new word “ponytail”.2. Listen and fill in the form (Task 5 Listen and answer)Who are they? What’s he/she like?3. Read the dialogue (Task 6 Read aloud in different ways)Pay attention to linking and loss of blasting.Step 2 ConsolidationTalk about our own friends (Task 7 Talk about your own photos)The teacher asks the students to bring some pictures of their own friends or families to class, exchange the photos and discuss about them, using the dialogue as a model.Step 3 ConclusionThe teacher shows a photo of Steve Jobs, introduces his advice for success:You’ve got to find what you love.The only way to do great work is to love waht you do.Stay hungry, stay foolish.V. Homework1. Revise the new words and phrases.2. Ask more friends about their future plans and write a short passage.8A Unit 1 Friends Study skillsI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know how to use the vocabulary tree to remember the new words;2. draw the vocabulary tree;3. try to draw the knowledge tree to remember the knowledge.II. Teaching contentsHow to remember words quickly.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyDraw the vocabulary tree.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-in1. Ask and answerThe teacher shows four figures of different professionals and writes down the key words on the blackboard.T: What’s he/she? What does he/she look like? What’s his/her feeling?2. Try to rememberGive the students one minute to remember the words on the blackboard. Then let the students try to say the words as many as possible.Step 2 Presentation1. Present the method to remember wordsThe teacher introduces a good method to remember the words quickly. Lead the students to put the words into different groups.2. Try to drawTeach the students how to draw a vocabulary tree.We need 4 or 5 steps. The steps are:Put the words into different.Draw a tree.Write the group names on the branches.Write down the words on the leaves of each branch.Draw pictures if necessary.3. Do the exerciseLet the students open their books at Page 15 to complete the vocabulary tree in their books. First ask the students to do it by themselves and then check the answers together.Step 3 Practice2.Ask and answerAsk some questions about our friend Eddie, such as “what’s Eddie’ hobby?”. Let the students say the names of some food and drinks.2. Group the wordsLet the students put the words about the food into different groups.3. Draw a vocabulary treeLet the students draw a vocabulary tree about the food and drinks.Step 4 ExpansionThe teacher introduces the knowledge tree. Lead the students to draw the knowledge tree about the knowledge of unit 1. They can draw the trees in different ways.V. Homework1. Put the words in Unit 1 into different groups.2. Try to draw a vocabulary tree.8A Unit 1 Friends TaskI. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. write an article about their best friends;2. understand the five steps of writing (prewrite-write-revise-edit-publish);3. work in pairs, assess and reflect after writing.II. Teaching contents1. New words and phrases: dark brown, both …and …, have a round face, smiling eyes, lookreally pretty and kind, have a smile on her face, work with children.2. New structure: Kate is both my neighbour and my best friend.She always has a smile on her face and looks happy.I think she will make an excellent teacher.III. Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficultyWrite an article about best friends.Learn the five steps of writing.IV. Teaching proceduresStep1 Lead-inBrainstorm: What would you like to write about your friend?T: Teenagers magazine is inviting teenagers to write about their best friends for the writing competition.Step2 Presentation1.Read and answerStudents read the article and answer five questionsW ho’s Daniel’s best friend?When did Daniel first meet her?What does she look like?What’s she like?What would she like to be when she grows up?2.Show the structure of the article3.Read each paragraph carefully(1) Para 1 IntroductionWhich sentence can we use in our article?(2) Para 2 LooksWhich sentence tells the main idea? Find the details about her looks. Teacher concludesthat we should tell the figure and distinguishing features.(3) Para 3 PersonalityWhat is she like? Students try to find the topic sentences and the supporting details, andteacher points out supporting details can help the reader understand the personality.(4) Para 4 Future plansWhich sentence can we use in our article?Step 3 Writing1. How to writeShow the five steps of writing; point out that we should write step-by-step.(1) Prewriting—choose a topic and collect detailsa. Ask students to use words to help readers “see” who they are describing.Show four portraits and invite the students to describe their looks, giving a word list and a structure as a help.b. Ask students to use sentences to help readers understand the personality better. Askstudents to match the personality with supporting details. Encourage the students to say something more about the other personalities.(2) Writinga. write a first draft: a beginning + a middle + an endingb. Show the model draft and analyze the structure of it.(3) Revising—improve your writinga. Talk with a partner.Show the response sheet. Ask students to work in pairs—one reads the writing out aloudand the other team members listen carefully and tell what they like and ask questions.b. Rewrite parts.Ask students to make three sentences better.Give two tips: use specific words; use sentences of different lengths.(4) Editing—check for errorsInvite the students to check the article for punctuation, capitalization, grammar error andspelling.(5) Publishing—share your writingShow the final copy.Give two tips: use your best handwriting; indent the first line of each paragraph.2. Assessment(1) How to assess the final copy(2) Reflecting on your writingReflect by answering three questions.The best part of my article is:The part that still needs work is:The next time I write a descriptive article, I would like to:3. Write an article(1) The advantages of writingShow the advantages of writing: exercise your brain, learn m ore about yourself, share with others, have fun. Encourage the students to write more.(2) Write an articleAsk students to write their own article about their friends.V. Homework1. Revise your article.2. Choose the best articles and put them on the wall.。



8aunit1friendsreading教案一、教材分析:8A Units 1-3是牛津英语教材体系中很重要的一个模块,是关于青少年生活(teenage life)的,其内容更贴近学生的现实生活,容易引起学生的兴趣和共鸣。

本课属于Unit 1 Friends的reading部分的第一课时(reading部分一般分两课时进行教学:第一课时以阅读和理解为主;第二课时以知识点和词汇的分析掌握为主)。












8A Unit1 Friends Reading(1)教学案

8A Unit1 Friends  Reading(1)教学案

主备人李书平上课时间课题 8A Unit1 Friends Reading(1)学习目标知识目标:初步理解与本单元主题相关词汇能力目标:通过阅读了解文中所出现的三个好友的基本情况;理解用形容词来描述朋友外貌和个性品质的语篇。

情感目标:学会欣赏别人, 学会珍爱友谊。




重点预习并记住下列单词generous 大方的willing 乐意的 ready 乐意的 round 圆形的smart 聪明的sense 意识 humour 幽默 bored 无聊的 true 忠实的二、根据首字母和句意写出单词1. He’d like to share everything with his friends. He is g____________.2. She never tells lies(说谎). I believe what she says. We all think she is very h________.3. He can always help me with my problems. I can go to him when I am in trouble. He is very h_________.4. She does well in singing and dancing. She is a m _________ girl.5. I can tell her anything and she keeps my secrets. She is a t__________ friend.6. He is good at telling jokes. He often makes us laugh. He has a good sense of h__________三、预习课文内容,尝试着判断下面的几句话是否正确1.Betty is generous to old people only.2.Betty wants to be a singer and travel around the world.3.Max does a lot of computer work.4.Max is very good at telling jokes.5.May is a true friend.6.May likes to tell others her friends’ secrets.课堂交流展示一、对课前自学中的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法)在组内和班内展示。



牛津初中英语8A Unit 1 FriendsComic Strip & Welcome to the unit 教案Ⅰ. About teaching material本课是初中英语8A第一单元的第一课时,内容为Comic Strip和Welcome to the unit。


本单元的主题为朋友,Comic Strip部分通过Eddie和Hobo两只小狗的对话,激发学生对本单元的兴趣,引出友谊与分享的主题;Welcome to the unit中介绍了朋友的一些品质,旨在提前教授一些新的单词和短语。

Ⅱ. Teaching aims1. Knowledge objectiveTo let the students grasp the new words and phrases to describe friends.2. Ability objectiveEnable the students to learn to describe their friends.Enable the students to improve their skills of listening, reading and speaking.3. Emotion objectiveTo form good relationship of cooperation between students or teachers and students through group activitiesⅢ. Key points and difficult pointsKey points:To learn to use adjectives to describe friends and their characteristic Difficult points:To grasp the new words correctly and use them properlyⅣ. Teaching aidsMultimedia and blackboardⅤ. Teaching methodsCooperation-learning, discussion and task-based teachingⅥ. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead in[5 min]Ask students these questions to lead to the topic: friends.1. Do you have friends? What does your good friend look like?2. Can everyone be your friend?3. When you choose a friend, how do you want he is like?Step 2 Listen and answer [3 min]Listen to the Comic Strip without opening books, and answer these questions.1. Who is hungry?2. What food does Eddie give Hobo?3. What does Hobo want at last?Step 3 Read and answer [6 min]Read after the tape. Explain the new words in the text of Comic Strip.more 更多的;nothing 没有东西;bowl 碗Then, discuss these questions.1. If you are Eddie, will you give the pizza to Hobo? Why?2. Do you think Hobo is his true friend?Step 4 Discussion [5 min]Ask students to do the discussion in group of four.Topic: Do you like Eddie or Hobo? Why? How is your friend like?Step 5 Words learning [16 min]1. Finish the matching exercise on P7. A. Explain the new words. (4 min)2. Discuss the qualities a good friend should have. List some related adjectives.Such as: helpful, clean and tidy, brave, friendly, funny, polite, musical, kind, clever, good-looking. Explain them briefly. (4 min)3. According to these words, finish the tick exercise on P7 B. Then ask students tomake sentences with the structure: It is (very/quite/not) important for my friend to be+ adj. Work in pairs. Then report it to class. (8 min)Step 6 Proverb [3 min]Add some proverbs about friends.1.需要之时方知友A friend is never known till a man needs .2.患难见真情A friend in need is a friend indeed .3.得朋友难,失朋友易A friend is easier lost than found .4.没有十全十美的朋友A friend without faults will never be found. Step 7 Exercise [5 min]Finish the translation with the words in this lesson.1、一个诚实的男孩2、分享我的喜悦3、看广告4、一位八年级的学生5、在冰箱里6、保密7、使我快乐8、一个长得好看的女孩9、对某人友好10、再买一些食物Step 8 Homework [2 min]Describe a good friend of yours with the words and phrases learnt in this lesson.Collect some proverbs about friend.。


8A Unit 1‎Frien‎ds Readi‎ng(1)
学习目标 学习重点 学习难点
学会欣赏别‎人, 学会珍爱友‎谊。
6 Is May a true and kind frien‎d? Why?
四、全班展示,课文 Pag‎e9 PartB‎1 和 B2
五、讨论: Who would‎you like to make frien‎ds with, Betty‎, Max or May? Why? Who would‎most like to make frien‎ds with in your class‎? Why?
一、对课前自学‎中的重要的‎语言知识点‎(单词、短语、句型和语法‎)在组内和 班‎内展示。
12999‎ .com
三、小组讨论,回答下列问‎题 1 Why does the write‎r say Betty‎is gener‎ous? 2 Is Betty‎helpf‎ul? Why? 3 Why does Max wear glass‎es? 4 Does Max have a good sense‎of humou‎r? Why? 5 May is a beaut‎iful‎girl,‎isn’t‎she?

8A Unit 1 Friends教案20

8A Unit 1 Friends教案20

8上 Unit1 Friends第一课时:Comic strip & Welcome to the unit重难点:1. To describe people’s qualities with simple and proper words;2. To know more about friendship and try to develop some good qualities. 教学策略:第一课要先把主题呈现给孩子们,用生动形象的动画和图片,告诉孩子们什么是Qualities of a good friend.第二课时:Reading(I)重难点:1. To find out the names,looks and personalities about the friends in the text;2. To describe their friends with proper expressions.策略:把学生带入特定的意境,激发学生的好奇心,激起学生的求知欲望,提高学生的听课质量。

第三课时:Reading (II)重难点:1.To write about a person they are familiar with in detail;2. To know how to organize a good paragraph with a topic sentence and su pporting details in a logic order.教学策略:让学生在情境和运用中熟练使用本节课的知识点。


第四课时:Grammar重难点:1. To use comparatives and superlatives correctly;2. To compare people or things.教学策略:将语法知识和课堂练习结合起来,帮助孩子们当堂掌握知识点。

8A Unit 1 Friends教案

8A Unit 1 Friends教案

8AUnit1一、根据所提供的形容词,完成下面的表格tall,long legs,small, short hair, slim, straight, shoulder -length hairAppearance 形容词Build(身材)Height(身高)LegsHair style(式样)Hair length(长度)二、回忆Reading部分的内容,回答下列问题。

1.What does Maylook like?2.What does Max look like?3.What doesBetty look like?收集描述这些同学的形容词。

Max:May:Betty:课堂交流展示一、使用图片来学习一些形容词这些形容词分类为:Build(身材):___________________________Height(身高):____________ _____________Face:___________________________________Eyes:_______________________________完成A部分的内容,并且记忆二、根据图片,学习去描述人的外貌Build:Sheis_____________Eyes: She has_____________eyes.Face: She has a ____________faceHair:She has________________________hair.(补充:齐肩的shoulder-length) 三、小组讨论What dothey looklike?四、完成课本B部分内容找出描述男孩和女孩的不同形容词课堂达标检测一、用所给的形容词来完成短文eyesightsquarehandsome tallsm iling strongMr Tang,our monitor, is very ________ . He is _____—almos t1.80m tall.He isthin,buthe is ______.He has a _____fa ce. His_______is very poor so he needs towear glasses. Students love himverymuch because of his_______eyes. 二、分别写出一些描写男、女生的词。



8AUNIT1FRIENDS教学设计英文(范文)第一篇:8A UNIT 1 FRIENDS教学设计英文(范文)第一部分:教学设计unit goals ● to develop some ideas about making friendsexpressionshe has a good sense of humour.step 2 a listening task step 3 reading 2)explain the language points briefly.b.do you think eddie is a good friend? step 5 talking about your best friend step 6 qualities of a good friend a.have the students finish part a(page 3).a good friend should be helpful.he/she helps you solve problems.a good friend shares your joy.he/she shares your sadness, too.it is very important for my good friend to be polite.it is not important for my good friend to be good looking.it is very important for my good friend to….it is quite importan t for my good friend to….b.try to read your notes about the qualities of good friends.if possible, think of other qualities a good friend should have.period 2: reading i step 1 let’s talking about your best friendspersonalityabilitybetty is _____________.max is ____________.may is _____________.betty max mayslim short hairtall, poor eyesight glasses – smartsmall straight, shoulder – length hair prettypersongenerous , helpfula good sense of humoura true friendfunny kindbetty max(he is very tall---almost 1.75metres.his small, round glasses make him look smart.)may 1.read after the tape five times.your parent’s signature is needed.period 3: reading ii ● to explain the language points in the passages step 1 reading the passages togetheras slim ashave short hairbe ready togeneroushelpfulgive seat to people in needfuture planpersonalitypersonalitytallalmost 1.75 metersthe tallestmake sb.look smarthumorous have a good sense of humortell funny jokes;make sb.happylong legsthey don’t fit under the deskshorter than i amvery smalleveryone thinks she is pretty.personalityhave straight, shoulder-length hairpersonality maya true friendkind1.as … as …she is as slim as i am.she is as tall as i am.i am as tall as she is.i run as fast as she does.she runs as fast as i do.6.… and they make him look smart./ they: the glasses look smart(adj.)/ make sb.do sth./ make me laugh 11.think of …12.everyone thinks she is pretty.step 5 saying something about making friendsstep 1 a guessing gamestep 3 boys or girls?boys: good-looking, handsome, smart girls: beautiful, good-looking, handsome, lovely, pretty, smart first.let’s talk about one’s hairstyle.round, square, oval, small, big third, let’s talk about one’s eye.fourth, let’s talk about one’s nose.big, small, flat, hooked fifth, let’s talk about one’s ear.finally, let’s talk about one’ s mouth.step 6 a summaryeyes: big, small, round, bright, smiling nose: long, short, big, small period 5: grammar i step 1 having a revisionjimmy is a tall boy.sandy is a pretty girl.jimmy is tall.sandy is pretty.spring is here.trees turn green.he seems happy today.funny, lazy, pretty, easy, early slim, big, hot, fat, thin little, less, least old, elder/older, eldest/eldest far, farther/further, farthest/ furthest get the students to finish part b1 on page 9.step 5 finishing part b2 on page 10 step 6 summarya is_______ ______b.(tall)a is_______ ______b.(slim)a is _______ ______b.(heavy)english is_____ _____ ________maths.(interesting).a is _____ ______b at english.(good)sam is____ ____ of the three.(tall)the bag is ____ _______ of all.(heavy)•than •superlative •in + 范围、项目•of + 同类的东西than jim.tom is _________ of the three.(tall)this story is____________ than that one.(interesting)period 6: grammar ii a is longer than b.b is shorter than a.step 2 talking about the tablemillie is 1.5 meters tall.sandy is 1.5 meters tall, lie is as tall as sandy.amy is 40 kg.kitty is 40kg, too.amy is as heavy as lie is not as tall as lie is shorter than peter.step 3 filling in the blanksa bdageheightrunning(50m)maths testenglih testget the students to talk about millie’s opinion first.hiking is as interesting as skiing.skiing is as dangerous as diving.step 5 a summaryi.fill in the blanksii.translation不仅滑雪而且骑自行车都没有潜水危险。

8A Unit 1 Friends 教案

8A Unit 1  Friends 教案

8A Unit 1: Friends 教案教学目标学习并掌握以下知识和能力: - 能够运用新词汇和表达方式来描述和谈论友谊。

- 能够用适当的语言表达对朋友的感受和态度。

- 能够运用情态动词和倒装结构来表达建议和提出请求。

- 能够理解和运用听力材料中的对话和文章,获取相关信息。

- 能够在小组合作中分享和讨论与友谊相关的话题。

教学准备•教科书《英语教材 8A》Unit 1: Friends•录音机•PPT幻灯片教学过程导入1.引导学生回顾上一节课所学的内容,即友谊与友谊的特点。


–What is friendship?–What qualities do you think a good friend should have?–How do you maintain a good friendship?自主学习2.让学生翻阅课本上的单词和短语,找出并划出与友谊相关的单词和短语。


3.学生在小组内互相提问并讨论以下问题:–How do you define a true friend?–Have you ever had a fight with your friends? How did you solve the problem?–Can you name some famous friendships in history or literature?4.通过播放录音,让学生听取Eva的日记,然后回答相关问题:–What did Eva and Lily do last week?–How did Eva feel?–What did Eva realize?–What did Eva decide to do?呈现新知5.在课堂的电子白板或PPT上展示并讲解以下新的词汇和短语,包括但不限于:–loyal–betray–support–make up–apologize–hang out with6.引导学生讨论以下问题,让他们运用新学的单词和短语进行表达:–What would you do if your friend betrayed you?–How do you support your friends when they are in trouble?合作学习7.分组让学生合作进行以下活动:–每个小组选择一位组员,其他组员要根据这位组员的性格和喜好创作一个角色。

8A Unit 1 Friends上课学习上课学习教案

8A  Unit 1 Friends上课学习上课学习教案

8A Unit 1 Friends教案www.5ykj.com中学英语学科教案总课题8AUnit1Friends总课时10第1课时课题welcometotheunit课型New教学目标知识目标1.To revisevocabularyandexpressionsusedtodescribepeople2.Toguessmeaningf romcontext3.Togenerateideasaboutpeople’sappearanceandpersonalities4.Tocategorizeadjectives todescribeimportantqualitiesofafriendaccordingtoper sonalpreferences能力目标Tounderstandtheconceptofthingsthatareunusual.情感目标Touseadjectivestodescribefeelingsandopinions教学重点Tolearnhowtouseadjectivestodescribepeople’sappearanceandcharacteristics教学难点Tocategorizeadjectivestodescribeimportantqualitieso fafriendaccordingtopersonalpreferences课前预习1.Previewthenewwords.2.Listentothetapeandreadthedia logue.教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1warm-upStep2:PresentationStep3PracticeStep4:Pr esentationStep5PracticeStep6SummarizeStep7HomeworkT :Helloeveryone,gladtoseeyouagain!Didyouhaveanicesum merholiday?Areyouhappytobebacktoschoolandseeallyour friends?Sstalkabouttheirsummerholidays.T:Thissummer holidayIwenttoAustraliawithsomeofyourclassmatesandf riends.wetookalotofphotos.wouldyouliketohavealook?S howthepicturesandintroducesomeplacesofinterestandan imalsinAustralia.T:Look,wetookaphotowiththisfamousm an---Batman.He’saheroandpeople’sgoodfriendbecausehehelpspeopleindanger.Doyouagree? whatdoyouthinkofhim?SstalkaboutBatmanwiththeadjecti vesdescribingappearanceandpersonality,suchasfriendl y,helpful,kind,polite,clever,brave,etc.T:Thereareso memorewordstodescribepeople.Forexample,wecansayBatm anisgood-looking.Butweneversayhe’sbeautiful!wedon’tusebeautifultodescribeaboyoraman.Ifsomeonelikesmus icorisgoodatmusic,wesayheorsheismusical.Teach “good-looking”and “musical”.1.Playaguessinggame.Ssdescribetheirbest friendsintheclassandguesswhoaretalkedabout.2.T:just nowweheardsomeofthestudentstalkabouttheirbestfriend s.couldyoutellmewhichwordsareusedmostoften?Ss:frien dly,helpful,polite…T:Sotheseareveryimportantqualitiesofabestfriend,doy outhinkso?whatotherqualitiesareimportanttoyou?Sscom pletethetableinPartB,P7.Thenworkinpairstoexchangeth eirideasandhaveadebate.Sentencesmaybeused:Ithinkmyg oodfriendshouldbevery…because…Iagree./Idon’tagreewithyoubecause…It’squiteimportantforafriendtobe…?Doyouthinkso?Idon’tthinkmygoodfriendmustbevery…3.T:whydoyouthinkhe/sheisyourbestfriend?whatmakeshi m/hersospecialtoyou?canyoutalktohim/heraboutanythin g?Doyoutalktohim/herwhenyouhaveproblems?Doyoubeliev ewhathe/shesays?whenyouarehappyorsad,doyoutalktohim /her?why?Teach“sad”,“believe”,“honest”and “joy”.SscompletePartA,P7andreportindividually.4.Texplainssomelanguagepoints.1.T:Howoldisyourbestfrie nd?whataboutyou?Ss:15/16…T:Soyouareteenagers.wecallchildrenbetween13and19tee nagers.Teach“teenager”.T:wehaveagoodfriend,Eddie.Isheateenage r?Ss:No.2.T:who’sEddie’sgoodfriend?why?TplaysthetapeofthecomicstripandSstr ytofindouttheanswertothequestion.3.Ssreadthecomicst ripandanswerthequestions:whatdoesEddiegiveHobo?whatdoesHobowant?DoyouthinkEddieisatruefriend?why?4 .Ssreadthedialogueinpairs.5.Texplainssomelanguagepo ints.1.Ssactoutthedialogueandtheyareencouragedtoadd insomethingtheylike.2.Discuss:whodoyoulikebetterasa friend,EddieorHobo?why?3.Ssworkinpairstoaskandanswe rabouttheirgoodfriends.Amodeldialogue:A:who’syourgoodfriend?B:…A:what’she/shelike?B:…A:whatdoyouthinkofyourfriend?B:…A:whatmakeshim/hersospecialtoyou?B:…canyoutellmesomethingaboutyourgoodfriend?T:Todayweh avelearnedsomeimportantqualitiesaboutagoodfriend.It seemsthatweallthinkappearanceisnotsoimportant,butafriendshouldbehelpfulandhonest.AndIhopeeveryonecanbe likethatandyouwillhavemorefriends.1.Describeagoodfr iendofyourswiththewordsandphraseslearntinthislesson .2.Finishtheworkbookexercises.板书设计Unit1FriendsPhrases:havesomethingtodrink,makesomebodyhap py/special,keepsecrets,shareone’sjoy,believewhatsomebodysays,talktosomebodyaboutany thing,cleanandtidySentences:Doyouwantsome?canIhavesomethingtodrink?whataboutsomemilk?canIhavesomemorefoodtoo?There’snothingelseinthefridge.教学反思总课题8AUnit1Friends总课时10第2课时课题ReadingI课型New教学目标知识目标1.Toguessgeneralmeaningsfromkeywordsandcontext2.Tos kimtextforoverallmeaningsandscanfordetails3.Toident ifyspecificinformationaboutdifferentpeopleformtheir friends’descriptions4.Touseadjectivestodescribepeople’sappearanceandpersonalities能力目标Byreadingaboutthethreefriendsappearthebasicsituatio n,Understandingfriendwithdescribewordstodescribethe appearanceandpersonalityofdiscourse.情感目标Learntoappreciateothers,learntotreasurethefriendshi p.教学重点Toguessgeneralmeaningsfromkeywordsandcontext教学难点Toidentifyspecificinformationaboutdifferentpeoplefo rmtheirfriends’descriptions课前预习1Previewthenewwords.2Listentothetapeandreadthetext 教学方法情景教学法、归纳法教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1:Revision.Step2:PresentationStep3PracticeStep4 PresentationStep5PracticeStep6SummarizeStep7Practic eStep8HomeworkT:yesterdaywelearnttotalkaboutfriends .Friendsareveryimportantinourlives.Almosteveryonene edsafriendandalmosteveryonehasafriend,doyouthinkso? Let’slookatsomeinterestingEnglishsayingsaboutfriends.Pl easetrytoguessthemeaningsofthem.Ssreadanddiscuss.T:whydoyouthinkfriendsareimportant?whatcanfriendsdofo ryou?Ssgivedifferentanswers.T:Isyourfriend’sappearanceveryimportanttoyou?Ss:No.T:Good.weshould neverjudgeapersonbyhisappearanceorclothes.Butit’llbegoodforyoutolearnsomewordstodescribeyourfriends ’appearance,right?Tshowsthepicturesandteaches “shoulder-length”,“slim”and “pooreyesight”.SsdoPartB2,P9individually.Afterche ckingtheanswers,TaskssomeSstogivesomemoredetailsabo uttheappearanceofeachpersoninthepictures.1.T:Asyoua llthinkthatappearanceisnotveryimportant,couldyoutel lmewhatisimportantinyouropinion?Ssanswerwiththeadje ctivestheylearnttodescribequalities,suchascleanandt idy,helpful,honest,etc.T:Excellent.NowIhavesomegood friendshere.canyouusesomeproperwordstodescribethem? Ssfillintheblankstocompletethesentences.Tteaches “generous”,“joke”,“humorous”,“haveagoodsenseofhumour”,“atruefriend”and “beready/willingtodosth”.2.T:‘Teenagers’magazineisholdingawritingcompetitionaboutgoodfriend s.Somestudentshavewrittensomeentriesforit.Pleaserea dandfindoutwhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalse.T:playsthetaperecorderfortheSstorepeat.Ssreadan ddoPartc1,P10.3.SsreadagainanddoPartB1ontheirown.Te llthemthattheyneedtolookforspecificdetails,whichfit eachofthepersonsdescribedinthearticles.1.Sshaveagro upcompetitionbychoosingtoanswerthequestionsaboutBet tyinthetable.2.Fillintheblankstocompletethedescript pletethebriefintroductionaboutmay. T:whatdoweusuallywriteaboutwhenwedescribeourfriends ?Ss:Appearance,personalities…T:yes,inwhichparagraphdoweusuallywriteabouttheappea rance?Ss:Paragraph1.T:AndinParagraph2?Ss:Personalit ies.T:Right.wealsocallitpersonalities.Inthe3rdparag raphwecanwriteabouttheirbehaviorsorfutureplans.1.Ss doPartc2,P10andfindoutwhoeachofthepersonalitieswill voteforandfillintheblanks.Thenchecktheanswersbyaski ngandansweringinpairs‘whowillAmy/Simon/Sandyvotefor?’2.Ssvoteforoneofthe‘bestfriends’describedinthearticlesandtellthereasonwhy.3.Ssdoacl assvotefora‘bestfriend’.writeabriefdescriptionaboutapersonth eyconsiderasabestfriend.Readsomeofthedescriptionsandthenvoteforoneofthem.Explainwhytheyvoteforthatpart icularperson.1.Retellaboutthethreebestfriends.2.Rec ommendabeststudentinyourclassandtellthereasonwhyyou voteforhimorher.板书设计Unit1Friendswords:slim,shoulder-length,generous,singer,a lmost,eyesight,smart,truePhrases:travelaroundthewor ld,havepooreyesight,haveagoodsenseofhumour,knockoff ,atruefriend,sayabadwordaboutanyone,votefor教学反思总课题8AUnit1Friends总课时10第3课时课题ReadingⅡ课型New教学目标知识目标1.Tolearnsomeusefulexpressionsandusethemindifferent context2.Tolearnhowtodescribefriends能力目标Byreadingaboutthethreefriendsappearthebasicsituatio n,Understandingfriendwithdescribewordstodescribethe appearanceandpersonalityofdiscourse.情感目标Learntoappreciateothers,learntotreasurethefriendshi p.教学重点Touseadjectivestodescribesb’sappearanceandcharacteristics教学难点Todevelopagoodattitudetowardsfriends课前预习1.Listentothetapeandreadthetext2.Tosummarizekeypointsofastorybysequencingstatements教学方法讲授法练习法教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1RevisionStep2:LanguagepointsStep3:ExercisesSte p4:SummarizeStep5PoemStep6Homework1.T:Foryesterday’shomeworkIaskedyoutovoteforabeststudentinyourclass. Nowcanyoutellmeyourchoiceandyourreason?Pleasedescri bethatpersonindetailsandlet’sguesswhoitis.Thenwecanvoteforhimorher,ok?2.T:yeste rdaywealsometthreefriendsin‘Teenagers’magazine.They’reBetty,maxandmay.Howmuchdoyourememberthem?Sshaveag roupcompetitionbyansweringquestionsaboutmax.T:wonde rful!youhaveaverygoodmemory.Nowlet’smoveontolookatsomeusefulphrasesandsentencesintheth reearticlesandlearntousethem:1.SheisasslimasIam.她和我一样苗条。

8A Unit 1 Friends教案

8A  Unit 1 Friends教案

8A Unit 1 Friends教案一、教学目标1.掌握和巩固以下单词的拼写和应用:befriend, argument, support, seek, bond, evidence, embarrass, examine, tolerate。

2.理解并能正确运用以下短语:fall out with, deal with, rely on, search for, figure out, put up with, take (… ) for granted, make up。







四、教学准备1.教材:《初中英语8A》2.备课资料:电脑、投影仪、黑板、笔3.教学视频或录音材料五、教学过程1. Warm-up教师通过展示一些外国名人的照片,让学生说出他们心目中的好朋友,并解释朋友的重要性。


2. Presentation教师通过介绍自己与朋友的经历,呈现本单元的重点词汇befriend。


3. Practice教师播放录音材料,让学生听一个关于两个朋友之间的争执的对话,询问学生在听对话过程中是否能理解并解决问题。


4. Listening教师播放录音材料,学生跟读并回答问题,检查学生对所听对话的理解程度。



5. Reading学生在教师的指导下阅读课文,并回答相关问题。

八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends教案

八年级英语上册 Unit 1 Friends教案

Unit 1 Friends8A Unit 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unitTeaching Aims:Knowledge Aims:Teaching contents:1、Words: honest, joy, sad, believe, teenager, good-looking, musical2、Phrases: have something to drink, make somebody happy/special, keep secrets, share one's joy, believe what somebody says, talk to somebody about anything, clean and tidy3、Sentences:Do you want some? Can I have something to drink?What about some milk? Can I have some more food too?There's nothing else in the fridge.Ability Aims:1. To learn about the new adjectives and expressions2. To describe the appearance and character of a friend with adjectives3 .To talk about the appearance and characterMoral Aims:Let the students talk about their friends happily.Focal point and difficulty:some more what about= how about nothing else make sb. + 形容词something to drink/eatnumbers + more else教材分析:这节课是Unit 1 friends的第一课时welcome to the unit and comic strip. 这一课时是整个单元的导入部分,目的在于激发学生对学习本单元的兴趣。

【八年级】8A Unit 1 Friends教案

【八年级】8A Unit 1 Friends教案

【八年级】8A Unit 1 Friends教案中学英语学科教案总课题8A Unit 1 Friends总课时10第 1 课时课题Welcome to the unit课型New目标知识目标1.To revise vocabulary and expressions used to describe people2.To guess meaning from context3.To generate ideas about people’s appearance and personalities4.To categorize adjectives to describe important qualities of a friend according to personal preferences能力目标To understand the concept of things that areunusual.情感目标To use adjectives to describe feelings and opinions重点To learn how to use adjectives to describe people’s appearance and characteristics教学难点To categorize adjectives to describe important qualities of a friend according to personal preferences课前预习1.Preview the new words.2.Listen to the tape and read the dialogue.教学方法情景交际法、任务型教学法教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1 Warm-upStep2 :PresentationStep 3 PracticeStep4:PresentationStep 5 PracticeStep 6 SummarizeStep 7 HomeworkT: Hello everyone, glad to see you again! Did you have a nice summer holiday? Are you happy to be back to school and see all your friends? Ss talk about their summer holidays. T: This summer holiday I went to Australia with some of your classmates and friends. We took a lot of photos. Would you liketo have a look? Show the pictures and introduce some places of interest and animals in Australia. T: Look, we took a photo with this famous man--- Batman. He’s a hero and people’s good friend because he helps people in danger. Do you agree? What do you think of him? Ss talk about Batman with the adjectives describing appearance and personality, such as friendly, helpful, kind, polite, clever, brave, etc. T: There are some more words to describe people. For example, we can say Batman is good-looking. But we never say he’s beautiful! We don’t use beautiful to describe a boy or a man. If someone likes music oris good at music, we say he or she is musical. Teach “good-looking” and “musical”. 1. Play a guessing game. Ss describe their best friends in the class and guess who are talked about. 2. T: Just now we heard some of thestudents talk about their best friends. Could you tell me which words are used most often? Ss: friendly, helpful, polite… T: So these are very important qualities of a best friend, do you think so? What other qualities are important to you? Ss complete the table in Part B, P7. Then work in pairs to exchange their ideas and have a debate. Sentences may be used: I think my good friend should be very … because… I agree. / I don’t agree with youbecause … It’s quite important for a friend to be …? Do you think so? I don’t think my good friend must be very … 3. T: Why do you think he/she is your best friend? What makes him/her so special to you? Can you talk tohim/her about anything? Do you talk to him/her when you have problems? Do you believe what he/she says? When you are happy or sad, do you talk to him/her? Why? Teach “sad”, “believe”, “honest” and “joy”. Ss complete Part A, P7 and report individually. 4. T explains some language points. 1. T: How old is your best friend? What about you? Ss: 15/16 … T: So you are teenagers. We call children between 13 and 19 teenagers. Teach “teenager”. T: We have a good friend, Eddie. Is he a teenager? Ss: No. 2. T: Who’s Eddie’s good friend? Why? T plays the tape of the Comic strip and Ss try to find out the answer to the question. (Hobo is Eddie’s good friend because they always share things with each other.) 3. Ss read the Comic strip and answer the questions: (1) What does Eddie give Hobo?(2)What does Hobo want?(3) Do you think Eddie is a true friend? Why?4. Ss read the dialogue in pairs.5. T explains some language points. 1. Ss act out the dialogue and they are encouraged to add in something they like.2. Discuss: Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why?3. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their good friends. A model dialogue: A: Who’s your good friend?B: …A: What’s he/she like?B: …A: What do you think of your friend?B: …A: What makes him/her so special to you?B: … Can you tell me something abo ut your good friend?T: Today we have learned some important qualities about a good friend. It seems that we all think appearance is not so important, but a friend should be helpful and honest. And I hope everyone can be like that and you will have more friends. 1. Describe a good friend of yours with the words and phrases learnt in this lesson.2. Finish the Workbook exercises.板书设计Unit 1 FriendsPhrases: have something to drink, make somebody happy/special, keep secrets, share one’s joy, believe what some body says, talk to somebody about anything, clean and tidy Sentences: Do you want some? Can I have something to drink? What about some milk? Can I have some more food too? There’s nothing else in the fridge.教学反思总课题8A Unit 1 Friends总课时10第 2 课时课题Reading I课型New教学目标知识目标1.To guess general meanings from keywords and context2.To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details3.To identify specific information about different people form their friends’ descriptions4.To use adjectives to describe people’s appearanc e and personalities能力目标By reading about the three friends appear the basic situation, Understanding friend with describe words to describe the appearance and personality of discourse.情感目标Learn to appreciate others, learn to treasure the friendship.教学重点To guess general meanings from keywords and context教学难点To identify specific information about different people form their friends’ descriptions课前预习1Preview the new words. 2Listen to the tape and read the text教学方法情景教学法、归纳法教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step1:Revision.Step2 :PresentationStep 3 PracticeStep 4 PresentationStep 5 PracticeStep 6 SummarizeStep 7 PracticeStep 8 HomeworkT: Yesterday we learnt to talk about friends. Friends are very importantin our lives. Almost everyone needs a friend and almost everyone has a friend, do you think so? Let’s look at some interesting English sayings about friends. Please try to guess the meanings of them. Ss read and discuss. T:Why do you think friends are important? What can friends do for you? Ss give different answers. T: Is your friend’s appearance very important to you? Ss: No. T: Good. We should never judge a person by his appeara nce or clothes. But it’ll be good for you to learn some words to describe your friends’ appearance, right? T shows the pictures and teaches “shoulder-length”, “slim” and “poor eyesight”. Ss do Part B2, P9 individually. After checking the answers, T asks some Ss to give some more details about the appearance of each personin the pictures. 1. T: As you all think that appearance is not very important, could you tell me what is important in your opinion? Ss answer with the adjectives they learnt to describe qualities, such as clean and tidy, helpful, honest, etc. T: Excellent. Now I have some good friends here. Can you use some proper words to describe them? Ss fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. T teaches “generous”, “joke”, “humorous”, “have a good sense of humour”, “a true friend” and “be ready/ willing to do sth”. 2. T:‘Teenagers’ magazine is holding a writing competition about good friends. Some students have written some entries for it. Please read and find out whether the following statements are true or false. T:plays the tape recorder for the Ss to repeat. Ss read and do Part C1, P10. 3. Ss read again and doPart B1 on their own. Tell them that they need to look for specific details, which fit each of the persons described in the articles. 1.Ss have a group competition by choosing to answer the questions about Betty in the table.2.Fill in the blanks to complete the description about Max.plete thebrief introduction about May. T: What do we usually write about when we describe our friends? Ss: Appearance, personalities … T: Yes, in which paragraph do we usually write about the appearance? Ss: Paragraph 1. T: And in Paragraph 2? Ss: Personalities. T: Right. We also call it personalities. Inthe 3rd paragraph we can write about their behaviors or future plans. 1. Ss do Part C2, P10 and find out who each of the personalities will vote for and fill in the blanks. Then check the answers by asking and answering in pairs ‘Whowill Amy/ Simon/ Sandy vote for?’ 2. Ss vote for one of the ‘best friends’described in the articles and tell the reason why. 3. Ss do a class vote for a ‘best friend’. Write a brief description about a person they consider as a best friend. Read some of the descriptions and then vote for one of them. Explain why they vote for that particular person. 1.Retell about the three best friends.2.Recommend a best student in your class and tell the reason why you vote for him or her.板书设计Unit 1 FriendsWords: slim, shoulder-length, generous, singer, almost, eyesight, smart, true Phrases: travel around the world, have poor eyesight, have a good sense of humour, knock off, a true friend, say a bad word about anyone, vote for教学反思总课题8A Unit 1 Friends总课时10第 3 课时课题ReadingⅡ课型New教学目标知识目标1.To learn some useful expressions and use them in different context2.To learn how to describe friends能力目标By reading about the three friends appear the basic situation, Understanding friend with describe words to describe the appearance and personality of discourse.情感目标Learn to appreciate others, learn to treasure the friendship.教学重点To use adjectives to describe sb’s appearance and characteristics教学难点To develop a good attitude towards friends课前预习1.Listen to the tape and read the text2.To summarize key points of a story by sequencing statements教学方法讲授法练习法教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动备课札记Step 1 RevisionStep2:Language pointsStep3:ExercisesStep4:SummarizeStep 5 PoemStep6 Homework1. T: For yesterday’s homework I asked you to vote for a best student in your class. Now can you tell me your choice and your reason? Please describethat person in details and let’s guess who it i s. Then we can vote for him or her, OK? 2. T: Yesterday we also met three friends in ‘Teenagers’ Magazine. They’re Betty, Max and May. How much do you remember them? Ss have a group competition by answering questions about Max. T: Wonderful! You have a very good memory. Now let’s move on to look at some useful phrases and sentencesin the three articles and learn to use them: 1. She is as slim as I am.她和我一样苗条。

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8A Unit1 Friends教案Period 1 Comic Strip and Welcome to the unitTeaching Aims:Knowledge Aims:Teaching contents:Words: honest, joy, sad, believe, teenager, good-looking, musicalPhrases: have something to drink, make somebody happy/special, keep secrets,share one's joy, believe what somebody says, talk to somebody about anything,clean and tidySentences: Do you want some? Can I have something to drink?What about some milk? Can I have some more food too?There's nothing else in the fridge.Ability Aims:1. To learn about the new adjectives and expressions2. To describe the appearance and character of a friend with adjectives3 .To talk about the appearance and characterMoral Aims:Let the students talk about their friends happily.Focal point and difficulty:some more what about= how about nothing else make sb. + 形容词something to drink/eatnumbers + more elseTeaching steps:Step1 Warm-upT: Hello everyone, glad to see you again! Did you have a nice summer holiday? Are you happy to be back to school and see all your friends?Ss talk about their summer holidays.T: This summer holiday I went to Australia with some of your classmates and friends. We took a lot of photos. Would you like to have a look?Show the pictures and introduce some places of interest and animals in Australia.T: Look, we took a photo with this famous man--- Batman. He's a hero and people's good friend because he helps people in danger. Do you agree? What do you think of him?Ss talk about Batman with the adjectives describing appearance and personality, such as friendly, helpful, kind, polite, clever, brave, etc.Step 2 PresentationT: There are some more words to describe people. For example, we can say Batman is good-looking. But we never say he's beautiful! We don't use beautiful to describe a boy or a man. If someone likes music or is good at music, we say he or she is musical.Teach "good-looking"Step 3 Practice1. Play a guessing game. Ss describe their best friends in the class and guess who are talked about.2. T: Just now we heard some of the students talk about their best friends. Could you tell me which words are used most often?Ss: friendly, helpful, polite…T: So these are very important qualities of a best friend, do you think so? What other qualities are important to you?Ss complete the table in Part B, P7. Then work in pairs to exchange their ideas and have a debate.Sentences may be used:I think my good friend should be very … because…I agree. / I don't agree with you because …It's quite important for a friend to be …? Do you think so?I don't think my good friend must be very …3. T: Why do you think he/she is your best friend? What makes him/her so special to you? Can you talk to him/her about anything? Do you talk to him/her when you have problems? Do you believe what he/she says? When you are happy or sad, do you talk to him/her? Why?Teach "sad", "believe", "honest" and "joy".Ss complete Part A, P7 and report individually.4. T explains some language points.Step 4 Presentation1. T: How old is your best friend? What about you?Ss: 15/16 …T: So you are teenagers. We call children between 13 and 19 teenagers.Teach "teenager".T: We have a good friend, Eddie. Is he a teenager?Ss: No.2. T: Who's Eddie's good friend? Why?T plays the tape of the Comic strip and Ss try to find out the answer to the question.(Hobo is Eddie's good friend because they always share things with each other.)3. Ss read the Comic strip and answer the questions:(1) What does Eddie give Hobo?(2) What does Hobo want?(3) Do you think Eddie is a true friend? Why?4. Ss read the dialogue in pairs.5. T explains some language points.Step 5 Practice1. Ss act out the dialogue and they are encouraged to add in something they like.2. Discuss: Who do you like better as a friend, Eddie or Hobo? Why?3. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about their good friends.A model dialogue:A: Who's your good friend?B: …A: What's he/she like?B: …A: What do you think of your friend?B: …A: What makes him/her so special to you?B: … Can you tell me something about your good friend?Step 6 SummarizeT: Today we have learned some important qualities about a good friend. It seems that we all think appearance is not so important, but a friend should be helpful and honest. And I hope everyone can be like that and you will have more friends.Step 7 Homework1. Describe a good friend of yours with the words and phrases learnt in this lesson.2. Finish the exercises.板书设计:Unit 1 Friends Welcome to the unit1 some more food 再一些食物2 what about= how about .....怎么样?3 nothing else 再没有东西4 make somebody happy 使某人开心5 share one's joy 分享某人的欢乐share sth. with sb.与某人分享某物6 make sb. + 形容词7 Can I have something to drink, please? 请问,我可以喝些东西吗?something to drink/eat 一些喝/吃的东西8There's nothing else in the fridge. 冰箱里面再没有东西了.这是一个there be 句型,不可用there have/has 来表示有else接在something 和nothing 的后面,表示“还,再”的意思。
