



精品文档阅读理解题分第1题 (20)Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always encourageand such people, but I also explain that there's a big difference between a writerwriting. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not thelong hours at a typewriter. “You have got to want to write,”I said to them, “not want to be a writer.”The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. Forevery writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded. When I left a 20-year career in the U.S. Coast Guard to become a freelance writer, I had no prospects at all. What I did have was a friend who found for me my room in a New York apartment building. It didn't even matter that itwas cold and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used typewriter andfelt like a genuine writer.and began to doubt After a year or so, however, I still hadn't got a breakmyself. It was so hard to sell a story that barely made enough to eat. But I knew Ito write. I had dreamed about it for many years. I wasn't going to be one wantedof those people who died wondering. What if? I would keep putting my dream to test (even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of failure). This is the shadow-land of hope, and anyone with a dream must learn to live there..阅读理解1 (4.0) 分The passage is meant to _______ .warn young people of the hardship that a successful writer has to experience 、Aadvise young people to give up their idea of becoming a professional writer B、show young people it is unrealistic for a writer to pursue wealth C、D、encourage young people to pursue a writing career2.阅读理解 (4.0) 分What can be concluded from the passage?精品文档.精品文档 rewarding. and、Genuine writers often find their work interesting A、A writer's success depends on luck rather on effort.Bisolation. Cand、Famous writers usually live in povertyThe chances for writers to become successful are small.D 、 (4.0) .阅读理解分3Why did the author begin to doubt himself after the first years of his writing career?He was not able to produce a single book. 、A、He hadn't seen a change for the better.BC 、He wasn't able to have a rest for a whole year.He found his dream would never come true.D、分4.阅读理解 (4.0)In “…people who died wondering”, “who”refers to those _______ .who think too much of the dark side of life A、who regret giving up their career halfway B、who think a lot without making a decision C 、who are full of imagination even upon death、D 5.阅读理解 (4.0) 分land”in the last sentence refers to _______ .“Shadow-the wonderland one often dreams about、Athe bright future that one is looking forward toB、精品文档.精品文档goal is reached 、the state of uncertainty before one's final CD、a world that exists only in one's imagination分2题 (20) 第Students can travel in the United States without spending too much money ifthey follow these suggestions.A travel agent can give you information on special economy fares for trains,or biking for a part of your trip, too. You'll buses and planes. Think about hikingnot only save money, but you'll also see a lot more of the country.Some students may want to travel by car. Be sure to think about going withwhere other —many colleges have “ride boards”that list when andother students —students plan to travel. Many radio stations provide the same sort of serviceand they announce who's driving where, when, how many riders they will takewhat the expenses will be.There are many inexpensive, older hotels near bus or train stations. Checkyour travel guide for names of the best. Many parts of the country also have youth hostels where young people can stay for only a few dollars a night.You don't have to eat in restaurants all the time, but we don't recommend adiet of candy and cola, either. You can usually get a healthy, cheap breakfast in a restaurant. If the weather is warm, you can buy food in supermarkets or atroadside stands and have a picnic for lunch. For dinner you can get the names of good, cheap restaurants from travel guides or friends..阅读理解1 (4.0) 分The passage tells students _______ .how to make travel plans A 、how to get help while travelingB 、 less money while traveling useC、 how tohow to choose hotelsD 、.阅读理解2 (4.0) 分精品文档.精品文档To see more of the country, you'd better travel _______ .by plane 、Aby bus 、Bby train C、by bikeD、(4.0) 分3.阅读理解If you want to share rides with others, you can get information _______ . on the blackboards in classrooms A、from school administrators 、Bthrough certain radio programs C、from travel agents、D4.阅读理解分 (4.0)According to the passage, staying at youth hostels is _______ .cheap A、convenient B、comfortable 、CenjoyableD、 (4.0) 分5.阅读理解To save money, you can _______ .A、have more candy and cola精品文档.精品文档invite your friends for a picnic B、take some food with you C、eat in restaurants sometimes、 D题 (20) 分第3No man can change the weather. Nobody can control the weather. But if people read correctly the signs around, they can tell __1__ the weather will belike the following day or two.For many centuries people have studied the weather and tries to __2__and tall trees don't weather forecasting. Sometimes distant objects __3__ hills seem to be very clear. This is a __4__ of much water vapor in the __5__ andtherefore rain will probably come.If some birds fly high, fine weather is coming, but if they fly near the ground,rainy or stormy weather is __6__ the way. It is probably because of the insectswhich they are hunting __7__ they fly very low.If a fog appears in the morning just about sunrise, then the day will be warm. Instead, if a fog appears in the evening, the next day will bring wet __8__. If thesunset is mostly red in color, then the following day will be fine. If a rainbow appears in the morning, rainy weather will probably come.Most of the __9__ sayings have been made by people who have used their__10__ and brains to make weather forecasting..完形填空 (2.0) 分1that A、which B、what 、ChowD、精品文档.精品文档 (2.0) 2.完形填空分pick A、make 、Bcarry 、Csend D、(2.0) .完形填空分3as well 、Aand B、as well as C、such asD、分 (2.0) 4.完形填空sight A、sign 、Bmark 、Cshape D、(2.0) 5.完形填空分air 、A sky B、 C 、heaven精品文档.精品文档earthD、分 (2.0) 6.完形填空by A、in 、Bfor 、Con D、(2.0) 7.完形填空分that 、A which B 、where C、when 、D8.完形填空 (2.0) 分day 、Aweather 、Bhour 、Ctime D、分 (2.0) 9.完形填空above 、Abelow B、精品文档.精品文档important C、interestingD、分10.完形填空 (2.0)ears A、hands、Beyes 、ClegsD、分 (20) 第4题If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability toprofit by defeat. Every success I know has been achieved because the person was able to analyze defeat and actually profit by it in his next undertaking. Confuseand you are doomed indeed to failure, for it isn't defeat that defeat with failure, makes you fail: it is your own refusal to see in defeat the guide and encouragement to success.Defeats are nothing to be ashamed of. They are routine incidents in the life ofevery man who achieves success. But defeat is a dead loss unless you do face it without feeling ashamed, analyze it and learn why you failed. Defeat, in other words, can help to cure its own cause. Not only does defeat prepare us for success,精品文档.精品文档but nothing else can arouse within us such a compelling desire to succeed. Ifyoulet a baby grasp a rod and try to pull it away, he will cling more and more tightlyuntil his whole weight is suspended. It is this same reaction that should give younew and greater strength every time you are defeated. If you fully use the power which defeat gives, you can accomplish with it far more than what you are capable of.1.阅读理解 (4.0) 分The author _________ .orders you to analyze defeat A 、wants you to face defeatB 、advises you to let a baby grasp a rodC 、warns you not to confuse defeat with fail、D 分2.阅读理解 (4.0)Defeat is valuable ________ .because it is a factorA、 B 、because it isn't defeat that makes you fail encouragement to success 、because it provides the guide and C D、 because it is not a thing to be ashamed of3.阅读理解 (4.0) 分What does the author know? ________ .精品文档.精品文档he knows every success in life、Ahe knows the factor making for successB、he knows every man who is able to analyze defeat C 、he knows the life of every manD 、 (4.0) 4.阅读理解分The person who was able to analyze the defeat is likely ________ .to be a successorA、to face it with feeling ashamedB、to achieve success 、 C to be ashamed of it、 D (4.0) 分5.阅读理解What does the author advise one to do with the power which defeat gives? One should ________ .explore it 、A explain itB、let a baby grasp a rod C 、learn it、D分题第5 (20)In many stories on TV and in science-fiction books, men travel to farawaystars. They have quick, easy journeys. But so far, men have been able to reach精品文档.精品文档only the earth's own moon.Suppose a man wanted to reach a distant star. Even if he traveled his wholelife, he would have to move faster than the speed of the light. Nothing can movethat fast except light itself.Strange things happen to an object when it moves rapidly. The object weighs more. An object moving at 86 percent of the speed of light is twice as heavy as itis at rest. A stick appears shorter. A clock runs more slowly. A man would not ageso fast as he would on the earth.Light travels more than 186,000 miles a second, or about 11 million miles a minute. In one year, light travels six trillion miles. That great distance is called alight-year. It is used to measure distance in space.The star closest to our sun is Alpha Centauri. It is more than four light-yearsaway. If one traveled at the speed of light, he could make a round trip to Alpha) Centauri in nine years. But, even at that speed, he could not reach Alcaid (北斗星in the handle of the Big Dipper. A one-way journey to Alcaid would take almost200 years..阅读理解 (4.0) 分1_________ .In this passage the words “closest to our sun”means the starthe earth we live on 、AAlpha Centauri 、B the Big Dipper C、the moonD、分2.阅读理解 (4.0)A one-way journey to Alcaid would take _________ .about nine years 、Aless than four years B、C、almost 200 years精品文档.精品文档less than 100 years、D.阅读理解3 (4.0) 分Why do we measure the distance in light-years instead of miles?Units of light-years sound better.A 、Using light- years reduced the number of figures used. 、BWe used to measure distance in light-years long ago. C、light-years.We do not make mistakes when we D、use (4.0) 分.阅读理解4If a stone moved at the speed of light, it _________ .would weigh twice more than it is motionless A、would weigh as much as it is on earth 、Bwould weigh less than it is on earth 、Cwould not have weight at allD、分5.阅读理解 (4.0)This story is mainly about _________ .the other stars the distance between the sun 、andAthe problems of traveling to faraway stars B、what happens when we travel faster than the speed of light 、Cwhen we go to faraway stars、the tool we useD1.阅读理解精品文档.精品文档1. 阅读理解标准答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:2. 阅读理解标准答案:D您的答案:D题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:3. 阅读理解标准答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:4. 阅读理解标准答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:5. 阅读理解标准答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:题目总分数:20题目总得分:20.0 题目总批注:2.阅读理解1. 阅读理解标准答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:4.0 精品文档.精品文档此题得分:4.0批注:2. 阅读理解标准答案:D您的答案:D题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:3. 阅读理解标准答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:4. 阅读理解标准答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:5. 阅读理解标准答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:题目总分数:20题目总得分:20.0 题目总批注:3.完形填空21. 完形填空标准答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0批注:2. 完形填空精品文档.精品文档标准答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.03. 完形填空标准答案:D您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0批注:4. 完形填空标准答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0批注:5. 完形填空标准答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0批注:6. 完形填空标准答案:D您的答案:D题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0批注:7. 完形填空标准答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0批注:8. 完形填空标准答案:B您的答案:B 精品文档.精品文档题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.09. 完形填空标准答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0批注:10. 完形填空标准答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:2.0此题得分:2.0批注:题目总分数:20题目总得分:20.0 题目总批注:4.阅读理解1. 阅读理解标准答案:D您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:0.0批注:2. 阅读理解标准答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:3. 阅读理解标准答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:精品文档.精品文档4. 阅读理解标准答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:5. 阅读理解标准答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:题目总分数:20题目总得分:16.0 题目总批注:5.阅读理解1. 阅读理解标准答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:2. 阅读理解标准答案:C您的答案:C题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:3. 阅读理解标准答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:4. 阅读理解标准答案:A您的答案:A题目分数:4.0精品文档.精品文档此题得分:4.0批注:5. 阅读理解标准答案:B您的答案:B题目分数:4.0此题得分:4.0批注:题目总分数:20题目总得分:20.0 题目总批注:作业总得分:96.0 作业总批注:精品文档.。



Unit 1Part ASummery workPart BInterpretation1. b ) Teachers2.●Opposed Learning strategies (just before paragraph13)●Contrasting Learning styles(just before paragraph 8 )●Effective Language Learning Behaviors (just before paragraph 2 )3.Paragraph 7 and 13Developing your skillsPart APart BPart CPart Davoidant dependent participant competitive collaborative independentExtending your vocabularyPart APart BUnit 2Words to note45132Understanding the text1.c) d)2.d)3.a)4.d)5.receiving full details of imported production processes ,which they use to copy and sell the products of these processes.6.buy the expensive software sold by western companies and because software countries apply international copyright laws with unfair harshness in Asia.Developing your skillsPart AText 1Text 2Part BExtending your vocabulary Part APart BUnit 3Words to note45312Understanding the text Part AFTFTTPart B1. b)2. d)3.a)4.b)Developing your skillPart Ac bde aPart BInsert the paragraph between the present paragraphs 1 and 2Part CParagraph 3 and paragraph 4 need to be reserved.Extending your vocabularyPart Adownload programme interface email ICQ virus games ExcelPart Ba)of b) dance c) spherical d) walk e)holdExpending your creativityUnit 4Words to note58 1 6 10 4 2 7 9 11 3Understanding the textPart A1.d)2. c)Part B1. c)2.d)3.c)4. d) 5 .a)Developing your skillsPart APart BA2. but people who take dietary supplements (especially those which destroy free radical molecules )may feel more energetic .A3. extending the human life span might well lend to serious effects .A4. fighting cancer, because proteins which destroy cancer cells also cause aging.A5 .healthy food, low stress and an outdoor life style are best for long lifePart C1.●Your feelings about yourself are very important ;ninety-year-old people canfeel and act like fifty year olds if they have the right attitude to life .●Somebody might say this to cheer another person up to encourage the personto feel better about himself or herself.●The speaker probably has an optimistic (and young) feeling about life.2.●Forty isn’t “old”, it’s simply a “birth” into a new stage of life.●It might be said to some one approaching his or her forties birthday.●He or she doesn’t fear to be forty, doesn’t think forty is old, and thinks of“middle age” as being the beginning of an interesting stage of life when he or she can do new things.3.●Years aren’t important ; preserving youthful idealism is more important●In a debate about the problem of aging, for example.●Youthful ideals should be kept throughout the whole life; if you keep these ideals, you can stay long in your attitude.4.●Young people anticipate the future with the pleasure; older people reminisce about their youth.●Perhaps in a situation when someone is reflecting seriously about life.●It’s a philosophical, analytical comment about attitudes.5.●Age is not important; your attitude towards your age and life in general is crucial.●In a situation to encourage somebody to be more optimistic towards life.●The speaker is almost certainly optimistic; the suggestion is that there are many ways to be old and some of them are good.6.●Be virtuous when you are young if you want respect later in life.●Perhaps in a context where an older person wants to give friendly advice to a youngster when a younger person is wondering about the course of action.●The speaker sees a direct link between actions in youth and the consequences in later life.7.●Youngsters only have opinions; their elders know the truth through experience.●Perhaps in a social setting where people from different generations are teasing each other●The speaker almost certainly belongs to the older generation and is confident of his or her own superior knowledge.8.●The only alternative is to die ---- because you can not become young again.●As a joke or a humorous comment, perhaps after someone has said something negative about being old.●He or she certainly views aging in a positive light.9.●An old person who is loved has an extra bonus because love brightens their life; old age is like the winter of a person’s life, but winter also has its beautiful or bright aspects, like flowers.●Perhaps it would be said to an older person, to remind him or her of life’s blessing.●It’s a comment reflecting both joy and sadness; it recognizes that some old people enjoy the love of family, friends, neighbors, etc. But some are alone and lonely10.●Young people see forty as “old”, but older people see fifty as “young”.●This is perhaps more likely to be written rather than spoken ------perhaps in an essay. The author seems to have some optimism about being fifty.●It is a reference to different perspectives, different attitudes of various ages to “age”.11.●People may think that being old is a misery, but having the years of experience old people help you to live your life in a better way. An alternative interpretation is that it is not simply the old age which makes old people feel miserable. It is the accumulation of their experiences which make them miserable. The second interpretation of a rather wry joke.●Perhaps either as a joke or as a serious (but pessimistic) comment of life, almost certainly made by an older person.●It could reflect a humorous, philosophical, non-serious view; or the opposite,a mournful cry.12.●Experience (“living long”) teaches us how to live well.●Again, perhaps it is more likely to be written than spoken.●Experience over many years is seen as blessings and benefits.13.●Enjoy your youth and make the most of the opportunities which come your way; then, when you are older, you don’t have any regrets that you wasted it.●An older person -----perhaps a parent ----to a younger people; the comment shows wry humor by suggesting that the main preoccupation older people in that they lament their lost youth.●He /She sees youth as priceless and not to be wasted.14.●The general, meaning is that people change as they grow older .the specific meaning of each stage depends on how people understand the metaphors of the animals (and this varies in different cultures). A likely Spanish interpretation is : at twentypeople are concerned with their appearance ,at thirty they are brave , at forty theycarry heavy burdens ,at fifty they twist and turn and can’t be trusted , at sixty they are loyal ,at seventy they are wise ,at eighty they are nothing .●As it’s rather long, it is more likely to be part of a written paper . Now it couldbe said by anybody au any stage but probably originally it was written by an olderperson.●Perhaps it reflects a cynical attitude to the way people develop .perhapsstudents might here be asked to explain what each of the different creatures at thevarious stages of life represents in Chinese or other culture.15.●The tide “ebbs” (i.e. its strength and power is lessened) and human beings getolder and become less strong. The tide returns as strong as ever and other people are young and their tide is rising.●Spoken or read in a poem.●Perhaps said by someone who, though he /she feels sad, can rationalize and seethat there is no reason to be sad.Expanding your vocabularyFurther information●The child is the father of the manChildren grow up to become adults and what happens in childhood is vitally important because adults develop on the basis of their childhood. Just as a child inherits genetics from their parents, the stage of early childhood for an individual is the social “inheritance” of each adult -----this is the basis for the development of the rest of their life (when the childbecomes “the man”). Parents have children who grow up; however, children also grow up to become parents, who have children in their turn who also become parents …●Bad is never good until worse happens.When something bad happens it is difficult to see anything good about it .But when something even worse happens, what we thought was bad before doesn’t look so bad afterall .Of course, what is “worse” may also seem not so bad when something worse still happens! Our perceptions of what are bad or good events are relative to their events.●Everything changes except change itself.Change is in everything .Only the law that everything changes does not change. On the other hand, if everything changes this should include change itself (the nature of particular changes should change or even the very nature of change itself.) If change changes then this must include no change which would be a change from changing .If change does not change, then there is something to which the law of change does not apply ----which means that not everything changes.●All rules have exceptions, including this one.A rule is general statement .It may include everything in its scope or it may have its exceptions .The problem here is that if the rule is that “all rules have exceptions ” ,then there are exceptions to the rule that “all rules have exceptions ”: does this mean that the rule isn’t a rule or that the exception isn’t an exception or that the exception to the rule that “all rules have exceptions” means that there are no exceptions ,including the exceptions to the rulethat “all rules have exceptions ”…?● A sadist is a person who is kind to a masochist.A sadist is someone who gets pleasure from hurting or being cruel to someone else. A masochist is someone who gets pleasure from being hurt. We expect the sadist to be nasty to others, including being nasty to the masochist. But the sadist knows that the masochist wants to be hurt, so being kind to the masochist (who expects to be hurt by the sadist) is a way for the sadist to get pleasure. The problem now is that the sadist is getting pleasure by not hurting someone (which means that the sadist isn’t being a sadist .)A second problem is that the masochist may be getting pleasure by anticipating being hurt (which he enjoys and looks forward to )and may therefore be getting pleasure from the kindness of the sadist (who asthe masochist knows ,wants to hurt the masochist )because he anticipates being hurt by not being hurt yet (which means that the masochist isn’t being a masochist ).●Nothing is enough for the person to whom enough is too little .Some people are greedy .They want more than others .they want more than the amount which would satisfy others (and be enough for them ). So for the greedy person “enough”(for others) is always too little (for the greedy one ). So there is never “enough ”and “nothing is enough ”for the greedy person; this means there is no “enough ”.But the problem is that it may also mean that if greedy person has “nothing”. It is “enough” (because “nothing is enough”), in which case the person is not greedy and is, in fact, satisfied with nothing (since he has “nothing” which is “enough”).●If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make awonderful living.Everybody die at some time .Rich people may wish to keep on living because they have lots of money to enjoy their life .So if the rich people could pay poor people to die forthem ,then the rich people could keep on living for longer and keep on enjoying their life. The poor would make a living (i.e., earn money to live )by dying instead of the rich .Of course ,paying one poor person to die instead of the rich person who is dying would not be enough because death is always waiting (for everybody, rich or poor),so the rich would have to keep on paying more and more poor people to die for them -----otherwise they can only postpone death for a short time .So now ,many poor people die(paid for by the rich )but the others who are still living get rich (keeping the money which their dead poor relatives received from the rich ). But these new rich people (who were poor before) will die ----unless they pay poor people to die for them. If they do so, the poor relatives of those poor ones who die for the new rich will themselves eventually become rich and will need to pay other poor people to die for them if they wish to keep on living.Unit 5Understanding the text1.d)2.●Exercise●Diet●Self-discipline●Sleep3. a 8b 2c 7d 4e 9Developing your skillPart APart B2. couple (ws: a man and a woman)3. It (pr: the unclear family)4. contrast (c: the nuclear family)5. he or she (pr: someone) Extending your vocabularyExpanding your creativity Solving a logical problemClues and sample sentences of deduction●Aspirin was developed in 1899.This must have been one of the later inventions because I think the other developments are older.●Italians developed two items, one as long ago as 700 B.C.This must have been one of the earliest developments because it was a long time ago.●Herman dresser was German but Willem Einthoven was Dutch.They can’t have developed anything ancient because Germany and Holland didn’t exist as countries back then.●The EEC was developed four years after a German developed aspirin.----The EEC was obviously developed in 1933 because aspirin was developed in 1899 and it was 4 years after that.----Herman dresser probably developed aspirin because he was German and it was developed in Germany which would also mean he did this in 1899.●Ambroise pare was a French surgeon who worked with injured soldiers in the16th century.Pare must have developed the artificial limbs because he worked with injured soldiers 500 years ago.●We don’t know the names of whoever developed the three oldest items.The three top left boxes must be empty because the names of the developers are unknown.●Artificial limbs we developed three centuries after glasses, which in turn weredeveloped three centuries after vaccinations, but we don’t know the exact dates.Glasses must have developed in the 13th century. Therefore, vaccinations must have been developed in the 10th century.●False teeth were developed by unknown Etruscans(ancient Italians)This is obviously one of the two developments and they probably did this in 700 B.C. because the Etruscans were an ancient civilization.●Vaccinations were developed by a Chinese.The Chinese developed vaccinations in the 10th century and therefore the developer isone of the three unknowns.With your partner discuss:●----Aspirin might be the most widely used because it is available in thesupermarket; it is inexpensive and is used in many common less serious medicalconditions.-----Glasses are also very widely used .however, not all of population suffers from visual problems. Vaccinations are also widely used but require a specialist to administer them. What’s more, many vaccines only need administering once in a lifetime.-----The EEC would also be widely used in western countries where technology is readily available and heart disease more prevalent but it would be mainly used with older parties.-----False limbs might be the least frequently used as their application is very specific to amputees and those with congenital deformities .These days doctors try to avoid amputation if possible and birth defects are less frequent as well .However, they are very important in those countries where there are wars , especially where there are landmines .●Perhaps vaccinations because they prevent simple disease from becomingfatal epidemic. We tend to take them for granted.●Before the age of the printing press, there were fewer historical records andliteracy was not as common. Much information about ancient civilizations still remainsa mystery.●“necessity is the mother of invention.” The developers must have been incritical need of the medical breakthroughs. Endurance, determination, resistance to criticism and the belief in oneself are essential to discover or invent something new.Unit 6Understanding the text1. c)2. Paragraph 113. c)4. b)Developing your skillsPart A1.background2.data-gathering procedure3.the changing concept of health4.factors affecting health5.recommendations to improve young people’s healthPart BPart Cbelieve that weight-control products are safe. About 25% of respondents works out regularly but never work out. About 21% of respondents take vitamin supplement, while 15% smoke regularly or occasionally.Extending your vocabularyPart APart BExtending your creativity●Much corn, much care.If you have a lot of money, your problem often increase instead of decrease.●The best doctors are Dr. Diet, Dr Quiet and Dr Merryman.You will be happier if you have nutritious food, peace and quiet and happiness (or fun).●If you want to be happy~~~Honesty in life brings lifelong, not just temporary, happiness.Some related sayings are:●Money can’t buy happiness.●Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.●If mama ain’t happy, ain’t no body happy.●The first step to health is to know that we are sick.●No sleep, no health.● A sound mind in a sound body.●Out of sight out of mind.●All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.●An apple a day keeps the doctor away.● A sound mind in a healthy body.Unit 7Understanding the text1.Voice inflection, gestures and eye contact.2.●Putting special words in brackets followed by an exclamation mark●Capitalizing all letters of words communicating feelings3. Because in speech most meaning is communicated through body language and voice tone., but these features are not present in emails.4. Because most people prefer to keep their email addresses private.5. Because readers may form a poor impression of you if your emails are poorly organized and lacking accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation.6.↓↓↓Developing your skillsPart A1.To give warnings and advice on how to write effective emails with appropriatestyle and tone.2.The intended audience is probably university students—most of the examples given in the text are drawn from university life.3.a) Incorrect: Only paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 deal with this.b) Incorrect: There are not enough general operating instructions.c) Correct: Each paragraph contains Dos and Don’ts.Part B(2) (3) (1) (4) (6) (5)Extending your vocabularyPart APart BUnit 8Understanding the text1. c)2. b)3. a)4. Very few people put enough of their money into investments and so do not get rich. Consequently, they remain dangerously dependent on earning a salary.Developing your skills Part AExtending your vocabularyUnit 9Understanding the text Part A1. T2. F3. T4. F5. T6. F7. T8. F9. F10. TPart B1.d)2.c)3.Because the companies insist that farmers buy all their seeds from the company ensure that a crop is 100% GM, poor farmers have to pay high prices for their seeds and in cases of failure, they will have no crops and no money.Developing your skillsPart A↓↓↓Part BExtending your vocabularyPart APart B1.take2.develop3.createe5.doing6.makeUnit 10Understanding the text1.2.the introduction of the Euro has not led to an increasein prices.3.4.The introduction of the European Convention on Human Rights has already had an impact on British laws and there is now a European arrest warrant which can be used in all member countries.Developing your skillsPart A1.b)●The author uses positive emotive languageand images when describing the launchof the Euro: impressive, optimistic, happy, a great success, gone smoothly, softy falling snow.●The author highlights how quickly Europeansembraced the new currency. (paragraph 2)●The author is slightly critical towards those whothreaten the currency (criminals and the UK)●The author uses negative emotive language to describethe UK’s resistance to the euro, e.g. dampening, refuses, stubborn, illogical.●The author uses more of the text to explain theadvantages and potential as opposed to highlight problems the Euro may present.2.The author is critical and makes unfavorable comparisons between the environmental awareness of Europe and that of America and the UK.●European countries tend also to be moreenvironmentally aware than either Great Britain or the United States.●European politicians want to introduce an energy ta x…to find alternatives to coal and oil Europeans want a tax which favors renewable energy sources and reduces the use of fossil fuels.●It may be the case that mainland Europe will find itselfarguing with America and the UK on major issues in the future: the formerpromoting progressive, people-friendly policies, while the latter attempt to retainexisting means of production and social systems.Part B↓↓↓Extending your vocabularyPart APart B1.b)2.b)3.a)4.a)5.b)Unit 11Understanding the textPart APart B1.there are at least eight ways of expressing negation using prefixes..2.two different word forms may mean the same thing,e.g. flammable and inflammable.3.for priceless.4.four uses of the suffix-dous.5.form verbs from adjectives.Developing your skillsPart A【】↓【German 】↙↘【Dutch 】【】【Sino-Tibetan Family 】↓【】↙↘【Putonghua】【】Part Cluxurious elegant pleasantExtending your vocabularyPart Aexpensive effective exhaustible elegant efficient Part BExpanding your creativityUnit 12Understanding the textsPart Ac)Part BText 1Text 2Text 3Developing your skills Part APart BPart CExtending your vocabulary Part APart BUnit 13Understanding the texts Part BDeveloping your skills Part APart BExtending your vocabularyUnit 14Before you readPart APart BUnderstanding the text1. c)2. a)3. a)4. b)5. b) they encourage memorisation rather than understandingc)they offer a truer reflection of candidate’s ability than continuous assessment.↓they encourage selective coverage of the syllabus.6.They also provide a standardised method for assessing learning. While it has been argued that examinations encourage memorisation rather than understanding on the part of students and selective conerage of the syllabus by teachers, they do offer a more accurate idea of a person’s ability than continuous assessment by coursework.Developing your skillsExtending your vocabulary1. ( ) ( ) ( b ) ( a ) ( b )( a ) ( b ) ( b ) ( a ) ( b )2.suggest report argue claimstate point out indicate Expanding your creativityUnit 15Understanding the textPart APart B1. a new computer operating system called Linus.2.because he allows anyone to use the system free.3.Linus Pauling, the famous American chemist and double Nobel Prize winner.4.he could not afford a personal version of the popular Unix system.5.the ideas become worthless.Developing your skillsPart APart B1.b)2. a)3.b)4. a)5.a)Extending your vocabularyPart APart Binstalling systems hardware software compatible computers programmes simulations modelspart Cemotion: guilt doubtvirtue: honesty opennessUnit 16Before you readPart AUnderstanding the text1.c)2.a) before paragraph 1b) before paragraph 2c) before paragraph 10d) before paragraph 133. b)=The Pentathlon combined the five events of jumping, running, javelin, discus and wrestling .c)=The main qualities for success in the Pentathlon were speed,strength,skills and endurance.d)=Ancient champions received rewards such as living free in a special hall and exemption from paying taxes for an Olympiad.e)=Although the first modern Games were open to all, the majority of athletes were Greek.Extending your vocabularyPart APart BUnit 17Understanding the text2.b)3.d)4.Developing your skillsExtending your vocabularyPart APart Bstroll walkrun jog stumblestagger hobble Part CExpanding your creativityUnit 18 Understanding the text Part APart BDeveloping your skillsPart APart BExtending your vocabularyExpanding your creativity●It is better to fail in something that you are doing than to give up and spoil all your changes of ever finding out the answer or the truth to something.●It is thought by some that advancement is not always good because with progress advancement we will meet with even more problems that we have never thought of before.●This means that there is nothing wrong with the actual process is trying to achieve something, but we must know when to stop and assimilate what we have achieved.●When we look at all the high technology that is possible now, it feels like it isunreal and impossible to be true in the first place.●This means that the study of science is looking at things that do not work or are not of any use.●This means that the machine is not really our friend because it will stifle our desire to create and achieve greater heihgts.●It means that if we do not use whatever knowledge we have then it will be useless and go out of date very soon.Unit 19Before you readUnderstanding the textPart A1.c)2. d)3. b)4. c)5. b)6. a)Part BPart C1.audience and feedback.2.feedback either does not occur or is delayed for a long time.3.writers need to make sure that their writing is clear and understandable.4.it is a form of writing but has the informality of speech.5.we can’t argue that one is superior to the other.Developing your skillsPart Abefore individual instruction developed literate tangible transmitted vague facilitatespart Binterpret the global distribution of Coca Cola as evidence of the world economic dominacne of the United States of America. The historian’s approach, however, would be clearer and involve researching and writing about the development of the company which manufactrues the drink.Extending your vocabularyPart APart BUnit 20Understanding the textPart A1.a)2.c)3.d)Part BDeveloping your skills Part APart BPart C。



一、翻译1.(0分)They may not trust their fellow workers and they are unable to join in any group ta sk for fear of being laughed at or for fear of having their ideas stolen. Some people may look lazy while they are really thinking, planning and researching. We should all remem ber that great scientific discoveries happened by chance.考生答案:得分:知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷教师评语:收起解析他们可能不信任同事,也无法参与任何小组任务,是因为担心被嘲笑或是担心自己的创意被别人盗用。



二、完形填空1.In any comprehension text you will find words that you don't know. You can ___1___ them up in a dictionary, of course, ___2___ it is a good idea to get ___3 ___ the habit of using a dictionary as ___4___ as possible, particularly if you are pr eparing ___5___ an examination. In fact, if you read the text ___6___ and think, it is usually possible to guess the ___7___ of most words that you don't know. Look ___8___ the context of each word, the sentence that it is ___9___, and the senten ces that come before and after. Look to see ___10___ the word is repeated ___11_ __ in the text; the more often it is ___12___, the easier it is to understand.Some words ___13___ be guessed from looking at their ___14___. But don't expect to be able to guess ___15___ of the new words in a text. There will be __ _16___ that you can only get a general ___17___ of, and a few will be impossible. Don't ___18___ too much time worrying about these: the most ___19___ thing is to understand the text as a (n) ___20___ as well as possible, and one or two difficu lt words will not usually make much difference.(1)(2分)• A.check• B.look• C.find• D.try得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析B(2)(2分)• A.since• B.because• C.but• D.therefore得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析B(3)(2分)• A.into• B.by• C.from• D.through得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析A(4)(2分)• A.frequently• B.rarely• C.much• D.farther得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析A(5)(2分)• A.in• B.into• C.against• D.for得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析D(6)(2分)• A.quickly• B.really• C.strictly• D.carefully得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析D(7)(2分)• A.meaning• age• C.context• D.function得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析A(8)(2分)• A.for• B.after• C.at• D.on得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析C(9)(2分)• A.with• B.between• C.for• D.in得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析D(10)(2分)• A.if• B.what• C.how• D.where得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析A(11)(2分)• ter• te• tely• tter得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析A(12)(2分)• A.appeared• B.counted• ed• D.shown得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析C(13)(2分)• A.must• B.would• C.should• D.can得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析D(14)(2分)• A.forms• B.faces• C.builds• D.blocks得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析A(15)(2分)• A.some• B.any• C.many• D.all得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析D(16)(2分)• B.little• C.none• D.much得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析A(17)(2分)• A.model• B.concept• C.example• D.idea得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析D(18)(2分)• A.waste• B.have• D.try得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析A(19)(2分)• A.interesting• B.important• C.pressing• D.advantageous得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析B(20)(2分)• A.unity• B.entire• C.whole• plete知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析C三、阅读理解1.Coco Chanel, a French woman, is very famous for her success in the fashion world. The life of Coco Chanel is a classic rags-to-riches story. Born in 1883, she wa s abandoned by her father after her mother died. She was raised by her aunts who taught her to sew and gave her the nickname Coco, which means "little pet".Starting out as a hat designer, Coco went against the fancy hats being worn at the time. "How can a brain function under those things," she wondered. Instead, she created simple, but beautiful designs which became popular with fashionable y oung women of Paris.Strangely enough, World War I gave her the chance to develop her idea of simple elegance from hats to clothing. Due to the shortage of material during the war, she took the opportunity to show that less can truly be more, introducing turtle-neck(叠领) sweater and pants for women.In 1923, Coco launched her line of perfumes. "A woman who does not wear perfume has no future!" she said, and women believed her. Since its first appearanc e, Chanel No. 5 has been the world's most popular perfume, with another bottle be ing sold every 30 seconds. And Coco herself inspired generations of women designer s and businesswomen to pursue their dreams.(1)(2分)The world famous brand "Chanel" is named after ___ .• A.a little animal• B.a hat company• C.the nickname of a French woman• D.the surname of a French girl知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析D(2)(2分)Coco had her hats ___ those of her time at the beginning of her designing.• A.fancier than• B.different from• C.similar to• D.more expensive than得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析B(3)(2分)According to the passage, Chanel's designs can be best described as ___ .• A.fashionable• B.luxurious• C.simple and elegant• D.A and C得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷D(4)(2分)The launch of Chanel perfumes is based on the belief that ____ .• A.a woman who does not wear perfume has no future• B.it will be the world's most popular perfume• C.it will be sold every 30 seconds• D.women are fond of all kinds of perfumes得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析A(5)(2分)Coco Chanel's success story tells us that ___ .• A.becoming rich is not so difficult• B.women are more likely to succeed• C.people can pursue their dreams• D.the poor are more likely to succeed得分:0知识点:3c 第三阶段C卷收起解析C四、作文1.(0分)Instructions:根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于100词的短文。



全新版大学英语阅读教程3答案全新版大学英语阅读教程3答案全新版大学英语阅读教程3答案【篇一:全新版大学英语综合教程 3(课后答案)完全版】 >unit on echa nges in the way we livetext acontent questio ns ( p10 )write and live on a farm.because they grow n early all of their fruits and vegetables.they have eno ugh eggs, honey and wood. they are very close to n ature and can enjoy the beautiful sce nery. besides, theycan go skii ng and skati ng in win ter.no. sometimes the good life can get pretty tough.they were buried un der five feet of snow from december through march. whe n the first spri ng came, it brought two floods.the sec ond flood refers to the good harvest in the grow ing seas on.he decided to quit his job and start to freela nee.and canoe through the boun dary waters wilder ness area of minnesota f or “ destinationsas for in sura nee, they have only bought a poor man' s major-medical policy and the policy on their two cars. they cut back their expe nses without appreciably loweri ng their sta ndard of liv ing. for example, they patr onize localrestaura nts in stead of more expe nsive places in thecity. they still attend the opera and ballet but only a few timesa year. they he has to crawl into black bear dens forhitch up dogsled rac ing teams for check out the lake champla in “ sports illustrated smiths onian monster ” ” ? magaz ine,scie nee digesteat less meat, drink cheaper wine and see fewer movies.a tolera nee for solitude and lots of en ergy.they will leave with a feeli ng of sorrow but also with a sense of pride at what they have bee n able to accomplish.they chose to live in the country because they want to improve the quality of their lives. yes, they have fin ally realized their dreams.text orga ni zatio n ( p11 )part one (paragraphs 1 —3) the writer views his life in thecountry as a self-relia nt and satisfy ing one.part two(paragraphs 4 —7 ) life in the country is good yet sometimes very hard.part three (paragraphs 8 ——11) after quitting his job, the writer ' s in come was reduced, but he and his family were able to man age to get by.part four (paragraphs 12 —15 ) a tolera nee for solitude and alot of en ergy have made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the coun try.happy mome nts and eve nts1) grow ing n early all their fruits and vegetables2) ca noeing, pic nickin g, l ong bicycle rides, etc.3) keep ing warm in side the house in win ter4) writi ng freela nee articles5) e ar ning eno ugh money while mai ntai ning a happyfamily lifehardships1) working hard both in winter and in summer2) harsh en vir onment and weather con diti on3) a nxious mome nts after the writer quit his job4) cutt ing back on daily expe nses5) solitudevocabulary1. fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.(P15 )1) on bala nee 2) resist 3) haul 4) wicked5) illustrated6) budget 7) loweri ng 8) boun dary9) in volved 10)eco nomicll) blast ing 12) just about2. now use the verb in brackets to form an appropriate phrasal verb you have lear ned and complete the sentence with it. ( p16 )1) cut back / down 2 ) pick up3) get by 4) get through5) face up to 6) turn in7) maki ng up for 8) th ink up3. rewrite each sentence with the word or phrase in brackets, keeping the same meaning. ( p17 )1) pursued his mathematical studies and taught himself astr onomy.2) ofte n gen erate mislead ing thoughts.3) attach great importance to combining theory with practice in our work.4) be suspected of doing everyth ing for money.5) before he gets through life.4. complete the senten ces, using the words or phrases inbrackets ( p17 )1. their in doora profit to in vest in 2. devicethe improveme nt3) regular 4) cash 5) hows and whys 6) upped7) yellowed 8) bottled 9) lower10) searchcloze1. text-related ( p20 )1) gets by 2) temptati on3) get through4) improveme nt 5) aside from6) suspect7) suppleme nt8) profit 9) stack ingon a global scale 3. stackedtemptati onn ever dined out con fusable use(P18 )househomehome familyhouseholddoubtsuspecteddoubtedsuspectedsuspect word formati on (P19 )1) rise 2) final2. theme-related( p21 )1) replaced2) con sider3) quit4) world 5) tough 6) fuels7) provide 8) luxuries 9) bala nee10) idealtran slati on1. tran slate the senten ces into en glish( p21 )【篇二:全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程3答案unit1-unit8 】ass=txt> unit 1p3 : after listeningcomplete the following statements according to what you have heard.1. tak ing a break2.escap ing relief out in the country fastmove 3.the polluti on of the citysmog4.cha nges in the way we livep10: content questio nspair workone of you asks the first six questions and the other answers. starti ng from questio n7, cha nge roles. whe n you have fini shed, the teacher may want to put some of the questio ns to you to check your progress.1. write and live on a farm.2. because they grow n early all of their fruits and vegetables. they have eno ugh eggs, honey and wood. they are very close to n ature and canenjoy the beautiful sce nery. besides, they can go skii ng and skat ing inwin ter.3. no. sometimes the good life can get pretty tough.4. they were buried un der five feet of snow from december through march.5. whe n the first spri ng came, it brought two floods. the sec ond floodrefers to the good harvest in the grow ing seas on.6. he decided to quit his job and start to freela nee.7. he has to crawl into black- bear dens for sports illustrated hitc h up dogsled racing teams for “ smithsonian ” magazine, igest ”check out the lake champlain “ monster ” for “ scienee dand canoe through the boun dary waters wilder ness area of minn esotafor “ desti natio ns ”.8. as for in sura nee, they have only bought a poor man ' smajor-medical policy and the policy on their two cars.9. they cut back their expe nses without appreciably loweri ng their standard of living. for example : they patronize local restaura nts in steadof more expe nsive places in the city. they still attend the opera and balletbut only a few times a year. they eat less meat, drink cheaper wine andsee fewer movies.10. a tolera nee for solitude and lots of en ergy.11. they will leave with a feeling of sorrow but also with asense of pride at what they ' ve been able to accomplish.12. they chose to live in the country because they want to improve the quality of their lives. yes, they have fin ally realized their dream.p11: text orqa ni zati on。



Unit1V ocabulary1.1) cherished 2) statistical 3) integrity4) commodities 5) cooperative 6) distributed7) sophisticated 8) vacancies 9) facilitate10) interaction 11) witnessing 12) conducted13) virtually 14) impact 15) maintained2.1) has neglected 2) in the case of 3) costs4) sources 5) at hand 6) vacant7) awarded 8) specially1.1) As with hiking2) As (it is) with learning any language3) It seemed that he didn’t adopt/take my advice4) It seemed that my father would lose his temper5)It seems that Professor Smith can’t come1) 但我们仍抱有信念,坚信竞争(而非合作),用西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的话来说,“是通向成功的捷径”。

2) 如果竞争确实凸显我们的“兽性”,那研究表明,合作会凸显我们的“人性”。

3) 在这项研究中,更乐于合作的成员在心理适应和生理健康方面都优于更具竞争性的同事。

4) 简而言之,合作是规则,但得遵从客观现实。

5) 研究证实:目睹了合作行为的人会把这行为“传递”下去,与他们遇到的下一个人达成一定程度的合作。

Unit2vocabulary1.1) pursue 2) Relatively 3) achievements4) moreover 5) interact 6) in exchange for7) picked up 8) principle 9) from time to time10) inherited 11) part 12) A series of13) Currently 14) discount 15) impressed2.1) forecast 2) confidence 3) affected4) emotions 5) accompanied 6) applying1.1) rather than pretty2) the parents rather than the children3) Rather than believe the rumor4) starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute5) stick to one’s principles rather than follow the trend/followingthe trend.1) 从他母亲那儿,他明白了人要有抱负,明白了只要足够努力,他能够做成任何事情。



Unit 1Part ASummery workcreativity Good learner are creative andexperiment with languagerisk-taking Good learners are willing to takerisks. They are able to learn underconditions of some uncertainty.recall Good learners use techniques likerhymes and word associations to recall whathas been learned.errors Good learners are not discouraged bymaking errors but rather make errors workas a constructive part of the learningprocess.getting exposure to the foreign languageGood learners find ways of getting increased exposure to the foreign language outside of the classroom. This may take the form of talking to native speakers, watching TV programs and videos and reading extensively.using rules and knowledge of the first languageGood learners develop a thorough understanding of the rules of the foreign language and how to apply these rules. They also use knowledge of their first language to help them master the foreign language.Part BInterpretation1. b ) Teachers2.● Opposed Learning strategies (just before paragraph13)●Contrasting Learning styles(just before paragraph 8 )●Effective Language Learning Behaviors (just before paragraph 2 )3.Paragraph 7 and 13Developing your skillsPart A38131Part B632514Part CPart Davoidant dependent participant competitive collaborative independentExtending your vocabularyPart AcefbadPart BhgjabidecfUnit 2Words to note45132Understanding the text1.c) d)2.d)3.a)4.d)5.receiving full details of imported production processes ,which they use to copy and sell the products of these processes.6.buy the expensive software sold by western companies and because software countries apply international copyright laws with unfair harshness in Asia.Developing your skillsPart AText 1Londax RondexThe breakfast cereal, Kellogg’sCornflakes ,was copied as KongalCornstripsLocal laws should be changed toprotect companies’ intellectualproperty rights and if this failscompanies should employ moreinspectors to check for copyrightabuse.Text 2The concept of intellectual propertyis a Western one and can harm the progressof other countries. For this reason,copyright infringement should not beconsidered illegal.Copyright laws are not appliedfairly; some countries (notably those inthe Middle East) are allowed to abusecopyright more easily than othercountries.Part BThe concept ofintellectual propertyshould be held in doubt .Itis resent and ignoresancient contributions toknowledge which are notchanged for.Companies sufferfinancial losses and as aresult are less likely toinvest in buildingproduction plants in theoffending country. Theexistence of piracy alsomakes companies lesswilling to put money intonew research anddevelopment projects.Copyright claimsshould be waived, or atleast levied at adiscounted rate fordeveloping countries.Extending your vocabularyPart AblatantfakeadvancedmassiveessentialPart BedghcbafUnit 3Words to note45312Understanding the textPart AFTFTTPart B1. b)2. d)3.a)4.b)Developing your skillPart Ac bde aPart BInsert the paragraph between the present paragraphs 1 and 2 Part CParagraph 3 and paragraph 4 need to be reserved.Extending your vocabularyPart Adownload programme interface email ICQ virus games ExcelPart Ba)of b) dance c) spherical d) walk e)holdExpending your creativityWeb Traditional MediaIt is possible to put any kind of material up on Web and reach a very large audience.Publishing companies select authors very carefully; books are received by experts, and editors and designers make further improvement.There are no checks on material to be put up on Web and one result of this is the very large amount of pornography available.The content of TV, video and radio programmes is controlled by law to protect audience from bias, sex, violence and bad language.Unit 4Words to note58 1 6 10 4 2 7 9 11 3Understanding the textPart A1.d)2. c)Part B1. c)2.d)3.c)4. d) 5 .a)Developing your skillsPart A311212Part BA2. but people who take dietary supplements (especially those which destroy free radical molecules )may feel more energetic .A3. extending the human life span might well lend to serious effects .A4. fighting cancer, because proteins which destroy cancer cells also cause aging.A5 .healthy food, low stress and an outdoor life style are best for long lifePart C1.●Your feelings about yourself are very important ;ninety-year-oldpeople can feel and act like fifty year olds if they have the right attitude to life .●Somebody might say this to cheer another person up to encourage theperson to feel better about himself or herself.●The speaker probably has an optimistic (and young) feeling about life.2.●Forty isn’t “old”,it’s simply a “birth”into a new stage of life.●It might be said to some one approaching his or her forties birthday.●He or she doesn’t fear to be forty, doesn’t think forty is old, and thinks of “middle age”as being the beginning of an interesting stage of life when he or she can do new things.3.●Years aren’t important ; preserving youthful idealism is more important● In a debate about the problem of aging, for example.● Youthful ideals should be kept throughout the whole life; if you keep these ideals, you can stay long in your attitude.4.● Young people anticipate the future with the pleasure; older people reminisce about their youth.● Perhaps in a situation when someone is reflecting seriously about life.●It’s a philosophical, analytical comment about attitudes.5.● Age is not important; your attitude towards your age and life in general is crucial.● In a situation to encourage somebody to be more optimistic towards life.● The speaker is almost certainly optimistic; the suggestion is that there are many ways to be old and some of them are good.6.●Be virtuous when you are young if you want respect later in life.●Perhaps in a context where an older person wants to give friendly advice to a youngster when a younger person is wondering about the course of action.●The speaker sees a direct link between actions in youth and the consequences in later life.7.● Youngsters only have opinions; their elders know the truth through experience.● Perhaps in a social setting where people from different generations are teasing each other● The speaker almost certainly belongs to the older generation and is confident of his or her own superior knowledge.8.● The only alternative is to die ---- because you can not become young again.●As a joke or a humorous comment, perhaps after someone has said something negative about being old.● He or she certainly views aging in a positive light.9.● An old person who is loved has an extra bonus because love brightens their life; old age is like the winter of a person’s life, but winter also has its beautiful or bright aspects, like flowers.● Perhaps it would be said to an older person, to remind him or her of life’s blessing.● It’s a comment reflecting both joy and sadness; it recognizes that some old people enjoy the love of family, friends, neighbors, etc. But some are alone and lonely10.●Young people see forty as “old”, but older people see fifty as “young”.● This is perhaps more likely to be written rather than spoken------perhaps in an essay. The author seems to have some optimism about being fifty.● It is a reference to different perspectives, different attitudes of various ages to “age”.11.●People may think that being old is a misery, but having the years of experience old people help you to live your life in a better way. An alternative interpretation is that it is not simply the old age which makes old people feel miserable. It is the accumulation of their experiences which make them miserable. The second interpretation of a rather wry joke.●Perhaps either as a joke or as a serious (but pessimistic) comment of life, almost certainly made by an older person.● It could reflect a humorous, philosophical, non-serious view; or the opposite, a mournful cry.12.● Experience (“living long”) teaches us how to live well.● Again, perhaps it is more likely to be written than spoken.● Experience over many years is seen as blessings and benefits.13.● Enjoy your youth and make the most of the opportunities which come your way; then, when you are older, you don’t have any regrets that you wasted it.●An older person -----perhaps a parent ----to a younger people; the comment shows wry humor by suggesting that the main preoccupation older people in that they lament their lost youth.● He /She sees youth as priceless and not to be wasted.14.● The general, meaning is that people change as they grow older .the specific meaning of each stage depends on how people understand the metaphors of the animals (and this varies in different cultures). A likely Spanish interpretation is : at twenty people are concerned with their appearance ,at thirty they are brave , at forty they carry heavy burdens ,at fifty they twist and turn and can’t be trusted , at sixty they are loyal ,at seventy they are wise ,at eighty they are nothing .●As it’s rather long, it is more likely to be part of a written paper . Now it could be said by anybody au any stage but probably originally it was written by an older person.●Perhaps it reflects a cynical attitude to the way peopledevelop .perhaps students might here be asked to explain what each of the different creatures at the various stages of life represents in Chinese or other culture.15.● The tide “ebbs” (i.e. its strength and power is lessened) and human beings get older and become less strong. The tide returns as strong as ever and other people are young and their tide is rising.● Spoken or read in a poem.●Perhaps said by someone who, though he /she feels sad, can rationalize and see that there is no reason to be sad.Expanding your vocabulary1 breakthrough noun2 dramatically adverb3 dietary supplements noun4 extended verb5 passively adverb6 contracting noun(gerund)7 eternal adjective8 boosting noun(gerund)9 normally adverb10 controversial adjectiveFurther information● The child is the father of the manChildren grow up to become adults and what happens in childhood is vitally important because adults develop on the basis of their childhood. Just as a child inherits genetics from their parents, the stage of early childhood for an individual is the social “inheritance” of each adult -----this is the basis for the development of the rest of their life (when the child becomes “the man”). Parents have children who grow up; however, children also grow up to become parents, who have children in their turn who also become parents …●Bad is never good until worse happens.When something bad happens it is difficult to see anything good about it .But when something even worse happens, what we thought was bad before doesn’t look so bad after all .Of course, what is “worse”may also seem not so bad when something worse still happens! Our perceptions of what are bad or good events are relative to their events.●Everything changes except change itself.Change is in everything .Only the law that everything changes does not change. On the other hand, if everything changes this should include change itself (the nature of particular changes should change or even the very nature of change itself.) If change changes then this must include no change which would be a change from changing .If change does not change, then there is something to which the law of change does not apply ----which means that not everything changes.●All rules have exceptions, including this one.A rule is general statement .It may include everything in its scope or it may have its exceptions .The problem here is that if the rule is that “all rules have exceptions ” ,then there are exceptions to the rule that “all rules have exceptions ”: does this mean that the rule isn’t a rule or that the exception isn’t an exception or that the exception to the rule that “all rules have exceptions” means that there are no exceptions ,including the exceptions to the rule that “all rules have exceptions ”…?● A sadist is a person who is kind to a masochist.A sadist is someone who gets pleasure from hurting or being cruel to someone else. A masochist is someone who gets pleasure from being hurt. We expect the sadist to be nasty to others, including being nasty to the masochist. But the sadist knows that the masochist wants to be hurt, so being kind to the masochist (who expects to be hurt by the sadist) is a way for the sadist to get pleasure. The problem now is that the sadist is getting pleasure by not hurting someone (which means that the sadist isn’t being a sadist .)A second problem is that the masochist may be getting pleasure by anticipating being hurt (which he enjoys and looks forward to )and may therefore be getting pleasure from the kindness of the sadist (who as the masochist knows ,wants to hurt the masochist )because he anticipates being hurt by not being hurt yet (which means that the masochist isn’t being a masochist ).● Nothing is enough for the person to whom enough is too little .Some people are greedy .They want more than others .they want more than the amount which would satisfy others (and be enough for them ). So for the greedy person “enough” (for others) is always too little (for the greedy one ). So there is never “enough ”and “nothing is enough ”for the greedy person; this means there is no “enough ”.But the problem is that it may also mean that if greedy person has “nothing”. It is “enough” (because “nothing is enough”), in which case the person is not greedy and is, in fact, satisfied with nothing (since he has “nothing” which is “enough”).● If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the poor couldmake a wonderful living.Everybody die at some time .Rich people may wish to keep on living because they have lots of money to enjoy their life .So if the rich people could pay poor people to die for them ,then the rich people could keep on living for longer and keep on enjoying their life. The poor would make a living (i.e., earn money to live )by dying instead of the rich .Of course ,paying one poor person to die instead of therich person who is dying would not be enough because death is always waiting (for everybody, rich or poor),so the rich would have to keep on paying more and more poor people to die for them -----otherwise they can only postpone death for a short time .So now ,many poor people die(paid for by the rich )but the others who are still living get rich (keeping the money which their dead poor relatives received from the rich ). But these new rich people (who were poor before) will die ----unless they pay poor people to die for them. If they do so, the poor relatives of those poor ones who die for the new rich will themselves eventually become rich and will need to pay other poor people to die for them if they wish to keep on living.Unit 5Understanding the text1.d)2.● Exercise● Diet● Self-discipline● Sleep3. a 8b 2c 7d 4e 9Developing your skillPart Ait(pronoun)this(pronoun)they(pronoun)such pensionable oldies(wordsubjection)Part B2. couple (ws: a man and a woman)3. It (pr: the unclear family)4. contrast (c: the nuclear family)5. he or she (pr: someone)Extending your vocabularyWordDefinitions Devices2 Lazy TV-watchingpeopleDefinition is an apposition to coach potato.3 Not causing the heartrate to rise significantlyDefinition is contained within brackets.4 Substances taken intothe bodyDefinition is contained within a pair of dashes5 Which means beingdangerously overweightDefinition is contained within a non-defining relative clauseExpanding your creativitySolving a logical problemName ofdeveloperNationality Development DateUnknown Etruscan(Italian)false teeth 700bcUnknown Chinese vaccination the 10thcentury Unknown Italian glasses the 13thcentury Ambroise Pare French artificial limbs the 16thcentury Hermann Dreser German aspirin 1899 Willem Dutch EEC 1903EinthovenClues and sample sentences of deduction●Aspirin was developed in 1899.This must have been one of the later inventions because I think the other developments are older.●Italians developed two items, one as long ago as 700 B.C.This must have been one of the earliest developments because it was a long time ago.●Herman dresser was German but Willem Einthoven was Dutch.They can’t have developed anything ancient because Germany and Holland didn’t exist as countries back then.●The EEC was developed four years after a German developed aspirin.----The EEC was obviously developed in 1933 because aspirin was developed in 1899 and it was 4 years after that.----Herman dresser probably developed aspirin because he was German and it was developed in Germany which would also mean he did this in 1899.●Ambroise pare was a French surgeon who worked with injured soldiersin the 16th century.Pare must have developed the artificial limbs because he worked with injured soldiers 500 years ago.●We don’t know the names of whoever developed the three oldest items.The three top left boxes must be empty because the names of the developers are unknown.●Artificial limbs we developed three centuries after glasses, which inturn were developed three centuries after vaccinations, but we don’t know the exact dates.Glasses must have developed in the 13th century. Therefore, vaccinations must have been developed in the 10th century.●False teeth were developed by unknown Etruscans(ancient Italians)This is obviously one of the two developments and they probably did this in 700 B.C. because the Etruscans were an ancient civilization.●Vaccinations were developed by a Chinese.The Chinese developed vaccinations in the 10th century and therefore the developer is one of the three unknowns.With your partner discuss:● ----Aspirin might be the most widely used because it is available inthe supermarket; it is inexpensive and is used in many common less serious medical conditions.-----Glasses are also very widely used .however, not all of population suffers from visual problems. Vaccinations are also widely used but require a specialist to administer them. What’s more, many vaccines only need administering once in a lifetime.-----The EEC would also be widely used in western countries where technology is readily available and heart disease more prevalent but it would be mainly used with older parties.-----False limbs might be the least frequently used as their application is very specific to amputees and those with congenital deformities .These days doctors try to avoid amputation if possible and birth defects are less frequent aswell .However, they are very important in those countries where there are wars , especially where there are landmines .● Perhaps vaccinations because they prevent simple disease frombecoming fatal epidemic. We tend to take them for granted.● Before the age of the printing press, there were fewer historicalrecords and literacy was not as common. Much information about ancientcivilizations still remains a mystery.●“necessity is the mother of invention.”The developers must have beenin critical need of the medical breakthroughs. Endurance, determination, resistance to criticism and the belief in oneself are essential to discover or invent something new.Unit 6Understanding the text1. c)2. Paragraph 113. c)4. b)Developing your skillsPart A1.background2.data-gathering procedure3.the changing concept of health4.factors affecting health5.recommendations to improve youn g people’s healthPart BQuestionnaire results %30_1688_251421_15Part Cbelieve that weight-control products are safe. About 25% of respondents works out regularly but never work out. About 21% of respondents take vitamin supplement, while 15% smoke regularly or occasionally.Extending your vocabularyPart AWords Words from Text Word class1 advent noun2 obesity noun3 perception noun4 gradually adverb5 issue noun6 external adjective7 in conjunctionwithprepositional phase8 nutrition noun9 normally adverb10 the majority of adjectivePart B2 By information preceded by asemi-colon placed immediatelyafter the phrase3 By information preceded by adash placed immediately after thephrase4 By information given in thefinal sentences of paragraph 85 By information given in thefinal sentences of paragraph 15Extending your creativity●Much corn, much care.If you have a lot of money, your problem often increase instead of decrease.● The best doctors are Dr. Diet, Dr Quiet and Dr Merryman.You will be happier if you have nutritious food, peace and quiet and happiness (or fun).● If you want to be happy~~~Honesty in life brings lifelong, not just temporary, happiness.Some related sayings are:●Money can’t buy happiness.●Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, andwise.●If mama ain’t happy, ain’t no body happy.● The first step to health is to know that we are sick.●No sleep, no health.● A sound mind in a sound body.●Out of sight out of mind.●All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.●An apple a day keeps the doctor away.● A sound mind in a healthy body.Unit 7Understanding the text1.Voice inflection, gestures and eye contact.2.●Putting special words in brackets followed by an exclamation mark●Capitalizing all letters of words communicating feelings3. Because in speech most meaning is communicated through body language and voice tone., but these features are not present in emails.4. Because most people prefer to keep their email addresses private.5. Because readers may form a poor impression of you if your emails are poorly organized and lacking accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation.6.↓2. Leave the mail for a time while you become less upset↓3 .Review the mail and make any changes↓Developing your skillsPart A1.To give warnings and advice on how to write effective emails with appropriate style and tone.2.The intended audience is probably university students—most of the examples given in the text are drawn from university life.3.a) Incorrect: Only paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 deal with this.b) Incorrect: There are not enough general operating instructions.c) Correct: Each paragraph contains Dos and Don’ts.Part B(2) (3) (1) (4) (6) (5)Extending your vocabularyPart Areally annoyedat great speed but with little considerationmisunderstandingreceiverPart Bcarefully, slowlyformalrespectfulimplicit, subtleUnit 8Understanding the text1. c)2. b)3. a)4. Very few people put enough of their money into investments and so do not get rich. Consequently, they remain dangerously dependent on earning a salary.Developing your skillsPart ATo live up to theexpectations of others, hebuys expensive clothes andcars and eats in the bestrestaurants.Paid cash for hishouse and has no intentionof moving to differentaccommodation.Buys expensiveproducts and so fails toconvert his earnings intostored or invested wealth.Has several sources ofincome and no debt, socould survive goingbankrupt. This allows himto feel secure andoptimistic.He is a salariedprofessional and so cannotmake claims against taxcharges. His income istraceable throughemployer’s records.Extending your vocabularyexpensive (car, taste, habit)optimistic (attitude, person)glamorous (person, lifestyle,outfit)assertive (person, manner, tone ofvoice)excessive (behavior, person,lifestyle)bankrupt (company, person)frugal( person, spending)lowlightboringordinary, local, magistrate’ssofteasywarm, mildgooduncertain, unprovenUnit 9Understanding the textPart A1. T2. F3. T4. F5. T6. F7. T8. F9. F10. TPart B1.d)2.c)3.Because the companies insist that farmers buy alltheir seeds from the company ensure that a crop is 100% GM, poor farmers have to pay high prices for their seeds and in cases of failure, they will have no crops and no money.Developing your skillsPart A↓Treated seeds or embryos are grown.↓Results are recorded.↓GM crop is grown.Part BA well-fed world population will beGMF may cause illness among humans. stable and unlikely to start wars.GM crops are not only larger, they are also resistant to a range of diseases and to extremes of climate.GM crops do not have to be treated with chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides and this will benefit the natural environment.GM crops allow farmers to maximize the productivity of their land.If no longer struggling to feed itself, a country can develop its industrial infrastructure.Existing GM crops (e.g. soybeans) appear not to have harmed the health of consumers.Dangerous products (e.g. tobacco) could be treated genetically to make them harmless.GMF may change the natural balance between plant and animal life.GMF has never been part of the human food supply and may make problems(e.g. allergies ) worse.Treating GM crops to be resistant to viruses and fungi can kill beneficial insects such as bees.GM crops are similar genetically and may have little defense against new forms of viruses and fungi.Extending your vocabularyPart A××√×√√√√×××××√√××√√√√√××Part B1.take2.develop3.createe5.doing6.makeUnit 10Understanding the text1.√√√√√2.the introduction of the Euro has not led to anincrease in prices.3.Lead to a convergence of EuropeanbudgetsLead to regular meetings of Europeanpoliticians to discuss and coordinate arange of important issues4.The introduction of the European Convention onHuman Rights has already had an impact on British laws and there is now a European arrest warrant which can be used in all member countries.Developing your skillsPart A1.b)●The author uses positive emotive languageand images when describing the launchof the Euro: impressive, optimistic, happy, a great success, gone smoothly, softy falling snow.●The author highlights how quickly Europeansembraced the new currency. (paragraph 2)●The author is slightly critical towards those whothreaten the currency (criminals and the UK)●The author uses negative emotive language todescribe the UK’s resistance to the euro, e.g. dampening, refuses,stubborn, illogical.●The author uses more of the text to explain theadvantages and potential as opposed to highlight problems the Euro may present.2.The author is critical and makes unfavorable comparisons between the environmental awareness of Europe and that of America and the UK.●European countries tend also to be moreenvironmentally aware than either Great Britain or the United States.●European politicians want to introduce an energytax…to find alternatives to coal and oil Europeans want a tax which favors renewable energy sources and reduces the use of fossil fuels.●It may be the case that mainland Europe will finditself arguing with America and the UK on major issues in the future: the former promoting progressive, people-friendly policies, while the latter。



大英三阅读教程课后练习答案(新)Lesson 1Reading Skills and Practice1. Understanding Cause and EffectThe author uses the device of cause and effect to divide the flow of events into reasons and results. The essay can be regarded mainly as the answer to the following two questions.1) Why does the author decide to become a house father? (cause)A. His job was boring.B. He felt excluded from the family.C. He was suffering from ulcer.D. The family could get by without his earnings.2) What happens as a result of his decision? (effect)A. His father doesn't appreciate his choice.B. His wife becomes the breadwinner.C. His health is improving.D. He doesn't need to follow the home-office-home routine.E. His time becomes flexible.F. He looks after his son and develops a close relationship with him.G. He did the family chores.H. He is still hesitant as to whether he will go out for a job some day.2. How to Detect the Meanings of the Following with the Help of the Context and Other Clues1) tongue-tied unable to speak clearly or fluently(If your tongue is tied, you are unable to speak clearly because you are nervous or embarrassed.)2) dead-end boring("Dead end" means a situation beyond which development is impossible. A dead-end job is a job with low wages and no chance of progress.)3) drawbacks disadvantages(The word is used together with its antonym "benefits.")4) excluded not included(The antonym of "excluded" is "included." The author was unhappy because he felt he was not part of the family. )5) beating finishing before a set time(From the context, we know that he had to work very hard to finish his work in time.)6) be cut loose be freed(The phrase figuratively means "free oneself with effort from something binding." "stripped of" in the same sentence serves asa note to this phrase.)7) tight affected by scarcity(When "tight" is used to describe his job, it suggests that there are not many jobs in his field.)8) literally extremely(This word is used to emphasize a strong expression of feelings. In this context, it helps to express his strong dislike for his previous job.)Exercises1. Reading Comprehension1) C 2) D 3) A 4) C 5) B2. Vocabulary StudyPart A1) unsure 2) unease 3) endlessly 4) Indecision 5) unnerving6) seamless 7) unpleasant 8) uncertainty 9) immaturity 10)unheardPart B1) edgeA. 对工作的厌恶让我几近崩溃。

创意阅读 第三册 翻译及答案

创意阅读 第三册 翻译及答案

UNIT ONE 好的语言学习者要成为一名好的语言学习者需要多方面的因素。



























泛读第三册Unit 1 创造性思维的艺术A : CB : bdab bddcD : adda dcdbF : dbdda abaad cbbdcH : dacd daabUnit 2 英国人的保守和礼貌A : BB : ddbc dccaD : badda caacF : dbbdc bdbdb cddbdH : cbdcc dbbdUnit 3 魔术揭密A : DB : badab bdddcD : bddba cbcaaF : cbbba ccdda ccdadH : dbcbd dbdbUnit 4 寻找可以依靠的坚实手臂A : CB : ddbc ddcD : abdbb addad bcF : dbccd bdadd badcdH : dada cbcdUnit 5 艰难登顶A : CB : abdaa dcbdD : dbabb dabcb daF : caabd cbddc cdbabH : bccd bdcUnit 6 药对了,病人错了A : BB : cbcab ddadD : badaa cbaac abF : cabcd aadcb ccdabH : ccdc dabcUnit 7 自己的房间A : DB : acbda dcaacD : abaac daccd adF : daada cddbc bdcdbH : cbadb cddbcUnit 8 假如我有三天光阴A : CB : cddcc dccbD : abda caaaF : ccacd bbdad babddH : dbdbc cbcdUnit 9 梦与睡眠一样重要吗A : CB : bccbc dbbaD : dcbab dacbacF : dcbca bccbc bcdddH : dcdc abdUnit 10 诚信原则A : CB : cdccd bacacD : dcdbc acadc bdF : dbdcc dccdb bddcaH : cadcb acbbUnit 11 非语言交际A : DB : adac cdcbD : abacb dcaab adcF : dcdab ccbda ccbcaH : bcadb bcdddUnit 12 你为何如此聪明A : BB : bbbd dcccD : cdccd acdba dcaF : bbddc dbdbc cdcddH : bcdcc badbbcUnit 13 道德,猿和我们A : AB : cdca dbabD : cbada cabdbF : cdacc caccd bdbdbH : bdbc cbddUnit 14 你怎么知道艺术品的优劣A : CB : ddca ddabD : dacad babadbF : ddabb bddca dcccbH : cdcd addUnit 15 热爱生命A : CB : abbac bccdbbD :babcc aaacd bbF : caccb accdc ddadaH : cdac dddc。



Unit OneWords to note;3. 6.4.5. 1. 2.Understanding the textPart A:Risk-taking willing to take risks. They are able to learn under conditions of some uncertainty.Recall use techniques like rhymes and word associations to recall what has been learned.Errors are not discouraged by making errors but rather make errors work as a constructive part of the learning process.Getting exposure to the foreign language find ways of getting increased exposure tothe foreign language outside of theclassroom. This may take the forms oftalking to native speakers, watching TVprograms and videos and readingextensively.Using rules and knowledge of the first language develop a through understanding of therules of the foreign language and how toapply these rules. They also use knowledgeof their first language to help them masterthe foreign language.Part B:1. b2. ·before para. 13·para. 8·para. 23. Para. 7 &.13Developing your skillsPart A:3. 8. 13. 1.Part B:6. 3. 2. 5. 1. 4.Part C* *** ** ** ** *Part Davoidant dependent participant competitive collaborative independentExtending your vocabularyPart A:c e f b a dPart B:h g j a b I d e c fUnit TwoWords to note:4. 5. 1. 3. 2.Understanding the text1. C. D.2. D3. A4. D5. receiving full details of important production processes, which they then use to copy and sell the production of these processes.6. buy the expensive software sold by Western companies and because software counties apply international laws with unfair harshness in Asia.Developing your skillsPart A:Text 1:Example Londax RondaxExample The breakfast cereal, Kellogg’s Cornflakes, was copied as Kongal Cornstrips. Example Local laws should be changed to protect companies’ intellectual property rights and if this fails companies should employ more inspectors to check for copyright abuse.Text 2:Argument The concept of intellectual property is a Western one and can harm the progress of other countries. For this reason, copyright infringement should not be consideredillegal.Argument Copyright laws are not applied fairly; some countries (notably those in the Middle East) are allowed to abuse copyright more easily than other countries.Part BPoints of Contrast Text One Txt TwoConcept should be held in doubt. It is resentand ignores ancient contributions toknowledge which are not charged for. Effect Companies suffer financial lossesand as a result are less likely toinvest in building production plantsin the offending country. The existenceof piracy also makes companies lesswilling to put money into new researchand development projects.Suggested solution Copyright claims should be waived, orat least levied at a discounted rate fordeveloping countries.Extending your vocabularyPart A:fake advanced massive essentialPart Be d g h c b a fUnit ThreeWords to note4,5,3,1,2Understanding the textPart B Interpretation1. b)2. d)3. a )4. b )Developing you skillsPart A : Structure of a passage (sequencing information ): further practicePart B: Structure of a passage ( paragraph insertion): further practice Insert the paragraph between the present paragraphs 1 and 2Part C: Structure of a passage ( paragraph reversal ): further practice Paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 need to be reversed.Extending your vocabularyPart A : Word familiesa) at below nearb) speak shout whisper screamc) square circular triangular rectangular hexagonald) drip squirt trickle flow run gushe) walk run leap jump jog stroll hop“of ” is the only one which does not indicate position/location.“dance ” does not describe sound; the other words are sounds made using the human voice. “spherical ” describes a three-dimensional shape; the others are two-dimensional. “walk ” is never used to describe the movement of a liquid; the other words do so.“hold ” describes a stable action, not a movement; the other words describe either horizontal orvertical movement.Expanding your creativityWords to note5, 8, 1, 6, 10, 4, 2, 7, 9, 11, 3Understanding the textPart A: Author's attitude and purpose 1. d) 2. c)Part B: Comprehension the text 1. c) 2. d) 3. c) 4.d) 5. a)Developing your skillsPart B : Responding to questions on the textQ2A2. No, aging cannot be prevented but people who take dietary supplements ( especially those which destroy free radical molecules) may feel more energetic.Q3A3. Yes, because scientists believe that extending the human life span might well lead to serious negative effects.Q4A4.Yes, it is. The aging process is important in fighting cancer, because proteins which destroy cancer cells also cause aging.Q5A5. Yes, they are very important. Research shows that healthy food, low stress and an outdoor lifestyle are best for long life.Part C: Contexts and implicationsEnglish Proverbs1. You are as old as you feel.● Your feelings about yourself are very important; ninety-year-old people can feel and act like fifty year olds if they have the right attitude to life.● Somebody might say this to cheer another person up or to encourage the person to feel better about himself or herself.● The speaker probably has an optimistic ( and young ) feeling about life.2. Life begins at forty.● Forty isn't "old" , it's simply a "birth" into a new stage of life.● It might be said to someone approaching his or her fortieth birthday.● He or she doesn't fear being forty, doesn't think forty is old, and thinks of "middle age" as being the beginning of an interesting stage of life when he or she can do new things.3. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old by deserting their ideals.● Years aren't important; preserving youthful idealism is more important.● In a debate about the problems of agin g , for example.● Youthful ideals should be kept throughout the whole of life; if you keep these ideals, you can stay young in your attitude.4. Youth looks forward but age looks back.● Young people anticipate the future with pleasure; older people reminisce about their youth.● Perhaps in a situation when someone is reflecting seriously about life.● It's a philosophical, analytical comment about attitudes.5. It's not how old you are, but how you are old.● Age is not important; your attitude towards your age and life in general is crucial.● In a situation to encourage somebody to be more optimistic toward s life.● The speaker is almost certainly optimistic; the suggestion is that there are many ways to be oldand some of them are good.6. He that in youth no virtue uses, in age all honor him refuses.● Be virtuous when you are young if you want respect lat er in life.● Perhaps in a context where an older person wants to give friendly advice to a youngster when the younger person is wondering about the right course of action.● The speaker sees a direct li nk between actions in youth and the consequences in later life.7. Young folk think old folk are fools, but old folk know young folk are fools.● Youngsters only have opinions; their elders know the truth through experience.● Perhaps in a social setting where people from different generations are teasing ea ch other.● The speaker almost certainly belongs to the older generation and is confident of his or her own superior knowledge.8. Old age doesn't seem so bad when you consider the alternative.● The only alternative is to die----because you cannot become young again.● As a joke or a humorous comment, perhaps after someone has said something negative about being old.● He /She certainly views aging in a positive light.9. An old person loved is winter with flowers. (German )● An old person who is loved ha s an extra bonus because love brightens their life; old age is like the winter of a person's life, but winter also has its beautiful or bright aspects, like flowers.● Perhaps it would be said to an older person, to remind him /her of life's blessings.● I t's a comment reflecting both joy and sadness; it recognizes that some old people enjoy the love of family, friends, neighbours, etc., but some are alone and lonely.10. Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age. ( French )● Young peopl e see forty as "old" , but older people see fifty as "young ".● This is perhaps more likely to be written rather than spoken ----perhaps in an essay. The writer seems to have some optimism about being fifty.● It is a reference to different perspectives, different attitudes of various ages to "age ".11. Old age is not misery, experience helps. (Greek )● People may think that being old is a misery, but having the years of experience of old people helps you to live your life in a better way. An alternative interpretation is that it is not simply old age which makes older people miserable, it is the accumulation of their experiences which make them miserable. The second interpretation is a rather wry joke.● Perhaps either as a joke or as a serious (but pes simistic) comment on life, almost certainly made by an old person.● It could reflect a humorous, philos ophical, non-serious view; or the opposite, a mournful cry.12. By living long we learn to live. (Italian )● Experience ("living long") teaches us how to live well.● Again, perhaps it is more likely to be written than spoken.● Experiences over many years are seen as blessings and benefits.13. If one knew the value of youth, there would be little to lament in old age. (Turkish )● Enjoy your youth an d make the most of the opportunities which come your way; then, when you are older, you won't have any regrets that you wasted it.● An older person ---- perhaps a parent ---- to a younger people; the comment also shows wry humour by suggesting that the main preoccupation of older people is that they lament their lostyouth.● He / She sees youth as priceless and not to be wasted.14. At twenty a person will be a peacock, at thirty a lion, at forty a camel, at fifty a snake, at sixtya dog, at seventy a monkey, and at eighty nothing at all. (Spanish )● The general meaning is that people change as they grow older. The specific meaning of each stage depends on how people understand the metaphors of the animals (and this varies in different cultures). A likely Spanish interpretation is: at twenty people are concerned with their appearance, at thirty they are brave, at forty they carry heavy burdens, at fifty they twist and turn and can't be trusted, at sixty they are loyal, at seventy they are wise, at eighty they are nothing.● As it's rather long, it is more likely to be part of a written paper. No w it could be said by anybody at any stage but probably originally it was written by an older person.● Perhaps it reflects a cynical attitude to the way people dev elop. Perhaps students might here be asked to explain what each of the different creatures at the various stages of life represent in Chinese or other cultures.15. Ebbtide has come to me as to the sea,Old age makes me bleed,Though I may sorrow over this,The tide returns happily. (Irish)● The tide "ebbs " (i.e. its strength and power is lessened) and human beings get older and become less strong. This makes "me" feel sad; but the sea is not sad because after it ebbs, the tide returns as strong as ever and other people are young and their tide is rising.● Spoken or read in a poem.● Perhaps said by someone who, though he/she feels sad, can ration alize and see that there is no reason to be sad.Extending your vocabularyFurther informationParadoxes: We age in order to live longerThe essential point for students to consider is that paradoxes express dilemmas, contradictions, uncertainties and ambiguities. Often paradoxes also give insights into the difficulties of life; they may express these difficulties with humour. Students may discuss the paradoxes in pairs ---- the main idea is to consider what they mean and to try to express the apparent contradictions. This is a useful and perhaps challenging task to think, through using English. The task does not necessarily require an elaborate grammar or the use of complex grammar. It does require logical and imaginative thinking and clear, perhaps simple, expression. Teachers may find it useful to ask students to work in pairs and choose different paradoxes and write down their thinking and explanations about them; later they can read their explanations (slowly) to the class, who may judge which is the explanation which best explores the paradox.Page 42● The child is the father of the man.Children grow up to become adults and what happens in childhood is vitally important because adults develop on the basis of their childhood. Just as a child inherits genetic characteristics from their parents, the stage of early childhood for an individual is the social "inheritance" of each adult ---- this is the basis for the development of the rest of their life (when the child becomes "the man"). Parents have children who grow up; however, children also grow up to become parents, who have children in their turn who also become parents...● Bad is never good until worse happens.When something bad happens it is difficult to see anything good about it. But when something even worse happens, what we thought was bad before doesn't look so bad after all. Of course, what is "worse" may also seem not so bad when something worse still happens! Our perceptions of what are bad or good events are relative to other events.● Everything changes except change itself.Change is in everything. Only the law that everything changes does not change. On the other hand, if everything changes, this should include change itself (the nature of particular changes should change or even the very nature of change itself). If change changes then this must include no change, which would be a change from changing. If change does not change, then there is something to which the law of change does not apply ---- which means that not everything changes.● All rules have exceptions, including this one.A rule is a general statement. It may include everything in its scope or it may have exceptions. The problem here is that if the rule is that "all rules have exceptions", then there are exceptions to the rule that "all rules have exceptions": Does this mean that the rule isn't a rule or that the exception isn't an exception or that the exception to the rule that "all rules have exceptions" means that there are no exceptions, including the exception to the rule that "all rules have exceptions "...?● A sadist is a person who is kind to a masochist.A sadist is someone who gets pleasure from hurting or being cruel to someone else. A masochist is someone who gets pleasure from being hurt. We expect the sadist to be nasty to others, including being nasty to the masochist. But the sadist knows that the masochist wants to be hurt, so being kind to the masochist (who expects to be hurt by the sadist) is a way for the sadist to get pleasure. The problem now is that the sadist is getting pleasure by not hurting someone (which means that the sadist isn't being a sadist). A second problem is that the masochist may be gettingpleasure by anticipating being hurt (which he enjoys and looks forward to) and may therefore be getting pleasure from the kindness of the sadist (who, as the masochist knows, wants to hurt the masochist) because he anticipates being hurt by not being hurt yet (which means that the masochist isn't being a masochist).● Nothing is enough for the person to whom enough is too little.Some people are greedy. They want more than others. They want more than the amount which would satisfy others. (and be enough for them). So for the greedy person "enough" ( for others) is always too little (for the greedy one). So there is never "enough" and "nothing is enough" for the greedy person; this means there is no "enough". But the problem is that it may also mean that if the greedy person has "nothing", it is "enough" ( because " nothing is enough") , in which case the person is not greedy and is , in fact, satisfied with nothing (since he has "nothing" which is "enough").● If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make a wonderful living.Everybody dies at some time. Rich people may wish to keep on living because they have lots of money to enjoy their life. So if the rich people could pay poor people to die for them, then the rich people could keep on living for longer and keep on enjoying their life. The poor would make a living (i.e. earn money to live) by dying instead of the rich. Of course, paying one poor person to die instead of the rich person who is dying would not be enough because death is always waiting (for everybody, rich or poor), so the rich would have to keep on paying more and more poor people to die for them ---- otherwise they can only postpone death for a short time. So the poor people can make a wonderful living because they will be continually paid money by the rich. But the poor only get this money if some of them keep dying. So now, many poor people die (paid for by the rich) but the others who are still living get rich (keeping the money which their dead poor relatives received from the rich). But these new rich people (who were poor before) will die ---- unless they pay poor people to die for them. If they do so, the poor relatives of those poor ones who die for the new rich will themselves eventually become rich and will need to pay other poor people to die for them if they wish to keep on living.Unit ThreeWords to note4,5,3,1,2Understanding the textPart B Interpretation1. b)2. d)3. a )4. b )Developing you skillsPart B: Structure of a passage ( paragraph insertion): further practice Insert the paragraph between the present paragraphs 1 and 2Part C: Structure of a passage ( paragraph reversal ): further practice Paragraph 3 and paragraph 4need to be reversed.Extending your vocabularyPart A : Word familiesa) atbelow nearb) speak shout whisper screamc) square circular triangular rectangular hexagonald) drip squirt trickle flow run gushe) walk run leap jump jog stroll hop“of ” is the only one which does not indicate position/location.“dance ” does not describe sound; the other words are sounds made using the human voice. “spherical ” describes a three-dimensional shape; the others are two-dimensional. “walk ” is never used to describe the movement of a liquid; the other words do so.“hold ” describes a stable action, not a movement; the other words describe either horizontal orvertical movement.Expanding your creativityWords to note5, 8, 1, 6, 10, 4, 2, 7, 9, 11, 3Understanding the textPart A: Author's attitude and purpose1. d)2. c)Part B: Comprehension the text1. c)2. d)3. c)4.d)5. a)Developing your skillsPart B : Responding to questions on the textQ2A2. No, aging cannot be prevented but people who take dietary supplements ( especially those which destroy free radical molecules) may feel more energetic.Q3A3. Yes, because scientists believe that extending the human life span might well lead to serious negative effects.Q4A4.Yes, it is. The aging process is important in fighting cancer, because proteins which destroy cancer cells also cause aging.Q5A5. Yes, they are very important. Research shows that healthy food, low stress and an outdoor lifestyle are best for long life.Part C: Contexts and implicationsEnglish Proverbs1. You are as old as you feel.● Your feelings about yourself are very important; ninety-year-old people can feel and act like fifty year olds if they have the right attitude to life.● Somebody might say this to cheer another person up or to encourage the person to feel better about himself or herself.● The speaker probably has an optimistic ( and young ) feeling about life.2. Life begins at forty.● Forty isn't "old" , it's simply a "birth" into a new stage of life.● It might be said to someone approaching his or her fortieth birthday.● He or she doesn't fear being forty, doesn't think forty is old, and thinks of "middle age" as being the beginning of an interesting stage of life when he or she can do new things.3. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years; people grow old by deserting their ideals.● Years aren't important; preserving youthful idealism is more importan t.● In a debate about the problems of agin g , for example.● Youthful ideals should be kept throughout the whole of life; if you keep these ideals, you can stay young in your attitude.4. Youth looks forward but age looks back.● Young people anticipate t he future with pleasure; older people reminisce about their youth.● Perhaps in a situation when someone is reflecting seriously about life.● It's a philosophical, analytical comment about attitudes.5. It's not how old you are, but how you are old.● Age is not important; your attitude towards your age and life in general is crucial.● In a situation to encourage somebody to be more optimistic towards life.● The speaker is almost certainly optimistic; the suggestion is that there are many ways to be old and some of them are good.6. He that in youth no virtue uses, in age all honor him refuses.● Be virtuous when you are young if you want respect later in life.● Perhaps in a context where an older person wants to give friendly advice to a youngster when the younger person is wondering about the right course of action.● The speaker sees a direct li nk between actions in youth and the consequences in later life.7. Young folk think old folk are fools, but old folk know young folk are fools.● Youngsters onl y have opinions; their elders know the truth through experience.● Perhaps in a social setting where people from different generations are teasing each other.● The speaker almost certainly belongs to the older generation and is confident of his or her own superior knowledge.8. Old age doesn't seem so bad when you consider the alternative.● The only alternative is to die----because you cannot become young again.● As a joke or a humorous comment, perhaps after someone has said something negative about being old.● He /She certainly views aging in a positive light.9. An old person loved is winter with flowers. (German )● An old person who is loved has an extra bonus because love brightens their life; old age is like the winter of a person's life, but winter also has its beautiful or bright aspects, like flowers.● Perhaps it would be said to an older person, to remind him /her of life's blessings.● It's a comment reflecting both joy and sadness; it recognizes that some old people enjoy the love of family, friends, neighbours, etc., but some are alone and lonely.10. Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age. ( French )● Young people see forty as "old" , but older people see fifty as "young ".● This is perhaps more likely to be written rather than spoken ----perhaps in an essay. The writer seems to have some optimism about being fifty.● It is a reference to different perspectives, different attitudes of various ages to "age ".11. Old age is not misery, experience helps. (Greek )● Peop le may think that being old is a misery, but having the years of experience of old people helps you to live your life in a better way. An alternative interpretation is that it is not simplyold age which makes older people miserable, it is the accumulation of their experiences which make them miserable. The second interpretation is a rather wry joke.● Perhaps either as a joke or as a serious (but pessimistic) comment on life, almost certainly made by an old person.● It could reflect a humorous, philos ophical, non-serious view; or the opposite, a mournful cry.12. By living long we learn to live. (Italian )● Experience ("living long") teaches us how to live well.● Again, perhaps it is more likely to be written than spoken.● Experiences over many years are seen as blessings and benefits.13. If one knew the value of youth, there would be little to lament in old age. (Turkish )● Enjoy your youth and make the most of the opportunities which come your way; then, when you are older, you won't have any regrets that you wasted it.● An older person ---- perhaps a parent ---- to a younger people; the comment also shows wry humour by suggesting that the main preoccupation of older people is that they lament their lost youth.● He / She sees youth as priceless a nd not to be wasted.14. At twenty a person will be a peacock, at thirty a lion, at forty a camel, at fifty a snake, at sixtya dog, at seventy a monkey, and at eighty nothing at all. (Spanish )● The general meaning is that people change as they grow old er. The specific meaning of each stage depends on how people understand the metaphors of the animals (and this varies in different cultures). A likely Spanish interpretation is: at twenty people are concerned with their appearance, at thirty they are brave, at forty they carry heavy burdens, at fifty they twist and turn and can't be trusted, at sixty they are loyal, at seventy they are wise, at eighty they are nothing.● As it's rather long, it is more likely to be part of a written paper. No w it could be said by anybody at any stage but probably originally it was written by an older person.● Perhaps it reflects a cynical attitude to the way people develop. Perhaps students might here be asked to explain what each of the different creatures at the various stages of life represent in Chinese or other cultures.15. Ebbtide has come to me as to the sea,Old age makes me bleed,Though I may sorrow over this,The tide returns happily. (Irish)● The tide "ebbs " (i.e. its strength and power is lessened) an d human beings get older and become less strong. This makes "me" feel sad; but the sea is not sad because after it ebbs, the tide returns as strong as ever and other people are young and their tide is rising.● Spoken or read in a poem.● Perhaps said by s omeone who, though he/she feels sad, can rationalize and see that there is no reason to be sad.Extending your vocabularyFurther informationParadoxes: We age in order to live longerThe essential point for students to consider is that paradoxes express dilemmas, contradictions, uncertainties and ambiguities. Often paradoxes also give insights into the difficulties of life; they may express these difficulties with humour. Students may discuss the paradoxes in pairs ---- the main idea is to consider what they mean and to try to express the apparent contradictions. This is a useful and perhaps challenging task to think, through using English. The task does not necessarily require an elaborate grammar or the use of complex grammar. It does require logical and imaginative thinking and clear, perhaps simple, expression. Teachers may find it useful to ask students to work in pairs and choose different paradoxes and write down their thinking and explanations about them; later they can read their explanations (slowly) to the class, who may judge which is the explanation which best explores the paradox.Page 42● The child is the father of the man.Children grow up to become adults and what happens in childhood is vitally important because adults develop on the basis of their childhood. Just as a child inherits genetic characteristics from their parents, the stage of early childhood for an individual is the social "inheritance" of each adult ---- this is the basis for the development of the rest of their life (when the child becomes "the man"). Parents have children who grow up; however, children also grow up to become parents, who have children in their turn who also become parents...● Bad is never good until worse happens.When something bad happens it is difficult to see anything good about it. But when something even worse happens, what we thought was bad before doesn't look so bad after all. Of course, what is "worse" may also seem not so bad when something worse still happens! Our perceptions of what are bad or good events are relative to other events.● Everything changes except change itself.Change is in everything. Only the law that everything changes does not change. On the other hand, if everything changes, this should include change itself (the nature of particular changes should change or even the very nature of change itself). If change changes then this must include no change, which would be a change from changing. If change does not change, then there is something to which the law of change does not apply ---- which means that not everything changes.。

创新大学英语3 答案CXB3_U1_AFTER

创新大学英语3 答案CXB3_U1_AFTER

been held in virtually every occupation, skill, or
behavior tested.
Furthermore, cooperation not only creates a more 4)
___________ leadership, but also allows everyone to 5) fluid participate ____________ actively without fear of censure. In a
3) You will be very happy and relaxed once you have got to know everyone in the company.
4) He would be offended once he understood what the real purpose was. 5) We can make use of online resources once we have registered.
Many hands make light work. The only thing that will redeem mankind is
Tips: 社会各个领域都充满着竞争与合作。 没有竞争,人们就会无所事事,没有抱负。
众人拾柴火焰高。 唯一能拯救人类的方法就是合作。
appropriate gift for men and women.
Answers to Exercises
1) cherished 2) statistical 3) integrity



Unit1Part 1Answer key1.T2.F3.F4.F5.T6.T7.F8.T9.FCorrected False Statements: Possible answers2.Its continental climate is one of extremes .3.Americans are restless ,they like to be active.4.Americans are blunt, but not rude .7.Americans prefer family privacy and do not often have servant .they like to do things themselves。

9.Americans are noticeably informalAnswer key1.b2.c3.a4.a5.c6.b7.b8.b9.aAnswer key1.affordable2.seasonal3.applicant4.teacher5.cordiality6.harmlessAnswer keyPossible answers:Compound words with hyphens 1.music that is soft and easy to listen to 2.list of things that must be done 3.books that teach people how to help themselves4. someone who is always doing good things for others;Compound words without hyphens 1.A train trip that continues through the night ed by many people 3.ways of saying goodbye 4.areas by the sea 5.the home or houseAnswer key1.Polite2.impolite3.polite4.impolite5.polite6.impolite7.polite8.impolitePart 2Answer key1.stretching out in all directionrge size3.looks around4. character5.similar6.wetness7.has justarrived 8.small battles 9.sheriffs and policemen 10.shy 11.in the French wayAnswer key1.B2.C3.B4.A5.CAnswer key1.F,most inhabit cities2.T3.F Canada can get very hot4.F the history of Canada is not as bloody or violent as the United States5.T6.F the“wild”west was not part of Canada ,law came first ,settlement followed7.F Outward displays of emotion are not their style ,Americans are far more outgoing8.T9.F,Canadians are not anti-American 10.F,The buildings are designed in international styles. and the brand names in the supermarkets are all familiar.Answer keyPossible answer :1.people who are not resident 2.pills that stop anxiety 3.a protest against a war 4.a group of people who do not use violence 5.people who are not German 6.people who are not Mexican 7.someone who is against communism 8.people who do not vote ws that are against monopolies 10.not a paymentAnswer key1.decoration2.harmfulernment4.gloriousAnswer key1.environment2.imagination3.powerful4.moderation5.settlement6.movement7.mountainous8.mysteriousunit2part1Answer key1.e2.j3.g4.c5.d6.l7.k8.i9.h 10.b 11.a 12.fAnswer keyBeginning: First Event D F C G B A End :Last Event EPart 2Answer key1.592.353.17 billion,556 million4. 36.4 billion5.84%6.19967.4.7 billion8.7:00Answer key2Answer keyAnswer will vary. Possible answerage :“Grest people!great company!” he barks. Metaphor: The way Kim shouts is being compared to thebarking of a dog.age: Revenues jumped 18% last year; Metaphor: The way revenues rose is being compared to somethingthat jumps.age: ”Great company!Great company!” They chant back Metaphor: The way the employees respond isbeing compared to religious chanting.age: Kim…cavort in a mosh pit. Metaphor: The way Kim jumps around is being compared to leapingand prancing.age: Kim sliced costs. Metaphor: The way kim decreased costs is being compared to slicing a piece ofcheese with a knife.age: He storms about LG’s factories and offices; Metaphor: The way Kim visits his factories is beingcompared to a storm.Answer key1.e2.c3.a4.g5.d6.b7.fAnswer key1.Antonym2.Synonym3.Antonym4.Synonym5.Synonym6.Antonym7.Synonym8.Antonym9.Antonym 10.Synonym 11.Antonym 12.Antonym 13.Synonym 14.Synonym 15.AntonymAnswer key1.odd2.job3.underestimate4.innovation5.issuing6.goals7.perceivedAnswer key1.C2.C3.B4.D5.C6.A7.A8.B9.D 10.DUNIT 3Part 1Answer key2; Explanations will varyAnswer key1.c2.i3.e4.g5.n6.h7.b8.j9.k 10.l 11.f 12.d 13.a 14.mAnswer key1.702.stay-at-home mom3.immedietarger cities5.more6.207.someAnswer key1.with a grandparent2.with other non-relative3.12-17,Answer will vary.4.12-17;5.Answerwill vary6.answer will varypart 2answer keyColumn 1,SpecificColumn 2,General1.b2.e3.a4.d5.cAnswer key2Answer key1.advantageous2.exporter3.fictitious4.lourishing5.legal6.ntolerant7.cottage8.trickle9.invalid10.well-to-doAnswer key1.requires2.guarantee3.attitude4.requires5.obtain6.legal7.registers8.couple9.medical 10.requirements Answer key1.A2.D3.B4.C5.B6.A7.D8.BChapter 4Part 1一. 1.Early Diets: Nuts and Plants, Why Socrates Loved Olive Oil 2.Early Diets: Nuts and Plants3.Answers will vary二.It’s the traditional cuisine of poor, agrarian countries. If you eat a simple diet, you will feel great.三. 1.d 2.e 3.a 4.c 5.b四. 1.(title) A sure way to feel healthy and energetic is by eating simple foods free of sugar and fat.2.When people begin to make more money or gain exposure to different lifestyles they abandontraditional diets. Often this may lead to new illnesses.五. 1.c 2.f 3.a 4.e 5.b 6.d八. 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.CPart 2一. 2三. 1.C 2.D 3.A,B 4.D 5.B 6.C,B 7.C,B四. 1.F 2.F 3.O 4.O 5.O 6.F 7.F 8.O 9.F 10.F五. 1.natural resources 2.enchanted 3.inappropriate 4.taboo 5.acquiring 6.flock 7.inexpensive8.hippie 9.virtually 10.bargaining六. pensation 2.benefit munities 4.physical 5.hence 6.found 7.acquiring七. Circle A: annoyed, eager for adventure, believe they can contribute, take pictures, give away tokens CircleB: enchanted, skilled, playful, up-front, demanding, don’t believe tou rists can contribute, hate pictures, beg Middle part C: think money can help九. 1.They are the most popular tourist destinations, Europe, Answers will vary 2.Chart 1 lists the top 10countries according to number of tourists that visit, Chart 2 lists the top ten countries based on the money the earn from tourism 3.The amount of vacation days people living in that country have each year, 29, answers will varyChapter 5Part 1三. 1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A7.B 8.B 9.A四. 1.d 2.n 3.g 4.i 5.h 6.l 7.m 8.b 9.j 10.e 11.a 12.c 13.k 14.f一. Pattern 3二. I. Rohib, CambodiaII. V ietnamIII. Bangalore, IndiaIV. BoliviaV. Nallavadu a village in Pondicherry, India三. The image of the frog leaping over another represents how a community can go directly from being anagricultural to an information economy.四. 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.A8.C五. I. Location: Rohib,Cambodia1.Motorcycles are Internet-enabled. They carry information between remote village and centralcomputer hubs.II. Location: V ietnam1.knowledge-basedIII. Location: Bangalore, India1.interlocking programming shops2.call centers3.tech companiesIV. Location: Bolivia1.a rural radio station users the Internet to research informationV. Location: Nallavadu, a village in Pondicherry, India1.village’s telecentresed as a community alarm during the tsunami of 2004六. 1. motorcycles that can access the Internet 2. an economy based on services rather than goods 3.factories that produce goods on a large scale, in large quantities 4. an economy that is based oninformation and/or knowledge 5. the best course of action possible 6. people who have a high level of education; programmers who know a lot about technology; People who speak English 7. people with a high level of education, who know a lot about technology and speak English 8. a center where communication is connected to the Internet七. 1. medical 2. economy 3. global 4. benefits 5.via work puters 8.vehicle 9.data10.data 11.transmissionPart 3三. 1.mouse 2.adaptive 3.linear 4.table 5.directions 6.drag and drop 7.glossary 8.timer9.notepaperUnit 6Part 11 Possible answers : 1.Leopoldo Fernandez 2.decides to try something new 3.modernizes,addsconvenience. (Answers will vary.)2 1.giobalization 2.pizzeria 3.convenience 4.modernizing 5.management6.prospered7.specialties8.affordable9.mentality 10.maturing3 1.promoting the buying and selling of products e in and/or existing in many nations or countries3.estimated sales4. outlets5.a company with manyselling the same product 6.a quick and significant increase 7.a part of the business that not been explored yet 8.chains that are owned by individuals 9. a market that has potential to grow4 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.B 6.C5 1.C 2.D 3.BPart 21Possible answers : 1.in the 1930s Paris2.a writer, a womenWomen : wealthy ,forty , imposing, talkative3.the restaurant is more expensive than main narrator can afforded2 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.C3 Answers will vary.4 E, D, G, H, B, F, A, C5 1 . imposing 2.inclined 3.anticipated 4.enormous5. drama6.found7.inadequate6 Answers will vary.Unit 7Part 11 C2Possible answers: 1.the shared condition of being children 2.a person’s past, things someone has done in the past nd ruled by a prince 4.the main ideas that support a philosophy 5.someone who wishes to do good 6.someone who defends 7.view of things/the way someone sees things 8.one who starts new things 9.people who are common, not rich3 1.c 2.g 3.d 4.b 5.f 6.e4 1.enduring 2.influential 3.easil 4.political5.primarilyernmental7.confucian8.philosophical5 1.h 2.d 3.l 4.a 5.g 6.j 7.i 8.m 9.c 10.e 11.k 12.b 13.f6 1. T, He has reared in poverty and had no formal education2.F,Through diligent study, he educated himself and became a learned man.3.T,For two thousand years his ideas about personal conduct and morality permeated Chinese life andculture. Even today, his thoughts remain influential.4.T,He was the first major philosopher to state the Goden rule, “Do not do unto others that which you wouldnot have them do unto you”7 Answers will vary.Part 21 22 ment 2.eloquence 3.valor 4.overwheiming 5.take up the torch 6.atrocities pelling 8.sacrifice9.monitors 10.obstacles 11.conduct 12.atone3 1.c 2.a 3.d 4.b4 1.perception 2.expression mitment 4.repression 5.resparations 6.asistance 7.negotiations8.preparations 9.demilitarization 10.investments 11.decisions 12.servitude5 1.assistance 2.medical 3.role 4.civil 5.monitors6.violations7.promotion8.founded9.depressed 10.energyPart 31 after square 3Unit 8Part 11 1.cube 2.triangle 3.square 4.poygon 5.cone 6.spiral(helix)2 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.C3Possible answers: 1.wright had a lot of confidence in himself .He also believed he would be famous for his work. 2. Wright had assistants who were dedicated to working for him and who were very loyal to him .He was probably a good boss or a leader who inspired loyalty. 3. Wright thought he was too important to help the man with the roof, or he did not believe the problem was his fault. Perhaps he believed that practicality is not important. Wright believed architectural structures should expose people to their surrounding.4 1.contemorary 2.pioneer 3.obstinacy 4.conventional 5.fatigue,weariness 6.smirk5 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.BPart 21 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.C 7.C 8.A2 1.Her father was a professor from the United States and her mother, a singer, was a Mixteco Indian fromMexico2.Her album, Three of Life ,includes songs in three of the indigenous languages of Mexico, Zapotec,Nahuatl , and Mixteco.3…. Ajram began studying music under t he supervision of some of the finest teachers in her country.4.The 27-year-old rap artist sponsors workshops where poor kids can rap and break dance ,create graffiti,or learn how to be a DJ … To inspire kids in his old Bogota neighborhood, he gives away his own CDs appeared on the Sony Music label… He encourages children to mark their lives better by offering them workshops and giving away gifts.5.Don Popo himself started making music at the age of 13, two years after his own father was murdered. Itwas the only way this silent young man could express his feelings.Part 21 1.create 2.funds 3.demonstrate bl 5.academy 6.issues 7.sex 8.discrimination 9.sources 10.income2Answers will varyUnit 9Part 11.D2.C3.A4.B5.APart 21 1.three2.dialogue3.sad; Answers may include: The old man is lonely; The young waiter is unhappy about working late; Theold man is in despair and lonely.2 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C3 Possible answers: 1.The old man must be very sad about something. He has problems. He is probablylonely or worried about his life. 2. The waiter who spoke last probably has money problems of his own, so he might think everyone is worried about money . 3. The younger waiter is probably only saying this because he is tired and wants to go home. He thinks that if the man had illed himself, he would get to close the restaurant and go home early. 4. The older wai ter probably doesn’t mind staying late. Perhaps he doesn’t have anyone waiting for him at home. Maybe he is as lonely as the old man. 5. The older waiter must substitute nada for other important words because he thinks that life for the old man and for himself is meaningless and offers them nothing, or nada.4 2Unit 10Part 11Possible answers: 1. Stan Mingo: a man with a “crime addiction” who is starting the meeting 2. Gary Johnson, executive director of HarbourLight, who believes crime is additive 3.Rich A.: spokesman for AA who has asked that his surname not be used and who believes that spiritual principles of AA may be adopted by other addictions. 4. Benedikt Fischer: associate professor of criminology and public health at the University of Toronto; research scientist with the Toronto-based Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, who believes that the term addiction is not “terribly helpful”. 5. George: has stolen money from family members. 6. Rich B: a crime and drug addict, who is feeling shame and guilt for the first time in years.2 1.g 2.m 3.j 4.o 5.a 6.d 7.l 8.e 9.h 10.f 11.n 12.i 13.k 14.c 15.b3Possible answers: 1.alcohol, unknown not revealed 2. 12crime, unknown not revealed 3. alibi, heroin4. addiction, it guides people to safety, someone who has washed up on shore4 1.B 2.A 3. B 4.C 5.A 6.C5 1. credits 2. draft 3.chaper 4.created 5.imposed 6.responds 7.pinciples 8.tradition 9.principle6 1. centre 2. Harbour 3. humour 4. neighbourhoodPart 21Possible answers: 1. The title tell us that the main character witnessed a murder. His eyes are brown, he doesn’t smile, his mother is thin, and he has a tic over his left cheekbone. He is nervous. He is thin and hasa moustache. He dresses neatly. His name is Mr. Struthers and he is important because he witnessed a crime.He only wants to speak to the lieutenant. 2. The narrator is the police officer who is interviewing Mr.Struthers. He is not an omniscient narrator. His name is Detective Cappeli. 3. Magruer is a police officer who had served on the force for a long time. 4. The victim is Lieutenant Anderson’s wife. She was mugged and stabbed.2 1. tic 2.underlings 3.taxpayer 4.Old Man 5.fear 6.accessory 7.deliberated3 1.nervously 2.carefully 3.personally 4.warily 5.suspiciusly6.abruptly7.quickly8.wearily4 Answers will vary.5 a, d, e6 1.23 2.Up 3.Federal2。



创新大学英语3答案解析创新大学英语3答案,傅勇林1-6单元Directions: Fill in the blanks using some of the words given below. Change the form where necessary.1) Her most cherished possession is the diamond necklace around her neck.2) According to the statistical figures, over half of the students had a positive attitude toward their future.3) Deleting this plot would destroy the integrity of the story.4) Because of the long-lasting snowstorm, the price of agricultural commodities has risen greatly.5) It is important to be cooperative toward the other team members in order to achieve our goal.6) Food and water have been distributed among the refugees from the neighboring country.7) Since it is not easy to repair this highly sophisticated machine, we need more time.8) The other positions have been filled, but there are still vacancies for cleaners.9) At college, computers are used to facilitate students' language learning.10) Price is determined through the interaction of demand and supply.11) We were witnessing the most important scientific development of the century.12) The surgical operation was conducted by the best surgeon in the hospital.13) At the beginning, virtually every soldier confronts his own problem.14) Internet shopping has had a great impact on the traditional bookstores.15) Due to the lack of money, some public facilities in the community were poorly maintained .2. Directions: Distinguish between the confusable words and fill in the blanks with the proper word from the brackets of each sentence.1) Since he was promoted last month, he has occupied himself with the new work and has neglected his kids. (neglected; ignored)2) Break the glass to sound the alarm in the case of fire. (in the case of; in case of)3) It costs the couple more than 2000 Yuan per year to run the car. (spends; costs)4) According to reliable information sources, those missing children have been found. (resource; source)5) The apartment is very convenient in that some schools and hospitals are close at hand. (athand; in hand)6) It was advertised in today's newspaper that there was a(n) vacant post of manager to fill. (empty; vacant)7) I am surprised that Andy was awarded the first prize in the speech competition. (awarded; rewarded)8) I came here specially to present you with the birthday gift. (specially; especially)1. Directions: Study the models and complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into English, using "As with... " or "It seems/seemed (that)... "Model 1: (正如世间万物), too much of a good thing can be a problem. As with everything, too much of a good thing can be aproblem.Model 2: (竞争似乎会给健康带来副作用). Cooperation, and other pro-social/unselfish behavior, tends to have positive side effects.It seems that competition has unhealthy physical side effects. Cooperation, and other pro-social/unselfish behavior, tends to have positive side effects.1) As with hiking (如同徒步旅行一样), you should always think about your safety and wear good clothes.2) As (it is) with learning any language (如同学习任何语言), the old saying that "practice makes perfect" applies.3) It seemed that he didn't adopt/take my advice (看来他没有采纳我的建议) and I was quite upset.4) It seemed that my father would lose his temper (看来父亲要发火了) but it was not my fault.5) It seems that Professor Smith can't come (看来史密斯教授不能来了), so we have to invite another expert.2. Directions: Combine the following pairs of sentences as show in the model.Model : You have signed.You can't change any term in the contract.You can't change any term in the contract once you have signed.1) I've found some place to live.I'll send you my address.(I'll send you my address once/when I've found some place to live.)2) She made up her mind.I would have little influence over her.(I would have little influence over her once she (had) madeup her mind.)3) You will be very happy and relaxed.You have got to know everyone in the company.(You will be very happy and relaxed once you have got to know everyone in the company.)4) He understood what the real purpose was.He would be offended.(He would be offended once he understood what the real purpose was.)5) We have registered.We can make use of online resources of the library.(We can make use of online resources once we have registered.)Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1) Yet we continue to hold the cherished belief that competition (not cooperation), to paraphrase Sigmund Freud, "is the royal road to success".但我们仍抱有信念,坚信竞争(而非合作),用西格蒙德·弗洛伊德的话来说,“是通向成功的捷径”。












[应用举例]Scientists are racing to build the world’s first thinking robot.This is not science fiction:some say they will have made it by the year 2020. Carol Packer reports.Machines that walk,speak and feel are no longer science fiction.Kismet is the name of an android(机器人)which scientists have built at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT).(31)Kismet is different from the traditional robot because it Can show human emotions.Its eyes,ears and lips move to show when it feels happy, sad or bored.Kismet is one of the first of a new generation of androids——robots that look like human beings——which Can imitate human feelings.(32) Cog,another android invented by the MIT, imitates the action of amother.However, scientists admit that So far Cog has the mental ability of a two—year—old.(33)The optimists(乐观主义者)say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoids(机器人)with brains similar to those of all adult human being.These robots will be designed to look like people to make them more attractive and easier to sell to the public.What kind of jobs will they do? (34)In the future,robots like Robonaut,a humanoid invented by NASA,will be doing dangerous jobs,like repairing space stations.They will also be doing more and mom of the household work for us In Japan,scientists are designing androids that will entertain us by dancing and playing the piano.Some people worry about what the future holds:will robots become monsters(怪物)?Will people themselves become increasingly like robots? Experts predict that more and more people will be wearing micro—computers,connected to the Internet,in the future.People will have micro—chips in various parts of their body,which will connect them to a wide variety of gadgets (小装置).Perhaps we should not exaggerate(夸大)the importance of technology,but one wonders whether,in years to come,we will still be falling in love,and whether we will still feel pain.Who knows?31. Kismet is different from traditional robots becauseA. it thinks for itselfB. It is not like science fictionC. it can look after two—year-old.D. it seems to have human feelings.解:本题的标志词是Kismet,关键词组是different from traditional robots,我们在文章第二段的第二句话中找到了试题在文章中的位置,细细读这句话。

大学英语 第三册阅读答案完整版

大学英语 第三册阅读答案完整版

阅读教程第三册答案Unit 1I.Reading for information1. D2. C3. B4. A5. B6. CII. Translation1.今天你们将离开培育你们的学术环境,直面真实的世界。








III.summary1.emerge from, face the real world, go aboutmitment to, benefit from3.the enjoyment of reading, was associated with4.reality, theory, realist, in theory5.wishful thinking, go for, wind up with, twist and turnsUnit 2I. Reading for information1.B2.A3.D4.C 5 .B 6.DII. Translation爱是再简单不过的事,这一观点至今仍然十分盛行,尽管大量事实都对此予以否定。




III. Summary1.a matter of chance, learned about2. is based on , primarily, how to be loved3. assumption, the right object4. leading to, initial excitement, permanent state5. theoretical knowledge, the mastery of the artUnit 3I.Reading for information1. B2. A3. B4. D5. C6. CII. Translation1.莫顿把《纽约时报杂志》小心地放在腿上,转过那张精致而清瘦的脸对着那人,脸上带着腼腆、歉意的微笑,像在指点学生的错误一般对那男人讲道理。



英语三课外阅读参考答案问题一:What is the main theme of the story?答案:The main theme of the story revolves around the importance of perseverance, self-discovery, and the transformative power of education. It illustrates how the protagonist overcomes personal challenges and societal expectations to achieve their goals.问题二:How does the protagonist's character evolve throughout the story?答案:The protagonist's character evolves significantly throughout the story. Initially, they are portrayed as insecure and unsure of their abilities. However, as the story progresses, they gain confidence, embrace their identity, and become a role model for others, demonstrating personal growth and maturity.问题三:What role does the mentor figure play in the protagonist's journey?答案:The mentor figure plays a pivotal role in the protagonist's journey by providing guidance, support, and wisdom. They help the protagonist to navigate through their challenges, offering insights that lead to self-realization and empowerment.问题四:What are some of the key conflicts faced by the protagonist?答案:The protagonist faces several key conflicts, including internal struggles with self-doubt and external pressures from family and society. They also encounter academic challenges and the need to balance personal aspirations with the expectations of others.问题五:How does the setting of the story contribute to the overall narrative?答案:The setting of the story is integral to the narrative as it provides a backdrop against which the protagonist's journey unfolds. It reflects the cultural and social context that influences the protagonist's experiences and decisions, adding depth and realism to the story.问题六:What is the significance of the title of the story?答案:The title of the story is significant as it encapsulates a central concept or theme that runs throughout the narrative. It often serves as a metaphor for the protagonist's journey, challenges, or transformation, drawing readers into the core message of the story.问题七:How does the author use literary devices to enhance the story?答案:The author employs various literary devices such as symbolism, foreshadowing, and metaphor to enrich the story.These devices serve to deepen the narrative, create a morevivid and immersive experience for the reader, and convey complex ideas and emotions.问题八:What message does the story convey to its readers?答案:The story conveys a message of resilience, self-acceptance, and the pursuit of one's dreams despite obstacles. It encourages readers to believe in their own abilities, to challenge societal norms, and to strive for personal growth and fulfillment.问题九:How does the ending of the story reflect the protagonist's growth?答案:The ending of the story is a reflection of the protagonist's growth and transformation. It often shows them having overcome their initial challenges, achieved their goals, or gained a new understanding of themselves and the world around them, providing a sense of closure and satisfaction.问题十:What impact does the protagonist's journey have onthe reader?答案:The protagonist's journey can have a profound impact on the reader, inspiring them to reflect on their own lives, challenges, and aspirations. It may motivate readers topursue their dreams with determination, to embrace change,and to find strength in the face of adversity.。



jog stroll hop
“of”is the only one which does not indicate position/location. “dance”does not describe sound; the other words are sounds made using the human voice. “spherical”describes a three-dimensional shape; the others are two-dimensional. “walk ”is never used to describe the movement of a liquid; the other words do so. “hold”describes a stable action, not a movement; the other words describe either horizontal or
classroom. This may take the forms of
talking to native speakers, watching TV
programs and videos and reading
Using rules and knowledge of the first language
Extending your vocabulary
Part A : Word families
download programme interface email ICQ virus games Excel
Part B: " Odd man out"
a) at



大学英语创意阅读练习答案大学英语创意阅读练习答案<大学英语创意阅读>练习答案Book OneUnit 1 CustomsUnderstanding the textPart A: Comprehending the textAnswer the following questions as fully as possible.1. What was the "mistake" that John Rogers' company made?They gave clocks to Chinese and the' phrase "give a clock "sounds like "make a funeral arrangement"2. Why are knives considered bad presents in some countries?Because they symbolize the cutting (i. e. the end) of a relationship.3. What sort of gifts would be appropriate, according to Rogers?Things from your own place that are difficult to get locally in the place where you are visiting.4. How should gifts be offered to people?With both hands.5. Why do people in Asia sometimes refuse gifts at first?To show ,modesty; they do not want to appear greedy by accepting immediately.Part B: Completing a tableThe text suggests a number of gifts are unsuitable for people in certain countries. Find the place in the text where these are mentioned and use the information to complete the table.Gifts Do Not Give To…Unsuitable Gifts Because…clockswinegifts showing "4" ChineseMuslimsJapanese, Kore-an and Chinesesounds like "making funeralarrangements"alcohol is against their religionunlucky numberscissors flowers leather handkerchiefs clothing Latins and AsiansAsiansIndianssome other placeswomensign of cutting/ ending therelationshipseen as inappropriately romanticcows are revered by Hindussign of sadnessseen as inappropriately intimatePart C: Interpreting the textComplete these sentences.1. Gifts are important because they can strengthen business relationships.2. Offering flowers as gifts may not be suitable because they may be seen as inappropriately romantic.3. All gifts should be wrapped and presented correctly.4. Asian people tend to open gifts in private because they don't want the donor to lose face if the gift is not appropriate.5. John Rogers advises you to remember the country's religion, avoid giving things that are not appropriate, and choose the wrapping paper carefully. Developing your skillsPart A: Relating information in a text to one's own experience The students may come up with other plausible answers for the choices below. The key point here is to encourage students to express their conceived/perceived notions about the objects as gifts rather than to make them give a definite right or wrong answer.Gifts Appropriate Inappropriate Reasons1. a white lantern√They are used in funerals.2. a green hat√If a man is said to be wearing a green hat it means that his wife has had sex with anotherman since her marriage.3. a gold ring√Usually a gold ring is given to someone who is very familiar to you like a lover or family member.4. a bunch of flowers√Because of impact from Western Culture, Chinese people may consider this too intimate or that it symbolizes romance.5. a box of chocolates √6. a pair of chopsticks √7. a comb√In the past combs were sometimes given by wom en to their fiancés as engagement gifts.8. a red packet(HongBao)√What gifts would be suitable for each of the following people? Write your choices in the table below, and then, in pairs, compare your choices and explain to each other why you consider your gifts appropriate.For this activity, again allow the students to come up with their own ideas and explanations. As long as their answers subscribe to the idea of being appropriate to the situation, neutral, and not intimate and offensive, they should be accepted.Below is just one common example of the kinds of gifts that may be more commonly given to these people. Students might be asked to add theirsuggestions to a table on the board and the rest of the class comment on whether or not they think they are suitable gifts.Gift-Receivers Gifts1. your teacher Pen2. your partners Clothing3. a friend Key-chain4. a workmate Diary5. a foreign guest Local handicraft6. someone who is getting married Household goods7. someone who has just retired watchPart B: Using knowledge of the world to make sense of a text The topic of the text in this unit is "The Art of Gift-Giving". There is a lot of information about the practices of people from different cultures. Use your knowledge of the world to supplement the information about the questions below. Write your answers in the space provided.1. Why do the Chinese feel red is lucky.*Because the colour of blood is red and blood represents life, red is considered lucky as it shows something is alive.2. Why are gifts showing the number 4 or a gift of 4 items of something considered unlucky in Japanese, Korean and Chinese cultures?Because the pronunciation of the number 4 is similar to the word "death" in these languages.3. Why is giving anything with the left hand considered insulting in Arabic countries?Because the left hand is associated with evil or "the wrong path", whereas the right hand is associated with good or "the right path". (refer to "Further information on the text")4. Why do Westerners often open the gift immediately?So that they can show their appreciation of the gift to the gift-giver right away. They feel that to say "Thank you" the receiver needs to make a commenton the gift and this is difficult if you don't know what it is.5. Why is it considered polite in Asia to refuse the gift at the beginning and for the gift-giver to have to insist that the other person accepts it?Because this allows the gift-receiver to show that he is modest and not greedy and this gives the gift-giver the chance to show that he genuinely wants the gift-receiver to have the gift.Extending your vocabularyPart A: SynonymsAs an extension activity, students might be put into groups and asked to find antonyms for these words where possible, and make sentences with the antonyms to show that they understand how the words work in context.For example, for "offensive" the antonym is "pleasing/pleasant".It was extremely pleasant to sit by the pool with a cold beerin this hot weather.Her voice is very pleasing to the ear. I can just listen to her all day long.Column A Column Bbusiness associatesto represent something importantnot suitableunpleasant or insultingbelief that magic or luck can affect your lifepersonal or private thingsnot to talk about yourself or show off to value something and be grateful for it clients symbolize inappropriate offensive supers t it ion intimate,modesty appreciatePart B: Cloze passageUse mainly the words in Part A of Extending your vocabulary to complete this paragraph. It is very important to avoid giving gifts to clients that will upsetthem or be seen as oftensire. People usually appreciate receiving small gifts but the giver should take care to ensure these are neither inappropriate for the customs of the country nor too intimate for the person to whom the present is intended. Gift-givers need to bear in mind different things have different meanings in other countries-a number may symbolize bad luck for example and some cultures have a belief in superstition so care should be taken to avoid certain objects. People should also be aware of natural modesty amongst recipients and not be surprised if their gifts are rejected at first.To give students more practice, after completing the passage, students can choose 3 or 4 words out of the above key wordsand, in pairs, use the words to make up their own short sentences on a related topic.Expanding your creativityGuidelines for giving giftsAgain, there are few definite answers here. For any suggestions students make, they should be encouraged to explain why the gifts are suitable or unsuitable. Ideas could be collected onto a table on the board and discussed by the whole class.Do Don’t·crystal ornaments·decorative items, e.g. sculptures, handicraft·watches·books·bottled delica cy or food, e.g. jams, honey·potted plants ·cash·exotic food, e.g. snakes, dried lizards·Chinese herbal medicine ·intimate clothing, e.g. lingerie, underwearBelow is an example of the kind of information that students can include in the guidelines. Another way to present the advice would be in point form in terms of "dos and don'ts". The main thing to note is that students should be able。



大学英语阅读教程(高级本)第三册答案UNIT ONE1. Be Kind to Commuters IV. Key to Multiple-Choice Questions 1.D2.A3.C4. B V. Suggested Versions of Translation Exercise 1. 但是,这不是问题的关键。

毕竟, 谁都可以随时在朋友的宿舍里借宿。

2. 的确,我们走读生时不时地能参与这些活动,可是我们感受不到大学学术生活的日夜节奏。

3. 当一个口臭无比的邋遢鬼慢慢地趴向课本时, 除了走读生还有谁能把黑暗隧道里飞驰的火车离散分布图画得尽善尽美呢? 4. 首先我们乘车回家要走很长的路, 公交车上的暖气和空调似乎总是该冷的时候不冷,该热的时候不热。

5. 对我们的长辈来说,这样的生活安排也很难: 他们感到烦恼,不知是撒手给我们自主权好还是像以前那样继续干预我们的生活。

2. “The American Man ”IV. Key to Multiple-Choice Questions 1. B 2. A3. C.4. C V. Suggested Versions of Translation Exercise 1. 比如说,50年代出现了一种具有一贯性的美国式性格:50年代男人。






3. The Broken chain IV. Key to Multiple-Choice Questions 1. D 2. B 3. A4. A V. Suggested Versions of Translation Exercise 1. 我从小没挨过打,所以我只能以设身处地的方法反对我间接了解到的这些丑恶现象. 2.这样我总有一段时间冷静下来思考一下自己的过错,为此后悔不已并产生条件性的恐惧。

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Unit 1Part ASummery workPart BInterpretation1. b ) Teachers2.● Opposed Learning strategies (just before paragraph13)●Contrasting Learning styles(just before paragraph 8 )●Effective Language Learning Behaviors (just before paragraph 2 )3.Paragraph 7 and 13Developing your skillsPart APart BPart CPart Davoidant dependent participant competitive collaborative independentExtending your vocabularyPart APart BUnit 2Words to note45132Understanding the text1.c) d)2.d)3.a)4.d)5.receiving full details of imported production processes ,which they use to copy and sell the products of these processes.6.buy the expensive software sold by western companies and because software countries apply international copyright laws with unfair harshness in Asia.Developing your skillsPart AText 1Text 2Part BExtending your vocabulary Part APart BUnit 3Words to note45312Understanding the text Part AFTFTTPart B1. b)2. d)3.a)4.b)Developing your skillPart Ac bde aPart BInsert the paragraph between the present paragraphs 1 and 2 Part CParagraph 3 and paragraph 4 need to be reserved.Extending your vocabularyPart Adownload programme interface email ICQ virus games ExcelPart Ba)of b) dance c) spherical d) walk e)holdExpending your creativityUnit 4Words to note58 1 6 10 4 2 7 9 11 3Understanding the textPart A1.d)2. c)Part B1. c)2.d)3.c)4. d) 5 .a)Developing your skillsPart A311212Part BA2. but people who take dietary supplements (especially those which destroy free radical molecules )may feel more energetic .A3. extending the human life span might well lend to serious effects .A4. fighting cancer, because proteins which destroy cancer cells also cause aging.A5 .healthy food, low stress and an outdoor life style are best for long lifePart C1.Your feelings about yourself are very important ;ninety-year-old people can feel and act like fifty year olds if they have the right attitude to life .Somebody might say this to cheer another person up to encourage the person to feel better about himself or herself.The speaker probably has an optimistic (and young) feeling about life.2.Forty isn’t “old”,it’s simply a “birth”into a new stage of life.It might be said to some one approaching his or her forties birthday.He or she doesn’t fear to be forty, doesn’t think forty is old, and thinks of “middle age”as being the beginning of an interesting stage of life when he or she can do new things.3.Years aren’t important ; preserving youthful idealism is more importantIn a debate about the problem of aging, for example.Youthful ideals should be kept throughout the whole life; if you keep these ideals, you can stay long in your attitude.4.Young people anticipate the future with the pleasure; older people reminisce about their youth.Perhaps in a situation when someone is reflecting seriously about life.It’s a philosophical, analytical comment about attitudes.5.Age is not important; your attitude towards your age and life in general is crucial.In a situation to encourage somebody to be more optimistic towards life.The speaker is almost certainly optimistic; the suggestion is that there are many ways to be old and some of them are good.6.Be virtuous when you are young if you want respect later in life.Perhaps in a context where an older person wants to give friendly advice to a youngster when a younger person is wondering about the course of action.The speaker sees a direct link between actions in youth and the consequences in later life.7.Youngsters only have opinions; their elders know the truth through experience.Perhaps in a social setting where people from different generations are teasing each otherThe speaker almost certainly belongs to the older generation and is confident of his or her own superior knowledge.8.The only alternative is to die ---- because you can not become young again.As a joke or a humorous comment, perhaps after someone has said something negative about being old.He or she certainly views aging in a positive light.9.An old person who is loved has an extra bonus because love brightens their life; old age is like the winter of a person’s life, but winter also has its beautiful or bright aspects, like flowers.Perhaps it would be said to an older person, to remind him or her of life’s blessing.It’s a comment reflecting both joy and sadness; it recognizes that some old people enjoy the love of family, friends, neighbors, etc. But some are alone and lonely10.Young people see forty as “old”, but older people see fifty as “young”.This is perhaps more likely to be written rather than spoken------perhaps in an essay. The author seems to have some optimism about being fifty.It is a reference to different perspectives, different attitudes of various ages to “age”.11.People may think that being old is a misery, but having the years of experience old people help you to live your life in a better way. An alternative interpretation is that it is not simply the old age which makes old people feel miserable. It is the accumulation of their experiences which make them miserable. The second interpretation of a rather wry joke.Perhaps either as a joke or as a serious (but pessimistic) comment of life, almost certainly made by an older person.It could reflect a humorous, philosophical, non-serious view; or the opposite, a mournful cry.12.Experience (“living long”) teaches us how to live well.Again, perhaps it is more likely to be written than spoken.Experience over many years is seen as blessings and benefits.13.Enjoy your youth and make the most of the opportunities which come your way; then, when you are older, you don’t have any regrets that you wasted it.An older person -----perhaps a parent ----to a younger people; the comment shows wry humor by suggesting that the main preoccupation older people in that they lament their lost youth.He /She sees youth as priceless and not to be wasted.14.The general, meaning is that people change as they grow older .the specific meaning of each stage depends on how people understand the metaphors of the animals (and this varies in different cultures). A likely Spanish interpretation is : at twenty people are concerned with their appearance ,at thirty they are brave , at forty they carry heavy burdens ,at fifty they twist and turn and can’t be trusted , at sixty they are loyal ,at seventy they are wise ,at eighty they are nothing .As it’s rather long, it is more likely to be part of a written paper . Now it could be said by anybody au any stage but probably originally it was written by an older person.Perhaps it reflects a cynical attitude to the way peopledevelop .perhaps students might here be asked to explain what each of the different creatures at the various stages of life represents in Chinese or other culture.15.The tide “ebbs” (i.e. its strength and power is lessened) and human beings get older and become less strong. The tide returns as strong as ever and other people are young and their tide is rising.Spoken or read in a poem.Perhaps said by someone who, though he /she feels sad, can rationalize and see that there is no reason to be sad.Expanding your vocabulary1breakthrough noun2dramatically adverb3dietary supplements noun4extended verb5passively adverb6contracting noun(gerund)7eternal adjective8boosting noun(gerund)9normally adverb10controversial adjectiveFurther informationThe child is the father of the manChildren grow up to become adults and what happens in childhood is vitally important because adults develop on the basis of their childhood. Just as a child inherits genetics from their parents, the stage of early childhood for an individual is the social “inheritance” of each adult -----this is the basis for the development of the rest of their life (when the child becomes “the man”). Parents have children who grow up; however, children also grow up to become parents, who have children in their turn who also become parents …Bad is never good until worse happens.When something bad happens it is difficult to see anything good about it .But when something even worse happens, what we thought was bad before doesn’t look so bad after all .Of course, what is “worse”may also seem not so bad when something worse still happens! Our perceptions of what are bad or good events are relative to their events.Everything changes except change itself.Change is in everything .Only the law that everything changes does not change. On the other hand, if everything changes this should include change itself (the nature of particular changes should change or even the very nature of change itself.) If change changes then this must include no change which would be a change from changing .If change does not change, then there is something to which the law of change does not apply ----which means that not everything changes.All rules have exceptions, including this one.A rule is general statement .It may include everything in its scope or it may have its exceptions .The problem here is that if the rule is that “all rules have exceptions ” ,then there are exceptions to the rule that “all rules have exceptions ”: does this mean that the rule isn’t a rule or that the exception isn’t an exception or that the exception to the rule that “all rules have exceptions” means that there are no exceptions ,including the exceptions to the rule that “all rules have exceptions ”…?A sadist is a person who is kind to a masochist.A sadist is someone who gets pleasure from hurting or being cruel to someone else. A masochist is someone who gets pleasure from being hurt. We expect the sadist to be nasty to others, including being nasty to the masochist. But the sadist knows that the masochist wants to be hurt, so being kind to the masochist (who expects to be hurt by the sadist) is a way for the sadist to get pleasure. The problem now is that the sadist is getting pleasure by not hurting someone (which means that the sadist isn’t being a sadist .)A second problem is that the masochist may be getting pleasure by anticipating being hurt (which he enjoys and looks forward to )and may therefore be getting pleasure from the kindness of the sadist (who as the masochist knows ,wants to hurt the masochist )because he anticipates being hurt by not being hurt yet (which means that the masochist isn’t being a masochist ).Nothing is enough for the person to whom enough is too little .Some people are greedy .They want more than others .they want more than the amount which would satisfy others (and be enough for them ). So for the greedy person “enough” (for others) is always too little (for the greedy one ). So there is never “enough ”and “nothing is enough ”for the greedy person; this means there is no “enough ”.But the problem is that it may also mean that if greedy person has “nothing”. It is “enough” (because “nothing is enough”), in which case the person is not greedy and is, in fact, satisfied with nothing (since he has “nothing” which is “enough”).If the rich could hire other people to die for them, the poor could make a wonderful living.Everybody die at some time .Rich people may wish to keep on living because they have lots of money to enjoy their life .So if the rich people could pay poor people to die for them ,then the rich people could keep on living for longer and keep on enjoying their life. The poor would make a living (i.e., earn money to live )by dying instead of the rich .Of course ,paying one poor person to die instead of therich person who is dying would not be enough because death is always waiting (for everybody, rich or poor),so the rich would have to keep on paying more and more poor people to die for them -----otherwise they can only postpone death for a short time .So now ,many poor people die(paid for by the rich )but the others who are still living get rich (keeping the money which their dead poor relatives received from the rich ). But these new rich people (who were poor before) will die ----unless they pay poor people to die for them. If they do so, the poor relatives of those poor ones who die for the new rich will themselves eventually become rich and will need to pay other poor people to die for them if they wish to keep on living.Unit 5Understanding the text1.d)2.ExerciseDietSelf-disciplineSleep3. a 8b 2c 7d 4e 9Developing your skillPart Ait(pronoun)this(pronoun)they(pronoun)such pensionable oldies(wordsubjection)Part B2. couple (ws: a man and a woman)3. It (pr: the unclear family)4. contrast (c: the nuclear family)5. he or she (pr: someone) Extending your vocabularyExpanding your creativitySolving a logical problemEinthovenClues and sample sentences of deductionAspirin was developed in 1899.This must have been one of the later inventions because I think the other developments are older.Italians developed two items, one as long ago as 700 B.C.This must have been one of the earliest developments because it was a long time ago.Herman dresser was German but Willem Einthoven was Dutch.They can’t have developed anything ancient because Germany and Holland didn’t exist as countries back then.The EEC was developed four years after a German developed aspirin.----The EEC was obviously developed in 1933 because aspirin was developed in 1899 and it was 4 years after that.----Herman dresser probably developed aspirin because he was German and it was developed in Germany which would also mean he did this in 1899.Ambroise pare was a French surgeon who worked with injured soldiers in the 16th century.Pare must have developed the artificial limbs because he worked with injured soldiers 500 years ago.We don’t know the names of whoever developed the three oldest items.The three top left boxes must be empty because the names of the developers are unknown.Artificial limbs we developed three centuries after glasses, which in turn were developed three centuries after vaccinations, but we don’t know the exact dates.Glasses must have developed in the 13th century. Therefore, vaccinations must have been developed in the 10th century.False teeth were developed by unknown Etruscans(ancient Italians) This is obviously one of the two developments and they probably did this in 700 B.C. because the Etruscans were an ancient civilization.Vaccinations were developed by a Chinese.The Chinese developed vaccinations in the 10th century and therefore the developer is one of the three unknowns.With your partner discuss:----Aspirin might be the most widely used because it is available in the supermarket; it is inexpensive and is used in many common less serious medical conditions.-----Glasses are also very widely used .however, not all of population suffers from visual problems. Vaccinations are also widely used but require a specialist to administer them. What’s more, many vaccines only need administering once in a lifetime.-----The EEC would also be widely used in western countries where technology is readily available and heart disease more prevalent but it would be mainly used with older parties.-----False limbs might be the least frequently used as their application is very specific to amputees and those with congenital deformities .These days doctors try to avoid amputation if possible and birth defects are less frequent aswell .However, they are very important in those countries where there are wars , especially where there are landmines .Perhaps vaccinations because they prevent simple disease from becoming fatal epidemic. We tend to take them for granted.Before the age of the printing press, there were fewer historical records and literacy was not as common. Much information about ancientcivilizations still remains a mystery.“necessity is the mother of invention.”The developers must have been in critical need of the medical breakthroughs. Endurance, determination, resistance to criticism and the belief in oneself are essential to discover or invent something new.Unit 6Understanding the text1. c)2. Paragraph 113. c)4. b)Developing your skillsPart A1.background2.data-gathering procedure3.the changing concept of health4.factors affecting health5.recommendations to improve young people’s healthPart BPart Cbelieve that weight-control products are safe. About 25% of respondents works out regularly but never work out. About 21% of respondents take vitamin supplement, while 15% smoke regularly or occasionally.Extending your vocabularyPart A3perception noun4gradually adverb5issue noun6external adjective7in conjunctionwithprepositional phase8nutrition noun9normally adverb10the majority of adjectivePart B2By information preceded by asemi-colon placed immediatelyafter the phrase3By information preceded by adash placed immediately after thephrase4By information given in thefinal sentences of paragraph 8 5By information given in thefinal sentences of paragraph 15Extending your creativityMuch corn, much care.If you have a lot of money, your problem often increase instead of decrease.The best doctors are Dr. Diet, Dr Quiet and Dr Merryman.You will be happier if you have nutritious food, peace and quiet and happiness (or fun).If you want to be happy~~~Honesty in life brings lifelong, not just temporary, happiness.Some related sayings are:Money can’t buy happiness.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, andwise.If mama ain’t happy, ain’t no body happy.The first step to health is to know that we are sick.No sleep, no health.A sound mind in a sound body.Out of sight out of mind.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.An apple a day keeps the doctor away.A sound mind in a healthy body.Unit 7Understanding the text1.Voice inflection, gestures and eye contact.2.Putting special words in brackets followed by an exclamation markCapitalizing all letters of words communicating feelings3. Because in speech most meaning is communicated through body language and voice tone., but these features are not present in emails.4. Because most people prefer to keep their email addresses private.5. Because readers may form a poor impression of you if your emails are poorly organized and lacking accurate spelling, grammar and punctuation.6.↓2. Leave the mail for a time while you become less upset↓3 .Review the mail and make any changes↓Developing your skillsPart A1.To give warnings and advice on how to write effective emails with appropriate style and tone.2.The intended audience is probably university students—most of the examples given in the text are drawn from university life.3.a) Incorrect: Only paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 deal with this.b) Incorrect: There are not enough general operating instructions.c) Correct: Each paragraph contains Dos and Don’ts.Part B(2) (3) (1) (4) (6) (5)Extending your vocabularyPart APart BUnit 8Understanding the text1. c)2. b)3. a)4. Very few people put enough of their money into investments and so do not get rich. Consequently, they remain dangerously dependent on earning a salary.Developing your skillsPart AExtending your vocabularyUnit 9Understanding the text Part A1. T2. F3. T4. F5. T6. F7. T8. F9. F10. TPart B1.d)2.c)3.Because the companies insist that farmers buy all their seeds from the company ensure that a crop is 100% GM, poor farmers have to pay high prices for their seeds and in cases of failure, they will have no crops and no money.Developing your skillsPart A↓↓↓Part BExtending your vocabulary Part APart B1.take2.develop3.createe5.doing6.makeUnit 10Understanding the text1.2.the introduction of the Euro has not led to anincrease in prices.3.range of important issues4.The introduction of the European Convention onHuman Rights has already had an impact on British laws and there is now a European arrest warrant which can be used in all member countries.Developing your skillsPart A1.b)The author uses positive emotive languageand images when describing the launchof the Euro: impressive, optimistic, happy, a great success, gone smoothly, softy falling snow.The author highlights how quickly Europeans embraced the new currency. (paragraph 2)The author is slightly critical towards those who threaten the currency (criminals and the UK)The author uses negative emotive language to describe the UK’s resistance to the euro, e.g. dampening, refuses,stubborn, illogical.The author uses more of the text to explain the advantages and potential as opposed to highlight problems the Euro may present.2.The author is critical and makes unfavorable comparisons between the environmental awareness of Europe and that of America and the UK.European countries tend also to be more environmentally aware than either Great Britain or the United States.European politicians want to introduce an energy tax…to find alternatives to coal and oil Europeans want a tax which favors renewable energy sources and reduces the use of fossil fuels.It may be the case that mainland Europe will find itself arguing with America and the UK on major issues in the future: the former promoting progressive, people-friendly policies, while the latterattempt to retain existing means of production and social systems.Part B↓↓↓Extending your vocabularyPart APart B1.b)2.b)3.a)4.a)5.b)Unit 11Understanding the textPart APart B1.there are at least eight ways of expressing negation using prefixes..2.two different word forms may mean the same thing,e.g. flammable and inflammable.3.for priceless.4.four uses of the suffix-dous.5.form verbs from adjectives.Developing your skillsPart A【】↓【 German 】↙↘【 Dutch 】【】【 Sino-Tibetan Family 】↓【】↙↘【 Putonghua】【】Part Cluxurious elegant pleasantExtending your vocabularyPart Aexpensive effective exhaustible elegant efficient Part BExpanding your creativityUnit 12Understanding the texts Part Ac)Part BText 1Text 2Text 3Developing your skills Part APart BInternal air qualityDon’t smoke-even in the toiletComputersswitch off the computer when not using itdon’t sit at a computer for more than an four continuously Decorationbring in some plantshang some favourite pictures on the office wallPart CExtending your vocabularyPart APart BUnit 13Understanding the texts Part BDeveloping your skills Part APart BExtending your vocabularyUnit 14Before you readPart ATest what students have learnt on the courseStudents have a goal to work towards to.Teachers know what to coverExams put stress and pressure on students.Students study just to pass the exams at the end of the course.Teachers may only focus onPart BUnderstanding the text1. c)2. a)3. a)4. b)5. b) they encourage memorisation rather than understandingc)they offer a truer reflection of candidate’s ability than continuous assessment.↓they encourage selective coverage of the syllabus.6.They also provide a standardised method for assessing learning. Whileit has been argued that examinations encourage memorisation rather than understanding on the part of students and selective conerage of the syllabus by teachers, they do offer a more accurate idea of a person’s ability than continuous assessment by coursework.Developing your skillsExtending your vocabulary1. ( ) ( ) ( b ) ( a ) ( b )( a ) ( b ) ( b ) ( a ) ( b )2.suggest report argue claimstate point out indicate Expanding your creativityUnit 15Understanding the textPart APart B1. a new computer operating system called Linus.2. because he allows anyone to use the system free.3.Linus Pauling, the famous American chemist and double Nobel Prize winner.4. he could not afford a personal version of the popular Unix system.5. the ideas become worthless.Developing your skillsPart APart B1.b)2. a)3.b)4. a)5.a)Extending your vocabularyPart APart Binstalling systems hardware software compatible computers programmes simulations modelspart Cemotion: guilt doubtvirtue: honesty opennessUnit 16Before you readPart AUnderstanding the text1.c)2.a) before paragraph 1b) before paragraph 2c) before paragraph 10d) before paragraph 133. b)=The Pentathlon combined the five events of jumping, running, javelin, discus and wrestling .c)=The main qualities for success in the Pentathlon werespeed,strength,skills and endurance.d)=Ancient champions received rewards such as living free in a special hall and exemption from paying taxes for an Olympiad.e)=Although the first modern Games were open to all, the majority of athletes were Greek.Extending your vocabularyPart APart BUnit 17Understanding the text2.b)3.d)4.Developing your skillsExtending your vocabulary Part APart Bstroll walk run jog stumblestagger hobblePart CExpanding your creativityUnit 18Understanding the textPart APart BDeveloping your skills Part AThe benefits of lasers in thetreatment of diabetesrelated yey damage.The uses of lasers in ear surgery.The uses of lasers in cosmeticsurgery.Warning about the length and expenseinvolved in training in the use of lasertechniques, relative to conventionalsurgical techniquesPart BThey are used to treat eye problems, especially with the retina and damage caused by diabetes. Lasers are also used for cancer, ear and cosmetic surgery. Training in using lasers is a longer and more expensive process than training in conventional surgical techniques.Extending your vocabulary(3)(6)(4)(1)(2)Expanding your creativityIt is better to fail in something that you are doing than to give up and spoil all your changes of ever finding out the answer or the truth to something.It is thought by some that advancement is not always good because with progress advancement we will meet with even more problems that we have never thought of before.This means that there is nothing wrong with the actual process is trying to achieve something, but we must know when to stop and assimilate what we have achieved.When we look at all the high technology that is possible now, it feelslike it is unreal and impossible to be true in the first place.This means that the study of science is looking at things that do not work or are not of any use.This means that the machine is not really our friend because it will stifle our desire to create and achieve greater heihgts.It means that if we do not use whatever knowledge we have then it will be useless and go out of date very soon.Unit 19Before you readWritten language is carefullyplanned, redrafed and constitutes apermanent record of an event ortransaction.Writing uses punctuation.Writing requires implements such aspaper and pens.Understanding the textPart A1.c)2. d)3. b)4. c)5. b)6. a)Part B√√√√√Part C1.audience and feedback.2.feedback either does not occur or is delayed for a long time.3.writers need to make sure that their writing is clear and。
