
英语文摘中英对照File一、生活感悟英文原文:Life is like a camera. Just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot.中文翻译:生活就像一台相机。
二、名人名言英文原文:"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." – Steve Jobs中文翻译:“成就伟大事业的唯一途径,就是热爱你所做的事。
” ——史蒂夫·乔布斯三、趣味故事英文原文:Once upon a time, there was a fox who was very proud of his tail. One day, he got caught in a trap and had to sacrifice his tail to escape. Though he was free, he felt ashamed of his appearance. However, he soon realized that his life was more important than his tail.中文翻译:从前,有一只狐狸非常自豪自己的尾巴。
四、励志故事英文原文:Thomas Edison failed more than 10,000 times before he invented the light bulb. When asked about his failures, he replied, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."中文翻译:托马斯·爱迪生在发明电灯泡之前失败了超过一万次。

Vera Wang Honors Her Chinese Roots王薇薇以中国根为傲With nuptials(婚礼) season in full swing, Vera Wang’s wedding dress remains at the top of many a bride’s(婚礼) wish list. The designer, who recently took home the lifetime achievement award from the Council of Fashion Designers of America, has been innovating in bridal design for years—using color, knits and even throwing fabric into a washing machine.随着婚礼季的全面展开,王薇薇(Vera Wang)婚纱依然是许多新娘愿望清单上的首选。
王薇薇最近刚拿到美国时装设计师协会(Council of Fashion Designers of America)颁发的终生成就奖。
Ms. Wang said that her latest collection is about construction. “I had felt that I had really messed that vocabulary of perfection for brides for a while, where there’s six fabrics to a skirt, ” she said. “I wanted to go back to something that maybe was what I started with, but in a whole new way, and that would be architecture—not simplicity—but maybe minimalism.”王薇薇说,她的最新婚纱系列重点在于构建。

名篇名译0011.原文:It is an ill wind that blows nobodygood.译文:世事皆利弊并存。
2.原文:Their languag e was almostunrestr ainedby any motiveof prudenc e.译文:他们几乎爱讲什么就讲什么,全然不考虑什么谨慎不谨慎。
3.原文:Get a livelih ood,and then practis e virtue.译文:先谋生而后修身。
用“谋生”来译“Getalivelih ood",用“修身”来译“practis e virtue",可谓精当。
4.原文:I enjoy the clean voluptu ousnes s of the warm breezeon my skin and the cool support of water.译文:我喜爱那洁净的暖风吹拂在我的皮肤上使我陶然欲醉,也喜爱那清亮的流水把我的身体托浮在水面。

BPMN 2.0 Introduction to the Standard for Business Process Modeling By Thomas Allweyer2.1 A First BPMN ModelAs a starting point, a simple BPMN process model is considered. The model of posting a job in figure 1 can be directly understood by most people who previously have been concerned with any kind of process modeling. The way of modeling is similar to well known flow charts and activity diagrams.Figure 1: A simple BPMN modelA business department and the human resources department are involved in the process “Post a Job”. The process starts when an employee is required. The business department reports this job opening. Then the human resources department writes a job posting. The business department reviews this job posting.At this point, there are two possibilities: Either the job posting is okay, or it is not okay. If it is not okay, it is reworked by the human resources department. This is once more followed by the business department reviewing the job posting. Again, the result can be okay or not okay. Thus, it can happen that the job posting needs to be reviewed multiple times. If it is okay, it is published by the human resources department, and the end of the process is reached.In reality, the process for creating and publishing a job posting can be much more complex and extensive. The presented example is –like all examples in this book –a simplification in order to have small and easily understandable models which can be used for explaining the different BPMN elements.2.2 BPMN Constructs UsedBelow each element from the model in figure 1 is explained more closely. The entire process is contained in a pool. This is a general kind of container for a complete process. In the example above, the pool is labeled with the name of the contained process.Every process is situated within a pool. If the pool is not important for understanding the process, it is not required to draw it in the diagram. In a process diagram which does not show a pool, the entire process is contained in an invisible, implicit pool. Pools are especially interesting when several pools are used in order to model a collaboration, i.e. the interplay of several partners’processes. Each partner’s process is then shown in a separate pool. This will be described in chapter 5.The pool from figure 1 is partitioned into two lanes. A lane can be used for various purposes,e.g. for assigning organizational units, as in the example, or for representing different components within a technical system. In the example, the lanes show witch of the process’s activities are performed by the business department and which by the human resource department.Pools and lanes are also called “swimlanes”. They resemble the partitioning of swimming pools into lanes. Every participant of a competition swims only in his own lane.The process itself begins with the start event “Employee required”. Processes usually have such a start event. Its symbol is a simple circle. In most cases it makes sense to use only one start event, not several ones.A rounded rectangle represents an activity. In an activity something gets done. This is expressed by the activities’names, such as “Report Job Opening”or “Review Job Posting”.The connecting arrows are used for modeling the sequence flow. They represent the sequence in which the different events, activities, and further elements are traversed. Often this is called control flow, but in BPMN there is a second type of flow, the message flow, which influences the control of a process as well, and is therefore some kind of control flow, too. For that reason, the term “sequence flow”is used. For distinguishing it from other kinds of flow, it is important to draw sequence flows with solid lines and filled arrowheads.The process “Post a Job”contains a split: The activity “Review job posting”is followed by a gateway. A blank diamond shape stands for an exclusive gateway. This means that out of several outgoing sequence flows, exactly one must be selected. Every time the right gateway in the job posting-process is reached, a decision must be taken. Either the sequence flow to the right is followed, leading to the activity “Publish Job Posting”, or the one to the left is selected, triggering the activity “Rework Job Posting”. It is not possible to follow both paths simultaneously.The logic of such a decision is also called “exclusive OR”, abbreviated “XOR”. The conditions on the outgoing paths determine which path is selected. If a modeling tool is used and the process has to be executed or simulated by a software program, then it is usually possible to formally define exact conditions. Such formal descriptions, which may be expressed in a programming language, can be stored in special attributes of the sequence flows.If, on the other hand, the purpose of a model is to explain a process to other people,then it is advisable to write informal, but understandable, statements directly into the diagram, next to the sequence flows. The meaning of “okay”and “not okay”after the activity called “Review Job Posting”is clear to humans –a program could not make use of it.Gateways are also used for merging alternative paths. In the sample process, the gateway on the left of the activity “Review Job Posting”merges the two incoming sequence flows. Again, this is an exclusive gateway. It expects that either the activity“Write Job Posting”or “Rework Job Posting”is carried out before the gateway is reached –but not both at the same time. It should be taken care to use a gateway either for splitting or for joining, but not for a combination of both. The last element in the example process is the end event. Like the start event it has a circle as symbol –but with a thick border.2.3 Sequence Flow LogicThe flow logic of the job posting process above is rather easy to understand. In more complex models it is sometimes not clear how the modeled structure exactly is to be interpreted. Therefore it is helpful if the meaning of the sequence flow’s elements is defined in an unambiguous way.The logic of a process diagram’s sequence flow can be explained by “tokens”. Just as in a board game tokens are moved over the board according to the game’s rules, one can imagine moving tokens through a process model according to BPMN’s rules.Every time the process is started, the start event creates a token (cf. figure 2). Since the job posting process is carried out more than once, many tokens can be created in the course of time. Thereby it can happen that the process for one job posting is not yet finished, when the process for posting another job starts. As it moves through the process, each token is independent from the other tokens’movements.Figure 2: A start event creates a tokenThe token that has been created by the start event moves through the sequence flow to the first activity. This activity receives a token, performs its task (in this case it reports a job opening), and then releases it to the outgoing sequence flow (cf. figure 3).Figure 3: An activity receives a token and forwards it after completionThe following activity forwards the token. It then arrives at the merging exclusive gateway. The task of this gateway is simple: It just takes a token that arrives via any incoming sequence flow and moves it to the outgoing sequence flow. This is shown in figure 4. In case A, a token arrives from the left, in case B from below. In both cases the token is routed to the outgoing sequence flow to the right.Figure 4: Routing of a token by a merging exclusive gatewayThe task of the splitting exclusive gateway is more interesting. It takes one arriving token and decides according to the conditions, to which sequence flow it should be moved. In case A in figure 5, the condition “okay”is true, i.e. the preceding review activity has produced a positive result. In this case, the token is moved to the right. Otherwise, if the condition “not okay”is true, the token is moved to the downwards sequence flow (case B).The modeler must define the conditions in such a way that always exactly one of the conditions is true. The BPMN specification does not state how to define conditions and how to check whichconditions are true. Since the considered process is not executed by software, the rather simple statements used here are sufficient. Otherwise, it would be necessary to define the conditions according to the requirements and rules of the software tool.The token may travel several times through the loop for reworking the job posting. Finally it arrives at the end event. This simply removes any arriving token and thus finishes the entire process (figure 6).Figure 5: Routing of a token by a splitting exclusive gatewayThe sequence flow of every process diagram can be simulated in this way with the help of tokens. This allows for analyzing whether the flow logic of a process has been modeled correctly.It should be noted that a token does not represent such a thing as a data object or a document. In the case of the job posting process, it could be imagined to have a document “job posting”flowing through the process. This document could contain all required data, such as the result of the activity “Review Job Posting”. At the splitting gateway, the decision could then be based on this attribute value. However, the BPMN sequence flow is constrained to the pure order of execution. The tokens therefore do not carry any information, other than a unique identifier for distinguishing the tokens from each other. For data objects there are separate BPMN constructs which will be presented in chapter 10.2.4 Presentation OptionsUsually pools are drawn horizontally. The preferred direction of sequence flow is then from left to right. On the other hand, it is also possible to use vertical pools and to draw the sequence flow from top to bottom, as in the example in figure 7.It makes sense to decide for only one of these possibilities –horizontal or vertical. Nevertheless there are modeling tools which only support horizontal modelingFigure 6: An end event removes an arriving tokenFigure 7: Vertical swimlanes and nested lanesFigure 7 also shows an example of nested lanes. The lane labeled “Sales”is partitioned into the two lanes “Sales Force”and “Order Processing”. In principle it is possible to partition these lanes again, etc., although this only makes sense up to a certain level of depth.It is not prescribed where to place the names of pools and lanes. Typical are the variants selected for figure 1 and figure 7. Here the names are placed on the left of the pools or lanes, or at the top for the vertical style, respectively. The name of a pool is separated by a line. The names of the lanes, however, are placed directly within the lanes. A separation line is only used for a lane that is partitioned into further sub-lanes. Lanes can also be arranged as a matrix. The procurement process in figure 8 runs through a business department and the procurement department, both of which span a branch office and the headquarters. When a demand occurs in a branch’s business department, this department reports the demand. In the next step, the procurement is approved by the same department in the headquarters. The central part of the procurement department then closes a contract with a supplier, followed by the branch’s purchasing department carrying out the purchase locally.Although the BPMN specification explicitly describes the possibility of such a matrix presentation, it is hardly ever applied, so far.12.2 Message CorrelationThe contents of the message flows within one conversation are always related to each other. For example, all messages that are exchanged within one instance of the conversation “Process Order for Advertisement”relate to the same advertisement order. It is therefore possible to use the order ID for the correlation, i.e. the assignment of messages to a process instance. If a customer receives an advertisement for approval, he can determine the corresponding order –and thus the process instance –based on the order ID. All messages of a conversation have a common correlation.A simple conversation which is not broken down into other conversations is called communication. Therefore, the lines are called communication links (the specification draft at some places alsocalls them conversation links). A conversation has always communication links to two or more participants.If the end of a communication link is forked, multiple partners of the same type can be part of the communication, otherwise exactly one. “Process Order for Advertisement”has exactly one customer and one advertising agency as participants, but multiple designers. Therefore, the designer’s pool contains a multiple marker. However, having only the multiple marker in the pool is not sufficient. The conversation “Handle order for an illustration”, for example, has only one designer as participant. Therefore, the respective end of the communication link is not forked.12.3 Hierarchies of ConversationsBesides communications, it is also possible to use sub-conversations. Similar to sub-processes they are marked with a ‘+’-sign. The details of a sub-conversation can be described in another conversation diagram. The diagram of a sub-conversation can only contain those participants who are linked to the sub-conversation within the parent diagram.Figure 171 shows the detailed conversation diagram for the sub-conversation “Process Order for Advertisement”As can be seen from this diagram, it is also possible to draw message flows directly into the conversation diagram. Other than collaboration diagrams, conversation diagrams are not allowed to show processes in the pools or choreographies between the pools.Figure 171: Conversation diagram for sub-conversation “Process Order for Advertisement”The diagram contains those message flows that are related to the same order. To be more precise, they relate to the same inquiry. At the beginning, an order has not been placed yet, and not every inquiry turns into an order. Therefore, the common reference point is the inquiry.Besides the explicitly displayed message flows between customer and advertising agency, the diagram also contains the communication “Assignment of Graphics Design”. All message flows of this communication are also related to the same inquiry, but this information is not sufficient for the advertising agency in order to assign all incoming messages correctly. This is due to the fact that availability requests are sent to several designers. The advertising agency has to correctly assign each incoming availability notice to the correct availability request. Thus, additional information is required for correlating these messages, e.g. the IDs of the availability requests.Therefore it is possible to define a separate communication for the message flows between advertising agency and designer. The message exchanges of this communication can also be modeled in a collaboration diagram (figure 172) or in a choreography diagram (figure 173). Of course, it is also possible to show the message flows of the entire sub-conversation within a single diagram (figures 161 and 162 in the previous chapter).Figure 172: Collaboration diagram for communication “Assignment of Graphics Design”Like sub-processes, sub-conversations can also be expanded, i.e. the hexagon is enlarged, and the detailed conversation is shown in its interior. However, it is graphically not easy to include, for example, the contents of figure 171 into an expanded sub-conversation in figure 170. Unfortunately, the BPMN specification draft does not contain any examples for expandedsub-conversations either.。

附录英文原文:Chinese Journal of ElectronicsVo1.15,No.3,July 2006A Speaker--Independent Continuous SpeechRecognition System Using Biomimetic Pattern RecognitionWANG Shoujue and QIN Hong(Laboratory of Artificial Neural Networks,Institute ol Semiconductors,Chinese Academy Sciences,Beijing 100083,China)Abstract—In speaker-independent speech recognition,the disadvantage of the most diffused technology(HMMs,or Hidden Markov models)is not only the need of many more training samples,but also long train time requirement. This Paper describes the use of Biomimetic pattern recognition(BPR)in recognizing some mandarin continuous speech in a speaker-independent Manner. A speech database was developed for the course of study.The vocabulary of the database consists of 15 Chinese dish’s names, the length of each name is 4 Chinese words.Neural networks(NNs)based on Multi-weight neuron(MWN) model are used to train and recognize the speech sounds.The number of MWN was investigated to achieve the optimal performance of the NNs-based BPR.This system, which is based on BPR and can carry out real time recognition reaches a recognition rate of 98.14%for the first option and 99.81%for the first two options to the Persons from different provinces of China speaking common Chinese speech.Experiments were also carried on to evaluate Continuous density hidden Markov models(CDHMM ),Dynamic time warping(DTW)and BPR for speech recognition.The Experiment results show that BPR outperforms CDHMM and DTW especially in the cases of samples of a finite size.Key words—Biomimetic pattern recognition, Speech recogniton,Hidden Markov models(HMMs),Dynamic time warping(DTW).I.IntroductionThe main goal of Automatic speech recognition(ASR)is to produce a system which will recognize accurately normal human speech from any speaker.The recognition system may be classified as speaker-dependent or speaker-independent.The speaker dependence requires that the system be personally trained with the speech of the person that will be involved with its operation in order to achieve a high recognition rate.For applications on the public facilities,on the other hand,the system must be capable of recognizing the speech uttered by many different people,with different gender,age,accent,etc.,the speaker independence has many more applications,primarily in the general area of public facilities.The most diffused technology in speaker-independent speech recognition is Hidden Markov Models,the disadvantage of it is not only the need of many more training samples,but also long train time requirement.Since Biomimetic pattern recognition(BPR) was first proposed by Wang Shoujue,it has already been applied to object recognition, face identification and face recognition etc.,and achieved much better performance.With some adaptations,such modeling techniques could be easily used within speech recognition too.In this paper,a real-time mandarin speech recognition system based on BPR is proposed,which outperforms HMMs especially in the cases of samples of a finite size.The system is a small vocabulary speaker independent continuous speech recognition one. The whole system is implemented on the PC under windows98/2000/XPenvironment with CASSANN-II neurocomputer.It supports standard 16-bit sound card .II .Introduction of Biomimetic Pattern Recognition and Multi —Weights Neuron Networks1. Biomimetic pattern recognitionTraditional Pattern Recognition aims at getting the optimal classification of different classes of sample in the feature space .However, the BPR intends to find the optimal coverage of the samples of the same type. It is from the Principle of Homology —Continuity ,that is to say ,if there are two samples of the same class, the difference between them must be gradually changed . So a gradual change sequence must be exists between the two samples. In BPR theory .the construction of the sample subspace of each type of samples depends only on the type itself .More detailedly ,the construction of the subspace of a certain type of samples depends on analyzing the relations between the trained types of samples and utilizing the methods of “cov erage of objects with complicated geometrical forms in the multidimensional space”.2.Multi-weights neuron and multi-weights neuron networksA Multi-weights neuron can be described as follows :12m Y=f[(,,,)]W W W X θΦ-…,,Where :12m ,,W W W …, are m-weights vectors ;X is the inputvector ;Φis the neuron’s computation function ;θis the threshold ;f is the activation function .According to dimension theory, in the feature spacen R ,n X R ∈,the function12m (,,,)W W W X Φ…,=θconstruct a (n-1)-dimensional hypersurface in n-dimensional space which isdetermined by the weights12m ,,W W W …,.It divides the n-dimensional space into two parts .If12m (,,,)W W W X θΦ=…, is a closed hypersurface, it constructs a finite subspace .According to the principle of BPR,determination the subspace of a certain type of samples basing on the type of samples itself .If we can find out a set of multi-weights neurons(Multi-weights neuron networks) that covering all the training samples ,the subspace of the neural networks represents the sample subspace. When an unknown sample is in the subspace, it can be determined to be the same type of the training samples .Moreover ,if a new type of samples added, it is not necessary to retrain anyone of the trained types of samples .The training of a certain type of samples has nothing to do with the other ones .III .System DescriptionThe Speech recognition system is divided into two main blocks. The first one is the signal pre-processing and speech feature extraction block .The other one is the Multi-weights neuron networks, which performs the task of BPR .1.Speech feature extractionMel based Campestral Coefficients(MFCC) is used as speech features .It is calculated as follows :A /D conversion ;Endpoint detection using short time energy and Zero crossing rate(ZCR);Preemphasis and hamming windowing ;Fast Fourier transform ;DCT transform .The number of features extracted for each frame is 16,and 32 frames are chosen for every utterance .A 512-dimensiona1-Me1-Cepstral feature vector(1632⨯ numerical values) represented the pronunciation of every word . 2. Multi-weights neuron networks architectureAs a new general purpose theoretical model of pattern Recognition, here BPR is realized by multi-weights neuron Networks. In training of a certain class of samples ,an multi-weights neuron subNetwork should beestablished .The subNetwork consists of one input layer .one multi-weights neuron hidden layer and one output layer. Such a subNetwork can be considered as a mapping 512:F R R →.12m ()min(,,Y )F X Y Y =…,,Where Y i is the output of a Multi-weights neuron. There are m hiddenMulti-weights neurons .i= 1,2, …,m,512X R ∈is the input vector .IV .Training for MWN Networks1. Basics of MWN networks trainingTraining one multi-weights neuron subNetwork requires calculating the multi-weights neuron layer weights .The multi-weights neuron and the training algorithm used was that of Ref.[4].In this algorithm ,if the number of training samples of each class is N,we can use2N -neurons .In this paper ,N=30.12[(,,,)]ii i i Y f s s s x ++=,is a function with multi-vector input ,one scalar quantity output .2. Optimization methodAccording to the comments in IV.1,if there are many training samples, the neuron number will be very large thus reduce the recognition speed .In the case of learning several classes of samples, knowledge of the class membership of training samples is available. We use this information in a supervised training algorithm to reduce the network scales .When training class A ,we looked the left training samples of the other 14 classes as class B . So there are 30 training samples in set1230:{,,}A A a a a =…,and 420 training samples inset 12420:{,,}B B b b =…,b .Firstly select 3 samples from A, and we have a neuron :1123Y =f[(,,,)]k k k a a a x .Let 01_123,=f[(,,,)]A i k k k i A A Y a a a a =,where i= 1,2, (30)1_123Y =f[(,,,)]B j k k k j a a a b ,where j= 1,2,…420;1_min(Y )B j V =,we specify a value r ,0<r<1.If1_*A i Y r V <,removed i a from set A, thus we get a new set (1)A .We continue until the number ofsamples in set ()k Ais(){}k A φ=,then the training is ended, and the subNetwork of class A has a hiddenlayer of1r - neurons.V .Experiment ResultsA speech database consisting of 15 Chinese dish’s names was developed for the course of study. The length of each name is 4 Chinese words, that is to say, each sample of speech is a continuous string of 4 words, such as “yu xiang rou si”,“gong bao ji ding”,etc .It was organized into two sets :training set and test set. The speech signal is sampled at 16kHz and 16-bit resolution .Table 1.Experimental result atof different values450 utterances constitute the training set used to train the multi-weights neuron networks. The 450 ones belong to 10 speakers(5 males and 5 females) who are from different Chinese provinces. Each of the speakers uttered each of the word 3 times. The test set had a total of 539 utterances which involved another 4 speakers who uttered the 15 words arbitrarily .The tests made to evaluate the recognition system were carried out on differentr from 0.5 to 0.95 with astep increment of 0.05.The experiment results at r of different values are shown in Table 1.Obviously ,the networks was able to achieve full recognition of training set at any r .From the experiments ,it was found that0.5r achieved hardly the same recognition rate as the Basic algorithm. In the mean time, theMWNs used in the networks are much less than of the Basic algorithm. Table 2.Experiment results of BPR basic algorithmExperiments were also carried on to evaluate Continuous density hidden Markov models (CDHMM),Dynamic time warping(DTW) and Biomimetic pattern recognition(BPR) for speech recognition, emphasizing the performance of each method across decreasing amounts of training samples as wellas requirement of train time. The CDHMM system was implemented with 5 states per word.Viterbi-algorithm and Baum-Welch re-estimation are used for training and recognition .The reference templates for DTW system are the training samples themselves. Both the CDHMM and DTW technique are implemented using the programs in Ref.[11].We give in Table 2 the experiment results comparison of BPR Basic algorithm ,Dynamic time warping (DTW)and Hidden Markov models (HMMs) method .The HMMs system was based on Continuous density hidden Markov models(CDHMMs),and was implemented with 5 states per name.VI.Conclusions and AcknowledgmentsIn this paper, A mandarin continuous speech recognition system based on BPR is established.Besides,a training samples selection method is also used to reduce the networks scales. As a new general purpose theoretical model of pattern Recognition,BPR could be used in speech recognition too, and the experiment results show that it achieved a higher performance than HMM s and DTW.References[1]WangShou-jue,“Blomimetic (Topological) pattern recognit ion-A new model of pattern recognition theoryand its application”,Acta Electronics Sinica,(inChinese),Vo1.30,No.10,PP.1417-1420,2002.[2]WangShoujue,ChenXu,“Blomimetic (Topological) pattern recognition-A new model of patternrecognition theory and its app lication”, Neural Networks,2003.Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,Vol.3,PP.2258-2262,July 20-24,2003.[3]WangShoujue,ZhaoXingtao,“Biomimetic pattern recognition theory and its applications”,Chinese Journalof Electronics,V0l.13,No.3,pp.373-377,2004.[4]Xu Jian.LiWeijun et a1,“Architecture research and hardware implementation on simplified neuralcomputing system for face identification”,Neuarf Networks,2003.Proceedings of the Intern atonal Joint Conference on Neural Networks,Vol.2,PP.948-952,July 20-24 2003.[5]Wang Zhihai,Mo Huayi et al,“A method of biomimetic pattern recognition for face recognition”,Neural Networks,2003.Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,Vol.3,pp.2216-2221,20-24 July 2003.[6]WangShoujue,WangLiyan et a1,“A General Purpose Neuron Processor with Digital-Analog Processing”,Chinese Journal of Electornics,Vol.3,No.4,pp.73-75,1994.[7]Wang Shoujue,LiZhaozhou et a1,“Discussion on the basic mathematical models of neurons in gen eralpurpose neuro-computer”,Acta Electronics Sinica(in Chinese),Vo1.29,No.5,pp.577-580,2001.[8]WangShoujue,Wang Bainan,“Analysis and theory of high-dimension space geometry of artificial neuralnetworks”,Acta Electronics Sinica (in Chinese),Vo1.30,No.1,pp.1-4,2001.[9]WangShoujue,Xujian et a1,“Multi-camera human-face personal identiifcation system based on thebiomimetic pattern recognition”,Acta Electronics Sinica (in Chinese),Vo1.31,No.1,pp.1-3,2003.[10]Ryszard Engelking,Dimension Theory,PWN-Polish Scientiifc Publishers—Warszawa,1978.[11]QiangHe,YingHe,Matlab Porgramming,Tsinghua University Press,2002.中文翻译:电子学报2006年7月15卷第3期基于仿生模式识别的非特定人连续语音识别系统王守觉秦虹(中国,北京100083,中科院半导体研究所人工神经网络实验室)摘要:在非特定人语音识别中,隐马尔科夫模型(HMMs)是使用最多的技术,但是它的不足之处在于:不仅需要更多的训练样本,而且训练的时间也很长。

⼈教版⾼中英语课⽂原⽂与翻译参考⼈教版⾼中英语课⽂原⽂与翻译参考 ⾼中英⽂课⽂⼀《⼈教版⾼中英语课⽂原⽂和翻译》 ANNE’S BEST FRIEND Do you want a friend whom you could tell everything to, like your deepest feelings and thoughts? Or are you afraid that your friend would laugh at you, or would not understand what you are going through? Anne Frank wanted the first kind, so she made her diary her best friend. 安妮最好的朋友 你想不想有⼀位⽆话不谈能推⼼置腹的朋友?或者你会不会担⼼你的朋友会嘲笑你,会不理解你⽬前的困境呢?安妮?弗兰克想要的是第⼀种类型的朋友,所以她把的⽇记视为⾃⼰最好的朋友。
Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World War II. Her family was Jewish so the had to hide or they would be caught by the German Nazis. She and her family hide away for two years before they were discovered. During that time the only true friend was her diary. She said, “I don’t want to set down a series of facts in a diary as most people do, but I want this diary itself to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.” Now read how she felt after being in the hiding place since July 1942. 在第⼆次世界⼤战期间,安妮住在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹。

M1U1S C H O O L l i f e i n t h e U KGoing to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy with the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a later than usual as schools in China begin before 8 a.m.On the first day, all of the new students attended an assembly in the school hall. I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane. We soon became best friends. During the assembly, the headmaster told us about the rules of the school. He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote oneself to study and achieve high grades. This sounded like my school in China.I had many teachers in the past year. Mr. Heywood , my class teacher, was very helpful. My favorite teacher was Miss Burke—I loved the lessons that she gave in English Literature. In our class there were 28 students. This is about the average size for British schools. We had to move to different classrooms for different classes. We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names.I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at firs t because all the homework was in English. I felt lucky as all my teachers gave me much encouragement and I enjoyed all my subjects: English, History, English Literature, Computer Science, Maths, Science, PE, Art, Cooking and French.My English improved a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.I usually went to the Computer Club during the lunch break, so I could send e-mails to my family and friends back home for free. I also had an extra French class on Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of term we held a class party and we all had to cook something. I was glad that all my classmates were fond of the cake that I made.Students at that school have to study Maths, English and Science, but can stop studying some subjects if they don’t like them, for example, History and French. They can choose other subjects like Art and Computer Science or Languages such as Spanish and German. In the Art class that I took, I made a small sculpture. Though it didn’t look very beautiful when it was finished, I still liked it very much.I missed Chinese food a lot at lunch. British food is very different. British people like eating dessert at the end of their main meal. After lunch, we usually played on the school field. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just relaxed under a tree or sat on the grass.I was very lucky to experience this different way of life. I look back on my time in the UK with satisfaction, and I really hope to go back and study in Manchester again.在英国的学校生活在英国上了一年的中学对我来说是一段非常令人愉快和兴奋的经历。


英文资料翻译原文Boiler management:General management principles and operating procedures are well known and must be always followed to avoid boiler mishap.With many small package boiler,the automatic control sequence usually ensures that the boiler fire is initially ignited from a diesel oil supply,and changed over to the usual source when ignition is completed.With good management ,to facilitate subsequent starting from cold,the fuel system of large boilers will have been flushed through with diesel oil when the boiler was on light duty immediately prior to being secured.When burning such diesel fuel it is essential for safety that only the correct(small) burner tip should be used.It should be kept in mind that if fire does not light,immediately shut off fuel and vent furance.Complete ignition of fuel in the furance is essential.The burner flame,the smoke indicator and the funnel should be frequently observed.With satisfactory combustion,the flame should appear incandescent with an orange shade at the flame tip,and a faint brownish haze should show at the funnel.If on fist ignition the flame is uncertain,badly shaped and separates from the primary swirler ,momentary opening or closing of air register may correct.The PH value of the boiler feed water should kept between 8 and 9 and the boiler density less than 300 ppm but,if water samples show a heavy concentration of suspended mater,short blow-downs of 20 seconds duration should be given until the sludge content is seen to be reduced.The boiler should be blown down when the oil burner is operating,the water level lowered and then restored to prove the functioning of the low water cut-out and the oil burner start-up equipment.the boiler scum valve should also be operated at this time to keep the water level clear floating scum.Fuel burner components and igniter electrodes should be cleaned weekly and the furance examined to ensure that there are no excess carbon deposits.Tubes in the exhaust gas section of the boiler should be brushed through at about six-monthly intervals,and those in the oil-burning section periodically examined and cleaned as necessary with a wire bristle brush.With correct feed water treatment,blow-down procedures and sludge contents in water samples at a stable level,it should not be necessary to wash out the water side of the boiler more than once every three or four months.Boiler fires may be out of for long periods when a ship is at sea and the boiler steaming maintained by heat input from waste heat recovery plant.This operation is free from hazard,but feed water and boiler water treatment must be maintained to prevent internal deterioration or scale formation.Water level controller must be kept operable to protect external steam-using plant from water “carry-over”danger.If a boiler is isolated from the steam-using system it must be kept either in closed dry storage with a suitable internal desiccant,or completely full of treated water,or under a low steam pressure preferably maintained by a steam-heated coil.Regular testing of boiler protective devices must be implemented.Frequent comparison of drum-mounted and remote reading water levelindicators:discrepancies between these have contributed to failures because of overheating through shortage of water,when a boiler was being oil-fired.If in doubt as to the true boiler water level,i.e.whether a water level indicator sightglass is completely full or empty,when a unit is being oil-fired the fire should be immediately extinguished until the true level is resolved.Procedures should be predetermined and followed in the event of shortage of water,bulging or fracture of plates or furance,or bursting of water tubes .In general,fires should be immediately extinguished by remote tripping of fuel supply valves;forced draught air pressure maintained if there is any risk of escaping steam entering the boiler room;stem pressure relieved if metallic fractures seem possible;and boiler water level maintained,where practicable,until the boiler begins to cool down. Regular operation of soot blowers,if there are fitted,when the boiler is on oil-fired operation.The steam supply line must be thoroughly warmed and drained before blowers are used,the air/fuel ratio increased throughout the action,and the blowers greased after use.Immediate investigation of any high salinity alarms in condensate system,and elimination of any salt water or oil contamination of boiler feed water system. Safety precautions taken before entering a boiler connected to another boiler under steam.Engine governor:A governor maintains the engine speed at the desired value no matter how much load is applied.It achieves this by adjustment of the fuel pump racks.Any change in load will produce a change in engine speed,which will cause the governor to initiate a fuel change.The governor is said to be speed sensing as a speed change has to take place before the governor can react to adjust the fuel setting.The sample mechanical governor employs rotating weights which move outward as the speed increases and inward as the speed reduces.This movement,acting through a system of linkages,can be used to regulate the fuel rack.Rather than having the rotating weights directly move the fuel linkage,hydraulic governor employ a servo system so the rotating weights only need to move a pilot valve in the hydraulic line.This makes the governor more ernors of this type require a speed change to tale place in order that they may initiate fuel rack adjustment.This is known as speed drop and this is a definite speed for each load therefore the governor can not control to a single speed.A modification to the governor hydraulic system introduces a facility known as compensation which allows for further fuel adjustment after the main adjustment has taken place due to speed pensation restores the speed to its original desired value so the engine can operate at the same speed under all loads.Such a governor is said to be isochronous as the engine operates at a single speed.However,the governor is still speed sensing,so it is not ideal for all applications.Speed sensing governor:Where the engine drives an alternator any speed change results in a change in supply frequency.;Large changes in electrical supply frequency can have an adverse effect on sensitive electronic equipment connected to that supply.Where electrical generation is involved it is possible to monitor taking rotational speed as the control signal.Such governors are know as load sensing.It isextremely difficult to make a mechanical governor load sensing,even with a hydraulic system,but an electronic governor can take account of the electrical load applied to the engine and so can be considered “speed sensing”.Electronic governor:Electronic governors essentially comprise two parts,the digital control unit and the hydraulic actuator,which are interlinked but it is useful to consider them separately.Electronic governor controller: The digital control may be considered as a “black box” in which signals are processed to produce a control signal which is sent to the actuator.The controller may be programmed in order to sent points and parameters.The controller is a sensitive piece of electronic equipment and should not be mounted on the engine or in areas where it will be exposed to vibration,humidity or high temperatures.It should be ventilated in order to keep it cool and should be shielded from high-voltage or high-current devices which will cause electromagnetic interference.Similar restriction apply to the location of signal cables.Speed signals are taken from two speed transducers,one on each side of the flexible coupling which attaches the engine to the load.Failure of one transducer produces a minor alarm but allows continued operation with an electronic over speed value may be programmed into the controller in which case detection of over speed will cause the engine to be shut off.If the load is provided by an electrical machine the output from that machine provides a signal for load sharing.Should this transducer fail the load on the engine will be determined by the position of the governor actuator output.The controller can also receive signals from other transducers including in the engine’s air inlet pressure,which allows the fuel to be limited when starting.After processing input signals in accordance with programmed requirements an output signal will be sent to the governor actuator.Electronic governor actuator:The actuator is a hydraulic device which moves the fuel linkage in response to a signal from the digital controller.The operating mechanism is contained with an oil filled casing.Oil pressure is provided by a servomotor pump driven by a shaft connected to the engine camshaft.At the heart of the actuator is the torque motor beam is banlanced where the engine is operating at the desired speed.a.Consider a load increaseThe controller increases current to the torque motor which,in turn,causes the centre adjust end of the torque motor beam to be lowered.Oil flow through the nozzle is reduced ,which increases pressure on the top of the pilot valve plunger.This moves downward,unconering the port which allows pressure oil to the lower face of the power piston,which in turn moves upward, rotating the terminal shaft thereby increasing the fuel to the engine.As the terminal shaft rotates the torque motor beam is pulled upwards by increased tension in the feedback spring,increasing the clearance between the centers adjust and the nozzle.Leakage past the nozzle increases,reducing the pressure on the upper face of the pilot valve plunger and allowing the pilot valve to move upwards.This cuts off further oil to the power piston,and movement of the fuel control linkage ceases.Balance is restored to the torque motor beam with downward force from the feedback spring being matched by upwards force from oilleakage from the nozzle.The engine then operates at an increased fuel setting which matches the new load requirement at the set speed.B.consider a load reductionA decrease in load produces a reduction in current acting on the torque motor,which tends to turn the beam in an anti-clockwise direction about the torque motor pivot,resulting in an increased clearance between the centre adjust and the nozzle.Pressure reduces on the upper face of the pilot valve plunger and the pilot valve moves upwards,allowing the lower face of the power piston to connect with the geromotor pump suction.the power piston moves downwards ,rotating the terminal shaft which reduces fuel to the engine and tension in the feedback spring.The center adjust end of the torque motor beam is forced down,thereby reducing clearance between the centre adjust and the nozzle.Leakage past the nozzle reduces pressure on the upper face of the pilot valve increases and the pilot valve moves upwards,shuting off the connection between the lower face of the power piston and pump suction .The engine now operates with reduced load and reduced fuel,but at the same original speed.。

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical238(2005)192–198Efficient azo dye degradation by hydrogen peroxide oxidation withmetalloporphyrins as catalystsArm´e nio C.Serra a,Cristina Docal b,A.M.d’A.Rocha Gonsalves b,∗a Universidade Cat´o lica Portuguesa-P´o lo da Figueira da Foz,Rua Dr.Mendes Pinheiro24,3080-Figueira da Foz,Portugalb Departamento de Qu´ımica,Faculdade de Ciˆe ncias e Tecnologia,Universidade de Coimbra,Rua Larga,P-3000Coimbra,PortugalReceived19March2005;received in revised form9May2005;accepted10May2005Available online29June2005AbstractDegradation of organic dyes is a matter of great environmental concern.Despite many significant efforts and the numerous systems,which have been exploited,the problem is still unsolved due to intrinsically low activity or use of non-convenient chemical reagents.In this work,we describe the use of an oxidative system based on hydrogen peroxide activated by metalloporphyrins as catalysts to carry out the degradation of methyl orange,a model azo dye,in fairly high concentrations.Some inhibition of the catalytic activity during the reaction was originally observed.Adjustments in the system were made in order to prevent this inhibition and improve the efficiency of the system.©2005Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Azo dye degradation;Metalloporphyrin;Hydrogen peroxide;Catalysis;Environment1.IntroductionThe presence of dyes in water effluents is a problem of great environmental concern.Particularly significant is the case of azo dyes since the low reactivity of the azo linkage makes this class of compounds resistant to microbiological degradations,thus blocking the process,which can lead to complete mineralization.A survey of the literature shows that the oxidative degradation of these structures seems the most convenient solution and some promising degradative systems have been disclosed[1].Concerning environment protection,hydrogen peroxide is a desirable oxidant but its activation to generate an efficient oxidant species is still a challenge.Activation with non-porphyrinic manganese com-plex has shown limited ability to destroy azo dyes[2].The use of Fenton chemistry seems to be attractive either in the presence or absence of light[3–8].However,results,so far, are not very significant.Metalloporphyrins have shown very good efficiency for hydrogen peroxide activation,essentially in alkene epoxidations but their use in the catalytic degra-∗Corresponding author.Tel.:+351239852082;fax:+351239826069.E-mail address:arg@qui.uc.pt(A.M.d’A.Rocha Gonsalves).dation of dyes has not been relevant[9].We developed an efficient oxidation system with diluted hydrogen peroxide under metalloporphyrin catalysis[10]and now attempt to extend the application of this system to dye degradation. 2.Results and discussionIn this work,the results of the degradation of azo dyes by diluted solutions of hydrogen peroxide activated by man-ganese complexes of meso-tetra-arylporphyrins(1–5)are presented in Scheme1.Metalloporphyrin1has proved to be a catalyst with good activity in epoxidation reactions with dilute hydrogen per-oxide as oxidant[11,12].For the oxidations expected to be more difficult than carbon–carbon double bond epoxidation we selected a set of more active catalysts such as2–4.Cata-lyst4is studied as an oxidation catalyst for thefirst time.We compared our catalysts to the known low efficiency catalyst 5.For alkene oxidations we previously developed a biphasic system using a dilute aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide as oxidant and a chlorinated solvent for catalyst and substrate1381-1169/$–see front matter©2005Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.molcata.2005.05.017A.C.Serra et al./Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical 238(2005)192–198193Scheme 1.[13].Important additives of this system are benzoic acid as co-catalyst and tert -butylpyridine as axial ligand.The use of this biphasic system to degradate azo dyes posed two major problems:the intrinsic lack of reactivity of the azo bond and the solubility of the dyes in the aqueous phase that blocks the interaction with the oxidative species present in the organic phase.In a previous work,we made an exploratory attempt to degradate azo dyes using a micelar medium with promising results [14].To evaluate the capacity of the biphasic system for the degradation of an azo linkage we began studying the oxidation of sudan IV ,an organic soluble azo dye,favour-ing the interaction with the oxidant species.Starting with a catalyst/substrate ratio of 1to 25,which corresponds to a con-centration of about 1×104mg/L of dye,the results obtained with catalysts 1and 3are illustrated in Fig.1.It is clear that with both catalysts the great majority of the dye is destroyed after 30min of reaction,since the value of absorbance is,then,mainly due to the residual metallo-porphyrin catalysts.No significant difference of reactivity between the two catalysts is observed.A blank experiment in the absence of catalyst showed no indication of dye degrada-tion.In a second stage,we changed to methyl orange,a water-soluble dye.In this case we used a volume of 4mL for the organic phase and 10mL for the aqueous phase and,since the amount of dye was small,the total amount of hydrogenperox-Fig.1.Bleaching of sudan IV solutions (1×104mg/L)in biphasic medium using hydrogen peroxide (5%)as oxidant and metalloporphyrins 1and 3as catalysts.Table 1Bleaching of methyl orange solutions (total volume 10mL)by hydrogen peroxide (2.5%)catalysed by metalloporphyrin 1aInitial dye concentration (mg/L)Time (min)Absorbance b (%)7010230114010123092101017307a Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid,1:5:20.bValue relatively to initial absorbance value (100%).ide solution was reduced using diluted solutions of 2.5%.The dye degradation was followed by measuring the absorbance values for aliquots of 300L of the reaction medium,rela-tively to the initial absorbance value.The results with catalyst 1and different dye concentrations are shown in Table 1.It is clear that our catalytic system is able to destroy the dye despite it being present in the aqueous phase.The final solution is completely bleached as illustrated by the visible spectra at the beginning and end of the reaction in Fig.2.A blank experiment in the absence of catalyst shows decrease to 77%of the initial absorbance after 10min,this value being the same after 2h standingunder the same con-Fig.2.Visible spectra of the dye solution at the beginning of the reaction.In inset the spectra at the end of the reaction.194 A.C.Serra et al./Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical 238(2005)192–198Table 2Bleaching of methyl orange solutions (total volume 20mL)through oxida-tion by hydrogen peroxide (2.5%)catalysed by metalloporphyrin 1aInitial dye concentration (mg/L)Time (min)Absorbance b (%)70101930146013140102630171421010413011a Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid,1:5:20.bValue relatively to initial absorbance value (100%).ditions.The range of dye concentrations which was studied,varied from 0.21to 0.63mM,a value substantially higher than those used in other systems for dye degradation and much higher than typical concentrations of this sort of com-pounds in polluted waters [1].Concerning the possibility of practical applications,the amount of dye destroyed relatively to the amount of cata-lyst used is important.Keeping the same dye concentration from previous experiments but doubling the dye molar quan-tity,which means the use of a double volume dye solution (20mL),gave the results presented in Table 2.As expected dye destruction is somewhat slower than con-ditions corresponding to Fig.2due to higher amounts of the dye present in the aqueous phase.However,after 60min a fairly high degradation of the dye is accomplished even with the more concentrated solution,where the total dye amount is 4.2mg.Our next objective was to further improve the catalytic system.In previous work,we showed the advantage of the presence of a radical scavenger like 2,6-di-tert -butyl-4-methoxyphenol (BHT)to the catalyst stability and catalytic efficiency [10].Similarly,in this study,we tried the oxida-tion of methyl orange at a concentration of 210mg/L in the presence of the radical scavenger (20to 1ratio relatively tothe catalyst)observing a significant enhancement in the level of dye degradation (Experiments 1and 2,Table 3).In order to further approach,the system of more convenient condi-tions for practical use,we studied the effect of lowering the concentration of hydrogen peroxide to 1%although using an excess relatively to the amount of the dye.The results showed that these conditions are extremely efficient as illustrated in Table 3(Experiments 3and 4).Once our original catalytic conditions were optimized by adding a radical scavenger and using a more diluted hydro-gen peroxide solution (1%),a comparison of efficiency of the catalysts 1–5in methyl orange degradation was performed.Experiments were carried out using a dye concentration of 140mg/L and two different dye molar quantities:one corre-sponding to 5mL of the dye stock solution (1.4mg of dye)and the other to 10mL of the stock solution (2.8mg of dye)(Fig.3).The experiments with the higher amount of dye (2.8mg)show a slower rate of degradation but still go to comple-tion after 60min with catalysts 1–4.As expected catalyst 5showed poor activity.Similar conclusions were reached in other cases of oxidation catalysis when halogen atoms are present in the ortho positions of the phenyl groups of catalysts [15,16].Catalyst 2,having sulphonamide groups,is a little more active than others [17,18].Catalysts 3and 4with bromine atoms have similar activities,and are also more active than catalyst 1.The presence of the p -toluenesulphonate groups does not have a large influence on the activity of the catalyst as shown by similar results obtained for catalysts 3and 4.One important characteristic for a catalytic system intended to be used in dye degradation is the ability to perform several cycles of dye destruction.We studied this problem by doing experiments where an organic phase containing the catalyst,co-catalysts and the pyridine was used successively to oxidize new batches of the aqueous phase (every 30min)containing the dye and the hydrogen peroxide.The results obtained are illustrated in Fig.4.Fig.4shows that only the first two cycles of dye oxidation are efficient.Cycles 3and 4give lower levels of bleaching cor-Table 3Results of the influence of BHT presence and hydrogen peroxide concentration in the bleaching of methyl orange solutions catalysed by metalloporphyrin 1a ExperimentInitial dye concentration (mg/L)BHT bHydrogen peroxide solution (%)Time (min)Absorbance c (%)1210– 2.51020308.6221020/1 2.51013309.5314020/1 2.51012305.1414020/11106.2303.9a Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid,1:5:20.b Molar ratio relatively to the catalyst.cValue relatively to initial absorbance value (100%).A.C.Serra et al./Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical 238(2005)192–198195Fig.3.Bleaching of methyl orange solutions catalysed by metalloporphyrins 1–5with different amounts of methyl orange:(a)1.4mg and (b)2.8mg.responding to a slow down of the catalytic process.Checking the amount of catalyst at the end of the last cycle,we found evidence that the amount of catalyst still present should allow for catalytic activity in the system.The reason for the reaction to stop should be the lack of another of the essential compo-nents of the catalytic system,tert -butylpyridine or benzoic acid.Adding more amounts of benzoic acid between cycles does not change anything.However,adding more pyridine after the second cycle allows recovering of some catalytic activity as shown in Fig.5.Fig.4.Sequence of bleaching cycles of oxidation of methyl orange solutions (140mg/L)performed using metalloporphyrin 1.Zero values in time scale correspond to the start of a new cycle with the addition of a fresh amount of dyesolution.Fig.5.Sequence of bleaching cycles of methyl orange solutions (140mg/L)performed using metalloporphyrin 1.Zero values in time scale correspond to addition of a fresh amount of dye solution.tert -Butylpyridine was added after the second cycle.Under the latter conditions,we also studied the perfor-mance of catalysts 3and 4that proved to be more active than catalyst 1in our first experiments (Fig.6).Surprisingly,both catalysts had a poorer performance in this sequence of reactions than catalyst 1.Only the first cycle is efficient.The analytical control of the catalyst at the end of the sequences showed the presence of a significant amount of metalloporphyrin,although with a blue shift of 3–5nm of the Soret band.When the organic phase from the experiment with catalyst 3is removed at the end of the sequence,and a cis -ciclooctene epoxidation is attempted with it,only 26%of conversion after 30min of reaction is observed.The same reaction with fresh catalyst in the same catalytic conditions is expected to be complete in 10min [11].These results point to some inhibition of the catalyst activity.The poisoning effect is more pronounced with catalysts 3and 4than with cata-lyst 1.Catalyst stability at the end of the reaction and the Soret shift points to some metalloporphyrin interaction with the inhibition product by the axial position,preventing the essential linkage between catalyst and the pyridine ligand and slowing down the catalytic activity.The analysis of the first cycles of Fig.6shows reactions are fast going to completion in 10min.The inhibition pro-cess most likely occurs after this,when substrate is no longer available.With this rationale we tried the same set ofexperi-Fig.6.Sequence of bleaching cycles of methyl orange solutions (140mg/L)performed using metalloporphyrins 3and 4.Zero values in time scale corre-spond to addition of a fresh amount of dye solution.tert -Butylpyridine was added after the second cycle.196 A.C.Serra et al./Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical238(2005)192–198Fig.7.Sequence of bleaching cycles of methyl orange solutions(140mg/L) performed using catalysts1and3.Zero values in time scale correspond to addition of a fresh amount of dye solution.tert-Butylpyridine at the end of every two cycles.ments,shortening the time cycles from30to15min.Results with catalysts1and3are presented in Fig.7.The decrease of the cycle extent to15min allows for a higher number of efficient cycles,five for catalyst1and three for catalyst3.These last observations seem to demonstrate that the inhibitory event develops mainly when the substrate is consumed pointing to the presence of some product derived from dye degradation.Experiments are under way to better clarify the nature of this inhibitory product and attempts for overcoming its inhibitory action on catalysts.3.ConclusionsAn efficient catalytic system to oxidize methyl orange an azo compound based on metalloporphyrins as catalysts and diluted hydrogen peroxide as oxidant was developed.This system can be an effective approach to dye degradation from aqueous effluents.Studies proved that catalytic efficiency was limited due to inhibition by the product.4.Experimental1H NMR spectra were recorded on a300MHz Bruker-AMX spectrometer.Mass spectra were obtained on a VG 7070E mass spectrometer or an HP5977mass spectrometer detector.Absorption spectra were measured on a Jasco7800 spectrophotometer.Gas chromatography was carried out on a Hewlett-Packard5890A with aflame ionisation detector and equipped with a OV1(25m×0.3mm,i.d.)capillary col-umn.GC–MS analyses were made on a Agilent6890GC system with a Hewlett-Packard5973Mass Selective detec-tor equipped with a capillary column HP-5MS(25m).Dichloromethane was distilled from CaH2before use. Other solvents used were commercially available and used as received.cis-Cyclooctene was obtained from Aldrich and was passed through a short column of alumina before used. Methyl orange,tert-butylpiridyne and2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol were purchased from Aldrich and used as received.Benzoic acid was purchased from Fluka.Hydro-gen peroxide5%was prepared from a concentrated solution from Riedel titrated by iodometry.The pH of this solution was set to4.5–5with hydrogen carbonate.Stock solutions of methyl orange were prepared before experiments.Stock solutions of benzoic acid in dichloromethane (4.3×10−2mmol/mL)and tert-butyl pyridine in dichloromethane(1.08×10−1mmol/mL)were prepared. These solutions were stored in refrigerator.The following stock solutions of methyl orange in distilled water were prepared immediately before use:•solution A:0.14mg/mL;•solution B:0.28mg/mL;•solution C:0.42mg/mL.Metalloporphyrins1–3,and5were prepared as described [12,19,20].Manganese complex of meso-tetrakis(2,4,6-tribromo-3-p-toluenesulphonyloxyphenyl)porphyrin4.2,4,6-Tribromo-3-p-toluenesulphonyloxybenzaldehyde.A solution of 3.6g(10mmol)of2,4,6-tribromo-3-hydroxylbenzaldehyde[21]in25mL of pyridine was treated with2.1g(11mmol)of tosyl chloride.The solu-tion was left4h at70◦C.The addition of acidified water precipitates a white material that isfiltered and recristalized in ethanol/CHCl3to give 4.0g of2,4,6-tribromo-3-p-toluenesulphonyloxybenzaldehyde(η=78%). m.p.=120–121◦C;1H NMR(300MHz,CDCl3,ppm):δ10.09(s,1H,CHO),7.93(s,1H,Ar),7.91(d,2H, J=8.4Hz,Ar),7.41(d,2H,J=8.4Hz,Ar),2.49(s,3H, CH3);(M+)=514.meso-Tetrakis(2,4,6-tribromo-3-p-toluenesulphonyloxyphenyl)porphyrin.A solu-tion of 3.1g(6.0mmol)of2,4,6-tribromo-3-p-toluenesulphonyloxybenzaldehyde and0.37mL(6.0mmol) of pyrrole in500mL of distilled CH2Cl2was purged with N2for10min,then0.10mL of a solution of BF3. OEt2(0.25mL in1mL of CH2Cl2)was added at room temperature.The solution was left for4h,neutralized with20L of triethylamine and concentrated to100mL. This solution was then poured over a solution of acetic acid–acetic anhydride–H2O2(30%)(100:5:5)and left for 20min at40◦C.The acid was washed with water and the solution neutralized,dried and concentrated in vacuo.The residue was chromatographed on silica-gel(CH2Cl2–ethyl acetate,6:1)giving118mg of the porphyrin(η=4%).1H NMR(300MHz,CDCl3ppm):δ8.66(s,8H,-H),8.32(s, 4H,Ar),8.0(d,8H,J=8.4Hz,Ar),7.33(d,8H,J=8.4Hz, Ar),2.34(s,12H,CH3).V/UVλmax(CH2Cl2/nm)(relative height)423(100%),516(5.5%),597(3%).Manganese(III)complex of meso-tetrakis(2,4,6-tribromo-3-p-toluenesulphonyloxyphenyl)porphyrin(4).meso-Tetrakis(2,4,6-tribromo-3-p-toluenesulphonyloxyphenyl)po-rphyrin(100mg)was added to a solution of600mg of manganese(II)acetate in40mL of acetic acid.The mixtureA.C.Serra et al./Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical238(2005)192–198197was refluxed for7h.After that300mL of CH2Cl2were added and the organic phase washed with water and dried (Na2SO4).The solution was concentrated and the residue chromatographed on silica-gel(CH2Cl2,then CH2Cl2–ethyl ether–ethanol,5:4:1).The fraction with the complex was washed with a concentrated solution of NaCl,dried and evaporated,giving70mg of the manganese complex (η=67%).M+(FAB+)2296;V/UVλmax(CH2Cl2/nm)(εmmol/L)481.5(94),584(9.3).Catalytic reactions were carried out at room temperature. They were monitored by removing aliquots of300L of the aqueous phase and measuring the maximum absorbance at 581nm for sudan IV and463nm for methyl orange.All the results correspond to the average of two assays.•Sudan IV oxidation(Fig.1)Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid/dye, 1:5:20:25).Oxidations were carried out as follows:a20mLflask is charged with2.15×10−3mmol of the metallopor-phyrin,20.4mg of sudan IV,1mL of dichloromethane stock solution of benzoic acid,0.1mL of tert-butyl pyri-dine stock solution and the volume adjusted to2mL with dichloromethane.Then2mL of hydrogen perox-ide solution(5%)were added and the mixture stirred at maximum rate.•Methyl orange oxidations(Table1)Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid,1:5:20.Oxidations were carried out as follows:a20mLflask is charged with2.15×10−3mmol of the metallopor-phyrin,1mL of dichloromethane stock solution of ben-zoic acid,0.1mL of tert-butyl pyridine stock solution and then adjusted to4mL with dichloromethane.Then 5mL of hydrogen peroxide solution(5%)and5mL of the corresponding dye stock solution(to give the desired concentration)were added and the mixture stirred at maximum rate.(Fig.2)Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid, 1:5:20.Oxidations were carried out as follows:a20mLflask is charged with2.15×10−3mmol of the metallopor-phyrin,1mL of dichloromethane stock solution of ben-zoic acid acid,0.1mL of tert-butyl pyridine stock solu-tion and then adjusted to4mL with dichloromethane.Then5mL of hydrogen peroxide solution(5%)and 5mL of the dye stock solution B were added and the mixture stirred at maximum rate.(Table2)Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid,1:5:20.Oxidations were carried out as follows:a20mLflask is charged with2.15×10−3mmol of the metallopor-phyrin,1mL of dichloromethane stock solution of ben-zoic acid acid,0.1mL of tert-butyl pyridine stock solu-tion and then adjusted to4mL with dichloromethane.Then10mL of hydrogen peroxide solution(5%)and 10mL of the corresponding dye stock solution(to give the desired concentration)were added and the mixture stirred at maximum rate.(Table3,Experiments1and2)Molar ratio of cata-lyst/axial ligand/organic acid,1:5:20.Oxidations were carried out as follows:a20mLflask is charged with2.15×10−3mmol of the metallopor-phyrin,4.3×10−2mmol BHT(except for Experiment 1),1mL of dichloromethane stock solution of benzoic acid acid,0.1mL of tert-butyl pyridine stock solution and then adjusted to4mL with dichloromethane.Then 5mL of hydrogen peroxide solution(5%)and5mL of dye stock solution C were added and the mixture stirred at maximum rate.(Table3,Experiments3and4)Molar ratio of cata-lyst/axial ligand/organic acid,1:5:20.Oxidations were carried out as follows:a20mL flask is charged with 2.15×10−3mmol of the metalloporphyrin, 4.3×10−2mmol BHT,1mL of dichloromethane stock solution of benzoic acid acid, 0.1mL of tert-butyl pyridine stock solution and then adjusted to4mL with dichloromethane.Then a solu-tion of2mL of hydrogen peroxide solution(5%),5mL of dye stock solution B and3mL of distilled water were added and the mixture stirred at maximum rate. (Fig.3a)Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid/BHT,1:5:20:20(Table3)Oxidations were carried out as described for experiment4.(Fig.3b)Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid/BHT,1:5:20:20.Oxidations were carried out as follows:a20mL flask is charged with 2.15×10−3mmol of the metalloporphyrin, 4.3×10−2mmol BHT,1mL of dichloromethane stock solution of benzoic acid acid, 0.1mL of tert-butyl pyridine stock solution and then adjusted to4mL with dichloromethane.Then a solution of4mL of hydrogen peroxide solution(5%),10mL of dye stock solution B and6mL of distilled water were added and the mixture stirred at maximum rate. (Fig.4)Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid/BHT,1:5:20:20.Oxidations were carried out as follows:a20mL flask is charged with 2.15×10−3mmol of the metalloporphyrin, 4.3×10−2mmol BHT,1mL of dichloromethane stock solution of benzoic acid acid, 0.1mL of tert-butyl pyridine stock solution and then adjusted to4mL with dichloromethane.Then a solu-tion of2mL of hydrogen peroxide solution(5%),5mL of dye stock solution B and3mL of distilled water were added and the mixture stirred at maximum rate. The aqueous phase is carefully removed every30min and new aqueous phase is added over the same organic phase.(Figs.5and6)Molar ratio of catalyst/axial lig-and/organic acid/BHT,1:5:20:20.198 A.C.Serra et al./Journal of Molecular Catalysis A:Chemical238(2005)192–198Oxidations were carried out as described for Fig.4 except that0.1mL of tert-butyl pyridine stock solution is added at the time indicated.(Fig.7)Molar ratio of catalyst/axial ligand/organic acid/BHT,1:5:20:20.Oxidations were carried out as follows:a20mL flask is charged with 2.15×10−3mmol of the metalloporphyrin, 4.3×10−2mmol BHT,1mL of dichloromethane stock solution of benzoic acid acid,0.1mL of tert-butyl pyridine stock solution and thenadjusted to4mL with dichloromethane.Then a solu-tion of2mL of hydrogen peroxide solution(5%),5mL of dye stock solution B and3mL of distilled water were added and the mixture stirred at maximum rate.Every 15min of reaction the aqueous phase is carefully take off and new aqueous phase is added over the same organic phase.At the time indicated0.1mL of tert-butyl pyri-dine stock solution is added.•cis-Cyclooctene oxidationAfter a catalytic reaction with methyl orange the organic phase with catalyst3is transferred to a20mLflask with bromobenzene as internal standard and cis-ciclooctene (200to1relatively to the catalyst).A fresh solution of hydrogen peroxide(5%)is added and the mixture stirred at maximum rate.The epoxide of cis-cyclooctene was iden-tified by comparison with retention times of an authentic sample and GC–MS experiment.Conversions are reported relatively to bromobenzene as internal standard.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank Chymiotechnon,UCP and FCT-POCTI/QUI/43214forfinancial support.References[1]K.D.Mantzavinos,E.Psillakis,J.Chem Technol.Biotechnol.79(2004)431.[2]B.C.Gilbert,J.R.Lindsay Smith,M.S.Newton,J.Oakes,R.Ponsi Prats,Org.Biomol.Chem.1(2003)1568.[3]J.Fernandez,P.Maruthamuthu,J.Kiwi,J.Photochem.Photobiol.A161(2004)185.[4]M.Neamtu,A.Yediler,I.Siminiceaunu,A.Kettrup,J.Photochem.Photobiol.161(2003)87.[5]A.Rathi,H.K.Rajor,R.K.Sharma,J.Hazard.Mater.B102(2003)231.[6]J.Fernandez,P.Maruthamuthu,J.Kiwi,J.Photochem.Photobiol.A161(2004)185.[7]F.Nerud,P.Baldrian,J.Gabriel,D.Ogbeifun,Chemosphere44(2001)957.[8]V.Shah,P.Verma,P.Stopka,J.Gabriel,P.Baldrian,F.Nerud,Appl.Catal.B46(2003)287.[9]M.Nango,T.Iwasaki,Y.Takeuchi,Y.Kurono,J.Tokuda,R.Oura,Langmuir14(1998)3272.[10]A.M.d’A.Rocha Gonsalves,A.C.Serra,J.Mol.Catal.A168(2001)25.[11]A.C.Serra,E.C.Marc¸alo,A.M.d’A.Rocha Gonsalves,J.Mol.Catal.A168(2004)17.[12]A.M.d’A.Rocha Gonsalves,A.C.Serra,J.Porphyrins Phthalocya-nines4(2000)598.[13]A.M.d’A.Rocha Gonsalves,A.C.Serra,J.Chem.Soc.Perkin Trans.2(2002)715.[14]M.Hager,K.Holmberg,A.M.d’A.Rocha Gonsalves,A.C.Serra,Coll.Surf.A185(2001)247.[15]D.Mansuy,Coord.Chem Rev.125(1993)129.[16]S.Banfi,F.Montanari,S.Quici,.Chem.53(1988)2863.[17]A.M.d’A.Rocha Gonsalves,M.M.Pereira,A.C.Serra,An.Qu´ımicaInt.Ed.92(1996)375.[18]S.Banfi,C.Cavalieiri,M.Cavazzini,A.Trebicka,J.Mol.Catal.A151(2000)17.[19]R.A.W.Johnstone,M.Lu´ısa,P.G.Nunes,M.M.Pereira,A.M.d’A.Rocha Gonsalves,A.C.Serra,Heterocycles43(1996)1423. 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将进酒 Invitation T o Wine李白 Li Bai君不见,黄河之水天上来Do you not see the Yellow River come from the sky奔流到海不复回。
Rushing into the sea and ne'er come back?君不见,高堂明镜悲白发 Do you not see the mirror bright in chamber high朝如青丝暮成雪Grieve o'er your snow-white hair that once was silken back?人生得意须尽欢When hopes are won, oh, drink your fill in high delight莫使金樽空对月And never leave your wine cup empty in moonlight!天生我材必有用 Heaven has made us talents; we're not made in vain.千金散尽还复来 A thousand gold coins spent, more will turn up again.烹羊宰牛且为乐 Kill a cow, cook a sheep and let us merry be, 会须一饮三百杯 And drink three hundred cupfuls of wine in high glee!岑夫子丹丘生 Dear friends of mine,将进酒 Cheer up, cheer up!君莫停 Do not put down your cup!与君歌一曲 I will sing you a song, please hear,请君为我倾耳听 O hear! Lend me a willing ear!钟鼓馔玉不足贵What difference will rare and costly dishesmake但愿长醉不愿醒 I want only to get drunk and ne'er to wake.古来圣贤皆寂寞 How many great men were forgotten through the ages?惟有饮者留其名 Great drinkers are better known than sober sages.陈王昔时宴平乐 The Prince of Poets* feasted in his palace at will,斗酒十千恣欢谑 Drank wine at ten thousand coins a cask and laughed his fill.主人何为言少钱 A host should not complain of money he is short;径须沽取对君酌 T o drink together we'd sell things of any sort.五花马千金裘 The fur coat worth a thousand coins of gold呼儿将出换美酒 And flower-dappled horse may both be sold 与尔同消万古愁To buy good wine that we may drown the woes age-old.拓展:原文:将进酒朝代:唐朝作者:李白君不见,黄河之水天上来,奔流到海不复回。

Technology And lifeGlobal issues such as climate change, clean water, sustainability, waste management, emissions reduction, and minimizing raw material and energy use have caused many engineers to re-think existing approaches to engineering design. One outcome of the evolving design strategy is to consider green engineering. The goal of green engineering is to design products that minimize pollution, reduce the risk to human health, and improve the environment. Applying the principles of green engineering highlights the power of feedback control systems as an enabling technology.To reduce greenhouse gases and minimize pollution, it is necessary to improve both the quality and quantity of our environmental monitoring systems. One example is to use wireless measurements on mobile sensing platforms to measure the external environment. Another example is to monitor the quality of the delivered power to measure leading and lagging power, voltage variations, and waveform harmonics. Many green engineering systems and components require careful monitoring of current and voltages. For example, current transformers are used in various capacities for measuring and monitoring current within the power grid network of interconnected systems used to deliver electricity. Sensors are key components of any feedback control system because the measurements provide the required information as to the state of the system so the control system can take the appropriate action.The role of control systems in green engineering will continue to expand as the global issues facing us require ever increasing levels of automation and precision. In the book, we present key examples from green engineering such as wind turbine control and modeling of a photovoltaic generator for feedback control to achieve maximum power delivery as the sunlight varies over time. The wind and sun are important sources of renewable energy around the world. Wind energy conversion to electric power is achieved by wind energy turbines connected to electric generators. The intermittency characteristic of the wind makes smart grid development essential to bring the energy to the power grid when it is available and to provide energy from other sources when the wind dies down or is disrupted. A smart grid can be viewed as a system comprised of hardware and software that routes power more reliably and efficiently to homes, businesses, schools, and other users of power in the presence of intermittency and other disturbances. The irregular character of wind direction andpower also results in the need for reliable, steady electric energy by using control systems on the wind turbines themselves. The goal of these control devices is to reduce the effects of wind intermittency and the effect of wind direction change. Energy storage systems are also critical technologies for green engineering. We seek energy storage systems that are renewable, such as fuel cells. Active control can be a key element of effective renewable energy storage systems as well.We believe that the most important and productive approach to learning is for each of us to rediscover and re-create anew the answers and methods of the past. Thus, the ideal is to present the student with a series of problems and questions and point to some of the answers that have been obtained over the past decades. The traditional method—to confront the student not with the problem but with the finished solution—is to deprive the student of all excitement, to shut off the creative impulse, to reduce the adventure of humankind to a dusty heap of theorems. The issue, then, is to present some of the unanswered and important problems that we continue to confront, for it may be asserted that what we have truly learned an understood, we discovered ourselves.科技与生活如今气候变化,清洁可饮用水,可持续发展等一系列全球性问题,废物管理,减少排放,减少原材料和能源的使用逼迫许多工程师们重新思考现有的工程设计。

“中译国青杯”联合国文件翻译大赛学生组——英译汉【原文】Australia: Where Nature is Grieving“When you walk into a forest that’s been burnt this badly, the overwhelming thing that hits you is the silence. No bird-song. No rus tling of leaves. Silence.” This is how Mike Clarke, professor of zoology at La Trobe University, Melbourne, describes Australia’s many forests recently decimated by bushfires.“This stands out as the worst disaster in Australia’s recorded history,” Clarke says. The figure of the area that has been burnt – 13 million hectares –is “hard to get your head around.” For scale, this is an area bigger in hectares than Holland, Denmark and Switzerland combined. All burnt to a crisp. Homes, forests, animals, plants –everything in the wake of these intense infernos – incinerated. Gone.Unprecedented scaleAt least a billion animals were killed in the bushfires, according to approximate estimates by Chris Dickman, professor in territorial ecology at The University of Sydney. This figure is conservative, Clarke believes. “That’s just mammals, birds, reptiles. If we added invertebrates to that, the numbers would be astronomical.”One thing that must be clear, though, is that Australia’s bush has always burnt quite s everely. “The severity isn’t unprecedented,” says Alan York, professor of Fire Ecology at the University of Melbourne. “What is unprecedented is their earliness in, or before the usual fire season, and the volume of fires in so many places, which is far mo re unusual.”Koalas in northern New South Wales have had most of their habitat burnt. “Speculation is that populations will become locally extinct,” according to York. The iconic nature of the koalas sometimes overshadows other ecosystem horrors, Clarke ad ds. “They’re the poster child of this crisis. But in reality, a whole suite of wildlife – large possums, all sorts of plants that live in alpine ash, whole communities of organisms – are all at risk now.”The resilience of the Australian bush in questionIt may take years for these species to recover. And that may require human assistance, with captive-bred frogs in Australia’s zoos, for example. “Otherwise, we’re hoping animals survived in unburnt pockets,” York explains. He remains somewhat optimistic, s aying the Australian bush has a “dramatic capacity to recover.”There are, however, caveats. Rainforests and alpine areas of Tasmania, for instance, don’t have much experience of fires, so they’re more vulnerable to repeated fires, he says. And under the current climate change model, increasing fires are inevitable.Some of several “human interferences” that’ll most likely hamper recovery include habitat removal from land clearing; introducing feral species which prey on native species (feral cats have been known to come from ten kilometres away to the edge of a fire to pick off prey, usually native); and a lack of urgent political action on climate change.The problem is, lots of critical resources have been incinerated. For example, many fauna – cockatoos, parrots, possums, bats – rely on hollow logs on the ground, or on trees to den in or breed in. Not only have those logs now gone, Clarke predicts that it will take one to two centuries for them to appear again, hollowed out. “A lot of Australian wood is hardwood. Fungi and termites hollow it really slowly. There are no woodpeckers here,” he explains. Suddenly, the capacity to recover seems almost insurmountable within our lifetime. “What could disappear in hours in bushfire could take centuries to replace. Ecologists would call this a ‘complete state change’.”Immediate measures neededExperts say some immediate steps are being taken to help along the recovery of this vast area. A moratorium on logging has been proposed, and pressure is building to act more aggressively on the pest control of feral cats and foxes, in addition to introducing weed removal. “Weeds recolonize areas disturbed by fire. They use resources that native plants and animals might need,” York explains.Identifying and protecting areas that did not burn is also an important subject for debate. Specifically, some are arguing that cultural burns may be better than the hotter, more intense, hazard reduction burning. Cultural burns are cool-burning, knee-high blazes that were designed to happen continuously and across the landscape, practised by indigenous people long before Australia’s invasion and colonization. The fires burn up fuel like kindling and leaf detritus, so that a natural bushfire has less to devour.Since Australia's fire crisis began last year, calls for better reintegration of this technique have grown louder. But they may be of limited value at this crisis point, according to Clarke. “We need to appreciate how different things are now. Cultural burns happened to enable people to move through dense vegetation easily, or for ceremonial reasons. They weren’t burning around 25 million people, criss-crossed by complex infrastructure and in a climate change scenario,” he estimates.Concrete measures to combat climate change are indeed crucial for the future of biodiversity. In spite of green shoots of optimism in some quarters, the prognosis of whether the bush will ever recover its biodiversity is looking somewhat grim. Breaking it down, Clarke surmises that “A chunk of it will be good – a third will be able to bounce back. A third is in question, but a third is in serious trouble. I’ve been studyingfire ecology for twenty years, but we’re de aling with unchartered territory changing before our eyes.”【参赛译文格式要求】一、参赛译文应为Word文档.doc或.docx格式。

新视野大学英语2全部课文中英文翻译Unit1Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor.美国人相信没有人会停滞不前。
"We are slaves to nothing but the clock,” it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious resource. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. Once the sandshave run out of a person’s hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count.有人说:“我们只是时钟的奴隶。

CLUTCH ASSEMBLY COVER, METHOD OF MAKING SAME, AND OPTIONAL HEAT MANAGEMENTCROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATIONS [0001] This application claims priority under 35 U.S.C. §119 of aprovisional application Ser. No. 61/436,433 filed Jan. 26, 2011, which application is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.FIELD OF THE INVENTION[0002]The present invention is generally related to a clutch assembly. More particularly, but not exclusively, the invention relates to an improved clutch assembly cover and a method of making the cover, as well as an optional heat management feature that can be included with the cover.RACKGROIJND OF THE INVENTION[0003] As is well known, clutches for vehicles operate to selectively couple and decouple an engine to a transmission for the purpose of starting the vehicle movement while the engine is in gear, bringing the vehicle to a stop while the engine is running, changing gears while the vehicle is in motion and putting the vehicle in motion from a dead stop. Conventional clutches include a cover assembly having an annular cover or housing and an annular pressure plate connected to the cover for conjoint rotation with the cover. The cover is fixedly attached to a flywheel driven by the vehicle engine, so that the pressure plate is locatedbetween the cover and the flywheel. Attachment of the cover to the flywheel is by a plurality of bolts, which space the cover and pressure plate from the flywheel.[0004]A drive shaft is received through the cover assembly and flywheel free of fixed connection to any of these so that absent action of the clutch, the drive shaft and flywheel rotate independently of each other. The drive shaft is splined and one or more clutch friction discs are mounted on the splines for conjoint rotation with the drive shaft, while being free to slide longitudinally on the drive shaft. The clutch friction discs are positioned between the pressure plate and the fly- wheel. Heat shields are disposed between the pressure plate and nearest friction disc, and also between the flywheel and nearest friction disc. Floater plates are disposed between adjacent friction discs.[0005] Springs between the cover and pressure plate force a ring away from the cover to clamp the friction discs against the flywheel. The clamping action mates the drive shaft and flywheel for conjoint rotation so that the drive shaft is driven by the engine. However, some relative rotation or sliding between the friction discs and flywheel desirably occurs before there is conjoint rotation to reduce the impact loads on the engine and drive shaft as well as to make the motion of the vehicle smoother.[0006]The clutch is released to permit independent rotation of theflywheel and drive shaft by a mechanical linkage. Levers pivotally mounted on the cover are connected to pins fixedly attached to the pressure plate. The levers may be engaged by a release member of the mechanical linkage to pull the pressure plate toward the cover against the force of the springs to release the clutch.[0007]The cover protects the clutch and flywheel from being obstructed by foreign elements. The cover also provides a barrier to access within the clutch assembly to prevent accidental contact with the fast-spinning parts within the clutch assembly. A typical clutch cover is stamped or cast metal. The shapes can vary depending on a number of factors including type and manufacturer of clutch.[0008] However, casting and stamping requires the use of an expensive mold, and a new mold is required for each type or style of cover. One type or style of cast or stamped cover only fits one type or brand of motor or car, and is not transferrable between different automobiles or engines. Multiple molds increase costs greatly. In addition, special strengthening methods must be incorporated, such as having a greater thickness of metal, more metal material, special structural features, or the like. The strengthening is due to casting or stamping and the stresses experienced by the cover. The strengthening methods can add weight, increase the size, and otherwise be antagonistic to efficiency and economy of manufacturing the cover, use of space on the automobile, and operation ofthe automobile.[0009]It is therefore a primary object, feature, and/or advantage of the present invention to provide an apparatus and method that improves over the deficiencies in the art.[0010] It is another object, feature, and/or advantage of the present invention to provide an improved clutch cover and method of making the same that is lighter in weight than prior art clutch covers.[0011] It is another object, feature, and/or advantage of the present invention to provide an improved clutch cover and method of making the same that has a smaller profile from the plane of a mounting flange to the plane at the opposite side of the cover.[0012] It is another object, feature, and/or advantage of the present invention to provide an improved clutch cover and method of making the same that occupies less space to be able to fit more clutch lining layers on the clutch disc to better handle higher horsepower engines.[0013] It is another object, feature, and/or advantage of the present invention to provide an improved clutch cover and method of making the same that is less expensive than a die cast stamp, mold, or form. [0014] It is another object, feature, and/or advantage of the present invention to provide an improved clutch cover and method of making the same that includes an optional heat management feature that can deter damage or deterioration of the clutch plates due to increased heat.[0015]These and/or other objects, features, and advantages of the present invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art. The present invention is not to be limited to or by these objects, features and advantages. No single embodiment need provide each and every object, feature, or advantage.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION[0016] According to one aspect of the present invention, a clutch cover for connecting a clutch assembly to a flywheel of an engine is provided. The clutch cover includes a bowl- shaped member having an axis, a wide end, a narrow end, and an aperture through the narrow end along the axis. The bowl- shaped member is formed by deforming a spinning sheet of metal. A flange extends about the wide end of the bowl- shaped member.A rim is formed at the narrow end of the bowl-shaped member adjacent the aperture. A pattern of holes is machined in the flange and the rim, with the pattern of holes determined by the type of engine used. A plurality of apertures is formed through the bowl-shaped member and is configured to house release levers of a pressure plate assembly. [0017] According to another aspect of the present invention, a method of forming a universal clutch cover for use with a clutch assembly used with virtually any make of vehicle engine is provided. The method includes determining the make of the vehicle engine. A force is applied normal to a spinning sheet of metal having an aperture therethrough to formagenerally bowl-shaped member with a flange at a wide end and a rim at a narrow end of the bowl-shaped member. A pattern of holes is machined in the flange of the bowl-shaped member, with the pattern of holes corresponding to the make of the vehicle engine. A plurality of apertures is machined through the bowl-shaped member between the flange and the rim.[0018] According to yet another aspect of the present invention, a method of forming a clutch cover for a clutch assembly of an engine is provided. The method includes forming a hole in a sheet of metal. The sheet of metal is spun on a spin-casting machine about the central axis of the hole.A force is applied normal to the sheet of metal starting at a predetermined distance from the edge of the hole to form a bowl-shaped member having a rim adjacent a narrow end and a flange adjacent a wide end, with the rim and flange being generally perpendicular to the axis of the hole. A pattern of flange holes is machined in the flange, wherein the pattern of flange holes are configured to operably attach the clutch assembly to the engine. A plurality of apertures is cut in the bowl-shaped member, the apertures adapted to house release levers.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS [0019] FIG. 1 is an exploded view of components of a vehicle engine, including an engine block, flywheel, clutch assembly, and bell housing. [0020] FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a clutch assembly used in vehicles.[0021] FIG. 3 is an exploded view of the clutch assembly of FIG. 2. [0022] FIG.4 is a perspective view of a clutch cover according to the present invention.[0023] FIG. 5 is a bottom view of the clutch cover of FIG. 4.[0024] FIG. 6 is a side view of the clutch cover of FIG. 4.[0025] FIG. 7A shows a method of forming the clutch cover by use of an internal spin forming machine.[0026] FIG.7Bshows a method of forming the clutch cover by use of an external spin forming machine.[0027] FIG. 8 shows the steps of a process of forming the clutch cover according to the present invention.DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERREDEMBODIMENTS[0028] FIG. 1 is an exploded view of components of a vehicle engine, including an engine block 30, a flywheel 32, a clutch disc 28, a clutch assembly 10, and a bell housing 31. The flywheel 32 is connected to the engine 30 and the clutch assembly 10 is connected to the flywheel 32 with the clutch disc 28 therebetween. As is known in the art, the clutch assembly 10 works with the clutch disc 28 to selectively press the clutch disc 28 against the flywheel 32 in order to power a vehicle. Furthermore, the flywheel 32, clutch disc 28 and clutch assembly 10 are confined within the bell housing 31, which is attached to the engine 30. Therefore,it should be understood that the clutch assembly 10 ideally has a low height in order to take up the least amount of room within the bell housing 31 and to keep the engine 30 from getting too large.[0029] FIG. 2 is a perspective view of a clutch assembly 10 as taken from FIG. 1 and used in vehicles. As stated above, the clutch assembly 10 is used to selectively engage a clutch disc 28 with a flywheel 32 in an engine to both allow the automobile vehicle to idle without having to power down, and to provide power to the wheels of the vehicle in order to drive said vehicle. Previously, the clutch assembly 10 has been engine specific. For example, a certain clutch assembly 10 must be used with a certain engine 30, e.g., a Chevrolet manufactured engine requires the use of a Chevrolet clutch assembly. The clutch requirements make it difficult for auto- mobile enthusiasts to interchange engine components as they may like. As shown in FIG. 2, the clutch assembly 10 includes at least a clutch cover 12 and a pressure plate assembly 14 attached to the clutch cover 12.[0030] FIG. 3 shows an exploded view of the clutch assembly 10 of FIG.2. The clutch assembly 10 includes a clutch cover 12, a pressure plate assembly 14, a spring retainer 16, and a plurality of blocks 18 or other means of attaching the clutch cover 12 to the pressure plate assembly 14. [0031]The pressure plate assembly 14 generally includes a pressure plate 20, a plurality of springs 22 positioned radially on the pressure plate 20,as well as a plurality of pivots 24 and release levers or arms 26 positioned radially on the pressure plate 20. The springs and release arms are configured to selectively engage the clutch disc 28 into contact and from contact with the flywheel 32 via the pressure plate 20. There- fore, the number and arrangement of springs and release arms may vary depending on the type of vehicle. For instance, racing vehicles or vehicles having a higher torque and horse- power may require more release arms than would a standard vehicle used on public roads. Therefore, the present invention contemplates that the number of release arms may vary as is known and used in the industry. However, it is noted that most vehicles will use between three and ten release arms.[0032] Positioned between the pressure plate assembly 14 and the clutch cover 12 is a spring retainer 16. The spring retainer 16 helps align the springs 22 of the pressure plate assembly 14 and prevents the springs from being diverted from their line of axis. The spring retainer 16 is housed within the clutch cover 12. Also shown in FIG. 3 is a plurality of blocks 18 operatively attached to the clutch cover 12. The blocks 18 align with the pivots 24 of the pressure plate assembly 14 to attach the clutch cover 12 to the pressure plate assembly 14. Therefore, the number of blocks 18 will correspond to the number of release arms 26 used with the vehicle.[0033] FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a clutch cover 12 according to thepresent invention. It should be noted that the clutch cover 12 may also be known as a clutch housing or clutch hat. The clutch cover 12 includes a generally bowl- shaped member 34 having a wide end 38 and a narrow end 40. Adjacent the wide end 38 and extending there from is a flange 42. Adjacent the narrow ends 40 and extending generally inwardly towards an axis 62 of the bowl-shaped member 34 is a rim 44. On the flange is a pattern of flange holes 46 that correspond to the flywheel 32 of an engine. On the rim 44 is a pattern of rim holes 48 that corresponds with the bell housing 31 for attaching the clutch assembly 10 to the bell housing 31. Therefore, the flange holes 46 and rim holes 48 will be make or model specific, and will be determined by the make and model of the engine that the clutch assembly 10 will be used with. Furthermore, the clutch cover 12 includes a plurality of lever arm apertures 50 through the bowl-shaped member 34 and partially through the rim 44. The lever arm apertures 50 correspond to the lever or release arms 26 of the pressure plate assembly 14. Therefore, the number of lever arm apertures 50 will depend on the number of release levers or arms 26 used with the clutch assembly 10. Further shown in FIG. 4 is a plurality of bent segments or fins 52 positioned radially about the clutch cover 12. The fins 52 are bent segments 54 of the bowl-shaped member 34, and are used to provide a heat management aspect of the invention, as will be described in greater detail below.[0034] FIGS. 5 and 6 are a bottom view and side view of the clutch cover 12 of FIG. 4. The clutch cover 12 of the present invention is spun cast. The spin casting of the clutch cover 12 allows the clutch cover 12 to be manufactured quicker and cheaper than existing methods. Furthermore, the spin casting allows the clutch cover 12 to be generally a universal-type clutch cover that can be used with any make or model of engine, flywheel, and bell housing. FIGS. 5 and 6 show a fea more of the details of the clutch cover 12.[0035] For instance, it should be noted that the rim 44 and flange 42 are generally planar and parallel to one another. This allows the clutch cover 12 to be easily mounted in an engine. Furthermore, it should also be noted that the clutch cover 12 includes a generally first section 56 at the wide end 38 of the clutch cover 12 and a second section 58 at the narrow end 40 of the clutch cover 12. The second section 58 of the clutch cover 12 is generally perpendicular to the flange 42 and rim 44 of the clutch cover 12. The height of the second section 58 may also be varied according to the specific type of vehicle and engine. It should be noted that spin coating produces a clutch cover with greater strength, and that the spin cast cover can be lower in height due to the greater strength. [0036] FIGS. 7A and 7B show alternative methods of spin forming a sheet of steel or metal 60 into the bowl-shaped member 34 for use as a clutch cover 12. FIG. 7A shows the use of an external-type spin formingand FIG. 7B shows the use of an internal-type spin forming.[0037] FIG. 7A shows the method of forming the clutch cover 12 by use of an external spin forming machine 64. A sheet of metal 60 with a hole or aperture 36 there through placed onto a spinning machine 64 with the axis of the sheet of metal passing through the axis 62 of the spinning machine 64 itself. The sheet 60 is then secured by a support 68 and spun at a very high speed. As the sheet 60 spins, a roller 70 exerts a force downward onto the sheet 60 forcing it to form about a mandrel 74 with a flange 42 formed at the wide end of the bowl-shaped member 34. However, as shown in FIG. 7A according to the dashed lines, as the roller 70 exerts a force normal to the sheet 60 of the mandrel 74, the flange 42 may not be level or parallel with the rim 44. Therefore, this method may require the use of a leveling machine or other method for leveling the flange 42 to the rim 44.[0038] FIG. 7B shows an internal-type spin forming. A sheet of metal 60 is placed onto the spinning machine 64 with the axis 62 of the spinning machine 64 inserted through an aperture 36 in the center of the sheet of metal 60. The sheet 60 is then secured to the spinning machine 64 by the use of a support 68. The s spinning machine 64 then spins the sheet 60 ata high speed, and a roller 70 exerts a force generally normal to the sheet60. The force exerted by the roller 70 causes the sheet to form into the cavity 72. Therefore, the shape of the spun sheet of metal will coincide tothe shape of the cavity 72 of the spinning machine 64. Furthermore, the cavity 72 and the initial position of the roller 70 may be determined such that a flange 42 is left at the wide end of the spun sheet of metal 60 as is required for the clutch cover 12. Once the sheet 60 has been spun to form the bowl-shaped member 34, the flange 42 may be leveled as needed to make it parallel to the rim 44 of the clutch cover 12.[0039] FIG. 8 shows a series of steps of a process of forming the clutch cover 12 according to the present invention. The clutch cover 12 starts with a single sheet 60 of metal, such as steel. Next, an aperture 36 is formed in the center of the sheet 60, with the aperture serving as an indexing hole to be placed on the spin casting machine. Therefore, for the present invention, it is preferred that the aperture 3 6 be formed in the center of the sheet of metal 60. The sheet 60 is then spun cast on a spinning machine 64 as disclosed according to one of the methods as disclosed in either FIG. 7A or 7B. Thus, the bowl-shaped member 34 may be formed by either external or internal spin casting. After this step, the bowl-shaped member 34 will have a flange 42 and the beginnings of a rim 44. It should be noted that the spinning may form a general bowl- shaped member 34 as shown in FIG. 8 or may use a spin cast machine having the shape of the clutch cover 12 as shown in the next step. Therefore, the beginnings of the clutch cover 12 shape may be formed. [0040] In the fourth step shown in FIG. 8, the bowl-shaped member 34 isformed to have a flange 42, a rim 44, and the bowl-shaped body there between. The bowl-shaped body includes a first section 56 at the wide end of the bowl-shaped member 34 and a second section 58 adjacent the narrow portion of the bowl-shaped member 34. As described above, the second section 58 of the bowl-shaped member 34 may be generally perpendicular to the rim and flange of the member. Furthermore, as shown in this step, the flange has been machined or laser cut to have a specific peripheral shape. The peripheral shape is determined by the make and model of the engine. Next, material is removed from the bowl-shaped member 34. For instance, a pattern of flange holes 46 and rim holes 48 are machined into the member. The flange holes 46 and rim holes 48 are selected depending on the make and model of the engine in which the clutch cover 12 will be used. Additionally, a plurality of lever arm apertures 50 are formed in the bowl-shaped member 34. The number and location of the lever arm apertures 50 will depend on the pressure plate assembly 14 used with the clutch cover 12. This may also depend on the intended use of the clutch assembly 10. Finally, a plurality of fins 52 may be stamped in the bowl-shaped member 34 or clutch cover 12 body. The fins 52 are bent segments of the clutch cover 12 body. The fins 52 may be stamped by a stamping machine. However, it should be noted that the fins 52 are bent segments 54 comprising the material of the clutch cover 12 bent at least partially away from the axis of the clutch cover 12 such thatthere is a slight opening from the outside of the clutch cover 12 to the inside of the clutch cover 12. The fins 52 provide a heat management system for the clutch assembly 10.[0041] As stated above, the method of manufacturing the clutch cover 12 of the present invention provides for many benefits over the prior art. By spin casting the clutch cover 12, the exact design of the clutch cover 12 may be varied on a case by case basis. For instance, many automobile enthusiasts would like to use different engine components than what is provided by the manufacturer of the vehicle. This might be known as after market parts. Therefore, enthusiasts may wish to use a Chevrolet engine with a Ford transmission. Presently, there is difficulty in connecting the different types of engines and transmissions. This is due to the fact that each manufactuner has certain attaching features that do not coincide with another manufacturer. Therefore, in order to connect the two, specialty components such as bell housings and clutch covers are needed. However, due to the price of molds that are presently used to manufacture the clutch covers, this is not economically feasible. Therefore, the spin casting and machining of the clutch cover 12 according to the presenl invention allows for this to become a reality. [0042]The spin forming also adds strength to the clutch cover 12 compared to hydro forming the cover. The added strength allows the cover to be thinner, which also means lighter. Furthermore, the lowerclearance allows for the clutch assembly 10 to use more clutch discs than previously, which aids in the engine efficiency.[0043] The method of manufacturing the clutch cover 12 as described above would allow for a mere universal combination of engine components. For instance, a customer may wish to include two different makes of engine and transmission. Once the make and model of engine and transmission are known, the present invention will allow for a quick and inexpensive way to provide for a clutch cover for use with the different makes and models of transmission and engine. Furthermore, the invention contemplates the use of a database that includes specifications for different types of engines, bell housings, transmissions, and other engine components related to the clutch assembly 10. Therefore, a user would simply select the desired engine components from said data- base, and the clutch cover 12 would be manufactured to accommodate the selected engine components. This may include the pattern of rim holes, pattern of flange holes, number and location of lever arm apertures, height of clutch cover, and number and location of fins.[0044] Furthermore, the fins 52 aid in the heat management of the clutch assembly 10. One problem with current clutch assemblies is the damage due to overheating of the assemblies. The heat produced by the spinning components of the engine may cause components to be damaged. For example, clutch discs are commonly warped after extended use due to theheat produced by the spinning components of the engine. Thus, the clutch disc must be replaced in order to provide efficient operation of the engine and vehicle. However, the fins 52 will work similar to a fan in bringing outside air to within the clutch cover 12 to aid in cooling of the clutch discs 28 and other components within the clutch assembly 10. The clutch assembly 10 is always spinning. Thus, the spinning of the clutch cover 12 and fins 52 located on the clutch cover 12 will draw in air from outside the clutch cover 12 to aid in the cooling of the clutch disc 28. The cooling of the clutch disc 28 will extend the life of said clutch disc 28 and provide for prolonged efficiency of a vehicle engine. Therefore, it should be appreciated that the design of the fins 52 may vary.[0045] As shown in the Figures, the fins 52 are generally bent segments 54 of the clutch cover 12 material bent outwardly from the axis 62 through the clutch cover 12. How- ever, the fins 52 may be bent inwardly, or may be rotated 900 relative to the flange 42 to have different configurations to draw in more or less air for the clutch assembly 10. Thus, the present invention contemplates multiple designs of the fins 52 about the clutch cover 12.[0046] Other alternative processes obvious to those in the field of the art are considered to be included in this invention. This description is merely an example of an embodiment and limitations of the invention are not limited to the application. For instance, the exact shape and size of theclutch cover 12 may be varied according to the amount of space available and the type of engine used with the clutch cover 12. Furthermore, the machines used to remove material from the clutch cover 12 may vary as well. A five axis laser cutter may be used to cut out the lever arm apertures in the clutch cover 12 body. A drill or other machine may be used to create the bolt holes or holes through the flange 42 and rim 44. Finally, a leveling machine or other machine capable of leveling the device may be used to level the flange 42 relative to the rim 44.What is claimed is:1. A clutch cover for connecting a clutch assembly to aflywheel of an engine, comprising:a bowl-shaped member having an axis, a wide end, a nar-row end, and an aperture through the narrow end alongthe axis, the bowl-shaped member being formed bydeforming a spinning sheet of metal;a flange extending about the wide end of the bowl-shapedmember;a rim formed at the narrow end of the bowl-shaped memberadjacent the aperture;a pattern of holes formed in the flange and the rim, thepattern of holes determined by the type of engine used;anda plurality of apertures through the bowl-shaped memberconfigurcd to housc rclcasc lcvcrs.2. The clutch cover of claim 1 further comprising a plural- ity of fins positioned about the bowl-shaped member.3. The clutch cover of claim 2 wherein the fins are bent segments of the bowl-shaped member.4. The clutch cover of claim 3 wherein the fins are bent away from the axis of the bowl.5. The clutch cover of claim 1 wherein the number of plurality of apertures through the bowl-shaped member includes three to six apertures.6. The clutch cover of claim 1 wherein the flange and the rim are generally parallel to one another.7. The clutch cover of claim 1 wherein the bowl-shaped member comprises a first section having a diameter and a second section having a smaller diameter than the first sec- tion.8. A method of forming a universal clutch cover for use with a clutch assembly used with virtually any make of vehicle engine, the method comprising:determining the make of the vehicle engine;applying a force normal to a spinning sheet of metal havingan aperture therethrough to form a generally bowl-shaped member with a flange at a wide end and a rim ata narrow end of the bowl-shaped member;machining a pattern of holes in the flange of the bowl-shaped member, the pattern of holes corresponding tothe make of the vehicle engine; andmachining a plurality of apertures through the bowl-shaped member between the flange and the rim.9. The method of claim 8 further comprising stamping apattern of fins in the bowl-shaped member between each ofthe plurality of apertures. 10. The method of claim 9 wherein the fins are bent out-wardly from the bowl-shaped member.11. The method of claim 8 further comprising leveling theflange relative to the rim.12. The method of claim 8 wherein the number of theplurality of apertures is between three and six apertures.13. The method of claim 8 wherein a portion of the bowl-shaped member is generally perpendicular to the flange andmm.14. The method of claim 8 further comprising centering the。

A. Kugi*, R. Novak** and K. Schlacher**
*Department of Automatic Control Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria, Europe kugi@mechatronik.uni-1inz.ac.at **Christian Doppler Laboratory Automatic Control of Mechatronic Systems in Steel Industries Altenbergerstr. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria, Europe
wards tighter thickness tolerances, thinner final strip thicknesses, faster production rates and shorter off-gauge lengths, we are more and more confronted with the fact that the non-linear nature of the rolling process can no longer be neglected in the controller design. In this context, let us mention the flying gauge change in continuous rolling mills where in view of minimizing the off-gauge lengths the demands on the thickness and tension control concept are very challenging, see, [14] for more details on this topic. In particular, in combination with the development of continuous casting a strong trend to continuous hot rolling mills can be expected in the near future. During the last decade there have been some significant advances in the area of non-linear control system design. Apart from the progress in non-linear control theory, the practical use of these non-linear control concepts was only made possible, on the one hand, by the increasing availability of computer algebra programs for the symbolic computation and, on the other hand, by the increasing power of the automation hardware for the realtime execution of the non-linear control laws. A softwarepackage in the computer algebra program MAPLEV for the analysis and synthesis of a special class of non-linear systems, the so called AI- (affine-input) systems (see, e.g., [7], [ I H , [21]) can be found e.g., on the webpage of (201, the Maple Application Center [lo]. Despite for all these advances in non-linear control the number of realizations of non-linear controllers in the industrial environment is not that wide-spread as one might expect from the well established non-linear control theory. One possible explanation for this is that a straight forward application of the non-linear control methods often results in a closed loop system which is very sensitive to parameter variations and/or transducer and quantization noise. The control task is getting even more difficult since not all quantities are directly available through measurement and, in contrast to linear systems, the separation property (see, e.g., [SI) of an observer-controller based control design procedure is no longer valid in the non-linear case. Hence it is unavoidable to consider all these special features of the to-be-controlled plant already in the controller design. Another important aspect, which has to be taken into account, is that the proposed control concept can easily
英文翻译 附原文

本科毕业设计(论文) 外文翻译(附外文原文)系 ( 院 ):资源与环境工程系课题名称:英文翻译专业(方向):环境工程班级:2004-1班学生:3040106119指导教师:刘辉利副教授日期:2008年4月20使用褐煤(一种低成本吸附剂)从酸性矿物废水中去除和回收金属离子a. 美国, 大学公园, PA 16802, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 能源部和Geo 环境工程学.b. 印度第80号邮箱, Mahatma Gandhi ・Marg, Lucknow 226001, 工业毒素学研究中心, 环境化学分部,于2006 年5月6 日网上获得,2006 年4月24 日接受,2006 年3月19 日;校正,2006 年2月15 日接收。
摘要酸性矿物废水(AMD), 是一个长期的重大环境问题,起因于钢硫铁矿的微生物在水和空气氧化作用, 买得起包含毒性金属离子的一种酸性解答。
褐煤已被用于酸性矿水排水AMD 的处理。
经研究其能吸附亚铁, 铁, 锰、锌和钙在multi-component 含水系统中。
模拟工业条件进行酸性矿物废水处理, 所有研究被进行通过单一的并且设定多专栏流动模式。
空的床接触时间(EBCT) 模型被使用为了使吸附剂用量减到最小。
金属离子的回收并且吸附剂的再生成功地达到了使用0.1 M 硝酸不用分解塔器。
关键词:吸附; 重金属; 吸附; 褐煤; 酸性矿物废水处理; 固体废料再利用; 亚铁; 铁; 锰。
文章概述1. 介绍2. 材料和方法2.1. 化学制品、材料和设备3. 吸附步骤3.1. 酸碱度最佳化3.2. 固定床研究3.2.1 单一栏3.2.2 多栏4. 结果和讨论4.1. ZPC 和渗析特征4.2 酸碱度的影响4.3. Multi-component 固定吸附床4.3.1 褐煤使用率4.4. 吸附机制4.5. 解吸附作用研究5. 结论1. 介绍酸性矿物废水(AMD) 是一个严重的环境问题起因于硫化物矿物风化, 譬如硫铁矿(FeS2) 和它的同素异形体矿物(α-FeS) 。

Wisemen say: learning.knows no end.(恩,这句挺西方化)Ultramarine is out of blue grass but deeper than blue(不错,虽然取自蓝草,但对比的双方却应该是颜色); Ice is frozen water but colder than water(上句用了out of,这句不用这样的结构,更显句式的多变,少用骈体排比). A length of straight wood, when baked into a wheel, will never be straight again, even if dried, because of the baking. (不知道bake在这里合适不) Therefore, wood will remain straight by the ink line, metal tools get sharper on the grindstones., and Wisemen ,though learned, make self-reflections everyday, so they are wise enough not to behave wrong.(就是不知道那个by能不能表示出“被墨线标直”的意思)劝学原文吾尝终日而思矣,不如须臾之所学也;吾尝�而望矣,不如登高之博见也。
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南京师范大学泰州学院英文翻译原文年级: 2011级学号:12110330 姓名:申佳佳系部:信息工程学院专业:通信工程题目:基于C51的数字测速仪设计与仿真指导教师:焦蓬蓬2015 年 4 月 5 日Linux - Operating system of cybertimesThough for a lot of people , regard Linux as the main operating system to make u p huge work station group, finish special effects of " Titanic " make , already can be re garded as and show talent fully. But for Linux, this only numerous news one of. Rece ntly, the manufacturers concerned have announced that support the news of Linux to i ncrease day by day, users' enthusiasm to Linux runs high unprecedentedly too. Then, Linux only have operating system not free more than on earth on 7 year this piece wh at glamour, get the favors of such numerous important software and hardware manufa cturers as the masses of users and Orac le , Informix , HP , Sybase , Corel , Intel , Net scape , Dell ,etc. , OK?1.The background of Linux and characteristicLinux is a kind of " free (Free ) software ": What is called free, mean users can o btain the procedure and source code freely , and can use them freely , including revise or copy etc.. It is a result of cybertimes, numerous technical staff finish its research a nd development together through Inte rnet, countless user is it test and except fault , c an add user expansion function that oneself make conveniently to participate in. As the most outstanding one in free software, Linux has characteristic of the following:(1)Totally follow POSLX standard, expand the network operating system of sup porting all AT&T and BSD Unix characteristic. Because of inheritting Unix outstandi ng design philosophy , and there are clean , stalwart , high-efficient and steady kernels , their all key codes are finished by Li nus Torvalds and other outstanding programmer s, without any Unix code of AT&T or Berkeley, so Linu x is not Unix, but Linux and Unix are totally compatible. (2)Real many tasks, multi-user's system, the built-in n etwork supports, can be with such seamless links as NetWare , Windows NT , OS/2 , Unix ,etc.. Network in various kinds of Unix it tests to be fastest in comparing and ass ess efficiency. Support such many kinds of files systems as FAT16 , FAT32 , NTFS , E x t2FS , ISO9600 ,etc. at the same time .(3) Can operate it in many kinds of hardwares platform , including such processo rs as Alpha , SunSparc , PowerPC , MIPS ,etc., to various kinds of new-type periphera l hardwares, can from distribute on global numerous programmer there getting suppor t rapidly too.(4) To that the hardware requires lower, can obtain very good performance on mo re low-grade machine , what deserves particular mention is Linux outstanding stability , permitted " year " count often its running times.2.Main application of Linux At present,Now, the application of Linux mainly includes:(1) Internet/Intranet: This is one that Linux was used most at present, it can offer andinclude Web server , all such Inter net services as Ftp server , Gopher server , SM TP/POP3 mail server , Proxy/Cache server , DNS server ,etc.. Linux kernel supports I Palias , PPP and IPtunneling, these functions can be used for setting up fictitious host computer , fictitious service , VPN (fictitious special-purpose network ) ,etc.. Operatin g Apache Web server on Linux mainly, the occupation rate of market in 1998 is 49%, far exceeds the sum of such several big companies as Microsoft , Netscape ,etc..(2) Because Linux has outstanding networking ability , it can be usedin calculati ngdistributedly large-scaly, for instance cartoon making , scientific caculation , database and file server ,etc..(3) As realization that is can under low platform fullness of Unix that operate , ap ply at all levels teaching and research work of universities and colleges extensively, if Mexico government announce middle and primary schools in the whole country dispo se Linux and offer Internet service for student already.(4) Tabletop and handling official business appliedly. Application number of peo ple of in this respect at present not so good as Windows of Microsoft far also, reason i ts lie in Lin ux quantity , desk-top of application software not so good as Windows ap plication far not merely, because the characteristic of the freedom software makes it n ot almost have advertisement that support (though the function of Star Office is not second to MS Office at the same time, but there are actually few people knowing).3.Can Linux become a kind of major operating system?In the face of the pressure of coming from users that is strengthened day by day, more and more commercial companies transplant its application to Linux platform, co mparatively important i ncident was as follows, in 1998.(1)Compaq and HP determine to put forward user of requirement truss up Linux at their servers , IBM and Dell promise to offer customized Linux system to user too.(2)Lotus announce, Notes the next edition include one special-purpose edition in Linux.(3)Corel Company transplants its famous WordPerfect to on Linux, and free issue. Corel also plans to move the other figure pattern process products to Linux platfor m completely.(4)Main database producer: Sybase , Informix , Oracle , CA , IBM have already been transplanted one's own database products to on Linux, or has finished Beta editio n, among them Oracle and Informix also offer technical support to their products.4.The gratifying one is, some farsighted domestic corporations have begun to try hard to change this kind of current situation already. Stone Co. not long ago is it inves t a huge sum of money to claim , regard Linux as platform develop a Internet/Intranet solution, regard this as the core and launch Stone's system integration business , plan t o set up nationwide Linux technical support organization at the same time , take the le ad to promote the freedom software application and development in China. In additio n domestic computer Company , person who win of China , devoted to Linux relevant software and hardware application of system popularize too. Is it to intensification th at Linux know , will have more and more enterprises accede to the ranks that Linux w ill be used with domestic every enterprise to believe, more software will be planted in Linux platform. Meanwhile, the domestic university should regard Linux as the origin al version and upgrade already existing Unix content of courses , start with analysing t he source code and revising the kernel and train a large number of senior Linux talent s, improve our country's own operating system. Having only really grasped the operati ng system, the software industry of our country could be got rid of and aped sedulously at present, the passive state led by the nose by others, create conditions for revitalizi ng the software industry of our country fundamentally.。