




3、口试考试开始,老师会用英文孩子的名字和姓氏,比如What's your name?这句话


What's your surname?你姓什么?What's your family name?很多孩子都答不上来。

4、自我介绍后,老师会分别问孩子几个问题,例如:What do you do in the weekend? How do you spend your weekend?等,考官老师希望孩子能够运用英语知识详细地回答问题。




Data Bank of Oral English Unit 1 Campus life,eful Sentences: 1.Greetings: ●Good morning/ afternoon/ evening. ●How are you doing?/ How’s everything?/ How’s going?/ How are you getting on these days? ●Fine, thank you./ Pretty good./ So-so./ It’s good. / Everything’s all right. ●Haven’t seen you for ages/ for some time. How’s everything? ●Just fine. ●Glad to meet you./ How nice to meet you!/ What a pleasant surprise! 2.Introduction: ●May I introduce myself? ●Excuse me, I don’t think we’ve met. My name’s … ●My name’s David. I study in English Department. ●By the way, do you know each other? James Martin, Susan Smith. ●I want you to meet my friend, James Martin. ●Allow me to introduce James Martin. 3.In the library ●I’d like to apply for a library card.



2005年11月全国大学英语四、六级考试 口语考试报名通知 各省、自治区、直辖市教育厅(教委)高教处: 根据教育部办公厅(教考厅[2005]2号)《教育部办公厅关于大学英语四、六级考试部分考务管理工作交接的通知》文件的要求,“大学英语四、六级考试口语考试工作仍由全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会负责实施,涉及各省、自治区、直辖市教育厅(教委)的有关口语考试的考务组织工作,目前仍按照现行的做法,由省、自治区、直辖市教育厅(教委)高教处负责协调”。 2005年11月全国大学英语四、六级考试口语考试报名工作即将开始,现将有关事宜通知如下。 一.考试日期:2005年11月12、13、19、20日。 二.报名时间: 1)报名开始日期时间为: 10月18日08:00 2)报名截止日期时间为: 10月26日23:00 3)第一次报名后的缴费和领取准考证日期时间为: 10月29、30日上午8:30--11:30;下午13:30--16:30 4)补报开始时间为11月1日08:00 5)补报截止日期为11月3日23:00 6)补报后的缴费和领取准考证的时间为: 11月5、6日上午8:30--11:30;下午13:30--16:30 三.报名方式:本次口语考试采用网上报名方式。考生选择本省、自治区、直辖市内的一个考点报名参加考试。因考点容量所限,报名额满为 止。如遇此情况,考生可在所属地区内另选考点。 四.报名流程: 第一阶段:考生必须首先登录指定网站(注意CET网上通知,即将公 布),进行网上报名。 第二阶段:网上报名成功后,考生于指定时间内到所报考点进行现场缴 费,领取准考证(详细内容,请参见附件一)。 五.注意事项: 1.考生只能在一个考点报名一次。不得重复报名。 2.考生只能选择本省、自治区、直辖市内的一个考点报名参加考试。 不得跨省(市、自治区)报名 六.考点分布:(详细内容,请参见附件二)


1.Greeting and introduction: 1. How do you do? 2. How are you, today? 3. It is a fine day today, isn’t it? 4. How is the weather today? 5. What day is it today? 6. What date is it today? 7. How did you get here this morning? 8. What is your name? 9. May I know your name? 10. Can you spell your name, please? 11. What is your full name? 12. What is your surname? 13. What is your family name? 14. Do you have an English name? 15. What is your English name? 16. When is your birthday? 17. How old are you? 18. When were you born? 19. Where were you born?

20. Were you born in Xuzhou? 21. Were you born in this city? 22. Are you a local person? 23. Are you native to this area? 24. Where are you from? 25. Where do you come from? 26. Where is your birthplace? 27. Where do you live? 28. Do you live in this city? 29. What school are you studying at? 30. Which grade are you in? 31. Is your home far away from your school? 32. How far is your home from your school? 33. How long does it take you to get to school? 34. What time do you go to school? 35. How do you get to school? 36. Which class are you in? 37. How many students are there in your class? 38. How many boys/girls are there in your class? 39. Do you like your school/class?


KET官方口语题库Test 1 1. Geeting and introduction: How do you do? How are you, today? It is a fine day today, isn’t it? How is the weather today? What day is it today? What date is it today? How did you get here this morning? What is your name? May I know your name? Can you spell your name, please? What is your full name? What is your surname? What is your family name? Do you have an English name? What is your English name? When is your birthday? How old are you? When were you born?

Where were you born? Were you born in Xuzhou? Were you born in this city? Are you local people? Are you native? Where are you from? Where do you come from? Where is your birthplace? Where do you live? Do you live in this city? What school are you studying at? Which grade are you in? Is your home far away from your school? How far is your home from your school? How long does it take you to get to scholl? When do you go to school every day? How do you get to school every day? Which class are you in? How many students are there in your class? How many boys/girls are there in your class? Do you like your school/class? How do you think of your scool/class?


KET复习总攻略 1.Things need to be done before the exam (1)单词 不光要认识,一些重点、高频单词还要会拼写,会使用。 合理安排考前时间,不要把单词都堆到一天去背。 第二天复习前一天的单词,再背今天的新词。每天都要进行复习。 复习后,完成相应的练习题。 (2)Listening 每天,条件允许的情况下,听10-20分钟听力光盘。 重点听Part4和Part5 分析Test1-Test4错题的原因。 (3)Speaking 讲Part1高频考题的答案写出来并读熟(最好不要考试的时候照背,那样会给考官留下不好的印象) List:(Tell me something about:) -your school -your family -your best friend -your hometown -your favorite movie -your favorite book -your favorite food -your hobby -your favorite sport - a city you’ve visited before -your favorite gift -your last birthday party(过去时!) 举例Tell me something about your school 大纲:1. Plants 2. Buildings 3. Teachers and students Well my school is big and beautiful because there are lots of trees and flowers and also a small garden in my school. We have a library, a gym and


KET口语考试 第一部分常见问题-greeting How do you do? How are you,today? It is a fine day today,isn’t it? How is the weather today? What day is it today? What date is it today? 第一部分常见问题-name What is your name? May I know your name? Can you spell your name,please? What is your full name? What is your surname? What is your family name? Do you have an English name? What is your English name? 第一部分常见问题-年龄/地址 When is your birthday? How old are you? When were you born? Where were you born? Were you born in Xuzhou? Were you born in this city? Can you describe something about your hometown? Are you local people? Are you native? Where are you from? Where do you come from? Where is your birthplace? Where do you live? Do you live in this city? 第一部分常见问题-school What school are you studying at? Which grade are you in? Is your home far away from your school? How far is your home from your school? How long does it take you to get to school? When do you go to school every day? When do you come home from school every day? How do you get to school every day? Is there a library at your school? Does your school have a Reading Club/English corner?What do you do after school? 第一部分常见问题-class Which class are you in? How many students are there in your class? How many boys/girls are there in your class? Do you like your school/class? How do you think of your school/class? What is your school/class like? What does your school/class look like? 第一部分常见问题-subject What do you usually do at English corner? When does the first lesson start? What do you usually do between classes? How many subjects do you have?What are they? What subjects do you have? What is your favorite subject?Why do you like it best? Do you do well in PE? Do you like sports? What subject are you good at? What kind of sport do you like best?Why?How often do you do it? 第一部分常见问题-English How do you think of English,easy or difficult? Is English hard or easy for you? Do you like learning English? What is your English teacher’s name? Why do you like English/Maths/Chinese? Are you good at English? Are you tired after lessons a day? Do you read English every day? 第一部分常见问题-family How many people are there in your family?Who are they? How many family members do you have? Do you love your family? How old is your father/mother? What is your father’s/mother’s job? What does your father/mother do? How does your father/mother go to work? Do you often help your parents with housework?For example? When is your father’s/mother’s birthday?


KET口语常用句型及用法剖析 这一次我们来谈谈KET考试大纲中口语的前几个重点,即 一,打招呼/回应打招呼; 二,自我介绍,介绍他人; 三,询问和给出个人信息:姓名,年龄,地址,职业等。 说到打招呼,不少小朋友在这个问题上似乎摸不到门,说白了就是基本不会打招呼。想想我们中国人日常生活中打招呼的情形,一句简单的“吃了吗您”,就够了。所以,重要的是打招呼以后讲什么,而不是怎么样去打这个招呼 。 一般小朋友在见到任何人都会说:“How are you?”, 而另外一个孩子则规规矩矩地回答:“I’m fine, thank you, and you?”随之而来的回答肯定是也只能是“I’m fine, too.”。招呼打到这个份上,被问候的人除了再来一句“and you”,还有什么话好说吗?应该没有了吧。这样像打乒乓球一样推来挡去,还有个完吗? 那么为什么会出现这个情况呢?因为打招呼的目的不明确。

熟人之间打招呼,是习惯;初次见面,打招呼的目的除了礼貌之外,还有相互了解。 具体到KET考试中,打招呼的最主要目的除了礼貌,就是了解对方。跟考官打招呼,是礼貌;跟抽到签在一组的小朋友打招呼,就是相互了解了。 这个招呼打好了,也是展示自己的一个过程。如果在打招呼的过程中,显得比较简洁、老练,那么一定可以占得先机,给考官留下良好的印象。所以无论是面对考官,还是面对跟自己协作的考生来说,先打招呼,肯定比等到他们来问你要好。 例如首先,面对考官时,先来一句“Good morning. I’m Jack. How are you doing?”这不仅免去了被动地等考官来问自己“How are you today?”以及“What’s your name?”, 甚至“What’s your surname?”这样的问题,来得效果好,而且脱离了以前“How are you?”那样的老路子,考官一定会对你刮目相看。因为“How are you doing”这样的打招呼方式,才是比较地道的英语国家的人打招呼的方式,类似于我们中国人常用的“吃了吗您”。回答起来也比较方便,可以便于立即进入下一话题。下面我们来看看,怎么样去回答“How are you?” ,“How are you doing?”, 以及其他一些打招呼的方式吧。


KET常用句型积累 句型1: There+be +主语+地点状语/时间状语(某地点有菜扬。) There i s a boat i n the r i ver?河里有条船. 句型2: What' s wrong with + sb?/ sth.(某.物/某人有什么问题) What1 s wrong with your watch你的手表有什么毛病 > 句型3: How do you like...(你觉得某爭扬怎么样) How do you I ike China你觉得中国怎么样 句型4: What do you I ike about..?(你喜欢某爭物的什么) What do you I ike about the movie Avatar你喜欢电影阿凡达的什么 句型5: had better (not)+动词原形(最好去做某事。) You' d better ask that pol iceman over there.你最好去问问那边的那个警察。 句型6: How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语!(感叹句) What a/ an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语!(感叹句) How cold it i s today !今天多冷啊! What a fine picture it i s !多美的一幅图画呀!

句型7: Thank+sb?+for (doing) sth.(感谢某人做某芋。) Thank you for coming to see me.感谢你来看我° 句型8: So+be/情态动词/助动词+主语(菜人也是。)(倒装句) She is fourteen years old. So am I.她十四岁了。我也是。 He can speak French. So can we.他会说法语。我们也会。 My father plays tenni s. So does my mother.我爸爸打网球。我妈妈也打。 句型9: ?…not???until???(直到某时才做某事) He didn' t have supper unt i I his parents came back.直到他的父母回来他才吃饭。 句型10:比较级+ and +比较级(越来越……) The baby cr ied harder and harder?那孩子哭得越来越厉害。 句型门:the +比较级,the +比较级(越.......... ,越.... ) The more one has, the more one wants. 越有越贪。 句型12:???as +ad j. / adv.+as???(某事物与另一爭物相比如何) ???not as (so) +adj?/ adv. +as???(某?事物不如另一事扬..... ) Do you think that art is as important as music 你认为艺术和音乐一样重要吗 Last Sunday the weather was not so wet as it is today.上个星期天的天气不如今天的天气潮


PET口语考试流程(附图片及视频) 2014-10-23 10:49:31 来源:智康1对1 小编按:最近很多家长在询问智康的老师关于KET/PET考试的事情,尤其是口语考试流程,为了方便大家了解KET/PET口语考试流程,今天小编将之前智康举办的智康1对1第一届PET模拟考的情况发上来,供大家参考。 ps:剑桥五级的PET考试属于剑桥五级的第二个级别,相当于雅思考试的4.5分,具体介绍可以参考《什么是PET考试》。对于小学四~六年级的孩子来说,PET是具有相当的难度的。到底PET口语考试难在哪里呢?下面我给大家解析一下考试流程,大家就会明白了。 1.学生来了之后,智康的工作人员会将学生引领到PET考试候场教室,等待安排考场。 2.考试进行中,每个考场同时进入两名同学,同时另外两位同学在教室外等候考试。 3.考试开始,考官老师会让孩子来一个简单的自我介绍和提问。比如What's your name?What's your surname?你姓什么?What's your family name?这些话对所有参加考试的孩子来说都没有难度,孩子一般都应答如流。但是在回答问题的时候,孩子一般都用过于简单的言语,没有用比较丰富的语言来完整的回答考官问题,大多孩子都只会说YES,NO,这样就拿不到分。

4.第二部分,自我介绍后考官会给两位考生1张黑白图片,该图片中有5-6个小图,孩子们要看图对话,每一个小图必须描述出来,并说明自己的观点,之后再向对方提问。考试要求孩子们在对话的结尾,述说的观点达成一致,如果没有做到也会扣分。时间大概为2-3分钟左右。 5.第三部分,考官会分别给孩子两张彩图,让孩子们看图说话,时间为1分钟。这部分要求孩子不间断地根据图片的内容描述图片,不仅要说出图片的主要内容,同时还要注意图片的背景以及提供的其他辅助性信息。时间超过1分钟考官会打断孩子,若时间不足1分钟,考官只会用肢体语言提示孩子继续说,如果考生不能领会意思,继续保持沉默,就会扣掉相应的分数。 6.最后一步就是考官会根据第三部分的彩图给出一个主题,让两位考生互相对话。时长为2分钟。 PET口语考试考官建议: 1.大家在备考PET口语的时候,一定要多看些小短文,这样才能出口成章。 2.另外需要参加一些有针对性的课外辅导班,在老师的指导下学会如何说出有条理,逻辑清晰的小短文。 3.最后,在应试的时候,需要大家掌握一些沟通的小技巧,这样在两人对话环节,就能够避免两人互唱独角戏的尴尬。


KET口语提问题库 1. Greeting and introduction: 1. How do you do? 2. How are you, today? 3. It is a fine day today, isn’t it? 4. How is the weather today? 5. What day is it today? 6. What date is it today? 7. How did you get here this morning? 8. What is your name? 9. May I know your name? 10. Can you spell your name, please? 11. What is your full name? 12. What is your surname? 13. What is your family name? 14. Do you have an English name? 15. What is your English name? 16. When is your birthday? 17. How old are you?

18. When were you born? 19. Where were you born? 20. Were you born in ShangHai? 21. Were you born in this city? 22. Are you a local person? 23. Are you native to this area? 24. Where are you from? 25. Where do you come from? 26. Where is your birthplace? 27. Where do you live? 28. Do you live in this city? 29. What school are you studying at? 30. Which grade are you in? 31. Is your home far away from your school? 32. How far is your home from your school? 33. How long does it take you to get to school? 34. What time do you go to school? 35. How do you get to school? 36. Which class are you in? 37. How many students are there in your class?


雅思口语考试流程具体有哪些步骤 只有充分的了解了雅思口语考试流程,才能知道接下来怎么去做,才能去根据不同的考试部分去调整自己的雅思口语答题策略。下面前程百利雅思小编就为大家来介绍雅思口语考试流程具体有哪些步骤,一起来看吧。 我们先来普及一下最基本的流程常识。考生进入考试室,根据考官要求递上身份证,考官核对考生身份,之后考试正式开始。第一部分中,考官问,考生答,若干问题后进入第二部分。第二部分中,考官给考生一个题目(cue card)、笔、纸以及一分钟的准备时间,时间到后考生开始就所给题目发表为时2分钟左右的 speech/monologue,期间考官不会和考生互动。时间到后,考官会问几个与考生speech紧密关联的问题,然后过渡到第三部分。第三部分中,考官与考生会就考官提出的问题进行讨论,当考官说“This is the end of the tes t。”的时候,考试结束。整个考试过程总体控制在11至14分钟之间。之后考生起身离开考试室。 这个流程人尽皆知,但知道这个流程中隐含的关于能让我们提分的秘密的人就不那么多了。下面我就和大家分享一下一些经过实战检验的成功秘诀。 一、真正的考试长于你知道的考试。 大家都知道考官有个录音机(笔),在他/她核对了我们的身份之后,他们会打开录音机,并说一句标明录音内容的话,比如“Interviewee Wu MengQiQi,ID number 123456789011111”,然后他/她就开始第一部分的问答了。其实考官对我们的评估在他/她见到我们的那一刻就开始了,不论是他们开门来招呼坐在门口等的我们,还是我们推门进去问候坐在桌子后面的他们,这见面的第一刹那就是我们雅思口试真正开始的时间! 等待时,度分如年,考试时,时光飞逝。一转眼,听到对面的考官对着他/她的录音设备说“This is the end of the test。”,我们如释重负。可是,亲爱的们,我们在这个时候还是处于考官的视线中,还是必须对考官的各种行为(提问、道别、祝福等)给予反应,所以,直到我们走出考试室,轻轻关上那扇我们之前等待的时候注视许久的门,这一刻,才是考官对我们评价结束的时刻! 二、考官的人性影响我们的分数。


大家知道KET和PET都是要考察口语的,这些句型不仅可以用到考察口语的时候也可以用到阅读理解的题中。 案例: 一,打招呼/回应打招呼; 二,自我介绍,介绍他人; 三,询问和给出个人信息:姓名,年龄,地址,职业等。 说到打招呼,不少小朋友在这个问题上似乎摸不到门,说白了就是基本不会打招 呼。想想我们中国人日常生活中打招呼的情形,一句简单的“吃了吗您” ,就够了。所 以,重要的是打招呼以后讲什么,而不是怎么样去打这个招呼。 一般小朋友在见到任何人都会说:“How are you?”, 而另外一个孩子则规规矩 矩地回答:“I’m fine, thank you, and you?” 随之而来的回答肯定是也只能是“I’m fine, too.” 。招呼打到这个份上,被问候的人除了再来一句“and you” ,还有什么话好说吗?应该没有了吧。这样像打乒乓球一样推来挡去,还有个完吗? 那么为什么会出现这个情况呢?因为打招呼的目的不明确。 熟人之间打招呼,是习惯;初次见面,打招呼的目的除了礼貌之外,还有相互了解。 具体到KET考试中,打招呼的最主要目的除了礼貌,就是了解对方。跟考官打招呼,是礼貌;跟抽到签在一组的小朋友打招呼,就是相互了解了。 这个招呼打好了,也是展示自己的一个过程。如果在打招呼的过程中,显得比较简洁、老练,那么一定可以占得先机,给考官留下良好的印象。所以无论是面对考官,还是面对跟自己协作的考生来说,先打招呼,肯定比等到他们来问你要好。 例如首先,面对考官时,先来一句“Good morning. I’m Jack. How are you doing?”这不仅免去了被动地等考官来问自己“How are you today?”以及“What’s your name?”, 甚至“What’s your surname?”这样的问题,来得效果好,而且脱离了以前“How are you?”那样的老路子,考官一定会对你刮目相看。因为“How are you doing”这样的打招呼方式,才是比较地道的英语国家的人打招呼的方式,类似于我们中国人常用的“吃了吗您” 。回答起来也比较方便,可以便于立即进入下一话题。下面我们来看看,怎么样去回答“How are you?” ,“How are you doing?”, 以及其他一些打招呼的方式吧。 一.打招呼/回应打招呼; 1. ----How are you doing? /How are you? 答语可以有: ----I’m doing fine. / I’m fine. 很好。 ----I’m doing great. / I’m great. 好极了。

KET 常考口语话题

KET 常考口语话题 (本部分6-14 题答案4-5 句话左右) 1.W hat's your name? 2.W hat's your surname? 3.H ow do you spell it? 4.H ow old are you? 5.W here do you come from? 6.D o you study English at school? 7.D o you enjoy learning English? 8.W hat other subjects do you study? 9.W hat’s your favorite subject? 10.Do you like the city/town where you live? 11.What can you do in your city/town? 12.What’s your favorite hobby? 13.What did you do last weekend? 14.What are you going to do next weekend? (本部分问题答案7-8 句话左右)? 1. Tell me something about your family.

2. Tell me something about your best friend. 3. Tell me something about your school. 4. Tell me something about your last weekend. 5. Tell me something about your favorite food. 6. Tell me something about your city. 7. Tell me something about your hobbies. 8. Tell me something about your favorite teacher. 9. Tell me something about your favorite book. 10. Tell me something about your last birthday party. 11. Tell me something about your hometown. 12. Tell me something about a famous person.


ket考试语法知识点及备考攻略 【证书全称】KETfor Schools剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第一级(校园版) 【颁发机构】英国剑桥大学考试委员会 CambridgeESOL 【推出时间】于1996年由中国教育部考试中心引进中国,2010年推出青少版,报考人数呈逐年增加态势 【认可度】 世界范围的认可 · KET(Key English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第一级,该系列证书考试是为从初级至高级各个不同水平的英语学习者设计的高质量的国际英语考试,是终生有效的英语能力证书。KET考核考生的实用英语技能,无论是对于国外旅行、学习还是工作, KET考试都能促进考生语言能力的发展。KET 可为希望参加剑桥二级英语考试(PET)及其他剑桥ESOL考试的考生打下坚实基础,是进入更高水平考试的最佳途径。 ?剑桥英语考试的设计做到对各不同国籍、不同母语和不同背景的考生保持公平,并因其高质量、公平性、权威性和对教育的积极影响得到尊重。KET考试考察听、说、读、写四项语言技能,任务设置基于真实的生活及工作场景,评估考生运用英语进行有效交流的能力,因此在世界范围内得到广泛认可。·高度国际认可:每年,在世界60多个国家开展KET考试,采用PET考试的达到80多个国家。这两项考试已被超过350家世界范围的企业和近100家高等教育机构所认可 ·是学校衡量学生英语水平的一个标准,是考PET级别的一个热身,是进入重点中学的敲门砖 ·引导健康和复习学习规律的学习过程:听说读写结合,用语言学习其他领域知识,而不是纯粹学习语言,更符合孩子的学习特点 ·与其他体系标准对接:KET=雅思2.0-3.0 中考欧洲委员会制定的欧洲语言教学大纲的A2水平三一口语3-4级 · KET相当于BETS 1 北京英语等级考试 · KET 1500词汇中考 1600 200 【考核内容】从听、说、读、写四个方面全面考查考生在学校及日常生活中的基本英语交流能力。 2010推出的青少版,与标准版的区别。校园版KET的试题内容和语言环境的设置主要围绕在校学生的兴趣和生活经历。 【适合人群】主要针对小学四年级的学生,或是程度很好的二三年级学生。学完剑桥少儿三级的。为什么对年龄有要求---是否符合孩子的水平以及孩子信心的培养 【试题结构】阅读与写作(70分钟)、听力(30分钟,含8分钟填写答题卡时间)、口语(8-10分钟) 其中阅读与写作部分占总分的50%, 听力、口试各占25%。上午口试,下午笔试。青少版和标准版之间的间隔大概在两周左右。 考试费用270元。 报名材料:一寸近照一张、身份证件及考试费


期末的读写部分,题型和半期考的一样,但不再考读写教程1-5单元了。 2010级二下期末口语考试情况如下: 1.形式:单人回答问题 2.考试步骤:考试分两部分。第一部分学生抽签回答事先布置的有准备的话题, 并回答;第二部分考官随意提问,看学生临场发挥的能力。 3.分值:第一部分为20分,第二部分为10分。总分30分。 附:口语考试准备话题 Part I: 20分 1-6题源自《新视野大学英语视听说》(第四册) 1. Why do people get depressed? Is there any connection between depression and bad luck? Can depression be overcome? (Unit 1) Sometimes many people get depressed because they failed in their work or lost the fame which they always seek. Sometimes we can think that the depression is connected with bad luck, so leading us to get failed. But the person who achieves success finds that the depression can be overcome, as long as we try to be happy with who you are and what you do instead of trying so hard to achieve success. try to do the work that we can be proud of. Maybe we won’t be famous in our lifetime, but we may create better art. 2. In what ways can people improve their appearance? (unit 2) Everyone hopes to have the beautiful appearance, with the development of society, the method of becoming beautiful is growing. In my opinion, I think people can through the follow ways to improve their appearance. Firstly, they can make up. Secondly, they can design a hairdo for themselves, so that they can look different. Thirdly, people may go on a diet to maintain a good figure. All in all, nowadays, there are many ways for people to improve their appearance. But, In my opinion,the best way to improve appearance is trying to learn to be more elegant and to be more knowledgeable. Only you do this, your beauty will be everlasting. 3. After finishing undergraduate studies, would you like to find a job or pursue a postgraduate degree? Why? (unit 5) I'd like to pursue a postgraduate degree.Coz there is a clear association between level of education and employment, as well as salary. With job roles becoming increasingly complex, higher levels of skills and qualifications are needed, especially if job candidates are seeking a competitive edge over those with undergraduate qualifications.what's more ,my major's goal is to cultivite us to become a reseachers.So calls for us to pursue a postgraduate. 4. Do you think success is due more to luck and opportunity or to diligence? Why?
