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1 old_________

2 busy________

3 hot__________

4 slow ____________

5 thin _______

6 clean_______ 7big ________ 8 cold ____________


1. Bob is ___________ than Tom.

A tall

B taller

C tallr

D talles

2. Which is ___________ a hen or a ducking?

A heavy

B heavier

C heavyer

D heavyies

3. He is much ________ than Lily.

A good

B better

C best

D bettest

4. Miss Chen is ________than Mr.Zhang.

A popular

B more popular

C popularest

D the more popular

5. Question A is ________ than Question B.

A easy

B easier

C easiest

D easyer

6. The chair is _________ than the book.

A more expensive

B expensiver

C expensivest

D the more expensive

7. The basketball is ________ than the tennis.

A big

B bigger

C the bigger

D biggest

8. This dress is _______ than my dress.

A beautiful

B beautifuler

C beautifuller

D more beautiful

9. She is __________ than my sister.

A younger

B young

C youngest

D the younger

10.My hair is _______ than your hair.

A long

B longer

C longest

D the longer

11. The flower is ____ than the bees.

A many

B more

C most

D the most

12. My uncle drives much _____ than my mother.

A better

B much better

C best

D the best

13. Winter is ______ than autumn.

A cold

B colder

C coldest

D colder

14. My father is _____than my mother.

A busy

B busier

C busyer

D busiest

15. The pig is ____than the monkey.

A fat

B fatter

C fattest

D fater


1. You look much ______than before. (thin)

2. The cartoon is ____________than the book. (interesting)

3. Summer is ________ than spring. ( hot)

4. Lily is ______________ than Lucy. ( beautiful )

5. The pizza is _______________ than the cake. ( delicious )

6. The monkey’s tail is ___________ than the rabbit’s tail. ( long )

7. My room is _________ than your room. (clean)

8. Our classroom is ____________ than yours. ( big )

9. The orange is ____________ than the apple. ( small )

10.My book is _____________ than yours. ( new )



1. old ________ ________

2. busy _________ __________

3. thin __________ ________

4. many ________ __________

5. slow _________ _________

6. delicious __________ ____________


1. She is ____ than _____

A busier \ us

B busier \ we

C more busy \ we

2. Jane is ____ one in our classroom.

A the tallest

B taller

C tallest

3. China is ________ city in the world.

A the largest

B largest

C larger

4. Which is _______ season in China?

A the better

B better

C the best

5. Which is _______, the sun, the moon or the earth?

A small

B smaller

C the smallest

6. The air in Beijing is getting much _____ now than a few years ago.

A clean

B cleaner

C cleanest

7. My book is ____ than the pencil.

A cheap

B cheapest

C cheaper
