EN 10204-2004(中文版)
en 10204 标准
EN 10204 标准全称为"EN 10204:2004 Metallic products - Types of inspection documents",是欧盟针对金属产品制定的质量认证标准。
EN 10204 标准分为四个类型,分别为 Type A、Type B、Type C 和 Type D。
1.Type A:适用于所有的金属材料,包括铸件、锻件、焊接件等。
对于 TypeA 的金属材料,制造商需要提交一份详细的制造流程报告,以及每批材料的质量检验报告。
2.Type B:适用于经过加工处理的金属材料,例如热处理、表面处理等。
对于 Type B 的金属材料,制造商需要提交一份制造流程报告,以及每批材料的质量检验报告。
3.Type C:适用于经过焊接或铸造的金属材料。
对于Type C 的金属材料,制造商需要提交一份详细的焊接或铸造流程报告,以及每批材料的质量检验报告。
4.Type D:适用于经过热处理的金属材料。
对于 Type D 的金属材料,制造商需要提交一份热处理流程报告,以及每批材料的质量检验报告。
EN 10204 标准的认证范围广泛,包括各种金属材料和制品,如钢铁、铝、铜、镍等。
通过EN 10204 认证的金属产品可以在欧盟市场上自由流通和销售,同时也能够提高企业在国际市场上的竞争力。
EN 10204 2004 金属产品 检验文件的类型(中文版)
EN10204:2004 金属产品—检验文件的类型狮子十之八九译目录前言(略)1 范围2 名词和术语3 无规定检验要求的检验文件4 规定检验要求的检验文件5 检验文件的批准和传递6 由中间商传递的检验文件附录A(信息)文件类型总结附录AZ(信息)本欧洲标准与EU Directive 97/23/EC的关联(略)文献(略)欧洲前言(略)1 范围1.1 本标准规定了按合同要求提供给用户的不同类型的检验文件的要求,适用于所有供货形式的金属产品(例如,无论采用何种方法生产的板、棒、锻件、铸件)。
1.2 本标准也可以应用于非金属材料产品。
1.3 本标准与规定了产品交货技术条件的产品规范一起使用。
注1 检验文件中可能包含的某些信息列表可在适当的文件中找到,例如EN 10168(对于钢)。
注2 附录A为不同类型检验文件的总结。
2术语和定义本标准采用如下术语和定义:2.2 无规定检验(non-specific inspection)制造商按照自定规程对按相同生产工艺所生产的产品进行检验和试验,以评定其是否满足用户的要求。
2.2 规定检验(specific inspection)是指在交货前,根据合同的技术要求,在交货的产品上或其中的部分产品上进行检验,以验证其是否符合合同的要求。
2.3 制造商(manufacture)根据合同和相应产品标准规定的要求生产产品的组织。
2.4 中间商(intermediary)将生产厂生产的产品的提供给用户的组织,供货前不对产品进一步加工或加工后不改变用户要求和相关产品标准中规定的产品性能。
2.5 产品规范(product specification)对用户的要求以书面形式进行详细叙述,例如,法规、标准或其它规范。
3 无规定检验要求的检验文件3.1 一致性声明“2.1类型”(Declaration of compliance with the order “type 2.1”)制造商声明其提供的产品符合用户的要求的文件,但不包括试验结果。
EN10204标准是指欧洲标准化组织(European Standardization Organization)制定的关于金属材料的检测和证明的标准。
EN 10204金属产品—检验文件的类型(中文版)
欧洲标准EN 10204-2004金属产品—检验文件的类型CEN欧洲标准化委员会金属产品—检验文件的类型1范围1.1本标准规定了按合同要求提供给需方的适用于所有金属产品(例如,无论采用何种方法生产的板、棒、锻件、铸件)的不同类型的检验文件。
2术语和定义本标准采用如下标准和定义:2.1非规定检验non-specific inspection生产厂按照自定程序进行的检验和试验,以判定由相同生产工艺所生产的产品是否满足合同的要求。
2.2规定检验specific inspection是指在交货前,根据合同的技术要求,在交货的产品上或其中的部分产品上进行检验,以验证他们是否符合合同的要求。
2.5产品规范product specification对合同中的要求以书面形式进行详细叙述,例如,法规、标准或其他规范。
3基于非规定检验的检验文件3.1符合合同的声明“2.1”(Declaration of compliance with the order“type2.1”)生产厂声明其供应的产品符合合同的要求(不包括试验结果)的文件。
3.2试验报告“2.2”(Test report“type2.2)生产厂声明其供应的产品符合合同的要求的文件,且文件中提供基于非规定检验的试验结果。
4基于规定检验的检验文件4.1检验证明书3.1 (Inspection certificate 3.type 3.P)由生产厂出具的声明其提供的产品符合合同要求并提供试验结果的文件。
欧洲标准EN10204:2004金属产品—检验文件的类型CEN欧洲标准化委员会金属产品—检验文件的类型1 范围本标准规定了按合同要求提供给需方的适用于所有金属产品(例如,无论采用何种方法生产的板、棒、锻件、铸件)的不同类型的检验文件。
注1 在检验文件中所列的信息可在相应的标准中找到,例如,对钢产品见EN 10168。
注2 附录A给出了检验文件间的差异概览。
2 术语和定义本标准采用如下标准和定义:非规定检验 non-specific inspection生产厂按照自定程序进行的检验和试验,以判定由相同生产工艺所生产的产品是否满足合同的要求。
规定检验 specific inspection是指在交货前,根据合同的技术要求,在交货的产品上或其中的部分产品上进行检验,以验证他们是否符合合同的要求。
生产厂 manufacture根据合同和相应产品标准规定的要求生产产品的组织。
中间商 intermediary由生产厂进行供货的并且其向需方供货前不对产品进一步加工或加工后不改变需方合同和相关产品标准中规定的产品性能的组织。
产品规范 product specification对合同中的要求以书面形式进行详细叙述,例如,法规、标准或其他规范。
3 基于非规定检验的检验文件符合合同的声明“2.1”(Declaration of compliance with the order “type 2.1”)生产厂声明其供应的产品符合合同的要求(不包括试验结果)的文件。
试验报告“2.2”(Test report “type )生产厂声明其供应的产品符合合同的要求的文件,且文件中提供基于非规定检验的试验结果。
4基于规定检验的检验文件检验证明书(Inspection certificate 3.1”type 3.1”)由生产厂出具的声明其提供的产品符合合同要求并提供试验结果的文件。
BS EN 10204 金属产品检验文件类-中文
英国标准 金属产品-检验文件的类型目录页码 序。
31 范围。
42 术语及定义。
43 基于常规检验的检验文件 。
4 4基于特异性检验的检验文件。
4 5检验文件的验证及传播。
5 6由中间商传播的检验文件。
5 附件A 检验文件的总结。
6 附件ZA 欧洲标准及EU指令97/23/EC基本要求间的关系。
7 参考书目。
9序此文件(EN 10204:2004)已由IBN的附属机构技术委员会ECISS/TC 9“发运及质量控制的技术状态”进行编制。
此文件取代EN 10204:1991版同EU指令97/23/EC之间的关联,见附件ZA主要发生更改的地方有:- 新的定义:“生产厂商”, “中间商” , “产品规范”- 检验文件编号的缩简- 之间的2.3类型取消- 3.1替代之前版本的3.1B- 3.2替代之前版本的3.1A,3.1C及检验报告3.2通过CEN/CENELEC内部规定,下列国家的国家标准组织将此包含进来以执行此欧洲标准:奥地利,比利时,塞浦路斯,捷克共和国,丹麦,爱沙尼亚,芬兰,法国,德国,希腊,匈牙利,冰岛,爱尔兰,意大利,拉脱维亚,立陶宛,卢森堡,马耳他,荷兰,挪威,波兰,葡萄牙,斯洛伐克,斯洛文尼亚,西班牙,瑞典,瑞士及英国。
1.2此文件可能也应用于非金属产品1.3此文件用于产品范围规定了技术发运状态的产品注1 信息的清单可能包含了在适当文件中可能找得到的检验文件,如用于金属的EN 10168标准注2 附件A给出了不同检验文件的总结2术语及定义以下术语及定义用于此文件2.1常规检验由生产厂商按其自己的流程进行的检验,以评估以同样产品规范及同样生产流程制造的产品是否符合订单的要求。
生产厂声明其供应的产品符合合同的要求(不包括试验结果)的文件。 3.2 试验报告“2.2”(Test report “type 2.2)
生产厂声明其供应的产品符合合同的要求的文件,且文件中提供基于非规定检验的试 验结果。
4 基于规定检验的检验文件 4.1 检验证明书 3.1(Inspection certificate 3.1”type 3.1”)
由生产厂进行供货的并且其向需方供货前不对产品进一步加工或加工后不改变需方合 同和相关产品标准中规定的产品性能的组织。 2.5 产品规范 product specification
3 基于非规定检验的检验文件 3.1 符合合同的声明“2.1”(Declaration of compliance with the order “type 2.1”)
交在原始产品或其收到的产品上获得的试验结果的检验证明书 3.2。 5 检验文件的批准和递交
检验文件应由负责人(名称和职位)批准。 检验文件应以电子形式或纸质形式进行保存和递交。 6 由中间商递交的检验文件 中间商应只提供未作修改的由生产厂提供的原始检验文件或其副本。检验文件应包括 适当的产品标志方法以保证产品和检验文件之间的可追溯性。 当满足如下情况时,允许提供原始检验文件的副本: —执行了可追溯性步骤; —有原始检验文件。 在制作检验文件的副本时,允许采用实际交货数量替换原始检验文件中的数量信息。
4.2 检验证明书 3.2(Inspection certificate 3.2”type 3.2”) 生产厂授权的独立于生产厂的检验代表以及由需方授权的检验代表或官方条例指派的
EN 10204:2004
DIN EN 10204 金属产品的检验文件(Chinese)
金属产品的检验文件(含修订版A1:1995)DIN EN 10204英文版摘要:检验文件、金属产品、钢、非铁金属、材料试验欧洲标准EN10204:1991,裂纹含修订版A1:1995具有DIN标准的内容。
前言本标准由ECISS/TC9制定,在DIN 50049的基础上转化而成。
修订与DIN 50049,1992.4月版相比,标准的数量已经改变,并结合了修订版A1内容旧版本DIN 50049: 1951-12、1955-04、1960-04、1972-07、1982-07、1986-08、1991-11、1992-04欧洲标准EN 102041991-08 + A1 1995-06摘要:检验文件、金属产品、钢、非铁金属产品、材料试验英文版金属产品检查文件类型(含修订版A1:1995)本欧洲标准和修订版A1已由CEN分别在 1991-08-21和 1995-05-11批准发行。
关于国家标准的参考书和最新的资料可向中央部门或其他CEN 成员申请获得。
由CEN 成员负责翻译成的其它语言,并通告了中央部门的版本具备相同效力。
2.1 与订单一致的证明书2.2 测试报告2.3 特殊的测试报告3.在特殊测试的基础上,由独立于制造部门的相关人员监督或执行的检测文件。
3.1 检验证明3.2 检验报告4 由生产者和中间人提供的检验文件5 检验文件的确认6 检验文件总结表1附A:EN10204定义的检验文件的几种不同的语言版本EN 10204:1991前言欧洲钢铁行业标准委员会(ECISS)建议技术委员会ECISS/TC9(技术交货状态和质量控制),及由IBN控制的部门起草一份欧洲标准用来定义在交货时向买方提供的各种检验文件。
1 范围 1.1 根据订单要求,对于交付的所有金属产品(无论什么生产方法),如钢板、薄板、 棒材、锻件、铸件,本文件规定了提供给需方的不同类型的检验文件。 1.2 本文件也可适用于非金属产品。 1.3 本文件和规定产品技术交付条件的产品规范一起使用。 注 1: 在适当的文件中,对于钢,如 EN10168,可找到可能包含在检验文件的信息表。 注 2:附录 A 了汇总了不同的检验文件。 2 术语和定义
制造商声明供应产品符合订单的要求,同时不包括试验结果的文件类型。 3.2 试验报告“类型 2.2”
根据提供的非规定检验试验结果,制造商声明供应产品符合订单要求的文件类型。 4 特定检验的检验文件 4.1 检验证书 3.1 “类型 3.1”
根据提供的试验结果,由制造商签发声明供应产品符合订单的文件。 产品规范、官方条例和相应规则和/或订单规定了试验单元和要进行的试验。 本文件由制造商授权的独立于生产部门的检验代表批准。 如果制造商控制过程的追溯性并能提供所需相应的检验文件,则允许制造商复制检 验证书 3.1 相关的试验结果,该试验结果通过对所使用的原产品和新产品经特定检验所 获得。 4.2 检验证书 3.2 “类型 3.2“ 文件同时由制造商授权的独立于生产部门的检验代表和需方授权的检验代表或官
注意事项:在本标准范围内,其它要求和其它 EU 指令可适用于本标准范围以内的产品。
欧洲委员会已委托 CEN 制订本欧洲标准,以提供符合欧洲议会的新途径指令
97/23/EC 基本要求和的 1997 年 5 月 29 日理事会关于相近的有关承压设备的成员国法律
一旦指令范围欧共体官方刊物中引用本标准,且至少有 1 个成员国已将其作为国
EN 10204:2004 金属产品检验文件的类型EN 10204:2004 Metallic products —Types of inspection documentsEN 10204认证是指金属产品材料认证,它的作用是声名检验结果与订单要求一致。
(Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of results of specific inspection)一般有两种形式的证书:1- EN 10204-3.1证书如果一个金属材料厂通过了ISO 9001认证,且发证机构是欧盟的认证机构,则这个工厂可以向其客户签发EN10204-3.1材料证书。
2- EN 10204-3.2证书EN10204-3.2的签发机构必须是欧盟授权机构。
例如:EN 10204 3.1类型文件,由两个部分组成,一个部分是产品检测报告,一个部分是EN 10204 3.1的文件.主要的是测试报告,需要符合ISO 17025实验室认可体系的实验室依据欧盟相应标准对产品进行检测.并出具测试报告。
EN 10204 认证
EN 10204 认证依据标准:EN 10204:2004 金属产品检验文件的类型EN 10204:2004 Metallic products —Types of inspection documentsEN 10204认证是指金属产品材料认证,它的作用是声名检验结果与订单要求一致。
(Statement of compliance with the order, with indication of results of specific inspection)一般有两种形式的证书:1- EN 10204-3.1证书如果一个金属材料厂通过了ISO 9001认证,且发证机构是欧盟的认证机构,则这个工厂可以向其客户签发EN10204-3.1材料证书。
2- EN 10204-3.2证书EN10204-3.2的签发机构必须是欧盟授权机构。
en 10204-2004金属检验文件(中英文版).doc
欧洲标准EN 102041991年8月1995年6月补遗A1ICS 77.140.00关键词: 检验文件、金属产品、钢、有色金属、材料试验英文版金属产品检验文件的类型(包括补遗A1:1995)本欧洲标准由CEN在1991年8月21日批准,在1995年5月11日增加了补遗A1。
CEN欧洲标准委员会中央秘书处地址:rue de Stassart 36,B-1050 布鲁塞尔。
©1995 所有CEN成员版权所有参考号:EN10204:1991 +A1 1995E目录EN10204:1991的前言---EN10204:1991/A1:1995的前言---1概述1.1范围1.2 定义2. 通过可能与制造部门有关的制造商个人授权进行的检验和试验的内容编制的检验文件2.1 符合订货的证明(“2.1”)2.2 试验报告(“2.2”)2.3 专门的试验报告(“2.3”)3. 通过独立于制造部门的被授权的人员执行或者监督的检验和试验,同时基于专门的试验编制的检验文件3.1 检验证明3.2 检验报告4 由加工者或者中间人提供的检验文件5. 检验文件的批准6.检验文件的汇总表1附录A(资料性的) EN10204定义的检验文件的不同语言的文本EN10204:1991 的前言欧洲钢铁标准化委员会(ECISS)指导ECISS/TC9 “技术交货条件和质量控制”技术委员会,即IBN领导的秘书处,编制定义各种类型的检验文件的欧洲标准,这些标准将提交给采购方以用于钢铁产品的交货。
欧洲标准EN10204:2004金属产品—检验文件的类型CEN欧洲标准化委员会金属产品—检验文件的类型1 范围1.1 本标准规定了按合同要求提供给需方的适用于所有金属产品(例如,无论采用何种方法生产的板、棒、锻件、铸件)的不同类型的检验文件。
1.2 本标准也适用于非金属产品。
1.3 本标准与规定了交货技术条件的产品标准一起使用。
注1 在检验文件中所列的信息可在相应的标准中找到,例如,对钢产品见EN 10168。
注2 附录A给出了检验文件间的差异概览。
2 术语和定义本标准采用如下标准和定义:2.1 非规定检验non-specific inspection生产厂按照自定程序进行的检验和试验,以判定由相同生产工艺所生产的产品是否满足合同的要求。
2.2 规定检验specific inspection是指在交货前,根据合同的技术要求,在交货的产品上或其中的部分产品上进行检验,以验证他们是否符合合同的要求。
2.3 生产厂manufacture根据合同和相应产品标准规定的要求生产产品的组织。
2.4 中间商intermediary由生产厂进行供货的并且其向需方供货前不对产品进一步加工或加工后不改变需方合同和相关产品标准中规定的产品性能的组织。
2.5 产品规范product specification对合同中的要求以书面形式进行详细叙述,例如,法规、标准或其他规范。
3 基于非规定检验的检验文件3.1 符合合同的声明“2.1”(Declaration of compliance with the order “type 2.1”)生产厂声明其供应的产品符合合同的要求(不包括试验结果)的文件。
3.2 试验报告“2.2”(Test report “type 2.2)生产厂声明其供应的产品符合合同的要求的文件,且文件中提供基于非规定检验的试验结果。
4基于规定检验的检验文件4.1 检验证明书3.1(Inspection certificate 3.1”type 3.1”)由生产厂出具的声明其提供的产品符合合同要求并提供试验结果的文件。
BS EN 10204-2004 中文
检验合格证 3.2 “类型 3.2”
允许生产厂家提供的检验合格证3.1参考其所使用的主要或入厂原材料的特殊检验所获得的相关的检测结果,前 提是生产厂家运行可追溯性程序且可提供所需要的相关的检验文件。
检验文件应该由责任人(姓名和职务)验证进行确认。 文件的保存和传送应该以电子数据或纸质的形式。
本欧洲标准必须具有国家标准的地位,要么发布相同的文本,要么于 2005 年 4 月前予以背书,并且将与之有矛盾 的国家标准于 2005 年 4 月前予以撤消。 该标准取代 EN 10204:1991。 该欧洲标准的制定由欧洲委员会和欧洲自由贸易组织所委托,并支持 EU 规程 97/23/EC 基本要求。 与 EU 规程 97/23/EC 的关系在本标准的告知性信息附录 ZA 中给出。
此文件包含封面、内封面、EN标题页、第2‐7页和封底。 此文件中显示的BSI版权声明指示了文件最新发布的时间。
此英国标准,是在工程部门 委员会指导下编制的,在标 准委员会授权下发布,于 2004 年 10 月 25 日生效。
© 2004‐10‐25
金属产品- 检验文件类型
Produits métalliques - Types de documents de contrôle Metallische Erzeugnisse - Arten von Prüfbescheinigungen
版权归欧洲标准化委员会 经CEN许可,由 IHS提供 未经IHS许可,不允许复制或联网
EN 10204-2004
EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 10204NORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORM October 2004ICS; 77.120.01 Supersedes EN 10204:1991English versionMetallic products — Types of inspection documents Produits métalliques — Types de documents de contrôle Metallische Erzeugnisse — Arten von Prüfbescheinigungen This European Standard was approved by CEN on 8 August 2004CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.European Committee for StandardizationComité Européen de NormalisationEuropäisches Komitee für NormungManagement Central: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 BrusselsRef. No. EN 10204:2004 E © 2004 CEN All rights of exploitation in any formand by any means reserved worldwide forCEN national membersContentsPage Foreword (3)1 Scope (4)definitions (4)2 Termsand3Inspection documents based on non-specific inspection (5)4Inspection documents based specific inspection (5)5Validation and transmission of inspection documents (6)6Transmission of inspection documents by an intermediary (6)Annex A (informative) Summary of documents (7)Annex AZ (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 97/23/EC (8)Bibliography (10)2ForewordThe document (EN 10204:2004) has been prepared by Technical CommitteeECISS/TC9 “Technical conditions of delivery and quality control”, the secretariat of which is held by IBN.This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 2005, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by April 2005.This document supersedes EN 10204:1991.This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directives 97/23/EC.For relationship with EU Directive 97/23/EC, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral of this document.The main changes are:-- new definitions “manufacturer”, ’’intermediary”, “product specification”;-- reduction of the number of inspection documents:-- type 2.3 of the previous edition has been deleted;-- type 3.1 replaces type 3.1B of the previous edition;-- type 3.2 replaces type 3.1A, 3.1C and the inspection report 3.2 of the previous edition; According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.31 Scope1.1 This document specifies the different types of inspection documents supplied to the purchaser, in accordance with the requirements of the order, for the delivery of all metallic products e.g. plate, sheets, bars, forgings, whatever their method of production.1.2 This document may also apply to non-metallic products.1.3 This document is used in conjunction with the product specifications which specify the technical delivery conditions of the products.Note1 The list of information that may be included in the inspection documents can befound in appropriate documents, e.g. EN 10168 for steel.Note2 Annex A gives a summary of the different inspection documents.definitionsand2 TermsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions are apply.2.1non-specific inspectioninspection carried out by the manufacturer in accordance with his own procedures to assess whether products defined by the same product specification and made by the same manufacturing process, are in compliance the requirements of the order or not. The products inspected are not necessarily be the products actually supplied2.2specific inspectionInspection carried out, before delivery, according to the product specification, on the products to be supplied or on test units of which the products supplied are part, in order to verify that these products comply with the requirements of the order2.3manufacturerorganization that manufactures the respective products according to the requirements of the order and to the properties specified in the referenced product specification2.4intermediaryorganization which is supplied with products by the manufactures and which then in turn supplies them without further processing or after processing without changing the properties specified in the purchase order and referenced product specification2.5product specificationcomplete detailed technical requirements relevant for the order, stated in written form e.g. referenced regulations, standards and other specifications.43 Inspection documents based on non-specific inspection3.1 Declaration of compliance with the order “type 2.1”Document in which the manufacturer declares that the products supplied are in compliance with the requirements of the order, without inclusion test results.3.2 Test report “2.2”Document in which the manufacturer declares that the products supplied are in compliance with the requirements of the order and in which he supplies test results based on non-specific inspection.4 Inspection documents based on specific inspection4.1 Inspection certificate 3.1 “type 3.1”Document issued by the manufacturer in which he declares that the products supplied are in compliance with the requirements of the order and in which he supplies test results.The test unit and the tests to be carried out are defined by the product specification, the official regulation and the corresponding rules and /or the order.The document is validated by the manufacturer’s authorized inspection representative, independent of the manufacturing department.It shall be permissible for the manufacturer to transfer on to the inspection certificate 3.1 relevant test results obtained by specific inspection on primary or incoming products he uses, provided that the manufacturer operates traceability procedures and can provide the corresponding inspection documents required.4.2 Inspection certificate 3.2 “type 3.2”Document prepared by both the manufacturer’s authorized inspection representative, independent of the manufacturing department and either the purchaser’s authorized inspection representative or the inspector designated by the official regulations and in which they declare that the products are in compliance with the requirements of the order and in which test results are supplied.It shall be permissible for the manufacturer to transfer on to the inspection certificate 3.2 relevant test results obtained by specific inspection on primary or incoming products he uses, provided that the manufacturer operates traceability procedures and can provide the corresponding inspection documents required.55 Validation and transmission of inspection documentsThe inspection documents shall be validated by the responsible person(s) (name and position)The retention and transmission of the documents shall be either in electronic data or paper form.6 Transmission of inspection documents by an intermediaryAn intermediary shall only pass on either an original or a copy of the inspection documents provided by the manufacturer without any alteration. This documentation shall be accompanied by suitable means of identification of the product, in order to ensure the traceability between the product and the documentation.Copying of the original document is permitted, provided that:-- traceability procedures are operated;-- the original document is available on request.When producing copies it is permissible to replace the information on the delivered quantity by the actual delivered partial quantity.6Annex A(informative)Summary of inspection documentsA Summary of inspection documents is given in Table A.1Table A.1—Summary of inspection documentsDesignation of the document typeEN 10204Reference English version German version French version DocumentcontentDocumentvalidated byType 2.1 Declaration ofcompliancewith the order Werksbescheinigung Attestation deconformité à lacommandeStatement ofcompliancewith the orderThemanufacturerType 2.2 Test report Werkszeugnis Relevé decontrôle Statement ofcompliancewith theorder, withindication ofresults ofnon-specificinspectionThemanufacturerType 3.1 InspectionCertificate 3.1 Abnahmeprüfzeugnis3.1Certificat deréception 3.1Statement ofcompliancewith theorder, withindication ofresults ofspecificinspectionThemanufacturer’sauthorizedinspectionrepresentativeindependentof themanufacturingdepartmentType 3.2 InspectionCertificate 3.2 Abnahmeprüfzeugnis3.2Certificat deréception 3.2Statement ofcompliancewith theorder, withindication ofresults ofspecificinspectionThemanufacturer’sauthorizedinspectionrepresentativeindependentof themanufacturingdepartmentand either thepurchaser’sauthorizedinspectionrepresentativeor theinspectordesignated bythe officialregulations.7Annex ZA(informative)Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements ofEU Directive 97/23/ECThis European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission to provide a means of conforming to Essential Requirements of the New Approach Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning pressure equipment.Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive and has been implemented as a national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the clauses of this standard given in Table ZA.1 confers, within the limits of the scopes of this standard, a presumption of conformity with the corresponding Essential Requirements of that Directive and associated EFTA regulations.Table ZA.1—Correspondence between this European Standard and Directive 97/23/ECQualifying remarks/Notes Clauses of this EN Essential Requirements ofDirective 97/23/EC3 and4 Annex I section 4.3 The application of the inspectiondocuments for different types ofmaterials for pressure equipment isgiven in Figure ZA.1NOTE the terms “certificate ofspecific product control” of Directive97/23/EC and “inspection documentbased on specific inspection” of thisstandard are equivalentWARNING: other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of this standard.8a Non-specific inspection may be replaced by specific inspection if specified in the materialstandard or the order;b Quality management system of the material manufacturer certified by a competent bodyestablished within the Community and having undergone a specific assessment for materials.Figure ZA.1—Conformity with Annex I section 4.3 of Directive 97/23/EC9Bibliography10168 Steel products- Inspection documents-List of information and description.[1] EN10。
EN 10204-2004 中文版
警告:其他要求和其他 EU 指令也可适用于本标准中规定的产品。
a 如材料标准或合同中有规定,非规定检验可以被规定检验所代替。 b 欧共体内成立的具有资格的组织证明的材料生产厂的质量管理体系和材料经过特殊评估的质量管理体 系。
图 ZA.1 与指令 97/23/EC 的附录 I 第 4.3 章的一致性
注 1 在检验文件中所列的信息可在相应的标准中找到,例如,对钢产品见 EN 10168。 注 2 附录 A 给出了检验文件间的差异概览。
2 术语和定义 本标准采用如下标准和定义:
2.1 非规定检验 non-specific inspection 生产厂按照自定程序进行的检验和试验,以判定由相同生产工艺所生产的产品是否满
EN 10204:2004
CEN 欧洲标准化委员会
EN 10204:2004
1 范围 1.1 本标准规定了按合同要求提供给需方的适用于所有金属产品(例如,无论采用何种方法 生产的板、棒、锻件、铸件)的不同类型的检验文件。 1.2 本标准也适用于非金属产品。 1.3 本标准与规定了交货技术条件的产品标准一起使用。
界限范围内其与指令的基本要求和 EFTA 条例相一致,则本标准条款与之的一致性见表 ZA.1。
表 ZA.1 本标准与指令 97/23/EC 的一致性
指令 97/23/EC 的基本要求
附录 I 的 4.3
EN 10204-2004
EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 10204NORME EUROPÉENNEEUROPÄISCHE NORM October 2004ICS; 77.120.01 Supersedes EN 10204:1991English versionMetallic products — Types of inspection documents Produits métalliques — Types de documents de contrôle Metallische Erzeugnisse — Arten von Prüfbescheinigungen This European Standard was approved by CEN on 8 August 2004CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.European Committee for StandardizationComité Européen de NormalisationEuropäisches Komitee für NormungManagement Central: rue de Stassart 36, B-1050 BrusselsRef. No. EN 10204:2004 E © 2004 CEN All rights of exploitation in any formand by any means reserved worldwide forCEN national membersContentsPage Foreword (3)1 Scope (4)definitions (4)2 Termsand3Inspection documents based on non-specific inspection (5)4Inspection documents based specific inspection (5)5Validation and transmission of inspection documents (6)6Transmission of inspection documents by an intermediary (6)Annex A (informative) Summary of documents (7)Annex AZ (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 97/23/EC (8)Bibliography (10)2ForewordThe document (EN 10204:2004) has been prepared by Technical CommitteeECISS/TC9 “Technical conditions of delivery and quality control”, the secretariat of which is held by IBN.This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 2005, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by April 2005.This document supersedes EN 10204:1991.This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directives 97/23/EC.For relationship with EU Directive 97/23/EC, see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral of this document.The main changes are:-- new definitions “manufacturer”, ’’intermediary”, “product specification”;-- reduction of the number of inspection documents:-- type 2.3 of the previous edition has been deleted;-- type 3.1 replaces type 3.1B of the previous edition;-- type 3.2 replaces type 3.1A, 3.1C and the inspection report 3.2 of the previous edition; According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.31 Scope1.1 This document specifies the different types of inspection documents supplied to the purchaser, in accordance with the requirements of the order, for the delivery of all metallic products e.g. plate, sheets, bars, forgings, whatever their method of production.1.2 This document may also apply to non-metallic products.1.3 This document is used in conjunction with the product specifications which specify the technical delivery conditions of the products.Note1 The list of information that may be included in the inspection documents can befound in appropriate documents, e.g. EN 10168 for steel.Note2 Annex A gives a summary of the different inspection documents.definitionsand2 TermsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions are apply.2.1non-specific inspectioninspection carried out by the manufacturer in accordance with his own procedures to assess whether products defined by the same product specification and made by the same manufacturing process, are in compliance the requirements of the order or not. The products inspected are not necessarily be the products actually supplied2.2specific inspectionInspection carried out, before delivery, according to the product specification, on the products to be supplied or on test units of which the products supplied are part, in order to verify that these products comply with the requirements of the order2.3manufacturerorganization that manufactures the respective products according to the requirements of the order and to the properties specified in the referenced product specification2.4intermediaryorganization which is supplied with products by the manufactures and which then in turn supplies them without further processing or after processing without changing the properties specified in the purchase order and referenced product specification2.5product specificationcomplete detailed technical requirements relevant for the order, stated in written form e.g. referenced regulations, standards and other specifications.43 Inspection documents based on non-specific inspection3.1 Declaration of compliance with the order “type 2.1”Document in which the manufacturer declares that the products supplied are in compliance with the requirements of the order, without inclusion test results.3.2 Test report “2.2”Document in which the manufacturer declares that the products supplied are in compliance with the requirements of the order and in which he supplies test results based on non-specific inspection.4 Inspection documents based on specific inspection4.1 Inspection certificate 3.1 “type 3.1”Document issued by the manufacturer in which he declares that the products supplied are in compliance with the requirements of the order and in which he supplies test results.The test unit and the tests to be carried out are defined by the product specification, the official regulation and the corresponding rules and /or the order.The document is validated by the manufacturer’s authorized inspection representative, independent of the manufacturing department.It shall be permissible for the manufacturer to transfer on to the inspection certificate 3.1 relevant test results obtained by specific inspection on primary or incoming products he uses, provided that the manufacturer operates traceability procedures and can provide the corresponding inspection documents required.4.2 Inspection certificate 3.2 “type 3.2”Document prepared by both the manufacturer’s authorized inspection representative, independent of the manufacturing department and either the purchaser’s authorized inspection representative or the inspector designated by the official regulations and in which they declare that the products are in compliance with the requirements of the order and in which test results are supplied.It shall be permissible for the manufacturer to transfer on to the inspection certificate 3.2 relevant test results obtained by specific inspection on primary or incoming products he uses, provided that the manufacturer operates traceability procedures and can provide the corresponding inspection documents required.55 Validation and transmission of inspection documentsThe inspection documents shall be validated by the responsible person(s) (name and position)The retention and transmission of the documents shall be either in electronic data or paper form.6 Transmission of inspection documents by an intermediaryAn intermediary shall only pass on either an original or a copy of the inspection documents provided by the manufacturer without any alteration. This documentation shall be accompanied by suitable means of identification of the product, in order to ensure the traceability between the product and the documentation.Copying of the original document is permitted, provided that:-- traceability procedures are operated;-- the original document is available on request.When producing copies it is permissible to replace the information on the delivered quantity by the actual delivered partial quantity.6Annex A(informative)Summary of inspection documentsA Summary of inspection documents is given in Table A.1Table A.1—Summary of inspection documentsDesignation of the document typeEN 10204Reference English version German version French version DocumentcontentDocumentvalidated byType 2.1 Declaration ofcompliancewith the order Werksbescheinigung Attestation deconformité à lacommandeStatement ofcompliancewith the orderThemanufacturerType 2.2 Test report Werkszeugnis Relevé decontrôle Statement ofcompliancewith theorder, withindication ofresults ofnon-specificinspectionThemanufacturerType 3.1 InspectionCertificate 3.1 Abnahmeprüfzeugnis3.1Certificat deréception 3.1Statement ofcompliancewith theorder, withindication ofresults ofspecificinspectionThemanufacturer’sauthorizedinspectionrepresentativeindependentof themanufacturingdepartmentType 3.2 InspectionCertificate 3.2 Abnahmeprüfzeugnis3.2Certificat deréception 3.2Statement ofcompliancewith theorder, withindication ofresults ofspecificinspectionThemanufacturer’sauthorizedinspectionrepresentativeindependentof themanufacturingdepartmentand either thepurchaser’sauthorizedinspectionrepresentativeor theinspectordesignated bythe officialregulations.7Annex ZA(informative)Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements ofEU Directive 97/23/ECThis European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission to provide a means of conforming to Essential Requirements of the New Approach Directive 97/23/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 29 May 1997 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States concerning pressure equipment.Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive and has been implemented as a national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the clauses of this standard given in Table ZA.1 confers, within the limits of the scopes of this standard, a presumption of conformity with the corresponding Essential Requirements of that Directive and associated EFTA regulations.Table ZA.1—Correspondence between this European Standard and Directive 97/23/ECQualifying remarks/Notes Clauses of this EN Essential Requirements ofDirective 97/23/EC3 and4 Annex I section 4.3 The application of the inspectiondocuments for different types ofmaterials for pressure equipment isgiven in Figure ZA.1NOTE the terms “certificate ofspecific product control” of Directive97/23/EC and “inspection documentbased on specific inspection” of thisstandard are equivalentWARNING: other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of this standard.8a Non-specific inspection may be replaced by specific inspection if specified in the materialstandard or the order;b Quality management system of the material manufacturer certified by a competent bodyestablished within the Community and having undergone a specific assessment for materials.Figure ZA.1—Conformity with Annex I section 4.3 of Directive 97/23/EC9Bibliography10168 Steel products- Inspection documents-List of information and description.[1] EN10。
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注 1 在检验文件中所列的信息可在相应的标准中找到,例如,对钢产品见 EN 10168。 注 2 附录 A 给出了检验文件间的差异概览。
2 术语和定义 本标准采用如下标准和定义:
2.1 非规定检验 non-specific inspection 生产厂按照自定程序进行的检验和试验,以判定由相同生产工艺所生产的产品是否满
EN 10204:2004
附录 A (提示性) 检验文件概览
检验文件概览见表 A.1。
表 A.1—检验文件概览
EN 10204 涉 及的内容
2.1 类
英文版 与合同的一 致性声明
检验文件类型名称 德文版
2.2 类
3.1 类
检验证明书 3.1
3.2 类
检验证明书 3.2
EN 10204:2004
CEN 欧洲标准化委员会
EN 10204:2004
1 范围 1.1 本标准规定了按合同要求提供给需方的适用于所有金属产品(例如,无论采用何种方法 生产的板、棒、锻件、铸件)的不同类型的检验文件。 1.2 本标准也适用于非金属产品。 1.3 本标准与规定了交货技术条件的产品标准一起使用。
足合同的要求。 被检验的产品不一定是实际供货的产品。
2.2 规定检验 specific inspection 是指在交货前,根据合同的技术要求,在交货的产品上或其中的部分产品上进行检验,
以验证他们是否符合合同的要求。 2.3 生产厂 manufacture
根据合同和相应产品标准规定的要求生产产品的组织。 2.4 中间商 intermediary
4.2 检验证明书 3.2(Inspection certificate 3.2”type 3.2”) 生产厂授权的独立于生产厂的检验代表以及由需方授权的检验代表或官方条例指派的
EN 10204:2004
检查人员出具的文件,其中声明了产品与合同要求的一致性,并包括试验结果。 如果生产厂执行了可追溯性步骤并提供了相应符合要求的检验文件,就允许生产厂递
附录 ZA (提示性)
欧洲标准和 EU 指令 97/23/EC 基本要求的关系
本标准是欧洲委员会授权 CEN 制定的,目的是提供一种方式使其与欧洲议会新批准的 指令 97/23/EC 的基本要求和欧洲成员国关于承压设备的相关法律相一致。
警告:其他要求和其他 EU 指令也可适用于本标准中规定的产品。
a 如材料标准或合同中有规定,非规定检验可以被规定检验所代替。 b 欧共体内成立的具有资格的组织证明的材料生产厂的质量管理体系和材料经过特殊评估的质量管理体 系。
图 ZA.1 与指令 97/23/EC 的附录 I 第 4.3 章的一致性
由生产厂进行供货的并且其向需方供货前不对产品进一步加工或加工后不改变需方合 同和相关产品标准中规定的产品性能的组织。 2.5 产品规范 product specification
3 基于非规定检验的检验文件 3.1 符合合同的声明“2.1”(Declaration of compliance with the order “type 2.1”)
生产厂声明其供应的产品符合合同的要求(不包括试验结果)的文件。 3.2 试验报告“2.2”(Test report “type 2.2)
生产厂声明其供应的产品符合合同的要求的文件,且文件中提供基于非规定检验的试 验结果。
4 基于规定检验的检验文件 4.1 检验证明书 3.1(Inspection certificate 3.1”type 3.1”)
检验文件的批 准
与合同一致性的 生产厂
陈述和非规定检 生产厂
与合同一致性的 生产厂授权的
陈述和规定检验 独立于生产厂
与合同一致性的 的检验代表,以
陈述和规定检验 及由需方授权
EN 10204:2004
界限范围内其与指令的基本要求和 EFTA 条例相一致,则本标准条款与之的一致性见表 ZA.1。
表 ZA.1 本标准与指令 97/23/EC 的一致性
指令 97/23/EC 的基本要求
附录 I 的 4.3
注:指令 97/23/EC 的术语“规定产品控制证明书”
交在原始产品或其收到的产品上获得的试验结果的检验证明书 3.2。 5 检验文件的批准和递交
检验文件应由负责人(名称和职位)批准。 检验文件应以电子形式或纸质形式进行保存和递交。 6 由中间商递交的检验文件 中间商应只提供未作修改的由生产厂提供的原始检验文件或其副本。检验文件应包括 适当的产品标志方法以保证产品和检验文件之间的可追溯性。 当满足如下情况时,允许提供原始检验文件的副本: —执行了可追溯性步骤; —有原始检验文件。 在制作检验文件的副本时,允许采用实际交货数量替换原始检验文件中的数量信息。