2017 《600分考点 700分考法》 A版-专题16 完形填空.pptx

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This has been a 15.A.experience B.example wonderful 15 for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can 16 ! 16.A.rely on Things would have played out so 17 if I had simply said, “No, we really don’t have 18 to give more.” Stepping out not only
use it for
family might need, he burst into tears.
14.A.whoever B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever
14.B【解析】句意为:当我把礼品卡递给他,告诉他可以 用它买他家人可能需要的任何东西时,他突然大哭起来。 分析句子结构可知,_______ his family might need为介词 for的宾语从句,从句中缺少指物的宾语,且没有限定范围, 故选B项,whatever意为“无论什么”。
▶ 短语 In the store 起到承上启 下的作用,由此可判断上文描 述的应是发生在室外的事情, 有利于第4空的选择。
▶ 第 7 空利用原词复现解题:根 据 倒 数 第 二 段 中 的 the gift card可知答案。
▶ 第 10 空强调“恰恰就是需要我 们这样做”,因此用 just 能体 现出作者此处的情感。
My kids and I were heading into the supermarket over the weekend. On the
way, we spotted a man holding a piece of paper that said, “ 1 my job. Family to
第1部分 英语知识运用
模块4 完形填空
专题16 完形填空
600分考点 真题例解
Cloze 1 Cloze 2
目 录
700分考法 完美应对
题型考法解析 考法1 考查语境语义 考法2 考查逻辑推理 考法3 考查习语搭配 考法4 考查常识 考法5 考查句法结构
weekend. On the way, we spotted a man
1.A【解析】句意为:在路上,我们发现一名男子(手 里)握着一张纸,纸上写道:“失业,需要养家。” 根据Family to Feed.及下文可知,这个人是失业的状态。 lose one’s job意为“失业”,本句是I’ve lost my job.的 省略表达。 2.C【解析】句意为:在这家商店(门前),像这样的 场景并不常见 。 condition 意为“状况”; place 意为 “地方”; sight意为“景象,场景;视力”; show 意 为“表演;展览”。根据空格后面的like this可知,该 空是指上文描述的场景。 3.B【解析】句意为:我10岁的孩子注意到他,并评论 说站在外面的寒风里一定很糟糕。根据空格后面的how bad it must be to have to stand…可知,此处是孩子在 表达自己对这一场景的看法,make a comment on…意 为“对„„作出评论”。故选B项。 4.A【解析】根据空格后面的in the cold wind可知,这 个人应该是站在外面。proudly意为“自豪地”,stand by 意为“袖手旁观”, angrily 意为“生气地”,均不 符合语境。故选A项。
In the store, I asked
5.A.draw C.arrange
B.say D.pick
When we handed 12.A.toys C.food him the bag of 12 , he lit up and thanked us with 13 eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could
▶ 全文的主题句,揭示全文的主 题:帮助别人,快乐自己。
My kids and I were heading supermarket into over the the
1.A.Lost C.Quit 2.A.condition C.sight 3.A.suggestion C.Decision
B.Changed D.Finished B.place D.show B.comment D.call
holding a piece of paper that said, “ 1 Family to Feed.” At this store, a 2 my job.
4.A.outside C.by
B.proudly D.angrily
like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed
5.D【解析】句意为:在商店里,我让我的每个孩子挑选一 些他们认为我们站在那里的“朋友”可能会感激的东西。 something they thought 根据下文They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. 6.A.order B.supply 可知,孩子们在商店里挑选了一些礼物, pick 意为“挑 our “friend” there would C.appreciate D.discover 选”,符合语境。故选D项。 6 .They got apples, a 6.C【解析】order 意为“命令;订购”; supply 意为“提 7.A.dollar B.job sandwich and a bottle of 供”;appreciate意为“感激;欣赏”;discover意为“发 C.hot meal D.gift card 现”。分析句子结构可知,they thought our “friend” there juice. Then my 17-year8.A.easy B.low would… 是定语从句,修饰something。作者期待孩子们挑 old suggested giving him C.soft D.loose 选的礼物能帮到那名失业男子,让他心存感激,appreciate a 7 . I thought about it. 符合语境。故选C项。 9.A.giving B.saving 7.D【解析】句意为:然后我17岁的孩子建议送给他一张礼 We were 8 on cash C.spending D.begging 品卡。根据第四段第二句中 When I handed him the gift ourselves, but… well, card…可知此处选gift card,为原词复现。故选D项。 B.even sometimes 9 from our 10.A.yet 8.B【解析】句意为:我们 自己的现金也快 用光了 ,但 C.still D.just need instead of our 是 „„ 。 根 据 下 一 句 可 知 作 者 一 家 的 生 活 也 不 富 有 。 be/get/run low on sth. 为固定用法,意为“几乎用完了某物, abundance is 10 what 11.A.declared B.shared 缺乏某物”,符合句意。故选B项。 C.ignored D.expected we need to do! All the 9.A【解析】句意为:„„有时候,我们需要做的恰恰是 kids 11 something 把我们不充足的东西给予他人,而非我们大量拥有的东西! 本文主题是为他人提供帮助,故选A项,意为“给予”。 they could do away with 10.D【解析】句意见上一题解析。yet意为“还;但是”; for the week. even 意为“甚至”; still 意为“仍然,依然”; just 意为 11.A【解析】句意为:孩子们都表明他们能够放弃一 “正好,恰好”。故选D项。 些这周(想买)的东西。虽不富有,但是为了帮助他 人,孩子们愿意放弃自己原本想要的东西。declare 意为“表明,声称”;share意为“分享”;ignore意 为“忽视”;expect意为“期望,期盼”。 each of my kids to 5
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600分考点 真题例解
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[课标全国Ⅰ 2015 ]
词数:261 建议用时:16′
▶ 本文第一段点明了故事发生的 背景:在周末去超市的路上碰 到了一个失业的人。
体裁:记叙文 主题:赠人玫瑰,手有余香
Feed.” At this store, a 2 like this is not normal. My 10-year-old noticed him and made a 3 on how bad it must be to have to stand 4 in the cold wind. In the store, I asked each of my kids to 5 something they thought our “friend” there would 6 .They got apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice. Then my 17-year-old suggested giving him a 7 . I thought about it. We were 8 on cash ourselves, but… well, sometimes 9 from our need instead of our abundance is 10 what we need to do! All the kids do away with for the week. When we handed him the bag of 12 , he lit up and thanked us with 13 eyes. When I handed him the gift card, saying he could use it for 14 his family might need, he burst into tears. This has been a wonderful 15 for our family. For days the kids have been looking for others we can 16 ! Things would have played out so 17 if I had simply said, “No, we really don’t have others. It’ll go a long way with them. 18 to give more.” Stepping out not only helped a brother in 19 , it also gave my kids the 20 taste of helping 11 something they could
him and made a
how bad it must be to have to stand 4 in the cold wind.
【语篇导读】作者周末带孩子去超市,路上遇到了一位寻求支援的失业者,本不富有的作者决定鼓动孩子 们去帮助他。这一经历不仅让被帮助的人十分感激,而且也让孩子们尝到了帮助他人的甜蜜滋味。
13.A.sleepy C.curious
B.medicine D.clothes B.watery D.sharp
12.C【解析】根据上文的apples, a sandwich and a bottle of juice可知,此处说的是食物,故选C项。 13.B【解析】sleepy意为“困乏的;欲睡的”;watery意为 “含水的;(眼睛)泪汪汪的”;curious意为“好奇的”; sharp意为“急剧的;锋利的”。根据语境可知,失业男子 对于作者一家给予的帮助应该是非常感激的,所以道谢时 眼含热泪。