



ISO9001:2000质量管理体系文件一湖南创元空调有限公司质量手册文件编号:编制:审核:批准:生效日期:受控状态:分发编号:第一章适用范围 (3)第二章公司简介 (4)第三章质量方针、质量目标 (6)3.1 质量方针 (6)3.2 质量目标 (6)3.3 引用文件 (6)第四章质量管理体系 (7)4.1 总要求 (7)4.2 文件要求 (8)第五章管理职责 (10)5.1 管理承诺 (10)5.2 以顾客为关注焦点 (10)5.3 质量方针 (10)5.4 策划 (10)5.5 职责权限与沟通单位 (11)5.6 管理评审 (11)5.7 引用文件 (12)5.8 质量记录 (12)第六章资源管理 (13)6.1 资源提供 (13)6.2 人力资源 (13)6.3 基础设施 (13)6.4 工作环境 (14)第七章工程实现 (16)7.1 工程实现的策划 (16)7.2 与顾客有关的沟通 (16)7.4 采购 (18)7.5 施工和服务提供 (18)7.6 监视和测量装置的控制 (22)第八章测量、分析和改进 (23)8.1 总则 (23)8.2 监视和测量 (23)8.3 不合格控制 (24)8.4 数据分析 (25)8.5 改进 (25)1.1 本手册适用范围:空调工程的安装及竣工后的维护服务。

1.2 术语和定义:本手册中所有术语和定义全部采用ISO9001:2000《基础和术语》中给出的术语和定义。

1.3 引用标准:《制冷设备、空气分离设备安装工程施工及验收规范》(GB50274-98)《压缩机、风机、泵安装工程施工及验收规范》(GB50275-98)《通风与空调工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50243-2002)《工业设备及管道绝热工程施工及验收规范》(GBJ126-89)《工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范》(GBJ50235-97)《现场设备、工业管道焊接工程施工及验收规范》(GBJ232-82)《建筑给排水及采暖工程施工质量验收规范》(GB50242-2002)《采暖通风与空调调节设计规范》(GB50019-2003)1.4 删减说明本公司承接的施工项目和施工图由业主提供,有关的施工工艺固定不变,施工质量验收依据GB/50243-2002《通风与空调工程施工质量验收规范》中的规定,所以删减ISO9001.2000中的7.3“设计和开发”条款。



山特产品速查手册SANTAK PRODUCT QUICK REFERENCE 全面保护用心为安全目录Contents后备式UPSTG-E1000/500, TG1000/500, ET1100/550, K500/K1000 PRO, MT500/1000 PRO, TG-BOX 600/850在线式UPS城堡系列塔式C1-3K, 城堡系列塔式C6-10K, 城堡系列机架式C1-3kVA Rack,城堡系列机架式C6-10kVA Rack, 城堡系列3C3 Pro (20-200kVA),城堡系列3C3 Pro ISO (15 -100kVA)灵霄系列灵霄系列 PT 3000 (1-20kVA)模块式UPSARRAY 3A3 Pro 系列 (15kVA~150kVA), ARRAY 3A3 PT 系列 (25kVA~200kVA), ARRAY 3A3 PT 系列 (60kVA~600kVA)蓄电池山特城堡系列蓄电池, G系列胶体蓄电池, ARRAY系列蓄电池, 山特SBC-A电池柜微模块灵聚2.0微模块产品系列精密空调城堡 (SCC) 系列机房专用空调(5-20kW), 城堡 (SCC) 系列机房专用空调(25-50kW)配电机柜配电单元 (PDU)机柜S系列机柜3-11 12-22 23-26 27-30 31-35 36-3940 41-45472 | 山特产品速查手册山特后备式TG-E系列UPS⸺美观时尚的“设备守护神”。

TG-E500/1000 UPS功能强大,集智慧、安全、可靠于一身,提升消费者在产品品质、观感、质感方面的使用体验。






DUK - V - K - E1
固定式 F2) 可调式 V
只限100~400 规格的V型产品 只限630规格
方形管道连接件 K
圆形管道连接件 R1)4)
220V, 50Hz
24V, 50Hz
24V, 50Hz, 0...10V-
பைடு நூலகம்
㖞ᦒ䘱仾䈡ሬಘ QLI ...................................................41-42
਺亦ᔿ䈡ሬಘ DID300.............................................43-44 DID300B...........................................45-46 DID600B...........................................47-48
SLC ....................................................71-72 VCD....................................................73-74 JZ .......................................................75-76 AK ......................................................77-78









空调出厂检验指导书及检验报告1. 概述本文档旨在提供空调出厂检验的指导和报告,以确保每台空调都符合质量标准和技术要求。

2. 出厂检验指导书2.1 检验目的出厂检验旨在验证空调的产品质量,确认其性能指标符合标准要求,并确保其安全可靠性。

2.2 检验范围出厂检验范围包括但不限于以下项目:- 外观检查- 功能性能检测- 电气安全检验- 优品率检测- 包装完整性检查2.3 检验程序1. 外观检查:检查空调外观是否完整无损、各部件是否安装牢固,无明显划痕或变形。

2. 功能性能检测:逐一检验空调各项功能是否正常,包括制冷、制热、通风、除湿等功能。

3. 电气安全检验:通过检测电流、电压、绝缘电阻等指标,确认空调的电气安全性。

4. 优品率检测:检验出厂空调的优品率,确保质量合格。

5. 包装完整性检查:检查包装是否完好,以保护空调在运输过程中免受损坏。

2.4 检验要求- 外观检查:外观完整无损,各部件安装牢固。

- 功能性能检测:各项功能正常运行,符合产品说明书中的性能指标。

- 电气安全检验:电流、电压、绝缘电阻等指标符合国家标准和相关规范。

- 优品率检测:空调的优品率应达到规定的合格率。

- 包装完整性检查:包装完好,能够有效保护空调在运输中的安全性。

3. 检验报告3.1 检验结果根据出厂检验的实际情况,以下是本次检验的主要结果:- 外观检查:所有空调外观完好,无损坏。

- 功能性能检测:所有功能正常运行,满足产品说明书中的性能指标。

- 电气安全检验:所有电气指标符合国家标准和相关规范。

- 优品率检测:本次检验中,空调的优品率达到规定合格率。

- 包装完整性检查:所有包装完好,能够保护空调在运输过程中的安全。

3.2 检验结论根据出厂检验的结果,本次检验的结论如下:所有空调均符合质量标准和技术要求,可以出厂销售和使用。

3.3 检验建议根据本次检验的实际情况,提出以下检验建议:- 检验过程中发现的缺陷和不足应及时整改,确保质量合格。



CENTRALIZED CONTROLLER FEATURE LIST※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied1) Except for some feature (individual lock, limit, temp., etc.)2) Except for some feature (user mode, additional function, etc)3) ACP 5 or AC Smart 5 is required4) This function is possible to use in Web Only (BMS Point is not applied)5) Without additional device, ACP 5 and AC Smart 5 provide BACnet IP and Modbus TCP interface for BMS 6) ACS, ACP , ACM 5 Expected to 4Q, 2020CENTRALIZED CONTROL※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied1) It is only available in some products※ ○ : Applied, - : Not AppliedSmart management with 5 inch touch screen for small site.Features & Benefits• U ser friendly control by graphical access • T otal 200 schedule events • E nergy saving mode • E nergy monitoring (with PDI)• 2 set point function (Upper / Lower temperature setting)•T emperature set points range limit •R emote controller lock (All, Temp, Mode, Fan Speed)•O peration history •Filter cleansing or changing alarm •E mergency stop Features & Benefits• 32 indoor units control • W eekly Schedule • I ndividual / Group ControlPACEZA000AC EZ TOUCHOverviewPCInternetIDUIDUERVPC AccessUsers can control each space efficiently through PC access.Energy Statistics (with PDI)Statistics of operational status (time, power consumption) are provided to help make intelligent system operation decisions.FeatureInternet* IPv6 supportedEnergy ModeWhen using energy mode function, operation mode changes from cooling to fan or heating to off mode by force.(It is available only for operating indoor unit)ScheduleSchedule control allows user to set the events in advance to maximize system performance. Also, by blocking unnecessary operation, it prevents a waste of energy.Alarm IndicatorIt shows errors and alarm information. Users can respond immediately according to alarm indicator therefore HVAC system is monitored consistently.Group / Individual ControlBy clicking each indoor units on screen, user controls them individually or by group. It is useful to monitor or control for the best fit of request.Easy to manage up to 32 indoor units, including ERV with simple interface.PQCSZ250S0AC EZAppropriate PI 485 should beused according to PDB• MULTI V 5• MULTI V IV • MULTI V III • MULTI V II • MULTI V S• MULTI V WATER IV • MULTI V WATER II• ERV• MULTI SPLIT • SINGLE SPLITLarge 10 inch type touch screen with HTML5 GUI(Graphic User Interface) fitted with a screen resolution allows easy control.Features & Benefits• T he central controller allows control of the LG HVAC system to various platforms.(Touch screen, PC, Smartphone, Tablet)-DI : 2 / DO : 2-Max. 128 IDU control -BACnet IP/Modbus TCP -Schedule-Map view (Visual navigation)-Time limit control / Auto change over -Energy monitoring-History / Operation trend-I nterlock with 3rd party equipment (ACS IO, ACU IO Module is needed)-Multi level grouping-Emergency stop & alarm -Error alarm by e-mailPACS5A000AC SMART 5※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied1) Chiller Option Kit (PCHLLN000) is required 2) It is only available in some products3) For the detail point list, please refer to the installation manualBACnet over IPBMSAC Smart 5Without additional device, AC Smart 5 provides BACnet IP / Modbus TCPinterface for BMS (Building Management System) integration as well as its own management function.AC Smart 5 reflects the state of the art of network technology trend. IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6), which is the most recent version of the Internet Protocol, provides accessibility to the IPv6 compatible network environment. In addition, HTML5 allows you to easily control LG HVAC system on a variety of platforms (PC, Mobile, Tablet), at any time and from any location, not just on the touch screen.BMS IntegrationEnergy navigation function allows air conditioners operation to be managed under the monthly (Weekly / Yearly) plan of energy usage. By analyzingpresent energy consumption and comparing with the plan, overuse of system operational costs can be prevented.Energy Management / Operation TrendYou can freely apply layer structure such as building, floor , zone, etc. and set the group as the same as the site composition to control and monitor the devices. If you have special control group, you can additionally compose frequently used groups such as VIP Room, executive room, etc. regardless of the building structure.Multi Level Group CompositionAdvanced Network AccessibilityVisual navigation enables controlling and monitoring the unit on floor plan view for the intuitive management.Visualized ControlAC Smart 5 can make operation scenario with 3rd party equipment by ACS IO Module. Control coverage is expanded. (Air conditioner only → Sensors, Fans, Pumps, Switches…)Interlocking with 3rd party equipmentIDUsHydro Kit AC Smart 5...ACS IO※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied1) Chiller Option Kit (PCHLLN000) is required 2) It is only available in some products3) For the detail point list, please refer to the installation manual※ ○ : Applied, - : Not AppliedAdvanced solution for BMS integration up to 256 units via BACnet and Modbus protocol as well as its own smart management function with web server interface.LonWorks easily link LG air conditioners and other existing building systems. By including ACP control function, the controlling continues even when error occurs with BMS.Features & Benefits•The central controller allows control of the LG HVAC system by various platforms. (PC, Smartphone, Tablet)-DI :10 / DO : 4-Max. 256 IDU control -BACnet IP/Modbus TCP -Schedule-Map view (Visual navigation)-Time limit control / Auto change over -Energy monitoring-History / Operation trend - I nterlock with 3rd party equipment (ACS IO, ACU IO Module is needed)-Multi level grouping-Emergency stop & alarm -Error alarm by e-mailFeatures & Benefits• C onnect to use Lonworks Ⓡprotocol and LG air conditioner protocol.• P rocess ability (Max. connection) : Indoor unit 64EA, AHU Control Kit : Max. 16EA • S elf installation verification using internet(Web Server Included) - Diagnosis of communication status on LG Air-conditioner network • I t offers a variety of functions as ACP which allows the customer to efficiently control various types of equipment from the customer’s own Integration.PACP5A000PLNWKB000ACP 5ACP LONWORKS GATEWAYOverviewAdvanced Network Accessibility Energy Navigation BACnet IP / Modbus TCPSpecial control groupBACnet over IPBMS1) Assignment of public IP address is required to access central controller through internet. Appropriate PI 485 should be used according to PDB (Product Data Book)InternetAC Smart 5* Slave* MasterBackup operation• AHU (Control Kit)• MULTI V 5• MULTI V IV • MULTI V III • MULTI V II • MULTI V S• MULTI V WATER IV • MULTI V WATER II• ERV • MULTI SPLIT • SINGLE SPLITBMS system•Power : C onnected with theIndoor Units•1 for Each Indoor Unit- Indoor Unit (ERV)PI 485 converts LG air conditioner’s protocol to the RS485 protocol for the central controllerPHNFP14A0PI 485party interlocking ACS IO※ ○ : Applied, - : Not Applied1) Chiller Option Kit (PCHLLN000) is requiredNote : AC Manager 5 requires ACP 5 or AC Smart 5Multiple ACP and AC Smart integration solution to manage multi sites up to 8,192 units as a single system.Features & Benefits•Consol Type : No needs software installation and lock-key •Max 8,192 IDU Control •Schedule•Map View (Visual Navigation)•Time limit control / Auto change over •Energy Monitoring / Navigation •History / Operation Trend •Emergency stop & alarm •Error alarm by E-mail •Multi Language(Eng, Ita, Spa, Por, Rus, Fra, Ger, Tur, Pol, Chi, Kor)PACM5A000AC MANAGER 5OverviewPCMobileTabletInternet3rd party DeviceACS IO ModulePeak ControlThis function can reduce electricity use. There are two kinds of control logic. Energy saving effect by indoor unit operation rate control. Load management effect by outdoor unit capacity control.Multi Level Group CompositionYou can freely apply layer structure such as building, floor , zone, etc. and set the group as the same as the site composition tocontrol and monitor the devices. Special control group You can additionally compose frequently used groups such as VIP Room, executive room, etc. regardless of the building structure.Energy Navigation & Energy Usage TrendEnergy navigation is the function to set the target usage amount to limit the monthly power consumption and to control so that the total accumulated power consumption does not exceed the target usage amount. It performs total of 7 control levels with the estimated/actual usage amount exceeding ratio compared to the monthly target usage amount. For the control method, there are indoor unit operation ratio, outdoor unit capacity control, and indoor unit operation control.Integrated with S/W program and Hardware platform, it is convenient to install since users no longer need to install program with lock-key on PC.Stand-aloneUp to 8,192 Connections for Indoor UnitsAdministrators can easily and conveniently manage a variety of LG HVAC equipment. Also, it is available to manage many buildings or areas at one place via AC Manager 5.Compressor CapacityControl Operation ratio (IDUs) Control ODU Capacity ControlIDU operation Ratio Control IDU operationlevelAdvanced Network Accessibility & User Friendly GUI (reddot award)As an advanced central controller , AC Manager 5 offers flexible interface for each user by assessing the device screen and automatically customizing the layout to provide the most optimized interface.Indoor unit Priority Control9 Step Operation rate (%)[ 0, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 ]gradually stop depending on importance of room.Robby Office VIP room Compressor Hz ControlMax. IDU 256 EAMax. IDU 128 EAMax. IDU 256 EAControl towerAC Manager 5AC Manager 5ACP 5ACP 5AC Smart 5AC Smart 5ACP 5Chiller & AHUODU / IDU & ERVChiller Option kitAHU ControllerAHU Comm.kit。



97745C (Rev. C - 8/05)Installation/Care/Use ManualUSES HFC-134A REFRIGERANTFIG. 1SEE FIG.5528, 29, 31, 47, 5014, 15, 18,19, 20, 21, 2240104633124445, 49, 514248131738168436, 79323363739414, 321197745C (Rev. C - 8/05)F IG . 2F I N I S H E D F L O O R P I S O A C A B A D O P L A N C H E R F I N IE = I N S U R E P R O P E R V E N T I L A T I O N B Y M A I N T A I N I N G 4" (102m m ) (M I N .) C L E A R A N C EF R O M C A B I N E T L O U V E R S T O W A L L .A S EG U R E U N A V E N T I L A C I ÓN A D E C U A D A M A N T E N I E N D O U N E S P A C I O E 4" (102m m ) (M ÍN .) D EH O L G U R A E N T R E L A R E JI L L A D E V E N T I L A C I ÓN D E L M U E B L E Y L A P A R E D A S S U R E Z -V O U S U N E B O N N E V E N T I L A T I O N E N G A R D A N T 4" (102m m ) (M I N .) E N T R E L E S ÉV E N T S D E L ’E N C E I N T E E T L E M U R .F = P O W E R C O R D 4 F E E T (1219m m ) L O N G C A B L E E L ÉC T R I C O D E 4 P I E (1219m m ), D E L A R G O C O R D O N D ’A L I M E N T A T I O N 4' (1219m m )G = P L U M B I N G R O U G H -I N C A N B E L O C A T E D A N Y W H E R E W I T H I N T H I S A R E A .S E P U E D E C O L O C A R E L D E S B A S T E D E L A T U B E R ÍA E N C U A L Q U I E R L U G A R D E N T R O D E E S T A ÁR E A .O N P E U T P L A C E R L A T U Y A U T E R I E D A N S C E T T E R ÉG I O N .L E G E N D /L E Y E N D A /L ÉG E N D E A = R E C O M M E N D E D W A T E R S U P P L Y L O C A T I O N 3/8 O .D . U N P L A T E D C O P P E R T U B E C O N N E C T S T U B 1-1/2 I N . (38m m ) O U T F R O M W A L L S H U T O F F B Y O T H E R S S E R E C O M I E N D A U B I C A R E L T U B O C O R T O D E C O N E X I ÓN A L T U B O D E C O B R E S I N C H A P A R D E 3/8" D E D I ÁM . E X T . A 1-1/2"(38m m ) F U E R A D E L A L L A V E D E P A S O E N L A P A R E D C O L O C A D A P O R T E R C E R O S . E M P L A C E M E N T R E C O M M A N D É D 'A L I M E N T A T I O N E N E A U P A R T U B E E N C U I V R E N O N P L A Q U É D E 3/8 P O . (9,5 m m ) D .E .C O N N E C T A N T U N E T U Y A U T E R I E D E 1-1/2 P O . (38m m ) D E P U I S L E R O B I N E T D 'A R R ÊT F O U R N I P A R D 'A U T R E S .B = R E C O M M E N D E D L O C A T I O N F O R W A S T E O U T L E T 1-1/4” O .D . D R A I N U B I C A C I ÓN R E C O M E N D A D A P A R A E L D R E N A J E D E S A L I D A D E A G U A , D E 1¼” D E D I ÁM E T R O .E M P L A C E M E N T R E C O M M A N D É P O U R L E D R A I N D E D .E . 1-1/4" D E S O R T I E D ’E A U .C = 1-1/4 T R A P N O T F U R N I S H E D **P U R G A D O R D E 1¼ N O P R O P O R C I O N A D O **S I P H O N 1-1/4 N O N F O U R N I **D = E L E C T R I C A L O U T L E T L O C A T I O N U B I C A C I ÓN D E L A T O M A D E E L E C T R I C I D A D E M P L A C E M E N T D E L A P R I S E D E C O U R A N T97745C (Rev. C - 8/05)FIG. 3FIG. 4CONDENSER WATER VALVE ADJUSTMENTThe condenser water valve is factory preset for a condenser water outlet temperature of 95° to 105° F.If actual temperature varies greatly from this,readjust water flow rate at the valve using the following procedures.1. START UP COMPRESSORThis can be accomplished by depressing the cooler push button (See Fig. 5 - Item 24). Keep water running during the entire readjustment procedure.2. ADJUSTMENT CONDENSER WATER VALVE Adjust valve by rotating adjustment stem. Rotating stem clockwise will decrease water flow. Counterclock-wise rotation will increase water flow. Increasing water flow will result in a lower condenser outlet temperature,while decreasing water flow will result in a higher outlet temperature. Proper adjustment is attained when condenser outlet temperature is 95° to 105° F.STREAM HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT : Stream height is factory set at 45-50 PSI. If supply pressure varies greatly from this, remove items 24 and 25 (See figure 5) from bubbler assembly and adjust the screw on the regulator (Item 35). Clockwise adjust-ment will raise stream height and counterclockwise will lower the stream height. A stream height of 1-1/2" (38mm) is recom-mended.97745C (Rev. C - 8/05)ELKAY MANUFACTURING COMPANY • 2222 CAMDEN COURT • OAK BROOK, ILPRINTED IN U.S.A.PARTS LIST 115VP ART NO.DESCRIPTION10031C 10032274065015009C 70772C 27317C 28270C 28271C 28272C 28273C 28631C 28277C 28278C 27279C 35843C 35840C 36219C 35892C 35768C 35845C 35874C 35844C36095C 36114C40048C 40089C40322C 45675C 45718C 50005C 45703C 50368C 70767C 55996C 60291C 61313C 66203C 66674C 66677C 66693C 66679C 66680C 66681C 66682C 66685C 70421C 70682C 70750C 75494C 75602C 75603C 50144CNut-Retaining Gasket-Black Nipple-Bubbler Drain Plug BasinBrace-Cross Rear Brace-Cross Front Baseplate ShelfBracket-Strain Relief Panel-Front Panel-LH Side Panel-RH Side Relay Overload Cord-Power Cold Control Cover-Relay Cap-Capacitor Clip-Capacitor CapacitorBracket-Capacitor Compressor Button Nut-Cover Orifice Assy Bubbler Body Assy-Tailpipe Gasket-T ailpipe Bubbler Assy Drain ReceptorEvaporator Retaining Clip Strainer Screen-SSRegulator-Red Spring DrierAssy-WC Condenser Tube-WC Condenser Tube-Tee To Check Vlv Tube-CU 1/4 x 30Tube-CU 1/4 x 22Tube-Water Vlv To Check Vlv Heat Exchanger Assy-Evaporator Washer-Flat Fitting-1/4 Tee Hose Clamp Check Valve Cotter Pin Nut Hex SSGrommet-Compressor Mtg.123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051*INCLUDES RELAY , OVERLOAD & CAPACITOR. IF UNDER WARRANTY , REPLACE WITH SAME COMPRESSOR USED IN ORIGINAL ASSEMBLY .NOTE: All correspondence pertaining to any of the above water coolers or orders for repair parts MUST include Model No. and Serial No. of cooler, name and part number of re-placement part.ITEM NO.FIG. 52630FIG. 6REMOVE THIS PACKING BEFORE PUTTING UNIT INTO SERVICE 800-518-5388。

Daikin 空调产品指南说明书

Daikin 空调产品指南说明书

U p t o 5% E n e r g y S a vi n g s !Fact 1As a world leader in air conditioning technology, Daikin can be trusted to control the temperature, airflow and air quality in a broad range of environments. From homes to high rises, from hospitals to hotels, Daikin has an air conditioning solution that provides superior comfort in any application.Daikin 5 Key FactsGlobal No. 1 HVAC manufacturer with more than 90 years of Japanese expertiseDaikin is the market and technological leader since 1924. Daikin has over 90 production facilities all over the world, sells around 19 Billion USD to more than 150 countries worldwide.» Japan » Malaysia » Thailand » China » Australia » India» United Arab Emirates » KSA » Egypt» South Africa » Turkey» Czech Republic » Italy » Belgium » Brazil » USAWhy Daikin?An air conditioning expert; not homeappliances seller!Daikin is the only air conditioning company in theworld that specializes in manufacturing, sales andafter sales service, not to mention refrigerants.Daikin's core business is air conditioning, nothome appliance!Daikin is unique throughout the world in beingthe only producer of refrigerants and compressors,as well as manufacturing air conditioning, heating,refrigeration, chilled water systems and ventilationsolutions. As a result, Daikin is the only one to havefull control of every component within the airconditioner you purchased and can bring the verylatest innovations to our products.Technological leaderDaikin leads the way in the air conditioning marketwith the 3 cutting-edge core technologies:the airINVERTERsavings andcomfortNot just ‘quality’, but ‘Daikin quality’Innovation and quality have always been thekeystones of Daikin philosophy. Daikin stronglybelieves that by offering only the best products,success can be achieved.Wherever the production location is, Daikin appliesvery strict quality standards. We do not just offerany ‘quality’, but ‘Daikin quality' from the designstage to delivery to customer.Also, all major components are engineered andmanufactured by Daikin, ensuring maximumperformance, reliability and efficiency. From theinternal motors and compressors to the exterioranti-corrosion treatment and self-diagnosticfunction, Daikin systems are built with durability.Strong and quality-oriented after salessupportDaikin guarantees your comfort in every facet ofour service. Daikin’s dedicated After Sales SupportTeam is second-to-none in providing you with thenecessary coverage for your continued comfortbeyond purchase.9015031924Daikin is the global leader in the HVAC market for over 90 years.*Data presented here are as of 31st March 2017.There are two main technologies to be considered when purchasing a split air conditioner:You always want the best for your home: best TV, best phone etc… This approach should be the same when it comes to purchasing an AC knowing that you will use it almost every day in the year!What is the difference between the various technologies available in the market and why are some of them are more expensive than the others?At first look, both systems offer similar functionality: cooling the air. But, in reality, they are different in terms of compressor drive. Old technology systems use a fixed-speed (Non Inverter) and advanced systems use variable speed (Inverter).»ON/OFF systems, so called "Non-Inverter", used in conventional air conditioners.»Inverter systems, variable speed using the latesttechnology in the air conditioningWhy Inverter?Saving money – we all want that!Do y ou k now t hat c onventional s plits (Non I nverter) are using compressor running at high (maximum) fixed speed all the time? This, combined with the repeated restart of the compressor, will lead the air conditioner to consume a lot of energy. In reality, an ON/OFF system is very inefficient and costly to use.The variable speed compressor of the Inverter split adjusts the power according to the temperature in the room;in simple words, the unit will run at higher speed when you need more cooling and at lower speed when you need less . The electricity you will use then depends on your actual needs, not more! Inverter technology will lower the consumption of the air conditioner down to 50%, so you pay less money for your electricity bills!Tip 2Tip 3Fastest and most powerful coolingDaikin Inverter technology speeds up at the start-up time so the room is cooled down quicker.With Daikin Inverter, the cooling is quick andpowerful, even under extremely high outdoortemperatures.Because Daikin Inverter is smart, it's capableof adjusting the cooling power accurately toyour actual needs. You will have a comfortabletemperature all year round and you will never feeltoo warm or too cold.Eco-friendlyAs you can see all around you, it is all about howwe can reduce our impact on the environmentand reduce the energy use! You can contribute tolowering the environmental impact by making asmart choice for your AC.Longer lifeAs the compressor does not turn on and off all the time and runs at lower speeds and pressures, it makes the AC’s life longer as you will reduce the stress on the compressor, which is the heart of your AC.Quieter operationAs the Daikin Inverter is the most recent technology, it also offers the most silent operation.You will no longer experience disturbing ON/OFF and high fan noise.Tip 4Tip 5Because Daikin Inverter can adjust speed and cooling capacity according to your needs, it uses less energy than traditional AC. Less energy use means lower carbon footprint (CO 2 emissions), which is more friendly to the environment.Also, Daikin uses the latest refrigerants with amazing cooling performance, specially selected for our hot and harsh climate, and less impact to the environment compared to other brands. Refrigerants used by Daikin do not deplete the ozone layer!How long has the inverter compressorbeen used in the world?Inverter AC has been invented in 1980! Today, itis the most selling technology in many countries!First inverter AC has been launched in 1980 butthe spread of the technology over the world onlystarted after 2005 when every market startedto realize the importance of saving electricityconsumption through air conditioning.Today, Inverter is the most selling technology inJapan, Australia, Europe and China.FAQQ2Why do you need Inverter in Middle East?Your cooling needs are different in summer and winter; your AC should adjust to that!The amount of cooling (heating) capacity required depends on the outside temperature and the heat inside the room to be treated. Since the outside temperature varies all year long, the cooling requirements will also vary all year round. Only Inverter has the inner intelligence to adjust the speed to deliver the exact amount of cooling required.Why Inverter is more expensive?Inverter is not expensive! It is a real cost-effective solution.Although Inverter solutions will require a higher investment cost compared to traditional systems, the total life cycle cost is much less and allows you to make real savings throughout the year: inverter units pay by themselves after a short period! When you purchase a unit, the real cost that you pay is not only the unit cost but also the electricity cost that it will consume! To make real savings, you always need to compare the total cost, including the operation cost. Inverter will help you save on your energy bill.Why Daikin is more expensive?Daikin is not expensive!Equipment cost reflects technological expertiseand quality of components used.»Unlike other brands, Daikin does notcompromise on Quality for Price!» Daikin designs and selects carefully all thecomponents of the air conditioner, to ensuredurability and long lifetime.» As Daikin equipment is extremely efficient, initialinvestment is returned back quickly throughlow running costs.» Daikin is a global company with strong localpresence and unmatched after sales support.How can I compare efficiency betweenInverter and Non Inverter?I nverter savings: beyond declared EER or starrating!Today, the only official way to compare performanceof the AC is to look at EER or star rating But what is thereal meaning of EER? EER stands for "Energy EfficiencyRatio"; it will give you an indication on how yoursystem performs at one fixed temperature condition.Using this methodology can be considered asacceptable to assess efficiency of non-inverter systemas it provides a fixed capacity throughout the year andthe average power consumption. Thus efficiency, willbe on average the same over the entire year.The situation for Inverter is different as it has theability to adjust capacity to meet the applicationrequirements. Adjusting capacity is done throughthe regulation of compressor speed; thus powerinput will constantly be adjusted.So, representing efficiency of inverter through EER that is measuring efficiency at full capacity at one fixed condition is not really correct.In order to measure the real efficiency of an air conditioner, the formula must integrate the full weather conditions (all temperatures) at which the system will operate in a certain location. The global trend is towards using "Seasonal Efficiency Ratio" (SEER) as an indicator of the efficiency of an air conditioner: it will measure efficiency of the system at all temperatures and capacity conditions. Different regions have different measuring formulas adapted to their local weather pattern in Europe, US or Japan etc. Now, a Technical Committee of ISO TC86 is working on a SEER calculation standard for Hot Climates that could be adapted to specific cities' weather bin in the region. SEER will then apply to both Inverter and Non-Inverter systems and will greatly help the consumer to know a realistic figure of his estimated yearly energy consumption.What does it mean when I nverter canreach up to 130% capacity?Inverter can modulate capacity from aminimum to a maximum level!You have to remember that inverter is a smartsystem equipped with variable speed motors.It can modulate the capacity output from aminimum level to a maximum level by varying itsspeed accordingly.Inverter can usually cover a capacity range from30% (minimum level; this level can reach down10% on VRV systems) to130% (maximum level)against the capacity declared in the commercialbrochure.For example, Daikin Inverter R 32 split FTKM24PVM can modulate its capacity between 6.5 kBtuup to29.5kBtu while catalogue data is showing24kBtu.When you select your inverter AC, in order toreduce your investment cost, you can selectit based on maximum capacity. However, ifyou select it based on the rated value, theperformance and lifetime will be optimized as theunit will work less time at full load.Is Inverter air conditioner morecomplicated to maintain?Not really!Thanks to the built-in intelligence implementedin the electronics that will allow achieving hugesavings by regulating the compressor, inverterunits are considered more sophisticated systems.Daikin technicians and installers are experienced and extensively trained by Daikin on installation, maintenance and troubleshooting. In fact, cause and type of failure can be faster and easier diagnosed on Inverter thanks to the self-diagnosis function.What is important to remember, to keep your air conditioner lifetime as long as possible, is to conduct periodical maintenance, as per manufacturer recommendations.What about spare parts cost for Inverter? Equivalent parts have similar cost except for the compressor.The main differences in terms of components between inverter and non-inverter are:» Compressors (drive)» PCB (Printed Circuit Board; electronics)The cost of Inverter compressor is of course more expensive than traditional non inverter compressor as it is the latest technology. But lifetime of inverter compressor is estimated to be longer than traditional non inverter: less start / stop cycle and lower inrush current and speed vs non inverter. Also, thanks to the inverter compressor, your system will realize huge energy savings. The higher purchase cost will be compensated by the reduction of electricity cost.To prevent your air conditioner from major failure, it is crucial to periodically maintain your AC as per manufacturer recommendations.Can we install inverter units near to sea? Does salty environment affect the inverter components?Daikin I nverter air conditioners are equipped with anti-corrosion protection as standard.All Daikin standard equipment, regardless of technology, are equipped with anti-corrosion protection.In very harsh environment, regardless of the technology, if the outdoor location is less than 500m from the sea shore and the unit is facing direct wind, Daikin requires purchasing additional heavy anti-corrosion protection option. The type of treatment will depend on the environment. For more details, please contact a Daikin representative.What about the lifetime of Inverter compressor?Longer lifetime for Inverter!The variable speed operation of inverter allows extension of compressor lifetime compared to non-inverter equipment. Non inverter system must repeatedly turn ON and OFF its compressor,resulting in a higher stress on the motor.Do you have any questions? Do not hesitate to contact us or your Daikin representative.NotesThe present publication is drawn up by way of information only and does not constitute an offer bindingupon Daikin Middle East and Africa. Daikin Middle East and Africa has compiled the content of this publication to the best of its knowledge. No express or implied warranty is given for the completeness, accuracy, reliability or fitness for particular purpose of its content and the products and services presented therein. Specifications are subject to change without prior notice. Daikin Middle East and Africa explicitly rejects any liability for any direct or indirect damage, in the broadest sense, arising from or related to the use and/or interpretation of this publication. All content is copyrighted by Daikin Middle East and Africa.P .O. Box 18674, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, UAE Tel: +971 (0) 4 815 9300, Fax: +971 (0) 4 815 9311Email: ******************Daikin Middle East and AfricaReduce your electricity bill with Smart TechnologyThink Smart, think Green,think Daikin Inverter!U p t o 50%E n e r g y S a vi n g s !。

东芝家用空调产品技术手册--kfr-53lw bper(r)、kfr-73lw bper(r)、kf

东芝家用空调产品技术手册--kfr-53lw bper(r)、kfr-73lw bper(r)、kf

东芝ER 变频分体落地式空调产品技术手册产品型号:整机型号室内机型号室外机型号KFR-53LW/BpER(R)RAS-HF18ER4C(R)RAS-HF18EAR4C KFR-53LW/BpER(C)RAS-HF18ER4C(C)KFR-73LW/BpER(R)RAS-HF25ER4C(R)RAS-HF25EAR4CKFR-73LW/BpER(C)RAS-HF25ER4C(C)产品外观图:53/73室内机(红色)53/73室内机(金色)遥控器外观图53机室外机外观图73机室外机外观图获取更多资料微信搜索蓝领星球目录一.功能与特点介绍-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1二.性能参数----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2三.系统循环图-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4四.电路接线图-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5五.遥控功能及操作方法-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6六.电控功能说明书-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7七.室内机拆卸程序-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11八.室外机拆卸程序-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22九.室内机零部件分解图及(售后维修)零部件一览表--------------------------------------------43十.室外机零部件分解图及(售后维修)零部件一览表--------------------------------------------47十一.安装说明--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------56获取更多资料微信搜索蓝领星球立体送风,舒适无处不在:●上下左右立体送风,送风直达每个角落,更大范围促进气流循环;●上下左右导风条自动、可控,带来更全面的舒适体验;●柔性除湿:送风可设置风向不对人角度,防止风直吹皮肤,达到柔性除湿的效果;●摆风按键:快捷实现摆风功能,轻松调整摆风角度,让舒适更加随心所欲;●快眠功能:针对人体的生物睡眠曲线,在夜晚的不同时段以不同强度送风,舒睡一整晚。


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F3100179_Liebert PEX系列节能空调用户手册

F3100179_Liebert PEX系列节能空调用户手册
Liebert PEX 系列节能空调 用户手册
资料版本 归档时间 V1.0 2013-09-16
BOM 编码 F3100179
艾默生网络能源有限公司为客户提供全方位的技术支持,用户可与就近的艾默生网络能源有限公司办事处 或客户服务中心联系,也可直接与公司总部联系。 艾默生网络能源有限公司 版权所有,保留一切权利。内容如有改动,恕不另行通知。 艾默生网络能源有限公司 地址:深圳市南山区科技工业园科发路一号 邮编:518057 公司网址: 客户服务热线:4008876510 E-mail: service@ 系列节能空调 ................................................................................................................................................... 1 第一章 概述 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 型号说明 .................................................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 外观..............



24种空调故障代码速查手册伊莱克斯空调故障代码TCL空调故障代码奥克斯空调故障代码长虹空调故障代码新品春兰2005故障代码V系列空调故障代码机型为:春兰KFR--120LW/BP春兰KFR-70td;Tds;H2d;H2ds;50H2d;50Vd;72vd;120vds柜机故障代码春兰50、70变频空调故障代码春兰FR-180、260/S风管机大金空调故障代码德贝里克空调器故障代码格力空调故障代码格力定频机故障代码海尔变频空调维修故障代码海尔71LW/F柜机故障代码海信柜式空调故障自诊断华宝新款柜机故障代码华高空调(柜机)故障码美的变频空调故障代码汇总表美的空调故障代码日本三菱空调故障代码日立空调故障分析三星空调故障代码三洋空调故障代码双菱空调故障代码大全松下变频挂机故障代码及原因松下空调故障代码松下CS-G90KC、CU-G120KC常见故障代码松下CS-G120KC故障代码表夏普空调故障代码小天鹅中央空调器故障代码新飞空调故障代码新新科空调故障代码伊莱克斯空调故障代码KF-23GW KF-23GW/A KF-23GW/B运行LED每周期闪1次室内风机故障运行LED每周期闪2次室温传感器故障运行LED每周期闪3次热交换器传感器故障正常运行中的防冻结保护、3分钟保护等保护状态时,均不闪烁。

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产品全,应用广 丹佛斯提供使用各种常见HFC、HCFC制冷剂的活塞压缩机和涡旋压 缩机。
涡旋压缩机 丹佛斯涡旋压缩机集高能效、超静音和高稳定性等优点于一身,冷量范围广,适用于轻商用到大型商用空调系统的R407C,R134a,R410A和R22的 单机和并联机一应俱全。
281 395
SC12GHX 195B0249 104G8261
429 577 752 957 1196 1471 1787
356 487
SC15GHX 195B0144 104G8561
559 723 915 1139 1398 1698 2041
424 565
SC15GHHX 195B0055 104G8571*
■ 简单,紧凑,轻便 ■ 优化的涡旋、电机、壳体设计 ■ 100%吸气冷却和电机罩 ■ 大冷量 ■ 大油池
■ 安装简易 ■ 高效,低噪音,长寿命 ■ 高温工况下运行 ■ 运行可靠
■ 冷水机组 ■ 单元式空调 ■ 分体式 ■ 中央空调处理机组 ■ 热泵 ■ 家用空调
MF R134a MBP
空缺 => 通用型 X = HST (膨胀阀) K = LST (毛细管)
SC Twin 压缩机附件
SC10/10,SC12/12和SC15/15: 12mm管用维修阀 12mm管用焊接接头
SC18/18和SC21/21: 16mm管用维修阀 16mm管用焊接接头
SC10/10,SC12/12,SC15/15, SC18/18和SC21/21: 维修阀密封圈和焊接接头 延时继电器 单向阀(和延时继电器一起用)





检验项目1. 外观检验- 确认空调产品外观是否整洁且无明显损坏- 检查产品表面是否有褪色、划痕或其他质量缺陷- 检查产品的尺寸和重量是否与规格一致2. 功能检验- 确认空调产品的各项功能是否正常运作,包括制冷、制热、除湿等功能- 测试空调产品的温度调节范围和稳定性- 检查遥控器和控制面板是否正常工作3. 能效检验- 测试空调产品的能效等级是否符合相关标准要求- 测量空调产品的能耗和制冷效果- 检查空调产品的节能功能是否有效4. 噪音检验- 测试空调产品在不同工作模式下的噪音水平- 检查空调产品是否符合国家对噪音的限制要求5. 安全检验- 检查空调产品的电气安全性能,包括接地保护、绝缘电阻等- 检测空调产品是否存在漏电和过载等安全隐患- 确认空调产品是否符合相关安全标准和法规要求检验流程1. 外观检验- 检查外观是否整洁- 检查产品是否有损坏或质量缺陷2. 功能检验- 测试空调产品的各项功能- 检查遥控器和控制面板是否正常工作3. 能效检验- 测试空调产品的能效等级- 测量能耗和制冷效果4. 噪音检验- 测试空调产品的噪音水平5. 安全检验- 检查电气安全性能- 检测是否存在安全隐患结论本手册提供了一套全面的空调检验标准,旨在确保空调产品质量和性能的可靠性。




12 VOLT HEATER/DEFROSTER Item Number W5009WARNING:It is the owner and/or operators’ responsibility to study all WARNINGS, operating, and maintenance instructions contained on the product label and instruction manual prior to operation of this product. The owner/operator shall retain product instructions for future reference.The owner and/or operator are responsible for maintenance, maintaining all decals or warning labels and while in use, maintaining the unit in good working order. If the owner and/or operator are not fluent in English, the product warnings and instructions shall be read and discussed with the operators’ native language by the purchaser/owner or his designee. Make sure that the operator comprehends its contents. Safety information shall be emphasized and understood prior to usage. The product shall be inspected per the operating instructions.Users of this product must fully understand these instructions. Each person operating this product must also be of sound mind and body and must not be under the influence of any substance that might impair their vision, dexterity or judgment.Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information.Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage!If you encounter any problems or difficulties, please contact our customer service department at: 1-800-426-1262 between 6:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Pacific time.WARNING: Read and understand this entire instruction manual before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain this product. Failure to comply with the instructions may result in serious personal injury and/or property damage!This instruction manual is intended for your benefit. Please read and follow the safety, installation, maintenance andtroubleshooting steps described within to ensure your safety and satisfaction. The contents of this instruction manual are based upon the latest product information available at the time of publication. The manufacturer reserves the right to make product changes at any time without notice.IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATIONWARNING:READ, UNDERSTAND AND FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND WARNINGS BEFOREOPERATING THIS PRODUCT. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE AND WILL VOID WARRANTY.1. This product is not a toy. Do not allow children to play with or near this item.2.Do not leave Defroster plugged in while starting vehicle or while vehicle’s engine is off. Low voltage during these circumstances will increase heat in the wiring and may blow the fusible link in the receptacle or another fuse.3.Check vehicle manual to ensure the 12V auxiliary power outlet is rated at 15 amps or greater. Do not use a socket extension or pigtail to operate this Defroster.4.Risk of Burns! Keep children and pets away from this unit while it is hot. Do not place hands or feet near the vent.5.Replace the fuse only with another 15 amp fuse of the same type.6.Only use this Defroster for up to 20 minutes at a time.7.Keep this product dry.8.Do not operate other 12VDC appliances at the same time as the Defroster.9.Do not leave the Defroster unattended when it is plugged in. Unplug the Defroster before leaving the vehicle.e as intended only.11.Inspect before every use; do not use if parts are loose or damaged. Do not use the Defroster if either Switch does not turn it on or off.12.Maintain product labels and nameplates. These carry important safety information. If unread-able or missing, contact Performance Tool for a replacement.WARNING: The cord of this product contains lead and/or di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), chemicalsknown to the State of California to cause cancer, and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. (California Health & Safety Code § 25249.5, et seq.)WARNING: This product and its packaging contain a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.LED SwitchPower SwitchNOTICE:To prevent blowing a fusible link on the receptacle, only use with 12V auxiliary power outlet.1. Place the Power Switch and the LED Switch in their O (off) positions. Plug into a 15A rated 12V auxiliary power outlet ONLY.Note: This Defroster can burn out lighter sockets.2. Mount on dashboard, or hold over windshield for spot defrosting. Use for up to 20 minutes, and then shut off for at least 5 minutes.3. The Defroster can be removed from the Mounting Base. By holding the Handle the Defroster can be moved around as needed.4. The LED Switch turns the lights on/off.5. To select either the fan only or the Defroster and fan, press the Power Switch to the setting as marked. Toggle the Power Switch to the center position to turn off these functions.WARNING!Do not operate longer than 20 minutes at one time, allow defroster to cool completely after use.6. Unplug the defroster before leaving the vehicle.WARNING! TO PREVENT FIRE: Replace fuse only with fuse of same type and rating.1. Pull the Fuse out of the Fuse Holder. If the wire inside the Fuse is broken the Fuse needs to be replaced, otherwise insert the Fuse back into the Holder and proceed to the next step.2. If the Defroster’s Fuse was not blown, connect another 12VDC device to the 12V auxiliary power outlet to check it.a. If the receptacle works, have the Defrosterserviced by a qualified technician.b. If the receptacle does not work, DO NOT USETHIS DEFROSTER WITH THAT RECEPTACLE.That receptacle is evidently not rated to 15A, asthis Defroster requires.Note:Check vehicle’s service manual for instructions on repairing the receptacle. Likely failure points are the fusible link on the receptacle itself or the vehicle’s fuse.The Defroster’s base can be mounted to the vehicle using Mounting Screws or can be mounted using the Adhesive Strip as desired.Mounting with Screws1. Make certain that the Power Cord is long enough to reach the 12V auxiliary power outlet from the mounting location.2. Use the Mounting Base as a guide to mark two holes in the mounting location.WARNING! TO PREVENT FIRE: Verify that installa-tion surface has no hidden wires or other components before drilling or driving screws.3. Drill pilot holes in the desired surface slightly smaller in diameter than the shaft of the Mount-ing Screws.4. Align the holes in the Mounting Base with the drilled holes.5. Mount the Mounting Base using Mounting Screws.Mounting with Adhesive Strip1. Make certain that the Power Cord is long enough to reach the 12V auxiliary power outlet from the mount-ing location.2. Wipe the Base with alcohol for a grease-free surface. Allow the alcohol to evaporate.3. Peel off one face of the Adhesive Strip. Place the strip on the face of the Base and press down and hold for one minute to adhere.4. Prepare the mounting surface on the car follow-ing the same procedure as indicated in the above mentioned paragraph.5. Peel the strip backing carefully and position the Base on the surface and press into place. Leave in place for an hour before use.Procedures not specifically explained in this manual must be performed only by a qualified technician. TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY FROM ACCIDENTAL OPERATION:Turn both switches to their “ from its outlet, and allow it to cool completely before performing any inspection, maintenance, or cleaning procedures.TO PREVENT SERIOUS INJURY FROM DEFROSTER FAILURE:Do not use damaged equipment. If abnormal noise or vibration occurs, have the problem corrected before further use.1. BEFORE EACH USE, inspect the general condition of the Defroster. Check for:• loose hardware,• misalignment or binding of moving parts,• cracked or broken parts,• damaged electrical wiring, and• any other condition that may affect its safe operation.2. AFTER USE, wipe external surfaces of the De-froster with clean cloth. Do not use flammable liquids or harsh detergents to clean the Defroster. Do not submerge in fluid.3. Store the Defroster in a dry location out of direct sunlight. Keep the Defroster out of the reach of children.4. Replace Fuse with the same type and rating only.90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY PERFORMANCE TOOL® extends only the following warranties, and only to original retail purchasers. These warranties give specific legal rights except where prohibited by local law, the law of the State of Washington governs all warranties and all exclusions and limitations of warranties and remedies. There may be other rights which vary from state to state. PERFORMANCE TOOL® warrants the product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service. A defective product may be returned for a free replacement within 90 days from the date of purchase, provided that product is returned to place of purchase immediately after discovery of defect. These warranties shall be valid only when a sales receipt showing the date of purchase accompanies the defective product or defective part(s) being returned.These warranties exclude blades, bits, punches, dies, bulbs, fuses, hoses, and other consumables which must be replaced under normal use and service. These warranties shall not apply to any product or part which is used for a purpose for which it is not designed, or which has been repaired or altered in any way so as to affect adversely its performance or reliability, nor shall these warranties apply to any product or part which has been subject to misuse, neglect, accident or wear and tear incident to normal use and service.PERFORMANCE TOOL® does not authorize any other person to make any warranty or to assume any liability in connection with its products.Except for warranties of title and the limited express warranties set forth above, PERFORMANCE TOOL® makes no express or implied warranties of any kind with respect to its products. In particular, PERFORMANCE TOOL® makes no implied warranty of merchantability and no implied warranty of fitness for any particular purpose, except that for goods purchased primarily for personal, family or household use and not for commercial or business use, PERFORMANCE TOOL® makes an implied warranty of merchantability (and, if otherwise applicable, an implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose), but only for the particular qualities or characteristics, and for the duration, expressly warranted above. The laws on limitation of implied warranties may differ from state to state, so the above limitations may not apply in all cases. PERFORMANCE TOOL® shall not be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages resulting from or in any manner related to any product, or to the design, use, or any inability to use the product. The sole and exclusive remedy for a defective product or part shall be the repaired or replacement thereof as provided above. The laws on limitation of remedies or on consequential, incidental or special damages may vary from state to state, so the above limitations may not apply in all cases.© Copyright 2016 WILMAR CORPORATION, P.O. Box 88259 Tukwila, WA 98138。





2.室内温度强行按25 进行判断,可进行所有模式运转,所有保护功能、延时失效,其余控制与正常运行时相同。


4.完成后,也可以按on/off 键或遥控器开关键,退出强制运行自检功能。

二、《海信空调器故障速查速修手册》概述《海信空调器故障速查速修手册》是一本2012 年出版的图书,作者是汪韬。



































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大风量、小焓差、高显热比专业设计 谷轮涡旋压缩机确保高能效、高可靠性 大面积V型蒸发器,提升单位面积内蒸发效果 室外全调速风机可柔性调节换热量,保证系统压力、减少能耗 远红外加湿器避免水质影响、提高加湿能力、减小维护成本 快速除湿保证除湿精确度、减小再热功耗 皮带张力自调节风机系统便于安装、维护,提升可靠性 90%过滤效率,确保机房洁净度要求 可在室外-34℃低温条件下开启制冷 高品质制冷配件确保机组在各种条件下稳定运行,寿命10年以上 智能控制器融合完善控制逻辑、实现多重保护 油机带载时仅单制冷运行,自动屏蔽加热、加湿,减小油机配置 群组控制,实现备份、轮巡、层叠、避免竞争运行功能 远程监控,提供RS485、TCP/IP监控方式 多机联动、无人值守 冷冻水型机组具有双电动调节阀,调节更精确
机组重量 水冷机组 进出 水温度 (32/37℃)
制冷量(kW) 显冷量(kW) 标准风量(m3/h) 风机台数 功率(kW) 加湿量(kg/h) 宽×深×高 (mm) 净重(kg) 进水量(l/s) 压降(kPa) 板换进出水管尺 寸(mm) 满负荷电流 FLA(A) 推荐开关容量(A)
Liebert.PEX 4
XDH方案 PEX常规制冷方案结合XDH立式安装,对机房内层高无要求 XD主机不放置在机房内,节省机房空间 可支持单机架发热量5kW以上
Liebert.XDP或XDC 5
变冷量设计:随机房设备热量变化自动调节制冷量大小 多种安装方式:可以吊顶、立式安装,不占用机房宝贵空间,节地 灵活安装:根据机房需求变化增减制冷末端设备 干盘管技术:100%显热比,无冷凝水,无除湿损耗 冷媒载冷:末端供冷系统中采用R134a冷媒进行载冷,消除水进入 机房带来的隐患 送风节能:局部循环送风,相比传统长距离送风减小风机功率, 节能65% 平行流换热技术:冷却末端盘管采用先进的“平行流微盘管” (Micro- Channel)换热技术,高效节能 环保冷媒:直接蒸发主机系统采用R407C环保冷媒,末端制冷系统 采用R134a环保冷媒 微处理控制器:具备各种故障报警、自动保护功能 LCD液晶显示器:显示各种参数信息及参数设定
型号 额定制冷量 额定风量
电源 满负荷电流 噪声(声功率级)
高 宽
KW m3/h
A dBa mm mm

XDV10 8
1 73 355 581 上端1003 下端749 35
XDC 130
79 1981 1879 879 817
XDP 140 380/415 V, 3 ph, 50 Hz 2.3 1981 965 864 372
本速查手册内容包括艾默生精密空调Liebert.XD 系列、Liebert.PEX系列、DataMate3000系列产品的 优势介绍、主要参数,并且同时提供了其对应的典 型应用场景,使用者可以通过此手册快速查找空调 产品在不同行业的应用方式,并根据现场情况有针 对性的进行快速选型。本手册主要面对分销行业应 用,希望能够通过使用此速查手册使针对空调的应 用、选型更加快速、准确,更加好的服务于广大行 业市场。
Liebert.XDP或XDC 3
XDO方案 PEX常规制冷方案结合XDO吊顶安装安装 XD主机不放置在机房内,节省机房空间 可支持单机架发热量5kW以上
P2040F 41 38.5
10980 2 9 10
590 2.35 46.9
机型(P*****A/W/G) P2050F P2060F P2070F P3080F P3090F P3100F
43.2 53.5
71.1 79.6 88.4
送风形式:风帽上送风、风管送风、地板下送风 冷却方式:风冷、水冷、乙二醇冷、冷冻水型 具有乙二醇自然冷机组、双冷源机组、乙二醇节能机组
制冷量和 显冷量
电加热 加湿器
XDH32 27
5.0 86 1982 300
制冷主机 风冷室外冷凝器
Liebert.XDH 立式制冷终端
Liebert.XDV 机架顶置制冷终端
Liebert.PEX 2
XDV方案 PEX常规制冷方案结合XDV机架顶部安装 XD主机不放置在机房内,节省机房空间 可支持单机架发热量5kW以上
型号 DCSL415 DCSL616
电源 380V,50Hz 380V,50Hz
FLA(A) 6.8 10.2
风扇数量 4 6
长(mm) 4356 3340
宽(mm) 1106 2213
高(mm) 962 962
重量(kg) 381 626
制冷量和 显冷量
电加热 加湿器 机组尺寸 机组重量 水冷机组 进出水 温度 (32/37℃)
制冷量(kW) 显冷量(kW) 标准风量(m3/h) 风机台数 功率(kW) 加湿量(kg/h) 宽×深×高(mm) 净重(kg) 进水量(l/s) 压降(kPa) 板换进出水管尺 寸(mm) 满负荷电流 FLA(A) 推荐开关容量(A)
45216 Nhomakorabea7
XD末端与主机最远距离可达53米;XD末端与主供液、回液管最远不超过8米 XD主机为上接管,主供液、回液管必须高于主机,但最高高度不超过6.7米 XD末端低于主供液、回液管,但最低不得低于2.7米 XDC主机所配室外冷凝器高差为:正高差18米、负高差4.5米 同一主机配套的XD末端需放置于同一房间内
艾默生一体化整体解决方案(1) 绿色数据中心环境解决方案(2) 精密制冷系统(3-32)
Liebert.XD系列产品 ...................................................... 3 Liebert.PEX系列产品 ..................................................... 13 DataMate3000系列产品 ............................................... 25
高能效比的节能设计 高可靠性的专业制冷系统设计 iCOM强大的群控与通讯功能 独特的高效远红外加湿系统,加湿速度快适应恶劣水质,低维护量 艾默生Copeland高效涡旋式压缩机,适合环保制冷剂
Liebert.PEX (制冷量20~148.2KW)
制冷主机 制冷末端
备注 制冷量:130kW 室外温度35℃配置 室外温度40℃配置 末端总冷量不超过主机冷量
备注 制冷量:140kW 进水量:31.8 m3/h 压降:137kPa 末端总冷量不超过主机冷量
混合配置方案 PEX常规制冷方案可结合XDV、XDO、XDH灵活搭配使用 XD主机不放置在机房内,节省机房空间 可支持单机架发热达36kW 多种制冷末端为机房冷却系统提供最大程度的灵活性
P1020F 20 18.9
5670 1 6 4.5
320 1.15 45.5 28
23.1 32
P1025F 23.1 21.5 6660 1 6 4.5