CAUTION:Stability - Wheelchair is designed to be safe and stable as long as center of gravity is maintained while going about normal activities. Care must be taken while performing activities that shift your center of gravity in the chair. Never reach so far that require you to shift in the seat or bend over out of the chair. When you have to reach for objects that require you to lean, be certain front casters are pointing in a forward position that extends the wheel base and will stabilize the chair.Ramps - Be sure of your own capabilities, limitations and strength before attempting to go up a ramp. Correct techniques on ramp negotiation should be shown to you by a qualified professional. Assistance is recommended when going up or down inclines greater than 10o . If you must stop on an incline, avoid sudden, abrupt movement when you resume movement. Because of backward angle of the chair, sudden abrupt movement could cause instability. Attempting to use the wheel lock brakes could result in accidental locking, tipping to one side, or cause a sudden stop. Avoid changing direction when going down an incline, as this could result in instability of tipping over.cougarwheelchairItem #AK516ADA-ASF Shown with A5SF FootrestsFor use with all Cougar WheelchairsWeIghT CApACITY: 250 LBSFootplateCap hub Rear WheelWheeL LoCKS- Engage both wheel locks before getting in or out of chair, leaning forward in chair, or while in an elevator or wheelchair lift. Proper adjustment of wheel lock is at least 1/8” when locked. Locks are engaged by pushing handle completely forward. Adjustments to locks are made by loosening or tightening nut on the carriage bolt. Embed lock shoe at least 1/8” by sliding clamp toward rear wheel while handle is engaged in locked position. Tighten nut and bolt to secure in position. Test for correct locking action before actual use.TIReS - Solid rubber tires need minimal maintenance, but should be cleaned occasionally with a damp cloth. Replace if tires become severely worn or cracking appears.FRonT CASTeRS - Casters should be checked periodically and lubricated occasionally. Lubricate by removing fork and greasing caster stem bearings. Lubricate wheel bearings by removing wheel from fork. Reassemble fork and wheel by tightening nuts until no play remains, but wheels roll freely. If nut is too loose, caster will shimmy, if too tight, chair will be hard to steer.RemovAL oF SWIng-AWAY FooT ReSTS/Leg ReSTS - Release lock by pushing on the front rigging lever. Swing-away foot rest /leg rest out and sideways. Lift to remove.ADjUSTIng LengTh oF FooTReST/Leg ReST - Whenadjusting length of foot rests or leg rests, user should besitting in wheelchair with feet on the foot plates. Loosenbolt on the clamp around support assembly. Raise orlower foot plate to desired position that will providemaximum support of thighs. Front rigging should not beso low that it causes uncomfortable pressure to thighsat front of seat upholstery. Footrest should not be lowerthan 2-1/2” from the ground to ensure clearance.ADjUSTIng/eLevATIng Leg ReST- Lift foot plate onleg rest assembly to desired position. Release leg restassembly and it will automatically lock into place. T olower, push out on leg rest lever and lower foot plate todesired position.WheeLS- Large rear wheels should be inspected atleast once a month to ensure proper tightness. If wheelwobbles or is loose, release lock nut and tighten axlebolt slightly. T est for proper tightness by learning chairto one side and spin adjusted wheel.geneRAL CARe - Wipe chrome parts with a clean, softcloth at least once a week. All metal parts can be cleanedwith auto wax or similar poducts. If exposed to moisture,dry immediately. Do not use an abrasive cleanser thatwill scratch the finish.To open ChAIR - Open wheelchair by tilting to one sideand pushing down on seat rail until fully opened.To CLoSe/FoLD ChAIR - First fold foot plates to verticalposition. Grab seat with both hands at front and backedge and lift. Or, tilt chair to one side and lift up on seatrail.RemovABLe ARmS - Remove arms by depressing springbutton and lifting arms out of front and rear sockets.WARnIngDo not attempt to adjust or operate wheelchairwithout reading carefully all instructions in this manual.This wheelchair has not been approved as a seat thatcan be used within vehicles of any kind. Always transferwheelchair user to a vehicle manufacturers approvedseat and use safety restraints available.Do not operate this wheelchair on roadways, streets orany surfaces with vehicular traffic.Do not attempt to operate on inclines 10% or greaterwithout proper assistance.Be sure to completely engage wheel locks whengetting in and out of wheelchair or when in elevator orwheelchair lift.Wheelchair should be on a smooth, stable and level areawith wheel locks engaged before transferring user in orout of wheelchair.Do not adjust foot rests any lower than 2-1/2” from floor.When getting in or out of wheelchair, do not stand on orapply weight to foot rests.Before reaching or leaning forward, rotate casters tofront of the wheelchair engage wheel locks to helpprevent wheelchair from tipping over.Do not lean over or apply weight to the top ofwheelchair back. This can cause wheelchair to tip over.When trying to extend arms over back, only reach asfar as your arm can extend without having to alter yourseating position.DO NOT stand on wheelchair.DO NOT use wheel locks to slow your descent downan incline.Abruptly changing directions while going down an inclinecould cause instability or possible tipping over.Please read this manual carefully to insure safe usage and understanding of maintenance instructions. Congratulations on your purchase of a Drive wheelchair. Drive wheelchairs are a product of quality engineering and are manufactured to meet our own highly rigid specifications and will surpass all your expectations.。
1. 轮椅框架由座椅、椅背、前轮、后轮、扶手、脚踏板等零部件组成。
2. 座垫由海绵材质制成,可拆卸清洗。
3. 后轮通过推动轴连接底架,可拆卸。
4. 前轮通过后引杆连接到底架,可拆卸。
1. 在使用轮椅前必须检查底架和轮胎是否完好无损,保证使用安全。
2. 轮椅座垫上要铺好坐垫,确保舒适性。
3. 将脚放在脚踏板上,脚踏板高度要适合个人身高。
4. 在行驶过程中,请勿突然加速或刹车,以防导致危险。
5. 行驶前请调整轮椅的姿态,确保舒适稳定,防止出现晕车。
6. 行驶过程中,请避免碰撞或磕碰到障碍物。
7. 在使用过程中,如遇到故障或问题,请及时寻找专业技术人员检查和维修,切勿私自拆卸和维修。
1. 在使用过程中,应该避免长时间泡在水中,防止铁件生锈。
2. 座垫要定期清洗,保持座椅干净卫生。
3. 轮椅收起时请放在干燥通风处,避免阳光直射,防止塑料部件老化变形。
4. 前后轮应该定期涂抹防锈剂,延长使用寿命。
小飞哥电动轮椅205说明书第一章产品概述1.1 产品简介小飞哥电动轮椅205是一款便携式电动轮椅,旨在为行动不便的用户提供便捷的出行方式。
1.2 产品特点- 折叠便携:小飞哥电动轮椅205采用折叠设计,方便用户在出行时携带和存放,适合家庭、旅行、购物等各种场合。
- 舒适座椅:该电动轮椅配备舒适的座椅,提供良好的支撑和坐感,让用户在行驶过程中享受舒适的体验。
- 高性能电池:采用高容量锂电池,续航里程长,可满足用户长时间使用的需求。
- 稳定操控:小飞哥电动轮椅205具有优秀的操控性能,配备灵敏的操控杆和可调节的操纵系统,方便用户自由行驶。
第二章使用方法2.1 开机与关机- 开机:按下电源开关,电动轮椅即可开机启动。
- 关机:长按电源开关,电动轮椅即可关闭。
2.2 充电- 使用随机配备的充电器,将充电器插头插入电动轮椅的充电接口。
- 将充电器插头插入电源插座,开始充电。
- 充电时请确保插头连接牢固,充电电压稳定,以免影响充电效果。
2.3 行驶操作- 打开电动轮椅电源,确认电池电量充足。
- 通过操控杆控制方向,向前或向后推动操纵杆即可前进或后退。
- 转向操作:左右手柄分别控制左右轮,可通过左右手柄的推拉控制实现转弯操作。
第三章注意事项3.1 使用环境- 本产品适用于室内和平整室外环境。
- 避免在不平整、崎岖的地面使用,以免影响操控和安全。
3.2 充电注意事项- 使用原装充电器进行充电,避免使用不合适的充电器。
- 充电时请确保电源插座和充电器连接牢固,电源电压稳定。
3.3 安全操作- 使用电动轮椅前,请确保所有螺丝、零部件是否牢固。
- 在行驶过程中,请保持稳定的坐姿,不要随意站立或跳跃。
- 遇到紧急情况时,立即停止使用电动轮椅,并寻求帮助。
第四章维护与保养4.1 清洁与防护- 定期清洁电动轮椅,可使用柔软的布和中性清洁剂擦拭表面。
二、安全须知1. 在使用轮椅前,请确保您已经了解并适应了座椅的使用方法。
2. 在乘坐轮椅时,请佩戴合适的安全带,确保自身的安全。
3. 在移动过程中,请避免突然加速、刹车或转向,以免对您的身体造成伤害。
4. 使用轮椅时,请避免通过不平坦的路面或障碍物,这可能会影响您的行动安全。
5. 在上下坡道时,请小心操作,并确保您的座椅处于稳固的状态。
6. 如果您需要长时间使用轮椅,请确保您的身体状况和体力能够适应连续使用的情况。
三、座椅调整1. 调整座椅高度:根据个人身高和需求,使用手动或电动控制器调整座椅的高度。
2. 调整座椅角度:通过座椅后部的调节杆或按钮,调整座椅的角度以便于您的舒适度和姿势需求。
3. 调整脚踏板位置:根据您的腿部需求,调整脚踏板的高度和角度,确保您的腿部舒适放置并有足够的支撑。
4. 调整扶手高度:根据个人的需求,调整扶手的高度以确保手臂能够自然放置且有足够的支撑。
四、移动操作1. 轮椅前进:使用手推轮或电动推进器,以合适的速度推动轮椅前进。
2. 轮椅后退:使用相同的手推轮或电动推进器,以适当的速度将轮椅向后推动。
3. 轮椅转向:通过手推轮或电动推进器上的转向杆或按钮,将轮椅转向所需的方向。
4. 轮椅刹车:如果需要停下轮椅,请使用刹车系统来保持轮椅的稳定。
五、日常维护1. 定期清洁轮椅的座椅、轮子和其他零部件,使用中性洗涤剂和软布进行擦拭,避免接触过多水分并注意防潮。
第一部分:轮椅基本结构1. 轮椅座椅:轮椅的座椅是使用者坐的地方,其材质应该舒适、耐用。
2. 轮胎和轮子:轮胎是轮椅的关键组成部分,其材质应该具有良好的抓地力和耐磨性。
3. 手推杆:手推杆是轮椅背后的杆状部分,使用者可以通过手推杆进行自主推动。
4. 刹车:轮椅上通常配备有刹车装置,使用者可以通过刹车来停止轮椅的移动。
第二部分:正确的轮椅使用方法1. 上下轮椅:当需要上下轮椅时,使用者应该先确保周围没有障碍物,可以通过轻推手推杆来判断轮椅是否平稳。
2. 推动轮椅:推动轮椅时,使用者应该保持身体稳定,双手握住手推杆,用力推动轮椅向前。
3. 转弯和转向:转弯时,使用者应该先减速,然后缓慢转动手推杆,以控制轮椅的转向角度。
4. 上下坡:在上下坡时,使用者应该提前减速,保持平稳的速度,同时紧握手推杆,以免发生意外情况。
第三部分:轮椅的维护和保养1. 定期清洁:轮椅需要定期清洁,尤其是轮胎和轮子。
2. 检查刹车装置:定期检查轮椅的刹车装置是否正常运作。
2、轮椅介绍2.1 轮椅类型介绍常见的轮椅类型,如手动轮椅、电动轮椅等,并对其特点进行简要说明。
2.2 轮椅部件列出轮椅的主要部件,包括座椅、轮子、刹车、扶手等,并对每个部件的功能和使用方法进行详细说明。
2.3 轮椅调整与维护解释如何调整轮椅以适应不同使用者的身体需求,并介绍轮椅的日常维护方法,如清洁、润滑、定期检查等。
3、轮椅使用准则3.1 安全操作指南提供使用轮椅时的安全操作指导,包括上下坡道的技巧、过门槛的方法、使用刹车的注意事项等。
3.2 轮椅转弯技巧详细介绍轮椅转弯的技巧,如使用前轮转向、借助身体重心转向等。
3.3 使用轮椅上下楼梯指南如果有使用轮椅上下楼梯的需求,提供相关的操作指南,包括使用坡道、使用辅助设备等。
4、轮椅使用注意事项4.1 使用环境限制提醒使用者在特定环境中使用轮椅时需要特别注意,如湿滑地面、不平整地面等。
4.2 乘坐安全规范介绍使用轮椅时的乘坐姿势和注意事项,包括固定安全带、保持身体平衡等。
4.3 防护措施提供防护措施的相关提示,包括防止滑倒、碰撞等意外情况的预防方法。
OUR SMALLESTPOWERWHEELCHAIR BASE WITHCLINICALLY PROVENPEDIATRIC SEATING FOR MAXIMUM ACCESSIBILITY ANDINDEPENDENCE.Power Seat Elevate9"or 12"of Power Seat Elevate assists with accessing tall shelves or light switches and interacting with peersat eye level.Pediatric-Specific SeatingThe ASAP II seat frameis available in sizes from10x10 to 16x19. Widthand depth adjustmentsallow the seat to growwith your child. Tailorto your child’s needswith JAY ®seating andpositioning pact Base with High Performance MotorsThe ZM-310 is 24" wide and 35" long with a 19" turningradius for maneuvering through tight indoor spaces. 13"drive wheels climb obstacles and glide over terrain whilekeeping the child secure. Reliable 4-pole, 6mph motorskeep up with children’s most playful and energetic days.Manual Tilt and Recline 50° of Manual Tilt and/or 40°of Manual Recline allow the caregiver to change the child’s position or posture to assist with feeding, digestion,respiratory function, and visual orientation.Special FeaturesOptional 50° of Power TiltPG Drives expandable and non-expandable electronicsOptional Specialty Input Devices for independent mobility Angle Adjustable Centermount Footrest with 3" to 13" lengthsZIPPIE ZM-3103THE FIRST EVERWHEELCHAIR WITHXLOCKTECHNOLOGY FORTHE PERFORMANCEOF A RIGIDFRAMEAND CONVENIENCE OF A FOLDINGFRAME.XLOCK ™Technology Patented locking crossbrace reduces frame play for greater efficiency and less fatigue.XLOCK features one-step push-to-lock and pull-to-fold functions.Z-finity ™SystemThe Z-finity ™System's footplate can be adjusted between0.5" above the seat pan to 21" below the seat pan toprovide proper support as children grow. Its rotatinghardware allows infinite adjustment along its rotationalarc, achieving multiple angles and placement optionsfor positioning the feet, ankles, and knees.VersaRail ™Seat Rail VersaRail offers shared placement of components and accessories, such as seating, armrests, wheel locks, side guards, etc.Special Features27 frame colors and 24crossbrace colors createover 600 combinations!2" of width growth and 3" ofdepth growth built into frameOption of Swing-in/Swing-out Hangers or Fixed Front Frame Folding Push Handle tucks away or raises to the caregiver’s heightZIPPIE X’CAPE4DESIGNEDFOR ACTIVE CHILDREN,THE ZIPPIE ZONE RIGIDWHEELCHAIR IS OUR LIGHTESTZIPPIE YET!Built-in Growth3"of frame depth adjustmentand 2" of seat sling depthadjustment. Frame widthgrowth is as simple asreplacing 4 tubes!Our Lightest Pediatric Wheelchair Ever!Using 7000 series aerospace aluminum and ShapeLoctechnology, the Zippie Zone is incredibly strong andweighs as little as 14 lbs!Child-specific FrameFlared or inset frameand inset backrest fit smallchildren and provide betteraccess to the wheels.ZIPPIE ZONESpecial FeaturesFlip-up, angle-adjustablefootrest for easy transfersPush-button hub locklocated on seat rail staysout of the way duringpropulsionDynamic Center Rear Casterfor greater maneuverabilityand rearward stability5THEZIPPIE 2FOLDING WHEELCHAIR ISAVAILABLE WITHA WIDE VARIETYOF OPTIONSAND ALLOWS FORSTORAGE INTIGHT SPACES.Open Seat Frame By eliminating the upper seat rails, seating systemsattach directly to the Zippie 2’s frame. This reducesweight and makes way for lower seat heights sochildren can access low tables and desks.Ability to GrowThe Zippie 2’s componentsare interchangeable andhighly adjustable, allowingthe chair to grow andadapt with the child.Folding FrameThe Zippie 2’s folding frame is easy to transport and store in tight spaces. It features a locking crossbrace for aneasy-to-push, rigid feel.ZIPPIE 26THE ZIPPIE GSIS AVAILABLE WITHFOLDING ORRIGID FRAMESAND STANDARDOR REVERSEWHEEL CONFIGURATIONS.ZIPPIE GSBuilt-in Growth System The GS easily grows as the child grows. The frame and versatile growing seat pan allow for up to 2" of width growth and up to 4"of depth growth!Reverse Wheel ConfigurationTo allow children of all sizes to reach the wheels for maximum independence, the GS’s main wheels can be placed in standard (rear of the frame) or reverse (front of the frame) configuration. The axle plate may be adjusted vertically and horizontally to allow for additional growth.Folding or Rigid Frame Choose the folding frame option for easy transport and storage in tight spaces. Choose the rigid frame option for greater propulsion efficiency.Special FeaturesOptional One-Arm Driveallows maneuverability tobe controlled on one sidefor children with limitedfunction7ZIPPIE TS Ability to Grow With up to 2" of width adjustments and up to 5"of depth adjustments, theTS is able to accommodatethe child’s growth.45°of Tilt-in-Space TechnologyFor excellent positioning,the TS offers 45°of tilt technology.The Foot Release Tilt Actuator is easy to operate andprevents tangles caused by exposed cables.Folding and Rigid Frame OptionsThe TS is available witha rigid frame for efficiencyduring propulsion or witha folding frame for easytransport and storage intight spaces.Z-finity ™System Footplate Rotating hardware allows infinite adjustment along its rotational arc, achieving multiple angles andplacement options.THE ZIPPIE TSTILT-IN-SPACEWHEELCHAIR ISAVAILABLE WITHTHE WIDEST VARIETYOF OPTIONSAND AN OPTIONALFOLDING FRAMEFOR EASY STORAGE.8MONO Backrest System™The optional MONO Backrest System allows for independent selection of the backrest width and chair width, eliminates interference between backrest hardware and laterals, offers up to 2" of midline backrest offset, and features 35° of angle adjustment. The dynamic function allows for controlled movement of the backrest.55° of Rotation-in-Space TechnologyFor superior positioning, the shortest possible wheelbase, and a smooth tilting motion. XLOCK™FoldingCrossbrace (optional)Folds compact forconvenient transportand locks when unfoldedfor superior rigidity.ELR / ALRImproved Elevating/Articulating Legrestdesign offers ergonomicpositioning.Foot ReleaseEliminate exposed cablesby selecting the easy tooperate Foot ReleaseTilt ActuatorSpecial FeaturesZ-finity™System FootplateRocker Arm Cover(rigid only)New Swing-In/Swing-Outhangers for intuitive releaseand a secure lock over timeDynamic BackOptional width-adjustablestrut tubesZIPPIE IRIS The Zippie IRIS comes in either a RIGID or a FOLDING frame!DESIGNED FOR USE AS AN INTRODUCTORY WHEELCHAIR FOR INDEPENDENT TODDLERS, THE ZIPPIE KIDZ RIGIDWHEELCHAIR IS OURSMALLEST ZIPPIE.Ability to GrowThe Kidz’ depth-adjustableback allows the framedepth to grow withthe child.Reverse Wheel ConfigurationTo allow small children to reach the wheels for maximumindependence, the Kidz’ main wheels can be placed inreverse configuration at the front of the frame.Special FeaturesEasy set-up and adjustmentsLow seat-to-floor height toallow the child to be at eyelevel with peersOptional single strollerhandle for easy propulsionby caregivers (pictured) ZIPPIE KIDZ10THEZIPPIE VOYAGEFEATURES ABABY JOGGER ™STROLLER BASE,SEATING ANDPOSITIONING WITHABILITY TOGROW ,ANDCOUNTLESSACCESSORIES!ZIPPIE VOYAGEBaby Jogger ™City Select Stroller Base• Patented, one-step, Quick-Fold Technology • Telescoping stroller handles• Easy access wheel locks • Puncture-proof rear wheels• Swivel front wheels that lock out for long-distance strolling • Transit tie-downsVersatile Seating for Babies on-the-Grow!The Voyage features a 35° tilt range and optional recline for superior positioning. The reversible seat can face forward so the child can explore their surroundings, or rearward for maximum bonding time. Multiple head, hip, thigh, and trunk support options create a customized fit that adjusts to accommodate rapid growth.Functional Accessories•Cup Holder •Accessory Hook•Folding Booster Base or JCM Hi-Lo Base •Grab Bar•Vent Tray, O 2Holder, or IV Pole•Front Mount Utility Platform or Rear Accessory PlatformSlide-N-Lock™Quickly and comfortably attach and remove the seat from the stroller in one simple motion.11Voyage Advanced Seating VAS (shown above)Designed for children with moderate to advanced positioning needs. Offers an extensive selection of seat options and adjustable components, and black stretch upholstery with colored piping.Voyage Moderate Seating VMS (shown right)Designed for children with mild to moderate positioning needs.Offers soft, adjustable components and polka dot upholstery.1. Conforms with ANSI/RESNA WC-19 standards. Please refer to Quickie® & Zippie® WC-19 T ransit Securement Supplement (MK-100072)for additional information.* Actual measurements may vary according to the chair configuration and accessories.2. Includes 3" of built-in frame depth growth and 2" of built-in seat sling depth growth.** Without footrests and rear wheels.ARMRESTANDFOOTPLATEOPTIONSHeight-Adjustable• Peds, kids, adult sizes • Desk and full lengthLocking, Flip-Back •Locking flip-backoperation• Multiple height positions • Length-adjustable optionoperationT-Post with Sideguard(available on Zippie X’CAPE)• Desk and full lengthclassic or foam armpads• Two height optionsCantilever(available on Zippie ZM-310)• 2 height ranges • Desk and full length • Waterfall and standard armpad styles• 2-point locking optionMulti-Angle Adjustable(available on Zippie X’CAPE)• Compatible with Z-finity ™System • Depth adjustable • Angle adjustableAdult Angle-Adjustable• Oversized slotted aluminum plate • Angle adjustableKids Angle-Adjustable• Rigid aluminum plate • Angle adjustableAluminum• Depth adjustable • For use with elevating legrests90° Footboard• Removable• Depth adjustable • Angle adjustableFlip-Up Platform• Angle-adjustable • For use with standard swing-awaysComposite• Standard footplateOther options, not pictured,are also available.BACKPOSTANDFOOTRESTHANGEROPTIONSZ-finity™System(available on Zippie X’CAPE)• Adjusts to achieve wide range of angles• –0.5" to 21" lower leg length settings• Available with fixed frame or swing-in/out hangersElevating Legrest• Kids 90° front mount style• Adult standard styleSwing In/Out Extension Tubes(available on Zippie IRIS)• 80°, 70° & 60° angles• 3 extension tube lengthsAngle-Adjustable Centermount Footrest(available on Zippie ZM-310)• 3" to 13" lower leg length settings• Two footplate sizesElevating/Articulating Legrest(available on Zippie IRIS)• 2" of height adjustment aligns pivot point with knee jointSwing-Away, Adjustable Stroller Handles• Adjusts in height • Folds in for storageStroller Handles21" 23" 25"LOW MED HIGHFolding, Adjustable Rigidizer• Provides stability and adjusts to accommodate seating systemsRemovable Extension• Comfortable hand positions• Rigidizes back canes • Mounts upward or downwardHeight-Adjustable,Angle-Adjustable Push Handle• 260° of rotation • User friendly thumb button releaseMONO Backrest System ™(available on Zippie IRIS)• Three heights ranging from 12" to 24"• 35° of angle adjustment • Offers numerouspositioning capabilities • Folds down for transportSwingIn/Out,FrontMount or Extension Tubes• 90°, 80°, 70° & 60°• Front Mount:2" & 4" extensions • Extension Tubes: 3 lengths• Heavy duty optionOther options, not pictured,are also available.©08.2016 Sunrise Medical (US) LLC 932062 Rev. LCustom Vent TrayDynamic BackOxygen Tank HolderOne-Arm DriveVersatile One Step Release HardwareJAY Zip BackJAY Zip CushionOne step releaseDual-Layered Foam。
1. 基本构造和组成部分电动轮椅主要由座椅、底盘、控制器、电池、电机以及操纵杆等组成。
2. 电动轮椅的使用方法2.1 上下座椅在开始使用电动轮椅之前,请确保座椅已经固定好,无松动和晃动。
2.2 控制器操作控制器通常位于操纵杆的顶端,通过操纵杆的方向控制前后和左右的运动。
2.3 充电和维护电池是电动轮椅的动力来源,因此定期充电是非常重要的。
3. 安全须知3.1 平稳安全使用电动轮椅时,请确保走道平稳,避免行驶在不平整的路面上。
3.2 注意避让当行驶至人群密集的地方,请注意避让行人。
3.3 充电安全在充电电动轮椅时,请确保周围环境干燥,并远离易燃物品。
3.4 紧急情况处理在紧急情况下,如电动轮椅失控或发生其他问题,请立即松开操纵杆,并停止电动轮椅的运动。
1. 总述
2. 结构及功能
3. 操作说明
3.1. 开启电源开关,按下控制器上的手柄,电动轮椅开始前进。
3.2. 向后拉动手柄,电动轮椅会向后移动。
3.3. 按下手柄,电动轮椅会停止或进入制动状态。
3.4. 控制手柄左右移动,可控制左右方向的转向。
4. 注意事项
4.1. 请勿在电动轮椅上进行急转弯、漂移等危险操作,以免造成伤害。
4.2. 请勿在遇到倾斜道路时滑行。
4.3. 电池电量低时,请尽快充电。
4.4. 请勿在湿滑地面使用电动轮椅,避免滑倒摔伤。
5. 维护保养
5.1. 建议每日使用结束后对电动轮椅进行简单清洁,定期清洗座椅、轮胎及控制手柄等部分。
5.2. 电池长时间不使用,应储存在干燥通风的地方。
5.3. 请定期检查电动轮椅的螺丝、轮胎气压等部件,确保安全可靠。
轮椅使用说明1. 引言轮椅是一种帮助行动不便、需要辅助的人们实现自由移动的工具。
2. 轮椅概述轮椅是由一个座椅和轮子组成的移动设备。
3. 使用方法3.1 坐入轮椅首先,确保地面平整和安全,然后按照以下步骤坐入轮椅:1.将轮椅靠墙或其他固定物体,并将刹车靠近。
3.2 推动和驱动轮椅轮椅的推动和驱动可以采用以下两种方式:1.手推模式:站在轮椅后面,用双手握住轮椅推杆,将轮椅推动到所需位置。
3.3 上下坡和台阶上下坡和台阶时需要特别注意安全。
4. 日常维护和保养为了保持轮椅的正常运作和延长使用寿命,以下是一些日常维护和保养的建议:1.定期检查轮胎气压,确保轮胎充气正常。
3、轮椅组装和调整3.1 轮椅组装在使用之前,需将轮椅的各个零部件进行组装。
3.2 轮椅调整根据使用者的身高、体重和个人需求,轮椅的座位高度、扶手高度等部分可能需要进行调整。
4、轮椅使用4.1 坐入和起立在坐入轮椅时,先确保轮椅的刹车已锁定,然后稳定地将臀部放在座位上。
4.2 推行和转向在推行轮椅时,双手握住手推杆,用力推动轮椅。
4.3 上下坡道在上坡时,确保轮椅的刹车已锁紧,并小心地将轮椅顺着坡道慢慢推行。
4.4 障碍物处理在遇到障碍物时,先观察障碍物的高度和宽度。
5、轮椅保养与存储5.1 轮椅清洁定期清洁轮椅可保持其外观整洁,并延长使用寿命。
5.2 轮椅维护定期检查轮椅的各个部件是否损坏或松动,如有问题及时修复或更换。
5.3 轮椅存储当不使用轮椅时,将其存放在干燥、通风的地方,远离阳光直射和潮湿环境,以防止轮椅受到损坏。
1. 调整座椅,首先,确保座椅调整合适,使乘坐者感到舒适。
2. 使用手动推动,在平坦的地面上,可以使用手动推动轮椅车。
3. 使用刹车,多功能手动轮椅车通常配备有刹车装置,乘坐者
4. 安全使用,在使用多功能手动轮椅车时,务必注意安全。
5. 维护保养,定期检查轮椅车的零部件,确保轮胎、刹车、座椅等部件的正常工作。
二、产品特点1. 电动助力:伊凯电动轮椅配备了高效的电机和电池组,通过简单的操控按钮即可实现电动助力,轻松驾驶。
2. 舒适座椅:座椅采用人体工学设计,提供舒适的坐感和稳定的支撑,减轻长时间使用的疲劳感。
3. 轻便便携:伊凯电动轮椅整体重量轻,折叠后体积小巧,便于携带和存储,方便用户在室内外切换使用。
4. 安全性能:产品配备了安全带、刹车系统和防滑轮胎,提供更高的安全性和稳定性,保障用户行驶的安全性。
5. 简单操作:伊凯电动轮椅采用简单易懂的控制面板,用户可以通过简单的按键控制前进、后退、刹车等功能。
6. 耐用可靠:产品采用高质量的材料和工艺制造,具备良好的耐用性和可靠性,为用户提供长期可靠的使用体验。
三、使用方法1. 开机:按下电源开关,待显示屏亮起后即可开始使用。
2. 加速:按下加速按钮,轮椅将会前进;如果需要减速或停止,松开加速按钮即可。
3. 刹车:按下刹车按钮,轮椅将会停止行驶;松开刹车按钮后,轮椅会恢复行驶状态。
4. 转向:通过控制手柄的左右转动,可以实现左右转向。
5. 充电:使用随附的充电器将电池组连接到电源插座,待充电指示灯亮起后,即可开始充电。
6. 折叠:按下折叠按钮,将轮椅折叠为便携状态,方便携带和存储。
四、注意事项1. 使用前请仔细阅读说明书,并按照说明操作,以免发生意外。
2. 使用过程中请注意行车安全,避免超速行驶或在不适宜的路况下操作。
3. 请定期检查轮胎气压,确保在适宜范围内。
4. 请勿将轮椅投入水中或暴露在雨中,以免影响电子元件的正常工作。
5. 请勿将轮椅放置在高温或潮湿的环境中,以免影响电池寿命和性能。
ASSEMBLY & PACKING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MULTICHAIR BIG WHEEL SERIESmultichair 4020multichair 4024multichair 4020Rxmultichair 4220multichair 4224multichair 4220RxmultiCHAIR 4020 shownASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSFigure 1Figure 2Figure 3slot in bracketFigure 4Figure 7ADDITIONAL ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONSA Seat Cushion Orientation : The standard seat cushion orien-tation is with the commode opening in the front of th emultiCHAIR. If desired, the commode opening can a lso be orien-tated left/right/rear. This can be accomplished by uns crewing the four button head cap screws that attach the cushion to the frame,orientating the commode opening to the desired loca tion and then re-attaching the cushion to the frame with the fo ur screws using the 5/32” Allen wrench (Refer to Figure 8).B Cantilever Arms : If desired, the cantilever arms can beremoved from the backrest assembly for storage dur ing traveling.This can be accomplished by unscrewing the socket head cap screws that attach the arms to the backrest posts us ing the 5/32”Allen wrench. Then remove the arm assemblies from the posts and re-insert the socke head cap screws into the arm assem-blies, so they are not lost. To re-install the cantilever arms, simply follow the steps above in reverse (Refer to Figure 9).Figure 8Figure 9Figure 5Wheel LockQuick Release AxleFigure 14OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSFigure 167) Re-install the two 5” casters into the 10-Hole offset outerlegs (Refer to Figure 15).8) Re-assemble the entire chair by completing Steps C, D, E& F on Pages 1 & 2 [Assembly Instructions]Figure 15Figure 17Figure 18Axle BlockLeg HoleIndex PlatePinFigure 20Figure 19ADDITIONAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONSFigure 22Figure 21Figure 23LIMITED WARRANTYA WARRANTY ACTIVATION Please read this warranty before operating or using your multiCHAIR. To activate the warranty on your multiCHAIR register it online by phone. By operating or using the chair, you agree to the terms of this warranty.B WARRANTY: Nuprodx, Inc. warrants this product against defects in material and workmanship as follows: There is a 10-Day conditional money-back warranty. During this time period, the customer is permitted to try out the multiCHAIR, fully-clothed, keeping the chair in “like new” condition (NOTE: “Like new” condition, in terms of the multiCHAIR, is defined by Nuprodx, Inc. as no visible wear/usage/water marks for the multiCHAIR to be accepted and refunds issued when returned to Nuprodx, Inc.). If the customer decides that the multiCHAIR will not work for them, before the 10-Day period has passed and with the authorization of Nuprodx, the chair can be returned for a full refund minus a 10% restocking charge (NOTE: The customer is responsible for both in-bound and out-bound freight). After the initial 10-Day period has passed, there is a two-year limited warranty for all parts of the chair, with the exception of the seat and back cushions. The seat and back cushions carry a one year limited warranty. The warranty does not cover normal “wear and tear” from everday use of the product and custom parts/custom cushions are also excluded from the warranty and cannot be returned for a refund under any circumstances. Please see section E WARRANTY LIMITA-TION AND EXCLUSIONS for more info on warranty exclusions.C The warranty period begins on the date you receive the chair. For warranty service, please contact Nuprodx, Inc. no later than one month following the applicable warranty term. The chair will be repaired or replaced at the discretion of Nuprodx, Inc. with no charges to you for parts and labor, provided you have proof of purchase and of purchase date.D DISCLAIMER: Except for the above warranty, and the acknowledgement by Nuprodx, Inc. that the chair, as manu-factured by it, is fit for the general purpose for which most persons acquire a chair of its kind, Nuprodx, Inc. provides that you accept the chair as is, without warranties, either express or implied. Nuprodx, Inc. makes no warranty of fit-ness for your particular purpose and no warranty of merchantability beyond that already stated. No warranties extend beyond the duration of the express warranty stated above.E WARRANTY LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS: The only obligation of Nuprodx, Inc. is to provide the purchaser with free repair and replacement as described above. This exclusive warranty remedy will not have failed as long as Nuprodx, Inc. is willing and able to repair or replace as described, but if this remedy should be held to have failed, the only remaining warranty obligation of Nuprodx, Inc. shall be to refund the acts beyond the control of Nuprodx, Inc. The warranty does not cover normal “wear and tear” from everday use of the product. Custom parts/custom cushions are not covered under the warranty.F This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may have other rights that may vary from state to state.G This warranty does not apply to problems arising from normal wear, improper operation, improper maintenance, improper storage or similar disclaimer of implied warranties, and some do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty may last. Some do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. So the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.H RETURN INSTRUCTIONS In the event that you need to return the Nuprodx multiCHAIR, please follow the instruc-tions below:1) Review the information contained in your warranty to see if this applies to you2) Obtain a Return Authorization # from Nuprodx, Inc3) Re-package the entire chair and its contents in the original packaging and ship to the following address:Figure B- Drape the black strap across the foam covered wheels already in the carrying case (case not shown for clarity). Center theinverted frame & plastic panel inside the case. Figure C- Center the folded footrests (one invert-ed) on the plastic panel and position as shown.Figure D- Center the foam square on top of theframe.Figure A- Place one wheel (handrim side down)PACKING INSTRUCTIONSFigure E- Center the backrest assembly on top of the foam, inverted frame with footrests, etc (wheelsnot shown for clarity).Figure F - Tighten & buckle the black strap aroundthe inverted frame & backrest assembly.Figure G - Place one front caster leg, above the wheels, on each side of the inverted frame &backrest assembly.。
LIVEWITHOUTLIMITSYOU DRIVEOUR DESIGNQUICKIE wheelchairs are designed for you and by you. In development, we consider how you interact with your wheelchair to maintain maximum performance,fit, and style. This results in the creation of products that are innovative, durable, versatile, and customizable.That is the QUICKIE Advantage.BUILT-4-MECUSTOMIZATIONOur Built-4-Me Team is dedicated to creating product customizations beyond what is listed on our product order forms. Experts in the engineering andmanufacturing of custom rehab products will listen to your specific requests and build a chair as individual as your fingerprint!LEADINGDESIGNWe are continually developing new products, improving our flagship products, and offering new options and solutions to enhance your lifestyle.QUALITY ANDDURABILITYQUICKIE wheelchairs undergo rigorous testing that surpasses industry standards, so you can be confident that your product will hold up and perform throughout its lifetime.LIFESTYLEVERSATILITYWe offer a comprehensive portfolio of products to meet a wide range of individual lifestyles and clinical needs. Once you choose a QUICKIE, our goal is that it continues to be the right chair for you. We offermaximum adjustability in our designs and interchangeable parts to help accommodate changes in your condition, environment, or lifestyle.468101416171819202®ASAP II Seat FrameIn-field width, depth, armrest,legrest, and back height adjustabilityWide range of seat sizes Manual reclining backrest for increased function and sitting toleranceOptional fold down backrest for easy transportR-net Expandable and Non-Expandable Controls Standard PM120 Controller offers 30% more power and improved drive algorithm Simple to use non-expandable controls feature 4-way toggle switch for operation of tilt and power legrests Expandable controls feature assignable buttons for control of common functions and 8 programmable profiles for variousenvironmentsAlternative Drive Controls Alternative drive controls available on-chair and will ship complete with QM-7 Series wheelchairs 20 Switch-It proportional and non-proportional (switch) input control options available 8 ASL ®proportional and non-proportional (switch) input control options available CONQUER TERRAINThe QM-7’s SpiderTrac ™suspension revolutionized mid-wheel-driveperformance with optimized front and rear wheel articulation for smooth transitions over various terrains.The SpiderTrac™2.0Suspension’s performance springs help all sixwheels maintain increased contact with the ground as you take on various terrains and adjust your seating positions.TheSURETRAC ™option enhances driving performance by keeping you driving straight over irregular terrain.••• • ••• • • • •• •• ••POWER OPTIONS3.7 Power Recline with Power Shear Reduction and SEDEO Ergo.50° of Power Tilt to optimize positioning12" and 9" Power Seat Elevate for increased user reach and eye-to-eye interaction with peersPower Elevating Legrests with Articulation – Swing-Away– Power centermount with 7.5” of articulationSEATING OPTIONSWITH SEDEO ERGO SEATINGELECTRONIC OPTIONSAlternative Drive Control VideosQUICKIE QM-7 SERIESGroup 3Standard QM-710Group 3Heavy Duty QM-715 HD Group 4High SpeedQM-720A HIGH PERFORMING,RELIABLE,AND STYLISH MID-WHEEL DRIVE POWER SOLUTIONSwitch-It Micro Pilot• • •• • •• • •Switch-ItDual Pro™ Head ArrayPM120 Controller453.7 Recline Seat FrameUltra low seat-to-floor heights –as low as 16" with tilt and elevate!Integrated JAY ®J3™ back for seamless functionality with power recline and shear reduction systemLow profile electronics enclosure shell for a clean look and compatibility with accessoriesSEDEO Ergo SeatingBiometric repositioning with 6 programmable positions C-Me™ 12”height at 3 mph Power recline with anti-shear Armrests height, width and angle adjustable also availablewith trough or gel armpadsPower elevating/articulatingcentermount legrestsCaptain’s Seat (CC) Convertible seat pan forflexibility in seating options Semi-recline and fold-down backrestSeat size, legrest, and armrest adjustability Mounting capabilities for O2, crutch, or walker holders ASAP II (BC & SC)In-field width, depth, armrest, legrest, and back height adjustabilityManual reclining backrest for increased function and sitting toleranceOptional fold down back for easy transport(pictured above)3.7 Recline Rehab Seat(SC & MPC)Option of Recline Curved Back or Integrated JAY J3 Back for seamless functionality with power recline and shear reduction systemSeat-to-floor heightsas low as 16.3”Cantilever Reclining Armrests stay parallel to ground when reclinedQUICKIE PULSECOMPACT ANDDURABLE, WITHA WIDE RANGEOF EFFECTIVESEATING ANDELECTRONICOPTIONSGroup 3COMPACT POWER BASEIntuitive mid-wheel drive handlingSmall footprint and compact design for indoor accessibilityFlexible, independent suspension system for moderateoutdoor performanceLinix 2- or 4-pole motorsPOWER OPTIONS3.7 Power Recline with Power Shear Reduction50° of Single Power Option Tilt (SPOT) to optimize positioning9" Seat Elevate for increased access to cabinets andinteraction with peersCentermount with 7.5” of articulationSEATING OPTIONS••••••••••••••••••67Rehab SeatTRAX System with easy dovetail track adjustments of the seat and backExtensive seating and positioning optionsArticulating vent tray option Power Recline SeatWide range of seating and positioning options Low seat to floor options with and without Power CG TiltHeadrest design is easily accessed and does not require tools forremovalQUICKIE S-6 SERIESPOWERFUL PERFORMANCE WITH VERSATILE SEATING AND POSITIONING OPTIONSHYBRID POWER BASEWITH DYNAMIC SUSPENSIONLinix 6.5 mph or 8.5 mph, 4-pole standard motor package for all models Short wheel base with hybrid wheel placement for mid-wheel maneuverability and rear-wheel all-terrain performanceAdjustable dampening, independent wheel suspension that provides a smoother ride, even over obstaclesPosiDrive ™technology increases the overall strength of the drive train Optional LED headlight, blinker, and tail light package for safety Painted frame available in 23 different color options POWER OPTIONS53° of Power CG Tilt for optimized positioning Power Recline with Power Shear Reduction Power Elevating Legrests with ArticulationEASY BATTERY ACCESSBattery compartments are some of the easiest to access in the power wheelchair marketStay seated in your wheelchair while batteries are being replaced or servicedSEATING OPTIONSGroup 3• • ••••• • ••• • •• • •• 89Rehab SeatSimple seating and positioning options mix Swing-away and fixed hanger optionsOptional 53° of CG tilt to optimize positioningQUICKIE P-222 SEFAST, SIMPLE,AND EXTREMELY MANEUVERABLE INDOORS AND OUTFAST, MANEUVERABLE BASE Linix 8.5 mph, 4-pole standard motor packagePosiDrive™ technology increases the overall strength of the drive train and features easy-to-service hubs26" turning radius for excellent maneuverabilityLIFESTYLE OPTIONSOptional manual wheelchair conversion kit for user self propulsion Optional LED light package includes headlights, blinkers, and tail light for safetyPainted frame available in 23 different color optionsSEATING OPTIONSGroup 4• • •• • •• • •1011ProductDrive WheelPositionModel Package User Weight Capacity Electronics Suspension Turning RadiusSeat SelectionWidthDepthSeat-to-FloorHeightSeatingTilt Recline Seat ElevatorELRPower ELR/ALRVent Tray Batteries Drive Wheels Overall Base WidthOverall Length Transit TestedHCPCS Code• Available –Unavailable*Other speed packages are available as an upcharge +This measurement is without front riggings.12VR2Non-Expandable ControlsR-netExpandable and Non-Expandable ControlsDrive Controls JoysticksVR2 Non-ExpandableControllerR-net Expandable ControllerR-net 120amp Non-Expandable/Expandable ControllerNon-expandable VR-2 JoystickOutput Module (ECM)R-net Expandable LED JoystickJoystick w/Toggle, Speed Potentiometer, Stereo Jacks &Color DisplayR-net OMNI Input Control ModuleJoystick w/Stereo Jacks& Color DisplayMouse-MoverAdvanced Color Joystick14®Joystick MountsSwitch Inputs for Joysticks or OmniMultiple SwitchesAttendant ControlsJoystick HandlesProgrammersFixedRibbonBuddy ButtonDiscWobble (LLS)Micro LightEggStereo to Mono Splitter Switch-It Mini Button 1(Mono)Switch-It Ctrl+5™ ButtonSwitch-It Ctrl+5™ ToggleSwitch-It Mini Button 2(1 Stereo or 2 Mono)Switch-It Mini Button 4 (DB9)Swing-AwayR-netVR-2RetractableBallFoam BallT-HandleVR-2 Hand HeldR-net PC ProgrammerGoalpostSilicone Ball 1“and 5/8“(MicroPilot Only)15Environmental ControlsSwitch-It SJX2Proximity Switch InterfaceSwitch-It 5 Naked Proximity Switches on DB9 ConnectorSwitched Head ControlsProportional Head Control (Dual Pro Only)Base OptionsProportional Chin ControlsProportional Hand ControlsASL Proximity Head Array Package 3-Switch (Adult or Pediatric)AccessoriesRAM ®Cup HolderRAM Phone MountRAM Tablet MountSwitch-It Remote Stop SwitchAuto Style BuckleBelt 2" Aircraft Buckle Belt 2" Aircraft Buckle PaddedO2 HolderCrutch Holder Walker HolderTuffak Tray Table Black Utility Backpack Black/Charcoal Kid’s BackpackSwitch-It Head Array Package3-Switch Curved(Long, Straight or Short Wings)Switch-It Dual Pro™ Head ArraySwitch-It Head Array 5-Switch (Long or Straight Wings)QUICKIESip ‘N’ Puff SystemSwitch-It Micro-Series BDNChin Control Pkg, Standard 6" or Large 8"ASL Proportional Micro Extremity Joystick Midline with Gatlin PackageSwitch-It Midline Gatlin Package(MicroPilot, Micro Guide or Versa Guide)ASL Compact Joystick with Integrated Buttons Midline with Gatlin PackageControl PackageControl PackageASL Micro Mini Joystick with Hand Pad Midline with GatlinPackageSwitch-It Micro-Pilot Joystick with Space Disk Tray PackageSwitch-It Micro-Guide Joystick with Space Disk Tray PackageKnobby Drive Wheels4-Point Transit Tie-DownsGp 24 Batteries with Flat TopsFixed Vent Tray8A Dual Mode (Off-Board) CTE22NF Batteries with Flat TopsGp 34 Batteries with Flat Tops1617QUICKIE TensionSPOT Curved Back ArmrestsArmpadsLegrestsFootplatesDual Post Flip Back Height AdjustableStandard Cantilever with 2 PointLocking PostStandard CantileverFlip BackStandard Single PostLow CantileverReclining Standard HeightCantilever RecliningPositioning OptionsJAYJ3Adjustable LateralLateral Thoracic SupportsWhitmyer Plush–Linx hardware*Whitmyer Plush–Cobra hardware*Chest StrapWhitmyer Plush–Axis hardware*Swing-Away Knee AdductorLong Thigh Support with mesh pocket*Various Whitmyer head supports are available with the hardware shown.65° & 70° Swing-Away75° Tapered Swing-Away90° Swing-AwayManual ELR Swing-AwayFixed Center MountPower CentermountELR with 7.5” Power ArticulationSwing Away Power ELRwith Articulation Kids Angle Adjust with Leg StrapComposite with Heel LoopAdult Angle Adjust with Heel LoopAluminumOne Piece Angle AdjustPediatricCentermount DualWaterfall ArmpadStandard ArmpadReclining ArmpadJAY® Arm TroughSEDEO Ergo ArmrestReclining ArmpadComfort Reclining Armpad18Sunrise Medical (US) LLC,Fresno,CA 93727 122157 Rev.I ©06.2017Basic GO Care™J2™J2™DeepJAY®BacksBasic PRO GO™Soft Combi™P CushionsUnion™X2™Fusion™J2™J2™Deep Contour。
二、操作方法1. 轮椅开关位于座椅右侧,将开关拨到“ON”位置,轮椅即可启动。
2. 使用手控器控制轮椅的前进、后退、转向等动作。
3. 前进:按下手控器上的“前进”按钮,轮椅将缓慢前进。
4. 后退:按下手控器上的“后退”按钮,轮椅将缓慢后退。
5. 转向:轮椅具备转向功能,当需要转向时,按下手控器上的“左转”或“右转”按钮即可实现。
6. 刹车:在紧急情况下,按下手控器上的“停止”按钮,轮椅将立即停止运动。
7. 充电:当电量低时,使用充电器将轮椅连接到电源插座进行充电。
三、安全提示1. 使用轮椅前,请确保地面平坦,避免崎岖或不平的路面。
2. 在行驶过程中,注意观察周围环境,避免与其他车辆或行人发生碰撞。
3. 使用轮椅时,请保持正坐姿,不要随意站立或凑近物体。
4. 在上下坡时,注意调整速度,避免过快或过慢导致失控。
5. 不要将轮椅暴露在高温或潮湿的环境中,以免影响电池寿命和性能。
6. 定期检查轮椅的零部件,确保其正常工作状态。
7. 使用轮椅过程中如遇异常情况,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务。
四、保养与维修1. 每次使用后,请清洁轮椅的表面,并检查是否有损坏或松动的部件。
2. 定期检查轮椅的电池电量,确保电量充足。
3. 如发现异常噪音或故障,请及时联系售后服务。
4. 若长时间不使用轮椅,请将其存放在干燥通风的地方,并定期进行充电以保持电池寿命。
二、产品特点1. 强大的动力系统:凯莱宝电动轮椅搭载高效的电动驱动系统,能够提供持久而稳定的动力输出,确保用户在行驶过程中的安全和舒适。
2. 灵活的操控方式:该轮椅配备智能操控系统,用户可以通过简单的手柄操作实现前进、后退、转向等功能,操作简便灵活。
3. 舒适的座椅设计:凯莱宝电动轮椅采用人体工学设计,座椅舒适宽敞,可根据用户的身体需求进行调节,提供最佳的乘坐体验。
4. 安全可靠的制动系统:该轮椅配备可靠的制动系统,用户可以通过手柄轻松控制制动,确保行驶过程中的安全性。
5. 耐用的材料和结构:凯莱宝电动轮椅采用高强度材料和坚固的结构设计,具备出色的耐用性和稳定性,适应各种复杂的使用环境。
三、使用方法1. 准备:确保电动轮椅电量充足,座椅调整到合适的位置,脚踏板调整到舒适的高度。
2. 上下车:将电动轮椅靠近座椅或床边,确保轮椅与地面平稳接触,打开轮椅的折叠扶手,将脚踏板折叠起来,然后坐到座椅上。
3. 操控:握住手柄,通过前后推动手柄控制轮椅的前进和后退,通过左右转动手柄控制轮椅的转向。
4. 制动:轮椅配备制动器,当需要停止或固定轮椅时,拉动制动器手柄即可实现制动功能。
5. 充电:当电动轮椅电量低时,使用配套充电器将其连接到电源插座进行充电,充电时间根据电池容量而定。
四、注意事项1. 使用前请仔细阅读说明书,了解电动轮椅的功能和操作方法。
2. 在使用过程中,请确保轮椅的电量充足,以免在行驶过程中电量不足而影响使用。
3. 使用时请注意周围环境,避免与障碍物碰撞或卡住。
4. 长时间使用后,请及时给电动轮椅进行充电,以保证下次使用时的电量充足。
5. 使用过程中如遇到故障或异常情况,请及时联系售后服务中心进行维修或咨询。
五、保养与维护1. 定期检查电动轮椅的各个部件是否正常,如有松动或损坏应及时修复或更换。
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三、产品各部分工作原理 1,行走装置