BETA 960多功能校验仪 说明书

BETA90多功能校验仪用户手册武汉奥泰克仪器仪表有限公司WUHAN ALTEK INSTRUMENT & METER CO.LTD61、简介BETA90是一种便携式、由电池供电的多功能过程校验仪,该设备可测量或模拟输出多种电信号和物理量。
BETA90具有如下功能及特点:● 具有双通道显示,显示屏上半部分的显示区域可显示电压、电流和压力的测量值,显示屏下半部分的显示区域可显示电压、电流、压力、热电阻、热电偶、频率和电阻的测量值,还可以模拟输出脉冲值。
● 热电偶输入/输出端带有自动冷端温度补偿。
● 每个电信号或物理量的测量量程范围内均可设定5个递增或递减数值点。
● 互动式的使用菜单。
● 可使用自带的RS232接口进行远程控制。
● 独立的重复读数功能可校验变送器。
1.1 标准配置一套完整的BETA90应包括如下部分:主机,使用手册,测量导线3套,橡胶外壳,NIST 证书,便携式手提包(可选件:型号为CC572)。
1.2 安全事项请在使用BETA90时需注意以下几点: ● 请勿超过额定电压。
详见量程范围说明 ● 遵循一切设备安全条例。
● 当测量导线插在电流测量端时,请不要使测量头接触电压源。
● 如BETA90已损坏请不要继续使用。
● 测量时请选择正确的功能和量程。
● 使用前请确认电池仓的盖子是否已关严。
● 打开电池仓之前请将测量导线从BETA90上拔下。
● 检查测量导线的绝缘材料是否已经损坏或已有金属部分裸露在外,在使用BETA90前请将已坏的测量导线进行更换。
● 在使用测量导线的夹头时,手指部分请不要触摸夹头。
● 请勿非正常使用BETA90,这种行为可能会减少仪器的使用寿命。
● 请不要在含有爆炸性气体、蒸气或灰尘的环境中使用BETA90。

前 言................................................................................................................................................... 1 一、功能特点............................................................................................................................................. 2 二、技术指标............................................................................................................................................. 3 1、输入特性....................................................................................................................................... 3 2、准确度........................................................................................................................................... 3 3、电能质量............
YTC8750B 伏安变比极性综合测试仪 用户操作手册说明书

YTC8750B伏安变比极性综合测试仪用户操作手册目录概述 (3)注意事项 (4)第一章主要特点 (5)第二章主要测试功能和技术参数 (7)第三章面板示意图 (8)第四章操作指南 (9)概述YTC8750B伏安变比极性综合测试仪,是一种专门为测试互感器:伏安特性、变比、极性、误差曲线、计算拐点、交流耐压和二次侧回路检查等设计的多功能现场试验仪器。
实验时仅需设定测试电压、电流值,设备便能够自动升压/升流,并将互感器的伏安特性曲线或变比、极性等实验结果快速显示出来,支持数据保存和现场打印,不但省去手动调压、人工记录、描曲线等繁琐劳动,还能通过USB 接口将测试数据上传到电脑进行编辑保存或打印。

Fluke 8508A参考级数字多用表参考标准级的准确度和稳定性,功能众多、易于使用的解决方案Fluke—计量学的工具计量学定义准确度(测量准确度)表示测量结果与被测量真值之间的一致程度的数字,或者表示一台仪器以多小的不确定度进行测量的能力。

图 2:C 型两路温湿度控制接线图
图 3:SH-K850B 系列产品接线图
注:C 型可以带两路温湿度控制,接线见图 2,各型号产品功能配置请参照第二页功能参照表 特殊产品接线以产品背面的接线为主
地址:河北省保定市高开区竞秀街 295 号 E-mail: bdshdq@
电话:0312-3113229、3117228 传真:0312-3113690 http: //
C 型产品:
当温度≤0℃时,控制器启动加热器工作; 当温度≥10℃时,控制器停止加热器工作。 当湿度≥93%RH 时,控制器启动加热器工作; 当湿度≤83%RH 时,控制器停止加热器工作
地址:河北省保定市高开区竞秀街 295 号 E-mail: bdshdq@
电话:0312-3113229、3117228 传真:0312-3113690 http: //
◆ 反馈表
产品型号 安装地点
产品编号 投运日期
您的电话 联系我们
河北省保定市高开区竞秀街295号 0312-3113229 0312-3117228
◆ 注意事项 用户订货时请参照选型说明正确填写技术参数,如有其它要求请在订货时说明。 注:由于技术不断更新,产品如有变化,请以实际供货说明书为准。
地址:河北省保定市高开区竞秀街 295 号 E-mail: bdshdq@
电话:0312-3113229、3117228 传真:0312-3113690 http: //
◆ 抗高频干扰:≤0.2%RO,1000V ◆ 抗脉冲干扰:符合 IEC255-22-1 标准 ◆ 抗电磁场辐射:符合 IEC255-22-3 标准 ◆ 抗快速瞬变干扰:符合 GB/T 17626.4-1998 标准 ◆ 抗震动响应:符合 GB6587.4-86 标准 ◆ 工作环境:温度:-25℃~+70℃ 湿度:10%~90%RH ◆ 贮藏条件:温度:-40℃~+70℃ 湿度:10%~95%RH ◆ 湿度测量范围 :0~100%RH ◆ 温度测量范围:-35℃~+125℃ ◆ 湿度测量精度:±5% ◆ 温度测量精度:±2% ◆ 运行温度:-25℃~ +55℃ ◆ 存储温度:-40℃~ +80℃ ◆ 相对湿度:5%~ 95%RH(不结露)
ftir 850参数

ftir 850参数
根据提供的资料,FTIR 850的性能参数包括光谱范围7 800~350cm-1,分辨率0.5cm-1,高灵敏度DLATGS检测器,
此外,其峰-峰噪音小于2.2×10-5AU(1分钟扫描,4cm-1分辨率),线性度小于0. 1%。
综上所述,FTIR 850是一款高性能的傅里叶变换红外光谱仪,具有广泛的应用领域和出色的性能参数。
多关于FTIR 850的信息,建议咨询专业人士。

其数据的可靠性由12位AD决定,比如实测值为5V,用5格(纵轴共有10格)显示波形,则使用的AD点数为5*212/10=2048测试用的数据位的精度为1/2048=0.05%,对5V 输入误差值约为2.4mV。
缺点:存储波形较大时,存储速度较慢,时间5min,采样率50 kS/s,数据长度1M波形,csv文件大小约214M,存储时间约需要10min。
victor 850.850a相序测试仪使用说明书

1 23 4便携式相位测试仪使用说明书一、 安全须知1、 该仪表是高压测试设备,在使用前要观察仪表是否完好,如果出现下列情况就必须停止使用,应当进行相应的检查和修理,以免触电和发生不安全事故。
A:仪表在外观明显受损,如壳体有裂缝或损毁、测试导线有破皮现象等;B:仪表在运输过程中被严重挤压过; C:仪表在不当条件下被长期搁置,如在洗手间或比较潮湿的地方。
2、 在测量过程当中,千万不能打开该仪表的外外壳,以免触电和发生不安全事故。
3、 测量过程中有较大的电压从测试导线上输入,不要用手直接碰触到裸露的线头或测试表笔的金属部分,以免触电。
4、 尽管有时候所有的相位指示灯都没有点亮,但仍然存在有电压回路,要注意防止触电。
5、 测量时电路电压最好不要高于480V/600V(850/850A),以免发生不安全事故。
6、 在测量200V ACV 时,连续使用时间不大于30分钟;在测量480V ACV 时,连续使用时间不大于4分钟;在测量600V ACV 时,连续使用时间不大于2分钟。
7、 在下雨时的户外和比较潮湿的环境下,都不能使用该仪表进行测量,以免发生不安全事故。
8、 不要让该仪表碰触到水或者其他有腐蚀性的液体,也不要放置在有阳光直射或高温和比较潮湿的环境中,以免影响其测试性能。
9、 非专业人员禁止打开该仪表的外壳,以免影响其测试性能。
10、 使用该仪表的操作人员应受过专门的培训,懂得强电操作和测量的相关知识,并严格按照本说明书进行测量操作。
11、 请将该说明书放置在比较容易取阅的地方,以便随时翻阅。
二、 概述本仪器是基于《电子测量仪安全要求》(LEC-348)的二级安全标准而设计和制造的,携带方便,测试快捷、准确,安全性高。
三、 技术特性工作电压(三相交流电): 200~480V(850) 200~600V(850A)最高耐压:2000V/分钟(850) 4000V/分钟(850A) 可测量的频率范围: 20Hz~400Hz连续使用时间:200V ACV 时,不大于30分钟480V ACV 时,不大于4分钟(850) 600V ACV 时,不大于2分钟(850A)仪表尺寸:80x59x23mm(不包括测试导线)重量: 约200g仪表附件:测试夹,使用说明书和便携布包。

PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS WITH AMP.PA-850■FEATURES■MODEL NUMBER DESIGNATIONPA-850 - 102 R - N R2Series namePressure reference Rated pressure rangeG:GaugeV:Gauge (Vacuum)R:CompoundA:Absolute102:0 ~ 100 kPa352:0 ~ 350 kPa103:0 ~ 1000 kPa102:0 ~ − 100 kPa102:− 100 ~ 100 kPa302:− 100 ~ 300 kPa102:0 ~ 100 kPa absFittingR2:R 1/4 with M 5 female screwGF:G 3/8 with flash diaphragmG2:G 1/4 with M 5 female screwSwitch output interfaceN:NPN open collector(Upper limit mode)P:PNP open collector(Upper limit mode)※Please refer to the LIST OF MODEL NUMBERS when placing orders.●High corrosion resistance and drip-proof constructionPressure port attachment made of SUS 316LProven IP-65 grade gauge body (IP-65 in accordance with IEC)●Stand ard prod uct provid es both a switch output(hysteresis adjustable) and an analog output●Absolute pressure type and compound pressure typewhich can control negative to positive pressure with onlya single pressure gauge are all in line●Three standard types of joint are providedR2 : R 1/4 (M 5 female screw)GF : G 3/8 with flash diaphragmG2 : G 1/4 (M 5 female screw)■LIST OF MODEL NUMBERS※Verify the above model numbers when placing orders.PA-850PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS WITH AMP .■STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS※1 An “O” ring provided.(G 3/8 : P18、G 1/4 : P15)● Unless otherwise specified, the specs are defined at an ambient temperature of 25±5 °C and excitation voltage of 12 V DC.PA-850PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS WITH AMP .■ENVIRONMENTAL CHARACTERISTICS●Configurations of joint R2 (R1/4) type●Configurations of joint GF (G 3/8) type●Configurations of joint G2 (G 1/4) type■OUTLINE DIMENSIONS Unless otherwise specified, tolerance : ± 0.5 (Unit: mm) PA-850PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS WITH AMP.Extra care should be taken with the diaphragm part. Do not touch the diaphragm directly to avoid damaging the diaphragm.ShieldS.OutputA.Output Power B Common ShieldS.OutputCommon A.Output Power BOFF- pressurepressureON OFF-vacuunON OFFON OFFON PA-850PRESSURE TRANSDUCERS WITH AMP .■INTERNAL ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICS● NPN output● PA-850-102V● PA-850-***G● PA-850-***R● PA-850-***A● PNP output■SWITCH OUTPUT SCHEMATICSTurns on at the set pressure and turns off at the set pressure minus the hysteresis.※Adjustable hysteresis。
德克萨斯仪器 DPI 620 高精度多功能计ibrator 安全参考指南说明书

[EN] English - K0454 Issue 1 Quick Reference 1Quick ReferenceWARNING: Before you use this instrument, read and understand the “Safety” section. It is dangerous to ignore the specified warnings.Start operations (S1 to S4)S1:Install the battery. Refer to Section 5.S2:Power on/off sequenceS3:Example change of function (Voltage to Current)ON➀First display Normal outputOFF➀Press and hold PressTAPChannel Settings1324Task Settings68Task Settings5Select FunctionChannel Settings7S4:Touch-screen operations (maximise, minimise, set voltage) Menu sequenceTask*SettingsCH1CH2ChannelSettingsFunctionUnitsUtilityCaptionSelect“Function”NoneCurrentVoltage* A channel can only have one function at a time.TAPSet voltageMaximise12134Minimise*** Alternative options for step ➀TAP2 Quick Reference K0454 Issue 1 - [EN] English[EN] English - K0454 Issue 1 31OverviewThe advanced modular calibrator (AMC) is part of a set ofhand-held modules that you can quickly put together to include a wide range of calibrator functions.Advanced modular calibrator, DPI 620: This is abattery-powered instrument for electrical measure and source operations and HART® communications; see table A1(front cover). It also supplies the power and user interface functions for all the add-on modules. You can use the touch-screen to display up to six different parameters.Pressure module carrier, MC 620: Optional item. This attaches to the DPI 620 calibrator to make a fully integrated pressure indicator instrument. To measure and display pneumatic or hydraulic pressures, you can have up to two interchangeable pressure transducers at a time.Pressure modules, PM 620: Optional item. These modules attach to the pressure module carrier (MC 620) or to a pressure station (PV 62x) to give the DPI 620 calibrator the necessary pressure measurement functionality. They are fullyinterchangeable “plug and play” modules with no initial set-up or user calibration.Pressure stations, PV 62x: Optional item. To make a fully integrated pressure calibrator, you can attach the DPI 620 calibrator to one of the three pressure stations. Refer to user manual - K0457.2Standard equipmentThese items are part of the standard equipment with the DPI 620 calibrator:•DC power supply/battery charger unit •Li-Polymer battery•Set of six electrical test leads •Safety and quick reference guide •CD with the user manualDPI 620MC 620PM 620PV 62xOverview/Standard equipment3Safety Before you use the instrument, make sure that you read andunderstand all the related data. This includes: the applicablelocal safety procedures, the user manual (K0449), and theinstructions for the accessories/options/equipment you areusing it with.General warningsWARNING•It is dangerous to ignore the specified limits for the instrument or to use the instrument when it is not in its normal condition. Use the applicable protection andobey all safety precautions.•Do not use the instrument in locations with explosive gas, vapour or dust. There is a risk of an explosion.Electrical warnings •To prevent electrical shocks or damage to the instrument, do not connect more than 30V between the terminals, or between the terminals and the ground(earth).•To prevent electrical shocks, use only the GE specified AC probe (Part: IO620-AC) to measure AC voltages(maximum: 300 Vac).•This instrument uses a Lithium-Polymer (Li-Polymer) battery pack. To prevent an explosion or fire, do notshort circuit, do not disassemble, keep it safe fromdamage. For operating conditions, see Table 1.•To prevent an explosion or fire, use only the GE specified battery, power supply and battery charger. •To prevent battery leakage or heat generation, only use the battery charger and power supply in thetemperature range 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F). Foroperating conditions, see Table 1.Pressure warnings •Some liquid and gas mixtures are dangerous. This includes mixtures that occur because ofcontamination. Make sure that the equipment is safe to use with the necessary media.•To prevent a dangerous release of pressure, isolate and bleed the system before you disconnect a pressureconnection.Continued4 Safety K0454 Issue 1 - [EN] English[EN] English - K0454 Issue 1Parts 5•To prevent a dangerous release of pressure, make sure that all the related pipes, hoses and equipment have the correct pressure rating, are safe to use and are correctly attached.CautionsTo prevent damage to the display, do not use sharp objects on the touch-screen.To prevent damage to the PM 620 module, only use it within the specified pressure limit on the label.Before you start an operation or procedure in this publication, make sure that you have the necessary skills (if necessary, with qualifications from an approved training establishment). Follow good engineering practice at all times.Marks andsymbols on the instrument4PartsRefer to the figures on the front cover (A2, B1).4.1Key to figure A2 (DPI 620 calibrator)Complies with EuropeanUnion directives Warning - refer to the manualRead the manual USB ports: Type A; Mini-type B connector Ground (Earth)ON/OFFDo not dispose of this product as household waste. Refer to “Maintenance” (Section 5.5).More marks and symbols are specified in the user manual (K0449 - Druck DPI 620Advanced modular calibrator)1.On or off button. Refer to “Quick Reference”.2. CH1Channel 1 connectors for: voltage (V); frequency (Hz);resistance (Ω); resistance temperature detectors (RTD): 3W, 4W = 3-wire, 4-wire RTD input; switch operation; current (mA+, mA-): COM = Common connectorYou can also use the GE specified AC probe (Part: IO620-AC) to measure AC voltages (maximum: 300 Vac).3.TCChannel 1 connectors for thermocouples.4.CH2Isolated channel 2 connectors for: voltage (V); current (mA+,mA-); 24V loop power supply (24Vo); switch operation6 PartsK0454 Issue 1 - [EN] English4.2Key to figure B1 (MC 620 module carrier/PM 620 module) - Optional item5.USB type A connector for connections to external peripherals (USB flash memory or optional external modules)B mini-type B connector for communication with a computer.7.+5V DC power input socket. This supply also charges the battery.8.Sealed speaker unit.9.Liquid crystal display (LCD): Colour display with touch-screen. To make a selection, lightly tap on the applicable display area.a.Battery indicatorb.Date and time10.CH1: Window for the channel 1 settings and values. c.Measure or source indicationd.Functione.Full scale (FS) rangef.Function units11.Other windows: The number of windows you see on the display is set by the number of task selections and external modules you are working with (maximum: 6).12.Tap this button to set up the Task , set up the instrument (Configure ) and to access Help (?). Refer to “Quick Reference”.Tap this button to maximise each of the available windows in sequence. Refer to “Quick Reference”.Pause (II ) or Play (X ): Tap (II ) to hold (freeze) all the data on the display. To release the display and continue, tap (X ).1.Pressure connection (G1/8 or 1/8NPT) to attach external pressure equipment.2.Pressure and electrical connections for a pressure module (PM 620). These are self-seal pressure connections.3.Two screws to attach the calibrator (DPI 620).4.Electrical connections for the calibrator (DPI 620).5.Pressure module (PM 620) with a pressure connection, reference port (a) and a label. The label includes:Pressure range . Example: 20 bar g (g: gauge; a: absolute); serial number (S/N); manufacturer : name, address, website[EN] English - K0454 Issue 1Installation 75InstallationBefore you start:•Read and understand the “Safety” section.•Do not use damaged equipment.Note: Use only original parts supplied by the manufacturer.5.1AMC batterySee figure A3 (front cover).5.2IndicatorassemblyOptional item (MC 620/PM 620). See figure B2 (front cover).5.3Electricalconnections See figure C1 to C5, and D1 (front cover).5.4External pressureconnectionsSee figure B1/E1 (front cover). Use an applicable method to seal the external pressure connections, and then tighten to the applicable torque. Maximum torque:1/8 NPT: 35 Nm (26 lbf.ft)G1/8: 25 Nm (18.4 lbf.ft)1.When the power is off, loosen the five screws (a) and remove the cover (b).If necessary, turn the instrument over and let the discharged battery drop into your hand.2.Install the new battery correctly until it is flat in the compartment.3.Re-attach the cover.1.Align the two slots (a) on the calibrator with the two posts (b) on the module carrier.2.When the posts are fully engaged in the slots, tighten the two screws until they are hand tight.3.Attach one or two PM 620 modules with the correct range and type.4.Tighten each one until it is hand tight only.5.5Maintenance Clean the case with a moist, lint-free cloth and a weakdetergent. Do not use solvents or abrasive materials.Return the instrument to the manufacturer or an approvedservice agent for all repairs. Refer to the user manual.Do not dispose of this product as household waste. Use anapproved organisation that collects and/or recycles wasteelectrical and electronic equipment. For more information,contact one of these:•our customer service department:(Contact us at )•your local government office.6SpecificationTable 1: General specificationLCD: Colour display with touch-screen-10 to 50°C (14 to 122°F)-20 to 70°C (-4 to 158°F)IP65 (DPI 620 calibrator only)0 to 90% relative humidity (RH) non-condensingDef Stan 66-31, 8.4 cat IIIElectromagnetic compatibility: BS EN 61326-1:2006Electrical - BS EN 61010:2001Pressure Equipment Directive - Class: Sound EngineeringPractice (SEP)CE MarkedLithium-Polymer battery (GE Part number: 191-356)Capacity: 5040 mAh (minimum), 5280 mAh (typical);Nominal voltage: 3.7 V.Charge temperature: 0 to 40°C (32 to 104°F)Note: When the instrument senses the temperature is outsidethis range, it stops charging.Discharge temperature: -10 to 50°C (14 to 122°F).Charge/discharge cycles: > 500 > 70% capacity8K0454 Issue 1 - [EN] EnglishMaintenance/SpecificationCustomer serviceVisit our web site: 。
8508A 参考级数字多用表介绍

!"#"$%&'( ! (ppm 24 80+70 80+20 60+20 40+10 60+20 250+30 400+100 70+60 70+10 50+10 30+10 50+10 100+20 250+100 0.15%+0.1% 1%+0.5% 70+70 70+20 50+20 100+40 250+200 +ppm 90 100+70 120+20 100+20 100+10 100+20 300+40 700+100 100+60 100+10 80+10 60+10 80+10 200+20 500+100 0.3%+0.1% 1%+1% 100+70 100+20 80+20 200+40 500+200 Tcal 1 [4] 365 365 100+70 120+20 130+20 100+20 105+20 100+10 105+10 100+20 105+20 300+40 305+40 700+100 705+100 100+60 100+10 105+10 80+10 85+10 60+10 65+10 80+10 85+10 200+20 205+20 500+100 505+100 0.3%+0.1% 0.3%+0.1% 1%+1% 1%+1% 100+70 100+20 110+20 80+20 95+20 200+40 205+40 500+200 510+200 ) ! 15 28 (ppm/ ) 5 5 5 5 12 15 40 5 5 5 5 10 12 40 60 80 5 5 10 12 40
Fluke 8508A 参考级数字多用表1

Fluke8508A具有清晰的控制结构、“双参数矩阵(Dual ParamatrixTM)”的显示屏和字意明确的菜单,这就提供了一种透明的、逻辑性强的、直观的机制,使用户能够更好的与仪器进行人机对话。


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多功能测试仪(TC-V2.12k)Multi-function Tester (TC-V2.12k)浩祺电子科技2015年8月Haoqi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.August 2015目录1综述 (3)1.1本机说明 (3)1.2功能介绍 (3)2操作指引 (4)2.1按键操作定义 (4)2.2开机 (4)2.3测试晶体管 (5)2.4自动校准 (9)2.5测试稳压二极管 (10)2.6红外解码 (10)2.7关机 (10)2.8内置锂电池电压测量 (11)2.9内置锂电池充电 (11)3性能参数 (12)4常见问题 (13)5装箱单 (13)1Overview (14)1.1Introduction (14)1.2Features (14)2Operating Instructions (15)2.1Key operational definitions (15)2.2Power on (16)2.3Detect transistor (16)2.4Selftest (20)2.5Detect Zener diode (21)2.6IR decoder (21)2.7Power off (22)2.8Built-in Li-ion Battery voltage measurement (22)2.9Charging the Battery (23)3Performance Parameters (23)4FAQ (24)5Packing List (24)多功能测试仪(TC-V2.12k)1综述1.1 本机说明① - 160x128 TFT显示屏② - 多功能按键③ - 晶体管测试区④ - 稳压二极管测试区⑤ - 红外接收窗口⑥ - Micro USB充电接口⑦ - 充电指示灯1.2 功能介绍TC-V2.12k是采用TFT图形显示的多功能测试仪。
●晶体管测试仪-自动测量NPN和PNP晶体管、N沟道和P沟道场效应管、二极管(含双二极管)、电阻(含电位器)、电感、电容、可控硅、电池(0.1-4.5V)等元器件-自动测量稳压二极管(0.01-30V)-自动校准功能●红外解码器-支持日立公司编码-红外波形显示-红外接收指示●其他-测量结果采用TFT图形显示-一键操作-自动关机(关机时长可设置)-内置大容量可充电锂电池-锂电池电压检测-支持中英文双语警告:内置锂电池,严禁将测试仪浸入水中、严禁靠近热高温源!警告:为了您的人身安全,请严格遵守锂电池使用规范和注意事项!2操作指引2.1 按键操作定义多功能按键有两种操作:●短按:按下按键不短于10毫秒且在1.5秒内松开按键●长按:按下按键1.5秒以上2.2 开机关机状态下短按多功能按键,测试仪开机并自动进行测量。

Fluke Calibration 8508A 参考标准精度与稳定性,一种可以用于多种功能的易于使用

19818508A ReferenceMultimeterReference standard accuracy and stability, in onefunctionally versatile, easy to use solution*Fluke Calibration - The tools of metrologyMetrology, of course, is the science of measurement. A science where the only certainty is uncertainty. As metrologists, much of our time and effort is spent characterizing, understanding and trying to reduce or remove some ofthose uncertainties. Most times, characterizing is about as far as we get.New tools often promise to help, but rarely deliver. Little understood disclaimers, footnotes or speci-fication compromises only obscure measurement integrity and get in the way of understanding the realities of the pounding the problem is the scarcity of products designed specifically for metrologists. Too often we must use productsintended for general purpose use, and struggle to use them effectively in the demanding science in which we engage.At Fluke Calibration, we aremetrologists and understand these issues thoroughly. The 8508A Reference Multimeter is designed specifically to address thesechallenges. Not only does it provide the performance you need, it is specified in a way that lets you really understand the uncertainties of those measurements. Add to that a revolutionary range of features and capabilities, a user interface that works the way you do, and you have a truly remarkableinstrument. One that can only help you perform better measurements, more efficiently, and with less uncertainty than ever before.MetrologyFluke invented the digital multimeter in 1969, and has three decades of experience in developing these products. Fluke also “wrote the book” on calibration, and has provided countless solutions to metrologists world-wide. With this background, the name Fluke has become virtually synonymous with both digitalmultimeters and with the science of metrology. Small wonder then that it would be Fluke who finally steps up to the challenge producing a digital multimeter specifically for metrology applications.Over the years Fluke Calibration has gained additional expertise in dc and lf measurements with the acquisition of Wavetek-Datron. The acquisition of Hart Scientific, the undisputed leader in temperature measurement, has added skills and knowledge in this important area. Development of the 8508A has drawn on all of these capabilities to provide not only the best performing instrument available today, but also the most highly functional and versatile.Fluke Calibration heritage1948 - The company is founded by John FlukeMetrology definitionsAccuracy(Measurement Accuracy)A number whichindicates the closeness of a measured value to the true value, or the ability of an instrument to make measurements with small uncertainty. Metrologists prefer to use the uncertainty of a measurement (e.g., an uncertainty of +/- 12 ppm), instead of accuracy (e.g., accurate to 99.9988 %).Confidence LevelThe percentage of the area of the nominal curve that lies above the confidence interval. A confidence level of 95 % is obtained when the range of the confidence is from minus two standard deviations, to plus two standard deviations.Confidence IntervalA range of valuesunder the normal curve for which a specific confidence level applies. The range of values is normally extended symmetrically from the center of the curve, in standard deviations, to a limiting value, typically plus and minus standard deviations.*Unrivalled Accuracy and Stability 1949 - Fluke introduces its first product, a highly accurate benchtop power meterMetrology definitionsErrorDeviation from the true or nominal value. Different types of error include offset, linearity, random, retrace, reversal, scale, systematic and transfer error.Measurement UncertaintyAn estimate of the range of values within which the true value of ameasurand lies, usually centered on the nominal value.StabilityThe ability of an instrument to have a response or output that is constant with time.Test Uncertainty Ratio (TUR)The Test Uncertainty Ratio (TUR) for a measurand is thespecified uncertainty of the instrument under test divided by the specified uncertainty of the calibrator or standard used to test it. The specifications for the instruments must have the same coverage factor.UncertaintyAn estimate of the possible error in a measurement. More precisely, an estimate of the range of values which contains the true value of a measured quantity. Uncertainty is usually reported in the terms of probability that the true value lies within a stated range of values.Three mainstays of performanceExtraordinary measurement capabilities “Relative”versus“Absolute”specificationsUncertainty specificationsmust be evaluated as‘relative’ or ‘absolute’.Relative uncertaintydoes not include theadditional uncertaintyof the referencestandards used tocalibrate the instrument.For example, whena digital multimeter’suncertainty is specifiedas ‘relative’ to calibrationstandards, this coversonly the uncertainty inthe digital multimeter.This is an incompletestatement regardingthe instrument’s totaluncertainty. ‘Absolute’(or total) uncertaintyincludes all uncertaintiesin the traceabilitychain: the ‘relative’uncertainty of the unit,plus the uncertaintyof the equipment usedto calibrate it. This isthe true specificationof available instrumentperformance.A standards laboratorycan provide theuncertainties in theircalibration standards.These uncertaintiesmust be combinedwith the specifications‘relative’ to calibrationstandards to determinethe performance which isactually achieved.***Performance highlights1972 - Fluke introduces the 8000A, the first portable bench digital multimeter*Absolute TempUncertainties Coefficient± (ppm Reading + ppm Range) TCal ± 1 °C [4] 15 ºC-30 °C 365 day (ppm/°C)4.5 + 0.5 0.43.0 + 0.2 0.33.0 + 0.2 0.34.5 + 0.2 0.74.5 + 0.50.7Absolute TempUncertainties Coefficient± (ppm Reading + ppm Range) TCal ±1 °C [4]15 ºC-30 °C365 day (ppm/°C)12 + 2.0 0.412 + 2.0 0.413 + 2.0 1.236 + 4.0 6.0170 + 8.0 8.0380 + 208.0*8508A specifications1993 - Fluke were the first in their field in the U.S to receive ISO 9001 RegistrationTypeTrue RMS, AC coupled measures AC component with up to 1000 V DC bias on any range. DC coupled gives (AC 2 + DC 2)CMRR (1 k W unbalance) [5] > 90 dB DC - 60 HzCrest Factor200 mV to 200 V ranges 10:1 at 12 % of range, 5:1 at 50 % of range, 2.5:1 at full range1000 V range 10:1 at 25 % of range, 5:1 at full range Protection (All ranges) 1 kV rmsInput Impedance1 M W in parallel with 150 pFDC Accuracy (DC Coupled) [15] Add ±(50 ppm Reading + 50 ppm Range + 20 µV)Ratio Accuracy±(Net Front Input Accuracy + Net Rear Input Accuracy)Settling Time (to 100 ppm step size) 100 Hz < 0.5 s 40 Hz < 1.25 s 10 Hz < 5 s 1 Hz< 50 sFrequency Measurement Signal Amplitude Range 5 % of range to limit set by maximum V.HzNormal Gate Mode:Resolution6.5 digitsFrequency Range10 Hz - 1 MHzAccuracy (1 year, 13 ºC - 33 ºC) ± (10 ppm of Reading + 2 digits) Sample Interval1 sFast Gate Mode: Resolution4.5 digitsFrequency Range200 Hz - 1 MHz Accuracy (1 year, 13 ºC - 33 ºC) ± 2 digits Sample Interval50 msAC Voltage [1] [2] [6] [7]Range Full ScaleFrequency Absolute Temp (Hz)Uncertainty Relative to Cal StdsUncertainties Coefficient ± (ppm Reading + ppm Range) TCal ± 1 °C [4] 15 ºC-30 °C24 hour 90 day 365 day 365 day (ppm/°C)200 mV 199.999 91 - 10 80 + 70 120 + 70 120 + 70 5 10 - 40 80 + 20 120 + 20 120 + 20 130 + 20 5 40 - 100 60 + 20 100 + 20 100 + 20 110 + 20 5 100 - 2k 40 + 10 100 + 10 100 + 10 105 + 10 5 2k - 10k 60 + 20 100 + 20 100 + 20 105 + 20 12 10k - 30k 250 + 30 300 + 40 300 + 40 305 + 40 15 30k - 100k 400 + 100 700 + 100 700 + 100 705 + 10040 2 V, 1.999 999 1 - 10 70 + 60 100 + 60 100 + 60 5 20 V & 19.999 99 10 - 40 70 + 10 100 + 10 100 + 10 105 + 10 5 200 V 199.999 940 - 100 50 + 10 80 + 10 80 + 10 85 + 10 5 100 - 2k 30 + 10 60 + 10 60 + 10 65 + 10 5 2k - 10k 50 + 10 80 + 10 80 + 10 85 + 10 10 10k - 30k 100 + 20 200 + 20 200 + 20 205 + 20 12 30k - 100k 250 +100 500 + 100 500 + 100 505 + 100 40 100k - 300k 0.15 % + 0.1 % 0.3 % + 0.1 % 0.3 % + 0.1 %0.3 + 0.1 % 60300k - 1M 1 % + 0.5 % 1 % + 1 % 1 % + 1 % 1 % + 1 %80 1000 V [8] 1050.0001 - 10 70 + 70 100 + 70 100 + 70 5 10 - 40 70 + 20 100 + 20 100 + 20 110 + 20 5 40 - 10k 50 + 20 80 + 20 80 + 20 95 + 20 10 10k - 30k 100 + 40 200 + 40 200 + 40 205 + 40 1230k - 100k 250 + 200500 + 200500 + 200510 + 20040Absolute TempUncertainties Coefficient± (ppm Reading + ppm Range) TCal ± 1 °C [4]15 ºC-30 °C365 day (ppm/°C)475 + 100 10475 + 100 10650 + 100 120.4 % + 100 40280 + 100 10650 + 100 120.4 % + 100 4010250 + 100 15600 + 100 15600 + 10010700 + 100 150.3 % + 100 20800 + 100100.25 % + 10015Absolute TempUncertainties Coefficient± (ppm Reading + ppm Range) TCal ± 1 °C [4]15 ºC-30 °C365 day (ppm/°C)15 + 2.0 1.59.0 + 0.7 0.67.5 + 0.25 0.57.5 + 0.25 0.57.5 + 0.25 0.57.5 + 0.25 0.58.5 + 0.5 0.615 + 0.5 0.660 + 5.0 2.0150 + 50 20525 + 500 2001995 - Fluke introduces the 860 Series Graphical Multimeter**8508A specifications2001 - Fluke acquires Wavetek Precision Measurement of Norwich, UK,becoming the unquestioned global leader in calibrationRead Rate and Additional Uncertainty SpecificationsFunction ResolutionFilter Read Rate Additional Errors [15]Frequency (Hz) (readings/second) ± (ppm Reading + ppm Full Scale)Normal Fast Normal Fast DCV, DCI 8 1/25 1/6 0 + 0 0 + 0.1 & Ohms [10] 7 1/6 1/2 0 + 0.1 0 + 0.5 6 2 35 0 + 0.5 0 + 2.55 35 150 0 + 5 0 + 25ACV & ACI [6]6 1 1/50 0 + 0 10 1/5 0 + 0 40 1/2 0 + 0 100 1 0 + 0 5 1 1/50 0 + 5 10 1/5 0 + 5 40 1/2 0 + 5100 2 0 + 5 PRT & Tru Ohms 8 1/90 0 + 0 7 1/30 0 + 0.1 6 1/4 0 + 0.551/30 + 5Temperature Readout [1] [2] [3]ResistanceAbsolute ResistanceTypical Equivalent Temperature Measurement Uncertainty [14]Range Measurement Uncertainty [13]365 day TCal ± 1 °C [4] Probe Nominal Resistance Accuracy± (ppm Reading + m W ) Type Temp (ºC) (W ) ± (ºC)0 - 199.999 999 W 7.5 + 0.1425 W PRT/SPRT -200 5 0.0085 25 W PRT/SPRT 0 25 0.0035 25 W PRT/SPRT 660 84 0.0025 100 W PRT/SPRT -200 20 0.0035 100 W PRT/SPRT 0 100 0.0025100 W PRT/SPRT 232 185 0.0020 200 - 1999.999 99 W7.5 + 0.5 100 W PRT/SPRT 4002500.0025Type4-wire current reversal resistance measurement with readout of equivalent temperature. 2-wire and 3-wire selectable without current reversal. Refer to resistance specifications for additional detailsTemperature Range -200 ºC to 660 ºC, readout also available in ºF or K Linearization ITS-90 or Callendar van Dusen. Entry and storage of coefficients and nominal resistance for up to 100 probes Current Source 1mA*2002 - Fluke introduces the ALL NEW 8508A Digital Multimeter, providing reference standard accuracy and stability, in one functionally versatile, easy to use solution8508A Reference Multimeter Model 8508A Reference Multimeter 8508A/01R eference Multimeter with front and rear binding posts and ratio measurement package Accessories 4022363 NVLAP Accredited Calibration 1883673 UKAS Accredited Calibration 8508A-PRT Hart 5626 Platinum Resistance Thermometer 8508A-SPRT Hart 5699 Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer 8508A-LEAD Comprehensive Measurement Lead Kit Y8508 Rack Mount Kit Y8508S Rack Mount Kit Slides 8508A-7000K Calibration Kit *GCP8508-STD One-year Gold CarePlan with annual standard calibration *GCP8508-ACR One-year Gold CarePlan with annual accredited calibration * Three- and five-year CarePlans are available.Ordering informationFluke Calibration PO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V. PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The NetherlandsFor more information call: In the U.S.A. (877) 355-3225 or Fax (425) 446-5116 In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222 In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866 From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5116 Web access: ©2007, 2011 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Printed in the U.S.A. 12/2011 1779024D B-ENG-N Pub_ID: 10760-eng rev 03Modification of this document is not permitted without written permission from Fluke Calibration.Fluke Calibration. Precision, performance, confidence.™。

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特性参数 :
通过连接适配器,使用BETA B系列28种压力模块测量压力
交直流两用验电表VD-320 产品描述:
·测试功能:AC 500V以下交流电压
2.1稳定性: DC <满量程的0.02% / 3 分钟AC <满量程的0.05% / 3 分钟2.2交流失真度:<0.5%
2.3直流纹波系数:< 0.1%
2.4输出频率及准确度: 50Hz60Hz400Hz<1%
2.6标准电阻:10Ω-20MΩ 11档±0.2%+20mΩ
2.10 外形尺寸:135×480×420mm3 2.11 重量:约12kg。