王宝强离婚声明 英文翻译




质疑再探 I am the best!
1.教材 与语法填空 2.教材与短文改错 3.教材与话题写作
1.我第一次听说史蒂芬.霍金时,就被他的奉献 精神所感动。 2.在日常生活中,他处于很大的麻烦中。 3.只有求助电脑时,他才能讲话,阅读和写作。 4.他对世界的贡献是无与伦比的。 5.在我看来,任何东西都无法回报他对科学的贡 献。
1. 梅兰芳被认为京剧史上最杰出的艺术家之一。 2. 1894年他出生于北京的一个贫穷家庭。4岁时 ,他的父亲就去世了,是他叔叔抚养了他。 3. 他勤奋苦练,终于取得了巨大成就。 4. 梅兰芳这个名字在中国家喻户晓。他永远活在 我们心中。
• 王宝强1984年5月29日出生于河北农村,6岁时开始练习武术 ,8岁—14岁在河南嵩山少林寺做俗家弟子,之后来到北京 闯天下,在各个剧组当武行做群众演员。 • 2004年,因参演冯小刚执导的剧情片《天下无贼》而获得关 注。之后参演多部影视剧,以其草根形象深受观众喜爱。 • 2008年,凭借《士兵突击》中许三多一角获得第24届中国电 视金鹰奖最具人气男演员奖以及观众喜爱的电视剧男演员奖 • 国际劳工组织正式宣布聘用王宝强担任“外来工艾滋病预防 ”爱心大使。 2008年11月25日由国际劳工组织发起,国务 院预防艾滋病办公室以及非营利机构中国企业联合会,中华 全国总工会,中国劳动和社会保障部的大力支持下,共同组 织的“老乡帮老乡,预防王宝强艾滋病”的健康行动启动仪 式在京举行。 • 王宝强原本有一个幸福的家庭,一双可爱的儿女,但是2016 年8月14日凌晨,王宝强在微博发离婚声明,与妻子解除婚 姻关系。
写作练笔 上海出版的一份《学生英语报》,对象是我国的中学生。 请用英语为报写一段人物介绍,介绍我国的篮球运动员 姚明。

the big bang theory S2E4

the big bang theory S2E4

那个... 宫保鸡丁是Raj的Let's see,Raj was the kung pao chicken.- 我是饺子- 没错- I'm the dumplings. - Yes,you are.Howard 别恶心Creepy,Howard.你在夸我还是贬我?Creepy good or creepy bad?小虾米配龙虾酱是谁的?Who was the shrimp with lobster sauce?不吃虾是犹太教戒律之一我的来让老爸爽爽好久没犯戒了That would be me. Come to pa,you un-kosher delight.我不是光指虾虾哦I'm not necessarily talking to the food.别坐这儿Sit over there.别坐这儿Sit over there.- 要婴儿卫生纸么? - 你为啥...- Baby wipe? - Why do you have...- 别问! - 不! 不要!- No,don't ask! - No,don't,don't!我来告诉你吧I'll tell you why.我得清洁一下我的手学校厕所的擦手纸I had to sanitize my hands because the university replaced the paper towels in the rest rooms 都换成干手机了with hot air blowers.我还以为干手机会干净点I thought the blowers were more sanitary.- 实际上不是- 为啥要再问...- Really,don't. - Why...干手机藏污纳垢然后都喷到你手上Hot air blowers are incubators and spewers of bacteria and pestilence.坦白说让得瘟疫的长臂猿来把我手喷干都比那要来得卫生Frankly,it'd be more hygienic if they just had a plague-infested gibbon sneeze my hands dry.嘿大伙们我有惊世奇闻...Hey,guys,I just got the most amazing news...哟Raj 你觉得你还有可能在清醒时同我说话么?Gosh,Raj,do you think you'll ever be able to talk in front of me without being drunk?好吧我还是自己一个人回房吃算了Okay,well,I'll just,um,go eat by myself.Penny 没必要这样吧Penny,you don't have to do that.没关系的比起他不说话他乱说话还有他...Oh,it's okay,between him not talking,him talking and him...我一个人舒坦多了I'm better off alone.再见了可怜的小怪人Good-bye,you poor,strange little man.她可真体贴She's so considerate.什么事呀?So what's your news?还记得我透过古柏带观察到的类似行星的物体吗?Remember that little planetary object I spotted beyond the Kuiper Belt?记得啊2008-NQ亚17号Oh,yeah,2008-NQ Sub-17.现在我要将它命名为宝莱坞行星Or as I call it,Planet Bollywood.总之因为我的发现我已经是人物杂志"3030计划"的一员了Anyway,because of my discovery,Peoplemagazine is naming me one of their 30 under 30 to watch.- 恭喜你呀- 真是太赞了- Congratulations. - that's incredible.不好意思啥是"3030计划"?Excuse me,30 what under 30 what to watch what?三十位未及而立之年的梦想家挑战他们各自领域里种种成见30 visionaries under 30 years of age to watch as they challenge the preconceptions of their fields. 汗... 让我猜一万次都猜不着If I had a million guesses,I never would have gotten that.还挺酷的It's pretty cool.除了我还有为印尼饥荒奔波游走的They've got me in with a guy who's doing something about hunger in Indonesia,还有用海豚来改造犯人的精神医疗师and a psychotherapist who's using dolphins to rehabilitate prisoners,噢还有Ellen Page 那部大赞的独立电影"朱诺"的主角and Ellen Page,star of the charming independent film,Juno.噢我也想像她那样Oh,I'd so do her.就你? 海豚还差不多You'd do the dolphins.有否提及我的贡献? 我可是为你设计了望远镜的托架的Do I get an honorable mention for designing the telescope camera mounting bracket you used? 抱歉这可不在我的感人事迹里头Sorry,it's not part of my heartwarming and personal narrative一个来自新德里的谦逊男孩儿in which a humble boy from New Delhi overcame poverty冲破贫困和偏见的重重阻碍千辛万苦来到美国探索宇宙的奥秘and prejudice and journeyed to America to reach for the stars.你还贫困? 你老爸是妇科医生还开宾利跑车呢Poverty? Your father's a gynecologist. He drives a Bentley.那是租的It's a lease.我有点困惑I'm confused.这是怎么选出来的? 有没有同行评议会之类的?Was there some sort of peer review committee to determine which scientists would be included? 同行评议会? 那是人物杂志是人们选择了我Peer review? It'sPeoplemagazine. Peoplepicked me.- 哪些人? - 人物杂志的那些人呗- What people? - The people fromPeople.没错但他们究竟是些什么人?Yeah,but exactly who are these people?他们凭什么? 他们够格吗?What are their credentials? How are they qualified?你不过是凑巧看见罢了What makes accidentally noticing a hunk of rock不就是块绕着太阳系漫游了几十亿年的石头that's been traipsing around the solar system for billions of years more noteworthy怎么就比其他未及而立之年的科学家取得了更大的成就呢?than any other scientific accomplishment made by someone under 30?我敢打赌Ellen Page的朋友们可不会说这些废话Boy,I'll bet Ellen Page's friends aren't giving her this kind of crap.你为自己感到骄傲?Are you proud of yourself?总体上是这样In general,yes.噢丢掉的微中子在这儿Oh,there's my missing neutrino.你干嘛像个不稳定的电子一样躲着我对吧你这亚原子小鬼?You were hiding from me as an unbalanced charge,weren't you,you little sub-atomic dickens? 嘿SheldonHey,Sheldon.嘿看呐我找到丢掉的微中子了Hey,look,look,I found my missing neutrino.噢真棒能把它从牛奶盒上拿下来了Oh good,we can take it off the milk carton.来吧我们要去同Raj道歉顺便请他一起去吃饭Come on,we're going to apologize to Raj and invite him out to dinner.为啥要道歉?Apologize for what?他昨晚带着惊天奇闻而来可我们却不怎么支持他He came over last night with some pretty good news and we weren't very supportive.我的第六感告诉我你有话要说I sense you're trying to tell me something.你是个大混球You were a colossal asshat.恕难同意No,I beg to differ.我们三个里面我至今都是最支持他的Of the three of us,I was by far the most supportive.真的? 说说看你怎么支持了Really? Do tell.要是作为朋友的我们总是降低他成功的门槛Raj怎么可能真正取得伟大的成就呢? How will Raj ever reach true greatness if his friends lower the bar for him?十一岁时我姐姐给老爸买了个咖啡杯上面写着"世上最棒的老爸"When I was 11,my sister bought our father a "World's Greatest Dad" coffee mug可说实在的他至死都没当一天好爸爸and,frankly,the man coasted until the day he died.好吧这么跟你说吧Okay,let's try it this way.如果这已经是Raj所能达到的最高境界了呢?What if thisPeople magazine thing is the best Raj is ever going to achieve?这倒没想过I had not considered that.走吧Come on.我总是以为别人同我一样没有极限I often forget other people have limitations.真是太悲哀了It's so sad.他知道什么是悲哀?He can feel sadness?不是这样啦我和你都管这叫优越感Not really. It's what you and I would call condescension.我们进去的时候要展现出高兴的神情Now when we go in there,let's show Raj that we're happy for him.可我不高兴But I'm not.好那就装吧你看我Well,then fake it. Look at me.我都能慢慢接受这个事实要知道没有我的固定架I could be grinding on the fact that without my stabilizing telescope mount 他哪能看到宇宙中那一小块垃圾he never would have found that stupid,little clump of cosmic schmutz.可我的胸襟不止那么点啦But I'm bigger than that.好吧你们要我怎么做?Fine. What do you want me to do?微笑Smile.我靠太吓人了Oh,crap,that's terrifying.我们是来这儿看Koothrappali的又不是追杀蝙蝠侠We're here to see Koothrappali,not kill Batman.少露几颗牙看看Try less teeth.已经很接近了来吧Close enough. Come on.- 嘿Raj - 嘿大伙都在啊怎么了?- Hey,Raj. - Hey,guys. What's up?我们想邀请你和我们一起共进晚餐We just wanted to invite you out to dinner tonight.为了庆祝你的"3030" 没错吧Sheldon?To celebrate your "30 under 30" thing. Right,Sheldon?好啊你们真好That's very nice of you. I would like that.大家好Hello,boys.- Gablehauser博士- Koothrappal博士- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Koothrappali.- Gablehauser博士- Hofstader博士- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Hofstader.- Gablehauser博士- Cooper博士- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Cooper.- Gablehauser博士- Wolowitz先生- Dr. Gablehauser. - Mr.Wolowitz.我有个问题:我们中谁发现了一颗星星?Boys,I've got a question for you: Who in this room discovered a star?2008-NQ 亚17号实际上是一颗行星Actually,2008-NQ Sub-17 is a planetary body.我又没说你我在说我呢I'm not talking about you,I'm talking about me.我的外国朋友你是我的明星You,my exotic young friend,are my star.又不是你发现了他But you didn't discover him.你只是注意到他在这儿而已就像他注意到2008-NQ亚17号一样You merely noticed he was here,much like he did with 2008-NQ Sub-17.- Sheldon - 噢不好意思- Sheldon... - Oh,sorry.孩子要给你安排一间好点的办公室Boy,we've got to get you into a better office.得配得上你现在的身份Something more suited to your status.没必要麻烦的真的Really,you don't have to go to any trouble.让你用Von Gerlich以前的办公室如何?How about if I put you in V on Gerlich's old office?我情愿要Fishbein的大多了I'd rather have Fishbein's. It's bigger.等等Fishbein穿睡衣来上班以后我是第一个申请他的办公室的Wait a minute,I called dibs on Fishbein's office the day he started showing up at work in hisbathrobe.他都有新的办公室了男厕所里就不能放几张擦手纸吗?He gets a new office,I can't even get paper towels in the men's room?- Sheldon - 靠这也太难了- Sheldon. - Damn,this is hard.我来问问你们Let me ask you something.你们觉得你们成天在这里是为了啥?What do you think the business of this place is?- 科学? - 钱- Science? - Money.都跟你说了Told you.他出现在人物杂志上不就意味着有数不尽的钱要向我们涌来And this boy's picture inPeoplemagazine is gonna raise us a pile of money taller than...堆起来都比你高了well,taller than you.我是硕士I have a Master's degree.谁不是?Who doesn't?Koothrappali博士你有没有在校长餐厅吃过午饭?Dr. Koothrappali,have you ever had lunch in the president's dining room? 我都不知道还有校长餐厅I didn't even know there was a president's dining room.东西是一样的不过新鲜多了It's the same food as the cafeteria,only fresh.走吧小伙子Come on,little buddy.好咧大伙晚上见Okay,big buddy. See you tonight,guys.别再笑了You can stop smiling now.总之在享用了一顿大餐之后So anyway,after a fantastic lunch,我立马被接去拍封面照I was whisked off to the Peoplemagazine photo shoot...你们几个拍过杂志封面照么?Have any of you boys ever been to a photo shoot?没No.那感觉太妙了It's fantastic.显然相机同我惺惺相惜Apparently,the camera loves me and I,it.他们给我弄了个星光熠熠的背景我就摆了这么一个PoseThey shot me in front of a starry background where I posed like this.他们准备PS一个超新星上去They're going to digitally add a supernova.他们都说对于我这个耀眼的天才而言这是个完美的比喻They say it's the perfect metaphor for my incandescent talent.没错一团滚烫的火球最终自取灭亡Right,a ball of hot,flaming gas that collapses upon itself.抱歉是我的助手TrevorExcuse me. Oh,it's my assistant,Trevor.说吧我是KoothrappaliGo for Koothrappali.给他派了个助手?They gave him an assistant?我只是要一支新的钢笔他们都会让我带着钢丝钳去抢银行If I want a new pen,I have to go to the bank with wire cutters.我们是否已经够仁至义尽了?Have we at this point met our social obligations?还没Not yet.好替我排上议事日程不过别忘了编一个我无法出席的理由Okay,just put it on my calendar,but start thinking of a reason why I can't go. All righty? Koothrappali断线Koothrappali out.愿主保佑那孩子没有他我都不知道怎么办了God bless that boy. I don't know what I'd do without him.他不是今天下午才成了你的助手You just got him this afternoon.没错不过我觉得我应该有个侍从Yes,but I'm finding that having a lackey suits me.侍从?A lackey?噢抱歉从政治角度这么说对吗?Oh,I'm sorry. Is that politically incorrect?在印度我们管这些人叫贱民In India,we just call them untouchables.- 够了吗? - 还差一点儿- Now? - Almost.说起贱民我要告诉你们个好消息Speaking of untouchables,I've got great news for you guys.人物杂志这周六要办一个招待会我已经把你们都邀请去了Peoplemagazine is having a reception this Saturday and I managed to get you invited.- 噢谢了- 你真客气- Oh,gee,thanks. - Oh,you're welcome.当然我没法让你们去VIP区Of course,I couldn't get you into the VIP section because,you know,你们也知道你们只是个P而已(只是普通人)that's for VIPs and you guys are just,you know... P's.在巴布亚新几内亚有个原始部落如果猎人向村里其他人炫耀自己的猎物There's a tribe in Papua New Guinea where,when a hunter flaunts his success to the rt of the village,部族的人就会把他杀了把他的皮做成鼓据说能驱魔避邪they kill him and drive away evil spirits with a drum made of his skin.当然是些迷信的话不过意思大家都明白Superstious nonsense,of course,but one can see their point.来了Raj 你该慢点喝Here you go,Raj. You might want to drink this one slowly.好那这周六晚上大伙一起去吧?Okay. So,Saturday night,can I count on my posse?我很想去Raj 可我没空Gee,I'd love to,Raj,but I can't make it.噢好吧那Leonard呢?Oh,okay. Leonard?呃行吧... 还是算了No,I could... no.Sheldon呢?Sheldon?我有空可我不会去的I can make it. But I won't.你们在说啥呢?What are you guys talking about?这周六专为我设的招待会There's a reception for my magazine article on Saturday.你们这些家伙都不去?And you guys aren't going?真是难以置信I can't believe you.Raj要庆祝如此巨大的成就你们居然不去捧场?Raj is celebrating a tremendous accomplishment and you're not even going to be there to support him?巨大成就是指他发现的星体正坠向地球A tremendous accomplishment would be if the planetary body he discovered were plummeting toward Earth而他用意念爆破掉它and he exploded it with his mind.那真牛了那样的招待会我肯定去That would be cool. I'd go to that reception.别啊这已经很牛了Come on,this is huge.Raj要上人物杂志了都不用把哪个Spears姐妹搞大了肚子Raj is gonna be inPeoplemagazine,and he didn't even have to knock up one of the Spears sisters. 你愿意和我去吗?Would you like to go with me?当然愿意我很荣幸Of course I would. I would be honored.当真?太好了Really? Cool.你们真不厚道Shame on you guys.瞧呀我约到Penny了Look at that,I got a date with Penny.花了你一年时间真难以置信I can't believe it took you a whole year.- 够了吗? - 咱撤- Now? - Now.老兄我要上人物杂志了Hey,buddy,I'm going to be inPeoplemagazine.哦上了封面再来给爷说Yeah,call me when you're on the cover.Raj 真帅气呀!Raj,look at you!我知道像正午的太阳光彩照人对吧?I know. I'm resplendent like the noonday sun,am I not?是呀这香槟喝的不觉得早了点吗?Uh,yeah. Starting with the champagne a little early,aren't you?是豪华轿车里的他们派了辆加长轿车我可以用豪华车了It was in the limo. They sent a limo. I have a limo.我爱死说"豪华车"了I just love saying "limo."准备的时候小饮几口吧Sip on this while you're getting ready.我准备好了Oh,I'm ready.就穿这个?That's what you're wearing?对呀怎么有什么不对吗?Um,yeah. Why,what's wrong with it?没什么我只是期待你会超夸张超狂野滴Nothing. I was just hoping for something a little more,you know,ridonkulous. 除了俺这身衣裳你啥也看不见了Mm,yeah. Well,this is all the donkulous you're gonna get tonight.好也行出发吧Okey-dokey,let's roll.好了是宣泄时间了!All right,it's time to raise the roof!- 你好Leonard - 兄弟- Hey,Leonard. - Dude.- 很漂亮- 谢谢- You look very nice. - Thank you.- 走吧晚安Leonard - 晚安- Come on. Good night,Leonard. - Good night.- Leonard 看到楼下的豪华车了吗? - 嗯- Hey,Leonard,do you see my limo downstairs? - Yeah.- 比我祖父长大的那间房子还大- 相当不错- It's bigger than the house my grandfather grew up in. - Terrific.- 吃的也比那房子里的多- 行了走了走了- It has more food,too. - All right,come on. Come on.我要出场了让聚会开始吧I'm coming out,so get the party started我要出场出场出场...I'm coming out,I'm coming out I'm coming out...好消息你不用再为和Penny的事闷闷不乐了Hey,good news. You don't have to sulk about Penny anymore.看这里有无数的克罗地亚女人就等你联系她们了Look,there are hundreds of Croatian women just waiting for you to contact them. 一切为了绿卡.com?Anything-for-a-greencard. com?你可以用我的ID "超级强悍的那话儿"I'll lend you my user name. It's "Wealthy Big Penis."开玩笑You're joking.你得用简单的词语她们还在学英语中You gotta make it easy for 'em. They're just learning English.去你的Pass.你情愿坐在这里郁郁寡欢So you're just gonna sit around here and mope"辛普森一家"里Apu博士创立的这家超市眼瞅着Penny和Ewik-E超市的Apu博士约会?while Penny is out with Dr. Apu from the Kwik-E Mart?又不是约会这么说也太种族主义了It's not a date,and that's racist.该角色为印度移民哪能啊他可是辛普森一家里面受大家喜爱的角色It can't be racist. He's a beloved character onThe Simpsons.咱快点吃了吧我好去睡觉Let's just eat so I can get to bed.要是狗屎运今晚就是我的窒息睡眠死亡夜With any luck,tonight will be the night my sleep apnea kills me.记得让他们把椰菜鸡肉切成块而不是丝吗?Did you remember to ask for the chicken with broccoli to be diced,not shredded? 有Yes.- 尽管菜单上特别提到"鸡肉丝" - 对- Even though the menu description specifies "shredded"? - Yes.- 黑米没叫白米吧? - 对- Brown rice,not white? - Yes.- 有在韩国杂货店买上等的热芥末吗? - 有- Did you stop at the Korean grocery and get the good hot mustard? - Yes.- 去市场打低钠酱油没? - 去了- Did you pick up the low sodium soy sauce from the market? - Yes.谢谢你Thank you.怎么去了这么久?What took you so long?- 坐着吃吧别废话- 好吧- Just sit down and eat. - Fine.好啦是鸡肉块你想怎样啊?All right,it's shredded. What do you want me to do?你接受订单前怎么不检查好呢I want you to check before you accept the order.抱歉Sorry.你心烦意乱是怕今晚Koothrappali 可能会和Penny发生关系?Were you distracted by the possibility that Koothrappali might have intercourse with Penny tonight?他们不会发生关系的He's not going to have intercourse with Penny.那鸡肉的错误就不能原谅Then there's no excuse for this chicken.Koothrappali的情况让我想起了件童年往事You know,this situation with Koothrappali brings to mind a story from my childhood.切这下好哟狭长土地的又一传说Oh,goody,more tales from the panhandle.锅柄状的突出地带狭窄的条带这里指德州那是德克萨斯西北部That's northwest Texas.我来自东德克萨斯的海湾地区住着很多越南捕虾人I'm from east Texas,the Gulf region,home to many Vietnamese shrimpers.捕虾人是你故事的重点?Do the shrimpers feature in your story?不是No.我8岁时一辆蒙哥马利·华德的运货车压死了我家的猫LuckyAnyway,when I was eight,a Montgomery Ward delivery van ran over our family cat Lucky.- Lucky(幸运的)? - 是的Lucky- Lucky? - Yes,Lucky.他不懂啥叫讽刺继续听就是了He's irony-impaired. Just move on.好吧名叫Lucky的死猫请继续Okay,dead cat named Lucky. Continue.当其他人都因Lucky的死而伤心时While others mourned Lucky,我意识到它的意外身亡I realized his untimely demise provided me with the opportunity让我有机会拥有我更需要的宠物:to replace him with something more suited to my pet needs:晚上可以和我相互偎依的忠实伴侣a faithful companion that I could snuggle with at night,又不会违背人类命令的动物yet would be capable of killing upon telepathic command.难道不是小狗?So not a puppy?拜托怎么可能这么平凡Please,nothing so pedestrian.希腊神话中一种狮身鹫首怪兽我要一只GriffinI wanted a griffin.一只Griffin?A griffin?是的半鹰半狮Yes,half eagle,half lion.传说中才有...And mythological.与这无关Irrelevant.我当时正在研究DNA重组技术而且有信心能造一只出来I was studying recombinant DNA technology,and I was confidant I could create one,但我父母拒绝提供必需的鹰卵子和狮精子but my parents were unwilling to secure the necessary eagle eggs and lion semen.郁闷的是我妹妹想上游泳课他们就让她去Of course,my sister got swimming lessons when she wanted them.Sheldon 不是我们不喜欢狮子精子的故事但是...Sheldon,not that we don't all enjoy a good lion semen story,but...你想说什么?what's your point?我想说的是如果Koothrappali 开始追求浅浮低贱名利的新生活My point is if Koothrappali is moving on to a new life of shallow undeserved fame,也许正是我们的机会创造一个更好的同伴perhaps this is an opportunity to create a better cohort.你想养育一个新朋友?You want to breed a new friend?这是选择之一但是谁这么有空啊?That's one option,but who has the time?可你们想想看--日本人他们在人工智能方面干的很不错But consider this-- the Japanese,they're doing some wonderful work with artificial intelligence. 如果把他们的技术和迪斯尼动画家的一些电子动画结合起来Now,you combine that with some animatronics from the imagineers over at Disney,也许接下来我们就能和一个懂多国语言的亚伯拉罕·林肯一起玩光晕next thing you know,we're playing HALO with a multilingual Abraham Lincoln.Sheldon 别误会我的意思你疯了Sheldon,don't take this the wrong way,but you're insane.他疯是疯但我们去结交新朋友又不会死That may well be,but the fact is it wouldn't kill us to meet some new people.我必须指出结交新朋友真的会死啊For the record,it could kill us to meet new people.他们可能是杀人犯或者不知名病原体的携带者They could be murders or the carriers of unusual pathogens.还有啊我一点不疯And I'm not insane.我妈早就带我去测试过了My mother had me tested.如果我们要结交个新朋友他必须值得信任必须为我们两肋插刀If we do get a new friend,he should be a guy you can trust. A guy who has your back.而且他必须很有钱住在海边的大房子里可以供我们开派对And he should have a lot of money and live in a cool place down by the beach where we could throwparties.必须和我们一样热爱科学技术He should share our love of technology.也要认识很多女人And he should know a lot of women.我想想有钱女人技术好吧就这么说定了Let's see,money,women,technology. Okay,we're agreed.我们的新朋友是钢铁侠Our new friend is going to be Iron Man.我一晚上都能...I can go all night...欢迎来到"Raj陵" (引自"泰姬陵")Welcome to the Raj Mahal.很不错的地方晚安RajIt's very nice. Good night,Raj.- 不不等等夜生活还没结束呢- 结束了啊- No,no,Wait. The evening's not over. - Yes,it is.现在得听听R. Kelly 再一起吸吸脸哟No,it's time to put on some R. Kelly and suck face.- 噢喔哦夜生活结束了吗? - 等等等等等等!- Oh,wow,is the evening over? - Wait,wait,wait!是我爸妈从印度打来That's my mommy and daddy calling from India.我想让你见见我父母I want you to meet my parents.等等见他们?Wait. Meet them?好啊爸爸妈妈很高兴见到你们你们好吗? 我没有喝醉哦Hello,Mommy,Daddy. Good to see you. How are you? I'm not drunk.- 干嘛这么说? - 随便说说而已- Why would you say that? - Just making conversation.爸爸妈妈我想让你见见我的新女友PennyMommy,Daddy,I want you to meet my new squeeze,Penny.我不是你的女友他没有什么女友I'm not your squeeze. There is no squeezing.我看不到她镜头对准她I can't see her. Center her in the frame.看看吧漂亮哈?Here you go. Cute,huh?她不是印度人She's not Indian.不是印度人又怎样咱儿子还年轻放荡放荡嘛So she's not Indian. The boy is just sowing some wild oats.没有没有没有放荡我也不是啥女友咱也没吸脸No,no,no,there's no sowing,no squeezing and no sucking face.万一他把她肚子搞大了怎么办?What if he gets her pregnant?你想要这个粉嫩小妞做你孙辈的母亲?Is this little hotsy-totsy who you want as the mother of your grandchildren? 你们有什么权利选择我跟谁生孩子?What right do you have to pick with whom I can have children with?听着Rajesh 我知道你在美国Look,Rajesh,I understand you're in America.想尝尝"当地小吃"You want to try the "local cuisine."但是相信我那玩意儿吃不久的Trust me. You don't want it for a steady diet.你们听我说Now you listen to me.我已经不是小孩子了说话也不会再像小孩子I am no longer a child and I will not be spoken to like one.失陪失陪我去吐一吐Now if you'll excuse me,I have to go throw up.他怎么了?What's wrong with him?我不知道可能是吃了当地小吃I don't know. Maybe it's the local cuisine.好吧那么很高兴见到你们Okay,well,it's nice to meet you.我就把你们放在桌上吧I'm just gonna set you on down over here.我要走了Namaste (合十礼印度见面拜礼)And I'm gonna leave,so namaste.还有告诉你们我做他媳妇是你们的福气And FYI,you'd be lucky to have me as a daughter-in-law. 妞有点脾气嘛我喜欢She's feisty. I like that.Raj 你在干嘛?Raj,what are you doing?不不用纸条如果你有话要说说出来No,no notes. If you have something to say to me,say it. 对不起Sorry.噢宝贝没关系拉Oh,sweetie,it's okay.。

自愿离婚协议书 英文

自愿离婚协议书 英文

自愿离婚协议书英文Voluntary Divorce Agreement.This Voluntary Divorce Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between [Full Name of Party A] (hereinafter referred to as "Party A") and [Full Name of Party B] (hereinafter referred to as "Party B") at [Location], on [Date]. Both parties, after full consultation and in accordance with the principles of equality,自愿, fairness, and honesty, hereby agree to terminate their marital relationship through divorce and stipulate the terms and conditions thereof as follows:1. Mutual Consent for Divorce.Both parties hereby mutually agree and consent to the termination of their marital relationship through divorce. They have reached a consensus on all matters related to divorce, including but not limited to property division,debt repayment, child custody, and alimony, and are willing to fulfill their respective obligations under this Agreement.2. Property Division.After full consultation and in accordance with the principles of equality and fairness, both parties agree to divide their marital property as follows:(a) Real Estate: The real estate located at [Address of Real Estate] shall be owned by [Party A/Party B]. The outstanding mortgage on this property shall be repaid by [Party A/Party B].(b) Vehicles: The vehicle registered under [Vehicle License Number] shall be owned by [Party A/Party B].(c) Bank Accounts: The bank accounts held jointly by both parties shall be divided equally, with [Party A/Party B] receiving [Specified Amount] and [Party A/Party B] receiving [Specified Amount].(d) Other Property: All other marital property,including but not limited to furniture, appliances, jewelry, and personal effects, shall be divided as follows: [Detailed Description of Property Division].Both parties agree that the above-mentioned property division is fair and reasonable and shall not raise any objections or disputes thereafter.3. Debt Repayment.Both parties agree that any and all debts incurred during their marriage shall be repaid as follows:(a) [Description of Debt 1] shall be repaid by [PartyA/Party B].(b) [Description of Debt 2] shall be repaid jointly by both parties.Both parties confirm that they have fully disclosed alldebts incurred during their marriage and agree to bear their respective responsibilities for repayment.4. Child Custody and Visitation.Both parties agree that [Full Name of Child] shall be custody of [Party A/Party B]. The non-custodial parent shall have the right to visit the child at [Specified Time and Place], and the custodial parent shall provide reasonable accommodation and assistance for such visits.Both parties also agree to jointly determine major decisions regarding the child's education, healthcare, and welfare, and to consult with each other before making any such decisions.5. Alimony.In consideration of the circumstances of both parties, [Party A/Party B] agrees to pay [Specified Amount] as alimony to [Party B/Party A] on a [Monthly/Yearly] basis. The alimony shall be paid until [Specified Date or Event].6. Confidentiality and Non-Disparagement.Both parties agree to maintain confidentiality and not disclose any personal or confidential information related to the other party, including but not limited to financial information, personal details, and private conversations.Both parties also agree not to disparage or speak negatively about each other in public or private, and to maintain a respectful and amicable relationship after divorce.7. Enforcement and Jurisdiction.This Agreement shall be binding on both parties and shall be enforceable in accordance with the laws of [Applicable Jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising from or related to this Agreement shall be submitted to [Specified Court] for resolution.8. Entire Agreement.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between both parties regarding the matters covered herein and supersedes any and all previous agreements, understandings, or representations, whether oral or written, between them.9. Amendments.Any amendments to this Agreement shall be made in writing and signed by both parties. No amendments shall be effective unless they are in writing and signed by both parties.10. Severability.If any provision of this Agreement is held to beinvalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect.11. Notices.All notices, requests, demands, and other communications under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given if delivered personally, sent by registered mail, or transmitted by email to the addresses or email addresses specified by the parties in writing.12. Governing Law.This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Applicable Jurisdiction].13. Execution.This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. This Agreement may be executed by facsimile signature or electronic signature, which shall have the same force and effect as an original signature.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Voluntary Divorce Agreement as of the date first written above.PARTY A:[Full Name of Party A][Signature of Party A][Date]PARTY B:[Full Name of Party B][Signature of Party B][Date]。

Tiny Times

Tiny Times

AUDIO-VISUAL WORLDTiny Times《小时代》Xi2o Sh!d3iDirectorGuo JingmingProducerAn XiaofenWriterGuo Jingming O f the inwardly-looking sociologicalportraits of China that get unveiledto her mainstream audience, feware taken seriously. Often, the Westassumes that these pictures must provide defying commentary on the hardships of lifein a struggling country or under an oppressive government. Films like T o Live or Raise the Red Lantern are held by many in the West as the pinnacle of Chinese cinema—pictures that paint a bleak picture of what it means to live in China. What the scholars from the West are loathe to take into account are the push and pull of hidden and unseen forces on the ideologies, desires and tastes of the Chinese people.Similarly, in looking at a fi lm such as high-school dropout-turned-writer Guo Jingming’s Tiny Times, critics in both Chinese and Western fi lm circlesfi nd it an easy target for discussing the latest horrifi c trends in Chinese society, namely the absurd materialism that the four main characters exhibit. Y es, Tiny Times is a fi lm that refl ectsthe highest pinnacle of a quiet writer-turned-fi lmmaker’s male chauvinist dream. Y es, it is true that Tiny Times is lit with the insufferable glowof a 24 carat diamond, portraying Shanghaias an ever-reaching mountain of opulence and glamour. Y es, the dialogue of Tiny Times is asartifi cial and machine-like as an automaton running out of batteries. And yes, Tiny Times is, without a doubt, yet another Chinese take on Western blockbusters—in this case, The Devil Wears Prada.Our lives kept turning like this, day by day, seconds, minutes, hours—dragging shadows along to become an era.W6men de sh8ngm#ng ji& zh-y3ng y#ti`n y#ti`n dezhu3nd7ngzhe, mi2ozh8n, f8nzh8n, sh!zh8n, tu4zhe x$y@ng zhu3nd7ng ch9ng zh-ge p1ngd3 de sh!d3i.我们的生命就这样一天一天地转动着,秒针,分针,时针, 拖着虚影转动成这个庞大的时代。




move over,原义指“挪开”,这里的意思是“让奥运会靠边站”。




这一段我们学一个表达“婚外恋”--“extramarital affair”.“extramarital”表“婚外的”,“affair”除了表示“事件之外”,还表示“男女间的风流韵事”。

实际上这里的“extramarital affair”就是一种关于“劈腿”的正式英文表达。





几个表达学习下:“broke down”--破裂;“have an affair with”--跟某人有一腿;“transfer”--转移;“joint assets”--共有财产。


这段看得我好气!怒学几个单词:“hit back at”--反扑;“accuse sb. of sth.”--控诉某人某事5:这个话题引发了全民关于婚姻关系的大讨论。


亲们,大招来啦,这个词组真心好棒,请学习:“A strike a chord with B”--A引起了B的共鸣1:名人的婚姻事件从未在中国社交媒体上触发如此大规模的轰动。

学个句型:“cause a big stir”--在...引起大的轰动。





















1. lead a double life:字面意思是“过着双重生活”,实际可表达“婚内出轨、婚外恋”的意思。

例句1:His wife knew that he had been leading a double life for years.他的妻子知道他多年来一直过着婚外恋的生活。


那么第三者是“the third person”吗?其实不是。

2. a third party:这个短语表达的就是“第三者”的意思。


例句2:The couple divorced because of a third party last week.这对夫妇上周因为第三者而离婚了。

李靓蕾控拆王力宏玩冷暴力以逼她离婚,那么“冷暴力”英语表达是什么呢?3. emotional abuse:这个短语就是“冷暴力”的地道表达方式,情感上的虐待,真的很贴切。

例句3:Emotional abuse resulted to the divorce of the couple.冷暴力导致这对夫妇离婚。


4. transfer of property:财产转移的意思。

例句4:To her surprise, her husband secretly transferred all their propertyto his brother.令她吃惊的是,她丈夫偷偷地把他们所有的财产都转给了他的兄弟。


Thermo-calc软件-TCCP用户指南 (有目录索引)

Thermo-calc软件-TCCP用户指南 (有目录索引)

Thermo-Calc®User’s GuideVersion PThermo-Calc Software ABStockholm Technology ParkBjörnnäsvägen 21SE-113 47 Stockholm, SwedenCopyright © 1995-2003 Foundation of Computational ThermodynamicsStockholm, Sweden目录第1部分一般介绍 (12)1.1 计算热力学 (12)1.2 Thermo-Calc软件/数据库/界面包 (12)1.3 致谢 (13)1.4 版本历史 (13)1.5 Thermo-Calc软件包的通用结构 (13)1.6 各类硬件上Thermo-Calc软件包的有效性 (14)1.7 使用Thermo-Calc软件包的好处 (14)第2部分如何成为Thermo-Calc专家 (14)2.1 如何容易地使用本用户指南 (14)2.2 如何安装和维护Thermo-Calc软件包 (16)2.2.1 许可要求 (16)2.2.2 安装程序 (16)2.2.3 维护当前和以前版本 (16)2.2.4 使TCC执行更方便 (16)2.3 如何成为Thermo-Calc专家 (16)2.3.1 从TCSAB与其世界各地的代理获得迅速技术支持 (17)2.3.2 日常使用各种Thermo-Calc功能 (17)2.3.3 以专业的和高质量的标准提交结果 (17)2.3.4 通过各种渠道相互交换经验 (17)第3部分Thermo-Calc软件系统 (17)3.1 Thermo-Calc软件系统的目标 (17)3.2 一些热力学术语的介绍 (18)3.2.1 热力学 (18)3.2.2 体系、组元、相、组成、物种(System, component, phases, constituents and species) (18)3.2.3 结构、亚点阵和位置 (19)3.2.4 成分、构成、位置分数、摩尔分数和浓度(composition, constitution, site fractions, molefractions and concentration) (19)3.2.5 平衡态和状态变量 (19)3.2.6 导出变量 (22)3.2.7 Gibbs相规则 (25)3.2.8 状态的热力学函数 (25)3.2.9 具有多相的体系 (25)3.2.10 不可逆热力学 (26)3.2.11 热力学模型 (26)3.2.12 与各种状态变量有关的Gibbs能 (27)3.2.13 参考态与标准态 (27)3.2.14 溶解度范围 (28)3.2.15 驱动力 (28)3.2.16 化学反应 (28)3.2.17 与平衡常数方法相对的Gibbs能最小化技术 (28)3.2.18 平衡计算 (29)3.3 热力学数据 (30)3.3.1 数据结构 (30)3.3.3 数据估价 (32)3.3.6 数据加密 (33)3.4 用户界面 (34)3.4.1 普通结构 (34)3.4.2 缩写 (34)3.4.3 过程机制(history mechanism) (35)3.4.4 工作目录和目标目录(Working directory and target directory) (35)3.4.5 参数转换为命令 (36)3.4.6 缺省值 (36)3.4.7 不理解的问题 (36)3.4.8 帮助与信息 (36)3.4.9 出错消息 (36)3.4.10 控制符 (36)3.4.11 私人文件 (36)3.4.12 宏工具 (37)3.4.13 模块性 (37)3.5 Thermo-Calc中的模块 (37)3.5.1 基本模块 (37)3.7 Thermo-Calc编程界面 (39)3.7.1 Thermo-Calc作为引肇 (39)3.7.2 Thermo-Calc应用编程界面:TQ和TCAPI (40)3.7.3 在其它软件包中开发Thermo-Calc工具箱 (43)3.7.4 材料性质计算核材料工艺模拟的应用 (43)3.8 Thermo-Calc的功能 (44)3.9 Thermo-Calc应用 (44)第4部分Thermo-Calc数据库描述 (45)4.1 引言 (45)4.2 Thermo-Calc数据库描述形式 (45)第5部分数据库模块(TDB)——用户指南 (55)5.1 引言 (55)5.2 TDB模块中用户界面 (56)5.3 开始 (56)5.3.1 SWITCH-DATABASE (56)5.3.2 LIST-DATABASE ELEMENT (56)5.3.3 DEFINE_ELEMENTS (56)5.3.4 LIST_SYSTEM CONSTITUENT (56)5.3.5 REJECT PHASE (56)5.3.6 RESTORE PHASE (56)5.3.7 GET_DATA (56)5.4 所有TDB监视命令的描述 (56)5.4.1 AMEND_SELACTION (56)5.4.6 DEFINE_SPECIES (58)5.4.7 DEFINE_SYSTEM (58)5.4.8 EXCLUDE_UNUSED_SPECIES (58)5.4.9 EXIT (58)5.4.10 GET_DATA (58)5.4.11 GOTO_MODULE (59)5.4.12 HELP (59)5.4.13 INFORMA TION (59)5.4.14 LIST_DATABASE (60)5.4.15 LIST_SYSTEM (60)5.4.16 MERGE_WITH_DA TABASES (61)5.4.17 NEW_DIRECTORY_FILE (61)5.4.18 REJECT (61)5.4.19 RESTORE (62)5.4.20 SET_AUTO_APPEND_DA TABASE (62)5.4.21 SWITCH_DA TABASE (63)5.5 扩展命令 (64)第6部分数据库模块(TDB)——管理指南 (64)6.1 引言 (64)6.2 TDB模块的初始化 (65)6.3 数据库定义文件语法 (66)6.3.1 ELEMENT (67)6.3.2 SPECIES (67)6.3.3 PHASE (67)6.3.4 CONSTITUENT (67)6.3.5 ADD_CONSTITUENT (68)6.3.6 COMPOUND_PHASE (68)6.3.7 ALLOTROPIC_PHASE (68)6.3.8 TEMPERA TURE_LIMITS (68)6.3.9 DEFINE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT (69)6.3.10 DEFAULT_COMMAND (69)6.3.11 DATABASE_INFORMATION (69)6.3.12 TYPE_DEFINITION (69)6.3.13 FTP_FILE (70)6.3.14 FUNCTION (70)6.3.15 PARAMETER (72)6.3.16 OPTIONS (73)6.3.17 TABLE (73)6.3.18 ASSESSED_SYSTEMS (73)6.3.19 REFERENCE_FILE (74)6.3.20 LIST_OF_REFERENCE (75)6.3.21 CASE与ENDCASE (76)6.3.22 VERSION_DA TA (76)6.5 数据库定义文件实例 (77)6.5.1 例1:一个小的钢数据库 (77)6.5.2 例2:Sb-Sn系个人数据库 (78)第7部分制表模块(TAB) (81)7.1 引言 (81)7.2 一般命令 (81)7.2.1 HELP (81)7.2.2 GOTO_MODULE (81)7.2.3 BACK (82)7.2.4 EXIT (82)7.2.5 PATCH (82)7.3 重要命令 (82)7.3.1 TABULATE_SUBSTANCE (82)7.3.2 TABULATE_REACTION (85)7.3.3 ENTER_REACTION (86)7.3.4 SWITCH_DA TABASE (87)7.3.5 ENTER_FUNCTION (88)7.3.6 TABULATE_DERIV A TIVES (89)7.3.7 LIST_SUBSTANCE (91)7.4 其它命令 (92)7.4.1 SET_ENERGY_UNIT (92)7.4.2 SET_PLOT_FORMAT (92)7.4.3 MACRO_FILE_OPEN (92)7.4.4 SET_INTERACTIVE (93)7.5 绘制表 (93)第8部分平衡计算模块(POL Y) (94)8.1 引言 (94)8.2 开始 (95)8.3 基本热力学 (95)8.3.1 体系与相 (95)8.3.2 组元(Species) (95)8.3.3 状态变量 (96)8.3.4 组分 (97)8.3.5 条件 (98)8.4 不同类型的计算 (98)8.4.1 计算单一平衡 (98)8.4.2 性质图的Steping计算 (99)8.4.3 凝固路径模拟 (99)8.4.4 仲平衡与T0温度模拟 (99)8.4.5 相图的Mapping计算 (101)8.4.6 势图计算 (101)8.4.7 Pourbaix图计算 (101)8.4.8 绘制图 (101)8.5.4 更高阶相图 (104)8.5.5 性质图 (104)8.6 普通命令 (104)8.6.1 HELP (104)8.6.2 INFORMA TION (104)8.6.3 GOTO_MODULE (105)8.6.4 BACK (105)8.6.5 SET_INTERACTIVE (105)8.6.6 EXIT (106)8.7 基本命令 (106)8.7.1 SET_CONDITION (106)8.7.2 RESET_CONDITION (107)8.7.3 LIST_CONDITIONS (107)8.7.4 COMPUTE_EQUILIBRIUM (107)8.7.6 DEFINE_MATERIAL (108)8.7.6 DEFINE_DIAGRAM (111)8.8 保存和读取POL Y数据结构的命令 (112)8.8.1 SA VE_WORKSPACES (112)8.8.2 READ_WORKSPACES (113)8.9 计算与绘图命令 (114)8.9.1 SET_AXIS_V ARIABLE (114)8.9.2 LIST_AXIS_V ARIABLE (114)8.9.3 MAP (114)8.9.4 STEP_WITH_OPTIONS (115)8.9.5 ADD_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIUM (117)8.9.6 POST (118)8.10 其它有帮助的命令 (118)8.10.1 CHANGE_STA TUS (118)8.10.2 LIST_STA TUS (119)8.10.3 COMPUTE_TRANSITION (120)8.10.4 SET_ALL_START_V ALUES (121)8.10.5 SHOW_V ALUE (122)8.10.6 SET_INPUT_AMOUNTS (122)8.10.7 SET_REFERENCE_STA TE (122)8.10.8 ENTER_SYMBOL (123)8.10.9 LIST_SYMBOLS (124)8.10.10 EV ALUATE_FUNCTIONS (124)8.10.11 TABULATE (124)8.11 高级命令 (125)8.11.1 AMEND_STORED_EQUILIBRIA (125)8.11.3 DELETE_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIUM (126)8.11.4 LIST_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIA (126)8.11.5 LOAD_INITIAL_EQUILIBRIUM (126)8.11.10 SELECT_EQUILIBRIUM (128)8.11.11 SET_NUMERICAL_LIMITS (128)8.11.12 SET_START_CONSTITUTION (129)8.11.13 SET_START_V ALUE (129)8.11.14 PATCH (129)8.11.15 RECOVER_START_V ALUE (129)8.11.16 SPECIAL_OPTIONS (129)8.12 水溶液 (132)8.13 排除故障 (133)8.13.1 第一步 (133)8.13.2 第二步 (133)8.13.3 第三步 (133)8.14 频繁提问的问题 (134)8.14.1 程序中为什么只得到半行? (134)8.14.2 在已经保存之后为什么不能绘图? (134)8.14.3 为什么G.T不总是与-S相同? (134)8.14.4 如何获得组元偏焓 (135)8.14.5 为什么H(LIQUID) 是零而HM(LIQUID)不是零 (135)8.14.6 即使石墨是稳定的为什么碳活度小于1? (135)8.14.7 如何获得过剩Gibbs能? (135)8.14.8 当得到交叉结线而不是混溶裂隙时什么是错的? (135)8.14.9 怎么能直接计算最大混溶裂隙? (136)第9部分后处理模块(POST) (136)9.1 引言 (136)9.2 一般命令 (137)9.2.1 HELP (137)9.2.2 BACK (137)9.2.3 EXIT (137)9.3 重要命令 (137)9.3.1 SET_DIAGRAM_AXIS (137)9.3.2 SET_DIAGRAM_TYPE (138)9.3.3 SET_LABEL_CORVE_OPTION (139)9.3.5 MODIFY_LABEL_TEXT (139)9.3.6 SET_PLOT_FORMAT (140)9.3.7 PLOT_DIAGRAM (141)9.3.8 PRINT_DIAGRAM (142)9.3.9 DUMP_DIAGRAM (143)9.3.10 SET_SCALING_STA TUS (144)9.3.11 SET_TITLE (144)9.3.12 LIST_PLOT_SETTINGS (144)9.4 实验数据文件绘图命令 (144)9.4.1 APPEND_EXPERIMENTAL_DA TA (144)9.4.2 MAKE_EXPERIMENTAL_DA TAFILE (145)9.5.3 SET_AXIS_LENGTH (147)9.5.4 SET_AXIS_TEXT_STATUS (147)9.5.5 SET_AXIS_TYPE (147)9.5.6 SET_COLOR (147)9.5.7 SET_CORNER_TEXT (148)9.5.8 SET_FONT (148)9.5.9 SET_INTERACTIVE_MODE (149)9.5.10 SET_PLOT_OPTION (149)9.5.11 SET_PREFIX_SCALING (149)9.5.12 SET_REFERENCE_STA TE (149)9.5.13 SET_TIELINE_STA TE (150)9.5.14 SET_TRUE_MANUAL_SCALING (150)9.5.15 TABULATE (150)9.6 奇特的命令 (150)9.6.1 PATCH_WORKSPACE (150)9.6.2 RESTORE_PHASE_IN_PLOT (150)9.6.3 REINIATE_PLOT_SETTINGS (151)9.6.4 SET_AXIS_PLOT_STATUS (151)9.6.5 SET_PLOT_SIZE (151)9.6.6 SET_RASTER_STATUS (151)9.6.8 SUSPEND_PHASE_IN_PLOT (151)9.7 3D图标是:命令与演示 (151)9.7.1 CREATE_3D_PLOTFILE (153)9.7.2 在Cortona VRML Client阅读器中查看3D图 (154)第10部分一些特殊模块 (155)10.1 引言 (155)10.2 特殊模块生成或使用的文件 (156)10.2.1 POL Y3文件 (156)10.2.2 RCT文件 (156)10.2.3 GES5文件 (156)10.2.4 宏文件 (157)10.3 与特殊模块的交互 (157)10.4 BIN模块 (157)10.4.1 BIN模块的描述 (157)10.4.2 特定BIN模块数据库的结构 (161)10.4.3特定BIN计算的演示实例 (162)10.5 TERN 模块 (162)10.5.1 TERN 模块的描述 (162)10.5.2 特殊TERN模块数据库的结构 (166)10.5.3 TERN模块计算的演示实例 (167)10.6 POT模块 (167)10.7 POURBAIX 模块 (167)10.8 SCHAIL 模块 (167)11.2 热化学 (168)11.2.1 一些术语的定义 (168)11.2.2 元素与物种(Elements and species) (168)11.2.3 大小写模式 (169)11.2.4 相 (169)11.2.5 温度与压力的函数 (169)11.2.6 符号 (170)11.2.7 混溶裂隙 (170)11.3 热力学模型 (170)11.3.1 标准Gibbs能 (171)11.3.2 理想置换模型 (171)11.3.3 规则溶体模型 (171)11.3.4 使用组元而不是元素 (172)11.3.5 亚点阵模型—化合物能量公式 (172)11.3.6 离子液体模型,对具有有序化趋势的液体 (172)11.3.7 缔合模型 (173)11.3.8 准化学模型 (173)11.3.9 对Gibbs能的非化学贡献(如铁磁) (173)11.3.10 既有有序-无序转变的相 (173)11.3.11 CVM方法:关于有序/无序现象 (173)11.3.12 Birch-Murnaghan模型:关于高压贡献 (173)11.3.13 理想气体模型相对非理想气体/气体混合物模型 (173)11.3.14 DHLL和SIT模型:关于稀水溶液 (173)11.3.15 HKF和PITZ模型:对浓水溶液 (173)11.3.16 Flory-Huggins模型:对聚合物 (173)11.4 热力学参数 (173)11.5 数据结构 (175)11.5.1 构造 (175)11.5.2 Gibbs能参考表面 (175)11.5.3 过剩Gibbs能 (175)11.5.4 存储私有文件 (175)11.5.5 加密与不加密数据库 (176)11.6 GES系统的应用程序 (176)11.7 用户界面 (176)11.7.1 模块性和交互性 (177)11.7.2 控制符的使用 (177)11.8 帮助与信息的命令 (177)11.8.1 HELP (177)11.8.2 INFORMATION (177)11.9 改变模块与终止程序命令 (178)11.9.1 GOTO_MODULE (178)11.9.2 BACK (178)11.9.3 EXIT (178)11.10 输入数据命令 (178)11.10.4 ENTER_SYMBOL (180)11.10.5 ENTER_PARAMETER (181)11.11 列出数据的命令 (183)11.11.1 LIST_DATA (183)11.11.2 LIST_PHASE_DA TA (183)11.11.3 LIST_PARAMETER (184)11.11.4 LIST_SYMBOL (185)11.11.5 LIST_CONSTITUENT (185)11.11.6 LIST_STATUS (185)11.12 修改数据命令 (185)11.12.1 AMEND_ELEMENT_DA TA (185)11.12.2 AMEND_PHASE_DESCRIPTION (186)11.12.3 AMEND_SYMBOL (188)11.12.4 AMEND_PARAMETER (189)11.12.5 CHANGE_STATUS (191)11.12.6 PATCH_WORKSPACES (191)11.12.7 SET_R_AND_P_NORM (191)11.13 删除数据的命令 (192)11.13.1 REINITIATE (192)11.13.2 DELETE (192)11.14 存储或读取数据的命令 (192)11.14.1 SA VE_GES_WORKSPACE (192)11.14.2 READ_GES_WORKSPACE (193)11.15 其它命令 (193)11.15.1 SET_INTERACTIVE (193)第12部分优化模块(PARROT) (193)12.1 引言 (193)12.1.1 热力学数据库 (194)12.1.2 优化方法 (194)1 2.1.4 其它优化软件 (195)12.2 开始 (195)12.2.1 试验数据文件:POP文件 (195)12.2.2 图形试验文件:EXP文件 (197)12.2.3 系统定义文件:SETUP文件 (197)12.2.4 工作文件或存储文件:PAR文件 (198)12.2.5 各种文件名与其关系 (198)12.2.6 交互运行PARROT模块 (199) 绘制中间结果 (199) 实验数据的选择 (199) 优化与连续优化 (200)12.2.7 参数修整 (200)12.2.8 交互完成的变化要求编译 (201)12.3 交替模式 (201)12.4 诀窍与处理 (201)12.4.4 参数量 (201)12.5 命令结构 (201)12.5.1 一些项的定义 (201)12.5.2 与其它模块连接的命令 (201)12.5.3 用户界面 (201)12.6 一般命令 (201)12.7 最频繁使用的命令 (202)12.8 其它命令 (203)第13部分编辑-实验模块(ED-EXP) (203)第14部分系统实用模块(SYS) (203)14.1 引言 (203)14.2 一般命令 (203)14.2.1 HELP (203)14.2.2 INFORMA TION (204)14.2.4 BACK (205)14.2.5 EXIT (205)14.2.6 SET_LOG_FILE (205)14.2.7 MACRO+FILE_OPEN (205)14.2.8 SET_PLOT_ENVIRONMENT (206)14.3 Odd命令 (207)14.3.1 SET_INTERACTIVE_MODE (207)14.3.2 SET_COMMAND_UNITS (207)14.3.4 LIST_FREE_WORKSPACE (207)14.3.5 PATCH (207)14.3.6 TRACE (207)14.3.7 STOP_ON_ERROR (208)14.3.8 OPEN_FILE (208)14.3.9 CLOSE_FILE (208)14.3.10 SET_TERMINAL (208)14.3.11 NEWS (208)14.3.12 HP_CALCULATOR (208)14.4 一般信息的显示 (209)第15部分数据绘图语言(DATAPLOT) (215)第1部分一般介绍1.1 计算热力学在近十年内与材料科学与工程相联系的计算机计算与模拟的研究与发展已经为定量设计各种材料产生了革命性的方法,热力学与动力学模型的广泛结合使预测材料成分、各种加工后的结构和性能。



离婚协议书Divorce Agreement男方:The Male: 出生日期:Date of Birth:新(护照)号码:New (Passport) No.: 旧(护照)号码:Old (Passport) No.:地址:Address:女方:The Female: 出生日期:Date of Birth:身份证(护照)号码:ID (Passport)No.:地址:Address:双方于XXXX年XX月XX日在XXX婚姻收养登记管理中心自愿合法登记结婚,结婚证字号:XXXXXXXX号,现因感情性格不和,双方协议自愿离婚并达成以下离婚协议,俱为双方真实意思表示,对双方具有法律约束力,违反协议方需承担相应的法律责任:Both parties were legally registered for marriage at XXXX Marriage and Adoption Registration Management Center of their own free will on February XXXX. The Marriage Certificate Zi No. is XXXXXXX. Now both parties agree to divorce voluntarily due to personality conflicts and the following divorce agreement is hereby reached. The intention under this agreement is truely expressed by both parties and the agreement shall be legally binding to both parties. Any party who breaches the agreement shall bear the corresponding legal liability resulting therefrom.一、双方共同财产的分割:双方无共同财产I. Division of common property between the two parties: None二、双方婚生子女安排:II. Legitimate children arrangement:1.双方育有一子。



This Divorce Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Husband's Full Name], of [Husband's Address], ("Husband"), and [Wife's Full Name], of [Wife's Address], ("Wife"), collectively referred to as the "Parties".WHEREAS, the Parties were legally married on [Marriage Date] in [City, State], and have since entered into a marriage contract that has been dissolved by mutual consent.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:1. Termination of MarriageThe Parties mutually agree to terminate their marriage as of [Termination Date], and to proceed with a divorce without any contest or litigation.2. Division of Propertya. Real Property: The Parties agree to divide the following real property as follows:- The [City, State] residential property at [Address] ("Residence") shall be sold within [Number] months of the date of this Agreement. The net proceeds from the sale of the Residence shall be divided equally between the Parties.b. Personal Property: All personal property owned by either Party, including but not limited to furniture, vehicles, jewelry, and bank accounts, shall be divided equitably between the Parties. The Parties shall provide a detailed inventory of all personal property to each other within [Number] days of the date of this Agreement.3. Alimonya. The Husband agrees to pay to the Wife monthly alimony ("Alimony") in the amount of [Dollar Amount] for a period of [Number] years, commencing on [Start Date] and ending on [End Date]. The Alimony shall be paid bythe first day of each month via electronic funds transfer or bycashier's check delivered to the Wife's address.b. The Parties agree that the Alimony shall be subject to adjustment upon the occurrence of certain events, including but not limited to changes in either Party's income, remarriage of either Party, or the death of either Party.4. Child Custody and Supporta. The Parties agree that the custody of their minor child/children, [Child's Full Name] ("Child"), shall be shared as follows:- Physical custody: The Child shall reside with the Wife for [Number] months of the year, and with the Husband for [Number] months of the year.- Legal custody: The Parties shall share legal custody of the Child, and shall make all major decisions regarding the Child's education, health, and welfare jointly.b. The Husband agrees to pay child support to the Wife in the amount of [Dollar Amount] per month, commencing on [Start Date] and continuing until the Child reaches the age of [Number] years or graduates from high school, whichever is later. The child support shall be paid by the first day of each month via electronic funds transfer or by cashier's check delivered to the Wife's address.5. Release of ClaimsThe Parties hereby release and discharge each other from any and all claims, actions, causes of action, suits, demands, and proceedings of any kind or nature, whether known or unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with the marriage or its termination, including but not limited to claims for alimony, child support, property division, and any claims arising from any third-party liability.6. ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all terms and conditions of this Agreement, and shall not disclose any suchinformation to any third party without the prior written consent of the other Party.7. Governing LawThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [State/Country], and any disputes arising hereunder shall be resolved through arbitration in [City, State。



王宝强喜剧电影台词经典1 王宝强四处询问月台在哪里。




2 服务员,服务员,你把窗户打开透透气吧。

3 嘿!老板!你咋睡这儿了呢?我说人起来看不见你,我以为你去买包子吃去了呢。


徐峥:你是老天爷派下来惩罚我的吧?4 未来七天交给表舅,一定让你终生难忘啦。

5 人不能活的太舒服,太舒服了会出问题。

6 这是个光荣而艰巨的任务。


7 于是他终于成为一个独立而忧伤的,有思念却离理想很远的人类。

8 你说的一点都对!明明是个强人,天生一副熊样!9 我左有青龙饮水,右有白虎甩尾,兜里藏砂,财富到家,背后有树,财神光顾,我还要杀你们个片甲不留一丝不挂呀!10 别再混日子啦,别回来让日子混了你们。

1 我们对视。




2 人的生存方式,是给自己树一个不可企及的目标。


3 老板,我祝你和二嫂早日……不是……我祝你跟大嫂……4 做人要好好活,好好活就是做有意义的事,做有意义的事就是好好活。

5 只要是自己喜欢的,只要努力了,再遥远的,都会成功的。

6 这是个光荣而艰巨的任务。


7 世界上有能喝酒的人吗?没有!只有能扛的人。

8 还有什么事情做不到,还有什么事情能不成功呢?就是感觉,只要是自己喜欢的,只要努力了,再遥远的,都会成功的。

9 有哪个人在国内混的舒坦愿意出来呢?留下有留下的原因,出来有出来的理由。






这对夫妇称离婚的原因是性格不合After months of public and media speculation, the troubled celebrity couple Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung finally announced their recent divorce on August 19, reported Monday.The couple cited the reason for their divorce as incompatible personalities. The two said that, after a peaceful negotiation, they have agreed to share the custody of their two sons, Lucas, 4, and Quintus, 1. They said they would take their sons' happiness as their top priority.据新浪网周一报道,在公众和媒体长达数月的猜测后,张柏芝和谢霆锋这对名人夫妇终于公开声明他们已于8月19日正式离婚。

这对夫妇称离婚的原因是性格不合,并表示在和平协商之后,他们决定共同抚养两个儿子,4岁的Lucas 和1岁的Quintus,他们会将孩子的幸福放在第一位。

【讲解】文中announce divorce即指声明离婚,announce指声明、宣布,名词形式为announcement。

文中incompatible指不能相容的、不能并存的,incompatible personalities即指性格不合。




2024离婚共同声明(标准)英文版2024 Divorce Joint Statement (Standard Full Version)We, [Names of Parties], hereby declare our decision to dissolve our marriage through mutual agreement. After careful consideration and reflection, we have come to the conclusion that it is in the best interest of both parties to part ways and pursue separate paths in life.This decision has not been taken lightly, and we have given it ample thought and consideration. We have gone through counseling and mediation to ensure that this decision is made with a clear mind and understanding of the implications.Throughout our marriage, we have shared both joys and challenges, and we have grown in different directions. While we will always cherish the memories and experiences we have shared, we believe that it is time to move forward and focus on our individual growth and happiness.We have reached an amicable agreement on the division of assets, custody of any children, and other important matters. We have both agreed to respect each other's privacy and dignity during this process and refrain from any actions that may harm the other party.As we embark on this new chapter in our lives, we ask for understanding and support from our families, friends, and the community. We hope to maintain a positive and respectful relationship moving forward, especially for the sake of any children involved.We appreciate your understanding and respect for our privacy during this challenging time. We are both committed to ensuring a smooth and peaceful transition as we navigate the process of divorce and begin our separate journeys.We thank you for your understanding and support.Sincerely,[Signature of Party A] [Signature of Party B]Date: [Date]。



全程指南:净身出户离婚协议书英文版Comprehensive Guide: Clean Break Divorce AgreementIn this detailed document, we will provide a step-by-step guide on how to create a clean break divorce agreement. A clean break divorce agreement is a legal document that outlines the division of assets, liabilities, and responsibilities between two parties who are ending their marriage.Step 1: Consultation with Legal ProfessionalsThe first step in creating a clean break divorce agreement is to consult with legal professionals. It is crucial to seek advice from a lawyer who specializes in family law to ensure that your rights are protected and that the agreement is legally binding.Step 2: Asset AssessmentNext, both parties should compile a list of all assets and liabilities that need to be divided. This includes properties, vehicles, bank accounts,retirement accounts, and any other shared assets. It is important to be thorough and transparent during this process.Step 3: Negotiation and MediationOnce the assets and liabilities have been assessed, both parties will need to negotiate the terms of the agreement. This may involve discussions on how to divide assets, spousal support, child custody, and any other relevant issues. If necessary, a mediator can help facilitate these discussions.Step 4: Drafting the AgreementAfter the terms of the agreement have been finalized, the next step is to draft the clean break divorce agreement. This document should clearly outline the division of assets, liabilities, and responsibilities, as well as any other agreed-upon terms. It is important to ensure that the language used in the agreement is clear and legally sound.Step 5: Review and SigningBoth parties should carefully review the clean break divorce agreement before signing it. It is advisable to have a legal professionalreview the document to ensure that it meets all legal requirements. Once both parties are satisfied with the terms, they can sign the agreement.Step 6: Filing the AgreementThe final step in creating a clean break divorce agreement is to file the document with the appropriate court. This will make the agreement legally binding and enforceable. It is important to follow the necessary procedures for filing the agreement to ensure that it is recognized by the court.By following these steps, you can create a clean break divorce agreement that provides a fair and equitable resolution to the end of your marriage. Remember to seek legal advice throughout the process to protect your rights and interests.。




Daqin Express

Daqin Express

Host: Good evening, the Chosen People of Daqin!Welcome to DaQin Express .Hostess:It is cloudy; the temperature is 5 to 8.The wind blew and the house price rice again.Staying home and chatting maybe the best choices!Host:The main point of this program is that housing price keeps high in the important cities like Xianyang . To deal with this problems, Prime minister Shang yang carry out six measures. So you can assured that our government's determination to control the housing prices. Hostess:As the measures carried out for one year, significant effect had been achieved.Everyone has his own house. Now let’s watch a videoHost:OK, Watch the video.Journalist:Hello host! Now I interview a resident living here. Mr. ZhangResident:Sorry, haven’t you seen I am editing the short messages!Journalist:Mr zhang, I am a journalist of DaQin Express , may I have aninterview with you?Resident:A journalist?Journalist:yes, I am a journalist. I just want to know the feelings you live hereResident:I, I ,he he. I am a white collarJournalist:O,o.Resident:I earn ten thousands yuan every month.Journalist:Ten thousand Yuan, you must be very rich!Resident:I bought a new house recently, and it is really cheap. Just five million Yuan.What's more, it is not quite far away from Xian yang. Perhaps you don’t know that by changing eight times carriage ,I can arrive there.Journalist:Oh, my god! It is really quite convenient!Resident:And I have just finished decorating.Journalist:It must be very a beautiful houseResident:Would you like to go with me to have a look?Journalist:It is really a good idea. let’s goResident:It’s my home, please look around, look here ,my washing room, I can have a bath inside Journalist:It is convenient,and the house is fine decoration.Resident:Right,it is fine decoration! I will drive six hours tomorrow,I’m going to sleep. Journalist:Where is your wife?Resident:look it,keep offJournalist:Host,as the resident rests , I can't continue my interview.Hostess:All right!Thank you very much!Resident:It’s time for work.Journalist:Mr zhang,Excuse me, do you have children?Resident:I have to change eight carriages, could you interview someone else?Journalist:As Mr.Zhang hurries to work, So we had to interview somebody else.(看见一白领)Journalist:Excuse me,Ms X.Executive:What can I do for you?Journalist:I am a journalist of Daqin Express , I would like to interview you about house price. Executive:Journalist? What is the problem?Journalist:Do you have a house ?Executive:Are you kidding me? I'm the top manager, please do not ask such a silly question ? Journalist:And then how many sets of house do you haveExecutive:Let me think ... ... I have not lived in the same house in this month.Journalist:What are your purposes of buying so many house ?Executive:I have money, I am pleased to buy , and it is not your businessJournalist:Have you thought about the people who have no house?Executive:How do you have so many questions? I can earned tens of thousands yuan in one minute, Can you burden my loss? I have no much time to chat with you, I must leave . Journalist:As Mr.Zhang hurries to work, So time back host.Host:All right,thanks for your interview..Hostess:Now, It's really an honor for us to have Mr.Qiangchai here today,who is the chairman of Kewan company. Applause!Host:Welcome Mr. Qiang.Qiangchai:(hello everybody, good morning ,I am qiangchai)Hostess:Sit down,please.Host:We have some questions to ask you. After watching the video,do you think the House prices is so high?Qiangchai:Not expensive. I think it is very cheap.Host:Very cheap?! If it is cheap ,why so many people can’t afford to buy a house? Qiangchai:Before I answer your question ,I want to know how much money do you earn everyday? Hostess:about twenty hundreds every month .Qiangchai:That is the very reason! I can make nearly one thousand everyday. And We build houses mainly for the people who can afford them like me. The people who are very poor like you, of course, they can not buy a house.Host:so if the house keep high ,where should we live?Qiangchai:It is not the matter I should care about, you can live anywhere if you like.Will the price of houses fall down?Qiangchai:Fall? No way! Could you guess how much it costs to build a villa per square meters near APang palace?Host:At least ten thousands!Qiangchai:Ten thousands? Just the prime cost!At least twenty thousands !Is it expensive?Hostess:Yes,it’s so expensive.Qiangchai:No!!And not any discount.Hostess:who do you think will buy your houses?Qiangchai:We sell our house mainly to three kinds of people. If you are rich, and you have enough money to buy my house, I will sell my house to you very happily. And if you are a great officer I will give my house to you without calling for any money. The last kind are my relative, perhaps I will sell my house to them by a very cheap price. If you are not belong to those I am afraid you can never have my house.Host:Would you like to describe the house for us?Qiangchai:My houses are very clean and cozy, all the people here are very rich, If you have aJinguo's car in this Community, you will be ashamed to sat hello to others.Moreover,every morning, A professional zhaoguo servant Say "hello" to you!she will always say:Sir,what are you going to do?Sir,when will you come back?Sir,what will you eat in the evening?Sir,Who will have dinner with you?when you come back the servant ask you the same questions.Sir,what will you eat in the evening?In the next morning he will ask you the same questions again!Sir,what are you going to do?Sir,when will you come back?…Hostess:One more question. Mr. Qiang. Do you think the house price still have a rise space? Qiangchai:Certainly!I think there is at least 300% of room to rise.Host:why the price still rise?Qiangchai:It is a secret, I will only tell you , We won’t sell until the price rise to 300%! Hostess:How crazy!(女主持人给了强总一巴掌,转身走出演播室)Qiangchai:Oh my god ,what a crazy hostress!Host:Thanks everybody to watch Qinguo Express!Qiangchai:Oh my god!What does this mean?(男主持人往强总脸上泼水,然后也走了)What does this mean?....Servant:What happened?Qiangchai:He splashed into my face. I hate them!Servant:Sir,what are you going to do?Sir,Who will have dinner with you?Sir,what will you eat in the evening?Qiangchai:You shut up ! ok? Take care of your own business! Go!(边走边摔手机)Resident:Why this text messages can’t send out?Why this text messages can’t send out?(绕场一周)。



Threevisitstothecottage—byfriendsthree visits to the cottageaside: after their swearing brotherhood to heaven and earth in a peach garden, the three persons——liubei, guanyu and zhangfei-had to be janitors in caocao's corporation to make a living for t hey could not find jobs. meanwhile the legendary and mysteri ous character zhugeliang who had been forced to attend cet-6 test by his wife was reviewing examination contents.scene 1: liubei's homeactors: liubei guanyu zhangfeiguanyu: brother! we three have been hungry for days and wh en will this tragic life end? it's so terrible!liubei: yu, it's impossible that i don't feel painful, isn't it? but a s the proverb says it is hard to sit in and strive against the po pe. now we come down to caocao's corporation as gatekeepe r, anyhow we can fill our stomachs between whiles. it's very h ard to get work now. no diplomas and no job offers, what are you dreaming about?zhangfei: oh, brother! zhugeliang's wife borrowed us 500yuan to cope with his husband’s cet-6 fees last month, it seems that it's time for us to be debt colle ctors now.guanyu: yeah, brother! or we'll be as poor as church mouse. liubei: alas! how did i forget this? let's go! go~~ go~! hurry up! follow me and go to the mountain for dunning!aside: and then the three brothers climb the mountain to find z hugeliang.scene 2: zhugeliang’s houseactors: zhugeliang wifezhugeliang: good morning! i am the genius zhugeliang. but i f eel so morose recently. because my wife forced me to pass th e cet-6. what’s cet-6? do you know? you?(ask the audience) i’ve never heart abo ut that. and she obliged me to read so heavy books and do so many texts. it’s ridiculous. my major is military advice, not en glish. why should i read this?wife: darling!zhugeliang:my wife is coming,she is so long-winded that i can never bear her.wife:my dear, how about your study?zhugeliang:these books make me want to doze. i’m dizzy. wife:darling! now, competition is so serious. if you can’t pass cet6 to get your master’s degree, it is difficult to find a job. i have st ayed here for half of a lifetime. but never visit a bigger place li ke yangling.zhugeliang:don’t worry, these books are too easy for your husband and d on’t need to learn.wife:are you sure? let me have a test to you. listen,read and see!zhugeliang:a piece of cake!wife:listen, can you spell apple? desk?zhugeliang: sorry i can’t.wife:you can’t? oh, how unfortunate i am! (crying) i'm wrong, i'm re ally wrong, i'm wrong from the beginning. i shouldn't marry her e. if i didn’t marry here, i'll never in this heartrending place no w,zhugeliang:d on’t cry, don’t cry, stop! i ‘m going to study hard at once. wife (laugh): that's the spirit! do you know? we are in the redf or your cet6. i even borrowed money from the gate keeper. w hat can i do when they dun for debts.zhugeliang: are you pointing to that gatekeeper liubei?wife: oh! yes! come on quickly! boy!keeper: what is the matter? madam?wife: listen carefully! my husband is too busy doing his home work to welcome any people, so you will tell the people who calls on him that boss has went to study in england. . keeper: yes! madam!aside: while it is going on, liubei guanyu zhangfei have came t o the gate of zhugeliang’s housescene3 outside zhugeliang’s houseactors: liubei guanyu zhangfei keeperzhangfei: let me strike the door! open! open!!!keeper: (check from the peep hole) are these men asking for t he debt? (open the door)liubei: this is liubei! we are calling on zhugeliang and his wife. keeper: zhu said he is not in.liubei: en????keeper: oh! no!...i mean …i mean my boss is studying english in for the exam of cet-6,and he may not be come back this month.liubei: ok! we are waiting for him here!guanyu: nobody knows that when he will come back, thus, let’s go home!aside: the three men went away with disappointed. after a mo nth, the deeply autumn came! they came here at the second ti me. unfortunately, they didn’t see zhugeliang again. two mont h passed, the cold winter is coming! it is heavy snow and very cold outsides. zhugeliang knows the reason that why they c ome here three times, and orders the keeper to let them com e in whiles his wife is outside.scene4 outside zhugeliang’s houseactors: liubei guanyu zhangfei keeperzhangfei: please tell me in time when you would see him next time, let me bind him up for you. it really should not trouble yo u to come here time and time again.liubei: these days, the borrower is the god! let’s go there agai n and show our the warmest heart to move them.(knock the d oor)keeper:my boss is at home today, but he is reading books about cet-6. please wait for a moment!zhangfei:xiao zhu! come out! brothers, help me to take care of my seve nth uncle and his third niece. get out, or i will burn your house down!guanyu: sunflower press! ai. litter brother, big brother has said several times, we are intellectuals, understand? don't be so rude, we are here for debt, not for his life. if you will kill him, where is our money?liubei: the submortagage crisis is so serious, don’t you know that simple reason? if you know, please bat your eyes! zhangfei (bat eyes)guanyu: sunflower press!!!!!zhangfei: where did you get this kongfu?guanyu: hehe! i get it from a tv program called “my own sword sm an”, which is so popular with lots of people in china! zhangfei: why not say it earlier? we three brother could run a company of chinese kongfu if we had know that before! guanyu: oh!! that is a good idea!!!!keeper: don’t interrupt!!!! boss is reading!!!liubei: keep quite!!!aside: at this time, zhugeliang is exciting, but his wife come b ack soscene 5: zhugeliang’s homeactors: zhugeliang wife liubei zhangfei guanyuzhugeliang: thank goodness, here's liubei at last. ha ha ha ……….wife: wof! darling! he may come here to ask me to repay his m oney. we can’t let him in.zhugeliang: my darling, please don’t worry. i can make liubei go back with nothing by my sliver tongue.liubei: mr. zhugeliang. i have hunted you for a long time! zhu: oh! you are liubei. what can i do for you ?liu: my brother, you have borrowed me $500, when you repay it for me? i have starved for several days.zhugeliang: i owe you $500? who can testify? please give me a chance, i want to be an honest man.liubei: how can i give you a chance? speak it to the judge. zhu: please look, although having ambition , you are just a gu arder .we can enlarge our power from this base, and then atta ck caocao. at last i believe that we can reign the whole countr y.liubei: i’m so surprised! i don’t know you are so ideal. zhugeliang: if i give you a map, could i not repay your money? liubei: en…….you know so much about affairs, are you willing to create a new country together with us?zhugeliang: but i can’t help you, i have accustom the life at pr esent.liubei: if you don’t help me , the citizen will live a harder life , p lease don’t refuse.zhugeliang: en……sorry, i can’t. because my wife forces me t o pass the cet-6 recently. if you can help me to resolve the problem, i will hel p you.liu: en…..zhangfei: (pull) brother, come here. everything is fake now su ch as the milk. why can’t we find somebody help us do the tes t or buy a key ?guanyu: yes! we can overdraft our salary from caocao to buy the key at first.scene 6: zhugeliang’s homeactors: wife keeperaside: because the salary has been given to zhugeliang to bu y the key, liubei guanyu zhangfei have been starving for one month.keeper:(happy)sir , you are really a god . cet6 has got 600 scores. be really t o startle the universe and move the gods.wife:what happened? 600 scores? oh! do not shoulder your severa l years studying at a cold window; do not shoulder my night h olding candle accompanying you. after your master graduates , happy life will approach. cars, house, money!scene 7: outside zhugeliang’s houseaside: after receiving the master degree, zhugeliang will go to work with liubei to establish a new kingdom.so the couples ap art.actors: zhugeliang wife liubei guanyu zhangfeiwife:honey!zhugeliang:darling!wife:excellent man have a long-range ambition. you should put cause above everything else ,are sure not to miss me.zhugeliang:i will have a long journey .please take care of yourself.(turn ar ound) don’t worried, never miss you!!(run)zhugeliang:(to liubei)your majesty, i will never forget your favour. i should be loyal and devoted to the last.liubei guanyu zhangfei: let' go!!!!!aside: the three men go down to the hill. that is the end of the whole story. thank you for your attention.Threevisitstothecottage—byfriendsthree visits to the cottageaside: after their swearing brotherhood to heaven and earth in a peach garden, the three persons——liubei, guanyu and zhangfei-had to be janitors in caocao's corporation to make a living for they could not find jobs. meanwhile the legendary and mysterious character zhugeliang who had been forced to attend cet-6 test by his wife was reviewing examination contents.scene 1: liubei's homeactors: liubei guanyu zhangfeiguanyu: brother! we three have been hungry for days and when will this tragic life end? it's so terrible!liubei: yu, it's impossible that i don't feel painful, isn't it? but as the proverb say s it is hard to sit in and strive against the pope. now we come down to caocao's corporation as gatekeeper, anyhow we can fill our stomachs between whiles. it' s very hard to get work now. no diplomas and no job offers, what are you dream ing about?zhangfei: oh, brother! zhugeliang's wife borrowed us 500yuan to cope with his h usband’s cet-6 fees last month, it seems that it's time for us to be debt collectors now. guanyu: yeah, brother! or we'll be as poor as church mouse.liubei: alas! how did i forget this? let's go! go~~ go~! hurry up! follow me and go to the mountain for dunning!aside: and then the three brothers climb the mountain to find zhugeliang. scene 2: zhugeliang’s houseactors: zhugeliang wifezhugeliang: good morning! i am the genius zhugeliang. but i feel so morose rec ently. because my wife forced me to pass the cet-6. what’s cet-6? do you know? you?(ask the audience) i’ve never heart about that. and she o bliged me to read so heavy books and do so many texts. it’s ridiculous. my maj or is military advice, not english. why should i read this?wife: darling!zhugeliang:my wife is coming,she is so long-winded that i can never bear her.wife:my dear, how about your study?zhugeliang:these books make me want to doze. i’m dizzy.wife:darling! now, competition is so serious. if you can’t pass cet6 to get your master ’s degree, it is difficult to find a job. i have stayed here for half of a lifetime. but n ever visit a bigger place like yangling.zhugeliang:don’t worry, these books are too easy for your husband and don’t need to learn. wife:are you sure? let me have a test to you. listen,read and see! zhugeliang:a piece of cake!wife:listen, can you spell apple? desk?zhugeliang: sorry i can’t.wife:you can’t? oh, how unfortunate i am! (crying) i'm wrong, i'm really wrong, i'm wr ong from the beginning. i shouldn't marry here. if i didn’t marry here, i'll never in this heartrending place now,zhugeliang:don’t cry, don’t cry, stop! i ‘m going to study hard at once.wife (laugh): that's the spirit! do you know? we are in the red for your cet6. i eve n borrowed money from the gate keeper. what can i do when they dun for debts .zhugeliang: are you pointing to that gatekeeper liubei?wife: oh! yes! come on quickly! boy!keeper: what is the matter? madam?wife: listen carefully! my husband is too busy doing his homework to welcome a ny people, so you will tell the people who calls on him that boss has went to st udy in england. .keeper: yes! madam!aside: while it is going on, liubei guanyu zhangfei have came to the gate of zhu geliang’s housescene3 outside zhugeliang’s houseactors: liubei guanyu zhangfei keeperzhangfei: let me strike the door! open! open!!!keeper: (check from the peep hole) are these men asking for the debt? (open th e door)liubei: this is liubei! we are calling on zhugeliang and his wife.keeper: zhu said he is not in.liubei: en????keeper: oh! no!...i mean …i mean my boss is studying english in for the exam o f cet-6,and he may not be come back this month.liubei: ok! we are waiting for him here!guanyu: nobody knows that when he will come back, thus, let’s go home! aside: the three men went away with disappointed. after a month, the deeply au tumn came! they came here at the second time. unfortunately, they didn’t see z hugeliang again. two month passed, the cold winter is coming! it is heavy snow and very cold outsides. zhugeliang knows the reason that why they come here three times, and orders the keeper to let them come in whiles his wife is outsi de.scene4 outside zhugeliang’s houseactors: liubei guanyu zhangfei keeperzhangfei: please tell me in time when you would see him next time, let me bind him up for you. it really should not trouble you to come here time and time agai n.liubei: these days, the borrower is the god! let’s go there again and show our th e warmest heart to move them.(knock the door)keeper:my boss is at home today, but he is reading books about cet-6. please wait for a moment!zhangfei:xiao zhu! come out! brothers, help me to take care of my seventh uncle and his third niece. get out, or i will burn your house down!guanyu: sunflower press! ai. litter brother, big brother has said several times, w e are intellectuals, understand? don't be so rude, we are here for debt, not for his life. if you will kill him, where is our money?liubei: the submortagage crisis is so serious, don’t you know that simple reason ? if you know, please bat your eyes!zhangfei (bat eyes)guanyu: sunflower press!!!!!zhangfei: where did you get this kongfu?guanyu: hehe! i get it from a tv program called “my own swordsman”, which is s o popular with lots of people in china!zhangfei: why not say it earlier? we three brother could run a company of chine se kongfu if we had know that before!guanyu: oh!! that is a good idea!!!!keeper: don’t interrupt!!!! boss is reading!!!liubei: keep quite!!!aside: at this time, zhugeliang is exciting, but his wife come back soscene 5: zh ugeliang’s homeactors: zhugeliang wife liubei zhangfei guanyuzhugeliang: thank goodness, here's liubei at last. ha ha ha ……….wife: wof! darling! he may come here to ask me to repay his money. we can’t let him in.zhugeliang: my darling, please don’t worry. i can make liubei go back with nothi ng by my sliver tongue.liubei: mr. zhugeliang. i have hunted you for a long time!zhu: oh! you are liubei. what can i do for you ?liu: my brother, you have borrowed me $500, when you repay it for me? i have starved for several days.zhugeliang: i owe you $500? who can testify? please give me a chance, i want t o be an honest man.liubei: how can i give you a chance? speak it to the judge.zhu: please look, although having ambition , you are just a guarder .we can enl arge our power from this base, and then attack caocao. at last i believe that we can reign the whole country.liubei: i’m so surprised! i don’t know you are so ideal.zhugeliang: if i give you a map, could i not repay your money?liubei: en…….you know so much about affairs, are you willing to create a new c ountry together with us?zhugeliang: but i can’t help you, i have accustom the life at present.liubei: if you don’t help me , the citizen will live a harder life , please don’t refuse .zhugeliang: en……sorry, i can’t. because my wife forces me to pass the cet-6 recently. if you can help me to resolve the problem, i will help you.liu: en…..zhangfei: (pull) brother, come here. everything is fake now such as the milk. wh y can’t we find somebody help us do the test or buy a key ?guanyu: yes! we can overdraft our salary from caocao to buy the key at first. scene 6: zhugeliang’s homeactors: wife keeperaside: because the salary has been given to zhugeliang to buy the key, liubei g uanyu zhangfei have been starving for one month.keeper:(happy)sir , you are really a god . cet6 has got 600 scores. be really to startle the univer se and move the gods.wife:what happened? 600 scores? oh! do not shoulder your several years studying a t a cold window; do not shoulder my night holding candle accompanying you. af ter your master graduates, happy life will approach. cars, house, money!scene 7: outside zhugeliang’s houseaside: after receiving the master degree, zhugeliang will go to work with liubei t o establish a new kingdom.so the couples apart.actors: zhugeliang wife liubei guanyu zhangfeiwife:honey!zhugeliang:darling!wife:excellent man have a long-range ambition. you should put cause above everything else , are sure not to mi ss me.zhugeliang:i will have a long journey .please take care of yourself.(turn around) don’t worried, never miss you!!(run)zhugeliang:(to liubei)your majesty, i will never forget your favour. i should be loyal and devo ted to the last.liubei guanyu zhangfei: let' go!!!!!aside: the three men go down to the hill. that is the end of the whole story. than k you for your attention.。

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Single is simple(一个人可以很简单),
double is terrible(两个人会有矛盾).
triple is unbelievable (三个人会很疯)
I'm Wang Baoqiang, as the affair that end the relationship with my wife Ma Rong, the declaration are as follow:本人王宝强,现就与妻子马蓉解除婚姻关系一事情,声明如下:
I've always been keeping our wedding vows since we married each other in 2009. We loved each other, we were honest with each other,and true to our marriage.

I took care of my wife,loved my children, honored both parents in everyday life. I was trying my best to be a good husband, a good father and a good son. In order to offer my families a better living conndition, I did my
job conscientiously and worked hard.


I make a declaration responsibly, I loyal to marriage and family, to my friends and team, to my job and society, no matter in my daily life or my job or social activities.

I'm worthy of family、friends and the society who cared about me and loved me. My every action was absolutely loyal、decent and tolerant since I got married.


But I definitely couldn't tolerant the behavior that betray the marriage and destroy family life maliciously

Now because Ma Rong and my middleman Song Zhe
have improper sexual relations, which badly hurt our marriage and tear my family, I decide solemnly to dissolve the marriage. And the same I exempt Song Zhe's middleman's job.

n this process,I will deal with all matters according to law and try my best to minimize the damage to both parents and the two minor children. I hope they can keep their peaceful life going on.

At last,I 'd like to thank for my family、friend、movie fans、all media and all sectors of society, thank for your care、help and support. Please think of two young children and both old parents and give me and my family some private space. I'll keep my original desire aspiration forever, love my family more and work harder.

