






21 (·辽宁抚顺六校联合体高三一模)If China’s space technology has achieved ____

breakthrough in this field, it really is ____ amazing wonde r.

A. the; an

B. a; an

C. 不填; the

D. a; 不填

22(·浙江杭州七校联考)Straight away I went to buy the tickets, but there were _____ left for the next public holiday.

A. nothing

B. none

C. neither

D. no one

23(·山东枣庄高三第一次质检)Provision of food and __________ is their main concern for the flood victims.

A. relief

B. safety

C. shelter

D. defense

24(·山东省威海市二次模)29. –Unfortunately, I won’t have time to visit the World Expo _____ I’m in Shanghai.

– What a great pity!

A. until

B. since

C. while

D. unless

25(·湖北省黄冈中学二模)27.There are signs that there is a growing tendency for people to turn away from ________ western medicine to alternative methods of treatment.

A.conventional B.pessimistic

C.bureaucratic D.theoretical

26(·山东省临沂市二模)28. ________ it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in the cities,some people think it should be limited.

A.Because B.Once C.When D.While

27(·山东省临沂市二模)22. It is said that Tom’s brother fell off his bicycle on his way to work, _______ in the right leg.

A. seriously damaged

B. hurting badly

C. broken seriously

D. badly hurt

28(·山西省大同五中二模)24.The policemen the stolen place again and again, and finally they found the evidence who stole the antique

A got through

B picked up

C went over

D turned over

29(·山东省临沂市二模)25.The voice on the phone was exactly as she_______ it would sound,just like her mother’s.

A. dreamed

B. had dreamed

C. would dream

D. was dreamed

30(·浙江省菱湖中学二模)3.---Have you watched the live Oscar Award presentation?

---I it online later because of an important date.

A.watched B.had watched

C.was watching D.have watched

31(·浙江省菱湖中学二模)19.Rio De Janeiro, the right to host the Olympic Games,

will be occupied in building stadiums.

A.winning B.won C.having won D.to win

32(·上海市崇明县二模)27. ---It’s the office! So you _____ know eating is not allowed here.

---Oh, sorry.

A. may

B. will

C. must

D. need

33(·上海市崇明县二模)34. Lack of money led the company to a situation _____ they had to decide whether they should keep on with their production.

A. when

B. where

C. that

D. which

where引导定语从句=in which

34(·天津市55中二模)5.The professor, as well as his wife,__________see a film tonight.A.is B.is going to C.are going to D.have gone to

35(·天津市55中二模)13.— Mum, can I watch TV now?

—____________.It’s dinner time.

A.No way B.Not at all C.I don’t agree D.I couldn’t agree more



(·河南省开封市二模)With a heavy heart Sally arrived early on the morning of the auction (拍卖). It was almost a year since her dear grandmother passed away in this house. 36 the family business had failed and left them with heavy debts. So the bank had 37 the family to have an auction sale to repay their debts.38 the past several weeks, she had managed to save $450 in order to bid(出价)on the 39 that her grandmother liked very much. Surely this would be enough, she had thought.

Now the 40 moment arrived.Looking around, Sally was surprised to see so many people had 41 .As the auction began, Sally waited.Finally, the time came to bid on the quilt.She held her 42 tightly and listened.The first bid was $45. She was 43 . It was so high.Quickly other people bid and soon the bidding 44 $85. Sally cried out “$450!” For a moment there was silence.Hope 45 her. She glanced again at the quilt, thinking how 46 her grandmother would have been with her at this moment.Just then, from the back, another person shouted “$475!” She lost her 47 .Suddenly she couldn’t help wondering 48 so many people would be interested in that old, dirty quilt.Finally the quilt was sold for $500 to a complete 49 .

After the sale, she went to the counter to pay for the few items that were now hers.The woman at the cash desk handed her the quilt.“There must be some50 .Someone else has got it.” she said.A hand-written 51 was pinned to the quilt, which 52 :

Dear Madam,

I noticed you admiring the quilt.Clearly, it was 53 to you.Please accept this quilt as my

54 . I don’ t expect any repayment from you, but do a 55 favor in the future for a stranger who happens to cross your path.


A stranger

36.A.Naturally B.Unfortunately C.Luckily D.Probably

37.A.hoped B.waited C.expected D.forced

38.A.With B.At C.By D.Over

39.A.house B.present C.furniture D.quilt

40.A.interesting B.necessary C.big D.sad

41.A.turned over B.turned up C.turned back D.turned on

42.A.purse B.picture C.book D.quilt

43.A.glad B.frightened C.moved D.shocked

44.A.rose B.climbed C.reached D.raised

45.A.told B.helped C.filled D.gave

46.A.pleased B.anxio us C.angry D.familiar

47.A.thought B.chance C.way D.money

48.A.whether B.what C.how D.why

49.A.relative B.customer C.friend D.stranger

50.A.reason B.secret C.mistake D.fun

51.A.check B.wallet C.address D.note

52.A.read B.wrote C.spoke D.showed

53.A.wonderful B.basic C.pretty D.important

54.A.honor B.respect C.gift D.thank

55.A.particular B.common C.major D.similar




Being the head of a high school for many years, I grew tired of budget meeting, funding cuts, and many other administrative chores (杂务). I started to dream of retirement. Sitting in traffic on a weekday morning, I would find my mind wandering, I would imagine spending time with my grandchildren, quiet evenings with my wife, traveling, or rediscovering some great books. I told myself that I wouldn’t sign myself up for any committees, any classes, or anything requiring a schedule.

My first day of retirement came at last! I cooked a great break fast for my wife and me, leisurely read the paper, cleaned a bit of the house, and wrote a few letters to friends. On the second day, I cooked breakfast, read the paper … On the third day, … This is retirement? I tried to tell myself that it was just the transition(过渡), that those golden moments were right round the corner, and that I would enjoy them soon enough, But something was missing.

A former colleague asked a favor. A group of students was going to Jamaica to work with children in the poorest nei ghborhoods. Would I interrupt my newfound “happiness” and return to the students, just this once? One trip. That’s all, My bags were packed and by the door.

The trip was very inspiring. I was moved not only by the poverty I saw but also by the sense of responsibility of the young people on the trip. When I returned home, I offered to work one day a week with a local youth organization. The experience was so positive that I was soon volunteering nearly full-time, working with students across North America to assist them in their voluntary work.

Now, it seems, the tables have turned. Some days I am the teacher, other days I am the student. These young people have reawakened my commitment (责任感) to social justice issues by challenging me to learn more about the situation in the world today, where people are still poor and suffer because of greed, corruption and war, Most important, they have given me the

opportunity to continue to participate in helping to find solutions. In return, I help them do their charita ble projects overseas. I’ve gone from running one school to helping oversee the construction of schools in twenty-one countries!

56.What did the writer expect to do after he retired?

A. To stay away from busy schedules.

B. To write some great books.

C. To do some voluntary work

D. To plan for his future.

57.Why did the writer decide to go to Jamaica?

A. He missed his students in that country.

B. He couldn’t refuse his colleague’s favor.

C. He was concerned about the people there.

D. He was not satisfied with his retired life.

58.The underlined part “the tables have turned”(Paragraph 5) means that the writer.

A. improved the situation in his school

B. felt happy to work with students again

C. became a learner rather than a teacher

D. changed his attitude toward his retired life

59.What does the writer think of his retired life now?

A. Disappointing

B. Troublesome

C. Promising

D. Meaningful



“Can I see my baby?” asked the happy new mother. The bundle(婴儿包)was placed in her arms and when she moved the fold of cloth to look upon his tiny face, she gasped-the baby had been born without ears. Time, however, proved that the baby’s hearing was perfect except his appearance.

One day when he rushed home from school and threw himself into his mother’s arms,he cried out bitterly,“A boy, a big boy…called me-a f—…freak.”She sighed, knowing that his life was to be endless of heartbreaks.

He grew up,handsome for his misfortune.A favorite with his fellow students, he might have been class president, but for that.He developed a gift for literature and music.

The boy’s father had a talk with the family doctor.Could nothing be done? “I believe we could graft(移植)on a pair of outer ears,if they could he donated(捐献),”the doctor decided.So the search began for a person who would make such a sacrifice(牺牲)for a young man.Two years went by.Then,“You’re going to the hospital,son.Mother and I have someone who will donate the ears you need.But it’s a secret.”said the fa ther.

The operation was a brilliant success.His talents blossomed into genius.School and college became a series of successes.Later he married and entered the diplomatic(外交)service.“But I must know!” he urged his father.“Who gave so much for me? I coul d never do enough for him.”“I do not believe you could,”said the father,“but the agreement was that you are not to know…not yet.”The years kept the secret,but the day did come …one of the darkest days that ever passed through a son.He stood with his fat her over his mother’s casket(棺材).Slowly and tenderly,the father stretched forth a hand and raised the thick,reddish-brown hair to let out the secret.

60.The story is mainly about____________.

A.hew a boy had new e ars through an operation

B.what a devoted parent privately did for the child

C.how a disabled boy turned into a useful person

D.why a donator made a sacrifice to a bright boy

61.From the first paragraph we know that the mother____________.

A.was determined to donate her ears to pedect her son

B.ke pt her husband unknown about the baby’s situation

C.felt shocked and disappointed to see her new baby

D.complained of her bad luck to have a disabled child

62.The underlined word “freak”in Paragraph 3 is the closest in meaning to“____________”.A.slow—acting person B.ugly—looking child

C.badly—behaved student D.strangely—shaped creature

63.What can be inferred from the passage?

A.The agreement was between the donator and the family.

B.The boy was so popular that he was made class president.

C.Finally the boy came to know who the donator was.

D.The mother donated her ears to her son after she died.

64.What moral lesson can we draw from this reading?

A.Real love lies in what is done unknown rather than what is done known.

B.It is up to parents to help their children heart and soul.

C.True beauty lies only in the heart not in appearance.

D.It is a virtue for young generations to learn to be grateful.



From good reading we can derive pleasure, companionship, experience, and instruction. A good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity. Reading good books is one of the greatest pleasures in life. It increases our contentment when we are cheerful, and lessens our troubles when we are sad. Whatever may be our main purpose in reading, our contact with good books should never fail to give us enjoyment and satisfaction.

With a good book in our hands we need never be lonely. Whether the characters portrayed are taken from real life or are purely imaginary, they may become our companions and friends. In the pages of books we can walk with the wise and the good of all lands and all times. The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble human friends whom we hold dear or because they present unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances. Our human friends sometimes m ay bore us, but the friends we make in books need never weary us with their company. By turning the page we can dismiss them without any fear of hurting their feelings. When human friends desert us, good books are always ready to give us friendship, sympathy, and encouragement.

One of the most valuable gifts bestowed by books is experience. Few of us can travel far from home or have a wide range of experiences, but all of us can lead varied lives through the pages of books. Whether we wish to escape from the seemingly dull realities of everyday life or whether we long to visit some far-off place, a book will help us when nothing else can. To travel by book we need no bank account to pay our way; no airship or ocean liner or stream-lined train to transport us; no passport to enter the land of our heart’s desire. Through books we may get the

thrill of hazardous adventure without danger. We can climb lofty mountains, brave the perils of an Antarctic winter, or cross the scorching sands of the desert, all without hardship. In books we may visit the studios of Hollywood; we may mingle with the gay throngs of the Paris boulevards; we may join the picturesque peasants in an Alpine village or the kindly natives on a South Sea island. Indeed, through books the whole world is ours for the asking. The possibilities of our literary experiences are almost unlimited. The beauties of nature, the enjoyment of music, the treasures of art, the triumphs of arc hitecture, the marvels of engineering, are all open to the wonder and enjoyment of those who read.

65.Why is it that we sometimes forget our surroundings and even our identity while reading?

A.No one has come to disturb us.

B.Everything is so quiet and calm around us.

C.The book we are reading is so interesting and attractive.

D.Our book is so boring that we are to finish it at a fast speed.

66.How would you account for the fact that people like their friends in books even more?

A.They are like human friends exactly. B.They are unfamiliar types we like.

C.They never desert us. D.They are purely imaginary.

67.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A.Your wish to visit some far-off place can be realized thought the pages of the books.

B.To escape from the dull realities of everyday life you should take up reading.

C.Books can always help you live a colourful life.

D.You may obtain valuable experience from reading good books.

68.By saying “…the whole world is ours for the asking,” the author implies that .

A.in books the world is more accessible to us

B.we can ask to go anywhere in the world

C.we can possess everything in this world

D.we can make a round-the-world trip free of charge



All over my garden I’ve planted nothing but roses, because I especially love the flower.A close friend came for a visit the other day.I told her that she should pick a bunch of roses to beautify her bedroom.I promised that the smell of the roses would be wafted far, far away.That girl friend of nine, walking into the garden in high spirits, smelt here and there, but in the end she didn’t pick a single rose.I said that she could pick many flowers; I told her that I was not a flower farmer and didn’t make a living out of them.Saying so, I raised the scissors for the sacrifice of the flowers, but she stopped me, crying no, no, no!

To cut such beautiful roses would hurt one, she said.With her hands seizing at my sleeves, she told me that by no means should they be cut.Roses are the smiling face of the earth, and who could be so iron-hearted as to destroy such a charming smile?

My mind was shocked: the ugly earth, the tough earth, the plain ea rth-it is for the reason of that smile that it wins the care and pity of people.

69.The writer plants nothing but roses in her garden probably because .

A.she can make money out of them B.her friends like them

C.she enjoys the roses very much D.the roses sell well

70.The underlined word “wafted” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to “”.

A.given off B.lost C.destroyed D.thrown away 71.Why did the writer’s close friend refuse to pick a single rose?

A.Because the roses were not beautiful.

B.Because she loved the roses very much.

C.Because she did not like this kind of roses.

D.Because the writer did not want to give her any.

72.What is the best title for the passage?

A.The Pity of People to the Roses

B.The Smiling Face of the Earth

C.A Lovely Rose Garden

D.A Lover of Flowers



Just before midnight, six University of Cincinnati students were watching TV in an on-campus apartment when three men burst through the door. While one of the intruders pointed a gun at the group, the other two scooped up $4,400 worth of laptops, cell phones, video games and cash. Once they had what they wanted, the trio fled into the night.

Furious, the students chased down and tackled one of the burglars -- the one with the gun. In the struggle, it went off, and a bullet grazed a student's leg. His friends piled on the gunman and held him until police showed up.

By the next day, the injured young man was back in his apartment, and the suspect was in jail, charged with burglary, felonious assault and receiving stolen property. But how did the men manage to storm into an on-campus residence that November night in the first place? Simple: Students told police the building's main doors hadn't latched properly for days.

As parents confront ballooning college costs and shrinking acceptance rates, they are finding themselves with an even bigger, more basic problem: Which campuses are safe? Colleges seem like idyllic and secure places, and for the most part, they are. But ivy-covered walls can't keep out every bad element. This country's 6,000 colleges and universities report some 40,000 burglaries, 3,700 forcible sex offenses, 7,000 aggravated assaults and 48 murders a year. Other hazards -- fires, binge-drinking, mental-health problems -- are also on the rise.

Of course, that's not what parents and students see on America's serene campuses. There's a false sense of security, says Harry Nolan, a safety consultant in New York City. "Students see guards patrolling at night or a video camera monitoring the dorm entrance and think, Nothing bad can happen to me," he explains. "People don't know that safety controls are often very lax."

73. What did the students do after the burglars fled into the night?

A. They stood there in surprise.

B. They ran after the burglars at once.

C. They waited for the police.

D. They phoned their teacher.

74. What does the underlined word “latched” in the third paragraph probably mean?

A. watched

B. fixed

C. locked

D. kept

75. What worries parents most except ballooning college costs and shrinking acceptance rates?

A. Their children’s grades in the universities or colleges.

B. Their children’s safety in the universities or colleges.

C. Their children’s behavior in the universities or colleges.

D. Their children’s relationship with classmates in the universities or colleges.












On the earth, all living things need others. Each kind of life eats 76________ one another kind of life in order to live, and together they form 77________ a food chain. Some food chains are simple, while others don’t. But 78________ all food chains begin with the sun, and one of the links disappears, all 79________ food chains become break up. It is known that all lives need to live on 80________ the sunlight. But only animals can use sunlight directly. Plants are 81________ as “factors”. They make food from sunlight, water and other things. 82________ Plants feed food to other things. Animals can’t use the sun’s energy 83________ only after it has changed by the plants. Some animals feed directly 84________ by plants, while others eat smaller animals. They eat plants indirectly. 85________ 第二节书面表达(30分)





3,参考词汇:干旱:drought n.受灾群众victims n.(pl.)


21 B 22 B 23 C 24C 25A 26C 27 D 28C 29B 30A 31C 非谓语动词作状语

32C 33 Bwhere引导定语从句=in which 34B

35A No way当然不,一点也不,决不

Not at all不要客气

36—40 BDCDC 41—45 BADCC 46—50 ABDDC 51—55 DADCD

56-59ADCD 60-64BCDCA

65-68CCDA 69-72CABB 73-75B C B

76. 正确77. 去掉one

78. don’t改为aren’t 79.and后加if/when

80. break改为broken 81. animals改为plants

82. 去掉as 83. can’t改为can

84. has后加been 85. by改为on


In ,a serious drought hit Yunnan Province and it was 51 years since people had experienced such a terrible one.Therefore,our school put up a poster,describing the terrible losses and calling on us to aid the drought—stricken areas and the victims.Our classmates were eager to offer help.After a discussion,we decided to donate some books,clothes and money and so on.And we all actively took the donations to the school office.Several days later,a thank—you letter written by the victims was sent to us,speaking highly of our behavior.We all felt proud and happy,because we were able to do something to help others.(112 words)

高考物理一轮复习 阶段质量评估测试卷(二)相互作用

阶段质量评估测试卷(二)相互作用 (时间∶45分钟,满分∶100分) 一、选择题(每小题5分,共50分) 1.(16年全国卷Ⅱ)质量为m的物体用轻绳AB悬挂于天花板上.用水平向左的力F缓慢拉动绳的中点O,如图所示.用T表示绳OA段拉力的大小,在O点向左移动的过程中() A.F逐渐变大,T逐渐变大 B.F逐渐变大,T逐渐变小 C.F逐渐变小,T逐渐变大 D.F逐渐变小,T逐渐变小 第1题图第2题图 2.(多选)(15年浙江理综) 如图所示,用两根长度相同的绝缘细线把一个质量为0.1 kg的小球A悬挂到水平板的M、N两点,A上带有Q= 3.0×10-6 C的正电荷.两线夹角为120°,两线上的拉力大小分别为F1和F2.A的正下方0.3 m处放有一带等量异种电荷的小球B,B 与绝缘支架的总质量为0.2 kg(重力加速度取g=10 m/s2;静电力常量k=9.0×109 N·m2/C2,A、B球可视为点电荷),则() A.支架对地面的压力大小为2.0 N B.两线上的拉力大小F1=F2=1.9 N C.将B水平右移,使M、A、B在同一直线上,此时两线上拉力大小F1=1.225 N,F2=1.0 N D.将B移到无穷远处,两线上的拉力大小F1=F2=0.866 N 3.如图,光滑的四分之一圆弧轨道AB固定在竖直平面内,A端与水平面相切.穿在轨道上的小球在拉力F作用下,缓慢地由A向B运动,F始终沿轨道的切线方向,轨道对球的弹力为N.在运动过程中() A.F增大,N减小B.F减小,N减小 C.F增大,N增大D.F减小,N增大 第3题图第4题图 4.(14年新课标全国Ⅰ) 如图,用橡皮筋将一小球悬挂在小车的架子上,系统处于平衡状态.现使小车从静止开始向左加速,加速度从零开始逐渐增大到某一值,然后保持此值,小球稳定地偏离竖直方向某一角度(橡皮筋在弹性限度内),与稳定在竖直位置时相比,小球的高度() A.一定升高 B.一定降低 C.保持不变 D.升高或降低由橡皮筋的劲度系数决定 5.(16年安徽省“江南十校”)如图,放在斜劈上的物块,受到平行于光滑斜面向下的力F作用,沿斜面向下运动,斜劈保持静止.下列说法正确的是() A.地面对斜劈的摩擦力方向水平向右 B.地面对斜劈的弹力大于斜劈和物块的重力之和 C.若F增大,地面对斜劈的摩擦力也增大 D.若F反向,地面对斜劈的摩擦力也反向 第5题图第6题图 6.(16年河北省保定模拟)如图所示,木板P下端通过光滑铰链固定于水平地面上的O点,物体A、B叠放在木板上且处于静止状态,此时物体B的上表面水平.现使木板P绕O点

2017年高考英语模拟试题 (4)

2017年高考英语模拟试题 A Assistant Professor, Musical Theatre Dance Wichita State University seeks a full-time, 9-month assistant professor, beginning in August. Applicants are required to have a degree in dance area, teaching experience at a professional or college level, ability to direct and teach stage movement. The salary depends on qualifications and experience. For complete information visit https://www.360docs.net/doc/112878985.html,. Full Professor in Theatre and Dance The Department of Theatre & Dance at the University of California at San Diego (https://www.360docs.net/doc/112878985.html,) is seeking an experienced theatre artist in lighting design. Applicants must work for us for at least one year. Significant professional experience is required. This position is expected to teach at both graduate and undergraduate levels. A review of applications will start on June 1st. Application deadline: September 1st. Technical Director in Performing and Fine Arts DeSales University’s Performing and Fine Arts Department seeks a highly skilled, professional technical director. The position is a 10-month staff position with the possibility of summer employment with the Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival. Professional experience is required; MFA is preferred. Please email materials to john.bell@https://www.360docs.net/doc/112878985.html,. Screening of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. Assistant Director— Media Resources Center Maryland Institute College of Art is seeking an Assistant Director of Media Resources Center in the Academic Affairs Division. Qualifications for the position include a degree in Art History or related fields with knowledge of art and design history, library experience, excellent interpersonal and communication skills and familiarity with photoshop and scanning. A review of applications will begin immediately; job announcements will remain open until the position is filled. Applicants are required to work for us at least 11 months. They can send emails to jobs@https://www.360docs.net/doc/112878985.html,. The salary differs depending on your experience. Please include your desired salary in your application letter. 25. If an applicant has 9.5-month free time, he or she can pay close attention to the ad of ____. A. Full Professor in Theatre and Dance B. Assistant Professor, Musical Theatre Dance C. Technical Director in Performing and Fine Arts


高考虽然延迟,但是练习一定要跟上,加油!! 一、听力(总分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。 1.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers? A Colleagues B Couple C Classmates 2.When did Jack leave home? A At 10:30 B At 11:00 C At 11:20 3.What impresses the man most according to the conversation? A The people B The scenery C The modern buildings 4.How does the man advise the woman to go to Beijing? A By train B By air C By bus 5.What will the weather be like tomorrow? A Sunny B Rainy C Cloudy 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。 请听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.Where will the two speakers meet? A At an agency B At a café C At a station 7.What does the man want the woman to do?

A Buy a sweater for him B Bring him a magazine C Explain the documents to him 请听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.What do we know about the suite? A It has a kitchen and a sauna B It costs 200 dollars, including a room tax C It’s not available on March, 21st 9.How much is the man’s room including tax? A 80 dollars B 88 dollars C 90 dollars 请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.W hat did the girl like best about the zoo? A The dolphins B The giraffes C The elephants 11.W hat did the elephant do at the zoo? A He drew dirt on the girl. B He drew dirt on the visitors C He sprayed water on the children. 12.W hat’s the p robable relationship between the speakers? A Teacher and student B Zookeeper and visitor C Father and daughter 请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.H ow long did the woman study abroad?


高考英语模拟试卷(一) (选自于唐山市2012-2013学年度高三年级第一次摸底考试有改动)第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) A Everything was put neatly into my suitcase. I’m a flight attendant. I’m so organized, my half of the closet could be a display at The Container Store. My h usband’s half of the closet? Ju st thinking about it made my head ache. I carried my suitcase downstairs. Bill was in the kitchen cooking. Looking at the messy kitchen, I shouted, “Why do you have to be so messy?” Bill looked hurt, “What?” I sighed and left for the airport. On my last flight, an elderly couple had the seats in my section. They held hands during takeoff. Later I caught them looking into each other’S eyes. Something about that look was familiar. Then I realized: it was the look Bill and I had worn in our wedding photographs. I couldn’t resist asking them about the secret of their long-lasting marriage. “Have fun together”,the man said, “and never take each other for granted.” Her words circled in my head long after we landed. Bill wasn’t perfect. But then, was I? I kept complaining about his messiness and forgot his kindness, his ability to see the bright side of every situation 一qualities that ran so much deeper, the reasons I had married him in the first place. I took out my cell phone and called Bill. “I miss you already.” I said. “I miss you too, Kim,” he said. As soon as my flights were over, I rushed home. Bill met me at the door. “I have a surprise for you.” he said and led me into the kitchen. I glanced around the room. He really had worked hard. In spite of the fingerprints on that microwave door, I could see our reflection in it: my husband and I, our smiles glowing with love for each other, just like in our wedding photos. 1. Why did Kim get so angry with her husband? A. She found his weaknesses one morning. B. Sh e didn’t love him any more. C. He left things in an untidy state. D. He turned a deaf ear to her complaints. 2.What’s special about the old couple? A. They never quarreled with each other. B. They often made fun of each other. C. They kept their love so fresh. D. They took each other for granted. 3..Kim changed her attitude towards her husband after _____. A. she realized Bill wasn’t perfect B. she got inspired by the old couple C. her husband had cleaned up the kitchen D. they had their wedding photos taken 4..The best title of the passage might be _____. A. Love You, Love Your Mess B. Love is Blind, Love is Messy C The Wedding Photos D. A Loving Old Couple B The Year in Miracles: Inspirational Quotes These miracle (奇迹)stories inspired us with their heroes, amazing acts of kindness, and moments of grace. ?Walking home from work as a New York City bus driver, Stephen St. Bernard, 52,heard screaming and saw seven-year-old Keyla McCree standing on top of an air-conditioning unit outside the window of her third-floor apartment. He rushed over in time to catch the child as she fell the 25 feet. The force of the lifesaving catch tore a tendon (腱)in St. Bernard’s shoulder; the


项目评估总试题答案 答案必须全部写在答题纸上,否则不给分。 答题时只需要注明题号,写出答案,不必抄原题内容。 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分) 1.由于项目评估的目的在于提供( A ),可以说项目评估比可行性研究更具权威性。 A. 决策依据 B.技术规程 C. 贷款计划 D. 可行性方案 2.规模效果曲线法是求取企业( A )的方法。 A.最优生产规模 B.最低成本 C.最高销售收入 D.最短建设时间 3. 当追加投资回收期小于国家规定的基准投资回收期时,投资额(A )工艺方案较优 A.较大的 B.较小的 C.适中的 D.可比的 4. 建设期利息是否包括在项目总投资中(A ) A.是 B.否 C.不一定 D.说不清 5.项目起始规模的确定,一般采用( A ) A、盈亏平衡分析法 B、最小费用法 C、资金利润率法 D、平均成本法 6.流动比率是指(A )与流动负债之比。 A、流动资产 B、固定资产 C、长期负债 D 流动负债 7.如果项目的盈亏平衡点低,则说明项目( A )。 A、承受风险能力强 B、承受风险能力弱 C、市场竞争能力强 D、有较好的经济效 益 8.在项目的财务效益评估中,计算各种投入物和产出物所使用的财务价格是( A )。 A、市场价格 B、计划价格 C、预测价格 D、影子价格 9. 若投资方案以内部收益率作为评判依据,则保证方案可行所要求的内部收益率(A ) A.大于基准内部收益率 B.大于1 C.小于1 D. .大于0 10.设项目建设周期末借款本息和为600万元,与借款银行确定的还款期限6年,利率为12%,如果分期等额还贷,则每期应还(A )万元。A 145.94 B 172 C 160 D 112.94 1. 可行性研究的第一个阶段是(B) A.初步可行性研究 B.机会研究 C.详细可行性研究 D.项目评估


高三英语模拟试题 总分120分,时间100分钟 班级: ______ 姓名: ______ 总分: ______ 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. Research found that when people share their efforts and knowledge, the ______ is greater than the total of their efforts as individuals. A. procedure C. ownership D. revenue 22. A lake project, which will be a landmark construction of the city, ______ on land that only one year ago was mostly farmland. A. is built B. was built C. has been built D. is being built A. in which B. to which C. from which D. by which 24. Teachers would like students to think and discuss problems in groups but they don’t tolerate ______ in class. A. they talk B. them to talk C. them talked D. their talking 25. ---What if I cancel my files by accident? --- Our standard advice: before you do anything, ______ your data. A. back up B. polish up C. hold up D. step up 26. ---How was your trip to the mountains? ---Turned out to be ______ relaxing. Though we made it to the top, we caught a sudden storm and got wet to the skin. A. more than B. nothing but C. all too D. anything but A. what it is that B. why it is that C. what is it D. why is it 28. Many believe that whoever makes a great advancement in art or science ______ the same in any other if chance had thrown it in his way. A. would do B. could do C. would have done D. would be doing 29. I have kept the school club poster ______ I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my first year of


高职高考英语模拟试卷(一) 一、补全对话(5小题,共10分) 阅读下列简短对话。从A、B、C、D中选出最佳答案,将对话补全。 ()1.—Thank you ever so much for present you sent me. —_________ A. Please don’t say so B. It’s not so good, I think C.No,thanks D.I’m glad you like it ( ) 2.—Here is the book —__________ —You’re welcome. A. Please come again. B.Here’s your jacket. C.Thank you. D.Please go well. ()3.—Hi,Chris. Do you fancy going for lunch? —___________. —Shall we stay twelve thirty? —All right, see you then. A.Yeah, I do. B.Yeah, why not? C.What would you say? D.When shall we say? ( )4.—I’m terribly sorry. I’ve broken your plate. —___________. —I hope I can do something for it. A. Don’t mention it. B. Never mind C. Relax yourself. D.Yes, please. ( )5.—What do you think of your new job? —__________. —What’s the matter? A.I’m fine, thank you. B.It doesn’t matter C.It’s difficult to say D.I’m sorry to hear that 二、词汇与语法(30小题,共45分) (A)从A、B、C、D中选出句中划线单词或词组的意义。 ()6、There is a bus-stop close to the hospital. A.密切的 B. 靠近的 C. 关闭的 D. 严密的 ()7、I wanted to thank him for his help, but words failed me. A.衰退 B. 使某人失败 C.使某人不及格 D. 使某人无助 ()8、Most of the students don’t agree with him,however, I support him. A. 反对 B.容忍 C. 爱戴 D. 同意 ()9、Young as she is, she is very independent. A.自由的 B. 依赖的 C. 专制的 D. 独立的 ()10、I regret to tell you the bad news that you will be fired by your manager next month. A. 聘请 B. 生火 C. 射击 D. 解雇 ()11、The doctor gave me some pills. They are working now. A.工作 B. 见效 C. 运转 D. 经营


Weekly practice 1 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题 2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Thanks for signing up for the 2014 Black Friday Turkey Trot! This email will provide some basics about the race and some great news! First, your race packet ( 参赛物品包 ) is ready and can be picked up at the Fleet Feet Sports Tulsa location you ’ve specified during registration. Tuesday, 10 am to 8 pm (Fleet Feet Kings Point) Tuesday, 10 am to 7 pm (Fleet Feet Blue Dome) Wednesday, 10 am to 5 pm (both stores, closing early for Thanksgiving) Packets can also be picked up on the race day at BOK Center, beginning at 8:30 am. Race Start Times 1) 5 mile, 8:30 am2) 1 mile fun run, 9:30 am Parking There is surface parking to the east of the BOK Center, and some surface parking to the west of the Convention Center. Many lots will be pay-lots. Please pay attention to the signs. We suggest arriving early to find parking. Racing Timing The 5 km run will be timed using the BIB-TAG system. Your race number will have a timing device attached to the back of the race number; don’t remove or bend this device. Simply wear the Bib on the front of your body on the outside of your clothing so it is visible and facing forward. You don’t need to return the Bib, which is disposable. The Turkey Trot is also a kick-off event for our weekend long“FITNATIC” celebration---we also have a huge number of events and specials all weekend. For more information, please visit you on Friday. 21. Where should a runner go to pick up his packet at 8:30 am on Friday? A. Kings Point. B. Convention Center. C. Blue Dome D. BOK Center 22. How long will the FITNATIC celebration last? A. Seven days. B. Five days C. Two days D. One day. 23. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To attract sports fans to apply for the activity. B. To inform the race participants of the activity. C. To describe details related to the activity. D. To collect money for the parking-lots. B More than billion cups of coffee are drunk throughout the world each day, and it’s likely that many taste bitter. Now, a new study suggests that coffee fans can make their drink sweeter by changing the color of their cups. Researchers from Oxford set out to prove whether the claim that coffee drunk from a white cup tastes biter was true. They used 36 volunteers and three different colored cups---blue, white and transparent glass--- to examine the claim. In one experiment, the white cup increased the intensity (浓度) of the coffee taste relative


高三英语模拟试题及答案 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话你将听一遍。 1.What does the man want to borrow? A.A pencil. B.An eraser. C.A pen. 2.What is the woman doing now? A.Eating. B.Going home. C.Having group study. 3.What does the man have for earthquake preparation? A.A candle. B.A radio. C.A flashlight. 4.Where does the conversation most probably take place? A.In a bank. B. In a hotel. C.In a store. 5.Where will the man go for his holiday?

A.Brazil. B.Denmark. C. Greece. 第二节 听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.When does the supermarket close on Sundays? A.At 5:00 pm. B.At 7:00 pm. C. At 8:00 pm. 7.What have the two speakers decided to do now? A.Go shopping. B.Take a walk. C.Have dinner 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.Why does the man make the call? A.To make a booking. B.To make a suggestion. C.To make an appointment. 9.When will the man return from London? A.On March 10. B. On March 12. C. On March 22.


衡水市第二中学周测题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.When will the man meet Dr. Jones A. At 3:30 . B. At 3:00 . C. At 11:00 . 2.Whose name is Betsy A. Carla’s pet. B. Carla’s car. C. Carla’s grandma. 3. What are the speakers doing A. Painting a house. B. Cleaning walls. C. Drawing a picture. 4. Where does the conversation most probably take place A. In a shop. B. In a library. C. On a bus. 5. What does the man mean A The Larsens were not in. B. The Larsens didn’t hear the door. C. The Larsens don’t like the woman. 第二节(共15小题;每小题分,满分分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers A. Strangers B. Classmates. C. Colleagues. 7. What are the speakers mainly discussing A. What to say to Karen Jenkins. B. Whether to hire an employee. C. How to advertise a product. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 did the woman use to be like A. Sporty B. Artistic. C. Sociable. 9. What has the woman taken up recently A. Basketball. B. Yoga. C. Painting. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 did the man go downtown yesterday A. To send a package. B. To buy clothes. C. To visit a friend. 11. What is the woman’s attitude toward Martin’s closing A. Supportive. B. Surprised. C. Sorry. 12. What did the woman like about Martin’s A. Huge selection. B. Good service. C. Low prices. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. How often will the man be available to work A. No more than two evenings a week. B. At least three evenings a week. C. Up to three evenings a week. 14. Why does the man apply for a part-time job A. To earn money. B. To gain work experience. C. To improve his social skills. 15. What is the man good at A. Solving problems. B. Working in a group. C. Communicating with people. 16. What will the man do on September 10th


高考英语二轮专题复习学案:阶段质量评估(一)(新课标) 第I卷 第一部分听力略 第二部分英语知识运用 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21 (·辽宁抚顺六校联合体高三一模)If China’s space technology has achieved ____ breakthrough in this field, it really is ____ amazing wonde r. A. the; an B. a; an C. 不填; the D. a; 不填 22(·浙江杭州七校联考)Straight away I went to buy the tickets, but there were _____ left for the next public holiday. A. nothing B. none C. neither D. no one 23(·山东枣庄高三第一次质检)Provision of food and __________ is their main concern for the flood victims. A. relief B. safety C. shelter D. defense 24(·山东省威海市二次模)29. –Unfortunately, I won’t have time to visit the World Expo _____ I’m in Shanghai. – What a great pity! A. until B. since C. while D. unless 25(·湖北省黄冈中学二模)27.There are signs that there is a growing tendency for people to turn away from ________ western medicine to alternative methods of treatment. A.conventional B.pessimistic C.bureaucratic D.theoretical 26(·山东省临沂市二模)28. ________ it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in the cities,some people think it should be limited. A.Because B.Once C.When D.While 27(·山东省临沂市二模)22. It is said that Tom’s brother fell off his bicycle on his way to work, _______ in the right leg. A. seriously damaged B. hurting badly C. broken seriously D. badly hurt 28(·山西省大同五中二模)24.The policemen the stolen place again and again, and finally they found the evidence who stole the antique A got through B picked up C went over D turned over 29(·山东省临沂市二模)25.The voice on the phone was exactly as she_______ it would sound,just like her mother’s. A. dreamed B. had dreamed C. would dream D. was dreamed 30(·浙江省菱湖中学二模)3.---Have you watched the live Oscar Award presentation? ---I it online later because of an important date. A.watched B.had watched C.was watching D.have watched 31(·浙江省菱湖中学二模)19.Rio De Janeiro, the right to host the Olympic Games,
