WorldWind系列四:功能分析 Show Planet Axis、Show Position、Show Cross Hairs功能




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微软认证:活动目录之域功能级别详解一:概念从win NT到win2000、win2022、win2022都供应供应活动名目功能,然而不同操作系统运行的域都供应不同功能的服务,在域内由不同类型的操作系统组合而成的域,支持不同的功能、服务,这就称之为域的功能级别。

同理在林中也存在林的功能这个概念在Windwos2022的Active Directory中供应了比Windows2000 Active Directory更高的功能级别,称为windows2022临时模式和windows2022模式。




Windows Server 20008功能级别支持五功能级别,一下分别介绍五功能级别及其功能级别所支持的域掌握器1:Windows 2000 混合模式(默认)其网络配置使用Windows 2000和Windows NT 的任意组合系统。

Windows 2000 域掌握器和Windows NT 4.0 备份域掌握器可以在同一个域中无缝共存而不会消失任何问题。

当然Windwos 2022域掌握器也支持此模式。

激活的功能包括本地与全局组并支持全局编录2:Windows 2000本机模式。

域中全部域掌握器都可以运行Windows2000或Windwos2022.激活的功能包括组嵌套、通用组、Sidhistory、平安组与通讯组之间的转换、3:Windows Server 2022临时模式。

允许Windows 2022域控和Windows NT 4 域掌握器的混合使用。


显见支持的域控为Windows 2022和Windows NT4.此级别内没有域范围的激活功能。

该模式只在将NT4的域控升级到Windows2022域控时使用4:Windows Server 2022模式。



WorldWindWorldWind软件终极教程2009年05月05日1.新手上路篇1.介绍:World Wind(以下简称“ WW ”)是一款可以让用户通过从太空视角全面观察地球表面的软件。


事实上你可以浏览世界上任何的角落,想象一下从高空观赏纵横交错的ANDES(安第斯山脉)山脉,进入美国大峡谷,从空中如飞机般的跃过ALPS(阿尔卑斯山 ) 以及走入非洲的撒哈拉沙漠2.安装2.1 下载要想使用WW这款软件,首先肯定是要得到这款软件。

目前WW通过几次版本的提升,已经由原来的共享变为了免费,如果你想要了解WW的最新信息以及下载WW,你可以方便的从本站或者官方网站中取得资料( 相比国外服务器的速度而言,当然是国内本土的下载速度更快一些了) 。

2.2 安装相比较Google Earth来说NASA的安装方式并不是特别的友好,甚至是有些麻烦。


因为你现在需要确认以下几件事情:1. 电脑中是否安装了MS DX 9C( 要安装并顺利运行 NASA WW 电脑中首先需要具备DX9)2. 显卡驱动是否安装正确,没有任何错误 ( 这里并不要求你的显卡具备支持 DX9的渲染特效的功能,但是至少是可以对 DX 渲染方式可以正确处理 )3. 操作系统可以是 Win9X、Win ME、 Win2000 、Winxp 其中的任何一个(暂时只有兼容MS与MAC两种版本的WW)4. 系统配置不低于 :700 MHz 或更高主频的CPU128 MB 以上内存1 GB 以上的硬盘容量显卡只要支持DX即可确认了之后,便可以进行对WW的安装了。

初始过程中WW会首先要求用户( 强制 )安装一个DX的插件,使DX可以达到WW 的要求,其后一路下一步就可以搞定了。

3.配置文件在NASA WW的目录下有一个叫做“ Config ”的文件夹,你可以通过修改这些文件来完成对WW的设置,他们的后缀名为XML,不过这些都是可以通过记事本等纯文本编辑软件来进行修改的。

wind资讯金融终端 产品使用手册

wind资讯金融终端 产品使用手册

wind资讯金融终端产品使用手册摘要:1.产品简介2.功能模块3.数据库内容4.操作方法5.产品优势6.客户服务正文:Wind 资讯金融终端是一款金融行业从业人员必备的软件,它集成了丰富的金融数据和强大的分析功能,为用户提供了一个全面、准确、及时的金融信息平台。

一、产品简介Wind 资讯金融终端是一款由Wind 资讯公司开发的金融数据终端,主要为用户提供股票、债券、期货、基金、外汇等各类金融产品的实时数据、历史数据、基本面数据、宏观数据等。


二、功能模块Wind 资讯金融终端主要包括以下功能模块:1.数据查询:提供股票、债券、期货、基金、外汇等各类金融产品的实时数据、历史数据、基本面数据、宏观数据等。

2.分析工具:提供各类分析工具,如K 线图、技术指标、财务分析等,帮助用户进行投资分析。




三、数据库内容Wind 资讯金融终端的数据库内容丰富,主要包括:1.实时数据:提供各类金融产品的实时报价、实时成交、实时涨跌幅等信息。




四、操作方法Wind 资讯金融终端操作简单,主要包括以下几个步骤:1.注册登录:用户需要注册并登录Wind 资讯金融终端,才能使用软件的各项功能。



WorldWide Telescope 使用方法

WorldWide Telescope 使用方法

WorldWide Telescope使用方法进入View菜单后可以看见从左到右有4部分设置区域。

1.最左面Constellation设置:Figures打钩就显示星座的连接线;Boundaries打钩就显示星座的边界;Focused Only打钩就只显示画面正中星座的边界。


2.第二部分Overlays设置:Equatorial Grid打钩显示经纬系统网格;Ecliptic打钩显示黄道线;Reticle打钩显示中间的十字型鼠标;Field View Indicator..这个就是正中央的那个长方形侦测筐。

3.第三部分Observing Location(观测位置):不用介绍,就是设置观察位置,默认是全方位的。



点ok后记得在View from this location前打钩,然后我们只能看见半球型的天空了,底下会显示东南西北的方向的。

4.最右边的Observing Time(观测时间):配合前面的观测位置,点下拉箭头,默认是格林尼的时间,去掉钩则和电脑时间同步。






1.Solar System Option太阳系相关的选项,从上往下依次是:显示太阳系天体/高精度模式/显示行星实际大小/把卫星(月亮)显示成一个点。

2.Earth and Planets地球相关选项,上面是显示云层,下面是显示海拔。

这些设置只在观测地球时候有效(见下面内容栏Look at介绍)。






Bigheader联系:gdsqz2@worldwind技术手册目录:1.WorldWind软件架构――――――――――――――――02WW功能介绍WW与XMLClient与ServerWW使用链接本地缓存路径本地功能配置http请求与aspWMS、WFS2.WorldWind金字塔体系―――――――――――――――――-03瓦片金字塔详解及其对应公式――――――――――――――――――03NASA World Wind Tile Structure ―――――――――――――――――03NASA World Wind Map Tile System ――――――――――――――――04瓦片请求调度策略―――――――――――――――――052.2.1 当前显示请求及其显示(客户端)――――――――――――――――――052.2.2目标瓦片快速搜索算法――――――――――――――――――082.2.3瓦片数据的请求预测(服务器)――――――――――――――――――082.3 可视化的地球空间数学模型――――――――――――――――――102.3.1 地球三维LOD模型――――――――――――――――――103.Geospatial image processing ――――――――――――――――――143.1步骤:(准备知识:LOTD:0层瓦片大小;TileSize:)―――――――――――143.2 NLT Landsat处理技术范例―――――――――――――153.3 dstile howto ―――――――――――――154.Creat a new world ―――――――――――――174.1World Wind本地文件说明4.1.1. Worlds4.1.2. 在安装目录下4.2 创建新的世界模型5.Making layer ――――――――――――――185.1 添加新图层(更详细可参考)5.2 Point ―――――――――――――――205.3 Lines ―――――――――――――――205.4 Polygon ―――――――――――――――235.5 Model Feature ―――――――――――――――255.6 Effects and Multi-Texturing ―――――――――――――――275.7 Shapefile ―――――――――――――――325.8 KML/KMZ6.ddons与plugins ―――――――――――――――32addons与plugins区别插件总汇及其功能7.script脚本―――――――――――――――――338.编译调试―――――――――――――――――――339.读书籍和论文―――――――――――――――――――――3410.1.4.1版本发展―――――――――――――――35一、WW软件结构1.1 功能介绍World Wind(简称WW,中文有人直翻译为世界风),是NASA发布的一个开放源代码(Open Source)的地理科普软件(由NASA Research开发,由NASA Learning Technologies來發展),它是一个可视化地球仪,将NASA、USGS以及其它WMS服务商提供的图像通过一个三维的地球模型展现,近期还包含了月球、金星、火星、天文星系等的展现。

























World Wind软件上手

World Wind软件上手

World Wind软件终极教程之功能简介篇2005年10月11日作者:上帝之眼-KD 来源:其它简介:World Wind(以下简称“WW”)这款软件是由美国的NASA(美国航天宇航局)机构开发出来的,其软件的开发初衷是面向于专业领域,利用自家卫星的优势,给使用者营造一个有关卫星图片的查看平台。


World Wind(以下简称“WW”)这款软件是由美国的NASA(美国航天宇航局)机构开发出来的,其软件的开发初衷是面向于专业领域,利用自家卫星的优势,给使用者营造一个有关卫星图片的查看平台。




就卫星的清晰度而言,WW 也并不比Google Earth来的逊色,主要优势就体现在了美国本土的卫星图片查阅中,利用USGS(美国地址勘探局)的卫星数据可以提供非常高分辨率的图片,这点而言绝非Google Earth所能媲美的。



原版为英文版本,在NASA WW的官方网站中就可以看的到,笔者这里用了一些时间来为这张图做了汉化(基本是意译),如下:看完这张图片想必读者也对这个软件有了一些直观的认识,具体的主要功能也了解的七七八八了,从图中我们可以看到NASA除了对不同的功能进行了介绍之外,还提供了一个快捷键的说明。






同2014 年成功发射的WorldView-3一样,WorldView-4能够捕获全色分辨率31厘米和多光谱分辨率1.24米的卫星影像。

与WorldView-3相比,WorldView-4 可以比WorldView-3 更快地从一个目标移动到另一个目标,并且能够存储更多数据。

卫星的特性1、超高分辨率:全色分辨率31厘米,多光谱分辨率1.24米2、高定位精度3、在多种影像采集模式下的超大储存容量4、双向扫描5、配备控制力矩陀螺, 能实现快速重新定位(速度快于其他卫星2倍以上),提供更优化的对区域及点目标的影像采集能力6、直接获取编程数据传输给用户7、重访频率为1天8、除了提供即时的超光谱、高分辨率地球影像,WorldView-4卫星还具有以下无可比拟的优势:能对较大面积的区域进行单次过境采集,减少短暂变化的影响;无须地面控制点就可以达到CE90 3米的几何精度; 拍摄能力为68万平方公里/天。


World Wind

World Wind


World Wind 可以利用Landsat 7、SRTM、MODIS、GLOBE、Landmark、Set等多颗卫星的数据,将Landsat卫星的图像和航天飞机雷达遥感数据结合在一起,让用户体验三维地球遨游的感觉。

在浏览地球的同时, 还提供了月球数据, 可以对月球进行虚拟的巡航, 用户可在所观察的行星上随意地旋转、放天、缩小, 同时可以看到地名和行政区划。

WorldWind既可以通过因特网浏览地理数据,又可以在作为单机电脑程序单独运行,软件还包含了一个软件包,能够浏览地图及其它由因特网上的OpenGIS Web Mapping Service提供的图像。

World Wind的技术主要包括:1、3D Engine可以使用电脑3D硬件加速2、Blue Marble 技术使World Wind的最高解析度可以达到每像素代表15公尺;3、Land Sat 7技术可以查看过去的影像资料;4、SRTM技术可以以地面飞行的状态查看;5、MODIS灾害性事件监视;6、GLOBE查看全球气温变化;7、Country & State Borders边界线查看;8、Place names地名查看Word Wind分为.Net版本和java版本。

目前NASA停止了对.net 版本的开发,最新的版本为1.4.0.1。

2007年推出了Java语言的World Wind java SDK。

开发环境:C#语言、Visual Studio;Java语言、Eclipse优点:World Wind是个开放软件,允许用户修改w0rld Wind软件本身。

软件用c#编写,调用微软SQL Server影像库Terrain Server 来进行全球地形三维显示,低分辨率的Blue marble数据包含的初始安装内,当用户放大到特定区域时,附加的高分辨率数据将会自动从NASA服务器上下载。


........................................................................................................................ 1 1.1 示教器外观说明................................................................................................................ 1 1.1.1 示教器前部面板说明.................................................................................................. 1 1.1.2 后部面板说明.............................................................................................................. 3 1.1.3 示教器正确手握方法.................................................................................................. 4 1.1.4 三位开关说明.............................................................................................................. 4 1.1.5 左侧 LED 灯 ................................................................................................................ 5 1.1.6 左侧按键说明.............................................................................................................. 6 1.1.7 下部按键说明.............................................................................................................. 6 1.1.8 右侧按键说明 ............................................................................................................. 7 1.1.9 上部开关说明 ............................................................................................................. 7 1.2 示教器状态栏简介............................................................................................................. 7 1.2.1 运行方式...................................................................................................................... 8 1.2.2 使能状态..................................................................................................................... 8 1.2.3 程序运行状态 ............................................................................................................. 9 1.2.4 程序运行模式 ............................................................................................................. 9 1.2.5 焊接仿真................................................................................................................... 10 1.2.6 急停按键状态............................................................................................................ 10 1.2.7 参考坐标系................................................................................................................ 11 1.2.8 工具........................................................................................................................... 11 1.2.9 速度........................................................................................................................... 11 1.2.10 报警信息显示 ......................................................................................................... 12 1.2.11 报警信息确认按键.................................................................................................. 12



worldwind的矢量处理显示类比较混乱。效果也不 是太好。

通过一个插件能够支持KML,不过想达到 googleearth的添加等功能,还需要做很多工作。

按理,c#不会存在内存泄露。出现问题的地方是 QuadTile.Dispose,D3D的纹理没有进行清除。 使得资源占用越来越大,速度越来越慢

每个Tile之间未作平滑处理,经常会出现深坑、断 档。

大多数基于worldwind的软件,可以看到影像边 缘很明显的黑边、锯齿。究其原因,是Jpg压缩, 出现黑色渗透交融导致黑边锯齿。 两种解决办法, a)边缘地带采用png。b)严格的数据组织。

可以说,国内很多高手都解决了上述的问题,并且 发扬WorldWind的优势。典型代表EVGlobe等等。 很不容易,从某种角度上来说,确实是自主研发。
WorldWind知名度很高,介绍也很全。链接在这里 NASAWorld Wind 目前分为.net版本和java版本。 开发语言 渲染方式:DirectX,Opengl(Java)

WorldWind的软件架构应该来说还是很不错的, 很优秀。开放的设计,使得Worldwind的扩展非常 方便和快捷,目前已有上百种各式各样的插件,很 多插件都很有意思和实用。使用.net和java,研究 它的工作原理变的相对容易。 相对来说.net版本的容易深入些。java版的 严格面向对象方法的使用,使得java版的精简,但 深入起来不如.net容易。

速度慢 三维支持能力稍差 矢量支持能力稍差 KML支持不完善 内存泄露 DEM显示缺陷 影像黑边



十九个国内外主流的三维GIS软件 介绍:Google Earth以三维地球的形式把大量卫星图片、航拍照片和模拟三维图像组织在一起,使用户从不同角度浏览地球。

Google Earth的数据来源于商业遥感卫星影像和航片,包括DigitalGlobe公司的QuickBird,IKOONOS及法国SPOTS。

特点:Google Earth凭借其强大的技术实力和经验,以其操作简单、用户体验超群的优势吸引了全球近十分之一的人口使用。

发展历程:Google于2004年10月收购了Keyhole公司,随之次年6月推出Google Earth系列软件。

产品形式:Google Earth客户端软件提供三个版本:个人免费版、Plus版、Pro版以及企业级解决方案,用于在企业内部部署Google Earth应用。

二重唱·美国国家航空和航天管理局(NASA):World Wind--最强大的开源地理科普软件介绍:World Wind是NASA发布的一个开放源代码的地理科普软件,由NASA Research 开发,NASA Learning Technologies来发展,它是一个可视化地球仪,将NASA、USGS以及其它WMS服务商提供的图像通过一个三维的地球模型展现,还包含了火星和月球的展现。

软件用C#编写,调用微软SQL Server影像库Terrain Server来进行全球地形三维显示。


特点:World Wind最大的特性是卫星数据的自动更新能力。

这种能力使得World Wind 具有在世界范围内跟踪近期事件、天气变化、火灾等情况的能力。

拥有NASA血统的World Wind可以利用Landsat 7、SRTM、MODIS、GLOBE , Landmark Set 等多颗卫星的数据,将Landsat卫星的图像和航天飞机雷达遥感数据结合在一起,让用户体验三维地球遨游的感觉。

WInfrom Spread 应用属性大全

WInfrom Spread  应用属性大全

eMax = true;//为第一个表单设置PrintInfo属性。

fpSpread1.Sheets[0].PrintInfo = printset;//打印表单。

fpSpread1.PrintSheet(0); 自定义打印功课设置若是你没有指定其他打印机的话,表单会应用你的Windows体系景象中当前的默认打印机进行打印。





private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){int i;System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = newSystem.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();for (i = 0; i <= ps.PaperSources.Count - 1; i++){comboBox1.Items.Add(ps.PaperSources[i].SourceName);}comboBox1.Text = ps.PaperSources[0].SourceName;}private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e{FarPoint.Win.Spread.PrintInfo pi = newFarPoint.Win.Spread.PrintInfo();System.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings ps = newSystem.Drawing.Printing.PrinterSettings();pi.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("Letter",600, 300);pi.PaperSource = ps.PaperSources[comboBox1.SelectedIndex];fpSpread1.Sheets[0].PrintInfo = pi;fpSpread1.PrintSheet(-1);}自定义打印页眉或页脚你可以在打印页面上显示页眉和页脚。

W Series科学计算器操作指南说明书

W Series科学计算器操作指南说明书

<W Series>C O N TEN TSRead Before Using12This calculator can operate in three different modes as follows.<Example>≈Read B efore Using ≈This operation g uide has been written based on the EL-531W , EL-509W , and EL-531W H models. Some functions described here are not featured on other models. In addition, key operations and symbols on the display may differ according to the model.•Mode = 0; normal mode for performing normal arithmetic and function calculations.[Normal mode]•Mode = 1; STAT-0 mode for performing 1-variable statisti-cal calculations.[STAT-0 mode]•Mode = 1; STAT-1–6 mode for performing 2-variable statistical calculations.[STAT-1–6 mode]W hen chang ing to the statistical sub-mode, press the corresponding number key afterperforming (LINE): Linear reg ression calculation(Q UAD): Q uadratic reg ression calculation (EX P):Exponential reg ression calculation(LO G): Log arithmic reg ression calculation (PW R): Power reg ression calculation (INV):Inverse reg ression calculation3For convenient and easy operation, this model can be used in one of four display modes.The selected display status is shown in the upper part of the display (Format Indicator).N ote: If more 0’s (zeros) than needed are displayed when the O N /C key is pressed, check whether or not the calculator is set to a Special Display Format.•Floating decimal point format (no symbol is displayed)Valid values beyond the maximum rang e are displayed in the form of a [10-dig it (mantissa) + 2-dig it (exponent)]•Fixed decimal point format (FIX is displayed)Displays the fractional part of the calculation result according to the specified number of decimal places.•Scientific notation (SC I is displa yed)Frequently used in science to handle extremely small or larg e numbers.•Eng ineering scientific notation (EN G is displayed)C onvenient for converting between different units.(specifies normal mode)<Example>Let’s compare the display result of[10000 8.1 =] in each display format.4. DI S P L AY F O R M AT A N DDE C I M A L S E T T I N G F U N C T I O N3. DI S P L AY P AT T E R NInitial display The actual display does not appear like this.This illustration is for explanatory purposes only.100008.1(normal mode)N ote: The calculator has two setting s for displaying a floating point number: N O RM 1 (default setting ) and N O RM 2. In each display setting , a number isautomatically displayed in scientific notation outside a preset rang e:• N O RM 1: 0.000000001 x 9999999999• N O RM 2: 0.01 x 9999999999(FIX mode TAB = 3)5.E X P O N E N T DI S P L AYThe distance from the earth to the sun is approx. 150,000,000 (1.5 x 108) km. Values such as this with many zeros are often used in scientific calculations, but entering the zeros one by one is a great deal of work and it’s easy to make mistakes.In such a case, the numerical values are divided into mantissa and exponent portions, displayed and calculated.<Example>W hat is the number of electronics flowing in a conductor whenthe electrical charg e across a g iven cross-section is 0.32 cou-lombs. (The charg e on a sing le electron = 1.6 x 10-19 coulombs).0.32191.645Ang ular values are converted from DEG to RAD to GRAD with each push of the DRG key . This function is used when doing calculations related to trig onometric functions or coordinate g eometry conversions.<Example>6. A N G U L A RU N I T(in DEG mode)••••••••O per ationof ang C heck to confirm 90 deg rees equaling π/2 radiansequaling 100 g rads. (π=3.14159...)90D egrees (DE G is shown at the top of the display)A commonly used unit of measure for ang les. The ang ular measure of a circle is expressed as 360°.R adians (R A D is shown at the top of the display)Radians are different than deg rees and express ang les based on the circumfer-ence of a circle. 180° is equivalent to π radians. Therefore, the ang ular mea-sure of a circle is 2π radians.G r ads (G R A D is shown at the top of the display)Grads are a unit of ang ular measure used in Europe, particularly in France. An ang le of 90 deg rees is equivalent to 100 g rads.6Turns the calculator on or clears the data. It also clears the contents of the calculator display and voids any calculator command; however, coeffi-cients in 3-variable linear equations and statistics, as well as values stored in the independent memory in normal mode, are not erased.Turns the calculator off.C lears all internal values, including coefficients in 3-variable linear equations andstatistics. Values stored in memory in normal mode are not erased.T hese arrow keys are useful for Multi-Line playback, which lets you scroll throug h calculation steps one by one. (refer to page 8)These keys are useful for editing equations. The key moves the cursor to the left, and theht. TheON/OFF, Entry Correction Keys≈Function and K ey Operation≈7Provided the earth is moving around the sun in a circular orbit,how many kilometers will it travel in a year?* The averag e distance between the earth and the sun being 1.496 x 108 km.C ircumference equals diameter x π; therefore,1.496 x 108 x 2 x π0 to 9Pressing π automatically enters the value for π (3.14159...).The constant π, used frequently in function calculations, is the ratio of thecircumference of a circle to its diameter.<Example>N umeric keys for entering data values.Decimal point key. Enters a decimal point.Enters minus symbol or sig n chang e key.C hang es positive numbers to neg ative and neg ative numbers to positive.Pressing this key switches to scientific notation data entry .O per ationD isplay2149688RandomGenerates random numbers.Random numbers are three-decimal-place values between0.000 and 0.999. Using this function enables the user to obtain unbiased sampling data derived from random values g enerated by the calculator.<Example>A PPL IC AT IO N S:Building sample sets for statistics or research.0. ***(A random number has been generated.)[R andom D ice]To simulate a die-rolling, a random integ er between 1 and 6can be g enerated by pressing[R andom C oin]0 (heads) or 1 (tails) can be randomly g enerated by pressingTo g[R andom Integer]An integ er between 0 and 99 can be g enerated randomly by pressing To g enerate the next random integ9Function to round calculation results.Even after setting the number of decimal places on the display, the calculator per-forms calculations using a larg er number of decimal places than that which appears on the display . By using this function, internal calculations will be performed using only the displa yed value.A P P L IC AT IO N S:Frequently used in scientific and technical fields, as well as business,when performing chained calculations.<Example>0.65.4599Modify(internally, 0.6)(internally, 0.5555...)Basic ArithmeticKeys, ParenthesesUsed to specify calculations in which certain operations have precedence.You can make addition and subtraction operations have precedence over multiplication and division by enclosing them in parentheses.The four basic operators. Each is used in the same way as a standard calculator:+ (addition), – (subtraction), x (multiplication), and ÷ (division).Finds the result in the same way as a standar d calculator.For calculating percentages. Four methods of calculating percentages are presented as follows.1) $1137.52) $125 reduced by 20% (1)003) 118.754) W hen $1, Xequals (2500)1251012520125151255Percent<Example>C alculates the square root of the value on the display .Calculates the inverse of the value on the display.Squares the value on the display.C ubes the value on the display.C alculates the cube root of the value on the display.C alculates the x th root of y.24416O per ation D isplayCalculates exponential values.2222Inverse, Square, Cube, xth Power of y,Square Root,Cube Root, xth Root of y10 to the Power of x,Common Logarithm <Example>C alculates the value of 10 raised to the x th power.C alculates log arithm, the exponent of the power to which 10 must be raised to equal the g iven value.10003O per ationD isplaye to the Power of x,Natural LogarithmC alculates powers based on the constant e (2.718281828).<Example>510O per ationD isplay C omputes the value of the natural log arithm, the exponent of the power to which e must be raised to equal the g iven value.FactorialsThe product of a g iven positive integ er n multiplied by all the lesser positive integers from 1 to n-1 is indicated by n! and called the factorial of n.APPL IC ATIO N S:Used in statistics and mathematics. In statistics, this function is used in calculations involving combinations and permutations.<Example>c.fn! = 1 x 2 x 3 x …xnO per ation D isplay76464A PPL IC AT IO N S:Used in statistics (probability calculations) and in simulation hypoth-eses in fields such as medicine, pharmaceutics, and physics. Also,can be used to determine the chances of winning in lotteries.Permutations, Combinations<Example>T his function finds the number of different possible orderings in selecting r objects from a set of n objects. For example, there are six differentways of ordering the letters ABC in groups of three letters—ABC , AC B,BAC , BC A, C AB, and C BA.The calculation equation is3P 3 = 3 x 2 x 1= 6 (ways).T his function finds the number of ways of selecting r objects from a set of n objects. For example, from the three letters ABC , there are three ways we can extract groups of two different letters—AB, AC , and C B.T he calculation equation is 3C 2.O per ation D isplayTime CalculationC onvert 24° 28’ 35” (24 degrees, 28 minutes, 35 sec-onds) to decimal notation. T hen convert 24.476° to sexagesimal notation.C onver ts a sexagesimal value displayed in degrees, minutes, seconds to decimal notation. Also, conver ts a decimal value to sexagesimalnotataion (degrees, minutes, seconds).Inputs values in sexagesimal notation (degrees, minutes, seconds).<Example>A PPLIC AT IO N S:Used in calculations of angles and angular velocity in physics, andlatitude and long itude in g eography.242835O per ationD isplay Repeat last key operation to return to the previous display.C onvert to decimal notationFractional CalculationsAdd 3 and , and convert to decimal notation.<Example>Inputs fractions and converts mutually between fractions and decimals.C onverts between mixed numbers and improper fractions.31257C onvert to an improper fractionPress once to return to the previous displayC onvert to decimal notationPress once to return to the previous displayA PPL IC AT IO N S:T here is a wide variety of applications for this function becausefractions are such a basic part of mathematics. T his function is usefulfor calculations involving electrical circuit resistance.O per ation D isplay1257Stores displayed values in memories A~F, X , Y, M.Recalls values stored in A~F, X , Y, M.Adds the displayed value to the value in the independent memory M.Memory Calculations<Example 1>252773O per ation D isplayTemporary memories~(Enter 0 for M)<Example 2>Subtracts the displayed value from the value in the independent memory M.Independent memory O per ation D ispla yC alculates $/¥ at the desig nated exchang e rate.110265102750$1 = ¥110¥26,510 = $?$2,750 = ¥?Solve for x first and then solve for y using x.Last Answer Memory<Example>y =4 ÷ xandx =2 +3O per ationDisplay234Automatically recalls the last answer calculated by pressingThe ang le from a point 15 meters from a building to the hig hest floor of the building is 45°. How tall is the building ?Trigonometric Functions[DEG mode]V APPL IC AT IO NS:Trig onometric functions are useful in mathematics and various eng ineering calculations. They are often used in astronomical observations, civil eng i-neering and in calculations involving electrical circuits, as well as in calcula-tions for physics such as parabolic motion and wave motion.C alculates the sine of an angle.C alculates the cosine of an angle.C alculates the tangent of an angle.<Example>451515O per ation D isplaysin θ =ba tan θ =bccos θ =ca acbθTrig onometric functions determine the ratio of three sides of a rig ht triang le. The combinations of the three sides are sin, cos, and tan. Their relations are:Arc trig onometric functions, the inverse of trig onomet-ric functions, are used to determine an angle from ratios of a rig ht triang le. The combinations of the three sides are sin -1, cos -1, and tan -1. Their relations are;Arc Trigonometric Functions[DEG mode](arc sine) Determines an angle based on the ratio b/a of two sides of a right triangle.(arc cosine) Determines an angle based on the ratio c/a for two sides of a right triangle.(arc tangent) Determines an angle based on the ratio a/b for two sides of a right triangle.<Example>At what ang to climb 80 meters in 100 meters?80100O per ation D isplayθ = sin -1b aθ = cos -1ca θ = tan -1bccabθHyperbolic FunctionsThe hyperbolic function is defined by using natural exponents in trig o-nometric functions.A PPL IC AT IO N S:Hyperbolic and arc hyperbolic functions are very useful in electrical engineering and physics.Arc hyperbolic functions are defined by using natural logarithms in trig ono-metric functions.Coordinate ConversionyxyxC onverts rectang ular coordinates to polar coordinates (x,y r, θ)C onverts polar coordinates to rectang ular coordinates (r, θ x, y )Splits data used for dual-variable data input.Displays r, θ and x, y. (Cxy or r θ)←←←←<Example>Determine the polar coordinates (r, θ) when the rectang u-lar coordinates of Point P are (x = 7, y = 3).[D E G m ode]A PPL IC AT IO N S:Coordinate conversion is often used in mathematics and eng ineering , espe-cially for impedance calculations in electronics and electrical eng ineering .737.623.2O per ationD isplay←←Binary, Pental, Octal,Decimal, and HexadecimalOperations (N-Base)This calculator can perform conversions between numbers expressed in binary, pental, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal systems. It can also perform the four basic arithmetic operations, calculations with parentheses and memory calculations using binary, pental, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers. In addition, the calculator can carry out the log ical operations AN D, O R, N O T, N EG, X O R, and X N O R on binary, pental, octal, and hexadecimal numbers.C onverts to the binary system. "b" appears.C onverts to the pental system. "P" appears.C onverts to the octal system. "o" appears.C onverts to the hexadecimal system. "H" appears.Converts to the decimal system. "b", "P", "o", and "H" disappear from the display.C onversion is performed on the displayed value when these keys are pressed.<Example 1>O per ation D isplayHEX(1AC) ©BIN ©PEN ©OCT ©DEC1011 AND 101 = (BIN) ©<Example 2>1AC1011101O per ation D isplayHere is a table of examination results. Input this datafor analysis.<Example 1>Enters data for statistical calculations.C lears data input.Splits data used for dual-variable data input.(Used for dual-variable statistical calculations.)302..O per ationD isplayN o.1234567 8Score30405060708090100N o. of pupils2457121082D ata table 1Select sing le-variable statistics modeThe statistics function is excellent for analyzing qualities of an event. Thoug h primarily used for eng ineering and mathematics, the function is also applied to nearly all other fields including economics and medicine.Statistics FunctionDAT A I N P U T A N D C O R R E C T I O NC alculates the averag e value of the data (sample data x).C alculates the standard deviation for the data (sample data x).C alculates the standard deviation of a data population (sample data x).Displays the number of input data (sample data x).C alculates the sum of the data (sample data x).Calculates the sum of the data (sample data x) raised to the second power.Let’s check the results based on the previous data.69 (averag e value)17.75686128 (standard deviation)17.57839583 (standard deviation of the population)50 (total count of data)3450 (total)N OT E:1.Sample data refers to data selected randomly from the population.2.Standard deviation of samples is determined by the sample data shift from an averag e value.3.Standard deviation for the population is standard deviation when the sample data is deemed a population (full data).“A N S ” K E Y S F O R 1-V A R I A B L E S T AT I S T I C SDA T A C O R R E C T I O N<Example 2>3040502O per ationD isplaySelect single-variable statistics modeC orrection after pressingC orrection prior to pressing(oldest first) order. To reverse the display order to descending Each item is displayed with 'Xn=', 'Yn=', or 'N n=' (n is the sequential number of the data set).Using • Wor appears, more data items can be browsed by pressing • To delete a data set, display an item of the data set to delete, then D ata table 2A PPL IC A T IO N S:Sing le-variable statistical calculations are used in a broad rang e of fields,including eng ineering , business, and economics. They are most often applied to analysis in atmospheric observations and physics experiments, as well as for quality control in factories.45603O per ationDisplayThe table below summarizes the dates in April when cherryblossoms bloom, and the averag e temperature for March inthat same area. Determine basic statistical quantities fordata X and data Y based on the data table.<Example 3>6213D ata table 3Select dual-variable statistics mode and linear reg ression calculation in sub-mode.Year 19831984198519861987198819891990Average temperature 6.27.0 6.5 6.18.2Date blossoms bloom 139********7xyDateTemperature 615827......O per ationD isplay 17.175(Averag e for data x)0.973579551(Standard deviation for data x)0.91070028(Standard deviation of the population for data x)9.875(Averag e for data y)3.440826313(Standard deviation for data y)3.218598297(Standard deviation of the population for data y)8(Total count of data)57.4(Sum of data x)418.48(Sum of data x raised to the second power)544.1(Sum of the product of data x and data y)79(Sum of data y)863(Sum of data y raised to the second power)Let’s check the results based on the previous data.C alculates the sum of the product for sample data x and sample data y.C alculates the sum of the data (sample data y).C alculates the sum of the data (sample data y) raised to the second power.C alculates the averag e value of the data (sample data y).In addition to the 1-variable statistic keys, the following keys have been added for calcu-lating2-variable statistics.Calculates the standard deviation of a data population (sample data y).Calculates the standard deviation for the data (sample data y).N OT E:The codes for basic statistical quantities of sample data x and their meaning s are the same as those for sing le-variable statistical calculations.“A N S ” K E Y S F O R 2-V A R I A B L E S T AT I S T I C S。



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在线数据既有气象测量数据又有中尺度模式数据(需要有MCP模块许可才能进入)• 根据现场测风数据计算单台风电机组的发电量(不使用WAsP等流体模型)气象模块的数据处理功能得到了广泛认可。




第六步:接下来通过“Duplicate Slide at End Position”来添加第四张幻灯片。滚动鼠标滑轮让月球南极放大,在其附近找到贝利环形山,使它处于屏幕中央,将其命名为“贝利环形山”,设置摄影结束位置即可。(注:通过“Duplicate Slide atEnd Position”复制的下一张幻灯片可以不设置摄影开始位置就可运行)。在浏览“贝利环形山”时,可以添加录音来介绍贝利环形山的形成原因。点击面板右上角“画外音”下面的“浏览”按钮,找到所录制或者下载的音频文件,打开,通过右击“贝利环形山”这张幻灯片,选择“从这里预览漫游”来预览这张幻灯片的效果。可以调整播放时间,以便音频文件的时间与显示图片时间吻合。
第三步:点击“Add New Slide”,通过时间数字两侧的小三角形来调整播放时间,如设置为4秒。在界面的左下角,点击指向的下拉框,从中选择“Planet”,同时在图像中选择“moon”,这样“月球”就出现在屏幕上,可以通过鼠标滑轮来调整它的大小。














五、初始启动设置类WorldSettings.cs,WorldWindSettings.cs,这两个类将程序关闭时的一些设置保存到XML 文件中,然后在下次启动程序时读取这些设置来初始化程序。

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WorldWind系列四:功能分析——Show Planet Axis、Show Position、Show Cross Hairs功能来源:博客园作者:无痕客今天主要看了Show Planet Axis、Show Position 、Show Cross Hairs 功能,主要是它们在菜单调用方式上都是很类似。

代码如下:显示位置信息private void menuItemShowPosition_Click(object sender, System.EventAr gs e){World.Settings.ShowPosition = !World.Settings.ShowPositio n;this.toolBarButtonPosition.Pushed = World.Settings.ShowPo sition;this.menuItemShowPosition.Checked = World.Settings.ShowPo sition;this.worldWindow.Invalidate();}//显示中心十字标private void menuItemShowCrosshairs_Click(object sender, System.Even tArgs e){//控制中心十字标显示与否World.Settings.ShowCrosshairs = !World.Settings.ShowCross hairs;this.menuItemShowCrosshairs.Checked = World.Settings.Show Crosshairs;this.worldWindow.Invalidate();}从上面的代码看,我们只能惊叹代码封装的很好,同样都调用this.worldWindow.Invalidate();难道Invalidate()函数万能?!请参考我的Invalidate()方法学习(资料收集),原来该方法是界面区域失效,发送了重绘事件,将会调用WorldWindow.cs中重载了的OnPaint()。

OnPaint方法里主要是调用了 Render()方法。


(其实Render()中实现的功能很多,主要是控制界面绘制方面的,以后还会提到它的)Render()实现上面三个功能也大量使用了DirectX和Direct 3D方面的知识,请网上搜索学习相关知识或参看我的Direct3D学习(资料收集)。

显示中心十字线功能Render()中实现代码为787行 if (World.Settings.ShowCrosshairs)this.DrawCrossHairs();实现显示十字标代码实现显示十字标代码protected void DrawCrossHairs(){int crossHairSize = 10;if(this.crossHairs == null){crossHairs = new Line(m_Device3d);//构造线对象}Vector2[] vertical = new Vector2[2];Vector2[] horizontal = new Vector2[2];// Vector2[] test = new Vector2[2];//这是我试验添加的,效果请看下面的截图horizontal[0].X = this.Width / 2 - crossHairSize;horizontal[0].Y = this.Height / 2;horizontal[1].X = this.Width / 2 + crossHairSize;horizontal[1].Y = this.Height / 2;vertical[0].X = this.Width / 2;vertical[0].Y = this.Height / 2 - crossHairSize;vertical[1].X = this.Width / 2;vertical[1].Y = this.Height / 2 + crossHairSize;// test[0].X = this.Width / 2;// test[0].Y = this.Height / 2 + crossHairSize;//test[1].X = this.Width / 2 + crossHairSize;//test[1].Y = this.Height / 2;crossHairs.Begin();crossHairs.Draw(horizontal, crossHairColor);crossHairs.Draw(vertical, crossHairColor);// crossHairs.Draw(test,Color.Red.ToArgb());crossHairs.End();}上面注销部分(我加了红线)是我试验添加的,效果请看上面的截图。



实现显示位置坐标信息private const int positionAlphaStep = 20;private int positionAlpha = 255;private int positionAlphaMin = 40;private int positionAlphaMax = 205;protected void RenderPositionInfo(){// Render some Development information to screenstring captionText = _caption;captionText += "\n" + this.drawArgs.UpperLeftCornerText;if(World.Settings.ShowPosition){string alt = null;double agl = this.drawArgs.WorldCamera.AltitudeAboveT errain;/*if(agl>100000)alt = string.Format("{0:f2}km", agl/1000);elsealt = string.Format("{0:f0}m", agl);*/alt = ConvertUnits.GetDisplayString(agl);string dist = null;double dgl = this.drawArgs.WorldCamera.Distance;/*if(dgl>100000)dist = string.Format("{0:f2}km", dgl/1000);elsedist = string.Format("{0:f0}m", dgl);*/dist = ConvertUnits.GetDisplayString(dgl);// Heading from 0 - 360double heading = this.drawArgs.WorldCamera.Heading.De grees;if(heading<0)heading+=360;//构造显示位置坐标信息字符串captionText += String.Format("Latitude: {0}\nLongitud e: {1}\nHeading: {2:f2}\nTilt: {3}\nAltitude: {4}\nDistance: {5}\nFO V: {6}",titude,this.drawArgs.WorldCamera.Longitude,heading,this.drawArgs.WorldCamera.Tilt,alt,dist,this.drawArgs.WorldCamera.Fov );if(agl < 300000){captionText += String.Format("\nTerrain Elevatio n: {0:n} meters\n", this.drawArgs.WorldCamera.TerrainElevation);}if(this.showDiagnosticInfo)captionText +="\nAvailable Texture Memory: " + (m_Device3d.Avai lableTextureMemory/1024).ToString("N0") + " kB"+"\nBoundary Points: " + this.drawArgs.numBoundary PointsRendered.ToString() + " / " + this.drawArgs.numBoundaryPointsTo tal.ToString() + " : " + this.drawArgs.numBoundariesDrawn.ToString () +"\nTiles Drawn: " + (this.drawArgs.numberTilesDra wn * 0.25f).ToString() +"\n" + this.drawArgs.WorldCamera +"\nFPS: " + this.fps.ToString("f1") +"\nRO: " + m_World.RenderableObjects.Count.ToStri ng("f0") +"\nmLat: " + this.cLat.Degrees.ToString() +"\nmLon: " + this.cLon.Degrees.ToString() +"\n" + TimeKeeper.CurrentTimeUtc.ToLocalTime().To LongTimeString();captionText = captionText.Trim();//定义要画出文本的样式DrawTextFormat dtf = DrawTextFormat.NoClip | DrawTextForm at.WordBreak | DrawTextFormat.Right;int x = 7;int y = _menuBar!=null && World.Settings.ShowToolbar ? 6 5 : 7;//定义盛放位置文本的矩形框Rectangle textRect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(x,y, this.Width-8, this.Height-8 );//我添加的测试用代码Rectangle testRect = Rectangle.FromLTRB(x, y, this.Widt h, this.Height);// Hide position info when toolbar is openif (_menuBar.IsActive) //如果上面的_menuBar处于活动状态,则更改位置文本的Alpha值{positionAlpha -= positionAlphaStep;if (positionAlpha<positionAlphaMin){positionAlpha=positionAlphaMin;}else{positionAlpha += positionAlphaStep;if(positionAlpha>positionAlphaMax)positionAlpha = positionAlphaMax;}int positionBackColor = positionAlpha << 24;int positionForeColor = (int)((uint)(positionAlpha << 2 4) + 0xffffffu);使用Font对象defaultDrawingFont的DrawText()实现绘制位置信息this.drawArgs.defaultDrawingFont.DrawText( null, captionT ext, textRect, dtf, positionBackColor);textRect.Offset(-1,-1);this.drawArgs.defaultDrawingFont.DrawText( null, captionT ext, textRect, dtf, positionForeColor);//下面这行是我添加的,测试用this.drawArgs.defaultDrawingFont.DrawText(null, "无痕客在研究WorldWind应用!", textRect, dtf,Color.Red.ToArgb());}上面需要注意的知识点就是:使用Font对象(实例:defaultDrawingFont)的DrawText()实现绘制文本信息。
