world wind energy report 2010 WWEA 世界风能协会 风能 报告
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能源展望报告 建立一个更 节能的世界 2010 年最新能源展望 世界经济论坛与 IHS 剑桥能源研究协会合作编写 关于世界经济论坛 世界经济论坛是一个独立的国际机构,致力于召集各界领袖开展合作以制定全球、地区和 行业议程,从而改善世界状况。
世界经济论坛于 1971 年以基金会的形式成立,总部设在瑞士日 内瓦,是一个非盈利的中立组织,不介入任何政治、党派或国家利益。
1971 年,世界经济论坛 作为基金会组织成立,总部设在瑞士的日内瓦。
世界经济论坛严格遵守中立和非营利原则,与任 何政治、党派或国家利益无关。
( 关于 IHS 剑桥能源研究协会(CERA) IHS 剑桥能源研究协会是一个领先的咨询机构,致力于为能源公司、政府组织、金融机构、 技术提供商和消费者提供咨询服务,并提供能源市场、地缘政治、行业趋势和战略等方面的重要 知识和独立客观的分析。
( IHS 剑桥能源研究协会的专业技能涵盖全球和地区范围内的所有重大能源领域, 包括石油及 其精炼产品、天然气、煤炭、电力和可再生能源以及能源需求、环境和效率等。
IHS 剑桥能源研 究协会的专家团队以 IHS 剑桥能源研究协会主席 Daniel Yergin 为首,他是《战利品:石油、金 钱和权力的追求史诗》 (普利策获奖作品)和《制高点:世界经济之战》两书的作者。
另外,IHS 是全球石油和天然气上游行业重要经营信息和数据的主要提供商, 致力于提供全球经济、 安全和 各行各业经营标准方面的真知灼见。
( 关于能源行业合作伙伴项目 世界经济论坛的能源行业合作伙伴项目旨在为全球主要能源公司的首席执行官和高管以及 部分国家的能源部长提供与其职位相当的人进行接触的机会,以发现和解决全年重大行业问题。
The WorldWind Energy Association2012Half-yearReportJ o i n u s a t:Worldwide Wind Energy StatisticsGeneral SituationWorld Wind Capacity has crossed 250 GigawattTop Wind Markets: China, USA, Germany, Spain, and India continue to leadStill the ve leading countries, China, USA, Germany, Spain and India, represent together a total share of 74 % of the global wind capacity.The top ten markets show a diverse picture in the rst half of 2012: While ve countries performed stronger than in 2011 (USA, Germany, Italy, France, UK), India had a stable market size and four countries saw a decreasing market (China, Spain, Canada, Portugal).China and IndiaAgain in 2012, China represents by far the largest wind market, adding 5,4 GW in 6 months, however, signi cantly less than in the previous year, when it added 8 GW. China accounted for 32 % of the world market for new wind turbines, signi cantly less than the 43 % in the full year 2011. By June 2012, China had an overall installed capacity of around 67,7 GW. Without doubt China will continue in the foreseeable future its number one position, but at a lower speed.India added 1’471 MW, a similar amount like in the rst of 2011. The prospects of the Indian market are blurring due to outstanding payments for wind generators in some parts of the country and the recent decisions to abolish impor-tant support schemes.32 % (527 MW added by April 2012), Ukraine with 64 % (37 MW added) and Latvia with 64 % (20 MW added).USA and CanadaThe US market added 2’883 MW between January and June 2012, about 28 % more than in the same period in 2011. Major uncertainties arise from the unclear situation about the future of the Production Tax Credit. Several companies have already red people, and the near future of the US wind market may not be very bright in case that there is no support scheme in place. Canada installed 246 MW during the rst half of 2012, less than in the previous period of 2011.Latin AmericaThe two biggest Latin American markets, Brazil Array and Mexico, had modest growth rates but still abovethe global average: Brazil increased its installedcapacity from 1425 MW to 1543 MW, Mexico from929 MW to 1002 MW. Both countries are expected tocontinue as the lead markets in the region in the nextyears.AustraliaVery encouraging developments happened inAustralia whose wind market installed additional 384MW, equaling a 17% growth in comparison with endof 2011.World Wind Energy AssociationWorldwide prospects for end of the year 2012 and 2013:In the second half of 2012, an additional capacity of 19’000 MW is expected to be erected worldwide, which would bring new annual installations to 35’546 MW, signi cantly less that the 40’535 MW of the year 2011. The total installed wind capacity is expected to reach 273’000 MW by the end of this year 2012.Prof. He Dexin, WWEA President: “Wind technology has become a pillar of the electricity supply scheme of many countries – just recently, Denmark announced a world record wind power share of 28 % in the country’s electricity supply. This success of wind power has become possible because of wise supportive policies by governments on the one hand and because of innovation and cost reduction by the wind industry on the other hand. Today, wind power can compete with any other source of energy, without causing environmental problems. WWEA calls on all governments not to reduce but to strengthen their e orts so that more investment in wind power can be done.”Stefan Gsänger, WWEA Secretary General: “The wind industry, without doubt, is currently in a di cult situation.Political uncertainties in some of the key markets, namely in the USA, Spain and India, are major matters of concern. At the same time, China has reached its maximum speed of installing new wind farms, although the Chinese market still continues to be much bigger than any other country. However, this leads to strong pressure on Chinese manufacturers and will further increase pressure on wind turbine prices worldwide. More countriesshould now make use of the low cost of wind power and implement the technology as fast as possible.”More information about a speci c country?The 4th edition of the international standard yearbook, Wind Energy International 2011/2012 includes 76 country reports describing the wind energy situation in almost 100 countries on all continents as well as 32 special reports.Wind Energy International 2011/2012 is a culmination of reports from experts around the world. It includes updated and complete information on the worldwide status of wind energy. In addition, it also incorporates special reports detailing policies, industrial trends,nancing, grid integration, o shore, small scale wind systems, community power, education, training & capacity building.With the accelerating switch of the worldwide energy system towards more renewable energy, in particular wind power, Wind Energy International 2011/2012 will be even more critical for policy-makers, business people, and parties involved in the energy sector. Best practices from around the world have been carefully analysed and presented in the yearbook. These include successful feed-in tari , community power, nancing developments that support the widespread di usion of wind energy. Paul Gipe, author, advocate, and renewable energy industry analyst, book review:"If you want to know thestatus of wind energydevelopment worldwideand you only can a ordone book, this is the one"To order Wind EnergyInternational 2011/2012,please order online on theWWEA bookshop. About WWEAThe World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) is a non-pro t organisation which works for a world energy system fully based on the various renewable energy technologies, with wind energy as one cornerstone. WWEA acts as a communication platform for all wind energy actors worldwide, WWEA advises national governments and international organisations on favourable policies for wind energy implementation and WWEA enhances international technology transfer, a key in the accelerated dissemination of this clean tech-nology.Currently, WWEA has 550 members and represents the wind sector from 100 countries on all continents. Amongst the WWEA members, there are the national wind energy associations of the major wind countries – which themselves represent more than 50’000 mem-bers – as well as companies, scienti c institutions and public bodies.In 2007, WWEA was granted Special Consultative Status at the United Nations. WWEA has observer status e.g. at the UNFCCC Climate Conferences and cooperates with further international organisations. WWEA is repre-sented at the International Steering Committee of REN21 and is one of the rst and major proponents of the creation of the International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA.WWEA organises annually World Wind Energy Confer-ences like the WWEC2013 in Havana/Cuba in June 2013 and in the previous years in:• Bonn/Germany (2012)• Cairo/Egipt (2011)• Istanbul/Turkey (2010)• Jeju/South Korea (2009),• Kingston/Canada (2008),• Mar del Plata/Argentina (2007),• New Delhi/India (2006),• Melbourne/Australia (2005),• Beijing/China (2004),• Cape Town/South Africa (2003),• Berlin/Germany (2002).WWEA is governed by a Board which comprises WWEA President Prof. H e Dexin (China), ten Vice Presidents from the ve continents and the Treasurer. The Secre-tary General Stefan Gsänger manages the daily adminis-tration of the association at the WWEA Head O ce in Bonn/Germany.Organised byRegional Focus ISSUE 2 June 2012WWEA Quarterly Bulletin·19 WWEA Head Office Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 553113 Bonn, GermanyTel. +49-228-369 40-80Fax +49-228-369 40-84***********************All shipping and handling costs included . 7/19 % VAT included within the EU.Special rebates provided upon request for bulk orders, low-income countries, etc.Surname, Given Name Company/Organisation StreetPostal Code, CITY Country Tel./Fax E-MailWWEA Membership Nr.Date and Signature___________ ____________________BOOKSPriceMembers #/copiesSmall Wind World Report 2012 NEW 60 €45 €Wind Energy International 2011/2012 Bestseller 98 €68 €Energía Eólica Internacional 2011/2012 NEW Spanish edition of our Bestseller 78 €55 €Wind Energy Market 2012 (English) NEW Wind turbine market overview 60 €45 €Wind Power Status in Russia andNEWthe CIS Countries 2012 (E-Version)80 €60 €WWEA Quarterly Bulletin (E-Version)NEWPrice Students #/copiesAnnual Subscription = Individual WWEA membership80 €50 €WORLD WIND ENERGY CONFERENCEPROCEEDINGS/PRESENTATIONS (CD-ROM)Price Members #/copies11th WWEC 2012, Bonn, Germany NEW in July 12200 €120 €Former WWECs (Year/s: )each 50 €each 40 €MEDIA: CD-ROMsPriceMembers #/copies3th World Summit on Small Wind Turbines NEWPresentations, husum new energy 2012200 €100 €Wind Energy Technology and PlanningMultimedia-CD (English/German), 200615 €10 €Photos: Fuhrländer AGUniting the World of Wind Energy Since 2001WWEAc o m m u n i t y p o w e r - W W E C s - c o n t a c tJ o i n u s© WORLD WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATIONDate of Publication: October 2012Head O ce:Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 553113 Bonn Germanytel: +49-228-369 40 80fax: +49-228-369 40 84E-mail:***********************Web: 。
2010世界能源统计 BP ppt版
Natural gas reserves-to-production (R/P) ratios
© BP 2010 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2010
Natural gas consumption by region
© BP 2010 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2010
Proved oil reserves
© BP 2010 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2010
Distribution of proved oil reserves
© BP 2010 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2010
© BP 2010 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2010
Proved coal reserves at end 2009
© BP 2010 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2010
Coal production – Coal consumption
© BP 2010 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2010
Nuclear Energy
© BP 2010 BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2010
Nuclear energy consumption by region
Chart of OECD total commercial oil stocks
全球风力发电产业动态 (2010 年07 月)
全球風力發電產業動態 (2010年07月)編者:工研院產經中心(IEK)蔡瀚儀、馬利艷目錄加拿大(Canada) (1)加拿大許可建設大型風電項目 (1)Breeze將開發加拿大99MW的風場第一期建設 (1)SeaFinavera與GE簽署合約共同開發加拿大風電 (1)中國(China) (1)長纖維熱塑性塑膠改善小風力機葉片性能 (1)上海電氣3.6MW離岸風力機組下線 (2)中國離岸風電廠全數風力機併網發電 (2)中國風電獲世銀IMF金援 (2)GE在中國面臨重重壓力 (2)中國離岸風電的五大挑戰 (3)磁浮磁動風力發電試驗站山東開工 (3)金風大豐離岸風場基地一期投產 (3)華銳5MW風力機工廠落戶酒泉 (3)中國離岸風電機組研發基地在江蘇如東動工 (4)國家能源局印發風電標準建設工作規則 (4)國家新能源接入設備研發中心落戶 (4)丹麥(Denmark) (4)智慧葉片 (4)LondonArray得到現金支持 (5)歐盟/國際(European Union / International) (5)蘇格蘭與挪威聯手打造離岸風電工程船 (5)GE將與其他公司攜手開發歐洲離岸風電項目 (5)中遠觸角伸向英國離岸風電 (5)Vestas將在歐洲新增126MW風電設備 (6)歐洲離岸風電項目在2010年上半年激增 (6)愛沙尼亞(Estonian) (6)ABB將在愛沙尼亞雇用100員工 (6)德國(Germany) (7)Guideline更新其風力機組認證 (7)GLSiemens將連接Nordsee-Ost離岸風場的電網工程 (7)OMM公司將為BorWin1離岸風場鋪設高壓電纜 (7)ABB獲7億美元的輸變電工程合約 (7)REpower第一季表現下滑29% (7)印度(India) (8)印度Theni I風場即將商轉 (8)義大利(Italy) (8)Innogy完成其在義大利首個風電項目 (8)RWE日本(Japan) (8)日本第一座於外海的離岸風場投產 (8)韓國(Korea) (8)南韓上半年太陽能與風力發電業接單額較去年大增6.8倍 (8)俄羅斯(Russia) (9)Siemens打入俄國風力市場 (9)西班牙(Spain) (9)Gamesa建造三座西班牙風場 (9)西班牙計畫到2050年電力供應“全綠” (9)Gamesa上半年獲利下滑65% (9)台灣(Taiwan) (9)大陸拼風電,台商受惠 (10)兩岸風機業合攻離岸市場 (10)英國(United Kingdom) (10)Shoal離岸風場基礎建設完成 (10)Sheringham英國將持續引領歐洲離岸風電 (11)英國撥款1千萬英鎊補助離岸風能技術的發展 (11)英國微小型發電設備獲政府支持 (11)Siemens將供應蘇格蘭陸域風場68台風力機 (12)英國發明10MW新型風力發電機 (12)美國(United States of America) (13)離岸風電反對者認為開發商低報成本 (13)Google數據中心將用風能電力 (13)Power公司將開發加州風能項目 (13)Terra-Gen世界最大風電專案在加州動工 (13)美國2010年風電市場表現持續不景氣 (14)註:1.國家排序以英文字母順序2.各國新聞以日期為序3.共同開發或合作的廠商/市場動態以內容中風場位置為國家分類依據加拿大(Canada)新聞摘要♦加拿大許可建設大型風電項目加拿大魁北克省(Quebec)核准建設300MW的Lac-Alfred風場,Saint-Laurent Énergies公司將會在La Redemption、MRC La Mitis、Saint-Cléophas、Sainte-Irène 、Saint-Zénon-du-Lac-Humqui和MRC de La Matapedia建立風場,總投資成本約7億美元,將豎立起每台2MW,共150台REpower風力機,預計此開發案將為魁北克省新增150個工程職缺、250個製造職缺與150個營運職缺。
全球风能理事会秘书长Steve Sawyer说:“现在风电强劲的发展势头表明了风电日益增长的竞争力。
World Energy Outlook 2010
Fossil-fuel subsidies are distorting price signals
Economic value of fossil-fuel consumption subsidies by country, 2009
Billion dollars
70 60
The use of renewable energy triples between 2008 & 2035, driven by the power sector where their share in electricity supply rises from 19% in 2008 to 32% in 2035
© OECD/IEA 2010
Booming demand for mobility in the emerging economies drives up oil use
Passenger vehicles in the New Policies Scenario
1 600 1 400 China Other non-OECD United States Other OECD
Fossil-fuel consumption subsidies amounted to $312 billion in 2009, down from $558 billion in 2008, with the bulk of the fall due to lower international prices
Unconventional gas accounts for 35% of the increase in global
行业信息参考中国出口信用保险公司二〇一一年五月十七日2010年度全球风能行业发展概览一、全球风能装机容量情况截至2010年底,全球风能装机容量达196,630 MW。
其中,2010年全球风能新装机容量37,642 MW,装机容量比去年同期数据增长23.6%,为自2004年以来最低增长率。
在某些国家和地区,风能已成为其最重要的电力供源之一,其中份额最大的几个国家为:丹麦: 21 %;葡萄牙: 18 %;西班牙: 16 %;德国: 9 %。
此外,中国的风能发电占全国总发电量的 1.2%,美国的风能发电占其总发电量的2%。
2010年全球重大天气气候现象概述班级:环境科学091 姓名:何海燕指导老师:樊多琦摘要:2010年,年初,中国西南地区出现了有气象记录以来最严重的秋冬春连旱。
2010年,热带气旋生成较少关键词:雪灾寒流洪涝干旱泥石流热带气旋1 雪灾寒流2009年11月至2010年4月,东北、华北发生近40年来罕见持续低温灾害。
”这是全球自1982年以来能源需求的首次下降,也是自BP 1965年开始发布年度能源统计以来降幅最大的一次。
2009年的能源世界 从衰退到复苏
系有多么紧密 我仅举今年报告中的两组代表性数据来说明我们正共同 面临怎样的挑战 中国成为煤炭进口大国 抑制了全球煤炭消费的下滑 鉴于石油输出国组织削减石油产量 目前世界石油产量的最大增幅来自 美国 主要来自墨西哥湾 这绝非任何辩解之辞 只是反映现实世界的真 实一隅 59年来 无论经济形势好坏 BP世界能源统计 一直以客观的数据
集团首席执行官 致辞
请允许我着重谈一下数据透露出的几个关键性问题 首先 2009年 全球一次能源消费走低 但同经济衰退情况一样 不同地区的能源消费情 况差异也很大 经合组织国家的能源消费降幅超过国内生产总值 创能源 消费降幅记录 其去年一次能源消费量低于10 年前的水平 而国内生产 总值却上升了18% 相比之下 前苏联以外的发展中国家的能源消费量 增幅超过国内生产总值 全球范围看来 去年由于经济增长放慢以及大量 能源密集型财政刺激计划的拉动经济活动的能源强度有所上升 长期趋势背道而驰 2009年 由于能源消费量下降 能源价格也随之滑落 但各种燃料的 价格走势有所不同 年初 原油价格低于每桶40美元 随后因石油输出国 组织产量削减幅度超过消费量降幅 油价在一年中稳步攀升 受消费量下 降 美国非常规气源生产的持续增长以及更多的LNG供应的出现等多重 因素的影响 天然气价格在激烈的市场竞争中急剧下滑 并且在一年的大 部分时间中持续疲软 煤炭价格年初下跌 但之后各地区出现不同程度的 回升 经济衰退和现在显现出的可能的复苏 告诉我们这个世界的内在联 这与
2010中国风电装机容量统计出炉本报记者陆宇《中国能源报》( 2011年03月28日第 21 版)3月18日,中国可再生能源学会风能专业委员会发布了《2010年中国风电装机容量统计》报告。
Integrating wind power into electricity systems �����������������������������������������������ncy study��������������������������������������������������������� 16 World map��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
Moderate scenario ����������������������������������������������������������������� 5 Eastern Europe/Eurasia����������������������������������������������������������������27 Advanced scenario ����������������������������������������������������������������� 5 India����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 30 Global scenario results ���������������������������������������������������������� 5 Latin America���������������������������������������������������������������������������������32
BASF-Masterflow wind turbine grouts 02.2011
5.4% 11.2% 8.7%
Enel (IT)
SINOVEL GDF Suez (FR) (PRC) 9.2%
Source: BTM Consult ApS - March 2010
The 55,519 MW operated/owned by Utilities represent 34.7% of the worlds cumulative capacity 由公共事业经营或者掌控的55519兆瓦风能占世界累 计容量的34.7%。
Internal use only – Do not copy pictures!
Grouts for on- and offshore wind turbines 陆上和海上风力发电机组的灌浆
Part 1: Offshore wind turbine installations
短安装时间 短停机时间 强度上升快 投资回报快
Safe and durable installation
• high ultimate strengths 最终强度高 • volume stable over the whole design life • excellent resistance to fatigue or dynamic loads 在整个设计寿命中性能稳定 优良的耐疲劳或耐动载荷的能力
市场占有率( % of 30108 兆瓦) % of the total market 38,103MW
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WWEA Head Office Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5 53113 Bonn Germany
T +49-228-369 40-80 F +49-228-369 40-84 secretariat@
T +49-228-369 40-80 F +49-228-369 40-84 secretariat@
Worldwide capacity reached 196 630 Megawatt, out of which 37 642 Megawatt were added in 2010, slightly less than in 2009. Wind power showed a growth rate of 23,6 %, the lowest growth since 2004 and the second lowest growth of the past decade. All wind turbines installed by the end of 2010 worldwide can generate 430 Terawatthours per annum, more than the total electricity demand of the United Kingdom, the sixth largest economy of the world, and equalling 2,5 % of the global electricity consumption. The wind sector in 2010 had a turnover of 40 billion Euro and employed 670’000 persons worldwide. China became number one in total installed capacity and the center of the international wind industry, and added 18 928 Megawatt within one year, accounting for more than 50 % of the world market for new wind turbines. Major decrease in new installations can be observed in North America and the USA lost its number one position in total capacity to China. Many Western European countries are showing stagnation, whereas there is strong growth in a number of Eastern European countries. Germany keeps its number one position in Europe with 27 215 Megawatt, followed by Spain with 20 676 Megawatt. The highest shares of wind power can be found in three European countries: Denmark (21 %), Portugal (18 %) and Spain 16 %). Asia accounted for the largest share of new installations (54,6 %), followed by Europe (27,0 %) and North America (16,7 %). Latin America (1,2 %) and Africa (0,4 %) still played only a marginal role in new installations. Africa: North Africa represents still lion share of installed capacity, wind energy plays hardly a role yet in Sub-Sahara Africa. Nuclear disaster in Japan and oil spill in Gulf of Mexico will have long-term impact on the prospects of wind energy. Governments need to urgently reinforce their wind energy policies. WWEA sees a global capacity of 600 000 Megawatt as possible by the year 2015 and more than 1 500 000 Megawatt by the year 2020.
WWEA Head Office Charles-de-Gaulle-Str. 5 53113 Bonn Germany
WWEA is governed by a Board which comprises WWEA President Dr Anil Kane (India), the Senior Vice President Hon. Peter Rae AO (Australia), ten Vice Presidents from the five continents and the Treasurer. The Secretary General Stefan Gsänger manages the daily administration of the association at the WWEA Head Office in Bonn/Germany. In cooperation with Husum fair, WWEA has invited for the World Summit for Small Wind Turbines, taking place in Husum/Germany in conjunction with New Energy fair. WWEA cooperates with and supports numerous wind and renewable energy events all over the world. WWEA publishes on a regular basis information about wind energy and provides up-to-date information about wind energy technology, like • the World Wind Energy Report, • the technology website • the biannual yearbook Wind Energy International which comprises updated country reports about 100 countries and numerous special reports. WWEA also cooperates with the magazine Windtech International.
The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) is a non-profit organisation which works for a world energy system fully based on the various renewable energy technologies, with wind energy as one cornerstone. WWEA acts as a communication platform for all wind energy actors worldwide, WWEA advises national governments and international organisations on favourable policies for wind energy implementation and WWEA enhances international technology transfer, a key in the accelerated dissemination of this clean technology. Currently, WWEA has 500 members and represents the wind sector from 100 countries on all continents. Amongst the WWEA members, there are the national wind energy associations of the major wind countries – which themselves represent more than 50’000 members – as well as companies, scientific institutions and public bodies. In 2007, WWEA was granted Special Consultative Status at the United Nations. WWEA has observer status e.g. at the UNFCCC Climate Conferences and cooperates with further international organisations. WWEA is represented at the International Steering Committee of REN21 and is one of the first and major proponents of the creation of the International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA. WWEA organises annually World Wind Energy Conferences like the WWEC2011 in Cairo/Egypt in October/November 2011 and in the previous years in: • Istanbul/Turkey (2010) • Jeju/South Korea (2009), • Kingston/Canada (2008), • Mar del Plata/Argentina (2007), • New Delhi/India (2006), • Melbourne/Australia (2005), • Beijing/China (2004), • Cape Town/South Africa (2003), • Berlin/Germany (2002).