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1.(1分)﹣Would you mind turning down the music?I'm trying to solve the math problem.﹣.I'll do it in a second.()


B.Of course not

C.That sounds impossible

D.Never mind

2.(1分)﹣Who is the man in black over there?

﹣Mr.Smith.He teaches math.()

A.we B.our C.us D.ourselves

3.(1分)﹣Let's go to another restaurant instead.

﹣It's not necessary.The food here is than before.()

A.delicious B.less delicious

C.much delicious D.more delicious

4.(1分)﹣Mom,look at all the clothes I bought on﹣line.

﹣Again?You shouldn't spend so much money clothes.()

A.in B.for C.on D.with

5.(1分)﹣How was your trip in the mountains last weekend?

﹣Fantastic.We even a tent by the lake and lay in it.()

A.put on B.put off C.put down D.put up

6.(1分)Because of COVID﹣19 in February,the government advised us to the public places less.()

A.going B.go C.to go D.gone

7.(1分)Mr.Collins like tea.He makes a cup of tea for himself every morning.()

A.must B.may C.can't D.mustn't

8.(1分)Our plan to have a graduation ceremony_____in the next class meeting.()A.was discussed B.will discuss

C.is discussed D.will be discussed

9.(1分)﹣Did you catch the first bus to school this morning?

﹣No I didn't.It had started moving______I could get on it.()

A.after B.since C.before D.as soon as 10.(1分)﹣Mary,could you tell me______the pencil box?

﹣Oh,yes.I bought it in a store on the Internet.()

A.where you bought B.when you will buy

C.when did you buy D.where will you buy


11.(5分)One evening,while my family were watching TV in the sitting room,my father began to smoke a cigarette (烟草).Soon the room(1)full of smoke.Mother asked him to stop smoking,(2).Father said it was too difficult.I sat aside and wondered what

I could do.Then I had(3)idea.

The next day I gave a packet of cigarettes to my father and said something to him in a low quiet voice.Seeing that,Mother looked surprised.Some days(4),Mother wondered why Father didn't smoke any longer.Father explained that the cigarettes I had given him were a special kind,which could help people give(5)smoking.We all laughed.

(1)A.is B.was C.are D.were

(2)A.so B.for C.since D.but

(3)A.a B.an C.the D.that

(4)A.late B.early C.later D.earlier

(5)A.up B.out C.away D.to

12.(15分)Police Officer Fang was a generous man.He always tried to help people who were
