



KDView软件V2.0.1 KDView软件V2.0.1用户手册广州市科缔智能科技有限公司二0二三年一月文件修改记录目录文件修改记录 (2)1.产品简介 (3)1.1产品概述 (3)1.2产品主要功能 (3)2.软件安装 (4)2.1运行环境要求 (4)2.2 获取软件 (4)3.软件操作说明 (5)3.1登录界面简介 (5)3.2 设备管理 (7)3.3 实时预览 (12)3.4 远程回放 (14)3.5 报警管理 (15)3.6 通用/功能设置 (17)3.7 图像浏览/分享 (19)3.8 个人中心 (21)3.9 注销登录 (22)3.10 语言切换 (22)1.产品简介1.1产品概述“KDView”监控软件为互联网时代最佳的手机视频监控解决方案,由前端采集设备、平台服务器和远程观看端三部分构成。

1.2产品主要功能主要功能:⚫注册登录、忘记密码⚫设备管理(添加、删除、修改、设置)⚫实时预览(对讲、转动摄像机、回放、报警信息)⚫远程回放(云存/SD卡)⚫报警管理⚫通用/功能设置⚫图像浏览和分享⚫个人中心(用户管理、系统设置、我的分享、关于)⚫注销登录⚫语言切换2.软件安装2.1运行环境要求苹果手机客户端要求ios9.0以上的系统;安卓手机客户端要求android 4.2及以上的系统。

2.2 获取软件苹果手机用户:在苹果应用市场(appstore)上搜索“KDView”安装。

安卓手机用户:在谷歌市场(google play)、应用宝、安卓市场等各大应用市场上搜索“KDView”安装。


启动程序进入登录界面,如图3.1a:⚫用户注册首次使用需要注册一个账号,该账户用于云存储我们的用户信息及相关设备列表,在登录菜单中,点击“注册账号”按钮,默认跳转到手机注册界面(如图3.1 b),点击右下角可切换到邮箱注册界面(图3.1 c),可点击左下角可切换回手机注册界面:图 3.1 b 图 3.1c⚫忘记密码在登录界面中,点击“忘记密码”按钮,跳转到“忘记密码”手机找回界面,可点击右下角的通过邮箱方式找回密码,可点击左下角可切换回手机找回密码界面。



Magic3DEasyView中文使用说明解读Magic 3D Easy View 软件使用说明序言我们的视觉效果软件可以为您设计的舞台场景提供3D立体效果图。







软件还可以同时显示4个DMX 域。



另外,您也可以在软件中划分DMX域,比如域1连接到USB/DMX-IN 接口,而域2连接到Art-Net协议中。





3D舞台您所创建的3D舞台将会以*.evs 格式的文件被存储起来,并且您可以任意打开、修改及再存储这些文件。



我们也可以存储一个舞台和它所需要的所有文件(比如背景图案的X 文件或bmp文件、jpg文件等等),并可以将它们在另一台没有这些文件的电脑上重新打开。

您的第一个舞台场景下面这部分阐述了如何创建第一个舞台的步骤,并向您介绍了3D 软件的基本功能。



Alt + 滑鼠左鍵:旋轉攝影機環繞在被點選物件周圍。
Alt + 滑鼠滾輪按鍵或是Alt + 滑鼠右鍵和左鍵:移動攝影機。
第4頁 頁
Modules簡述 Modules簡述
ShiVa Editor帶有19個modules,每個module是一組工具被設計用來像是創造一個shader、分析 這個application performance、創造一個特效等。
Attributes Editor
用來編輯或觀看物件屬性、狀態和控制器,當增加一個力學控制器給實例時,這個控制器的狀態將會在這個表單內被 開啟。
=> 當一個場景被開啟時,並且一個物件已被選取便可進行工作。
Data Explorer
用這個方形圖標來選擇一個不一樣的module。 請注意不可同時有兩個相同的module在一個工作台上, 所以當您要在一個位置內載入一個module時,如果這個 module已經用在另一個位置了,modules將會被互換。
第5頁 頁
各個Editor簡述(1) 各個Editor簡述(1) Editor簡述
SoundBank Editor
像是AnimBank Editor,允許集合音效在一個地方。這個AnimBank可以影響到一個物件,注意音效和音樂是兩個不同的元 件,音樂是在Ambiance Editor內設定。
Terrain Editor
=> 和Scene Viewer一起工作。



三维高密度电法反演程序3D RES ver.2.2 for WIN98/Me/2000/XP/2003使用说明3DRES快速3-D 电阻率& IP 反演,使用最小二乘法;全中文操作界面,所有功能、操作说明都集成在对话框各提示框中,使你不需看说明书即可理解各项参数的意义及使用方法;支持的排列有温纳系列,三极、单-单极,双偶极,赤道双偶极等多种;支持视电阻率、电阻率、激电(时间域视极化率、频率域相位角、金属因子、频比率等);内置地形改正功能,数据中包含地形数据时,程序将自动作地形改正,结果可以带高程显示;特有的水下、水面、水陆解释功能;支持大网度三维勘探;多种格式兼容、转换,几何可以读取国内、外所有主要仪器输出数据;多种反演参数、反演方法,可让程序按你的要求得出最真实的结果;完善的数据监控、检测功能,能保证不让非法、错误或可疑的数据参与反演;多种结果显示方式,能让你从不同角度了解、分析反演结果;一切为结果的真实性考虑,是现有此类软件中最优秀的反演解释系统;配有相应的正演模型软件,可以为你工作装置及方法的选择提供帮助,和进行三维电成像研究。

简介3DRES用于处理三维电阻率成像测量(Li and Oldenburg 1992, White at al. 2001)数据,它能根据所测数据自动形成三维电阻率模型。



实际工作中使用的主要三维电极排列,如pole-pole, pole-dipole 和dipole-dipole等的情况在附录A, B 和C中有较详细的说明。

在有关的电成像测量教程(Loke 2002)中也可找到相关资料。


当计算机拥有1.5 GB RAM时,本程序支持的网度可达到77 ×77 (或5929) 个电极点位!图 1. 一个三维电成像测量的排列示意图。



3D显微镜-软件使用说明书3D显微镜V1.0使用说明书深圳市福田区天安数码城创新科技广场一期A1205 总机:0755-********深圳市福田区天安数码城创新科技广场一期A1205 总机:0755-********软件界面软件启动设置1. 启动1.1 因硬件本身不能记录时间,所以在启动时需要用户手动配置时间,在此界面设置好时间信息以便后续程序工作。

软件功能说明1. 预览1.1. 预览功能1.1.1. 预览双摄像头的拍摄效果,如果感觉效果不好可以尝试6.1的“自动校准”。



3.定时拍摄深圳市福田区天安数码城创新科技广场一期A1205 总机:0755-********3.1.自动拍摄3.1.1.设置开始时间、结束时间、拍摄频率,程序会自动计算拍摄照片总张数以及磁盘空间是否存储所有图片,当磁盘空间不足以存储照片总数时任务将不能开始执行;3.1.2.频率可以设置“分钟”、“小时”、“天”为单位;3.1.3.触摸圆圈周边可以调节频度,程序会在“结束时间”的下方显示拍摄总照片数;3.1.4.点击“开始”按钮,设置仅此次有效并开始执行计划任务;3.1.5.点击“保存&开始”按钮,存储此次的配置并开始执行计划任务。

4.幻灯片浏览深圳市福田区天安数码城创新科技广场一期A1205 总机:0755-********深圳市福田区天安数码城创新科技广场一期A1205 总机:0755-********4.1. 此处显示3.1拍摄的照片,长按可以进行重命名和删除操作,点击可进行幻灯片浏览4.1.1. 可以在播放幻灯片时设置幻灯片的时间间隔,“+”增长时间间隔,“-”减少时间间隔;4.1.2. 可以在播放时进行暂停操作,点击“x ”退出当前幻灯片。




User manual for:Digital 3D viewer for panel mountModel 15-04-D50-xApril 27, 2016, version 1.0de Wijs apparatenbouwVleugelboot 68, 3991CL, Houten the NetherlandsTel. +31 (0)30-6364928 Fax. +31 (0)30-6361723 e-mail:******************Website: Table of contents.1. Introduction (3)1.1 Acknowledgements (3)2. Installation (4)2.1 The viewer (4)2.2 Caution required for the next points! (5)2.3 Content source (6)3 Technical data (7)3.1 Physical dimensions (120 mm. lens version) (7)3.2 Connectivity specifications (9)3.3 Digital video input specifications (timing) (9)3.4 Raspberry pi config.txt entries (10)3.5 Buttons and indicator LED explanation. (11)3.6 Maintenance (12)1. IntroductionAs we are currently speaking at the start of 2016, 3D or stereoscopic presentation of media on a private base is often achieved by VR like devices. These devices are good enough for the purpose of experiencing spectacular, interactive and an overwhelming depth experience. At the other side of the spectrum there are the 4K based passive or active glasses 3D TV’s with their crisp sharp image presentation. For exhibit or public environment 3D presentations both above mentioned products have disadvantages when it comes to poor image quality, control abilities and robustness. Because they are not made for that purpose.As de Wijs already has years of experience in building 3D slide viewing systems. The aim was to build a digital 3D viewer with the image quality that could compete with a good medium format slide viewer. However we made a compromise to meet to most specifications a exhibit / museum viewer should comply to. The resolution is not the highest currently available. The FHD LCD inside the viewer allowed us to easily control the viewer with simple single board computers or media players. Or, if needed, the viewer could be connected to a powerful desktop computer.This viewer is a good balance between optics and the resolution of the screen to present a high quality, sharp and optically comfortable show of 3D content. The aim was to design a visitor tolerant viewing system and reach people of all ages to experience your well prepared and high quality 3D images or video’s. The viewer is actually a monitor only and can be connected to any source having the ability to customize the video output resolution. The intention of this viewer is to build it into walls, panels or other custom build constructions.1.1 AcknowledgementsHugo de Wijs for his input on achromatic lenses, lens choices and 3D knowledge. Daniel Rozsnyó for the of the design and production of the HDMI to Mipi LCD controller.Ken Thompson for creating the open source presentation tool Pi-presents.The Raspberry pi foundation for creating such a small and very useful source for the viewer: 2. InstallationThe 3D digital viewer can be used to present a slide show or video. For exhibit designers, the viewer could be used as a stand-alone object or as ‘support’ to explain a scene or object close to the viewer.Because of the small size of the viewer, in most situations only the lens barrels are visible, the visitor should not overlook viewer and miss the presentation!When looking through the viewer, you get the best experience when there is nothing that is irritating or inhibits a clear view. Things that might irritate is bright spot lights pointing on the viewer causing the light to be reflected in your eyes. Or flashing lights close to the lenses. A black (cinema like) surrounding gives the best impression.2.1 The viewerThe viewer housing is constructed in such a way it gives the most freedom to integrate it in almost every situation.Integrating the viewer in your situation:- using the front panel plate is the easiest way to build the viewer in a wall or panel.- For your custom application, you can replace the front plate for your custom prepared front cover. Grooves in the side of the lens barrels allow to lock upyour front plate between the barrels and the housing of the viewer.2.2 Caution required for the next points!- Avoid sunlight to enter into the viewer through the lenses. The lenses act like burning glasses and the sun will damage the LCD inside. When you mount the viewer in a panel check if the sun would be able to point to the lenses at anytime of the day!- As long as the viewer is NOT build in on its final presentation location, cover the lenses to avoid accidentally burn-in of the LCD (point mentioned above).As well as protection against scratching the lenses.- The lenses are not fixed tight in the viewer housing to allow you to exchange the front plate for any reason, until you finish the build-in preparation. Secure the lenses to prevent unscrewing the lenses by the public.- The HDMI cable and micro USB cable are fragile connectors. The internal connectors of the LCD controller are mounted securely but allow limited force on the plug perpendicular to the insert of the plug. So always pull out the plug in-line with the connector. Use the cover at the rear of the viewer to be surethat forces on the cable will never result in a break-off of the internal smallconnectors.2.3 Content sourceThe viewer is build around a smart phone LCD display having the resolution of1080x1920 pixels with the size of 5”.The image data that is transferred through the HDMI cable needs to be arranged in such a way that the display is addressed as portrait orientated display instead of normal desktop landscape HD display. So 1080 pixels horizontally and 1920 pixels vertically.The choice of a content sources, filters out devices which are unable to deliver this vertical oriented resolution! Computer systems having a more advanced video processing output (separate video cards or graphic processors) are often automatically able to address this vertical display.Simple small single board computers, depending on the operating system, require more knowledge to address the vertical display.Be aware that there are a number of professional multimedia players are having fixed output resolutions to select from, that do not match with the vertical display!Using a single board computer like the Raspberry piDe Wijs offers a simple solution as content source; the Raspberry pi. The choice for this device has several reasons:- affordable and very good available.- The graphical output can easily be set to the required LCD configuration of the 3D viewer.- The General Purpose IO header on this board allows push buttons to control a slide show or start a video.- Open source software that can be adapted for your application.We use Pi-presents that gives a good solution for an interactive slide showwith acceptable performance.3 Technical data3.1 Physical dimensions (120 mm. lens version)Front view.Top viewWhen you consider tomake your own frontplate. You need tomake 2 holes side byHeart to heart distanceis 62 mm. and diameterof 56.5 mm. So whenfixing the lens barrelsinto the housing again,in the slot of the lensbarrels.Do NOT de-assemblethe long M4 bolts thattogether. You mightscratch the matt paintedinterior or LCD.Side view.The viewer can carry 2 types of lenses. Both fit in the housing of the viewer. Only thelength of the barrel is different:- 100 mm. achromatic, 33 mm. diameter. This lens magnifies 2.5x and is a goodchoice for viewing video content, having a 4:3 aspect ratio. The most upperand lower part of the LCD is less good visible for glasses wearers when usingthe full height of the LCD.- 120 mm. achromatic, 37 mm. diameter. This lens magnifies 2.1x and allows allvisitors to see the full size of the LCD into the corners without image distortion.Pixels are hard to see. It is a good choice for viewing square or landscape stillimages.LCD specifications:Sharp 4,97” LCD, model LS050T1SX01 FHD panel8 bits, visible area: 61,884x110,016 mm.There are 2 versions of this model, differences are minor. Both fit in the viewer.LCD Controller specifications:Controller board: RZSN0037, button board RZSN0038Firmware version 2015:3.2 Connectivity specificationsThe viewer has 2 power connectors; a DC connector and micro USBDC connector: 4,5 – 16 Volts dc. Round 5.5 mm. pin 2.1 mm. Micro USB connector: 5 Volts dc.Power consumption; 183mA at 12 Volts dc. 2,2 WattsDigital video input through the HDMI connector type A, 1.0 Edid version 1.3. Maximum cable length 1.5 metres.The LCD controller inside the viewer also holds some GPIO pins as well as for future usage like screen saver functions. It requires a firmware update.3.3 Digital video input specifications (timing)The graphical resolution of the LCD is(horizontal x vertical) 1080x1920 pixels at 60 Hz. 8 bits colour depth. The timing parameters are as following: Active Front Porch Sync width Back PorchActive field 1080x1920 pixels8 8 62 pixelsFront Porch 17 Sync Width 1 Back Porch 5 lineshdmi_timings=<h_active_pixels> <h_sync_polarity <h_front_porch> <h_sync_pulse><h_back_porch> <v_active_lines> <v_sync_polarity> <v_front_porch> <v_sync_pulse><v_back_porch> <v_sync_offset_a> <v_sync_offset_b> <pixel_rep> <frame_rate><interlaced> <pixel_freq> <aspect_ratio>hdmi_timings=<h_active_pixels> 1080<h_sync_polarity 0<h_front_porch> 8<h_sync_pulse> 8<h_back_porch> 62<v_active_lines> 1920<v_sync_polarity> 0<v_front_porch> 17<v_sync_pulse> 1<v_back_porch> 5<v_sync_offset_a> 0<v_sync_offset_b> 0<pixel_rep> 0<frame_rate> 60<interlaced> 0<pixel_freq> 135000000<aspect_ratio> 03.4 Raspberry pi config.txt entriesWhen choosing for the Raspberry pi as content source. The video output should be configured to control the 3D viewer. By default the Raspberry pi is not set correctly and won’t show any image in the viewer at all.The bellow entries are to be copied to the start-up config.txt file of the Raspberry pi to configure the video output to the right parametersdisable_overscan=1overscan_left=0overscan_right=0overscan_top=0overscan_bottom=0hdmi_force_hotplug=1hdmi_timings=1080 0 8 8 62 1920 0 17 1 5 0 0 0 60 0 135000000 0hdmi_group=2hdmi_mode=87max_framebuffer_width=1080max_framebuffer_height=1920display_rotate=3hdmi_ignore_edid=0xa50000803.5 Buttons and indicator LED explanation.Power up:When applying power to the viewer, the controller for the LCD starts up and tries to show an image on the LCD if the source is correct.Brightness buttons: ▲▼pressing these buttons at the rear of the viewer changes the brightness of the backlight of the LCD. The brightness level is stored after setting. When power is turned on or connected again, the latest brightness level is restored.To preserve the lifecycle of the LCD screen, it is good not to set the brightness of the LCD to maximum. Keep it to about 75%Power button:- Pressing the power button shortly, turns off the LCD backlight. The LCD itself is not turned off and the viewer still appears to be available for the source.- Pressing the power button long, will turn off the viewer completely.- Keeping the power button pressed and applying power will bring the viewer into service mode for updating the firmware.LED indicator behaviour:- Green continious: normal operation, correct signal on the HDMI input is applied.- Red continious: No cable connected, or no signal.- Orange: Viewer is initializing / configuring short after starting up. LCD controller is not ready yet.- Red blinking for 3 times short: wrong input signal / timing on HDMI.- Red blinking slowly: error inside the LCD controller of the viewer, restart required.3.6 MaintenanceCleaningThe outside of the viewer can be cleaned with regular cleaning liquids, not too aggressive or polishing. The lenses are not water tight. Clean the lenses with a soft cloth.Dust visible on the LCDTurn on the viewer to see the dust particles.Take the lens barrels out of the front of the viewer.You can blow with compressed air, not higher than 2 bars, inside the housing of the viewer towards the LCD. Not too deep and avoid touching the sides to prevent scratches on the inside walls.When re- assembling the lens barrels in the front, it might happen new particles drop on the LCD. You can repeat the above steps until the result is satisfying.Miss alignment of the image splitter.Between the left and right image on the LCD runs a thin metal plate from the LCD to your nose / between the eyes. This avoids the left or right eye to see parts of the image of the other side. The position of this splitter is accurate but might be, for some reason be out of alignment, you might see a very small piece of image of the other side (left or right).To resolve do the following:For whatever source you have, we supply a test image that looks like this:- Set your source to show the above image in the viewer.- Look through the lenses and see the direction and amount of miss alignment of the splitter (metal plate).- Now unscrew both lenses out of the housing.- With your fingers you can push the splitter (through the lens holes) to the left or right to get the splitter aligned. You actually bend the plate a little.- Check with the lenses if the alignment is right or repeat the previous step.- Clean the interior of the viewer with compressed air.- Re-assemble the lens barrels to the viewer and the alignment is finished.。

3D Vision软件说明书

3D Vision软件说明书

3DVison软件用户手册杭州先临三维科技股份有限公司目录1.前言 (2)2.3D Vision软件的安装 (3)3.3D Vision 的操作界面 (6)4.三维水晶人像制作流程 (7)5.工具栏按钮的功能 (8)6.编辑功能工具 (9)6.1 模型生成及导入导出 (9)6.2 模型平移、旋转、缩放 (13)6.3背景切除 (13)6.4 选择工具 (14)6.5清除毛刺 (16)6.6填补空洞 (16)6.7 表面光滑 (16)6.8 网格化 (16)6.9 刷新 (16)6.10复位 (16)6.11模型调整 (17)6.12模型删除 (17)6.13镜像工具 (18)6.14坐标系转换 (18)6.15点云操作 (18)6.16数据输出 (25)6.17快捷键 (26)7.3D Vision 的使用案例指导 (27)7.1 立体模型的处理 (27)7.2 平面照片的处理 (34)7.3 添加文字 (38)7.4添加配饰 (40)1.前言欢迎您使用杭州先临三维科技股份有限公司的三维成像软件3D-Vision。










3D3操作手册目录1.系统配置1.1 计算机配置1.2 相机配置1.3 投影仪配置2. 软件安装,注册激活及升级2.1 软件安装2.2 软件激活更新2.2.1 激活秘钥2.2.2 加密狗秘钥2.2.3 激活加密狗2.2.4 激活控软件狗3. 系统搭建3.1 3D扫描仪硬件搭建3.2 计算机设置4. 扫描仪标定4.1 创建/打开标定文件4.1.1 创建新的标定文件4.1.2 打开已有标定文件4.2 标定过程4.2.1 标定设置4.2.2 相机设置4.2.3 settings Calibration4.2.4 获取标定图像4.2.5 获得标定结果5. 获取扫描数据5.1 建立/打开新的工程5.2 转台设置5.3 数据扫描5.3.1 用转台扫描数据5.3.2 手动扫描6. 数据处理6.1 编辑网格6.2 网格操作6.3 数据拼接6.3.1 Alignment——对齐6.3.2 Combine——合并6.3.3 Uncombine——解除合并6.3.4 Finalizing Meshes6.4 数据的导入和导出6.4.1 数据导入6.4.2 数据导出第一章、系统配置3D3Solutions公司推出的FlexScan3D Scanner是一套集软硬件为一体的三维扫面仪,通过结构白光投影方式解析物体表面三维信息,Scanner由投影仪、相机、软件、以及一系列附件构成。

1.1计算机配置1.2相机配置(1)3D扫描仪入门级相机选型推荐方案(价格优先)·单相机扫描仪:PTGrey Chameleon CMLN-13S2M-CS·双相机扫描仪:IDS uEye UI-1545LE·镜头:Fujinon 12.5mm C-Mount Lens(2)3D扫描仪中级用户相机推荐方案(扫描速度优先,适用于扫描面部和人体特征)·130W双/多相机扫描仪:PTGrey FireWire Flea2 FL2G-13S2M or FL2-14S3M ·130W双/多相机扫描仪:IDS uEye GigE UI-5240CP·镜头:Fujinon 12.5mm C-Mount Lens(3)3D扫描仪逆向工程开发级相机推荐方案(精度、分辨率优先)·2M双相机扫描仪:PTGrey Grasshopper GRAS-20S4M-C·2M双相机扫描仪:Duo scanner setup: IDS uEye GigE UI-6250SE·镜头:5MP Fujinon 12.5mm C-Mount Lens1.3投影仪配置最低分辨率:800x600标准投影仪:1500+流明基于DLP(Digital Light Procession)技术LED投影仪:100+流明对比LED投影仪和普通正常投影仪:(1)LED投影仪优势:发热低;体积小巧;使用寿命长(LED投影仪30,000小时,普通白光投影仪3,000小时)(2)LED投影仪劣势分辨率、扫描精度、数据质量比较低;低光照,在复杂环境光影响下无法扫描;扫描黑色物体和高对比物体比较困难;选型局限性大。



varicadviewer使用方法Varicad Viewer是一款免费的2D/3D CAD文件浏览器,可以用于查看和检查CAD文件。

以下是关于如何使用Varicad Viewer的详细说明。



- 安装完成后,Varicad Viewer将会自动打开。

2.主界面- Varicad Viewer的主界面分为多个部分,包括菜单栏、工具栏、画布区和属性区等。







- 单击“打开”按钮,Varicad Viewer将加载并显示所选的CAD文件。










7.高级功能- Varicad Viewer还提供了一些高级功能,例如批注、轨迹漫游和动态剖面等。



原则 大型模型可以分成数个子模型。用户可以轻松将各种子模型重新装配为整体模型,
或将模型并入不同的 CAD 解决方案。
步骤 序号 操作
工具 预可视化和选择工具的图标是:
序号 操作
将光标放在客户区。 按住左键和右键,拖动鼠标。
3DVIA Composer - 入门手册
放大模型部位 放大模型
功能 步骤
序号 操作
选择 步骤
注释:按下 TAB 键,元素变成 ghost。离开模型区后,全部目标再现。
->在客户区选择元素,它的名称在树型控件中高亮 多个元素
+SHIFT ->反转最新选定元素
+将指针移出区域 ·从左向右:选择区域内出现并横跨指针路径的元素 ·从右向左:选择整体出现在区域内的元素 ·从球形区域:编辑-选择球形内部或横跨球形
如何定位与面正交的视点 定位元素面正交视点的工具
功能 步骤
序号 操作



3DViewer6软件操作手册1、双击打开3DViewer6文件夹中的3DViewer.exe可执行文件,打开的界面如下图:图1 3Dviewer初始界面2、依次点击菜单栏中的:文件—>打开DEM数据—>打开DEM文件,这样就打开一个弹出窗口,选择路径,路径为解压文件jiaohe.rar存放的路径,选择该文件下的jiaohe_move_2.dem文件,如下图所示:图2 打开dem路径图3 选择dem路径场景示意图如下:图4 打开dem后的场景3、点击菜单栏中的:文件—>打开DOM数据—>打开DOM文件,这样就打开一个弹出窗口,打开jiaohe.bmp文件。

场景示意图如下:图5 打开dom操作图6 选择dom路径图7 打开dom后的场景3、点击菜单栏中的:文件—>打开模型数据—>打开三维工作区文件,这样就打开一个如下图的弹出窗口。

图8 打开三维场景图9 打开工作区路径打开上图中选中的,打开该文件夹中JiaoHe.CGS文件。


图10 点击景观图点击软件左边树状图中的左边的,请稍等,现在场景在加载数据,大概几十秒后,数据加载完毕,具体时间视电脑配置情况,场景示意图如下:图11 打工作区后的场景6、场景操作如下:从左到右依次为:放大操作、拉框放大操作、缩小操作、旋转操作、移动操作(另外也可以滚动鼠标中键进行放大或者缩小操作)。

注意:若是机器上装有vc6.0,可以通过以下操作提高3DVIEWER的浏览与操作速:1、将C:\boot.ini 文件做如下修改:[boot loader]timeout=30default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS[operating systems]multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /3GB2、若vc6.0的安装目录为D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8 ,则目录下D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin找到editbin 这个可执行文件,然后进行以下操作①点击电脑的,在弹出的面板上点击②在点击“运行”后,会弹出的面板如下图左,输入“cmd”③上一步操作后会弹出则输入“cd D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin”,如下图④然后输入editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE yourapplication.exe 这里的yourapplication.exe 需要输入的是你的3DViewer程序的路径名加文件名。



3D系统操作说明书第一章系统介绍 (2)1.1 系统整体功能 (2)1.2 系统2D模式下的功能 (2)1.3 系统3D模式下的功能 (3)第二章 2D模式操作 (5)2.1 2D模式操作界面介绍 (5)2.2绘制房型 (6)2.2.1 线条工具绘制户型 (6)2.2.2 “拖房型“绘制户型 (7)2.3 添加窗户 (8)2.4 添加房门 (8)第三章 3D模式操作 (10)3.1 家具、家居装饰以及建材菜单介绍 (11)3.2 设置家具、家居装饰以及建材 (13)3.3 视图模式 (14)3.3.1 鸟瞰视图模式 (14)3.3.2 顶视图模式 (15)3.3.3 漫游视图模式 (16)3.4 替换材质 (16)第四章户型保存操作 (18)4.1 用户注册和登录 (18)4.2 设计保存、另存操作 (18)4.3 户型管理 (21)第一章系统介绍1.1 系统整体功能本系统是基于Unity3D平台上的二次开发的三维室内制作软件,通过使用该系统,用户可以根据自己的需求制作风格迥异的房间、户型,并且可以为房间的布局进行设置。


该系统以网页版格式发布,版权归格家美居平台所有,用户可通过格家美居平台的平台商城进入该系统,点击“立即开始定制”即可进入系统,入口界面如图1-1所示:图1-1 3D系统的入口1.2 系统2D模式下的功能在2D模式下,用户可以设计房子的户型:根据自身需求与选择,用户可设置设置房间的个数、尺寸,阳台的大小和位置,窗户以及门的类型选择以及摆放位置,如图1-2所示:图1-2 绘制好的户型1.3 系统3D模式下的功能在3D模式下,用户即可在已建立好户型的基础上,为房间摆放各种类型的家具用品如床,沙发,厨具,灯饰等,也提供了家居装饰和建材的选择。

即可为用户打造一个理想中的房子造型,如图1-3所示:图1-3 构造好的房子温馨提示:当用户初次进入我们的3D整体定制系统页面的时候,若用户计算机上未安装有Unity3D这一款软件,则会出现用户安装三维定制浏览插件的消息提示,此时,用户只需点击安装,安装完成之后即可进入我们的3D系统,如图1-4所示:图1-4 三维定制浏览插件安装提示第二章 2D模式操作操作界面图如图2-1所示:图2-1 2D模式操作界面2.1 2D模式操作界面介绍如图2-1所示,系统的2D操作界面与一般的软件大同小异。



Package‘cubeview’October12,2022Type PackageTitle View3D Raster Cubes InteractivelyVersion0.2.0Date2019-09-23Maintainer Tim Appelhans<***********************>Description Creates a3D data cube view of a RasterStack/Brick,typically acollection/array of RasterLayers(along z-axis)with the same geographicalextent(x and y dimensions)and resolution,provided by package'raster'.Slices through each dimension(x/y/z),freely adjustable in location,are mapped to the visible sides of the cube.The cube can be freely rotated.Zooming and panning can be used to focus on different areas of the cube.License MIT+file LICENSEEncoding UTF-8Depends R(>=2.10)Imports base64enc,htmltools,htmlwidgets,lattice,raster,stars,viridisLiteSuggests methods,shinyLazyData trueRoxygenNote6.1.1NeedsCompilation noAuthor Tim Appelhans[cre,aut],Stefan Woellauer[aut],three.js authors[ctb,cph](three.js library)Repository CRANDate/Publication2019-09-2407:20:02UTCR topics documented:cubeview (2)cubeViewOutput (3)Index512cubeview cubeview View a RasterStack or RasterBrick as3-dimensional data cube.DescriptionCreates a3D data cube view of a RasterStack/Brick.Slices through each dimension(x/y/z)are mapped to the visible sides of the cube.The cube can be freely rotated.Zooming and panning can be used to focus on different areas of the cube.See Details for information on how to control the location of the slices and all other available keyborad and mouse guestures to control the cube.Usagecubeview(x,...)##S3method for class charactercubeview(x,at,col.regions=viridisLite::inferno,na.color="#BEBEBE",legend=TRUE,...)##S3method for class starscubeview(x,at,col.regions=viridisLite::inferno,na.color="#BEBEBE",legend=TRUE,...)##S3method for class Rastercubeview(x,at,col.regions=viridisLite::inferno,na.color="#BEBEBE",legend=TRUE,...)cubeView(x,...)Argumentsx afile name,stars object,RasterStack or RasterBrick...additional arguments passed on to read_stars.at the breakpoints used for the visualisation.See levelplot for details.col.regions either a palette function or a vector of colors to be used for palette generation.na.color color for missing values.legend logical.Whether to plot a legend.DetailsThe location of the slices can be controlled by keys:x-axis:LEFT/RIGHT arrow keyy-axis:DOWN/UP arrow keyz-axis:PAGE_DOWN/PAGE_UP keyOther controls:Press and hold left mouse-button to rotate the cube.Press and hold right mouse-button to move the cube.Spin mouse-wheel or press and hold middle mouse-button and move mouse down/up to zoom the cube.Press space bar to show/hide slice position guides.Note:In RStudio cubeView may show a blank viewer window.In this case open the view in a web-browser (RStudio button at viewer:"show in new window").Note:Because of key focus issues key-press-events may not always recognised within RStudio on Win-dows.In this case open the view in a web-browser(RStudio button at viewer:"show in new window").Author(s)Stephan Woellauer and Tim AppelhansExamplesif(interactive()){library(raster)library(stars)##directly from filekili_data<-system.file("extdata","kiliNDVI.tif",package="cubeview")cubeview(kili_data)##stars objectkili_strs=read_stars(kili_data)cubeview(kili_strs)##rsater stack(also works with brick)kili_rstr<-stack(kili_data)cubeview(kili_rstr)##use different color palette and set breaksclr<-viridisLite::viridiscubeview(kili_data,at=seq(-0.15,0.95,0.1),col.regions=clr)}cubeViewOutput Widget output/render function for use in ShinyDescriptionWidget output/render function for use in ShinyUsagecubeViewOutput(outputId,width="100%",height="400px")renderCubeView(expr,env=parent.frame(),quoted=FALSE)ArgumentsoutputId Output variable to read fromwidth,height the width and height of the map(see shinyWidgetOutput)expr An expression that generates an HTML widgetenv The environment in which to evaluate exprquoted Is expr a quoted expression(with quote())?This is useful if you want to save an expression in a variableExamplesif(interactive()){library(shiny)library(raster)kili_data<-system.file("extdata","kiliNDVI.tif",package="cubeview")kiliNDVI<-stack(kili_data)cube=cubeView(kiliNDVI)ui=fluidPage(cubeViewOutput("cube",width=300,height=300))server=function(input,output,session){output$cube<-renderCubeView(cube)}shinyApp(ui,server)}IndexcubeView(cubeview),2cubeview,2cubeViewOutput,3levelplot,2read_stars,2renderCubeView(cubeViewOutput),3 shinyWidgetOutput,45。



生物梅里埃操作手册版本:B.00生物梅里埃公司Box 15969, Durham, NC 27704-0969生物梅里埃公司2001 手册件号. 43001-19 版本. A 2002年2月BacT/ALERT® 3D™版权所有。



BacT/ALERT, BacT/LINK, BacT/VIEW和MB/BacT是生物梅里埃公司在美国和其他国家的注册商标。

BacT/ALERT 3D是生物梅里埃公司的商标。



MS DOS是微软公司的注册商标。



i第 1 章系统概览目录部分页码1.1 BacT/ALERT 3D 硬件1.1.1 BacT/ALERT 3D…………………………………………………………………………. BacT/ALERT 3D 规格…………………………………………………………………... BacT/ALERT 3D 环境要求……………………………………………………………... 孵育模块…………………………………………………………………………………. 孵育模块规格……………………………………………………………………………. 孵育模块环境要求………………………………………………………………………. 仪器安装和设置………………………………………………………………………….1.71.2 BACT/ALERT 3D 软件1.2.1 操作面板…………………………………………………………………………………. 普通屏幕元素……………………………………………………………………………. BacT/ALERT 3D图1-1 BacT/ALERT 3D 前视图操作面板提供一种显示信息的方法。

3D survey用户手册

3D survey用户手册

绘图与航空影像处理软件用户手册版本2.3.7目录1系统简介 (1)2系统要求 (2)3使用说明 (4)3.1欢迎界面 (4)3.2工具栏和工作面板 (4)3.3视图窗口与实时命令窗口 (6)4工作流程 (8)4.1系统介绍 (8)4.2数据准备 (8)4.3数据处理 (10)4.3.1影像载入 (10)4.3.2光束法平差 (13)4.3.3地理定向 (14)4.3.4模型重建 (20)5建模与分析 (22)5.1点云操作 (22)5.1.1点云渲染 (23)5.1.2点云捕捉 (23)5.1.3视图展示 (24)5.1.4点云选择 (26)5.1.5点云删除 (26)5.1.6点云操作 (27)5.1.7剖面线计算 (28)5.1.8点云拼接 (37)5.1.9高度图展示 (38)5.1.10点云删除 (38)5.1.11点云拾取 (38)5.1.12点云保存 (39)5.1.13地形点分类 (39)5.2DSM操作 (41)5.2.1数字表面模型计算 (41)5.2.2数字正射影像叠加 (43)5.2.3网格显示 (44)5.2.4格网线展示 (44)5.2.5数据展平 (44)5.2.6体积计算 (45)5.2.7等高线计算 (48)5.2.8数据删除 (50)5.3DOM操作 (50)5.3.1数字正射影像计算 (50)5.3.2数字正射校正 (51)5.3.3DOF剪裁 (53)5.3.4影像拼接 (54)5.3.5面积计算 (56)5.3.6数据删除 (56)6系统报告 (57)1系统简介3Dsurvey是一个测绘与航空影像处理系统集成解决方案。

















3D Vision软件说明书

3D Vision软件说明书

3DVison软件用户手册杭州先临三维科技股份有限公司目录1.前言 (2)2.3D Vision软件的安装 (3)3.3D Vision 的操作界面 (6)4.三维水晶人像制作流程 (7)5.工具栏按钮的功能 (8)6.编辑功能工具 (9)6.1 模型生成及导入导出 (9)6.2 模型平移、旋转、缩放 (13)6.3背景切除 (13)6.4 选择工具 (14)6.5清除毛刺 (16)6.6填补空洞 (16)6.7 表面光滑 (16)6.8 网格化 (16)6.9 刷新 (16)6.10复位 (16)6.11模型调整 (17)6.12模型删除 (17)6.13镜像工具 (18)6.14坐标系转换 (18)6.15点云操作 (18)6.16数据输出 (25)6.17快捷键 (26)7.3D Vision 的使用案例指导 (27)7.1 立体模型的处理 (27)7.2 平面照片的处理 (34)7.3 添加文字 (38)7.4添加配饰 (40)1.前言欢迎您使用杭州先临三维科技股份有限公司的三维成像软件3D-Vision。








DSView 用户手册说明书

DSView 用户手册说明书

DSView 用户手册v1.3.0版本修订历史下表显示了该文档的修订历史记录。

日期(DD/MM/YY) 版本描述12/07/23 v1.3.0 对应DSView v1.3.0版本的软件02/09/19 v1.0.0 对应DSView v1.0.0版本的软件30/05/18 v0.9.9 对应DSView v0.9.9版本的软件19/07/17 v0.9.8 对应DSView v0.9.8版本的软件08/09/16 v0.9.6 对应DSView v0.9.6版本的软件目录第一章DSView简介 (5)1.1.DSView软件简介 (5)1.2.DSView软件获取 (5)1.3.DSView软件安装 (5)1.3.1.支持的操作系统 (5)1.3.2.硬件配置要求 (5)1.3.3.安装流程 (6)1.4.DSView软件界面 (10)1.4.1.设备模式 (10)1.4.2.设备类型 (11)1.4.3.语言切换 (12)1.4.4.主题风格 (12)第二章逻辑分析仪 (13)2.1.硬件连接 (13)2.2.硬件选项 (15)2.2.1.模式选择 (15)2.2.2.通道选择 (17)2.3.采样时长与采样频率 (17)2.3.1.采样时长 (17)2.3.2.采样频率 (18)2.4.触发设置 (19)2.4.1.触发位置 (19)2.4.2.简单触发 (20)2.4.3.高级触发 (20)2.5.波形捕获 (22)2.5.1.正常捕获 (22)2.5.2.立即捕获 (23)2.5.3.采集模式 (24)2.6.波形查看 (26)2.6.1.波形拖动 (27)2.6.2.波形缩放 (27)2.6.3.波形搜索 (28)2.6.4.通道设置 (28)2.7.波形测量 (29)2.7.1.脉宽/频率测量 (29)2.7.2.脉冲计数 (29)2.7.3.跳变沿距离 (30)2.7.4.光标插入 (30)2.7.5.光标移动 (30)2.7.6.光标跳转 (31)2.7.7.光标测量 (31)2.7.8.删除光标 (32)2.8.协议解码 (33)2.8.1.添加协议解码 (34)2.8.2.多层协议解码 (35)2.8.3.列表查看 (36)2.8.4.解码内容搜索 (36)2.8.5.解码数据导出 (37)2.8.6.删除解码 (38)2.9.文件操作 (38)2.9.1.配置导出/导入 (39)2.9.2.数据保存 (39)2.9.3.数据打开 (39)2.9.4.数据导出 (39)2.9.5.截图 (39)第三章示波器 (40)3.1.硬件连接 (40)3.2.硬件选项 (41)3.2.1.运行模式/带宽限制 (41)3.2.2.自动校准 (42)3.2.3.手动校准 (42)3.3.波形捕获 (43)3.3.1.通道设置 (43)3.3.2.水平分辨率 (44)3.3.3.开始/停止 (44)3.3.4.单次捕获 (45)3.3.5.触发设置 (45)3.4.波形测量 (46)3.4.1.自动测量 (46)3.4.2.Y轴光标 (47)3.4.3.X轴光标 (49)3.4.4.手动测量 (49)3.5.频谱分析 (50)3.5.1.参数设置 (50)3.5.2.频谱查看 (51)3.6.数学函数 (52)3.6.1.添加函数 (52)3.6.2.查看 (53)3.7.李萨茹图 (53)3.7.1.设置 (53)3.7.2.观察 (54)3.8.文件操作 (54)3.8.1.配置导出/导入 (55)3.8.2.数据保存 (55)3.8.3.数据打开 (55)3.8.4.数据导出 (55)3.8.5.截屏 (55)第四章数据记录仪 (56)4.1.硬件连接 (56)4.2.硬件选项 (56)4.2.1.运行模式/带宽限制 (57)4.2.2.通道设置 (57)4.3.波形记录 (58)4.3.1.采集设置 (58)4.3.2.开始/停止 (58)4.4.波形测量 (58)4.4.1.光标测量 (58)4.4.2.手动测量 (60)4.5.文件操作 (61)4.5.1.配置导出/导入 (61)4.5.2.数据保存 (61)4.5.3.数据打开 (61)4.5.4.数据导出 (62)4.5.5.截屏 (62)第一章DSView简介1.1.DSView软件简介DSView是一款多功能的信号捕获与分析软件,主要功能包括数字逻辑信号捕获与测量,数字协议分析与调试,模拟信号实时显示与测量,信号频谱分析等。



Cal3DViewer for Windowsversion 1.0.1The user's manualProgramming, testing and documentationEhsan Kamraniopentechno@hotmailcom.8/22/20081. Introduction (3)1.1. Cal3D Overview (3)1.2. Cal3DViewer Overview (3)1.3. What Benefits Does It Have Over Other Cal3D viewers? (4)1.3.1. Better User Interface (4)1.3.2. More Information (5)1.3.3. A Companion Document (5)1.3.4. More Utility Functions and Classes (5)2. Getting Started With Cal3DViewer and Installation (6)3. Copyright (7)4. System Requirements (7)5. Support (8)6. Features (8)7. Using Cal3DViewer (8)7.1. Viewing Models (8)7.2. Camera (10)7.3. Lighting (10)8. User Interface (10)9. Keyboard Shortcuts (12)10. Acknowledgment (12)21. IntroductionThis section is a brief introduction about the Cal3D and important aspects of this program.1.1. Cal3D OverviewCal3D is a skeletal based 3D character animation library written in C++ in a way that is both platform-independent and graphics API-independent. It was originally designed to be used in a 3D client for Worldforge, but evolved into a stand-alone product which can be used in many different kinds of projects.Cal3D's essentials can be boiled down to 2 parts: the C++ library and the exporter. The exporter is what you would use to take your characters (built in a 3D modeling package) and create the Cal3D-format files that the library knows how to load. The exporters are actually plug-ins for 3D modeling packages. This allows 3D artists to use the modeling tools that they're already comfortable with.The C++ library is what you would actually use in your application, whether it's a game or a VR application. The library provides methods to load your exported files, build characters, run animations, and access the data necessary to render them with 3D graphics.Cal3D models use ".csf"(skeleton file), .cmf (mesh file), .crf (material file) and .caf (animation file). Each model may have more than one mesh, material and animation, but only one skeleton. We usually write the name of these files in a text file to access to those names via this file.Here are some more references about Cal3D:https:///projects/cal3d//cal3d//cal3d/documentation/guide//cal3d/documentation/modeling/tutorial.html1.2. Cal3DViewer OverviewCal3DViewer is free software, focused into rendering Cal3D files in real time.This program is open source, easy-to-use and well-documented. Due to that, this project will be very useful for people who are interested to use Cal3D in their projects and/or test their exported models. To develop this software, I have created an MFC application with the C++ language and OpenGL, Cal3D and Devil APIs.z Programmers should notice that I haven't used Devil to load the Targa textures. Some textures of the Cal3D model aren't loaded correctly with Devil (It's not well known).That is why I decided to load the Targa files of the models with the tga class that is included in the "miniviewr_gl" example. However I haven't removed the function that can load the .tga files with Devil—look at the commonGL.h and CommonGL.cpp of the source code.3C++, OpenGL and Cal3D are cross-platform, but MFC projects run only on Windows OS. That is why this software isn't cross-platform and I have called it "Cal3DViewer for Windows", but the short name of this project is Cal3DViewer. Next time, I'll use wxWidgets or another API instead of MFC to make this software cross-platform.In this project I have used "Cal3D 0.11" to solve the problems for a Cal3D viewer.1.3. What Benefits Does It Have Over Other Cal3D viewers?1.3.1. Better User InterfaceCallyDemo and other applications released with Cal3D source code have educational purposes. Their intent is to make the code as simple as possible, so those programs aren't user friendly, they don't use dialog boxes to load the models, they have no database to save/load the names of the models on a list, they have no option to remove a model from the list and they use command lines to load the models which are not appropriate in commercial software.Cal3DViewer has solved all these problems with a better interface. It also uses bitmap buttons, bitmap slider and/or bitmap dialog boxes which make the interface more interesting. The interface is easy to use, the user can load a model via a dialog, He/she can remove a name from a list with a button and he/she can save the names of the models with just pushing a button. You can find more about its interface at section 8.Figure 1. Cal3DViewer41.3.2. More InformationThe purpose of this viewer is not just loading the models. It's software to test the Cal3D models, so it should report some information about the models. For example, if it can't load some files of a model such as its textures, it should report an appropriate message with the name of the textures which this program failed to load.This software also gives some useful information about your OpenGL implementation and your model such as you OpenGL vendor and number of faces, vertices and animations of the model, etc.Figure 2. Information dialog1.3.3. A Companion DocumentMost of other cal3D viewers have not good documentations. A good document solves many problems for the programmers and end users and saves their time.1.3.4. More Utility Functions and ClassesIt took about one year that I developed a simple game engine to create simple games. I and my friends even created a small game for kids with this engine, but we never finished it as a commercial game, because of the lack of budget. To load and animate the characters of that game, I also used Cal3D.5I included some classes and functions of that engine—But not all of them. Although some of them are not used in this software (such as some functions in the file CommonGL.h), but they are really useful in OpenGL programs. Most of those files have documentations at the beginning of them, so they simplify the codes to understand. However some of those documentations are not up to date.Figure 3. A simple game created with my game engine2. Getting Started With Cal3DViewer and InstallationFirst of all, it is necessary to install the program, but it does not include any installer application. It is just a ZIP file, Cal3DViewer.zip. The file contains the following folders and files:•Binary: a folder with all files and data necessary to run the program.•User's Manual.pdf: you are reading this file right know.•Readme.txt: some Information related to the current version.Begin by extracting the included ZIP file in any folder, after that, go to that folder and enter in the Binary folder and double click “Cal3DViewer.exe”. The program will be executed. Note that it's the release version of the project. I have added 3 models to the database, so you will see them when you run the program (see the copyright section about the copyright of those models). You can remove the model names from the list and save the list or you can delete the file "database.dbf"- which is beside the executable file- to get an empty list.63. CopyrightThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.I have copied some texts of the file" User Manual.pdf "of the ColladaLoader software in this user's manual. The author of that file and project is Ricardo Ruiz López and he has permitted me to copy some of the texts of his user's manual. You can find more about his project here:/project/showfiles.php?group_id=197616Some texts of this user's manual are from the Cal3D FAQ. All the 3D models and their associated files are from the Cal3D project and you can download them from here:/cal3d/sources/2D bitmaps (except bitmap slider) of this project have been created by my friend, Shahriar Hosseni. 2D bitmaps are copyright © 2008, Shahriar Hosseini.To create the bitmap slider of this project, I have used the CBitmapSlider project. You can download and read its comments here:/2460558I have used some functions and classes of the miniviewer_gl example from the Cal3D project, but I have changed and developed some of those functions and classes.The author of Vector class is Vic Hollis. His codes are free as he has writen at the beginning of vector.h and vector.cpp files.The entire source codes in which have been written by myself and this user's manual are copyright © 2008, Ehsan Kamrani.4. System RequirementsThese are the minimum system requirements necessary to run this program:Windows 98 / Windows Me / Windows 2000 / Windows XP or Windows Vista (Windows NT and 95 are currently not supported).800 MHz or faster Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor.256 MB and/or more RAM.10 MB and/or more of free hard disk space32 bits desktop display.An OpenGL 1.1 compliant graphics card with at least 32 MB and these three extensions available:GL_ARB_MULTISAMPLE,GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropicGL_SEPARATE_SPECULAR_COLOR7Your graphics card manual should have this information; in other case you can use an “Extensions Viewer” like for instance this one:/glview/index.html5. SupportThis program is free software and it has no support of any class. However, if you have any questions you can send me an email to opentechno@6. Featuresz Meshes loading with vertex, normal and texture coordinate.z Materials can be applied per face.z Two kinds of transformations are supported: translation and rotation.z Three directional lights are used.z Information about the current model.z Information about your OpenGL implementation.z An orbital camera is used.z Five different render modes.z Easy-to-use user interface with bitmap buttons, dialogs, etc.z Full-scene anti-aliasing.z Mip-mapping, trilinear and anisotropic filtering.z A shadow can be drawn for each loaded model.z It is possible to activate or deactivate grid, shadow and axes drawing.z It uses a data base to save the model names, addresses and their associated data, so next time you run this program it will load them if they exist.z Support for Unicode strings7. Using Cal3DViewerIt's a description that explains how to run the most important tasks of this program.7.1. Viewing ModelsTo load and visualize a Cal3D model version 0.11, you should click the + button. It will open a dialog. There are three edit controls in this dialog. The first and second ones are read only controls and you need to use the buttons beside them to pop up a typical windows open file dialog and select the file name.I have used relative addresses instead of absolute addresses. It's because this program saves the list and you may want to run your program in another system and don't use the same path as you used in your previous computer. You write the names of your Cal3D files in a text file with the .cfg extension. You need to put your .cfg file inside the folder data/models/your .cfg file name without the ".cfg" string/. For example if you have a model89with a .cfg file called cally.cfg, you have to put it inside the data/models/cally/, so when you click on the cally folder, you can see your .cfg file and all the files related to your cally model. You need to write this local address in your .cfg file with the “path” keyword. For example for our cally example, write the following line at the beginning of your .cfg file: path = data/models/cally/ Some keywords must be used in your .cfg file to specify the file type and names correctly: z path = specifies the relative path file in which you inserted your .cfg file. z scale = It's used to adjust your model distance.Lower scales move the object to upper and nearer place. z skeleton = Specifies the skeleton file. z mesh = specifies the mesh file. z material = specifies the material file. z animation = specifies the animation file. z # is used for comments and is not parsed by the program. Here's our cally.cfg file: ## cal3d model configuration file model: callly # /path = data/models/cally scale=1.0 skeleton=cally.csf animation=cally_idle.caf animation=cally_tornado_kick.caf animation=cally_walk.caf animation=cally_strut.caf animation=cally_jog.caf animation=cally_shoot_arrow.caf animation=cally_wave.caf mesh=cally_calf_left.cmf mesh=cally_calf_right.cmf mesh=cally_chest.cmf mesh=cally_foot_left.cmf mesh=cally_foot_right.cmf mesh=cally_hand_left.cmf mesh=cally_hand_right.cmf mesh=cally_head.cmf mesh=cally_lowerarm_left.cmf mesh=cally_lowerarm_right.cmf mesh=cally_neck.cmf mesh=cally_pelvis.cmf mesh=cally_ponytail.cmf mesh=cally_thigh_left.cmf mesh=cally_thigh_right.cmf mesh=cally_upperarm_left.cmf mesh=cally_upperarm_right.cmf material=cally_skin.xrf material=cally_ponytail.xrf material=cally_chest.xrf material=cally_pelvis.xrf end of cfg file #z Spaces and blank lines are ignoredz Keywords are case sensitivez You must specify the file names correctly.If the program fails to load the file, it will report with an error. But if you don't specify the keyword correctly( For example if you write Animation instead of animation, the parser ignores that line and doesn't report an error.z you must speciffy the path keyword before all other keywordsz you must specify your skeleton file before the animation, material and mesh file(s) z The sequence in which you specify the mesh, animation and material files is not important.You also need to put your bitmap files inside the data/bitmaps/ folder. After that you can select your bitmap and .cfg files and give the model a name and press the OK button. The program will try to load the model and if it fails to load some files, it will report it with appropriate messages.z If you don't choose a bitmap file for a model, it will show the default bitmap (data/bitmaps/default.bmp) and if it doesn't find the default bitmap, it doesn't show the preview.z Both cfg file and model name are required to load a model.7.2. CameraThere is an orbital camera present. The orbital camera is controlled with the mouse and its buttons.z To zoom in, move the mouse up while pressing the right button.z To zoom out, move the mouse down while pressing the right button.z To rotate the camera around the model, move the mouse in any direction while pressing the left button.z To strafe the scene horizontally and vertically, move the mouse in the desired direction while pressing the middle button.7.3. LightingModels are affected by three lights: Key light, fill light and back light. Key light generates a shadow. This type of lighting produces realistic results.These are directional lights and you can not change their directions (except you edit the source code and recompile it).8. User InterfaceThis program uses bitmap dialog, bitmap buttons and bitmap slider. Adding the bitmaps to the application improves its appearance and makes it more interesting.Here are useful buttons:10Figure 4. Help dialogz One feature of this software have not an equivalent bitmap button, but it has a shortcut key. You can show or hide the grid, axes and shadow with the CTRL + G keyboard shortcut.z Slider is used to change the LOD of the model. Note that changing the LOD crashes the program while selecting the paladin model. There's the same problem in miniviewer_gl example that has been released with cal3d source. It seems that this problem refers to cal3d, not my application. I have reported the bug to the cal3d moderators.Grids and shadow are drawn in XY plane. I did it to show the default Cal3D models (cally, skeleton and paladin) correctly.119. Keyboard ShortcutsCTRL + C Close the windowCTRL + M Show or hide the windowCTRL + F1 Show the “About Cal3DViewer” dialogCTRL + SHIFT + I Show a dialog with information about the OpenGLimplementation and current modelCTRL + H Show the "Help" dialogCTRL + A Add a model to the listCTRL + DELETE Remove a model from the listCTRL + S Save the list nameCTRL + N Show the next model on the list if it existsCTRL + P Show the previous model on the list if it existsCTRL + SHIFT + N Show the next animation of the current model if it existsCTRL + SHIFT + P Show the previous animation of the current model if it existsCTRL + I Activate interactive modeCTRL + R Start rotationCTRL + SHIFT + S Stop rotationCTRL + F Activate fill render modeCTRL + T Activate line render mode with textures or materialsCTRL + W Activate white line render modeCTRL + V Activate white point( vertex ) render modeCTRL + B Activate white point render mode and show the model's boneCTRL + D Activate default transformations and states( default mode )CTRL + G Show or hide the grid, axes and shadow10. AcknowledgmentSpecial thanks to:z Angus Dorbiez Ricardo Ruiz López.z behnam SafarzadeThanks to Mr. Reza Babaei Pour for editing some texts of this document.The information that programmers at the OpenGL and Gamedev forums gave me were really useful.12。

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图1 3Dviewer初始界面
图2 打开dem路径
图3 选择dem路径场景示意图如下:
图4 打开dem后的场景

图5 打开dom操作
图6 选择dom路径
图7 打开dom后的场景

图8 打开三维场景
图9 打开工作区路径


图10 点击景观图
图11 打工作区后的场景

1、将C:\boot.ini 文件做如下修改:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /3GB
2、若vc6.0的安装目录为D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8 ,则目录下D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin找到editbin 这个可执行文件,然后进行以下操作
则输入“cd D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin”,如下图
④然后输入editbin /LARGEADDRESSAWARE yourapplication.exe 这里的
yourapplication.exe 需要输入的是你的3DViewer程序的路径名加文件名。

editbin /LARGEADDRESSAW ARE D:/ 3DViewer/3DViewer.exe。
