
英语四六级⼝语考试英语四六级⼝语考试⼤学英语四、六级考试⼝语考试( CET Spoken English Test ,简称CET-SET )⽤于测量我国⼤学⽣运⽤英语进⾏⼝头交际的能⼒。
考试对象CET-SET 报考对象为获得全国⼤学英语四、六级证书且成绩达到⼀定分数线的在校⼤学⽣。
考试时间⼀年两次,分别在 5 ⽉和 11 ⽉。
考试形式CET-SET 考试采⽤⾯对⾯的形式,每场考试由 2 名主考和 3 (或 4 )名考⽣组成:CET-SET 考试分三部分:第⼀部分是考⽣和 CET 授权的主考进⾏交谈,采⽤问答的形式。
时间约 5 分钟。
时间共约10 分钟。
时间约5 分钟。
试题构成Part 15 分钟问答“热⾝”题,包括考⽣⾃我介绍、回答问题。
Part 210 分钟发⾔和讨论考⽣准备 1 分钟后,根据所给提⽰作⼀个分钟的发⾔;⼩组就指定的话题讨论(约分钟)。
Part 35 分钟问答由主考进⼀步提问。
考试成绩考试总分为 15 分,分为 A 、 B 、 C 和 D 四个等级。
C 等以上者将获得由教育部⾼教司颁发的注有 CET Spoken English Test 成绩等级的CET 证书能⼒等级标准A+ 分能⽤英语就熟悉的题材进⾏⼝头交际,基本上没有困难。
B+ 分B 分能⽤英语就熟悉的题材进⾏⼝头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际。
C+ 分C 分能⽤英语就熟悉的题材进⾏简单的⼝头交际。
5 分语法和词汇基本正确表达过程中词汇丰富、语法结构较为复杂发⾳较好,但允许有⼀些不影响理解的母语⼝⾳在讨论有关话题时能进⾏较长时间的、语⾔连贯的发⾔,但允许由于⽆法找到合适的词语⽽造成的偶尔停顿能够⾃然、积极地参与讨论语⾔的使⽤总体上能与语境、功能和⽬的相适应4 分语法和词汇有⼀些错误,但未严重影响交际表达过程中词汇较丰富发⾳尚可能进⾏较连贯的发⾔,但多数发⾔较简短组织思想和搜寻词语时频繁出现停顿,有时会影响交际能够较积极地参与讨论,但有时内容不切题或未能与⼩组成员直接交流语⾔的使⽤基本上能与语境、功能和⽬的相适应3 分语法和词汇有错误,且有时会影响交际表达过程中词汇不丰富,语法结构较简单发⾳有缺陷,有时会影响交际发⾔简短组织思想和搜寻词语时频繁出现较长时间的停顿,影响交际,但能够基本完成交际任务不能积极参与讨论,有时⽆法适应新话题或讨论内容的改变语法和词汇有较多错误,以致妨碍理解表达过程中因缺乏词汇和语法结构⽽影响交际发⾳较差,以致交际时常中断发⾔简短且毫⽆连贯性,⼏乎⽆法进⾏交际不能参与⼩组讨论⼤学英语四、六级考试⼝语考试样题CET Spoken English TestSample PaperTopic A - 1Topic Area : City LifeTopic : City TrafficPart 1 (5 minutes)Examiner:Good morning (Good afternoon), everybody. Could you please tell me your name and the number of your admission ticket Your name, please. And your numb er … Your name … And your number ... Thank you.Now would you please briefly introduce yourselves to each other Remember, you should not mention the name of your university. minutes)OK, now that we know each other we can do some group work. First of all, I'd like to ask each of you to say something about life in the city.[ C1, C2, C3 ]1) How do you like living in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)2) What do you think is the most serious challenge of living ina city like Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)3) How do you like shopping in a supermarket4) Where would you like to live, downtown or in the suburbs, and why5) What measures do you think we should take to reduce air pollution in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …)6) Can you say something about the entertainment available in your city7) Where would you like to find a job after graduation, in a big city like Beijing or Shanghai or in a small town and why8) What's your impression of the people in Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanji ng …)Part 2 (10 minutes)Examiner:Now let's move on to something more specific. The topic for our discussion today is “City Traffic”. You'll have a picture (some pictures) showing two different types of transport. I'd like each of you to give a brief description of each type and then compare the two types. You'll have one minute to prepare and each of you will have one and a half minutes to talk about the picture(s). Don't worry if I interrupt you at the end of the time limit. Now here are your pictures.[1 minute later]Now, [ C1 ], would you please start first [ C2 ] and [ C3 ], please put your pictures aside and listen to what [ C1 ] has to say.[ minutes later] OK. [ C2 ], now it's your turn.[ minutes later] OK, [ C3 ], and now it's your turn.Right. Now we all have some idea of various kinds of city transport. I'd like you to discuss this topic further and see if you can agree on which is the best type of transport for a big city like Beijing ( Shanghai , Nanjing …). During the discussion you may argue with each other or ask each other questions to clarify a point. You will have about four and a half minutes for the discussion. Your performance will be judged according to your contributions to the discussion.[If one candidate talks too long]Sorry, I'll have to stop you now. Let's listen to what [ C ] has to say.[If one candidate keeps silent for a long time] / [If the group is silent for some time, then ask one of the candidates to start the discussion.]Now, [ C ], could you please say something about your view of …[ minutes later]All right, that's the end of the discussion.Part 3 (5 minutes)Examiner:Now I'd like to ask you just one last question on the topic of “City Traffic”.[Select a question from the following list to ask each of the candidates.][ C1 or C2 or C3 ]During the discussion, why did you say that ...What kind of transport do you usually use in your cityDo you have any suggestions as to how traffic conditions can be improved in big citiesDo you think private cars should be encouragedWhy do you think some Western countries encourage people to ride bicyclesNow, that's the end of the test. Thank you, everybody.体例说明:内容体例举例主考⽤语 :⿊体Good morning.对主考的提⽰ :[ ⽩体 ][Interrupt him/her if …]变量(考⽣姓名) :[ 斜体 ][ C1 ]时间提⽰ :( ⽩体 )(5 minutes)过程说明 :斜体Part 1可变换的内容 :( )Good morning (Good afternoon)。
最新 备考新四级:四六级口试常用功能性语言-精品

Could you repeat thn Opinion
Personally,I think/feel/believe/suppose...
In my opinion/In my eyes,...
Well,that depends.
I don‘t think so really.
I‘m afraid I can‘t agree.
I‘m afraid I‘m not convinced.
Excuse me,but...
Sorry for interrupting,but...
What I really want to say is that...
What I mean is that...
What I‘m getting at is that...
The point I‘m trying to make is that...
Let me put it another way.
Sorry to interrupt,but...
Can I come in here?
Can I interrupt for a moment?
I‘d like to add something here.
I have a point to make.
8.赢得时间Making Time and Repeating Your Statement
As I see it,...
My view on...is that...
I‘d like to point out...

2010年12月大学英语四级/六级考试(CET-4/CET-6)大纲(口试考试部分)口语考试成绩合格者由教育部高等教育司发给证书,证书分为 A、B 、C 三个等级,成绩低于 C 等的不发给证书大学四、六级考试口语考试能力等级标准如下:等级等级描述A 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难B 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际C 等能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际D 等尚不具有英语口头交际能力一、评分标准CET-SET 主考在评分时使用以下标准:a. 准确性指考生的语音、语调以及所使用的语法和词汇的准确程度b. 语言范围指考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围c. 话语的长短指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少d. 连贯性指考生有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言e. 灵活性指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力f. 适切性指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力二、语言功能CET-SET 考试要求考生参与不同形式的口头交际,其语言能力将根据其在考试中的表现予以测量。
英语四六级 大学英语语言能力标准化考试

1. 听力测试听力测试主要考察考生对于不同场景和话题的听力理解能力。
2. 阅读测试阅读测试旨在考察考生阅读理解和词汇运用能力。
3. 写作测试写作测试要求考生在规定时间内,根据所给的提示或指示完成作文。
4. 翻译测试翻译测试要求考生从中文翻译成英文,或从英文翻译成中文。
二、考试形式1. 四六级考试通常为笔试形式。
2. 阅读测试通常为选择题或填空题,考生需要阅读题目,并选择正确答案或填写相应的单词或短语。
3. 写作测试要求考生在规定时间内写出一篇完整的英文文章,通常包括开头、主体和结尾三个部分。
4. 翻译测试要求考生准确翻译所给的中文或英文内容,并保持语言表达的准确性和通顺性。
三、备考策略1. 提前了解考试内容与要求,注重积累词汇和语法知识。
2. 针对听力部分,可以多听英语广播、电视节目、英语歌曲等,提高听力理解和应对能力。
3. 针对阅读部分,平时要多读英语文章,提高阅读速度和理解能力。
4. 针对写作部分,多进行写作练习,尝试各类题型,提高写作水平和表达能力。
5. 针对翻译部分,多进行翻译练习,注意积累词汇、短语和常用表达方式。
6. 参加模拟考试,熟悉考试形式和时间分配,增加应考的经验和信心。

四级口语高频短语1. Greetings and Introductions- Hello! How are you today?- Nice to meet you!- What's your name?- Where are you from?- How long have you been studying English?2. Making Conversation- What do you like to do in your free time?- Have you ever been to any foreign countries?- What are your hobbies and interests?- Can you recommend a good movie/book/restaurant?- Tell me about your family.3. Describing People- He/She has a great sense of humor.- He/She is very hardworking and dedicated.- She is good at multitasking and works well under pressure.- He/She is a good team player and always willing to help others. - He/She is a talented musician/artist/athlete.4. Asking for Opinions and Giving Opinions- What do you think about...?- Do you agree or disagree with...?- In my opinion, ...- Personally, I believe that...- It seems to me that...5. Expressing Likes and Dislikes- I really enjoy playing basketball.- I'm not a fan of spicy food.- I love spending time with my friends and family.- I can't stand horror movies.- I prefer reading books over watching TV.6. Talking about Past Experiences- Have you ever traveled abroad?- When was the last time you went on vacation?- What was the best concert you've ever been to?- Did you participate in any school clubs or activities?- Can you tell me about a memorable event from your childhood?7. Making Suggestions and Recommendations- You should try the local cuisine while you're here.- Have you considered taking up a new hobby?- I highly recommend watching this new TV show.- Why don't you join a language exchange program?- If I were you, I would study abroad for a semester.8. Expressing Agreement and Disagreement- I agree with you.- I see what you're saying, but...- I'm sorry, but I have to disagree.- That's a good point, but I think...- I'm not sure I agree with that.9. Asking for and Giving Directions- Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest subway station? - Could you please show me the way to the museum?- Go straight ahead and turn left at the second intersection.- It's just around the corner.- You can't miss it, it's right across from the park.10. Talking about Future Plans- What are your plans for the weekend?- I'm thinking about going on a road trip next month.- I hope to study abroad after graduation.- I plan to start my own business in the future.- I want to improve my English skills by taking a language course.以上是四级口语中常用的高频短语,掌握它们可以帮助你更流利地进行口语交流。

.CET6资料大全(很实用噢).................................. 错误!未定义书签。
六级在考试内容方面与与四级的区别 .. (64)CET-4资料大全(完整版) (146)英语四六级考试题型:计分规则2019年上半年大学英语六级考试将在6月18日15:00-17:20举行,下半年将在12月17日15:00-17:20举行,为了帮助大家有效的报考复习,考试大外语站点编辑收集整理了相关信息供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助,考试大祝大家顺利通过考试!六级考试各部分测试内容、题型和所占分值比例如表所示:写作:33分--条理不清、思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误。

四六级英语口语等级English Answer:The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) has established six levels of proficiency in foreign language skills, ranging from A1 (Beginner) toC2 (Proficient). The Common Entrance Test Band 4 (CET Band 4) and the College English Test Band 6 (CET Band 6) are two widely recognized English proficiency tests in China. Here is a comparison of the CEFR levels and the corresponding CET Band scores:A1 Beginner: CET Band 3 or below.A2 Elementary: CET Band 3-4。
B1 Intermediate: CET Band 4-5。
B2 Upper-Intermediate: CET Band 5-6。
C1 Advanced: CET Band 6-7。
C2 Proficient: CET Band 7 or above.中文回答:四六级英语口语等级。
四级英语考试4级(CET Band 4)和六级英语考试6级(CET Band 6)是中国两项公认的英语水平考试。
以下是CEFR等级与相应CET Band分数的对比:A1 初学者,CET Band 3或以下。
A2 初级,CET Band 3-4。
B1 中级,CET Band 4-5。

英语六级口语考试必备40句英语六级口语考试必备40句1、I see.我明白了。
2、I quit! 我不干了!3、It's commendable.值得赞扬。
4、It's exactly what I wanted.这正是我想要的。
5、I'm honored to meet you.很荣幸见到你。
6、Not in the long term.从长远来说不是这样的。
7、It's a pleasure to do that for you.很高兴能为你做这件事。
8、I'm very pleased with your work.我对你的工作非常满意。
9、Please tell me something about your scholarship in Harvard University.请告诉我一些你在哈佛大学获得奖学金的情况。
10、It's really smooth/真好喝。
11、I'm crazy about her/him.我疯狂喜欢她/他。
12、You can always count on him/her.你总能信任他/她。
13、She/He is a real go-getter.她/他是个拼命干的人。
14、She/He knows the answers to all the questions.她/他知道所有问题的答案。
15、I've got a hang of it now.现在我完全明白了。
16、I've just got the message that the plane will be late.我刚得到消息说飞机晚点了。
17、We've got to hit the road.我们得出发了。
18、We've got a lot of work to do.我们有很多工作要做。
19、I almost hit the wall today.我今天快累垮了。

四六级口语例句汇总Spoken EnglishSpoken English No.1AAny day will do?哪一天都可以?Are you by yourself?你一个人来吗?All right with you?你没有问题吧?All systems are go. 都准备好了(注:无语法错误) Are you free tomorrow?明天有空吗?Are you kidding me?你在跟我开玩笑吧?As soon as possible!尽可能快!Absence makes the heart grow fonder.小别胜新婚。
距离产生美After you.您先。
Allow me.让我来。
Any messages for me? 有我的留言吗?Anything else? 还要别的吗?Any urgent thing?有急事吗?Are you sure? 你肯定吗?BBack in a moment!马上回来!Believe it or not!信不信由你!Better luck next time!下次会更好!Be careful! 注意!Be quiet! 安静点!Between us. 你知,我知。
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.情人眼里出西施Big mouth! 多嘴驴!Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分Blast! 妈的!Bless you! 祝福你!Boy will be boys本性难移!男孩就是男孩!Bottle it! 闭嘴!Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!Boy! (表示惊奇,兴奋等)哇!好家伙!Break the rules. 违反规则。
CCan I have this. 可以给我这个吗?Come to the point!有话直说!Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?Can you dig it?你搞明白了吗?Can-do. 能人。
英语四六级CET-4&6 口试介绍及考试大纲

B 等 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际
C 等 能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际
D 等 尚不具有英语口头交际能力
本文来源于网络,由新东方批改网()友情整理,我们一直关注您的英语 写作与英语口语
大学英语四、六级考试口 语考试大纲
[1 minute later]
Now, [ C1 ], would you please start first? [ C2 ] and [ C3 ], please put your pictures aside and listen to what [ C1 ] has to say.
[1.5 minutes later] OK. [ C2 ], now it's your turn.
CET-SET 考试要求考生参与不同形式的口头交际,其语言能力将根据其在考试中的表现予以测量。考生需 要掌握的语言功能和意念在《大学英语教学大纲》中已明确列出。以下仅列举其中部分的语言功能和意念。
友好往来 问候,介绍,告别和告辞,祝愿和祝贺,感谢和应答,道歉和应答,提议、邀请和应答。
相互交流 开始交谈,继续交谈,改变话题,停止交谈。
CET-SET 主考在评分时使用以下标准: a. 准确性 指考生的语音、语调以及所使用的语法和词汇的准确程度 b. 语言范围 指考生使用的词汇和语法结构的复杂程度和范围 c. 话语的长短 指考生对整个考试中的交际所作的贡献、讲话的多少 d. 连贯性 指考生有能力进行较长时间的、语言连贯的发言 e. 灵活性 指考生应付不同情景和话题的能力 f. 适切性 指考生根据不同场合选用适当确切的语言的能力
本文来源于网络,由新东方批改网()友情整理,我们一直关注您的英语 写作与英语口语

四六级英语必备知识点总结1. 词汇词汇是语言的基础,四六级考试重点考查词汇量和词汇运用能力。
2. 语法语法是英语考试的重要考点之一。
3. 阅读阅读理解是四六级考试的难点之一。
4. 写作写作是四六级考试的一大重点。
5. 听力四六级听力考试是考查考生对英语听力材料的理解能力,包括对语速、语调、语音等方面的理解。
6. 口语四六级口语考试是新加入的一项考查项目。

1. I see.我明白了。
2. I quit! 我不干了!3. Let go! 放手!4. Me too.我也是。
5. My god! 天哪!6. No way! 不行!7. Come on.来吧(赶快)8. Hold on.等一等。
9. I agree。
10. Not bad.还不错。
11. Not yet.还没。
12. See you.再见。
13. Shut up! 闭嘴!14. So long.再见。
15. Why not? 好呀! (为什么不呢?)16. Allow me.让我来。
17. Be quiet! 安静点!18. Cheer up! 振作起来!19. Good job! 做得好!20. Have fun! 玩得开心!21. How much? 多少钱?22. I'm full.我饱了。
23. I'm home.我回来了。
24. I'm lost.我迷路了。
25. My treat.我请客。
26. So do I.我也一样。
27. This way。
28. After you.您先。
29. Bless you! 祝福你!30. Follow me.跟我来。
31. Forget it! 休想! (算了!)32. Good luck! 祝好运!33. I decline! 我拒绝!34. I promise.我保证。
35. Of course! 当然了!36. Slow down! 慢点!37. Take care! 保重!38. They hurt.(伤口)疼。
39. Try again.再试试。
40. Watch out! 当心。
41. What's up? 有什么事吗?42. Be careful! 注意!43. Bottoms up! 干杯(见底)!44. Don't move! 不许动!45. Guess what? 猜猜看?46. I doubt it 我怀疑。

四六级常用口语化短语和句子汇编时间:2009-07-14 点击数:19766 whats your asl? 你的,年龄,性别,地点?(聊天用的)how are you doing (or: how you doiin)你好。
whats up 什么事?或是:你好lol 大笑 = laugh out loudso long 一般不用它……意思是:再见what are you into?(what you into)你对什么感兴趣?Im into you. 我喜欢你Im into…我喜欢……对……感兴趣wanna want to 和 wanted to 的省写gonna going to 的省写。
不是 went to 的啊!prick , dick , cock 骂人的。
意思是,几吧suck 恶心hip hop , rock, rap,pop, 说唱,摇滚,说唱,流行歌bah bye 再见what are you up to()最近怎么样butt, ass 屁股shut up . shut the hell up , shut the fuck up. 闭嘴cuss , abuse 骂人cut the crap 别废话bullshit. 胡说sit back 别管闲事儿feel shit about oneself 感觉不爽cool 酷be good 听话sorry ass 可怜的人,贬义词kick 踢shitty day 倒霉的一天。
oh yeah? 表示怀疑……是么?pic 照片give it a shot. give it a go. 试一是try me. 你试试。
(A: I’ll kill you B: try me) A:我杀了你。
be quiet 安静what the fuck ,what the hell , what the hack, (wtf )真他XX的!hobby 爱好cute 可爱(美国人不长说“帅(handsome)" 用CUTE代替可以说 a handsome car. what do you look like (what you look like)你长什么样how tall are you(how tall are ya)你多高so what 那又怎样??那又如何??cutie 可爱的人pretty 漂亮,(指人和物) pretty girl. pretty flowersfaggot 笨蛋retard 听起来象烟鬼的人suck 恶心(动词)you suck! 你恶心!kick ass 不好惹的。



英语四六级作文功能句1. Introduction.Nowadays, it is common for people to use social media platforms to communicate with others and share their daily lives.Social media has become an integral part of our daily routine.2. Positive aspects of social media.Social media allows people to connect with others from different parts of the world.It provides a platform for people to express their opinions and share their ideas with a wider audience.Social media is a useful tool for businesses to promote their products and services.3. Negative aspects of social media.Social media addiction is becoming a serious issue, especially among young people.Cyberbullying and online harassment are prevalent on social media platforms.Social media can be a source of misinformation and fake news.4. Ways to use social media in a responsible way.Limit the amount of time spent on social media.Be mindful of the content shared on social media andits potential impact on others.Verify the authenticity of information before sharing it on social media.5. Conclusion.Social media has both positive and negative aspects, but it ultimately depends on how we use it.We should use social media in a responsible way to ensure that it does not have a negative impact on ourselves and others.。

英语四六级口试常用功能性语言英语四六级口试常用功能性语言1.要求重复或澄清问题 Asking for ClarificationI'm afraid I didn't quite catch you.I'm afraid I'm not quite clear about...Pardon!Sorry I can't follow you.Would you like to repeat the question?Could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 Giving an OpinionPersonally,I think /feel/believe /suppose...In my opinion /In my eyes,...As I see it,...My view on...is that...I'd like to point out...As far as I'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 Agreeing Strongly with an OpinionI couldn't agree more!Absolutely!/Exactly!I take your point.I'm with you on that.That's just what I was thinking.That's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点Agreeing Partially withan Opinion Yes,but...That's true,but...Mm,possibly.There is something in that.But...I see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点Disagreeing Strongly with an Opinion (转载自/doc/4c8240459.html,,请保留此标记。


四六级口语四六级口语大学英语四、六级考试口语考试( CET Spoken English Test ,简称 CET-SET )用于测量我国大学生运用英语进行口头交际的能力。
店铺考试对象CET-SET 报考对象为获得全国大学英语四、六级证书,且四级成绩为550分以上(含550分)或六级成绩为520分以上(含520分)的在校大学生。
店铺考试时间一年两次,分别在 5 月和 11 月。
店铺考试形式CET-SET 考试采用面对面的形式,每场考试由 2 名主考和 3 (或 4 )名考生组成:CET-SET 考试分三部分:第一部分是考生和 CET 授权的主考进行交谈,采用问答的'形式。
时间约 5 分钟。
第二部分包括1.5 分钟的考生个人发言和4.5 分钟的小组讨论。
时间共约 10 分钟。
时间约 5 分钟。
店铺试题构成Part 15 分钟问答“热身”题,包括考生自我介绍、回答问题。
Part 210 分钟发言和讨论考生准备 1 分钟后,根据所给提示作一个 1.5 分钟的发言;小组就指定的话题讨论(约 4.5 分钟)。
Part 35 分钟问答由主考进一步提问。
店铺考试成绩考试总分为 15 分,分为 A 、 B 、 C 和 D 四个等级。
C 等以上者将获得由教育部高教司颁发的注有 CET Spoken English T est 成绩等级的 CET证书店铺能力等级标准A+ 14.5-15分A 13.5-14.4分能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,基本上没有困难。
B+ 12.5-13.4 分B 11-12.4 分能用英语就熟悉的题材进行口头交际,虽有些困难,但不影响交际。
C+ 9.5-10.9 分C 8-9.4 分能用英语就熟悉的题材进行简单的口头交际。
D7.9 分以下尚不具有英语口头交际能力。
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英语四六级口试常用功能性语言1.要求重复或澄清问题 asking for clarificationi'm afraid i didn't quite catch you.i'm afraid i'm not quite clear about...pardon!sorry i can't follow you.would you like to repeat the question?could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 giving an opinion personally,i think /feel/believe /suppose...in my opinion /in my eyes,...as i see it,...my view on...is that...i'd like to point out...as far as i'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 agreeing strongly with an opinion i couldn't agree more!absolutely!/exactly!i take your point.i'm with you on that.that's just what i was thinking.that's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点agreeing partially withan opinion yes,but...that's true,but...mm,possibly.there is something in that.but...i see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点disagreeing strongly with an opinion i disagree entirely i really can't agree.you must be joking.i can't agree with your point.6.有礼貌地不同意某种观点 disagreeing politely with an opinioni'm not sure /certain.i'm not so surereally.well,that depends.i don't think so really.i'm afraid i can't agree.i'm afraid i'm not convinced.7.打断他人 interrupting excuse me,but...sorry for interrupting,but...sorry to interrupt,but...can i come in here?can i interrupt for a moment?i'd like to add something here.i have a point to make.8.赢得时间 making time and repeating your statement well...what i really want to say is that...what i mean is that...what i'm getting at is that...the pointi'm trying to make is that...let me put it another way.1.要求重复或澄清问题 asking for clarificationi'm afraid i didn't quite catch you.i'm afraid i'm not quite clear about...pardon!sorry i can't follow you.would you like to repeat the question?could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 giving an opinion personally,i think /feel/believe /suppose...in my opinion /in my eyes,...as i see it,...my view on...is that...i'd like to point out...as far as i'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 agreeingstrongly with an opinion i couldn't agree more!absolutely!/exactly!i take your point.i'm with you on that.that's just what i was thinking.that's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点agreeing partially withan opinion yes,but...that's true,but...mm,possibly.there is something in that.but...i see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点disagreeing strongly with an opinion i disagree entirely i really can't agree.you must be joking.i can't agree with your point.6.有礼貌地不同意某种观点 disagreeing politely with an opinioni'm not sure /certain.i'm not so surereally.well,that depends.i don't think so really.i'm afraid i can't agree.i'm afraid i'm not convinced.7.打断他人 interrupting excuse me,but...sorry for interrupting,but...sorry to interrupt,but...can i come in here?can i interrupt for a moment?i'd like to add something here.i have a point to make.8.赢得时间 making time and repeating your statement well...what i really want to say is that...what i mean is that...what i'm getting at is that...the pointi'm trying to make is that...let me put it another way.1.要求重复或澄清问题 asking for clarificationi'm afraid i didn't quite catch you.i'm afraid i'm not quite clear about...pardon!sorry i can't follow you.would you like to repeat the question?could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 giving an opinion personally,i think /feel/believe /suppose...in my opinion /in my eyes,...as i see it,...my view on...is that...i'd like to point out...as far as i'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 agreeing strongly with an opinion i couldn't agree more!absolutely!/exactly!i take your point.i'm with you on that.that's just what i was thinking.that's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点agreeing partially withan opinion yes,but...that's true,but...mm,possibly.there is something in that.but...i see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点disagreeing strongly with an opinion i disagree entirely i really can't agree.you must be joking.i can't agree with your point.6.有礼貌地不同意某种观点 disagreeing politely with an opinioni'm not sure /certain.i'm not so surereally.well,that depends.i don't think so really.i'm afraid i can't agree.i'm afraid i'm not convinced.7.打断他人 interrupting excuse me,but...sorry for interrupting,but...sorry to interrupt,but...can i come in here?can i interrupt for a moment?i'd like to add something here.i have a point to make.8.赢得时间 making time and repeating your statement well...what i really want to say is that...what i mean is that...what i'm getting at is that...the pointi'm trying to make is that...let me put it another way.1.要求重复或澄清问题 asking for clarificationi'm afraid i didn't quite catch you.i'm afraid i'm not quite clear about...pardon!sorry i can't follow you.would you like to repeat the question?could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 giving an opinion personally,i think /feel/believe /suppose...in my opinion /in my eyes,...as i see it,...my view on...is that...i'd like to point out...as far as i'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 agreeingstrongly with an opinion i couldn't agree more!absolutely!/exactly!i take your point.i'm with you on that.that's just what i was thinking.that's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点agreeing partially withan opinion yes,but...that's true,but...mm,possibly.there is something in that.but...i see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点disagreeing strongly with an opinion i disagree entirely i really can't agree.you must be joking.i can't agree with your point.6.有礼貌地不同意某种观点 disagreeing politely with an opinioni'm not sure /certain.i'm not so surereally.well,that depends.i don't think so really.i'm afraid i can't agree.i'm afraid i'm not convinced.7.打断他人 interrupting excuse me,but...sorry for interrupting,but...sorry to interrupt,but...can i come in here?can i interrupt for a moment?i'd like to add something here.i have a point to make.8.赢得时间 making time and repeating your statement well...what i really want to say is that...what i mean is that...what i'm getting at is that...the pointi'm trying to make is that...let me put it another way.1.要求重复或澄清问题 asking for clarificationi'm afraid i didn't quite catch you.i'm afraid i'm not quite clear about...pardon!sorry i can't follow you.would you like to repeat the question?could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 giving an opinion personally,i think /feel/believe /suppose...in my opinion /in my eyes,...as i see it,...my view on...is that...i'd like to point out...as far as i'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 agreeing strongly with an opinion i couldn't agree more!absolutely!/exactly!i take your point.i'm with you on that.that's just what i was thinking.that's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点agreeing partially withan opinion yes,but...that's true,but...mm,possibly.there is something in that.but...i see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点disagreeing strongly with an opinion i disagree entirely i really can't agree.you must be joking.i can't agree with your point.6.有礼貌地不同意某种观点 disagreeing politely with an opinioni'm not sure /certain.i'm not so surereally.well,that depends.i don't think so really.i'm afraid i can't agree.i'm afraid i'm not convinced.7.打断他人 interrupting excuse me,but...sorry for interrupting,but...sorry to interrupt,but...can i come in here?can i interrupt for a moment?i'd like to add something here.i have a point to make.8.赢得时间 making time and repeating your statement well...what i really want to say is that...what i mean is that...what i'm getting at is that...the pointi'm trying to make is that...let me put it another way.1.要求重复或澄清问题 asking for clarificationi'm afraid i didn't quite catch you.i'm afraid i'm not quite clear about...pardon!sorry i can't follow you.would you like to repeat the question?could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 giving an opinion personally,i think /feel/believe /suppose...in my opinion /in my eyes,...as i see it,...my view on...is that...i'd like to point out...as far as i'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 agreeingstrongly with an opinion i couldn't agree more!absolutely!/exactly!i take your point.i'm with you on that.that's just what i was thinking.that's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点agreeing partially withan opinion yes,but...that's true,but...mm,possibly.there is something in that.but...i see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点disagreeing strongly with an opinion i disagree entirely i really can't agree.you must be joking.i can't agree with your point.6.有礼貌地不同意某种观点 disagreeing politely with an opinioni'm not sure /certain.i'm not so surereally.well,that depends.i don't think so really.i'm afraid i can't agree.i'm afraid i'm not convinced.7.打断他人 interrupting excuse me,but...sorry for interrupting,but...sorry to interrupt,but...can i come in here?can i interrupt for a moment?i'd like to add something here.i have a point to make.8.赢得时间 making time and repeating your statement well...what i really want to say is that...what i mean is that...what i'm getting at is that...the pointi'm trying to make is that...let me put it another way.1.要求重复或澄清问题 asking for clarificationi'm afraid i didn't quite catch you.i'm afraid i'm not quite clear about...pardon!sorry i can't follow you.would you like to repeat the question?could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 giving an opinion personally,i think /feel/believe /suppose...in my opinion /in my eyes,...as i see it,...my view on...is that...i'd like to point out...as far as i'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 agreeing strongly with an opinion i couldn't agree more!absolutely!/exactly!i take your point.i'm with you on that.that's just what i was thinking.that's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点agreeing partially withan opinion yes,but...that's true,but...mm,possibly.there is something in that.but...i see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点disagreeing strongly with an opinion i disagree entirely i really can't agree.you must be joking.i can't agree with your point.6.有礼貌地不同意某种观点 disagreeing politely with an opinioni'm not sure /certain.i'm not so surereally.well,that depends.i don't think so really.i'm afraid i can't agree.i'm afraid i'm not convinced.7.打断他人 interrupting excuse me,but...sorry for interrupting,but...sorry to interrupt,but...can i come in here?can i interrupt for a moment?i'd like to add something here.i have a point to make.8.赢得时间 making time and repeating your statement well...what i really want to say is that...what i mean is that...what i'm getting at is that...the pointi'm trying to make is that...let me put it another way.1.要求重复或澄清问题 asking for clarificationi'm afraid i didn't quite catch you.i'm afraid i'm not quite clear about...pardon!sorry i can't follow you.would you like to repeat the question?could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 giving an opinion personally,i think /feel/believe /suppose...in my opinion /in my eyes,...as i see it,...my view on...is that...i'd like to point out...as far as i'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 agreeingstrongly with an opinion i couldn't agree more!absolutely!/exactly!i take your point.i'm with you on that.that's just what i was thinking.that's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点agreeing partially withan opinion yes,but...that's true,but...mm,possibly.there is something in that.but...i see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点disagreeing strongly with an opinion i disagree entirely i really can't agree.you must be joking.i can't agree with your point.6.有礼貌地不同意某种观点 disagreeing politely with an opinioni'm not sure /certain.i'm not so surereally.well,that depends.i don't think so really.i'm afraid i can't agree.i'm afraid i'm not convinced.7.打断他人 interrupting excuse me,but...sorry for interrupting,but...sorry to interrupt,but...can i come in here?can i interrupt for a moment?i'd like to add something here.i have a point to make.8.赢得时间 making time and repeating your statement well...what i really want to say is that...what i mean is that...what i'm getting at is that...the pointi'm trying to make is that...let me put it another way.1.要求重复或澄清问题 asking for clarificationi'm afraid i didn't quite catch you.i'm afraid i'm not quite clear about...pardon!sorry i can't follow you.would you like to repeat the question?could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 giving an opinion personally,i think /feel/believe /suppose...in my opinion /in my eyes,...as i see it,...my view on...is that...i'd like to point out...as far as i'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 agreeing strongly with an opinion i couldn't agree more!absolutely!/exactly!i take your point.i'm with you on that.that's just what i was thinking.that's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点agreeing partially withan opinion yes,but...that's true,but...mm,possibly.there is something in that.but...i see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点disagreeing strongly with an opinion i disagree entirely i really can't agree.you must be joking.i can't agree with your point.6.有礼貌地不同意某种观点 disagreeing politely with an opinioni'm not sure /certain.i'm not so surereally.well,that depends.i don't think so really.i'm afraid i can't agree.i'm afraid i'm not convinced.7.打断他人 interrupting excuse me,but...sorry for interrupting,but...sorry to interrupt,but...can i come in here?can i interrupt for a moment?i'd like to add something here.i have a point to make.8.赢得时间 making time and repeating your statement well...what i really want to say is that...what i mean is that...what i'm getting at is that...the pointi'm trying to make is that...let me put it another way.1.要求重复或澄清问题 asking for clarificationi'm afraid i didn't quite catch you.i'm afraid i'm not quite clear about...pardon!sorry i can't follow you.would you like to repeat the question?could you repeat the question?2.给出观点 giving an opinion personally,i think /feel/believe /suppose...in my opinion /in my eyes,...as i see it,...my view on...is that...i'd like to point out...as far as i'm concerned,...3.完全同意某一观点 agreeingstrongly with an opinion i couldn't agree more!absolutely!/exactly!i take your point.i'm with you on that.that's just what i was thinking.that's exactly my opinion.4.部分同意某一观点agreeing partially withan opinion yes,but...that's true,but...mm,possibly.there is something in that.but...i see what you mean,but...5.完全不同意某种观点disagreeing strongly with an opinion i disagree entirely i really can't agree.you must be joking.i can't agree with your point.6.有礼貌地不同意某种观点 disagreeing politely with an opinioni'm not sure /certain.i'm not so surereally.well,that depends.i don't think so really.i'm afraid i can't agree.i'm afraid i'm not convinced.7.打断他人 interrupting excuse me,but...sorry for interrupting,but...sorry to interrupt,but...can i come in here?can i interrupt for a moment?i'd like to add something here.i have a point to make.8.赢得时间 making time and repeating your statement well...what i really want to say is that...what i mean is that...what i'm getting at is that...the pointi'm trying to make is that...let me put it another way.。