GRE作文 ISSUE的名人例子
GRE Analytical Writing 新鲜例子(1)Sarah Brightman 莎拉.布莱曼(就是音乐剧《猫》里唱MEOMORY那个)这个可以写determination什么的She was a workaholic from an early age, never waste a minute of time.Straight from school, she went to ballet lessons. When she got home at eight, she went to bed. She got up at four in the morning to do her homework and then began the schedule all over again.When she was a teenager, she decided to try her hand, or her vocals, at singing. (2)Prisoner Abuse 虐囚事件(伊拉克战争的那个丑闻)可以写媒体的题材Since the “60 Minutes II”broadcast, pictures of abuse have been posted on the Internet and shown on television stations worldwide.一些有用的词汇:Watergate (这个都知道)Zipper gate(这是说克林顿的)Enron gate(这是说小布什)Muckraker 专门报道丑闻的记者the Forth Estate 第四阶级,在美国媒体被称为第四权力或第四阶级(3)A Message to Garcia 致加西亚的信(前两年很火的书)It is not book-learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cause them to loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their energies: do the thing.(4)Nictzche尼采这厮有句名言:“One has to pay dearly for immortality. One has to die several times while one is still alive.”可以用在写毅力什么个人品质的~(5)William Hung 孔庆祥(这人前两年可是火得不行~)American Idol 美国偶像(超女就是中国版的美国偶像)Lovable loser 可爱的失败者He didn’t survive the first cut. His performance was interrupted by Simon Cowell (评委), You can’t dance. You can’t sing. So what do you want me to say?Hung earnestly and humbly replied: I already gave my best, and I have no regret at all.这个可以用在尝试,失败之类的题目上。
本杰明·富兰克林(Benjamin`Franklin)因为发现妻子被莱顿瓶(Leiden Jar)击倒而推测出雷电的产生是因为静电,并因此发明了避雷针(lightening rod)。
theprojectofManhattanwas planned byRoosevelt, Einsteinand some other scientists in order to develop the nuclear weapons before theNazi German’sinvasion.
苹果总裁乔布斯(Steve Jobs)二十岁跟沃兹(Steve Wozniak)在车库里开始了苹果电脑的事业,十年间苹果电脑在从一间车库里的两个小夥子扩展成了一家员工超过四千人、市价二十亿美金的公司,并且推出了他们最棒的作品-麦金塔,
巴顿将军诺曼底登陆作战时,陆军参谋长马歇尔George Catlett Marshall将指挥权交给布雷德利Bradley将军来控制巴顿,因其急躁。巴顿听命
GRE issue万能例子
GRE Analytical Writing 新鲜例子(1)Sarah Brightman 莎拉.布莱曼(就是音乐剧《猫》里唱MEOMORY那个)这个可以写determination什么的She was a workaholic from an early age, never waste a minute of time.Straight from school, she went to ballet lessons. When she got home at eight, she went to bed. She got up at four in the morning to do her homework and then began the schedule all over again.When she was a teenager, she decided to try her hand, or her vocals, at singing.这是她一张专辑的封面,很美吧~(2)Prisoner Abuse 虐囚事件(伊拉克战争的那个丑闻)可以写媒体的题材Since the “60 Minutes II”broadcast, pictures of abuse have been posted on the Internet and shown on television stations worldwide.一些有用的词汇:Watergate (这个都知道)Zipper gate(这是说克林顿的)Enron gate(这是说小布什)Muckraker 专门报道丑闻的记者the Forth Estate 第四阶级,在美国媒体被称为第四权力或第四阶级(3)A Message to Garcia 致加西亚的信(前两年很火的书)It is not book-learning young men need, nor instruction about this and that, but a stiffening of the vertebrae which will cause them to loyal to a trust, to act promptly, concentrate their energies: do the thing.(4)Nictzche尼采这厮有句名言:“One has to pay dearly for immortality. One has to die several times while one is still alive.”可以用在写毅力什么个人品质的~(5)William Hung 孔庆祥(这人前两年可是火得不行~)American Idol 美国偶像(超女就是中国版的美国偶像)Lovable loser 可爱的失败者He didn’t survive the first cut. His performance was interrupted by Simon Cowell (评委), You can’t dance. You can’t sing. So what do you want me to say?Hung earnestly and humbly replied: I already gave my best, and I have no regret at all.这个可以用在尝试,失败之类的题目上。
自己整理的GRE issue中文例子
1.凯萨查維斯(Cesar Chavez)是一位墨西哥裔美国劳工运动者,也是联合农场工人的领袖。
二十世纪时,他是农场季节工人(migrant farm workers:为找工作四处迁徙的人)的主要发声人。
Cesar Chavez was a Mexican American labor activist and leader of the United Farm Workers. During the 20th century he was a leading voice for migrant farm workers (people who move from place to place in order to find work). His tireless leadership focused national attention on these laborers' terrible working conditions, which eventually led to improvements.2.Saint Joan of Arc圣女贞德英法大战中投入保卫祖国的队伍,统帅法军,终于打败了英国侵略者,成为法国人民爱国斗争的旗帜。
3.Martin Luther King对取消种族歧视的追求,其实反应了黑人美国社会对种族歧视的反抗。
4.Van Gogh梵高凡·高荷兰画家。
为大家整理了GRE ISSUE作文各类题目的精品优质素材,一起来看吧。
既是科学家又是艺术家:达·芬奇和富兰克林Leonardo Da Vinci who was a brilliant painter was also a sculptor, an architect, and a man of science who did serious investigations into the natural and physical sciences, mathematics, mechanics, and engineering. More than 300 years before flying machines were perfected, Leonardo devised plans for prototypes of an airplane and a helicopter. His extensive studies of human anatomy were portrayed in anatomical drawings,which were among the most significant achievements of Renaissance science. It’s a good thing that Leonardo Da Vinci was also a man of the arts or he would never have been able to leave behind his wonderful sketches, and that would have been devastating for both the arts and science. One of Leonardo’s paintings the “Mona Lisa” is known world-wide to children and adults alike. Even if a person would not be able to describe what the painting looked like they would at least recognize the name. Not only did Leonardo Da Vinci paint and sculpt but he also wrote music. A Renaissance man is a person who is accomplished in many different areas, and the term was coined to describe the genius of Leonardo Da Vinci.艺术在教育中的重要性As funding for education is decreased in certain areas and put to other uses, classes such as art and music have been put on the back shelf. The idea is that they are not quite as important to a child’s education as English, history, math, and science. Obviously, teachers of artistic classes feel that their jobs are important to the learning and development of the children they work with, but others are quickly realizing the importance of arts in all aspects of human interaction. Crayola has recently released an ad campaign claiming that,today’s Crayola kid is tomorrow’s self confident adult. Studies show that children who participate in the arts are more likely to say they feel good about themselves. As the importance of art becomes more evident, it might be necessary to view it in new perspective. Music and art are very mathematical. In the early 1400s, Leon Battista Alberti suggested painting be considered a Liberal Art with a scientific basis. In De Pictura he exposed optical perspective as a geometrical technique which could be applied by artists to their work.音乐对青少年的作用Music is important to most teenagers. It is a way to get away from all of life’s problems. Music gives teenagers a different way to think from the “normal” way. Parents believe they have a bad influence on their children, but they only say that because they do not want to blame themselves for being bad parents and not being able to raise their child right.Suicide is a serious subject for today’s youth in America and all over the world. Teenagers are faced every day with the thought of suicide. Jonathan Davis’s lyrics show that he understands what teens go through and that it is all right.This is comforting to teenagers, so how could that be bad?Teenagers seek music as an outlet from problems in life, yet the media and parents believe that rap and rock music is to blame for teenager’s problems. Rap is being blamed for the murders and crimes in cities all over America. Rock is being blamed for giving teens evil thoughts mixed withhate. Rap lyrics are about the rappers society’s problems. So if a person does not like the lyrics, change the suburbs in large cities to make the lyrics better. Rock lyrics are all about the soul. Lyrics from rock music are deeper than any other type of music out today. That is why the music is so widespread. Music is the universal language, and that is why all music is important to someone.。
hongranwin 整理政治范畴1:The Nixon's Watergate Affair 水门事件sex scandal of former president of America Bill Clinton政治与道德,丑闻与媒体2:二战:World War II, German ,Hitler 技术进步带来的战争,一战战胜国不平等条约带来的恶果,没有很好的引导民众思想,民族矛盾的激化,统一与分歧话题,科技与人道话题法西斯fascist战争赔款war indemnity民族主义nationalism3:林肯( Lincoln 1809-1865) 南北战争civil warAbraham Lincoln lead the civil war in order to emancipate the slaves, was also an honest boy since his childhood.Fear his wife.Be assassinated.以前法律保护奴隶主——破除不公平法律,服从人民意愿但也侵害了奴隶主的利益。
The Emancipation Proclamation abolished slavery in the United States.《解放黑人奴隶宣言》政治家是否应该服从大众(两方面都可以),服从传统与创新思想4: 罗斯福新政Roosevelt FranklinPromise of a New Deal for the American peopleStruggle out of the Great Depression 大萧条Roosevelt and Adolph Hitler took different measures when facing the problems of bi g depression such examples can be used in the dealing with diverse attitudes on th e problem of huge variation in society would lead to distinct results!服从历史与解决实际问题,在危局中的英明远见,是否服从大众,是否向群众隐藏信息5:马丁.路德.金Martin Luther King was a famous lawyer and leader of the Campaign of Civil Rights for Black in the United StatesDiscrimination勇于改变现实,坚持自己理想科技范畴:1:工业革命Industrial Revolution:技术改变生活方式,改变女性地位,机械替代人类劳动2:亚里士多德Aristotle Greek philosopherthe author of works on logic, metaphysics, ethics, natural sciences, politics, and poe tics, he profoundly influenced Western thoughtThe crystal ball model of universe在其哲学体系里,理论服从实地观察和逻辑,以三段论为基础,基本上是理性研究的理论方法博学通才与专才的关系,人类通过最初浅的观察描述世界,不完善的物理理论仍然被相信。
18. Bill Gates 比尔•盖茨 比尔• Forbes magazine 福布斯杂志 The wealthiest person in the world Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation A charitable organization 慈善机构 AIDS prevention • 关于企业和个人关心其行为的社会效应的问题。 关于企业和个人关心其行为的社会效应的问题。
5. Churchill 丘吉尔 Be troubled with stammer 小时候是结巴, 小时候是结巴,苦练成为著名演说家 6. Lincoln Civil War The leader of Federation 美国的hero 美国的hero
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
7. Jack Welch 杰克•韦尔奇 杰克• General Electric Company • 企业的leader 企业的leader • 8. Eisenhower 艾森豪威尔 Commander 军事上的leader 军事上的leader
24.Tibet Tibetan antelopes 藏羚羊 25. The Blind Men and the Elephant 盲人摸象 A Hindoo fable Side —— wall Tusk —— spear Trunk —— snake Knee —— tree Ear —— fan Tail —— rope #a sense of the whole的重要性 whole的重要性
• 28. Arthur Anderson 安达信 Accounting firm 和安然Enron一起作假 和安然Enron一起作假 29. Gladiator 角斗士 Maximus 主人公名字 Republicanism奋斗 为Republicanism奋斗 西方的hero 西方的hero 30. Brave Heart 勇敢的心 Willian Wallace主人公名字 Wallace主人公名字 Scotland奋斗 为Freedom of Scotland奋斗 西方的hero 西方的hero
GRE issue名人例子
荷马(Homer) 亚里士多德 (Aristotle) 阿基米德(Archimedes)但丁 (Dante) 贞德(Joan of Arc)哥伦布(Columbus)达芬奇(Vinci)哥白尼 (Copernicus) 苏格拉底Socrates孔子Confucius米开朗基罗(Michelangelo)麦哲伦(Magellan)塞万提斯(Cervantes)莎士比亚(Shakespeare)培根 ( Bacon) 笛卡尔(Descartes)牛顿(Newton)卢梭( Rousseau) 康德 ( Kant) 华盛顿( Washington) 瓦特 ( Watt) 杰菲逊 ( Jefferson) 亚当斯密 ( Adam Smith ) 歌德(Goethe)拿破仑(Napoleon)贝多芬(Beethoven)黑格尔 ( Hegle) 欧文 ( Robert Owen ) 法拉第( Faraday)伽利略Galileo荷马(Homer)Greek epic poet. Two of the greatest works in Western literature, the Iliad and the Odyssey, are attributed to him.参考事迹: 菏马史诗的写作,不是由一个人一朝一夕所完成,而是在漫长的岁月里,由最初口头流传的民间歌谣,经过累世行吟诗人的加工,才逐步形成的一种环绕中心事件的叙事诗。
关于著名人物事迹的英文小作文Abraham Lincoln is widely regarded as one of the greatest American presidents in history. 亚伯拉罕·林肯被广泛认为是美国历史上最伟大的总统之一。
His leadership during the Civil War and his efforts to abolish slavery have left an indelible mark on the nation. 他在内战期间的领导力以及为废除奴隶制做出的努力,对国家留下了不可磨灭的印记。
Lincoln's eloquent speeches, such as the Gettysburg Address, continue to inspire people around the world. 林肯雄辩的演讲,比如葛底斯堡演说,至今仍在启发着世界各地的人们。
Born in a humble log cabin in Kentucky, Lincoln faced numerous hardships and setbacks throughout his life. 林肯出生在肯塔基州一间简陋的木屋里,他一生中面对着许多困难和挫折。
Despite these challenges, he remained determined and persevered in his pursuit of education and personal growth. 尽管面临这些挑战,他仍然坚定不移,努力追求教育和个人成长。
His early experiences working on a farm and running a small business instilled in him a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility. 他早年在农场劳作和经营小生意的经历,灌输给他强烈的职业道德和责任感。
最新GRE作文 ISSUE的名人例子
Lu Xun, the great revolutionary soldier of proletariat in China and litterateur, wanted to become a doctor in early years. When studied in Japan, he found what Chinese need is not medical skill, but thought, then changed his ambition and determined to wake up the compatriot’s awaking up with the article.Proletariat 无产阶级proletariat 无产阶级Lu Xun, the great revolutionary soldier of proletariat in China and litterateur, wanted to be doctor in early years. When studied in Japan He found what Chinese need is not medical skills but new thought, then changed his ambition to determine to wake up the compatriots with the articles.网络语言影响小学生用语情况的调查网络语言是随着互联网的发展而出现的新的语言现象,其中大部分是网民对一些汉语和英语词汇进行改造,对文字、图片、符号等链接和镶嵌创造出来的。
GRE issue写作万能论据
GRE issue写作万能论据From 太傻注:以下论据你可能觉得很俗,但你不得不承认他真的很万能,所以你到考场上肯定最先浮现的就是这几个名字,伽利略、牛顿、达尔文……1、Galileo(伽利略):When he was 25 years old, he is reporting to have shown his students the error of Aristotle’s belief that speed of fall is not proportional to weight, by dropping two objects of different weight simultaneously from the Leaning Tower. His theory of free falling was the centre of the controversy In his own lifetime. But the theory make significant contribution to the research later, such as in ……Galileo's ideas were in advance of the age in which he lived.可用话题:怀疑精神;现在无用的研究结果未来不一定无用;新手novice与老手veteran、权威; 有争议、不确定的研究结果2、Copernicus(哥白尼):For example, in 1543 as a time when most people believed that the sun and the planets circled around the earth, a Polish astronomer named Copernicus suggested that the earth and the other planets revolved around the sun. 例如,在1543年,就在大多数人相信太阳和其他行星是绕地球运转的时候,有一个叫哥白尼的人却提出,地球和其他行星是绕太阳运转的。
GRE写作名人例子(精选五篇)第一篇:GRE写作名人例子在练习作文的过程中,发现很多人名在很多人名在很多题材的作文中都可以反复用到,在没有总结这些名字之前,老是写新文章时就忘记了以前用过的人名的拼写.所以就开始积累常用人名了.由于论坛里其它形式的资料帖都有了,为求有点新意,能给g友们更快地提升作文,遂决定把本人的人名总结及其适用文章贡献出来.:)由于适用的文章是我临时回忆的,所以肯定不止下面列举的这些适用文章.欢迎补充!凡高 Van Gogh: 艺术类文章里引用,如arts and critics, greatness 总是超前时代的所以只能由后人评判, history强调individual(因为在艺术历史领域只能强调individual),还有percive world with different eyes也可以引用这个例子.此人的另类抽象painting风格和当时的审美标准不符,故遭排挤,而几百年后的critics才发现他的价值.哥白尼Copernicus:引用题目有:greatness超前时代,挑战权威(当时是church),history强调individual(因为在科学研究领域只能强调individual).此人是日心说,当时宗教教育说是地心说,死前才公布自已的论断(因为怕早死).莫扎特Mozart: greatness只能由后人判断的反面例子.此人音乐才华在世时就被教皇看重,给以了很多赞助,使其.......毕加索Picasso: greatness只能由后人判断的反面例子,arts反映hidden ideas的反面例子.此人是20世纪最伟大的画家,其画风格为cubism,很多人说他的画只反映个人的ideocyncratic,而没有反映社会的hidden ideas,此人在世时就被判为greatness了.林肯Abraham Lincoln: history关注individuals,effective leader要随机应变,justand unjust laws.此人南北战争,解放黑奴,没有他,可能就没有今天这样的美国了.据说他在南北战争前是不支持解放黑奴的,而之后又支持了.马丁路德金Martin Luther King: leaders要有很高的moral and ethical standards, history关注individuals的重要性,just and unjust laws,学习历史的重要性.此人为黑人获得与白人相同的权利发起了黑奴运动,他的“I have a dream”演讲教育了一代一代人.他的moral and ethical standards是不用说的,没有这个individual,美国黑人现在可能还要坐在汽车后面的座位.莎士比亚 Shakespeare: greatness由后人评判的反面例子,survive and arts里强调arts可以培养人什么的.此人的介绍我就不多说了.贝多芬 Beethoven: arts的重要性,arts and critics.此人为著名作曲家,'命运'激励了多少人,当时的critics也批斗过他,因为standards很rigid and stale.希特勒 Hitler:不能迷信权威啊,学习历史的重要性啊(不重蹈覆辙),history强调individual啊.此人是著名战争狂,由于全国人都迷信他的言论才能坐上首相位置,学习他的例子可以使现在的社会不重蹈他的覆辙,他这个individual也反映当时common people/multitude的普遍value:战争主义,chauvinism.加利略Galileo:不迷信权威,history强调individual(因为在科学研究领域只能强调individual),beginner and expert.当时的expert和authority就是Aristotle,认为物体越重下降越快.而此人证明了其实都是一样快的.亚力士多德Aristotle: 和加利略一起举例.爱因斯坦 Einstein: 不迷信权威.greatness由后人判断的反面例子.beginner andexpert中expert的劣势.此人证明了权威牛顿三大定律只能在宏观世界有效,而不适于微观世界.其greatness在其在世时就确立了,他曾说过,自从他成名后,就没能找出一段完整属于自己的时间来深入思考这个世界了.牛顿 Newton.不迷信权威,greatness由后人判断.此人是个权威,被爱因斯坦挑战见爱因斯坦那条.华盛顿George Washington: history研究individual的重要性.leaders 要有moralstandards.此人为美国开国总统,没有他开了连续任两届总统就得下台的先河,可能美国在他之后好久都是专制国家,因为当时有人要他当皇帝.凯萨 Caesar.history研究individual的重要性.此人即是亚利山大大帝,所建立的亚力山大帝国地跨三大陆.研究那个帝国如果研究他,只研究multitude怎么能研究得下去?托马斯.杰佛森 Thomas Jefferson: 这个有点想不起来用在哪里了.此人说过all men are createdequal->the declaration of independence:甘地 Gandhi: greatness的文章,leaders and moral standards的文章.此人是印度的建国祖师,坐过很多牢,stoic,情操很高,结果可以只demenstration来和平解放印度.拿破仑 Napoleon: individual的重要性.此人是著名战争狂,他的发起的战争虽然很荒唐,但却被法国中场阶认为很浪漫,他的individual反映当时的普遍价值观.肯尼迪Kennedy: scandals,leaders should have moral standards.此人在位时很大程度缓解了苏美关系.却有marital scandals.所以scandals会distract us frompeople's real responsibility.罗斯福 Roosevelt(FDR): individual 的重要性,领导要听取群众意见,随机应变.此人有两大贡献:发动反德战争,带美国走出Depression.没有他的发动战争宣言,可能WWII不会这么快结束.据说一位英国著名经济学家曾写信给他说要他采取苏联模式来政府介入自由经济,操控经济,才使他在1930年代出台各种政府措施来改善经济,使得经济复苏(大国崛起里说的).成吉斯汗Genghis Khan: 领导要听取群众意思,而不是有强硬持久的原则和目标: 这个也不用介绍了.斯大林 Stalin: 同成吉斯汗.达尔文 Darwin: 挑战权威.进化论的祖师爷,写过'the origin of species'.挑战当时普遍的神创论.孟德尔 Mendel: expert and beginner,data的重要性.因为是expert,因为做了十年研究积累了大量data,才由统计学原理发现了law of Inheritance.瓦特Watt James: 很多都适用,如creativity很重要啊,兴趣很重要而不是老去考虑对社会会有什么贡献啊.此人发明了蒸汽机,从小喜欢机械,并一直研究.里根Reagon: 投资类题目适用.他发起了星球计划.为将来的太空军备竞赛作准备.结果由于工程浩大而放弃,浪费了很多钱,所以投资都应该用在对社会有实在好处上.居里 Mary Curie: 学习历史人物的重要性,失败是成功之母.此女人经过十年才找到radium这种元素,并把提取方法毫无保留地与全世界共享,获得了若贝尔奖.其坚持不懈的品质值得学习,其十年失败,终成功的例子说明了失败是成功之母.克里克Crick: imagination and knowledge.此人很变态,发现DNA结构是由于做梦!麦克斯维Maxwell: imagination and knowledge,greatness由后人判断.此人是著名物理学家,他大胆推测出电磁场理论electromagnetism并给予理论证明,但当时很多人不能相信,在他死后就有人从实验室证明了他的理论.第二篇:SAT写作名人例子第三篇:新GRE写作例子使用原则新GRE写作例子使用原则相关性很重要,不要提供不相关的信息,和大家众所周知又对你论证不是非常必要的内容。
新GRE写作名人素材库:约翰布朗Brown, John 1800 -- 1859Abolitionist, born in Torrington, Connecticut. Son of an itinerant tradesman, he grew up in Hudson, Ohio, and received little formal schooling. His mother died insane when he was eight years old; several of her nearest relations were also seriously disturbed. He became a tanner, one of his fathers trades, then successively a land surveyor, shepherd, and farmer. He married in 1820 and again in 1831 after the death of his first wife, fathering 20 children altogether. He migrated from place to place in the 1830s and 1840s, failing in several businesses and engaging in unprofitable land speculations. He had been an abolitionist from his youth, but he was in his fifties before he began to plot emancipation by main force. By 1855 he and six of his sons and a son-in-law had moved to Osawatomie, Kansas, to participate in the struggle to keep it a non-slave state. After proslavery forces attacked and burned the town of Lawrence, Kansas, Brown led a small force, including four of his sons, to nearby Pottawatomie Creek where on the night of May 24, 1856, they killed five proslavery men; he took full responsibility for the killings. Returning to the East, now dangerously obsessed with abolition through violence, he gained the patronage of northern activists such as Gerrit Smith, who supplied him with money, arms, and moral support. Dreaming of setting up a free state for liberated slaves in the Virginia mountains, he planned a raid on the Harpers Ferry, Va, armory. He and his men seized the armoury on October 16, 1859, but were captured when a detachment of US Marines under Col Robert E Lee stormed the building. Tried for treason and hanged on December 2, he became the stuff of legend, a martyr to Northern supporters such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, and a dangerous fanatic to most Southerners.新GRE写作名人素材库:法拉第Faraday, Michael 1791 -- 1867Physicist and chemist. Born September 22, 1791, in Newington, Surrey. The family soon moved to London, where young Michael, one of 10 children, picked up the rudiments of reading, writing, and arithmetic. At the age of 14, he was apprenticed to a bookbinder and bookseller. He read ravenously and attended public lectures, including some by Sir Humphry Davy. Faradays career began when Davy, temporarily blinded in a laboratory accident, appointed Faraday as his assistant at the Royal Institution. With Davy as a teacher in analytical chemistry, Faraday advanced in his scientific apprenticeship and began independent chemical studies. By 1825, he discovered benzene and had become the first to describe compounds of chlorine and carbon. He adopted the atomic theory to explain that chemical qualities were the result of attraction and repulsion between united atoms. This proved to be the theoretical foundation for much of his future work.Faraday had already done some work in magnetism and electricity, and it was in this field that he made his most outstanding contributions. His first triumph came when he found a solution to the problem of producing continuous rotation by use ofelectric current, thus making electric motors possible. Hans Oersted had discovered the magnetic effect of a current, but Faraday grasped the fact that a conductor at rest and a steady magnetic field do not interact and that to get an induced current either the conductor or the field has to move. On August 29, 1831, Faraday discovered electromagnetic induction.During the next 10 years, Faraday explored and expanded the field of electricity. In 1834, he announced his famous two laws of electrolysis. Briefly, they state that for any given amount of electrical force in an electrochemical cell, chemical substances are released at the electrodes in the ratio of their chemical equivalents. He also invented the voltammeter, a device for measuring electrical charges, which was the first step toward the later standardization of electrical quantities.Faraday continued to work in his laboratory, but his health began to deteriorate and he had to stop work entirely in 1841. Almost miraculously, however, his health later improved and he resumed work in 1844. He began a search for an interaction between magnetism and light and in 1845 turned his attention from electrostatics to electromagnetism. He discovered that an intense magnetic field could rotate the plane of polarized light, a phenomenon known today as the Faraday effect. In conjunction with these experiments, he showed that all matter conducts the magnetic line of force. Objects that were good conductors he called paramagnetics, while those that conducted the force poorly he named diamagnetics. Thus, the energy of a magnet is in the space around it, not in the magnet itself. This is the fundamental idea of the field theory.Faraday was a brilliant lecturer, and through his public lectures he did a great deal to popularize science. Shortly after he became head of the Royal Institution in 1825, he inaugurated the custom of giving a series of lectures for young people during the Christmas season. This tradition has been maintained, and over the years the series have frequently been the basis for fascinating, simply written, and informative books. Faraday died in London on August 25, 1867.The admiration of physicists for Faraday has been demonstrated by naming the unit of capacitance the farad and a unit of charge, the faraday. No other man has been doubly honored in this way. His name also appears frequently in connection with effects, laws, and apparatus. These honors are proper tribute to the man who was possibly the greatest experimentalist who ever lived.新GRE写作名人素材库:欧文欧文Owen, Robert (Dale) 1801 -- 1877Social reformer; born in Glasgow, Scotland. He taught briefly in New Lanark, Scotland, where his family owned the cotton mills, and occasionally he ran the factories in his fathers absence. Influenced by Robert Dale (his father), whose theory of social reform was based on cooperation, practical education, and humane working conditions, he emigrated with his father to America (1825) to set up the New Harmony Colony in Indiana. Unfit for manual labor, the son taught school there and edited the New Harmony Gazette. The community failed (1827) and he would later criticize its participants as lazy theorists and unprincipled sharpers. (His father returned to England in 1828.) Known for practicality in the application of social ideals,he nonetheless came under the influence of Frances Wright and the Free Enquirers, a liberal group that advocated an early form of socialism. Moving to New York to join the groups inner circle (1829), he edited the Free Inquirer and helped form the Association for the Protection of Industry and for the Promotion of National Education. Joining his father in England (1832), he coedited The Crisis with him for six months, then returned to New Harmony where he served three terms in the Indiana legislature (1836--38) and was able to secure large-scale public school funding. He also served two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives (1843--47). Appointed chargé daffaires at Naples (1853) and then minister (1855--58), he embraced spiritualism in Italy. On his return to the U.S.A. (1858), he became a leading advocate of the emancipation of slaves; commissioned to purchase arms for the state of Indiana (1861--63), he wrote an influential pamphlet, The Policy of Emancipation (1863). As chairman of a national committee to study freed slaves, he wrote The Wrong Slavery (1864). He was also the author of an autobiography and several novels.新GRE写作名人素材。
新GRE写作名人素材库:丘吉尔Churchill, Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) 1874 -- 1965British statesman, prime minister, and author. Born November 30, 1874, in Oxfordshire, England, the eldest son of Randolph Churchill. Winston Churchill is most notable for his parliamentary career, which spanned the reigns of six monarchs, from Queen Victoria to her great-great-granddaughter, Elizabeth II. His early military service included hand-to-hand combat in the Sudan, and he lived to see the use of atomic weapons as a means to end World War II. He was most familiar as a diplomat in his homburg hat and bowtie flashing the V-for-Victory sign with his index and middle fingers; but he was also a weekend artisan, building garden walls at his home at Chartwell, as well as an accomplished painter. His paintings were regularly exhibited at the Royal Academy, which held a one-man retrospective of his work in 1958.One of the greatest orators of the twentieth century, Churchill used words and phrases條ike blood, toil, tears, and sweat or the iron curtain hat have assumed a permanent place in the English lexicon. An exampleof his wit is his frequently quoted retort to Lady Astor who had told him, If I were to marry you, Id feed you poison, to which Churchill responded, And if I were your husband, Id take it.Churchills military career began almost immediately upon his graduation with honors from Sandhurst, the West Point of Great Britain. In March 1895, he was appointed to the Fourth (Queens Own) Hussars as a sub-lieutenant, assigned to duty at the Aldershop camp in Hampshire. After attachment as an observer to an anti-insurrectionary Spanish force in Cuba, he served in Bangalore, India. His next assignments included the Tirah Expeditionary Force in 1898 and the Nile Expeditionary Force, where he participated in the famous cavalry charge at Omdurman.Churchill also saw battle as a journalist. In 1897, as a war correspondent for The London Daily Telegraph, he joined General Sir Benden Bloods expedition against the Pathams in the area of the Malakand Pass. In a similar capacity for The London Morning Post, he went to South Africa after the outbreak of the Boer War. There, on November 15, 1899, he was taken prisoner by Louis Botha, who later became the first prime minister of the Union of South Africa and a close friend of Sir Winstons.Churchill followed his escape from Botha with a lecture tour of the United States, and thus helped finance the start of his political career. Itbegan with an unsuccessful stand as a Conservative in a by-election in Oldham, Lancashire, in 1898; he ran again for the position, successfully, in 1900. Over the next three years, however, he found himself in disagreement with his party, particularly over the high tariff policy of Joseph Chamberlain. Therefore, in 1904 he crossed the aisle in the House of Commons and affiliated himself with the free-trade Liberals. Cabinet positions followed, first under-secretary for the colonies, then privy councillor. Upon the rise of Herbert Henry Asquith to prime minister in 1908, Churchill became president of the board of trade and home secretary. In these last two positions Churchill sponsored such progressive legislation as the establishment of the British Labor Exchanges, old age pensions, and health and unemployment insurance.In 1911, Churchill became first lord of the admiralty, readying the British fleet for war with Germany. By the start of World War I in 1914, the Royal Navy was so well prepared, having changed over from coal to oil-fueled vessels, that it quickly confined the German fleet to its home ports. The Germans refrained from an all-out naval confrontation, relying instead upon the submarine. Churchills other major accomplishment at this time was the establishment of the Royal Air Force, first called the Royal Flying Corps. But after encountering loud criticism for the British landings on Gallipoli (the Dardanelles campaign), which resulted in heavy casualties, Churchill was demoted. He resigned his office in 1916 to go tothe front as a lieutenant-colonel in command of the Sixth Royal Fusiliers. Nevertheless, he was soon recalled by Prime Minister Lloyd George to become minister of munitions.After World War I, Churchill introduced a number of military reforms as secretary of state for war and for air (1918-21). As secretary for the colonies (1921-22), he worked toward the establishment of new Arab states, toward a Jewish homeland in the Middle East, and toward an Irish free state. At this time, Churchill was growing increasingly anti-socialist, setting himself at odds with the pro-labor segment of the Liberal party. His use of British troops to suppress the Bolshevist regime in the Soviet Union lost him the favor of Lloyd George, who appointed Sir Robert Horne chancellor of the exchequer over Churchill. But in 1924, Churchill rejoined the Conservatives and was immediately named chancellor of the exchequer.新GRE写作名人素材库:黑格尔Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich 1770 -- 1831Idealist philosopher, born in Stuttgart, Germany. He studied theology at Tübingen, and in 1801 edited with Schelling the Kritische Journal der Philosophie (1802--3, Critical Journal of Philosophy), in which he outlined his system with its emphasis on reason rather than the Romantic intuitionism of Schelling, which he attacked in his first major work, Phänomenologie des Geistes (1807, The Phenomenology of theMind). While headmaster of a Nuremberg school (1808--16) he wrote his Wissenschaft der Logik (1812--16, Science of Logic). He then published his Enzyklopädie der philosophischen Wissenschaften (1817, trans Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences), in which he set out his tripartite system of logic, philosophy of nature, and mind. He became professor in Heidelberg (1816) and Berlin (1818). His approach, influenced by Kant, rejects the reality of finite and separate objects and minds in space and time, and establishes an underlying, all embracing unity, the Absolute. The quest for greater unity and truth is achieved by the famous dialectic, positing something (thesis), denying it (antithesis), and combining the two half-truths in a synthesis which contains a greater portion of truth in its complexity. His works exerted considerable influence on subsequent European and American philosophy.新GRE写作名人素材库:歌德Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 1749 -- 1832Poet, dramatist, novelist, and scientist. Born in Frankfurt-on-Main, Germany on August 28, 1749. He was the eldest son of Johann Kaspar Goethe and Katharina Elisabeth Textor Goethe. His father was a lawyer of some eminence. At an early age the boy showed a persistent fondness for drawing and learned with surprising ease. In 1759 a French nobleman of aesthetic tastes came to stay with the Goethes, and a warm friendship developed between him and the future author. The friendshipaccelerated young Goethes intellectual development.Shortly after this, a French theater was founded at Frankfurt, and there Goethe became conversant with the plays of Racine; he also made some early attempts at original writing and began to learn Italian, Latin, Greek, English, and Hebrew.He soon moved from his native town to Leipzig, where he entered the university, intending to become a lawyer. At Leipzig, Goethe showed little affection for the actual curriculum; instead he continued in essay writing and drawing and even took lessons in etching. He also found time for a love affair, but this was cut short in 1768 when he developed a serious illness. On his recovery he decided to leave Leipzig and go to Strasbourg.There he became friendly with Jung-Stilling (see Johann Heinrich Jung), and his taste for letters was strengthened, Homer and Ossian being his favorites among the masters. Although he continued to appear indifferent to the study of law, he succeeded in becoming an advocate in 1771 and returned to Frankfurt.Goethe had already written a quantity of verse and prose, and he began to write critiques for some of the newspapers in Frankfurt. At the same time he started writing Goetz von Berlichingen and Werther. These works were soon followed by Prometheus, and in 1774 the author began working on Faust.The following year saw the production of some of Goethes best love poems, written for Lilli Schemann, daughter of a Frankfurt banker. Nothing more than poetry, however, resulted from this new devotion. Scarcely had it come and gone before Goethes whole life was changed, for his writings had become famous. As a result the young duke Carl August of Weimar, anxious for a trusty page, invited the rising author to his court. The invitation was accepted. Goethe became a member of the privy council; subsequently he was raised to the rank of Geheimrat (privy counselor) and then ennobled.Goethes life at Weimar was a very busy one. Trusted implicitly by the duke, he directed the construction of public roads and buildings, attended to military and academic affairs, and founded a court theater. As occupied as he was, he continued to write voluminously. Among the most important works he produced during his first years at the dukes court were Iphigenie and Wilhelm Meister.In 1787 he had a lengthy stay in Italy, visiting Naples, Pompeii, Rome, and Milan. Returning to Weimar, he began writing Egmont. In 1795 he made the acquaintance of poet and dramatist Friedrich von Schiller, with whom he quickly became friendly and with whom he worked on the Horen, a journal designed to elevate the literary tastes of the masses.About this period, too, Goethe wrote his play Hermann und Dorothea and also began translating Voltaire, Diderot, and BenvenutoCellini.The year 1806 was a significant one in Goethes life, marked by his marriage and also by the entry of Napoleon into Weimar. The conquering general and the German poet found much in each other to admire, and Napoleon decorated Goethe with the cross of the Legion of Honour.In 1811 Goethe wrote Dichtung und Wahrheit, Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre; in 1821 he began working at a second part of Faust. During this time he had two famous visitors--Beethoven from Vienna and Thackeray from London. Although the composer thought himself coldly received, the novelist spoke with enthusiasm of the welcome accorded him. Goethe was then well advanced in years, however, and his health was beginning to fail. He died March 22, 1832.Few great writers--not even Disraeli or Sir Walter Scott--had fuller lives than Goethe. His love affairs were many, and his early taste for the graphic arts continued to the end of his days, resulting in a vast collection of treasures. He also expressed an interest in mysticism, which manifested itself in various forms besides the writing of Faust. With a temperament aspiring to the unattainable, Goethes mind was essentially a speculative one. During his childhood at Frankfurt he did symbolic drawings of the souls aspirations to the deity, and he later became immersed in the study of the Christian religion. Eventually he grew skeptical on this subject, his ideas being altered not only by his ownruminations but by reading various iconoclastic philosophers, especially Rousseau. Later his intellect was seemingly less engaged by Christianity than by ancient Eastern faiths, as demonstrated by some of his works, notably Westtliche Divan.新GRE写作名人素材库整理。
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Lu Xun, the great revolutionary soldier of proletariat in China and litterateur, wanted to become a doctor in early years. When studied in Japan, he found what Chinese need is not medical skill, but thought, then changed his ambition and determined to wake up the compatriot’s awaking up with the article.
Proletariat 无产阶级proletariat 无产阶级
Lu Xun, the great revolutionary soldier of proletariat in China and litterateur, wanted to be doctor in early years. When studied in Japan He found what Chinese need is not medical skills but new thought, then changed his ambition to determine to wake up the compatriots with the articles.。