展望未来课文重点笔记unit 1

RITA:I speak Hindi.
CLERK:Ah.How well do you speak it?
RITA:Very well.I can write it too.
MAN:Usually Saturday afternoon we crank up the barbecue
and that's our meal because during the summer it gets pretty hot here
and sometimes you just want to be outside rather than be inside.
R:Right.Um,what do you do at the weekend?
M:Well,on Fridays,my wife always goes to her exercise class.Then she visits friends.
R:Don't you go out?
In California you really have two seasons from our entertainment point of view-spring,
summer and fall are very much the same type of activiay.What happens on Sundays?
M:Nothing special.We often go for a walk.And I always cook a big Sunday lunch.

Unit 2 Infromation信息Vocabulary词汇表1.地址2.一,一个3.在4.老板,上司5.公司6.城镇7.赚得,挣得8.信封9.每个人10.名11.为了12.表格,形式13.他14.她(宾格),她的15.他的,他的东西16.如何,怎样17.工作,职业18.信19.婚姻状况20.药21.不22.病人23.人24.个人的25.图画26.邮政编码27.道路28.薪水29.她30.街道31.姓32.出租车司机33.今天34.也35.镇,市镇,市区36.很,非常37.周,星期Notes to the text课文注释1.已婚还是单身2.总经理3.足球运动员4.网球运动员5.寻找一名接待员6.时薪6英镑7.欲知详情8.电脑操作员9.联系10.少年夏令营11.零用钱12.食宿全包13.寄一张明信片14.只限在周六做的工作1 / 415.清洁工16.助理经理17.体育用品商店18.传真机Unit 3 Meeting People见面Vocabulary词汇表1.再,又2.银行账户3.但是4.再见5.卡片6.班级,课7.俱乐部8.信用卡9.驾驶执照10.美好的,优秀的11.玻璃,玻璃杯子12.客人13.手14.这里15.夫人,太太,女士16.夫人,太太17.现在18.其他的19.信箱,信筒20.先生21.南,南方的22.陌生人23.那,那个24.他们的,它们的25.票26.我们27.谁28.和…在一起29.女人Notes to the text1.你身体好吗?2.很高兴见到你。
3.你好!4.同陌生人握手5.客户账目经理6.店员7.已婚,有两女8.你多大了?9.驾照10.银行账户11.门牌号码12.消防车13.警车14.邮箱15.营销部经理16.工程公司2 / 417.美术设计有限公司18.磁卡与票证19.录像资料俱乐部卡20.电话卡21.戏票22.火车票23.信用卡24.图书证Unit 4 Food and drink Vocabulary1.任何的2.林荫道,道路3.账单4.瓶子5.束6.一定,当然,行7.杯子8.顾客9.甜食10.菜肴,盘,碟11.喝12.吃13.足够的14.食物,食品15.英尺16.克17.配料,成分18.公斤19.一个(面包)20.市场21.菜单22.接近,靠近23.(属于)…的24.小包25.原谅26.聚会27.便士28.件,张,块29.流行的30.磅31.一些32.某事,某物33.外卖餐馆34.听头,罐头35.要36.哪一个Notes to the text1.橘子汁2.谢谢光临,欢迎再来。

Look Ahead IUnit Two1 first name =given name last name=family name2 marry marriage marital status be/get married to/with unmarried3 person personal personally personality personal affairs 隐私person—people4 postcode 邮编address 地址5 start to do start doing begin to do begin doingTo star with =to begin with= at first =in the beginning6 job[cn] jobless work[un] out of workWhat’s your job? What do you do? What are you?7 secret secretary8 detail[cn] for more details in details information[un] message[cn]9 How do you spell “information”=what’s the spelling of “information”?10 be friendly to sb= be good to sb =be kind to sb11 talk to sb talk with sb talk about sth talk with sb about sth12 打电话用语:Is that sb (speaking)? Who’s that (speaking)? This is sb (speaking). Can I speak to sb? Is sb available? Hold on for a minute. Answer the phone.Sb is in.=sb is at home sb is out=sb is not at home13 call sb up=ring sb up=give sb a call/ring=make a telephone call to sb=phone sb14 everyone:单数,三者及其以上;不接of;every one:单数可接of each:单数,二者及其以上,可接of15 manage v managing director abj management n manager n16 sing sang sung singer singing sing a song for sb17 build built buildings builder18 clean adj clean v cleaner clean up do some cleaning19 paint painting painter20 art artist21 see a doctor nurse shop assistant22 electric electrician 电工electricity 电流23 machine mechanic 修理工,机械工mechanical adj. 机械的24 politics politician25 cook v/n (厨师,烹调)cooker(厨具) cookery(烹饪)26 the twins: 复数27 Cherry’s and Rose’s rooms Cherry and Rose’s room28 the/a writer and artist the/a writer and the artist29 steal stole stolen write wrote written30 love=like doing/ to do31 it is adj for sb to do sthIt is adj of sb to do sth32 other+n(复数) others 后不再跟名词another+n(单数.) another two(three…)+n(复数)one…the other(two,…)…some…some…(the)others…33 the rest of +un 表单数:The rest of +cn 表复数:34 footballer=football player35 bake v baker n at the baker’s36 go abroad study abroad37 salary what’s your salary? Well-paid badly-paid38 west western northwest northwestern38 contact v/n get into contact with sb=contact sb lose contact with sbkeep in contact with sb =keep in touch with sb39 sports meeting sports coach sports shoes sportswear运动服40 teenage adj a ~ boy teenager=teen41 as work as a teacher in school as for as we know, …As the time goes by, …as=when as 因为42 sb spend…on sth sb spend…(in) doingIt takes sb some time to do sth sb takes some time to do sthSth cost sb some moneySb pay… for…43 provide sb with sth=provide sth for sbOffer sth to sb=offer sb sthSupply sth to sb=supply sb with sth44 apply to sb for sth application form45 a.m=in the morning p.m=in the afternoon46 intelligence n intelligent=clever47 earn (earned) earn a lot of money=make a lot of moneyEarn a living by doing sth=make a living by doing sth=do sth for a living48 call sb at+电话号码49 patient病人;耐心的be patient with sb50 speak spoke spoken spoken language=oral language speaking skillsSay sth(to sb) speak +language tell sb sth/tell a story/tell jokes/tell liesTalk to/with sb about sth51 job centre n central adj52 interview interviewee interviewer have an interview with sb for sth Interview sb for sth53 there is an “s ” in the word “see”. An “s”/”n”/”m”/”h”….54 I know a boy called Jack. A boy is called Jack (call=name)55 use v usage n useful uselessSth be used by sb sth be used to do sth=sth be used for doing sthSb is used to doing sth56 sell sold sell well sell out sale n. on sale 减价for sale 代售,出售57 buy bought buy sth for sb=buy sb sth58 write a letter to sb=write sb a letter write to sb write to me soon59 medicine medical take medicine60 in the office official a.1.官员的;公务上的2. 官方的,法定的;正式的officer军官61 different difference[un/cn] be different from 和be different in 易错:difficult。

Unit 1 International English1.advertise vt. 登广告2.advertisement c.3.airport c. 机场4.American5.announce vt. 通知6.announcement c. 通知7.announcer c. 播音员8.arrival c. 到达9.arrivals 到港10.arrive in/at 到达11.available adj.可获得,可找到,可购得的;有空12.bank c. 银行13.bar c. 酒吧14.be about to do15.board vt. 上船(火车,飞机,汽车)16.boarding gate 登机口17.Brazil18.Brazilian19.Britain 英国20.British n. adj. 英国的21.café c. 咖啡馆22.customs 海关23.depart = leave v. 离开24.departure c. 离开25.departures 离港26.diary c. 日记27.double adj.双人的28.Egypt29.Egyptian30.Europe u. 欧洲31.European adj. 欧洲的32.European Community 欧共体33.exchange 外汇兑换处34.excuse v. 原谅,宽恕35.facility c. 设备36.famous adj. 著名的37.final adj. 最终的38.finally adv.39.flight c. 航班u. 飞行40.fly v.41.France42.French43.German44.Germany45.Greece46.Greek47.guidebook c. 指南48.immediately adv. 立刻49.in English50.include vt. 包括,使…成为一部分be included51.including prep.rmation u. 信息,情报rmation desk 咨询台54.Ireland55.Irish adj.56.Italian57.Italy58.Japan59.Japanese60.mean vi. –meant-meant 意思是61.meaning c. 意思62.night club 夜总会63.passenger c. 乘客64.passport c. 护照65.passport control 护照检验处66.Poland67.Polish68.Portugal69.Portuguese70.postcard c 明信片71.poster c. 海报72.private adj. 私有的73.public adj. 大众的,公共的74.reason c. 原因,理由75.reasonable adj. 合理的76.serve vt. 提供,端上(食物)be served77.sign c. 指示牌78.single adj. 单一的79.snack c.小吃,点心,快餐80.souvenir c. 纪念品81.Spain82.Spanish83.station c. (火)车站84.swimming pool 游泳池85.symbol c. 符号,记号,象征86.tennis court 网球场87.the United States88.tourist c. 游客89.tourist office 旅游办事处90.Turkey91.Turkish92.understand vt. 理解93.would like sth94.would like to do sth1。

Counties Nationalities CapitalsBritain British London英国英国人伦敦Ireland Irish Dublin爱尔兰爱尔兰人都柏林Spain Spainsh Madrid西班牙西班牙人马德里Turkey Turkish Ankara土耳其土耳其人安卡拉Poland Polish Warsaw波兰波兰人华沙Italy Italian Rome意大利意大利人罗马Egypt Egyptian Cairo埃及埃及人开罗America American Washington美国美国人华盛顿Germany German Berlin德国德国人柏林Brazil Brasilian Brasilia巴西巴西人巴西利亚China Chinese BeiJing中国中国人北京Portugal Portuguese Lisben葡萄牙葡萄牙人里斯本Janpan Janpanese Tokyo日本日本人东京France French Paris法国法国人巴黎Greece Greek Athens希腊希腊人雅典1 a [e, ei, ə] indef.art.一(个)2 and [ənd, ænd] conj.和3 arrivals [ə'raivəlz] n. (pl.)到达4 bag [bæg] n.包5 book [buk] n.书6 bus stop ['bʌstɔp] n.公共汽车站7 cafe ['kæfei] n.咖啡馆8 camera ['kæmərə] n.照相机9 capital ['kæpitl] n.首都10 cassette [kæ'set] n.录音带11 CD [ˌsi:'di:]n.激光唱片12 country ['kʌntri] n.国家13 departures [di'pɑ:tʃəz] n.(pl.)离开14 diary ['daiəri] n.日记(本)15 dollar ['dɔlə] n.美元16 double ['dʌbəl] a.双17 European Community(缩写EC)['jurəˌpiən kɔ'mju:nəti] 欧洲共同体18 facility [fə'siliti] n.设备;设施19 family ['fæməli] n.家;家庭20 flight [flait] n.飞行21 from [frəm,frɔm] prep.从22 gate [geit] n.大门23 good [gud] a.好的24 goodbye [ˌgud'bai]n.再见25 guidebook ['gaidbuk] n.指南26 hello [hə'ləu] n.喂27 hi [hai] interj. 嘿28 how m uch? 多少29 I [ai] pron.我30 in [in] prep.在31information [ˌinfə'meiʃən] n.信息32international [ˌintə'næʃənəl]国际的33 it [it] pron.它34 jazz [dʒæz] n.爵士乐35 map [mæp] n.地图36 meal [mi:l] n.一餐37 minute ['minit] n.分钟38 morning ['mɔ:niŋ]n.早上;上午39 Mr ['mistə] 先生40 My [mai] 我的41 name ['neim] n.名字42 nationality[ˌnæʃə'næliti] n.国籍43 nightclub ['naitklʌb] n.夜总会44 no [nəu] ad.不45 number ['nʌmbə] n.数字46 passport ['pɑ:spɔ:t] n.护照47 pen [pen] n.笔;钢笔48 please [pli:z] interj.请49 postcard ['pəustkɑ:d] n.明信片50 pound [paund] n.英镑51 price [prais] n.价格52 private ['praivit] a.私人的53 right [rait] ad.对54 room [ru:m] n.房间55 single ['siŋgəl] a.单个的56 sorry ['sɔri] interj.对不起57 souvenir [ˌsu:və'niə] n.纪念品58 thanks [θæŋks]interj.谢谢59 thank you['θæŋkju:] interj.谢谢你60 the [ðə, ði] art.这(些)那(些);61 there [ðeə] ad.那里62 this [ðis] pron.这个63 to [tu:, tu] prep.向;往;到64 tourist office ['tuəristˌɔfis]旅游服务处65 video cassette['vidiəukəˌset]n.录像带66 welcome ['welkəm] v.欢迎67 what [wɔt, wɑ:t] pron.什么68 where [weə] ad.哪里69 yes [jes] ad.是的70 you [ju, ju:] pron.你;你们71 your [ jɔ:, jɔ:r] 你/你们的1 address [ə'dres] n.地址2 an [ən, æn] art.一;一个3 at [æt] prep.在4 boss [bɔs] n.老板;上司5 company ['kʌmpəni] n.公司6 county ['kaunti] n.城镇7 earn [ə:n] v.赚得;挣得8 envelope ['envələup] n.信封9 everyone ['evriwʌn] n.每个人10 first name [fə:st ˌneim] n.名11 for [fə, fɔ:] prep.为了12 form [fɔ:m] n.表格;形式13 he [hi:] pron.他14 her [hə:] pron.(宾格)她;她的15 his [hiz] pron.他的;他的东西16 how [hau] ad.如何;怎样17 job [dʒɔb] n.职业;工作18 letter ['letə] n.信19 marital status [ˌmæritl'steitəs] n.婚姻状况20 medicine ['medsən] n.药21 not [nɔt] ad.不22 patient ['peiʃənt] n.病人23 person ['pə:sn] n.人24 people ['pi:pl] n.人25 personal ['pə:sənəl] a.个人的26 picture ['piktʃə] n.图画27 postcode ['pəustkəud] n.邮政编码28 road [rəud] n.道路29 salary ['sæləri] n.薪水30 she [ʃi:, ʃi] pron.她31 street [stri:t] n.街道32 surname ['sə:neim] n.姓33 taxi driver ['tæksi ˌdraivə] n.出租汽车司机34 today [tə'dei] ad./n.今天35 too [tu:] ad.也36 town [taun] n.镇;市镇;市区37 very ['veri] ad.很;非常38 week [wi:k] n.星期;周。

句型1、What's your name, please?------My name is James Brady.2、Where are you from?-----I'm from Japan.回答国家3、What does "EC" mean? = What's the meaning of "EC" ?It means" European Community."4、What nationality are you? ------I'm Brazilian.回答哪国人,国籍是指哪国人5、What's this in English?------It’s apple.6、This flight is about to leave from Gate 4.7. be about to do= be going to dobe going to的基本用法We are going to play football. =We are about to play footballThere are many dark clouds in the sky. It's going to rain. It's about to rain.天空阴云密布,要下雨了。
be going to是"一般将来时"的一种表现形式,表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,意思为"打算,将要"。
其中"be"会根据主语的人称变化成"is, am,are"等形式。
在肯定句中,be going to模样是:主语+be(am / is / are) + going to +动词原形+其它。

Unit 8 Daily Life Vocabulary1.膳宿供应2.活动3.总是4.午前,上午5.向后地,回来6.休息时间7.日历8.非正式的,不拘礼节的9.钟10.社区11.音乐会12.课程13.白天,一天14.日光15.早16.到处17.优秀的18.费,服务费19.小时20.重要的21.学院22.课23.正午,日中24.中间的25.午夜26.月27.从来没有28.点钟29.经常30.每31.午后,下午32.可能的33.计划,安排34.日常事务35.坐落在36.缓慢地37.漂亮的,时髦的38.社会的,社交的39.春天40.夏天41.太阳42.时刻表43.交通44.短途旅行45.两次46.通常47.冬天Notes to the text1.漂亮的衣服2.西服3.交通太拥挤4.自助餐厅5.便服6.特别放映7.片长8.影院咖啡厅9.欢迎光临,品尝小吃10.航班号11.埃及当地时间12.调整时钟二、专题讲解(On the topic)I. Language points:1.问时间:What time is it?/What's the time?问日期:What day is it today? It is May, 15th.What day is May,15th? It’s a Wednesday.时间表达法:①整点的表达:o’clock前用数字或文字均可。
文字更正式,数字更鲜明,如: 6点------ 6 o’clock ------six o’clock 8点------ 8 o’clock ------eight o’clock②非整点表达的方法:时 + 分 6:30 = six thirty 7:45 = seven forty-five 8:01 = eight 0 one (0 读字母o 音)不超过半小时(包括半小时half )表示“几点几分”分 + past + 时:表示超过半小时的“几点差几分”分 + to + 时:一刻(十五分)用quarter 如:一点一刻: a quarter past one one fifteen③若想表明是上午,可在时间后加上am或p.m.。

展望未来1课文原文(3)展望未来1课文原文② [pl.] 问候的话(一般用复数) greetings6. introduce v.① to tell two or more people who have not met before what each other's names are; to tell sb. what your name is 介绍;引起;做(自我)介绍 ~A to B ~ yourself (to sb.)② to make sb. learn about sth. or do sth. for the first time 使初次了解;使尝试 The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course.第一堂课是让学生了解这门课的主要内容。
introduction n. ①介绍,引进②初次投入使用;采用the introduction of new methods7. leave v.① to go away from a person or a place 离开(某人或某处)e.g. The plane leaves for Beijing at12:35.② to stop living at a place, belonging to a group, working for an employer, etc. 离开居住地点(或群体,工作单位)e.g. Some children leave school at 16.③ to not do sth. or deal with sth. immediately 不立刻做;不马上处理e.g. Leave the dishes, I'll wash them up later.④ to make or allow sb./sth. to remain in a particular condition, place, etc. 使保留;让...处于(某种状态,某地等)e.g. Leave the door open, please. 请把门开着吧leave ...alone leave... behind8. stranger n.① a person that you don't know 陌生人 ~(to sb.)e.g. We told our daughter not to speak to strangers.② a person who is in a place that they haven't been in before外地人 ~ (to sb.)strange adj. ~ (to sb.)陌生的,不熟悉的9. shake v.① to move or make sb./sth. move with short quick movements from side to side or up and down (使)摇动;抖动e.g. The whole house shakes when a train goes past.Shake the bottle well before use.② shake one's head 摇头③ shake sb's hand (与某人)握手④ to make short quick m ovements that you can't control, for example because you are cold or afraid 颤抖,战栗e.g. He was shaking with fear.10. different adj.① not the same as sb./sth., not like sb./sth. else 有区别的;有差异的American English is different from British English.② [only bef ore nouns] separate and individual 分别的;各种的She offered us five different kinds of cake.difference n. 差别;不同之处 tell the differenceIdentities 1 period11. account manager 客户账目经理12. guest n.a person that you have invited to your house or to a particular event that you're paying for 客人;宾客e.g. He is the guest of honor. 他是贵宾。

新视野大学英语第三版第一册第一单元TowardaBrightFutureforAll知识点详解Unit 1 book1 3rdToward a Bright Future for AllI.New wordspledge [pled?]n. 保证,誓言vt. 保证,许诺;keep his pledgeAt this moment, in this election, we must pledge once more to march into the future. 在这一时刻,在这次选举中,我们必须再一次保证,向未来挺进。
pose vt.& vi.1. 使摆姿势;以…身份出现;招摇;炫耀2.提出;造成(威胁、问题等);引起;产生n. 姿态;姿势;装腔作势;伪装After the wedding we all posed for a photo.工人运动对他们的利益造成了直接威胁。
The workers' movement poses a direct threat to their interests.routine [ru?'ti?n]n. [计] 程序;日常工作;例行公事adj. 日常的;例行的早上8点到办公室,一直呆到下午5点,这已经成了我的惯例。
Arriving at the office at 8 a.m. and staying there until 5 p.m. has become my routine. The problem was discovered during a routine check.例行检查tain :holdattain v 获得(at 加强动作+tain→拿住了→获得)attainable a 可达到的(attain+able→获得attainment n 成就,造诣(attain获得+ment→获得的成就)同根词contain v 包含,包容(con全部+tain→全部拿住→包容)obtain v 获得,达到(ob加强动作+tain→拿到→获得)retain v 维持,保留(re回+tain→拿回来→保留)sustain v 支持;赡养(sus下面+tain→在下面拿住[撑住]→支持)entertain v 招待;娱乐(enter在中间+tain→在[工作]中间拿)entertainment 娱乐,款待maintain v 维持;坚持(main[=man手]+tain→用手拿住→坚持)maintenance n 维护;坚持comprehensive adj. 综合的;广泛的;有理解力的comprehensive evaluation 综合评价,综合评价法comprehensive analysis 综合分析fascinatingfascinate ['f?sineit] vt.1. (用个人的魅力、独特的能力等等)迷住;使着迷;使陶醉,使神魂颠倒:The actress's beauty fascinated everyone.2.使呆住,慑住…使动弹不得;蛊惑:Snakes are said to fascinate small animals.据说蛇能蛊惑小动物。
Look Ahead展望未来第一册知识点梳理复习手册(导言和u1)

Look Ahead展望未来第一册知识点梳理复习手册Welcome to English导言Vocabulary词汇表1.收音机2.牛仔裤3.钢琴4.爵士乐5.录像带6.迪斯科舞厅7.厕所8.激光唱片9.餐厅10.电脑11.吉他12.电视机13.汉堡包14.炸土豆条15.小提琴16.三明治17.摇滚乐18.(意大利)馅饼19.柠檬汽水20.咖啡21.旅馆22.色拉23.接待处24.萨克斯管25.录音带26.电话27.照相机Unit 1 International English国际英语Vocabulary词汇表1.一(个)2.和3.到达4.包5.书6.公共汽车站7.咖啡馆8.照相馆9.首都10.录音带11.激光唱片12.国家13.离开14.日记本15.美元16.双17.欧洲共同体18.设备,设施19.家庭20.飞行21.从22.大门23.好的24.再见25.指南26.喂27.嘿28.多少29.我30.在31.信息32.国际的33.他34.爵士乐35.地图36.一餐37.分钟38.早上,上午39.先生40.我的41.名字,名称42.国籍43.夜总会44.不45.数字,数目46.护照47.笔,钢笔48.请49.明信片50.招贴,海报51.英镑52.价格53.私人的54.对55.房间56.单个的57.对不起58.纪念品59.谢谢60.谢谢你61.这些,那些,一62.那里63.这个64.向,往,到65.旅游服务处66.录像带67.欢迎68.什么69.哪里70.是的71.你,你们72.你的,你们的Notes to the text课文注释1.这是给你的。
11.名胜12.埃菲尔铁塔13.大本钟14.白宫15.长城16.泰吉·玛哈尔陵17.富士山18.家庭式的旅馆19.合理的价格20.希思罗机场21.单人房22.双人房23.英国早餐24.增值税25.自用换洗室26.点心,小吃27.整天供应28.纪念品商店Summary总结Functional Language功能性语言1.talking about names,countries and nationalities 讲名字、国家和国籍1)你的名字是什么?2句2)你来自哪里?2句3)你的国籍是什么?2句2.talking about places讲地方1)银行在哪里?2)它在那里。
展望未来第一册第一单元At the airport

This is …介绍别人的时候 My name is …/ I am … 自我介绍的时候 I’m from …I come from …
Questions: where are you from? where do you come from? what’s your name ? what nationality are you? Answers: My name is… I’ m … I’m from…
The difference between nationality and country
• Nationality: British • Country: Britain
The difference between nationality and country
• Nationality: British • Country: Britain
Greece GreΒιβλιοθήκη k Athens 瑞士 瑞士人 雅典
Janpan Janpanese Tokyo 日本 日本人 东京
Brazil 巴西
Brasilian 巴西人
Brasilia 巴西利亚
Poland 波兰
Polish Warsaw 波兰人 华沙
Where are you from? =Where do you come from? 你来自哪里? I'm from China. = I come from China. What nationaty are you? 你是什么国籍? I'm chinese. what is capital of China? 中国的首都是什么? It's Beijing.
展望未来第一册Unit1---Unit 7 重点词汇短语

展望未来第一册Unit1---Unit 7 重点词汇短语第一单元动词: (8个)1. arrive → arrives – arriving – arrived – arrived 到达→ arrival n.→ Arrivals n.2.depart → departs – departing – departed – departed 离开→ departure n.→ Departures n.3.serve → serves – serving – served – served 为…服务→ service n.4.develop → develops – developing – developed – developed 发展→ development n.5.fly → flies – flying – flew – flown 飞→ flight n.6.mean → means – meaning – meant – meant 意思→ meaning n.7.advertise →advertises – advertising – advertised – advertised 做广告→ advertisement n.8.choose →chooses – choosing – chose – chosen 选择→ choice n.形容词/副词:(1个)1.final → finally adv.最终的名词:(3个)1. reason C 原因→ reasonable/unreasonable adj.(不)合情合理的2.reception → receptionist n.接待3.Europe →European adj.欧洲其他词汇: (1个)1.with prep.→ without prep.伴随有短语: (17个)1. welcome sb to sp 欢迎某人到某地2. at the airport 在机场3. match… with 与……相配4. (be) the same as 与……相同5. in English 用英语6. point to(远)/ at(近)指向……7. in… order以……顺序8. at once = immediately 立刻,马上9. turn to 转向10. all day 整天11. be about to do 将要做……12. be available to 可用于……13. phone sb = call sb = ring sb up = give sb a call 给某人打电话14 arrive at/ in = get to = reach到达15. thank sb for sth感谢某人某事/ thank sb for doing sth感谢某人做某事/ thank for not doing sth感谢某人不做某事16. guidebook to sp 去某地的旅游指南17. advertisement for ……的广告动词: (4个)1. introduce v. → introduction n. 介绍2. board v. 上(飞机、车、船等)3. include v. → inclu ding = besides = as well as 包括4. control v.& n. 控制形容词/副词:(4个)1. international adj. → internationally adv.国际的2. double adj.3. private adj. Vs. public 个人的4. probably adv 可能的名词:(20个)1. video n. 视频2. cassette n. 盒式磁带3. hotel n. 酒店4. violin n. 小提琴5. custom n. 习俗6. community n. 社区7. Exchange n. 货币兑换区8. passenger n. 乘客9. salad n. 色拉10. saxophone n. 萨克斯管11. passport n. 护照12. information U 信息13. pound n. 英镑14. light snacks n. = snacks 小吃15. toilet 厕所/马桶16. camera n. 相机17. union n. 联盟18. facility n. C 设施19. souvenir n. 纪念品20. culture n. 文化→cultural文化的第二单元动词: (6个)1. marry → marries – marrying – married – married 结婚→ marriage n.2.spell → spells – spelling – spelt – spelt 拼写→ spelling n.3.teach → teaches – teaching – taught – taught 教→ teaching n.teacher n.4.interview → interviews – interviewing – interviewed – interviewed采访→ interviewer n.interviewee n.5.paint → paints – painting – painted – painted 绘画→ painting n.painter n.6.cook → cooks – cooking – cooked – cooked 烹饪→ cook n.cooker n.cookery n.形容词/副词:(5个)1.personal → personally adv.私人的→ person n.2.Russian → Russia n.俄罗斯的3.different → difference n.不同的4.difficult → difficulty n.困难的5.teenage → teenager n.青少年的名词:(15个)1. electrician 电工→ electricity n .电力→ electric adj.电子→ electrical adj 有关电的2.mechanic → machine n.机器3.musician → music n.音乐家4.builder → building n.建筑者→ build v.(built - built)5.actor →actress 演员6.cleaner → clean v/n 清洁工7.driver → drive v.(drove - driven) 驾驶员→ driving adj.eg.Driving licence/test8.artist → art n.艺术家9.player → play n/v 运动员;演奏家10.singer → sing v.– sang –sung – singing 歌手11.operator→operate v.操作员12.application→apply v.应用13.Mexico → Mexican adj.墨西哥14.politician 政治家→ political adj→ politics n.15.job U → jobless adj短语: (8个)1. salary for the job 工作薪水2. look for/ find/ find out 寻找/发现/找出3. phone sb. on + number 给某人打电话4. provide sb. with sth./ provide sth. for sb. 提供某人某物5. write a letter to/ for 给某人写信6. for 表目的for more information/ for an application form7. a book called Look Ahead一本名为展望未来的书8. give medicine to patients 给病人药物动词: (3个)1. provide. 提供2. contact v./n. 联系3. earn 挣钱形容词/副词:(4个)1. marital adj. → maritally adv. 婚姻的2. dynamic adj. 动态的3. abroad adv. 在国外4. intelligent adj 聪明的名词:(16个)1. managing director 总经理2. nurse 护士3. south-east 东南4. patient 病人5. camp 露营6. fax 传真7. status 地位;身份8. secretary 秘书9. carpenter 木匠10. salary 薪水11. accommodation 住宿12. envelope 信封13. postcode 邮编14. detail 细节15. center 中心16. title 标题其他: (2个)1. each other pron. 彼此;互相2. more pron. 更多的数量动词: (2个)1. meet →meets – meeting – met – met 遇见→ meeting n.2.design → designs – designing – designed – designed 设计→ designer n.形容词/副词:(2个)1.central → centre n.中心的2.pleased → please → pleasing adj.→ pleasant adj.高兴的名词:(5个)1. stranger 陌生人→ strange adj.奇怪的2.Switzerland 瑞士→ Swiss adj.瑞士的3.visitor 访客→ visit v.4.engine 引擎→ engineer n.5.greeting → greet v.问候其他词汇: (1个)1.fourteen 十四→ forty 四十短语: (10个)1. at a conference 在开会2. shake hands with sb 与某人握手3. a photograph of sb./ sth 某人/物的照片4. a student of + 学科学……的学生5. in South London 在伦敦南部6. a visitor to sp. 某地的游客7. a map of London 伦敦的一张地图8. in Regent Street 在摄政街9. keep sth on computer把某事存在电脑10. I’d like you to meet sb.我要去见某人动词:形容词/副词: (3个)1. actually adv. 事实上2. pink adj. 粉色的3. purple adj. 紫色的名词: (14个)1. guest 客人2. Oxford 牛津3. ambulance 救护车4. franc 法郎5. agency 代理商6. ticket 票7. theatre 剧院8. relationship 关系9. library 图书馆10. daughter 女儿11. licence 许可证12. credit 信用credit card 信用13. wife 妻子14. marketing 销售第四单元动词:1.start v.→ starts – starting – started - started 开始→ starter n.2.prepare v.→ prepares – preparing – prepared - prepared 准备→ preparation n.★prepare for sth. = make a preparation for3.begin v.→ begins – beginning – began - begun 开始→ beginning / beginner n.4.practice v.→ practices – practicing - practiced 练习→ practice n.★practice doing sth.1.certain adj.确定的→ certainly adv.2.special adj.特别的→ specially adv.→ speciality n.→ specialis(z)e in v.→ specialist (in) n.3.mixed adj.混合的→ mix v.→ mixture n.名词:1.waiter n.服务生→ waitress n.→ wait v.2.juice n.汁→ juicy adj.多汁的3.custom n.风俗→ customer n.→ customs n.Pl.4.oil U n.油→ oily adj.5.container n.容器→ contain vt.包含,容纳6.weight n.重量→ weigh vt.其他词汇:1.French fries (AmE).= chips (BrE).短语1、与……相同的: be the same as = be similar to2、A与B有什么不同?:what’s the difference between A and B3、不同于be different from动词:1. begin v. →began →begun →beginning n. → beginner n. 开始2. sell v. → sold → sold → selling → seller n. 卖形容词/副词:2. fresh adj. 新鲜的名词:1. ingredient n. 原料2. beef n. 牛肉3. carrot n. 胡萝卜4. caulif lower n. 花菜5. cheese n. 奶酪6. lettuce n. 生菜7. mushroom n. 蘑菇8. onion n. 洋葱9. pepper n. 辣椒10. seaweed n. 海菜11. cabbage n. 白菜12. yoghurt n. 酸奶13. sausage n. 香肠14. grape n. 葡萄15. pear n. 梨16. bean n. 豆17. turkey n. 火鸡18. grapefruit n. 西柚19. pea n. 豌豆20. noodles n. 面条21. olive n. 橄榄油22. plain flour n. 纯面粉23. powder n. 粉末24.strawberry n. 草莓25.cupboard n. 橱柜26.fridge n. 冰箱27.message n. 信息28.sauce n. 调味汁,酱29.beginning n. 开始第五单元1、房间的表达(2种)(1)住处hostel 招待所flat(Br.)= apartment 公寓houseboat 房船private rented houses 私人租住的房子residential school = boarding school 寄宿学校(2)Facilities 房间设施sitting room = living room 客厅bedroom 卧室kitchen 厨房game room 游戏房coffee bar 咖啡吧dinning room 餐厅bathroom 卫生间garden 花园2、Furniture 家具Ufireplace 壁炉cushion 坐垫/靠垫light 灯mat 席子carpet 地毯shelf 书架curtain 窗帘coffee table 咖啡桌动词:1. possess → possesses – possessing - possessed 拥有→ possessive adj.→ possession n.2.cook → cooks – cooking – cooked - cooked 烹调→ cooker n.厨具→ cookery n.烹饪法3.enter → enters – entering – entered 进入→ entrance n.入口4.include → includes – including - include 包括→ including prep.形容词/副词:1.general adj.普遍的→generally adv..2.similar adj.有规律的→ similarity n.3.electrica adj 电的→ electricity n.electric adj 电的→electrician n.名词:1. fitness 适合,健康→ fit adj.2.variety 种类→ various adj.3.Wales 威尔士→ Welsh adj.威尔士人4.Morocco 摩洛哥→ Moroccan adj.摩洛哥人其他词汇:1.including prep.包括→ include v短语1.到达get to = arrive in + 大地点/ at + 小地点= reach2.乐器前要用冠词play the piano / guitar, etc.运动前不加冠词play football / basketball3.许多: a ( large / small) number of+ 复数名词4.有空at leisure = in one's spare / free / leisure time5.在周末on weekdays = at / on weekends= at /on the weekend6.全年all year round = all the year round7.喜欢做某事enjoy doing sth. = enjoy oneself / have a good time8.大部分most of = the majority of9 在晚上in the evenings = every evening10.一个半小时one and a half hours = one hour and a half动词:1. let v. →let →let 让2. refer v. →referred →referred →referring 谈及,参考3.rent v. →rent →rent 租形容词/副词:1.modern 现代的2.general 总的3.fantastic 极好的4.straight 直的rge 大的6.billiard 台球的名词:1.brochure 小册子2.table-tennis 台球3.plan 平面图4.sort 种类5.problem 问题6.possession u财产7.structure 结构,构造8.region 区域cation 教育10.plant 植物11.sofa 沙发12.dining table 餐桌13.area 区域14.armchair 护椅15.sink 水槽16.microwave oven 微波炉17.shower 淋浴器18.cooker 厨具19.freezer 冷冻室20.roof 屋顶21.tank 油箱22.wardrobe 衣柜23.shampoo u 洗发水24.equipment 设施25.photography摄影26.entrance 入口27.ceiling 天花板28.size 尺寸29.suitcase 行李箱其他:1. underneath prep. 在…下面第六单元动词: (5个)1. choose → chooses – choosing – chose – chosen 选择→ choice n.2.marry → marries – marrying – married 结婚→ marriage n.3. present → presents – presenting – presented 提出→ presenter n.4. separate → separates – separating – separated 分开→ separately adv.5. describe→ describes – describing – described 描述→ description n.形容词/副词:(3个)1.relative adj.吸引人的→relatively adv.→relation n.→relationship n.2.basic adj.有规律的→ basically adv.3.lonely adj.孤独的→ alone adj./ adv.→ loneliness n.名词:(4个)1. success n.成功→ succeed v.→ successful adj.→ successfully adv.→ unsuccessful adj.不成功的2.interest n.兴趣→ interesting Vs.interested adj.3.journalism n.新闻→ journalist n.新闻记者4.office n.官员→ official adj.→ officer n.短语:(9个)1.受……欢迎:be popular with2.超过more than = over3.少于less than = under4.在某人… 的年龄inone's teens/ twenties5.总的来说generally speaking = as a general rule = in a word6.选择做某事choose to do sth.7.参加get involved in = take part in8.独自live alone = live by oneself = on one's own9.出去(做)…go out doing = go out to do动词: (1个)1. run v. →ran →ran→ running 跑,经营形容词/副词:(10个)1.especial adj. 特别的→ especially adv 2. popular adj. 受欢迎的→ popularity n.3. famous adj. 著名的4. boring adj. 无聊的5. great adj. 巨大的,伟大的→greatly adv.6. blond adj. 金黄色的7. nearby adj. 附近的8.final adj. 最后的→ finally adv.9.physical adj. 身体的,物理的→physically adv.10.slim adj.苗条的→ slimmer n. 减肥者名词:(35个)1.museum 博物馆2.star 星星3.Hollywood 好莱坞4.gentleman 绅士5.officer 军官6.instrument 仪器7.female / male 女性/ 男性8.couple 夫妇9.audience 观众10.journalist记者11.presenter 主持人12.newsagent's报亭13.newsagent 报刊经销人14.newsagency通讯社15.aunt姑姑16.uncle叔叔17.niece 侄女18.nephew 侄子19.cousin 堂兄妹20.fabric 织物21.textile 织物22.import n/ v. Vs export n./ v. 进口/ 出口23.opinion 观点24.business 生意25.rest剩下26.generation 一代人27.article 文章28.quarter 四分之一29.beard u 胡须30.moustache c 胡子31.report 报道32.population 人口33.personality性格34.appearance 相貌35.sister-in-law 嫂子第七单元1.decide v. →decides—deciding—decided—decided 决定→decision n.2.sleep v. →sleeps—sleeping—slept—slept 睡觉→sleepy adj. 疲倦的→asleep adv. 睡着的3.dry v. →dries—drying—dried—dried 干的;把···弄干4.sell v. →sells—selling—sold—sold 卖adj.有必要的→unnecessary (ant) 没有必要的1.packing n. 包装→pack vt. →packed→ packed2.seed n. 种子→seedless adj.无籽的3.juice U果汁→juicy adj.多汁的4.tights n. 紧身衣裤→tight adj.5.specialist n. 专家→special adj. → speciality n. →specialize v6.wholesale n/adj 批发→wholesaler n.7.toothbrush牙刷→toothbrushes(pl)8.florist 花商→flower n. → flowery adj.9.occasion n.时机;机会;场合→occasional adj. →occasionally adv.10.photograph n. 照片→photography n.→photographer n. →photocopier11. machine n. 机器→ machinery n. →mechanic n.机修工短语: (11个)1.购物:go shopping=go to the shops=do some shopping (some 不变)2.参观:visit sp=pay a visit to sp3. 没有:not a/an/any=no4. 在药店:at the chemist=at the chemist’s5. 当然:certainly=of course6. 总共:altogether= in all =in total=totally7. 决定做:decide to do sth=make a decision to do sth=make up one’s mind to do sth8. 考虑:think about think over 9. 用同种方式:in the same way 10. 有库存:in stock →out of stock 脱销;无存货11. 在花店:at the florist’s名词: (18个)1、battery n. 电池2、shampoo n. 香波3、container n. 容器4、pyjamas n. 睡衣5、jeans n. 牛仔裤 a pair of ~ 一条牛仔裤6、tights n. 紧身裤7、camera n. 照相机8、make-up n. 化妆品9、magazine n. 杂志10、litre n. 一升 a litre of 一升···11、films n. 胶卷12、walkman n. 随身听13、sweater n. 毛衣14、sweet candy n. 糖15、seed n. 种子16、supplier n. 供应商;供应者17、greengrocer n. 蔬菜水果商18、chemist’s n. 药店-----drugstore。

Look Ahead IUnit Three1 in fact=factually2 strange be ~ to sb stranger3 greet sb greeting n4 conference 和meeting5 hug hugged hugging hug sb6 shake shook shaken shake hands with sb7 account manager 财务经理accountant 会计bank account 存折8 an English student=a student of English9 photo(s)=photograph(s) take photos/pictures of sbA photo of me a photo of mine10 the +姓(s):表示一家人the smiths: 史密斯一家(复数)11 Switzerland 瑞士Swiss 瑞士的12 visit visitor visit sp=pay a visit to sp a visitor to sp13 central Chengdu= the centre of Chengdu14 keep notes=take notes15 importance important be important=be of importanceIt’s important for sb to do sth sth is important to sb16 driving license17 light blue浅蓝dark blue深蓝18 What color is…?=what the color of…?19 the police 复数20 pardon? I beg your pardon? =can you say that again?=can you repeat it?21 design v designer n designed22 marketing manager23 engine 发动机engineer 工程师engineering 工程学24 nice to meet you=pleased to meet you=glad to meet you25 a ticket to a ball game26 what’s the price of …= How much is… what price is …?27 please pleased pleasant=pleasing be pleased withIt’s my pleasure=my pleasure my pleasure 和with pleasure28 a child of 9=a child aged 9 when he was 9=at the age of 9Unit Four1 starter开胃菜main course 主菜dessert 点心2 fry vt fried adj3 mixed salad mix up4 serve vt service n5 wait for sb to do sth He is waiting _____ the railway station.Waiter waitress I am sorry to keep you waiting so long!6 order 点菜,次序in order in disorderIn order to do sth=so as to do sthIn order that+clause=so that+clause7 total adj in total 总计=totally8 custom n 光临thanks for your custom customer 顾客customs海关9 thanks you for doing sth10 How much is it together?=How much is it in total?11 ask sb about sth ask sb (not)to do sth ask sb for sth12 late be late for=arrive late for later on two days later=after two days13 health healthy keep/stay healthy =keep/stay in good health in bad health14 prepare preparation prepare… for prepare to do sth in preparation forMake preparations Be/get ready to do sth get/be ready for sth15 现在完成时态1)现在完成时的谓语成分2)概念3)时间标志4)可持续动词和不可持续动词的替换5)现在完成时和一般过去式的比较16 bunch 捧,束 a bunch of flowers two bunches of flowersA carton of milk two cartons of milkA pair of shorts two pair of jeansA piece of paper two pieces of paper17 can I help you?=what can I do for you?18 else 和otherSomething else someone else(‘s) what else who elseOther+n what else do you want?=what other things do you want?19 develop研制,发展v development n developed/developing countries20 foot feet on foot He goes to school on foot=He walks to scool.21 kind=type a kind of…this kind of…all kinds of…different kinds of…Kind of+adj=a little=a bit kind 和蔼的—kindness22 for example=for instance set an example to sb take sth for example23 special-specially specialty n 专业,特殊性specialities 特色菜24 enough+n adj/adv+enough to do sth——too…to——so…that…Have enough time to do sth25 homemade 家常的26 also和too 和either27 a guide to sth guidebook to sth on the way to …answer to… solution to … key to…28 choose chose chosen choice choose to do sth have no choice28 something good something hot everything importantSomething good=some good things29 kind kindness kindly be kind to sb it’s kind of sb to do sth(比较:it’s adj for sb to do sth)30 by telephone/tax/e-mail talk on the phone31 be popular with popularity n32 transmit = send out messages transmission n33 on the left/right turn left/right in the left hand on my left34 at the end of…—at the beginning of…in the end—in the beginningBy the end of…。

Look Ahead IUnit Six1 relative n. relationship in relation to adv. 关于,涉及2 wife wifves mother/father/son/daghter-in-law3 where do you go?=which place do you go to?4 the picture of Bob the picture of bob’s5 学习adj/adv比较级和最高级1)变化规则slimmer 2)不规则变换3)比较级和最高级的用法4)as…as5) the+比较级…,the +比较级。
6)修饰比较级的副词7)adj—adv6 couple a couple 复数 a couple of cups7 journalist=reporter8 基数词和序数词first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth … twentieth twenty-first9 My birthday is in March/on March 12th10 be born 出生11 easy-going 平易近人的He is an easy-going person=He is easy to get along with.12interest n./vt.兴趣/使感兴趣interest sbinteresting 和interested be interested in和take an interest in13 bore vt. 使厌倦boring 和bored be bored with =be tired of14 be strict with sb in/about sth15 be kind/good/friendly to sb16 awful=terrible—awfully=terribly He feels ________.17what do you think of…=how do you like …=what’s your opinion of…in one’s opinion18 moustache [cn] beard[cn]19 so+助动词+主语和so+主语+助动词neither/nor+助动词+主语neither/nor+主语+助动词20 success n. succeed in doing sth successful succeesfully21 one of the+最高级+n.[pl.]22 audience audience是集合名词,用作主语时,其谓语可用单数(视为整体)或复数(视为个体)。

教材: 展望未来第一册课题:Future Plan课标要求(Teaching Aims):Students will be able to talk about spare time activities and making suggestions by using the target language. And they are supposed to learn how to accept or refuse suggestions.Students will be encouraged to talk about future arrangements.教学重难点(Teaching key points):●Functional Language①Making suggestions; ② Refusing suggestions;③Accepting suggestions; ④Offering.⑤Talking about future arrangements●Grammar①Present progressive tense; ②How about;③will.教学对象(Teaching Objects):Students in Junior one (WEFLS)教学媒介(Teaching Aids):a micro-media computer, a cassette-player, blackboard and chalk教材全解:一、词汇及表达法详解(Words and Expressions of this unit):●Free time1.plan to have the will and intention to carry out some actione.g.He plans to be in graduate school next year.2.Offer to providee.g. The hotel offers private meeting room.3.so-so neither very good nor very bade.g. Her work at the office is so-so.4.call sb. Back to telephone or radio (a person) who has called previously.e.g. I called her back at noon.5.schedule a list of times of departures and arrivals; a timetablee.g. They completed the project on schedule.●Booking tickets1.frequency n. the number of times that something happens during a particular period2.research n.[U] the work that involves studying something and trying to discover facts about it.3.occasionally: adv. sometimes, but not regularly and not often4.rarely: adv. not often●Around town1.entertainment the act of entertaining ; amusemente.g.The comedian performed for our entertainmen.2.book to arrange for (tickets or lodgings, for example) in advancee.g. I want to. to book a flight to book a band.3.at six pounds4.collect to bring together in a group or mass; gathere.g. He collects his own post.5.pay for to make payment (of) for(intr) to suffer or be punished, as for a mistake, wrong decision, etc.e.g. I n his old age he paid for the laxity of his youth.6.by cheque/by credit card/in cash7.make a booking for8. a booking agency9.per ticket every ticket10.dramatic like a drama in suddenness, emotional impact, etc.e.g. I was amazed at the dramatic sunset.11.romantic given to thoughts or feelings of romancee.g. It was a romantic story.12.violent caused by unexpect ed force or injury rather than by natural causese.g.The medicine produced a violent reaction.13.criminal one that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.e.g. Breaking into the shop made him a criminal.14.detective a police officer who investigates crimese.g. When I was eight, I dreamed of being a detective.15.eves/matinee the evening or day before some special event or festivalDevelopment1.dubbing (also dubbin)e.g. He entered into the dubbing room.2.work n. activity directed toward making or doing somethinge.g.Walton bought her first work of art when she was about ten years old.3.workshop n.small workplace where handcrafts or manufacturing are done;a brief intensive coursefor a small group; emphasizes problem solvinge.g. He is sitting in the half-darkness of his workshop.Whether your planning on attending the workshop or not, check out what she has to say.4.do games and exercisese.g.On the computer, students can search for ESL websites and do the exercises and games.5.as ife.g.He said that there was no reason to continue writing music as if these devices did not exist.Let's imagine, as he says, human beings as if they were in a sort of laboratory test tube.6.every two weekse.g.Every two weeks, on Wednesday, there is a Cooking Night. Students come and cook deliciousChinese dishes.Every two weeks, Cassie send out an email of all her favorite events.7.run v. direct or control; projects, businesses, etc.e.g. His stepfather ran a world-famous paint business.8.be busy withe.g. Now every day getting off work , I start to be busy with the study.9.tour v. make a tour of a certain placee.g.We toured the Provence this summe.10.in the north ofe.g. Scotland is in the north of Great Britain.11.get a parte.g. "Oh, I'd like to get a part in a play, " said Carrie.12.write to sb. at a certain addresse.g. Sam often wrote to her grandparents at their address in Berlin.Dictation list1.suggestion2.schedule3. advertisement4. book5. pay for6. by cheque7. in cash8. by credit card9. customer 10.price 11. silence 12.dramatic 13. criminal 14. detective 15. violent 16. frightening 18.dubbing 19. workshop 20. script。

1.印度是个拥有众多人口的国家。 2.Betty昨天玩得很尽兴,Sue也一样。 3.尽管我们也许有许多朋友,但我们时常仍感到孤单。 4.Lucy的女婿们中的一个要照看这些调皮的孩子们。 5.成龙因他的电影而成名。他最受欢迎的影片之一是“我是谁”。 6.超过百分之其实的牛奶都变酸了,但只有一些人知道。 7.你说的越多,你的英语就越好。 8.放学后我要去见个重要的人。 9.我急切地想买些洗漱用品。 10.这个容器能装一升水。 11.路两边有许多花。 12.那就是为什么我想在周末休息一下的原因。 13.这个有两间卧室的公寓是要出租的。 14.我有两个相机。一个是德国制造的,另一个是日本造的。 15.他努力学习,为了成为最顶尖的学生。 16.你想看哪部电影?这两部哪部都可以。 17.我喜欢在业余时间听音乐。 18.越快越好。 19.他对我来说不仅仅是个朋友。 20.从他家到学校开车要十分钟。 21.我成功地写完了名为《我的生活》的书。 22.中国人口比其它亚洲国家要多。 23.我在二十岁时还是个学生而现在我已经开始经营自己的生意了。 24.我们学校大多数的老师是女老师。 25.我家人每年要去看望我的祖父母两次。 26.这张卡片是我特地为一个特别的女孩制作的。 27.我改天给你打电话。 28.他们各人有各人的责任。 29.一共多少钱? 30.他八岁。 31.他父亲是60多岁去世的。 32.请随便吃点鱼吧。 33.人不应该自吹自擂。 34.自助者,天助之。
35.这孩子太小,还不能照料自己。 36.生命本身就是幸福。 37.你最好问护士本人。 38.今天我身体不太舒服。 39.众口难调。 40.你想哪天来就哪天来。 41.床单洁白如雪。 42.这里天气变得越来越冷了。 43.只管朝前走,当你到达目的地时,你会看得更远。 44.这间房我们住够大了。 45.新建的超市将在星期三开业。 46.空军上尉当时没穿制服。 47.在中国新年期间铁路交通通常很繁忙。 48.我能看一下你的时刻表吗? 49.瑞典人喜爱旅游。 50.地球围绕太阳旋转。 51.家庭是社会的组成单位。 52.你穿那套新西服看上去挺潇洒。 53.别墅坐落在小山顶上。 54.日已西沉。 55.第一次世界大战结束后,大英帝国的势力开始衰弱。 56.请填好这几张表格——事务的例行手续。 57.他立即起立回答。 58.今天晚上安排了什么活动? 59.飞机可能晚点了。 60.我花了三十元买那张CD。 61.你能借我十元钱吗?下星期还你。 62.你会为此付出代价的! 63.她有时在乡下过周末. 64.每天都有大批的游人参观大英博物馆。 65.他是位中等身材的人。 66.午饭后别忘了服药。 67.我很高兴能把今晚的演讲人介绍给大家。 68.他在化工学院学习过两年。 69.他认识到保持镇静是重要的。

展望未来第一册听力原文《展望未来》第一册的听力原文如下:Unit 1:Welcome to our school!Hello, everyone! My name is Lisa. I'm a new teacher here. Today, I would like to introduce ourselves to you.First, let's start with me. I'm from America. I came to China to teach English. I love my job and I'm excited to meet all of you.Now, let's move on to our students. Please introduce yourself briefly.Student 1: Hi, my name is Wang Lin. I'm 12 years old. I love playi ng soccer and my favorite color is blue.Student 2: Hello, I'm Zhang Hua. I'm 13 and I enjoy playing the pia no. My favorite subject is math.Student 3: Greetings, my name is Li Ming. I'm 14 and I'm interested in photography. My favorite food is pizza.Great! Now that we know each other better, let's start our lesson. To day, we're going to learn about holidays in different countries.Unit 2:Holidays in ChinaChina has many interesting holidays. Let's learn about some of them.1. Spring Festival: Also known as Chinese New Year, it's the most i mportant holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days. People celebrate it by cleaning their homes, wearing new clothes, and decorating their home s with red lanterns and couplets. They also gather with family to have a big feast and exchange red envelopes filled with money.2. Mid-Autumn Festival: This festival is celebrated on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. It's known for the delicious mooncakes and the beauty of the full moon. Families gather to enjoy the moon and share sto ries about the Moon Goddess.3. Dragon Boat Festival: This holiday occurs on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar. It commemorates the death of Qu Yuan, a famous poet and statesman who drowned himself in the river. People e at sticky rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves, which symbolize the rice balls thrown into the river to keep the fish from eating Qu Yuan's b ody.Now, let's move on to Unit 3 and learn about holidays in America.Unit 3:Holidays in America1. Thanksgiving: This holiday is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It originated as a way to give thanks for the harvest and the blessings of the previous year. People gather with family and friends to eat a traditional meal consisting of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. They also watch football games and participate in turkey tro ts.2. Christmas: Celebrated on December 25th, this holiday is known for its religious significance and festive atmosphere. People decorate their homes with trees, lights, and ornaments, and exchange gifts with friends and family. Christmas parties and church services are also common traditions.3. Independence Day: Also known as the Fourth of July, this holiday commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. P eople celebrate with fireworks, parades, barbecues, and patriotic songs.Well, that's all for today's lesson. I hope you've learned something ne w about holidays in different countries. Remember to practice your listenin g and speaking skills to improve your English. Have a great day!。

Unit 1一.句型1、What's your name,please?My name is James Brady.2、Where are you from?I'm from Japan.回答国家3、What does"EC"mean? = What's the meaning of "EC" ?It means"European Community."4、What nationality are you?I'm Brazilian.回答哪国人,国籍是指哪国人5、What's this in English?It’s apple.6、This flight is about to leave from Gate 4.本次航班马上将离开4号门。
be about to do= be going to dobe going to的基本用法We are going to play football. =We are about to play footballThere are many dark clouds in the sky. It's going to rain. /It's about to rain.天空阴云密布,要下雨了。
be going to是"一般将来时"的一种表现形式,表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,意思为"打算,将要"。
1)在肯定句中,be going to模样是:主语+be(am / is / are) + going to +动词原形+其它。
Lesson 55 课文原文翻译(中英对照)及重点知识 冀教版英语九年级全册

冀教版英语九年级课文原文翻译及重点Lesson 55Lesson 55 Look into the Future第五十五课展望未来In Ms. Cox's class, the students are working on a group project.在考克斯女士的课堂上,学生们正做着小组讨论。
They are discussing their plans for the future.他们讨论着各自的未来计划。
What do you want to be when you grow up, Jenny?珍妮,当你长大了你想做什么?I think I'd like to be a pilot.我认为我要成为一名飞行员。
I love to travel,我喜欢旅行,and it would be fun to fly an airplane.驾驶飞机应该很有意思。
What do you want to be?你想成为什么样的人呢?I want to be a boss and manage a big company.我想当一名老板,管理一家大公司。
I could make a lot of money.我想赚很多很多钱。
Well, I don't doubt you would be a good boss,嗯,毋庸置疑,你将会成为一位好老板,but I don't think wealth is the most important thing in life.但是,我认为财富并不是生命中最重要的。
We should do things we enjoy.我们应该做自己喜欢的事情。
You like painting, and you are good at it.你喜欢绘画,而且你也很擅长。
That's true. Perhaps I can be a painter.的确。

-ese: Chinese, Vietnamese, Burmese, Portuguese, Japanese…
-ish: British, Spanish, Irish, Turkish, Polish, Swedish, Danish, Finnish…
-i: Iraqi, Kuwaiti, Pakistani -ic: Icelandic, Arabic
The difference between nationality and country
▪ Nationality: British ▪ Country: Britain
Summary of different nationalities
-an: American, Canadian, Australian, Russian, German, Indian, Korean, Belgian, Egyptian, Italian, Indonesian, Mexican…
人称代词主格 单数 复数 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 人称代词宾格 单数 复数 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 形容词性物主代词 单数 复数 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 名词性物主代词 单数 复数 第一人称 第二人称 第三人称
▪ 英语中动词是表示动作和状态的,表示状态 的动词是动词be. 和人称的搭配分别是第一人 称用am 第三人称单数用is,其他都用are
Unit 1 International English
--At the airport
Unit 1
▪ Vocabulary
▪ Countries, nationalities and capital cities
▪ Function
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Look Ahead 复习笔记Unit 1
piano (n); video cassette; disco (n) ; toilet (n) ; restaurant (n) ; hamburger (n) ; violin (n) ; hotel(n); reception (n) ; saxophone (n) ; cassette (n) ; Arrivals (n pl.) ; bus stop (n) ; camera (n) ; capital (n) ; Departure (n pl.) ; diary(ies) (n) ; dollar (n) ; double (adj.) ; facility(ies) (n) ; guidebook (n) ; information (n) ; international (adj.) ; jazz (n) ; map (n) ; meal (n) ; minute (n) ; nationality(ies) (n) ; nightclub (n) ; passport (n) ; postcard (n) ; poster (n) ; pound (n) ; private (adj.) ; single (adj.) ; souvenir (n) ; tourist office (n); reasonable(adj);available(adj); souvenir(n)
the United
American Washington D.C.
States of
Japan Japanese Tokyo
Britain British London
France French Paris
Germany German Berlin
Greece Greek Athens
Ireland Irish Dublin
Italy Italian Rome
Poland Polish Warsaw
Portugal Portuguese Lisbon
Spain Spanish Madrid
Turkey Turkish Ankara
Australia Australian Canberra
Egypt Egyptian Cairo
1. Reasonable adj. fair and sensible
E.g. Mike’s points were reasonable
2. Available adj. 1. ready for use 2. not busy
E.g. My bike is not available, it is being repaired.
The doctor is not available now.
3. souvenir [,su?v?'n??] n. an object that you keep to remind yourself of a special occasion or place you have visited.
E.g. a souvenir shop / souvenir T-shirts
The local shopkeeper sell souvenirs to travellers.
1. 你是哪国人?
2. 我是德国人。
3. 这位是马科。
4. 我来自都柏林。
5. 对不起,请问“EC”是什么意思?
6. “EC”是指欧洲联盟体。
7. 对不起,请问纪念品商店在哪里?
8. 飞往布拉格的IN329号航班在五号门登机
9. 我想买这件T恤衫。
10. 一个价格合理的家庭式旅馆,离希思罗机场仅30分钟路程。
11. 可在旅馆餐厅用餐。