





1. 伦理与专业标准(Ethics and Professional Standards):了解职业道德和行业规范的重要性。



2. 数量方法(Quantitative Methods):熟悉基本的数学和统计概念。



3. 经济学(Economics):理解宏观经济和微观经济的基本原理。



4. 金融报表分析(Financial Reporting and Analysis):理解财务报表的结构和内容。



5. 公司金融(Corporate Finance):理解资本预算和资本结构的基本原理。



6. 证券投资(Equity Investments):理解股票市场和股票投资的基本原理。



7. 固定收益投资(Fixed Income Investments):理解债券市场和债券投资的基本原理。



8. 衍生品投资(Derivative Investments):理解衍生品市场和衍生品投资的基本原理。



9. 另类投资(Alternative Investments):理解另类投资市场和另类投资的基本原理。


(CFA)一级考试课本总结 - Financial Statement Analysis

(CFA)一级考试课本总结 - Financial Statement Analysis

转:金融分析师(CFA)一级考试课本总结- Financial Statement Analysis阅读(375) 评论(0) 发表时间:2008年12月21日07:27本文地址:/blog/657383549-1229815661本文标签: turnover income equity Statement salesFinancial Statement AnalysisFS被investor和creditor有用,还有gov regulator,tax authority和其他,提供short-term liquidity, long-term earning power, growth opportunity和asset position of the firm. 还应该是relevent,timely,reliable,material和consistent允许time-series和cross- sectional 比较。

The Financial Account Standards Board(FASB)是美国的,建立了Generally Accepted Accounting Principle(GAAP)The International Organization of Securiies Commission(IOSC)建立跨过的disclosure标准The International Accounting Standards Board(IASB)目标是提供international uniformity, 虽然没有执行力,但很多国家还是采用IASB GAAP除了Balance sheet,income statement和statement of cash flow,分析师还应该看financial statement footnotes,statement of comprehensive income,statement of stockholders’ equity,proxy statement,supplementary schedules和management dicision and analysis(MD&A).独立auditor有doubts,就说qualified opinion;auditor能提供reasonable assurance证明报表没有material misstatement,就说unqualifiedrevenue和expense在earn和incur时候就实现了,不管cash flow是什么时候。













6.习题冲刺阶段针对考试,CFA协会每年都会提供online questions,帮助考生做好相关准备,大致预测考试所需时间。


Level 2准备时间了两个月,成绩全A。







《CFA一级中文精讲》是一本专注于CFA(注册金融分析师)考试学习的中文 教材,它不仅为考生提供了全面的考试知识覆盖,同时也以中文的语境和表达 方式,帮助考生更好地理解和掌握CFA考试的核心内容。在这本教材中,有许 多精彩的摘录,不仅具有知识性,也具有启发性。
是关于金融市场的部分。书中提到:“金融市场是资金的汇聚之地,它连接着 储蓄和投资,是国家经济活动的枢纽。”这句话简洁明了地概括了金融市场的 核心功能,即资金的有效配置。这不仅是金融市场的本质,也是CFA考试的重 点之一。
是关于投资策略的部分。书中写道:“投资策略的选择需要根据个人的风险承 受能力、投资期限、财务目标等因素来定制。没有一种通用的投资策略能够适 合所有人。”这告诉我们在制定投资策略时,需要充分了解自己的需求和状况, 同时也要认识到市场环境的复杂性和多变性。
再者,是关于风险管理的内容。书中有一句话:“风险管理不是消除风险,而 是通过合理的资产配置和风险管理工具的使用,将风险控制在可承受的范围 内。”这意味着风险管理不是追求零风险,而是要在可承受的风险下追求最大 的收益。
这本书深入浅出地介绍了CFA一级考试的核心内容,从基本的金融概念到复杂 的投资策略,无一不包,为读者提供了一个全面的金融知识框架。然而,学习 的过程并不轻松,尤其是在涉及一些数学公式和模型时,我曾一度感到困惑。 但正是这种挑战,让我更加坚定了成为一名合格金融分析师的决心。
书中特别强调了道德和专业性在金融领域的重要性。这让我深有感触。在金融 市场这样一个充满诱惑和复杂性的环境中,保持清醒的头脑和坚定的道德立场 是每一位金融从业人员必备的品质。而CFA考试之所以如此严格,正是因为它 要求考生不仅在知识上要精通,更要在道德上达到高标准。






Statistic (5)1.1 Standard error of the sample mean: (5)1.2Measure of performance (5)1.3远期利率公式: (6)1.4 Leptokurtotic: (6)1.5 Positive skewed (6)1.6 Holding period return(HPR) (7)1.7 arithmetic or mean return (7)1.8 Geometric Mean return (7)1.9 Money-weighted return or time-weighted return (8)1.10 quartiles/quintiles/deciles/percentiles (8)1.11 probability (9)1.12 ratio/ordinal/interval/nominal (9)1.13 Chebyshev’s Inequality (9)1.14 distribution (10)1.15 desirable properties of an estimator (10)1.16 Bayes’ formula (10)1.17 type I and type II error (10)1.18 hypothesis testing (11)1.19 technical analysis (13)derivatives (16)2.1 option portfolio (16)2.2 Put-call parity (16)2.3 backwardation \contango (16)Corporate finance (16)3.1 NPV (16)3.2 IRR(internal rate of return) (17)3.3 PBP(backed period) (17)3.4DPB(discounted backed period) (17)3.5 Profitable index(PI) (17)3.6 WACC (17)3.7 cost of debt (18)3.8 Cost of preferred stock (18)3.9 Cost of equity (18)3.10 Break point (20)3.11 Floatation cost (20)3.12 Degree of operating leverage (21)3.13 Degree of financial leverage(DFL) (21)3.14 Degree of total leverage(DTL) (21)3.15 Breakeven Analysis (22)3.16 working capital management (22)3.17 Liquidity ratios and turnover ratios (22)portfolio (23)4.1 nominal 与real之间的转换 (23)4.2 portfolio’s deviation (24)4.3 Many risk assets (24)4.4 MPT理论 (24)4.5 Capital allocating line(CAL) (25)4.6 beta : a measure of systematic risk (26)FINANCIAL REPORTING (27)5.1 应收应付/预收预付 (27)5.2 audit report (27)5.3 Footnotes/MD&A/proxy statement (28)5.4 美国准则和国际准则 (30)5.5 IFRS对sales of goods销售商品收入确认的方法 (31)5.6 IFRS对rendering of service?收入确认的方法 (32)5.7 Financial statement Elements (32)5.8 steps in the financial statement analysis framework (33)5.9 Revenue recognition criteria (33)5.10 Revenue recognition (34)5.11 installment sales and cost recovery method (35)5.12 accounting equation 有计算 (36)5.13 income statement其它处理 (37)5.14 income statement线下项目 (38)5.15 EPS计算 (39)5.16 comprehensive income (40)5.17 金融资产与负债的计量有计算 (40)5.18 bad debt计算坏账 (41)5.19 CFO直接法与间接法有计算 (41)5.20 CFI和CFF的计算 (42)5.21 FCFE和FCFF的计算 (43)5.22 CF中的其它知识点 (44)5.23 financial analysis techniques (44)5.24 inventory 理解 (47)5.25 depreciation 理解 (50)5.26 impairment 理解 (51)5.27 capitalized and expense 的理解 (52)5.28 investment property (new) (54)5.29 early repayment of bond (55)5.30 issuance cost of bond (56)5.31 debt security 理解 (57)5.32 defer tax 理解 (59)5.33 承租人和出租人理解 (64)5.34 off-balance sheet (66)5.35 ratio (68)5.37 cash management manipulation (68)Economics (70)6.1 Utility Theory and indifference Curves (70)6.2 Economic profit and accounting profit (70)6.3 elasticity (70)6.4 Cross elasticity of demand, (71)6.5 盈亏平衡点 (71)6.6 GDP的定义: (71)6.7 nation income (72)6.8 GDP deflator: GDP平减指数 (73)6.9 IS-LM model (74)6.10 LM曲线是指货币市场的均衡。



cfa一级考试真题及答案详解CFA一级考试真题及答案详解1. 问题:在计算投资组合的预期收益率时,以下哪种资产的预期收益率对投资组合的预期收益率影响最大?A. 资产A,占投资组合的10%B. 资产B,占投资组合的20%C. 资产C,占投资组合的30%D. 资产D,占投资组合的40%答案:D解析:投资组合的预期收益率是通过加权平均各个资产的预期收益率来计算的。



2. 问题:以下哪种金融工具最适合用于对冲利率风险?A. 股票B. 债券C. 利率互换D. 货币期权答案:C解析:利率互换是一种利率衍生品,允许两方交换利率支付流。


3. 问题:在进行财务分析时,以下哪种比率最能反映公司的流动性状况?A. 流动比率B. 速动比率C. 资产负债率D. 权益乘数答案:A解析:流动比率是衡量公司短期偿债能力的指标,它通过比较公司的流动资产和流动负债来计算。


4. 问题:在计算经济增加值(EVA)时,以下哪个因素不是必要的?A. 公司的税后营业利润B. 公司的资本成本C. 公司的总资产D. 公司的权益乘数答案:D解析:经济增加值(EVA)是通过从公司的税后营业利润中减去资本成本来计算的。


EVA的计算公式为:EVA = NOPAT - (WACC * 资本投入)。



cfa一级 数量 公式

cfa一级 数量 公式




1. 资本资产定价模型(CAPM):CAPM公式用于计算资产的预期回报率。

该公式如下:r = rf + β × (rm - rf)其中,r为资产的预期回报率,rf为无风险利率,β为资产的贝塔值,rm为市场回报率。


2. 现值(Present Value):现值是指未来现金流的现在价值,计算现值的公式如下:PV = CF / (1 + r)^n其中,PV为现值,CF为未来的现金流,r为贴现率,n为未来现金流发生的期数。


3. 持有期收益率(Holding Period Return):持有期收益率用于衡量一个投资的收益率。

计算持有期收益率的公式如下:HPR = (Ending Price - Beginning Price + Dividends) / Beginning Price其中,HPR为持有期收益率,Ending Price为持有期结束时的价格,Beginning Price为持有期开始时的价格,Dividends为持有期内获得的股息。







CFA考试:财务报表分析——财务⽐率和每股收益(投资⼯具)第⼗章财务报表的分析Chapter ⒑Analysis of Financial Statement(Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management)§⒈解释通⽤规模的资产负债表(Common-size balance sheet)和通⽤规模的损益表,并讨论使⽤通⽤规模财务报表的情形通⽤规模的资产负债表(Common-size balance sheet),是将所有的资产负债账⽬都表⽰为总资产(total)的百分⽐。

通⽤规模的损益表(Common-size income statement),是将所有损益表中的所有项⽬都表⽰为销售额(sales)的百分⽐。


§⒉计算、解释和讨论下列量的适⽤:公司的内部流动性(company's Internal liquidity)、营业业绩(operating performance)、风险组合(risk profile)和增长潜能(growth potential)财务⽐率的五个主要类别:①通⽤规模报表(Common-size statement)。

②内部流动性或清偿能⼒(Internal liquidity / solvency)。

③营业业绩,包括营业效率(operating efficiency)和营业获利能⼒(operating profitability)。

④风险分析(risk analysis),包括商业风险、筹资风险和流动性风险。

⑤增长分析(growth analysis)。

内部流动性或偿债能⼒(Internal liquidity / solvency)内部流动性,表明公司履⾏短期筹资义务的能⼒。



cfa1级公式表1.认知领域1.1时间价值的公式:-未来现金流=现金流×(1+利率)^时间-现值=未来现金流/(1+利率)^时间-期末价值=期初价值×(1+利率)^时间1.2回报率的公式:-简单回报率=(期末价值-期初价值)/期初价值- 对数回报率 = ln(期末价值 / 期初价值)1.3淨现值的公式:-淨现值=Σ(未来现金流/(1+折现率)^时间)-初始投资2.金融报表分析2.1利润表的公式:-净收入=销售收入-成本费用-毛利润=销售收入-成本费用-净利润=毛利润-拨备-毛利率=毛利润/销售收入2.2资产负债表的公式:-总股东权益=资产-负债3.市场组合3.1市场组合的预期收益率:-市场组合的预期收益率=Σ(预期收益率×比例权重)3.2系统性风险的量化方法:-β系数=协方差(个别资产收益率,市场组合收益率)/方差(市场组合收益率)-投资组合的β系数=Σ(资产β系数×资产比例权重)4.证券投资4.1常见股票估值模型:-价格盈利比=股票价格/每股盈利-市净率=股票价格/每股净资产-股利贴现模型=(下一期股息/(折现率-成长率))4.2债券价格估值模型:-债券价格=Σ(每期现金流/(1+收益率)^时间)5.生产者理论5.1短期和长期成本和收益:-生产函数=技术水平×劳动力×资本-平均成本=总成本/产量-边际成本=总成本的变化/产量的变化-边际产品=产量的变化/劳动力的变化5.2规模报酬递增、不变和递减:-规模报酬递增=边际产品>平均产品-规模报酬不变=边际产品=平均产品-规模报酬递减=边际产品<平均产品以上只是CFA1级考试的一小部分公式和定义。




Quantitative1010365/:D 360360:==360:1360A :(1)1Continuously compounded rate of re BD BD MM BD t P P CF Holding Period Yield HPY P FV P Bank Discount Yield r F t FV tr Money Market Yield r HPY t t r Effective nnual Yield EAY HPY -+ =- ⨯⨯ =⨯=-⨯ =+-()12turn: r ln ln 1cc s HPR s ⎛⎫==+ ⎪⎝⎭23653651111(1)(1)21;;);1t tTime weighted Money weighted nini Arithmetic Weighted i i Geometric Geometric Arithmetic Harmonic ni i iy BEY HPY EAY R R IRR Xn X X W X X X X X n X L ⨯--===+=+=+=====<==∑∑∑(1)100y n +⨯2222111[()]2Excess kurtosis = Sample kurtosis - 3()();:;:;111nnniiii i i x X ks Range MaxValue MinValue XXXX MAD PopulationVariance SampleVariance s MAD n nn P k Coefficient of Variat μμσσ===-≤= ----===<-≥- ∑∑∑切比雪夫不等式::;xp fpsion CV XR R Sharp Ratio σ=- =越大越好Excess Kurtosis=Sample Kurtosis 3()1()Odds of event=;Odds against of event=1()()()(|)()(|)();()()()()()=0()()()()(|)()P E P E P E P E P AB P A B P B P B A P A P AorB P A P B P AB P AB P AorB P A P B P AB P B A P A ---=⨯=⨯=+-=+=一般条件:互斥事件:;贝叶斯公式:(|)()()(1)()x x n xn P A B P B P x C P P P A -⨯=⋅⋅-=;贝努力实验:2221,2121,21111222212221122121,21;()[()()][()()]()[()()][()()]()();290% Confidence interval for X is 1.65 ; 95% for 1.96A B A B n p p i i i Cov Cov P A B P A E r P B E r P A B P A E r P B E r E R w E R w w w w Cov X s X s ρσσσσσ===⋅-⋅-+⋅-⋅-=⋅=++±±∑2) ; 95% for 2.58~(,),;()1()(Roy's Safety-first Ratio=;Minimum Acceptable Returnp LL pX sx X N Z F z F z E R R R μμσσσ±-=-=--=/2/20000000000Confidence interval: point Estimate;One tail:,;,;Two tail:,Reject :;F X Z X Z X Z H H H H H H H test statistic critical value αααααμμμμμμ=±≥<≤>== >中心极限定理:0ail to reject ::~(0,1);:~(1)H test statistic critical value X X Z test Z N t test t t n < -=-=-22221121222212121/222212121(1) :~(1);:(S S )~(1,1)Test for equality of means: t-statistic=(Sample Variances assumed unequal);t-statistic=PPs n s chi Square test x x n F test F F n n s x x x x s s s s n n n σ--=--=>----⎛⎫++ ⎪⎝⎭条件:1/222(equal)n ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭Portfolio Management22221,21212221122121,2,,2()()():()[()]pM f p f pM i mkti i i mkt mktmkti f i M f p fpCov w w w w Cov E R R CML E R R Total Risk systematic Risk unsystematic RiskCov SML CAPM E R R E R R R R Sharpe Ratio ρσσσσσσσσβρσσβσ==++-⎡⎤:=+⎢⎥⎣⎦= + ==⨯=+-- =;()();'()()Mp f M f pp fp p f p M f pM Squared R R R R R R Treynor Measure Jensen s R CAPM R R R R σσαββ-=---- ==-=---Economics%;1,;1,%Pr %;0,normal good(0<<1,necessity good;>1,Luxury);e 0,inferior good%%%Price of related g p p i i i i QOwn price elasticity e elastic e inelasticice QIncome elasticity e e e IncomeQCross elasticity ∆- =><∆∆ =><∆∆ =∆;0,;0,oodbreakeven point if AR=ATC(Perfect competition);TR=TC(imperfect competition)shutdown point if AR<AVC(Perfect competition);TR<TVC(imperfect competition)TR=P Q;AR=TR/Q;c c e substitute e complement><⨯MR=TR/QTC=TFC+TVC;MC=TC/QAccounting profit = total revenue - total accounting costsEconomic profit = Accounting profit-implicit opportunity costs=total revenue-explicit costs-implicit costs Normal p ∆∆∆1110rofit = accounting profit - economic profit=;x y x nyNominal GDPGDP deflator=Real GDP ()()()();Fiscal budget deficit=Excess over dome xy yMRS n xQ P Base BaseQ P GDP C I G X M C S TG T S I X M ∆=-∆⨯⨯=⨯⨯=+++-=++-=---用替代,用1替代currentBase PeriodRe [stic investment+trade balance Price CPI=100Price 1Money multiplier =Reserve MV=PY;Real money supply Velocity of money=Price level Real GDP :Nom al Inflati requirementFisher Effect R R E ⨯ ⨯⨯ =+]1Fiscal multiplier =;Marginal propensity to consume1(1)Real Exchange Rate(d/f)=nominal forex rate 1domestic interst (d/f):(d/f)on MPC MPC t foreign CPIdomestic CPIForward No Arbitrage Forex Rate Spot =-- ⨯+- =rate 3601foreign interest rate 360tt ⨯+⨯Equity001111Trigger Price();Trigger ()11Pr ice Weighted Index=number of stocksPrice-changeEqual Weighted Index =(1+) Equal Weighted In ni i nii Arithmetic IM IMLong P price Short P MM MMPinitial index valuen==-+=⨯=⨯-+⨯∑∑1110dex current total market valueMarket capitalization-weighted index=base year index valuebase year total market valueOne-year DDM:;Multiple-y 11Geometric n ps pss s X initial index valueD P k D P P k k ⨯⨯==+++12020ear DDM:...1(1)(1)(1)FCFE=CFO-FCInv+net borrowing;FCFF=CFO-FCInv+Int(1-t)CFO=NI+Dep-Increase in working capital;net borrowing -debt principal+new debt issues P (1n n n ns s s s ns D P D D P k k k k FCFE k =++++++++==+0110100000111) :;(1);(1);:[()](1)///;/nni s s f i M f D DGordon Growth Model P D D g g RR ROE payout ratio ROE payout ratio k g EPSCAPM k R E R R P P D g E D E Payout Ratio Payout Leading P E Trailing P E E k g k g E k g β===⨯+=⨯=- ⨯ =-=+-+ === ===---∑(1)Enterprise Value=MV of common stock+MV of Pre-stock+MV of Debt-Cash and Investment Market Value of equity/;Common equity=total asset-total liabilities-pref Book Value of equityRatio g k g P B Ratio MV ⨯+- ==erred stockAlternativeNAV Per Share Assets - Per Share LiabilitiesProb (1)Appraisal price NOI /Market cap rate;NOI=Income-Operating Expense Market cap rate Benchmark NOI /Benchmark trans nSuccess nCF Venture Capital NPV CF i = =⨯-+==()()()()action price After Tax Net Income NOI D INT *1t After Tax Cash Flow ATNI D PRN principal repayment NOI TAX PRN INT =---=+-=--+Derivative()()floating rate at settlement forward rate 360notional principal 39361+floating rate at settlement 360 rincipal ( )360Option v days FRA FRA days daysNet Fixed Rate Payment P Fixed rate LIBOR ⎡⎤-⨯⎢⎥=⨯=⎢⎥⎢⎥⨯⎣⎦=⨯-⨯;期前,期后()0000alue intrinsic value time value /1covered call S ;Breakeven=S c;Maximum Gain= X (S c)protective put S ;Breakeven=S ;Maximum Loss= X (S )Tfc X R S pp p p =+++=+=---=++-+-cFixed Income112n tt=1t 0Full Price Clean PriceAccrued Interest Accrued interestt PVCF Macaulay duration=PVCF ()Macaulay duration Modified duration=1+periodic market yield Effective Duration=T CouponT T P P P P y+0/2Δy 21absolute yield spread Absolute yield spread =high yield-low yield;Relative yield spread=benchmark bond yieldsubject Yield ratioOptionbondoptionfree bondPut Call OptionP V V V STRIPS Maturity 10111(1)1 bond yield benchmark bond yieldTax Free YieldTax equivalent yield1tax rateOAS Z-spread - Option cost(Z-spread > Nominal Spread, if spot Yield is upward sloping)(1)(1)(1)(1);TT T S f f ff 00n 2N MRT 2Face valueZero coupon bond value=(interest rate risk )(1+)2Reinvestment Income=PV (1+r )-FV-Coupon Total percentage price change=duration effect + convexity effect [MD ()][Conv ()S i Py y P最大]Dollar duration duration bond price 1%(100)PVBPduration bond price 0.01%(1) [Duration PV ]bp bp 不求,算出两个相减也可计算FSAA=L+E; E=CC+R/E; R/E R/E +NI-Div; A=L+CC+R/E +Revenue-Expense-Div current assets Current ratio =current liabilitiescash + marketable securities + A/RQuick ratio =current liabilitiescash Cash ratio =E B B =+ marketable securitiescurrent liabilitiescash + marketable securities + A/RDefensive interval=Average daily expend annual salesReceivables turnover =A/R Inventory turnover =Payables turn COGSInventory over =A/P365Average receivables collection period =receivable turnover365Average inventory processing period =inventory turnover 365Average payment period =payable Cash conversion c turn yc overPurchasePretax margin =total debt total debtD/E ratio=;D/A le = collection period + inve ratio=Equtiy AssetRevenueWorking Capital turno ntory period - payme ver=;Working Ca Average Working Capital nt period EBT Sales pital=Current Asset-Current LiabilityInterest Coverage EBIT+Lease PaymentFixed Charge Coverage=Interest+Leasr Payment Return on assets (ROA) =Return on equity(ROE) Net =ROE=EBITInterestNIAsset NIEquity=Profit Margin Asset Turnover Financial Leverage Tax burden Interest burden EBIT Margin Asset Turnover Financial Leverage =ROE=EBT NI Sales AssetSales Asset EquityNI EBIT Sales Asset EBT EBIT Sales Asset Equit ⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=⨯⨯⨯⨯LIFO Reserve COGS LIFO Reserve taxable income tax rate=tax payableIncome tax expense=tax payable+DTL-DTAReported effec END BGN FIFO LIFO FIFO LIFO yInventory Inventory Purchase COGS Inventory Inventory COGS =+-=+=-∆⨯∆∆income tax expensetive tax rate=pretax incometax payableeffective tax rate=pretax incomeCorporate Finance120120101100...(1)(1)(1)(1)1(1):();;(1);nnniii d d ps ps c spsps s f m f s s Asse CF CF CF NPV CF k k k CF CF IRR NPVPI CF WACC W k t W k W k D k PCAPM k R R R D D D k g P g RR ROE payout ratio ROE payout ratio P k g EPSββ==+++++++=+=+=⨯-+⨯+⨯==+-=+==⨯=- ⨯ =-∑Pr ;[1(1)]1(1)cost of capital change :Break Point=weight of capital structure()();()()(Equityt oject Asset D t EDt EMCC Q P V S TVC EBIT Q P V FDOL DFL Q P V F S TVC F EBIT Interest Q P V F IQ P DTL DOL DFL βββ==⨯+-⋅+-⋅----====--------=⨯=)();365365365;//Net working capital=Current Asset-Current Liabilitie Breakeven OperatingBE V S TVCQ P V F I S TVC F IF I FQ Q P V P VCash Conversion Cycle Purchase Inv COGSCOGS Sales Purchase Inventory A R A PC --=------+==-- =+-=∆+365/()(1)11tdiscount ost of trade credit EAR discount=+--史上最全的CFA复习笔记,爱不释手T-bill rates是nominal risk-free ratesnominal risk-free rate= real risk-free rate + expected inflation ra te风险种类:default risk违约风险liquidity risk 流动性风险maturity risk 久期风险(利率风险)EAR=e^t-1贴现率=opportunity cost,required rate of return,cost of capital ordinary annuity在期末产生现金流annuity due在期初产生现金流永续年金perpetuity PV=PMT/(I/Y)对于同一个项目IRR和NPV结论相同:IRR大于必要收益率则NPV为正,否则NPV为负如果公司目标是权益所有人财富最大化,那么始终选择NPV(通常都是这样)HPR(持有期回报)=(期末值-期初值)/期末值或者(期末值-期初值+现金)/期末值Time-weighted rate of return时间的加权平均值,(1+HPR1)(1+HPR2)…即几何平均数如果组合处于高上涨期,时间加权平均会比金钱加权平均小,反之则大。














一、单一现金流的计算:(1)(1)p pnp np FVFV PV i PV i =+⇒=+ sp i i m=p n m n =⨯ 利率(i ),收益率(r 或y ),增长率(g ),FV 未来现金值,PV 当前现金值, 票面利率(s i )又称年度回报率(APR i ):s APR p i i mi ==实际年利率(EAR )(1)1EARp m i i =+-二、连续复利求FV/PV : ininFVFV PVe PV e =⇒=三、连续复利求有效年利率:1i EAR e =- [1]i APR Ln EAR ==+四、年金——相等的连续现金流 终身年金的现值:10P PPMT PV I =普通年金的FV :(1)1[]pn p p pi FV PMT i +-=五、年百分率:s p i APR m i ==⨯有效年利率:(1)1mpEAR i =+- 六、持有期收益率 : 1V HPR V =-期末期初七、货币加权收益率=内部收益率(IRR)八、时间加权收益率=几何平均数九、银行贴现基准:十、实际年收益率:十一、货币市场收益率: =绝对频数相对频数样本总数十二、算术平均数: 总体:-⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭0BD F P 360r F t =+-365/tEAY (1HPY)1⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭MM 360r HPY t 12NX X X Nμ++=1nii XX n==∑样本:几何平均数:加权平均数:投资组合的平均年回报率:十三、方差和标准差 总体:样本:变异系数: 或夏普比率:或十四、概率P(X):事件X 发生的可能性 特点: 其中Xi 为一组互斥集体无遗漏事件 概率分布的数字特征:期望/预期: 方差、标准差——风险衡量()112NN X X X μ=1G r =112233123..................N NNw X w X w X w X w w w w μ+++=+++11tt t V R V -=-221()Nix i x xu N σ=-=∑x σ=221()1nii x xXS n =-=-∑x S =x xσμ=xS X =p Fp R R S -=p FpR R σ-=-=夏普比率P FXR R σ=XXσCV μ0P(X)1≤≤1()1Nii P X==∑()1()Ni i i E X X P X ==∑[]()()()2222221()()x Ni i i E X E X E X E X E XXP X σ==-=-⎡⎤⎣⎦=∑其中x σ=(){}1[[]][[]][,][][()]Nii i XY XE X Y E Y Cov X Y NE X E X Y E Y σ=--===--∑总体协方差:=XY XY X Y COV r σσ协方差和联合概率=XY XYX YCOV r σσ相关系数: 投资组合的预期回报和方差 =++=++22222P 1122121,222221122121,212σw σw σ2w w COV w σw σ2w w r σσZ 值分布:Roy 安全第一条件——最佳投资是安全第一比率SFR 最大的组合总体均值的置信区间称为显著程度称为显著水平 可以以总体平均值的样本估计值为中心构建置信区间α是显著性水平,等于1 -用%表示的置信水平。




1. 资产配置(Asset Allocation):投资组合中不同资产类别的分配比例。

2. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet):一家公司在特定日期上的资产、负债和股东权益的快照。

3. 基点(Basis Point):表示利率或投资回报率的一种测量单位,相当于1/100百分点。

4. 基金经理(Fund Manager):负责管理投资组合的专业人员。

5. 财务杠杆(Financial Leverage):使用借款或其他负债来增加投资回报率的策略。

6. 期货合约(Futures Contract):一种标准化的合约,约定在未来某个日期以特定价格交割某种商品或金融资产。

7. 净现值(Net Present Value):将未来现金流折现到当前时点的价值。

8. 风险溢价(Risk Premium):投资回报率高于无风险回报率的额外回报。

9. 投资组合(Portfolio):持有多种不同资产的集合。

10. 股息收益率(Dividend Yield):股票每年支付的股息与股票价格的比率。





1. 金融市场与资产类别:包括全球金融市场概览、资产类别和金融产品概述等内容。

2. 数量方法:包括财务数据分析和处理、统计学、概率论和回归分析等内容。

3. 经济学:包括微观经济学、宏观经济学和国际经济学等内容。

4. 公司财务:包括财务报表分析、公司估值和资本结构等内容。

5. 投资组合管理:包括投资组合理论、投资组合构建和风险管理等内容。

6. 固定收益投资:包括固定收益市场和产品、债券估值和风险管理等内容。

7. 权益投资:包括股票市场和产品、股票估值和风险管理等内容。

8. 衍生品投资:包括衍生品市场和产品、衍生品估值和风险管理等内容。

9. 另类投资:包括房地产、私募股权和对冲基金等内容。

10. 道德与职业准则:包括道德和职业准则、合规和监管等内容。










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关于教材方面:以前CFA institute没有强迫你买教材,就是所谓的curriculum(6大本)。

但是后来CFA institute发现大家都不看教材的,而是去看各种培训机构的辅导用书,所以CFA institute就很不爽,开始强制卖教材给你。





Q&A:除了notes之外,别的还需要买什么?一般淘宝卖家里面都会有几种notes的套餐,我只买了最简单的那种:notes+practice exam(也是Schweser出的,2小本)+计算器(BA II)+Standards of Practics Handbook(附赠)+公式表(附赠)。



Quantitative1010365/:D 360360:==360:1360A :(1)1Continuously compounded rate of re BD BD MM BD t P P CF Holding Period Yield HPY P FV P Bank Discount Yield r F t FV tr Money Market Yield r HPY t t r Effective nnual Yield EAY HPY -+ =- ⨯⨯ =⨯=-⨯ =+-()12turn: r ln ln 1cc s HPR s ⎛⎫==+ ⎪⎝⎭23653651111(1)(1)21;;);1t tTime weighted Money weighted nini Arithmetic Weighted i i Geometric Geometric Arithmetic Harmonic ni i iy BEY HPY EAY R R IRR Xn X X W X X X X X n X L ⨯--===+=+=+=====<==∑∑∑(1)100y n +⨯2222111[()]2Excess kurtosis = Sample kurtosis - 3()();:;:;111nnniiii i i x X ks Range MaxValue MinValue XXXX MAD PopulationVariance SampleVariance s MAD n nn P k Coefficient of Variat μμσσ===-≤= ----===<-≥- ∑∑∑切比雪夫不等式::;xp fpsion CV XR R Sharp Ratio σ=- =越大越好Excess Kurtosis=Sample Kurtosis 3()1()Odds of event=;Odds against of event=1()()()(|)()(|)();()()()()()=0()()()()(|)()P E P E P E P E P AB P A B P B P B A P A P AorB P A P B P AB P AB P AorB P A P B P AB P B A P A ---=⨯=⨯=+-=+=一般条件:互斥事件:;贝叶斯公式:(|)()()(1)()x x n xn P A B P B P x C P P P A -⨯=⋅⋅-=;贝努力实验:2221,2121,21111222212221122121,21;()[()()][()()]()[()()][()()]()();290% Confidence interval for X is 1.65 ; 95% for 1.96A B A B n p p i i i Cov Cov P A B P A E r P B E r P A B P A E r P B E r E R w E R w w w w Cov X s X s ρσσσσσ===⋅-⋅-+⋅-⋅-=⋅=++±±∑2) ; 95% for 2.58~(,),;()1()(Roy's Safety-first Ratio=;Minimum Acceptable Returnp LL pX sx X N Z F z F z E R R R μμσσσ±-=-=--=/2/20000000000Confidence interval: point Estimate;One tail:,;,;Two tail:,Reject :;F X Z X Z X Z H H H H H H H test statistic critical value αααααμμμμμμ=±≥<≤>== >中心极限定理:0ail to reject ::~(0,1);:~(1)H test statistic critical value X X Z test Z N t test t t n < -=-=-22221121222212121/222212121(1) :~(1);:(S S )~(1,1)Test for equality of means: t-statistic=(Sample Variances assumed unequal);t-statistic=PPs n s chi Square test x x n F test F F n n s x x x x s s s s n n n σ--=--=>----⎛⎫++ ⎪⎝⎭条件:1/222(equal)n ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭Portfolio Management22221,21212221122121,2,,2()()():()[()]pM f p f pM i mkti i i mkt mktmkti f i M f p fpCov w w w w Cov E R R CML E R R Total Risk systematic Risk unsystematic RiskCov SML CAPM E R R E R R R R Sharpe Ratio ρσσσσσσσσβρσσβσ==++-⎡⎤:=+⎢⎥⎣⎦= + ==⨯=+-- =;()();'()()Mp f M f pp fp p f p M f pM Squared R R R R R R Treynor Measure Jensen s R CAPM R R R R σσαββ-=---- ==-=---Economics%;1,;1,%Pr %;0,normal good(0<<1,necessity good;>1,Luxury);e 0,inferior good%%%Price of related g p p i i i i QOwn price elasticity e elastic e inelasticice QIncome elasticity e e e IncomeQCross elasticity ∆- =><∆∆ =><∆∆ =∆;0,;0,oodbreakeven point if AR=ATC(Perfect competition);TR=TC(imperfect competition)shutdown point if AR<AVC(Perfect competition);TR<TVC(imperfect competition)TR=P Q;AR=TR/Q;c c e substitute e complement><⨯MR=TR/QTC=TFC+TVC;MC=TC/QAccounting profit = total revenue - total accounting costsEconomic profit = Accounting profit-implicit opportunity costs=total revenue-explicit costs-implicit costs Normal p ∆∆∆1110rofit = accounting profit - economic profit=;x y x nyNominal GDPGDP deflator=Real GDP ()()()();Fiscal budget deficit=Excess over dome xy yMRS n xQ P Base BaseQ P GDP C I G X M C S TG T S I X M ∆=-∆⨯⨯=⨯⨯=+++-=++-=---用替代,用1替代currentBase PeriodRe [stic investment+trade balance Price CPI=100Price 1Money multiplier =Reserve MV=PY;Real money supply Velocity of money=Price level Real GDP :Nom al Inflati requirementFisher Effect R R E ⨯ ⨯⨯ =+]1Fiscal multiplier =;Marginal propensity to consume1(1)Real Exchange Rate(d/f)=nominal forex rate 1domestic interst (d/f):(d/f)on MPC MPC t foreign CPIdomestic CPIForward No Arbitrage Forex Rate Spot =-- ⨯+- =rate 3601foreign interest rate 360tt ⨯+⨯Equity001111Trigger Price();Trigger ()11Pr ice Weighted Index=number of stocksPrice-changeEqual Weighted Index =(1+) Equal Weighted In ni i nii Arithmetic IM IMLong P price Short P MM MMPinitial index valuen==-+=⨯=⨯-+⨯∑∑1110dex current total market valueMarket capitalization-weighted index=base year index valuebase year total market valueOne-year DDM:;Multiple-y 11Geometric n ps pss s X initial index valueD P k D P P k k ⨯⨯==+++12020ear DDM:...1(1)(1)(1)FCFE=CFO-FCInv+net borrowing;FCFF=CFO-FCInv+Int(1-t)CFO=NI+Dep-Increase in working capital;net borrowing -debt principal+new debt issues P (1n n n ns s s s ns D P D D P k k k k FCFE k =++++++++==+0110100000111) :;(1);(1);:[()](1)///;/nni s s f i M f D DGordon Growth Model P D D g g RR ROE payout ratio ROE payout ratio k g EPSCAPM k R E R R P P D g E D E Payout Ratio Payout Leading P E Trailing P E E k g k g E k g β===⨯+=⨯=- ⨯ =-=+-+ === ===---∑(1)Enterprise Value=MV of common stock+MV of Pre-stock+MV of Debt-Cash and Investment Market Value of equity/;Common equity=total asset-total liabilities-pref Book Value of equityRatio g k g P B Ratio MV ⨯+- ==erred stockAlternativeNAV Per Share Assets - Per Share LiabilitiesProb (1)Appraisal price NOI /Market cap rate;NOI=Income-Operating Expense Market cap rate Benchmark NOI /Benchmark trans nSuccess nCF Venture Capital NPV CF i = =⨯-+==()()()()action price After Tax Net Income NOI D INT *1t After Tax Cash Flow ATNI D PRN principal repayment NOI TAX PRN INT =---=+-=--+Derivative()()floating rate at settlement forward rate 360notional principal 39361+floating rate at settlement 360 rincipal ( )360Option v days FRA FRA days daysNet Fixed Rate Payment P Fixed rate LIBOR ⎡⎤-⨯⎢⎥=⨯=⎢⎥⎢⎥⨯⎣⎦=⨯-⨯;期前,期后()0000alue intrinsic value time value /1covered call S ;Breakeven=S c;Maximum Gain= X (S c)protective put S ;Breakeven=S ;Maximum Loss= X (S )Tfc X R S pp p p =+++=+=---=++-+-cFixed Income112n tt=1t 0Full Price Clean PriceAccrued Interest Accrued interestt PVCF Macaulay duration=PVCF ()Macaulay duration Modified duration=1+periodic market yield Effective Duration=T CouponT T P P P P y+0/2Δy 21absolute yield spread Absolute yield spread =high yield-low yield;Relative yield spread=benchmark bond yieldsubject Yield ratioOptionbondoptionfree bondPut Call OptionP V V V STRIPS Maturity 10111(1)1 bond yield benchmark bond yieldTax Free YieldTax equivalent yield1tax rateOAS Z-spread - Option cost(Z-spread > Nominal Spread, if spot Yield is upward sloping)(1)(1)(1)(1);TT T S f f ff 00n 2N MRT 2Face valueZero coupon bond value=(interest rate risk )(1+)2Reinvestment Income=PV (1+r )-FV-Coupon Total percentage price change=duration effect + convexity effect [MD ()][Conv ()S i Py y P最大]Dollar duration duration bond price 1%(100)PVBPduration bond price 0.01%(1) [Duration PV ]bp bp 不求,算出两个相减也可计算FSAA=L+E; E=CC+R/E; R/E R/E +NI-Div; A=L+CC+R/E +Revenue-Expense-Div current assets Current ratio =current liabilitiescash + marketable securities + A/RQuick ratio =current liabilitiescash Cash ratio =E B B =+ marketable securitiescurrent liabilitiescash + marketable securities + A/RDefensive interval=Average daily expend annual salesReceivables turnover =A/R Inventory turnover =Payables turn COGSInventory over =A/P365Average receivables collection period =receivable turnover365Average inventory processing period =inventory turnover 365Average payment period =payable Cash conversion c turn yc overPurchasePretax margin =total debt total debtD/E ratio=;D/A le = collection period + inve ratio=Equtiy AssetRevenueWorking Capital turno ntory period - payme ver=;Working Ca Average Working Capital nt period EBT Sales pital=Current Asset-Current LiabilityInterest Coverage EBIT+Lease PaymentFixed Charge Coverage=Interest+Leasr Payment Return on assets (ROA) =Return on equity(ROE) Net =ROE=EBITInterestNIAsset NIEquity=Profit Margin Asset Turnover Financial Leverage Tax burden Interest burden EBIT Margin Asset Turnover Financial Leverage =ROE=EBT NI Sales AssetSales Asset EquityNI EBIT Sales Asset EBT EBIT Sales Asset Equit ⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=⨯⨯⨯⨯LIFO Reserve COGS LIFO Reserve taxable income tax rate=tax payableIncome tax expense=tax payable+DTL-DTAReported effec END BGN FIFO LIFO FIFO LIFO yInventory Inventory Purchase COGS Inventory Inventory COGS =+-=+=-∆⨯∆∆income tax expensetive tax rate=pretax incometax payableeffective tax rate=pretax incomeCorporate Finance120120101100...(1)(1)(1)(1)1(1):();;(1);nnniii d d ps ps c spsps s f m f s s Asse CF CF CF NPV CF k k k CF CF IRR NPVPI CF WACC W k t W k W k D k PCAPM k R R R D D D k g P g RR ROE payout ratio ROE payout ratio P k g EPSββ==+++++++=+=+=⨯-+⨯+⨯==+-=+==⨯=- ⨯ =-∑Pr ;[1(1)]1(1)cost of capital change :Break Point=weight of capital structure()();()()(Equityt oject Asset D t EDt EMCC Q P V S TVC EBIT Q P V FDOL DFL Q P V F S TVC F EBIT Interest Q P V F IQ P DTL DOL DFL βββ==⨯+-⋅+-⋅----====--------=⨯=)();365365365;//Net working capital=Current Asset-Current Liabilitie Breakeven OperatingBE V S TVCQ P V F I S TVC F IF I FQ Q P V P VCash Conversion Cycle Purchase Inv COGSCOGS Sales Purchase Inventory A R A PC --=------+==-- =+-=∆+365/()(1)11tdiscount ost of trade credit EAR discount=+--史上最全的CFA复习笔记,爱不释手T-bill rates是nominal risk-free ratesnominal risk-free rate= real risk-free rate + expected inflation ra te风险种类:default risk违约风险liquidity risk 流动性风险maturity risk 久期风险(利率风险)EAR=e^t-1贴现率=opportunity cost,required rate of return,cost of capital ordinary annuity在期末产生现金流annuity due在期初产生现金流永续年金perpetuity PV=PMT/(I/Y)对于同一个项目IRR和NPV结论相同:IRR大于必要收益率则NPV为正,否则NPV为负如果公司目标是权益所有人财富最大化,那么始终选择NPV(通常都是这样)HPR(持有期回报)=(期末值-期初值)/期末值或者(期末值-期初值+现金)/期末值Time-weighted rate of return时间的加权平均值,(1+HPR1)(1+HPR2)…即几何平均数如果组合处于高上涨期,时间加权平均会比金钱加权平均小,反之则大。









例如,如果一个人每年都会收到10000 元的年金,年利率为5%,想要计算出这些年金的现值,那么首先需要找到年金现值系数。

在年金现值公式系数表中,查找5% 的年利率和1 年的期数,可以找到对应的年金现值系数为0.9524。

然后,将10000 元乘以0.9524,就可以得到年金的现值,即9524 元。

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(1 r1 )(1 r2 )(1 r3 )...(1 rn ) 1
Then annualize the time-weighted return. BDY = Bank Discount Yield =
( FV P0 ) 360 FV t
365/t -1
EAY = Effective annual yield = (1+HRY) Money market yield = HPY × (360/t)
Ly (n 1)
y 100
Arithmetic mean: sum of all observation values in sample/population,divided by number of observations. Geometric mean: used when calculating investment returns over multiple periods or to measure compound growth rates.
Coefficient of Variation(CV):express how much dispersion exists relative to mean of a distribution.
Geometric mean:
G N X1 X 2 X 3 ... X N ( X i )1/ N
Normal Distribution: 1. Completely described by mean and variance (μ, σ2) 2. It is symmetric with skewness measure of 0, i.e., mean = mode = median 3. Kurtosis = 3 4. Linear combinations of normal random variables are normally distributed. Z-score:
FV Ct (1 r )T t
t 1
Present Value of Uneven Cash Flows =
t 1
Ct (1 r )t
Discounted Cash Flow Applications
NPV = Net present value

t 0 N
2 2
2 2
P( X 1 ) x1 E ( X ) P( X 2 ) x2 E ( X ) L P( X n ) xn E ( X )
0, x a xa F ( x) P( X x) ,a x b b a 1, x b


Safety First Ratio:
E ( RP ) RL
Multinominal labelling:

n! n1 ! n2 ! ... nk !
If Normal distr., SFRmax
Cov( X , Y ) E[ X E( X )][Y E(Y )]
Correlation coefficient: X ,Y

Cov( X , Y )
Portfolio expected value:
E ( RP ) wi E ( Ri ) w1E ( R1 ) w2 E ( R2 ) ... wn E ( Rn )
PMT [(1 r )n 1] r
PVAo=Present value of an annuity=
Money market yield = BDY / (1- BDY×t/360)
Statistical Concepts and Market Returns
Position of the observation at a given percentile, y;
i 1
Population standard
(Xi 1Ni )2

S1, S2,…, SN are mutually exclusive and exhaustive Expected value = E ( X )
CFA Level I Easy Sheet
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Population mean:
i 1
Sample variance =
i 1
X )2
n 1
Sample mean:
i 1
σ > MAD that holds in general
X P( X )
i 1 i i
CFA Level I Easy Sheet
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Probabilistic variance:
( X ) P( X i ) xi E ( X )
FV PV n ( 1 I / Y)
Annuities:series of equal cash flows that occur at evenly spaced intervals over time. Ordinary annuity:cash folw at end-of-time period. Annuity due:cash flow at beginning-of-time period. Perpetuities:annuities with infinite lives. FVAo=Future value of an annuity=
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The Time Value of Money
Interest rate = Nominal risk-free rate + Default risk premium + Liquidity risk premium + Maturity risk premium Nominal risk-free rate = Real risk-free rate +expected inflation rate Required Rate of Return
PMT 1 1 r (1 r )n
FVAD=Future value of annuity due = FVAo×(1+r) PVAD=Present value of annuity due = PVAo×(1+r) Present Value of Perpetuity = PMT / r Future Value of Uneven Cash Flows =
MAD =Mean absolute deviation =
i 1

Sample kurtosis = K P
(X 1
i 1
X )4
Variance and Standard Deviation Variance:average of squared deviations from mean. Standard deviation:square root of variance. Population variance =
Excess kurtosis = sample kurtosis – 3
Probability Concepts
Joint probability = P( AB) P( B) P( A Addition rule of probability = P( A U B) P( A) P( B) P( A I Total Probability Rule =
Sample standard deviation= s Chebyshev’s inequality:
i 1
X )2
n 1
Weighted mean:
X ( wi X i )
i 1
P( x k ) 1
1 k2
wi are weights that sum to 1.
i 1 i
( X i )3 1 i 1 SK = Sample skewness n 3
Positive skewness: Mode < Median < Mean Negative skewness: Mode > Median > Mean
y Y percentile = LY (n 1) 100
i 1
CV = Coefficient of variance=
s X
Geometric mean return:
RG N (1 R1)(1 R2)…(1 Rn) 1
Harmonic mean:
Sharp ratio
RP R f