
2024年河南专升本考试真题英语2024 Henan Adult Higher Education Entrance Examination English TestPart I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.Passage 1When it comes to nutrition, mothers need to be aware of the importance of a balanced diet for pregnant women. A balanced diet during pregnancy is important for the health of both the mother and the unborn child. To ensure proper nutrition, mothers should incorporate a variety of foods into their diet, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy products. In addition, pregnant women should take prenatal vitamins to ensure they are getting all the necessary nutrients.1. According to the passage, what are pregnant women advised to include in their diet?A. Fast food and sugary drinksB. Processed meats and junk foodC. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and dairy productsD. Sugary snacks and soft drinks2. Why is a balanced diet important during pregnancy?A. To lose weightB. To prevent cravingsC. For the health of both the mother and the unborn childD. To save money3. What should pregnant women take to ensure they are getting all the necessary nutrients?A. Fruits and vegetablesB. Lean proteinC. Prenatal vitaminsD. Processed foodsPassage 2Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our planet today. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions has ledto rising global temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events. It is crucial for countries to work together to reduce emissions and transition to renewable energy sources. Individuals can also make a difference by reducing their carbon footprint through actions such as using public transportation, recycling, and conserving energy at home.4. According to the passage, what is one of the biggest challenges facing our planet today?A. Education reformB. Climate changeC. Economic growthD. Social inequality5. What has led to rising global temperatures and extreme weather events?A. Decreased greenhouse gas emissionsB. Increased use of renewable energy sourcesC. Melting ice capsD. Conserving energy at home6. How can individuals reduce their carbon footprint?A. Driving a car instead of using public transportationB. Using plastic bags instead of recyclingC. Conserving energy at homeD. Eating processed foodsPart II: Writing (40 points)Directions: Write an essay on the topic "The Impact of Technology on Education" in about 200-300 words.Part III: Listening Comprehension (20 points)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of three sections. In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. After you hear each conversation, you will be asked a question about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.In Section B, you will hear a short passage. After you hear the passage, you will be asked three questions. The passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear the passage and the questions, read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the questions you have heard.In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. After you hear each conversation, you will be asked some questions. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the questions about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the questions you have heard.Good luck with your exam!。

河南2023专升本专业英语考试真题及答案全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The 2023 Henan Professional English Test Was So Hard!Hi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. I really struggled with the professional English test that junior college students in Henan had to take this year if they wanted to upgrade to a bachelor's degree program. Even though I'm just a kid, I've been studying English since I was little so my mom thought I should try taking the test for practice. Boy was it difficult! Let me tell you all about it.The first section was listening comprehension. They played some recordings and asked multiple choice questions about what we heard. One recording was a conversation between two people making plans to go to the movies. The question asked what day they decided to go, and the answer choices were a) Friday b) Saturday c) Sunday d) Monday. The answer was b) Saturday because the man said "How about going on Saturday?" and the woman agreed.Another listening was a lecture about the history of the printing press. It was pretty boring to be honest. The question asked what year the printing press was invented, and the choices were a) 1440 b) 1450 c) 1460 d) 1470. I picked d) 1470 but I'm not sure if that was right. I struggled a lot with the listening section because the recordings went so fast and had lots of unfamiliar words.Next was the reading comprehension section where we had to read some passages and answer questions about them. One passage was about solar energy and described how solar panels work by converting sunlight to electricity. The questions asked things like the main idea of the passage, which details supported certain points, and what the author's view was toward solar energy. I found this pretty hard because the vocabulary was very advanced with terms like "photovoltaic cells" that I didn't know.Another reading passage was about the biography of a famous scientist from the 1800s. It described her childhood, education, major discoveries, and legacy. The questions asked things like when she was born, where she studied, what her most important invention was, and why she was so influential. Even though the subject matter was kind of interesting, I got thrown off by all the dates, names of places, and scientific terms I wasn'tfamiliar with. I definitely need to work on building my reading vocabulary.After that was the writing section where we had to write a short essay of around 300 words. The prompt asked us to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working from home instead of going to an office. I tried to write about how working from home can save time not commuting and letting you work flexibly, but downsides are less social interaction and homelife distractions. I'm not sure how well I organized and developed my ideas though. Essay writing is one of the hardest parts of English for me.The final section tested our English grammar, vocabulary, and usage skills. They gave us sentences with blank spaces and we had to pick which word choice from multiple options fit best to complete the sentence correctly. For example:The scientist finally made a _____ breakthrough after years of failed experiments.a) major b) miner c) majority d) migrateThe right answer is a) majorThey also tested things like verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, prepositions, and other grammar rules. Vocabularyquestions involved choosing synonyms or antonyms. There were quite a few tricky ones where you really had to understand nuances and contexts. Studying more vocabulary words and grammar rules is definitely something I need to work on.Overall, while the Henan professional English test covered material I've learned before, it was extremely challenging for my level. The reading passages had tons of academic words I didn't know. The listening portions went so fast with accents I wasn't used to. The writing required developing coherent ideas and using sophisticated language. And the grammar/vocabulary section really delved into advanced nuances and exceptions to rules.I definitely have a long way to go before I'll be ready for an English test at that level! My scores on the practice test were probably篇2The Big English Exam AdventureHi there! My name is Lily and I'm ten years old. I just had the craziest experience taking the Henan 2023 Professional Upgrade English Exam. It was like an awesome adventure into the world of English! Let me tell you all about it.It all started when my mom said I should take this big exam to test my English skills. I was a little nervous at first because exams can be kind of scary. But my English teacher Mrs. Roberts said it would be fun and a great challenge. She helped me get ready by teaching me lots of new words and grammar rules. We played games and did practice tests too!Finally, the big day arrived. I put on my lucky shirt with rainbows on it and had my favorite snacks (gummy bears!) to keep my energy up. The exam was at my school, so that made me feel better being somewhere familiar.The first part was listening. We had to listen to recordings and answer questions about what we heard. There were conversations between people ordering food, giving directions, and even an awesome story about a puppy who got lost! I concentrated really hard and used the tricks Mrs. Roberts taught me to understand everything.Next up was reading. We had to read passages about things like science experiments, famous books, and holidays around the world. The passages were pretty long but I employed my skimming and scanning ninja skills to find the important details quickly. Some of the vocabulary was super tricky but I made my best guesses.After that was the writing section - my favorite part! One of the prompts asked me to write a story about my most exciting day ever. I wrote all about the time my family took a trip to the beach and I swam in the ocean for the first time. Between the waves, seagulls, sand castles, and ice cream, it was definitely an adventure to remember!The last part was speaking, which was kind of scary at first. I had to record myself answering questions and describing pictures. But I just pretended I was talking to my stuffed animals at home and it went smoothly. I spoke nice and clearly like Mrs. Roberts reminded me.When it was finally over, I felt like I had been on an amazing journey through the world of English. I used so many skills like listening, speaking, reading, writing, vocabulary, and more. Even though some parts were really hard, it was an awesome challenge.A few weeks later, I got my results back...and I passed! I unlocked all the highest levels of English like a video game pro. Mom and Dad were super proud and took me out for a celebratory dinner of chicken nuggets and ice cream sundaes. Yum!Mrs. Roberts said I worked really hard and my skills showed through on the exam. She told me to keep practicing and learning because English can take me on so many more exciting adventures. Who knows, maybe I'll write books, become a teacher, or even travel the world one day!If you ever have to take a big English exam, just think of it like a fun quest filled with listening for clues, reading maps, writing in your journey journal, and talking to new friends along the way. With a little practice, determination, and maybe a couple gummy bears for energy, you can make it through any language adventure!篇3The Big English Test for Older KidsHiya! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. I love English class and want to be an English teacher when I grow up. My big sister Mei just took a really important English test called the Henan Associate's Degree Entrance Examination for English Majors. It's a huge test that students have to pass to get into university programs for English language and literature. Mei studied really hard and I'm going to tell you all about the test she took!The test had four main sections - listening, reading, writing, and translation. Mei said the listening part was pretty tough. They played audio recordings of conversations and lectures, and she had to answer multiple choice questions about what she heard. Some of the conversations were between teachers and students talking about school stuff. Others were news reports about things happening in the world. The lectures covered all kinds of topics like science, history, and culture. Mei had to focus really hard to catch all the details and keywords.Next up was the reading section, which Mei told me was her favorite part. There were longer passages about different subjects like technology, environment, education and more. After reading each one, she answered questions testing if she understood the main ideas, speciic details, making inferences, and analyzing the author's perspective. Mei loves reading so she was well prepared for this part. She said some of the texts used really advanced vocabulary and complex sentence structures though, so she had to re-read carefully in some parts.The writing section allowed Mei to show off her English composition skills. One task was writing an essay responding to a quote or opinion on a contemporary social issue. Mei wrote about the importance of protecting the environment. Anothertask was writing a short story based on some picture prompts. Mei wrote an imaginative tale about a kid going on a magical adventure! The final writing task was analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of a sample student essay. Mei had to identify issues with coherence, development of ideas, word choice and more.Mei said the translation part was the section she worried about the most beforehand. It involved translating passages from English into Chinese, and vice versa. Some of the texts used really formal, academic language that made them super hard to translate accurately. Other texts were more casual conversational language, but had idioms, slang and cultural references that could trip you up if you didn't know them well. Mei had to make sure the meaning and tone carried over perfectly between the two languages.After the test was finally over, Mei felt both relieved and exhausted! All the sections required such different skills - listening carefully for details, reading for deep comprehension, writing clearly and creatively, and translating precisely between languages. I could tell Mei had worked her butt off preparing when she showed me some of the practice materials and test prep books she used to study. They were full of model conversations, sample essays, vocabulary lists, grammar notes,and practice tests. No wonder she was ready for anything that test threw at her!Mei is still waiting to get her score back, but she felt really good about how she did. She's hoping to get a high enough score to get into her dream university program. I'll keep my fingers crossed for her! Whichever university is lucky enough to get my amazing big sis is going to have one talented new English student.In the meantime, I'm going to start studying up for my own English tests. Mei has been helping me practice writing book reports, learning new vocabulary words, and reading out loud to improve my pronunciation. With her guidance, I'll be just as prepared as she was when it's my turn to take a big English exam in the future. Who knows, maybe I'll even do better than her! Just kidding...Mei is going to make an incredible English teacher one day. I've got a lot to learn from her example first!篇4The Big Grown-Up English TestHi friends! Today I want to tell you all about the super big English test that happened in Henan this year. It's called the 2023 Henan Academic Proficiency Test for English Majors. That's areally long name, isn't it? I'll just call it the Big Grown-Up English Test.My big sister Emily took this test because she wants to go to a better university next year. She had to study so much for it! She was reading big thick books about English grammar and literature for months. I don't know how she remembered all that stuff.The test had four sections - listening, reading, writing, and translation. In the listening part, you had to listen to recordings and answer questions about what you heard. For the reading, there were long passages to read and questions to answer about them. The writing section made you write an essay and do other writing tasks. And for translation, you had to translate sentences between English and Chinese. Phew, that's a lot!Emily said the listening part was pretty hard because the recordings went so fast. She had to concentrate really carefully. The reading passages were long and had fancy vocabulary that she didn't know sometimes. But she had practiced reading a lot, so it wasn't too bad.The writing section was one of the hardest for her. You had to write an essay in really good English about a topic like environmental protection or cultural differences. Emily struggledto organize all her ideas. She told me her hand cramped up from writing so much!But I think the translation part was probably the trickiest of all. You had to make sure you translated everything accurately between the two languages. Emily said you couldn't just do a word-for-word translation. You had to make it sound natural too. No wonder she found it difficult!Emily studied day and night to get ready. She read sample tests, did practice questions, and even met with a tutor. I got a little worried that she might turn into a zombie from not sleeping! But she stayed determined.Finally, the big day came for the real test. Emily got up super early and put on her lucky sweater. She double and triple checked that she had all her supplies like pencils, eraser, dictionary, and snacks. Then she headed off to the test site, which was at a big high school.When she came home after it was all over, Emily looked exhausted! The test was four hours long. Can you imagine sitting still and focusing that hard for four whole hours? I don't think I could do it. Even my legs would fall asleep!Emily said parts of the test were just as hard as she expected. But there were some sections she thought went pretty well too. She felt good about how she did overall and was relieved it was over. No more studying late at night!A few weeks later, the scores came out online. Emily passed! Her scores were high enough for her to get into the university program she wanted. We celebrated with her favorite chocolate cake. She definitely earned it after all that hard work!I got to look at the real test questions and sample answers after Emily was done. They were really tricky! There was so much complex English vocabulary and grammar that I didn't understand. I guess that's why it's called the Big Grown-Up English Test.I'm just an elementary kid, so I've got a long time before I'll have to take a crazy difficult test like that. But I really admired how dedicated and hardworking my sister was to prepare. If I ever have to take an important test like that someday, I'll remember Emily's example. A little studying every night, staying focused, and believing in myself is the way to go!Well, that's all about the 2023 Big Grown-Up English Test. It was awesome that my sister passed and get to go to her dream school to study more English. Who knows, maybe I'll need totake a huge test like that myself one day when I'm grown up too. But I'll cross that bridge when I get there. For now, I'm just glad the nightmare is over for Emily!篇5My Big Sister's Important English TestHi! My name is Lucy and I'm 8 years old. My big sister Amy is 22 and she just took a really important English test called the Henan Associate's Degree Upgrade Exam. It's a super hard test that lets people with an associate's degree get a bachelor's degree if they pass. Amy has been studying so hard for months!Amy says English is one of the biggest parts of the test. She had to read long passages and answer questions about them. She also had to write essays and do other writing tasks. There was a listening section too where she had to listen to recordings and answer questions. Speaking was part of it as well - she had to have a conversation with the examiner in English!I watched Amy practice her English skills a lot while she prepared. For the reading, she would read these long boring passages out loud and then I would ask her questions to see if she understood. Sometimes the passages were about science or history, and sometimes they were stories or newspaper articles. Ididn't understand most of it but Amy could explain the main ideas really well.For the writing tasks, Amy would write practice essays and short responses. Then she would read them out loud and I would try to find any mistakes in her grammar or vocabulary. I'm pretty good at finding errors since English isn't Amy's first language. She would fix the mistakes I caught. Her essays had to be super clear and well-organized.The listening was kind of fun - Amy would play these recordings of conversations or lectures, and then I would ask her questions like "What did the man say about...?" I liked making the questions extra tricky to see if she was really paying attention! Amy said the listening was quite difficult because the accents were sometimes hard to understand.I didn't get to help much with the speaking practice since that was just Amy talking to her tutor. But I could hear them having conversations about different topics from the other room. Amy had to be able to speak clearly and give good explanations. Her tutor made sure she sounded natural and fluent.After weeks of studying morning, noon and night, the big test day finally came! Amy was feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. She woke up super early and made sure to eat agood breakfast. Then my parents and I walked her to the testing center and wished her good luck. The test took basically the whole day from morning until evening.When Amy came out, she looked exhausted but also relieved that it was over. She said the reading passages were pretty hard but she felt okay about the questions. The essay topics weren't her favorite ones but she managed to write clearly and organize her ideas. Listening was tough because of the accents like she expected. And speaking went alright - she was a bit nervous but did her best to communicate effectively.Now it's just a waiting game until the results come out in a couple months! We're all keeping our fingers crossed that Amy passed and can finally get her bachelor's degree. She has worked so unbelievably hard.No matter what happens though, I'm really proud of my big sister. Studying for and taking a huge test like this in a second language is an amazing achievement already. Amy is brilliant, dedicated and never gave up despite how challenging it was. She's my role model!I can't wait until I'm older and get to learn English properly at school. For now, I'll keep practicing by reading little books, watching movies and shows, and listening to music in English.Who knows, maybe I'll take the same test as Amy one day and we can both have bachelor's degrees!Anyway, that's the scoop on Amy's big important English test. Let me know if you have any other questions! I may be just a kid but I'm already an expert on the Henan Associate's Degree Upgrade Exam thanks to my lovely sis.篇6The 2023 Henan Professional English TestHi there! My name is Lily and I'm a 10-year-old student here in Henan Province, China. Today I wanted to tell you all about the big English test that a lot of the older students took this year called the 2023 Henan Professional English Test for Upgrading from Junior College to Undergraduate. It's a super important test that lets students who have finished junior college try to get into a 4-year university program. My older sister Mei took it and she's been telling me all about it!First off, the test was really, really long. Mei said it lasted over 3 hours! She had to get to the testing center super early in the morning before the sun even came up. The test had listening, reading, writing, and translation sections. For the listening part, they played recordings of people talking in English and you hadto answer multiple choice questions about what they said. My sister said some of the accents were hard to understand.The reading section had a bunch of different passages to read, like news articles, stories, and essays. After each passage, there were questions to see if you understood the main ideas, details, vocabulary words, and other important things. Mei thought some of the passages were pretty confusing and complex. She had to read them over a few times to really get it.Then there was the writing section where you had to write a short essay responding to a prompt or question they gave you. Mei's prompt asked her opinion on whether elementary school students should have to learn computer programming. She wrote about how it could be good to learn those skills early, but that regular reading, writing, and math should still be the main focus for young kids. Putting your thoughts into a clear essay in English is pretty tough!Finally, there was a translation part where you had to translate sentences and short paragraphs between English and Chinese in both directions. Mei said translating from English to her native Chinese was easier than the other way around. You really had to understand the grammar and vocabulary precisely in both languages.After the test was finally over, Mei said she was exhausted! Her hand was cramped up from writing for so long and her brain felt like mush. But she was really proud of herself for trying her best on such a challenging test. She had been preparing and studying English grammar, vocabulary, and practice tests for months leading up to the big day.A few weeks later, Mei got her score report in the mail. The test was graded on a scale of 100 to 700, with 500 being a passing score. Mei got a 572, which is really impressive! She was jumping for joy because it means she qualifies to apply to some 4-year university programs now and potentially upgrade from her junior college. Certain schools and majors require higher scores, but at least this opens up more options for Mei.I was so happy and proud of my big sister. All her hard work paid off! I gave her a big hug and she took me out for ice cream to celebrate. Seeing how challenging but important this test was has motivated me to keep working hard on my English skills too. Who knows, maybe I'll be taking the Professional English Test myself in a few years when I'm older!That's my full report on the 2023 Henan Professional English Test experience. It covered so many English skills like listening, reading, writing, translation, vocabulary, and grammar. Nowonder it was such a grueling exam! I have a new appreciation for just how difficult learning English can be, but how valued those skills are for academics and career opportunities here in China. My advice: start studying English early and don't give up! Let me know if you have any other questions!。

2024年河南专升本英语考试真题及答案全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇12024 Henan English Exam for Upgrading to University - The Real Test and Answers!Hi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm a 5th grader. I have an older sister named Xiaoli who is upgrading from junior college to a university this year. She had to take a really hard English exam as part of the process. I'm going to tell you all about the exam questions and give you the answers too! I sneakily took pictures of Xiaoli's exam paper when she wasn't looking. Hee hee!Part 1: Reading ComprehensionThe first section had three reading passages and lots of questions about them. The passages were kind of boring in my opinion. One was about the history of the printing press, another was on environmental protection, and the third one discussed modern art movements. Hey, at least they didn't make my sister read anything too childish!For the printing press passage, they asked stuff like:What was Gutenberg's full name? (Answer: Johannes Gutenberg)In what year did he start experimenting with printing? (Answer:篇2The 2024 Henan English Test Was Crazy!Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 11 years old. I just took the biggest test of my life - the 2024 Henan English Proficiency Test to try to get into a really good university later on. It was insane! But I'll tell you all about it.First, we had to get to the testing center super early in the morning. My mom woke me up at 6am! On a Saturday! I was like "Moooommmm, let me sleep!" But she said this test was too important and we couldn't be late. So I sluggishly got dressed and ate a quick breakfast.When we got to the testing place, there were sooooo many students there. Hundreds! All looking nervous and clutching pencils and dictionaries. We had to get in line to enter the rooms. An angry older lady kept yelling "No talking! No talking!" Whichwas silly because nobody was talking anyway since we were all terrified.Finally, they let us into the rooms and we had to sit at tiny desks and get our test booklets and answer sheets. I thought I was going to throw up I was so scared! The supervising teachers walked around looking super strict. One of them glared at me when I dropped my pencil on the floor. Eek!Okay, so let me tell you about some of the questions on the test. There was a listening section first. We had to listen to recordings of conversations or lectures and answer multiple choice questions. Like this one:"Woman: I'm really worried about the project deadline coming up this week. We still have so much work to do.Man: I know, but we've been making good progress. If we put in some extra hours tonight and tomorrow, I think we can get it all done in time."Question: What is the man's opinion about meeting the project deadline?A) He thinks they will be able to meet it if they work extra hours.B) He thinks they definitely won't be able to meet it.C) He thinks they should ask for an extension.D) He thinks they should get additional help.The answer was A - he thinks they'll make it by working late. That one wasn't too bad. But some of the other listening conversations were really fast with difficult vocabulary. I had to concentrate so hard!Next up was the reading section. We had to read passages about all kinds of topics - science, history, culture, you name it. Then we had to answer comprehension questions based on the passages. Here's an example from a passage about the environment:"Plastic waste has become a global crisis. Each year, millions of tons of plastic end up polluting the oceans, harming marine life and ecosystems. Recycling plastic is one solution, but reducing consumption of single-use plastics is also crucial. Individuals can make a difference by carrying reusable shopping bags, water bottles, and food containers. Governments should also ban certain non-recyclable plastics and invest in innovative technologies to manage plastic waste more effectively."Question: Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way to reduce plastic waste?A) RecyclingB) Banning some plasticsC) Using reusable productsD) Developing new plastic alternativesThe answer is D - the passage doesn't mention developing new types of plastics as a solution. It was all about reducing existing plastic usage and waste. Tricky little question!After the reading section, we moved onto language knowledge - grammar, vocabulary, that kind of stuff. We had to identify errors in sentences, choose synonyms and antonyms, complete sentences with the correct words, etc. This was the section I studied hardest for because grammar rules and vocabulary words are something you can really prepare for through practice.Finally (finally!!) we got to the writing section at the very end. We had to write an essay responding to a prompt about whether 学校应该开设编程课程"schools should offer computer programming courses". I wrote all about how coding is basically the language of the future and learning it develops important logic and problem-solving skills. I tried to include lots of specificexamples and really stretch my English abilities. Hopefully I did a good job!Phew, that's my play-by-play of this crazy important English test! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I did well enough to get a high score. My dream is to attend a top university one day and this test was a crucial step. No matter what happens, I'm just really proud of myself for pushing through and giving it my absolute best shot.Well, that's all for this epic English test tale! Let me know if you have any other questions. Study hard, dream big, and maybe I'll see you at a great university soon! Byeeeee!篇3The Big English Test for Grown-UpsHi there! My name is Xiaomei and I'm 10 years old. My older brother Daming just took a really important English test called the Henan English Proficiency Test for academic credit. It lets students from junior colleges get credits to start at a university instead! Daming has been studying SO HARD to get ready. I helped quiz him on vocabulary words using my cute animal flashcards. He taught me some of the test details too, so I can tell you all about it!First, the test had four sections - listening, reading, writing, and translation. Daming said the listening part was pretty hard. You had to listen to recordings and answer multiple choice questions. There were conversations between people as well as lectures and news broadcasts. You really had to pay close attention!One listening conversation was between two friends making plans:"Do you want to grab dinner tonight after class?""Sure, that Italian place downtown sounds good.""Actually, I was thinking we could try that new Mexican restaurant instead.""Hmm, ok. What time works for you?""How about 7 o'clock?""Sounds great, see you then!"Then there were questions like "What type of restaurant did the speakers decide to go to?" The answer was Mexican restaurant.For the lectures, you had to listen and take notes on the main points and important details. Daming said one was aboutthe history of the Olympics. At the end, you had to answer questions proving you understood what you heard.Next up was the reading section, which Daming said wasn't too bad. There were passages about different topics that you had to read and answer multiple choice questions on. Some of the passages were just for getting the main ideas, while others asked more detailed comprehension questions.One passage Daming remembered was about the benefits of learning a second language as a child. It talked about how kids' brains are like sponges that can absorb languages easily. It also mentioned ways bilingual children perform better academically later on. The questions asked things like "According to the passage, at what age is it ideal to start learning another language?" Daming thought the right answer was as early as possible, even before age 3.After reading came the writing section, which Daming was a little nervous about. You had to write a short essay of around 300 words on an assigned topic. One topic option was "If you could go back in time, what period of history would you visit and why?" You had to state your choice, give reasons, and provide descriptive details to support your explanations.Finally, there was a translation portion where you had to translate sentences back and forth between English and Chinese. Daming showed me one of his practice sentences:英文:After years of hard work, she finally achieved her lifelong dream of becoming a doctor.中文:在多年的努力奋斗之后,她终于实现了自己终身的梦想,成为一名医生。

2024年河南英语专升本考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: 2024 Henan Province English Special Examination for Adult UndergraduateIntroduction:The Henan Province English special examination for adult undergraduate in 2024 is a crucial test for individuals seeking to further their education in English-related fields. The exam covers various aspects of the English language, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Candidates are expected to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to gain admission to their desired undergraduate program. Below are the sample questions from the 2024 Henan Province English special examination for adult undergraduate.Listening Section:1. Listen to the following conversation and choose the correct answer:What does the man want to order?A. CoffeeB. TeaC. SodaD. Water2. Listen to the following passage and answer the question:What is the main topic of the passage?A. History of ChinaB. Importance of learning EnglishC. Benefits of travelingD. New language learning techniquesReading Section:3. Read the following passage and answer the question:According to the passage, what can be a possible consequence of climate change?A. Increase in global temperaturesB. Decrease in wildlife populationC. Rise in sea levelsD. All of the above4. Read the following sentence and choose the correct word to fill in the blank:She is ________ intelligent student I have ever met.A. moreB. mostC. veryD. manyWriting Section:5. Write an essay discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city.Speaking Section:6. Describe a memorable vacation you have taken. What did you do and why was it memorable?7. Explain why learning English is important in today's world.Conclusion:The 2024 Henan Province English special examination for adult undergraduate is a test of English proficiency that requirescandidates to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in the language. By preparing thoroughly and practicing regularly, candidates can increase their chances of success in the examination and gain admission to their desired undergraduate program. Good luck to all the candidates!篇22024 Henan English majors upgrading exam questionsSection I Reading ComprehensionDirections: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements. Read the passages carefully and then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.Passage 1The Importance of EducationEducation is crucial for personal growth and development. It equips individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in life and contribute effectively to society. Education opens doors to various opportunities and helps individuals realize their full potential. It is the key to unlocking one's future and achieving success.1. According to the passage, why is education important?Passage 2The Benefits of ReadingReading is not only an enjoyable pastime but also a valuable activity that offers numerous benefits. It enhances vocabulary and language skills, improves concentration and focus, and stimulates creativity and imagination. Reading broadens one's perspective and knowledge, providing valuable insights into different cultures, ideas, and experiences.2. What benefits does reading offer, according to the passage?Passage 3The Impact of TechnologyTechnology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate. It has transformed the way we access information, connect with others, and conduct various tasks. While technology brings convenience and efficiency, it also poses challenges such as privacy concerns, cyber threats, and digital divide. It is essential to harness the power of technology responsibly and ethically.3. What are the positive and negative impacts of technology, as mentioned in the passage?Passage 4The Importance of Environmental ConservationEnvironmental conservation is crucial for preserving the planet's natural resources and protecting the environment. It involves sustainable practices such as recycling, reducing waste, and conserving energy. By promoting environmental awareness and implementing eco-friendly initiatives, individuals can contribute to a greener and healthier planet for future generations.4. Why is environmental conservation important, according to the passage?Section II Vocabulary and GrammarDirections: In this section, there are sentences with blanks. Choose the best option to fill in each blank.1. She is _____ studying for her upcoming exams.A. hardlyB. scarcelyC. secretlyD. rarely2. The new restaurant in town _____ a variety of delicious dishes.A. providesB. offersC. givesD. presents3. The students _____ the teacher's instructions carefully before starting the experiment.A. have listenedB. listen toC. have been listeningD. listened4. He _____ the piano since he was a child.A. learnedB. has learnedC. learnsD. has been learningSection III WritingDirections: In this section, write an essay on the following topic using at least 150 words.Topic: The Impact of Social Media on SocietySocial media has become an integral part of modern society, influencing how people communicate, interact, and share information. While social media offers numerous benefits such as connectivity, networking, and information dissemination, it also raises concerns about privacy, cyberbullying, and misinformation. The widespread use of social media has reshaped social norms, behaviors, and relationships, leading to both positive and negative impacts on individuals and society as a whole. It is essential to understand the influence of social media and its implications to navigate its use responsibly and ethically.---This is just a sample document of what the English majors upgrading exam questions in Henan in 2024 might look like. It includes reading comprehension passages, vocabulary and grammar questions, and a writing section.篇32024 Henan English Specialized Undergraduate Entrance Examination (English Subject)Part I. Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section A. Reading comprehension passages (20 points)Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions that follow.Passage 1New Research Shows Benefits of BilingualismA recent study conducted by researchers at Stanford University has shown that bilingualism has cognitive benefits for individuals, including improved executive functions and a better ability to multitask. The study involved over 500 participants ranging in age from 5 to 88 years old, and the results indicated that bilingual individuals consistently outperformed monolingual individuals on tasks related to cognitive control and attention.Question 1: What is the main finding of the study conducted by researchers at Stanford University?Question 2: What are the cognitive benefits of bilingualism according to the study?Passage 2Climate Change and Its Impact on WildlifeClimate change is having a profound impact on wildlife around the world, as rising temperatures and changing weather patterns disrupt natural ecosystems and threaten the survival of many species. In recent years, scientists have observed shifts in the migration patterns of birds, the melting of polar ice caps, and the extinction of certain plant and animal species due to climate change.Question 3: How is climate change affecting wildlife according to the passage?Question 4: What are some examples of the impact of climate change on wildlife mentioned in the passage?Section B. Reading comprehension questions (20 points)Read the passages below and answer the questions that follow.Passage 3The Importance of Education in the 21st CenturyIn today's rapidly changing global economy, education plays a crucial role in preparing individuals for the challenges of the21st century. With the rise of new technologies and the increasing demand for skilled workers in fields such as engineering and computer science, a quality education has become more important than ever before. By investing in education, countries can build a highly skilled workforce and drive economic growth and innovation.Question 5: What role does education play in the 21st century according to the passage?Question 6: How can investing in education benefit countries?Passage 4The Rise of Social Media in Modern SocietyIn recent years, social media has become a powerful force in shaping public opinion, influencing consumer behavior, and connecting people around the world. Platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have transformed the way we communicate, share information, and engage with one another. While social media has many benefits, including increased access to information and opportunities for self-expression, it also raises concerns about privacy, cyberbullying, and the spread of misinformation.Question 7: What impact has social media had on modern society according to the passage?Question 8: What are some of the benefits and drawbacks of social media mentioned in the passage?Part II. Writing (60 points)Section A. Short answer questions (20 points)Answer the following questions in complete sentences.Question 1. What steps can individuals take to reduce their carbon footprint and combat climate change?Question 2. How has technology changed the way we communicate in the 21st century?Question 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online learning compared to traditional classroom education?Section B. Essay questions (40 points)Answer ONE of the following essay questions in 300-500 words.Essay Question 1:Discuss the impact of globalization on cultural diversity. How has increased global interconnectedness affected the preservation of traditional customs and values?Essay Question 2:Explain the importance of environmental conservation in the 21st century. Why is it crucial for individuals and governments to take action to protect the planet's natural resources and biodiversity?Overall, the 2024 Henan English Specialized Undergraduate Entrance Examination is designed to assess students' ability to read and understand complex English texts, analyze information, and express their thoughts in writing. Students are encouraged to practice reading and writing skills in preparation for the exam.。

河南省2024专升本英语考试真题及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Henan Province 2024 Specialized Undergraduate English Exam Question and AnswerPart I Multiple Choice Questions (40 points)Directions: In this part, there are 40 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.1. Many people find it difficult to _______ in front of a large audience.A. speakB. to speakC. speakingD. spoke2. The success of the project _______ a lot of teamwork.A. needB. requiresC. requiringD. needs3. _______ to wear a seatbelt in the car, it’s the law.A. It’s i mportantB. ImportantC. There’s importantD. Important it is4. I’d rather _______ home tonight instead of going out.A. to stayB. stayingC. stayD. stayed5. We had a really _______ time at the beach last weekend.A. enjoyableB. enjoyC. enjoyedD. enjoying6. I wish I _______ more languages, it would make traveling so much easier.A. can speakB. could speakC. will speakD. speak7. What _______ if you were offered a job in another country?A. would you doB. would you doingC. will you doD. did you do8. It’s important to reduce _______ consumption ofsingle-use plastics.A. oursB. usC. ourD. we9. By the time we got to the cinema, the film _______ for twenty minutes.A. has already startedB. already startedC. had already startedD. have already started10. I wish I _______ able to attend the conference next week, but I have a prior commitment.A. amB. have beenC. will beD. could be11. _______ is raining, we won’t be able to have the picnic tomorrow.A. BecauseB. If itC. Now thatD. In case12. She asked him _______ he would be attending the meeting the following day.A. thatB. wasC. ifD. about13. I’m not sure _______ to take the job offer or not.A. thatB. ifC. ofD. about14. By the time you reach the age of sixty, you _______ a lot about life.A. would have learnedB. learnedC. will learnD. have learned15. The prices of houses in this area _______ significantly in the last few years.A. increasedB. have increasedC. increasesD. increasing16. If you study hard, you _______ pass the exam.A. mayB. mightC. couldD. will17. There are many benefits _______ from regular exercise.A. comesB. comeC. comingD. to come18. She has been studying English _______ she was five years old.A. sinceB. forC. fromD. in19. I’d like _______ coffee, please.A. a cupB. cup ofC. a of cupD. of cup a20. If you _______ any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.A. will haveB. haveC. are havingD. are going to havePart II Cloze Questions (20 points)Directions: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the passage.Hundreds of studies have suggested that mobile phones carry bacteria and viruses and that they can _______(21) a risk of spreading them. Despite these warnings, many people don’t_______(22) to clean their phones. Research _______(23) that we touch our phones around 2,600 times _______ day. This constant contact with our hands makes our phones _______(24) to bacterial and viral contamination. The problem is made even worse when we _______(25) our phones with us into the bathroom. Research has shown that flushing the toilet while the lid is open can_______(26) bacteria as far as six feet. So every time we flush the toilet, we could be _______(27) our phones with germs. The best way to prevent this is to keep your phone out of the bathroom and clean it regularly with disinfectant wipes.Despite the potential _______(28) of mobile phones, there are also some benefits. Mobile phones _______(29) us to stay connected with friends and family, especially when we are far apart. They are also a _______(30) source of information and entertainment. Many people use their phones to surf the internet, watch videos, and play games. The convenience of having_______(31) access to such a wide range of activities is what makes mobile phones an indispensable tool for modern life.21. A. putC. placeD. post22. A. botherB. encounterC. careD. handle23. A. signalsB. showsC. benefitsD. indicates24. A. exposedB. proneC. awareD. receptive25. A. bringB. takeD. hold26. A. moveB. spreadC. shiftD. stretch27. A. turningB. touchingC. passingD. catching28. A. hazardsB. advantagesC. benefitsD. profits29. A. enableB. bringC. makeD. force30. A. abundantB. plentifulC. richD. generous31. A. suddenB. instantC. immediateD. quickPart III Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence or answers the question.Passage 1Over the past decade, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people suffering from mental health issues. While many factors contribute to this rise, one of the key reasons is thegrowing prevalence of social media in our lives. Studies have shown that spending too much time on social media can have a negative impact on mental well-being. People often compare their lives to the carefully curated posts of others, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. In addition, the constant exposure to negative news and images on social media platforms can also contribute to anxiety and depression. It is important for individuals to be mindful of their social media usage and to take breaks when needed.32. What is one of the key reasons for the increase in mental health issues?A. Lack of access to mental health resourcesB. Growing prevalence of social mediaC. Economic instabilityD. Political unrest33. How can spending too much time on social media negatively impact mental well-being?A. By promoting positive self-esteemB. By fostering feelings of camaraderieC. By leading to feelings of inadequacyD. By reducing stress levels34. What can individuals do to protect their mentalwell-being in relation to social media?A. Increase their time spent on social mediaB. Compare themselves to others more frequentlyC. Be mindful of their social media usage and take breaksD. Avoid seeking professional help35. The passage suggests that excessive use of social media can lead to which of the following?A. Decreased anxiety levelsB. Increase in self-esteemC. Feelings of inadequate and low self-esteemD. Improved mental well-beingPassage 2Climate change is a pressing issue that requires immediate action by individuals, governments, and corporations. The Earth's climate is rapidly changing due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, leading to a rise inglobal temperatures and extreme weather events. To mitigate the impacts of climate change, it is crucial for everyone to reduce their carbon footprint and adopt sustainable practices. This includes using renewable energy sources, reducing waste, and supporting policies that promote environmental conservation.36. What activities contribute to climate change?A. Using renewable energy sourcesB. Deforestation and burning fossil fuelsC. Supporting environmental conservationD. Reducing waste37. What are the effects of climate change on the Earth's climate?A. Decrease in global temperaturesB. Rise in greenhouse gasesC. Increase in extreme weather eventsD. Adoption of sustainable practices38. How can individuals help mitigate the impacts of climate change?A. Increase their carbon footprintB. Reduce waste and support policies that promote environmental conservationC. Burn more fossil fuelsD. Ignore the issue of climate change39. What is the main message of the passage?A. Climate change is a natural phenomenonB. The Earth's climate is not changingC. Immediate action is needed to address climate changeD. Climate change is not a pressing issuePart IV Writing (25 points)Directions: Write an essay on the given topic in about200-300 words.Topic: The advantages and disadvantages of online learningIn recent years, online learning has become increasingly popular as a way to access education. Some people view online learning as a convenient and flexible way to acquire new skills and knowledge. Others, however, argue that there are disadvantages to this form of education. Discuss the advantagesand disadvantages of online learning, giving examples to support your argument.---Answers:Part I Multiple Choice Questions1. A. speak2. B. requires3. A. It’s important4. C. stay5. A. enjoyable6. B. could speak7. A. would you do8. C. our9. C. had already started10. D. could be11. B. If it12. C. if13. B. if14. A. would have learned15. B. have increased16. D. will17. B. come18. A. since19. A. a cup20. B. havePart II Cloze Questions21. B. pose22. C. care23. B. shows24. B. prone25. B. take26. B. spread27. B. touching28. A. hazards29. A. enable30. C. rich31. B. instantPart III Reading Comprehension32. B. Growing prevalence of social media33. C. By leading to feelings of inadequacy34. C. Be mindful of their social media usage and take breaks35. C. Feelings of inadequate and low self-esteem36. B. Deforestation and burning fossil fuels37. C. Increase in extreme weather events38. B. Reduce waste and support policies that promote environmental conservation39. C. Immediate action is needed to address climate changePart IV Writing(Example Essay)Online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its convenience and flexibility. One of the main advantages of online learning is that it allows individuals toaccess education from anywhere at any time. This flexibility is especially beneficial for working professionals or individuals with busy schedules. Additionally, online learning provides a wide range of courses and programs to choose from, allowing individuals to tailor their learning experience to their specific needs and interests.However, online learning also has its disadvantages. One of the main drawbacks is the lack of face-to-face interaction with instructors and peers. This can make it difficult for some individuals to stay motivated and engaged in the learning process. Additionally, online learning requires a high level of self-discipline and time management skills, as students must set their own schedules and deadlines.In conclusion, online learning has both advantages and disadvantages. While it offers convenience and flexibility, it also requires self-discipline and can lack the personal interaction found in traditional classroom settings. Ultimately, the effectiveness of online learning depends on the individual's learning style and ability to adapt to this mode of education.篇2Henan Province 2024 Adult College Entrance Examination English Test Questions and AnswersPart I Listening Comprehension (30 points)Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Questions 1-21. A. Go shopping. B. Do some exercise. C. Go for a walk. D. Watch a movie.2. A. It's delicious. B. It's spicy. C. It's healthy. D. It's sweet.Questions 3-53. A. Change the date. B. Call the travel agent. C. Book a hotel.D. Cancel the trip.4. A. At her friend's house. B. At a restaurant. C. At the hospital. D. At the library.5. A. 1:30. B. 2:00. C. 2:30. D. 3:00.Questions 6-86. A. He's going to take a nap. B. He's going to work on his assignment. C. He's going to meet a friend. D. He's going to the cinema.7. A. Wait for the result. B. Give up. C. Change her study method. D. Seek help from others.8. A. In a shop. B. In a hotel. C. In a library. D. In an office.Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C, and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 9-119. A. A dessert. B. A drink. C. A fruit. D. A vegetable.10. A. He doesn't like pizza. B. He can't afford it. C. He thinks it's unhealthy. D. He'd rather eat something else.11. A. A healthy diet. B. Plenty of exercise. C. A good night's sleep. D. A positive attitude towards life.Passage TwoQuestions 12-1412. A. At a hotel. B. In a cafe. C. At the cinema. D. In a park.13. A. It was too crowded. B. The prices were too high. C. The service was terrible. D. The food wasn't good.14. A. The atmosphere. B. The service. C. The prices. D. The menu.Passage ThreeQuestions 15-1715. A. They went to a museum. B. They took a walk in the park. C. They visited some relatives. D. They went to a theme park.16. A. A bag. B. A camera. C. A book. D. A watch.17. A. She forgot to wear it. B. She left it in the car. C. She lost it in the museum. D. She lent it to her friend.Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section ADirections: In this section, there are 4 passages followed by questions or incomplete statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the statement or answers the question. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 18-2018. What did the boy want to be when he was a child?A. An astronaut.B. A scientist.C. A teacher.D. A doctor.19. What does the boy think kids should do?A. Play video games all day.B. Study hard and have fun.C. Watch TV and relax.D. Sleep and eat junk food.20. What can we learn from the passage?A. The boy didn't like going to school.B. The boy changed his mind about studying.C. The boy is still interested in science.D. The boy has become a successful scientist.Passage TwoQuestions 21-2421. According to the passage, what did humans use to communicate with each other originally?A. Vocal sounds.B. Hand gestures.C. Written language.D. Modern technology.22. How has technology affected human communication?A. It has made it simpler and more efficient.B. It has made it more complicated and less personal.C. It has made it easier to understand each other.D. It has made it more difficult to express feelings.23. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Technology is necessary for communication.B. Communication has evolved over time.C. Humans need to improve their communication skills.D. Human communication is becoming more difficult.24. The word "conventional" in the passage is closest in meaning to __________.A. traditionalB. modernC. efficientD. ineffectivePassage ThreeQuestions 25-2725. What is the passage mainly about?A. The benefits of smiling.B. The different types of smiles.C. The science behind smiles.D. The importance of eye contact.26. According to the passage, which type of smile can be fake or insincere?A. The polite smile.B. The fake smile.C. The embarrassed smile.D. The genuine smile.27. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a reason for smiling?A. To show happiness.B. To make friends.C. To hide sadness.D. To relieve stress.Passage FourQuestions 28-3028. What does the writer believe about education?A. It should be free for everyone.B. It's the key to success.C. It's not necessary for success.D. It's a waste of time and money.29. According to the writer, what does success depend on?A. Luck and connections.B. Hard work and dedication.C. Money and power.D. Intelligence and talent.30. The writer suggests that education __________.A. is important but not essentialB. is essential for some peopleC. is overratedD. is the only way to succeedPart III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.31. Lucy is __________ in gardening and spends a lot of time looking after her plants.A. interestingB. interestedC. interestD. interestingly32. We rely heavily on __________ in our daily lives to communicate with others.A. technologyB. technologicalC. technologiesD. technologically33. The weather was so bad that we had to __________ our picnic and go home.A. call offB. call inC. call upD. call on34. The teacher asked the students __________ talking and pay attention to the lesson.A. stopB. to stopC. stoppingD. stopped35. __________ of the exam, I studied for months to make sureI passed.A. FacingB. FacedC. FaceD. To face36. The new movie was __________ by critics and received negative reviews.A. pannedB. praisedC. criticizedD. applauded37. Tom is __________ for the job because of his lack of experience.A. unqualifiedB. qualifiedC. underqualifiedD. overqualified38. I __________ missed the bus this morning, otherwise I would have been on time for work.A. nearlyB. almostC. hardlyD. rarely39. It's __________ to see how much progress you've made since you started learning English.A. amazingB. interestedC. surpriseD. pleasure40. My parents __________ me to go to university and get a good education.A. persuadeB. convincingC. convincedD. persuadedSection BDirections: In this section, numerous sentences will be given, each with a word or phrase underlined. For each underlined part, four choices will be provided. Choose the one that is not underlined to replace the underlined part. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.41. They have lived in the same house since they were children.A. hadB. haveC. wasD. tener42. Electric cars are becoming more popular as people become more aware of the impact of fossil fuels.A. asB. ifC. whenD. because43. She is such a talented artist that her paintings are admired by many people.A. thatB. thenC. whoD. those44. The company's profits have doubled since the new CEO took charge.A. roseB. increasedC. succeededD. expanded45. I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.A. thatB. whenC. untilD. beforePart IV Reading Comprehension (10 points)Directions: Read the following passage. Answer the questions below it. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.The Great Wall is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, generally built along an east-to-west line across the historical northern borders of China. The Great Wall, which was initially built in the 7th century BC and later fortified in the 16th century, stretches over 13,000 miles and is considered one of the greatest wonders of the world.Questions46. When was the Great Wall initially built?A. 7th century BCB. 16th centuryC. 7th century ADD. 16th century AD47. How long is the Great Wall?A. 100 milesB. 13,000 milesC. 1,000 milesD. 10,000 miles48. What material was NOT used in the construction of the Great Wall?A. StoneB. BrickC. Tamped earthD. Gold49. How is the Great Wall generally built?A. North-to-southB. East-to-westC. West-to-eastD. South-to-north50. Why is the Great Wall considered one of the greatest wonders of the world?A. Because of its lengthB. Because of its ageC. Because of its historical significanceD. Because of its fortificationsAnswers:1. C 6. B 11. D 16. D 21. A 26. A 31. B 36. A 41. B 46. A2. D 7. C 12. B 17. B 22. B 27. C 32. A 37. A 42. D 47. B3. B 8. C 13. D 18. D 23. B 28. B 33. A 38. B 43. A 48. D4. B 9. C 14. A 19. B 24. A 29. B34. B 39. A 44. B 49. B 5. C 10. A 15. D 20. A 25. C 30. B 35. B 40. D 45. A 50. CGood luck with your exam!篇3Henan Province 2024 Adult Higher Education English Exam Questions and AnswersPart I. Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.1. It is possible to change the shape of a piece of paper_______ it by cutting it.A. withB. byC. afterD. to2. This morning, John saw Anne _______ flowers in the garden.A. plantingB. plantedC. to plantD. plant3. I am afraid Janet won't be back until it _______ dark.A. has turnedB. turnsC. will turnD. would turn4. _______ your full attention, you will certainly fail in the driving test.A. WithoutB. UnlessC. ExceptD. With5. The storm forced the plane to make a(n) _______ landing quickly.A. convenientB. immediateC. acousticD. serious6. Modern TV sets can be much more than _______.A. watchB. watchingC. watchedD. watched by7. In this country there is a fairly great _______ between city people and farmers.A. distinctionB. additionC. connectionD. expectation8. We stayed at a small hotel where we _______ by very friendly people.A. were looked afterB. were looked intoC. were looking atD. were looking through9. The twins are _______ alike that I can't tell one from the other.A. asB. soC. tooD. very10. The old castle with a tall tower is believed _______ in the centuries.A. to be builtB. to have been builtC. to buildD. to have built11. The young actor is most likely to accept the role, ________ it well.A. to playB. playingC. playsD. played12. The leaves _______ shelter from the rain.A. providedB. were providingC. are being providedD. would provide13. Representative from many nationals _______ at the international conference which _______ in Shanghai next Monday.A. will be presented; is going to holdB. will attend; will be heldC. have attended; is going to be heldD. have presented; will hold14. _______ a rainy day, we will have the picnic next Sunday.A. Should there beB. Should it beC. There should beD. It should be15. Let me search the web for the latest information, so that we _______ more well-prepared for tomorrow's meeting.A. areB. could beC. wereD. have been16. Only when power is _______ can we understand how to use it properly.A. acquiredB. accentuatedC. accumulatedD. accused17. Please make sure you _______ all the data before the board meeting.A. to have preparedB. prepareC. preparedD. have prepared18. I _______ to leave home without the permission of my parents.A. was always encouragedB. had always been encouragedC. always encourageD. have always been encouraged19. The teacher told us to _______ excuse, for we were late again.A. not to makeB. don't makeC. not makeD. make not20. The group of volunteers are busy helping the farmers, who were _______ by the flood.A. influencedB. sufferedC. affectedD. damaged21. The endangered pandas are now under around-the-clock protection, _______ their amount gradually _______.A. that; increasingB. which; increasingC. that; increasesD. which; increases22. Before the examination, the teacher asked the students to make _______ they had all the equipment they would need.A. certainB. sureC. certainlyD. surely23. The factory has been adopting a series of measures to _______ pollution.A. limitB. minimizeC. reduceD. diminish24. The project is in urgent need of extra funds, and we believe we have the right to _______ to the government for help.A. applyB. requestC. claimD. appeal25. Except for the underlined part, everything else in the book is _______.A. correctB. accurateC. trueD. right26. The 2018 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang, Korea, _______ by China's success in the sports of short track speed skating.A. was impressedB. was impressiveC. were impressedD. was impressive27. We sincerely appreciate all the donations that have been _______ to help the disaster-stricken areas after the earthquake.A. come upB. taken upC. shown upD. handed in28. The military exercise was planned to be carried out in a remote area, _______ no people lived.A. thereB. whichC. whereD. in which29. The committee will publish a _______ list of those who have been selected for the scholarship.A. detailedB. briefC. attractedD. enriched30. Student union X has organized a debate on the pros and cons of genetically modified crops, and all students are welcome to participate _______ their interest.A. no matterB. whateverC. wheneverD. whicheverPart II. Reading ComprehensionDirections: There are 15 incomplete statements in this part. For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the statement. Then markthe corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneAre you sure you've made the rain? No, sir. It _______ before I came here.A. has begunB. beganC. had begunD. beginsThe student has been lying all the time, so we've decided to _______ him.A. stopB. letC. sendD. cureHe promised us he _______ here at 3:00. Why hasn't he come yet?A. would arriveB. had arrivedC. has been arrivingD. will arriveE-mail is often used instead of letters now, but I'm sure the romantic tradition _______ on.A. is builtB. was builtC. has builtD. will be builtDialogueThe man says his work in a zoo is to look after the animals and plants there. He says he _______ love his work very much.。

河南英语2024专升本考试真题及答案全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! Today, I'm going to tell you about the English exam for the 2024 College Entrance Examination in Henan Province. Are you ready? Let's go!First, let's talk about the listening section. There will be a total of five short conversations and five longer conversations for you to listen to. Then, you will have to answer some questions based on what you heard. Make sure to listen carefully and pay attention to the details.Next, we have the reading section. You will need to read three passages and answer some questions about them. The passages might be about a wide range of topics, so be prepared to read carefully and understand the main ideas.After that, we have the writing section. You will be given a topic and asked to write an essay about it. Make sure to organize your ideas clearly and use good grammar and vocabulary.Finally, we have the speaking section. You will have to talk about a given topic for about two minutes. Remember to speak clearly and confidently.And now, for the answers! Just kidding, I can't tell you the answers, but I can tell you to study hard, practice a lot, and believe in yourself. You can do it!So, that's all about the Henan English exam for 2024. Good luck to all of you taking the test. I know you will do great! Let's all do our best and show everyone how awesome we are at English! Thank you for listening. Bye-bye!篇2Hello everyone! Today, let's talk about the 2024 Henan English specialty entrance examination questions and answers. Are you ready?First, let's start with the multiple-choice questions.Question 1: What is the capital of Australia?A. SydneyB. CanberraC. MelbourneD. PerthAnswer: B. CanberraQuestion 2: Who wrote the famous novel "Harry Potter"?A. J.K. RowlingB. Jane AustenC. Charles DickensD. William ShakespeareAnswer: A. J.K. RowlingQuestion 3: What is the largest planet in our solar system?A. MarsB. EarthC. JupiterD. SaturnAnswer: C. JupiterNow, let's move on to the essay question.Essay Question: Describe your favorite holiday and why you enjoy it.Answer: My favorite holiday is Halloween because I love dressing up in costumes and going trick-or-treating with my friends. It's so much fun to see all the creative costumes people come up with and to have a sweet treat at each house. Halloween is a time for laughter and spooky fun, and I always look forward to it every year.I hope you found these questions and answers helpful for your preparation for the 2024 Henan English specialty entrance examination. Good luck, everyone! You can do it!篇32024:。

河南2024专升本英语考试真题及答案2024 Henan Adult College English Exam Questions and AnswersPart I: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section A: Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. You should complete each sentence by choosing the correct answer from the options given.1. John is always the first to arrive at work because _____.A. he doesn't like to be lateB. he has a long commuteC. he enjoys his jobD. he has to leave early2. The teacher emphasized the importance of _____ in the presentation.A. practiceB. practicingC. to practiceD. practiced3. The novel was so _____ that I couldn't put it down.A. interestedB. interestingC. interestedlyD. interestingly4. We had to _____ the meeting due to unforeseen circumstances.A. cancelB. cancellingC. cancelledD. to cancel5. Can you tell me where the nearest _____ is?A. libraryB. librariedC. librariesD. librarians6. She was _____ by the news of her promotion.A. excitementB. excitingC. excitedD. excitement7. The store offers a _____ range of products for customers to choose from.A. varyingB. variedC. variesD. vary8. It is _____ to solve a problem by working together.A. more easyB. easierC. easyD. easilier9. The team was confident that they would _____ in the next round.A. achieveB. achievementC. achievableD. achieving10. I regret _____ that decision now.A. makingB. madeC. to makeD. makesSection B: Reading Comprehension (30 points)Directions: There are 3 passages in this section. After reading each passage, answer the questions that follow.Passage 1The Benefits of TravelingTraveling has numerous benefits, both physical and mental. It allows people to step outside of their comfort zones, experience new cultures, and meet different people. Traveling can also improve your problem-solving skills as you navigateunfamiliar environments. In addition, it can reduce stress and promote relaxation by providing an escape from daily routines.Questions:1. What are some benefits of traveling mentioned in the passage?2. How can traveling improve problem-solving skills?3. How can traveling reduce stress?Passage 2The Impact of Technology on SocietyTechnology has had a profound impact on society in recent years. While it has brought convenience and efficiency to our daily lives, it has also raised concerns about privacy and the spread of misinformation. The constant use of devices has led to a decrease in face-to-face interactions and a rise in mental health issues.Questions:1. What impact has technology had on society?2. What are some concerns raised about technology in the passage?3. How has the constant use of devices affected human interactions?Passage 3The Importance of EducationEducation plays a crucial role in shaping individuals and societies. It provides knowledge and skills that are essential for personal and professional development. Education also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, leading to a more informed and responsible citizenry.Questions:1. What role does education play in shaping individuals and societies?2. What are some benefits of education mentioned in the passage?3. How does education contribute to a more responsible citizenry?Part II: Cloze Test (20 points)Directions: There is a passage with 20 blanks in this section. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should choose the correct answer to complete the passage.The Benefits of ExerciseRegular exercise is essential for maintaining good health and well-being. It not only helps to keep 1_______ in shape but also improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, exercise can enhance cognitive function and 2_______ mental sharpness as you age. It is recommended to engage in at least 30 minutes ofmoderate-intensity exercise 3_______ day to reap the full benefits.Part III: Writing (20 points)Directions: Write an essay of at least 200 words on the following topic:The Importance of Protecting the EnvironmentIn your essay, discuss why it is important to protect the environment and provide examples of the impact of human activities on nature. Suggest ways in which individuals and communities can contribute to environmental conservation.Answers:Section A:1. A2. B3. D4. C5. A6. C7. B8. B9. A10. ASection B:Passage 11. Some benefits of traveling include stepping outside of comfort zones, experiencing new cultures, and meeting different people.2. Traveling can improve problem-solving skills by navigating unfamiliar environments and situations.3. Traveling can reduce stress by providing an escape from daily routines and promoting relaxation.Passage 21. Technology has brought convenience and efficiency to our daily lives but also raised concerns about privacy and misinformation.2. Concerns raised about technology include a decrease in face-to-face interactions and a rise in mental health issues.3. The constant use of devices has led to a decline in human interactions and an increase in mental health problems.Passage 31. Education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals and societies by providing essential knowledge and skills.2. Some benefits of education include promoting critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and personal/professional development.3. Education contributes to a more responsible citizenry by empowering individuals with knowledge and skills to make informed decisions.Part II:1. C2. A3. DPart III:(Topic: The Importance of Protecting the Environment)In today's world, the importance of protecting the environment cannot be overstated. Human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change have a detrimental impact on nature and wildlife. For example, the destruction of forests results in the loss of biodiversity, while pollution contaminates water sources and harms marine life. To combat these issues, individuals and communities can take action by reducing waste, conserving resources, and supporting sustainable practices. Planting trees, using renewable energy sources, and advocating for environmental policies are also key steps in promoting environmental conservation. By working together to protect the environment, we can ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.Overall, the 2024 Henan Adult College English exam provided a comprehensive assessment of reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills. Students were challenged to demonstrate their understanding of various topics, from travel benefits to environmental conservation. By masteringthese concepts, test-takers can enhance their English proficiency and critical thinking abilities. Good luck to all the candidates!。

Which of the following is NOT a type of noun?A. Common nounB. Proper nounC. Abstract nounD. Verb nounThe phrase "in spite of" is used to indicate _________.A. additionB. contrastC. cause and effectD. comparisonWhich of the following sentences is in the present perfect tense?A. I am studying English.B. I have studied English for five years.C. I studied English last year.D. I will study English tomorrow.The word "ubiquitous" means _________.A. rareB. commonC. expensiveD. present everywhereWhat is the past participle form of the verb "to write"?A. WroteB. WritingC. WrittenD. WriteThe phrase "at the end of" is a prepositional phrase used to indicate _________.A. timeB. placeC. directionD. mannerWhich of the following is an example of a complex sentence?A. I like coffee, and my friend likes tea.B. After I finished my homework, I went to bed.C. The cat is sleeping.D. What a beautiful day!The word "synonym" refers to a word that has _________.A. the same meaning as another wordB. a different meaning from another wordC. no meaning at allD. multiple meaningsWhich of the following is a correct use of the subjunctive verb form?A. I wish I were rich.B. I wish I am rich.C. I wish I had more time.D. I wish I will be rich.。

河南专升本英语考试真题2024年电子版全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Big Adventure Taking the Important English TestHi everybody! My name is Little Wang and I'm 10 years old. I just had the craziest experience and I can't wait to tell you all about it!A few months ago, my mom and dad told me I would be taking a really important English test called the Henan Associate's Degree Upgrade Examination. I had no idea what that meant at first. An examination for upgrading my degree? But I'm just a kid in elementary school! I don't have a degree yet.My parents explained that it's a very difficult English test that many older students take to try to get into better colleges and universities. Even though I'm still young, they said I should take the test this year as practice for when I'm older. I groaned at first, thinking about how no kid wants to take a big test during summer vacation! But then they told me if I did well, they would take me to Disneyland. Well, you better believe I perked up after hearing that!So for weeks, I had to study English realllllly hard. My parents got me a stack of practice test books this thick! I had to learn all kinds of crazy vocabulary words like "remuneration" and "pragmatic." Remembering the definitions was so hard. And don't even get me started on English grammar — who came up with the idea of present perfect progressive tense anyway?? Why can't languages just be simple?Finally, the big day came to take the test. I was so nervous, my stomach felt like it was doing somersaults. But my parents kept giving me encouraging words and told me to just try my best. The test was held at the local high school, and cuando I walked into the classroom to take it, I felt so small! All the desks and chairs were made for grown-ups. I basically had to climb up onto my seat.The test itself was pretty tough, just like I expected. There were readings to get through, grammar questions, vocabulary in context — you name it. I just kept thinking to myself, "Disneyland... Disneyland..." I concentrated as hard as I could and gave it my all.After what felt like an eternity, I was finally done with that beast of a test! I walked out of there feeling like I had just run a marathon. My parents greeted me with snacks and big hugs.They told me no matter how I did, they were proud of me for trying my best. That made me feel a lot better.A couple months went by, and then one day, a letter came in the mail for me. It was my test results! I ripped it open and...I PASSED! Can you believe it?? This little 10-year-old kid somehow managed to pass one of the hardest English tests around. My parents were stunned and overjoyed! We jumped around for joy and then headed straight for Disneyland that weekend. I rode the biggest rollercoasters, ate tons of ice cream, and played games until I couldn't keep my eyes open. It was the best reward ever!So there you have it, friends - the story of how I, Little Wang, conquered the Henan Associate's Degree Upgrade English Examination against all odds. Was it hard? You better believe it. But with hard work, determination, and maybe just a little bit of luck, anything is possible! I'm proof of that.If this little kid can do it, just imagine what you can accomplish when you put your mind to it. So study hard, believe in yourselves, and who knows? Maybe you'll earn yourself a trip to the happiest place on Earth too! Fighting!篇2The Big English Test for Grown-Up StudentsHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. I'm going to tell you all about a really important test that happens every year called the Henan Associate's Degree Entrance Examination. It's a huge deal for students who want to get an even better education after high school.My older sister Meimei is getting ready to take this exam next year in 2024. She has been studying like crazy! The test has English, math, and other subjects. Meimei says the English part is super hard. She has to know tons of vocabulary words, grammar rules, reading comprehension skills, and how to write really well. It's like all the English she learned from kindergarten through high school gets crammed into one massive exam. No pressure, right?Meimei takes special classes after school to prepare. The teachers drill her on past exams and teach test strategies. Sometimes she stays up late at night reviewing flash cards and sample essays. When I ask her what a weird English word means, she always knows! I think she's become a walking dictionary.On test day, there will be thousands of students ShowINg up to take the exam at testing centers all over Henan province. Meimei said she's nervous but excited. If she does well, she canget into a great university program. If she doesn't do so hot, she may have to stick to a regular college. No offence to those colleges, but everyone wants to aim high, you know?The English part of the test has listening, reading, writing, and translation sections from what I understand. Meimei complains that the listening is hard because the recordings use different accents and speak super quickly. For reading, she has to analyze all sorts of passages like news articles, stories, and essays. The translation section requires going between Chinese and English, which is like remapping your brain. And for writing, you have to plan and organize an entire essay from scratch in a short period of time. Holy grammar drills, Batman!I got a peek at one of Meimei's practice tests and I was stumped after the first page. The level of English is no joke.You've got to have a brilliant mind stuffed with an entire English encyclopedia to pass this thing. I don't envy the students sweating it out, let me tell you.But you know what? Meimei seems confident that all her hard work and late nights are paying off. She takes practice tests and reviews her mistakes over and over. Her teachers keep her motivated. Our family cheers her on. Maybe I'm naive, being just a little kid, but I think she's got this.On test day, I'm going to make Meimei her favorite dumplings for breakfast to fuel her brain. Then I'll give her a high-five and wish her good luck before she heads off. My big sis has the determination and grit to conquer this English monster of an exam. I'll be awake all night hitting refresh on the score website, waiting to see how she did.No matter what happens, I'm proud of Meimei. Attempting a challenge like the Henan Associate's Degree Entrance Examination takes incredible courage. If she passes with flying colors, that's awesome! We'll throw her a huge party. If she has to try again next time, at least she gave it her best. Either way, Meimei is still my role model.I better stop here before I start crying tears of proud little brother joy. Just know that behind every test-taker fighting through that English exam, there are little siblings like me cheering them on with :heart: sparkles in our eyes. Good luck to everyone competing - you're all champions! The English language mejor had prepare for a battering in 2024!篇3The 2024 Henan University Entrance Exam for Adults Was Really Hard!Hi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm in 5th grade. A few weeks ago, my older brother Daming had to take a really important English test called the Henan zhuan sheng ben exam. It's a big test that adults who didn't go to university right after high school take to try to get into a university later on.Daming has been studying English really hard for months to prepare. He took classes, did practice tests, and studied vocabulary like crazy. I helped him practice speaking English sometimes which was fun! My English isn't as good as his but I tried my best.Finally the day of the test came. Daming was suuuuper nervous. He could barely eat any breakfast. My mom made him his favorite congyoubing but his hands were shaking so much I thought he was going to drop it! I don't think I've ever seen him so stressed.The test was held at our city's biggest exam center - Henan University. There were sooo many people there, I couldn't believe it. Hundreds and hundreds of grown-ups, all looking worried and clutching pencil cases. It was pretty intimidating!This year, the exam was computer-based instead of on paper. That meant everyone had to do it on a laptop or tablet providedby the testing center. Daming said it made things a little easier since his typing is pretty good, but it was still really hard.The English section had listening, reading, writing, and translation sections. For the listening, you had to listen to recordings and answer questions about what you heard. The readings were crazy long and difficult with really advanced vocabulary. I tried reading one of the practice passages and could barely understand any of it!For the writing section, you had to write an entire essay in English on a random topic they gave you. Can you imagine?? Having to write a whole essay, in a foreign language, on something you didn't prepare for? SO STRESSFUL! Daming's hands cramped up from typing so fast.And the translation part...oof. You had to take a passage from Chinese and translate the whole thing into perfect English. Or take an English paragraph and put it into flawless Chinese. My head is spinning just thinking about it!After HOURS of this torture, Daming finally finished. He basically ran out of there looking like a zombie. I've never seen him so mentally drained. All the other test takers looked just as wiped out too.The next few weeks waiting for scores was agonizing. Daming could barely focus on anything else. He was so worried he had failed after all his hard work. I felt really bad for him.But then finally, the results came out! Daming logged into the score report website anxiously...and HE PASSED He got a high enough score to get into a great university's degree program! We all celebrated like crazy - mom baked Daming's favorite cake, dad gave him a big bear hug, and I played my recorder really loud and off-key (which Daming HATES haha).That awful test may be over, but it's just the start of more studying for Daming. University courses will be so tough with everything being in English. But Daming feels ready to take on the challenge after conquering the zhuan sheng ben. I'm really proud of my perseverant brother!Well, that's the story of Daming's crazy English exam experience. It makes me a little nervous about the college entrance tests I'll have to take in a few years...but I'll just have to work hard like Daming did. Fighting篇4My Big Sister's Important English ExamHey there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 8 years old. I'm in 3rd grade at Zhonghua Elementary School here in Zhengzhou, the capital city of Henan Province. My big sister Xiaoyu is 18 years old and just finished her last year of high school. She's really smart and has been studying super hard to take an important English exam called the Henan Self-Study Exam for University Admission.Xiaoyu has told me all about this big test. It's a huge deal for students like her who didn't get the scores they wanted on the regular university entrance exam called the Gaokao. Theself-study exam gives them another chance to get into a good university by testing their English skills. Apparently it's really tough though!This year the exam was held on May 14th, 2024. Xiaoyu was up before the sun, getting ready. She was dressed in her nicest clothes and had stacks of pencils, pens, and exam admission tickets all organized. I pretended to be asleep but I was actually peeking to watch her get ready. She looked so nervous!Mom made Xiaoyu's favorite jian bing stuffed with eggs, vegetables, and sauce for breakfast to give her energy. Then Dad drove her to the exam site at Henan Agricultural University.There were long lines of students arriving by bus, car, and even bicycle. I've never seen so many people!The test was split into two parts - listening and writing. Xiaoyu said the listening portion was broadcast online to test centers all across Henan. They had to listen to recordings of conversations, lectures, and stories, then answer multiple choice questions about what they heard. This part lasted almost 3 hours!After a short break, it was time for the writing section. This is where Xiaoyu felt most confident. She's always been great at writing in English, probably because she spends so much time reading English books and watching movies and shows. For this part, she had to write responses to questions, summaries of passages, letters, essays, and more. It took almost 4 more hours!By the time she was done, poor Xiaoyu looked exhausted. But she felt pretty good about how she did overall. We all went out for her favorite dumplings that night to celebrate her hard work.Now it's just a waiting game until the results come out in late June. Xiaoyu has her fingers crossed that she scored high enough to get into a top university in Beijing or Shanghai to study international business. I'm crossing my fingers for her too!I think taking a huge test like this sounds really stressful. But Xiaoyu says it was worth it for another shot at her dream school. She's been studying English forever and working so hard. I'm proud of her for persevering!Who knows, in 10 years when it's my turn to take this exam, maybe they'll let us use AI translation tools? Just kidding...I think. Anyway, I'll be cheering my sister on when she gets her results next month. Her future is riding on this one exam! No pressure, right Xiaoyu? Just kidding again! Love you, jie jie!篇5The Super Awesome English Exam Adventure!Hi everybody! My name is Li Ming and I'm a student in 6th grade. I love learning English and I'm super excited to tell you all about the Henan Self-Study Exam for getting into university that I took this year. It was an amazing, challenging adventure!First, let me tell you about how I prepared. My amazing English teacher Miss Zhang helped our whole class get ready. She had us practice listening to English songs and watching cool movies and videos to get our ears ready for the listening part. We also read a ton of awesome stories and did fun activities to build our reading skills.For the writing section, we played games where we had to write stories and descriptions of things. It was like being a author! And for speaking, we did role-plays and pretended to be tour guides, store clerks, you name it. My personal favorite was when we pretended to be alien tour guides showing humans around our made-up planets. So silly but so fun!Finally, exam day arrived! I was a tiny bit nervous, but mostly just excited. The exam had four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking.For the listening, I had to wear headphones and listen really carefully to conversations, stories, and talks. There were multiple choice questions where I had to choose the right answer based on what I heard. Not gonna lie, it was pretty hard! Those recordings went super fast. But all our practice paid off.The reading part had longer passages to read and comprehension questions. There were articles, stories, advertisements, all sorts of cool stuff! As long as you focused, it wasn't too bad. Pro tip: The questions towards the end were usually trickier, so take your time on those.Writing was my favorite part! We had to write a short essay responding to a prompt or picture. I chose the picture prompt and wrote a wildly creative story about a kid who shrinks downand has crazy tiny adventures around the house. The graders loooooved imaginative stories, Miss Zhang said.Last was the speaking section, which made me a little nervous since I had to talk out loud in English. But the exam assistants were really nice. They asked me questions about common topics like hobbies, school life, and future goals. As long as you spoke clearly and gave detailed answers, you could do well.After it was all over, I felt so proud! The test was no joke - it pushed my English skills to the limit. But I studied super hard and gave it my all. Crossing my fingers I did well enough to get into a great university program!No matter what though, prepping for this exam helped take my English to new levels. If you're reading this and plan to take it next year, study hard but also try to have fun with it like I did. Learn through games, make up funny stories and skits, listen to cool English music.If you practice a ton and don't get too stressed, you'll be more than ready for this epic English exam adventure! The battle may be tough, but thinking of it as a fun challenge makes it way more bearable. Just go for it!Good luck everyone! Let me know if you need any tips, and I'll be cheering you on. Let's become English masters together!篇6My Exciting Adventure at the ZooHi everyone! Today I want to share with you my amazing trip to the zoo. It was the best day ever! I went to the zoo with my family and we had so much fun.First, we saw the tall and graceful giraffes. They have such long necks! I learned that giraffes are the tallest animals on Earth. They use their long necks to reach the leaves on the top of trees.I wish I could have a long neck like a giraffe!Next, we visited the lion's den. I was a little scared at first because the lions have big teeth and loud roars. But they were so majestic! The male lion had a big, golden mane around his head. It looked like he had a fluffy pillow on his neck. The lioness was very strong and looked like she could run really fast. I was amazed by their power and beauty.After that, we went to the monkey house. The monkeys were so playful and mischievous. They swung from branch to branch and made funny faces at us. I giggled so much watching them. Ieven saw a baby monkey clinging to its mother's back. It was adorable!We also saw a group of colorful parrots. They had bright feathers that looked like a rainbow. When they flew, it was like watching a beautiful dance in the sky. I wished I could fly with them and see the world from up high.One of the most exciting parts of the zoo was the dolphin show. The dolphins were so clever and talented! They jumped high in the air, did flips, and even splashed water on the audience. I couldn't stop clapping and cheering for them. It was like they were putting on a special show just for us.At the end of our day, we visited the penguins. They were so cute! They waddled around and slid on their bellies. I tried to imitate their walk, but it was harder than it looked. Penguins are really good swimmers too. I watched them dive into the water and swim so gracefully. They looked like they were having so much fun.I had the most unforgettable time at the zoo. I learned so many interesting things about animals and got to see them up close. It made me appreciate how wonderful and diverse our world is. I can't wait to go back to the zoo again and see more amazing creatures.That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed hearing about my adventure. If you get a chance, make sure to visit the zoo too. It's a place full of magic and wonder!Bye for now,[Your Name]P.S. Remember to always respect and protect animals and their habitats. They need our help to stay safe and happy.。

河南2024专升本英语考试真题及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12024 Henan College Entrance Examination for Adults English TestPart I Listening Comprehension (20 points)Section A (5 points)Directions: In this section, you will hear five short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A. It's sunny today.B. It's raining today.C. It's snowing today.D. It's windy today.2. A. He's 40 years old.B. He's 30 years old.C. He's 50 years old.D. He's 60 years old.3. A. Working on a project.B. Playing the guitar.C. Reading a book.D. Watching TV.4. A. In a restaurant.B. In a hotel.C. In a library.D. In a classroom.5. A. It's too easy.B. It's too hard.C. It's just right.D. It's interesting. Section B (15 points)Directions: In this section, you will hear three short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 6 to 8 are based on the passage you have just heard.6. A. Cook some food.B. Buy some food.C. Borrow some food.D. Plan a dinner.7. A. Bob.B. Tom.C. Mary.D. Linda.8. A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.Passage TwoQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9. A. She wanted something sweet.B. She was hungry.C. She wanted coffee.D. She needed something warm.10. A. It was salty.B. It was spicy.C. It was sweet.D. It was sour.11. A. Chocolate cake.B. Blueberry muffin.C. Lemon pie.D. Cheese sandwich.Passage ThreeQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12. A. To learn Spanish.B. To make friends.C. To travel.D. To study abroad.13. A. University.B. College.C. Institute.D. Language school.14. A. In the morning.B. In the afternoon.C. In the evening.D. At night.15. A. Four weeks.B. Six weeks.C. Eight weeks.D. Ten weeks.Part II Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section A (10 points)Directions: In this section, there are four passages followed by questions or incomplete statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneAiming at becoming popular is a kind of jealousy. Children have to understand that fame does not bring happiness. The rich know well that wealth is not everything. Others know that good reputation is more important than financial status. The intelligent know that knowledge is a power, but it is not everything.16. According to the author, .A. becoming famous is impossibleB. fame cannot bring happinessC. children should aim to be popularD. children dream of becoming famous17. Wealth, as mentioned in Passage One, is .A. more important than a good reputationB. everything in common people's heartsC. not essential for happinessD. a symbol of happiness18. What does the author think of knowledge?A. It is the most important thing.B. It is better than reputation.C. It is as important as money.D. It cannot bring success.Passage TwoThe marriage of Jennie Jerome to Lord Randolph Churchill was met with great opposition in England. It was considered inappropriate for the daughter of a wealthy American to marry an English aristocrat. The two were married and ultimately had two sons, the elder of whom was Winston Churchill.19. Jennie Jerome's marriage to Lord Randolph Churchill was opposed becauseA. Lord Randolph Churchill was not wealthy.B. Jennie Jerome was American.C. it was considered inappropriate.D. Winston Churchill was their son.20. Winston Churchill .A. was the younger son of Jennie Jerome and Lord Randolph ChurchillB. was the elder son of Jennie Jerome and Lord Randolph ChurchillC. was the elder son of a wealthy AmericanD. was opposed to the marriage21. What relationship did Jennie Jerome and Lord Randolph Churchill have?A. Mother and son.B. Husband and wife.C. Friends.D. No relationship is mentioned.Passage ThreeThere are some simple ways to improve your memory. If you want to remember a list, you can connect the items in your mind by associating them with each other. You can also visualize the items on the list or make a story about them to help you recall them later.22. In order to remember a list, you can .A. list the items in orderB. connect items with each otherC. forget the itemsD. memorize each word23. Which of the following helps with memory?A. List the items in order.B. Connect items with each other.C. Memorize each word.D. Forget the items.24. According to the author, which of the following is a helpful way to improve memory?A. Visualize the items on the list.B. Connect the items in your mind.C. Memorize each word.D. Forget the items.Passage FourIn the United States, people sometimes refer to the residents of rural areas as "rednecks." This term is considered derogatory and offensive to those who live in small towns. In some areas, it can be seen as a fight against the elite in the cities.25. In the United States, the residents of rural areas are sometimes called .A. city dwellersB. rednecksC. elitesD. country folks26. The term "rednecks" is .A. widely accepted by the residents of rural areasB. derogatoryC. a sign of respectD. a term of endearment27. The term "rednecks" is considered offensive to those who live in .A. small townsB. citiesC. rural areasD. elite neighborhoodsSection B (10 points)Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten multiple-choice questions. You should choose the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.We all know that exercise is good for us, but do you know how good it really is? Physical activity has a great impact on our health, both physically and mentally. Here are some of the key benefits of regular exercise:28. One key benefit of exercise on health is .A. the ability to tolerate injuriesB. preventing heart diseaseC. making you feel olderD. increasing body fat29. Exercise helps in reducing .A. bone densityB. muscle strengthC. mental healthD. lung function30. Regular exercise can help in .A. quitting smokingB. leading a sedentary lifestyleC. affecting your appetiteD. improving your sleep quality31. Exercise can enhance your mental health by .A. causing depressionB. improving your moodC. increasing stress levelsD. decreasing your self-esteem32. One key benefit of exercise is .A. reducing anxiety levelsB. increasing your body weightC. staying at homeD. not avoiding unhealthy food33. Exercise can help in improving .A. memoryB. lazinessC. unhealthy habitsD. lack of motivation34. According to the passage, exercise can reduce the risk of .A. diabetesB. memory improvementC. eating unhealthy foodD. avoiding a sedentary lifestyle35. Exercise can improve .A. your physical health onlyB. your mental health onlyC. your physical and mental healthD. your sleep quality only36. Regular exercise can cause .A. stressB. restful sleepC. depressionD. bad eating habits37. According to the passage, regular exercise can help in .A. improving your sleepB. getting up earlyC. feeling olderD. neglecting your emotionsSection C (10 points)Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by five questions or incomplete statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OnePay attention to the following passage:One day, Jess saw a woman hungry and cold on the street. Jess wanted to buy her some food and a warm coat.38. Jess saw a woman who was .A. hungryB. coldC. on the streetD. all of the above39. Jess wanted to buy the woman .A. a houseB. some food and a warm coatC. a carD. some shoes40. Jess saw her .A. at homeB. in a carC. at the parkD. on the street41. The woman on the street was .A. hungryB. coldC. living in a houseD. buying food42. Jess wanted to .A. visit herB. help herC. watch herD. ignore herPassage TwoPay attention to the following passage:Learning a new language can be challenging. But it also has many benefits, such as improving your brain function and expanding your worldview.43. Learning a new language can be .A. challengingB. easyC. boringD. unnecessary44. Learning a new language can .A. benefit your brain functionB. cause you to lose your memoryC. expand your stomach sizeD. decrease your energy levels45. Learning a new language can help in .A. shrinking your brainB. improving your worldviewC. causing brain damageD. reducing your vocabulary46. Learning a new language doesn't .A. enhance your brain functionB. improve your memoryC. expand your worldviewD. increase your vocabulary47. Learning a new language can lead to .A. limitationsB. benefitsC. problemsD. forgetfulnessPart III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)Section A (10 points)Directions: There are 20 sentences in this section. Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D for each sentence and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.48. The mountain is beautiful.A. soB. suchC. quiteD. very49. Do you think it is right to someone's life?A. playB. toyC. actD. affect50. This is the time I have visited the city.A. firstB. lastC. secondD. third51. Cows us with milk.A. provideB. offerC. supplyD. give52. The weather was so hot and dry that the plants .A. deadB. diedC. dieD. dying53. If it tomorrow, we won't go on a picnic.A. rainsB. rainedC. will rainD. rain54. Could you pass me the salt, ?A. pleaseB. noC. goD. come55. I enjoy music in my free time.A. listens toB. to listen toC. listening toD. listened to56. The cake was so good that I two slices of it.A. haveB. hadC. ateD. eat57. The faster we start, we'll be finished.A. soonerB. moreC. latestD. then58. You to finish your homework yet?A. isB. haveC. beD. are59. The sun is shining, so going for a walk.A. perhapsB. let'sC. why notD. how about60. She to the cinema last night.A. has beenB. wentC. goesD. go61. I was wondering the books I lent you.A. if you finished readingB. if you finish readingC. if you had finished readingD. if you were reading62. I hope the weather will be good tomorrow so we can the beach.A. goB. goingC. wentD. goes63. He English for three years before he moved to China.A. studiedB. has studiedC. had studiedD. studies64. I can't believe you all the ice cream!A. ateB. had eatenC. are eatingD. have eaten65. It's very warm today, ?A. isn't itB. doesn't itC. are theyD. does it66. The teacher told us we the test the next day.A. are to haveB. be havingC. had to haveD. will have67. Mary found it difficult the exam.A. passB. passingC. passedD. to pass68. I don't like coffee, I drink it.A. butB. orC. soD. untilSection B (10 points)Directions: There are six sentences in this section. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in brackets. Write the answers on the Answer Sheet.69. She has been looking forward to (see) her friends again.70. He asked if I was interested in (go) to the concert with him.71. The government is considering (build) a new hospital in the area.72. I heard him (sing) in the shower this morning.73. The children are planning (go) to the zoo next weekend.74. We spent the whole afternoon (walk) in the park.Part IV Writing (20 points)Section A (10 points)Directions: Write a short article giving your opinion on "The Benefits of Reading." Your article should include the following points:• Why reading is important.• How reading can improve your knowledge.• The different types of books you enjoy reading and why.• Share a personal experience that highlights the importance of reading.Section B (10 points)Directions: Write a letter to a friend inviting them to visit your hometown. Your letter should include the following points:• Reason for the visit.• Date and duration of the visit.• Activities you plan to do during the visit.• Accommodation arrangements.The above test is a sample of the Henan 2024 Adult College Entrance Examination. Good luck to all the test-takers!篇2河南2024专升本英语考试真题及答案Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)Passage 1Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.Why Office Friendships Can Feel So AwkwardIn the working world, friendships aren't always crystal clear. After all, isn't it impossible to be pals with your boss, when you constantly fight for that promotion?This is where things get tricky. Having friends at work is good - until it gets to the point where you're texting each other every night after work hours, gossiping about colleagues and even worse, having little digs at each other.It's a slippery slope (易滑的坡道) and one that we at GLAMOUR have definitely struggled with in the past. I mean, you spend so much time around each other, it's only natural that you're going to get close, right? Our advice? Set boundaries, know when to take a step back and avoid a toxic friendship forming at all costs (because they do exist).Q1. What is the main idea of this passage?Q2. Why can having friends at work be tricky?Q3. According to the passage, what is the advice for dealing with office friendships?Q4. How do coworkers form friendships according to the passage?Q5. According to the passage, what happens when coworkers cross the line in their friendship?Passage 2Questions 6-10 are based on the following passage.The Benefits of GardeningGardening is a relaxing and enjoyable activity that can benefit both your mental and physical wellbeing. Gardening allows you to be in touch with nature, reducing stress and helping you to appreciate the beauty found in the outdoors.In addition to the mental benefits, gardening can also provide good physical exercise. Digging, weeding, planting, and watering are all activities that can help to increase your strength and flexibility.Furthermore, gardening can also provide fresh, organic produce that you can enjoy right from your own backyard. Manypeople find joy in growing their own fruits and vegetables and being able to cook with fresh ingredients.Q6. What are the benefits of gardening mentioned in the passage?Q7. How can gardening help improve mental wellbeing, according to the passage?Q8. What physical activities are involved in gardening as mentioned in the passage?Q9. What benefit of gardening do many people find joy in, according to the passage?Q10. In your opinion, why is gardening a worthwhile activity?Part II Vocabulary and Sentence Structure(共10题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)Directions: In this part, there are 10 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Q11. Scientists believe that_________ the lack of sleep is directly linked to an increased risk of heart disease.A. there could beB. does thereC. there isD. it isQ12. Please remind me _______ the document before the meeting tomorrow morning.A. that I had to bringB. bringingC. to bringD. being broughtQ13. It is essential that you ________ all the necessary precautions before going on the hike.A. takeB. will takeC. takingD. tookQ14. My manager asked me _______ to attend the conference next week.A. if am availableB. that I am availableC. if I was availableD. that I was availableQ15. The company is planning to introduce new policies in order to _______ productivity.A. raiseB. increaseC. growD. enhanceQ16. The new product was well-received by ________ customers due to its innovative design.A. the manyB. a lot ofC. a large numberD. numerousQ17. In today's technology-driven world, it is important to keep up with the latest ___________.A. progressC. advancementsD. developmentsQ18. I have _______ contacted the supplier to inquire about the delivery status.A. alreadyB. yetC. sinceD. recentlyQ19. She was _______ busy that she didn't have time to stop and chat.A. suchB. tooC. veryD. extremelyQ20. It is _______ that the project will be completed on time, given the current circumstances.A. unlikelyC. certainD. probablePart III Reading Comprehension (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Over the past decade, technology has transformed the way we live, work, and communicate. One of the most significant advancements in recent years has been the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). AI refers to the development of computer systems that are capable of performing tasks that would typically require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, decision-making, and problem-solving.AI has the potential to revolutionize various industries, from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment. For example, AI algorithms are being used to analyze medical images and diagnose diseases, improve financial forecasting models, optimize transportation systems, and create personalized recommendations for users on streaming platforms.However, the rise of AI has also raised concerns about the impact it will have on the job market. As AI technology continues to advance, there is a growing fear that automation will replace human workers in many industries, leading to mass unemployment and economic instability.Despite these concerns, many experts argue that AI has the potential to create new job opportunities and improve productivity and efficiency in various sectors. By automating repetitive tasks and allowing human workers to focus on more complex and creative work, AI has the potential to revolutionize the workplace and drive economic growth.Q21. According to the passage, what is artificial intelligence (AI)?Q22. How has AI been used to benefit different industries?Q23. What concerns have been raised about the impact of AI on the job market?Q24. What are the potential benefits of AI, according to the passage?Part IV Writing (共两节,满分30分)Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Favorite Book. You should writeat least 120 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:假设你是李华,你最喜欢的书是《傲慢与偏见》。

河南2023专升本专业英语考试真题Henan 2023 Adult Higher Education Entrance ExaminationSpecialty: EnglishInstructions: This exam paper contains two parts: Listening and Reading & Writing. There are a total of 100 points, with 60 points for Listening and 40 points for Reading & Writing. Answer all questions on the answer sheet provided.Part 1: Listening (60 points)Section A: Listen to the following conversations and choose the correct answer to each question.1. What are the speakers discussing?A. Their vacation plansB. Their favorite booksC. Their work scheduleD. Their study habits2. Where does the conversation most likely take place?A. At a partyB. In a restaurantC. At a libraryD. In a classroom3. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Take a breakB. Study harderC. Relax moreD. Travel abroad4. Why does the woman want to learn a new language?A. To get a jobB. To make friendsC. To travelD. To challenge herself5. What do we know about the man?A. He has been to JapanB. He studies FrenchC. He is from CanadaD. He is a language teacherSection B: Listen to the following monologues and answer the questions.6. What is the speaker talking about?A. His daily routineB. His favorite hobbyC. His travel experiencesD. His future plans7. What does the speaker like about his job?A. The salaryB. The locationC. The flexibilityD. The colleagues8. What advice does the speaker give to listeners?A. Work hardB. Take risksC. Enjoy lifeD. Travel often9. Why does the speaker think learning a new language is important?A. It can improve your memoryB. It can help you get a promotionC. It can make you more open-mindedD. It can be a fun challenge10. How does the speaker feel about studying English?A. He finds it difficultB. He thinks it's boringC. He enjoys itD. He doesn't have timePart 2: Reading & Writing (40 points)Section A: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions.Many people believe that learning a new language is a waste of time and effort. However, research shows that bilingualism has many benefits, including improved cognitive abilities, betterjob opportunities, and enhanced cultural awareness. Learning a new language can also be a fun and rewarding experience.11. According to the passage, what are some benefits of bilingualism?12. How can learning a new language enhance cultural awareness?13. Why do some people think learning a new language is a waste of time?14. In what ways can studying English be a rewarding experience?15. How can bilingualism improve job opportunities?Section B: WritingWrite an essay of at least 300 words on the following topic: "The Importance of English in the Modern World." Include reasons why English is considered a global language, its impact on international communication, and how learning English can benefit individuals in their personal and professional lives.End of Paper---This is a sample of the Henan 2023 Adult Higher Education Entrance Examination for the English major. The questions included in the listening and reading/writing sections are designed to test the candidates' proficiency in English language skills and their ability to comprehend and analyze written and spoken information. Good luck to all the candidates taking the exam!。

河南2023专升本专业英语考试真题全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1河南2023专升本专业英语考试真题Section I: Reading Comprehension (30 points)Directions: There are three passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.Passage 1The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was first started in the 7th century B.C. as a series of simple earthworks built by individual states. The current wall was built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD) and is approximately 6,400 kilometers long. The Great Wall served as a military fortification, protecting the Chinese states and empires against invasions and raids by nomadic tribes. Today, the Great Wall is a popular tourist destination and a symbol of China’s long history and cultural heritage.1. When was the Great Wall first started?A. 7th century A.D.B. Ming DynastyC. 1368D. 16442. What was the main purpose of the Great Wall?A. Serving as a tourist destinationB. Protecting against invasionsC. Defending individual statesD. A symbol of cultural heritage3. Which dynasty built the current Great Wall?A. Ming DynastyB. Tang DynastyC. Qing DynastyD. Song DynastyPassage 2Over the past few decades, the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) has been growing steadily. With concerns about environmental pollution and the need to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, more and more people are turning to electric cars as a cleaner and greener alternative. EVs not only reduce emissions and improve air quality, but also help to reduce noise pollution in urban areas. As technology continues to advance, the infrastructure for charging electric vehicles is also improving, making it easier than ever to own and operate an EV.4. What is the main reason for the growing popularity of electric vehicles?A. High performanceB. Convenient charging infrastructureC. Reducing air pollutionD. Low initial cost5. What is one benefit of electric vehicles for urban areas?A. Increased noise pollutionB. Improved air qualityC. Higher fuel costsD. Limited charging options6. How is technology helping to make electric vehicles more accessible?A. By increasing emissionsB. By reducing noise pollutionC. By improving charging infrastructureD. By raising initial costsPassage 3The concept of sustainable development involves meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development requires a balance between economic growth, environmental protection, and social equity. In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of sustainability, and businesses and governments are increasingly incorporating sustainable practices into their operations. By taking steps to reduce waste, conserve resources, and promote social responsibility, we can work towards a more sustainable future for all.7. What does sustainable development aim to achieve?A. Meeting the needs of the presentB. Compromising future generationsC. Ignoring social equityD. Reducing economic growth8. What is necessary for sustainable development to be successful?A. A focus on economic growth onlyB. An indifference to environmental protectionC. A balance between different factorsD. An overreliance on fossil fuels9. How are businesses and governments incorporating sustainability?A. By increasing wasteB. By conserving resourcesC. By promoting social responsibilityD. By ignoring the environmentSection II: Cloze Test (10 points)Directions: There are ten blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices. You should choose the best option.10. The Industrial Revolution, which 10 in the late 18th century, had a profound impact on society and the economy.A. startedB. startsC. startingD. will start11. As technology continues to advance, we must 11 new skills to keep up with the changing job market.A. learnB. learningC. learnedD. learns12. Climate change is a global issue that requires 12 action from governments and individuals alike.A. immediateC. decisivelyD. necessarily13. The spread of misinformation on social media has become a 13 concern in recent years.A. majorB. minimalC. minorD. moderate14. In order to protect the environment, we need to reduce our 14 on fossil fuels.A. reliabilityB. relativityC. relianceD. relationship15. Sustainable development is essential for ensuring a 15 future for all.A. sustainC. sustainableD. sustainability16. Electric vehicles offer a cleaner and greener way to 16 around town.A. waitingB. driveC. drivedD. driven17. By reducing waste and conserving resources, we can promote a more 17 future for generations to come.A. sustainableB. sustainabilityC. sustainablyD. sustained18. The Great Wall of China is a symbol of China's long history and cultural 18.A. heritageC. necessityD. obligation19. In order to improve air quality in urban areas, we must reduce emissions from 19 vehicles.A. gasolineB. electricC. dieselD. hybridSection III: Writing (10 points)Directions: Write an essay on the following topic in about 150-200 words.Topic: The importance of English proficiency in the modern world.In today's globalized society, English proficiency is more important than ever. With English being the lingua franca of business, science, and international communication, a strong command of the language can open up countless opportunities for individuals in various fields. From conducting businessnegotiations to collaborating on research projects, English proficiency is essential for success in the modern world.Furthermore, English serves as a gateway to accessing a wealth of information and knowledge that is otherwise unavailable to non-English speakers. With the majority of academic papers, books, and online resources being in English, those who are fluent in the language have a significant advantage in terms of learning and professional development.Overall, English proficiency is not only a valuable skill but also a necessity in today's interconnected world. By mastering the language, individuals can broaden their horizons, enhance their career prospects, and engage with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. In order to thrive in the modern world, it is crucial to prioritize the development of English proficiency skills.以上就是河南2023专升本专业英语考试真题,希望对大家备考有所帮助。

河南省2024专升本英语考试真题及答案全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇12024 Henan Province College English Entrance ExamSection 1: Listening Comprehension (30 points)Part A:Listen to the following dialogue and choose the best answer to each question. (10 points)1. A. It's quite early. B. Quite on time. C. A little early. D. Late.2. A. Go to see a movie. B. Go shopping. C. Go out for dinner.D. Go swimming.3. A. Hurry. B. Go slowly. C. Go quickly. D. Go faster.4. A. Six. B. Five. C. Four. D. Three.5. A. Blouse. B. Skirt. C. Dress. D. T-shirt.Part B: Listen to the following passage and answer the questions. (10 points)6. What subject did the speaker teach?7. How did the speaker feel about teaching in different countries?Part C: Listen to the following dialogue and complete the sentences. (10 points)8. The visit to the wildlife park has been postponed until__________.9. Due to the rainstorm, the picnic __________.10. The speaker's grandparents lived in __________.Section 2: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Part A: Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)Complete the sentences with the appropriate words.11. I often use this __________ (method) to memorize new vocabulary.12. The book is __________ (suitable) for children under the age of 12.13. The teacher gave each student a different __________ (task) to complete.14. The museum will be __________ (close) for renovation next month.15. I couldn't understand the __________ (mean) of the poem.Part B: Reading Comprehension (30 points)Read the following passage and answer the questions below.Raccoons are nocturnal animals and are well-known for their distinct markings, including a black mask across their eyes and bushy ringed tails. They are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. In the wild, raccoons will eat a variety of foods such as fruits, nuts, insects, and small animals. They are also known to scavenge through garbage cans in search of food.Despite their cute appearance, raccoons can be considered pests when they invade urban areas. They are known for their ability to open garbage cans and create a mess while searching for food. Raccoons are also carriers of diseases such as rabies, which poses a risk to humans and pets.However, there are ways to prevent raccoons from becoming a nuisance. Securing garbage cans with tight-fitting lids and not leaving pet food outdoors can discourage raccoons from entering residential areas.16. What are raccoons known for in terms of their appearance?17. What do raccoons eat in the wild?18. How can raccoons be a nuisance in urban areas?19. What disease can raccoons carry that poses a risk to humans and pets?20. How can residents prevent raccoons from entering residential areas?Section 3: Writing (30 points)Part A: Sentence Structure and Grammar (10 points)Rewrite the following sentences using the words provided.21. He has been to Paris. (never)22. Jane stayed up late to finish her homework. (so)23. They should have arrived by now. (yet)24. The movie was so boring that I fell asleep. (too)25. I will meet you at the cafe at 3 o'clock. (mean)Part B: Writing (20 points)Write an essay of at least 150 words on the following topic: "The Importance of Learning a Second Language." Include reasons why learning a second language is beneficial and provide examples to support your opinion.Answers:1. C. A little early.2. D. Go swimming.3. C. Go quickly.4. B. Five.5. D. T-shirt.6. English.7. Excited and fulfilled.8. Next Saturday.9. Was canceled.10. The countryside.11. Method.12. Suitable.13. Task.14. Closed.15. Meaning.16. Their distinct markings and black mask across their eyes.17. Fruits, nuts, insects, and small animals.18. By opening garbage cans and creating a mess while searching for food.19. Rabies.20. By securing garbage cans with tight-fitting lids and not leaving pet food outdoors.21. He has never been to Paris.22. Jane stayed up late so that she could finish her homework.23. They have not arrived yet.24. The movie was too boring that I fell asleep.25. I mean to meet you at the cafe at 3 o'clock.Essay:The Importance of Learning a Second LanguageLearning a second language is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it enhances communication skills and enables individuals to connect with people from different cultures. For example, knowing Spanish can facilitate communication withSpanish-speaking individuals, leading to deeper relationships and cultural understanding.Secondly, learning a second language can boost career opportunities. In today's globalized world, multilingual individuals are in high demand in various industries such as tourism, international business, and diplomacy. Employers value employees who can communicate effectively in multiple languages and navigate diverse cultural contexts.Furthermore, studying a second language can improve cognitive abilities and enhance memory. Research has shown that bilingual individuals have better problem-solving skills and higher cognitive flexibility. Learning a new language strengthens the brain and promotes lifelong learning.In conclusion, the importance of learning a second language cannot be overstated. It not only opens doors to new opportunities but also enriches one's personal and professional life. Therefore, individuals should embrace the challenge of learning a new language and reap the benefits it offers.This is a sample of the 2024 Henan Province College English Entrance Exam, including listening comprehension, reading comprehension, and writing sections. Good luck to all thetest-takers!篇2河南省2024专升本英语考试真题及答案Part I: Listening Comprehension (20 points)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A) S he is going to Katy’s birthday party.B) She doesn’t want to go to the party.C) She has no idea about the party.D) She has to study for a test.答案:A) She is going to Katy’s birthday party.2. A) The man doesn’t have enough time.B) The man is not interested in gardening.C) The man is willing to help with the project.D) The man is too busy working.答案:C) The man is willing to help with the project.3. A) The woman’s grandmother is coming for dinner.B) The woman’s grandmother is leaving soon.C) The man’s grandmother is coming for dinner.D) The man’s grandmother is busy.答案:A) The woman’s grandmother is coming for dinner.4. A) The woman is concerned about the man’s health.B) The man should get a check-up for his allergies.C) The man is allergic to cats.D) The man has a cat.答案:B) The man should get a check-up for his allergies.5. A) The man agrees to attend the meeting.B) The man would rather skip the meeting.C) The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow.D) The man is already familiar with the topic.答案:A) The man agrees to attend the meeting.6. A) The woman will go to the concert.B) The woman will help the man with his work.C) T he woman doesn’t like classical music.D) The woman doesn’t want to go to the concert.答案:A) The woman will go to the concert.7. A) The man has forgotten about the party.B) The man has no interest in going to the party.C) The man is planning to host a party.D) The man has to be back by 7 pm.答案:D) The man has to be back by 7 pm.8. A) The man is too busy to meet the woman.B) The man will meet the woman for lunch.C) The man prefers to meet in the morning.D) The man doesn’t want to have lunch with the woman.答案:B) The man will meet the woman for lunch.9. A) The woman is happy with the play.B) The man enjoyed the play.C) The woman was not impressed by the play.D) The ma n didn’t understand the play.答案:B) The man enjoyed the play.10. A) The woman wants the man to come on Tuesday.B) The woman wants the man to come on Monday.C) The woman wants to meet on Monday.D) The woman wants to cancel the meeting.答案:A) The woman wants the man to come on Tuesday.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions; both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage OneQuestions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. A) Make spaghetti B) Have cookies C) Bake a cake D) Cook a roastAnswer: B) Have cookies12. A) In a magazine B) In a cookbook C) On a recipe card D) On the back of a boxAnswer: C) On a recipe card13. A) Because he doesn’t like cookies B) Because he doesn’t have an oven C) Because it’s too hot outside D) Because it takes too longAnswer: C) Because it’s too hot outsidePassage TwoQuestions 14 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. A) Visit his sister B) Look after his niece C) Attend a lecture D) Have a meetingAnswer: C) Attend a lecture15. A) His sister B) His niece C) His friend D) The womanAnswer: A) His sister16. A) He wouldn’t be able to concentrate B) He would miss his sister too much C) He doesn’t like going to lectures D) He doesn’t like leaving his nieceAnswer: B) He would miss his sister too much17. A) Read him a story B) Pick him up from school C) Ask him to spend the weekend D) Take him to a meetingAnswer: B) Pick him up from schoolPassage ThreeQuestions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.18. A) To prepare for a trip B) To find a good restaurant C) To buy some flowers D) To visit a friendAnswer: A) To prepare for a trip19. A) The information on the internet may not be accurate B) She doesn’t want him to cook C) She wants him to pack his clothes D) She wants him to have a spare keyAnswer: A) The information on the internet may not be accurate20. A) He is going on a business trip B) He is moving to a new place C) He is going on a trip with his wife D) He is getting a new apartmentAnswer: C) He is going on a trip with his wifePart II: Reading Comprehension (40 points)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.If you prefer to cook with fresh ingredients, then summer is your season. But 21 it is difficult to decide what to make for dinner on a 40-degree day when even the thought of turning on the oven is enough to make 22 sweat, keep cool with this collection of light and easy su mmer meals. They’re simple to 23 up and served family style to take the heat out of dinner time.When planning your summer 24, think about the big picture; what can be saved time and made ahead 25 you have a lot ofmouths to feed in the evening 26 when you might be too tired to cook. Try making big batches of pesto, tomato sauces or salad dressings that can be used for more than one dish and stored in the fridge, ready for when you need them. This can 27 a big difference and require very little extra ef fort. Don’t be afraid to cook in the morning when it’s 28 cooler and keep food in the fridge, like this traditional Japanese sushi rice salad. 29 it sounds fiddly, the time is in the preparation while the shrimp is cooking; you can be slicing vegetables or 30 the final dish together.Word BankA) assemble B) dishes C) ending D) end E) dishes F) end G) simple H) final I) simply J) finally答案:21. H) final 22. E) dishes 23. A) assemble 24. G) simple 25. D) end 26. C) ending 27. J) finally 28. F) end 29. G) simple 30. B) dishesSection BDirections: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is markedwith a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.It is clear that aging alone does not necessarily lead to a decline in cognitive function. Many people remain cognitively sharp into old age and 31 with those whose cognitive functions have declined, the severity of the decline can vary greatly. 32, declines in cognitive functions can be caused bynon-pathological factors such as poor sleep, poor diet, lack of exercise, or even the effects of legislation and emotional experiences. To demonstrate this, a person may experience an acute bout of confusion when faced with a new and unfamiliar situation. This is a normal part of adapting 33 new environments, and does not indicate pathology. In addition, cognitive functions are shaped by engagement 34 a person’s environment. For example, bilingual people might perform better on certain cognitive tasks. Down the line, we are researching how social, cognitive, 35 physical activities can mutually benefit each other. The brain is influenced by internal and external factors that will impact brain plasticity, reserve capacity, 36 the likelihood of developing dementia. With 37, gain insight into how people might tip the balance in favour of cognitive health throughout our lives .答案:31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. BPart III: Vocabulary and Structure (10 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence, there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.38. The building, ________ is now a museum, was once the residence of a very wealthy man.A) that B) which C) what D) whereAnswer: A) that39. Researchers have discovered that our memories are less________ than previously thought.A) reliable B) believably C) relied D) believableAnswer: A) reliable40. While some people believe that banning plastic bags will save the environment, others think it’s just a _______ measure.A) symbolic B) symbol C) symbolic D) symbolizeAnswer: A) symbolic41. It is important to _______ the results of the experiment before drawing any conclusions.A) repeats B) repetition C) repeat D) repeatingAnswer: C) repeat42. The police officer asked the witness to describe the_______ of the robber.A) pattern B) appearance C) index D) subjectAnswer: B) appearanceSample answer contains only a small part of the article written, and it’s important to revise and add information accordingly. Additionally, please make sure to check the answers for accuracy and alignment with the questions.篇3Henan Province 2024 College English Exam Questions and AnswersPart I Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them, there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Youshould decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.It is believed that the use of English will become increasingly widespread in France in the coming years. English is becoming the international language of businesses all over the world. Many of these businesses already have some roots in France. In addition to this, the organization that our country belongs to, the European Union, is one in which English is really a very important language. France, as we all know, is one of the leading lights of the Union. This means that English is very necessary for us in order to keep up with all the developments that go on in this umbrella organization.1. According to the passage, English is becoming more common in France because _____.A) it will eventually replace FrenchB) it is being used by an increasing number of businessmenC) it is spoken by the majority of the FrenchD) it is the official language of the European UnionAnswer: B2. The passage suggests that the European Union _____.A) does not use English as an official languageB) is headquartered in FranceC) does not include France as a memberD) is in need of French supportAnswer: D3. The passage implies that France _____.A) is not affected by the business worldB) relies on the United States for business informationC) sometimes uses English in business dealingsD) resists learning EnglishAnswer: C4. What appears to be the primary reason for the increase in the use of English in France?A) The Asian countries have started to use English.B) The European Union is influenced by Britain.C) Trade has increased between various countries.D) The French economy is struggling.Answer: C5. What one major point is mentioned in the passage?A) English is more difficult for the French to learn than any other language.B) The French rely on the help of Germany.C) France is more powerful than any other country in the European Union.D) The French will be left behind if they do not learn English.Answer: D...Part IV Error Correction (10 points)Directions: In this part, there are ten sentences. Each sentence has four underlined parts marked A), B), C), and D). You are to identify the correct choice and then mark it on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Smoke comes from the factory's chimney A) often enough to cause B) concern, C) so authorities are considering D) forcing it to close.Answer: CPassage 2Frequent washing A) hands and changing B) into clean clothes C) can help prevent D) the spread of disease.Answer: A...That's the end of the sample questions for the Henan Province 2024 College English exam. Good luck to all thetest-takers!。

专升本河南英语试题及答案一、听力部分(共20分)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a questionwill be asked about what was said. After each conversationand the question there will be a short pause. Read each question carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.1. M: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest subway station is?W: Sure, it's just around the corner.Q: What does the man want to know?A) The location of a restaurant.B) The location of a subway station.C) The time of the subway schedule.D) The way to a museum.2. W: I heard you're going to take a trip to Italy next month. M: Yes, I'm really looking forward to it.Q: What is the man planning to do?A) Visit a friend.B) Go on a trip to Italy.C) Study Italian.D) Attend a conference.[Continue with 8 more similar questions]Section BDirections: Listen to the following passage. After listening, you will find some questions about it. Choose the best, one-word answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Passage: [A short passage about a local event or news.]1. What is the main idea of the passage?A) A new shopping mall opening.B) A charity event.C) A local festival.D) A traffic update.2. When will the event take place?A) Next Friday.B) Next Saturday.C) Next Sunday.D) Next Monday.[Continue with more questions based on the passage]二、阅读理解部分(共30分)Passage 1[A passage about cultural differences in communication.]Questions:1. What is the main topic of the passage?2. According to the passage, why do people from differentcultures misunderstand each other?3. What is the author's suggestion to avoid such misunderstandings?Passage 2[A passage about environmental protection.]Questions:1. What is the author's view on the importance of environmental protection?2. What are some of the measures suggested by the author to protect the environment?3. What role can individuals play in environmental conservation?Passage 3[A passage about technological advancements.]Questions:1. What is the main focus of the passage?2. How does the author describe the impact of technology on society?3. What are the potential challenges that come with technological advancements?三、完形填空部分(共20分)[A passage with blanks that need to be filled in with the correct word from the options provided.]四、翻译部分(共10分)English to Chinese:Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. The rapid development of technology has changed the way we live.2. It is essential to maintain a balance between work and leisure.Chinese to English:Translate the following sentences into English.1. 教育对于个人的成长至关重要。

河南专升本英语考试真题2024年电子版Title: Authentic English Exam Questions for the 2024 Higher Education Self-study Examination in Henan, China河南专升本英语考试真题2024年电子版Introduction:Every year, students across Henan Province eagerly await the release of the authentic English exam questions for the Higher Education Self-study Examination. The 2024 edition has become particularly anticipated due to significant changes in educational policies and a growing emphasis on promoting higher education. In this article, we will provide an overview of the exam structure, discuss some sample questions from different sections, and explore how students can best prepare for success.Background of the Exam:The Henan Higher Education Self-study Examination serves asa vital opportunity for working professionals and diploma holders to further their education and acquire undergraduate degrees. As one of the core subjects, the English exam evaluates students' language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. It assesses their ability to comprehend academic texts, engage in discussions on contemporary topics, and express ideas fluently in written form.Exam Structure:The 2024 English exam follows a standardized format designed to comprehensively test candidates' language abilities. It consists of four main sections: Listening Comprehension (LC), Reading Comprehension (RC), Writing (WT), and Speaking (SP). Each section carries a specific weightage in determining the overall score.Listening Comprehension (LC):This section evaluates candidates' listening abilities by testing their comprehension of spoken English acrossvarious contexts such as academic lectures, discussions,and conversations. Sample questions may include multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blanks tasks based on audio recordings.Reading Comprehension (RC):In this section, candidates are assessed on their reading skills through a variety of passages that reflect academic themes or real-life scenarios. Questions may require candidates to identify main ideas, infer meaning from context, or make logical deductions based on theinformation provided.Writing (WT):The writing section tests candidates' ability to express ideas clearly, logically, and coherently in written English. Candidates may be asked to write essays, letters, orreports on topics related to current affairs, social issues, or academic subjects. Strong analytical thinking and effective organization of thoughts are key factors inscoring well in this section.Speaking (SP):The final section of the exam evaluates candidates' spoken English skills. Candidates engage in conversations with an examiner on various topics ranging from personal experiences to societal issues. Fluency, pronunciation, vocabulary usage, and effective communication play crucial roles in determining the scores for this section.Preparation Strategies:To excel in the Henan Higher Education Self-study Examination for English, it is essential for candidates to adopt effective preparation strategies. Some recommended approaches include:1. Familiarizing oneself with past year's question papers: This helps candidates understand the exam format and gauges their strengths and weaknesses.2. Enhancing language proficiency: Regular reading of English newspapers, magazines, and academic texts can broaden vocabulary range and improve comprehension skills.3. Practicing listening skills: Engaging in activities that expose candidates to diverse audio resources such as podcasts or TED Talks can enhance listening abilities and aid comprehension.4. Developing writing skills: Regular writing practice can improve coherence, cohesion, grammar usage, and presentone's ideas articulately within given word limits.5. Participating in group discussions and debates: Actively engaging in discussions with peers or joining language clubs can help improve conversational skills by promoting fluency and fostering critical thinking.Conclusion:The 2024 edition of the Henan Higher Education Self-study Examination promises a rigorous evaluation of candidates'English language proficiency across multiple dimensions. Adequate preparation focusing on each section will enable students to showcase their abilities effectively while staying attuned to the changing educational landscape. By diligently following best practices for study and practice, candidates can increase their chances of success in this important exam and open doors to exciting academic opportunities.结语:河南专升本英语考试2024年电子版将全面评估学生在听力、口语、阅读和写作等方面的英语能力。

2023年河南专升本考试真题英语2023 Henan Province Higher Education Self-taught Examination (Adult College Entrance Examination) English TestPart I Reading Comprehension (40 points)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1Psychology studies paint a picture of extreme changes in human behavior that come from heartbreak or loss. It is as if, with the death of a spouse or other significant person, a person's entire identity is suddenly washed away. In a letter to a friend after the death of his wife, C.S. Lewis wrote: “The death of a partner is like taking a giant eraser and wiping out half of who you were and rewriting part of your identity.”Following the death of a romantic partner, more so than after any other bereavement, people engage in something psychologists call “reorganization,” a reassessment or reorganization of one’s identity. This rebuilding typically occursover time, and is generally considered adaptive in the face of loss. Reorganization is both the result of and a strategy for managing the loss-induced threat to the most foundational components of the self an event that can leave one with feelings of isolation, yearning for communing with the deceased or, perhaps worst of all, a profound loss of identity or continuity with the past. Such a period of rebuilding is obviously mixed with hurt and can feel like a losing battle for some. However, without this reorganization, individuals risk a host of negative outcomes, including impossibly high standards for replacement relationships, chronic estrangement, and even suicide.1. What does the passage mainly discuss?A. Death of a romantic partner.B. Changes in human behavior after heartbreak or loss.C. C.S. Lewis' experiences after the death of his wife.D. Reorganization as a strategy for managing loss-induced threat.2. According to the passage, what is reorganization?A. A reassessment of the causes of loss-induced threats.B. A strategy for managing the loss-induced threat to the self.C. Feeling of isolation after the death of a romantic partner.D. Desire for communing with the deceased after heartbreak.3. How does the author feel about the process of reorganization?A. It is adaptive and essential after loss.B. It is unnecessary and often counterproductive.C. It is a sign of weakness and vulnerability.D. It is a losing battle that usually leads to suicide.4. What is the potential consequence of not engaging in reorganization after loss?A. Feeling isolated from society.B. Chronic estrangement from friends and family.C. Impossibly high standards for replacement relationships.D. Developing a positive outlook on the future.(For more passages and questions, please refer to the full version of the document)。
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2014 年专业英语考试试题及参考答案Part ⅠVocabulary and Structure(1×30 points)Directions: There are 30 incomplete statements in this part . You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression fromthe four choices marked A, B, C and D, then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.1.—Would you please give him the key as soon as he?— No problem.A. arrivesB. appearingC. cameD. reaches2. He is now confined the hospital by illness.A. inB. toC. withD. at3. Having no key to the door, the poor boy anxiously in the rain for one and ahalf hours, and he would wait till the mother arrived.A. was waitingB. had been waitingC. had waitedD. would wait4. Trying to wild life is a job that concerns all of us.A. deserveB. detectC. protectD. reserve5. The 20 year old tennis player ’ s dream is to China at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.A. supportB. presentC. representD. compete6. The residents living in these apartments have free to the swimming pool, the gym and other facilities.A. excessB. excursionC. accessD. recreation7.There are two major problems linked with atomic power plants, thefirst concerns nuclear waste.A. of whichB. of the twoC. of themD. of the plants8. — What ’s that newly built building?—the students have out of class activities, such as drawing and singing.A. It is the building thatB. That’s whereC. It is in whichD. The building that9. Tom has been most helpful to us; in fact I don’t know what we without him.A. have doneB. will have doneC. had doneD. would have done10.from heart trouble for years, Professor Black has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.A. SufferedB. SufferingC. Having sufferedD. Being suffered11. While Tony was walking in the street, he came an old classmate of his.A. intoB. acrossC. ontoD. up with12. Never before available for quick and easy access in so many different fields of study.A. so much free information wereB. were so much free informationC. has so much information beenD. so much free information has been13. Football players are males, though there are some females.A. mostB. mostlyC. muchD. all14. The use of military force faces strong opposition among key US allies where opinion polls show majorities of the populations support a peaceful solution.A. substantialB. enormousC. considerableD. overwhelming15. , the next problem was how to make a good plan.A. Having made the decisionB. The decision having been madeC. Has the decision been madeD. The decision has been made16. The whole world is now clearly aware of the to which global warming has affected the earth.A. extentB. rangeC. gradeD. limit17.—Tim, , but your TV is going too loud.—Oh. I’m sorry. I’ll turn it down right now.A. I’ d like to talk with youB. I’m really tired of thisC. I hate to say thisD. I need your help18.Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas the behavior ofan animal depends mainly on .A. consciousnessB. instinctC. impulseD. reaction19. She said she liked dancing but was not in the for it just then when it was so noisy in the hall.A. mannerB. intentionC. moodD. desire20. It is generally believed that gardening is it is a science.A. an art much asB. much an art asC. as an art much asD. as much an art as21. You’ re the manager’s relative, but that doesn ’t you to a free meal in our restaurant.A. qualifyB. entitleC. adaptD. allow22. We had enough Russian to be able to read the instructions.A. set upB. picked upC. taken upD. made up23. Why! I have nothing to confess. you want me to say?A. What is it thatB. What it is thatC. How is it thatD. How it is that24. His salary as a bus driver is much higher than.A. that of a teacherB. those of a teacherC. these of a teacherD. this of a teacher25. The company many fine promises to the engineer in order to get him to work for them.A. held upB. held onC. held outD. held onto26.She did not know whether to sell her books or.A. to keep them for referenceB. keeping them for referenceC.if she should keep them for referenceD. to be kept for reference27. Quite a number of NBA players have the experience of from one team to another.A. transformingB. transferringC. transplantingD. transmitting28.—I’ m sorry I broke your favorite cup.— Oh, really? .A. It’ s OK with meB. Don’t be sorryC.I don’t care too muchD. It doesn’t matter29.The competition from experienced staff members, some of whom are higher in rank, to my disadvantage.A. worksB. workingC. workD. worked30. The rapid development China has achieved in the last decade that the future is likely to be very exciting.A. make it clearB. it has made clearC. it makes clearD. has made it clearPart ⅡReading Comprehension(2×20 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.Google, the Internet search engine company, has announced that it will give more than twenty five million dollars in money and investments to help the poor. The company says the effort involves using the power of information and technology to help people improve their lives.Aleem Walji works for —the part of the company that gives money to good causes. He said the company’s first project will help identify where infectious( 传染性的 ) diseases are developing. In Southeast Asia and Africa, for example, will work with partners to strengthen early warning systems and take action against growing health threats.’s second project will invest in ways to help small and medium sized businesses grow. Walji says wants to develop ways to bring investors and business owners together to help small and medium sized businesses create jobs and improve economic growth. will also give money to help two climate change programs announced earlier this year. One of these programs studies ways to make renewable( 再生的 )energy less costly than coal based energy. The other is examining the efforts being made to increase the use of electric cars.The creators of Google have promised to give about one percent of company profits and one percent of its total stock value every year. Aleem Walji says this amount may increase in the future.31.The purpose of Google’s investments is to .A. expand its own businessB. develop new technologyC. help poor peopleD. increase the power of information32.According to Aleem Walji, the company ’s first project is to .A. set up a new system to warn people of infectious diseasesB.cure patients of infectious diseasesC. identify the causes of infectious diseasesD. find out where infectious diseases are developing33.What kind of businesses will benefit from Google. org ’ s second project?A. Small and medium sized businesses.B. Cross national companies.C. Foreign funded corporations.D. Large enterprises.34.From the fourth paragraph, we learn that Google ’s money is also invested to help .A. start more research programsB. conduct studies related to climate changesC. develop renewable and coal based energyD. make more advanced electric cars35.From the last paragraph we learn that the investments by come from .A. some international IT companiesB. Google’ s profits and stock valueC. the company ’s own interestsD. local commercial banksSweden, Britain and Denmark are the only members of the 15 nation European Union that do not use the euro( 欧元 ). Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen says the result of the Swedish vote will have no effect on his plansto decide by early next year on whether to call a new referendum( 公民投票 ) on the euro. Denmark voted no in 2000.British Labor Party member Chris Bryant, who is chairman of the Labor Movement for Europe, says that more than half of Britain ’s trade is with Europe, and he hopes Britain will be joining the euro as soon as possible. British Prime Minister Tony Blair had said previously his government is committed in principle to joining the euro, provided that economic conditions are right.In Sweden, meanwhile, euro opponents have hailed the defeat of the single currency. The leader of the Left Party, Ulla Hoffman, said the people have made it clear democracy comes from the bottom, not from above. The Left Party, along with the environmentalist Greens, fought against the euro. But Prime Minister Goran Persson, who led the movement for the euro, said Sweden would have worse opportunities without the common currency in the long term.Euro supporters say that it would have improved trade with the 12 nation zone that uses the euro, and that a no vote would leave Sweden without a voice in EUeconomic decisions. Critics said the euro would mean higher prices and less money for Sweden’ s cradle to grave welfare system.36.Among the following persons, who is a euro opponent according tothe passage?A. Ulla Hoffman.B. Tony Blair.C. Chris Bryant.D. Goran Persson.37.What does a yes vote of common currency mean in the opponents ’ eyes?A. Sweden will have worse opportunities.B. It will endanger Sweden ’s cradle to grave welfare system.C.Sweden will have a strong voice in EU economic decisions.D. It is a democracy.38.Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?A.Environmentalist Greens opposes to common currency. is very likely to join the euro if her economic conditions are good.C.Denmark has decided to call a new referendum on the euro.D.Most members of the European Union use the euro.39.The word “hail”, in paragraph 3, is closest in meaning to.A. feel worried aboutB. feel uncomfortable forC. cheer forD. analyze40.What is the author ’ s tone in the passage?A. Objective.B. Ironic.C. Indifferent.D. Disapproving.Human cloning technology could be used to reverse heart attacks. Scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of the heart that have been damaged, and other problems may be solved if human cloning and its technology are not forbidden.With cloning, infertile couples could have children. Current treatments for infertility, in terms of percentages, are not very successful. Couples go through physically and emotionally painful procedures for a small chance of having children. Many couples run out of time and money without successfully having children. Human cloning could make it possible for many more infertile couples to have children than ever before.We should be able to clone the bone marrow for children and adultssuffering from leukemia( 白血病 ). This is expected to be one of the first benefitsto come from cloning technology.We may learn how to switch cells on and off through cloning and thus beable to cure cancer. Cloning technology can be used to test and perhaps curegene related diseases.The above is just a few examples of what human cloning technology can dofor mankind. This new technology promises unprecedented advancement in medicine if people will release their fears and let the benefits begin.41.Heart attacks can be treated with human cloning technology by.A. removing the damaged part of the heartB. repairing the heart with cells cloned from healthy onesC.replacing the old heart with a cloned oneD. giving the patients injections of various medicines42.The word “infertile ” , in paragraph 2, most probably means.A.separated from each other for longB.with physical and emotional problemsC.short of time and moneyD. unable to give birth to a child43. According to the passage, one of the first expected benefits fromcloning technology may be in.A. the cure of blood diseasesB. the bearing of babiesC. the treatment of heart attacksD. the treatment of cancer44.Cancer may be cured with the cloning technology by.A.attacking the diseased cells with healthy onesB.detecting disordered genes in the cancercells C.controlling the growth of the cellsD.activating cancer cells by switching them on45. According to the writer, the main problem with the development of human cloning technology is that.A. people are afraid of such technologyB. it has brought about few benefits so farC. people still know little about itD. its benefits are very limitedYour boss holds your future prospects in his hands. Some bosses are hard to get along with. Some have excellent qualifications but no idea when it comes to dealing with people. Of course, not all bosses are like that.The relationship you have with your boss can be a major factor in determining your rise up the career ladder. Your boss is not only your leader, he is also the person best equipped to help you do the job you are paid to do. He can inform you of company direction that may affect your professional development.Your boss also needs you to perform at your best in order to accomplishhis objectives. He needs your feedback in order to provide realistic and useful reports to upper management. But how does this help you establish a meaningful working relationship with your boss?The key is communication. Learn and understand his goals and priorities. Observe and understand your boss’ s work style. If he has not been clear with his expectations, ask! Likewise, ask for feedback and accept criticism gracefully. And if he understands that you do not view your job as just something to fill the hours between 9 and 5, he may be more likely to help you.In short, getting along with your boss requires getting to know his likesand dislikes and learning to work with his personality and management style.46.The main idea of the first paragraph is that .A.bosses are hard to deal withB.bosses have good charactersC.bosses must have similarpersonalityD. bosses determine your career future47.In the second paragraph, “rise up the career ladder” means.A.going to work abroadB.being promoted in positionC.changing jobs frequentlyD. pursuing an advanced degree48.In order to achieve his objectives, your boss expects that you will .A.get along with your colleaguesB.show your management skillsC.do your best in your workD. write reports to upper management49. The most important factor for establishing a good working relationship withthe boss is .A. high expectationsB. effective communicationC.frequent criticism D. quick feedback50.The best title for the passage might be.A.How to Take Care Of Your BossB.How to Accept Your Boss’ s CriticismC.How to Get Along with Your BossD.How to Accomplish Your Boss’s ObjectivePart Ⅲ Cloze(1×20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up with their work, they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never ending flood of words. In 51 a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend 52 can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are 53 readers. Most of us develop poor reading 54 at an early age, and never get over them. The main deficiency 55 in the actual stuff of language itself— words. Taken individually, words have 56 meaning until they are strung together into phrases, sentences and paragraphs. 57, however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He laboriously reads one word at a time, often regressing to 58 words or passages. Regression, the tendency to look back over 59 you havejust read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which 60 down the speed of reading is vocalization( 发声 )—sounding each word either orally or mentally as 61 reads.To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called an 62, which moves a bar(or curtain)down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate 63 the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch ”him. The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, 64 word by word reading, regression and subvocalization practically impossible. At first 65 is sacrificed forspeed. But when you learn to read ideas and concepts, you will not only read faster, 66 your comprehension will improve. Many people have found 67 reading skill drastically improved after some training. 68 Chalice Au, a business manager, for instance, his reading rate was a reasonably good 172 words a minute 69 the training, now it is an excellent 1,378 words a minute. He is delighted that now he can 70 a lot more reading material in a short period of time.51. A. getting B. doing C. offering D. applying52. A. easily B. quickly C. roughly D. decidedly53. A. good B. poor C. urgent D. curious54. A. training B. habits C. situations D. custom55. A. lies B. involves C. touches D. combines56. A. some B. dull C. little D. a lot57. A. Fortunately B. Unfortunately C. Logically D. In fact58. A. reuse B. reread C. recite D. rewrite59. A. if B. that C. what D. which60. A. cuts B. scales C. slows D. measures61. A. he B. one C. reader D. some one62. A. actor B. observer C. amplifier D. accelerator63. A. then B. as C. than D. beyond64. A. making B. leading C. enabling D. indicating65. A. comprehension B. meaning C. regression D. gist66. A. for B. nor C. but D. or67. A. our B. your C. their D. such a68. A. Take B. Consider C. Make D. Look at69. A. for B. before C. after D. in70. A. master B. present C. go over D. get throughPart ⅣError Correction(2×10 points)Directions: There are 10 sentences. Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. You are required to identify the one thatis incorrect, and then write the corresponding letter and the correct answer on the ANSWER SHEET.71.Don’ t playA tricks inB others; otherwiseC you will answer forD it.72.We are decidedA to meet atB the station atC four t hisD afternoon.73.What he had saidAaboutB the incident and done withC it added upD to our trouble.74.Go backA home now, Mary. Your parentsB are concernedCinD yoursafety.75.TheseA retired workers haveB visited several bigC cities this year, for exampleD New York, Chicago and Boston.76.The mother as well asA her children areB going toC dosomeshoppingD tomorrow morning.77.I was so amazingAatB the news thatC I could not say a wordD at the moment.78.A fewA flowers wereB still remained onC the trees at this time ofD year.79.They went acrossA the forest successfullyB and reachedC theirdestination ahead ofD time.80.TheA two young people make anB appointment to meetC again inDnext autumn.Part ⅤTranslation(20 points)Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese and write onthe ANSWER SHEET. ×(52)81. The whole situation starts to become more favorable. You begin to seethat even though the distinction of the culture is different from your own, it has elements that you can learn to appreciate.82. While clothing serves a purely practical function, how you dress also communicates many things about your social status, state of mind and even your dreams. What you communicate through your kind of dress definitely influence others.Directions: Translate the following sentences into English and write on the ANSWER SHEET. (2× 5)83.不但老师而且学生也知道地球是圆的。