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.功能对等理论功能对等理论由美国人尤金·A·奈达(Eugene Nida)提出,奈达师从几位著名的结构主义语言大师,本身也是有重要地位的语言学家,曾任美国语言学会主席。但这位在学术界赫赫有名的人物,偏偏远离学术重镇,默默地在美国圣经协会供职半个多世纪。他一生的主要学术活动都围绕《圣经》翻译展开。在《圣经》翻译的过程中,奈达从实际出发,发展出了一套自己的翻译理论,最终成为翻译研究的经典之一。奈达理论的核心概念是“功能对等”。所谓“功能对等”,就是说翻译时不求文字表面的死板对应,而要在两种语言间达成功能上的对等。


1.Katharina Reiss:Text Typology

The theories concerning text type and translation are mostly based on the work done by Buhler in the 1930’s . Buhler’s idea is to categorize text on the basis of their main function. He defines three types: conative, expressive and representative.

Buhler’s idea is to categorize text on the basis of their main function. He defines three types: conative, expressive and representative. Buhler’s ideas are further developed by Katharina Reiss (1971). Her text typology is 1) the informative text where the content is the main focus. (These texts do plain communication of facts, information, knowledge, opinions etc.); 2) the expressive text where the focus is on creative composition and aesthetics. (Both the author or the sender and the message are what are foregrounded. Imaginative creative literature exemplifies these texts. ); 3) the operative text where the focus is “appellative”by which what is meant is that the text appeals to the reader to act in a certain way, persuading, dissuading, requesting, and cajoling him. This form of language is usually dialogic or conversational. In addition, Reiss defines a fourth category, audio-visual texts. This is a sort of mixed category, which can include texts from all the other categories, as long as they are intended for audio-visual media. Functional Features of Text Typology and their links to translation methods Text typology informative Expressive operative Language function Informative (objects and facts) Expressive (expressing the sender’s attitudes) Appellative (making an appeal to text receiver) Language dimension Logical aesthetic Dialogue/conversation Text focus Content-focused Form-focused Appellative-focused TT should Transmit referential content Transmit aesthetic form Elicit-desired response Translation method ‘plain prose’explicitation as required (直白语言,按需要明晰化) Identifying method, (同一策略)adopt perspective of STauthor ‘adaptive’, equivalent effect (顺应、等

2.Hans J.Vermeer:Skopostheorie

Skopostheorie regards adequacy as its method of assessing whether the translation quality is good enough.

3.Justa Holz-Manttari:Theory of Translational Action

The German school of functionalist translation theory,which has put forward the concept of "translational action",defines translation as a kind of activities aiming at the prospective translation function and skopos,thus breaking the static ST-oriented research pattern and viewing translation as a selective and intentional intercultural communicative action intermediated by the
