Aerobic Respiration
Molecular Oxygen (O2) serves as the final eacceptor of the ETC
O2 is reduced to H2O Energy-generating mode used by aerobic chemoheterotrophs General term applied to most human pathogens Energy source = Oxidation of organic compounds Carbon Source = Organic Carbon
Microbial physiology. Microbial metabolism. Enzymes. Nutrition. Bioenergetics. Bacterial growth and multiplication.
Dr. Elena Romancenco Department of Microbiology
1. Glycolysis (splitting of sugar)
Carbohydrate (CHO) Catabolism Oxidation of Glucose into 2 molecules of Pyruvic acid CHO’s are highly reduced structures (thus, H-donors); excellent fuels Degradation of CHO thru series of oxidative reactions End Products of Glycolysis: 2 Pyruvic acid 2 NADH2 2 ATP
细菌在非水介质中,比水作介质时对热 的抵抗力大
低温可降低微生物代谢的速度。 大多数微生物对低温有很强的抵抗力 一般的:4-10℃ 淋球菌、脑膜炎球菌、流行感冒杆菌敏感,
伤寒杆菌、白喉杆菌耐低温 冷冻干燥:采用迅速冷冻和抽真空除水。
叫消毒。消毒只要求达到消灭传染性的目的,而对非病原微 生物及其芽孢、孢子并不严格要求全部杀死。
防腐(Antisepsis)或抑菌:指阻止或抑制物品上微生物 生长繁殖的方法,微生物不一定死亡。
最大限度地消灭病原体,尽可 能少地损害食品的营养物质
•低温维持巴氏消毒法(LTH): •63~65℃-30分钟; •高温短时间巴氏消毒法(HTST):
•71~72℃-15秒, •超高温巴氏消毒法(UHT): •132℃-1~2秒
以火焰直接灼烧杀死物 体中的全部微生物的方 法。
灼烧 焚烧
适用于高温下不损坏、 不变质的物品,需在 160℃维持1-2小时,才
能达到杀死所有微生物 及其芽孢、孢子的目的。
100℃,煮沸10~20分钟,可杀死所有细 菌繁殖体,芽孢常需煮沸1-2h才能杀死。
噬菌体(phage):是指寄生于微生物 (细菌、霉形体、螺旋体、放线菌以及 蓝细菌等)中的病毒。
Compact Dry SL (Salmonella)
• Salmonella form green colonies/aereas and change the medium to yellow
-> Salmonella decarboxylase alkalizes the medium and changes the medium from purple to yellow
3M Petrifilm • flexible film -> not stackable
-> elaborate closing procedure
-> 3-dimensional growth impos • different technology -> squeezer causes problems with air bubbles
Benefits compared to the 3M Petrifilm concept
Compact Dry • solid cartridge -> unlimited stackable -> safe, closed cover -> 3-dimensional growth of molds • similar to petridish -> higher acceptance for conventional microbiology customer -> colony picking is possible
-> risk of contamination during inoculation procedure
• Introduction • Types of Microorganisms • Microbial Metabolism • Microbial Life Processes • Microbial Ecology • Microbial Pathogenesis and Disease
04 Microbial Life Processes
Cell Structure and Function
Cell membrane
Composition, function, and transport processes across the membrane
Cell wall
Structure, function, and role in maintaining cell shape and protecting the cell
Fungi play important roles in composition, nutrient cycling, and symbolic relationships with plants and animals
Some fungi are editable and have culinary uses, while others can cause diseases in plants and animals
Cultivation and Respiration
Microorganisms can be cultured in different environments, such as on solid surfaces or in liquid media The choice of cultivation environment depends on the type of microbiology and the desired outcome of the experience or study
Chapter 8 Microbial genetics 微生物学 教学课件 英文版
![Chapter 8 Microbial genetics 微生物学 教学课件 英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/809b0d4826fff705cd170a57.png)
A number of prokaryotes have been found to be naturally transformable
• certain species of G+ and G- Bacteria
• some species of Archaea
However, even within transformable genera, only certain strains or species are transformable
8.2 Genetic recombination
Genetic recombination is the process by which genetic elements contained in two separate genomes are brought together in one unit.
❖ Value in industry
• Antibiotics
• Increase yields and improve manufacturing processes ❖ Diseases
• Understanding the genetics of disease-causing microorganisms
• The colonies not appearing on the replica plate are marked with an X
• The replica plate lacked one nutrient (leucine) present in the master plate
• Therefore, the colonies marked with an X are leucine auxotrophs
病毒的生物学性状一、病毒的大小与形态病毒体(Virion):完整、成熟、细胞外、典型、感染性比细菌小,以nm计电子显微镜各种病毒间大小差异大球形、杆状、丝状、弹状、砖形、蝌蚪状二、病毒的结构与化学组成1、病毒的结构核心(core)衣壳(caspid)壳粒(capsomere)(形态亚单位)化学亚单位(结构亚单位)数目及排列方式:螺旋对称20面体对称(立体对称)复合对称包膜(envelope):包膜子粒(peplomere)/刺突(spike)包膜的功能用于病毒的鉴定、分型维护病毒体的结构完整性磷脂、胆固醇、中性脂肪加固病毒体与致病和免疫有关2、病毒的化学组成与功能(1)核酸:基因组,多样性DNA/RNA;单链/双链;正链/负链;是否分节段功能:病毒复制决定病毒的特性具有感染性:感染性核酸(2)蛋白质衣壳、包膜、基质的组分非结构蛋白(酶类等)功能保护病毒核酸参与感染过程具有抗原性三、病毒的增殖自我复制(self replication)隐蔽期(eclipse period)复制周期(replication cycle)1、吸附非特异性吸附静电结合与温度关系不大与Na+、Mg2+、Ca2+等阳离子有关可逆特异性吸附不可逆病毒组织亲嗜性细胞受体病毒结合位点(配体)2、穿入吞饮(endocytosis)融合(fusion)核酸直接进入3、脱壳细胞内溶酶体溶解蛋白衣壳痘病毒两层衣壳溶酶体酶脱壳酶螺旋对称病毒不脱衣壳可转录4、生物合成隐蔽期6大类双链DNA病毒单链DNA病毒单正链RNA病毒单负链RNA病毒双链RNA病毒反转录病毒单负链RNA病毒双链RNA病毒dsRNA mRNA 蛋白↓(-)ssRNA ↓子代(+)ssRNA ↓子代(-)ssRNA、翻译蛋白5、组装、成熟、释放异常增殖●顿挫感染abortive infection 容纳细胞非容纳细胞●缺陷病毒defective virus 基因组缺陷辅助病毒四、理化因素对病毒的影响物理因素灭活(inactivation)耐冷不耐热化学因素脂溶剂:乙醚灭活试验酚类氧化剂、卤素等中草药亚病毒(subvirus)类病毒(viroid)250-400bp 卫星病毒/拟病毒(virosid)500-2000bp 朊粒(prion)真菌的生物学性状与医学有关的真菌接合菌亚门:无隔菌丝(毛霉)子囊菌亚门:毛癣菌担子菌亚门:新隐菌半知菌亚门:白假丝酵母菌鞭毛菌亚门一、形态与结构单细胞真菌酵母型类酵母型多细胞真菌菌丝(hypha)孢子(spore)真菌的细胞结构有隔菌丝隔膜中央有孔细胞壁结构难以总结出固定的模式细胞壁主要成分多糖链、蛋白质、脂几丁质纤维素葡聚糖甘露聚糖半乳聚糖二、真菌的繁殖与培养真菌的繁殖方式有性生殖无性繁殖芽生裂殖萌管隔殖真菌的培养沙保弱培养基生长缓慢酵母型菌落类酵母型菌落丝状型菌落三、变异性与抵抗力容易变异对理化因素敏感对抗生素不敏感对抗真菌药物敏感干扰现象(interference)缺陷干扰病毒异种间同种间同型间同株间灭活病毒质膜几丁质蛋白质层糖蛋白网葡聚糖粗糙卖孢菌细胞壁结构假菌丝叶状孢子芽生孢子厚膜孢子小孢子癣菌毛癣菌表皮癣菌分生孢子* * 病毒的形态核衣壳(nucleocaspid)包膜病毒和裸露病毒壳粒的排列方式螺旋对称壳粒壳粒的20面体对称复合对称与复杂对称电镜下的壳粒包膜病毒的刺突(3)脂类和糖吸附(absorption)穿入(penetration)脱壳(uncoating)生物合成(biosynthesis)组装、成熟、释放(assembly maturation and release)吸附双链DNA病毒(半保留复制)病毒DNA→转录早期mRNA →早期蛋白(酶类)→子代DNA →晚期mRNA →晚期蛋白(衣壳蛋白)单链DNA病毒ssDNA ↓dsDNA(RI)↓子代ssDNA、转录翻译单正链RNA病毒(+)ssRNA ↓早期蛋白(DRRP)↓(-)ssRNA ↓子代(+)ssRNA 晚期蛋白RNA RI 反转录病毒RNA ↓RNA:DNA中间体↓dsDNA→前病毒↓子代RNA、mRNA ↓翻译。
• Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)– originates from the outer membrane of the nuclear envelop & extends in a continuous network through cytoplasm; rough due to ribosomes, proteins are synthesized & shunted into the ER for packaging & transport. First step in secretory pathway.
4.2.4. The cell membrane
- typical bilayer of phospholipids and proteins
- Sterols (固醇) confer stability - serve as selectively permeable barriers in transport; involved in cell-cell recognition, endo- and exocytosis and adhesion to surface; transport system is located in membrane
-Eukaryotic cells also contain membrane-bound organelles that account for 60-80% of their volume
•The most obvious difference between Eukaryotic cells and procaryotic cells is in their use of membranes.
# 1 Microbiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and VirusesPart 3: Viruses•Viruses -non-living infectious agents that may infect all living things.•Commonly named according to which host is infected.•Terms–Virion: virus particle consisting of protein coat/nucleicacid.–Capsid: term for viral protein coat–Capsomere: identical protein subunits of the capsid–Nucleocapsid: Viral capsid along with tightly packednucleic acid.–Envelope: Double layer of lipid surrounding the capsid.Microbiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and Viruses# 1Part 3: VirusesMicrobiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and Viruses# 1Part 3: VirusesMicrobiology Unit 3 -Bacterial Genetics and VirusesPart 3: VirusesShape and Classification of RNA Viruses# 2 Shape and Classification of RNA Viruses# 2Shape and Classification of DNA Viruses # 2Relative Size of Viruses •Viruses 100-1000X smallerthan hosts: 10-500 nm.•Attachment via–Spikes (attachment proteinsproject from tailless capsid)–Tails (tail fibers used )–Not needed for plant viruses•Viral genome may be–Single or double stranded,DNA or RNA–DNA may be circular or linear–Very small genome.# 3/4/5Requirement for Viruses To Grow Inside Living Cells •Must have actively multiplying host cell for viral replication.•Viruses lack enzymes to make either enzymes or proteins.•Necessary to use host enzymes and cell structures for viral reproduction.•Two phases of viruses –Outside living cells: viruses are inert macromolecules –Inside living cells: viruses redirect host metabolism for viral reproduction.•Necessary Genetic Information Needed by Viruses –Viral protein coat –Replication for Viral nucleic acid–Movement of virus in and out of host.# 6# 7 Outcomes of Viral Infection of Bacteria1) Virulent or lytic phage, e.g.,T4–Redirect cell to make more phage and lyse the cell.2) Non-lytic phage, e.g.,filamentous phage -M13–Partial takover of cell metabolism to make more phagethen leak out into environment without killing cell.3) Temperate phage, e.g. Lambda (λ) phage–Produce “latent “ infections as they are incorporated intobacterial genome.–Replicate along with the host–Produce “lysogenic conversion” -coding for proteinsdifferent than those native to the host, e.g., C. diphtheriae Outcomes of Phage Infection of Bacteria# 7Bacterial Infection with Virulent TLytic Phage# 84Bacterial Infection with Temperate λ Phage# 9Transduction Review# 10•Bacterial gene transfer via bacteriophage.•General vs. specialized.–General: Any gene of the donor cell is transferred–Specialized:•Only selected genes from donor cell are transferred.•Only temperate phages are involved in transduction•Phage integrates at certain sites into the bacterialchromosome.•Examples are Lambda phage in E. coli and toxinproduction in Corynebacterium diphtheriaeGene Transfer in Bacteria -Transduction# 10Specialized Transduction Via Temperate Phage# 10 Virulent Properties Conferred to Bacterial HostsVia ProphageHost Ranges of Bacteriophage# 11•Host range of phage limited to specific bacterial species and often to only a few strains.•Important limitation factors:–Phage needs specific receptor sites on host cell surface•Receptor sites may be altered via mutation or lysogenic conversion.–Restriction modification system on host cell must be overcome •Host bacteria have 2 adjacent genes–Restriction enzyme–Modification enzyme.•Because of limited host range, DNA rarely transferred between species.。
Microorganisms can be multiple by binary session, padding, or other methods, depending on the specifications
Coexistence and competition
Diagnosis: Identification of the causative agent of a disease is critical for accurate diagnosis and treatment Microbiological tests can identify the presence of microorganisms in clinical samples, such as blood, urine, and issue biopsy specifications
Enzyme lay (ELISA)
A technique that uses antibiotics linked to an enzyme to detect microbial antibodies in serum or other body fluids It is widely used in clinical microbiology and mycology for the diagnosis of various infections
e3 微生物学-南京师范大学 英文版PowerPoint课件
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The comparison between Protokaryotic and Eukaryotic Microorganisms
cell size major component of cell wall mitochondria mesosome Eukaryotic microorganisms larger(>5mm) cellulose, chitin + - Prokaryotic mocroorganisms smaller(<5mm) peptidoglycan - +
specialized vegetative bodies
Cited from “General Mycology” edited by Xing Laijun and Li Mingchun(1999)
ring and net
ring A ellworm being captured by the rings under the transmitted electronic microscopy net
- PHB et al.
70S - - 1 piece,without histone
Cell Structure of Eukaryotic Microorganism
Cell Wall yeast: mannan and glucan fungi:chitin Flagellum 9+2 type Cytomembrane sterol
Chapter 5 Viruses 微生物学 教学课件 英文版
![Chapter 5 Viruses 微生物学 教学课件 英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4b777e1db9d528ea81c779d3.png)
General morphology
Three main classes - animal viruses, bacterial viruses (bacteriophages), and plant viruses.
Viruses vary considerably in size. Although most are quite a bit smaller than bacteria, some of the larger viruses (such as the smallpox virus) are about the same size as some very small bacteria (such as the mycoplasmas, rickettsias, and chlamydias).
A virus can have either DNA or RNA but never both !!
Structure of viruses
• Most viruses are too small to be seen under light microscope. • All viruses consists of an RNA or DNA core genome surrounded by a protein coat capsid.
Genome in virion
The genomes of viruses can be composed of either DNA or RNA, and some use both as their genomic material at different stages in their life cycle. However , only one type of nucleic acid is found in the virion of any particular type of virus.
Microorganisms are responsible for many of the changes observed in organic and inorganic matter (e.g., fermentation and the carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycles that occurred in nature.
Microbiology is a large discipline, which has a
1.1 What is a microbe?
The word microbe (microorganism) is used to describe an organism that is so small that can not be seen without the use of a microscope. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and some algae are all included in this category.
Microbial world
Infectious agents (non-living) viruses viroids prions
Prokaryotes (unicellular)
Algae (unicellular or multicellular)
Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Microbiology
pter outline
1.1 What is a microbe? 1.2 The importance of Microbiology 1.3 Microbes in our lives 1.4 The history of microbiology 1.5 Important events in the development of microbiology
微生物英文课件-gentic A
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I. Point mutations
-involve addition, deletion, or substitution of single bases
1. Silent mutations (same-sense mutations) are alterations
Genetics – the study of heredity
1. transmission of biological traits from parent to offspring
2. expression & variation of those traits 3. structure & function of genetic material 4. how this material changes or evolves
Chapter Eight Microbial genetics
8.1 Introduction to genetics and genes 8.2 Mutations 8.3 DNA recombination events
8.1 Introduction to genetics and genes
Levels of genetic study
Levels of structure & function of the genome
• genome – sum total of genetic material of an organism (chromosomes + mitochondria/chloroplasts and/or plasmids)
1 mm; 1,000X longer than cell • Human cell – 46 chromosomes containing 31,000
1. Stab the cell into semisolid medium in a test tube
2. Observe the cell under the microscope with a hanging drop slide
Flagellar structure
(Brock, P75)
Filament 鞭毛絲 --
long, thin, helical structure composed of proteins
Hook 鉤形鞘-- curved sheath
Basal body 基體-- stack of rings firmly anchored
Peptidoglycan structure
(Brock, P60)
• Back bone: repeating disaccharides of NAM and NAG
• Tetrapeptide (4 alternating D- and L- aa): attached to NAM
• Peptide cross link:
Structure of the cell wall
gram-negative cell
The cell wall helps determine the shape of a bacterium, provides the kind of strong structural support necessary to keep a bacterium from bursting or collapsing because of changes in osmotic pressure
Chapter 3 The Prokaryotes 微生物学 教学课件 英文版
![Chapter 3 The Prokaryotes 微生物学 教学课件 英文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/81efe703804d2b160a4ec021.png)
3.2 Actinomycetes
Actinomycetes are filamentous bacteria. Their morphology resembles that of the filamentous fungi; however, the filaments of actinomycetes consist of procaryotic cells. Some actinomycetes resemble molds by forming externally carried asexual spores for reproduction.
Chain of conidiospores
Aerial hyphae
Agar surface
Substrate mycelium
The cross section of an actinomycete colony showing the substrate mycelium and aerial mycelium with chains of conidiospores
Rod-shaped bacteria
Bacilli divide only across their short axis, so there are fewer groupings of bacilli than of cocci.
Single bacillus
Some bacteria are shaped like long rods twisted into spirals or helices; they are called vibrios (like commas or incomplete spirals), spirilla if rigid and spirochetes when flexable.
微生物学英文课件The Growth of Microorganisms.ppt
![微生物学英文课件The Growth of Microorganisms.ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2a4c8f0c561252d381eb6e0e.png)
• 50oC and above
• Mesophiles
– moderate temperatures
• near 37oC
• Psychrophiles
– colder temperatures
• below 5oC
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
– Complex mix of microorganisms
– Unique interactions and impact on other microorganisms
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
Continuous culture
• Chemostat
a. Growth can be expressed by the equation
N = No x 2n
where N = number of bacteria at end of growth period No = number of bacteria inoculated at start of growth period
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
Exponential growth
• Binary fission
– each cell becomes two
– each generation doubles the population
– result is exponential growth
© 2004 Wadsworth – Thomson Learning
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Streptococcus - facultatively anaerobic or microaerophilic, catalase negative, gram-positive, Cell arranges in pairs or chains, usually nonmotile,
A few species are anaerobic rather than facultative.
• Microorganisms are too small to be seen without the use of a microscope. The techniques-such as sterilization and the use of culture medium are required to isolate and grow these microbes.
Hale Waihona Puke How to identify an unknown bacterial species ?
Factors: • Morphology (shape) • Chemical composition (often detected by
staining reactions)
• Nutritional requirements • Biochemical activities • Source of energy (sunlight or chemicals)
amino acid is L-lysine.
The three most important genera are:
1. Micrococcus 2. Staphylococcus 3. Streptococcus
Micrococcus – aerobic, gram-positive, catalase positive, cell arranges mainly in pairs, tetrads, or irregular clusters, nonmotile. They are often yellow, orange or red in color
3.1 Bacteria
Size, Shape, and Arrangement of Bacterial Cells
Most bacteria fall within a range from 0.2 to 2.0 μm in diameter and from 2 to 8μm in length.
Chapter 3 The Prokaryotes
Chapter Outline
3.1 Bacteria 3.2 Actinomycetes 3.3 Cyanobacteria 3.4 Archaeobacteria 3.5 Other prokaryotes 3.6 Classification of bacteria
Spore-forming rod shaped bacteria
Almost all Spore-forming bacteria are Gram+
Bacillus – Aerobic
Bacillus subtilis, B. Mycoides B. Pastturii B. megaterium B. Thuringiensis B. Anthracis B. Botulinus B. cereus
Arrangement of Spherical Bacterial Cells
The Micrococcaceae
The family Micrococcaceae contains gram-positive cocci, 0.5-2.5 μm in diameter, that divide in more than one plane to form regular or irregular clusters of cells. All are aerobic or facultatively anaerobic. The peptidoglycan di-
Staphylococcus - facultatively anaerobic, grampositive, usually form irregular clusters, nonmotile, catalase positive but oxidase negative, ferment glucose anaerobically.
Rod-shaped bacteria
Bacilli divide only across their short axis, so there are fewer groupings of bacilli than of cocci.
Single bacillus
Cm = 10-2 meter mm = 10-3 meter μm = 10-6 meter nm = 10-9 meter
They have a few basic shapes-spherical coccus (plural, cocci, meaning berries), rod-shaped bacillus (plural, bacilli, meaning little staffs), and spiral.
• Bacteria may be spherical (cocci), rod-shaped (bacilli), spiral, or filamentous.
• Most bacteria can be divided into gram-positive and gramnegative groups based on their cell wall structure and response to the Gram stain. Bacteria such as mycoplasmas lack a cell wall.