



会影响印品质量,重新开机进行的一系列准备工作也会带来时间、油 墨和纸张等浪费,所以对墨斗中油墨最小量的监测是十分必要的。如 果油墨过多会使油墨氧化结皮,油墨过少会影响印品质量,轮转印 刷机集中供墨系统能监测墨斗中的油墨量并 实现自动供给油墨,保
石家庄金泰福特机电有限公司是一家开发自主产品的科技型企业,主要提供各种非标产品, 为客户定做适合客户个性化要求的产品。我公司技术力量雄厚,拥有一批专业的工程技术人
加注机、润滑油加注机、轴承定量注脂机、汽车轴承自动加脂机、风力发电机轴承定量加脂 机、履带销轴自动加脂流水线、防冻液加注机、滚针轴承加脂机、机油加注机、润滑油灌装 机、空压机加油机、微量液体灌装机、粘流体灌装机、黄油枪灌油器、黄油泵、电动油桶泵 (脂桶泵)、汽车轮毂定量注脂机、电机轴承定量注脂机、电动工具定量加脂机、阻尼器加 注机、黄油弹、铁路轴承定量注油机、铁路维修专用设备、减速机定量加脂机、电动润滑泵 、气动润滑泵、电子排水器等产品。主要应用在机电、五金以及相关行业,例如:液压设备 厂、密封元件厂、电力公司、彩印厂、钢铁集团、轨道交通行业、风发电机制造厂、五金 工具厂、电机制造厂、电梯电机制造厂、减速机制造厂、汽车制造厂、汽车零部件制造厂、 轴承制造厂等行业。 石家庄金泰福特机电有限公司一直以“品质保证、服务专业、顾客满意”为经营宗旨,以“ 求仁为大、求利为小、真诚服务为己任”为经营理念,开拓进取,务实创新,在发展过程中 ,公司也因此得到了广大客户的一致认可。我公司凭着先进的技术以及完善的售后服务,秉 承科技为先、永创一流的企业宗旨,竭诚欢迎新老客户交流合作,与其共创美好未来。






































诺信精益蜂窝粉末喷涂系统20秒换色Encore HD手动喷枪系统说明书

诺信精益蜂窝粉末喷涂系统20秒换色Encore HD手动喷枪系统说明书

Nordson Lean Cell®Powder Spray System20-Second Color ChangeEncore HD Manual Gun SystemProprietary Nordson Encore HD technology (high-density pow-der, low-volume air) technology precisely dispenses powder coating for superior finish quality, less waste, and fast color change. The system uses less compressed air to propel powder to the gun with less air velocity. This results in less overspray, more powder on the part, higher first-pass transfer efficiency,and greater powder material savings. The gun featuresan innovative powder flow trigger that enables the operator to select between a pre-programmed low- or high-flow setting to tailor the powder spray pattern to the part being coated.Encore HD Color-on-Demand ™ Instant Color SelectorThe Nordson Encore HD Color-on-Demand instant color selector delivers ultra-fast color changes in less than 20 seconds . The system accommodates up to 28 colors at one time for more color changes per shift, higher throughput, and just-in-time manufacturing with zero inventory for dramatically increased operating flexibility. The system features a touch-screen color display with user- configurable buttons that can be set for size and color identification, with a simple touch of a button.The Encore HD manual gunis automaticallypurgeable with either continuous or pulse purge.The Nordson Lean Cell System, consisting of the Lean Cell spray booth, Encore® HD manual spray gun, and Encore HD Color-on-Demand® instant color selector, sets the new standard in lean powder coating, with unsurpassed coating performance and efficiency, and color change in 20 seconds or less .Lean Cell Powder Spray BoothThe Nordson Lean Cell booth is exceptionally compact, minimizing floor space and conveyor line gaps, and helping to maximize production capacity and color-change speed.An innovative booth airflow design assures powder containment, even with an open-face canopy design and large part openings. The open-face canopy maximizes operator access to parts being coated, for unsurpassed flexibility of movement based on part size and shape, and highest-possible transfer efficiency.Evenly distributed, front-to-back booth air flow, combined with proprietary Nordson Apogee® canopy material, which has the least amount of powder attraction of any material on the market today , provide ultra-fast evacuation of any airborne powder during color change. This enhances color-change speed, eliminates the possibility of cross-contamination of colors, and makes routine booth cleanup a breeze.The synergy of the Nordson Lean Cell System delivers contamination-free color change in less than 20 seconds.Encore HD Color-on-Demand instant color selector is designed forprecision dispensing and ultra-fast,contamination-free color change.2 | Lean Cell ™ Powder Spray SystemLean Cell™ Powder Spray System | 3Wide Range of Booth Sizesand CFM Capacitiesunit. A range of Lean Cell module physical sizes andCFM capacities are combined with the “right size”canopy to help you “lean out” your coating operation.The Lean Cell collector module means no extraequipment, and no wasted space or CFM capacity.Lean Cell Specifications and Utility Requirements© 2016 Nordson Corporation All Rights Reserved PWL-16-3753 Revised 2/16For more information on automatic fast color change powder spray systems, talk with your Nordson representative or visit our website at /powderLean Cell System Features and Benefitsn C olor change in 20 seconds or less – maximizes production throughput and flexibility.n 28-color capacity – provides exceptional flexibility of color selection.n E asy-to-use, touch-screen color selector user interface – fast, easy selection of colors, capability to customize color names or designations.n H DLV dense phase powder transport – softer, more powder concentrated spray pattern allows faster coating at closer gun-to-part distances than conventional powder spray guns. Achieves required film build with less effort and higher transfer efficiency.n I nnovative powder flow trigger on gun – enables operator to select between a pre-programmed low- or high-flow setting to tailor the powder spray pattern to the part being coated.n E asy-to-use spray gun user interface – all spray gun controls are conveniently positioned at the operator’s finger-tips for easy setting, viewing and changing of electrostatic and pneumatic parameters.n C ompact, flexible booth design –takes up less floor space, minimizes line gaps, and speeds color-change time.n P roprietary Nordson Apogee ® canopy material hasthe least amount of powder attraction of any material on the market today – providing ultra-fast evacuationof any airborne powder during color change.n H igher CFM capacity than conventional booths –open-face booth design with large part openings enables operator flexibility of movement, and accommodates a wide range of part sizes.n F ull-function UL 508-compliant control panel with safety interlock – standard on all booth models.n O ptional fluidized powder recovery hopper – for easier removal of collected powder and booth cleanup.For any operationrequiring many color changes orultra-fast, color-change time, the Lean Cell booth is also compatible with standard spray application equipment, such as the Nordson Sure Coat ® automatic and manual spray guns and controls.For more information, speak with your Nordson representative or contact your Nordson regional office.United States Amherst, Ohio+1.800.433.9319 Phone +1.888.229.4580 Fax CanadaMarkham, Ontario+1.905.475.6730 Phone +1.800.463.3200 Phone +1.905.475.8821 FaxEuropeErkrath, Germany+49.211.9205.141 Phone +49.211.9252.148 Fax JapanTokyo, Japan+81.3.5762.2700 Phone +81.3.5762.2701 FaxChinaPudong, Shanghai+86.21.3866.9166 Phone +86.21.3866.9199 Fax Asia/Australia/ Latin America Amherst, Ohio+1.440.985.4000 Phone24-hour message service:+1.440.985.4797+1.440.985.4000 Nordson Corporation 300 Nordson DriveAmherst, Ohio 44001, USA。





EPSON R270另色鬼连供系统喷墨打印机选择连续供墨系统是节约使用成本的最有效途径。



EPSON R270另色鬼连供系统EPSON R270另色鬼连供系统所以说,连续供墨系统本身不是一个有独立功能的产品,它必须得安装在打印机上才能发挥其作用,打印机也不会因为安装了连续供墨而性能更好、打印精度更高。

而我们在EPSON R270上选择的另色鬼连供是“傻瓜式”的安装办法,按照说明书操作即可。


EPSON R270另色鬼连供系爱普生R270喷墨打印机连供系统的安装爱普生R270喷墨打印机,标配6色墨盒,改进型微压电喷墨技术让其最小墨滴仅为1.5微微升,出色的色彩还原能力、精细的打印效果。











取消CANON 印表機的更換墨盒提示及偵測墨水容量教學●當您列印到相當的數量後,電腦螢幕會提示墨水存量過低,請忽略指示繼續列印,以後的低墨量提示都忽略他。




(重新設定鍵)Ω墨水達人1.印表機若沒有必要,請不要重複卸除又裝上墨水夾,因為可能會導致墨水匣無法辨識,並非墨夾會自動記錄,而是電流不穩,造成墨水匣的晶片燒毀.2.若列印出現斷線或者溢墨,可以嘗試用一般清潔墨頭,建議按[開始]-[傳真或印表機]-在印表機的圖案上,按滑鼠右鍵-選[列印喜好設定]-選[服務]或[維護]的選項,使用軟體來清潔噴嘴,原則上,同一時間以3次為限.3.Canon印表機的待機耗電量很低,所以建議不要關機比較好.4.買連續供墨印表機,請能印就多印,印表機多印不會壞,會壞都是太少印,或太久沒印.5.隨時有無法處理的印表機問題,請不要一在重複的關機或者是拆下墨水夾,會導致導致墨水夾無法辨識,造成墨水夾的晶片燒毀,就不能列印了.6.外置墨水瓶不可懸空置放,底部與印表機要在同一個水平面.墨水夾上的墨水管線,若有空氣,在15cm以內都算正常現象.不可將墨水高舉或高掛超過印表機,會導致噴嘴溢墨.7.墨水匣上方的墨水管,若有空氣,在15公分以內,都還算正常現象,只要列印張數多,就會不見了;少印,或過一段時間又出現,是正常的現象.若列印張數很多,墨水管線內的墨水都不會前進,此時就要和店長連絡了.8.空氣過濾器若不慎被墨水弄濕了,請立即更換!9.不同廠牌的墨水混合使用,會導致噴嘴阻塞,如需填充墨水,請與我們連絡.▲連續供墨的填充墨水教學/watch?v=zpdAi3zD-1sQ1:為何印表機在列印完之後,會有類似清潔噴嘴的動作?這是正常現象,並非再清洗噴頭,而是偵測入紙與出紙是否有異物,以及滾輪自我測試,連續列印就不會,單張列印,或停留一段時間不列印,墨水夾會從準備列印,移動到最右邊的待命區.若有興趣,可以將卡榫卡住上蓋偵測器,可以邊列印邊觀察,您會發現,他的人工智慧真的設計很好,因為當墨水夾停留在準備列印區,大約15~20秒內,您有資料須要列印,印表機可以馬上執行列印工作.若停留到20秒以上,墨水夾會自動停留在最右邊的待命區,此時對墨水夾有保護作用,避免乾燥,也避免移動到印表機而導致墨水夾晃動.Q2:在哪裡登錄網路保固?原廠登錄連結如下:https:///service/member.asp產品型號: 您購買的印表機型號,有選單可以點選.產品機號: 印表機內部或者外箱會有號碼購買日期:發票號碼: 可以空白購買經銷商: 可以空白沒有發票,保固卡沒有蓋章,完全不影響網路登錄保固,記得要網路登錄保固,才能享有2年保固.Q3:真的不要關機嗎?因為耗電量不大,所以建議不要開開關關的!以MP258印表機為例,紙盒外面寫,待機1.2W,列印11W,如果拿吹風機換算,吹風機通常是800w,若以吹風機使用5分鐘,可以讓印表機待機55小時.如果拿家中的日光燈管40W來比較,開日光燈4小時,可以讓印表機待機133小時.如果拿家中的手電筒3W來比較,開手電筒使用6小時,可以讓印表機待機15小時.如果用微波爐1500w加熱食物3分鐘,可以讓印表機待機62小時.所以,省電節能雖然很重要,但是相互比較下,這樣的待機耗電量相當低,所以店長建議不要關機比較好!Q4:如何印出好相片?以及調整列印的顏色?列印紙張請用相片紙,使用高品質列印,並且設定紙張材質為相片紙.剛列印的前50張,使用的幾乎都是原廠的墨水,印到100張以上,就會開始和原廠墨水融和使用,印到1000張以上,應該就是用我們的墨水了.若顏色上有些微的差異,可以按照以下步驟來設定![開始]-[裝置和印表機]-找到你的印表機圖案,滑鼠移到印表機圖案上面,按滑鼠右鍵,選[列印喜好設定],之後可以點選[主要],中間地方有色彩/強度改為手動,再按[設定],就可以調整列印的顏色了.建議使用相片軟體或繪圖軟體,這樣修改比較適合.墨水達人敬上。











(图9)(图10)2、1390安装方法:用一字螺丝刀从输墨管上拆下输墨管支架 (图11所示),将附件的小支架安装上输墨管,并向墨瓶端移动约7.5CM(图12所示)。











































打印机连供墨盒的安装和使用经验最近发现了一位友人在玩纸模,看着我也手痒痒,于是在网上找了很多资料来看,决定买部HP F2488喷墨一体机来试下,反正不贵,而且还可以改成连供,用来打纸模非常划算。


呵呵,试过了打印质量也非常满意!若有兴趣改连供的朋友,可参考以下转载回来的内容!!当中有穿**自己的一些体会和心得!一、全新机器入手2010年6月有了更换以前HP 3740的打算,考虑用途和价格,选中HP F2488,一方面前期使用3740感觉质量不错,另一方面在一体机中2488价格基本上最低,当然还有2418,但是感觉多几十块钱买这个更好些。



有墨盒!(我开始本来打算买最近便宜得非常火的打印机HP D1668,但很多纸模粉丝推荐功能更强悍的F2488,其实扣除墨盒的价钱,裸机大概就200元左右,但别忘记,机子还具备扫描和复印功能!所以我也决定入手F2488!)二、连供系统入手对于连供的选择,还是参考了很多,淘宝上有45左右的连供墨盒,但是全部都是散件,需要自己组装,并且没有墨水,还需多花30左右买4个颜色的墨水。

(word完整版)德国布朗卢比PowerMon 中文操作手册

(word完整版)德国布朗卢比PowerMon 中文操作手册




未经Bran+Luebbe公司的书面许可,本手册的任何部分都不允许以任何方式——电子地或机械地——被复制,传播.即便本手册被译为多种语言的版本,德文的版本为原始版本.目录1 介绍 (4)1.1 本手册的惯例 (4)2 安全建议 (5)3 运行操作 (6)3.1 概述 (6)3.2 触摸屏 (6)3.2.1 初始化 (7)3.2.2 PowerMon 的结构和布局 (8)3.3 结果 (8)3.3.1 表格 (9)3.3.2 图表 (10)3.3.3 信息 (10)3.4菜单 (11)3.4.1 系统 (11)3.4.2 传感器列表 (12)3.4.3 参数列表 (17)3.4.4应用 (17)3.4.5 服务 (23)3.4.6 帮助 (34)3.5 操作模式 (35)3.5.1 测量模式 (36)3.5.2 校准模式 (36)3.5.3 停止模式 (36)3.5.4 错误模式 (37)4 报错信息 (38)4.1 概述 (38)4.2 报错信息概述 (38)1 介绍Bran+Luebbe公司的PowerMon系列分析仪表是新一代完全自动化的在线分析仪表的。





佳能MP276连续供墨系统 [图片]蓝光坊摄影工作室 ADD:史各庄100号某一天,夜深人静,电脑玩到无趣,无睡意,翻开以前的相册,突然有种想永久保存的愿望..故有此diy.供像我一样,喜欢翻腾,喜欢动手的人分享MP276 性价比超高的一款打印复印扫描一体机。





















彩墨位置:上红M 、下左绿C、下右黄Y。

黑墨盒只有一孔黑BK 注好墨后,塞上胶塞。






























连供安装图解(Canon单黑色)开始安装前必读:严格按照以下步骤操作,不可逾越任何步骤,不可麻痹大意,认真对待,小心操作.避免一切因您的不留意造成的不必要的麻烦与损失.预祝您安装使用顺利!开始:(一)打开包装后一手拿出连供外置瓶,一手拿墨盒.不要拉扯到墨管线,使接头松动.将墨盒与外置瓶摆放在打印机旁(*外置瓶不可垫高也不能放低,要与打印机同一桌面上)拔下外置瓶上的黑色小头胶塞,放上连供配件里面的透明空气过滤器.如图(二)接通打印机电源,按打印机电源键(上面那个按键)打开打印机机盖,等到墨盒架滑到滑杆中央位置时,拔掉打印机电源插头(此步骤目的:可以用手推动墨盒车,随意滑动,方面墨盒的安装与墨管线的调整布置).(这时可以用手推动墨盒车,方便调整墨管的长度) .(四)拿起墨盒,先检查墨盒芯片处是否整洁干燥(墨水和杂物会阻碍墨盒与打印机的接触,甚至导电后是墨盒芯片短路,导致墨盒芯片烧坏,芯片烧坏后将不可恢复)去掉黑色L字型墨盒保护夹,撕掉墨盒喷头封口蓝色带子.安装上墨盒.(*无论在何时都不可以带电拆装墨盒,以免烧坏墨盒芯片.)如图(三)用胶带如图位置固定墨盒尾部的墨管,把墨管小心的捋顺固定.(*墨管不可过长,阻碍墨盒打印时移动;也不能过短,牵拉到连接部位造成连供密封不严)然后分别将墨盒车用手推到最左端和最右端在打印机上部找到墨管固定的最合适位置如图(四)现在盖下打印机盖子,接通打印机电源.可以尝试打印1.记住不可以带电拆装墨盒2.外置瓶的要放在同打印机一个桌面上,不可以垫高的3.要记得先打开外置瓶上的小胶塞,再打开墨盒的保护夹以及封口带打印机墨盒的芯片是有记忆功能的,但是芯片只记忆墨水的消耗,不记忆墨水的补充.墨盒内只有几毫升的墨水量,打不了几张就会看到提示墨水量低,不需理会,也不必惊慌,完全不会影响到打印的.使用连供关注墨水量只需要看外置瓶里面的墨水高度就行了.当打印一段时间以后电脑退弹出墨水已经用尽的提示对话框的时候将,如果打印机是IP1200/IP1600/IP2200/IP1180/IP1880型号,请按恢复键(在电源键下面那个)15秒钟后松手,对话框自动消失(提示框如下图):关于5100错误提示的解析此提示出现的原因是:连供墨管线没有布置好,妨碍的打印机感应器的感应.常会出现吞纸,卡纸,无法打印等故障.解决的方法是:严格的按照使用说明上的步骤和位置重新布置墨管线,特别要注意的是墨管的走向和长度的调整,绝对不可以马虎.下图是抽墨工具(为备用工具不需安装).就是墨盒在打印过程中出现墨管有空气;长时间没有打印导致喷头表面干燥;打印过程中有喷嘴出墨不良好的情况下使用.将墨盒连墨管一起放置在抽墨工具中抽出少量墨水即可.(操作时需用力握紧,只抽不能推).正确的将墨盒安装到抽墨夹中,喷头处对准抽墨夹的绿色胶垫如上图用针筒(不用针头)对准墨盒喷头处,顶住往外抽墨水,只能抽不可以推,小心操作,彩色墨盒推就会造成混色,千万小心加墨方式:当外置瓶里面的墨水剩余液面距底座不足2厘米高度的时候,要及时补充高品质墨水.加墨时先将过滤器拿下,将瓶子平躺,在小孔那里将注射器吸满的墨水加到外置瓶里面.加满后将瓶子竖立起来放好空气过滤器即可.如下图温馨提示您如以上内容您认真阅读并严格的按照步骤操作了,仍然打印有故障,请先将您的连供安装布线和外置瓶用数码相机(无相机用摄像头)拍下来,然后联系我们.您提供的照片将是我们帮您解决处理问题的关键!最后感谢您的光临,祝您工作,学习顺利,合家幸福!佳能IP1600 连供安装图解连供实物图安装图解下一篇:连续供墨系统(连供系统)十几种故障排除的方法昨天一客户拿来佳能IP1180打印机改装连供,这机子看着简单,在反连供方面可真是够强的,换墨舱的空间狭小,右边更是保坦克的装甲一样,包的严严实实,一开始我们打算按HP的常规走线方法,但是客户不是很适应这种走线的使用方法,后来同事有一个大胆的想法,给IP1180动“手术”,在短暂的讨论之后,又和客户进一步沟通,终于大家决定对其下手了。



手把手教你喷墨打印机连续供墨连供系统细节使用技巧(2009-07-04 13:46:23)转载▼分类:转帖标签:手把手教你图解喷墨打印机连续供墨连供系统细节使用技巧it现在市场上的连续供墨各品牌产品基本上都是“傻瓜式”的安装方法,按照说明书操作即可。





连供外墨盒加好墨,放低管线,让墨水自然充满管线,在离开弯头1-2CM 处,找个夹子夹死管线,如果有截止阀最好,把弯头插进墨盒的开孔内,紧配合。








Canon C-EXV 21黄色墨物说明书

Canon C-EXV 21黄色墨物说明书

Safety Data SheetIssuing date : 29-Jun-2006SDS # : TCW 0596 R - 01 EU ENRevision date : 20-May-2015Version : 04SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking1.1. Product Identifier Product name Canon C-EXV 21 Yellow Toner Product Code(s)0455B0021.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against UseToner for electrophotographic machines1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Supplier ImporterCanon Europa N.V.Bovenkerkerweg 59, 1185XB Amstelveen, The Netherlands +31 20 5458545, +31 20 5458222Manufacturer Canon Inc.30-2, Shimomaruko 3-Chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 146-8501, Japan 1.4. Emergency Telephone Number *1 Kontakt Giftlinien på tlf.nr.: 82 12 12 12 (åbent 24 timer i døgnet). Se punkt 4 om førstehjælp.*2 Only for the purpose of informing medical personnel in cases of acute intoxications.*3 Ask for Poison InformationSECTION 2: Hazards identification2.1. Classification of the substance or mixtureClassification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008Not classifiedClassification according to EU Directives 67/548/EEC or 1999/45/EC Not classifiedAustria +43 (0) 1 406 43 43Belgium +32 (0) 70 245 245Bulgaria 112Croatia+385 (0)1-23-48-342Cyprus 1401Czech Republic +420 224919293Denmark +45 82 12 12 12 [*1]Estonia 16662Finland +358 (0)9 471977France +33 (0)1 45 42 59 59Greece +30 210 7793777Hungary +36 80 20 11 99Italy+39 (0)55 7947819Latvia+371 67042473Lithuania +370 687 53378Luxembourg 112Malta 112Netherlands +31 (0)30-2748888 [*2]Poland 112Portugal +351 808 250 143Romania +40 21 318 36 06Slovakia +421 2 5477 4166Slovenia 112Spain112Sweden 112 [*3]United Kingdom 111 (UK only)Iceland 112Liechtenstein 145Norway+47 22 59 13 00Switzerland1452.2. Label ElementsLabelling according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008Not requiredHazard pictogramsNot requiredSignal wordNot requiredHazard statementsNot requiredPrecautionary Statements - EU (§28, 1272/2008)Not requiredOther InformationNone2.3. Other HazardsNoneSECTION 3: Composition/information on ingredients 3.2. MixturesChemical name CAS-No EC-No REACH registrationnumber Weight %Classification(67/548)Indication ofdangerClassification (Reg.1272/2008)Polyester resin CBI CBI None80 - 90None None None Pigment CBI CBI None 5 - 10None None NoneTitanium dioxide13463-67-7236-675-5None< 1None None NoneSECTION 4: First aid measures4.1. Description of first aid measuresInhalation Move to fresh air. Get medical attention immediately if symptoms occur.Ingestion Rinse mouth. Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water. Get medical attention immediately if symptomsoccur.Skin Contact Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water. Get medical attention immediately ifsymptoms occur.Eye Contact Flush with plenty of water. Get medical attention immediately if symptoms occur.4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayedInhalation None under normal use. Exposure to excessive amounts of dust may cause physicalirritation to respiratory tract.Ingestion None under normal use.Skin Contact None under normal use.Eye Contact None under normal use. May cause slight irritation.Chronic Effects None under normal use. Prolonged inhalation of excessive amounts of dust may cause lungdamage.4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment neededNoneSECTION 5: Firefighting measures5.1. Extinguishing mediaSuitable extinguishing mediaUse CO2, dry chemical, or foam, Water.Unsuitable extinguishing mediaNone5.2. Special hazards arising from the substance or mixtureSpecial HazardMay form explosive mixtures with air.Hazardous combustion productsCarbon dioxide (CO 2), Carbon monoxide (CO)5.3. Advice for firefightersSpecial protective equipment for fire-fightersNoneSECTION 6: Accidental release measures6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency proceduresAvoid breathing dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.6.2. Environmental PrecautionsKeep out of waterways.6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning upClean up promptly by scoop or vacuum. If a vacuum cleaner is used, be sure to use a model with dust explosion safety measures. May form explosive mixtures with air.6.4. Reference to other sectionsNoneSECTION 7: Handling and storage7.1. Precautions for safe handlingAvoid breathing dust. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Clean contaminated surface thoroughly. Use only with adequate ventilation.7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilitiesKeep in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep out of the reach of children. Incompatible with oxidizing agents.7.3. Specific end usesToner for electrophotographic machines. Obtain special instructions before use.SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection8.1. Control parameters Exposure LimitsChemical name EU OEL AustriaBelgium Bulgaria Cyprus Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7NoneTWA: 5 mg/m 3 alveolardust, respirablefraction STEL: 10 mg/m 3alveolar dust,respirable fractionTWA: 10 mg/m 3TWA: 10.0 mg/m 3respirable dustNoneChemical name Czech RepublicDenmark Finland France Germany Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7None TWA: 6 mg/m 3None TWA: 10 mg/m 3None Chemical name Greece Hungary IrelandItaly NetherlandsTitanium dioxide 13463-67-7TWA: 10 mg/m 3inhalable fraction TWA: 5 mg/m 3respirable fractionNone TWA: 10 mg/m 3 total inhalable dust TWA: 4 mg/m 3respirable dust NoneNoneChemical name Poland PortugalRomania Slovakia SpainTitanium dioxide 13463-67-7TWA: 10.0 mg/m 3 total inhalable dust TWA:10 mg/m 3STEL: 30 mg/m 3TWA: 10 mg/m 3TWA: 10 mg/m 3STEL: 15 mg/m 3None TWA: 10 mg/m 3Chemical name Sweden United KingdomNorway Switzerland Turkey Titanium dioxide 13463-67-7TLV: 5 mg/m 3 total dust TWA: 10 mg/m 3 total inhalableTWA: 4 mg/m 3respirableTWA: 5 mg/m 3STEL: 10 mg/m 3TWA: 3 mg/m 3respirableNone8.2. Exposure controlsAppropriate engineering controlsNone under normal use conditions.Individual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/face ProtectionNot required under normal use.Skin ProtectionNot required under normal use.Respiratory ProtectionNot required under normal use.Thermal hazardsNot Applicable SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties AppearanceYellow ; powder OdorSlight odorOdor threshold No data available pHNot ApplicableEvaporation RateNot ApplicableMelting/Freezing point (°C)85-120 (Softening point)Boiling Point/Range (°C)Not Applicable Flash Point (°C)Not ApplicableFlammability (solid, gas)Not flammable; estimated Flammability Limits in AirUpper Flammability Limit Not ApplicableLower Flammability Limit Not ApplicableVapor pressure Not ApplicableVapor Density Not ApplicableRelative density 1.0-1.2Solubility(ies)Organic solvent; partly soluble Partition coefficient: n-octanol/water Not ApplicableAutoignition Temperature (°C)No data availableDecomposition Temperature (°C)> 200Viscosity (mPa s)Not ApplicableExplosive properties May form explosive mixtures with air Oxidizing properties No data available9.2. Other InformationNo data availableSECTION 10: Stability and reactivity10.1. ReactivityNone10.2. Chemical stabilityStable10.3. Possibility of Hazardous ReactionsNone10.4. Conditions to AvoidNone10.5. Incompatible materialsAcids, Bases, Oxidizing agents, Reducing agents.10.6. Hazardous Decomposition ProductsCarbon dioxide (CO 2), Carbon monoxide (CO)SECTION 11: Toxicological information11.1. Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicity Estimate: LD50 > 2000 mg/kg (Ingestion)Skin corrosion/irritation Estimate: Non-irritantSerious eye damage/eye irritation Estimate: Transient slight conjunctival irritation only. Sensitization Estimate: Non-sensitizingGerm cell mutagenicity Ames Test (S. typhimurium, E. coli): NegativeCarcinogenicity The IARC evaluated titanium dioxide as a Group 2B carcinogen, for which there isinadequate human evidence, but sufficient animal evidence. The latter is based upon theevidence such as development of lung tumors in rats receiving chronic inhalation exposureto powdered titanium dioxide at levels that induce particle overload of the lung.However, there is an inhalation study of a toner containing titanium dioxide whichsuggested no association between toner exposure and tumor development in rats. Reproductive Toxicity No data availableSTOT - single exposure No data availableSTOT - repeated exposure Muhle et al. reported pulmonary response upon chronic inhalation exposure in rats to atoner enriched in respirable-sized particles compared to commercial toner. No pulmonarychange was found at 1 mg/m3 which is most relevant to potential human exposure. Aminimal to mild degree of fibrosis was noted in 22% of the animals at 4 mg/m3, and a mildto moderate degree of fibrosis was observed in 92% of the animals at 16 mg/m3.These findings are attributed to "lung overloading", a generic response to excessiveamounts of any dust retained in the lung for a prolonged interval.Aspiration hazard No data availableOther Information No data availableSECTION 12: Ecological information12.1. ToxicityEcotoxicity effectsFish, 96h LL50 > 1000 mg/l (WAF)Crustaceans, 48h EL50 > 1000 mg/l (WAF)Algae, ErL50(0-72h) > 1000 mg/l (WAF)12.2. Persistence and degradabilityNo data available12.3. Bioaccumulative potentialNo data available12.4. Mobility in soilNo data available12.5. Results of PBT and vPvB assessmentThis preparation contains no substance considered to be persistent, bioaccumulating nor toxic (PBT).This preparation contains no substance considered to be very persistent nor very bioaccumulating (vPvB).12.6. Other adverse effectsNo data availableSECTION 13: Disposal considerations13.1. Waste treatment methodsDO NOT put toner or a toner container into fire. Heated toner may cause severe burns. DO NOT dispose of a toner container in a plastic crusher. Use a facility with dust explosion prevention measures. Finely dispersed particles form explosive mixtures with air.Dispose of in accordance with local regulations.SECTION 14: Transport informationSECTION 15: Regulatory information15.1. Safety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture (EC) No 1907/2006 Authorisation Not regulated (EC) No 1907/2006 Restriction Not regulated (EC) No 1005/2009Not regulated (EC) No 850/2004Not regulated (EU) No 649/2012Not regulated Other InformationNone15.2. Chemical safety assessment NoneSECTION 16: Other informationKey literature references and sources for data- World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer, IARC Monographs on the Evaluation on the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans - EU Directive 1999/45/EC- EU Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006, (EC) No 1272/2008, (EC) No 1005/2009, (EC) No 850/2004, (EU) No 649/2012Key or legend to abbreviations and acronyms used in the safety data sheet - PBT: Persistent, Bioaccumulative and Toxic - vPvB: very Persistent and very Bioaccumulative - SVHC: Substances of Very High Concern- IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer- EU OEL: Occupational exposure limits at Community level under Directive 2004/37/EC, 98/24/EC, 91/322/EEC, 2000/39/EC,2006/15/EC and 2009/161/EU.- TWA: Time Weighted Average - STEL: Short Term Exposure Limit- CBI: Confidential Business Information Issuing date :29-Jun-2006Revision date :20-May-201514.1. UN numberNone 14.2. UN Proper Shipping Name None 14.3. Transport Hazard Class None 14.4. Packing Group None14.5. Environmental Hazards No special environmental precautions required.14.6. Special Precautions for usersNone14.7. Transport in bulk according to Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 and the IBC CodeNot ApplicableRevision Note Entirely revisedThis safety data sheet (SDS) is supplied voluntarily.DisclaimerThe information provided on this SDS is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guide for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered as a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other material or in any process, unless specified in the text.。

HP T6M15Series 墨水墨盒说明书

HP T6M15Series 墨水墨盒说明书

SAFETY DATA SHEET1. IdentificationProduct identifier T6M15SeriesOther means of identification Not available.Recommended use Inkjet printingRecommended restrictions None known.Company identification HP Inc.1501 Page Mill RoadPalo Alto, CA 94304-1112United StatesTelephone 650-857-5020HP Inc. health effects line(Toll-free within the US) 1-800-457-4209(Direct) 1-760-710-0048HP Inc. Customer Care Line(Toll-free within the US) 1-800-474-6836(Direct) 1-208-323-25512. Hazard(s) identificationNot classified.Physical hazardsNot classified.Health hazardsNot classified.Environmental hazardsNot classified.OSHA defined hazardsLabel elementsNone.Hazard symbolSignal word None.Hazard statement Not available.Precautionary statementPrevention Not available.Response Not available.Storage Not available.Disposal Not available.Hazard(s) not otherwise classified (HNOC)Potential routes of exposure to this product are skin and eye contact, ingestion, and inhalation. Carbon black is classified by the IARC as a Group 2B carcinogen (the substance is possibly carcinogenic to humans). Carbon black in this preparation, due to its bound form, does not present this carcinogenic risk. Complete toxicity data are not available for this specific formulation. None of the other ingredients in this preparation are classified as carcinogens according to ACGIH, EU, IARC, MAK, NTP or OSHA.Supplemental information This product is not classified as hazardous according to OSHA CFR 1910.1200 (HazCom 2012).3. Composition/information on ingredientsMixturesCAS number% Chemical name Common name and synonyms7732-18-5 Water70-80616-45-5 2-pyrrolidone< 15Proprietary Cyclo Amide< 101333-86-4 Carbon black< 5Composition comments This ink supply contains an aqueous ink formulation.This product has been evaluated using criteria specified in 29 CFR 1910.1200 (HazardCommunication Standard).Carbon black is present only in a bound form in this preparation.4. First-aid measuresInhalation Remove to fresh air. If symptoms persist, get medical attention.Skin contact Wash affected areas thoroughly with mild soap and water. Get medical attention if irritationdevelops or persists.Eye contact Do not rub eyes. Immediately flush with large amounts of clean, warm water (low pressure) for atleast 15 minutes or until particles are removed. If irritation persists get medical attention. Ingestion If ingestion of a large amount does occur, seek medical attention.Most importantsymptoms/effects, acute anddelayedNot available.5. Fire-fighting measuresSuitable extinguishing media For small (incipient) fires, use media such as foam, sand, dry chemical, or carbon dioxide.For large fires use very large (flooding) quantities of water and/or foam, applied as a mist or spray. Unsuitable extinguishingmediaNone known.Specific hazards arising fromthe chemicalNot applicable.Special protective equipmentand precautions forfirefightersNot available.Specific methods None established.6. Accidental release measuresPersonal precautions,protective equipment andemergency proceduresWear appropriate personal protective equipment.Methods and materials for containment and cleaning up Dike the spilled material, where this is possible. Absorb with inert absorbent such as dry clay, sand or diatomaceous earth, commercial sorbents, or recover using pumps.Environmental precautions Do not let product enter drains. Do not flush into surface water or sanitary sewer system.7. Handling and storagePrecautions for safe handling Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.Conditions for safe storage,including anyincompatibilitiesKeep out of the reach of children. Keep away from excessive heat or cold.8. Exposure controls/personal protectionOccupational exposure limitsUS. OSHA Table Z-1 Limits for Air Contaminants (29 CFR 1910.1000)ValueComponents TypePEL 3.5 mg/m3Carbon black (CAS1333-86-4)US. ACGIH Threshold Limit ValuesValueComponents FormTypeTWA 3 mg/m3Inhalable fraction.Carbon black (CAS1333-86-4)US. NIOSH: Pocket Guide to Chemical HazardsValueComponents TypeTWA0.1 mg/m3Carbon black (CAS1333-86-4)Biological limit values No biological exposure limits noted for the ingredient(s).Exposure guidelines Exposure limits have not been established for this product. Appropriate engineeringUse in a well ventilated area.controlsIndividual protection measures, such as personal protective equipmentEye/face protection Not available.Skin protectionHand protection Not available.Other Not available.Respiratory protection Not available.Thermal hazards Not available.General hygieneHandle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. considerations9. Physical and chemical propertiesAppearancePhysical state Liquid.Color Black.Odor Not available.Odor threshold Not available.pH7.5 - 9Melting point/freezing point Not available.Not available.Initial boiling point andboiling rangeFlash point> 230.0 °F (> 110.0 °C) Pensky-Martens Closed CupEvaporation rate Not available.Flammability (solid, gas)Not available.Upper/lower flammability or explosive limitsNot available.Flammability limit - lower(%)Not available.Flammability limit -upper (%)Not available.Explosive limit - lower(%)Not available.Explosive limit - upper(%)Vapor pressure Not available.Solubility(ies)Solubility (water)Not available.Not available.Partition coefficient(n-octanol/water)Auto-ignition temperature Not available.Decomposition temperature Not available.Viscosity Not available.Other information For other VOC regulatory data/information see Section 15.VOC (Weight %)< 229 g/L10. Stability and reactivityReactivity Not available.Chemical stability Stable under recommended storage conditions.Possibility of hazardousWill not occur.reactionsConditions to avoid Not available.Incompatible materials Incompatible with strong bases and oxidizing agents.Hazardous decomposition products Upon decomposition, this product may yield gaseous nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and/or low molecular weight hydrocarbons.11. Toxicological informationSymptoms related to the physical, chemical andtoxicological characteristics Not available.Information on toxicological effectsAcute toxicityBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Skin corrosion/irritation Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Serious eye damage/eye irritationBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Respiratory or skin sensitizationRespiratory sensitization Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Skin sensitization Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Germ cell mutagenicity Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.CarcinogenicityBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Carbon black is classified as a carcinogen by the IARC (possibly carcinogenic to humans, Group 2B) and by the State of California under Proposition 65. In their evaluations of carbon black, both organizations indicate that exposure to carbon black, per se, does not occur when it remainsbound within a product matrix, specifically, rubber, ink, or paint. Carbon black is present only in a bound form in this preparation.IARC Monographs. Overall Evaluation of CarcinogenicityCarbon black (CAS 1333-86-4)2B Possibly carcinogenic to humans.Reproductive toxicity Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Specific target organ toxicity - single exposureBased on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Specific target organ toxicity - repeated exposure Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Aspiration hazard Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.Further information Complete toxicity data are not available for this specific formulationRefer to Section 2 for potential health effects and Section 4 for first aid measures.Test ResultsComponentsSpecies2-pyrrolidone (CAS 616-45-5)LD50Guinea pig OralAcute6500 mg/kg Rat6500 mg/kgCarbon black (CAS 1333-86-4)LD50RatOralAcute> 8000 mg/kg12. Ecological informationAquatic toxicity This product has not been tested for ecological effects.EcotoxicityComponentsTest ResultsSpecies2-pyrrolidone (CAS 616-45-5)Aquatic EC50Crustacea13.21 mg/l, 48 hoursWater flea (Daphnia pulex)Persistence and degradability Not available.Bioaccumulative potentialNot available.Partition coefficient n-octanol / water (log Kow)2-pyrrolidone-0.85Mobility in soil Not available.Other adverse effects Not available.13. Disposal considerationsDisposal instructions Do not allow this material to drain into sewers/water supplies.Dispose of waste material according to Local, State, Federal, and Provincial EnvironmentalRegulations.HP's Planet Partners (trademark) supplies recycling program enables simple, convenient recycling ofHP original inkjet and LaserJet supplies. For more information and to determine if this service isavailable in your location, please visit /recycle.14. Transport informationDOTNot regulated as dangerous goods.IATANot regulated as dangerous goods.IMDGNot regulated as dangerous goods.ADRNot regulated as dangerous goods.Further information Not a dangerous good under DOT, IATA, ADR, IMDG, or RID.15. Regulatory informationUS federal regulations US TSCA 12(b): Does not contain listed chemicals.TSCA Section 12(b) Export Notification (40 CFR 707, Subpt. D)Not regulated.CERCLA Hazardous Substance List (40 CFR 302.4)Not listed.SARA 304 Emergency release notificationNot regulated.OSHA Specifically Regulated Substances (29 CFR 1910.1001-1050)Not listed.Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA)Hazard categories Immediate Hazard - NoDelayed Hazard - NoFire Hazard - NoPressure Hazard - NoReactivity Hazard - NoSARA 302 Extremely hazardous substanceNot listed.NoSARA 311/312Hazardous chemicalOther federal regulationsNot regulated.Safe Drinking Water Act(SDWA)US state regulationsUS. Massachusetts RTK - Substance List2-pyrrolidone (CAS 616-45-5)Carbon black (CAS 1333-86-4)US. New Jersey Worker and Community Right-to-Know ActCarbon black (CAS 1333-86-4)US. Pennsylvania Worker and Community Right-to-Know Law2-pyrrolidone (CAS 616-45-5)Carbon black (CAS 1333-86-4)US. Rhode Island RTKNot regulated.US. California Proposition 65US - California Proposition 65 - CRT: Listed date/Carcinogenic substanceCARBON BLACK (AIRBORNE, UNBOUND PARTICLES OF RESPIRABLE SIZE [<= 10 MICROMETERS]) (CAS 1333-86-4)Listed: February 21, 2003Other informationVOC content (less water, less exempt compounds) = < 884 g/L (U.S. requirement, not for emissions)VOC data based on formulation (Organic compounds minus solids)Regulatory informationAll chemical substances in this HP product have been notified or are exempt from notification under chemical substances notification laws in the following countries: US (TSCA), EU (EINECS/ELINCS),Switzerland, Canada (DSL/NDSL), Australia, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, New Zealand, and China.16. Other information, including date of preparation or last revisionIssue date 14-Jun-2016Revision date 17-Jun-2016Version #02DisclaimerThis Safety Data Sheet document is provided without charge to customers of HP. Data is the most current known to HP at the time of preparation of this document and is believed to be accurate. It should not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products as described or suitability for a particular application. This document was prepared to the requirements of the jurisdiction specified in Section 1 above and may not meet regulatory requirements in other countries.Manufacturer informationHP Inc.1501 Page Mill RoadPalo Alto, CA 94304-1112 US Direct 1-650-857-5020Explanation of abbreviationsACGIH CAS DOT EPCRA CERCLA CFR COC IARC NIOSH NTP OSHA PEL RCRA REC REL SARA STEL TCLP TLV TSCA VOCAmerican Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists Chemical Abstracts ServiceComprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act Code of Federal Regulations Cleveland Open CupDepartment of TransportationEmergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (aka SARA)International Agency for Research on Cancer National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health National Toxicology ProgramOccupational Safety and Health Administration Permissible Exposure LimitResource Conservation and Recovery Act RecommendedRecommended Exposure LimitSuperfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986Short-Term Exposure LimitToxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure Threshold Limit Value Toxic Substances Control Act Volatile Organic Compounds。



B4CO LO R-K E Y E D CO M PR E SSI O N CO N N EC TO R S Y S TEMS—OverviewThe Color-Keyed method is betterThe Color-Keyed method of installing compression connectors on power cablesis designed to provide a high degree of reliability in electrical wiring.A—01 Strip the insulation—02 Stripping types andconductor connections—01—02Step 1Carefully strip the insulation on de-energized wiresto avoid nicking or cutting conductors (wire brushif required).Stripping types:• A – Strand cut• B – Nicked strands• C – Good stripStrip the insulation to the proper length sothat conductors can be fully inserted intothe connector barrel.Conductor connections:• D – Strip length too long• E – Strip length too short• F – Strip length just rightThis method allows electrical workers to makeinstallations with little effort and at a considerablesavings in time. The benefit, of course, is a high-quality connection at a low installed cost.Blackburn connectors featuring the Color-Keyedsystem are banded by colored stripes or engravingto indicate location of die on connector forcompression. ABB uses full-width and half-widthdies dependent on connector size and tool used.Half-width dies are marked with the letter “H” afterthe die code number. Refer to the instruction sheetsupplied with the connectors for informationregarding strip length, die selection and numberof compressions required.—Just four easy steps toa perfect connection!B CD E F* Aluminum lugs with a “9” indicate 90 o C rating —03 Select the connector for the cable size —04 Connector types and markings05 Select the installing die —06 Color-Keyed bands and die location for compression• Connectors marked with just cable size or CU should be used on copper conductors only • Connectors marked “AL9”* with the cable size should be used on aluminum conductors only Select the proper installing die and appropriate tool. Blackburn connectors featuring the Color-Keyed system have colored bands orcolored dots that correspond to color markings on the dies.Connectors and dies also have a die code number marked or stamped on them. Dies have a code number engraved in the crimp surface.Locate tool with correct die in proper position on connector and activate tool. When making multiple crimps, make the first crimp nearest the tongue and work towards the barrel end.When properly crimped, the die code number will be embossed on the connector for easy inspection to determine if correct die and connector combination were used.Determine the proper Color-Keyed connector for the cable size being used. Connectors are marked to show cable size and material:• G – Cable size• H – Copper (die located BETWEEN bands)B6CO LO R-K E Y E D CO M PR E SSI O N CO N N EC TO R S Y STEMSColor-Keyed method dies are designed to produce a circumferential, hex- or diamond-shaped compression rather than a simple indent. Precision dies are an integral part of the ABB method.The precision hardened steel dies exert tremendous, controlled pressure on the connector and conductor. The dies compress the connector around the cable, converting the round strands to hexagonal or diamond shapes and forming the strands and connector into a solid mass. Each die is designed so that all conductors receivethe same amount of compression force.The circumferential compression creates a large area of high-pressure contact between cableand connector which, in turn, assures high conductivity, low resistance, and high pullout values which exceed UL requirements. These features result in a permanent, low installedcost connection. You can install it, and forget it. The Color-Keyed system tells you where to place the installing dieBlackburn connectors featuring the Color-Keyed system not only identify the correct installing die to be used for positive compressions, but also indicate the proper placement of the die on the connector. This is done by the bands of color on the connector which match the color on the dies. Compression is made between or on these color bands. The color name is also spelled on the connector as an added means of identification. Color-Keyed dies offer inspection capability Dies that are used in Color-Keyed hand and hydraulic tools contain the “die code” numbers which are engraved on the compression surface of the die. Under compression, this number becomes embossed on the completed connection for inspection purposes. The inspector compares the die code number embossed on the connector with the die table to ensure that the proper connector was compressed with the correct die for that particular size conductor.—OverviewPrecision dies for homogenous massThe Color-Keyed method utilizing compression tools with matching dies forms the connector and conductor into a solid, homogenous mass to providean optimum electrical bond between connector and conductor.—01 Locate tool withcorrect die in properposition on connectorand activate tool.—02 Before compression,a typical cross sectionof cable and connectorconsists of about 75%metal and 25% air.—03 After air compressionby the Color-Keyedmethod, the crosssection looks like this,nearly 100% metal withv irtually no air spaces.—01—02—03B7—Quality tooling with theShure-Stake® mechanismColor-Keyed manual tools with the exclusive Shure-Stake mechanism take the guesswork out of making compression connections. The Shure-Stake mechanism provides a full cycle compression stroke every time. Once the stroke has started, the tool will not release the connector until the proper amount of force has been applied. This is your assurance of a fully compressed connection.ABB compression tools develop uniform, controlled pressure to each connector within their size range. Color-Keyed offers electric and battery- powered hydraulic pumps with a Shure-Stake feature that guarantees a full cycle compression. Color-Keyed method componentsmeet industry standardsDepending on the application, all Color-Keyed copper connectors meet UL Std. 486A for code stranded and 24 gauge flex, CSA Std. C22.2, No. 65 600 V requirements for power and UL Std. 467, CSA Std. 22.2 No. 0.4 requirements for direct buried grounding.Color-Keyed method connectors are available in a range of sizes and styles to accommodate #8 AWG through 1000 kcmil and larger copper or 2000 kcmil and larger aluminum cable. They may be compressedon cable with either manual or hydraulic tools. They are offered with standard length or long barrels, with one bolt or two bolt holes, or in two-way styles, for splicing applications. Two-way connectors are compact, providing high pullout values with low resistance.Blackburn two-hole lugs featuring the Color-Keyed system are ideal for bus bar applications that require two bolts to prevent lug rotation. The Color-Keyed method is the most efficient, highest quality connection that has been engineered and delivers the best electrical performance and highest reliability.Color-Keyed compression connectors eliminate risk of problems relating to loose connections when installed properly.High-grade materials incorporated inColor-Keyed methodLow installed cost connections of superior quality can be achieved only through the use of high-grade components. That is an important part of the ABB method – quality products you can depend on. Copper Blackburn connectors featuring theColor-Keyed system are made of high-conductivity wrought copper, and are electro tin plated to prevent corrosion and to improve conductivity. Color-Keyed Blackburn connectors featuring the Color- Keyed system offer the thickest tin plating in the industry. Other copper connectors for heavy-duty use and grid grounding applications are made of high-conductivity cast copper, bright finished.High-conductivity cast aluminum connectorsare available for heavy-duty application.—Battpac® LT Pump350 kcmil AL. The battery-powered hydraulic pump, ratedfor 10,000 psi. Portable power for all Color-Keyed hydraulic heads, using just one Ni-MH 24V rechargeable battery.—TBM62PCR-LIDesigned for one-handed control ram advancement and retraction. Capacity up to Cu #8-600 kcmilAl #8-400 kcmil.—TBM6S Hand-operated crimping tool features Shure-Stake mechanism to ensure a completed crimp. For connectors up to 500 kcmil Cu,350 kcmil Al.B8CO LO R-K E Y E D CO M PR E SSI O N CO N N EC TO R S Y S TEMSWe have the design and production capability to deliver exactly the type lug you need, shaped the way you need:• Straight, 15°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° angle • Stacking or non-stacking • Narrow tongue or standard • Tin, silver, lead, nickelABB offers an extensive line of copper Blackburn lugs featuring the Color-Keyed system for #8 AWG through 1000 kcmil flex and code cables. The lug tongues are modified in several differentconfigurations to meet your exact needs: 45° and 90° bend angles, narrow tongues to fit into circuit breakers, offset tongues to stack two cables and special stud hole drilling.These special configurations let you:1) Run cable directly to the bus bar with no bending.2) Terminate into very narrow spaces.3) Utilize minimal bus bar space.Customized connectors for copper cables• Standard and special tongue angles, stacking and nonstacking, bolt holes sizes and centers, protective platings.• Specially modified one- and two-hole copper compression lugs, series 54100, 54200,54850BE and 54930BE for flex and code copper stranded cables. Material: high conductivity wrought copper.• Minimum order quantity: Standard package quantity by cable size. Consult factory for priceand delivery. All customized lugs are made toorder. A.R.O. Non-cancelable.—OverviewSpecial lugs – Angled, shaped and trimmedABB can solve your difficult wire bending and terminating problems in confined power distribution panels, switchgear and motor control enclosures.—01 Special lugs – Angled, shaped and trimmed —02 Examples ofcustomized connectors for copper cables— 01US— 02B9Notes:Catalogue number:Quantity:#8 #6 #4 #2 #1 1/0 2/0 3/0 4/0Code: Weld:250 kcmil and up (code only)Tongue shape Bolt holes Bolt hole centers Stacking Finish (plating)Inspection hole(long barrel)Inspection hole(short barrel) Type CodeSize0.020 (in.) CodeDistance0.015 (in.)Code Type Code Type 1Code I.D.Code I.D.Code 15o UI#80.173021/208Top T**Silver plate SP Peep hole PH Blind end BE 30°UT#100.204035/810Bottom B Lead plate LP Bell ended BS 45o UF1/40.281043/412Nickel plate NP150˚60o US5⁄160.344057/814Plain finish PF90o UB3/80.40606116No marking NMBlank BT1/20.5310811/818(No bolt hole)5/80.6561011/420—Code table—OverviewOrder formOrder form (For 54100, 54200, 54800 and 54900 series copper lugs only):Cable:—2) If either bolt hole sizeor distance between boltholes needs to bechanged from standardcat. no., both codenumbers will appear onthe “MADE-UP” cat. no.(See example below)All “made-up” catalogue numbers start with astandard or basic catalogue number and arefollowed by the customer-required extra features:tongue shape, bolt hole size, distance between boltholes, stacking, plating and inspection hole (peephole). A code letter or a number has been assignedto each extra feature. See code table.—Notes:1) Lack of any of theextra features on the“MADE-UP” cataloguenumber means that thestandard cat. no. featuresare prevalent.OV ER V I E WB10CO LO R-K E Y E D CO M PR E SSI O N CO N N EC TO R S Y S TEMSNominal bolt hole size 0.015Hole offset 0.030 (in.)Wrench clearance min. (in.)Tongue width cable size (in.)#8 Code #8 Weld #6 Code #6 Weld #4 Code #2 Code #4 Weld #1 Code #2 Weld 1/0 Code #1 Weld2/0 Code 1/0 Weld3/0 Code 2/0 Weld4/0 Code 3/0 Weld250 Code #80.1730.2000.2400.4060.4370.5620.5930.6720.7500.8250.937 1.030 1.125#100.2040.2180.2500.4060.4370.5620.5930.6720.7500.8250.937 1.030 1.1251⁄40.2810.2500.3120.4690.5000.5620.5930.6720.7500.8250.937 1.030 1.1255⁄160.3440.3750.4060.5620.5620.5620.6750.6720.7500.8250.937 1.030 1.1253⁄80.4060.3750.4400.5780.5780.5940.6750.6720.7500.8250.937 1.030 1.1251⁄20.5310.5000.562–––0.7500.7500.7500.8250.937 1.030 1.1255⁄80.6560.6250.875–––––––0.9371.0301.1253⁄40.8120.7500.770––––––––––7⁄8*0.9370.8750.890––––––––––1*1.0620.9371.000––––––––––—OverviewTongue specifications (see chart “A” for dimensions)Cable size (AWG or kcmil)Tongue thickness (in.)Straight lugbarrel length plus transition (in.)Barrel (in.)Dim “X”Stacked lugs (in.)Dim “Y” (in.)Dim “H” (in.)Short Long O.D.I.D.Straight 45°90°Short Long Short Long #80.0800.6350.9350.2600.1800.1580.4780.3940.5950.8080.779 1.079#60.0810.6750.9750.2960.2150.1340.5440.4320.5870.7990.767 1.067#40.0990.6850.9850.3650.2660.1750.6220.5020.6370.8490.838 1.138#20.1080.815 1.1150.4100.3020.2160.6490.5350.7110.9230.958 1.258#10.1060.825 1.2750.4670.3610.2120.7310.5920.710 1.0280.956 1.4061/00.1250.975 1.3250.5200.3960.2500.7890.6460.794 1.042 1.075 1.4252/00.1250.965 1.3150.5710.4460.2500.8590.6960.829 1.077 1.125 1.4753/00.125 1.085 1.4350.6320.5070.2500.9460.7570.900 1.148 1.225 1.5754/00.137 1.255 1.7050.7010.5640.274 1.0310.826 1.015 1.333 1.387 1.8372500.137 1.375 1.9250.7660.6290.274 1.1230.891 1.085 1.474 1.487 2.0373000.153 1.900 2.6750.8500.6600.459 1.2260.975 1.180 1.726 1.924 2.6793500.177 2.090 2.8960.9260.7200.531 1.333 1.103 1.267 1.830 2.096 2.8964000.173 2.460 2.9800.9600.7570.519 1.370 1.085 1.551 1.913 2.484 2.9845000.218 2.670 3.610 1.1000.8520.654 1.514 1.225 1.629 2.2662.6693.6196000.244 2.9003.4901.2000.9260.732 1.630 1.325 1.7622.1472.8973.4977000.2282.784–1.2550.9970.684 1.662 1.375 1.780– 3.011–7500.270 3.050 3.9251.330 1.0300.810 1.745 1.455 1.8272.4343.050 3.9258000.266 3.213– 1.375 1.0790.800 1.728 1.625 1.952 2.7873.2134.5549000.313 3.450 4.550 1.500 1.1450.940 1.900 1.650 2.065– 1.387–1,0000.2973.3564.5001.5501.2030.8902.0701.6752.0312.7871.4874.506Note: Stacking lugs are available for one bolt only. Consult factory: straight: 700 kcmil & up – 45°: 400 kcmil & up, 90°: 500 kcmil & up.—Chart B#8 #10 1/4" 5/16" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 3/4" 7/8" 1"Stud sizes:—Chart AB11Tongue width 0.030 code cable size (in.)Bolt hole size 300 kcmil 4/0 Weld350 kcmil400 kcmil500 kcmil 400 Weld600 kcmil 500 Weld1325/24700kcmil750kcmil800kcmil900kcmil1,000kcmil#8–––––––––––#10–––––––––––1⁄4 1.250 1.355 1.410 1.605 1.745 1.805 1.840 1.935 2.010 2.180 2.2655⁄161.250 1.355 1.410 1.605 1.745 1.805 1.840 1.9352.010 2.180 2.2653⁄8 1.250 1.355 1.410 1.605 1.745 1.805 1.840 1.935 2.010 2.180 2.2651⁄2 1.250 1.355 1.410 1.605 1.745 1.805 1.840 1.935 2.010 2.180 2.2655⁄81.250 1.355 1.410 1.605 1.745 1.805 1.840 1.9352.010 2.180 2.2653⁄41.2501.3551.4101.605 1.745 1.805 1.840 1.9352.010 2.180 2.2657⁄8*––– 1.6051.745 1.805 1.840 1.9352.010 2.180 2.2651*––––1.7451.8051.8401.9352.0102.1802.265* These bolt holes available in one-hole lug only.Straight stack90° stack 45°45° stack 90°T-top0.125Typ Formula 1B-bottomXXYXH—Chart CFormula 1 = (0.125 + 2 (O.D.) + 0.037 – Tongue thickness)DiagramsOV ER V I E W。

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