
具体研究内容包括:1. 商务英语翻译测试的理论体系:包括商务英语翻译测试的定义、特点、类型、步骤和评价标准等方面的内容。
2. 商务英语翻译测试的实践研究:通过收集和分析实际商务英语翻译测试数据,评估商务英语翻译测试的科学性、客观性和有效性,并提出改进方案。
3. 商务英语翻译测试的应用研究:研究商务英语翻译测试在企业跨文化交流中的应用,探讨如何利用商务英语翻译测试提高企业跨文化交流的效率和质量。
研究预期成果:本研究的预期成果包括:1. 对商务英语翻译测试的理论进行深入分析和探讨,建立相对完整的商务英语翻译测试理论体系。
2. 对商务英语翻译测试的实践问题进行深入分析和研究,提出针对性的改进措施。
3. 探讨商务英语翻译测试在跨文化交流中的应用,为企业提供跨文化交流解决方案。
4. 发表学术论文和著作,为商务英语翻译测试的学术研究提供参考和借鉴。

第一章测试1.下列哪一项不属于英语静态体现的方法?A:动词(词组) 充当句子各种成分B:用名词代替形容词,构成标题式短语(名词连用和复合名词)C:动词的弱化与虚化D:用形容词或副词表达动词意义答案:A2.汉语遵循“从总述到分述”的顺序模式,英语则相反。
A:错B:对答案:A3. A country comes to the end when its government goes to corruption.这个句子体现了哪种英语结构顺序?A:从主观到客观B:从分述到总述C:从客观到主观D:从总述到分述答案:A4.在下列因素里,哪些因素导致译者翻译英文需花费较多时间选择恰当的词义。
A:词义的引申和扩展B:文化的因素C:一词多义D:词的结构答案:ABC5.翻译中需要考虑的因素有哪些?A:情感色彩B:文化因素C:修辞D:作品产生的时代背景答案:ABCD6.下列哪些模式适用于英语表达A:焦点后置模式B:焦点前置模式C:上下主从层级模式D:空间顺序模式答案:BCD7.下列哪一选项最符合翻译过程中迁就目标语表达模式?答案:C8.以下哪些句子体现了增词翻译原则中的修辞性增词:A:At thirty-five, she had first learned what it is to be a mother. “她到35岁的时候才生平第一次尝到做母亲的滋味。
”B:There has been too much publicity about the case. “那件案子已经搞得满城风雨,人尽皆知了。
”C:We couldn’t count on his rationality. “我们不能指望他会讲道理。
”D:A. “Sesame street” is popular among children. “芝麻街少儿频道再儿童中很受欢迎。

有效的valid 可靠的reliable可靠性reliability 痛苦的miserableBackwash--- the effect of testing on teaching and learning.反响Interaction 相互作用ambiguous 模糊不清的,引起歧义的反馈feedbackStakeholders利益相关者Practical 实际的beneficial backwashCategorized in terms of purposes/uses←Proficiency testsTo measure language proficiency, i.e. people’s ability in a language←Achievement testsTo discover how successful students have been in achieving the objectives of a course of study (期末考试)←Diagnostic testsTo diagnose students’strengths and weakness, to identify what they know and what they don’t’know.←acement tests(分级考试)To assist placement of students by identifying the stage, level or part of a teaching program most appropriate to their abilityCategorized in terms of approaches to test construction or testing techniquesDirect testing VS indirect testingRequire the candidates to perform precisely the skill we wish to measure, e.g. ask them to write when we want to test writing skills, VS ask them to identify errors in a sentenceDirect testing is preferred and we should sample widely---- two compositions in TOEFL & IELTS Discrete point testing VS integrative testing←Discrete point test “chops”language into smaller units, such as pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary etc. , and is more likely to use multiple choices ←Integrative test requires candidates to use many elements of a language to completea task, such as translation, composition, dictation or cloze testCategorized in terms of the interpretations of scores←Norm-referenced testing VS criterion-referenced testing←Reference: n. The state of being related or referred; v. To supply references to ←one candidate’s performance is related to that of other candidates and/or a norm---from pre-tested people of similar background, e.g. 60 percentile ←An individual’s performance is NOT compared to that of other candidates, but against criteriaCategorized in terms of scoring methods/processObjective(客观)testing VS subjective (主观)testingComputer adaptive testingCommunicative language testing:Types of Validity⏹Construct validity⏹Content validity内容效度A test is said to have content validity if its content constitutes a representative sample ofthe language skills, structures, etc. with which it is meant to be concerned.For example: A grammar test must be made up of items relating to the knowledge or control of grammar⏹Criterion-related validity效标关联效度the degree to which results on the test agree with those provided by some independent and highly dependable assessment of the ca ndidate’s abilityKinds of Criterion-related Validity❑Concurrent Validity (同期效度)Concurrent validity is established when the test and the criterion are administered at about the same time.* correlation coefficient (效度系数) a mathematical measure of similarity (ranging in value from 0 to 1)❑Predictive Validity (预期效度)This concerns the degree to which a test can predict candidates’ future performance.❑Construct Validity (构卷效度)A test, part of a test, or a testing technique is said to have construct validity if itcan be demonstrated that it measures just the ability which it is supposed to measure.Construct refers to any underlying (潜在的)ability (or trait) which is hypothesised(假定,设定) in a theory of language ability.⏹Validity in scoringIf a test is to have validity, not only the items but also the way in which the responses are scored must be valid⏹Face validityA test is said to have face validity if it looks as if it measures what it is supposed tomeasure.How to Make Tests More Valid❑Write explicit specification of the test about the constructs that are to be measured ❑Whenever feasible, use direct testing❑Make sure that the scoring of responses relates directly to what is being testedThe Use of Validity1. Every effort should be made in constructing tests to ensure content validity.2. Any published test should supply details of its validation, without which its validityand suitability can hardly be judged by a potential purchaser.Factors That Can Lower Validity⏹Unclear directions⏹Difficult reading vocabulary and sentence structure⏹Ambiguity in statements⏹Inadequate time limits⏹Inappropriate level of difficulty⏹Poorly constructed test items⏹Test items inappropriate for the outcomes being measured ⏹Tests that are too short⏹Improper arrangement of items (complex to easy?)⏹Identifiable patterns of answers⏹Teaching⏹Administration and scoring⏹Students⏹Nature of criterion。

英语测试理论与方法1. 引言英语作为全球通用的语言之一,在现代社会中具有重要地位。
2. 英语测试的重要性英语测试对于评估个体在听、说、读、写等语言技能方面的能力非常重要。
3. 英语测试的理论基础英语测试的理论基础主要涉及以下几个方面:3.1 语言习得理论语言习得理论主要研究个体在语言学习过程中的认知、心理和社会因素。
3.2 测量理论测量理论主要研究如何设计有效的英语测试,以准确地测量和评估个体的英语语言能力。
3.3 评价理论评价理论主要研究如何对英语测试结果进行分析和评价。
4. 英语测试的常用方法英语测试的常用方法包括口语测试、听力测试、阅读测试和写作测试等。
下面分别介绍这些方法的特点和应用场景:4.1 口语测试口语测试是衡量个体口头表达能力的重要手段。
4.2 听力测试听力测试是评估个体听取和理解英语语音的能力。
4.3 阅读测试阅读测试是评估个体英语阅读理解能力的重要方式。

TKT培训内容要点TKT(Teaching Knowledge Test)是由英国剑桥大学考试委员会开设的一个专业英语考试,旨在测试英语为非母语的教师对于教学知识和技能的了解程度。
英语测试理论与实践 国家司法考试

Research project for China’s National Judicial Exam学期课程:英语测试理论与实践小组成员:孙相龙****** ***指导教师:牟明完成时间:2013年6月AbstractThe article mainly investigates China’s National Judicial Exam from four aspects: validity; reliability; practicality and backwash. We analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the National Judicial Exam. We hope that readers can have a comprehensive understanding of the National Judicial Exam.Key words:China’s National Judicial Exam; validity; reliability; practicality; backwashIntroductionAs we all know, China’s national Judicial Exam is a national qualifying examination organized uniformly for people who want to be engaged in the specific legal profession. And it is organized once a year. It is called “ the first exam in china”because of its difficulty and the very low passing rate.[1] The exam has many worthwhile aspects with the development in china for decades. Even so, there are some flaws in proposition institutions, procedures and examination contents. Now we want to analyze the exam according to the different evaluation criterion, such as validity, reliability, practicality and producing backwash. We will focus on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages in four aspects.Evaluation1.The validity of China’s national Judicial ExamIf we pay close attention to the exam’s validity, we can draw some conclusions. For its examination contents, we analyze it between two kinds of question types: the objective test and the subjective test. From the angle of judicial exam and the judicial process, the process that the judge found the law and form the judgment norms is a combination between the subjective standard and the objective standard when the judge judges a case.[2] Through testing the familiarity about the legal rules within the limitative scope, we can still distinguish whether the candidates have mastered our existing legal system or not. The subjective question focus more on demonstrating their own conclusions.For example in 2006 judicial exam, a total of 12 branches of the problem, of which 11 proposed the "why." And in a realistic point of view, that is very useful for judicial publicity and avoiding corruption. From the perspective of judicial exam, the enhancement in rational reasoning is also the important way to distinct the simple level of knowledge and in-depth level of thinking. Seeing these aspects, we can draw a conclusion that the exam is valid in contents . However, we also should know its drawbacks. Firstly, from the view of judicial exam papers, the proportion of objective questions is large. Three-quarters of the overall scores are objective questions, and the unreasonable allocation has deviated from the original intention of testing laws.[2] Secondly , the Judicial Exam is entirely confined to test theprofessional subjects, and it ignores non-legal professional subjects which are essential to improve the quality of legal talents,such as College Chinese , Logics , Psychology , Sociology and so on.[3]2. The reliability of China’s national Judicial ExamThe reliability of the exam may be more attractive to our attention. From the angle of the relationship between the exam questions and the scores. The current judicial exam takes a one-time written exam, in which three-fourths of multiple-choice questions are. The written exam focus on the memory ability , but it is lacking in the ability of the legal thinking and logical analysis.[5] So the final scores may not reflect the real ability of the legal profession. In addition, the written exam has an obvious tendency of the exam-oriented education. And it increases the possibility that people who do not have the legal ability pass the exam. If we pay attention to the way of marking test papers, we may find some reliable aspects. The judicial exam takes the online marking. In this way, the judicial exam is more impartial. At the same time, the data that gets from the online marking can conduct the teaching and improve the scientificity of the exam.[6]3. The practicality of China’s nat ional Judicial ExamChina’s Judicial Exam also concentrates on its practicality, for example, case analysis and writing of judicial documents. In this part, candidates are required to use their knowledge to solve a specific problem instead of reciting all the legal provisions ,which is a quite important quality to become a lawyer or a judge. But from another angle, China’s Judicial Exam is not practical enough as a result of much recitation but few analysis. For instance, the full mark of this examination is 600 points, however, the practical part accounts for only 25%. What’s more, statistics show that more than 0.4 million people have sat for China’s Judicial Exam in 2012, but obviously, few of them have succeeded in finding a job associated with the law. So it’s hard to claim that a certificate of China’s Judicial Exam is completely the certificate of your qualification. In a word, the exam need to be improved. increasing the proportion of practical part is one of the effective ways according to our research. What’s more, the examination questions should keep pace with different times to maintain its social influence. But above all, the judicial exam is lacking in testing practical skills. In some other countries, if you want to enter the judicial career system, there are some specialized trainings in addition to a simple test, such as Japan and the United Kingdom's judicial internship and so on.[2]4. The backwash of China’s national Judicial ExamApart from these, let’s focus on its backwash. When the judicial examination system was unified, the judicial exam has become the single-log bridge that students who major in law must pass through if they want to enter the legal profession. So, they will be locked in the exam when they enter the university.[4] In order to pass the exam, some students have to participate in all kinds of judicial exam courses. It has seriously affected the Legal Education. When students divert their attention to thejudicial exam, their evaluation criteria for the teacher will be changed inevitably. As a result, they will evaluate teachers according to the criteria of the judicial exam, so it can also divert the attention of teachers and have an impact on legal education for the undergraduate. [4 ]Moreover, the judicial exam has made the legal education into the exam-oriented education. In order to improve the passing rate, some law schools have adjusted the teaching content and methods according to the judicial exam. The result is that the function of the law education is weakening. [5] However, we can not ignore the good backwash that the exam produces. The judicial exam has selected a large number of talents in the legal profession for these years. 190,000 people had passed the judicial exam for six years .And it also makes an important contribution to form and improve our community of legal profession.[4]ConclusionFrom the above views, we can draw some conclusions for China’s national Judicial Exam. At the beginning of the judicial exam’s appearance, the present mode of the judicial exam can meet the public's expectations under that historical conditions and be a fair access to the legal profession. However, with the development of the legal construction in China, the society requires a higher level of the legal profession. And the present mode of the judicial exam shows many drawbacks, as we analyze from the four aspects: validity,practicality, reliability and backwash. We expect the Judicial Exam to be a more practical, valid and reliable one.Reference list[1]. /wiki/%E5%8F%B8%E6%B3%95%E8%80%83%E8%AF%95[2]. 孙光宁:《司法考试的价值及其限度》,《北京政法职业学院学报》2007年第3期[3]. 姚建宗:《国家统一司法考试与我国司法官遴选基本认识与框架设计思路》,《法制与社会发展(双月刊)》2002年第2期[4]. 葛龙:《我国法学本科教育与司法考试的辩证分析》,《黑龙江高教研究》2010年第1期[5]. 钱美兰:《国家统一司法考试制度实施七年来存在的问题与思考》,法治研究,2009年第4期[6]. 苏号朋:《论国家司法考试命题机构和程序的完善》,中国考试,2006年11月。

义轻利 ”“ ,舍己从人 ”“ ,尊师”谦 和” “ ”“ 不平 , “ 、忍让 ,路见 拔刀相 的飞 跃 。 助 ”“ , 国家兴亡 , 匹夫有责 ” 等等 , 这不仅可 以提 高学生学习武术 五、 结语 的兴趣 ,还可 以使学生对武术 的内在伦理有个较为 深刻 的认识 。 中学生武侠崇拜是种非常普遍 的现象 , 它是我 国传统武侠文 在武术教学 的过程中 , 通过武侠历史 、 武侠道德 、 武侠流派等方面 化发展 的产物 , 有着 自身 的特点 , 对学生 的影 响也体现在积极 和
20 0 8年第 2 ) ( 总第 9 期 6 0期
现 代 企 业 文 化
NO. 0, 0 8 2 20
( u uaie N . ) C m l vt O9 t y 6
全 国高等学校英语应 用能 力考试体 系的理论 与实践
【 关键词 】 英语应 用能力考试 ; 理论与 实践 ; 英语教学和测试
高等教育 、 成人高等教育以及本科办二级技术学 院各专业 的学 生 外语测试是 外语 教学和检验外语学 习的一个 必要环节和手 所开设 的一种考试。 为了适应我 国高职高专学生英语水平 参差不 段 。通过各 种不 同类型的考试 , 老师可 以了解学生学 习外语 的情 齐的现状 , 本考试分为 A级和 B级 , 主要考核考生 的英语 实际 是
阐述武术 的文化教育内涵。对学生进行武德教 育 , 以使武术教 消极的两个 方面 ,在武术教学如发挥 出武侠崇拜 的积极因素 , 可 提
学 达 到 更 佳 的 效果 。 ( ) 分 发挥 武侠 在 武 术 教 学 中 的 “ 杆 作 用 ” 二 充 杠
高武术教学效果 , 是中学武术教学的一个重要任务 。

英语测试理论与实践期末AC部分整理Chapter 1Section A1.Why is Elle Woods considered diverse by Harvard Law School And why is Elle Woods admitted by Harvard Law School What can we learn from it about American cultureElle Woods is considered diverse by Harvard Law School because she’s a fashion major and her practices out of class are quite different from other students, who are usually politics, history or philosophy majors. Elle Woods was admitted by Harvard Law School mainly because they are looking for diverse students like Elle. From it, we can learn that American educational system encourages the development of , we can also realize that culture shapes people’s discourse and behaviors, which influences the communication between people.2.Discuss in groups the strengths and weaknesses of the American and Chinese education systems. Present your ideas to the whole class after your discussion.American education system emphasize that students should be diverse and take part in a lot of social practice, which contributes to the all-round development of students. However, American students usually lose in the competition with Chinese students because they don’t highlight the test skills. By contrast, Chinese education is a exam-oriented education, which put the exam at first. Therefore, Chinese students are often good at exam but lack experience of social practice and don’t know how to communicate with strangers.3.Why do Chinese and Americans develop different education systems What are the cultural factors underlying thedifferencesThe cultural difference generates the different education system between America and China. American culture is characteristic of opening and highlights social practice while Chinese culture is rigorous and highlights the role of parents and teachers. In this sense, students should respect for and obey their command and pay all attention to exam in terms of fierce competition.Section C1.Why did Zhao say ‘America is a good place, but it’s too dull’What can we learn about Chinese cultureWhen his son went to work, Zhao was quite lonely and didn’t have any friends. This kind of life was much different from his farming life in China, where he had many friends and neighbors around, talking, drinking tea and playing mabjong together during the leisure time. Chinese culture is a group-oriented culture, where people would like to interact with each other.2.Why did most Chinese families decide to grow vegetables instead of flowers on their land What can we learn about Chinese cultureChinese people are very diligent and thrifty. For them, it is wasteful to use land to raise flowers. Chinese culture which is characteristic of collectivism is a guideline that shapes Chinese behaviors.3.C ulture is often compared to the ‘software’of people’mind. Cite the examples in this case to explain the sentence.When Zhao was in American, he was very lonely and had no friend. That summer was the happiest time for him because hecould communicate with his friends. From this example, we can learn that culture governs people’s mind and determines whether they are happy or example is the choice of Chinese families to grow vegetables. From it, we can learn that culture governs people’s behavior and provides guidelines for what to do and what not to do.Chapter 2Section A1.In the movie, Jonathan wants to get Sara’s phone number, but their process of communication fails. What elements go wrong in this processWhen Sara gives her phone number to Jonathan, the paper is blown into a trash. Jonathan takes it as an accident, but Sara regards it as a sign of fate, which is telling her not to develop their relationship. Their different outlook to life causes the breakdown of the process of communication.2.In the movie, how many things does Sara do in order to test fate And what are they What do you think of these behaviors Three things. The first one is that Sara asks Jonathan to write down his phone number on a $5 bill and spends the bill in a little grocery store. The second one is that she promises to write down her number inside a book and sell it to a used bookstore. The third one is that she asks Jonathan to get into a hotel with her and proposes that she and Jonathan pick the same floor in the lift randomly. I think Sara believes in fate and regard the fate as the foundation of feelings.3.A famous anthropologist once said that ‘Culture is communication andcommunication is culture.’ Do you agree Why or why notYes. Because people in different cultures have differentcontexts, which influence how they communicate. In this case, Sara with a belief of fate can’t communicate with Jonathan not believing fate very well. Furthermore communication may be culture, because people often communicate with each other will have the same interest, habits and beliefs, which create the new culture.Section C1.What the mode of communication favored by Asians What cultural values underlie itAsian people are very courteous and indirect in the communication. Because they emphasize group harmony, they ere tolerant when they are offended. These collectivism values, shaped by Confucian teachings, were spread from China to many Asian countries.2.What is the mode of communication favored by Westerners What cultural values underlie itWesterners are direct and frank in the communication. And they have s strong sense of protecting their own rights. Individualism values are the principles guiding their behaviors.3. 同上面3Chapter 3Section A1.In the hearing, why does Xu Datong invite John to be his lawyer although John is not familiar with family law What can you learn from it about Chinese cultureXu Datong invited John to be his lawyer because John was his best friend. In his opinion, Chinese usually ask their intimate relationship for help to solve some intractable problems as this kind of relationship will make more effort to help you. Hence, we know that China is a collectivism society and Chinese peopleusually emphasize interdependence and collective relations.2.Why doesn’t John defend Xu Datong in the hearing What can we learn from this about Chinese cultureFrom the photos, John spontaneously considered that Dennis was abused by his father,which was illegal in America. That's why John rejected to defend Xu Datong. From it, we can see that in America, people are attached importance to the truth and law rather than to the interpersonal relationship, which is the most obvious characteristic of an individualism society and is different from a collectivism society.3.Why does Xu Datong tell the judge he performed Guasha on Dennis What can we learn from this about Chinese culture On Chinese' view, the young man is the brace of a family and he should be responsible for the whole family. Although Dennis' injury was created by his grandfather in fact, Xu Datong realized that he should shoulder the responsibility according to Chinese traditional culture.4.Who shall we ask for help when we get into legal troubles, our relatives and friends or a lawyerI would like to ask the lawyers for help when I get into legal the one hand, lawyers understand the laws and regulations and they know how to use laws to debate while your friends or relations who are willing to help you are possibly not familiar to laws. In fact, lawyers are useful in dealing with legal troubles than your friends and relatives. On the other hand, the fact and evidence are more emphasized in modern society. When the justice judged the legal cases and make the verdicts, they will notice the evidence and truth rather than persons.Section C1.Could you understand why Mile called the police What can we learn about American culture and Chinese culture Mike called the police because his grandmother beat him which was forbidden in America. In China, 'beating' is a regular and popular way to educate children. It is a common sense. 'Beating' can date back to ancient Chinese education when the teachers gave serious punishment to students doing something wrong. In America, 'beating' is forbidden and illegal. Parents always use mild methods such as persuasion or suggestion to educate their American children realize their right to protect themselves, which is influenced by freedom and equality propagated by The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizens.2.Why couldn’t Xue Suling carry out her original plan of Chinese language teaching What can we learn Learning about American culture and Chinese cultureChinese is very difficult, especially in speaking and must have an environment of Chinese language and substantial , Mike and Xue Suling d idn't have these conditions. In China, children’ s learning is manipulated by the teachers and parents and perhaps monitored for the whole day. In America, children should learn how to be independent of their parents from the moment they are born. They arrange their own , Xue Suling can't carry out her original plan. From it, we could realize that American highlight individual rights, which is the same as other individualism countries and areas.Chapter 4Section A1.Discuss the image of the whale as a symbol of nature, and Captain Ahab’s attitude towards it.The whale is a symbol of the nature, is a concrete embodiment of the powerful nature. Nature is rich and generous, it is a treasure for humans, providing humans with food and clothes. If losing it, humans will die. Nature is also stingy, it never gives something to humans on its own initiative, humans rely on plundering(掠夺)it to get what they want. Captain Ahab is the representative of human. He is a person with strength and perseverance as well as craziness, selfish and arrogance. He fights against the whale parallel to the behavior that people conquer the nature. For him ,the mission is holy and historic. In fact, human are confused a question whether the nature is friend or enemy, but the conflict between human and nature is inevitable.Section C1.What can we learn about Mexican culture from the reward system of PAMEXFrom this case, we learn that the Mexican culture is reserved and group-oriented. It highlights the group harmony and interpersonal relationships.2.What can we learn about American culture from the reward system USAHPThe American culture is more individualistic, result-oriented and analytic.3.How do you explain the phenomenon in this case, applying the theory of the relationship between humans What cultural differences caused the resistance of the local staff in PAMEX after the acquisitionBecause of the radically cultural differences between the American management and the Mexican staff, it was a challenge for the American management to accept for the Mexican staff and pay attention to the fundamental values in humanrelationship under Mexican circumstances.4.If you were one of the managers from USAHP, concerning the local culture, what measures will you take to promote the motivation of the original staff in PAMEX If I was one of the managers from USAHP, I would like to respect and promote the culture and philosophy of the original staff in PAMEX. With the merge and acquisition, the culture clash became increasingly obvious. If the company wanted to manage the PAMEX and its employees, it should observe the original cultures. It should glorify and support that PAMEX promoted, rewarded and retained employees based on their loyalty to the firm and to their immediate supervisors, and oninterpersonal connections. Approving the cultures and customs of the original staff in PAMEX, they would be promoted to work hard and contribute to the company USAHP.Chapter 5Section C1.What can we learn from the first case Use Hofstede’s ‘Uncertainty avoidance’dimension to explain your answer.‘Uncertainty avoidance’ indicates how much a society feels threatened by ambiguous situations and tries to avoid them by providing rules, believing in absolute truths, and refusing to tolerate deviance. Some cultures, such as Greece, Portugal, Belgium, Japan and Spain are averse to the unknown. Such cultures emphasize uniformity and dislike deviance. Such cultures may be rather emotional in the process of gathering information. Foreign teachers need detailed instructions. They hope to reduce the ambiguity in their expectations for the working in China. Thus they turn to Chinese officials to tell them exactly their responsibility, rights, the regulations, the available facilities, theaccommodations. Such information helps reduce the anxiety.2.If you are in America, what will you do to get a book you need What can we learn from this case Use Hofstede’s ‘individualism-collectivism’dimension to explain your answer.According to Hofstede’s research, collectivist cultures te nd to be Asian and Latin American, while the individualistic cultures are North American and European. Collectivist cultures emphasize common interest, cooperation, conformity and inter-dependence. They have tight social framework, where people help each other. The in-group includes one’s family, relatives, acquaintances, friends, classmates and colleagues. In individualistic cultures, people highlight their own needs. They emphasize more ‘I’ than ‘we’. Thus, if an American wants to borrow a book from another library, he would directly consult the staff working at the library to see whether the library is available to him. Then, he will inquire the procedures for obtaining books from that library. He will not ask his friends for help. In China, however, one would first try to find someone he knows to help him.3.What does ‘friend’ mean to Chinese What does ‘friend’ mean to AmericansAccording to Hofstede’s research, America ranked in individualism worldwide. Americans respect other privacy and maintain certain distance. Even friends should try not to be very demanding. If friends ask for help, they should make their requests reasonable. While Chinese belong to community, so friends have a closer relationship. One encountering some troubles, wants his friend to help him. In China, friends are the people that one can depend on and trust.Chapter 6Section A1.Why is the meaning of ‘I like your sweater’ very clear in the WestIn the West, the meaning of the sentence ‘I like your sweater’ is very clear because of the low-context style of communication, in which most of the information in the communication is transmitted in the verbal speech.2.Why is the meaning of ‘I like your sweater’ very clear In Asian societiesIn Asian societies, the meaning of the ‘I like yo ur sweater’is not clear because of the high-context style of communication, in which people may transmit a large amount information in the context rather than in verbal speech.3.What are the differences between Chinese and Western culture What are the differences between Chinese and Western languageChinese culture is a typical high-context culture in which people’s communication is indirect and tentative. Sometimes they don’t really mean what they say simply. Western culture is a low-context culture in wh ich people’s communication is direct and frank. For example, if a westerner say that he likes the painting, he only express an appreciation while Chinese may mean he wants to have one.Section C1.Did my daughter really mean it when she refused her Filipin o classmate’s offer What can we learn about the culture Use Hall’s culture context model to illustrate it.No, she didn’t really mean it. She wanted to have a hamburger very much. She refuse her classmate’s offer just because she was Chinese. She knew the hamburger was quiteexpensive, so she didn’t want to ask a favor of her classmate. If she had done so, she would have thought she had taken financial advantage of her classmate. Chinese culture is a typical high-context culture in which people’s communicat ion is indirect and tentative. Sometimes they don’t really mean what they say simply.2.What makes the Filipino girl consider the invitation as genuine What can wen learn about her culture Use Hall’s culture context model to illustrate it.Generally, westerners consider an invitation as genuine if it makes a definite time, place and activity. In this case, all three criteria were very clear, so the Filipino girl considered the invitation as genuine, and very happy to accept it. She didn’t know her Chinese classmate extended the offer just out of courtesy. For people of low-context cultures, who adopt the direct and frank communication, they must pay attention to discerning the real intentions of those of high-context cultures.Chapter 7Section A1.Why Eliza was so bad in spite of her successful performance at the party.Eliza got better education performed well in order to lure Higgins who was her teacher and who she liked and expect his concern. However, Higgins ignored exhausted Eliza, only boasted to his friends and celebrated the success, which made Eliza frustrated. Furthermore, Eliza didn’t get ready for the success and was confused about the future.Section C1.Do you think it is necessary to rename the dragon as Chinese symbol WhyI think it is necessary to rename the dragon as Chinese symbol since the misunderstanding of the Chinese ancient totem 'dragon' has influenced the spread of Chinese culture. For Chinese view, dragon equivalent to emperor symbolizes royal and majesty which receive respect and honor. In western opinion, dragon represents a fearsome, threatening animal. If we want to make westerners have much knowledge of Chinese culture and the ancient totems especially dragon, a symbol for honesty, good fortune, and happiness in the minds of Chinese people, we are supposed to eliminate their prejudice and misunderstanding firstly. Therefore, renaming the dragon is an urgent affair and vital campaign which is associated with the China' s rebuilding the cultural system all over the world.2.Do other animals inspire different associations in China and Western countries Peacock also inspires different associations in China and Westerncountries. Chinese believe that the peacock is a symbol of auspicious festival, so people often describe the peacock as beautiful people or things. For example, the ancient Chinese have a love story "the peacock flies to southeast". The dancer Dao Meilan is famous for dancing "peacock dance", and is known as "peacock princess". Yang Liping dances a performance called the spirit of "sparrow" beautifully, which is full of praise.Ancient oracle character "Phoenix" has a bunch of beautiful pappus, a long and beautiful tail behind. The overall graphic is a picture of the peacock pictographic drawing completely. The peacock in China since ancient times is regarded as a kind of beauty, auspicious bird.Nevertheless the peacock in the western value has a reverse believe that the peacock is strutting when walking defiantly andoften shows off its beauty by its tail, which is considered as 'proud' and 'vanity' in the west. So the peacock in the west has a derogatory sense. The second explanation of the 'peacock' in American Heritage Dictionary is a megalomania person given to self - display. For example, she strutted like a peacock, looking down her nose at everyone which demonstrates the woman was pride.Chapter 8Section A1.Is different social status the obstacle of true love or marriageThe different social status is the obstacle of true love and marriage. People with different status have different education and different kinds of friends. They have different communications,which create different value and outlook on life. At the same time, they have different interests and habits. If two people have many differences above, they will have controversy and disparity, which lead to disharmonious marriage.Section C1.Can you explain why Joe said, ‘While in China, I sometimes felt like a prisoner’ Because the itinerary arranged by Hong and her department without consulting with Joe was so tight that he had no free time to explore the city and the surrounding area on his own.2.Can you tell the differences between Chinese hospitality and American hospitality Chinese hospitality features that the host should arrange everything well for the visitor. In the story, Hong and the chair of her department met Joe at the airport, put him up in a nice hotel, arranged a big dinner for him for the evening and gave him the itinerary for the next few days. In fact,Hong spent much time making sure Joe's visit would go smoothly. Similarly, if the visitor comes to China for the first time, Chinese always devise all of the itinerary and require the visitor to complete the visit according to the itinerary. Furthermore, Chinese make these plans which leave no time for the visitor to conduct independently without inquiring the visitor. As the conclusion, the visitor who from other areas especially from western countries would feel grateful for everything at the beginning but annoyed and deprived because of the tight itinerary later.However, westerners prefer to suggest and inquire rather than to make the plans directly. If the visitor needs a guide, they are grateful and honored. Surely, they will ask what you like to go and when you want to get cracking on going there. On the contrary, if you want to enjoy a trip independently, they will respect you and merely suggest some interesting and worthwhile resorts, which makes you feel more relaxed. In brief, Chinese hospitality is enthusiastic but semi-compulsory while American hospitality is more appropriate and relaxing.Chapter 9Section Cdid the same advertisement succeed in France but fail in Saudi Arabia Why did the adapted version of the advertisement succeedEach culture has different understanding of touching. Americans, the English, Germans and Northern Europeans belong to low-touch cultures while Hispanics, people of Eastern European, Italians, the French, Arabs, and Jews are high-touch cultures. Whether considered to be high-or low-touch, defines for its members whom they can touch, as well as when and wherethey can cannot touch. For example, although the French and Arabs are considered high-touch cultures, the French culture permits a mutual directional touching between men and women while in Arabian cultures, the male do it much more than the female. In France, women touching men frequently is proper, but in Arab it seems that the female is too aggressive which gives a negative impression to the male. In the adapted version, the touching was reduced and neutralized. As a result, the picture in the ads implies that the man is so irresistible that the lady can’t help getting close to him in spite of her awareness of the cultural rule.3.What do you learn from Drakkar Noir’s storyIf we want a advertisement to be success in a nation, we should know about the nation’s culture. People raised in different culture would have different viewpoints,which decide whether your advertisement would lure consumers in the nation. In this case, the former advertisement f ailed because it didn’t follow the nation’s culture, especially the understanding of touching. Therefore, it didn’t lure consumers. However, after it investigated the culture and changed the picture, it succeeded.Chapter 10Section A1.The Indian and Amer ican concepts of ‘Time’ reflected in this movieAmericans regard time as a commodity, something to be used, bought, wasted, saved or spent. So they attach much importance to the efficiency of using time and like a fast pace of life. In India, relationship is far more important than schedules and efficiency. People live in a slower and relaxed way. In this movie, T odd is sent to India to get its MPI down from 15 minutesper call to 6. Todd thinks it is not realistic, and his fellow he meet in MacDonnell’s says ‘No way in India.’ By contrast, Puro, the Indian charger, regards an MPI of 12 is already satisfactory. Another point is that Americans are very specific about time, which is different from how Indians treat it. In this movie, Todd argues with Dave about the target MPI:should it be or something between and . However, when T odd asks Puro when the glass of his office will arrive, Puro says ‘It’s coming soon.’In fact, it finally comes three weeks later.Section Cyour opinion of the Director’s behavior How would you explain Katherine’s feeling to the DirectorThis case is about the culture difference in two different time system namely Monochronic Time and Polychronic Time. The Director follows a Polychronic culture which schedules several activities at the same time. He often breaks the appointments and is more subjected to interruptions. So it is natural for him to keep talking with a Chinese teacher when it is already five minutes past his appointment time with Katherine, and later tolerate interruptions during his talk with her. By contrast, Katherine follows a Monochronic Time system which schedules only one activity at one time, is very specific about the time and efficiency. In this sense, she could not cope with the Director’s conversation with others, especially in Chinese, during her appointment time. Although the Director has realized that his behavior may not seem polite to Katherine and even apologizes to her, his apology doesn’t compensate for her frustration.Chapter 11Section A1.How would you solve Martha’s problem if you were AlexI would communicate with my father firstly and ask him whether he can change his schedule. If he rejects, I would inquire Martha if she could change her time. If she doesn’t agree, I would consider redecorate the house and divide the house into two spaces or borrow much money from bank to buy a new larger house.Section Cwould you react to Wang Liang’s behavior Why did Wolfgang get angryThis case is about the cultural differences in the understanding of personal space. Some cultures do not give private, personal space high consideration. Sometimes, fifty Africans can crowd into the same amount of space that holds only twenty North Americans. The reason is that Africans’sense of personal space suffers no intrusion from crowding and touching. In this sense, Wang Liang, comes from Chinese culture, is not as sensitive about personal space as is his German colleague. He tends to respect for the physical boundaries of personal territory, but pays little attention to less visible invasion. In this sense, he never realize s that his behavior may be regarded as rude. By contrast, Wolfgang’s culture is more sensitive to privacy. The boundary of his personal territory can extend to personal items. Therefore, when he found Wang Liang was reading the newspaper without his permission, he felt an invasion of his private personal space.Chapter 13Section A1.What would you do if you were Viktor at such difficult timeIf I was Viktor, I would learn English at first, because it is a tool to communicate and get information, which is important forhim in a strange country. Secondly, I would attempt to find a long-time job in order to survive. Thirdly, I would make friends in the country and often communicate with them and explore their behaviors. How they speak and behave rest on the local culture. My final aim is to realize local culture and integrate into the society, which makes me live better in the country. Section C1.Can you explain what is behind the culture shock the girl experiencedThere are two shocks. The first one is the difference in terms of study. There is much work in America than in France. In France, the courses cover a particular subject in depth, whereas in America the classes embrace a large range of topics, but more superficially. The classes are more alive than in France. The second one is the difference in terms of technology. The students in America have easier access to computers, allowing them to go to the web for research. In France, the majority do not have access to computers.2.Have you ever encountered any culture shock in your communication with your foreign teachers or foreign friends Foreign teachers often assign little homework, the majority of which is practical. Chinese teachers often assign much work, because they think the more we practice the more knowledge especially what in books we have a good command of. Furthermore,foreign teachers don’t touch their students if they want to praise or encourage them while Chinese teachers are get accustomed to using the way.。
英语测试的理论与实践 pdf

英语测试的理论与实践1. 引言英语测试是评估学习者英语语言能力的一种重要方式。
2. 英语测试的理论基础2.1. 传统语言测试理论传统语言测试理论主要基于行为主义和结构主义的观点,强调测试对象对于已学知识的掌握程度。
2.2. 社会交际语言测试理论社会交际语言测试理论强调对学习者在真实交际情境中运用语言的能力进行评估。
2.3. 构造验证语言测试理论构造验证语言测试理论是一种基于认知主义的测试理论。
3. 英语测试的方法3.1. 笔试笔试是英语测试中常用的一种方法。
3.2. 口试口试是评估学习者口语能力的一种方法。
3.3. 听力测试听力测试是评估学习者听力能力的重要环节。
3.4. 阅读测试阅读测试是评估学习者阅读理解能力的一种方法。
4. 英语测试的实践经验4.1. 在教育领域的应用英语测试在教育领域有着广泛的应用。

桂 林理 工 大学 李 磊
[ 摘 要] 随着语言测试学的不断发展与 完善 , 如今我们 已经可 以利用 它的相 关原理来检验一套试题 的价值 。本文通过对新 旧大学 英语四级 考试 的比较 , 言测试 学的角度 , 从语 尤其从信度 与效度两方面阐述 了它对试题的评枯与指导意义。 [ 关键词 】 语言测试学 信度 效度 评估
引 言
2 世纪 6 年代初, O 0 英语被纳入我国学校教育课程, 英语测试也就随 后开始实行 。起初, 英语测试主要用来衡 量和评价英语教学过程给学 生 在态度 、 知识 、 技能 、 等方面带来的变化。 智力 测试 的目标是某 一时间断 面上学生语言知识 和语言技能的状况 。这种测试 为客观评估学生 的英 语水平 和英语语言能力, 并为不断改进英语 教学发挥 了积极的作用 。后 来在 相当一段时期 中, 英语测试 除了用于学校英语课程考试 外, 还用于 升学考试 、 专业技术职称晋升考试 、 英语专业人才选用等方面 。近十年 来,由于经济全球化的迅速发展和我 国对外开放的不断扩大和深入, 英 语在社会生活和经济建设 中的作用愈益凸显, 而作为衡量我国大学英语 水平主要手段 的大学英语 四级考试 ,更是在不断发展与完善的英语测 试理论的指导之下 , 不断地改变着。 英语测试的基本问题与大 学英语 四级的改革 1 . 了解测试 的目的与大外四级分数变革 在设计一套英语试题之前, 设计者 首先要 明确试题 的 目的及用 途 , 根据测试的 目的, 我们可以把语 言测试分 成五种 : 平测试 、 水 成绩测试 、 能力倾 向测试 、 分班测试 、 断测试 。水平测 试也 叫能力测 验或熟 练程 诊 度测验 , 是使用的较多的一种测 验。水平测验测 的是人 的语 言能力 , 而 不管他 的语言是在什么情况下学 的, 以水平测试不 以课程 、 所 教材 或教 学大纲的内容为基础 , 没有 十分 明确 的内容范 围, 只看被试 的语 言水 它 平如何 , 这是水平 测试最大 的特点 , 也是它 区别于其他测试 的最 明显的 特征 。成绩测试是使用 的最多的测验 , 它是教学 内的测验。成绩测验 的 最大特点是学什么就测什么 , 因此成绩测试 以所学教材为依据 , 内容 其 是教材或教学大纲内容 的一个样本。 能力倾 向测验是教学前 的测验 , 在 我 国还很少见 ,能力倾 向测验的内容大多是被试者没学过的其 目的是 在被试者开始学习一种语言之前 ,了解它是否具有学习语言的潜在能 力。分班测验 又叫安置测验 , 了达到分班安置的 目的 , 为 我们可以先用 分班测验了解 一下新生 的水平 , 根据测验结果 , 把他们分到适当的班里 去。诊断测验是教学 中的测验 , 经过一段时间的教学 , 我们用测验的方 式对教学做 出诊 断 , 目的是在教学过程 中及 时发现问题 , 时改进 , 及 以 求得最佳效果 。 大学英语四级考试是按照教育部的要求参考《 大学英语课程教学要 求( 试行)所设计的一种全国性 的考试 , 全国各 高校检测 “ 》 供 大学英语 ” 课程的教学质量 。 这项考试是考查学生的语言能力 , 以在某种程度上 所 可以说是一种水平考试 , 由于它主要是用来 回顾 以前 , 紧扣课 程教 但 又 学要求 , 以它也是一种成绩测试或称学业成就测试 , 所 目的是考查学生 对“ 大学英语” 课程所学知识 的掌握程度 。既然大学英语 四级考试 既有 检查所学知识 , 又有体现学生现有知识水平的作用 , 那么老 四级 的百分 制显然无法很好地满 足这两项要求 ,而改革后 的新 四级分数则是通过 加权 、 等值 、 常模转换等数据处理后 , 为均值 50 标准差 7 报道 0、 0的常模 正态分 , 不设及格线 、 取消证 书 , 改发成绩报告单 。报 告单 的总分满分 7 0 各单项分之 和等于总分 。通过分数的改革受试者拿到的不再是一 1, 张笼统 的证书 , 而是一份 内容清 晰、 明了的成绩报告单 , 过它可 以清 通 楚地 了解 到受试 者在听力 、 阅读 、 综合 以及作文中的表现 , 为我们更好 地 了解受试者的水平提供了更好的条件 。 2 . 信度效度与 四级题型的变革

The Impact of an Out-of-class Autonomous Reading Program on Chinese Secondary Learners’ Autonomy and Second LanguageDevelopmentThe background of out- of – class Autonomous ReadingReading ability, as one of the four basic language skills, plays a very important role in students’English learning. Reading ability can help students expand their knowledge, improve their reading strategies, and it also contributes to the development of listening, writing and speaking skills. Reading is not only provides opportunities for the students to acquire language, but also a beneficial way to foster students’ ability of autonomy learning. According to Krashen’s (1982:9; 1985:15) Input Hypothesis, comprehensible input is necessary in Second Language Acquisition. Being exposed to a lot of meaningful, interesting and relevant second language input is the key factor that is conducive to the development of second language. Henri Holec (1981: 3) defines learner autonomy as “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning”, this ability has “a potential capacity to act in a given situation”. Shu (2011: 5-8), when proposing four basic functions of FLT classroom instruction, emphasizing fostering learner autonomy as one of the major pedagogical objectives.Autonomous reading skill is one of the basic requirements for the L2 learners in the Chinese context. It is also what the L2 teachers exert almost all efforts to build for the L2 learners. in this paper, the author discusses out – of – class autonomous reading to experimental class to cultivate the students’ autonomous reading skillsTherefore, in the Junior Middle School stage, pay attention to the training of students’reading ability is very necessary. And the extra-curriculum English reading is a good way to improve the reading ability. Extra-curriculum English reading design with wide range of subjects to arouse students’ interest in reading, and can also cultivate students’ autonomous reading ability. Thus lay the foundation for the future learning.Research Questions:1.Does the out- of –class autonomous reading program help the students to develop learnerautonomy?2.Can out-of-class autonomous reading program improve participants’ reading proficiency?3.Can out-of-class autonomous reading program improve participants’ reading strategy?4.Can out-of-class autonomous reading program improve participants’general languageproficiency?Research Design:Participants:The participants in this study were 115 Level 8 students from Huanan Experimental School, who were randomly assigned to the experimental group (N =58 ) and the control group (N=57 ). Reading strategies training was carried out in the experimental class and teaching practices to promote learner autonomy were also introduced and implemented in and out of their class. Thecontrolled class received traditional way of teaching reading.Measurement:(1)Learner background questionnaire(2)Learner autonomy scale(3)Reading proficiency(4)Reading strategy(5)General proficiency(6)Exit questionnaireBefore carrying out the new way of reading, a questionnaire was distributed to the students to gain an overall picture of the subjects’understanding and readiness of autonomy in learning management EFL out- of – class reading. It aims to identify what difficulty the students have, how they read and what their interest really is. questionnaire is composed of two parts, Part One includes the personal information with name, age, sex and English Examination Score; Part two contains a number of questions to be answered on a five-likert scale. To avoid misunderstanding, the subjects received the questionnaire presented in Chinese.The Experiment procedure:After a long practice in English teaching, the author found cultivating Junior students’English reading skills only through textbooks can’t satisfy students’ requirements and achieve the goal of the Junior English Curriculum Standard. But English Newspapers such as Times are the supplement to textbook. The newspaper reading program is introduced into the English class. The program includes two parts: in- class reading and after- class reading.1) Choosing the appropriate reading materials: Compared to the current textbooks, English newspapers have the following distinctive characteristics: up- to – date content, authentic language, various materials close to students’ life etc. It is obvious that Times are excellent reading material for training reading strategies.2) After – class reading is mainly cooperative learning (divide the students into groups of five or six), the students can make notes (the important new words, good sentences and rewriting one favourite passage). Moreover, their reading interest is further aroused by means of: enhancing the students’ awareness of the importance of efficient reading.3) In – class reading (demo – class), the author should establish effective ways of evaluation. In demo- class, the students are encouraged to show their notes about reading newspapers once a week, practice reading strategies, enlarge their own and other student s’ vocabulary and the target cultural background.Data collection and AnalysisThe data collected from questionnaires, pre- test and post – test are analyzed with SPSS (v.22). It aims to test whether the students’ English reading ability can be improved by cultivating the good reading habit. The results are supposed to lead to the following findings:1) The students in the experimental class have greater progress in reading comprehension achievement test than those in the control class and the participants’ learner autonomy has been enhanced.2) After the experiment, the students in the experimental class were more interested in learning. They were more willing to take part in the demo- class.。



理论与实践相结合英语作文英文回答:Theory and practice are two integral components of any academic discipline or professional field. While theory provides a conceptual framework and understanding of the underlying principles, practice involves the application of these principles in real-world situations. The interplay between theory and practice is crucial for effective learning, problem-solving, and professional development.Theory:Theory encompasses abstract ideas, principles, and models that provide a structured understanding of a particular subject or phenomenon. It helps to explain why and how things work, offering a foundation for analysis and decision-making. By understanding the underlying theories, individuals can develop a deeper comprehension of the subject matter and make informed judgments.Practice:Practice, on the other hand, involves the implementation of theoretical concepts in practical situations. It allows individuals to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world challenges, fostering hands-on experience and problem-solving abilities. Through practice, individuals can test the validity of theories, refine their skills, and adapt their knowledge to specific contexts.Interdependence:Theory and practice are interconnected and interdependent. Theory informs practice by providing a roadmap for understanding and guiding actions. Conversely, practice provides feedback that can refine and improve theories, ensuring their relevance and applicability inreal-world situations. This interplay creates a virtuous cycle that enhances both theoretical understanding and practical expertise.Benefits of Combining Theory and Practice:Enhanced understanding: Combining theory and practice strengthens conceptual comprehension, allowing individuals to understand not only the abstract principles but also their practical implications.Effective problem-solving: The integration of theory and practice empowers individuals to identify and solve complex problems by leveraging theoretical knowledge and applying it in practical situations.Skill development: Practice provides opportunities to develop practical skills, improve dexterity, and enhance proficiency in specific areas of expertise.Critical thinking: The interplay between theory and practice fosters critical thinking skills, enabling individuals to analyze situations, evaluate solutions, and make informed decisions based on both theoretical and practical considerations.Professional growth: Continuously connecting theory and practice is essential for professional growth. It keeps individuals updated with industry best practices, enhances their adaptability, and enables them to meet evolving demands effectively.Conclusion:The combination of theory and practice is essential for comprehensive learning and professional development. Theory provides the intellectual foundation, while practice offers the practical validation and application. By embracing both components, individuals can achieve a deeper understanding, develop valuable skills, solve problems effectively, and contribute meaningfully to their fields of expertise.中文回答:理论和实践。

二、英语毕业论文选题方向分析1. 英语教育领域(1)英语教学策略研究:探讨不同教学策略在英语教学中的应用效果,如任务型教学法、合作学习等。
2. 英语语言与文化研究(1)英语语用学:探讨英语语用失误的原因及对策,提高英语交际能力。
3. 英语测试与评估(1)英语测试理论:探讨英语测试的信度和效度,优化测试方法。
4. 英语教学技术与手段(1)信息技术与英语教学:研究信息技术在英语教学中的应用,如多媒体教学、网络教学等。
三、英语毕业论文选题建议1. 结合自身兴趣和优势,选择具有研究价值的课题。
2. 关注当前英语教育领域的研究热点,紧跟学术前沿。
3. 注重理论与实践相结合,提高论文的实用价值。
4. 突出创新性,提出具有独到见解的观点。
5. 注意论文结构的完整性和逻辑性。

语言测试理论语言测试理论(Language Assessment)定义(definition)Anastasi (1982)认为“测试实质上是对受试者的某种能力所做的客观的标准化测量”。
Carroll 则认为测试是一套程序,旨在诱发受试者的行为反应, 并以此推导出他的相关特征(a procedure designed to elicit certain behavior from which one can make inferences about certain characteristics of an individual)。
二、英语语言测试理论(一)英语语言测试类型Hughes(1989:9-19)依据测试目的、测试方法和方式、测试题型、测试成绩判别标准和判卷标准进行分类, 将英语测试分为五大类。
1.依据测试目的进行分类( 1 )水平测试(proficiency test) 语言水平测试是为了测试人们语言能力而设计的。
( 2 )学业成绩测试(achievement test)学业成绩测试是用来考查被试在学习英语某一阶段或最终阶段的成功程度。
(3)诊断测试(diagnostic test):诊断测试是用来鉴别学生的优势和不足之处,用来确定什么样的教学是必要的。
(4)能力测试(aptitude test)能力测试不以任何教学大纲为基础,目的在于检验测试者是否具备了学习某种语言的潜力。
2.依据测试方法和方式进行分类(1)直接测试(direct testing)直接考察学生某一方面语言能力的测试称为直接测试。
(2)间接测试(indirect testing)间接测试即通过测试某一技能所具备某种能力来发现学生这方面的语言能力。
4.依据测试成绩判别标准进行分类(1)常模参考型测试(norm-referenced testing)(2)标准参考型测试(criterion-referenced testing)以某种特定的语言能力标准作为判别标准的测试称为标准参考测试。

理论与实践英语作文及翻译Theory and Practice。
Theory and practice are two important components in the process of learning. Theory provides us with a frameworkfor understanding and analyzing concepts, while practice allows us to apply these concepts in real-life situations. Both theory and practice are necessary for a comprehensive understanding of any subject.Theoretical knowledge is important because it helps us to understand the underlying principles of a subject. For example, in the field of physics, theoretical knowledge helps us to understand the laws of motion, the properties of matter, and the behavior of energy. Without this theoretical knowledge, it would be difficult to make sense of the world around us.However, theoretical knowledge alone is not enough. We also need to apply this knowledge in real-life situationsin order to fully understand its implications. This is where practice comes in. Through practice, we can test our theories and see how they work in real-life situations. For example, a doctor may have a theoretical understanding of how to treat a particular illness, but it is only through practice that they can develop the skills and experience necessary to successfully treat patients.Theory and practice are also interconnected. Theoretical knowledge can inform our practice, while practice can also lead to new theoretical insights. For example, a scientist may develop a new theory based on observations made during an experiment.In conclusion, theory and practice are both essential components of learning. Theoretical knowledge provides us with a framework for understanding concepts, while practice allows us to apply this knowledge in real-life situations. By combining theory and practice, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of any subject and develop the skills and experience necessary to succeed in our chosen field.理论与实践。

考试语言馈入性质 (1)语言材料是通过听觉还是视觉渠道输入的。还是两 者方式都有。 (2)输入的是语言材料还是非语言材料(如看图作文) (3)材料是否经过改写。 (4)输入材料的速度(如听力速度的快慢)。 (5)问题表达的明确与否。 (6)使用权用语言的性质,即语言的长度、信息的分布 (紧缩的还是分散的)、信息的类型(抽象的还是个 体的,事实性的还是非事实性的,肯定地还是否定 的)。
考试预期回答性质 考试预期回答性质就是指答题方式。 (1)采取什么样的形式(选择还是填空)。 (2)回答的方式(语言的还是非语言的,还是两者兼有)。 (3)使用语言的性质(母语还是目标语言)。
馈入与回答的关系 (1)相互型(reciprocal)。指一个考生的语言对另一个 考试的影响。如口试中两个考生为一组进行测试 时,口语好的考生对口语差的考生有一定影响。 (2)非相互型(non-reciprocal)。指语言使用者之间无 相互影响。如在阅读考试中,考生对作者通常没有 任何信息反馈。 (3)相互顺应型(adaptive)。指答题影响到试题的输 入,但无反馈。在电脑顺应性测试中,电脑提供给 考生的题目其难易程度是由考生完成前一个题目的 好坏情况决定的。
一、四种英语语言测试法 (根据测试理论进行阶段分类) 写作-翻译法 结构主义心理测量法 综合法 交际法 二、近20年的发展动态 考试方式的影响 考试分析 考生特征 语言能力性质的再认识 三、当代国内外大规模考试一览 国内 国外
1、写作-翻译法(the essay-translation approach) 主要特征: A、对测试的技能或专长没有特殊的要求,主要依靠教师的主 观判断力; B、试卷通常包括翻译、写作和语法分析等项目; C、试卷内容带有较浓厚的文学或文化色彩; D、试题一般采用书面回答形似,试卷需人工评阅。 由于写作-翻译法全以教师或命题人员的经验和主观判断来 确定,没有什么科学理论依据,故20世纪40年代以前的测试 统称为科学前语言测试。
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宁波大学硕士研究生2008/ 2009学年第 2 学期期末考试答题纸
1.Define the following terms in your own words
Testingwhich is often used for pedagogical purposes, isa procedure designed to elicit certain behavior fromwhich one can make inferences about certain characteristics of an individual.
2) Assessment
Assessmentcollectsinformationofstudents’ learning for various purposes and using various techniques.
3) Evaluation
Evaluationapplies thesystematicways togather information for thepurpose of making decisions.
8)criterion-referenced tests
Criterion-referenced tests are designed to enable the test user to interpret a test score with reference to a criterion level of ability or domain of content.
4) Measurement
Measurement is the process of quantifying the characteristics of persons according to explicit procedures and rules.
5) Reliability
Reliability is a quality of testscores, anda perfectly reliable scorewould be one which is free from errors of measurement.
6) Validity
Validityis an important quality of testinterpretation, whichconcerns the extent to which the inferences or decisions we make on the basis of test scores are meaningful,appropriateand useful.
Summativetest is used at the end of the term, semester or year in order to measure what has been achieved both by groups and by individuals.
2.Discussion questions (Answer each question in no less than 200 words.)
1) How can we improve the test reliability?
In order to develop the test reliability, we have to minimize the effects of measurement errors and to maximize the effects of the language abilities we want to measure. There are two kinds ofreliability:test reliabilityand scorer reliability.And three categories affect test and scorereliability: 1) test method facets;2) attributes of the test taker that are not considered part of the language abilities we want to measure;3) random factors that are largely unpredictable and temporary. The result of the effects of all these factors is that whenever individuals take a language test, they are not all likely to perform equally well, and so their scores vary. Because different factors affect different individual, the testers should use different methods of testing according to the different individuals. And we should use different approached to estimating the reliability of thetests.We can also apply thetest-retest and split-halftest to investigate thereliabilityin order tofurtherimprove it.
7)Norm-referenced tests
Norm-referenced tests are designed to enable the test user to make the interpretations of test results with reference to the performance of a given group or norm.