



攻克雅思口语:化难为易,化繁为简攻克雅思口语:化难为易,化繁为简一.〝硬碰硬〞,真金不怕火炼对于备考时间较长(半年或以上)的考生,建议大家本着务实求真的精神,彻彻底底将口语基础打牢.切记,口语和写作都是真正揭晓实力的两门,绝不能依仗技巧取胜.有经验的考官不会完全照读考题,而是会为你〝量身定做〞(Tailor-made)顺势出题,所以如果完全是所谓的技巧搭起来的空中楼阁的话,注定会不攻自破.因此,一定要充分利用这段较长的备考期,多开口,勤练习,进行实战模拟,让自己的口语有质的提高.二.由难到易,化繁为简一定的实力基础固然必不可少,但口语成绩的提高也不是完全没有捷径可走.聪明的考生能做到扬长避短,迎合评分要求回答,在短短的十来分钟内包装自己的语言,有更好的发挥.下面将介绍三种化繁为简的方法,供大家参考.第一招:减少描述,增加议论纵览各类卡片题,发现一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influencedyou(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题),Describe a shop you often goto(地点题),Describe a familyevent(事件题).很多考生会集中精力去思考如何Describe,所以在人物题中会试着用很多语言去描述外貌特征,如大大的眼睛,长长的睫毛,粉粉的脸颊,厚厚的嘴唇.且不论该考生是否都能将这些中文描述对应的恰当英文找到,除非是口语基础相当不错的考生,不然挑这些内容去讲无疑是搬起石头砸自己的脚.人物题还算是比较容易描述的了,那碰到物品题描述一个家用电器怎么办,如何去Describe?以awashing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色(〝Its color is white.〞).大小(It’s one meterhigh.),别的似乎没什么可讲的了.这个时候就可以增加议论或评价.对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this coloris that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been myfavorite color. It’s clean. You know. 而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the smallestsize at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a littlespace.由此可见,评价性的语言通常比描述更为具体,可以看做是对前一句的补充说明或者是例证拓展.这种对于每一点信息都要给出议论的习惯一定要养成,可以使我们的说话内容顿时翻倍.第二招:变抽象为具体很多考生觉得口语话题难,就是因为没话说,特别是看似较为抽象的话题,如Describe asuccess.总觉得success肯定是较为光鲜的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材.其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully didsth.,构思就会容易许多.可以讲成功地网上交友.购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合.又如part3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people’slife?如果单单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了.Well,technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an e_ample, ten yearsago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-conditioning brings usmore comfort.第三招:扭转乾坤,话题巧转移短短的十几分钟时间内,讲自己有准备的话题内容肯定比临场发挥好,至少在语言质量上能略胜一筹.再次强调,口语考试重形式而非内容,只要能巧妙自然地将拿到的话题转到自己觉得熟悉的内容上来,必定会有更好的效果.如Apiece of goodlaw,这个难倒了众多考生的杀手题触及到我们较为不熟悉的领域——法律.而转身一想,法律其实是无所不在的,建议考生可以将其转移为环境问题,所以可以去讲〝限塑令(Thenew standard of plastic bags)的制定和执行;亦可转换成工作问题,讲〝劳工法〞(The Labor Law).简言之,口语成绩的提高应该是两方面结合,基本的语言能力辅之以巧妙的应对方法.希望考生们不论见到什么样〝为难〞的话题,都不要慌张,运用以上提及的一些方法,化难为易,化繁为简.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:an activity that you feel e_citedYou should say:what you didwhere and when you did thiswho you shared the activity withand e_plain why this activity was new or e_citing for you.范文:A couple of weeks ago I went with some friends to play paintball. It’ssomething I’d never done before so I was interested to see what it would belike. My friend, who has been doing this activity for about a year, knew a placejust outside of the city where they have a special course, or site, all set upfor the participants.We arrived around 10am in the morning and one of the instructorse_plained tous all about the safety equipment, the rules, how to use the guns and talkedabout some basic techniques and how to deal with the obstacles on the site. Thattook about a half hour. Then we got ready and split into two teams. There werefour people in each team.We spent about 2 hours doing this activity. I was surprised because it’s morephysical than I thought, there’s a lot of running around involved but it’s alsovery e_citing. I could feel the adrenalin pumping inside me. It took me a fewminutes to get used to the idea of firing the gun and dodging other peopletrying to fire at me, but it was good fun as well as good e_ercise. I have toadmit that I was disappointed when I got ‘killed’ three times, but hey, it wasmy first time so I guess I still have a lot to learn if I want to become as goodat it as my friend.I can see why a lot of people like this activity, it’s quite addictive, andI’m sure the more you do it the better you become and then want to play evenmore. Two of my friends have been doing it for about a year now and they arequite serious about it. They have their own equipment and one of themparticipated in a local tournament last month.We all had a great time that day and then after we went for lunch together soit was a nice day out and it’s always interesting to try something new ande_citing that you haven’t done before. Maybe I’ll go again sometime in thefuture.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a website that you often useYou should say:where you saw itwhat it was aboutwhy you think it was an interesting advertisement.考官范文:what type of website it ishow you found out about itwhat it allows you to do, and why you find it useful.参考范文:I want to talk about a website called IELTS-Simon, which is a website I useand check every day.This is a website dedicated for the preparation of the IELTS e_am. It isupdated on a daily basis and is maintained by an e_-IELTS e_aminer calledSimon.I don t really remember how I found out about this website, but I guess itpopped out when I was googling for some IELTS materials on the web about twoyears ago. Since then, I ve been using and reading its contents every day. Of all the IELTS related websites available on the Internet, I think this isthe most useful one because of the following reasons. Firstly, we can e_pect anew IELTS lesson every day, and the lesson could be for the Listening, Reading,Writing, or Speaking part. Secondly, besides IELTS materials, Simon also givesus plenty of useful advice on grammar and tips to get high scores for thischallening e_am. And thirdly, which I think is the most important, visitors ofthis website can make comments and/or ask questions, which makes things moreinteractive and productive at the same time.All in all, this is a wonderful website that I recommend it to everyonepreparing for the IELTS.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:interesting advertisement that you have seenYou should say:where you saw itwhat it was aboutwhy you think it was an interesting advertisement.考官范文:I m going to talk about an advertisement for Coca-Cola, which is one of thebiggest brands in the world. I ve seen Coke advertised everywhere, on postersand TV commercials.The advert shows a picture of Santa Claus smiling and holding a bottle ofCoke. I think the aim is to target children and associate (link/connect) thebrand with Christmas time.The advert is interesting because the company is deliberately trying toinfluence and attract children. The marketers are trying to capture youngcustomers. They are presenting the drink as something special, a gift forChristmas. However, Coca-Cola is not necessarily a healthy drink for children;it contains a lot of sugar. Maybe this kind of advertising manipulates childrenand encourages them to pester their parents.雅思八月复考:那些关于雅思口语考试不得不除了出国留学,雅思居然还有这么多用处?今天小编给大家带来雅思的作用,希望能够帮助8月雅思考试再新增考次_部分城市因疫情变化 8月雅思考试再新增考次!部分城市因疫情变化被迫取消!今天小编给大家带来8月雅思考试再取消北京语言大学_年8月雅思考试的通知雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了,最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了,。



改变语言改变生活英语作文英文:Changing language can definitely change one's life in various ways. As a bilingual person who speaks both English and Chinese, I have experienced firsthand how language can impact my life.First of all, changing language can open up new opportunities. For example, when I learned English, I was able to communicate with people from different parts of the world. This not only broadened my social circle but also gave me the chance to explore different cultures and perspectives. I was able to travel to English-speaking countries and navigate through daily life without any language barriers. This has enriched my life in so many ways and allowed me to have experiences that I wouldn't have had if I only spoke Chinese.Moreover, changing language can also change the way Ithink and express myself. In Chinese, there are certain idioms and expressions that convey emotions and ideas in a way that English simply cannot. On the other hand, English has its own set of idioms and expressions that are not present in Chinese. By being able to switch between these two languages, I can express myself more effectively and understand different nuances of emotions and ideas.Furthermore, changing language can also impact mycareer and education. I have had the opportunity to work as a translator and interpreter, which has allowed me tobridge the gap between people who speak different languages. This has not only been fulfilling but has also provided me with valuable skills and experiences. Additionally, being bilingual has given me an advantage in my education, as I was able to study in English-speaking countries and accessa wider range of academic resources.In conclusion, changing language has had a profound impact on my life. It has opened up new opportunities, changed the way I think and express myself, and has influenced my career and education in a positive way.中文:改变语言绝对可以以各种方式改变一个人的生活。






二、个人情况1. 请介绍一下你自己。



2. 你家乡的特色美食是什么?你喜欢吗?我来自我国,我的家乡有一道特色美食叫做小笼包,小笼包是一种以猪肉为馅料,蒸熟后皮薄汤多的特色点心。


3. 你的家乡有哪些有名的景点?我的家乡有一处非常有名的景点叫做西湖,西湖是我国著名的风景名胜区,被誉为“天然的园林、人工的天堂”。


三、日常生活1. 你喜欢住在城市还是乡村?为什么?我更喜欢住在城市,因为城市有更多的机会和资源,生活更加便利。


2. 你最喜欢的一家商店是什么样的?为什么?我最喜欢的一家商店是一家书店,因为我喜欢阅读,而且书店里有很多不同类型的书籍可以选择,有利于提升自己的知识水平。

3. 你平时喜欢在哪里购物?平时我喜欢在购物中心购物,因为购物中心有很多不同种类的商店,可以一站式购物,省去了找店的麻烦。

四、工作学习1. 你目前的工作是什么?对这份工作满意吗?我目前还是一名学生,没有工作。


2. 你愿意将来在外国工作吗?为什么?我愿意将来在外国工作,因为外国的工作机会更多,薪资待遇也更好。


3. 你最喜欢的学科是什么?为什么?我最喜欢的学科是市场营销,因为市场营销涉及到很多领域的知识,可以结合自己的兴趣和实际应用,是一门非常有挑战性和发展空间的学科。



Topic: Describe a positive change you made. You should say: What the change was When you made the change and explain the influence of the change Tips: 关于“A positive change”要求描述⼀个给你带来积极变化的改变。



拓展思路: What the change was: 1. 你戒掉了的⼀些不好的习惯,⽐如抽烟,熬夜。

2. 你为了健康的⾝体,开始改变以前懒惰的习惯,开始做⼀些运动。

3. 你放弃了⼀段不该坚持的感情,遇到了更好的⼈。

4. 你决定不再成天宅在家⾥,出去接受更⼴阔的世界,遇到了更多的⼈。

5. 你开始学习⼀门语⾔,这帮助了你。

6. 你开始探索⼀些技能,从⽽把重点放在那些技能上。

7. 你从⼀个农村地区搬到了⼀座城市,⽣活⽔平得到了改善。

8. 你开始⼀⼼⼀意滴攻读某个专业,让你取得了学业的成就。

参考范⽂: The positive change that I would like to talk about is ‘I started playing outdoor games instead of playing computer games’. After I got my first personal computer when I was only 9 years old or so, I started learning many things. Besides that I started playing the computer games. As computer games are addictive I found that I was playing the games whenever I had spare times. This addiction barred me from playing outdoor games like cricket, football etc. I found myself very much attracted to the computer games and I preferred to play the games at home instead of going to open spaces or fields to participate in outdoor games that involve physical exercises. Not that computer games are all so bad, but playing them all the time someone has got is not a good thing especially for kids. I found that I was spending more times at home than being outside. After my parents noticed that, they discussed with me about that and explained me the importance of outdoor activities. They gave me strict restriction that I would only be able to play computer games for an hour daily and in the evening I’d have to go outside to play with my friends. This was obviously a very positive change for me. I’m not against computer games but I feel that if there are more important things to do, then we should not spend time on computer games only. This change affected me very positively. I became a good cricket player later on, I started maintaining my times more prudently and I am sure this change has affected me positively in terms of physical and mental health. Related cue cards: 1. Describe a change you would like to have in you. 2. Describe something you want to do in the future. 3. Describe a change you would like to have in you. 4. Talk about something you started doing lately.。



Title: The Power of Positive Change in the Journey of LifeIn the journey of life, change is inevitable. It can be as subtle as the shifting of the seasons or as profound as a life-altering event. However, it is not the changes themselves that define our lives, but how we adapt to them.A positive attitude towards change can transform an ordinary life into an extraordinary one.One of the most significant changes that can impact our lives is the choice of career. It is not uncommon to hear people complain about their jobs, viewing it as a necessary evil rather than a source of fulfillment. However, when one finds a passion in their work, the experience transforms from merely earning a livelihood to a fulfilling journey. This shift not only brings happiness but also sparks growth and development in other areas of life.Another significant change that can positively impact our lives is physical well-being. A healthy body is the foundation for a fulfilling life. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are essential for maintaining physical and mental well-being. By making these lifestyle changes, we not only improve our physical healthbut also increase our energy levels, improve our mood, and enhance our overall quality of life.Lastly, change can come in the form of new experiences and learning opportunities. Travel, for instance, can broaden our horizons and help us gain a better understanding of the world. Volunteering or participating in community activities can provide us with an opportunity to give back and connect with others. These experiences not only make life more meaningful but also help us grow as individuals.In conclusion, positive change has the power to transform our lives in significant ways. It can be as simple as finding passion in our work or as profound as changing our lifestyle habits. However, the key is to embrace change with an open mind and positive attitude. By doing so, we can create meaningful and fulfilling lives that are full of growth and possibility.。





问题示例饮食习惯变化:How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past?休闲方式变化:Are the types of leisure activities that are popular today the same as those that were popular when your parents were young?购物习惯变化:How have shopping habits changed over recent years?交通方式变化:Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last few decades?描述变化这种题型时需要注意语法和词组。

一、描述过去描述现在和过去不同的事常用used to “Vietnam used to be a colony of France, (but now it is independent)”“Jimmy Carter used to be the President of the United States, (but now he isn’t.)”This can, of course be used to give personal information.“I used to smoke, (but I gave up 2 years ago.)”“Mike used to be a detective in the CID, (but now he’sa teacher)”二、描述比较比较是一种很好的描述变化的方法。






雅思口语part2话题答案:最近的改变You should say:what it waswhen caused itwhat do you do for the changeand explain how do you feel about it参考范文:would like to talk about the time I first moved to Changsha for college. It’s one of the major changes in my life till now I have to say.Firstly, I was born in the north of China. We have drier winter, while Changsha, which is a southern city is probably the most humid city in the world. The constant rain is killing me. And the food in Changsha is too spicy and salty for me. I am not used to having too many spices and chili in the food. Also, I can’t really understand the local language.Besides, college study is totally different from high school study, including in study methods and subjects. For example, you don’t have anyone to supervise you or motivate you on your own things. You can only rely on yourself.Another significant change for me is the living environment.I used to live with my parents and have my own room, while in college, I have to live with 5 other girls in a small dormitory. We even don’t have a private bathroom.It’s utterl y inconvenient when you have to share the bathroom with so many other people,like more than 70 people.To conclude, I am still adapting myself to the new environment and the new life. Like people always say, we’ll have to embrace the change.雅思口语话题:近期改变You should say:what the change waswhen and where this change happened what caused this changewhat the result of this change wasand explain how you felt about this change when it happened.Three moths ago, I moved to a new neighborhood with my parents since my father had been transferred to a sub-company and the new neighborhood is near to his new working place.I felt bitter-sweet when we decided to move. I was upset because I had to live far away from some of my good friends and the surroundings I am familiar with. At the same time, I felt a little excited about the new life because it was the first time for us to move to a new apartment since I grew up. But as soon as I visited the new apartment, I was convinced that we had made up a good decision.Now 1 am absolutely satisfied with the new surroundings as well as our new apartment The new neighborhood is elaborately designed with fantastic greening. Lots of trees, flowers are planted there and there are several lawns besides a manmade stream. Our apartment is also well furnished. Whafs more, it is much more spacious than the old one. I can enjoy the study of my own and we have two bathrooms which make our lives more convenient. Last, living in the new neighborhood, we can enjoymore convenient public transportation.In a word, I think we’ve made a wise choice, and the change is beneficial to both my study and my life.雅思口语Part2话题:你所在城市的变化Tell me about a part of your city that is changing.You should say:where is it?how is it changing?why is it changing?and explain how do you feel about that?参考范文I have been living in (..say your city name...) for the last 15 years and know almost every street of this city. The city I knew the first time I came here is far more different than the city has evolved now. The north part of the city has changed more than any part of the city and still changing.When I first visited this part of the city, it was mostly an open space that had lots of fields, trees and a very minimum number of dwellers. There were hardly any high rising building and mostly farmers and fishers lived there. The fields, lakes and people’s way of living used to give an impression of an urban life. But this is no longer applicable for this part of the city. I went to that part of the city a few days back after a long time and was very surprised to notice the changes which occurred there and still happening.The need for industrialisation, to accommodate the increasing population and for the business expansion, the part has changed dramatically. The open spaces, fields, and lakes have reduced significantly and one can notice the overwhelming number of factories, industries and offices there. This place nolonger gives the urban area impression rather it gives a neo-industrial area impression. The numbers of roads and cars have increased, the farmers and fishers have moved to the farther north side of the city and 2 new colleges and universities have been built there.I feel the necessity of the new industries and offices and their importance for a country, but the way this part of the city has been transformed is really shocking. There could have been an alternative place for industries and the city administrators and authorities could have saved the natural part of the city. Already the city is overpopulated and because of that we are facing lots of problems, the changes of this part of the city have caused to accommodate more people and have destroyed the natural habitat of wild lives. I feel sad to notice the changes happening in this part of the city.雅思口语Part2: 近期改变/有挑战的经历雅思口语Part2考题:Describe a recent change that happened on you.You should say :What the change was ?What caused the change ?What did you do ?How you felt about it ?新题参考:1.I'd like talk about an amazing change happened on me recently.In less than 2 months,I managed to lose 20 pounds.Isn't that amazing?2.I was a big boy.I used to eat lots junk food.Many people warned me that my diet habit could kill me.Well,i didn't take it seriously.Then my body weight was out of control.When I foundthat I couldn’t fit in my favorite jacket,I was very disappointed.I couldn’t believe that’s me in the mirror.I decided to change it before it's too late.3.Changing the old habits is the first step.Getting rid of the junk food could be a good start.I sticked to a diet.Every meal,I ate lots of fresh vegetables and caculated how much calories i consumed.Besides that,I did lots of exercise.I went to the gym a couple of times a week.My daily routine was like 20 minute aerobics and an hour weight lifting.4.Well,my hard work paid off.A couple of weeks later,I started to see changes.I saw my abs.My body weight was declining.I made it and I'm very proud of myself.。



雅思口语话题题库part2范文积极的改变雅思口语话题题库part2范文积极的改变positive change in your lifeDescribe a positive change in your lifeYou should say:What the change wasWhen it happenedHow it happenedand e_plain why it was a positive change1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:跑步健身3.故事线:由跑步健身成为运动达人的励志故事The change was basically that I decided I needed to get a bit fitter, and thething that helped me do so was joining up to do Parkrun. However, I’m jumpingahead. Let me e_plain how it came ab out… A couple of years ago I started to feellike I was getting old and losing my basic fitness. Although I walked quite alot, I wasn’t really doing anything else very much that was physical. I wasnever very good at sports, so I didn’t really know where to begin. However, I’vealways liked being outdoors, so on something of a whim I booked an activityholiday in Northumberland, which is a beautiful rural area in the north east ofEngland, right by the coast. The holiday was great. We did abseiling; hillwalking; body-surfing – all sorts of things. In addition, every morning beganwith a run along the sands of the seaside. Now I’d never run before –well onlyif I was trying to catch a bus, but otherwise, not at all. I wasn’t very good atit, and honestly, I didn’t even really enjoy it all that much. However, I didhave to concede that it is a great form of e_ercise. You don’t really need anyspecial equipment (apart from decent trainers); you can do it anywhere and it’sfree! What’s more, I found out from some other holiday makers that in the UKthere is a free weekly event held nationwide in parks all over the country. Itis called Parkrun, and basically people gather every Saturday morning at 9.00a.m. to run a fi_ed course of 5km and get a time for doing so. I wasn’t too sureif this would be achievable for me. I’d never run that far before. But Ipromised myself I would try it ‘just once’ to see if I could.The day after I got back from my holiday I turned up to do the Parkrun at mylocal park. I can tell you the e_act day! It was 24th August _ – I know thisbecause the whole point of Parkrun is that if you register (which is free) thenthe organisation records your time each week and you can access it onlineafterwards. The first time I went I didn’t even manage to run the whole wayround, but I did finish, and I did get a great sense of achievement. Because youknow your time, it is quite addictive, you find you do want to go again the ne_tweek and see if you can improve! My local parkrun is huge, with well over 500runners taking part every week –so even though I was pretty slow, I found Iwasn’t the slowest.Since that day over two years ago, I’ve found that I’ve gone to Parkrunalmost every week. I have taken part in some 70 parkruns, and through doing somade new friends, maintained a certain level of fitness, and even gained theconfidence to take part in some longer runs. I’ve done lots of 10km races now, afew off-road runs – including one over 24km as well as taken part in obstacleraces! I would never have believed that the small change of ‘just goingonce’ toParkrun to ‘give it a go’ would lead to me being such an enthusiastic member ofParkrun two years later. By the way, I haven’t really ever got any faster, butI’m definitely a lot fitter. Now I can’t imagine a Saturday morning withoutheading off for a run with my 500 friends at the local park! That first day Iturned up nervously to join in with Parkrun was definitely the beginning of apositive change in my life![ Written by - Lucy Marris | Careers Adviser (UK), TEFL teacher (Vietnam)]4.高分口语语料:地道用词:along the sands of the seasidecatch a busgained the confidenceheading off高分句型: However, I’m jumping ahead. Let me e_plain how it came about…A coupleof years ago I started to feel like I was getting old and losing my basicfitness. Although I walked quite a lot, I wasn’t really doing anything else verymuch that was physical. I was never very good at sports, so I didn’t really knowwhere to begin.The first time I went I didn’t even manage to run the whole way round, but Idid finish, and I did get a great sense of achievement.雅思口语话题题库part2范文积极的改变positive change in your lifeDescribe a positive change in your lifeYou should say:What the change wasWhen it happenedHow it happenedand e_plain why it was a positive change1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:骑自行车3.故事线:小学学骑自行车的经历Well, I’d like to talk about the very first time that I rode a bicycle. Itwas a long time ago, the summer after I finished primary school. At that age,most of my friends could already cycle, but for me it was quite difficult, as Iwas e_tremely bad at keeping my balance and so I was very reluctant tolearn.However, that summer, my grandfather decided to teach me how to ride and wepractised every morning. And after suffering from several bad falls, eventuallyI was able ride the bicycle myself, without my grandpa’s help. It was a realthrill and I remember feeling e_tremely happy as I rode around my neighborhood,although actually I was also a little bit nervous and afraid of crashing intoothers.Thanks to my grandpa, that day I realized that I was not as weak as I hadthought and I could conquer my fear to take on any challenge ahead.From thattime on, I started to go to school and go out with friends on my bike andfinally I was able to enjoy the pleasure of feeling independent and mature.Maybe at that time, my grandpa’s purpose was only to encourage me to ride, butthanks to it, I became stronger and more confident about myself in general.Several years later, I read a quote that says 〝Life is like riding a bicycle. Tokeep your balance, you must keep moving on〞. It reminded me of that day and theimportant basic lesson that my grandpa taught me.4.口语高分语料地道用词:keeping balance: the ability to keep steady with an equal amount of weight oneach side of the body.take on: to tackle something by deciding to do it.move on: start doing something newremind of: to make somebody remember or think about the other person, place,thing, etc. because of the similarities高分句型:From that time on, I started to go to school and go out with friends on mybike and finally I was able to enjoy the pleasure of feeling independent andmature.that day I realized that I was not as weak as I had thought and I couldconquer my fear to take on any challenge ahead.雅思口语话题题库part2范文积极的改变positive change in your lifeDescribe a positive change in your lifeYou should say:What the change wasWhen it happenedHow it happenedand e_plain why it was a positive change1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:寻找自我3.故事线:跳出平凡的生活,寻找自我,生活的真谛,爱自己,探索自己的梦想I have started focusing on me and have started e_ploring a new me and that isa very positive change for me. For the last 20 years of my life, I was a typicalgirl who never thought of herself and did her duties and responsibilities forothers.Time was going on and my life was also going on with time in a very banalway. There was no value of time, life and thought. Only there was a toughroutine that I had to follow and dedicate myself for others. I do not have anycomplaints dedicating me for the benefit of others, but that was so typical thatI forgot my own e_istence and my own dreams.My dreams were surrounded by someone special. It’s all about someone whom Iloved more than my life. But the moment I realised that with whom I nurture allof my dreams, is lost in a very different world where I do not have a specialplace, I was broken and shaken up. That realisation initially gave me a feelingof being a loser and helpless one. It forcefully pulled me at the end of theworld and I totally lost my confidence, believe in believing and did not seekany reason to live.In that regrettable moments, I never stopped thinking and I asked questionsto myself even when I was asleep. I was started regaining my confidence after Istarted realising the fact and reality. I was determined to hit the sky and notto feel like a looser. I will never forget the great contributions my friendshad overcoming this fatal time and they advised me why I have to love myself ande_plore my own dreams even after someone has shattered my dreams. They helped meto get out from my dilemma. They reminded me who am I, who could I be. The perception of life, reality and dreams seem like have changed in me and Iam happy for the changes. It has helped me find the reality, a new me. NowIlove myself even more with my every possibility and dream. Now I am taking ajourney to look forward and reach a definite goal I have. I don’t know where itwould go but I learnt to walk alone, confidently and I love my ownreflection.4.口语高分语料地道用词:focusing ongoing on with timeseek reasonsshake up高分句型: I do not have any complaints dedicating me for the benefit of others,but that was so typical that I forgot my own e_istence and my own dreams. But the moment I realised that with whom I nurture all of my dreams, is lostin a very different world where I do not have a special place, I was broken andshaken up.I will never forget the great contributions my friends had overcomingthisfatal time and they advised me why I have to love myself and e_plore my owndreams even after someone has shattered my dreams.雅思八月复考:那些关于雅思口语考试不得不除了出国留学,雅思居然还有这么多用处?今天小编给大家带来雅思的作用,希望能够帮助8月雅思考试再新增考次_部分城市因疫情变化 8月雅思考试再新增考次!部分城市因疫情变化被迫取消!今天小编给大家带来8月雅思考试再取消北京语言大学_年8月雅思考试的通知雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了,最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了雅思真人考官对话又回来了!今天小编给大家带来最新消息:雅思真人考官对话又回来了,。



雅思口语考试经典话题素材雅思口语考试经典话题素材大全导语:大家在备考雅思口语相关的话题的时候,可以拿一些经典的'话题来做练习,这样就能更好的应对雅思口语考试了,下面小编为您收集整理了雅思口语考试的经典话题素材,希望对您有帮助!1. What kind of differences in the cultures are you expecting between China and the UK?2. What effect do you think your studies will have on your career when you get back to China?3. What do you intend to do after you graduate?4. What will be some of your challenges you foresee when you come back to China?5. Do you think you'll have any problems adjusting back to life in China?6. What kind of changes will you have to make when you come back to China?7. Do you think there might be a gap between what you learned from your studies and the level of knowledge you will encounter on arrival?8. Are there any special places you want to see in Canada? What are they?9. What kind of things do you particularly want to do in Canada that you can't do here?10. How do you like your life in X X X University?11. What do you think of the training you got in the university?12. What aspect of English do you find the most difficult?13. Can you compare American English with British English?14. What sports are played in your country?15. Could you describe the traditional architecture of yourcountry?。



Describe something you own and want to replaceYou should say:What it isWhy you want to replace itThe item which I want to replace is my cellphone. It is a black iPhone 5, one of the most popular cellphones on the street 3 years ago. It is about 4 inches and gives you perfect feeling when you hold it. Since I am not allowed to take it in, it is now lying on the desk at the entrance of this examination building. But usually, I would put it in my trousers’ pocket and take it wherever I go. Even if I was home, I would keep it at my hand, because it is the most important way to keep contact with the outside world and I do not want to miss any important calls or enjoyable conversations with my friends.I bought it 4 years ago. At that time, I had already had a cellphone. But being attracted by the appearance of Iphone 5, I had always wanted to buy one. Unfortunately, my parents held a different opinion. They thought it was a waste of money and belived that I would use it to play games, which would interfere with my study. To get it, I found a job in a restaurant during that year’s summer vacatin. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. After two months’ hard work, I finally got the enough money and bought it without any hesitation.Although it used to be my favorite, it is a bit out of date now. First, its screen is not big enough, which has a negative impact on the experience of reading messages and news. Moreover, its performance is inferior compared to the latest ones and operating the lastest games is far beyond its capability. When my classmates get together and talk about what they have played recently, I can do nothing but remain silent. Sometimes I feel I am isolated. Therefore I want to replace it with the newest Iphone X.后续提问:What other things in your home you want to be replaced?Who need new things, the old man or the children?Whether old man in china always like to store up things at home, why?Do you like that?。



1.雅思口语话题题库更换规律1.改变季节会改变多少话题?一般上一季改的题数在 30-40% 个左右,加上之前的很多雅思口语题目, 当老问题回来的时候,会出现一些新的话题,真的是少之又少。


2.雅思口语题目有哪些类型?一般来说,雅思口语题目主要分为几类: 材料类 objects, 类、事件类、地点类等。


例如,材料类别的主题, 描述你最近买的一件让你开心的东西,一个玩具; 一个地方类,一个经常出现的 card, 是你想去的国家或城市, 还有一个你之前去过的公园,活动课,你帮助别人的经历等等。

3.口语考试有哪些?part1, 日常生活话题,name,hometown,work or 等固定话题 study? 等等,但是不要用一句话回答。


4.雅思口语考试时间和持续时间?雅思口语考试时长一般为 11-15 分钟; part1 大约需要 2-3 分钟; part2 3-5 分钟; part3 4-5 分钟,考官的问题是尽可能多的。



2.雅思口语关于数学的范文When did you start learning maths?Do you like maths?Who taught you maths?Who’s your favourite teacher so far?Is maths difficult for you to learn?Do you like to use a calculator?I firstly started to learn maths when I was in the first grade in primaryschool. I was about seven years old then.我第一次学习数学是在小学一年级的时候。



The Era of Rapid Change: Embracing theUnknownIn the 21st century, the world is experiencing an unprecedented rate of change, spanning across all aspects of life. Technology, culture, environment, and society are all undergoing seismic shifts that are reshaping the way we live, work, and interact. This rapid evolution presents both opportunities and challenges, testing our adaptability and resilience.Technological advancements have been the driving force behind much of this change. The internet, smartphones, and artificial intelligence have revolutionized the way we access information, communicate, and solve problems. The digitization of our world has made it easier to connect with people across the globe, but it has also created new security and privacy concerns. As we continue to embrace new technologies, it's crucial that we also prioritize ethical and sustainable practices to mitigate any negative impacts.Cultural shifts have also been significant. Globalization has led to the blending of traditions andvalues, creating a more diverse and inclusive world. However, this process has not been without its controversies. Cultural appropriation, identity politics, and rising ethnocentrism are some of the challenges that we need to address as we navigate this new cultural landscape. Environmentally, the changes we are witnessing are perhaps the most urgent and pressing. Climate change, deforestation, and pollution are all having a profound impact on our planet's ecosystems. The need for sustainable practices and urgent action is paramount. We must collectively take responsibility for our actions and strive to reverse the damage caused by human activity.Socially, the changes are equally profound. The rise of social media and the digital age has made it easier for individuals to make their voices heard, leading to greater awareness and activism. However, this has also led to the spread of misinformation and divisive rhetoric. It'scrucial that we maintain a critical eye and an open mind as we engage with the world, seeking to understand and empathize with others.In conclusion, the era of rapid change is both exciting and daunting. It requires us to be adaptable, resilient, and proactive in our approach to the unknown. As we embrace these changes, it's important to remember that we are not alone. Together, we can build a better future that is inclusive, sustainable, and hopeful.**巨变时代:拥抱未知**在21世纪,世界正经历着前所未有的变革速度,生活的方方面面都在发生巨大的转变。

雅思口语p1change your daily routine

雅思口语p1change your daily routine

Title:雅思口语Changing My Daily RoutineIn recent years, I've noticed a significant change in my daily routine. Before, my day was pretty predictable:Part 1的题目"Change your daily routine"要求考生描述一次改变日常习惯的经历。

wake up, go to work, come home, and repeat. But recently, I've made a conscious effort to introduce new habits and modify my在回答这个问题时,考生可以从以下几个方面展开:1.描述改变的原因:考生需要解释为什么想要改变日常习惯,是因为某种特定的事件、某种健康或生活的考虑,还是其他原因。

daily activities to promote a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.One of the most significant changes has been the introduction of exercise into my daily routine. I这个原因应该与考生的个人经历和感受有关。

used to believe that working out was something that required a significant time commitment, but I've discovered that evena short workout can have significant benefits2. 描述改变的过程:考生需要详细描述改变日常习惯的过程,包括遇到的困难、克服困难的方法以及如何逐渐适应新的日常习惯。



好的人生变化雅思口语英语作文In the ever-shifting tapestry of life, change is an intrinsic and inevitable thread, weaving its way throughour experiences, shaping our paths, and leaving an enduring mark on our existence. Embracing positive life changes with an open heart and a resolute spirit can lead to transformative outcomes, steering us towards a morefulfilling and meaningful journey.One of the most significant life changes an individual can undergo is a career shift. Embarking on a new professional path often necessitates a leap of faith and a willingness to venture outside one's comfort zone. However, the rewards can be immense, as it opens up avenues for personal growth, skill development, and the pursuit of passions that have long been dormant. By embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with a career change, individuals can unlock their true potential and embark on a path that aligns with their aspirations and values.Another pivotal life change that can bring about profound transformation is the relocation to a new city or country. Uprooting oneself from familiar surroundings and immersing oneself in a foreign land can be an exhilarating and daunting experience in equal measure. Adapting to new cultures, customs, and ways of life requires resilience, flexibility, and a willingness to embrace the unknown. However, the rewards of relocation can be equally substantial, as it exposes individuals to diverse perspectives, broadens their horizons, and fosters an appreciation for the interconnectedness of the human experience. By embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with relocation, individuals can develop a greater sense of independence, resilience, and cultural awareness.Relationships also play a pivotal role in shaping our lives, and navigating changes in this sphere can have a profound impact on our well-being. Ending a long-term relationship or entering into a new one can trigger a whirlwind of emotions and necessitate significant adjustments. However, approaching these changes withmaturity, self-reflection, and a commitment to personal growth can lead to invaluable lessons and a deeper understanding of oneself and others. By embracing the challenges and opportunities that come with relationship changes, individuals can cultivate healthier and more fulfilling connections, both with themselves and with others.In addition to these major life changes, countless smaller shifts occur throughout our lives, each with the potential to shape our experiences and perspectives. Adopting new hobbies, pursuing further education, or simply changing one's daily routine can all contribute to personal growth and a sense of renewal. By embracing these smaller changes with an open mind and a willingness to step outside of one's comfort zone, individuals can unlock hidden talents, expand their knowledge, and cultivate a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment.Of course, change is not always easy. It can be uncomfortable, challenging, and even painful at times. However, it is precisely within these moments of upheavalthat we have the greatest potential for growth and transformation. By embracing the challenges that come with change, rather than resisting them, we can cultivate resilience, adaptability, and a profound sense of gratitude for the ever-evolving nature of life.Ultimately, embracing positive life changes is not about seeking constant upheaval or disruption. Rather, itis about recognizing that change is an inherent part of the human experience and that by approaching it with a positive mindset and a willingness to grow, we can unlock a world of possibilities and live a life that is both meaningful and fulfilling.。

改变话题 英文作文

改变话题 英文作文

改变话题英文作文英文:Changing the topic of a conversation can be a useful skill in many situations. It can help to avoid awkward or uncomfortable moments, or to redirect a conversation that has become unproductive or uninteresting. Here are sometips for changing the topic smoothly:1. Use a transition phrase. This can be something as simple as "Speaking of..." or "By the way..." to signalthat you are shifting the focus of the conversation.2. Ask a related question. This can help to keep the conversation flowing while also introducing a new topic. For example, if you were discussing a movie and want to change the topic, you could ask, "Have you seen any good TV shows lately?"3. Share a personal anecdote. This can help to breakthe ice and make the conversation more personal. For example, if you were discussing work and want to change the topic, you could say, "Speaking of jobs, I had the craziest boss once..."4. Be aware of the tone and context of the conversation. Changing the topic abruptly or inappropriately can make you seem rude or insensitive. Make sure that the new topic is appropriate and relevant to the situation.中文:改变谈话话题是在很多情况下都非常有用的技能。



和变化有关的对话英语作文1. You know, change is the only constant in life. Things are always shifting and evolving, and we just have to roll with it.2. I feel like change can be really scary sometimes, you know? It's like stepping into the unknown and not knowing what's going to happen next.3. But at the same time, change can also be really exciting. It's like a chance to start fresh and try new things.4. I think the key is to embrace change and see it as an opportunity for growth, even if it feels uncomfortable at first.5. Yeah, I totally agree. It's all about adapting and finding ways to thrive in the midst of change.6. And you know what? Change can also bring about unexpected blessings and opportunities that we never would have experienced if things had stayed the same.7. It's like that saying, "When one door closes, another one opens." Change can lead us to new and amazing places if we're open to it.8. So, let's not be afraid of change, but rather embrace it and see where it takes us. Who knows, it might just lead us to something incredible.。



关于改变的英文作文英文:Change is an inevitable part of life. It is something that we all experience at some point in our lives. Whether it is a change in our personal lives or a change in the world around us, it can be difficult to cope with. However, change can also bring about positive outcomes and opportunities.Personally, I have experienced many changes in my life. One of the biggest changes I have experienced was moving to a new country. It was a difficult transition, as I had to adapt to a new culture, language, and way of life. However, this change also brought about many positive experiences, such as new friendships, travel opportunities, and personal growth.In terms of the world around us, we have seen many changes in recent years. One of the most significantchanges has been the advancement of technology. This has brought about many positive changes, such as increased connectivity and access to information. However, it has also brought about negative changes, such as the rise of cyberbullying and privacy concerns.Overall, change is a necessary and inevitable part of life. While it can be difficult to cope with, it can also bring about positive outcomes and opportunities. It is important to embrace change and be open to new experiences.中文:改变是生活中不可避免的一部分。



适应变化雅思英语作文English:Adapting to change is a crucial skill in today's fast-paced world. As the world evolves, individuals must learn to embrace change rather than resist it. It is important to be open-minded and flexible when facing new challenges and situations. Adapting to change requires a willingness to step out of one's comfort zone and try new strategies or approaches. Having a positive attitude towards change can lead to personal growth and development. Additionally, being adaptable can help individuals thrive in different environments and handle unexpected obstacles with ease. In order to adapt effectively, it is essential to keep an optimistic mindset and view change as an opportunity for learning and growth. Ultimately, those who can adapt to change are better equipped to navigate the uncertainties of the future.中文翻译:适应变化是今天这个快节奏世界中至关重要的技能。



适应变化雅思英语作文【中英文实用版】Title: Adapting to Change in IELTS WritingIntroduction:In an ever-evolving world, the ability to adapt to change has become increasingly important.The IELTS writing test, a significant component of the IELTS examination, evaluates a candidate"s ability to express their thoughts and ideas in written English.This essay will discuss the reasons why adapting to change is crucial and how it can be effectively demonstrated in the IELTS writing test.Body:1.The Importance of Adapting to Change:Adapting to change is essential in today"s rapidly changing society.It allows individuals to remain competitive in the job market, develop personally, and contribute to the growth and development of society.In the context of the IELTS writing test, candidates who can effectively adapt to the changing requirements and expectations of the test format are more likely to achieve higher scores.2.Demonstrating Adaptability in IELTS Writing:a) Understanding the Test Format:Candidates must familiarize themselves with the IELTS writing test format, which includes two tasks.The first task requires candidates towrite an essay in response to a given graph, table, or picture, while the second task involves writing an essay based on a point of view, argument, or problem.Adapting to this format requires candidates to quickly understand the task requirements and structure their responses accordingly.b) Responding to Different Question Styles:The IELTS writing test may present candidates with various question styles, such as opinion-based questions, cause-and-effect questions, and compare-and-contrast questions.Adapting to these different question styles requires candidates to灵活运用不同的写作技巧和语言表达方式,以清晰、准确地回答问题。

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Due to the development of economy, people in my hometown are living abetter life.^由于经济的发展,我家乡的人们(正)过着更好的生活。

I have changed a lot in personality.^我的性格已经发生了很大的变化(我个性变化很大)。

Great changes have taken place in my hometown in recentyears.^近几年我的家乡发生了巨大的变化。

I was once a shy boy in the past,but now I am confident andextrovert.^我过去是个羞涩的男孩,可是现在我自信而性格外向。

You could hardly imagine how your life would be like ten yearslater.^你简直不能想象十年后的生活会是怎样的。

Environment is getting worse so that people in the world are worrying aboutit.^环境日趋恶化,世界人民都在为此担心。

The greatest change in my life is my way ofthinking.^我生活中的最大变化就是我的思维方式(的变化)。

Life is colourful because it is full of change.^生活(命)是多彩的,因为它充满了变化。

Life is like a box of chocolate and you never know what you are going toget.^生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远都不会知道你会得到什么。

As long as I am striving forward, I know I could make big changes of mylife.^只要我不断地努力,我知道我的生活会发生很大变化。

Everyone can be better and better if he has a dream and tries his best torealize the dream.^每一个人都会越来越好,只要他拥有一个梦想并为此不断地努力。

I may have difficulties and frustrations in future, but I am ready forit.^我的未来会有困难和挫折,可是我已为此做好了准备。
