
请客户下订单A:Afterprobation.you'llfindthatoursilkproductsfeelsmorefort ablethanothers'.A:试用后,您就会现我们的丝绸产品比其他商家的都要舒服得多。
B:Howaboutthisproductsellingfromlastmonthon'?B:从上个月起,你们的丝绸产品销量怎么样?A:lt'ssellinglikehotcakes.andwehavelotsofregularsnow.Woul dyouliketoplaceatrialorder?A:炙手可热,我们还有了一些回头客,您是否愿意下试销订单?B:Amm.Well.canIhaveatryofthesamplefreeofcharge?B:我能免费试用你们的样品吗?A:Yes.wehavethefreesamplesforcustomers.Andyoucanhaveat ry.A:可以,我们给客户提供免费样品,您可以试一试B:Thankyou.We'IIorderoncewetrythesample.B:谢谢,试用后我们会订购。
A:Pleasewaitamomentandfillouttheorderform.Andwe'IIsend youoursample.A:请稍等,请您填一下订单,我们将把样品给您寄过去。
B:OK.B:好的变更约会时间A:ThisisManagerLiang'soffice.whatcanIdoforyou'.A:梁经理办公室,您好!有什么可以帮助您的么?B:ThisisWangXiaofromABpanyspeaking.OurCEOMr.Greenhas anappointmentwithMr.Liangtomorrowmorning.Butthereisamino rchangeintomorrow'sschedule.Mr.Greenhasanabrupturgentcasetomorrowandhehastogoabroadtoday.Hewantedmetoconveyhisa pologytoMr.Wang.B:我是AB公司的王箫,我们公司总裁格林先生与梁经理在明天上午有个约会。

外贸销售口语情景对话一、在展会上与客户初次见面1. 哎呀,您好呀!欢迎来到我们的展位。
您是对哪类产品感兴趣呀?是时尚的服装呢,还是精致的小饰品呀?2. 嗨,朋友!今天天气还不错呢,来逛展会肯定能有不少收获。
3. 哟,您看起来很有品味呢!我们这边有一些新设计的产品,特别独特。
您想先看看样品吗?二、介绍产品1. 看这个产品呀,它的质量超级棒的。
2. 这产品的设计可是花了我们设计师好多心思呢。
您看这个细节,是不是很精致呀?3. 我们这个产品呀,性价比超高的。
三、应对客户的疑问1. 您问这个产品的颜色会不会掉色呀?这个您放心啦,我们做过严格的测试的,正常使用是不会掉色的。
2. 关于这个产品的尺寸呀,我们有多种选择的。
3. 您担心运输过程中会损坏呀?我们有很专业的包装团队,会确保产品安全到达您那里的。
四、讨价还价1. 哎呀,您给的这个价格真的有点低呢。
您看这样行不行,我们在这个价格上稍微加一点,然后给您多一些赠品呢?2. 朋友,这个价格真的不行呀。
3. 您想压价呀,我理解您想拿到更好的价格。
要不咱们都各让一步呢?五、达成交易1. 哈哈,太好了,咱们达成交易啦!您放心,我们会尽快安排发货的。
2. 耶,合作愉快!您就等着收货吧。

外贸服装口语:服装面料之实用句子服装面料S: Salesclerk 售货职员C: Customer 顾客S1: You can change style/color/material.你可以换款式/颜色/面料。
S2: This fabric is colorfast.这种面料不褪色。
S3: All styles are here.所有的款式都在这里。
S4: We have other samples.我们有其他样板。
S5: All samples are here.所有的样板都在这里。
S6: I show you other samples.我给你看其他样板。
S7: Do you want to change material?你要换面料吗?S8: This price is higher, because good material.这一款价格高一点,因为面料比较好。
S9: The price is higher, because it’s special material.这款价格高一点,因为是特殊面料。
S10: This is a copy one, but the quality is as good as the original ones.这是仿制的,但质量和正品的一样。
S11: These two materials look the same. In fact, their qualities are much to different.这两种面料看起来差不多。
S12: It’s very popular to make lining in dacron instead of other cloth.现在很流行的确良做衬里,而不用其他面料。
C1: Please show me.请给我看看。
C2: Do you have other samples?你有其他样板吗?C3: What kind of material is this?这是什么质地的?C4: Where is this material from?这面料是从哪里进口的?C5: Could I have the chiffon instead?我可以换成雪纺绸的吗?C6: Are these stockings made with silk?这些长袜是丝做的吗?C7: This price is higher, because imported material.这一款价格高一点,因为是进口面料。

实⽤句型2S32: Let me show you our lastest designs.我为您介绍我们最新的款式。
S33: This is our new sample, very popular. Please have a look.这是我们的新款,很流⾏。
S34: What kind of panties do you like? Briefs, Bikinis or Thongs?您喜欢哪种款式的内裤?⼀般型、⽐基尼式还是丁字裤?S35: This pair of mid-calf cotton socks has a rib pattern.这双中筒棉袜有直式花纹。
S36: This pair of knee-highs is in a new diamond texture.这双及膝袜是菱格纹的。
S37: These panty-hose come in black, white, and transparent.这些长筒袜有⿊、⽩和透明三种颜⾊。
C1: Will it sell well?这个好卖吗?C2: Please show me this one.请给我看这个。
C3: I'd like to see some skiwear.我想看⼀些滑雪⾐。
C4: Our preference is pure silk.我们⽐较喜欢真丝的。
C5: Don't you have anything better?你没有更好的吗?C6: Can you recommend some to me?你能不能给我推荐⼀些?C7: Do you have this in a different color?这个还有别的颜⾊吗?C8: It's wonderful. I like the design in particular.太好了,我尤其喜欢它的设计。
C9: I want the same one as the one in the catalogue here.我要和⽬录上的相同的这⼀种。

Unit 25展示样品
They are for display only.
Unit 25展示样品
I'm sorry, but they are samples and not for sale.
Unit 25展示样品
We invite your enquiries if you consider our sample satisfactory.
Unit 25展示样品
Many samples in the showroom are of our new designs.
Unit 25展示样品
How about looking over our showrooms upstairs?
Unit 25展示样品
That is a custom-made product.
Unit 25展示样品
I'll show you more for your choice.

外贸商务各类情景对话应用(三)美联英语提供Dialogue 4A: Mr. Jones, shall we now discuss the packaging?B: Very well. You know, we have definite ways of packaging garments. As to blouses, we use a polythene wrapper for each article, all ready for window display.A: Good. A wrapping that catches the eye will certainly help push the sales. With competition from similar garments producers, the merchandise must not only be good value but also look attractive.B: Right you are. We’ll see to it that the blouses appeal to the eye as well as to the purse.A: What about the outer packing?B: We’ll pack them 10 dozens to one carton, gross weight around 25 kilos a carton. A: Cartons?B: Yes, corrugated cardboard boxes.A: Could you use wooden cases instead?B: Why use wooden cases?-- 琼斯先生,我们来谈谈包装好吗?-- 好。

J: Excuse me, may I ask who is in charge of here?你好,请问谁是这里的负责人?Y: I'm the sales department manager here.What can I do for you?我是这里的售货部经理。
请问你有什么事吗?J: This is my business card. We imported a number of clothing from your company earlier.这是我的名片。
Y: Yes, I remember. Is there anything wrong?是的,我知道。
有什么问题吗?J:The goods have safely arrived. But much to our surprise, the clothing you provided us is of very inferior quality, far discrepant from the samples. It makes us very disappointed.货物巳经安全到达了。
Y: It shouldn't be this kind of situation. We inspected them very carefully before shipment. Can you tell me the details of the situation?不应该是这种情况的啊。
能告诉我具体是什么不合格吗?J:Though the design of this batch of clothes is in accordance with our requirements, but their workmanship is very coarse, and the thrums are everywhere. What's more, the fabric is different from the requirement in the contract. What's more unexpected to us is that there should be a box of clothes whose colour is not what we have asked.这批衣服虽然是按照我们要求的样式来做的,但他们的做工很粗糙,线头随处都有。

现在我们给你量下尺寸如何 Custom-made suitWelcome to Bill’s Fabric World. What can I do for you today?欢迎来到比尔布世界。
今天您想要点什么?BI was wondering if you guys also tailor clothes?我在想你们是否也做衣服。
ASure we do! We have the best tailors in the country! What is it that you need exactly?当然做,我们有城里最好的裁缝,你需要什么样的衣服?BWell, I’m looking to get a custom-made suit.嗯, 我需要定做一套衣服。
AExcellent! We have the finest cashmeres at affordable prices.How about we get you measured? Let’s start off by measuring the width of your shoulders. Now, let’s measure the length of your arms and this bit around your neck here.好的,我们有价格划算的最好的羊绒。
BCan you make sure you leave a little extra space in the collar? My neck gets easily irritated.领口处你能多稍微大点啊?我的脖子总是很难受。

关于服装外贸英语常用对话语句1、订购商品Please send to the following items to be shipped by way express, and bill us. The order is contingent on receiving the terms of 2%-30days:1 doz. linen handkerchiefs : $ tan pigskin gloves, size :$ Orlon sport shirts : $ assorted cotton socks : $ : $ 请将下列各项商品交由铁路以快运方式发运给我们并列帐单,按照“2%-30天”的条件执行,一打亚麻布手帕美元4双棕黄色猪皮手套(尺码)美元,2打各种花色的奥纶运动衫美元,5双杂色棉线短袜美元,合计美元。
2、开具所需商品单并要求尽快装运Please ship the following goods by motor freight as soon as possible, and charge them to our account:15Ibs. bicarbonate of soda $ boxes of aspirin $ Rapp Syrup-#47B $ $请尽快用汽车发运下列物品:费用请记入我方帐内,15磅小苏打美元,12打盒装阿司匹林美元,20瓶拉普糖浆-美元,合计美元3、确认订货This is to confirm my telephone order ofyesterday for the following items: Machines Model 3A 7Homemaker’s Ironing Boards15 Fold Up Clothes Racks.昨天我在电话所联系的下列各项订货现作进一步确认,4台3A型小缝纫机、7只家用熨斗、15只折迭式衣架。

服装销售英语口语情景对话以下是一个服装销售英语口语情景对话的范文,供参考:Salesperson: Welcome to our clothing store! What type of clothing do you need to buy?Customer: I would like to see skirts.Salesperson: OK, we have many different styles and colors of skirts. You can choose freely. Do you have any requirements for the material of the skirt? Customer: I like cotton skirts because they are very comfortable. Salesperson: No problem, we have many cotton skirts for you to choose from. What color do you like for the skirt?Customer: I like the light blue skirt.Salesperson: OK, I will bring you a light blue cotton skirt. What do you think of this skirt?Customer: It's very pretty, but I think it's a bit expensive.Salesperson: If you think the price is too high, we have some promotional activities. You can choose to participate and get some discounts. In addition, this skirt is indeed very pretty and will definitely make you more confident and charming when wearing it.Customer: You are right. OK, I'll take it.Salesperson: Thank you very much for your purchase! If you need to match other clothes or shoes, we can provide you with suggestions and matching options. Welcome to visit our store again!翻译如下:销售员:欢迎来到我们的服装店!请问您需要购买什么类型的服装?顾客:我想看看裙子。

Thanks & Seeing Off 感谢与送别S: Salesclerk 售货职员 C:Customer 顾客情景对话 Dialogue对话1C:Hello!你好!S:Hello! Can I help you?你好!能帮你吗?C:Yes, thank you helped me last time.是的,上次你帮你我,谢谢你!S:Youarewelcome, it's my duty.别客气!这是我的职责。
C:Whendoyouhavenewsample?什么时候有新板?S:Don'tworry, call you as soon as we have new sample. 放心,一有新板就通知你。
C:Thanks.谢谢!S:Whencomeagain?什么时候再来?C:Nextmonth, I bring a friend to you.下个月吧,我带朋友来。
S:OK. I give you best price.好的,我给你优惠价。
C:OK, thanks.好的,谢谢。
S:Remember, don't forget.记得,别忘了。
对话2S:Here we are at the airport.我们到机场了。
C:It'sverykindofyoutocomeandseemeoff. Miss Chen.陈小姐,谢谢你来送我。
S:It'smypleasure. It's a pity that you have to go now.这是我的荣幸,可惜你现在就要走了。
C:Well, I like it very much.哦,我很喜欢这儿。
C:Iwill. I'm certain we can do more business to our mutual benefit. 会的。

外贸服装销售常用英语口语欢迎光临!Welcome!我可以为您服务吗? Hello, May I help you?给您买还是给别人买?Is it for you or for others?给男孩还是女孩?For boy or girl?他/她多大了?How old is he/she?这边有很多款,你自己可以挑选,看看有没有自己喜欢的。
It's a lot of styles here, you can pick out yourself, check these out, which is your favorite?请问想买T恤还是牛仔裤? Excuse me, would you like T-shirt or jeans?这件您喜欢吗?Do you like this one? / How about this one?您喜欢这个款式吗?Do you like this design?您喜欢什么颜色?What color do you like?我们有红色、浅蓝和白色。
We have red, light blue and white!这个颜色怎么样?What about this color?您穿多大型号?What is your size?我找一件给您试试好吗?May I pick one that you can fit on?您可以试试。
You can try it on!这个尺码穿得合身吗?Is this size fit you? / Is this your size?试衣间在那里。
The fitting-room is over there!请随我来。
Please follow me!这件衬衣配你的裤子。
This shirt can match your pants.这件看起来很好!This one looks good!合适吗?Does it fit?它非常适合您。

英文销售衣服情景对话以下是一个英文销售衣服的情景对话示例:Shop assistant: Welcome to our store! How can I assist you today? Customer: I'm looking for a new dress.Shop assistant: Great! We have a variety of styles and designs. What kind of dress are you interested in?Customer: Something casual for everyday wear.Shop assistant: Here are some options in different fabrics and colors. Do you have a preference?Customer: I like this blue cotton dress. How much is it?Shop assistant: It's $50. It's very comfortable and perfect for daily activities.Customer: Hmm, that's a bit expensive. Do you have any discounts? Shop assistant: Yes, we have a 10% discount for customers who sign up for our newsletter. Would you like to take advantage of that?Customer: That sounds good. I'll take the dress. Can I try it on?Shop assistant: Sure, the fitting room is over there. Let me know if you need any additional sizes or styles.Customer: Thanks. I'll be right back.Shop assistant: No problem. Take your time.(Customer comes out of the fitting room)Customer: I love the dress. It fits perfectly.Shop assistant: Great to hear that! Is there anything else I can help you with?Customer: No, I'm good. Thank you for your assistance.Shop assistant: You're welcome. Have a great day!这样的对话可以发生在实体店或线上购物场景中。

客户询问产品A: Hello, this is [Your Name] from [Your Company]. How can I assist you today?B: Hi, I'm interested in your [Product Name]. Can you tell me more about it?自我介绍与建立联系A: Absolutely! First, let me introduce our company. We specialize in [Product Category], and our [Product Name] is one of our top sellers.B: That sounds interesting. Could you send me some detailed information, including prices and specifications?A: Of course! I'll email you our latest product catalog and price list right away.
产品特点介绍A: Our [Product Name] is known for its [Feature 1], [Feature 2], and [Feature 3]. It's perfect for [Application/Industry].B: Can you show me how it works?演示产品A: Sure! Let me walk you through theoperation process. [Performs demonstration]B: Wow, that's impressive! I like how [Specific Feature] works.

服装实用英语情景对话与场景模拟Here is an English essay on the topic of "Practical English Dialogues and Scenarios for Clothing" with a word count exceeding 1000 words.Clothing is an integral part of our daily lives and often serves as a means of self-expression. Whether we are going to work, attending a formal event, or simply running errands, the way we dress can have a significant impact on our interactions with others. In this essay, we will explore practical English dialogues and scenarios related to clothing, providing valuable insights into effective communication in various clothing-related situations.Scenario 1: Purchasing Clothing at a Retail StoreCustomer: Excuse me, I'm looking for a new dress for a wedding I'm attending next weekend. Do you have anything in my size?Sales Associate: Absolutely, let me take a look. What size are you looking for?Customer: I'm a size 10 in dresses.Sales Associate: Okay, great. Let me show you our selection of dresses in that size. We have a few options that would be perfect for a wedding.(The sales associate shows the customer several dresses)Customer: Ooh, I really like that navy blue one with the lace detailing. Can I try that on?Sales Associate: Of course, let me grab that for you. The dressing rooms are right over here.(The customer tries on the dress)Customer: This fits beautifully! I'll take it. How much is it?Sales Associate: The navy blue lace dress is $89.99. Would you like to pay with cash or card?Customer: I'll pay with my credit card, please.Sales Associate: Okay, great. I'll just need you to sign the receipt here. Let me know if you need anything else!Customer: Thank you so much, you've been very helpful.Scenario 2: Returning an Item at a Clothing StoreCustomer: Hi, I'd like to return this shirt I purchased yesterday. It doesn't fit quite right.Sales Associate: Okay, no problem. Do you have the receipt? Customer: Yes, here it is.Sales Associate: Great, let me take a look. (Examines the receipt) Alright, I see the shirt you purchased. What seems to be the issue with the fit?Customer: Well, the sleeves are a bit too tight and the overall fit is a bit too snug. I was hoping to exchange it for a size up.Sales Associate: Understood. Let me check if we have that shirt in the next size available. (Checks the inventory) Okay, it looks like we havethe same shirt in a size medium. Would you like to exchange it for that?Customer: Yes, that would be perfect. Thank you.Sales Associate: Wonderful. I'll just need you to fill out this exchange form, and I'll get that new shirt for you.Customer: Great, here you go. (Fills out the form)Sales Associate: Alright, all set. Here's your new medium-sized shirt. Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with. Customer: Nope, this is great. Thank you so much for your help.Scenario 3: Discussing Clothing Preferences with a FriendFriend 1: Hey, I noticed you've been wearing a lot of new outfits lately. Where have you been shopping?Friend 2: Oh, I've just been trying to expand my wardrobe a bit. I've been doing a lot of online shopping, actually.Friend 1: Really? What kind of items have you been buying?Friend 2: Well, I've been gravitating towards more casual and comfortable pieces, like t-shirts, jeans, and sweaters. I find those tend to be the most versatile and easy to mix and match.Friend 1: That makes sense. What about for dressier occasions? Do you have any go-to outfit ideas for that?Friend 2: For more formal events, I really enjoy wearing dresses. I've found a few great midi dresses that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. And I always try to have a few nice blazers on hand to layer over dresses or tops.Friend 1: That's a smart approach. I've been meaning to update my wardrobe as well, but I'm not always sure what styles or trends to go for. Do you have any tips?Friend 2: My biggest advice would be to focus on finding pieces that make you feel confident and comfortable. Don't worry too much about following the latest trends - instead, invest in timeless, high-quality items that you know you'll wear again and again.Friend 1: That's great advice, thank you. I'll keep that in mind as I start shopping for some new clothes.Scenario 4: Discussing Appropriate Attire for a Job Interview Interviewee: I'm so nervous about my job interview tomorrow. I want to make sure I dress appropriately.Friend: Okay, let's think through this. What kind of job is it for? Interviewee: It's for an entry-level marketing position at a mid-sized advertising agency.Friend: Hmm, for that type of role, I would recommend going with a more professional, business casual look.Interviewee: Business casual, got it. What exactly does that entail? Friend: Well, you'll want to avoid anything too casual like jeans or t-shirts. Instead, opt for slacks or chinos paired with a collared shirt or blouse. You could also consider a blazer or cardigan to pull the look together.Interviewee: That makes sense. And what about shoes? Should I wear heels or flats?Friend: For a business casual interview, I'd suggest going with a nice pair of closed-toe flats or low heels. You want to look polished but also feel comfortable and able to walk confidently. Interviewee: Okay, that's really helpful. I think I have a few outfits that would work. Should I bring anything else with me to the interview?Friend: It's always a good idea to bring a portfolio or folder with extra copies of your resume, references, and any work samples if relevant. And don't forget to bring a pen and notepad to take notes. Interviewee: Great, I'll make sure I have all of that ready to go. Thanks so much for the advice, I feel a lot more prepared now. Friend: You're welcome! I'm sure you're going to do great. Just focus on being your best self and highlighting your qualifications.These scenarios demonstrate the importance of effective communication in various clothing-related situations, from purchasing and returning items to discussing personal style preferences and dressing for a job interview. By familiarizing ourselves with the appropriate language and etiquette, we can navigate these interactions with confidence and ease, ultimately enhancing our overall experience as consumers and professionals.。

外贸英语口语情景对话-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1如果你有一笔额外的资金可以投资服装业,你更愿意投入童装业、女装业、还是男装业?相互交流原因。
A: Hi. Rose, how are you?你好,Rose,你过的怎么样?B: Hi. Lucy. I am fine thank you.你好,露西。
A: Let's talk about what kind of clothes you want to invest让我们来谈谈你愿意投资哪种服装的问题怎么样?B: I'd be happy to discuss the issue with you, but you mean clothing is what kind ofYou can talk about it in detail.我很乐意跟你一起讨论这个问题,不过你指的服装是哪几种你能详细说说吗A: Well, if you have extra money, you prefer to put children's clothing industry, Women's clothing industry, or men's clothing industry?好的,如果你有一笔额外的资金,你更愿意投入童装业、女装业、还是男装业?B: Let me think about it. If I were you, I prefer to invest in women's clothing industry. Everybody knows how picky women are about the clothes they wear. Certain women are very adamant about wearing certain labels, styles, cuts and designs. Women like dress up themselves and they always feel like a small clothes in their closet, you are a woman, do you also feel the same?让我想想。

We've received the sample which you sent us last Sunday.我们已经收到了上星期天你方寄来的样品。
We've got here our sales samples Type 1. and Type 2.这里是一号和二号样货。
Our quality is based solely on our sales samples.我们的质量完全以货样为准。
We sell goods as per the sales sample, not the quality of any previous supplies.我们销售产品是以货样为标准,而不是凭过去任何一批货的质量。
You know we sell our tea according to our samples.你们知道我们是凭销售货样销售茶叶的。
You can see the difference between these grades.你可以看看这些等级的差别。
These two grades are very much in demand.这两种等级(的货)目前需求甚殷。
We are in urgent need of these two grades.我们现在急需这两种等级的货。
The colour of the shipment is much darker than that of your previous consignment.这批货的颜色比上批要暗许多。
No doubt you've received the outturn samples of the inferior quality goods.你们一定收到了质量低劣产品的到货抽样。
I must advise you of the specifications of the goods.我必须通知货物的规格。

索取样品英语口语情景对话合集一篇索取样品英语口语情景对话 1要大宗购买商品,总要先看看样品,检验一下是不是合乎自己的要求,David calls Betty at HT to request some samples. 大卫致电HT公司的贝蒂,索取一些样品。
David: I just received your new catalog, and I'm wondering if we can get a sample of one of your products. 我刚刚收到你们新的产品目录,不知可否向你们索取其中一种产品的样品。
Betty: That's no problem. But there's a charge for the sample and shipping cost. 没问题。
David: OK. What if we place an order? Would we still have to pay the sample charge? 好的。
如果我们下订单呢?我们也要付样品费吗?Betty: Well, what item do you want a sample of? 嗯,你们想要哪个产品的样品?David: The new HR624 puter speakers. 新的HR624型电脑音箱。
Betty: For that item, you would need to place an order of a hundred pieces or more to make it a free sample. 要是那个产品的`话,你们就需要下100件或100件以上的订单,才能获得免费样品。
David: We would need to see a sample of the item first before wecould make a decision on ordering it. 我们得先看看产品的样品,之后才能决定是否下订单。
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S: Salesclerk售货职员C: Customer顾客
C: (Holding out a photo) Do you have something likethis?(拿出一张照片)你有
S: Yes, wedo. Just a moment, please. I'll go and bring it rightaway.我们有。
C: When will I get the sample?我什么时候可以拿到样板?
S:At noon, on Thursday.星期四中午。
S: Here are our catalogs and samples, please take a look.这是我们的目录和样品,请看看。
C:I'minterested in this model. How much is it?我对这个型号有兴趣。
S:Do you like this sample?你喜欢这个样品吗?C: I haven't looked at it yet.我还没过目呢。
C: I did not bring the sample today.我今天没有带样品来。
S: When might they be available?什么时候能带来?
C:Did you bring the sample I asked for?你把我要的样板带来了吗?
S:Yes, it's in my briefcase.带来了,在我的公文包里。
C:Do you have some others with dissmilar pattern? I want to have a look.你
S: Yes, we do. Just a moment, please. I'll go and bring them right away.有的,请稍等,我马上去拿来。
C: Yes, please.好的,麻烦你。
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