
1.2 三维动画技术的发展
第3阶段是从2004年至今,三维动画影片步入其发展的全盛时期。在这一 阶段,三维动画的制作公司由美国逐渐发展到其他国家。传统的三维动画公司 依旧强大,新崛起的动画公司也有佳作出现,全球各地的三维动画片数量急剧 上升,如《小鸡快跑》《超人总动员》《功夫熊猫》《疯狂原始人》(图1-4) 等。
图 1-1 《阿凡达》
1.1 三维动画的概念
计算机参与的三维动画在一定程度上解放了动画师们的创作限制,提 供了一个充分展示个人想象力和艺术才能的新天地,它使艺术创作的制作过 程更为便捷,使动画艺术的表现更加丰富多彩。随着计算机软硬件技术、信 息技术、可视化技术的进步,三维动画逐渐成为动画产业的主流。
图 1-4 《疯狂原始人1》
1.2 三维动画技术的发展
在中国,近年来有不少制作精良的三维动画作品出现,如《秦时明月》 《天行九歌》《斗破苍穹》《少年锦衣卫》等动画系列片,以及《西游记之大 圣归来》《大鱼海棠》等动画电影。其中获得近10亿人民币票房的《西游记之 大圣归来》,一上映就在中国乃至世界引起了巨大的轰动和反响,再一次向世 人展示了中国故事加三维动画艺术的独特魅力和巨大潜力,而2019年7月上映 的《哪吒之魔童降世》,也以极佳的口碑成功引爆了暑期档,上映第一天就创 造了内地影史上动画电影单日票房的新纪录,并最终登顶中国影史动画电影票 房冠军。这一系列制作精良、故事丰满的三维动画影片的出现,代表了中国三 维动画艺术的巨大进步。
产品演示动画涉及工业产品动画如汽车动画、飞机动画、火车动画等;电 子产品动画如手机动画、医疗器械动画等;机械产品动画如机械零部件动画、 油田开采设备动画等;产品生产过程动画如产品生产流程、生产工艺等动画演 示。产品展示动画可以将产品的设计、制作、使用等以更加直观的形式展现, 用于指导生产、展示最终产品效果、吸引消费者的注意等。

非编软件大集合10推荐├─非编软件│ ├─Adobe相关│ │ ├─Adobe After Effects相关│ │ │ ├─ADOBE_AE5.5_Professiona│ │ │ ├─ADOBE_AE6_Professional│ │ │ ├─After_Effects6.5.汉│ │ │ └─After_Effects7.0│ │ ├─Adobe Premiere相关│ │ │ ├─ADOBE.PREMIERE.PRO.V7.0.C552 │ │ │ ├─Adobe Premiere PRO│ │ │ ├─Adobe Premiere PRO 1.5汉│ │ │ ├─ADOBE.PREMIERE.PRO.V7.0._C4XX │ │ │ ├─premiere6.0│ │ │ ├─premiere6.5│ │ │ └─TitleMotion 5.1字幕软件│ │ ├─Adobe 新年大礼包│ │ └─All.Adobe.DVD.v2-XiSO│ ├─Avid相关│ │ ├─AV ID.FX.5.1-EcHoS│ │ ├─Avid SoftImage DS HD 5.0 Final│ │ ├─POSER.V2.5.3-ISO │ │ ├─Avid.NewsCutter.XP.5.3.英│ │ ├─Avid.softimage.xsi.v3.0 final │ │ ├─Avid.Xpress.Pro HD5.14.英│ │ ├─Avid.Xpress.Pro.HD.v5.0│ │ └─AVID.XPRESS.PRO.V5.6.2-ISO│ ├─Canopus 相关│ │ ├─Canopus Edius相关│ │ │ ├─Canopus Edius.pro.v3.01│ │ │ ├─Canopus Edius2.5│ │ │ ├─Canopus Edius3.22│ │ │ ├─Canopus Edius3.31│ │ │ ├─Canopus Edius3.5│ │ │ ├─Canopus Edius3.6│ │ │ ├─Canopus Edius3.61│ │ │ ├─edius3.0插件集│ │ │ │ ├─Boris R ED 302 for Edius │ │ │ │ ├─EDIUS特效模板│ │ │ │ ├─Heroglyph v2.0.12│ │ │ │ ├─Hvd│ │ │ │ ├─SoundSoap&Adorage│ │ │ │ ├─speed(HDV输出加速)│ │ │ │ ├─TitleMotion模板│ │ │ │ ├─VST plugins│ │ │ │ ├─WMV支持插件│ │ │ │ └─声道分离插件│ │ │ ├─EDIUS4.0_BONUS│ │ │ ├─Edius4.10官方完整中文版│ │ │ ├─Edius4.10升级+破解+雷特官方完全汉化│ │ │ ├─edius下直接采MPEG│ │ │ └─TitleMotionForCanopus中文正式版│ │ ├─Canopus imaginate相关│ │ ├─Canopus LET'S EDIT│ │ ├─Canopus mpegcraft相关│ │ ├─Canopus photoalbum 2.01│ │ ├─Canopus SoftMpeg│ │ ├─Canopus Storm相关│ │ └─c anopus VideoOutPlugin│ ├─Combustion相关│ │ ├─COMBUSTION_3│ │ └─BUSTION.V4.0.ISO│ ├─DPS相关│ │ ├─9.1.48UP│ │ ├─DPS VelocityHD│ │ ├─DPS VelocityX│ │ ├─DPS Vleocity Q9.1.28汉化│ │ ├─DPS.Q.VELOCITY82.32汉化│ │ ├─DPS.V.VELOCITY82.32汉化│ │ ├─DPS.VELOCITY9.1.2.8│ │ └─VelocityHD│ ├─Eyeon DF相关│ │ └─Digital Fusion 4正式版│ ├─Pinnacle相关│ │ ├─Liquid Edition│ │ │ ├─5.0│ │ │ ├─5.6 (PRO)│ │ │ ├─PINNACLE.LIQUID.EDITION.V6.1-TDA │ │ │ └─Pinnacle.Liquid.Pro.6.00.Full.IS O│ │ ├─Liquid Edition5.6+一世情缘品尼高结婚影片制作系统八大模板│ │ │ ├─Liquid Edition 5.6 Build 1578Full Install│ │ │ ├─Wedding Pro安装程序│ │ │ ├─一世情缘之百年好合│ │ │ ├─一世情缘之花好月圆│ │ │ ├─一世情缘之佳偶天成│ │ │ ├─一世情缘之美丽新娘│ │ │ ├─一世情缘之星梦奇缘│ │ │ ├─一世情缘之一生最爱│ │ │ ├─一世情愿之比翼双飞│ │ │ └─一世情愿之水晶之恋│ │ ├─Pinnacle.Plus.Tita nium.Edition.10.6中文钛金版│ │ ├─PinnacleStudio 9.0简体中文版│ │ ├─pinnacleStudio8.6│ │ ├─PinnacleStudioV9Plus│ │ ├─Studio 9.3.5│ │ └─视星卡拉OK制作软件2.0适用于品尼高产品│ ├─Ulead相关│ │ ├─MediaStudio Pro 7│ │ ├─Ulead Coo3D Production Studio原厂中文光碟版│ │ ├─Ulead Cool3d 2004│ │ ├─会声会影│ │ │ ├─Ulead.VideoStudio.8.0.CHS│ │ │ ├─Ulead.VideoStudio.8英文正式版 2 CD│ │ │ ├─VideoStudio 9繁体中文正式版│ │ │ ├─会声会影7.0简体中文版│ │ │ ├─绘声绘影9-中文汉化版│ │ │ └─友立会10简体中文版│ │ └─我形我速4.0│ ├─Vegas相关│ │ ├─Vegas 6.0.汉│ │ ├─vegas 4.0+dvd│ │ ├─vegas 5.0.汉│ │ └─vegas.3.0│ ├─非编插件│ │ ├─Adobe After Effects & Premiere滤镜插件合集│ │ ├─AfterEffect插件│ │ │ └─ADOBE.AFTER.EFFECTS 插件合集│ │ ├─CANOPUS插件│ │ │ ├─Boris4.0.3.060929汉化版│ │ │ ├─Canopus Procoder相关│ │ │ ├─Canopus VideoFX│ │ │ └─Canopus Xplode相关│ │ │ ├─XPlode.Professional.4.00.33.SP2.汉│ │ │ ├─Xplode Professional4.04.update.汉│ │ │ └─XplodePro.For.Edius4.0│ │ └─PREMIERE插件│ │ ├─AdorageI-GfxData│ │ │ └─Adorage Magic PC Vol9│ │ ├─BORIS│ │ ├─Inscriber.Tm.PRO│ │ ├─Pinnacle│ │ │ └─Hollywood Fx│ │ │ └─HFX458GO LD│ │ ├─抠像插件│ │ │ ├─MOKEY│ │ │ └─Ultimatte.advantedge│ │ ├─其它插件│ │ │ └─SpiceMASTER2│ │ └─压缩插件│ │ ├─PANASONIC2.5│ │ └─TMPGEnc PLUS 2.59.47155汉化版│ ├─苹果机专用│ │ ├─Final Cut Pro 4.5 HD│ │ ├─Final Cut Pro Studio 5.1│ │ └─Office 2004 For MAC│ └─其他综合类│ │ ARCSOFTInstaller.rar 182.44 MB│ │ Commotion Pro 4.1.rar 34.95 MB│ │ cyberlink powervcr ii v3.0 pro 简体中文正式版.rar 8.92 MB│ │ cyberlink.powerdirector.pro.v2.0.rar 1 5.65 MB│ │ Discreet Lustre v2.51.rar 50.29 MB│ │ ImageMixer.rar 57.74 MB│ │ NEON2004 v8.0.rar 22.66 MB│ │ VirtualVCR-v2.6.9(视频采集).rar 414.10 KB│ │ 电影魔方.rar 14.85 MB│ │ 奇幻变脸秀.rar 3.97 MB│ │ 威力导演3.00.1110.rar 93.55 MB│ │ 有声有色 7.0.zip 2.96 MB│ │ 最好的慢动作软件 MotionPerfect4.2.rar 2.96 MB│ ├─3.05虚拟演播厅│ ├─3D-Album声影制作家系列│ │ ├─3D-Album Commercial Suite│ │ └─3D-Album声影制作家白金版 3.1 │ ├─Anark.Studio.v3.0.0.23755.WinNTXP │ ├─ULTRAKEY虚拟演播厅│ │ └─ULTRAKEY破解和库文件│ └─威力导演V4 中文版├─后期软件│ ├─22个摄影爱好者最常用的软件│ ├─3DSMAX系列│ │ ├─3DMAX6│ │ ├─3Dmax插件大合集│ │ ├─3DS MAX7.0.英│ │ ├─3dsmax4│ │ ├─3dsmax67插件集│ │├─3dsmax7.0.中│ │ ├─AUTODESK.3DSMAX.V9.0.DVD-ISO │ │ ├─MAX动作库│ │ └─脸部生成器│ ├─Adobe Photoshop相关│ │ ├─P.S.插件│ │ ├─P.S.软件│ │ │ ├─Adobe Photoshop CS.8.01-CN│ │ │ ├─Adobe Photoshop CS2.9.0-EN│ │ │ ├─Adobe Photoshop CS3│ │ │ └─Adobe Photoshop CS3 For MAC│ │ └─海量Photoshop动作,笔刷,形状,图层样式素材│ │ └─b样式效果对照图│ │ [海量Photoshop动作,笔刷,形状,图层样式素材].Dennis.Wang.Photoshop.Meterials.cd1.ISO 614.58 MB│ │ [海量Photoshop动作,笔刷,形状,图层样式素材].Dennis.Wang.Photoshop.Meterials.cd2.ISO 487.69 MB│ │ [海量Photoshop动作,笔刷,形状,图层样式素材].Dennis.Wang.Photoshop.Meterials.cd3.ISO 679.36 MB│ │ [海量Photoshop动作,笔刷,形状,图层样式素材].Dennis.Wang.Photoshop.Meterials.cd4.ISO 688.27 MB│ ├─BRYCE系列│ │ ├─bryce4│ │ ││ │ └─corel.bryce.v5.0-risciso.英│ ├─Creature.House.Expression.3.矢量绘画│ ├─IMAGiNEER_SYSTEMS_MOKEY_v4.0.4│ ├─MAYA系列│ │ ├─AUTODESK.MAYA.UNLIMITED.V8.5.HYBRI D.DVD-ISO│ │ └─Maya_v6.0_最终完全正式注册版.英│ ├─Painter8│ ├─swift3d.v3.00.build.182.汉│ ├─Toon Boom Studio2-D.英│ ├─TOXIK.V2007│ ├─Xara3D.v6.0.汉│ ├─Z_Brush.2.0│ ├─幻影粒子系统particleIllusion3完全汉化加粒子库加教材│ ├─蒙娜丽莎全自动抠像系统│ ├─山水画大师5.5.英│ ├─犀牛rhinoceros3.0正式版.汉│ └─渲染巨匠Lightscape3.2.系统盘和官方配套材质库.中├─教学下载│ ├─3DMAX插件风暴3.PDF│ ├─3dmax 5.0官方教程│ ├─3dmax6质感风暴│ ├─3DMAX实例教程│ ├─3DS MAX 6 EditPoly 建模视频│ ├─3ds.Max.5轻松课堂实录│ ├─3DS.MAX.AFTER.EFFECTS电视栏目包装风暴│ ├─3DsM AX视频火箭车教程│ ├─Adobe After Effects 7 - Power Start │ ├─AE 5.5精彩教程│ ├─dv和dc说明书宣传资料│ │ └─sonyfx1和z1的说明书│ ├─edius4教程│ ├─EDIUS培训光盘(完全DVD版)│ ├─Maya基础教程之电子书类│ ├─典藏After Effects 7.0视频编辑剪辑制作完美风暴│ ├─典藏Premiere.Pro.2.0视频编辑剪辑制作完美风暴│ ├─火星人max&maya--片头风暴│ ├─龙的制作……NURBS.无缝建模全过程│ ├─犀牛Rhino.3D教程│ ├─新火星人-动画技术精粹I+pdf图书│ └─新火星人-Maya 5白金教学├─视频工具│ ├─DV时间码全套软件│ ├─MPEG编码│ ├─VcdCutter 4.04编辑VCD的软件│ ├─好莱坞vod卡啦OK点歌系统网络版│ ├─刻录软件│ │ │ [婚庆DVD封面标签模板].Weddings.Temp bel.DVD.Box.Cover.iso│ │ ├─AVID.DVD.v4.5│ │ ├─Adobe EncoreDVD1.5│ │ ├─Adobe.Encore.DVD.1.5-EN│ │ ├─Adobe_Encore_DVD_2_0汉化加破解│ │ ├─Nero.6608A-CN│ │ ├─ROXIO│ │ │ ├─VideoPack5.1│ │ │ └─WINONCD602 DVD EDITION│ │ ├─Roxio_DVDit_Pro_HD_v6.3-CYGiSO│ │ ├─Scenarist.v3.0│ │ ├─SONIC│ │ ├─SONY_DVD_Ar chitect4.0a_Build147 │ │ ├─ULEAD│ │ ├─非凡光盘加密及整人程序│ │ └─速尼DVD制作DVDit_Pro_HD 6.3│ ││ ├─视频编解码│ │ ├─Broadway Video Codec│ │ ├─Canopus.Software.DV.CODEC│ │ ├─CineForm.HDV解码插件│ │ ├─DivXPro521│ │ ├─Flash.player.7│ │ ├─Indeo XP Codec│ │ ├─Main Concept DV Codec 2.4.4│ │ ├─Moonlight-Elecard MPEG Player 3.0 │ │ ├─Moonlight的一个AVC-H.264视频解码器包│ │ ├─Pegasus.PIC.VIDEO.2│ │ ├─Pegasus.PIC.VIDEO.3│ │ ├─QuickTime6.52中文版│ │ ├─QuickTime7.02.38│ │ ├─RT2K_VFWSoftwareCodec│ │ └─WMV.9.VCM│ ││ ├─音頻&視頻處理軟件盒集v1.0│ ││ └─最好的视频转换、合并、分割软件,全部是中文注册版│├─素材下载│ ├─模板下载)│ │ ├─AE模板│ │ │ │ AE005-AE006梦想路.rar 275.60 MB │ │ │ │ AE019 天使之城.rar 935.33 MB│ │ │ │ 情定今日(照片版).rar 477.53 MB│ │ │ │ 突然想起你.rar 32.91 MB│ │ │ │ 我的至爱.rar 671.95 MB│ │ │ ├─AE-火柴B系列片头四个│ │ │ │ 片头源文件-21.rar 96.37 MB│ │ │ │ 片头源文件-22.rar 108.76 MB│ │ │ │ 片头源文件-23.rar 121.48 MB│ │ │ │ 片头源文件-24.rar 145.74 MB│ │ │ ├─AE-小火柴C系列│ │ │ │ │ CGPOP-C06.rar 371.95 MB│ │ │ │ │ 小火柴CGPOP-C09.rar 334.53 MB │ │ │ │ │ 小火柴CGPOP-C10.rar 304.76 MB │ │ ││ ├─AE电视片头模板-C09│ │ │ │ └─AE电视片头模板-C10│ │ │ ├─AE-馨蓝(蓝梦第二版)(1-30压缩包,先下,还在传)│ │ │ ├─AE7.0模板│ │ │ │ 水晶之恋(照片版).rar 1.04 GB│ │ │ ├─AE插件(绿色版)│ │ │ ├─婚纱影楼片头模板│ │ │ │ 影楼,工作室片头.rar 101.77 MB│ │ │ ├─蓝梦(小版1.66G)│ │ │ └─小火柴AE电视包装模板│ │ │ │ A系列.rar 272.02 MB│ │ │ │ knoll light factory v1.0 for ae.r ar 1.27 MB│ │ │ │ 说明.txt 89 bytes│ │ │ │ 小火柴A03文艺类AE片头模板.rar 2 86.24 MB│ │ │ └─(五粮液造型醇酒)广告模板│ │ ├─PR模板│ │ │ 2006美丽的神话.rar 778.22 MB│ │ │ 爱情证书.rar 149.49 MB│ │ │ 彩色恋情之嫁给我.rar 191.20 MB│ │ │ 金色童年儿童电子相册.rar 259.81 MB│ │ │ 两只蝴蝶DVD版.rar 411.71 MB│ │ │ 天缘片头模板.rar 1.19 GB│ │ │ 我爱我家.rar 405.90 MB│ │ │ 小精灵字幕2.0.rar 5.36 MB│ │ │ 最美丽的一天.rar 300.35 MB│ │ ├─PR十大高手模板│ │ ├─电子相册-iFlash8│ │ │ │ iFlash8.rar 397.60 MB│ │ │ │ 蓝版艺匠.rar 62.62 MB│ │ │ │ 艺匠模板库及软件.rar 2.06 GB│ │ │ └─艺匠模版1.86G│ │ │ └─flash电子相册模板│ │ │ │ 003芳的个人相册.fla 6.28 MB│ │ │ │ DJ舞曲.fla 11.57 MB│ │ │ │ DJ舞曲@[源动力资讯网.YDLinfo.co m].swf 18.34 MB│ │ │ │ he&she love story.fla 29.46 MB │ │ │ │ Love story.fla 21.31 MB│ │ │ │ Movie.fla 23.87 MB│ │ │ │ Mo vie.swf 18.20 MB│ │ │ │ when i need you.fla 59.30 MB│ │ │ │ ~说爱你.fla 14.59 MB│ │ │ │ 爱.swf 6.21 MB│ │ │ │ 爱的祈祷.fla 43.12 MB │ │ │ │ 爱的祈祷.swf 23.74 MB │ │ │ │ 爱情的海洋.fla 78.75 MB │ │ │ │ 爱无止境.fla 30.87 MB │ │ │ │ 爱无止境.swf 16.93 MB │ │ │ │ 白色恋歌.fla 24.52 MB │ │ │ │ 红日.fla 80.36 MB│ │ │ │ 红日.swf 12.31 MB│ │ │ │ 宽屏幕.fla 58.99 MB│ │ │ │ 宽屏幕.swf 6.24 MB│ │ │ │ 老鼠爱大米.fla 66.80 MB │ │ │ │ 老鼠爱大米.swf 18.30 MB │ │ │ │ 美酒.swf 6.68 MB│ │ │ │ 梦想成真.fla 18.64 MB │ │ │ │ 那些花儿.fla 60.76 MB │ │ │ │ 那些花儿.swf 4.05 MB│ │ │ │ 你是我老婆.fla 73.23 MB │ │ │ │ 你是我老婆.swf 17.15 MB │ │ │ │ 宁夏.fla 52.31 MB│ │ │ │ 宁夏.swf 4.13 MB│ │ │ │ 裙白摇摇.fla 30.77 MB│ │ │ │ 裙白摇摇.swf 22.66 MB│ │ │ │ 首爱.fla 26.36 MB│ │ │ │ 水晶之恋_.fla 20.60 MB│ │ │ │ 水木年华.fla 65.01 MB│ │ │ │ 吻下去爱上你.fla 23.99 MB│ │ │ │ 夏日绿之恋.fla 25.41 MB│ │ │ │ 仙履奇缘.fla 14.56 MB│ │ │ ├─001夜之歌│ │ │ ├─002爱上你│ │ │ ├─007七里香│ │ │ ├─008十二星座处女│ │ │ ├─f016│ │ │ ├─街角的祝福│ │ │ ├─今夜之曲-明日之曲│ │ │ ├─老鼠爱大米│ │ │ ├─七里香│ │ │ └─说爱你│ │ ├─儿童PSD模板│ │ └─韩国电子相册大全(1-10)│ ├─平面素材│ │ ├─DIGI TALJUICE.JUICE.DROPS.COLLECTION 系列│ │ │ ├─DIGITALJUICE.JUICE.DROPS.COLLECT ION.1.techXTREME.DVD1-AG│ │ │ ├─DIGITALJUICE.JUICE.DROPS.COLLECT ION.1.techXTREME.DVD2-AG│ │ │ ├─DIGITALJUICE.JUICE.DROPS.COLLECT ION.1.techXTREME.DVD3-AG│ │ │ └─DIGITALJUICE.JUICE.DROPS.COLLECT ION.1.techXTREME.DVD4-AG│ │ ├─Digital.Juice.Juice.Drops.10.Ultra. 3D.DVD9.Part1-SaG│ │ ├─Digital.Juice.Juice.Drops.10.Ultra. 3D.DVD9.Part2-SaG│ │ ├─Digital.Juice.Juice.Drops.10.Ultra. 3D.DVD9.Part3-SaG│ │ ├─W26F-50CD PSD 分层图库│ │ ├─抽象主义│ │ │└─抽象写真│ │ ├─都市丽人)│ │ │ └─都市丽人│ │ ├─月剑传说│ │ └─中国民间艺术矢量素材库│ │ ├─A上│ │ ├─A下│ │ ├─A中│ │ ├─B上│ │ └─B下│ ├─视频素材│ │ ├─3D动态影视素材│ │ ├─3dfon-child│ │ ├─3dfon-GOLD│ │ ├─3dfon-osen│ │ ├─3dfon-vesna│ │ ├─3dfon-zima│ │ ├─ActionBacks Wedding Motion│ │ │ ├─ActionBacks Wedding Motion VOL.2│ │ │ ├─ActionBacks Wedding Motion vol.1│ │ │ ├─ActionBacks Wedding Motion vol.3│ │ │ ├─ActionBacks Wedding Motion vol.4│ │ │ └─ActionBacks Wedding Motion vol.5│ │ ├─Artbeats│ │ │ ├─ARTBEATS.CONTROL.PANELS.NTSC-AG │ │ │ │ ├─CD1│ │ │ │ ├─CD2│ │ │ │ └─CD3│ │ │ ├─ARTBEATS.DESKTOP.TECHNOLOGY.NTSC -AG│ │ │ │ ├─CD1│ │ │ │ └─CD2│ │ │ ├─ARTBEATS.ULTRA.MOTION.PAL.PART.I -AG│ │ │ │ ├─CD1│ │ │ │ ├─CD2│ │ │ │ └─CD3│ │ │ ├─ARTBEATS.ULTRA.MOTION.PAL.PART.I I-AG│ ││ │ ├─CD4│ │ │ │ └─CD5│ │ │ ├─ARTBEATS.UNDER.THE.SEA.PARTI.NTS C-AG│ │ │ ├─ARTBEATS.UNDER.THE.SEA.PARTII.NT SC-AG│ │ │ │ ├─CD3│ │ │ │ └─CD4│ │ │ ├─ARTBEATS.UNDER.THE.SEA.PARTIII.N TSC-AG│ │ │ │ ├─CD5│ │ │ │ └─CD6│ │ │ └─DIGITAL.VISION.VIDEO.A.LI TTLE.WI LD.PAL-AG│ │ │ ├─CD1│ │ │ └─CD2│ │ ├─Digital Juice Editors Toolkit 7 Wed ding Tools II DVD 3│ │ │ ├─Digital Juice Editors Toolkit 7 Wedding Tools II DVD III 151_Set│ │ │ └─Digital Juice Editors Toolkit 7 Wedding Tools II DVD III 152_Set│ │ ├─D igital Juice Editors Toolkit 7 Wed ding Tools II-DVD2│ │ │ ├─148_Set│ │ │ ├─149_Set│ │ │ └─150_Set│ │ ├─Digital Juice Editors Toolkit 7 Wed ding Tools II-DVD7│ │ │ └─159_Set│ │ ├─Digital Juice Editors Toolkit 7 Wed ding Tools II-DVD8│ │ │ ├─160_Set-1│ │ │ └─160_Set-2│ │ ├─Digital.Juice.Editors.Toolkit.9.Chr istmas.Tools.DVD.10│ │ │ ├─set233│ │ │ └─小样│ │ ├─DIGITAL.VISION )│ │ │ ├─DIGITAL.VISION.VIDEO.BIOTIC.NTSC -AG│ │ │ ├─CD1│ │ │ └─CD2│ │ ├─DJ JB系列│ │ │ └─DJ JB 35 (original) Tunnel Visio n II│ │ ├─DJ Motion Design Elements Vol. 1 Re vealers│ │ ├─jump backs 9│ │ ├─Pro-motion视频素材(共7集)│ │ │ ├─Pro_01│ │ │ ├─Pro_02│ │ │ ├─Pro_03│ │ │ ├─Pro_04│ │ │ ├─Pro_05│ │ │ ├─Pro_06│ │ │ └─Pro_07│ │ ├─Sony Vision Series Textures And Bac kdrops I Evolving Luminous Objects│ │ ├─Sony Vision Series textures and bac kdrops II living color fields│ │ ├─动态背景│ │ ├─动态影像素材库│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Lower thirds.〗013-01 8│ │ │ │ ├─〖Animated Lower thirds.(二)〗014│ │ │ │ ├─〖Animated Lower thirds.(六)〗018│ │ │ │ ├─〖Animated Lower thirds.(三)〗015│ │ │ │ ├─〖Animated Lower thirds.(四)〗016│ │ │ │ ├─〖Animated Lower thirds.(五)〗017│ │ │ │ └─〖Animated Lower thirds.(一)〗013│ │ │ └─〖Animated Overlays〗001-012│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗001│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗002│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗003│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗004│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗005│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗006│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗007│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗008│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗009│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗010│ │ │ ├─〖Animated Overlays〗011│ │ │ └─〖Animated Overlays〗012│ │ ├─广播级视频素材Digital Juice Vision │ │ │ JB24_TUNNEL_VISION.iso 2.51 GB│ │ ├─实拍正月烟花2006│ │ └─索贝2005视频(CD1-CD5)│ ││ ├─音频素材│ │ │ 27首经典背景音乐.rar 100.54 MB│ │ ├─20世纪福克斯(公司)授权制作发行的1 0CD声效专集│ │ │ ├─CD1│ │ │ ├─C D10│ │ │ ├─CD2│ │ │ ├─CD3│ │ │ ├─CD4│ │ │ ├─CD5│ │ │ ├─CD6│ │ │ ├─CD7│ │ │ ├─CD8│ │ │ └─CD9│ │ ├─CyberLink_PowerProducer_v4.0_MULTiL ANGUAGE-CYGiSO│ │ ├─KSC字幕歌曲素材│ │ │ ├─二字歌│ │ │ ├─歌│ │ │ ├─三字歌│ │ │ └─四字歌│ │ ├─LucasFilm.Sound.Effects.Library│ │ ├─SMART.SOUND.FOR.PR.21CD│ │ │ ├─SmartSound For Multimedia 1.5 │ │ │ ├─VOL.00 QuickTracks for Premiere │ │ │ ├─VOL.01 Dimensions│ │ │ ├─VOL.02 Scoring Essentials-电影原声带│ │ │ ├─VOL.03 Maximum Action-火速行動│ │ │ ├─VOL.04 Narration Backdrops-旁白背景音樂集│ │ │ ├─VOL.05 Expressive Textures-和平島集│ │ │ ├─VOL.06 Good Times-美好時光│ │ │ ├─VOL.07 Attention Grabbers-勾魂遊戲│ │ │ ├─VOL.08 Holiday Magic-節慶高潮│ │ │ ├─VOL.09 Romance & Memories-浪漫靈感│ │ │ ├─VOL.10 Drama & Documentary-X檔案│ │ │ ├─VOL.11 Spicy Rhythms-熱情加勒比│ │ │ ├─VOL.12 Classical Masters-古典大師│ │ │ ├─VOL.13 Project Mill ennium-未來世界│ │ │ ├─VOL.14 Positive Outlook-片頭片尾音樂集│ │ │ ├─VOL.15 Cinematic Excellence│ │ │ ├─VOL.16 Solo Simplicity│ │ │ ├─VOL.17 High Performance-顛峰戰士│ │ │ ├─VOL.18 Global Voyage-民族舞曲饗宴│ │ │ ├─VOL.19 American Spirit-美國精神│ │ │ └─VOL.20 Light & Jazz y-紐約爵士│ │ ├─Sony.MediaSoftware.Available.Light. Natural.Music.for.Cinema.WAV.ACiD-DYNAMiCS │ │ │ Sony.MediaSoftware.Available.Light.N atural.Music.for.Cinema.WAV.ACiD-DYNAMiCS_音乐素材.doc│ │ ├─Sony.MediaSoftware.Global.Groove.In ternational.Hip.Hop.Flavor.WAV.ACiD-DYNAMiCS │ │ │ Sony.MediaSoftware.Global.Groove.Int ernational.Hip.Hop.Flavor.ACiD-DYNAMiCS_音乐素材.doc│ │ ├─Sony.MediaSoftware.Iced.Minimalist. Electronica.WAV.ACiD-DYNAMiCS│ │ ├─Sony.MediaSoftware.Structure.Captur e.Future.Retro.Dance.Excursions.WAV.ACiD-DYNA MiCS│ │ ├─Sony.MediaSoftware.The.Electro.Set. WAV.ACiD-DYNAMiCS│ │ ├─背景音乐│ │ │ │ 佛教音乐.rar 12.92 MB│ │ │ │ 专题配乐.rar 84.47 MB│ │ │ ├─lineageaudio│ │ │ ├─music│ │ │ ├─班得瑞CD音乐│ │ │ ├─古琴曲│ │ │ ├─丧事│ │ │ └─天唤玄音│ │ ├─婚庆配音│ │ │ ├─常用│ │ │ ├─婚礼篇_音乐无限│ │ │ ├─婚庆影碟节目配音│ │ │ ├─精彩的婚庆说辞│ │ │ │ └─婚礼配音等│ │ │ │ ├─婚礼解说歌曲│ │ │ │ └─生日解说歌曲│ │ │ │ Track27.M│ │ │ ├─萨克斯钢琴曲等乐曲│ │ │ ├─生日MP3│ │ │ ├─喜庆音乐-云中漫步收集│ │ │ └─赵忠祥项红解说婚礼进行曲全套音频文件│ │ │ └─带配音│ │ ├─精选配音│ │ │ ├─老人生日配音│ │ │ ├─青年生日配音│ │ │ ├─通用毕业配音│ │ │ ├─通用婚礼配音│ │ │ └─小孩生日配音│ │ ├─美国电视台经典配乐│ │ ├─片头音乐│ │ │ ├─FreePlaymp3│ │ │ │ ├─01 Acid Jazz Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─02 Acoustic Guitar Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─03 Alternative Rock Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─04 Andrew Knox Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─05 Beauty Shots Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─06 Blues Vol 1 共十个│ │ │ │ ├─07 Bossa Nova Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─08 Broadcast Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─09 Business & Finance Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─10 Country Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─11 Drama Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─12 Ernie Lake Vol 1 共十四段│ │ │ │ ├─13 Ernie L ake Vol 2 共七段│ │ │ │ ├─14 Ernie Lake Vol 3 共七段│ │ │ │ ├─15 Five Second Logos Vol 1 共五段│ │ │ │ ├─16 Gary Philips Vol 1 共二十二段│ │ │ │ ├─17 Hard Rock Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─18 Hip Hop Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─19 Hip Hop Vol 2 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─20 Hot Guitar Rock Vol 1 共1 4段│ │ │ │ ├─21 Hot Guitar Rock Vol 2 共1 1段│ │ │ │ ├─22 Jazz│ │ │ │ ├─23 Just The News Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─24 Just The Weather Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─25 Lounge Vol 1 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─26 Lounge Vol 2 共十段│ │ │ │ ├─27 Motivational Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─28 Motivatio nal Vol 2 共10段│ │ │ │ ├─29 Neil Jason Vol 1 十五段│ │ │ │ ├─30 Orchestral Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─31 Piano Solos Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─32 Pop Vol 1│ │ │ │ │ Flash 60.mp│ │ │ │ ├─33 Pop Vol 2│ │ │ │ ├─34 Promos Vol 1│ │ │ │ │ Mission 5-0 1│ │ │ │ ├─35 Promos Vol 2│ │ │ │ ├─36 Retail Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─37 Solo Instruments Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─38 Sports Extreme Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─39 Sports Extreme Vol 2│ │ │ │ ├─40 Sports Extreme Vol 3│ │ │ │ ├─41 Sports Highlights Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─42 Sports Highlights Vol 2│ │ │ │ ├─43 Sport s Highlights Vol 3│ │ │ │ ├─44 Sports Promos Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─45 Sports Themes Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─46 Techno Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─47 TV Themes Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─48 Victory Grand Volume 1│ │ │ │ ├─49 Washingtonian Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─50 World Mix Vol 1│ │ │ │ ├─51 World Mix Vol 2│ │ │ │ ├─52 World Mix Vol 3│ │ │ │ ├─53 World Mix Vol 4│ │ │ │ └─54 World Mix Vol 5│ │ │ ├─片头音乐系列(二)│ │ │ ├─片头音乐系列(六)│ │ │ ├─片头音乐系列(三)│ │ │ ├─片头音乐系列(四)│ │ │ ├─片头音乐系列(五)│ │ │ ├─片头音乐系列(一)│ │ │ ├─其他│ │ │ └─英文 KB│ │ └─音效大全│ │ │ 电脑报DVD藏经阁2005之音效库.rar 54 1.72 MB│ │ │ 苹果数码十年音频音效素材大全1(幻想音乐).rar 416.67 MB│ │ ├─loop│ │ ├─按钮音效│ │ ├─爆炸│ │ ├─爆炸声42首│ │ ├─背景循环音效01│ │ ├─背景循环音效02│ │ ├─背景循环音效03│ │ ├─搏斗│ │ ├─混合音效二30首│ │ ├─混合音效三30首│ │ ├─混合音效四20首│ │ ├─混合音效五22首│ │ ├─混合音效一30首│ │ ├─人声素材│ │ ├─音效1│ │ └─音效素材大全│ └─中英字库│ ├─maya7│ ├─超世纪书法字体│ ├─电脑书法大师│ ├─繁体真迹字画法帖│ ├─方正兰亭112款字体│ ├─汉仪新字库│ ├─华康金碟│ ├─金梅毛楷体│ ├─金梅毛隶书│ ├─金梅毛行书│ ├─玛雅质感风暴│ ├─漂亮英文字体集│ ├─新火星人-Maya 5白金教学│ └─字体杂集 (0 folders, 1 files, 148.93 M B, 148.93 MB in total.)│├─音频软件│ ├─Adobe Audition 2.0│ ├─Adobe.Audition.1.5-汉│ ├─Audio.Converter.Pro.4.05-中│ ├─Audio.Editor.Gold.v8.9│ ├─Cakewalk_Sonar_Home_Studio_v4│ ├─Cool.Edit.Pro.2.0-汉│ ├─SmartSound.Sonicfire.Pro.v3.2.1.0│ └─Sony.Sound.Forge.8-英└─硬件驱动├─Canopus系列│ ├─Canopus DVRaptorrt2│ ├─Canopus DVRexPro│ ├─Canopus DVStorm2│ └─Canopus MVR1000├─Matrox系列B├─SDK开发包└─各机型avi样片下载01 2D3 boujou 4.1 电影摄像机跟踪特技 63.1MB02 2D3 BOUJOU THREE V3.0 电影摄像机跟踪特技 5 78MB03 2008北京奥运会体育图标符号字体 1.104 ACDSee Photo Manager V10.0.219 明波汉化版35MB05 ACDSee Pro 2.0.219 烈火汉化版 54.3MB06 Adobe Audition v3.0 正式版 284MB07 Adobe CS3 Photoshop Lightroom 1.2 58.6MB08 Adobe Encore CS3 汉化 V 1.12(07年10月1日更新) 25.7MB09 Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 中文化程序 V 1.13 07年10月23日 CS3 3.1版 65.3MB10 AlphaPlugins AlphaStar v1.0.02 AE插件 2.6 6MB11 Avidion Real3D v2.02 AE插件 148KB12 Canopus ProCoder 3 视频压缩完整汉化版 100M B13 Cyberlink PowerDVD v7.3.3304 DVD播放器 9 8.9MB14 CycoreFX HD v1.6 AE插件 8.45MB15 Diskeeper Pro 2008 磁盘整理 25.5MB16 EDIUS pro v4.52 广播级完整安装版 556MB17 Fandev BikiniDots v2.0.5 AE插件 228KB18 FFDShow MPEG-4 Video Decoder 2007 10.19 11 MB19 IE 7.0.5730.13 官方简体中文 14MB20 McAfee VirusScan Plus 2008 麦咖啡 34.5MB21 Microsoft Windows XP SP2 至11.13┊可自动检测跳过已安装的更新 68.8MB22 NOD32 AntiVirus V2.70.39 优化配置1009病毒库简体管理员版 14.2MB23 O&O Defrag Pro v10.0 Build 1634 磁盘碎片整理汉化版 15.1MB24 Power2GO 威力酷烧6 74.6MB25 RealPlayer 11 简体中文正式版 15MB26 SteadyHand V1.1.0.2 摇晃镜头修补 Pr插件 9 93KB27 TMPGEnc Express 简体中文正式版 2 3.1MB28 Ulead DVD MovieFactory 6 汉化 07年7月27日更新 5.47MB29 Vista界面仿真器 v1.51 中文版 9.23MB30 WinDVR 观看或录制电视和视频简体中文版 97MB31 高品质DVD刻录工具(ImTOO DVD Creator V3.0.31.1019)多国语言特别版 9.91MB32 七彩虹镭风9550 (CF黄金版)128MB 最新驱动 163MB33 DVdate2 Premiere7 148KB34 Nero 215MB35 Trapcode 软件包 AE CS3插件注册版 14.4MB36 Ghost 11.0全自动系统备份 V4.5 光盘版 6.8337 ACDSee Pro 2.0.238 Final 烈火汉化版 20.7MB38 音速启动 4.84MB39 Boris 特效系列 1.14GBBoris BLUE v2.0.1 115MBBoris Continuum Complete v5 244MBBoris FX v9.1 279MBBoris Graffiti v5.1 137MBBoris Red v4.1 391MB============================================= ==============01 Adobe CS3所有注册机 5.95MB02 Adobe Encore CS3 599MB03 Adobe Encore CS3 中文化程序 V 1.0.0 918KB04 Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 V1.12 正午阳光汉化 29.8MB05 Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 正午阳光汉化 V 1.1正式版 20.1MB06 Adobe Soundbooth CS3 音频编辑 541MB07 Adobe Ultra CS3汉化修正版 932KB08 Adobe Ultra CS3简体中文汉化包 1.11MB09 CS Selective Color Correct 3.0 完整版 AE 调色插件 4.98MB10 Magic Bullet Suite 2.1A AE7插件最新版 28. 7MB11 ParticleIllusion v3.0.1.a 粒子制作 1.18GB12 Phase One Capture One Pro v3.7.7 RAW相片转换软件 70.8MB13 TMPGEnc DVD Source Creator 15.1M B15 电影字幕制作程序 698kb17 ProCoder Express 3.0 93.1mb18 Adobe Encore CS3 中文化程序 V 1.1.1 4.56mb19 FaceFilter 1.0 魅力变脸 2.08mb20 Nero 8 Ultra Edition v Multilangua ge-ZWTiSO 991mb21 ProCoder 3.0 中文免狗版 58.1MB============================================= ==============02 Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional 英文(专业)版 528MB03 Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection 序列号 4.02MB05 Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 英文正式版 763MB06 Adobe Premiere pro Flash插件 209KB07 Adobe Premiere Pro v2.0 字幕模版汉化 2.02M B08 After Effects 7.0 汉化补丁HH_^Q^浩子修改版 6.58MB09 Allok RM RMVB to AVI MPEG DVD Converter v 2.0 汉化版 6.99MB10 Audition 音频插件包 385MB11 avast 4.7 简体中文专业版杀毒软件 14.3MB12 Avid poser.v2.7.2 视频剪辑 708MB13 Avid Xpress Pro v5.7.2 影视制作 544MB14 BS2's PiPi CD Copier 光盘强行复制工具 396K B15 Cinema Craft Encoder SP2 7.77MB16 Digital Anarchy ToonIt v1.0.0 AE插件卡通效果 2.06MB17 DvMatte Pro 2.0 AE抠像插件 13.1MB18 Face-Bon 棒片磨皮图片工具 102MB19 HDVSplit.0.75 采集高清视频 132KB20 Knoll 灯光工厂2.0 汉化 AE插件 3.10MB21 Maya 8.5中文界面中文增效插件补丁 99.2MB22 Nero 178MB23 NOD32 2.70.39 简体中文封装版 12.4MB24 Pinnacle HFX Volume 3 好莱坞插件 64.3MB25 Pinnacle Studio Plus v11 注册机 56.6KB26 Premiere pro 2.0 汉化包 070612版 18MB27 RED GIANT MAGIC BULLET COLORISTA v1.0 AE调色精品插件 173MB28 Sayatoo卡拉字幕精灵 V1.50 5.39MB29 Serious Magic Ultra 2 v2.0.2271.0 英文正式版 59.4MB30 ShaderFX for 3ds Max V1.56 3DS MAX阴影插件注册版 11.9MB31 SpeedFan 4.28 汉化修正版 CPU温度监测 1.47 MB32 Vista 最新激活工具 174MB33 Vista自动激活工具V3.0 3.43MB34 WinRAR 3.70 Final 烈火简体中文正式版 1.15M B35 德深鼠标输入法 3.1 3.83MB36 康能普视 Lets EDIT 2.0 中文版 216MB37 小灰熊 Kbuilder 1.81MB38 熊猫卫士2008 Beta 最新版杀毒防毒 30.4MB39 制作视频标识字体 407KB40 KMplayer 2.92.1100 绿色版视频播放器 12.3MB41 Total Video Converter 3.1 视频转换 5.55MB42 Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 汉化1.0 16MB=================================================Adobe CS3 Master Collection 大师收藏版 12DVD Photoshop CS3Acrobat 8Affter Effect CS3Premier Pro CS3Flash CS3Dreamweaver CS3Firework CS3Contribute CS3Illustrator CS3InDesign CS3Soundbooth CS3ExtendedEncore CS3============================================= ==03 Pinnacle Studio Plus v11 品尼高视频制作套装多国语言版 2.31GB04 46个 Adobe After Effects 插件 752MBBoris Continuum Complete V4.0 For Adobe AfterEffectsBoris Final Effect Complete V4.02 For After E ffectsBoris FX V8.0 For Adobe After Effects CycoreFX HD V1.5 For Adobe After Effects DigiEffects CineLook V2.10 For Adobe After Ef fectsDigiEffects Delirium V1.8 For Adobe After Eff ectsDigiEffects Fantazm V1.1 For Adobe After Effe ctsDigital Anarchy 3D Assistants V1.1.1 For Adob e After EffectsDigital Trove PRIME V4.0 For Adobe After Effe ctsFilm Magic Pro For Adobe After Effects Magic Bullet Colorista V1.0 For Adobe After E ffectsMagic Bullet Suite V2.1 For Adobe After Effec tsPanopticum LensPro III V3.6 For Adobe After E ffectsProfound Effects CameraPOV V1.0 For Adobe Aft er EffectsProfound Effects Gak Pak V2.0 For Adobe After EffectsProfound Effects Swim V1.1 For Adobe After Ef fectsProfound Effects Useful Assistants V1.7 for A dobe After EffectsProfound Effects Useful Things V1.5 For Adobe After EffectsRed Giant - Magic Bullet Suite V2.1 For Adobe After EffectsRevisionFX Fieldskit V1.5.3 For Adobe After E ffectsRevisionFX FieldsKit V1.5.4 For Adobe After E ffectsRevisionFX ReelSmart Motion Blur Pro V3.2.4 F or Adobe After EffectsRevisionFX ReelSmart Motion Blur V3.2.3 For A dobe After EffectsRevisionFX REFill V1.3 For Adobe After Effect sRevisionFX REFlex V3.1 For Adobe After Effect sRevisionFX ReMap V1.0.1 For Adobe After Effec tsRevisionFX ReMAP V1.1.2 For Adobe After Effec tsRevisionFX Shade Shape V2.5.2 For Adobe After EffectsRevisionFX SmoothKit V1.4 For Adobe After Eff ectsRevisionFX Twixtor Pro V4.5.8 For Adobe After EffectsRevisionFX Video Gogh V2.8 For Adobe After Ef fectsSteadyMove Pro V1.2 For Adobe After Effects The Foundry - Tinderbox 1 V2.1v1 For After Ef fects 7The Foundry - Tinderbox 2 V2.1v1 For After Ef fects 7The Foundry - Tinderbox 3 V2.1v1 For After Ef fects 7The Foundry - Tinderbox 4 V2.1v1 For After Effects 7Trapcode 3D Stroke V2.0.4 For Adobe After Eff ectsTrapcode Echospace V1.0.1 For Adobe After Eff ectsTrapcode Lux V1.0.1 For Adobe After Effects Trapcode Particular V1.5.0 For Adobe After Ef fectsTrapcode Shine V1.0.6 For Adobe After Effects Trapcode Sound keys V1.1.2 For Adobe After Ef fectsTrapcode Starglow V1.0.3 For Adobe After Effe ctsZaxwerks 3D Flag V1.0.0 For Adobe After Effec tsZaxwerks 3D Warps V1.0.0 For Adobe After Effe ctsZbornToy V1.02 For Adobe After Effects05 Office 2007 经典菜单工具 2.44MB06 ArKaos VJ v3.6 FC2 视频处理 88.9MB07 Sony Vegas V7.0e 141MB09 Adorage Effectpack 2 特效转场插件 203MB01 3D Shadow 1.2 阴影效果汉化版 450KB02 3d-album cs声影制作家 3.29 792MB03 Adobe After Effects CS3 Professional 英文正式版 531MB04 Adorage - Effects #1-#3 转场特郊 128MB05 AutoCAD 2008 2CD 1.15MB06 Available! Mask Pro 4.1 Photoshop扣图去背景滤镜插件 56.7MB07 Boris Red 4.1 393MB08 Canopus MPEGCraft v3.0(2)4 英文汉化正式版MPEG视频编辑 31.6MB09 CycoreFX HD v1.5 AE插件 7.52MB10 MPEG Pro HD Plug-In for Adobe Premiere Pro v2.0.1插件 8.64KB11 Premiere 批量输出机械手 80KB12 Sound.Forge.9.0 音频编辑 77.6MB13 Ulead VideoStudio v11 会声会影 141MB14 Zaxwerks 3D Invigorator v4.1.0 AE插件 36. 2MB15 品尼高 9.43 免卡全特效解锁简体中文版 918MB。
案例学习——《阿凡达》 成功营销的典范

• 《阿凡达》的质量优势不在于它的故事,更不 在于它的主题性,而在于它的技术性和想象 力——精美的画面,宏大的场面,加上3D、 IMAX光影技术的运用等等,足以让《阿凡达》 成为一场视听盛宴。当孩子为触手可及的树精 灵欢呼的时候,当你看到一发子弹向自己射来 的时候,当你感觉自己置身于潘多拉星球的时 候,那种感觉是不言而喻的。
• (5)抓住受众的心 • 营销大师菲利普·科特勒说:“营销就是 发现需求,并去满足它。”电影是放给 观众看的,观众接受与否是对一部电影 营销效果的检验。
• 《阿凡达》成功的原因很简单——观众认为这 部电影好看。你可以用所有的词来赞美《阿凡 达》。有人说它高瞻远瞩,有人说它引起了人 类的共鸣,但不管怎么说,电影其实就是要好 看,而且要让观众在看完之后觉得很满足。这 就是《阿凡达》与其他影片的最重要的区别。
• 中国营销战神史玉柱曾总 结成功营销三要素:好产 好产 好策划、 品、好策划、好团队 • 巅峰巨作影片《阿凡达》 再次以奇迹演绎了这三大 要素
• (1)执著: )执著: • 用14年打造一个产品、一部电影什么概念? • 詹姆斯·卡梅隆用14年的时间(人一生有多 少个14年),将电影技术推到了一个前所 未有的高峰!在一个商业时代,一个好莱 坞的体制之下,一个电影导演竟能对电影 如此孜孜以求的追求,认真打磨!
• 一个传播发源点,让信息迅速扩散,像 病毒一样,无孔不入,这就是病毒营销 的精髓。
• 《阿凡达》与LG、可口可乐的植入式病毒营销, 也为影片的初期推广立下汗马功劳。韩国手机品 牌LG在其推出的新品巧克力手机BL40中内置《阿 凡达》预告片,结合该款手机的最大特色卖点— —4英寸21∶9超宽高清显示屏,将预告片中所展 示的外星瑰丽世界、大气磅礴的画面完美地展现 出来。

总部坐落在美国加州洛杉矶比佛利山庄 西侧的世纪城。
• 1917年,威廉·福克斯被加州充足的日照和低廉的制作成本吸引,也在西海岸开设了制 片部门。
• 1927年,当老对手马库斯·洛伊逝世后,威廉·福斯得到了一个极好的时机,因为马库 斯·洛伊的家人无意于继承他的事业。威廉·福克斯与马库斯·洛伊的家人谈妥,买下他们 手中的洛伊公司的股份,这家公司不但拥有200多家电影院,还是米高梅公司的母公司, 新公司在1929年宣布成立,然而,米高梅的掌舵人路易·梅耶(Louis B. Mayer)被这次 收购激怒了,他展开反击,利用自己的政治势力,推动司法部对福克斯电影公司展开 反垄断调查。更不幸的是,威廉·福克斯在一次车祸中受伤,此后的大萧条又让他的大 部分财富化为乌有。威廉·福克斯的电影帝国开始分崩离析,他甚至因为欠债而进了监 狱。
(2013)极速蜗牛Turbo(仅发行)2013金刚狼2The Wolverine 2013穿越火线 2013落跑老爸2013疯狂原始人The Croods(仅发行)2013[2] 虎胆龙威:择日开 战 2013致命弯道52012少年派的奇幻漂流Life Of Pi 2012飓风营救22012普罗米 修斯(异形前传)2012冰河世纪4——大陆漂移 2012三个臭皮匠2012特工争风
皮克斯分享设计心得:我们做了这 4 件事,让故事更迷人

皮克斯分享设计心得:我们做了这 4 件事,让故事更迷人《头脑特工队》10 月 6 日在国内上映,口碑不错。
纽约 Cooper Hewitt 设计博物馆于今天开启《皮克斯:故事的设计》展览,展出一系列手稿、画作与模型雕塑,介绍皮克斯团队如何将设计作为整个工作室的核心,如何创造出动人的角色与故事。
设计网站 Fastcodesign 发表了一篇与策展人 KimRobledo-Diga的对谈,探讨我们能从皮克斯电影得到什么关于设计的心得或收获。
的确如此,不过据 Kim Robledo-Diga 介绍,红色跑车 McQueen、拖车 Mater 的形象并不是设计师们最先考虑的东西——为了做好这部有公路片性质的动画片,他们先来了一场公路旅行。

在1989年索尼收购哥伦比亚之前,1985年,澳大利亚的报业 大亨默多克收购了好莱坞八大电影公司之一的20世纪福克斯, 将濒临破产的20世纪福克斯变成了自己新闻集团(News Cor.) 旗下的一家电影子公司。在新闻集团的运作下,20世纪福克 斯死而复生,不仅恢复了昔日的辉煌,而且从此进入了长达 20多年的稳定发展期。
二战后,电影观众开始流失,电视的兴起也对电影业造成很大打击。二十世纪福斯想 依靠增加电影院的数量渡过难关,然而法院裁决,大的发行公司必须与放映业分离, 公司因此失去了一半的电影院。五十年代,二十世纪福斯把希望寄托在超大银幕和立 体电影这些新技术上。 新技术最初的确很能吸引观众,但到了1956年,票房又开始退潮,这一年,达瑞尔· 扎 努克因为一桩绯闻宣布退休。六十年代初,二十世纪福斯麻烦缠身,主要是因为在 《埃及艳后》这部电影上花了太多的钱,其中包括女主演伊丽莎白· 泰勒的片酬100万美 元,但影片的票房又不够理想。 从1969年到1971年,达瑞尔· 扎努克在二十世纪福斯的最后三年是不成功的,但他的继 任者小阿兰· 莱德及时调整了公司的发展方向,决定为年轻的观众制作电影,结果就是 出现了《星球大战》三部曲这样的经典之作, 《星球大战》三部曲全球总票房超过了 26亿美元,以及传记片《巴顿将军》。 1984年,来自澳大利亚的传媒巨头鲁伯特· 默多克从马克· 里奇和马文· 戴维斯手中买下二 十世纪福斯,他对电影部门没有做出很大调整,但从派拉蒙电影公司(Paramount Pictures Corporation)挖来巴里· 迪勒,创建了福斯电视网。电视网对电影公司是很有益 处的,比如,2007年,二十世纪福斯就把极受欢迎的动画电视剧《辛普森一家》搬上 了大银幕。 2009年末,由福斯出品,詹姆斯· 卡梅隆导演的3D巨片《阿凡达》上映,这为福克斯不 仅带来了极丰厚的利润,同时也成为福克斯电影史上第一部独资拍摄的票房进入世界 前十的影片。

”正因为这样,2003年,福特汽车的 328,000名雇员在世界各地200多个国家的福特汽车制造和销售企业中,共同创造了1,642亿美元的营业总收入。
现任福特高层主管比尔福特(William Clay Ford, Jr)现任福特汽车公司执行董事长。
他还担任董事会下属的环境与公共政策委员会主席,并兼任公司融资委员会委员韩瑞麒(Joe Hinrichs)现任福特汽车公司集团副总裁,亚太及非洲区总裁。
2010年11月1日起,韩瑞麒先生兼任福特汽车中国(有限)公司董事长兼首席执行官艾伦·穆拉利(Alan R. Mulally)2006.9至今现任福特汽车公司总裁兼首席执行官,公司董事会成员之一组织结构演变之老福特时代初期采用集权式管理,经营业绩优异,后期随着企业的壮大,他没有适时改变管理策略,凡事都是他一个人说了算,根本不听其他管理人员的意见,导致企业内各层次的员工不能发挥自己的才能,积极性和主动性收到抑制,从而导致企业领先地位迅速下降,甚至处于亏损经营。

March 2006DEUTSCHE NORMEnglish price group 11No part of this translation may be reproduced without prior permission ofDIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V., Berlin. Beuth Verlag GmbH, 10772 Berlin, Germany,has the exclusive right of sale for German Standards (DIN-Normen).!,z2Y"9871554www.din.de ©www.beuth.deDIN 5480-1:2006-032Contents PageForeword..............................................................................................................................................................4 1 Scope......................................................................................................................................................5 2 Normative references............................................................................................................................5 3 Symbols, designations and units.........................................................................................................6 4 Structure.................................................................................................................................................8 5 Preferred series of modules, reference diameters and number of teeth.........................................9 6Basic rack profile (12)7 Diameters..............................................................................................................................................14 7.1 Diameters for side-fit splines .............................................................................................................14 7.2 7.2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................15 7.2.2 Major diameter fit splines ...................................................................................................................15 7.2.3 Minor diameter fit splines...................................................................................................................16 8 Designation ..........................................................................................................................................17 9 Data to be shown on drawings...........................................................................................................18 9.1 Data field...............................................................................................................................................18 9.2 Indication of individual deviations.....................................................................................................18 9.3 Statistical actual tolerance limit (STA)..............................................................................................18 9.4 Representation in drawings................................................................................................................19 10 Fit system for space width / tooth thickness....................................................................................19 10.1 General..................................................................................................................................................19 10.2 Structure of the tolerance system......................................................................................................19 10.3 Deviations.............................................................................................................................................20 10.4 Total tolerance T G ................................................................................................................................20 10.5 Actual tolerance T act ............................................................................................................................20 10.6 Effective tolerance T eff .........................................................................................................................20 10.7 Design specifications..........................................................................................................................20 10.8 Calculation of tolerance limits............................................................................................................20 10.9 Deviations and tolerances..................................................................................................................22 10.10 Guide values for radial runout............................................................................................................23 10.11 Fit types................................................................................................................................................23 10.12 Quality assurance................................................................................................................................23 Bibliography (24)Diameters for diameter fit splines (15)DIN 5480-1:2006-03Figures Page Figure 1 — Double teeth (9)Figure 2 — Basic rack profile (12)Figure 3 — Bottom clearance of side-fit splines (15)Figure 4 — Major diameter fit (16)Figure 5 — Minor diameter fit (16)Figure 6 — Example of a data field in a drawing (18)Figure 7 — Schematic diagram of space width / tooth thickness fit (19)TablesTable 1 — Preferred series, reference diameters d B from 6 mm to 58 mm (10)Table 2 — Preferred series, reference diameters d B from 60 mm to 500 mm (11)Table 3 — Basic rack profile (13)Table 4 — Minimum form clearance (14)Table 5 — Recommended tolerances and deviations for tip and root diameters (16)Table 6 — Calculation of tolerance limits (21)Table 7 — Deviations and tolerances (22)Table 8 — Guide values for radial runout (23)Table 9 — Fit types (23)See foreword for relationship to the ISO 4156 series of standards published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).3DIN 5480-1:2006-03ValidityThis standard is valid from 2006-03-01.ForewordThis series of standards deals with involute splines and spline joints within a module range of 0,5 to 10, having a number of teeth ranging from 6 to 82 and with a pressure angle of 30°.The DIN 5480 series of standards is limited to splines with a pressure angle of 30°, since pressure angles of 37,5° and 45° are covered by ISO 4156.Involute splines in accordance with ISO 4156 are based on module series. These are not interchangeable with involute splines conforming to the DIN 5480 series of standards.The DIN 5480 series of standards is based on reference diameters that are independent of the module, allowing an optimal fit to standard ball and roller bearing diameters and reducing the number of different tools required for manufacturing. This series of standards has been revised by Technical Committee 2.1 Passverzahnungen (“Involute splines”) of the Normenauschuss Maschinenbau (Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee). The revision was considered necessary since a review of the DIN 5480 series of standards in accordance with DIN 820-4 had shown that the series had structural and editorial weaknesses. The object of the revision was to combine the individual parts of this standard in a practical, sensible manner. The entire series of standards now consists of only four parts instead of the previous sixteen.DIN 5480 Involute splines based on reference diameters now comprises:⎯Part 1: General⎯Part 2: Nominal and inspection dimensions⎯Part 15: Inspection⎯Part 16: ToolsThe new edition of DIN 5480-1 deals with fundamental principles, the same as its predecessor, but now also includes fit dimensions and tolerances, these being formerly contained in DIN 5480-14:1986-03.The calculation formulae, tolerances and deviations contained in Part 1 also apply to the other parts of this series of standards. DIN 5480-2 now contains the nominal dimensions and inspection dimensions for the range of items stated above, and incorporates the contents of the former editions of DIN 5480-2 to DIN 5480-13.DIN 5480-15 covers quality inspections of spline joints.DIN 5480-16 defines the design features of tools for manufacturing involute splines.AmendmentsThis standard differs from DIN 5480-1:1991-10 and DIN 5480-14:1986-03 as follows:a) The title has been changed to “Involute splines based on reference diameters”.b) The full root radius has been included for shafts.c) Cold-rolling has been included as a manufacturing process for shafts.d) The standard has been editorially revised.e) The entire contents of DIN 5480-14:1986-03 have been integrated into DIN 5480-1.4DIN 5480-1:2006-03Previous editionsDIN 5480-1: 1966-12, 1974-09, 1986-03, 1991-10DIN 5480-14: 1966-12, 1974-09, 1986-031 ScopeThis standard applies to involute splines and spline joints based on reference diameters for connecting hubs and shafts either with a removable connection, a sliding fit or a permanent fit. It lays down the following general characteristics for splines as in this standard:a) They have a standard pressure angle of 30°.b) The basic rack profile is the same for all pitches, therefore applying a uniform design rule to all profiles.c) They have a side fit profile (a diameter fit is permitted in some cases).d) Addendum modification is used in order to achieve specific reference diameters.e) The fit system includes tolerances for effective form deviations so that the effect of such deviations onbacklash is taken into account. The specified range of fundamental deviations and tolerance classes takes due consideration of all requirements.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.DIN 323-1, Preferred numbers and series of preferred numbers — Basic values, calculated values, rounded valuesDIN 780-1, Series of modules for gears — Modules for spur gearsDIN 3960, Definitions, parameters and equations for involute cylindrical gears and gear pairsDIN 5466-1, Splined joints, calculation of load capacity — Part 1: GeneralDIN 5480-2, Involute splines based on reference diameters — Part 2: Nominal dimensions and inspection dimensionsDIN 5480-15, Involute splines based on reference diameters — Part 15: Quality inspectionDIN 5480-16, Involute splines based on reference diameters — Part 16: ToolsDIN ISO 6413, Technical drawings — Representation of splines and serrations5DIN 5480-1:2006-0363 Symbols, designations and unitsSymbol Designation Unit c bottom clearancemmc F form clearance mm c FP form clearance of basic rack profile mm c F min minimum form clearance mmd pitch diameter mm d a tip diametermm d a1 tip diameter of shaft mm d a2tip diameter of hubmmd b base diameter mm df root diameter mm d f1 root diameter of shaft mm d f2 root diameter of hubmmd B reference diametermm d Ff1 root form circle diameter of shaft mm d Ff2 root form circle diameter of hub mmd Nf effective root diametermm e space width on hub mm e 2 nominal space width on hub mm e max maximum actual space widthmm e min minimum actual reference space width mm e vmin minimum effective space width mm f p individual pitch deviation μm h tooth heightmm h aP addendum of basic rack profile mm h aP0 addendum of tool basic rack profile mm h fP dedendum of basic rack profile mm h K radial height of tip chamfer or rounding mm h P tooth height of basic rack profilemm k number of teeth measured for face width measurement m module mm p pitchmm s shaft tooth thickness mm s 1 nominal shaft tooth thicknessmm s max maximum actual reference tooth thickness mm s min minimum actual tooth thickness mm s v maxmaximum effective tooth thicknessmmDIN 5480-1:2006-037Symbol Designation Unit x addendum modification coefficient x ⋅ m addendum modification mm z number of teeth A deviationmm A df1 deviation of shaft root diameter mm A df2 deviation of hub root diameter mm A e space width deviation mm A s tooth thickness deviationmmA M1 deviation of inspection dimension M 1 mmA M2 deviation of inspection dimension M 2 mm A Wk deviation of base tangent length W k mmA *M1 deviation factor for inspection dimension M 1 A *M2 deviation factor for inspection dimension M 2 A *Wk deviation factor for base tangent length W k D M measuring circle diameter (diameter of ball or pin) mm F α total profile deviation μm F β total helix deviationμm F p total cumulative pitch deviationμm F r (radial)runout μm M 1 dimension over measuring circles (balls or pins) mm M 2 dimension between measuring circles (balls or pins) mm N hubNA hub centred on major diameter NI hub centred on minor diameter R S tooth thickness variationmm T act actual tooth thickness (or space width) tolerance mm T eff effective tooth thickness (or space width) tolerance mm T G total tooth thickness (or space width) tolerance mm W shaftWA shaft centred on major diameter WI shaft centred on minor diameter W kbase tangent length over k teeth mm α pressure angle° αv pressure angle at the v-cylinder ° ρ fP root fillet radius of basic rack profilemmDIN 5480-1:2006-038Subscript Refers toSubscript Refers to Subscript Refers to a tooth tip G total 0 tool e space width K tip chamfer 1 shaftf root of tooth N effective diameter 2 hubs tooth thicknessPbasic rack profile * deviation factor v effective tolerance limit actactualF form diameter eff effective4 StructureThe tooth interlock of a splined joint is determined by the basic rack profile, the reference diameter, the module and the number of teeth. The selection of nominal dimensions is essentially determined by the following condition: The shaft cross-section remaining available for transmitting torques shall not be reduced more than is necessary to permit easy slip-fitting of components such as, for instance, ball or roller bearings. In joints centred on any pitch diameter, this condition is met by making the reference diameter equal to the bore of the bearing and then modifying the profiles of the teeth of the hub and the shaft accordingly.The number of teeth shall be selected in such a way that the addendum modification necessitated by the reference diameter is kept within the range x 1 ⋅ m = –0,05 ⋅ m to +0,45 ⋅ m . The mean pressure angle on the v-cylinder ranges from 30° to more than 40°.Even numbers of teeth are given preference in Tables 1 and 2. The reasons for this are explained in subclause 7.2.Values of –0,05 ⋅ m and +0,45 ⋅ m are specified as limits for the nominal addendum modification of shafts; the limits for the nominal addendum modification of hubs are specified as +0,05 ⋅ m and –0,45 ⋅ m . Exceptions (x 1 >+ 0,45) have been permitted for some larger numbers of teeth (z 1 ≥ 60) in order to enable even numbers of teeth to be produced and to avoid using prime numbers, since the effect of the addendum modifications on the pressure angle on the v-cylinder αv decreases as the number of teeth increases.Depending on the reference diameter, calculations for the number of teeth for Tables 1 and 2 using the formulae given in Table 3 will result either in a number teeth with an addendum modification that is within the specified limits or in two consecutive numbers of teeth with equal limit values x 1 = –0,05 and +0,45, since this addendum modification range of 0,5 ⋅ m corresponds to a difference of one tooth. In such cases, the maximum value of the addendum modification (x 1 = +0,45) is taken for splines where z < 10, and the even number of teeth is taken where z ≥ 10 to facilitate the production of double teeth on shafts or hubs, which means that the addendum modification can also assume the minimum value (x 1 = –0,05). Figure 1 shows a major diameter fit shaft with splines. The double spaces of the associated hub or of a minor diameter fit shaft cannot be measured using balls or pins; rather, GO and NO GO gauges are required.DIN 5480-1:2006-039Figure 1 — Double teethIf the number of spaces which can be measured using pins is an odd number, then the measurements given in the Tables can be converted.M 1,2 = (M 1,2Tabelle – D M ) ⋅ cos(π/(2 ⋅ z )) + D M (1)A *M1,2 = A *M1,2Tabelle ⋅ cos(π/(2 ⋅ z )) (2)(π is the angle in radians)In keeping with the rule defined in DIN 3960, M 2 must be a negative value. The symbol z then represents the new odd number of spaces.A number of teeth expressed as 6 (12) indicates six double teeth out of a total of 12:EXAMPLEDIN 5480 – WA 17 × 1,25 × 6 (12) × h6 × 9e5 Preferred series of modules, reference diameters and number of teethThis standard provides for a large selection of splines. The module series correspond to the module series I and II as defined in DIN 780-1 and the metric module series as defined in ISO 54:1977.DIN 5480-1:2006-0310 Table 1 — Preferred series, reference diameters d B from 6 mm to 58 mmNumber of teeth zfor module mdBmm0,5 0,6 0,75 0,8 1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2 2,5 3 4 5 66 10 8 6 67 1210 8 78 1412 9 8 69 16131010 710 18151211 8 611 20171312 9 712 2218141310 8 613 2420161511 9 7 614 26 22 17 16 12 10 8 615 28 23 18 17 13 10 8 7 616 30 25 20 18 14 11 9 8 617 32 27 21 20 15 12 10 8 718 34 28 22 21 16 13 10 9 719 36 30 24 22 17 14 11 920 38 32 25 23,24 18 14 12 10 8 621 40 34 26 25 19 15 12 1022 42 35 28 26 20 16 13 11 9 7 623 44 37 29 27 22 17 14 1224 46 38 30 28 22 18 14 1225 48 40 32 30 24 18 15 13 11 8 726 50 42 33 31 24 19 16 1327 52 44 34 32 26 20 16 1428 54 45 36 34 26 21 17 14 12 10 829 56 47 37 35 28 22 18 1530 58 48 38 36 28 22 18 16 13,1410 831 60 50 40 37 30 23 19 1632 62 52 41 38 30 24 20 17 14 11 9 633 64 54 42 40 32 25 20 1734 66 55 44 41 32 26 21 1835 68 57 45 42 34 26 22 18 16 12 10 736 70 58 46 44 34 27 22 1937 72 60 48 45 36 28 23 20 17 13 11 838 74 62 49 46 36 29 24 20 18 14 11 839 76 64 50 47 38 30 24 2140 78 64 52 48 38 30 25 21 18 14 12 8 642 68 54 51 40 32 26 22 20 15 12 9 745 74 58 55 44 34 28 24 21 16 13,14 10 747 76 60 57 46 36 30 25 22 17 14 10 848 78 62 58 46 37 30 26 22 18 14 10 8 6 50 64 60 48 38 32 27 24 18 15 11 9 7 52 68 64 50 40 33 28 24 19 16 11 9 7 55 72 66 54 42 35 30 26 20 17 12 9 8 58 70 56 45 37 32 28 22 18 13 10 8Table 2 — Preferred series, reference diameters d B from 60 mm to 500 mmNumber of teeth z for module md Bmm0,8 1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2 2,5 3 4 5 6 8 10 6074 58 46 38 33 28 22 18 13,14 10 8 6 62 48 40 34 30 23 19 14 11 9 65 50 42 36 31 24 20 15 11 9 7 68 53 44 37 32 26 21 15,16 12 10 70 54 45 38 34 26 22 16 12 10 7 72 56 46 40 34 27 22 16 13 10 75 58 48 41 36 28 24 17 13,14 11 8 78 60 50 43 38 30 24 18 14 11,12 80 62 52 44 38 30 25 18 14 12 8 6 82 53 45 40 31 26 19 15 12 85 55 47 41 32 27 20 15,16 13 9 7 88 57 49 42 34 28 20 16 13 90 58 50 44 34 28 21 16 13,14 10 7 92 60 51 44 35 29 22 17 14 95 62 53 46 36 30 22 18 14 10 8 98 64 54 48 38 31 23 18 15 100 64 56 48 38 32 24 18 15 11 8 105 68 58 51 40 34 25 20 16 12 9 110 72 60,61 54 42 35 26 20 17 12 9 120 66,67 58 46 38 28 22 18 13,14 10 130 64 50 42 31 24 20 15 11,12 140 68 54 45 34 26 22 16 12 150 74 58 48 36 28 24 17 13,14 160 52 38 30 25 18 14 170 55 41 32 27 20 15,16 180 58 44 34 28 21 16 190 62 46 36 30 22 17,18 200 65 48 38 32 24 18 210 68,69 51 40 34 25 20 220 42 35 26 20 240 46 38 28 22 250 48 40 30 24 260 50 42 31 24 280 54 45 34 26 300 58 48 36 28 320 62 52 38 30 340 55 41 32 360 58 44 34 380 62 46 36 400 65 48 38 420 68 51 40 440 72 54 42 450 74 55 44 460 75 56 44 480 78 58 46 50082 61 486 Basic rack profileFigure 2 shows the basic rack profile. The corresponding descriptive parameters, tooth interlock data and calculation formulae are given in Table 3.Key1 Shaft2 Hub3 Profile reference lineFigure 2 — Basic rack profileTable 3 — Basic rack profileParameter Sym-bolSpline data and calculation formulaeModule m0,5-0,6-0,75-0,8-1,0-1,25-1,5-1,75-2-2,5-3-4-5-6-8-10 Pressure angle α30°Pitch p m⋅πNumber of teeth shaft z1z1hubz2–z1Addendum modification shaft x1⋅m–0,05 ⋅m to + 0,45 ⋅m (exceptions up to +0,879 ⋅m) (nominal value) hub x2⋅m–x1⋅m= +0,05 ⋅m to –0,45 ⋅m (exceptions up to –0,879 ⋅m) Addendum of basic rack profile h aP0,45 ⋅mDedendum of basic rack profile h fP0,55 ⋅m0,60 ⋅m 0,65⋅m0,84 ⋅m= addendum of tool basic rack profile = h aP0broaching hobbing gearshaping coldrollingTooth height of basic rack profile h P h aP + h fPBottom clearance of basic rackprofilec P h fP – h aPRoot fillet radius of basic rackprofileρfP0,16 ⋅m chip-removal machining 0,54 ⋅m cold rolling Pitch diameter d m⋅zBase diameter d b m⋅z⋅ cosαReference diameter d B m⋅z1 + 2 ⋅x1⋅m + 1,1 ⋅m, diameters with standard numbers inaccordance with DIN 323-1 and ball/roller bearing diameters,integer values with increments of one for the range d B < 40 mmand m≤ 1,75 mm.Tip diameter of hub d a2m⋅z2 + 2 ⋅x2⋅m + 0,9 ⋅mRoot diameter of hub d f2m⋅z2 + 2 ⋅x2⋅m – 2 ⋅h fP (see 7.1)Root form circle diameter of hub d Ff2≤ – (d a1 + 2 ⋅c Fmin)Tip diameter of shaft d a1m⋅z1 + 2 ⋅x1⋅m + 0,9 ⋅mRoot diameter of shaft d f1m⋅z1 + 2 ⋅x1⋅m – 2 ⋅h fP (see 7.1)Base form circle diameter of shaft d Ff1≤ | d a2| – 2 ⋅c FminForm clearance of basic rack profile c FP0,02 ⋅m 0,07⋅m 0,12⋅m 0,12⋅m broaching hobbing gearshaping coldrollingMinimum form clearance c Fmin see Table 4Nominal space width of hub e2e2 = s1Nominal tooth thickness of shaft s1m⋅π/2 + 2 ⋅x1⋅m⋅ tanαIn the formulae given in Table 3, the signs for the number of teeth and addendum modification coefficients of internal gear splines as defined in DIN 3960 have been introduced in order to facilitate the use of computers when designing splines. These lead to negative signs for all hub diameters and dimensions (see DIN 3960). In the Tables of dimensions given in DIN 5480-2, only the absolute values of diameters and inspection dimensions are given, i.e. the values are to be understood as absolute values in order to avoid any misunderstanding.The form clearance c F is the distance between the effective root diameter used by the mating part and the root form circle diameter created by the tool. The minimum form clearance c Fmin values given in Table 4 provide an adequate excess length of the root involute so that disturbance-free contact between the involute flanks of the hub and shaft is ensured even when there are eccentricities in the motion of the interacting tip circle.Table 4 — Minimum form clearanceMinimum form clearancec Fmin µmd B mmModule 0,5 to 1,5Module 1,75 to 4Module 5 to 10 up to and including 12 25 – – over 12 up to 25 28 30 – over 25 up to 50 30 35 40 over 50 up to 100 35 40 45 over 100 up to 200 40 45 50 over 200 up to 400– 50 55 over 400––657 DiametersThe DIN 5480 series of standards applies to side-fit splines. The flanks of the teeth are used both for transmitting the torque and for centring the hub and shaft relative to one another. This standard can also be applied, however, to design splines with a diameter fit.7.1 Diameters for side-fit splinesIn side-fit spline joints the flanks of the teeth serve to transmit the forces as well as to centre the parts. The tip and root diameters of the shaft differ from the respective diameters of the hub by at least the bottom clearance c (see Figure 3).The fit and centring accuracy are determined by deviation in space width and tooth thickness, and by the tolerances achieved or specified. For limits of centring accuracy, see DIN 5466-1. The definitive fit parameter is that for the flanks, the backlash. Refer to clause 10 for the relationship between space width tolerance and tooth thickness tolerance, measurement methods, spline mesh quality and backlash.The nominal dimension for the root diameter of side-fit splines is the “theoretical root diameter” calculated using h fP = 0,55 ⋅ m . The deviations applicable to chip-cutting manufacturing methods cover the associated maximum possible dedendum h fP = 0,65 ⋅ m and the root diameter deviations, which correspond to the space width/tooth thickness tolerance fields 9H and 11a. These determine the design dimension of the spline diameters where the chip-cutting manufacturing method is not yet known and the tool run-out spaces are free. The root diameters of shafts are dependent on the machining method used: When created by hobbing they can be calculated by subtracting 0,1 ⋅ m ; those of hubs with teeth made by shaping are calculated by adding 0,2 ⋅ m , while those of shafts made by shaping are determined by subtracting 0,2 ⋅ m from the theoretical root diameter. Correspondingly, the absolute values of the deviation must then be reduced by 0,1 ⋅ m or 0,2 ⋅ m , respectively. The deviations applicable to cold-rolled splines for shaft splines cover the associated dedendum h fP = 0,84 ⋅ m and the root deviations which would be needed to implement fully-rounded roots at a tolerance 11 and fundamental deviation a . They determine the design value of the connection diameter. Root diameters of shafts with cold-rolled splines are calculated by subtracting 0,58 ⋅ m from the theoretical root diameter. Refer to Table 5 for recommended tolerance fields and deviations for the root and tip diameters.The exact root diameters of hubs and shafts for splines created by rolling are calculated using the formulae given in DIN 5480-16, taking into account the particular features of the respective rolling method used, the deviations of the space widths and tooth thicknesses and, where necessary, a machining allowance. DIN 5480-16 also contains formulae for calculating the exact root diameters of shafts with cold-rolled splines.Figure 3 — Bottom clearance of side-fit splines7.2 Diameters for diameter fit splines7.2.1 GeneralDiameter fit splines are centred either on the major diameter (hub root diameter and shaft tip diameter = major diameter fit) or on the minor diameter (hub tip diameter and shaft root diameter = minor diameter fit). The teeth merely serve to transmit the forces. Such spline joints shall always be given enough backlash in order to prevent over-determination of the centring (see Figures 4 and 5).The fit and accuracy of concentricity are determined by the selected ISO tolerance field of the centring diameters.The nominal dimension of the centring diameters for diameter fit splines is the reference diameter in the case of major diameter fits and the hub tip diameter for minor diameter fits.Where the teeth number is divisible, the centring surfaces can be widened by providing multiple teeth on the shaft and multiple spaces in the hub, for instance in order to make, with primarily lateral loading (see DIN 5466-1), diameter fit spline joints stronger or to allow diameter fits for splines with a small module (see Figure 1).Diameter fit splines require greater manufacturing effort due to the small tolerances of the centring diameters and the measures required to limit the offsets between the centring diameter centre and the centre of the tooth circle. These should therefore only be used in a few exceptional cases.See Table 5 for recommended tolerance fields for the root circle and tip diameters.7.2.2 Major diameter fit splinesThe fit parameters for major diameter fit splines are as follows:⎯the clearance between the hub root diameter and the shaft tip diameter, which are both assigned the same nominal dimension d B, i.e. d f2 and d a1 are both equal to d B;⎯the flank backlash which, because of the centring action of the flank fit, must always be positive and large enough to prevent overdetermination of the centring.The edges of tooth tips on major diameter fit shafts shall be chamfered (a minimum value of h K = 0,1 ⋅m is recommended) in order to prevent interference with the fillets of the roots of the hub teeth, see Figure 4. Refer to Table 5 for recommended tolerance fields for the root and tip diameters.。

出品电影虎胆龙威:择日开战(2013)致命弯道5(2012)少年派的奇幻漂流Life Of Pi(2012)(中国2012年11月22日上映)飓风营救2(2012)普罗米修斯(异形前传)(中国大陆2012年9月2日上映)冰河世纪4——大陆漂移(美国上映2012年7月13日中国大陆7月27日)三个臭皮匠(2012年4月4日)特工争风2012年2月17日突击中央银行2011时间规划局2011年10月28日(美国)猩球崛起(2011年8月5日(美国)、2011年8月11日(香港)、2011年10月28日(中国大陆)、2011年10月7日(日本))X战警:First Class(2011)波普先生的企鹅(2011)大象的眼泪Water for Elephant (2011)小屁孩日记2(2011)里约大冒险RIO (2011)卧底肥妈3(2011)天龙特攻队The A Team 2010新铁血战士Predators 2010纳尼亚传奇3:黎明踏浪号2010The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader小屁孩日记2010华尔街2:金钱永不眠Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps 2010全城热恋Hot Summer Days 2010约会之夜date night 2010波西·杰克逊与神火之盗Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief 2010 阿凡达Avatar 2009博物馆奇妙夜2Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian 2009冰河世纪3:恐龙的黎明Ice Age:Dawn of the Dinosaurs 2009X战警前传:金刚狼X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2009结婚大作战BRIDE WARS2009新娘靠边闪27 Dresses2008异形大战铁血战士2Alien vs. Predator: AVP22007朱诺Juno2007艾尔文和花栗鼠/鼠来宝Alvin and the Chipmunks2007杀手47Hitman2007神奇玩具店Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium2007卷土重来The Comebacks2007黑暗崛起:召唤者The Seeker: The Dark Is Rising2007死刑Death Sentence2007辛普森一家The Simpsons Movie2007虎胆龙威4Live Free or Die Hard2007神奇四侠2Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer2007惊变28周28 Weeks Later2007征服者Pathfinder2007消防犬Firehouse Dog2007隔山有眼2The Hills Have Eyes 22007老婆我爱你I Think I Love My Wife2007史诗电影Epic Movie2007博物馆奇妙夜Night At The Museum2006龙骑士Eragon2006游客止步Turistas2006闪亮的圣诞节Deck the Halls2006美好的一年A Good Year2006波拉特Borat2006弗利卡Flicka2006海军陆战队员The Marine2006棒球小子Everyone's Hero2006恋爱刺客/约翰·塔克必死John Tucker Must Die2006 我的超人前女友My Super Ex-Girlfriend2006时尚女魔头The Devil Wears Prada2006加菲猫2之双猫记Garfield : A Tail of Two Kitties2006 凶兆The Omen2006X战警3:最后据点: The Last Stand2006倒霉爱神Just My Luck2006一级戒备The Sentinel2006冰河世纪2:冰河消融Ice Age2: The Melt down2006 隔山有眼The Hills Have Eyes2006美人鱼Aquamarine2006约会电影Date Movie2006卧底肥妈2Big Momma's House 22006特里斯坦和伊索尔德Tristan & Isolde2006儿女一箩筐2Cheaper by the Dozen 22005 扮猪吃老虎The Ringer 2005斯通家族The Family Stone2005一往无前Walk the Line2005偷穿高跟鞋In Her Shoes2005热血滑轮社/冰上迪斯科Roll Bounce2005非常人贩2The Transporter22005神奇四侠Fantastic Four2005篮板球Rebound2005史密斯夫妇Mr. and Mrs. Smith2005星战前传3Star Wars: Episode III2005天国王朝Kingdom of Heaven2005极度狂热Fever Pitch2005机器人历险记Robots 2005都是戴茜惹的祸Because of Winn-Dixie2005 捉迷藏Hide and Seek2005伊莱克特拉Elektra2005胖子阿伯特Fat Albert2004凤凰劫Flight of the Phoenix2004的士女王T axi2004第一女儿First Daughter2004狗仔队Paparazzi2004异形大战铁血战士Alien vs. Predator2004机械公敌I, Robot2004闪避球的奇迹Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story2004加菲猫Garfield2004后天The Day After Tomorrow2004怒火救援Man on Fire2004邻家女孩The Girl Next Door2004约翰逊一家的幸福之旅Johnson Family Vacation2004美丽心灵的永恒阳光Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind2004 恐怖俱乐部Broken Lizard's Club Dread2004总统接招Welcome to Mooseport2004小鬼神偷Catch That Kid2004儿女一箩筐Cheaper by the Dozen2003贴身兄弟Stuck on You2003怒海争锋Master and Commander2003失控陪审团Runaway Jury2003食罪人The Order2003LXG 绅士盟The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen2003惊变28天28 Days Later2003随爱沉沦Down With Love2003X战警2X2: X-Men United2003我爱贝克汉姆Bend it like Beckham2003狙击电话亭Phone Booth2003夜魔侠Daredevil2003新婚告急Just Married2003安东尼·菲舍尔Antwone Fisher2002飞向太空2002Solaris2002黑糖情缘Brown Sugar2002非常人贩The Transporter2002摇滚姐妹The Banger Sisters2002泳池诱惑Swimfan2002一小时快相One Hour Photo2002麦田守望者The Good Girl2002像迈克那样Like Mike2002星战前传2:克隆人的进攻Star Wars Episode II2002 不忠Unfaithful2002所谓人生Life or Something Like It2002极度重罪High Crimes2002冰河世纪Ice Age2002昆宝出拳Kung Pow!: Enter the Fist2002大人物Joe Somebody2001深入敌后Behind Enemy Lines2001黑骑士Black Knight2001庸人哈尔Shallow Hal2001来自地狱From Hell2001惊心之旅Joy Ride2001一言不发Don't say a word2001决战猩球Planet Of The Apes2001龙之吻Kiss Of The Dragon2001红磨坊Moulin Rouge2001家有顽童Freddy Got Fingered2001天国Kingdom Come2001错有错着Say It Isn't So2001小猴伯恩Monkey Bone2001浩劫重生Cast Away2000我的车在哪?Dude, Where's My Car?2000 怒海潜将Men Of Honor2000神鬼愿望Bedazzled2000数字精灵Digimon: The Movie2000X战警X-Men2000一个头,两个大Me, Myself Irene2000卧底肥妈Big Momma's House2000冰冻星球Titan A.E2000芳心天涯Where The Heart Is2000海滩The Beach2000小鬼当家Home Alone 1990。
PICMG 2.0 D3.0

PICMG 2.0 D3.0 9/24/99 Draft, Not for Distribution – Do Not Claim Conformance
1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 OVERVIEW ........................................................................................................................................ 9 COMPACTPCI OBJECTIVES................................................................................................................ 9 BACKGROUND AND TERMINOLOGY ................................................................................................... 9 DESIRED AUDIENCE .......................................................................................................................... 9 COMPACTPCI FEATURES ................................................................................................................ 10 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................... 10 ADMINISTRATION ............................................................................................................................ 11 NAME AND LOGO USAGE ................................................................................................................ 12 FEATURE SET ................................................................................................................................. 13 FORM FACTOR................................................................................................................................. 13 CONNECTOR .................................................................................................................................... 15 MODULARITY .................................................................................................................................. 16 HOT SWAP CAPABILITY ................................................................................................................... 16 ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................. 17

Chapter1 动画概论1、动画的定义:动画片是一种以“逐格拍摄”为基础的基本摄制方法,并以一定的美术形式作为其内容载体的影片样式。
(2)结构:①与戏剧相似:开端——发展——高潮——结局;②冲突多为正与邪的二元对立(3)人物:具有典型性、层次性(4)音乐:具有感染力的主题曲(5)画面:大多采用数字技术Chapter 2 动画及其艺术形式1、动画的镜头特点:(1)利用分层来表达纵深感(2)多采用散点透视2、动画的光效特点:(1)多采用柔和的光效(2)戏剧化的光效(2)分明暗3、动画的表演特点:(1)采用仿真表演(2)程式化的表演(戏曲、歌舞剧)(3)偶类片中仿真与艺术的结合。

3. 4.
5.As of 2012, in Australia, 20th Century Fox has an
expanded movie deal to replay movie and television content from television broadcasters
Logo and fanfare
Star Wars
Later retitled as Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
Twentieth Century Fox International is a leader in filmed entertainment overseas, distributing a diverse slate of very successful films from the groundbreaking AVATAR to the criticallyacclaimed BLACK SWAN. Other recent hits include RIO, RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES and X-MEN: FIRST CLASS. With offices around the world, the overseas distributor has enjoyed extraordinary success with its strategic sales and innovative marketing campaigns. In 2011, Fox International became the first distributor to reach the $2 billion mark in three consecutive years and the only one to pass the milestone in a given calendar year five times.

改进模具设置功能 .............................................................................................................................35 装配镜像 ...........................................................................................................................................36 i
CimatronE11 新增功能详解
添加组件允许使用任意坐标系 ..........................................................................................................37 改进添加组件功能 .............................................................................................................................38 控制装配中实体的可见性及显示属性 ...............................................................................................39 装配切除——切除时转移孔属性 .......................................................................................................40 关联重定位的组件 .............................................................................................................................41 激活父装配 ........................................................................................................................................42 装配树中重新排序组件 .....................................................................................................................43 特征树中显示增加零件的名称 ..........................................................................................................44 放置在面上时曲面透明显示 ..............................................................................................................45
20th Century Fox 20世纪福克斯


苏立文创作了美国动画史上第一个动画明星菲利克斯猫, 在美国这只猫的名声甚至与同时期的卓别林相媲美。 当然最值得一提的还有迪斯尼的创立者沃尔特·迪斯尼, 1928年他推出了第一部有声动画电影《汽船威利号》,主 角是一只长着大而圆的耳朵、穿靴戴帽的小老鼠米奇,这 只善良乐观的小老鼠博得了观众的喜爱,不久米老鼠以其 超凡的魅力成为举世闻名的动画明星。1935年迪斯尼又推 出了第一部彩色动画片《花与树》。
作为电影业的老牌巨头,派拉蒙以群星环绕雪山的标志 为人所熟知,事实上,用高山来比喻派拉蒙在电影业的 地位也是非常恰当的,在创立的最初三十年,这家公司 以众多的明星,高质量的影片和遍布全美的连锁影院, 一直坐在好莱坞霸主的宝座上。 从六十年代到九十年代,派拉蒙的实权人物更迭速度很 快,不过这没有影响公司的影片品质,无论是罗伯特・ 埃文斯,还是巴里・迪勒,雪莉・兰辛主政,这家公司 总能制作出《教父》、《周末夜狂热》、《夺宝奇兵》 和《阿甘正传》这样叫好又叫座的影片。
1966年12月15日,随着伟大的动画大师沃尔特·迪斯尼 的去世,迪斯尼公司的创作和技术革新都陷入低潮,美国 动画业也进入了萧条时期。而这一时期电视动画则渐渐发 展起来,汉纳·芭芭拉创作的电视系列动画片《猫和老 鼠》、《辛普森一家》等受到观众的喜爱。 这一时期,迪斯尼制作了一些颇有争议的动画电影,如 《黑神锅传奇》(1985年)。80年代后迪斯尼公司开始尝 试利用电脑制作动画,1986年在《妙妙探》中第一次用 电脑动画制作了伦敦钟楼的场面。
后来迪士尼又制作了两部续集,分别为《狮子王2:辛巴的 荣耀》和《狮子王3:HAKUNAMATATA》。根据电影 《狮子王》改编的音乐剧于 1997 年10 月在百老汇公演后, 大获好评。迪士尼公司还推出了《狮子王》的儿童图文书。 意大利和日本也分别有两部叫作《狮子王》的动画片。