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5 Task: Prescribe medicine to help an overweight woman.
Unit | Eight
Studying Medical Instructions
Study and Imitate 3 Here are instructions for taking two different medicines. Read the following
Unit | Eight
Window on Key Words
关怀 事情,问题;麻烦 头痛
牙齿检查 憎恨,不喜欢;牙钻 处方
3) Showing Concern for a Friend
A: What's the matter / trouble with you?
B: I've got a bad headache.
A: You should have dental checks more often.
B: Yeah. But I just hate to see the dental drill.
5) Giving a Prescription
A: What's wrong with you?
B: I couldn't sleep well.
Unit | Eight
From Fat to Fit
Unit | Eight
Unit Goals:
What You Should Learn to Do
1. See a doctor: patient's complaints
2. Inquire about symptoms
3. Give advice and write a prescription
Speak and Recite
Acting out the Tasks
Speak and Perform
Studying Medical Instructions Study and Imitate
Following Sample Dialogues Imitate and Perform
Putting Language to Use
1 Task: Complain of one's illness to a doctor.
2 Task: Show concern for a friend.
3 Task: Explain how to use the medicine.
4 Task: Give medical advice to a boy suffering from a toothache.
What You Should Know About
1. Health advice
2. Medical advances
3. Use of conjunctions
Unit | Eight
Unit | Eight
Section Ⅰ Talking Face to Face
Imitating Mini-Talks
2) Asking About Taking a Medicine A: How shall I take the medicine? B: Two pills a time, three times a day. A: Before or after meals? B: After meals.
instructions carefully and try to use the information to practice short dialogues.
Unit | Eight
Unit | Eight
Following Sample DialoguesLeabharlann Baidu
A: Have you seen a doctor?
B: Yeah. He asked me to have a good rest.
4) Giving Medical Advice
A: You've got another bad tooth.
B: Well, I often have very bad toothaches.
A: Let me prescribe the BEST medicine for you!
B: I know what you'll say. You want me to do
more exercise.
Unit | Eight
Acting out the Tasks
Speak and Perform 2 Work in pairs and act out the tasks by following the above mini-talks.
4. Understand and follow a doctor's advice and prescriptions
5. Comfort a patient
6. Understand and write a doctor's prescriptions and medical
Window on Key Words 糟糕的
1) Complaining of One's Illness to a Doctor A: Oh, doctor, I feel so terrible! B: Let's see. What seems to be the problem? A: My whole body hurts. B: Perhaps you've got a cold. Take this medicine.
Speak and Complete Speak and Communicate
Unit | Eight
SECTION I Talking Face to Face
Imitating Mini-Talks
Speak and Recite
1 Work in pairs. Practice the following mini-talks about seeing a doctor and complaining of health problems.