1. 《My Heart Will Go On》这首来自电影《泰坦尼克号》的歌曲,以极具感染力的旋律和歌词,刻画了一段刻骨铭心的恋情和难忘的离别,这首歌曲不仅成为电影精彩的配乐,更成为了永远不会倒下的经典之一。
3.《Goodbye My Lover》这首来自英国歌手詹姆斯·布朗的歌曲,以其缱绻悱恻的旋律和渲染人心的歌词,描绘了一段深深的感情悄然告别的场景。
4.《You're Beautiful》这首来自英国歌手詹姆斯·布拉德利的歌曲,以其着迷的声音和浪漫的旋律,唱出了一个人深深地爱上了一个女孩,然而他却只能默默地为她守护,因为他知道他们注定无法在一起的痛苦。
5.《Time to say goodbye》这首来自前奏乐队和女高音歌唱家莎拉·布莱曼合作的歌曲,以其雄浑壮丽的旋律和莎拉·布莱曼柔美惊人的演唱力,唱出一个人心灵深处最深刻的感慨,告别过去瑰丽的一切,开始新的旅程。
6.《The way we were》这首由芭芭拉·斯瑟顿演唱的歌曲,以其悠扬婉转的旋律和温馨的歌词,唱出了一段人们美好的过去,一段曾经的友情、一段珍贵而熟悉的回忆,让人不禁浮现出无比温馨的感伤。
7.《Yesterday Once More》这首来自卡朋特乐队的歌曲,以其流畅、和谐的旋律和清新的歌词,勾勒出一种按时光旋转的方式回溯过去,追寻属于自己的曾经。
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歌词Bye Bye Love
• Im saying goodbye to you (Im saying goodbye to you) • Im saying goodbye to you (Oh, Im saying goodbye to you) • Im saying goodbye to you (Say Goodbye) Im saying goodbye to you (Say Goodbye) (Bye, bye, love) • Im saying goodbye to you (Say Goodbye) (Bye, bye, love) • Im saying goodbye to you (Say Goodbye) (Bye, bye, love) • Im saying goodbye to you (Say Goodbye) (Say goodbye, bye, love) • Im saying goodbye to you I
• • • • •
I think I wanna stay single Maybe were better apart See I dont want a girl That, only wanna come back Cause, some other man broke her heart So Bye Bye Love Bye Love • So Bye Bye Love (Bye Love) Bye Love Yeah
• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Crazy how the tables turn It wasnt long ago that you turned your back, no Saying theres no way that we can work (We can work) And you were quick to move on to the next day Yeah And now that youre finding out Hes playing little games, you calling me again You say you want me around But Im not sure now if I wanna be down Soooo I think I wanna stay single Maybe were better apart See I dont want a girl That, only wanna come back Cause, some other man broke her heart
1. 《老友记》—任静:歌词简单直接,让每个毕业生回想起
2. 《阳光宅男》—华晨宇:这首歌词简单又深情,极具年轻
3. 《最后一课》—张学友:这首歌是一个经典的毕业歌曲,
4. 《燃烧我的卡路里》—林俊杰:这首歌充满了年轻人的活力,极富动感的旋律和劲爆的歌词能够让每个人跳得更high。
5. 《我乐意》—薛之谦:这是一首旋律欢快、情感明朗的快歌,歌词中充满了阳光和朝气,能够让每个人都感受到毕业舞会的喜悦。
6. 《草地小姐》—林忆莲:这首歌描绘了年轻人对未来的向
7. 《南山南》—张磊:这首歌以其深情的旋律引起了很多人的共鸣,它讲述了一个关于友情的故事,具有很强的感染力。
8. 《红日》—李克勤:这是一首热血澎湃的歌曲,歌词充满正能量,能够激发每个人的斗志和勇气,非常适合在毕业舞会上演唱。
1.《告别》- 张学友
2.《Time of Your Life (Good Riddance)》- Green Day
3.《朋友》- 五月天
4.《真的爱你》- Beyond
5.《天堂》- 张杰
6.《My Way》- Frank Sinatra
7.《忽然之间》- 陈奕迅
you raise me up歌词
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;依着你的 肩膀,让我变得如此坚强 You raise me up… To more than I can be.你唤醒了我 ,让我得以重生! You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;你唤醒 了我,让我得以屹立于高山之颠; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;你唤醒了我 ,让我得以遨游于大海之深 I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;依着你的 肩膀,让我变得如此坚强 You raise me up… To more than I can be.你唤醒了我 ,让我得以重生! You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;你唤醒 了我,让我得以屹立于高山之颠;
• 成员离队与陷入低谷
2004年3月9日,就在新单曲 《Obvious》刚 刚拿下排行榜Top3后,乐队成员Bryan以照顾家 人为由宣布离队。这个决定无疑给Westlife不小 的打击,自从1999年乐队成立以来,他们五个人 就像亲兄弟一样,其他人对此既伤心又惊讶。这 件事更让即将开始巡演的乐队陷入解散危机中。 传Bryan 离队真正原因是Mandy作为单曲发行以 及翻唱曲目的增多.而不是因为家庭的原因.Bryan McFadden喜欢自己创作音乐,这点与Westlife其 他人的观点不同.所以因为音乐理念不同,他还 是离开了组合,之后改名为Brian.
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;灵 魂伴随着失落的心变得如此厌倦; When troubles come and my heart burdened be; 心灵承受着烦恼带来的困惑; Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,然而 我却一直守侯在寂静的夜空 Until you come and sit a while with me.直到你 降临于我身旁的那一颗 You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;你 唤醒了我,让我得以屹立于高山之颠; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;你唤醒 了我,让我得以遨游于大海之深
beatiful world
Westlife在英国的单曲冠军记录仅次于猫王埃尔维斯普雷斯利Elvis Presley和甲壳虫乐队The Beatles,位居第3位。
说到WestLife,不知道大多数人的第一反应是不是他们的《You Raise Me Up》,但今天要介绍的这首歌是《Beautiful World》。
来自西城最后一张新歌加精选集《Greatest Hits》的新歌,MV收录了西城男孩出道14年的点点滴滴,这一切都将成为乐迷们永远珍惜的美好记忆。
就像歌中所唱的I never thought that I was that strong这个世界是美好的,总会有一个人,TA对你来说是特别的,是你的信仰,是你的希望。
有些人,遇到不知道是最好,下面就跟Alisa一起来听歌吧He had messed up one career.他已经把一份工作搞砸了。
I get lost, the cost was losing everything I've known.Laying here, staring at the ceiling.Sometimes still dealing with the feelings.Where I've been, what I've done, I'm so far out there on my own.So quick to point the finger, to find the one to blame.So hard to realize I kept getting in my own way.I never thought that I was that strong.To carry on, carry on tonightForgiveness in your eyes with nothing to hide.All I know, it's shown me it's a beautiful world.Oh, it's a beautiful world.(Oh~)No more fearing my reflectionHere I am with these imperfections.You know my flaws but you don't care, you take them all.Till now I was barely breathing.But you gave me something to believe in.We're writing history, life's made up of small victories.我们在书写历史,生活处处掌声与荣耀∙be made up of 由; 组成; 由组成; 构成The commission would be made up of officials named by state and federal leaders.∙be made up to 由……形成The work is made up of three huge female forms that seem to be dancing.∙be made up with 由……组成But today, a disruption to family fortunes can no longer be made up with extraincome from an otherwise-stay-at-home partner.但现如今,家庭财产的损失再也不可能通过呆在家里的配偶的额外收入来弥补了。
con te partiro 歌曲名
《Con te partirò》是一首非常著名的意大利歌曲,也被称为《Timeto Say Goodbye》。
在意大利语中,“Con te partirò”意为“我将与你离去”,歌曲的歌词充满了对爱人的深情告白和不舍之情。
《Con te partirò》的旋律优美动听,以其激昂的音乐和温暖的情感击中了听众的内心深处。
《Conte partirò》以爱和离别为主题,唤起了人们对爱情和亲情的思考。
《Con te partirò》这首歌曲不仅仅是一首意大利歌曲,更是一种情感的表达和共鸣。
《Con te partirò》这首歌曲以其激昂的旋律和深情的歌词,以及所传达的情感和内涵,深深触动了听众的心。
以下是一些适合追悼会的大提琴曲目,它们深沉而感人:1. 巴赫 (J.S. Bach)- 『降B小调大赞美曲』(Suite No. 5 in C Minor for Unaccompanied Cello, BWV 1011)- 这部作品的萧瑟和深沉的音乐氛围使其成为追悼场合的不错选择。
2. 法鲁克 - 『安魂曲』(Requiem)- 由法鲁克创作的《安魂曲》充满悲伤和肃穆感,适合表达对逝者的哀思。
3. 圣桑(Camille Saint-Saëns) - 『天鹅』(Le Cygne)- 这首曲子来自圣桑的《动物狂欢节》(Carnival of the Animals),是一首典雅而感人的大提琴独奏曲。
4. 德弗札克 (Antonín Dvořák)- 『悲怆弦乐四重奏』(String Quartet No. 12 in F Major, Op. 96 "American")- 这部弦乐四重奏中的慢板乐章,也被称为“美国四重奏”,充满了深情和哀思。
5. 拉赫玛尼诺夫 (Sergei Rachmaninoff) - 『小狗屋顶上的奏鸣曲』(Vocalise, Op. 34, No. 14)- 虽然原本是一首无言歌曲,但被改编为大提琴独奏后,充满了深情和悲伤的情感。
6. 费利克斯·门德尔松(Felix Mendelssohn) - 『第二号弦乐四重奏』(String Quartet No. 2 in A Minor, Op. 13)- 这部弦乐四重奏中的慢板乐章充满了悲愁和深情。
西城男孩有故事的歌有:1.《My Love》:这首歌是西城男孩的代表作之一,讲述了一个男人对心爱女人的深情告白。
2.《Swear It Again》:这首歌是西城男孩的经典之作,讲述了男人对爱情的坚守和承诺,表达了对爱情的忠诚和信仰。
3.《If I Let You Go》:这首歌是西城男孩的早期作品之一,讲述了一个男人为了心爱的女人放弃了一切,但最终还是无法留住她的故事。
4.《Flying Without Wings》:这首歌是西城男孩的经典歌曲之一,讲述了男人对爱情的渴望和追求。
5.《Seasons in the Sun》:这首歌是西城男孩的早期作品之一,讲述了一个男人在生命即将结束时对过去的回忆和对未来的期许。
6.《The Rose》:这首歌是西城男孩的翻唱歌曲,原唱为BetteMidler。
7.《I Have a Dream》:这首歌是西城男孩的经典歌曲之一,讲述了对自由、平等和美好未来的渴望。
8.《Uptown Girl》:这首歌是西城男孩的早期作品之一,讲述了一个男人对心爱女人的痴情与倾心, 歌词中流露出浓浓的爱意。
9.《A World Without You》:这首歌是西城男孩的早期作品之一,讲述了一个男人对失去爱情的痛苦和无助。
10.《What About Now》:这首歌是西城男孩的近期的作品之一,讲述了在艰难时刻相依为命的两个人之间的感情故事。
在2012年6月23日,在英国伦敦的Croke Park体育场,爱尔兰著名男子音乐团体Westlife 走上了告别舞台,为他们的粉丝们送上了一场难以忘怀的演唱会。
这场告别演唱会将伦敦的Croke Park体育场装扮成了一个巨大的音乐现场,充满了星光和热闹。
他们的歌曲包括了他们职业生涯中最受欢迎的经典旋律,如"My Love"、"Swear It Again"、"Flying Without Wings"以及"I Have A Dream"等。
歌曲 Last Ride of the Day(Nightwish)夜愿的重金属狂潮(中英文互译)
歌曲Last Ride of the Day(Nightwish)夜愿的重金属狂潮(中英文互译)"Last Ride of the Day" is the eleventh track from Finnish symphonic metal band Nightwish's seventh studio album Imaginaerum. This track was chosen as the official anthem for the Ice Hockey World Championships 2012 in Finland/Sweden.DJ Orkidea produced a remix of the song as the new entrance music of the Kiteen Pallo sports team, while Nightwish had previously created an early version of a song titled Kiteen Pallo for the team in the past. Both versions of the songs could be found on the website in the past, but have since been removed when the site was revamped for the release of Imaginaerum.剧院金属(美声金属)乐队夜愿是来自芬兰的国宝级乐队,其作品以恢弘大气、诡谲魔性的特点为人所知。
Westlife - 西域男孩
Shane是主唱 英文全名:Shane Steven Filan 是主唱 英文全名: 中文名:尚恩·斯蒂芬 菲南 昵称:老头 中文名:尚恩 斯蒂芬·菲南 昵称: 斯蒂芬 出生日期: 出生日期:1979年7月5日 年 月 日 出生地:爱尔兰, 出生地:爱尔兰,斯莱戈 (Sligo) 星座:巨蟹座 身高:175cm 星座: 身高: 家庭成员:父母,三个哥哥Finbarr, 家庭成员:父母,三个哥哥 , Peter,Liam,三个姐姐 Yvonne, , , , Denise,Mairead,妻子是 , ,妻子是Kian的 的 堂姐Gillian,女儿 堂姐 ,女儿Nicole Rose Filan 儿子Patrick Michael Filan, Shane Peter Flian 儿子 ,
Mark是主唱和高声部 英文全名:Markus Michael 是主唱和高声部 英文全名: Patrick Feehily 中文全名:马克 迈克尔 中文全名:马克·迈克尔 迈克尔· 帕特里克·菲海利 昵称: 帕特里克 菲海利 昵称:豚鼠 出生日期: 星座: 出生日期:1980.5.28 星座:双子座 身高: 出生地:爱尔兰, 身高:182cm 出生地:爱尔兰,斯莱戈 家庭成员:父母,两个弟弟Barry,Colin 家庭成员:父母,两个弟弟 男友是来自男子乐团V的 男友是来自男子乐团 的Kevin ,Mark 现和Kevin已订婚 现和 已订婚
注:本名Brian,为了便于签名将名字改成Bryபைடு நூலகம்n 本名 ,为了便于签名将名字改成
中文全名:布莱恩 尼古拉斯 尼古拉斯·麦克法丹 中文全名:布莱恩·尼古拉斯 麦克法丹 昵称: 出生日期: 昵称:BB 出生日期:1980年4月12日 年 月 日 出生地:爱尔兰,都柏林( 出生地:爱尔兰,都柏林(Dublin) ) 家庭成员:父母,一个妹妹Susan,原妻是原女子 家庭成员:父母,一个妹妹 , 乐团Atomic Kitten的成员 的成员Kerry,女儿 乐团 的成员 ,女儿Molly和Lily, 和 , 未婚妻是澳洲小天后Delta Goodrem,在恋爱七年后, 未婚妻是澳洲小天后 ,在恋爱七年后, 现已和Delta Goodrem分手 离队主要原因是很喜欢自己 分手.离队主要原因是很喜欢自己 现已和 分手 的创作,不喜欢翻唱,并且自己认为最好的单曲《 的创作,不喜欢翻唱,并且自己认为最好的单曲《Mandy》 》 获得了超低销量,所以以照顾家人的借口离队了。 获得了超低销量,所以以照顾家人的借口离队了。
接着,五位成员尽情献唱了一系列经典的歌曲,包括《Flying Without Wings》、《Uptown Girl》、《My Love》等。
他们在演唱会上也特别邀请了众多嘉宾加入表演,其中包括金曲歌后玛丽亚·凯莉(Mariah Carey)和男高音安德烈·波切利(Andrea Bocelli)。
演唱会的高潮部分是西城男孩最后一首演唱的歌曲《World of Our Own》。
No one knows about the thingsThat I've been through with youThere were times I'd drive you nearly mentalBut when your mad, you are still beautifulAnd I know that I'm punchin' way aboveSo lucky that we fell in loveSometimes I wonder am I enough?Cause you could have someone without a belly or a temper Perfect teeth, hair growing where it’s meant toYou know my lips are all that I can hold against youThis is all I'll ever need, you and IHello My LoveI’ve been searching for someone like youFor most my lifeHappiness ain’t a thing I’m used toYou could've fallen hard for anyonePlenty of fish in sea, hey nowFor all of time, now I knowIt's just my angel and meNo one know about all the good things you doWhen people take advantage of youYour heart is pure and so beautifulAnd I know that it's just the way you areFather's eyes but mother's daughterAnd you tell me that you don't give enoughAnd now I found someone with all the boxes I want ticked Cause your love is all I ever wantedSet my heart on fire, I needed somethingThis is all I wanted to be, you and IHello My LoveI’ve been searching for someone like youFor most of my lifeHappiness ain’t a thing I’m used toYou could've fallen hard for anyonePlenty of fish in sea, hey nowFor all of time, now I knowIt's just my angel and meCause you could have someone without a belly or a temper Perfect teeth, hair growing where it’s meant toYou know my lips are all that I can hold against youThis is all I'll ever needYou and I You and IHello My LoveI’ve been searching for someone like youFor most of my lifeHappiness ain’t a thing I’m used toYou could've fallen hard for anyonePlenty of fish in sea, hey nowFor all of time, now I knowIt's just my angel and me You and I had something special, baby Something that you only see on movie screens I know lately I’ve been missing you like crazy Oh why, why d’you let me in just to let me go Most guys will get high when feeling lowBut I don’t think that that’s the way to go Sometimes I’ll be sitting on my own Thinking ’bout life, thinking ’bout you and me How do you lose the one you loveAfter giving it all, you gave it upAnd maybe my love wasn’t enoughYou think you know, but you never canHow do you lose your only planOh darling, just give me one more chance And I’ll give you everything I haveI’ll try to be a better manI felt things when we were nakedI saw an angel, but they’ve hidden their wings I know everyone’s got that special babyOh I, now I only see you in my dreamsMost guys will get high when feeling lowBut I don’t think that’s the way to go Sometimes I’ll be sitting on my own Thinking ’bout life, thinking ’bout you and me How do you lose the one you loveAfter giving it all, you gave it upAnd maybe my love wasn’t enoughYou think you know, but you never canHow do you lose your only planOh darling, just give me one more chance And I’ll give you everything I haveI’ll try to be a better manI’ve been up and I’ve been downAin’t that just what love’s aboutYou took the words right out my mouthIf you feel it, say it nowIt’s been a while, but I’ve figured it outBut ain’t that just what love’s aboutYou took the words right out my mouthIf you feel it, say it nowHow do you lose the one you loveAfter giving it all, you gave it upAnd maybe my love wasn’t enoughYou think you know, but you never canHow do you lose your only planOh darling, just give me one more chance And I’ll give you everything I haveI’ll try to be a better manI wanna know who ever told you I was letting go ofthe only joy that I have ever knowngirl they were lyingjust look around and all of the people that we used to know have just given up they wanna let it gobut we're still tryingso you should know this love we share was never made to die I'm glad we're on this one-way streetjust you and I,just you and II'm never gonna say goodbyecause I never wanna see you cryI swore to you my love would remainand I swear it all over again and II'm never gonna treat you badcause I never wanna see you sadI swore to share your joy and your painand I'd swear it all over againsome people say that everything has got its place and time even the day must give way to the nightbut I'm not buyingcause in your eyes I see a love that burns eternallyand if you see how beautiful you are to meyou'll know I'm not lyingsure there'll be times we wanna say goodbyebut even if we triedthere are some things in this lifewon't be denied,won't be deniedI'm never gonna say goodbyecause I never wanna see you cryI swore to you my love would remainand I swear it all over again and II'm never gonna treat you badcause I never wanna see you sadI swore to share your joy and your painand I'd swear it all over againthe more I see of you is the more I know I love youthe more that I'm sure I want you for ever and ever more and the more that you love me and the more that I knowoh that I'm never gonna let you go gotta let you know that I I'm never gonna say goodbyecause I never wanna see you cryI swore to you my love would remainand I swear it all over again and II'm never gonna treat you badcause I never wanna see you sadI swore to share your joy and your painand I'd swear it all over againall over againall over againI'd swear it over again Shadows fill an empty heart as love is fadingFrom all the things that we are but are not sayingCan we see beyond the scarsAnd make it to the dawn?Change the colors of the skyAnd open up to the ways you made me feel aliveThe ways I loved you, for all the things that never diedTo make it through the night love will find youWhat about now? What about today?What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?What if our love never went away?What if it's lost behind words we could never find?Baby, before it's too late, what about now?The sun is breaking in your eyes to start a new dayThis broken heart can still survive with a touch of your grace Shadows fade into the lightI am by your side where love will find youWhat about now? What about today?What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?What if our love never went away?What if it's lost behind words we could never find?Baby, before it's too late, what about now?Now that we're hereNow that we've come this far, just hold onThere is nothing to fear, for I am right beside youFor all my life, I am yoursWhat about now? What about today?What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?What if our love never went away?What if it's lost behind words we could never find?What about now? What about today?What if you're making me all that I was meant to be?What if our love never went away?What if it's lost behind words we could never find?Baby, before it's too lateBaby, before it's too lateBaby, before it's too lateWhat about now?An empty streetAn empty houseA hole inside my heartI'm all aloneThe rooms are getting smallerI wonder how ,I wonder why ,I wonder where they are The days we hadThe songs we sang togetherAnd all my love I'm holding on foreverReaching for the love that seems so farSo I say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue to see you once again, my love Over seas from coast to coastTo find the place I love the mostWhere the fields are green to see you once again, my loveI try to readI go to workI'm laughing with my friendsBut I can't stopTo keep myself from thinking, oh, noI wonder how ,I wonder why ,I wonder where they are The days we hadThe songs we sang togetherAnd all my love I'm holding on foreverReaching for the love that seems so farSo I say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue to see you once again, my love Over seas from coast to coastTo find the place I love the mostWhere the fields are green to see you once againTo hold you in my armsTo promise you my loveTo tell you from the heartYou're all I'm thinking ofReaching for the love that seems so farSo, so I say a little prayerAnd hope my dreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue to see you once again, my love Over seas from coast to coastTo find the place I love the mostWhere the fields are green to see you once again, my love Say a little prayerMy sweet loveDreams will take me thereWhere the skies are blue to see you once again, oh, my love Over seas from coast to coastTo find the place I love the mostWhere the fields are green to see you once again, my love She's a 5 foot 10 in catsuit and bambi eyesEverybody who's staring wouldn't believe that this girl was mineI should have known I was wrongWhen I left her for a life in pityBut they say you never miss the water until it's goneGuess I failed to love youAnd you're taking it out tonight[Chorus:]How am I supposed to leave you nowWhen you're looking like that?I can't believe what I just gave awayNow I can't take it backI don't wanna get lostI don't wanna live my life without youHow am I supposed to leave you nowWhen you're looking like that?She's all dressed up for glamour and rock and rollWanna squeeze her real tight get out of this placeIf only I could take controlBut she's out of my reach foreverAnd just a week ago she lied next to meIt's so ironic how I had to lose just to seeThat I failed to love youAnd you're taking it out tonight[Chorus]I don't wanna forget youI don't even wanna tryHow am I supposed to walk on by when you're looking like that?How am I supposed to leave you?I can't believe what I just gave away (Oh no baby)'Coz I can't take it backI'm lost I don't wanna live my life baby without youHow am I supposed to leave you nowWhen you're looking like that[Chorus x2]Uptown girlShe's been living in her uptown worldI bet she never had a back street guyI bet her mama never told her whyI'm gonna try for an uptown girlShe's been living in her white bread world As long as anyone with hot blood canAnd now she's looking for a downtown man That's what I amAnd when she knows whatShe wants from her timeAnd when she wakes upAnd makes up her mindShe'll see I'm not so toughJust becauseI'm in love with an uptown girlYou know I've seen her in her uptown world She's getting tired of her high class toys And all her presents from her uptown boys She's got a choiceUptown girlYou know I can't afford to buy her pearls But maybe someday when my ship comes in She'll understand what kind of guy I've been And then I'll winAnd when she's walkingShe's looking so fineAnd when she's talkingShe'll say that she's mineShe'll say I'm not so toughJust becauseI'm in loveWith an uptown girlShe's been living in her white bread world As long as anyone with hot blood canAnd now she's looking for a downtown man That's what I amUptown girlShe's my uptown girlYou know I'm in loveWith an uptown girlMy uptown girlYou know I'm in loveWith an uptown girlMy uptown girlYou know I'm in loveWith an uptown girlMy uptown girl I remember all my lifeRaining down as cold as iceShadows of a manA face through a windowCrying in the nightThe night goes intoMorning, just another dayHappy people pass my wayLooking in their eyesI see a memoryI never realizedHow happy you made me oh Mandy[Chorus:]Well you came and you gave without takingBut I sent you away, oh MandyWell you kissed me and stopped me from shaking And I need you today, oh MandyI'm standing on the edge of timeI Walked away when love was mineCaught up in a world of uphill climbingThe tears are on my mindAnd nothing is rhyming, oh Mandy [Chorus]Yesterday's a dream I face the morningCrying on the breezeThe pain is calling, oh Mandy[Chorus]You came and you gave without takingBut I sent you away, oh MandyWell you kissed me and stopped me from shaking And I need you...Oh Mandy won't you listen to what I've got to say Oh Mandy don't you let me throw it all awayOh Mandy won't you listen to what I've got to say And I need you today, oh MandyDay after dayTime passed awayAnd I just can't get you off my mindNobody knows, I hide it insideI keep on searching but I can't findThe courage to show to letting you knowI've never felt so much love beforeAnd once again I'm thinking aboutTaking the easy way outBut if I let you go I will never knowWhat my life would be holding you close to meWill I ever see you smiling back at me? ([Shane:] oh yeah) How will I know[Shane:] if I let you go?Night after night I hear myself sayWhy can't this feeling just fade awayThere's no one like you (no one like you)You speak to my heart (speak to my heart)It's such a shame we're worlds apartI'm too shy to ask, I'm too proud to loseBut sooner or later I gotta chooseAnd once again I'm thinking aboutTaking the easy way outBut if I let you go I will never knowWhat my life would be, holding you close to meWill I ever see you smiling back at me? (oh yeah)How will I know[Shane:] if I let you go ?If I let you go ooooh babyOoooooooohhhhhOnce again I'm thinking aboutTaking the easy way outOoooooooohhhhhBut if I let you go I will never knowWhat my life would be, holding you close to me ([Mark:] close to me)Will I ever see you smiling back at me? ([Shane:] oh yeah)How will I know([Bryan:] if I let you go?)But if I let you go I will never know([Mark:] oh baby)Will I ever see you smiling back at me? ([Shane:] oh yeah)How will I know[Shane:] if I let you go ? Another summer day,Has come and gone away,In Paris and Rome,But I want to go home,MmmmmmMaybe surrounded by,A million people I,Still feel all alone,I just want to go home,Oh I miss you, you know,And I've been keeping all the letters,That I wrote to you,Each one a line or two,I'm fine, baby, how are you,Well I would send them but,I know that it's just not enough,The words were cold and flat,And you deserve more than that.Another aeroplane,Another sunny place,I'm lucky, I know,But I want to go home,I've got to go home,Let me go homeI'm just too far,From where you are,I've got to come home,Let me go home,I've had my run,Baby, I'm done,I want to come homeAnd I feel just like I'm living,Someone else's life,It's like I just stepped outside,When everything was going right,And I know just why you could not come along with me, 'Cause this was not your dream,But you always believed in me,Another winter dayHas come and gone away,In either Paris or Rome,And I want to go home,I miss you, you know,Let me go home,I've had my run,Baby, I'm done,I want to go home,Let me go home,It'll all be alright,I'll be home tonight,I'm coming back home.This isn't goodbye, even as I watch you leave, this isn't goodbyeI swear I won't cry, even as tears fill my eyes, I swear I won't cryAny other girl, I'd let you walk awayAny other girl, I'm sure I'd be okTell me what makes a manWanna give you all his heartSmile when you're aroundAnd cry when you're apartIf you know what makes a manWanna love you the way I doGirl you gotta let me knowSo I can get over youWhat makes her so right?Is it the sound of her laugh?That look in her eyesWhen do you decide?She is the dream that you seekThat force in your lifeWhen you apologize, no matter who was wrongWhen you get on your knees if that would bring her home Tell me what makes a manWanna give you all his heartSmile when you're aroundAnd cry when you're apartIf you know what makes a manWanna love you the way I doGirl you gotta let me knowSo I can get over youOther girls will come along, they always doBut what's the point when all I ever want is you, tell meTell me what makes a manWanna give you all his heartSmile when you're aroundAnd cry when you're apartIf you know what makes a manWanna love you the way I doGirl you gotta let me know..... (let me know)Girl you gotta let me know..... (wooo)So I can get over you When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary, When troubles come and my heart burdened be Then I am still and wait here in the silence Until you come and sit awhile with me.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas.I am strong when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up to more than I can be.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas.I am strong when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up to more than I can be.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas.I am strong when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up to more than I can be.You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains. You raise me up to walk on stormy seas.I am strong when I am on your shoulders. You raise me up to more than I can be.You raise me up to more than I can be.[Shane:]Everybody's looking for that something One thing that makes it all completeYou'll find it in the strangest placesPlaces you never knew it could beSome find it in the face of their children Some find it in their lover's eyesWho can deny the joy it bringsWhen you've found that special thingYou're flying without wings[Mark:]Some find it sharing every morningSome in their solitary nightsYou'll find it in the words of othersA simple line can make you laugh or cryYou'll find it in the deepest friendshipThe kind you cherish all your lifeAnd when you know how much that means You've found that special thingYou're flying without wingsSo impossible as they may seemYou've got to fight for every dream‘Cause who's to know which one you let go Would have made you complete[Shane:]Well, for me it's waking up beside youTo watch the sunrise on your faceTo know that I can say I love youAt any given time or place[Mark:]It's little things that only I knowThose are the things that make you mine And it's like flying without wings‘Cause you're my special thingI'm flying without wings[Shane:]And you're the place my life beginsAnd you'll be where it ends[Mark:]I'm flying without wingsAnd that's the joy you bringI'm flying without wings You make me feel funnyWhen you come aroundYeah that's what I found out honeyWhat am I doing without youYou make me feel happyWhen I leave you behindIt plays on my mind now honeyWhat am I doing without youTook for granted everything we hadAs if I'd find someoneWho's just like youWe got a little world of our ownI'll tell you things that no one else knowsI let you in where no-one else goesWhat am I doing without youAnd all of the things I've been looking forHave always been here outside of my doorAnd all of the time I'm looking for something newWhat am I doing without youWell I guess I'm readyFor settling downAnd fooling around is overAnd I swear that it's trueNo buts or maybesWhen I'm falling downThere's always someone who saves me And girl it's you Funny how life can be so surprisingI'm just realising what you doWe got a little world of our ownI'll tell you things that no one else knowsI let you in where no-one else goesWhat am I doing without youAnd all of the things I've been looking forHave always been here outside of my doorAnd all of the time I'm looking for something new What am I doing without youWell it's feeling right nowSo let's do it right nowPraying that some howYou will understand the wayIt's feeling right now baby somehowI won't let this slip awayWe got a little world of our ownI'll tell you things that no one else knowsI let you in where no-one else goesWhat am I doing without youAnd all of the things I've been looking forHave always been here outside of my doorAnd all of the time I'm looking for something new What am I doing without youLast night I thought I was dreaming’cause things like you don't usually happen to me Outside, the stars are the ceilingWe sang to the moon then we danced underneathI fell so hard but you kissed so softI felt my heart couldn't beat enoughYou pulled me closer and called my bluffI am in love, I am enoughSleeping in on Sunday morning, I amLying next to youDarling, if we're falling sparks will fly andIgnite the fuse(Like dynamite)We are exploding colors that shining purple and green and red (In the sky)Love is unfolding before our eyes and lighting the way ahead (Like fireflies)This is a memory in our minds and we will never forget (You and I)We are the love and we are the night, we areDynamiteFirst love with a reasonDarling, hold my hand and take my heartSay love once more with a feelingAnd kiss me slow in the back of the carI drop my guard, let you inThis love is ours, it's everythingAnd we both know, it's simple stuffWe are in love, we are enoughSleeping in on Monday morning, I amLying next to youAnd darling, if we're falling sparks will fly andIgnite the fuse(Like dynamite)We are exploding colors that shining purple and green and red (In the sky)Love is unfolding before our eyes and lighting the way ahead (Like fireflies)This is a memory in our minds and we will never forget (You and I)We are the love and we are the night, we are DynamiteWe are exploding colors that shining purple and green and red We are exploding colors that shining purple and green and red (In the sky)Love is unfolding before our eyes and lighting the way ahead (Like fireflies)This is a memory in our minds that we will never forget (You and I)We are the love and we are the night, we areDynamite "Shallow"(from "A Star Is Born" soundtrack)[Bradley Cooper:]Tell me somethin' girlAre you happy in this modern world?Or do you need more?Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?I'm fallingIn all the good times I find myself longin' for change And in the bad times I fear myself[Lady Gaga:]Tell me something boyAren't you tired tryin' to fill that void?Or do you need more?Ain't it hard keeping it so hardcore?I'm fallingIn all the good times I find myself longin' for change And in the bad times I fear myselfI'm off the deep end, watch as I dive inI'll never meet the groundCrash through the surface, where they can't hurt us We're far from the shallow now[Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper:]In the sha-ha-sha-ha-lowIn the sha-ha-sha-la-la-la-lowIn the sha-ha-sha-ha-ha-lowWe're far from the shallow now[Lady Gaga:]WooaaaahWoaaaaaaaaaaahI'm off the deep end, watch as I dive inI'll never meet the groundCrash through the surface, where they can't hurt us We're far from the shallow now[Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper:]In the sha-ha-sha-ha-lowIn the sha-ha-sha-la-la-la-lowIn the sha-ha-sha-ha-ha-lowWe're far from the shallow now。
Give Me All I Need
Is Fantasy Oh Fantasy Forever 炎夏过后秋复返
Give Me All I Need
Is Fantasy Oh Fantasy Forever 点起恋火抚灼我
Give Me All I Need
Is Fantasy Oh Fantasy Forever 风中飘着异土的引诱
Give Me All I Need
Is Fantasy Oh Fantasy Forever 点起恋火抚灼我
Give Me All I Need
Is Fantasy Oh Fantasy Forever。
他们的崛起始于1999年,他们的单曲《Swear It Again》登上了英国和爱尔兰的音乐排行榜榜首。
此后,他们相继发布了一系列热门单曲,包括《If I Let You Go》、《My Love》和《Uptown Girl》等。
彼时,我用柔软得仿佛随时可以渗出泪水的心,感受着这样的歌词:“I wanna change the world only for you.(我只想为你改变世界。
你最喜欢的他们的《uptown girl》,你说是因为这首歌有别于其他的歌曲的曲风。
一直都觉得歌词很好,很能概括当时的心情“This love is unbreakable ,it`s unmistakable.”我们都不喜欢的一首歌就是“I have a dream”。