中国茶文化英文 PPT
Chinese Tea Culture.中国茶文化[优质PPT]
![Chinese Tea Culture.中国茶文化[优质PPT]](
Shen Nung Tasted Plants
The Discovery of Tea
One summer day, while on a state visit to a distant part of his realm, he and the court stopped to rest. Accordingly, servants began boiling water for the royal court to drink. By chance, the wind blew dried leaves from a near by bush, into the boiling water and a brown substance was infused into the liquid. As a gifted herbalist and scientist the Emperor was interested in the newly blended concoction混合物. He examined its properties and after sipping and tasting he declared it to be…”MOST REFRESHING!”
The Discovery of Tea The History of tea in China
The Discovery of Tea
According to legend, in 2737 BC, Emperor SHEN NUNG a notably skilled ruler, scientist, scholar and patron守护神 of the arts, ruled China’s vast empire. His many farsighted edicts法令 included the requirement that all drinking water be boiled as a hygienic precaution.
The Discovery of Tea
One summer day, while on a state visit to a distant part of his realm, he and the court stopped to rest. Accordingly, servants began boiling water for the royal court to drink. By chance, the wind blew dried leaves from a near by bush, into the boiling water and a brown substance was infused into the liquid. As a gifted herbalist and scientist the Emperor was interested in the newly blended concoction混合物. He examined its properties and after sipping and tasting he declared it to be…”MOST REFRESHING!”
The Discovery of Tea The History of tea in China
The Discovery of Tea
According to legend, in 2737 BC, Emperor SHEN NUNG a notably skilled ruler, scientist, scholar and patron守护神 of the arts, ruled China’s vast empire. His many farsighted edicts法令 included the requirement that all drinking water be boiled as a hygienic precaution.

Flower Tea
Good for Girls
Rose Tea
Good for your skin Good for your throat Relieve your stress
Lavender Tea
Whiten your skin Help hes
Relieve summerheat Make your bones stronger Good for your heart Good for your stomach Prevent cancer
Puerh Tea
Reduce blood-pressure Prevent cancer Protect your teeth Good for your stomach Make your eyes brighter Help lose weight Good for your skin
Morning T
Chinese Art of Tea
Tea , good for health and beauty
Green Tea
Whiten your skin Prevent cancer
Lemon Tea
Help lose weight Whiten your skin
Black Tea
1.Make a cup of green tea.
2.Cut one third of a lemon to pieces and put them into the green tea.
3.Add a spoonful of honey and stir it up . And you can enjoy it.
Enjoy Tea! Enjoy your Life!

谈到中国的茶叶,可以追溯到远古时代,它是从唐代与宋代兴 盛起来的。
We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
1998年中国国际和平茶文化交流馆建成。随着茶文化的兴起,各地茶 艺馆越办越多。国际茶文化研讨会已开到第五界,吸引了日、韩、美、 斯及港台地区纷纷参加。各省各市及主产茶县份份主办“茶叶节”, 如福建武夷市的岩茶节、云南的普洱茶节,浙江新昌、泰顺、湖北英 山、河南信阳的茶叶节不胜枚举。都以茶为载体,促进全面的经济贸 易发展。
(4) Liuan guapian
•Green tea; •Anhui province; piece tea; • designated as the special tea for the Central Military Commission of China;被中国中央 军事委员会指定为特殊茶
新中国成立后,我国茶叶从1949的年产7500T发展到1998年的60余万T。茶 物质财富的大量增加为我国茶文化的发展提供了坚实的基础,1982年,在 杭州成立了第一个以宏扬茶文化为宗旨的社会团体--“茶人之家”,1983年 湖北成立“陆羽茶文化研究会”,1990年“中国茶人联谊会”在北京成立, 1993年“中国国际茶文化研究会”在湖洲成立,1991年中国茶叶博物馆在 杭州西湖乡正式开放。
1998 China International Tea Cultural Exchange Center established peace. With the emergence of tea culture, tea houses around more to do more. International Tea Culture Seminarh sector, has attracted Japanese, Korean, United States, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong and Taiwan have joined. Main producing provinces and cities and counties were organized tea "tea Festival", such as Fujian Wuyi Rock Tea Festival City, Yunnan Pu'er tea festival, Zhejiang Xinchang, Taishun, Hubei British Hill, Xinyang tea festival too numerous to mention. All the tea as the carrier, to promote comprehensive economic and trade development
We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
1998年中国国际和平茶文化交流馆建成。随着茶文化的兴起,各地茶 艺馆越办越多。国际茶文化研讨会已开到第五界,吸引了日、韩、美、 斯及港台地区纷纷参加。各省各市及主产茶县份份主办“茶叶节”, 如福建武夷市的岩茶节、云南的普洱茶节,浙江新昌、泰顺、湖北英 山、河南信阳的茶叶节不胜枚举。都以茶为载体,促进全面的经济贸 易发展。
(4) Liuan guapian
•Green tea; •Anhui province; piece tea; • designated as the special tea for the Central Military Commission of China;被中国中央 军事委员会指定为特殊茶
新中国成立后,我国茶叶从1949的年产7500T发展到1998年的60余万T。茶 物质财富的大量增加为我国茶文化的发展提供了坚实的基础,1982年,在 杭州成立了第一个以宏扬茶文化为宗旨的社会团体--“茶人之家”,1983年 湖北成立“陆羽茶文化研究会”,1990年“中国茶人联谊会”在北京成立, 1993年“中国国际茶文化研究会”在湖洲成立,1991年中国茶叶博物馆在 杭州西湖乡正式开放。
1998 China International Tea Cultural Exchange Center established peace. With the emergence of tea culture, tea houses around more to do more. International Tea Culture Seminarh sector, has attracted Japanese, Korean, United States, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong and Taiwan have joined. Main producing provinces and cities and counties were organized tea "tea Festival", such as Fujian Wuyi Rock Tea Festival City, Yunnan Pu'er tea festival, Zhejiang Xinchang, Taishun, Hubei British Hill, Xinyang tea festival too numerous to mention. All the tea as the carrier, to promote comprehensive economic and trade development

fatigue SYN: exhaustion
在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静 之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤 烦益思、振奋精神。
You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm.
Chinese Tea Ceremony
Chinese tea art is not only the combination of tea and art, but also an art of life.
Procedures of the Kung Fu tea ceremony: ♣ Heating cups. (温具) ♣ Setting tea. (置茶) ♣ Washing tea. (洗茶) ♣ Making tea. (冲泡) ♣ Drinking and enjoying the tea. (品茶)
♣ China is the initial place of tea and also the first country to discover the tea tree and make use of it.
♣ Early back to primitive society, tea has been used as medicine. Tea has been found in the record documents of Zhou dynasty. And the market of tea appeared in 100BC.
在百忙之中泡上一壶浓茶,择雅静 之处,自斟自饮,可以消除疲劳、涤 烦益思、振奋精神。
You may also imbibe it slowly in small sips to appreciate the subtle allure of tea-drinking, until your spirits soar up and up into a sublime aesthetic realm.
Chinese Tea Ceremony
Chinese tea art is not only the combination of tea and art, but also an art of life.
Procedures of the Kung Fu tea ceremony: ♣ Heating cups. (温具) ♣ Setting tea. (置茶) ♣ Washing tea. (洗茶) ♣ Making tea. (冲泡) ♣ Drinking and enjoying the tea. (品茶)
♣ China is the initial place of tea and also the first country to discover the tea tree and make use of it.
♣ Early back to primitive society, tea has been used as medicine. Tea has been found in the record documents of Zhou dynasty. And the market of tea appeared in 100BC.

柴早 米晨 油起 盐来 酱七 醋件 茶事 。,
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
The History Of Tea Drinking
“Shen Nong tasted
a hundred herbs,
at seventy case of
drugs, have tea and
bad health.
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
Categories Of Tea
It warms the stomach
and helps with digestion.
It is most suitable
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
Other Uses of Tea
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
Other Uses Of Tea
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
the tea in Tang Dynasty and
the pre-Tang times.
tea seh i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
Categories of Tea
C h i n e s e T e a C u l t u r e 2024/7/10
Chinese tea culture中国茶文化英文[优质ppt]
![Chinese tea culture中国茶文化英文[优质ppt]](
The Chinese tea ceremony thoughts is the fusion of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism. The core of Chinese tea ceremony spirit is 'harmonious'.
中国茶道融合了儒、道、佛学思想, 其核心精神是“和”。
➢It is said that the first person to discover the effects of tea was Sheng Nong –the father of agriculture and herbal medicine in China.
TIthiesrseaisdathfatmSohuesnleNgoenngdtorife“d 7S2hedniffNeorenngtTkaisntdinsgoAf HpouinsdorneoduPs lpalnatnst”s i.nOandeadyaayn, adfhteerlwayaloknintghefogrraoulonndg, tbiamrel,ySahleivneN. Aotngthfiesltmtoirmedenatn,dhtehnirostiyc,esdosheevererastled urantdheerr afrtargereanatnldeastvaersteddroapfpirinegtofrboomiltwheatterreeinbaepsiodte. Shuimdd. eOnultyosfocmueriolesaitvyesanfedllhianbtoit,thSehepnotNfornogmpautnethaerby tlereaev.eSshinetnoNhoisnmg doruatnhkatnhdecwhaetweerdanthdefmou.nAdftietrnaotlittle ownhliyleswheefetlatnwdetlal satnyd, beuntefrrgeesthicenaginagina.sSwo ehlel.pHieckfeedlt lmesosretirleadv, essotwoeenattoanndtothdurisndkeatlol xthifeiewd ahtiesrbforodmy atnhde palol tt.he poison.
中国茶道融合了儒、道、佛学思想, 其核心精神是“和”。
➢It is said that the first person to discover the effects of tea was Sheng Nong –the father of agriculture and herbal medicine in China.
TIthiesrseaisdathfatmSohuesnleNgoenngdtorife“d 7S2hedniffNeorenngtTkaisntdinsgoAf HpouinsdorneoduPs lpalnatnst”s i.nOandeadyaayn, adfhteerlwayaloknintghefogrraoulonndg, tbiamrel,ySahleivneN. Aotngthfiesltmtoirmedenatn,dhtehnirostiyc,esdosheevererastled urantdheerr afrtargereanatnldeastvaersteddroapfpirinegtofrboomiltwheatterreeinbaepsiodte. Shuimdd. eOnultyosfocmueriolesaitvyesanfedllhianbtoit,thSehepnotNfornogmpautnethaerby tlereaev.eSshinetnoNhoisnmg doruatnhkatnhdecwhaetweerdanthdefmou.nAdftietrnaotlittle ownhliyleswheefetlatnwdetlal satnyd, beuntefrrgeesthicenaginagina.sSwo ehlel.pHieckfeedlt lmesosretirleadv, essotwoeenattoanndtothdurisndkeatlol xthifeiewd ahtiesrbforodmy atnhde palol tt.he poison.
中国茶文化 英文ppt

Chinese Tea Ceremony
Chinese Tea Ceremony
茶 • 元稹《一字至七字诗 茶》 元稹《一字至七字诗·茶 至七字诗 香叶 嫩芽 慕诗客 爱僧家 碾雕白玉 罗织红纱 铫煎黄蕊色 碗转曲尘花 夜后邀陪明月 晨前命对朝霞 洗尽古今人不倦 洗尽古今 人不倦 将至醉后岂堪夸
The Top Ten Chinese Tea
Some Famous Tea in China (1)西湖龙井茶 西湖龙井茶
West Lake longjing tea •绿茶 green tea; •中国十大名茶之一 one of the top ten Chinese tea, •30多个品牌 more than 30 brands; •中国政府机构每年都购买超过100kgs的茶叶 the central government of China buy more than100kgs every year;
Some Famous Tea in China
(5)卢山云雾茶 Lusan yunwu tea; (6)信阳毛尖茶 Xinyang maojian tea; (7)铁观音茶 Tie guanyin tea; (8)武夷岩茶 Wuyi rock tea;
Tea Drinking and Appreciation
The Discovery of Tea
According to Lu Yu’s Tea Scripture, tea drinking in china can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty:”Tea was discovered by Shennong and became popular as a drink in the state of Lu because of Zhou Gong.” 据陆羽《茶经》记载:“茶之为饮,发乎神农氏, 闻于鲁周公。”

Longjing , Bi Luo Chun , Rain Flower
black tea
processing:Fresh tea leaves -Withered -Rolled- Fully fermented- Dried
feature:red soup, red leaves,sweet, mellow, reduce the incorporation of cholesterol into mixed micelles
Thank you!
feamous tea Baihao Yinzheng
White Peony Tea
Shou Mei tea
茶壶 Teapot 茶杯 Teacup 茶盘 Teaboard 茶托Teacup Holder 茶海 Warm pitcher 茶洗 Tea Wash 茶仓 Tea Canister 茶荷 Tea Holder
Origin and Culture
the Types of Tea
Tea Sets
Making Tea
Savoring Tea
Violet Water
A Chinese old saying gose : Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day.
Porcelain tea sets
紫砂壶Sand-fired Pot
Porcelain tea sets
black tea
processing:Fresh tea leaves -Withered -Rolled- Fully fermented- Dried
feature:red soup, red leaves,sweet, mellow, reduce the incorporation of cholesterol into mixed micelles
Thank you!
feamous tea Baihao Yinzheng
White Peony Tea
Shou Mei tea
茶壶 Teapot 茶杯 Teacup 茶盘 Teaboard 茶托Teacup Holder 茶海 Warm pitcher 茶洗 Tea Wash 茶仓 Tea Canister 茶荷 Tea Holder
Origin and Culture
the Types of Tea
Tea Sets
Making Tea
Savoring Tea
Violet Water
A Chinese old saying gose : Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day.
Porcelain tea sets
紫砂壶Sand-fired Pot
Porcelain tea sets

Tea in Daily Life
“Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea are the seven necessities to begin a day.”
Cu Cha Dan Fann 粗茶淡饭: coarse tea and tasteless dinner
Shen Nong Shi, the God of Agriculture, was believed to be the first to discover tea. In his “Book of Herbs”(神农本草经), it says that “Shen Nong shi personally tasted hundreds of species of herbs and he was hit by 72 poisons in a single day. But he used a kind of tree leaves to ease his case and it turned out to be tea tree."
Chinese Tea Culture
Top Ten Tea of China
The details about Chinese Tea Culture
1.The History of Tea
2.The Classification of Chinese Tea
♣ However, it is the Portuguese (葡萄牙人)and Dutch ( 荷兰人)who claim the credit bringing tea and tea drinking to Europe.The Portuguese opened up the sea routes to China, some say as early as 1515. Jesuit priests travelling on the ships brought the tea drinking habit back to Portugal.

Qianlong visited West Lake during one of his famous holidays. He went to the Hu Gong Temple under the Lion Peak Mountain (Shi Feng Shan) and was presented with a cup of Longjing tea. In front of the Hu Gong Temple were 18 tea bushes. Emperor Qianlong was so impressed by the Longjing tea produced here that he conferred these 18 tea bushes special imperial status.
History& Classification of Tea Top Ten Tea of China Longjing Tea from West Lake(History、 Classification、How to purchase)
History of the Tea
The premium early season first-picking known as Ming Qian or Pre-Qingming (or Before Ching Ming) Longjing tea requires it to be produced from the first spring shoots prior to the Qingming Festival on the 5th of April each year (approximately). The production cycle is very short, usually only ten days before Qingming every year. Tea picked after this period is of a lower grade called Yuqian Longjing (雨前龙井), or "Dragon Well Before the Rain". Pure Brightness(清明) Grain Rain(谷雨)

• Tieguanyin is produced in Anxi 安溪, Fujian Province.
• tealeaves: dark green in color, similar to that of iron
• Legend: monk and Goddess Guanyin.
• It is said that tieguanyin has such a strong aroma that even after adding water to the teapot seven times, one can still enjoy the pleasant taste and fragrance.
• Biluochun Tea from Jiangsu 螺春
Longjing Tea 龙井
a top-grade green tea from Longjing, West Lake, Hangzhou
Four characteristics: green in color 色绿 fragrant in smell 香郁 sweet in taste 味醇 beautiful in appearance形美
• “Tea Jing”(茶经) written by Lu Yu in 760AD was the first book of tea in the world, which promote the development of tea culture.
Shennong Tasted Plants
Lu Yu(陆羽): Sage of Tea
Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty is respected as the Sage of Tea(茶圣) for his contribution to Chinese tea culture. He is best known for his book the Classic of Tea (茶经), which is the first monograph专题著 作on cultivating, making and drinking tea in the world
• tealeaves: dark green in color, similar to that of iron
• Legend: monk and Goddess Guanyin.
• It is said that tieguanyin has such a strong aroma that even after adding water to the teapot seven times, one can still enjoy the pleasant taste and fragrance.
• Biluochun Tea from Jiangsu 螺春
Longjing Tea 龙井
a top-grade green tea from Longjing, West Lake, Hangzhou
Four characteristics: green in color 色绿 fragrant in smell 香郁 sweet in taste 味醇 beautiful in appearance形美
• “Tea Jing”(茶经) written by Lu Yu in 760AD was the first book of tea in the world, which promote the development of tea culture.
Shennong Tasted Plants
Lu Yu(陆羽): Sage of Tea
Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty is respected as the Sage of Tea(茶圣) for his contribution to Chinese tea culture. He is best known for his book the Classic of Tea (茶经), which is the first monograph专题著 作on cultivating, making and drinking tea in the world

Sui and Tang dynasties, 581-907
the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279)
Around the first century,porcelain production first emerged in China, and by the Song Dynasty it had become mature.
Chinese porcelain culture
Porcelain ,also called 'fine china', has been one of the earliest artworks introduced to the western world through the Silk Road.
• 1200 - 1450 • 1450 +
China-ware Porcelain
Forming The potter first needs to shape pottery on a potter's wheel.
Glazing porcelain wares do not need glazing to render them impermeable to liquids.
Two types:Pottery and Porcelain
Defining Pottery and Porcelain by Firing Temperature
• Temp. Degrees Celsius Product
• 700 - 950 • 900 - 1250
Pottery Celadon(青瓷,灰绿色)
Guan ware
White Glazed Ding Ware Bowl

The above, however, does not go to say that the stronger the tea, the more advantages it will yield. Too much tannic acid will affect the secretion of the gastric juice, irritate the membrane of the stomach and cause indigestion or constipation. Just don't make your tea too strong
◆In summer, tea seems to dispel the heat and bring on instant cool together with a feeling relaxation. ◆Medically, the tea leaf contains a number of chemicals, of which20%-30 % is tannic acid, known for it's anti-inflammatory and germicidal properties. ◆Tea is also rich in various vitamins.
本模板作品由PowerBar模板组成员创作,部分图片素材来源于互联网,如有侵犯您的权利请即通知,立刻处理 您可以自由:复制、发行、展览、表演、放映、广播或通过信息网络传播本作品 ;创作演绎作品惟须遵守下列 条件:您必须按照作者或者许可人指定的方式对作品进行署名;不得以盈利为目的对本模板进行出售、收费下载 或者做非实质性改动之后进行类似的行为。
The above, however, does not go to say that the stronger the tea, the more advantages it will yield. Too much tannic acid will affect the secretion of the gastric juice, irritate the membrane of the stomach and cause indigestion or constipation. Just don't make your tea too strong
◆In summer, tea seems to dispel the heat and bring on instant cool together with a feeling relaxation. ◆Medically, the tea leaf contains a number of chemicals, of which20%-30 % is tannic acid, known for it's anti-inflammatory and germicidal properties. ◆Tea is also rich in various vitamins.
本模板作品由PowerBar模板组成员创作,部分图片素材来源于互联网,如有侵犯您的权利请即通知,立刻处理 您可以自由:复制、发行、展览、表演、放映、广播或通过信息网络传播本作品 ;创作演绎作品惟须遵守下列 条件:您必须按照作者或者许可人指定的方式对作品进行署名;不得以盈利为目的对本模板进行出售、收费下载 或者做非实质性改动之后进行类似的行为。
Chinese tea culture中国茶文化英文PPT精选文档

✓✓wSaicrmhutahneCsthoumaancghhoangd help with(th四e 川dig川es红tio)n.
Process of different kinds of tea:
➢Green tea: Picking Withering Firing Baking ➢Black tea: Picking Withering Rolling
✓tYhwcienomhzloih)treeanh(nabdia银rismow针naeoet白ht(sei毛lnmivt).earTshtneee, ewlidqiltuehiwdniaitshtuyfreialnlloefwrhaiagsihrraoinnnce.
✓BaBiemnuedfaints(: White peony) (白牡丹)
神 Shen Nong tasted plants
Shen Nong tasted a hunderd
herbs, at seventy case of drug,
have tea and the solution to.'
-Shen Nong Herbs
(“神农尝百草,日遇七十二毒, 得茶而解之。”
Chinese Tea Culture
Firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and Tea
are the seven necessaries to begin a day.
The history of chinese tea
✓ isAtnhheutaeablfaocrkmteoarnfrinomig,Arenfhruesihing, m(ak安in化g y黑ou茶)
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Referring to Chinese tea, it can be traced back to the ancient times, and it was flourished in the Tang dynasty and the Song dynasty.
We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
铁观音Tie guanyin 武夷岩茶Wuyi rock tea 信阳毛尖Xinyang maojian
Chinese tea Chinese tea culture, tea culture. As open seven things (leading a poor You yan jiangcu tea), one of tea in ancient China is very common. Chinese tea culture and tea culture in Europe and America or Japan, a great difference. Chinese tea culture has a long history, profound, not only contains the material and cultural level, also contains a deep spiritual level. Tea by Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty in the history of Chinese tea culture and sounded the horn. Since then, the spirit of tea permeates the court and society, into the Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy, religion, medicine. For thousands of years China has not only accumulated a great deal about tea cultivation, production of material culture, but also accumulated rich spirit of the tea culture, which is unique to China's tea culture, a cultural study areas.
2. Why do we have tea? In china , tea has a very long history, and have formed the Chinese tea culture. Meanwhile, tea is helpful to our body, then it is loved by many people.
(4)六安瓜片茶 Liuan guapian tea
Green tea; Anhui province; piece tea; designated as the special tea for the Central Military Commission of China;
(5)卢山云雾茶 Lusan yunwu tea; (6)信阳毛尖茶 Xinyang maojian tea; (7)铁观音茶 Tie guanyin tea; (8)武夷岩茶 Wuyi rock tea;
Thank you!
(2)洞庭碧螺春茶 Dongting biluochun tea green tea; one of the top ten chinese tea; a hard-working, kind-hearted orphan girl, named biluo; •in 1954,premier Zhou attend the Geneva meeting, taking 2kgs;
Huangshan maofeng tea
one of the top ten chinese tea;
the fresh leaves collected from the peak of huangshan; health effects; tea gift of our country;
黑茶Dark tea
West Lake longjing tea
green tea; one of the top ten chinese tea, more than 30 brands; the central government of china buy more than100kgs every year;
绿茶; green tea; 红茶; black tea;
乌龙茶; oolong tea;
绿茶green tea
黄茶; yellow tea; 白茶; white tea; 黑茶;
dark tea (heicha);
红茶black tea
黄茶yellow tea
白茶white tea
We can say, the events of tea in other countries in the world, directly or indirectly, are basically spread out from China. China is the homeland of tea, and tea have become the national drink.
铁观音Tie guanyin 武夷岩茶Wuyi rock tea 信阳毛尖Xinyang maojian
Chinese tea Chinese tea culture, tea culture. As open seven things (leading a poor You yan jiangcu tea), one of tea in ancient China is very common. Chinese tea culture and tea culture in Europe and America or Japan, a great difference. Chinese tea culture has a long history, profound, not only contains the material and cultural level, also contains a deep spiritual level. Tea by Lu Yu of the Tang Dynasty in the history of Chinese tea culture and sounded the horn. Since then, the spirit of tea permeates the court and society, into the Chinese poetry, painting, calligraphy, religion, medicine. For thousands of years China has not only accumulated a great deal about tea cultivation, production of material culture, but also accumulated rich spirit of the tea culture, which is unique to China's tea culture, a cultural study areas.
2. Why do we have tea? In china , tea has a very long history, and have formed the Chinese tea culture. Meanwhile, tea is helpful to our body, then it is loved by many people.
(4)六安瓜片茶 Liuan guapian tea
Green tea; Anhui province; piece tea; designated as the special tea for the Central Military Commission of China;
(5)卢山云雾茶 Lusan yunwu tea; (6)信阳毛尖茶 Xinyang maojian tea; (7)铁观音茶 Tie guanyin tea; (8)武夷岩茶 Wuyi rock tea;
Thank you!
(2)洞庭碧螺春茶 Dongting biluochun tea green tea; one of the top ten chinese tea; a hard-working, kind-hearted orphan girl, named biluo; •in 1954,premier Zhou attend the Geneva meeting, taking 2kgs;
Huangshan maofeng tea
one of the top ten chinese tea;
the fresh leaves collected from the peak of huangshan; health effects; tea gift of our country;
黑茶Dark tea
West Lake longjing tea
green tea; one of the top ten chinese tea, more than 30 brands; the central government of china buy more than100kgs every year;
绿茶; green tea; 红茶; black tea;
乌龙茶; oolong tea;
绿茶green tea
黄茶; yellow tea; 白茶; white tea; 黑茶;
dark tea (heicha);
红茶black tea
黄茶yellow tea
白茶white tea