新编大学英语3 课文翻译及习题答案 unit9

新编大学英语3原文篇一:新编大学英语3课后练习答案与课文完整版(包括预习课后阅读)103fBook 3课后练习参考答案:Unit 1Part onepreparation1.1)Gentle2)Dedicated3)Considerate4)Adventurous5)Calm6)Aggressive7)Critical8)Energetic9)Selfish10)Ambition11)Self-confident12)Easygoing13)Truthful14)Outgoing15)Frank16)Sensitive17)Bossy18)Patient19)Talkative20)Persuasive21)Sympathetic22)Emotional2.Jobs Personalitysalesperson undependable、shrewd、tricky、boastfulteacher knowledge、talkative、patient、energetic、unselfish、tolerantdoctor calm、skillful、sympathetic、careful、unselfishpolice office brave、calm、alert、carefulaccount cautious、careful、efficient、truthfullawyer knowledge、persuasive、talkative、expressive、intelligenttourist guide energetic、good-tempered、talkativehost or hostess of a show quick-minded、humorous、knowledge、expressive、emotional reporter adventurous、brave、curious、efficientsecretary considerate、careful、efficient、easygoingspokesperson diplomatic、intelligent、eloquentIII. Post-ReadingReading Comprehension1. Understanding the Organization of the Text1) Introduction: (Para.1)Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people.2) Reasons why shyness can have a negative effect: (Para.2&3)People’s self-concept has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.People with high self-esteem usually act with confidence.People with low self-esteem are likely to be passive and easily influenced by others.3) Ways of overcoming shyness: (Para.4-15)i) Recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses.ii) Set reasonable goals.iii) Don’t waste time and energy on destructive feelings such as guilt and shame.iv) Don’t be afraid to speak up and give your point of view.v) Do not make negative comments about yourself.vi) Accept criticism thoughtfully.vii) Profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as learning experiences.viii) Do not associate with people who make you feel inadequate.ix) Set aside time to relax, enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly.x) Practice being in social situations.4) Conclusion: (Para.16)The better we understand ourselves, the easier it becomes to live up to our full potential.2. Understanding Specific Information1) F2) F3) T4) T5) T6) F7) T8) F9) F10) T3. Group Discussion1) I think the most effective ways of overcoming shyness are the first and seventh ways. Recognizing our personal strengths and weaknesses is useful because if we know ourselves better, we can feel more self-confident. We can be more objective, instead of being blind. The seventh way is to profit from failures and disappointments as learning experiences. If we allow ourselves to get discouraged and sad when we fail, then we will feel more unsure of ourselves. But if we think of a failure as a learning experience, we are adopting a positive attitude. By analyzing objectively why we failed and planning how to set about doing things differently we will be more likely to succeed next time.2) Modesty is used to describe a reserved appraisal of one’s merits, abilities or success, e.g. she is very modest about her accomplishments. Shyness is used to describe the uncomfortable feeling one has in the company of others. It often implies a lack of self-confidence and a timid, reserved manner. Modesty is a good personality trait while shyness in many cases is undesirable.3) Yes, it is appropriate and normal to be shy in some circumstances: in the presence of teachers, your boss, your parents’ friends or your prospective in-laws; when you are dating someone, especially the first time; when you are with strangers; when you are in a new environment; when you’re facing a large audience.Vocabulary1. Self- is a prefix which means ―of, to or by oneself or itself.‖Words with the prefix self- that appear in the text: self-conscious, self-concept, self-assurance, self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-destructive, self-awareness, self-accept103fance, self-rejection, self-confident1) self-conscious (worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you)2) self-confidence (belief in one’s own ability, power, judgment, etc.; confidence in oneself)3) self-esteem (the feeling that you are someone who deserves to be liked, respected, or4) self-destructive (with thoughts or actions that are counter to one’s own best interests)5) self-worth (the value you give to your life and achievements)6) self-concept (one’s conception or general idea of one’s own basic character and nature)7) self-awareness (realistic knowledge and judgment about oneself)8) self-assurance/self-confidence (the belief that you are able to deal with people and problems easily)2. Part A1) B2) I3) L 4) A5) H6) D7) E8) N9) J10) M11) C12) F13) G14) KPart B1) profound2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight5) overcome6) eventually7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish10) reassurance 11) detrimental12) isolated13) self-esteem14) accented3. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect 4) viewed/regarded 5) sensitive6) respond/react 7) eliminated 8) overcome my fear 9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1.You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2. In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3. When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4. Every day he sets some time aside to be with his family and enjoy life.5. I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6. He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.7. In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8. He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part ThreeFURTHER Development1. 1)BBABC6)CBCAA11)CBPart FourWriting and Translation (P46)2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too muchPart onepreparation4.matching pictures1)Aphrodite2)Ares3)Hephaestus4)Artemis5)Demeter6)Dionysus7)Poseidon8)Athena9)Apollo10)Hermes11)Hera12)ZeusPost-ReadingReading Comprehension1. 1) Because they were invited to a feast in the sky.2) He saw the birds were busy preparing.3) He planned to go to the feast/sky with the birds.4) They didn’t agree because Tortoise was mischievous/cunning and ungrateful.5) With a sweet tongue, he convinced the birds that he was a changed man.6) He made two wings with all the feathers he got from each bird.7) All of you.8) Nuts, meat and fish soup, pounded yam, yam soup, palm wine, etc.9) For whom have you prepared this feast?10) Because he knew the answer would be ―For all of you‖, which was his new name. So he could enjoy all the food first.11) They were very angry.12) They took back the feathers they had lent him.13) He asked them to take a message to his wife.14) Parrot, because he wanted to take advantage of the chance to get revenge.15) He asked Parrot to tell his wife to bring out all the soft things in his house to cover the ground with them so that he would be able to land safely. But Parrot told his wife to bring out all the hard and sharp, not the soft, things instead.16) His shell was broken into hundreds of pieces.2. Ekwefi is telling a story about Tortoise. Long long ago, there was a famine, and the birds got an invitation from the sky to attend a feast there. Tortoise learned about it and with his sweet tongue he persuaded the birds to take him with them and so each bird lent him a feather.103fTortoise cunningly thought of an idea that enabled him to have all the food by naming himself ―All of you.‖ When they reached the sky, they received a warm welcome and soon the food was presen ted to them. Then he asked one of the people in the sky: ―For whom have you prepared all this feast?‖ The man replied: ―For all of you.‖ So he ate almost all the best food. The birds became very angry and took back their feathers before flying home. Without feathers, he had to jump onto the ground and his shell was broken into pieces.3. Acting out the StorySampleBird A: How exciting! All of us are invited to the feast in the sky.Bird B: I just can’t wait. What do you think I should wear?Tortoise: Hello. Good morning. What are you excited about?Bird A: Didn’t you know that we are going to the sky?Bird B: And we are going to have a big dinner. What fun!Tortoise: How nice it is. What lucky guys. May I go with you? I’m sure we’ll have a lot of fun. Bird A: Yes, we’ll have great fun, but not you. We know you too well. You are full of cunning and you are ungrateful.Bird B: If we allow you to come with us, you will soon begin your mischief.Bird A: We know you of old.Tortoise: You don’t know me now. I’m a changed man. I am not the mischievous man you once knew. In fact, I am thoughtful and well-meaning. I have learned that a man who makes trouble for others is also making trouble for himself. Rest assured, I promise you I will not cause you any trouble.Bird A: (Talking to Bird B) Maybe he is a changed man now. Let’s talk to our bird friends and see if we will take him with us.(After a brief discussion with all the other birds)Bird B: Ok. Tortoise, now we all agreed to take you to the sky. Each of us will lend you a feather so that you can have two wings to fly.(During the flight to the party)Bird A: Tortoise is a great orator!Bird B: Let’s make him the spokesperson for the party.Tortoise: Did you know that we need a new name when we are invited to a great feast like this? It is an age-old custom and our hosts in the sky will expect us to honor it.Bird A: We haven’t heard of this before. But as you are such a learned man, if you say this, we will choose a new name for ourselves. I will call myself Good-Looking.Bird B: I am Smart-Ass.Tortoise: And my new name is All of You.(On their arrival at the sky)Sky people: Welcome to the sky, our dear bird friends. We are so pleased to see you again. Please make yourselves at home.Tortoise: My dear respected friends, thank you so much for inviting us to the sky. Nothing can make us happier than this. It is our greatest honor to be here and have a good time with you. Sky people: Thank you for your nice words. Now please help yourselves to the nuts.Bird A: Tortoise is really eloquent, isn’t he? I’m glad we decided to bring him with us. Bird B: Yes. And these are delicious nuts.Sky people: Now the dinner is ready. Please enjoy the soup, meat, fish and pounded yam. Here is palm wine, too.Tortoise: Just a moment. Let me ask you first. For whom have you prepared this feast? Skypeople: For whom? Why? For all of you, of course.Tortoise (To the birds): You remember that my name is All of You. The custom here is to serve the spokesman first and the others later. They will serve you when I finish.Sky people (To themselves): Looks like it is their custom to leave all the food to their king first. Tortoise: Mm. Yummy. Mm. I’m full now. You can start to eat.Bird A: We should never bring him here. I am too angry to eat. I’m going home.Bird B: Wait. I am leaving, too. Take the feather with us.Tortoise: What are you doing? Leave me the feather. Oh, how am I going home without a single feather? You can’t do this to me?Birds: Bye.Tortoise: Could someone take a message for my wife? Tell her to bring out everything soft and cover the ground. …4. Taking Sides篇二:新编大学英语第三册课文翻译Unit 1羞怯的痛苦对许多人来说,羞怯是很多不愉快的起因。

Unit 11. 他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。
They all believed that his chances of success were slim.2. 我不知道她为何总带有一种闷闷不乐的神情。
I don’t know why she always has an air of sadness.3. 等到所有同学都就座后,学生会主席才开始宣布野营的日程安排。
After all students were seated, the president of the students’ union proceeded to announce the camping itinerary.4. 胃是人体至关重要的器官,请善待之。
Please take good care of our stomach which is a vital organ of our human body.5、他认为总经理如此重视那些日常琐事是荒唐的。
He considered it absurd for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine trifles.6. 她的研究涉及多种语言和文化,富有挑战性。
Her study was full of challenge, which was concerned with many languages and cultures.7. 根据安排,全体工作人员依次值晚班。
As is scheduled, all staff should take turns to do late duty.8. 想到要远离父母独自生活,她深感不安。
She felt upset at the thought of leaving her parents and having an independent living in a remote area.9. 对于她是否胜任这份工作我们不甚担心,我们所担忧的却是她的健康状况。

Unit 11) 你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼。
(reasonable)You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都更健康,受到了更好的教育。
(in general)In general, children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) 待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。
(come along)When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) 每天他都留出点时间跟家人在一起,享受生活。
(set aside)Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) 我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。
(hand in hand)I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) 他最终辜负了父母的期望。
(live up to)He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations7) 相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。
(in contrast)In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) 经过努力,他成功地克服了自己的致命弱点。
(overcome)He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Unit 21) She wore a dress with a pattern of roses (有玫瑰图案) on it2) Helen had prepared a wonderful meal (为我们准备了一顿丰盛的饭菜).3) Ann promised faithfully(信誓旦旦地保证)that she would never tell.4) Could you deliver this letter(把这封信送到)to the accounts department?5) We were offered a selection of milk and plain chocolate(精选的牛奶巧克力和纯巧克力).6) Tell the children to behave themselves / keep out of mischief(别胡闹).7) We could hear the sound of distant thunder (远处打雷的声音).8) The project has now received approval from government (得到政府的批准).9) Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much (虽然他喝酒太多).10) Experts seem unable to agree whether the drug is safe or not (就这个药是否安全取得一致意见).Unit 31) 由于紧急情况,这位医生几小时内都没有空。
新编大学英语III 课后翻译练习参考答案 浙江农林

1) 我没料想到上演一个剧本需要这么多的工作。(involve)
I didn’t realize putting on/staging a play involved so much work. 2) 最重要的不是你说的,而是你做的。( … not that… but that… ) The most important thing/What is most important
Unit 4
1) I used to enjoy/like photography, but I now have no time to pursue any hobbies.

Unit 9Part OneAlice: Listen! The sound of that music! It...it's fascinating! Where...where is it from?Xiao Hong: Oh, I...I don't know actually.Henry: Over there! Shall we go take a closer look?Alice & Xiao Hong: OK.Xiao Hong: Oh, it's a kind of Chinese folk instrument called pipa.Alice: Wow, what a beautiful musical instrument!Xiao Hong: Sure.Henry: What's more, it makes such a marvelous sound!Xiao Hong: Oh, I'm glad to hear you say that. Actually, our folk instruments are quite unique. You know, the sound is beautiful and, as you see, it looks good. But, still, unfortunately, they are getting less popular these days.Alice: Really? That's incredible. You know, our Scottish bagpipes, which are some of the oldest instruments in the world, are still quite popular.Xiao Hong: Well, I'm afraid it's not the case in our country. Y ou know, I'm not exaggerating. Nowadays the vast majority of young people prefer western music to Chinese folk music, and they think Chinese folk music and classical instruments are old-fashioned.Henry: What a pity! Many people listen to bagpipes and they are heard on all kinds of different occasions. I wonder why Chinese folk instruments, as old as those bagpipes, are so little appreciated today.Xiao Hong: Well, I think historic reasons may partly account for it. You know, in ancient times, most of the Chinese folk instruments were used to please and entertain the nobles. You know, they were too expensive for ordinary people to own and play unless the poor played them in the street to earn a living.Alice: I know that some Chinese emperors loved music and had a good taste in it.Xiao Hong: Oh, yes, like Tang Xuanzong, but his ministers were firmly opposed to it. They believed that the emperor's attention might be distracted from ruling the country if he spent too much time on music. And they seemed to think of music as something trifling and unimportant. Henry: But things are quite different in our country. Our people are extremely interested in music, and are very proud of our traditions. We view music as part of our lives.Alice: Y eah, and our government spends a lot of money on music education. In the year 1999——2000 for example, the Department of Education spent 1.5 billion dollars on teaching music 1999so that lots of children had the chance to learn to play musical instruments.Xiao Hong: I do wish that more people would appreciate the exquisite melody of our folk instruments and be proud of our traditions.Henry: What's the difference between western music and Chinese music?Xiao Hong: Well, young people think that western music is more exciting and passionate. The rhythm is stronger, which makes them feel more excited. Well, on the other hand, the Chinese music is harmonious, soft, gentle, mild and calm. It helps make people feel peaceful, comfortable and relaxed.Alice: Y es, there are differences between Chinese music and...and western music, but one isn't really better than the other.Xiao Hong: No, no, no. Absolutely not. When I listen to Chinese music, the beautiful melodyalways reminds me of the beauty of nature, hills, streams, small bridges and the singing of birds. You know, the melody is like the music of the nightingale, the music of running water and etc. But western music is more upbeat and exciting. I get full of energy and I want to dance and sing with it. I like rock music better than folk music actually.Henry: Rock and roll has a long history in western countries. There are plenty of bands playing different kinds of rock and roll music, like heavy metal and punk.Xiao Hong: And most of our Chinese musical instruments are made of wood, bamboo or something like that, so the music sounds natural while yours nowadays are mostly made of metal and they seem to be much more complex.Alice: Right. Take our flutes for example. They have more holes and buttons, so they rely on very precise notes to produce music.Xiao Hong: What's more, western singers are usually good at dancing while they sing, but our singers are usually only good at singing.Henry: I suppose because of cultural differences, Chinese, like their music, are usually more reserved.Xiao Hong: There are still some people who prefer Chinese folk music. The pop music nowadaysis increasingly dominated by western music.Alice: I guess people are immediately attracted to western music, but Chinese music has the mysterious power to attract you without you realizing it.Xiao Hong: Y eah, Chinese traditional culture has made a deep impact on Chinese music. Y ou know, the music emphasizes people's feelings and is very emotional.Alice: I've heard that the structure of western music is more logical than that of Chinese music.Xiao Hong: I find that the lyrics are different too. Chinese people tend to express their emotions indirectly while western people are more direct and individualistic. They make full use of music and instruments to express their personal feelings, such as excitement, disappointment, love, sorrow and etc.Henry: Western music has absorbed many musical elements from African music. It places great importance on rhythm, such as heavy metal music, rock music, hip hop and so on.Alice: Yes, and, of course, we have a number of well-known composers these days.Henry: Mm, nowadays it seems that rock and pop music dominate the musical world. In many pieces of music, one instrument can be used in order to produce a distinct sense of perception.Xiao Hong: I guess, eventually, because of globalization, the differences between western music and Chinese music may become less noticeable. You know, in the future, the music may have a lot more in common than we have realized now.Alice: Oh, as far as pop music is concerned, what you say is probably true, but even though musicis a universal language, folk music shouldn't be changed.Xiao Hong: That's right. Don't you think it would be a good idea to buy some Chinese folk music CDs to take home with you?Alice & Henry: That's a good idea! Let's go to the CD shop.Exercise 21.C2.C3.C 4,W 5,W 6.C 7.C 8.C 9.C 10,W 11.W 12.W 13.C 14.W 15.W 16.C 17.W 18.WExercise 31.perfer old-fashioned2.as old as3.account for4.own play earn to living5.very proud of6.1.5 billion had the chance7.hillls small bridges singing of birds8.full of energy9.holes buttons precise notes 10.indirectly individualistic 11.places great importance12.a universal languagePartTwo Listening I(Bill, Howard, and Lisa are talking about background music.)Part IBill: What are you working on now?Howard: I've just finished a piece of background music.Lisa: Background music? Oh, like the music they're playing here now. Howard: Yes. You hear it everywhere, in restaurants, airports, supermarkets, department stores... Bill: In banks, too. I noticed it while we were at the bank today.Lisa: Did you? I didn't.Howard: Y ou are not supposed to notice it. It's just there, in the background. It's supposed to influence your attitudes, and put you in the right mood.Lisa: I'm not sure I like that idea.Howard: Well, it seems to work. Companies pay millions of dollars every year for background music. It's supposed to give you a better feeling about yourself and the people around you. Factories use it a lot. It makes the workers happy, and they work better that way. In one factory, music increased production by 4.5 percent.Bill: I should think they'd get tired of hearing music all day.Howard: They don't though. One fellow in San Francisco told me, "If the music stops, somebody always runs to the telephone to complain."Lisa: Now that I think about it, I can't remember when there wasn't background music in restaurants and stores.Howard: That shows how young you are. Actually, it all started during World War II when some factories had their own orchestras to keep workers happy and calm. Now, of course, the music is piped in by a machine, and different kinds of music are played at different times during the day. They play faster music at 10 in the morning than at 8, for instance, because workers tend to be slower then.Part IIBill: What about restaurants? Do they play the same music for dinner and lunch?Howard: I don't know about that, but I do know that hamburger places play fast music. When they started playing faster music, they found that a customer spent only seventeen minutes eating. The time was 22 minutes before that.Lisa: So they have more people coming in and out to buy hamburgers.Howard: Exactly. And that's good for business. You can see why music has become so popular. In Los Angeles, for instance, 30 different companies are selling background music services. Lisa: I still think there's something about it that I don't quite like.Howard: I know what you mean, but lots of people wouldn't agree with you. The Xerox Corporation in Rochester, N. Y Corporation in Rochester, N. Y., spends more than $80,000 a year for background music. Prisons ., spends more than $80,000 a year for background music. Prisons use it, and farmers use it to keep their cattle calm. It's even supposed to have an effect on plants.Exercise 11.restaurants airports supermarkets 12,attitudes in the right mood the people around him happy work better 3.World War II happy calm a machine kinds of music different times faster slowerExercise 21.T2.F3.F4.T5.T6.F7.T8.FListening IIMore and more doctors are operating to music. They say it eases their minds.One doctor in Chicago says classical music is the only kind that does not interfere while he is operating. But in another Chicago operating room, the British rock group Pink Floyd can be heard. And in Washington, at least one doctor operates to the sound of the Beatles.Researchers from the State University of New Y ork at Buffalo did a study that seems to confirm that music helps reduce tension in doctors. They gave fifty male doctors difficult mathematical kinds of tests.The doctors did the test while listening to music they themselves had chosen. They did a similar test while listening to music that was chosen for them. They were tested a third time with no music at all. Each time, a machine measured their heart rate and blood pressure.The doctors worked most quickly and calmly when listening to the music they themselves had chosen. They did the worst with no music at all.What kinds of music did the doctors choose? Mostly classical. But some chose instrumental jazz pieces or Irish folk music.There probably is one piece of music that should never be played during an operation: Brahms' "Lullaby". You do not want your doctor to go to sleep while operating, do you? Exercise 11.eases their minds operations2.classical instrumental jazz folk music3.A reduce tension B. 50/fifty male doctors C. Mathematics D.1)quickly 2)calmly 3)chosen for them 4)No music 5)the worst E. sleepyExercise 21.T2.F3.T4.F5.FPart ThreePractice OneThe Beatles were probably the most important pop and rock group of all time. They were together for only eight years, but their influence has lasted much longer.The Beatles came from Liverpool, England. They started playing together in 1962, although Paul McCartney and John Lennon played together in another group. They started by playing rock'n' roll songs, but they quickly developed their own style. By 1963, they had become Britain's top rock group. A year later they toured the United States, where they attracted millions of fans.By the time the Beatles broke up in 1970, they had changed the nature of rock and pop music. They introduced new sounds and rhythms, and they experimented with different types of musical instruments. They recorded hundreds of songs and they sold millions and millions of records. They made many films and won many awards for their music.Today, the Beatles' songs are still very famous all over the world.Exercise 1B D A CExercise 21.their own style2.the nature3.sounds experimented4.songs records5.films awardsPractice Two(Dennis is interviewing Stephanie, a music teacher.)Dennis: Which do you think is the easiest instrument for people to learn to play?Stephanie: It's difficult to answer that question because learning to play an instrument is one thing, and learning to play it well is another. But I think the guitar is the easiest to learn. It's one of the easiest to carry, and that's important for a musician.Dennis: And the second?Stephanie: My second choice is probably the most popular instrument, and I think it's the most satisfying, too, because you can make more progress at the beginning. That's the piano.Dennis: So you think playing the piano's more difficult than playing the guitar.Stephanie: Yes, because, well, your left hand has to work as hard as your right and both hands have to make notes. With the guitar, you make the notes with the left hand, and the right just picksthe strings.Dennis: Is playing a woodwind or brass instrument very difficult? It looks quite easy.Stephanie: I think the clarinet and the trumpet are the easiest to learn. Finding the notes is quite easy and breathing isn't a serious problem. But I find all the wind instruments less satisfying for people to play, because you can't do much alone. You have to play with others.Dennis: And which do you think is the most difficult instrument to play?Stephanie: No doubt at all, the violin. And I think it's the most difficult because both hands have to work, but they have to do different jobs. I mean, the left hand makes the notes on the strings, andit's harder to find the notes than on the guitar because the strings are shorter. The right hand has to manage the bow, and bowing well is an art. Finally, the most difficult thing about it, I find, is holding the instrument under your chin. It's not a natural position to adopt.Exercise 11.(1)trumpet (2)piano (3)violin 2(2)piano (1)clarinetExercise 21.picks the strings2.as hard as3.makes the notes4.on the strings5.manages the bowExercise 31.learn2.carry3.popular4.satisfying5.progress6.easiest7.less satisfying8.most difficultPractice Three(Four people, Steve, Connie, Diane, and Martin, are giving their opinions about their favorite musicians before attending an international concert.)Steve: Oh, no doubt about it. My favorite's Bruce Springsteen. He's the best there is. I think he's more direct, he communicates better than the others. It's not that the others are bad, but he's better.In a way his kind of rock music's more old-fashioned than, er, Sting's, say, but for me it's moreexciting. And the messages in his songs are simpler. They're easier to understand than Sting's or Peter Gabriel's, so I can relate to them better.Connie: The singer I want to hear most is Peter Gabriel. He's not really one of my favorite singerssingers——I mean I don't think he's as exciting as Bruce Springsteen, for instance—but his latest songs, these African songs with African rhythms, well, they're more musical than pop songs usually are. And I think all the singers are sincere about the human rights movement, but he feels more deeply about it than the others.Diane: Oh, I think Sting and his band are the best. Sting's better now with his new band than during his time with the Police. He seems more natural and I think he enjoys playing more. And he's a much better songwriter now. The one I like most in the band is the sax-player, Branford Marsalis. He plays brilliantly, but the best thing about him is his sense of humor. He really makes me laugh!Martin: To tell you the truth, I'm looking forward most to hearing Youssou N'Dour. I like Peter Gabriel's African songs, but he's an Englishman, not an African, so it's not the same as the real thing. I mean, real African music is different from reggae and rock, because it's more rhythmic than reggae, but not as heavy as rock. The rhythms are very unusual, too, and more sophisticated than people think.Exercise 11.T 2,T 3,T 4.F 5.F 6.F 7.F 8.TExercise 2Musicians BruceSpringsteen Sting PeterGabrielBranfordMarsalisYoussouN’Dourbrilliant √ communicative √direct √exciting √musical √natural √Not so heavy √ humorous √rhythmic √ simpler √ sophisticated √ unusual √Practice FourIt has long been known that Cellist Yo-Yo Ma possesses astonishing musical talent. By age seven he had already played for Isaac Stern and Pablo Casals. Later he went to Juilliard and on to Harvard, where he studied international cultures. Soon he tasted stardom, giving concerts around the world.But he tells of a humbling experience while in Namibia, where he went to observe trance dances and musical rituals of the people. At the end of his stay he produced a cello and offered them a performance of his own. "They said, 'Stop. Don't play. We want to play for you, '" Ma remembers with a laugh. "I think I was too self-important to bring my cello. They didn't give adamn."His story is one of a star realizing that not everyone knows or cares who he is. "To be a good performer, you have to have a very strong ego," he says. "But to be a really good performer, you have to make sure that your ego is not the center. To play Beethoven, you have to figure out who he was, and how that's encoded in the music. And then you have to realize you are not Beethoven."Exercise 11.A2.B3.A4.C5.AExercise 21.T2.N3.T4.F5.TPart FourSection 1Some people called John Lennon the "thinking man's Beatle". He was serious and creative, and many young people of the 1960s and 1970s thought he spoke for them.Lennon was born on October 9,1940, in Liverpool, England. During his childhood he listened to the music of rock 'n' roll singers like Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and Little Richard. At 15, when he was in an art school, Lennon started his first band, the Quarrymen. The band included Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Pete Best, a drummer.The Quarrymen later changed their name to the Silver Beatles and then the Beatles. Ringo Starr replaced Pete Best as drummer. Between 1958 and 1962 the group played in nightclubs in Liverpool and Hamburg, West Germany. Then the Beatles made a record called "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" and changed the history of rock 'n' roll.Many people think that Lennon was the most important singer and songwriter of the Beatles. In general, his songs are sensitive and intelligent, and they still influence today's popular musicians.On December 8, 1980, a confused young man shot John Lennon outside his apartment building in New York City. A few days later, thousands of people gathered in New York's Central Park to remember him. For them, and for many other people in the world, he was someone very special.1.T2.F3.F4.T5.F6.T7.T8.TSection IIRock began in the U.S.A. in the early 1950s. At that time, "rhythm and blues" music was very popular with black Americans. "R&B" was a mixture of black religious music and jazz. It had strong rhythms that you could dance to and simple, fast lyrics.Noticing the success of R&B music, white musicians started to copy the same style. By the mid 1950s, this new white R&B music, called "rock 'n' roll", had become very popular. Singers like Elvis Presley and Bill Haley attracted millions of teenage fans. Their music was fast and loud. Many older people thought that rock 'n' roll was very dangerous.Rock music has continued to change and develop. It has combined with music from different parts of the world. Today, there are hundreds of different types of rock music, and almost every country has its own form of rock. There are "heavy metal" which is extremely loud with hard rhythms, "reggae" from Jamaica that combines rock with jazz and Latin rhythms, "rap" that hasdeveloped on the streets of New York, "disco", a type of soft rock music for dancing, "Afro-rock" that combines rock with African rhythms, "Mex-rock", which combines rock with traditional Mexican melodies...and many, many more.1 2√ 3 4√ 5 6 7√ 8√ 9 10√ 11 12√Section IIIBig Big Worldby Emilia*I'm a big big girl in a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do do feel that I do do will miss you muchMiss you muchI can see the first leaf fallingIt's all yellow and niceIt's so very cold outsideLike the way I'm feeling inside(Repeat the part marked with "*".)Outside it's now rainingAnd tears are falling from my eyesWhy did it have to happenWhy did it all have to end(Repeat the part marked with "*".)I have your arms around meWarm like fireBut when I open my eyes, you're gone(Repeat the part marked with "*".)I'm a big big girl in a big big worldIt's not a big big thing if you leave meBut I do feel I will miss you muchMiss you much1.falling2.nice3.cold4.inside5.raining6.tears7.happen8.arms9.fire 10,gone。

Unit 11. 他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。
They all believed that his chances of success were slim.2. 我不知道她为何总带有一种闷闷不乐的神情。
I don’t know why she always has an air of sadness.3. 等到所有同学都就座后,学生会主席才开始宣布野营的日程安排。
After all students were seated, the president of the students’ union proceeded to announce the camping itinerary.4. 胃是人体至关重要的器官,请善待之。
Please take good care of our stomach which is a vital organ of our human body.5、他认为总经理如此重视那些日常琐事是荒唐的。
He considered it absurd for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine trifles.6. 她的研究涉及多种语言和文化,富有挑战性。
Her study was full of challenge, which was concerned with many languages and cultures.7. 根据安排,全体工作人员依次值晚班。
As is scheduled, all staff should take turns to do late duty.8. 想到要远离父母独自生活,她深感不安。
She felt upset at the thought of leaving her parents and having an independent living in a remote area.9. 对于她是否胜任这份工作我们不甚担心,我们所担忧的却是她的健康状况。

Unit 11. 他们都认为他成功的可能性很小。
They all believed that his chances of success were slim.2. 我不知道她为何总带有一种闷闷不乐的神情。
I don’t know why she always has an air of sadness.3. 等到所有同学都就座后,学生会主席才开始宣布野营的日程安排。
After all students were seated, the president of the students’ union proceeded to announce the camping itinerary.4. 胃是人体至关重要的器官,请善待之。
Please take good care of our stomach which is a vital organ of our human body.5、他认为总经理如此重视那些日常琐事是荒唐的。
He considered it absurd for the general manager to attach so much importance to those routine trifles.6. 她的研究涉及多种语言和文化,富有挑战性。
Her study was full of challenge, which was concerned with many languages and cultures.7. 根据安排,全体工作人员依次值晚班。
As is scheduled, all staff should take turns to do late duty.8. 想到要远离父母独自生活,她深感不安。
She felt upset at the thought of leaving her parents and having an independent living in a remote area.9. 对于她是否胜任这份工作我们不甚担心,我们所担忧的却是她的健康状况。
新编大学英语3课文翻译 Unit 5、6、 8、9,课后翻译

新编大学英语3课文翻译 Unit 5、6、 8、9第五单元,我是怎样识字的3 你可曾在航海时遇上过有浓雾的时候?你仿佛被困在了触手可及的一片白茫茫中,不见天日。
我的心灵在无声地疾呼:“光明!给我光明吧! ”而就在此时此刻,爱的光芒洒在了我的身上。
(考原课文填空,英文,注意新单词) 9 那天我学会了很多新词。
(考课文英翻汉)第六单元,人和动物的好斗性1 人类肯定是所有动物中最好斗和最残忍的。
(考课文英翻汉)2 然而,如果动物发现自己处于异常环境下,它会表现出特别地富有攻击性。

欢迎阅读!新编大学英语3课文翻译Unit 4 Career Planning职业生涯规划1、职业生涯规划不一定例行或合乎逻辑的步骤。
5、第三个漏洞是hypervigilance 。

新编大学英语3课后翻译题答案UNIT 1 P171. 你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼。
(reasonable)You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2. 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时侯都更健康,受到了更好的教育。
(in general). In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. 3. 待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。
(come along) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it. 4. 每天他都留出点时间跟家里人在一起,享受生活。
(set aside)Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5. 我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。
(hand inhand)I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6. 他最终辜负了父母的期望。
(live up to)He finally failed to live up to his parents’expectations. 7. 相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。
(in contrast)In contrast ,our use of oil has increased enormously. 8. 经过努力,他成功地克服自己的致命弱点。
(ovecome)He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. P461. 人们认为,悲观常常会导致绝望、疾病和失败。

Unit 1 PersonalityVocabulary (P16)1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually 7) slim8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented 4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded 5)sensitive6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overcome my fear 9) concentrate on 10) made no comment Translation (P17)1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Four Writing and Translation (P46)2. Translation Practice1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back.6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsVocabulary (P62)1. 1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting 2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory/preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approving E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/faithless C. faith d. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troublesome B. troubled C. troubled D. troubling10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2. 1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have … trouble 5) trouble with 6) in serious/deep/big trouble 7) get/getting … into trouble 8) took the trouble3. 1) with a pattern of roses 2) prepared a wonderful/goof meal for us3) promised faithfully 4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate 6) keep out of mischief/behave themselves7) the sound of distant thunder 8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much 10) agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three Further Development5. Complete the following Ancient Chinese story by translating the Chinese into English(P93)1) the true reason why there was no such animal in Guizhou2) they were of no use at all in this place3) when he saw the donkey all of a sudden, he thought it was a monster4) he hid himself in the trees while looking at the donkey5) what kind of animal is this and why does it look different from other animals that I’ve seen?6) But one day the donkey stretched its thin neck and cried7) the tiger discovered that the donkey didn’t have any other skills besides crying8) But he dared not rush to it and eat it just as he did to other animals9) This did irritate the donkey (made the donkey angry), who raised its hind leg and kicked the tiger10) This time he rushed to it without hesitation and bit its rhroatPart Four Writing and Translation2. Translation Practice(P96)万物之初,天地还是一体,充满混沌。

Unit 1 Personality羞怯的痛苦对许多人来说,羞怯是很多不愉快的起因。
新编大学英语第3册课后答案 (超详细版)

新编大学英语第3册课后答案(超详细版)Unit 1. PersonalityPart One- Preparation1.Mr. And Miss So and So1) Gentle 2) Dedicated 3) Considerate 4) Adventurous 5) Calm 6)Aggressive 7) Critical 8) Energetic 9) Selfish 10) Ambitious 11) Self-confident 12) Easygoing 13) Truthful 14) Outgoing 15) Frank 16) Sensitive 17) Bossy 18)Patient 19) Talkative 20) Persuasive 21) Sympathetic 22) Emotional2. Personality and JobSalesperson- shrewed, hard-working, boastful, acute, trickyTeacher- patient, tolerant, talkative, unselfish, loving, humorous, bossyDoctor- patient, calm, independent, careful, sympatheticPolice officer- brave, alert, independent, strong, calmAccountant- careful, honest, cautious, patientLawyer- persuasive, expressive, eloquent, serious, knowledgeable, talkativeTourist guide- enthusiastic, talkative, expressive, energetic, considerate, good-temperedHost or hostess of a show- emotional, expressive, optimistic, quick-minded, exaggerated, humorousReporter- cautious, extroverted, open-minded, adventurousSecretrary- easygoing, tolerant, sensitive, frank, thorough, efficientSpokeperson- intelligent, talkative, diplomatic, cautious, matter-of-factPart Two – Post-readingReading Comprehension1.Understanding the Organization of the Text1)Introduction: (para1)Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people2)Reasons why shyness can have a negative effect: (para2-3)People’ s self-concept has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.People with high self-esteem unsually act with confidence.People with low self-esteem are likey to be passive and easily influenced by others.3)Ways of overcoming shyness: (para 4-15)i)Recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses.ii)Set reasonable goals.iii)Don’t waste time and energy on destructive feelings such as guilt and shame.iv)Don’t be afraid to speak up and give your point of view.v)Do not make negative comments about yourself.vi)Accept criticism thoughfully.vii)Profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as learning experiences.viii)Do not associate with people who make you feel inadequate.ix)Set aside time to relax, enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly.x)Practice being in social situations.4)Conclusion: (para16)2. Understanding Specific Information1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) F 6)T 7)F 8)F 9)TVocabulary1.1)self-couscious (worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you.)2)self-confidence (belief in one’s own ability, power, judgment, etc,; confidence in oneself)3)self-esteem (the feeling that you are someone who deserves to be liked, respected, or admired)4)self-destructive (with thoughts or actions that are counter to one’s own best interests)5)self-worth (the value you give to your life and achievements)6)self-concept (one’s conception or general idea of one’s own basic character and nature)7)self-awareness (realistic knowledge and judgment about oneself)8)self-assurance/self-confidence (the belief that you are able to deal with people and problems easily)2.1) B 2 ) I 3) L 4) A 5) H 6) D 7) E8) N 9) J 10) M 11) C 12) F 13) G 14) K3.1) profound 2)jealousy 3) numerous 4)overweight 5) overcome6) eventually 7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4.1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5) sensitive 6) respond/ react 7) eliminated 8) overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1)You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.(spend time on sth/ in doing sth)2)In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. (than ever before)3)When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4)Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5)I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6)He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.7)In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8)He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Three – Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power1) B 2)B 3)A 4) B 5) D 6) C 7)B 8)C 9)A 10)A 11) C 12) BPart Four- Writing and Translation2.1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.6)Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsPart One – Preparation4. Matching Pictures1. Aphrodite2. Ares3. Hephaestus4. Artemis5. Demeter6. Dionysus7. Poseidon 8. Athena 9. Apollo 10. hermes 11. Hera 12. ZeusPart Two – Post-reading1. Testing Your Memory1) Because they were invited to a feast in the sky.2) He saw the birds were busy preparing.3) He planned to go to the feast/ sky with the birds.4) They didn’t agree because Tortoise was mischievous/ cunning and ungrateful.5) With a sweet tongue, he convinced the birds that he was a changed man.6) He made two wings with all the features he got from each bird.7) All of You.8) Nuts, meat and fish soup, punded yam, yam soup, palm wine, etc.9) For whom have you prepared this feast?10) Because he knew the answer would be “For all of you”, which was his new name. So he could enjoy all the food first.11) They were very angry.12) They took back the feathers they had lent him.13) He asked him to take a message to his wife.14) Parrot, because he wanted to take advantage of the chance to get revenge.15) He asked Parrot to tell his wife to bring out all the soft things in his house and cover the ground with them so that he would be able to land safely. But Parrot told his wife to bring out all the hard and sharp things instead.16) His shell was broken into hundreds of pieces.Vocabulary1.1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory / preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approvign E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/ faithless C. faith D. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troubesome B. troulbed C. troubled D. troubling10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2.1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have…trouble5) trouble with 6) in serious/ deep/ big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3.1) with a pattern of roses.2) prepared a wonderful / good meal for us3) promised faithfully4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate7)the sound of distant thunder8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much10)agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three – Further Development1.Enriching Your Word Power1) C 2) C 3) A 4) B 5)A 6) B 7) A 8) B 9) B 10) A 11) B 12) APart Four – Writing and Translation2.Translation Practice万物之初,天体还是一体,充满混沌。

新标准大学英语综合教程3 unit9-10 课后答案(含课后翻译)Unit9Active readin g 2Matchthe wordsin the box with theirdefini tions.Comple te the senten ces with the correc t form of the words.Choose the rightwordsor expres sions to comple te the senten ces.a b a b b b a b a bLangua ge in useRewrit e the senten ces using-someth ing or -odd.1. Thereare about20 people waitin g in the corrid or outsid e.Thereare twenty-odd people waitin g in the corrid or outsid e.2. The new lectur er is betwee n 50 and 60, I think.The new lectur er is fifty-someth ing, I think.3. Why don't you invite all your friend s who are in theirthirti es?Why don't you invite all your thirty-someth ing friend s?4. I reckon that therewere 200 people in the cinema.Therewere two hundre d-odd people in the cinema.5. I don't know how old she is, maybebetwee n 70 and 80.I don't know how old she is, maybesevent y-someth ing.Rewrit e the senten ces usingas much / many ... as ther is / are. Follow the exampl e.1.In Britai n for every curiou s surnam e there is an intere sting place name.Thereare as many curiou s surnam es in Britai n as thereare intere sting placenames.2.For each commun ity in the capita l thereis a majorcultur al festiv al.Thereare as many majorcultur al festiv als in the capita l as thereare commun ities.3.Thereis a lot of confus ion aboutthe new traffi c rules, and thereis the same amount of dissat isfac tionaboutthe change s in the openin g hoursof shops.Thereis as much confus ion aboutthe new traffi c rulesas thereis dissat isfac tionaboutthe change s in the openin g hoursof shops.4.For each member of our organi zatio n thereis a differ ent opinio n aboutwhat we shoulddo.Thereare as many differ ent opinio ns aboutwhat we should do as thereare member s of our organi zatio n.5.I've got the feelin g that the number of proble ms to resolv e on this projec t is equiva lentto the number of starsin the sky.Thereare as many proble ms to resolv e on this projec t as thereare starsin the sky.1. Who doesn't suppor t the policy?Femini sts.2. How long has the policy worked?Hundre ds of years.3. Who doesn't want to see it abused?Icelan dic people.4. If the policy change d, what mightsome people want to do?They mightwant to give theirchildr en unusua l names.5. What is Snowmo bilean exampl e of?It is an exampl e of a ridicu lousname and abuseof the naming system.Read the explan ation s of the words. Answer the questi ons.1.(a)Ten to one.(b)I will have a ration al attitu de.(c)They are toally unreas onabl e.(d)No, it is rather large.2.(a)Yes, becaus e people pay you a largeamount of money.(b)Growin g cities(c)No, I am not really hungry.3.(a)Machin es are a myster y to me.(b)Yes, I have to sit next week's test.(c)No, I thinknamesneed to be more imagin ative.4.(a)Spendi ng a lot.(b)A sudden increa se in powerflow caused by someth ing like lightn ing may damage electr icalapplia nces.(c)No, run, becaus e people are sudden ly rushin g toward s you like a wave on a beach.(d)When a sudden powerf ul emotio n fillsyou, it is very diffic ult to contro l.5.(a)Yes, or things will be disorg anize d.(b)No, thereis plenty of public transp ort to use.(c)I thinkit is mainly becaus e they want a change.(d)Yes, or else I cannot revise laterTransl ate the paragr aphsinto Chines e.1. In Europe, the Romans starte d callin g people by theirgivenname and family name in Latinfrom 300 BC, but it wasn't common practi ce throug houtEurope untilthe 10th or 11th centur y, when first, the lordsand gentry, then middle-classcitize ns, and finall y everyo ne used surnam es. The necess ity for surnam es arosewhen the popula tionbeganto grow. Sudden ly therewas more than one person with the same name in a villag e, so surnam es were used. Genera lly, thesesurnam es were not handed down to the next genera tion, but afterthe fall of the RomanEmpire, Irelan d was one of the firstcountr ies to adoptheredi tarysurnam es, and Irishsurnam es are foundas earlyas the10t h centur y.在欧洲,罗马人从公元前300年起就用拉丁文的姓和名来称呼别人,但是一直到公元10或者11世纪,这种做法才在整个欧洲流行起来,最先是在贵族阶层中间,然后是城市的中产阶级,到最后所有人都开始使用姓氏。

P17:1) Her rough, red hands reflected_ (反映了) a life of hard physical work.2) He has never been very __concerned/ worried (担心) about what other people think of him.3) His mother’s death when he was aged six had a profound effect/influence(深刻的影响)onhim.4) She is _viewed/regarded (看作) as a strong candidate for the job.5) Some people’s teeth are highly _sensitive (敏感的) to cold.6) How did she _respond/react (作出反应) to the news7) The new process has eliminated (排除) the need for checking the products by hand.8) It’s taken me a while but at last I’ve managed to overcome my fear (克服我的恐惧) of public speaking.9) If you want to pass your exams, you’ll have to concentrate on (集中注意力在) your listening skills.10) She was asked about a pay increase for the factory workers but made no comment(未作评论). P17: 1) 你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼。

(P17)1. 你应该适当花一点时间休息和锻炼(reasonable)You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.2. 总的来说,孩子们比过去任何时候都更健康,收到了更好的教育。
(in general)In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before.3. 待适当的机会来临,他就能抓住。
(come along)When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4. 每天他都留出点时间跟家里人在一起,享受生活。
(set aside)Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5. 我记得那些黑暗的街道以及同父亲手拉手走路的情景。
(hand in hand)I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6. 他最终辜负了父母的期望。
(live up to)He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.7. 相比之下,我们的用油量大幅度上升了。
(in contrast)In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8. 经过努力,他成功地克服了自己的致命弱点。
(overcome)He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.(P46)1) 人们认为,悲观常常会导致绝望、疾病和失败。
新编大学英语第3册课后答案 (超详细版)

新编大学英语第3册课后答案(超详细版)Unit 1. PersonalityPart One- Preparation1.Mr. And Miss So and So1) Gentle 2) Dedicated 3) Considerate 4) Adventurous 5) Calm 6)Aggressive 7) Critical 8) Energetic 9) Selfish 10) Ambitious 11) Self-confident 12) Easygoing 13) Truthful 14) Outgoing 15) Frank 16) Sensitive 17) Bossy 18)Patient 19) Talkative 20) Persuasive 21) Sympathetic 22) Emotional2. Personality and JobSalesperson- shrewed, hard-working, boastful, acute, trickyTeacher- patient, tolerant, talkative, unselfish, loving, humorous, bossyDoctor- patient, calm, independent, careful, sympatheticPolice officer- brave, alert, independent, strong, calmAccountant- careful, honest, cautious, patientLawyer- persuasive, expressive, eloquent, serious, knowledgeable, talkativeTourist guide- enthusiastic, talkative, expressive, energetic, considerate, good-temperedHost or hostess of a show- emotional, expressive, optimistic, quick-minded, exaggerated, humorousReporter- cautious, extroverted, open-minded, adventurousSecretrary- easygoing, tolerant, sensitive, frank, thorough, efficientSpokeperson- intelligent, talkative, diplomatic, cautious, matter-of-factPart Two – Post-readingReading Comprehension1.Understanding the Organization of the Text1)Introduction: (para1)Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness for a great many people2)Reasons why shyness can have a negative effect: (para2-3)People’ s self-concept has a profound effect on all areas of their lives.People with high self-esteem unsually act with confidence.People with low self-esteem are likey to be passive and easily influenced by others.3)Ways of overcoming shyness: (para 4-15)i)Recognize your personal strengths and weaknesses.ii)Set reasonable goals.iii)Don’t waste time and energy on destructive feelings such as guilt and shame.iv)Don’t be afraid to speak up and give your point of view.v)Do not make negative comments about yourself.vi)Accept criticism thoughfully.vii)Profit from failures and disappointments by viewing them as learning experiences.viii)Do not associate with people who make you feel inadequate.ix)Set aside time to relax, enjoy hobbies, and reevaluate your goals regularly.x)Practice being in social situations.4)Conclusion: (para16)2. Understanding Specific Information1) F 2) T 3) T 4) T 5) F 6)T 7)F 8)F 9)TVocabulary1.1)self-couscious (worried and embarrassed about what you look like or what other people think of you.)2)self-confidence (belief in one’s own ability, power, judgment, etc,; confidence in oneself)3)self-esteem (the feeling that you are someone who deserves to be liked, respected, or admired)4)self-destructive (with thoughts or actions that are counter to one’s own best interests)5)self-worth (the value you give to your life and achievements)6)self-concept (one’s conception or general idea of one’s own basic character and nature)7)self-awareness (realistic knowledge and judgment about oneself)8)self-assurance/self-confidence (the belief that you are able to deal with people and problems easily)2.1) B 2 ) I 3) L 4) A 5) H 6) D 7) E8) N 9) J 10) M 11) C 12) F 13) G 14) K3.1) profound 2)jealousy 3) numerous 4)overweight 5) overcome6) eventually 7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented4.1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded5) sensitive 6) respond/ react 7) eliminated 8) overcome my fear9) concentrate on 10) made no commentTranslation1)You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising.(spend time on sth/ in doing sth)2)In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. (than ever before)3)When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it.4)Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life.5)I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father.6)He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.7)In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously.8)He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness.Part Three – Further Development1. Enriching Your Word Power1) B 2)B 3)A 4) B 5) D 6) C 7)B 8)C 9)A 10)A 11) C 12) BPart Four- Writing and Translation2.1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure.2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful.3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience.4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties.6)Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much.Unit 2 Myths and LegendsPart One – Preparation4. Matching Pictures1. Aphrodite2. Ares3. Hephaestus4. Artemis5. Demeter6. Dionysus7. Poseidon 8. Athena 9. Apollo 10. hermes 11. Hera 12. ZeusPart Two – Post-reading1. Testing Your Memory1) Because they were invited to a feast in the sky.2) He saw the birds were busy preparing.3) He planned to go to the feast/ sky with the birds.4) They didn’t agree because Tortoise was mischievous/ cunning and ungrateful.5) With a sweet tongue, he convinced the birds that he was a changed man.6) He made two wings with all the features he got from each bird.7) All of You.8) Nuts, meat and fish soup, punded yam, yam soup, palm wine, etc.9) For whom have you prepared this feast?10) Because he knew the answer would be “For all of you”, which was his new name. So he could enjoy all the food first.11) They were very angry.12) They took back the feathers they had lent him.13) He asked him to take a message to his wife.14) Parrot, because he wanted to take advantage of the chance to get revenge.15) He asked Parrot to tell his wife to bring out all the soft things in his house and cover the ground with them so that he would be able to land safely. But Parrot told his wife to bring out all the hard and sharp things instead.16) His shell was broken into hundreds of pieces.Vocabulary1.1) A. invitation B. invited C. inviting2) A. prepare B. prepared C. preparation D. preparatory / preparation3) A. discoveries B. discoverers C. discovered4) A. approval B. approve C. approved D. approvign E. disapprove5) A. eloquent B. eloquence C. eloquently6) A. faithful B. unfaithful/ faithless C. faith D. faithfully7) A. occasional B. occasionally C. occasion8) A. delivery B. delivering C. delivered9) A. troubesome B. troulbed C. troubled D. troubling10) A. assurance B. assured C. assure2.1) got/ran into trouble 2) no trouble 3) asking for trouble 4) have…trouble5) trouble with 6) in serious/ deep/ big trouble 7) get/getting …into trouble 8) took the trouble3.1) with a pattern of roses.2) prepared a wonderful / good meal for us3) promised faithfully4) deliver this letter5) a selection of milk and plain chocolate7)the sound of distant thunder8) received approval from the government9) in spite of the fact that he drank too much10)agree whether the drug is safe or notPart Three – Further Development1.Enriching Your Word Power1) C 2) C 3) A 4) B 5)A 6) B 7) A 8) B 9) B 10) A 11) B 12) APart Four – Writing and Translation2.Translation Practice万物之初,天体还是一体,充满混沌。
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Unit 9 MusicIn-Class Reading Music to Your Gear参考译文音乐与开车安迪·埃利斯1 尽管音乐能使你胸中的怒气平息,但是开车时听音乐也会损害你的健康。
2 音乐有两个极端,任何一个极端都有可能带来危险。
3 英国汽车协会一直关注道路安全,它委托搞了一个项目,研究严重车祸与音乐之间的关系。
4 快节奏或重金属音乐要是放得很响,会使人易怒好斗,开起车来就会冲劲十足,这种司机也就更容易去冒险。
5 在试验中,给那些自愿参加实验的司机听声音很响的音乐,他们说尽管他们不一定感到非要开快车,但的确发现自己换档更快了,加速也快了,刹车更急了。
6 这些自愿参试的司机(有些刚刚拿到驾驶执照)所发表的意见非常说明问题。
”7 另一名自愿参试的司机一直在听ZZ Top乐队最流行的曲子,他说,“我一直在快速行驶,扯着嗓门唱歌,没有看见也没有听见那辆一直想超过我的消防车。
”8 还有些人说:“我陷入了深思”…… “人的感觉会变得麻木” …… “听不见别的汽车是个问题”,“我一直在随着音乐的节奏加快速度。
”9 一些慢节奏的背景音乐,如肖邦的音乐,会刺激人的大脑,使思维模式发生变化,激发阿尔法脑波,使人有一种舒服愉快的感觉。
”10 “问题的关键在于根据具体情况选择合适的音乐。
”11 然而,音乐也有其好的一面,正如英国汽车协会的心理学家罗伯特•韦斯特所指出的那样:“如果有些音乐影响我们安全行驶,那么反过来也是有道理的。
”12 不仅某种音乐会影响行驶安全,我们的车里安装了高技术的音响系统这件事本身也是引起车祸的根源。
近期一份有关交通与道路安全的报告表明,小的交通事故中,大约有40%是由于人们在更换磁带或光盘不看道路所引起的!13 无论我们对音乐的品位如何,无论我们的开车风格如何,看来安全行驶的习惯是我们一定要养成的。
罗孚汽车公司、英国航空航天局、飞利浦公司及瑞典道路与交通研究所已通力合作生产一种汽车智能系统, 简称为ARIADNE(实时智能驾驶助理)的精密电子防撞行驶报警装置,它利用雷达技术,一旦面临撞车危险,雷达会使车内的电话响起,警告司机注意。
14 如果汽车与前面的车辆之间的距离超出了安全刹车的范围,ARIADNE会通过加速器踏板发出震动以提醒司机放慢速度。
15 因此千万要记住:即便音乐是爱的食物,也要悠着点,尤其是在你开车的时候,这样我们大家就可以继续“播放”下去。
After-Class Reading Songs of Love 参考译文爱心之歌1 从很多方面来说,约翰•贝尔茨可称得上是世界上最成功的歌曲作家。
2 三十八岁的贝尔茨是一个非营利组织“爱心之歌”的创始人和主席。
3 贝尔茨相信音乐有治疗效果。
4 一些著名的音乐家,在听说了“爱心之歌”后,纷纷援助这个项目。
5 “爱心之歌”的音乐风格迥异,有用脚尖击拍的欢快流行音乐、乡村音乐还有轻柔的歌谣和说唱乐。
6 贝尔茨有许多活页夹,放满了孩子和家长们的感谢信,信中描述了孩子第一次听到专门为他们创作的歌曲时的反应。
”7 贝尔茨没有结婚,没有自己的孩子,他原先从未想过会为孩子们写歌。
8 如今,贝尔茨与他的组织成员每月创作30至40首歌曲。
9 与大多数慈善事业一样,“爱心之歌”几乎一直缺少资金。
课内阅读练习答案Part OnePreparation1. Contest -- See Who Can Name the MostLists for reference:1) Musical instruments: piano, violin, viola, cello, mouth organ, flute, saxophone, guitar, drum, trumpet, accordion, electronic keyboard, oboe, clarinet, harp;2) Well-known composers: Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Gershwin, Chopin, Strauss, Brahms, Schubert, Debussy, Schumann, Mendelssohn, Haydn, Liszt, Tschaikovsky, Dvorak, Verdi, Vivaldi; 3) Varieties of music: classical, country, light, jazz, blues, heavy metal, soul, spiritual (religious), rock, pop, folk, rap, ballad, swing, sonata, symphony, patriotic, military.4) Ways that music can be performed: individually (solo) or in groups (duet, trio, quartet, chorus, choir, etc.).2. Sing Along1)MOON RIVERMoon River, wider than a mile,I’m crossing you in style some day.You dream maker; you heart breaker,Wherever you’re going, I’m going your way.Two drifters, off to see the world,There’s such a lot o f world to see.We’re after the same rainbow’s end,Waiting round the bend.My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me.Someone Like YouI heard that you're settled down.That you found a girl and you're married now.I heard that your dreams came true.Guess she gave you things, I didn't give to you.Old friend, why are you so shy?Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the lie.I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.I'd hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded,That for me, it isn't over.Never mind, I'll find someone like you.I wish nothing but the best for you too.Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said:-"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead" Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah.You know how the time flies.Only yesterday was the time of our lives.We were born and raised in a summer haze.Bound by the surprise of our glory days.I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited.But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.I'd hoped you'd see my face & that you'd be reminded,That for me, it isn't over yetNever mind, I'll find someone like you.I wish nothing but the best for you, too.Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said:- "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"Nothing compares, no worries or cares.Regrets and mistakes they're memories made.Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste? Never mind, I'll find someone like you.I wish nothing but the best, for you too.Don't forget me, I begged, I remember you said:- "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"Never mind, I'll find someone like you.I wish nothing but the best, for you too.Don't forget me, I beg, I remember you said:- "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead" Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, yeah.3)Let It BeWhen I find myself in times of troubleMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom,Let it be.And in my hour of darknessShe is standing right in front of me,Speaking words of wisdom,Let it be. (Repeat)Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.And when the broken-hearted peopleLiving in the world agreeThere will be an answer,Let it be.For though they may be partedThere is still a chance that they will see,There will be an answer,Let it be. (Repeat)There will be an answer, let it be.And when the night is cloudy,There is still a light that shines on me,Shine until tomorrow,Let it be.I wake up to the sound of musicMother Mary comes to meSpeaking words of wisdom,Let it be. (Repeat)There will be an answer, let it be.Part Two Reading-Centered ActivitiesIn-Class ReadingPre-Reading1.1) When and where do you listen to music?SamplesWhen I am studying;-- am working;-- am doing homework;-- feel happy;-- feel sad;-- feel lonely;-- am going to sleep;-- go jogging;-- am doing monotonous jobs.When I am at home;-- in the dormitory;-- in the classroom;-- in a bus/train/car, etc.;-- on the way to class/the cafeteria/library/dorm.2) What function does music play in our daily lives?It creates a nice atmosphere for work, study, conversation, etc.;-- cheers someone up when they feel sad;-- puts people in the right mood;-- eases one’s mind in difficult situations;-- makes one’s mind w ork more efficiently and respond more quickly.Post- ReadingReading Comprehension1. Understanding the organization1) Introduction: (Para.1)Music may calm you down but it can also lead to traffic accidents.2)Effect of music on drivers: (Para.2-9)A. Argument: Both extremes of music can result in risk. (Para.2)Music with a strong beat leads to aggressive driving.Soothing and melodious music makes drivers relaxed and sleepy.B. Supporting Evidence (Para.3-9):a. Introduction to the research (Para.3):Sponsor: British Automobile AssociationSubjects: Volunteer drivers, including newly qualified ones.Findings:i. Men in the 17-25 age bracket were the most dangerous and accident-prone group.ii. Men in this group listen to music for seventy percent of the time they are on the move.b. The pace of the driving is governed by the pace and beat of the music (Para.4-5):i. Drivers subjected to loud music find themselves making faster gear changes, accelerating more quickly and braking more abruptly.ii. Drivers subjected to slow ballads often find their attention wandering.iii. Comments by the volunteer drivers (Para.6-8):i) Simon told the AA that the fast rock music was potentially lethal.ii) Another volunteer said that he was speeding along singing loudly without noticing the fire engine behind his car while listening to ZZ Top’s music.iii) Other comments: “I get lost in my own thoughts”… “It’s possible to suffer a dulling of the senses”… “Not hearing other vehicles is a problem”…c. Slower music stimul ates a change in a person’s brain pattern. (Para.9)i. It encourages Alpha waves.ii. It induces a feeling of well-being.iii. Prof. Shirley Fisher’s warning: Some music can lull you into concentration loss, or even mini-sleep, which can cause horrific accidents.3) An analysis of the effect of music on driving: (Para.10-12)A. Selecting your music to suit the conditions (Para.10-11):a. Stimulating music can be useful on long boring roads, but it can distract you when traffic conditions are difficult, or traffic is heavy.b. According to Dr. Robert West, carefully selected music may improve our driving, particularly in the high risk group.B. High-tech music systems built into our cars also cause accidents (Para.12).A recent traffic and road safety report showed that 40% of minor road accidents were caused by people taking their eyes off the road to change a cassette or disc.4)A car intelligence system: (Para.13-14):A. Its producers: Rover, British Aerospace, Philips and Sweden’s Road and Traffic Research Institute.B. Its name: Application of Real-Time Intelligent Aid for DrivingC. Its working principle: It’s a sophisticated electronic system which takes advantage of radar to warn the driver when a collision is possible.D. Its ways to warn the driver:a) It sends a vibration through the accelerator pedal to warn the driver to slow down.b) If early warnings go unheeded, the engine cuts out and the hazard warning lights go on.5) Conclusion: (Para.15)Music lovers should be careful when driving.2. Understanding Specific Information1) T 2) F 3) F 4) T 5) T 6) T 7) F 8) F 9) T 10) FVocabulary1.1) stimulate 2) distract 3) qualify/be qualified 4) induce 5) accelerate6) soothe 7) overtaken 8) wander 9) combine 10) commissioned2.1)C 2) D 3) A 4) C 5) A 6) C 7) C 8) ATranslation1. Many people took advantage of the local workforces and environmental conditions to start upa few new factories.2. I feel inclined to congratulate her on her performance tonight, but her interest has changed again to speak of Egypt.3. I’m sure her illness was brought on partly by the worry of all that was happening.4. The problem is that the employer is apt to underestimate the value of direct discussion with his employees.5. What they had been doing resulted in the discovery of a cure for cancer.6. Comparatively speaking, we are more concerned with work efficiency and productdevelopment.7. The doctors once said to us that the surgery could induce heart attack.8. Although we may be qualified to work for the project, we can not really be considered top-class scientists.After-Class ReadingPart ThreeFurther Development1. Enriching Your Word Power1) C 2) B 3) B 4) A 5) A 6) B 7) B 8) C2 Music and YouSTEP ONE My Favorite Music or Musician1) What kinds of music do you prefer? Why?Sample-- I prefer light music because it makes me feel relaxed. Light music also creates a peaceful environment. By listening to light music I can be in good mood and get prepared to do what is on my agenda.-- I prefer rock music because it makes me excited and energetic. I feel as if I’m full of renewed vigor and can do any hard work.-- I prefer country music because it is beautiful and puts me in a light mood.-- I like pop music because it is easy to follow and is closely related to our daily lives.-- I like folk music because it often tells a story about ordinary people.-- I prefer Chinese pop music because it is closer and more meaningful to me. Very often I feel as if I were the singer and my feeling changes as the music does.-- I like love songs because they are romantic. It arouses our imagination and touches the deeppart of our heart.-- My favorite piece of music is jazz because it is the kind of music for all moods. My favorite jazz piece is "My Favorite Things" by John Coltrane.-- The music that I like most is the piano instrumental. The person who listens to instrumental music can try to understand what message the composer is trying to convey through his composition.--My favorite song is James Taylor's "The Water is Wide." Every time I hear it, I feel as if I’m in a different place, where people walk in the streets heartbroken, but with the hope that life will be kind to them again. There is something comforting in the song that leaves me confident that whatever hardship I'm facing, other people have faced it before, and it can be overcome anyway.2) Which composers and/or singers do you like most? Why?Sample-- Among the composers, I like Beethoven the most. I like his symphonies, especially his Fifth Symphony. It is thought-provoking. Whenever I feel unhappy and can’t find a way out of a difficult situation, I will listen to his music.-- Among the singers, I like Mariah Carey the best. I like her songs, and I like her voice.-- I like Michael Bolton, especially his “Said I Love You, but I Lied.”-- I like Richard Marx because he is handsome, versatile and sexy.3) Does music affect your mood? If so, how and what types of music?Sample-- Music does affect my mood. When I feel stressed or exhausted after a day’s hard work, I often listen to light music, country music, classical music, or folk music to relax myself.-- When I feel sad and don’t feel like doing a nything, I will listen to some pop music or rock music to pick me up.-- Music moves me in many ways but the most unforgettable experience I have had was listening to a piece of Mahler's. At one point the string section builds up to a high note which is so exquisitely haunting and sad that tears streamed down my face. I now know that he wrote this music about the death of his child and I find it amazing that this emotion could be conveyed so clearly. In most cases, music makes me happy to be alive.-- Music keeps me in touch with my inner part, another real life. It reminds me of the basics necessary for a healthy heart. While we are all rushing around from day to day it is too easy to be busy "getting it all" done and we forget to take good care of ourselves and keep in touch with each other often enough. Music takes us away from the busy physical world and provides an easy way to reach the soul.STEP TWO Music Party(The teacher can choose one or two music fans in the class to give a music party and let the fans choose a couple of their classmates to help them with the work.)STEP THREE InterviewDirections: Suppose you were the singer/band/composer you have just introduced, and let the other students interview you.Questions that may be asked:1) Where are you from?2) Why did you decide to become a musician?3) Which composers/singers do you admire most and try to learn from?4) When did you start to compose music of your own?5) Since you are so famous, you must have a lot of fans. Can you say something about them?6) As we all know, you’re becoming more and more famous in recent years. What’s your secret weapon for success?7) What do you think about recorded music and live performance?8) Some youngsters take famous singers as their role models and try to imitate them in any way they can. What do you think of this?9) Can you say something about your first song?10) When was your first concert held?11) What is the main theme of your music?12) What will you play for the students at your Saturday concert?13) How are you preparing for the forthcoming concert?14) What is the source of your creativity?15) What is your plan for the immediate future?16) What will you be doing in five years’ time?17) Why did you decide to hold a concert at our university?18) Do you have a girl friend? (If the answer is positive,) Can you say something about her?19) What do you think is the most important quality for being a famous singer?20) Can you say something about your hobbies and interests?STEP FOUR Music ReportSampleFrank White is an extraordinarily fascinating musician. Being a music talent, he started to write some easy songs when he was a little child. By the time he entered a music school, he already had several popular songs to his credit. Being a famous singer throughout the country, he thinks his secret is to be faithful to his fans and to be always original. He never copies others. With love as the theme of his songs, he also tries to show his love for people and the world.He is going to give a concert at our university because he considers our university as one of the best universities in the country and he wants to get some inspiration from the brilliant students on this campus for his creation. In the concert, he will bring us some of his newly-written songs and he is sure that we will enjoy them. He has kept the program for the concert a secret because he wants to give us a pleasant surprise.3. Trying to Be a SongwriterTips for teachers:1)Exploring music: Whether you are a teenager or are well into your golden years, it is never too late to explore your creativity, especially in music. Songwriting is an excellent way to express your thoughts and feelings even if you have no aspirations of musical fame or fortune. If you are interested in selling or performing your songs, however, you should be aware that it is a hard road and that very few songwriters achieve great fame or fortune, especially in a short time. Nonetheless, if you are quite realistic, you’ll find that composing music is a worthwhile experience whether it is a hobby or a profession.2) What to start with: People write songs in many different ways. Some writers compose the music first, while others first write the words. For still others, words and melody occur to them at the same time. No matter what process you are comfortable with, you eventually have to decide what the song is about. There is a variety of different types of songs ranging from songs that tell fictional stories to songs that communicate deep personal feelings.A story song: If you decide to write a story song, a good start is to write about a news story or something you’ve read in the newspaper. However, if you already have a story in your mind, you can write it out in poem form with appropriate rhymes and structures that help transform the story into a song.4) Personal songs: Music is very expressive and songwriters use the media to express their feelings, whether it’s about a person, a situation or even an important place. Songs can be highly personal, so each person creates differently. When you have a strong feeling about something, write it down in a notebook and come back to it later. You might come up with a good line that expresses an emotion really well, and if you remember it you might be able to build an entire song around it. A peaceful environment is always favorable to songwriting.Music composing: Composing the music for a song can be done in many different ways depending on your musical prowess and your focus. Often times, songwriters will construct whole pieces, melody and all, without even knowing what the song is going to be about. Once the melody is complete, the composer will sit down and think about the lyrics that are consistent with the feeling behind the music and will go from there.Samples (用“洋娃娃与小熊跳舞”的曲调):1)Little Sammy, don’t worry,We’ll help you anyway;Always happy, always lucky,God will bless you all the way.Play basketball, do some reading,Have a good time every day;Welcome to China,Go to the Great Wall,With your Wishbone together.(The students who wrote the song: 刘樱,蒋令西,吴越,钱莉莉)2)Sammy, little boy,Let’s go to China with your dear Wishbone,To see the Great Wall,To see the Summer Palace,And to everywhere you want.Playing basketball in the shiny sun,Reading stories on the grass,With Wishbone around you,Everything is so beautiful.Sammy, our happiest boy,The best wishes to you,Forever, forever, forever.…4. Trying to Translate LyricsA School BoyI’m a little school boy,Carrying a schoolbag I go to school,Regardless of the scorching sunAnd the violent wind and rainstorm,I fear my teacher would scold me for being lazy,And with no learning I daren’t face mom and dad.I’m a little school boy,Carrying a schoolbag I go to school,Neither for becoming an official,Nor for glorifying my own face,My goal is to change the fate of the poor,Let them no longer be bullied or enslaved.Part Four Writing and Translation1 Translation Practice1) 音乐是人类的共同语言。