现代大学英语精读3 复习 总结

English S ummary PhrasesPart I学术生活 academic l ife民族认同 ethnic i dentity种族歧视 racial p rejudice伦理道德观念 ethical v alues政治上的成熟 political m aturity认同危机 identity c risis基因工程 genetic e ngineering偶然事件 chance e vents青少年阶段 adolescence s tage每日工作日程 daily a genda功能独立 functional i ndependence异性 the o pposite s ex生活方式 a w ay o f l ife获得知识 to a cquire k nowledge给这个词下定义 to d efine t he w ord对这种对待感到反感 to r esent t he t reatment确立自己的身份 to e stablish t heir i dentity使学生感到沮丧 to f rustrate t he s tudents宣战 to d eclare w ar拖着脚步 to d rag o ne’s f eet对结果进行评估 to e valuate t he r esult对知识进行加工 to p rocess k nowledge缩小差距 to n arrow t he g ap扩大业务 to e xpand b usiness装配汽车 to a ssemble c ars提出事实 to p resent f actsPart I I决定今天到此为止 to c all i t a d ay获得利益 to m ake p rofit改进性能 to i mprove p erformance停学 to q uit s chool做一笔交易 to m ake a d eal变本加厉重新开始 to s tart a gain w ith a v engeance 注册登记成立一家公司 to i ncorporate a c ompany组装一辆汽车 to a ssemble a c arto g ross(top/net) 10 m illion d ollars营业额达(总数超/纯利达)一千万美元开发产品 to d evelop p roducts营销产品 to m arket p roducts从中得到教训 to d raw a l esson f rom i t实现梦想 to r ealize a d ream捐钱 to d onate m oney游手好闲,不务正业 to f ool a round经济前景 business(economic) p rospects竞争优势 a c ompetitive e dge营业执照 business l icense库存和管理费 inventory a nd o verheads按客户需要配置的电脑 custom-‐made(personalized) c omputers 库存过多 surplus s tock/excess i nventory销售定额 a s ales q uota增值 added v alue零售价格 a r etail p rice千载难逢的机会 the o pportunity o f a l ifetime春假 spring r ecess财务和管理 finance a nd a dministration直销 direct m arketing会计基础 accounting b asics可以退货的保证 a m oney-‐back g uarantee现场服务 on-‐site s ervice市中心 a c ivic c enter犹太人集中的社区 the J ewish c ommunity终端用户 end u sersPart I II继续去写她的东西 to r esume h er w riting流露他的真情 to b etray h is t rue f eelings引起巨大愤怒 to a rouse g reat a nger出自己的洋相 to m ake a f ool o f o neself通知相关的所有人 to i nform e veryone c oncerned问讯 to m ake i nquires遭受巨大痛苦 to s uffer a t errible p ain扔一块石头 to p itch a s tone(因为重要)专门去做某事 to m ake a p oint o f d oing s omething侵犯我的隐私 t o i nfringe o n m y p rivacy放弃研究 to a bandon t he r esearch上一个新项目 to l aunch a n ew p roject重新做人 to s tart o ne’s l ife a fresh采纳一种新方法 to a dopt a n ew m ethod挑起激烈的反应 to p rovoke a v iolent r eaction找回自己丢失的车 to r ecover o ne’s m issing c ar涉及到和各种人打交道 to i nvolve d ealing w ith a ll k inds o f p eoplePart I V将人民币换成外币 t o c onvert C NY i nto f oreign c urrency寻找真理 to s eek t he t ruth抛掉旧的传统 to d iscard t he o ld t raditions讽刺人的虚荣 to s atirize h uman v anity在那岛上住人 to i nhabit t hat i sland钦佩他们的勇气 to a dmire t heir c ourage玩忽职守 to n eglect o ne’s d uty逃避后果 to e scape t he c onsequences挡路 to b lock o ne’s w ay毁掉名誉 to r uin o ne’s r eputation年久失修的防御工事 neglected f ortificationsa s quatter’s h ut擅自占用土地的人搭建的临时简陋房子容易变质的东西 perishable g oods社会习俗 conventions o f s ociety摇摇晃晃、头重脚轻的酒鬼 tottering d runks当前的风云人物 the m an o f t he h our英雄人物 heroic f igures一种带有使命感的神态 an a ir o f d estiny看人时如火一般的眼光 a w ar s care雨点般的石头 a s hower o f s tones一小撮捣乱分子 a h andful o f t rouble-‐makersPart V塑造年轻人的心灵 to m old y oungsters’ t hinking涂上黄油 to s pread b utter污染环境 to c ontaminate t he e nvironment缓和口气 to m odify t he t one造成未曾料到的伤害 to w ork u nknown h arm创造奇迹 to w ork m iracles获得权力 to a cquire p ower抛弃朋友 to d esert o ne’s f riends放弃这一城市 to d esert t he c ity解决这一争端 to s ettle t he d ispute解决这一问题* to s ettle t he m atter赏心悦目 to d elight t he e ye侵入那个国家 to i nvade t hat c ountry侵犯某人隐私 to i nvade o ne’s p rivacy挖一口井 to s ink a w ell严酷的现实 harsh r eality空气污染 air c ontamination致命武器 lethal w eapons人工合成材料 synthetic m aterials事先的调查 advance i nvestigation生死攸关的斗争 a l ife-‐and-‐death s truggle外来物种 introduced s pecies自然保护区 natural r eserves农业的精耕细作 intensification o f a gricultureParagraphsPart IADuring t his t ime, s tudents a re g oing t hrough a n i dentity c risis a nd a re e ndeavoring t o find o ut w ho t hey a re a nd w hat t heir s trengths a nd w eaknesses a re. T hey h ave, o f course, p lenty o f b oth. I t i s i mportant t o k now h ow p eople p erceive t hemselves a s well a s h ow o thers p erceive t hem. A ccording t o p iers a nd l andau, i n a n a rticle discussing t he t heories o f E rik H. E rickson i n i nternational e ncyclopedia o f s ocial sciences (1979), i dentity i s d etermined b y g enetic e ndowment (what i s i nherited from p arents), s haped b y e nvironment, a nd i nfluenced b y c hance e vents. P eople a re influenced b y t heir e nvironment a nd, i n t urn, i nfluence t heir e nvironment. H ow people s ee t hemselves i n b oth r oles i s u nquestionably a p art o f t heir i dentity.BProbably o ne o f t he m ost s tressful m atters f or y oung c ollege s tudents i s e stablishing their f uture s exual i dentity, w hich i ncludes r elating t o t he o pposite s ex a nd projecting t heir f uture r oles a s m en o r w omen. E ach m ust d efine h er o f h is s exual identity i n a f eminine o r m asculine r ole. T hese a re e xciting t imes y e f rustrating t imes. Probably n othing c an m ake s tudents f eel l ower o r h igher e motionally t han t he w ay they a re r elating t o w homever t hey a re h aving a r omantic r elation w ith. F or e xample, when I w as w orking w ith a y oung c ollege s tudent, h e b ounced i nto m y o ffice o nce with a s mile o n h is f ace a nd e xcitement i n h is v oice. T he y oung m an d eclared, “I’ve just h ad t he b est d ay o f m y l ife!” h e w ent o n t o e xplain h ow h e h ad m et a n extraordinary y oung w oman a nd h ow t his r elationship w as a ll h e h ad d reamed a romantic r elationship s hould b e. T hat s ame y oung m an c ame i nto m y o ffice l ess t han a w eek l ater, d ragging h is f eet w ith a d ismayed, d ejected l ook o n h is f ace. H e s at down i n t he s ame c hair, s ighed d eeply, a nd d eclared,” I’ve j ust h ad t he w orst d ay o f my l ife!” h e a nd t he y oung w oman h ad j ust h ad a n a rgument, a nd t heir r elationship was n o l onger g oing w ell. T hus, t he w ay s tudents a re r elating t o t hose o f t he opposite s ex h as a d efinite i nfluence o n t heir e motions.Part I IADell k new t hat I BM r equired i ts d ealers t o t ake a m onthly q uota o f P Cs, i n m ost c ases more t han t hey c ould s ell. H e a lso k new t hat h olding e xcess i nventory w as c ostly. S o he b ought d ealers' s urplus s tock a t c ost. B ack i n h is d orm r oom, h e a dded f eaturesto i mprove p erformance. T he s ouped-‐up m odels f ound e ager b uyers. S eeing t he hungry m arket, D ell p laced l ocal a dvertisements o ffering h is c ustomized c omputers at 15 p ercent o ff r etail p rice. S oon h e w as s elling t o b usinesses, d octors' o ffices a nd law f irms. T he t runk o f h is c ar w as h is s tore; h is r oom t ook o n t he a ppearance o f a small f actory.BThe q uarters h e s hared w ith t wo r oommates l ooked l ike a c ombat z one-‐ b oxes p iledhigh, c omputer b oards a nd t ools s cattered a round. O ne d ay h is r oommates h eaped all h is e quipment i nto a p ile, p reventing D ell f rom e ntering h is r oom. I t w as t ime t o come t o g rips w ith t he m agnitude o f w hat h e h ad c reated. T he b usiness w as n ow grossing m ore t han $ 50 000 a m onth.Part I IIAMr. C rowther, f or h is p art, h ad a lso s uffered s ome d istraction. T hought h e w as pretending t o r ead, h e w as a ctually u nable t o d o s o. F or a ll h is a ppearance o f indifference, t he s ight o f a w ell-‐to-‐do g entleman p itching a s uitcase f rom t he window o f a m oving t rain h ad s urprised h im v ery m uch. B ut h e h ad n ot b etrayed h is surprise. T he f ellow w as o bviously c ounting o n h im f or a v iolent r eaction, a nd s o M r. Crowther m ade a p oint o f n ot r eacting. W hether t he t hing w as a p ractical j oke o r n ot, Mr. C rowther c onsidered i t a n a nnoying i nfringement o f h is p rivacy. I t w as a s i f t he fellow h ad b urst a p aper b ag i n t he h ope o f m aking h im j ump. W ell, h e w asn't g oing to j ump, h e w asn't g oing t o g ive t hat f ellow t he s atisfaction. I f t he f ellow i magined that t o t hrow a s uitcase o ut o f t he w indow g ave h im s ome s ort o f i mportance, w ell, he w as m istaken.BMr. H arraby-‐Ribston t ook t he d isclosure r emarkably w ell. H e d id, i t's t rue, f linch a nd turn a l ittle p ale, b ut i n a f ew m oments h e h ad r ecovered h imself." T hank y ou, s ir," he s aid; a nd l et m e s ay h ow m uch I a ppreciate y our o penness. I n f act, y ou t empt m e to b e e qually f rank w ith y ou. L et m e c onfess, t hen, t hat a s a m atter o f f act I h aven't left m y w ife, f or t he s imple r eason t hat I'm a b achelor. I g row v egetables o n r ather a large s cale a nd o nce a w eek b usiness t akes m e t o L ondon. A s f or t he m atter o f t he suitcase , I h ave s ome f riends w hose h ouse w e p assed a f ew m iles b ack a nd e very week I f ill a s uitcase w ith v egetables, b ring i t w ith m e, a nd t hrow i t o ut o f t he carriage-‐window a s t he t rain p asses t heir h ouse. I t r olls d own t he e mbankment a nd lands u p a gainst t heir r ailings. I t's a p rimitive m ethod, I k now, b ut i t s aves p ostage and y ou c an h ave n o i dea h ow m uch e ntertaining c onversation i t p rovokes w ith m y fellow-‐passengers. Y ou, i f I m ay s ay s o, a re n o e xception."Part I VAOnly t wenty, A lexander w as f ar o lder a nd w iser t han h is y ears. L ike a ll M acedonians he l oved d rinking, b ut h e c ould u sually h andle i t; a nd t oward w omen h e w as n obly restrained a nd c hivalrous. L ike a ll M acedonians h e l oved f ighting; h e w as a magnificent c ommander, b ut h e w as n ot m erely a m ilitary a utomaton. H e c ould think. A t t hirteen h e h ad b ecome a p upil o f t he g reatest m ind i n G reece, A ristotle who g ave h im t he b est o f G reek c ulture. H e t aught A lexander p oetry: t he y oung prince s lept w ith t he I liad u nder h is p illow a nd l onged t o e mulate A chilles, w ho brought t he m ighty p ower o f A sia t o r uin. H e t aught h im p hilosophy, i n p articular t he shapes a nd u ses o f p olitical p ower a nd h e t aught h im t he p rinciples o f s cientific research: d uring h is i nvasion o f t he P ersian d omains A lexander t ook w ith h im a l argecorps o f s cientists, a nd s hipped h undreds o f z oological s pecimens b ack t o G reece f or study. I ndeed, i t w as f rom A ristotle t hat A lexander l earned t o s eek o ut e verything strange w hich m ight b e i nstructive.BNow, A lexander w as i n C orinth t o t ake c ommand o f t he L eague o f G reek S tates, which, h is f ather P hilip h ad c reated a s a d isguise f or t he N ew M acedonian O rder. H e was w elcomed a nd h onored a nd f lattered. H e w as t he m an o f t he h our, o f t he century: h e w as u nanimously a ppointed c ommander-‐in-‐chief o f a n ew e xpedition against o ld, r ich, c orrupt A sia. N early e veryone c rowded t o C orinth i n o rder t o congratulate h im, t o s eek e mployment w ith h im, e ven s imply t o s ee h im. O nly Diogenes, a lthough h e l ived i n C orinth, d id n ot v isit t he n ew m onarch. W ith t hat generosity w hich A ristotle h ad t aught h im , A lexander d etermined t o c all u pon Diogenes.Part VAAnother f actor i n t he m odern i nsect p roblem i s t he s preading o f t housands o f different k inds o f o rganisms f rom t heir n ative h omes. S ome h undred m illion y ears ago, f looding s eas c ut m any l and b ridges b etween c ontinents a nd l iving t hings f ound themselves c onfined i n w hat a n e cologist c alls “colossal s eparate n ature r eserves”. There, i solated f rom o thers o f t heir k ind, t hey d eveloped m any n ew s pecies. W hen some o f t he l and m asses w ere j oined a gain, a bout 15 m illion y ears a go, t hese species b egan t o m ove o ut i nto n ew t erritories-‐-‐-‐a m ovement t hat i s n ot o nly s till i n progress b ut i s n ow r eceiving c onsiderable a ssistance f rom m an.BIt i s n ot m y c ontention t hat c hemical i nsecticides m ust n ever b e u sed. I d o c ontend that w e h ave p ut p oisonous a nd b iologically p otent c hemicals i ndiscriminately i nto the h ands o f p ersons l argely o r w holly i gnorant o f t heir p otentials f or h arm. W e h ave subjected e normous n umbers o f p eople t o c ontact w ith t hese p oisons, w ithout t heir consent a nd o ften w ithout t heir k nowledge. I c ontend, f urthermore, t hat w e h ave allowed t hese c hemicals t o b e u sed w ith l ittle o r n o a dvance i nvestigation o f t heir effect o n s oil, w ater, w ildlife, a nd m an h imself. F uture g enerations a re u nlikely t o forgive o ur l ack o f c oncern f or t he i ntegrity o f t he n atural w orld t hat s upports a ll l ife.TranslatePart I1) 她打算申请那个学术工作。

Unit 1Text A课文内容全解1. Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your life as you move from adolescence to young adulthood? (L.3, Para.1) adulthood/ˈædʌlthʊd/n. the state of being an adult成年:Many people are able to maintain friendships into adulthood.很多人能够把友谊维持到成年。
2. During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are. (L.1, Para.2) 【英释】During this period, students are experiencing an identity crisis and are trying to find out who they are and what their strong and weak points are.3. First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda. (L.3, Para.4) 【英释】First, there is functional independence, which includes how an individual can handle his or her practical and personal affairs, such as learning how to spend money wisely, choosing his or her own clothes, and deciding what he or she is going to do every day.4. Fourth is freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father.” (L.12, Para.4) 【英释】Children often feel very guilty in relation to their parents because they think they have done something wrong; they are also anxious because they are eager to please their parents; they sometimes feel unhappy because they think that their parents have not been fair to them; they feel that they are responsible to their parents for everything they do; they are always afraid of not saying the right thing or not behaving properly; all these may make them angry with their parents or make them feel resentful. These feelings reflect their emotional dependence on their parents. When they grow up, they usually strive for freedom from this.5. At the same time, these young adults are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world. (L.1, Para.6) affection/əˈfekʃn/n.①a gentle feeling of caring and loving喜爱;钟爱:She has great affection for her little brother.她很疼爱她的弟弟。

大学英语精读3复习资料第一单元一.V ocabulary Into Chinese 1. 给这个词下定义define the word;6.履行义务perform ones duty 2. 反感这种对待resent the treatment;7.缩小差距narrow the gap 3. 使学生沮丧frustrate the students;8.扩大业务expand business 4. 宣战declare a war ;9.陈述事实present the facts 5. 对结果作出评估evaluate the result Into English 1. realize ones strengths and weakness认识自己的优缺点2. enter the work world 进入职场 3. learn to handle ones personal finances学会理财 4. have excessive need for parental approval凡是征求父母同意5. projective our future roles as men or women 为我们将来如何扮演男人活着女人的角色在做准备 6. internalize religious faith, value andmorals 逐步培养和建立自己的宗教信仰、道德和价值观念。
7. learn to choose ones wardrobe学会选择着装8. establish ones identity 确定个人身份9. question and rebel against old ideas 怀疑并反抗就观念10. defy and challenge authority 蔑视挑战权威二.翻译1.他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。
He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.2.很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。
大学英语精读Book 3 Unit 9 文字材料

Unit 9 A Song of Defiance Words1. defiance: [U]behavior that shows you refuse to do what someone tells you to do, especially because you do not respect them 违抗; 反抗;His defiance of the law cost him dearly.蔑视法律使他付出沉重的代价。
.in defiance of sb/sth in spite of sb/sth; ignoring sb/sth不顾某人[某事物]; 无视某人[某事物]:act in defiance of orders 违抗命令的行动She wanted him to stay, but he left in defiance of her wishes.她要他留下来, 但他并不理会, 还是走了.2. triumph:[U] (joy or satisfaction at) being successful or victorious 成功或胜利(的喜悦或满足):shouts of triumph 胜利的欢呼声The winning team returned home in triumph. 获胜的队奏凯而归.[C]great achievement or success 巨大的成就或成功:one of the triumphs of modern science 现代科学的一项重大成就v [I, Ipr] ~ (over sb/sth) be successful or victorious 获得成功或胜利: Common sense triumphed in the end. 人的理智终於战胜了一切.triumph over one's difficulties 战胜困难3. craft: [通常用於被动语态] make (sth) skilfully, esp by hand精工制作(某物)(尤指用手工):a beautiful hand-crafted silver goblet美观的手工精制的高脚银杯.4. reality:1)现实;真实[U]He is out of touch with reality.他脱离现实。

Unit 4to wrench yourself away from: to twist and pull yourself away (or free) fromwrench vt. To pull at the feelings or emotions of挫折使感情或情绪受折磨;distress压抑; afflict使痛苦eg.: It wrenched her to watch them go. 看着他们离开,她很难受It wrenched her to say goodbye.patchwork of farms and woodlandpatchwork n.拼缝物, 拼缀物, 拼凑物woodland: a piece of land covered with trees森林地, 林地In the deep woods that verged against our back fence, a network of paths led almost everywhere, and pheasants [鸟] 雉, 野鸡rocketed off into the dense laurels ahead as you walked. (p.2)to verge against: to be close to; to be at the edge or border ofverge vi. (1) to be very close to a place;to be contiguous 邻近, 接近eg.: streets verging on the slum area 贫民区周围的街道(2) To approach the nature or condition of something specified; come close. Used with on: 接近,逼近接近具体指定的某物的性质或情况;走近。
现代大学英语精读3 Unit 1 课文 翻译及课文知识重点

精心整理 Book3Unit1使某人突然意识到1.ItoccurstosbthatItstrikestosbthatItoccursonsbthatItoccurstosbtodosth破晓;(逐渐被人)明白2.dawnon认同危机3.identitycrisis经历4.gothrough5.chanceevent偶然事件轮流;反过来6.inturn独立于7.beindependentfrom依赖于8.bedependenton分开9.separationfrom患得患失10.fearloss把……定义为definesthas11.免于……不受……约束befreedomfrom12.往后站;处在离……较远的地方;不介入standback13.情绪低落14.feellowerorhigher……than……否定+比较级=最高级15.nothingbounceinto 突然闯进;蹦进;胁迫sb做16.爱上sb17.havearomanticrelationshipwith18.无精打采的走’sfeetdragonerelateto有良好关系19.cometorealize逐渐意识到20.为sb做榜样modelfor=makeanexampleforsb21.反抗rebelagainst22.对……有偏见beprejudicedagainst23.beequalto相同;等同24.inadditionto除了25.任命;委派appointtoposition26.inadifferentlight=inadifferentway以另一种不同的观点来看27.forcertain确定地,肯定地28.促成contributeto29.观察30.observev.观察力observationn.善于观察的observantn.触摸;控制;处理handlev.31.applyv.申请;应用;适用于;敷,涂32.需要,包括,影响,involvev.33.牵涉;包含involvesborsthinvolvedoingsth包含把sb卷入sthinvolvesbinsth被卷入beinvolvedinsthinvolveda.复杂的牵扯;财政困难 involvementn.边境问题borderissuen.34.解决争端settledispute35.传输气体transportgasfromsth 36.处理;照顾seetoit37.危险期criticalcondition 38.搁置;不考虑leaveitaside39.未能/忘记带… leavesb/sthbehind停止leaveoff不再穿某物leavesth.off忽略;不提及leaveitout推迟某事leavesthover40.调查lookat=lookinto仰视;改善lookup查阅(字典,参考书中) looksthup看望或接触sblooksbup计划未来lookahead瞧不起lookdownupon…as把……视为lookupon开始精力充沛的做sth41.setto开始做sth setaboutdoingsetouttodo开始做sth陈述sthsetoutsthsentout派遣42.becontentwith知足的43.摆脱befreefrom44.interactwith与……相互作用45.Translation1.她打算申请那个学术工作。

选词填空Unit 11)From her accent I guess she’s from the Northeast.2)British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered.3)Wilfred’s remarks confirmed me in my opinion that he was an honorable(诚实的) young man.4)The key witness for the prosecution(原告方) was offered police protection after she received death threats.5)I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent events proved me wrong.6)At the trial ,Bob’s teacher, who was called as a character witness , said he was a quiet boy who had never been in trouble before.Unit 31)In terms of population , Greater New York City is the largest urban center in the United States.2)The article provides a detailed analysis of the root causes of the accident.3)There are obvious benefits in allowing each student to go at his own pace .4)The dredger(挖掘机)represents a major technological advance in keeping the river clear.5)The tired traveler stopped to catch his breath and make sure of his directions.6)Bob didn’t turn up at the party I had an intuition that something must have gone wrong.7)Roger was quite stubborn and it was almost impossible to convince him of his mistakes.8)In history the war between the Union and the eleven Southern states(1861-1865)is called American Civil War.Unit 41)He always uses my first name , although he is several years my junior .2)This is just my kind of diet—no junk food , plenty of fruit and vegetables, which I love.3)A beautiful newly constructed highway winds its way along the coast of the island.4)Vitamin C helps to combat stress either from worry or from intense physical exercise.5)Not only is measles(麻疹) a killer, but it also causes blindness, deafness and mental handicap in thousands of children every year.6)Click the left mouse button twice and your card design will be printed.7)Many beautiful landscapes that glow in the gallery(画廊) are sadly decayed in reality.8)Few actors have so fully interpreted the deepest feelings of Shakespeare as Olivier Laurence.9)As the patrol commander approached the door of the bank , he spotted a black briefcase leaning against a wall.10)Money, of course , is no substitute for the loss of life or limb .11)The goat twisted its neck to make a grab at a fallen twig(嫩枝) on the ground.12)As a mother , I give advice when my children need it ,but basically our relationship is one between equals.13)The city of Kyoto , the imperial capital, lies surrounded by hills and is frequently bathed in mists.Unit 51)The June 3 ,1996 issue of Newsweek carries a long article about Japan’s future empress(皇后).2)Bound hand and foot , the victim was left helpless in the lavatory(盥洗室).3)They have never met , but they have been in correspondence with each other for years.4)Quickly picking up the diary, Phil flipped straight to the last entry and began reading it.5)Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor sent her to the isolation ward.8)Many university students experience severe tension as final exams draw near.9)Mr. Tyler used to eat with a napkin tucked under his chin.10)We have four hours of English a week , including one session in the language laboratory.Unit81) No one trusts Felix ,for he is never punctual(准时的)and often neglects his duty.2) Greater efforts are needed before we can attain our goal of economic reform(改革).4) As it turned out, the speaker was shouted down by the hostile crowd.5) The events that occurred in his childhood shaped his whole life.6) Martin finally succeeded in projecting the two graphs(曲线图)onto the same screen with an overhead projector(投影仪).7) Young children may run around and make o lot of noise. Actually they are acting appropriately for their age.8) I enjoy my job, but I’d like to do something more creative.10) That child’s concentration span is poor—he only listens to the teacher for a few seconds at a time!11) The 20th century was remarkable for its inventions.12) He would be seeing Sarah tonight, and a vision of her face suddenly came into his mind.13) The singer’s voice soared easily to the top notes.14) On April 12, 1912 this supposedly unsinkable ship hit an iceberg.汉译英Unit11) 发言人(spokesman)明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消(cancel)这次旅行。

I. Multiple Choices:(20%, 1 point each)1.We_negotiated our way out of the airport and joined the flow of cars.2.In the old days the poverty-stricken travelers were often caught dodging fares on the train.3.It is curious that this_compact car should have such plenty of boot space.4.In spite of all the difficulties,his business continues to_thrive·5.Should ministers decide to instigate an inquiry,we would welcome it.(=If ministers should decide..)6.No bills shall be stuck on these hoardings. By order.(When shall is used with the third person, it suggests strongdetermination.)7.A:I'm broke at the moment, so I can't afford to come to the cinema with you.B:Well,you would spend all your money at the casino.(Stressed would is used to criticize. It meansit is typica l ofyou… )8.The writer recalled that he flunked all his science courses in high school.9.Mrs.Kennedy flicked the dust away from her purse with a handkerchief.10.The prime minister hated journalists and did his best to prevent “the great licentiousness of the press in censuringand reflecting upon all parts of the government.”11.It never_ occurred to me that he was a double agent.12.If you go on driving so rashly,you will end up in hospital.13.He locked the door,thus_making sure that no one would interrupt him.14.The film is unusual in that there are only three actors in it.15.Seeing that you’re the guest on this little trip, I won’t tell you what I think of your behaviour last night.16.My boss was very supportive and gave me time off work to look after my daughter.17.The continued fighting threatens to undermine efforts to negotiate an agreement.18.The doctor who had volunteered to settle down in the poor village became the chief fable of the villagers.19.If my brother should come, give him this letter.20.I don’t think he could have been there as no one seems to have seen him.21.None is so blind as those who won’t see.22.She is the only one that dares say that to his face.23.Her garden had become a veritable jungle by the same she came back from holiday.24.Two hurricanes in a month pounded the Caribbean country. I love nothing better than the the wonderful aroma offreshly baked bread.25.The amateur acting group eventually evolved into a theatrical company.26.Paul Simon writes the lyrics for most of his own songs.27.As a result of his method for early music education, Shinichi Suzuki is seen as one of the world's great violin teachers.28.When Katherine Hepburn's play came to town, all the tickets had been sold out far in advance.29.Neither of the Smith brothers expects to be drafted by a major league team this year.30.Has any of the witnesses been sworn in yet?31.The reporter was accused of fiddling with the facts.32.The cellist told us his story of being taken to concerts and drawn into music as a child.33.He bears the stigma of a fiction monger as a thousand fantastic stories can be traced to him.34.The increase in price is proportional to the quality of the car.35.Poor education is definitely injurious to one’s job or profession.36.We should not only take over the lead, but also hold on to it.37.I object to following anyone’s instructions blindly without my own understanding of the true intention and realmeaning.38.We ought to live up to the principles we have laid down.39.He shouted to the analysts,” Judgment should be based on facts, not no hearsay.”40. A mother will usually stand up for her children, no matter what they have done.41.She’ll be busy seeing to the children’s clothes before they go back to school.42.He will come round to your way of thinking in time.43.Now that we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.44.Whereas he was on the verge of starvation, his brother was living an extravagant life.45.The room is too cold without heating and too small for a family of four. Still, it is better than I expected.46.Write clearly so that your teacher can understand you correctly.47.Much as I should like to see you, I’m afraid you could not come.48.Seeing that they will not come to join us, we have to change our plan.II. Cloze:(10%, 1 point each)一、Out of step7In the United States we have become so habituated to using the car for everything that it doesn’t occur to us to unfurl our legs and see what those lower limbs can do. We have reached an age where college students expect to drive between classes, where parents will driv e three blocks to pick up their children from a friend’s house, where the letter carrier takes his van up and down every driveway on a street.8We will go through the most extraordinary contortions to save ourselves from walking. Sometimes it’s almost ludicrous. The other day I was waiting to bring home one of my children from a piano lesson when a car stopped outside a post office, and a man about my age popped out and dashed inside. He was in the post office for about three or four minutes, and then came out, got in the car and drove exactly 16 feet (I had nothing better to do, so I paced it off) to the general store next door.二、On Becoming a Better Student4Curiosity Such people are tremendously curious. The whole world is of interest to them, and they observe what others do not. Nobel Prize-winner physician Albert Szent-Gyorgyi put it well when he said, “Discovery consists of looking at the same thing as everyone else and thinking something different.” With this curiosity comes an “investigative spirit”; the learning is not so much the acquisition of information as it is an investigation—a questioning, a turning over of the object of study to see all sides and facets. It is not knowing in the sense of having a rigid opinion, but the ability to look again at another time, in a different light, as Szent-Gyorgyi suggests, and to form a new understanding based on that observation.5Discipline Any discipline — but especially those with great subtlety and complexity, like yoga or t’ai chi — can be a lifelong pursuit. Persistence, consistency, and discipline are required. Without these, our learning is but forth without substance. There are no shortcuts. The fruit of these seemingly dry qualities (which we prefer to admire in others) is the satisfaction of having tasted the fullness of completion, or the thrill of meeting a difficult challenge with success. Perhaps, though, our culture is in need of redefining what it means to study. If we can look at our chosen discipline or craft as an ongoing process rather than as a discrete accomplishment, the potential for learning can be infinite. With this attitude we may find ourselves treating even the most mundane discovery with wide-eyed wonder and joy.6Risk-Taking Why is it, then, that so few people live up to their true potential? Beyond the well-paved roads and secure structures we usually build for ourselves lie demons, unsure footing — and unfelt pleasures. To be a student is to take risks. Yet most education discourages people from venturing far enough to take ris ks to make mistakes. “Children enter school as question marks and leave as periods,” observes educator Neil Postman. What kind of punctuation mark do you represent? Do you find yourself looking for tidy answers that give you a feeling of security? By learning to find the one right answer, we may have relinquished our ability to find other answers and solutions. We learn, then, not to put ourselves into situations where we might fail, because failure has tremendous social stigma. When we try different approaches and do things that have no precedence in our experience, we will surely make mistakes. A creative person uses these “failure” as stepping stones.III. Reading Comprehension:(10%, 2 points each)课外IV. Word Derivations:(10%, 1 point each)49.Shopping at this time of the year was a most disagreeable_(agree) experience:people trod on your toes,poked youwith their elbows and almost knocked you over in their haste to get to a bargain ahead of you.50.I'm afraid I haven't been fully acquainted (acquaintance ) with the facts.51.Benjamin Franklin's father used to ridicule(ridiculous ) him for his performances.52.He has won tremendous popularity by virtue of his generosity to his colleagues.(generous)53.It is regrettable that Keats, such an exceptionally talented poet, died so young.(regret)54.Huckleberry Finn knew that he couldn’t pray a lie and he would commit the crime of blasphemy if he was playingdouble.(blaspheme)55.It is generally considered unethical for physicians to advertise.(ethics)56.Her hard experience has not coarsened her or made her cynical.(cynicism)57.Willful people cannot tolerate the slightest frustration of their wishes.(will)58.He took to getting up early and walking noisily about the house.59.Many people resign themselves to leading a humdrum life.60.Please confine yourself to writing about the subject.61.Her phone has been ringing for ten minutes. I wonder why she doesn’t answer it.(ring)62.It’s no use trying to see him at six this evening, because he will be giving a lesson then.(give)63.Marconi, who gave us the radio, probably didn’t realize what effects his great invention would have on theworld.(have)64.We thought that feminism was about liberating women from enforced domestic and maternal drudgery.(drudge)65.The volunteers are trying their best to help the teenagers from slum districts stay away from crime, rots, drug use andother asocial behavior.(social)66.Having been separated for years, they hugged each other with exclamations of delight.(exclaim)67.Mark Twain drew on his own experiences and used dialect and common speech instead of literarylanguage.(literature)68.He failed to give substantial reasons for his being absent from the meeting.(substance)69.He has been fully committed to the teaching and research of classical music.(commitment)70.He dislikes his wife talking about her success complacently.(complacency)71.The early 1990’s witnessed a(n) unprecedented tide of rural workers flooding into big cities in China.(precedence)72.What his fans loved most about him was that he had the spontaneity of a child.73.Which appeals to you more, artistic gymnastics or rhythmic gymnastics?74.Reading should be an adventure, a personal experience full of serendipitous surprises.VI. Translate the following passage into Chinese.(20%)About three years ago, my wife and I felt fed up with the hustle and bustle in the big city, so we decided to settle down in a small town, which is sedate and pleasant. We enjoy our life, for it is an easy place to go about one’s business on foot. I often walk around and when in the mood, I stop at the café for a drink or at the Continental Theater for a play. But some people seem not to understand my eccentric behavior. I prefer to walk whenever possible, which is beyond most of them, for they depend on cars too heavily. Sometimes it’s almost ludicrous that they choose to drive even if it is only a ten minutes’ walk. They may ask me if I need a ride in their cars when I’m strolling alone. However, I believe that the car is the death of legs. In this society, the majority dominates. I realize that I’m possibly the only person to entertain the notion o f covering a short distance on foot and it’s why I sometimes find myself in trouble now and then. For instance, many stores have cleared the grounds right before them for shoppers to park cars, for what they care about is but commercial triumph.大约三年前,我和我妻子对大城市的嘈杂生活感到厌倦,因此,决定在一个小镇落户,那里安静宜人。

Unit 2I.W ord Studybitter: adj. 1) not sweet, tasting like beer eg: Good medicine tastes bitter. 2) hard to bear; causing sorrow eg:That failure was a bitter experience for him.3) filled with or showing envy, hatred, remorse or disappointment eg: bitter quarrels/words/enemies/tears 4) piercing cold eg: a bitter win (Antonyms: grateful thankful) fight to the bitter end 战斗到底take the bitter with the sweet接受顺境也接受逆境broke:adj. without any money eg: He went broke. Synonyms: penniless impoverished bankruptbroken a broken home破裂的家庭 a broken promise背弃的诺言a broken spirit消沉的意志broken English蹩脚的英语cover: (coverage uncover) v. 1) to place or hide sth. over in order to hide or protect eg: He had to cover his ears when the noise became really unbearable.2) to have… in size eg: This national park covers roughly 400 square miles of beautiful land.3) to travel a certain distance eg: By sunset they had covered 30 miles.4) to include eg: The 700-dollar rent does not cover water, electricity and telephone service. 5) to protect sb. by aiming a gun at the enemy eg: He began to move towards the house carefully, and Bob covered him. 6) (of money) to be enough for eg: $1,000 will cover his needs for the journey.credit: n. (adj. creditable) 1) delayed payment 赊账;信贷He bought this car on credit. eg: The bank refused further credits to the company. 2) praise 光荣;功劳eg: We must give her credit for our discovery.I think that he deserves all the credit for lifting the villagers out of poverty. 3) sth. that can bring honor or pride to sb. eg: These Olympic gold medalists are no doubt a great credit to our country.4) recognition for a successfully completed course at the university eg: The professor decided to give him full credit for the exam. 5) money shown as owned by a person, company in a bank account eg: You have a credit balance of $500. 6) belief; trust; confidence eg: The rumor is gaining credit.Drip v. to fall or let sth. fall in very small drops n. the drop-by-drop falling of a liquideg:The tap is dripping. His paintbrush is dripping. It’s so hot that he’s dripping with sweat.There was no noise except for the drip, drip, drip of water.druggist: n. sb. who is trained to prepare drugs and medicines and works in a shop (chemist; pharmacist)take/use drugs 吸毒drug abuse 滥用毒品drug addiction/addict 毒品上瘾/上瘾者drug dealer 毒品贩子miracle drug 有奇效的药物drugstore 药店;杂货店glimpse: v. to see sb or sth. for a moment without getting a complete view of them (synonym :glance)eg. I glimpsed her face in the crowd, but then she was gone.n. get/catch a glimpse of /a glimpse of what life might be like in the futureharness n. a piece of equipment for controlling a horse worn over the horse’s head and shouldersv. to control and use the natural force of sth.Intimate (intimately adv. intimacy n.) adj. 1) having an extremely close relationship eg. They are intimate friends. She’s on intimate terms with important people in the government. 2) private and personal eg. tell afriend the intimate details of one’s life3) resulting from close study or great familiarity eg. an intimate knowledge of Greek philosophy (Antonyms: distant formal remote)lick: v. 1) to pass the tongue over or under eg. The cat was licking its paws. 2) (esp. of flames, waves) to touch lightly eg. He dashed into the house to save the child despite the licking flames.他不顾四下乱窜的火舌,冲进屋里抢救那个孩子。

欣赏,鉴赏;感谢,感激 不理 ,忽视21. fruitful a. producing good resuits; productive or profitabie 硕果累累的;多产的,有利的一)单词1. profit n. advantage or good obtained from sth.; money gained in business 益处;利润2. stain vt. make dirty marks on 玷污3. discourage vt. cause to lose courage or confidence 使泄气,使灰心4. reluctant a. unwilling 不情愿的,勉强的5. spiteful a. having or showing ill will 恶意的6. flatter vt. praise too much ;praise insincerely(in order to please ) 过奖;谄媚,奉承7. appreciate vt. understand and enjoy ;be thankful for8. squabble vi. Quarrel, esp. nosily and unreasonably 争吵,口角9. ignore vt. not to take notice of ,pay no attention to 10. youngster n. young person. esp. a boy11. arbitrary a. based on one 's own opinion only, not on reason 任意的,武断的 12. subsequent a. following, later 随后的,接下去的 13. temporary a. lasting only for a limited time 暂时的 14. wander vi. Move about without a purpose 闲逛;漫游 15. petty a. small; unimportant 小的;不足道的 16. confirm vt. make certain; support 证实,肯定;确认 17. conduct vt. direct the course of; manage 指挥,处理 18. obscure a. not clearly seen or understood 模糊的;晦涩的19. brilliant a. causing great admiration or satisfaction; splendid 辉煌的;卓越的20. outrage vt. arouse an ger or rese ntme nt by injury or in suit 弓丨起 . 的气愤22. parameter n. iimiting factor or characteristic; iimit ( 限定的 )因素,特性;界限23. outdo vt. do more or better than (sb.) 比某人做得多或做的好; 超过;胜过 24. sibiing n. brother or sister 兄弟姊妹25. messy a. in a taste of disorder; dirty 凌乱的;脏的 26. contract vt. catch or deveiop(an iiiness) 感染疾病27. reminder n. thing which reminds of sb. of a fact or person 使人回想起某事或某人的某事 28. ciamor vi. Make a ioud demand or protest 大声地要求或抗议 29. highway n. main pubiic road 公路;交通要道30. intend vt. have (a particuiar purpose or pian) in mind; mean 打算;意欲 31. sweaty a. covered with sweat, sweating32. convince vt. make (sb.) feei certain; cause (sb.) to reaiize 33. compei vt. force (sb. or sth. to do sth.)34. pace n. rate or speed of deveiopment, or in waiking, etc. 速度;步速 35. refiection n. carefui thinking; consideration 深思;考虑 36. stimuiate vt. encourage; excite 刺激;激励 37. ioan vt. pay back(money etc.)38. distribute vt. divide among severai or many; give or send out 分发;分送 39. iearned a. showing or requiring much knowiedge 博学的 40. civii a. of or reiating to the citizens of a country 公民的,国内的 41. idiot n. a stupid person or sb. who has done sth. stupid 白痴,笨蛋大外期末复习42. statistic n. a set of numbers of which represent facts or measurements 数据43. lousy a. not very good at doing sth. ; of very bad quality 蹩脚的;劣等的44. fancy a. having a lot of decoration or bright colors, or made in a complicated way; expensive and fashionable花哨的,别致的;高档的,奢华的45. maximum n. the greatest qua ntity, nu mber or degree possible or permissible 最大值,最大限度a.最大限度的46. elaborate a. carefully planned and organized; having a lot of small parts put together in a complicated way精心计划(制作)的;复杂的47. stra in vt. exert, use or tax to the utmost; injure by overexerti on 尽力使用;使过度劳累,扭伤48. surround vt. encircle, be present on all sides 包围49. grab v. take firmly and sudde nly, roughly or rudely; try to get to catch 攫取;抓取50. in terpret v. expla in the meaning of; tran slate(esp. oral remarks)解释;口头翻译51. flip v. turn or move quickly by jump ing or with a jerk52. still ness n. sile nee, quiet ness53. assume vt. take as true without actual proof; suppose 假设,主观认为54. correspondence n. the act of exchanging letters 通信55. ecstatic a. marked by a state of overwhel ming emoti on, esp. great joy 欣喜若狂的56. resp ond vi. act in an swer to the action of ano ther; an swer57. embarrassme nt n. a feeli ng of shyn ess, shame or guilt58. in terrupt vt. stop sb. from speak ing or doing by sth. you say or do 打断,打扰59. rack vt. make sb. suffer great mental or physical pain; shake violently 使痛苦,折磨;梦里摇动60. vulnerability n. being liable to be damaged or hurt 易受伤性,脆弱性(二)选词填空1. Peter was en dlessly criticized by his father, who seemed to expect simply too much of him.2. The profits we gained while working in this field were not only financial but also intellectual.3. A good hunting dog is alert to every sound and gover nment pension.4. The job, though not difficult, in cludes many routine tasks which are quite bori ng.5. The mayor refused to make any comment on the charges against him.6. From her accent I guess she's from the Northeast.7. British companies are trying to avoid the fate their American counterparts have already suffered.8. The key witness for the prosecuti on was offered police protect ion after she received death threats.9. I thought that was the end of the matter but subsequent eve nts proved me wrong.10. At the trial, Bob 'teacher, who was called as a character witness, said he was a quite boy who had n ever bee n in trouble before.11. The book I'm readi ng expla ins the evolution of pla nt and ani mal life on earth.12. Living in a flat is all right, but it has its limitations -or example, you don 'have your own garde n.13. Despite the fact that there was almost no hope of finding the missing boy, the search party still wenton look ing.14. Without an official pass, the guides will deny you access to the courthouse.15. Sorry the place is so messy; I haven'had time to clean up.1. In term of populatio n. Greater New York City is the largest urba n cen ter in the Un ited States.2. The article provides a detailed analysis of the root causes of the accide nt.3. There are obvious ben efits in allow ing each stude nt to go at his own pace.4. Bob didn 'turn up at the party ; I had an intuition that something must have gone wrong.5. Roger was quite stubbor n and it was almost impossible to convince him of his mistakes.6. A beautiful n ewly con structed highway winds its way along the coast of the isla nd.7. Vitamin C helps to combat stress either from worry or from intense physical exercise.8. Not only is measles a killer, but it also causes blindness, deafness and mental handicap in thousa nds of childre n every year.9. Click the left mouse butt on twice and your card desig n will be prin ted.10. As a mother, I give advice whe n my childre n n eed it, but basically our relati on ship is one betwee n equals.11. The June 3,1996 issue of Newsweek carries a long article about Japan ' future empress.12. Bound hand and foot, the victim was left helpless i n the lavatory.13. They have n ever met, but they have bee n in correspondence with each other for years.14. Her lungs were racked with fever and the doctor sent her to the isolati on ward.15. Many uni versity stude nts experie nee severe tension as final exams draw n ear.(三)单词改写1, reluctant 2,ignored the con ceited artist seemed unwilling to accept other people's criticisms the driver paid no attention to the policema n ' warning and fin ally got in to trouble3, exhausting 4 measureI often feel weary and need a rest after an extremely tiring day the new law gives the local goverrments a singnificant amount of control over their own finances5,rewardingteaching can be a very satisfying career ,even though it can not make you rich6, delief 7, brilliant I have great faith in traditi onal Chin ese medici ne Michael horden ' performanee as hamlet struck us as splendid8,has saved up in the past few years my aunt has set aside e no ugh money to buy9 presumably housemost likely the can afford to buy an apartment or they wouldn ' be look ing10,casual to our surprise her unintentional remark about the mission should have caused a political storm11 contracting(传染)by the mid-eighties there was grow ing kno wledge about who was at12 datahigh risk of getting AIDS.the information gathered during market research will be valuable in13 uncovereddesigning our company 'future producta police investigation found evidenee of a large-scale illegal trade in wild birds14 definite15 notable Philip is undoubtedly the best football player in our schoolthe creation of the UN was, perhaps , the most outstandingthachievements of the 20 century16switch he knew he had said the wrong thing and quickly changed the conversation to a less embarrassing subject17 energetic18 stimulatedyoung children are often much more vigorous than adultsthe visit to the computer center has aroused the pupils 'interest in computer science.19 renovate after a careful investigation the committee decided to restore the old house to goodcondidion,20 compelled he wanted very much to run for a second term, but owing to poor health he wasforced to give up the idea21. runs In America many people don 't care who rules the country and seldom go to thepolls.22. affect It seemed her handicap did not have an effect on her determination to live anindependent life.23. spotted Years can pass before the unwanted effects of a drug are discovered and, eventhen, they may occur in a tiny fraction of patients.24. caught her eye The dress in the window attracted her attention when she walked past thestore.25. sort of26. frantic27. qualified28. indexIt's somewhat silly, but I 'd like a copy of this photograph.Their holiday trip was spoiled by hurried search for their lost passports.Miss Main kept practicing until she finally made herself suitable for the job. Consumer spending is often an indication of public confidence in the economy.29. stand in your way If you really want to apply for the dangerous job I won 't prevent you from doing so, though I think it 'sa crazy idea.30. recall It was the first time he and I drank together. As I remember, it was also the last time.(四)汉译英1. 作者想通过这篇文章向读者传达她对赞扬与批评的看法。

现代大学英语精读3 期末考试课程复习要点总结

现代大学英语精读3 期末考试课程复习要点总结College Years幻灯片2Lesson1 – Your College Years l Author Bob Hartman was born in Pittsburgh, the United States, and moved to England in the summer of2000、 He has been working as a storyteller for children for more than a decade and is a part-time pastor、To be continued on the next page、幻灯片4Comprehension Questions l ﹡What does the author mean by developmental changes?l ﹡What determines identity according to Erik H、 Erickson?l ﹡In JefferyA、Hoffman’s opinion, what are the four distinct aspects to psychological separation from one’s parents?l ﹡What does the author mean by “internalizing”religious faith, values and morals?幻灯片5l Para、1l ﹡Where is the topic sentence of this paragraph?l ﹡Have you ever experienced any important changes since you moved from adolescence to adulthood? l ﹡How about the changes after you entered Nanjing Normal University?幻灯片6l personnel l →[plural] the people who work in acompany, organization, or military forcelmilitary/medical/technical etc personnel l seniormilitary personnell doctors and other medical personnell All personnel are to receive security badges、l→[uncountable] the department in a company that chooses people for jobs and deals with their complaints, problems etc synonym human resourcesl A copy should then be sent to Personnel for our files、幻灯片7l maturityl →at maturityl The tree will reach only5 feet at maturity、l → reach/come to/grow to maturity l These insects reach full maturity after a few weeks、l →sexual/emotional/physical maturity l He lacks the emotional maturity to appreciate poetry、l (mature, immaturity)幻灯片8l dawnl → if day or morning dawns, it beginsl The morning dawned fresh and clear after the storm、l → if a period of time or situation dawns, it beginsl The age of Darwin had dawned、l → if a feeling or idea dawns, you have it for the first timel It began to dawn that something was wrong、l → dawn on somebody: if a fact dawns on you, you realize it for the firsttimel It dawned on me that Joanna had been right all along、幻灯片9l Para、2l ﹡Where is the topic sentence?l﹡Do you agree with the author that young adults like college students are bound to go through an identity crisis?l ﹡Have you had any identity crisis yourself or do you know anybody who has?幻灯片10Lesson1 – Your College Years l Text Analysis Question: How do college students go through an identity crisis at college? What factors may influence identity?Students endeavor to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are、 They want to know how other people perceive themselves as well、Identity may be influenced by genes, environment and opportunities、幻灯片13l go throughl →to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation, feeling etcl When youre going through a crisis, it often helps to talk to someonel →to experience a par ticular processl Candidates must go through a process of selection、l →to use up money or a supply of somethingl We went through five pints of milk last week、l →if a deal or agreement goes through, it is officially accepted and agreedl He accepted the offer and the deal went through、l →to search something in order to find something inparticularl Dave went through his pockets looking for the keys、l →to read or discuss something in order to makesure it is correctl Well go through the details later on、幻灯片14l endeavour l →(verb)to try very hardl endeavour to do somethingl We always endeavor to please our customers、l →(noun) an attempt to do something new or difficultlscientific/creative etc endeavour l an outstanding example of human endeavorl endeavour to do somethingl They made every endeavour to find the two boys、幻灯片15l perceivel →to understand or think of something or someone in a particular wayl perceive something/somebody as somethingl Even as a young woman she had been perceived as a future chief executive、l perceive something/somebody to be somethingl Children who do badly in school tests often perceive themselves to befailures、l →(formal)to notice, see, or recognize somethingl That morning, he perceived a change in Francas mood、 l Cats are not able to perceive colour、l perceive thatl He perceived that there was no other way out of the crisis、l (perception, perceptive)幻灯片16l …identity is determined by genetic endowment (what is inherited from parents), shaped by environment, and influenced by chanceevents、l Who we are is determined by three things: first, our genes, or what our parents have given us; second, environment; third, luck or opportunities、幻灯片17l Para、3l ﹡Where is the topic sentence?l ﹡How do you understand the first sentence?幻灯片18Lesson1 – Your College Years l Text Analysis In fact, it may be heightened by their choice to pursue a collegeeducation、For Reference Question: What does “it” refer to here? 幻灯片19Lesson1 – Your College Years l Text Analysis For reference: “it” refers to the independence/dependence struggle、 Into the later adolescence stage, young adults tend to become less dependent on, even independent from their parents、 For those who choose to enter the work world, they may become financially independent from their parents, while for others entering into college, the struggle seems stronger for they still need their parents’ support, say for money、幻灯片20l independent dependentl →be independent of/froml By this age, the child becomes relatively independent of his motherl →be depend ent on/uponl Norways economy is heavily dependent on natural resources、l Jans mother was dependent on her forphysical care幻灯片21l It may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education、l If they choose to go to college to continue their education, they will face an even more serious struggle between the desire to be independent and the need to dependent on the financial support of their parents、幻灯片22l Para、4l ﹡Where is the topic sentence?l ﹡According to JefferyA、Hoffman’s observation, there a re four distinct aspects to psychological separation from one’s parents、What are they? How do you understand them?l1、Functional independence、l2、 Attitudinal independence、l3、 Emotional independence、l4、Freedom from “excessive guilt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father、”(Psychological independence)l ﹡How about your psychological separation from your parents?幻灯片23l handling finances: learning how to spend money wiselyl choosing their own wardrobes: choosing their own clothesl determining their daily agenda: determining what they are going to do every day幻灯片24l attitude l →attitude to/towardsl Petesattitude towards women really scares me、l→positive/negative attitude l people with a pos itive attitude to lifel (attitudinal)幻灯片25l excessive: much more than is reasonable or necessaryl his excessive drinking l $15 for two beers seems a little excessive、l (excessively)幻灯片26l …freedom from an excessive needfor approval, closeness, togetherness, and emotional support in relation to the mother and father、 l 幻灯片27l If somebody has an excessive need for approval, it means that he is too dependent on sb’s approval、Children need their parents to tell them what to do ornot to do、 They also need to be close to their parents and receive encouragement, love, and all kinds of emotional support to give them strength、 But when they grow up, they should change、 They should no longer have the same needs as babies、幻灯片28l Fourth is freedomfrom “excessive gui lt, anxiety, mistrust, responsibility, inhibition, resentment, and anger in relation to the mother and father、”l 幻灯片29l Children often feel very guilty in relation to their parents because they thinkthey have done something wrong; they are also anxious because they are eager to please their parents; theysometimes feel unhappy because they think that their parents have not been fair to them; they feel that they are responsible to their parents for everything they do; they are always afraid of not saying the right thing or not behaving properly; all these may make them angry with their parents or make them feel resentful、 Thesefeelings reflect their emotional dependence on their parents、 When they grow up, they usually strive for freedom from this、幻灯片30Para、5Question: What may be one of the most stressful matters college students experience according to the author? How do you understand it?Establishing their sexual identity、 It includes relating to the opposite sex and projecting their future roles as men or women、幻灯片31l sexual harassment: sexual remarks, looks, or touching done to someone who does not want it, especially from someone they work withl sexual intercourse: the physical activity of two people having sex with each otherl sexual orientation: the fact that someone is heterosexual or homosexual (gay lesbian)l sexual transmitted disease: disease that one person passes to another through having sex, such as AIDS 幻灯片3220、 projectl v、 a、 to planl b、 to cause a shadow, an outline, etc、 on a l surface l c、 to present sb、/sth、/yourself to otherl people in a particular way, esp、 one that l gives a good impressionl project a dam/a new canall project a picture on a screenl project the future roles as men or women幻灯片33Lesson1 – Your College Years Sentence Paraphrase Probably nothing can make students feel lower or higher emotionally than the way they are relating to whomever they are having a romantic relationship with、 (5)Comparative degree is used to express superlative meaning、objective clause When students are in a romantic relationship with the opposite sex, they are most likely to feel unhappy or happy emotionally、go to9幻灯片34Lesson1 – Your College Years Sentence Paraphrase1、I cannot agree with you more、2、 There is nothing cheaper、3、 No leader of a party has kept himself in greater detachment from the sentiment of his than has the late Prime Minister、幻灯片35l Para、6l ﹡Where is the topic sentence?l ﹡Have the way you relate to others change as you grow and reach young adulthood? How do you deal with it?幻灯片361、affectioncf: affectationn、矫饰l n、 a gentle feeling of love and caringl Examples:l Every motherhas/feels affection toward her l children、l He is held in great affection、l affectionate a、l He looks at her with affectionate looks、幻灯片376、 counsel v、 (fml、)to advise n、 advice; opinion; suggestionl Examples:l counsel care in the forthcoming negotiation l He counseled their giving up/to give upl the plan、counsellor n、 adviser; lawyer幻灯片3821、shrinkCf:contractl v、 a、 to make or become smaller, esp、 l through wetting l b、 to move back; show unwillingness to l do sth、l Examples:l Will this shirt shrink in the wash?l Car sales have been shrinking recently、l A shy man shrinks from meeting strangers、幻灯片39Lesson1 – Your College Years Sentence Paraphrase During the course I had come to realize that while my world was expanding and new options were opening for me, my father, who was in his sixties, was seeing his world shrink and his options narrow、 (6)was beginning to realize that his world was getting smaller and his choices fewer幻灯片40Lesson1 – Your College Years I wasrelating to my father in a different way、In Para、6Question: What are the differences between the ways“I” related to “my” father in the past and at present? What type of change does the example reflect?In the past “I” was encouraged by “my” father; now “I” was encouraging him、The example reflects the change that college students are learning how to give and receive affection in the adult world、幻灯片41l Para、7l ﹡Whereis the topic sentence?l ﹡Do you think you have in some way internalized values and beliefs?l ﹡What new insights have you gained in this respect since you came to the university?幻灯片42l internalize: if you internalize a particular belief, attitude, behaviour etc, it becomespart of your characterl (internalization)幻灯片43l rebel: to oppose or fight against someone in authority oragainst an idea or situation which you do not agree withl rebel againstl teenage boys rebelling against their parents幻灯片44l however, these matters are questioned and in some cases rebelled against、l However, peopleoften have doubts about these matters and sometimesoppose them、幻灯片45l ﹡prejudice: to influence someone so that they have an unfair or unreasonable opinion aboutsomeone or somethingl There was concern that reports inthe media would prejudice the jury、l prejudice somebody against somethingl My own schooldays prejudiced meagainst all formal education、幻灯片46Lesson1 – Your College Years Sentence Paraphrase In the late sixties, a young woman from a background that was extremelyprejudiced against people from other races came tocollege convinced that her race was superior、 (7)幻灯片47Lesson1 – Your College Years1、Trains in this country spend too much time stopped, waiting for other trains、2、 He went back to his home village frustrated、3、 Born and bred in the countryside, he was bewildered by the big city、幻灯片48l Word Study ethnic a、 a、 of race or the races of mankind b、(colloq、)of a particular cultural group l Examples:l ethnic clothes/food/music/restaurants幻灯片4910、 ethical Cf:ethnic a、 connected with principlesof what is right and what is wrongl Examples:l an ethical principlel an ethical basis for education幻灯片501、be equal tol v、 to be just as good as; have strength, courage,l ability etc、 for sth、l Examples:lMany of our products are equal to the best in the world、l It is ridiculous to think one race is not equal to another because it has a different skin color、l He is equal to doing this task、l 幻灯片51Lesson1 – Your College Years l Text Analysis These religious, moral, and ethical values that are set during the college years often last a lifetime、In Para、7Question: What makes it possible for these values to last a lifetime?During college years, the young adults have the oppo。

During this time, students are going through an identity crisis and are endeavoring to find out who they are and what their strengths and weaknesses are.
It refers to the difficulties, confusions and anxieties that you go through during adolescence when you are not sure who you really are and what your purpose in life is.
First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and determining their daily agenda.
pursue a college education.
independence /dependence struggle
become stronger or intensified
If they choose to continue their education, they will face an even more serious struggle between the desire to be independent and the need to depend on the financial support of their parents.

大学英语三复习要点一、听力二、单选Unitl(P9)1 > IT1 tell our teacher about it.替换为tell on you(告发)2、The police have failed to find any of the people responsible for the attack.替换为track down(追踪到)3、I feel they should try to solve it,替换为work it out(解决)4、I don't know why he,s always criticizing me unfairly.替换为picking on me5、these are the probloms to be dealt with for the time being.替换为reckon with(考虑)6、but to ask the cleaning lady to save the baby.替换为call on7> he had a chance to travel around the world alone.替换为on one 9s own8> I thought if we could continue to live through the next year on our father^ income. 替换为get through9、The unshaven old man in the park turned out to be a police officer dressed in ordinary street clothes.替换为in disguise10、which centers on a traditional love triangle替换为revolve aroundUnit2(P37-38)11、but it di(Tt take long for him to feel OK again.替换为bounce back12、As many as 15000 people attended the opening ceremony.替换为up to13、The children there are being put in danger evevy day替换为at risk14、The spirit of the football fell to its lowest after the team^s third defeat.替换为go to zero15、At the end of the class the teacher expressed briefly the main points of the lesson 替换为sum up16> The demand for the iron increase as people do more physical exercises.替换为go up17> your feelings about writing have some negative effect on your ability to write.替换为interfere with18、ultimately coming from food替换为derive from19、In most cases .about 70% of替换为in general20 > It's good to stand on top of the hill and have deep breaths of fresh air.替换为take inUnit4(P96-97)21、The project he was involved in last year fell through as it was costly.替换为work on22 > The committee did not accept the plan to build a new bridge over the river. 替换为approve of23、the meeting conituned without them.替换为go ahead24 > There are some houses on the market in the economic development zone. 替换为for sale25、Have you got an idea of how to deal with test cheating?替换为came up with26> This second-hand dress can be changed into a rather pretty skirt.替换为refashioned into27> It is often the case that popular music stars become famous at a young age.替换为rise to fame28> What interests me about the painting is the neck替换为capture my attention29> The theories discussed below may have devoloped from different assumptions替换为evolve from30 > The road is given the name as the old man who has paid all the money替换为named afterUnit 5(P126)31、The young woman stretched out her hand to get bag and pulled out a gun. 替换为reached for32> It,s completely dark ,so I had to search for the car key with my fingers.替换为feel for33、Thomas turned his heactmaking a deliberate effort not to breathe in the gavo匚替换为try to avoid breathing34 > He always covers hie mouth when coughing in order that he won't spread germs-替换为so that35、J ohn succeeded in accomplishing his work in time.替换为manage to36、I t is very strange that the old lady seemed to be able to read my mind.替换为sense my thoughts37、W e did not make airangements for such a sudden and large-scale ennmy attack. 替换为provide for38、H is intervention may have prevented me from suffering a bloody nose.替换为spare from39、I was shocked when I learned from a newspaper about his success in turning his 替换为read about40> I dorf t want to be a teacher any more;but the problem is I dorft aquite know how to begin it.替换为go aboutUnit6(P153)41 > He has just left prison after doing two years for替换为come out of42> WeTl pay great attention to the developments in替换为watch for43、T he transported trees are able to fight against cold weather.替换为resistent to44、S omehow I managed to cover her with my coat and extinguish the flames with my 替换为put out45、D on't get dicouraged by difficulties.Please rember we are just new to the 替换为after all46、W here you live can have an effect on the way you feel.替换为make a difference to47 > Thw union and the management have the same opinion about a new contract. 替换为agree on48、T he workers at the airport put labels to the passengersluggage.替换为attach tables to49、I will give a speech on behalf of you at the meeting tomorrow when it is necessary.替换为if necessary50、A part from the cost,we need to think about how much time the job will take. 替换为in addition toUnit7(P180)51、T here is no time to mention their names one by one 替换为by name52> When evevyone else is off work and goes home .around 7p.m,the manger is still working hard・替换为 in high gear53> People knew or pretended to know a lot about him,but he happened to be a little different from what they thought.替换为turned out54 > Sometimes it seems that researchers are merely picking the patterns that fit their 替换为at times55、T here mey be several interpretations about what the committee's discussion means.替换为as to56、M any of the problems they are facing are the result of poor mangement. 替换为stem from57、A survey has revealed that women directors work more hours than their male colleagues,but still earn 20% less.替换为put in58、Part of the program included talks prepared by the professors about modernism in literature.替换为on the subject of59、If the alarm gets no response,the timer goes ahead and switches off for the sake of safety and economy.替换为in the interest of60、The sooner a virus is reporeted,the sooner we can study procedures to isolate it 替换为work on三、Cloze四、阅读理解五、翻译Unit7 (P184)1、至于总部发牛了什么事2、至于我去哪里继续深造3、它们有什么不同,我们为什么两个都要保留4、关于我是否应该留在学校当助教5、关于旧的硬件是否应该被新的硬件所代替6、帮助那些不愿自助的人是没有用的7、通过战争解决国际争端是没有好处的8、拒绝接受此事是没有意义的9、有一大堆钱是没有意义的10、花点时间想想自己以后想从事什么职业是没有坏处的Unit 6(P156)11、这样宝宝就不会着凉了12为的是更多的人投他一票13、这样他父亲也许会原谅他这次数学考试不及格14、以便实验能顺利地进行15、以使你自己做出判断Unit5(P129-130)16、他才意识到这项任务让新來的秘书独自完成是太困难了17、玛丽才停止哭泣18、所有的员工才会知道他们的工作评估结果19、她才了解他母亲独自一人把她和姐姐抚养成人有多难20、我才知道了主要人物的最终结果Unitl(P13)21、不管看起来和其他物质多么不同22、不管一个女人试图做什么来改变她的处境23、不管他给出什么借口24、无论别人可能怎么想25、无论他们怎样改写历史六、写作。

第三单元需要掌握的词汇及句式结构【outweigh】[aut'wei] v.比... 重要, 比... 有价值On balance, his accomplishments outweigh his faults.总体来看,他的成就要大于他的过失。
The advantages of the plan outweigh its disadvantages. 这一计划的好处超过了它的不利方面。
【trying】形容词a.难受的,难堪的;恼人的,令人厌烦的It had been a most trying experience for them. 那对他们来说是一段十分难受的经历。
【trying moments】艰难时光One needs patience and courage to survive trying moments of life.度过生活的难关,人得有耐心和勇气。
【step up】增加, 加快, 提升, The company had step up production of the latest model.公司已When do you get your next step up? = When will you be promoted?你何时晋级? You have to step up your pace.你得加快步伐。
误:Anybody can not come in without permission.正:Nobody can come in without permission.“任何……不”是汉语中常用的否定句式,而在英语中与any构成的合成词或被any修饰的词语作主语时,谓语动词不能用否定式,因此any ... not的表达形式不符合英语的习惯。
大学英语精读Unit 3知识点

Divorce: to withdraw from marriage • Nowadays, it seems easier to divorce than to marry. • They are divorcing each other. • They are getting divorced. • You can’t divorce science from ethical questions.
even if; even though
even if: used to emphasize that something will still be true if another thing happens • She’s going to have problems finding a job even if she gets her A levels. even though: used to emphasize that something is true although something else has happened or is true • Even though he’s 24 now, he’s still like a little child. • I can still remember, even though it was so long ago.
after all: in spite of everything to the contrary; nevertheless • Of course she behaved awfully, but after all, she is only 6. • Don’t expect him to work such a miracle; after all, he is _____ (新手/外行). (a green hand / nonprofessional)
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第一单元一.V ocabularyInto Chinese1.给这个词下定义define the word;6.履行义务perform ones duty2.反感这种对待resent the treatment;7.缩小差距narrow the gap3.使学生沮丧frustrate the students;8.扩大业务expand business4.宣战declare a war ;9.陈述事实present the facts5.对结果作出评估evaluate the resultInto English1.realize ones strengths and weakness认识自己的优缺点2.enter the work world 进入职场3.learn to handle ones personal finances学会理财4.have excessive need for parental approval凡是征求父母同意5.projective our future roles as men or women 为我们将来如何扮演男人活着女人的角色在做准备6.internalize religious faith, value and morals 逐步培养和建立自己的宗教信仰、道德和价值观念。
7.learn to choose ones wardrobe学会选择着装8.establish ones identity 确定个人身份9.question and rebel against old ideas 怀疑并反抗就观念10.defy and challenge authority 蔑视挑战权威二.翻译1.他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。
He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire.2.很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。
Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our power.3有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉也非常反感。
Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.4.控制沙尘暴需要大量的工作和时间。
The control of sand storms will involve a tremendous amount of work and money.5.你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件。
You have to take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies.6.所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50美元的报名费。
All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars.7.他根据对孩子行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。
Based on his observation of children’s behavior, he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure.8.在一个多民族的国家里,各民族之间的和谐需要小心处理。
In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.9.政府决定严惩所有涉案的腐败官员。
The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved.10.考试作弊并不经常发生,但一旦发生,学校会采取严厉的态度。
Cheating at/on exams does not occur very often. But when it does, the school takes a very tough position.第二单元一.V ocabularyInto Chinese1.a work of art 一件艺术品;9.intellectual pursuits 对知识的追求2.bargain basement 廉价商品区10.national character 民族的性格3.printing press 印刷机;11.domino effect 多米诺骨牌效应4.the source of quotation 引语出处12.a tool for advancement 晋升手段5.literary criticism 文学批评;13.hale and hearty 老当益壮6.in the latter half of the century该世纪后叶14.the virtues of reading 阅读的好处7.a liberal arts college 文学院;15.a sense of superiority 优越感8.a man of action 实干家Into English1.免于恐惧be free from fear;2.从他父亲那里继承财产inherit property;3.和学生互动Interact with;4.给年轻人做榜样act as a model for young people5.对挑战做出反抗react to the challenge6.反抗压迫rebel against oppression7.渴望成功aspire to success8.怀疑他们的动机be suspicious of their motives9.认真记住历史教训commit the lessons of history to memory10.向这些人让步give way to these people11.将这区域一分为二divide the region into two parts12.干涉我们内部事务interfere in our internal affairs13.主修土木工程(专业) major in civil engineering14.把他们从绝望中救出来save them from despair15.导致经济萧条result in economic recession/slump/depression 二.翻译。
I suspected that the book might not be in print。
I checked with the bookstore people ,and they told me that I was right。
The book had been out of print for years。
One memorable story in the novel concerns how Liu Bei tried not to rouse CaoCao ‘s suspicion about his ambition,because if he did hislife would be at stake。
When Cao Cao called him a real hero,Liu Bei was so shocked that he dropped his chopsticks. But he cleverly covered up his suspicious behavior.4.第一个嫌疑犯是死者的儿子。
The first suspect was the victims son。
The police suspected him of murdering his father because the neighbors had heard them fighting on the night of the killing。
In learning,the important thing is not to commit everything to memory,but to use your imagination and think creatively and critically。
He must have been the funniest burglar imaginable。
He broke into a house, ate and drank to his heart’s content , and remained dead drunk until discovered the next morning , with a perfectly content look on his face.7我现在记人的名字很困难。
I now have trouble remembering people’s names . I imagine it must result from old age.8我们生活在很多想象的威胁当中,结果就常常感到沮丧。
We often live under many imaginary threats and feel disheartened as a result.9.我怀疑我们的教师有时候低估了学生的智力。