山东专升本往届试题及答案试题一:数学基础题题目:解方程:\(2x^2 - 5x + 3 = 0\)答案:首先,我们可以使用求根公式来解这个二次方程。
求根公式为:\[x = \frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2 - 4ac}}{2a}\]在这个方程中,\(a = 2\),\(b = -5\),\(c = 3\)。
代入求根公式,我们得到:\[x = \frac{5 \pm \sqrt{(-5)^2 - 4 \cdot 2 \cdot 3}}{2 \cdot 2}\]\[x = \frac{5 \pm \sqrt{25 - 24}}{4}\]\[x = \frac{5 \pm \sqrt{1}}{4}\]因此,两个解分别为:\[x_1 = \frac{5 + 1}{4} = 1.5\]\[x_2 = \frac{5 - 1}{4} = 1\]所以,方程\(2x^2 - 5x + 3 = 0\)的解为\(x_1 = 1.5\)和\(x_2 = 1\)。
短文:In the past few years, the popularity of cycling hasincreased dramatically. More and more people are choosing to ride their bikes to work instead of driving cars. This trend has many benefits, including reducing traffic congestion and improving air quality. However, there are also somechallenges that need to be addressed, such as the need for more bike lanes and better bike maintenance services.问题:What are the benefits of the increasing popularity of cycling mentioned in the passage?答案:The passage mentions two main benefits of the increasing popularity of cycling. First, it helps to reduce traffic congestion as more people choose to ride their bikes insteadof driving cars. Second, it contributes to improving airquality by reducing the number of vehicles on the road, which in turn decreases the emission of pollutants.试题三:计算机基础题题目:解释什么是二进制,并给出一个例子。
山东省普通高等教育专升本统一考试《高等数学》真题(部分)一、 选择题1、函数22712arcsin x x x y -+-=的定义域为( )【2011年真题】 A 、]4,3[- B 、 )4,3(- C 、 ]2,0[ D 、 )2,0(【答案】选C.2、如果级数)0(1≠∑∞=n n n u u 收敛,则必有( )【2011年真题】A 、级数∑∞=11n n u 发散B 、级数)1(1n u n n +∑∞=收敛 C 、级数∑∞=1n n u 收敛 D 、级数n n n u ∑∞=-1)1(收敛【答案】选A.二、填空题:1、由方程0422=--xy y x 确定的隐函数的导数dxdy = 【2011年真题】 【答案】填 x y y x 22+-. 2、向量)4,1,1(=a 与向量)2,2,1(-=b 的夹角余弦值是 . 【2011年真题】 【答案】填1827. 3、级数∑∞=n n n x !的收敛区间为_______.【2010年真题】 【答案】),(+∞-∞. 【解析】收敛半径:∞=+=+==∞→∞→+∞→)1(lim !)!1(lim ||lim 1n n n a a R n n n n n , 所以,收敛区间为:),(+∞-∞.4、当26ππ≤<x 时,x x x f sin )(=是_______函数(填“单调递增”、“单调递减”) 【2009年真题】【答案】单调递减 【解析】,sin cos )(2xx x x x f -='令,sin cos )(x x x x g -= ,sin cos sin cos )(x x x x x x x g -=--='当26ππ≤<x 时,0)(<'x g ,从而,,0)(<'x f 故函数)(x f 单调递减. 二、计算下列各题:1、求函数)0(1>⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=x x x y x的导数. 【2011年真题】【解析】两边取对数,)]1ln([ln ln x x x y +-=两边对x 求导数,x x x x x x x x y y ++⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+-+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+='111ln 1111ln 1 所以,⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡++⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+=x x x x x dx dyx111ln 1.2、级数∑∞=n nn x !的收敛区间为___________.【2010年真题】【解析】收敛半径:∞=+=+==∞→∞→+∞→)1(lim !)!1(lim ||lim 1n n n a a R n n n n n ,所以,收敛区间为:),(+∞-∞.3、求幂级数 +-+-+--n xx x x nn 132)1(32的收敛半径和收敛域.【2009年真题】 【解析】 收敛半径: 11lim lim 1=+==∞→+∞→nn a a R n n nn ,当1-=x 时,级数∑∑∞=∞=--=--1111)1()1(n n n n n n 发散;当1=x 时,级数∑∞=--111)1(n n n 收敛.所以,级数的收敛域为:]1,1(-. .0663********sin 6cos 6)6()(<-⋅=-⋅=-⋅=<ππππππg x g .0663********sin 6cos6)6()(<-⋅=-⋅=-⋅=<ππππππg x g三、证明题:1、某车间靠墙壁要盖一间长方形小屋,现有存砖只能够砌成20m 长的墙壁.问:应围成怎样的长方形才能使这间小屋面积最大. 【2011年真题】【解析】设小屋宽为x 米,则长为(20-2x )米,小屋面积为:)220(x x y -=,0420=-='x y 得,5=x由实际问题的实际意义知,当围成宽5米,长10米的长方形时小屋面积最大.2、求抛物线221x y =将圆822=+y x 分割后形成的两部分的面积. 【2011年真题】 【解析】联立⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=+=821222y x x y ,得2±=x 面积2032402022131)cos 22(22182x dt t dx x x A -=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛--=⎰⎰π 342382sin 21838)2cos 1(84040+=-⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡+=-+=⎰πππt t dt t . 另一部分面积346812-=-=ππA A .3、设函数)(x f 在[0,1]上连续,且1)(0≤≤x f ,证明:存在ξξξ=∈)(],1,0[f 使.【2010年真题】【解析】本题考查闭区间上连续函数的性质——零点定理.证明. 令x x f x g -=)()(,则)(x g 在[0,1]上连续,且,0)0(0)0()0(≥=-=f f g ,01)1()1(≤-=f g若等号成立,即1)1(,0)0(==f f 或,则端点0或1即可作为要找的ξ;若等号不成立,即,0)1()0(<⋅g g 由零点定理知,存在0)(),1,0(=∈ξξg 使,即ξξ=)(f . 综上可证,存在ξξξ=∈)(],1,0[f 使.4、某工厂需要围建一个面积为2512m 的矩形堆料场,一边可以利用原有的墙壁,其他三边需要砌新的墙壁.问堆料场的长和宽各为多少时,才能使砌墙所用的材料最省?【2009年真题】【解析】求最值问题.首先根据题意建立数学函数,然后求导数,并求出使一阶导数等于零的点,若只求得一个驻点,则可直接断定结论.解 设宽为x 米,则长为x 512米.新砌墙的总长度为: x x y 5122+= 由051222=-='xy ,得16=x (16-=x 舍去), 32512=x 所以,当堆料场的长为32米,宽为16米时砌墙所用的材料最省.。
2011年3月12日座位号□□10.防止U盘感染病毒的有效方法是( )A)不要把U盘和有病毒软盘放在一起B)保持机房清洁C)定期对U盘格式化D)对有写保护的U盘,设置成写保护状态11.计算机硬件系统的组成为:输入设备、输出设备和( )A)存储器设备与主机B)移动存储器与中央处理器C)中央处理器与存储器D)主板与主机12.以下微型计算机的存储设备中,访问速度最快的是( )A)Cache B)RAM C)硬盘D)软盘13.断电会使存储数据丢失的存储器是( )A)RAM B)硬盘C)ROM D)软盘14.以下不属于我国“三金”工程的是( )A)金桥B)金卡C)金关D)金网15.IT技术是指( )A) 信息技术B) 信息文化C) 计算机技术D)计算机文化16.能够被微型计算机CPU直接进行读写操作的是( )A) 硬盘B)内存储器C)软盘D)I/O设备17.计算机中的系统总线按照传输的信息不同,划分为数据总线、地址总线和( )A)通信总线B)片内总线C)控制总线D)外部总线18.存储高精度48×48点阵汉字的字模信息需要用的字节数是( )A)48×48字节B)6×48字节C)6×6字节D)6×24字节19.下列各项中,属于显示器主要技术指标之一的是( )A)分辨率B)亮度C)重量D)外形尺寸20.在计算机指令中,规定其所执行操作功能的部分是( )A)地址码B)源操作数C)操作数D)操作码21.计算机基本外设的工作是靠一组驱动程序来完成的,这组程序代码保存在主机板的特殊的内存芯片中,称这组芯片为( )A)Cache B)ROM C)I/O D)BIOS22.外围设备只能通过I/O接口和主机相连,其关键原因是( )A)解决主机和外设速度不匹配的矛盾,并且进行数据格式的转换B)通过定时信号使外设与主机同步C) 增加微机的性能价格比D) 实现模拟信号和数字信号之间的转换23.某单位使用的计算机人事档案管理系统软件属于( )A)工具软件B)应用软件C)系统软件D)字表处理软件24.可以用Adobe Reader打开的文件是( )A)扩展名为.RAR的文件B)扩展名为.DOC的文件C)扩展名为.SWF的文件D)扩展名为.PDF的文件兰州交通大学试卷(附卷)25.以下文件扩展名不是图像文件的是 ( ) A ).BMPB ).AVIC ).JPGD ).GIF26.Windows 操作系统的操作特点是 ( )A )先选择操作命令,再选定操作对象B )先选定操作对象,再选择操作命令C )需同时选择操作对象和操作命令D )允许用户任意选择 27.Windows 系统中的“桌面”是指 ( ) A)窗口的内部区域B)启动Windows 后的整个屏幕 C)启动Windows 后屏幕中间的欢迎窗口 D)摆放计算机的台面 28.打开【开始】菜单的快捷键是 ( ) A)Alt+F4 B)Ctrl+Esc C)F1D)Alt+F 29.图标与叙述配对不正确的是 ( )A)图1—光驱B)图2—浏览器C)图3—滚动条D)图4—复选钮图1 图2 图3 图4 30.图标与叙述配对不正确的是 ( ) A)图5—文本文件 B)图6—程序文件 C)图7—字体文件D)图8—帮助文件图5 图6 图7 图831.在Windows 中,通常进行中英文输入法间切换的组合键是 ( ) A )Ctrl+空格键B )Ctrl+ShiftC )Shift+空格键D )Alt+Shift 键32.为了要尽快找到文件名中包含字符串“kxd ”的Word 文件在计算机中的存放位置,在 Window XP 系统下的搜索窗口中,应该输入的文件或文件夹名为 ( ) A )?kxd?.docB )*kxd.*C )*.*D )*kxd *.doc33.利用Windows “记事本”应用程序可以编辑 ( ) A )汉字、图表、英文 B )数字、图形、汉字 C )英文、汉字、数字D )图形、图表、文字34.如果要选定一个窗口中不连续的多个文件和文件夹,除鼠标单击外,应同时按住 A )Shift 键 B )Ctrl 键 C )Alt 键 D )Backspace 键[ 35.在Windows 附件中不包含的应用程序是 ( ) A)记事本 B )画图 C )计算器 D )公式编辑器 36.用鼠标单击窗口的“最小化”按钮后,对应的程序将 ( ) A)转入后台运行B )终止运行C )继续执行D )被删除37.关闭应用程序的快捷键是 ( )A) Ctrl+Esc B )Alt+F4 C )F1D )Ctrl+B38.为了方便用户的操作,Windows 把一些常用的操作命令以图标按钮的形式放在( )A )“状态栏”上B )“标题栏”上C )“工具栏”上D )“窗口”上39.在Windows 中,下列关于“任务栏”的叙述,错误的是 ( )A )可以将任务栏设置为自动隐藏B )通过任务栏上的按钮,可实现窗口之间的切换C )任务栏可以移动D )在任务栏上,只显示当前活动窗口名 40.在Windows 中,若要进行整个窗口的移动,可用鼠标拖动窗口的 ( ) A )标题栏B )菜单栏C )工作区D )状态栏41.在Windows 中,即插即用的含义是指 ( )A ) 不需要BIOS 支持即可使用硬件B ) Windows 系统所能使用的硬件C ) 安装在计算机上不需要配置任何驱动程序就可使用的硬件D ) 硬件安装在计算机上后,系统会自动识别并完成驱动程序的安装和配置 42.下列关于Windows 磁盘扫描程序的叙述中,正确的是 ( ) A ) 磁盘扫描程序可以用来检测和修复磁盘 B )磁盘扫描程序只可以用来检测磁盘,不能修复磁盘 C ) 磁盘扫描程序不能检测压缩过的磁盘D )磁盘扫描程序可以检测和修复硬盘、软盘片和可读/写光盘 43.文字处理软件Word 的最大特点是 ( )A)可以进行文档格式编排 B)所见即所得 C)在Windows 环境下工作D)可以编排表格44.在Windows 下,当双击一个Word 文件的图标时,意味着 ( )A )启动Word 应用程序,将文件内容从磁盘读入到内存,并显示在对应的窗口中B )启动Word 应用程序,并将文件内容从内存写入磁盘,同时显示在屏幕上C )仅是在屏幕上为指定文件打开了一个空白窗口,然后显示其内容D )将文件内容显示在桌面上以便用户使用45.在Word 的编辑状态中,可以进行“插入/改写”状态转换的是 ( )A )Insert 键B )Home 键C )Cap Lock 键D )Ctrl+Backspace 键 46.在Word 中,若要选定一块矩形区域,应拖动鼠标并按住 ( ) A )Ctrl 键 B )Shift 键C )Alt 键D )Ctrl+Shift47.在Word 的编辑状态中,使插入点快速移到文档尾的操作是 ( )A )PgUpB )Alt+EndC )Ctrl+EndD )PgDn装订线科类: 毕业院校: 姓名: 准考证号:□□□□□□□□□□考题书写要求:上下不得超过黑线,左右不得超过黑线两端点。
2011年山东省专升本英语真题Part II vocabulary and structure (15points, 0.5 point each)21. The coat has a _____ inside to show the time and where it was made.A. labelB. markC. signD. tag22. I’m very sorry to have_____you with so many questions on such an occasion.A. interferedB. botheredC. impressedD. offended23. When she retired, she did a lot of_____ work for the Red Cross.A. socialB. portableC. prominentD. voluntary24. The French pianist who had been praised very highly to be a great disappointment.A. turned inB. turned outC. turned upD. turned down25. Martin Luther King was_____the Nobel Prize for advocating the nonviolence policies in the movement for citizen rights.A. gainedB. gotC. awardedD. owned26. This is the first draft of the book. Please feel perfectly free to_____on it.A. conformB. complainC. confirmD. comment27. A primitive answer makes you feel good, but an_____one teaches you a lot.A. affirmativeB. negative G. objective D. subjective28. The noise _____ until she could n’t stand it any longer.A. set upB. range upC. built upD. called up29. The dog waiting behind the gale looked_____that I did not dare to go in.A. mildB. fierceC. wildD. harmful30. Jane is scolded by her boss because she left the office with the computer _____yesterday.A. onB. outC. unlockedD. unclosed31. Don’t joke with Linda, she takes everything far too _____.A. carefullyB. gravelyC. criticallyD. seriously32. Mr Morgan can be very sad_____ though in public he is extremely cheerful.A. by himselfB. in personC. in privateD. as himself33. She keeps a supply of candles in the house in case of power_____.A. failureB. lackC. absenceD. drop34. Some people are _____ to policies and what is going on in other places.A. keenB. curiousC. enthusiasticD. indifferent35. We are quite sure that we can _____ our present difficulties and finish the task on schedule.A. get acrossB. get overC. get awayD. get off36. The reason _____ he rejected our plan is that he had no faith in us.A. whichB. thatC. whyD. because37. If you stick to _____ the piano everyday, you will become quite a good musician.A. practiceB. practicingC. have practicedD. be practicing38. No one _____ the building without the permission of the police.A. is leavingB. will be leavingC. have leftD. is to leave39. _____ you realize your trouble with English learning, you can take some effective steps.A. Now thatB. From then onC. Ever sinceD. By now40. It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.A. when heB. that heC. and heD. he41. Professor Lee’s book will show you _____ can be used in other context.A. that you have observedB. how that you have observedC. that how you have observedD. how what you have observed42. But for the favorable weather, we_____ in such a good harvest.A. can’t getB. couldn’t getC. couldn’t have gotD. could have got43. So little _____with each other that the neighbors co uldn’t settle their difference.A. agree did theyB. did they agreeC. they agreeD. they did agree44. The alarm o’clock didn’t ring t his morning, you_____it last night.A. need to have forgotten to windB. may have forgotten windingC. ought to have forgotten to windD. must have forgotten to wind45. A series of measures _____, people in that area managed to survive the severe famine.A. having takenB. were takenC. having been takenD. have been taken46. It wasn’t such a goo d dinner_____ she had promised us.A. thatB. whichC. asD. what47. Evidence came up_____ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months old.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. whose48. _____that th e pilot couldn’t fly through it.A. The storm so severe wasB. So the storm was severeC. So severe was the stormD. Such was the storm severe49. His knowledge of language and international business _____him in his work.A. helpB. helpsC. was helpfulD. have helped50. I don’t think lunch is a good time to get together, _____.A. dinner is neitherB. so is not dinnerC. not dinner tooD. nor is dinnerPart III Reading comprehension (30 points, 1.5points each)Section ADirections; There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished, statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies with the students. If a long reading assignment is given, teachers expect students to be familiar with the information in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or give an examination. The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. When research is assigned, the professor in the United States expects the students to take the initiative and complete the assignment with less guidance. 71 Professors will help students who need it, but prefer that their students not be over-dependent on them. In the United States, professors have other duties besides teaching. Often they are responsible foradministrative work within their departments. In addition, they may be obliged to publish articles and books. Therefore the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either approach a professor during office hours or make appointment.Participation in the classroom is not only accepted but also expected of the students in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade on the student’s oral participation. Although there are formal lectures during which the student has a passive role (i. e. listening and taking notes), many courses are organized around classroom discussions, student questions and informal lectures.In the teaching of science and mathematics, the dominant mode of instruction is generally traditional with teachers presenting formal lectures and students taking note. However, new educational trends have psychology classes, for example, are often required to solve problems in groups , design projects, make presentations and examine case studies. 72 Since some college or university courses are “applied” rather than “theoretical”they stress “doing ” and involvement.51. When research is assigned the professor_____.A. will give the student some necessary guidanceB. will not give student any guidanceC. prefer that student not be dependent on him at allD. expect the student to complete it under his guidance52. Which of the following is NOT the duty of an American professor?A. Solving the studen ts’ problem during office hoursB. Being responsible for some administrative work.C. Publishing articles and books.D. Spending a lot of time with the students outside of the class.53. In the teaching of science and mathematics, the dominant mode of instruction is_____.A. classroom discussionB. student presentationC. formal lecturesD. informal lectures54. New educational trend have emerge in the humanities and social science that stress_____.A. the role of readingB. good academic recordC. the professor’s illustrationD. the student’s participationPassage TwoThe last few years have seen new wealth in the group of white-collar workers in China. Primarily this group consists of lawyers, artists, company presidents and employees of joint-venture companies. This group did not exist ten years ago. Business ventures such as real estate development, computer companies and travel agencies have nurtured this new class of ambitious Chinese who have tasted “the good life” and want even more of it.What are the marks of this group of people? First of all, it is defined by what its members have; cell phones, washing machines, microwave ovens, computers, homes and vacations. But this group is not only marked by material things. A psychological independence and carefree optimism is also present. Middle-aged successful company presidents, young professionals even college students are optimistic, expecting the best in their future.Chinese entrepreneurs (企业家) began accumulating money in the late 1980’s. But it was not until the middle 90’s that the material possession of the newly-rich-cell phones, computers, cars, houses were easily available. These high-tech entrepreneurs quit state enterprise to start privatecompanies nearly a decade ago, when China started to transform from a planned to a market economy. These early entrepreneurs are now wealthy by any country’s standards. 73 However, like any newly-rich Chinese, they seem a little uncomfortable when asked about wealth. One reason for their discomfort is that they realize that the prosperity wealth that has created the group of newly-rich has not benefited all Chinese equally. Some entrepreneurs have move up in social status, but many workers have been laid off, losing their jobs temporarily for economic reason, from state-run factories.For most Chinese, the move into this style of life is still a step-by-step progress. It may be slow but many business people are hopeful. As a real estate entrepreneur from Beijing said; “This is not just about money. It’s about a better quality of life. ”55. The word “nurture” (Line 4, Prara l) probably means_____.A. naturalizeB. nourishC. care for and educateD. help the development of56. According to the passage, which of the following are NOT marked of the newly-rich Chinese?A. Great ambition and the whish for a new lifestyle.B. Houses and vacations.C. Mobile phones and computers.D. Mental independence and optimism.57. Why do many newly-rich Chinese feel embarrassed when saked about wealth?A. Because they have higher social status.B. Because they have quit state-run factories.C. Because they have fired many employees.D. Because they know many others are not so wealthy.58. According to the real estate entrepreneur, many business people are looking forward to this Style of Life for the sake of_____.A. more wealthB. higher social statusC. better quality of lifeD. greater famePassage Three74 In recent years a new and serious problem has arisen for international airlines and their passengers. This is the relatively new crime of hijacking. Once an unheard-of event, it has now become a common occurrence.There is not very much anyone can do once a hijacker is on board an aeroplane. He may be carrying a gun or hand grenades, which, if used, would cause a disaster. The only thing to do is try to ensure that these people never get on the plane in the first instance. So airlines all over the world have security procedures. Before any passenger can get on an airplane at the airport, he must go through a series of security checks to make sure he isn’t carrying anything that is potentially dangerous or could be used as a weapon on board. The security measures vary from airport to airport. At some airports there is very little security. At other airports the security checks are very strict and it can take up to half-an-hour to get through them all.Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong, China, has a good security system. No aircraft starting its journey from Hong Kong has ever been hijacked. At Kai Tak, when a passenger first checks in, his or her name is matched with the computer list of passengers booked on that particular flight. If the name is not recognised, the passenger will be taken aside and questioned by security guards andmay not be allowed on the plane. Next, every suitcase is X-ray checked before it goes into the plane. Any suitcase that seems to have something dangerous in it is not put on the plane. Then the hand baggage which the passengers will carry on to the plane is checked. Each passenger has to open his or her bag and the security clerk examines the contents. If there is anything that could be used as a weapon, a penknife for example, the security staff take it away and keep it in a safe place on the plane until the flight is over. The passenger can then collect it.Finally there is a body check of all passengers. They must pass through a door where X-rays will show if they are carrying anything made of metal, like a gun. II anything suspicious is found, they will be asked to explain. 75 It is only after all these checks that a passenger is allowed to board the plane.59. According to the first paragraph which of the following will the author disagree?A. Hijacking is a relatively new crime.B. Hijacking is practically unheard-of.C. The number of Hijacking is increasing.D. Hijacking is a serious problem facing international airlines.60. The only thing we can do to prevent the disaster caused by Hijacking is to_____.A. set up a series of security proceduresB. exert control over gunsC. fight bravely against the hijackingD. meet the hijacker’s demand61. If there is anything that could be used as a weapon, the passager_____.A. can keep it in a safe place on the planeB. can take it back from the security staff when the flight is overC. may not be allowed on the planeD. will be taken aside and questioned by security guards.62. At Kai Tak a passenger has to get through all the following checks before boarding the plane except _____.A. having his name matched with the computer listB.having every suitcase X-ray checkedC.having the hand baggage X-ray checkedD.passing through a door for a body checkSection BDirections: Match the Chinese sentences in the left column with the English in the right column. Mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.63.如果研究结果能够使用于科学技术的开发,我们的努力就没有白费。
韩山师范学院2011年专升本插班生考试试题英语(商贸英语)专业英语语法试卷(A卷)(请将答案写在答题卡上)I. Choose the correct answer. (40%)Direction: Complete the following sentences with one of the four items which marked A, B, C, and D. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.1.Each man and woman ______ the same rights.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. is having2. The surroundings of his house ______ clean now.A. isB. areC. wasD. were3. Her politics ______ neither conservative nor liberal.A. isB. areC. wasD. has been4. ― What do you usually do after dinner ?‖― I usually listen to ___‖A. a little musicB. little musicC. few musicD. a few music5. On account of the typhoon ____ shipment will arrive this week.A. neitherB. allC. bothD. these6. There are trees on ___ side of the street.A. such aB. bothC. someD. each7.. He was not ___ to admit his mistakes in public.A. man enoughB. enough manC. a man enoughD. enough a man8. Y ou ____ Jim anything about it . It was none of his business.A needn’t have told B. needn’t tellC. mustn’t have toldD. mustn’t tell9. We could ___ him with a detached house when he came , but he had specifically asked for a small flat.A. provideB. have providedC. not provideD. not have provided.10. –― She must be in the dormitory now.‖--- ― No , she ___ be there . I saw her in the classroom a minute ago.‖A. mustn’tB. can’tC. couldn’tD. wouldn’t11.what’s the chance of __ a general election this year?A. there beingB. there to beC. there beD. there going to be12. When you have finished with that video tape, don’t forget to put it in my drawer,___?A. do youB. will youC. don’t youD. won’t you13.By the time he’s sixty, he ___ for the company for thirty years.A. will have workedB. would have workedC. will workD. would work14. I’m sure your suggestion will ___ the problem.A. contribute to solvingB. be contributed to solveC. contribute to solveD. be contributed to solving15. Firms that use computers have found that the number of the staff _____ is needed for quality control can be substantially reduced.A. whoseB. asC. whatD. that16..___ , he would not have recovered so quickly.A. Hadn’t he been taken good care ofB. Had he not been taken good care ofC. Had not he been taken good care ofD. Had he been not taken good care of17.—― What courses are you going to do next semester ?‖-- ― I don’t know. But it’s about time ___ on something.‖A. I’d decideB. I decidedC. I decideD. I’m deciding18. She asked that she ___ allowed to see her son in police custody.A. would beB. could beC. beD. was19. If your car ___ any attention during the first 12 months , take it to an authorized dealer.A. shall needB. should needC. would needD. will need20 The first textbook ___ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.A. have writtenB. to be writtenC. being writtenD. written21.The mother didn’t know who _____ for the broken glass.A. blamedB. would blameC. to blameD. be blamed22.I’ll never forget _____ you for the first time.A. to meetB. meetingC. to have metD. having to be meeting23.All flights _____ because of the terrible weather, they had to go there by train.A. were canceledB. having canceledC. had been canceledD. having been canceled24. Do you know Tom bought a new car?I don't know, ___.A. nor don't I careB. nor do I careC. I don't care neitherD. I don't care also25. No sooner___ than it began to rain heavily.A. the game beganB. has the game begunC. did the game beginD. had the game begun26.He felt a bit worried, _____ they were not working hard, but that they did notpay enough attention to safety.A. forB. becauseC. sinceD. not that27.____, he always tries his best to complete it on time.A.However the task is hardB. However hard the task isC.Though hard the task isD. Though hard is the task28.Fool ___ Jane is , she could not have done such a thing.A. whoB. asC. thatD. like29. Canned food may be deficient ___ vitamins.A. withB. inC. onD. about30. His ill-health may well be ___ malnutrition.A. due toB. next toC. thanks toD. up to31. Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ______ the atmosphere.A. as it isB. so isC. the same asD. and so is32. ______ there is little we can do to modify the weather, we can at least know what kind of weather to expect.A. SinceB. WhenC. WhileD. Unless33. The trade unions in this industry are ______ any reduction in wages.A. objecting againstB. opposed toC. reacted toD. resisting against34. Clothing made of plastic fibres has certain advantages over ______ made of natural fibres like cotton, wool, or silk.A. oneB. the oneC. thatD. what35. The students expected there ______ more reviewing classes before the final exams.A. isB. beingC. have beenD. to be36. I have no liking ___ that man; in fact, I have taken a dislike ___ him.A. for—forB. with—toC. to—forD. for—to37. ___ regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first.A. Not receivedB. since receivingC. Having receivedD. Not having received38. He read a book on laser last week.______A. Nor did sheB. So she didC. So did sheD. She did so39. She is only ____ satisfied to copy notes of others without the pain of thought for herself.A. veryB. muchC. soD. too40. At no time _____ other countries.A. China will invadeB. will invade ChinaC. will China invadeD. invade will ChinaII. Correct the errors in the following sentences. (20%)Directions: Each sentence contains four underlined parts marked A, B, C, and D. Identify the one that would not be acceptable in standard written English . Mark out the incorrect one and correct it. The write down your answers on ANSWER SHEET.1. The news of the loss suffered by their troops were much worse thanA B Cthey had expected.D2. Smith said that if he had to do another homework tonight, he wouldA Bnot be able to attend the concert.C D3. His latest proposal was neither a new idea not a sound one.A B C D4.The situation in that country turned out to be so seriously that it seemsA B Cas if a war might break out at any time.D5. Since his blood pressure is much higher than it should be , his doctorA B Cinsists that he does not smoke.D6. We can supplement our own ideas with information and dataAgathering from our reading , our observation , and so forth.B C D7. It was last night when Pat released the president's illness to the reporters.A B C D8. His fondness of collecting stamps was such that nearly half his income wentA B C D into this hobby.9. He found it annoyed that this neighbor kept calling him by the wrong name.A B C D10. She asked her students a question. Every gave her a different answer.A B C D11. Not until 1868 was when Atlanta made the capital of the state of Georgia.A B C D12. Paul suggest that they meet in the front of the school gate at one o'clock onA B C D Friday afternoon.13.The scholars met once a year to exchange experiences.A B C D14. Waiting for a plane to take off from an airport can often take so long as the tripA B Citself.D15. Mr. Smith enjoys fresh air , sun shine, and to take long walks.A B C D16. Mary went to Boston , took a room in a cheap hotel , and had spent aA B Cwhole week to search for her sister.D17. The mother flatly rejected my suggestion that she met her daughter the nextA B C D week.18. Teaching and learning are parts of the same educational experience,A Bbut unfortunately they are often thought of to be separate.C D19. The ship changed its course because of there was a storm.A B C D20. As tired I was , I continued my experiment.A B C DIII. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given in the bracket. (20% )1. He is my best friend, my second self, as it __1__. ( be )2. Draughts _ 2___ an easier game than chess. ( be )3. Suppose you 3__ (have ) a million dollars--- how __4__ (will ) you spend it ?4. Three-fourths of the surface of the earth _5__ sea. ( is are )5. He looks as though he never __6__ (get) a square meal, but in fact his wife feeds him very well.6. I propose he _ 7___ (excuse).7. He fought as hard as if his wife __8__ (be ) in danger.8. He soon had them all __9___(laugh).9. I caught the boys __10___(steal) apples from my garden.10. The witness denied __11__(see) the accused man.11. I’d rather you _ 12___ silent about it for he won’t listen to you for the time being. ( keep )12.Two more dollars __13__ missing from the till this morning. ( be )13.I can’t bear the smell of __14_ (burn) toast14.There is a ___15____ breeze on the porch. ( refresh )15. The peasant boy swore __16__ revenge on his father’s murderer. ( take )16. If only we __17__ a phone! I’m tired of queuing outside the public phone box. ( have )17. I resented ___18___ unjustly accused and asked him __19____ . ( be , apologize )18. If the train _20___ on time , it will be here in ten minutes. ( be )IV. Fill in the blanks with proper prep. Adv. Determiner , coordinator or subordinator. ( 10% )1.He eats the finest food ______ is available.2.There was a certain old man in the village _____ none of us liked.3.There were hundreds of people at the show. _____ spoke highly of the exhibition.4.I believe they are related _____ marriage.5.The dog seemed suspicious ____ everybody.6.____ I hadn’t stopped her, she would have jumped into the river.7.He said it d didn’t matter ____ we stayed or went.8.I was writing a letter ____ the telephone rang.9.The teacher is very strict with us, simple ____ he wants us to make rapidprogress.10.The doctor had scarcely got into bed _____ he was called out again.V. Rewrite the following sentences according to the requirements given in the bracket. ( 10% )( active voice—passive voice)1.We have painted the windows white.2.People speak English almost all over the world.(combine each group of sentences into one sentence, using coordination)3.Tom speaks Chinese fluently. He can’t write in it.4.Brian locked the door. He went to a nearby pub.( direct sentence—indirect sentence)5.He said, ― It must be pretty late. I really must go.‖6. 6. ― Must I go to school tomorrow ?‖ Jack asked.( Turn the following sentences into existential there )7. A car was ready for us.8.My front door had a bolt but I never used it.( Emphasize the italicized part by using introductory “it” )9.The machine needs repairing.10.John gave Mary a handbag at Christmas.。
每小题1分,共10分)1.函数21arcsin7x y -=+)(A )[3,4]- (B )(3,4)- (C )[0,2] (D )(0,2)2.极限211lim1x x x →--等于( )(A )0 (B )2 (C )1 (D )1-3.曲线1y x=在点1(2,)2的切线方程是( )(A )440x y +-= (B )440x y --= (C )440x y +-= (D )440x y --= 4. 函数()f x 在0x 点可导,且0()f x 是函数()f x 的极大值,则( )(A )0()0f x '< (B )0()0f x ''> (C )0()0f x '=,且0()0f x ''> (D )0()0f x '=5. 函数sin (1)x y x x =-的铅直渐近线是( )(A )1x = (B )0x = (C )2x = (D )1x =- 6.定积分20⎰的值是( )(A )2π (B )π (C )2π(D )4π7. 已知(0)3f '=,则0()(0)lim4x f x f x ∆→-∆-∆等于( )(A )14(B )14-(C )34(D )34-8. 已知点(1,1,1)A ,点(3,,)B x y ,且向量AB与向量(2,3,4)a = 平行,则x 等于( )(A )1 (B )2 (C )3 (D )49. 如果级数1nn u∞=∑(0nu ≠)收敛,则必有( )(A )级数11n nu∞=∑发散 (B )级数1n n u ∞=∑收敛(C )级数1(1)nn n u ∞=-∑收敛 (D )级数11n n u n ∞=⎛⎫+ ⎪⎝⎭∑收敛 10. 函数()f x x =在点0x =处( )(A )不连续 (B )连续,但图形无切线 (C )图形有铅直的切线 (D )可微 二、填空题(每小题2分,满分20分)1.若3,0(),xe xf x a x ⎧+>=⎨≤⎩ 在0x =点连续,则a = .2.极限422123lim32x x x x x →+-=-+ .3.0x =是函数sin ()x f x x=的第 类间断点.4.由方程2240x y xy --=确定隐函数的导数dy dx= .5.函数2()3f x x x =-的极值点是 .6.函数43()f x x =的图形的(向上)凹区间是 . 7.3x xe dx =⎰ .8.向量(1,1,4)a = 与向量(1,2,2)b =-的夹角的余弦是 .9.级数131nn xn ∞=+∑的收敛区间是 .10.微分方程560y y y '''++=的通解为 .三、计算题(每小题5分,共50分) 1.3113lim 11x x x →-⎛⎫-⎪++⎝⎭. 2.0sin(4)limx x →.3.求由参数方程33cos sin x a y a θθ⎧=⎨=⎩ 所确定的函数的导数d yd x .4.求函数1xx y x ⎛⎫= ⎪+⎝⎭(0x >)的导数.5.求23sin cos x xdx ⎰.6.求120arcsin xdx ⎰.7.求微分方程cot 2sin y y x x x '-=的通解.8.求与两平面43x z -=和251x y z --=的交线平行且过点(3,2,5)-的直线方程. 9.计算Dxyd σ⎰⎰,其中D 为由直线1y =,2x =及y x =所围成的闭区域.10.已知函数44224z x y x y =+-,求2z x y∂∂∂.四、应用和证明题(第1,2小题各7分,第3小题6分,共20分)1.某车间靠墙壁要盖一间长方形小屋,现有存砖只够砌20m 长的墙壁.问应围成怎样的长方形才能使这间小屋的面积最大? 2.求抛物线212y x =将圆228x y +=分割后形成的两部分的面积.3.已知()f x 为连续的奇函数,证明()x f t dt为偶函数.需要答案的联系我 152******** QQ 86174269。
山东省2011年普通高等教育专升本统一考试计算机文化基础试卷及答案Part IListening Comprehension(20Points,15minutes)(Omitted)Part II V ocabulary and StructureDirections: In this part there are 20 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.21There is miserable news that very few people ______the earthquake.A. recoveredB. survivedC. existedD. discovered22. ______your book, and do this work first. Y ou may read it later.A. put outB. put awayC. put upD. put on23. Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight?I’d love to, ______I didn’t finish my homework yet.A. andB. soC. asD. but24. Many companies are seeking to exploit and develop the rich natural______in western regions.A. sourcesB. resourcesC. materialsD. power25. Many students will watch TV only to ______ time during the summer vacation.A. spendB. wasteC. enjoyD. kill26. When I try to understand ______that prevents so many Americans from being as happyas one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes.A. why it doesB.what it doesC.what it isD.why it is27. I'm sure he is up to the job ______ he would give his mind to it.A.if onlyB. in caseC. untilD.unless28. The car ______ halfway for no reason.A. broke offB. broke downC. broke upD.broke out29. The newcomers found it impossible to ______ themselves to the climate sufficientlyto make permanent homes in the new country.A. suitB.adaptC. regulateD.coordinate30. A ______ to this problem is expected to be found before long.A. resultB. responseC. settlementD.solution31. Y ou have nothing to ______ by refusing to listen to our advice.A. gainB. graspC. seizeD. earn32. As a result of careless washing the jacket ______ to a child's size.A. compressedB. shrankC.droppedD. decreased33. He hoped the firm would ______ him to the Paris branch.A. exchangeB. transmitC. transferD. remove34. The lessons given by Mr. Smith are always_______and interesting.A. lovinglyB. lovelyC. livelyD. vividly35. Calculations, which are astronomically exact, have been made __________ with the use of computers.A. possibleB. it possibleC.possiblyD.to be possible36. He has so many inventions that he is really ______ Edison of ______Japan.A. an; theB. an;/C. the; theD. the; /37. Even though they ______side by side for twenty years, the two neighbors are not on good terms.A. have been livedB. had been livedC. had been livingD. have been living38. ______who she was, she said she was Mr. Johnson’s friend.A. askingB. askedC. to askD. when asking39. Y ou ______ the difficulties after I explain the whole thing to you.A. will be seenB. will have seenC. will seeD. see40. Not only I but Jane and Mary ______worn out after having one examination after another.A. isB. areC. paintingD. to be painted41. A survey of the opinions of students ______that they also admit several hours of sitting in front of the computer ______harmful for one’s health.A. show; areB. shows; isC. show; isD. shows; are42. By the time your plane lands tonight, I ______ at the airport for 3 hours.A. had waitedB. have been waitedC. had been waitingD. will have been waiting43. The room is in a terrible mess; it ______cleaned.A. can’t have beenB. shouldn’t have beenC. mustn’t have beenD. will have been waiting44. It is the third time I ______to the Palace Museum, and I still think it is marvelous.A. have goneB. goC. have beenD. will go45. All______you can do to comfort her is to listen to her story patiently.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. things46. The driver, rather than the passengers, ______responsible for the accident.A. areB. isC. beenD. have been47. Please make sure everything ------in its proper place before you leave the lab.A. should beB. isC. will beD. would48. Y ou can fly to London this morning______you don’t mind changing planes in Paris.A. providedB. exceptC. unlessD. so far as49. There is ______the fact that the assembly line has greatly improved productivity.A. not to denyB. not denyC. not denying D no denying50. He is not used to speaking to a stranger, ______to a large audience.A. much lessB. much moreC. no less than D still morePart III Reading ComprehensionDirections: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 4 tasks for you to fulfill. Y ou should read this materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written. In the schools of ancient Greece and Rome , testing usually consisted of saying poetry aloud or giving speeches.In the European universities of the Middle Ages, students who were working foradvanced degrees had to discuss questions in their field of study with people who had made a special study of the subject. This custom exists today as part of the process of testing candidates for the doctor's degree.Generally, however, modern examinations are written. The written examination, where all students are tested on the same question, was probably not known until the nineteenth century. Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development of modern industry. A room full of candidates for a state examination, timed exactly by electric clocks and carefully watched over by managers ,resembles a group of workers at an automobile factory. Generally, during examinations teachers and students are expected to act like machines.One type of test is sometimes called an "objective" test. It is intended to deal with facts, not personal opinions. To make up an objective test the teacher writes a series of questions, each of which has only one correct answer. Along with each question the teacher writes the correct answer and also three statements that look like correct answers to students who have not learned the material properly.51. In the Middle Ages students_________.A.took objective testsB.specialized in one subjectC.were timed by electric clocksD.never wrote exams52. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that_________.A.workers now take examinationB.the population has grownC.there are only written examsD.examinations are now written and timed53. The kind of exams where students must select answers are_________.A.personalB.spokenC.objectiveD.written54. Modern industry must have developed_________.A.before the Middle AgesB.around the 19th centuryC.in Greece or RomeD.machines to take tests55. It may be concluded that testing_________.A.should test only opinionsB.should always be writtenC.has changed since the Middle AgesD.is given only in factoriesTask 2Adam Smith was the first person to see the importance of the division of the labor. He gave us an example of the process by which pins were made in England."One man draws out the wire, another strengthens it, a third cuts it, a fourth points it, and a fifth gives it a head. Just to make the head requires two or three different operations. The work of making pins is divided into about eighteen differentoperations, which in some factories are all performed by different people, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them.Ten men, Smith said, in this way, turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4800 pins a worker. But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one.There can be no doubt that division of labor is an efficient way of organizing work. Fewer people can make more pins. Adam Smith saw this, but he also took it for granted that division of labor is itself responsible for economic growth and development and it accounts for the difference between expanding economies and those that stand still. But division of labor adds nothing new, it only enables people to produce more of what they already have.56.According to the passage, Adam Smith was the first person to__________A. take advantage of the physical laborB. introduce the division of labor into EnglandC. understand the effects of the division of laborD. explain the bad causes of the division of labor57.Adam Smith saw that the division of labor__________A. enabled each worker to design pins more quicklyB. increased the possible output per workerC. increased the number of people employed in factoriesD. improved the quality of pins produced58.Adam Smith mentioned the number 4800 in order to__________A. show the advantages of the old labor systemB. stress how powerful the individual worker wasC. show the advantages of the division of laborD. stress the importance of increased production59.According to the writer, Adam Smith's mistake was in believingthat the division of labor__________A. was an efficient way of organizing workB. was an important development in methods of productionC. finally led to economic developmentD. increased the production of existing goods60.According to the writer, which one of the following is NOT true?A. Division of labor can enable fewer people to make more pins.B. Division of labor helps people to produce more of what they already have.C. Division of labor is by no means responsible for economic growth.D. Division of labor is an efficient way of organizing work.Task 3A new poll shows that people believe that computers and the Internet have made life better for Americans, but people also see some dangers in the trend toward computerization.The poll found that the public favors some government protection fromcyber-problems, but in general people are not essentially concerned with issues such as information overload or the never-ending flow of phone calls, faxes and e-mails. A separate survey of children aged 10-17 shows that they have a more positive attitude about computers than adults do, and most have made use of up-to-date technology in their schools.The survey found that enthusiasms for computers and the Internet is found in all income groups, all regions of the country, all races, and most age groups. However, people over 60 and those toward the lower end of the income rank tend to show lower rates of computer ownership and Internet usage. The survey shows that “some kind of gap has been crossed: computers are part of everyday life for most Americans, and the Internet is close behind.”61.The first paragraph shows thatA. the new poll about computers and the Internet is helpfulB. people should explore the dangers of computerizationC. people can not do without computers and the InternetD. computerization has its advantages and disadvantages62.The word “enthusiasm” is closest in meaning toA. great loveB. great hatredC. problemD. advantage63.What are the Americans concerned about according to the poll?A. Age of children using the InternetB. Government protection from the Internet problemsC. Information overloadD. The flow of phone calls, faxes, and e-mails.64. American adults tend to than teenagers.A. care more about information overloadB. like using computers moreC. dislike using computers moreD. face less danger65. We can learn from the passage thatA. all the American children have used the latest technology in schoolsB. computers and the Internet are very popular with AmericansC. Americans tend to place more importance in the Internet usage than computersD. the public in America do not hate the Internet problemsTask 4Directions: After reading it, you should give brief answers below it (numbered 66 through 70). Y ou should write your answers briefly (in no more than 4 words) after the corresponding numbers.This autumn term, spring term, or academic year program offers advanced students an opportunity to improve their spoken and written Chinese, and to be familiar with a range of people and organizations that are helping to shape China’s relationship with the United States and the world. All students who take intermediate or advanced Chinese language may make a choice to participate in the Professional Development Program that includes guest lectures by Chinese and foreign professionals on areassuch as politics, foreign affairs, economics, trade, media, art, and culture. This program is supplemented (补充) by field trips and short journeys in and around Beijing.Housing and meals: Students live in the foreign students dormitories and take meals in the dormitory dining hall or local restaurants.Requirements: Two years of college-level Chinese and one Chinese studies course; graduate students accepted.Program Free: 2004 Autumn Term: $6, 995, 2005 Spring Term: 6, 995. Fees include tuition, housing and all meals, cultural activities, local journeys and field trips, insurance, and the International Student Identity Card.66.What language abilities will be improved if advanced students take part in the program?__________________________________ Chinese.67.Who will be guest speakers in the Professional Development Program?Both __________________________________.68.Where will the foreign students stay when they are in China?In __________________________________69.Apart from academic activities, what else will the foreign students do in this program?They will take__________________________________ and tour around Beijing. 70.How many requirements are there for one who wants to be accepted to the program?___________________________________.Part IV TranslationSection A Put the following into Chinese. ( 10 Points )71.In ancient times the most important examinations were spoken, not written._________________________________________________________________ 72.Perhaps it came into existence with the great increase in population and the development_________________________________________________________________ 73. But if all of them had worked separately and independently without division of labor, they certainly could not have made twenty pins in a day and not even one._________________________________________________________________ 74. But he also took it for granted that division of labor is itself responsible for economic growth and development and it accounts for the difference between expanding economies and those that stand still._________________________________________________________________ 75. A good many proposals were raised by the delegates as was to be expected_________________________________________________________________ Section B Put the following into Einglish. ( 10 Points )76.他下决心,不管遇到什么困难都要坚持做这项工作。
地理科学(地理信息系统方 向) 05 35 2
理工类(英语、计算机基础、 高等数学)
第 3 版,王萼芳编著,高等教育出版 社出版;《数学分析》第 3 版,华东 师范大学数学系编, 高等教育出版社 出版 数据结构与程序设计; 《C 语言程序
人力资源管理 合肥师范学院 0106
文史类(英语、计算机基础、 行霈主编,高教出版社;《中国历代 综合文科) 文学作品选》,朱东润主编,上海古 籍出版社
文史类(英语、计算机基础、 中国近代史;《中国近代史》,陈旭 综合文科) 麓主编,高等教育出版社出版
英 语
附件 2
2011 年普通高校普通专科层次升入本科教育招生计划及各专业考试科目
校名 院校 代码 0101 护理学 招生专业 专业 招生 学 代码 计划 制 01 120 3 医药卫生类 公共事业大类、文化教育大类、艺术 社会工作 01 70 2 设计与传媒大类、法律大类、财经大 类、旅游大类 招收专业范围 科类及统考科目 文史类(英语、计算机基础、 综合文科) 文史类(英语、计算机基础、 综合文科) 专业课加试范围
A.DOSB.WindowsC.WordD.OS/25.在Word的编辑状态,按先后顺序依次打开了Doc1.doc、Doc2.doc、Doc3. doc、Doc4.doc这4个文档,当前的活动窗口是文档____的窗口。
12月25日:8:30 —10:30 科目:计算机(高等数学)12月25日:14:00—16:00 科目:外语(大学语文)12月26日:8:30 —11:30 科目:专业综合一12月26日:14:00—17:00 科目:专业综合二三、特别注意1.公共科目英语听力考试使用无线广播设备播放,频率为调频87.5MH z,请考生自备听力接收设备。
六、住宿、就餐指南1.住宿说明学校内仅有招待所提供食宿,但床位有限,有需要者请提前预定(053 7-4450601)。
A.UNVAC B.EDSAC C.ENIAC D.EDVAC5.下列数中,有可能是八进制数的是________。
A.488 B.717 C.187 D.3796.下列说法错误的是________。
2011年山东省普通高等教育专升本考试专业和科目招生学校招生专业和计划师范类:招生专业招生学校招生计划合计小学教育德州学院80480菏泽学院160临沂师范学院120泰山学院40潍坊学院80学前教育滨州学院160480德州学院80菏泽学院120泰山学院40枣庄学院80思想政治教育临沂师范学院4040汉语言文学滨州学院80360菏泽学院40济宁学院80临沂师范学院80潍坊学院80历史学枣庄学院4040地理科学临沂师范学院4040体育教育济宁学院5050英语滨州学院60120德州学院60美术学潍坊学院4080枣庄学院40音乐学滨州学院30240德州学院30菏泽学院30济宁学院60临沂师范学院30潍坊学院30枣庄学院30数学与应用数学菏泽学院40120济宁学院40临沂师范学院40化学济宁学院4040教育技术学临沂师范学院80320泰山学院80潍坊学院80枣庄学院80高职高专类:招生专业招生学校招生计划合计朝鲜语聊城大学东昌学院60240山东师范大学历山学院60烟台大学文经学院60中国海洋大学青岛学院60日语曲阜师范大学杏坛学院80120中国海洋大学青岛学院40英语滨州学院60380 菏泽学院60济宁学院60山东师范大学历山学院100泰山学院60 枣庄学院40艺术设计滨州学院50300 菏泽学院50济宁学院50泰山学院50潍坊学院50枣庄学院50园艺青岛农业大学海都学院80 80国际经济与贸易济南大学泉城学院100400山东经济学院燕山学院200烟台大学文经学院100金融学山东财政学院东方学院120120会计学聊城大学东昌学院1501660临沂师范学院100青岛理工大学琴岛学院100山东财政学院东方学院300山东工商学院200 山东经济学院燕山学院300山东科技大学泰山科技学院100山东理工大学160 潍坊学院100烟台大学文经学院150电子商务山东科技大学泰山科技学院70250泰山学院100中国海洋大学青岛学院80市场营销济南大学泉城学院50350 山东经济学院燕山学院100泰山学院50烟台大学文经学院50枣庄学院100工商管理德州学院50750临沂师范学院100山东财政学院东方学院200山东工商学院150 山东科技大学泰山科技学院100烟台大学文经学院50中国海洋大学青岛学院100公共事业管理滨州学院80150青岛农业大学海都学院70旅游管理临沂师范学院100300泰山学院100潍坊学院100法学德州学院50200山东科技大学泰山科技学院50烟台大学文经学院50中国石油大学胜利学院50生物科学滨州学院60 260德州学院60 菏泽学院70 临沂师范学院70电气工程及其自动化济南大学泉城学院100500青岛理工大学琴岛学院100青岛农业大学海都学院100山东科技大学泰山科技学院100中国石油大学胜利学院100电子信息工程聊城大学东昌学院50350曲阜师范大学杏坛学院60山东师范大学历山学院60潍坊学院80枣庄学院100服装设计与工程德州学院250250工程管理青岛理工大学琴岛学院200620山东交通学院80山东理工大学80 潍坊学院60烟台大学文经学院200化学工程与工艺滨州学院50300 菏泽学院50曲阜师范大学杏坛学院100中国石油大学胜利学院100土木工程济南大学泉城学院80600 青岛理工大学琴岛学院80青岛农业大学海都学院80山东交通学院80山东科技大学泰山科技学院80泰山学院80潍坊学院40中国海洋大学青岛学院80机械设计制造及济南大学泉城学院1002090其自动化聊城大学东昌学院60临沂师范学院50青岛理工大学琴岛学院250青岛农业大学海都学院200山东交通学院100山东科技大学泰山科技学院200山东理工大学80泰山学院100潍坊学院100烟台大学文经学院150枣庄学院200中国海洋大学青岛学院250中国石油大学胜利学院250交通运输德州学院200380山东交通学院100山东理工大学80计算机科学与技术滨州学院501000 菏泽学院100济宁学院100临沂师范学院50青岛理工大学琴岛学院50曲阜师范大学杏坛学院150山科大泰山科技学院50山东师范大学历山学院200泰山学院50枣庄学院50中国海洋大学青岛学院50中国石油大学胜利学院100口腔医学滨州医学院100200 济宁医学院100临床医学济宁医学院100400 泰山医学院150潍坊医学院150护理学滨州医学院2501100 济宁医学院200山东中医药大学250泰山医学院150潍坊医学院250麻醉学潍坊医学院30 30 药学滨州医学院80 80 医学检验泰山医学院100 100 医学影像学泰山医学院80 80 针灸推拿山东中医药大学60 60 中药学山东中医药大学70 70 中医学山东中医药大学100 100动物医学菏泽学院80150青岛农业大学海都学院702011年专升本各招生专业考试科目附件2:2011年山东省普通高等教育专升本各招生专业考试科目师范类:招生专业考试科目及范围小学教育1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、大学语文、中外教育史);4.综合二(发展方法)学前教育1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、大学语文、学前教育史);4.综合二(学前学);5.技能测试[美术(简笔画);音乐(声乐、舞蹈、键盘思想政治教育 1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、法学概论);4.综合二(哲学、汉语言文学 1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、写作);4.综合二(古代汉历史学 1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、史学概论);4.综合二(中国古英语 1. 计算机; 2. 大学语文;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、英语写作);4.综合美术学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、艺术美学);4.综合二(中外美术与方法);5.技能测试(素描头像;水粉静物写生;白描人物)音乐学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、音乐教育理论基础);4.综合二技能测试(声乐;钢琴;听记)体育教育1. 计算机; 2.英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、学校体育学);4.综合二(人体解剖技能测试[100米;原地推铅球(男5公斤、女4公斤);立定三级跳远(男)、立数学与应用数学 1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、高等代数);4.综合二(数学史、地理科学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、土壤与植被);4.综合二(自然地候学)化学 1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、物理化学);4.综合二(无机教育技术学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、教育技术学);4.综合二(教教学系统设计)高职高专类:招生专业考试科目及范围英语 1. 计算机;2. 大学语文;3.综合一(精读、泛读);4.综合二(听力、翻译技巧)朝鲜语 1. 计算机;2. 大学语文;3.综合一(精读、泛读);4.综合二(听力、翻译技巧)日语 1. 计算机;2. 大学语文;3.综合一(基础日语、日本概况);4.综合二(听力、会艺术设计 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(素描);4.综合二(命题设计)园艺 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(植物生理、土壤与植物营养);4.综合二(园艺植国际经济与贸易 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、会计学);4.综合二(国际贸易理论与金融学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(西方经济学、货币银行学);4.综合二(会计学、会计学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、基础会计);4.综合二(财务会计、审电子商务 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、经济法);4.综合二(网络营销、国际市场营销 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(经济法、基础会计);4.综合二(市场营销学、市公共事业管理 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(管理学原理、管理心理学);4.综合二(人力资工商管理 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(经济数学、管理学基础);4.综合二(经济法、基旅游管理 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(旅游概论、旅游心理学);4.综合二(旅游市场营法学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(法理学、宪法);4.综合二(民法、刑法、经济法生物科学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(无机化学、遗传学);4.综合二(动物学、植物学电气工程及其自动化 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、自控理论);4.综合二(电路、电子技电子信息工程 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、信息理论与编码);4.综合二(数字信服装设计与工程 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(服装设计、服装材料);4.综合二(服装史、美学工程管理 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(管理学、会计学);4.综合二(建筑材料、招投标化学工程与工艺 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(有机化学、无机化学);4.综合二(分析化学、化机械设计制造及其自动化 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、工程力学);4.综合二(电工学、机械交通运输 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、理论力学);4.综合二(汽车理论、汽计算机科学与技术 1. 高等数学;2. 英语;3.综合一(操作系统原理、微机原理与接口技术);4.综合土木工程 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、混凝土结构);4.综合二(材料力学、口腔医学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(口腔组织病理学、口腔解剖生理学);4.综合二(临床医学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(生物化学、病理解剖);4.综合二(内科学、外科护理学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(生理学、护理学基础);4.综合二(内科护理学、麻醉学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(生理学、人体解剖学、麻醉解剖学);4.综合二(药学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(药物化学、微生物学);4.综合二(有机化学、药医学检验 1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(临床检验基础、生物化学检验);4.综合二(微医学影像学 1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(生理学、影像电子学基础);4.综合二(医学影针灸推拿学 1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(中医基础理论、中药学);4.综合二(诊断学基础中药学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(中医基础理论、中药鉴定学、药理学);4.综合二中医学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(中医基础理论、方剂学、中药学、);4.综合二(动物医学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(动物生理学、遗传学);4.综合二(内科学、外科附件3:宋体">计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(经济数学、管理学基础);4.综合二(经济法、基础会计)旅游管理1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(旅游概论、旅游心理学);4.综合二(旅游市场营销、旅游资源与开发)法学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(法理学、宪法);4.综合二(民法、刑法、经济法)生物科学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(无机化学、遗传学);4.综合二(动物学、植物学)电气工程及其自动化1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、自控理论);4.综合二(电路、电子技术[数字、模拟电路])电子信息工程1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、信息理论与编码);4.综合二(数字信号、自控原理)服装设计与工程1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(服装设计、服装材料);4.综合二(服装史、美学)工程管理1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(管理学、会计学);4.综合二(建筑材料、招投标与合同管理)化学工程与工艺1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(有机化学、无机化学);4.综合二(分析化学、化工原理)机械设计制造及其自动化1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、工程力学);4.综合二(电工学、机械设计基础)交通运输1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、理论力学);4.综合二(汽车理论、汽车构造)计算机科学与技术1. 高等数学;2. 英语;3.综合一(操作系统原理、微机原理与接口技术);4.综合二(数据结构、C语言)土木工程1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、混凝土结构);4.综合二(材料力学、结构力学)口腔医学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(口腔组织病理学、口腔解剖生理学);4.综合二(口腔内科学、口腔颌面外科学、口腔修复学)临床医学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(生物化学、病理解剖);4.综合二(内科学、外科学)护理学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(生理学、护理学基础);4.综合二(内科护理学、外科护理学)麻醉学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(生理学、人体解剖学、麻醉解剖学);4.综合二(外科学、临床麻醉学、重症监测)药学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(药物化学、微生物学);4.综合二(有机化学、药物分析)医学检验1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(临床检验基础、生物化学检验);4.综合二(微生物学检验、免疫学检验)医学影像学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(生理学、影像电子学基础);4.综合二(医学影像诊断学、医学影像设备学)针灸推拿学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(中医基础理论、中药学);4.综合二(诊断学基础、针灸临床学)中药学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(中医基础理论、中药鉴定学、药理学);4.综合二(中药炮制学、中药药剂学)中医学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(中医基础理论、方剂学、中药学、);4.综合二(诊断学基础、中医内科学)动物医学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(动物生理学、遗传学);4.综合二(内科学、外科学、传染病)。
15、覆牙合 覆合是指牙尖交错合时(0.5分)上颌牙盖过下颌牙唇(颊)面的垂直距离(0.5分)。在前牙,它是指上切牙切缘与下切牙切缘之间的垂直距离,正常时为2~4mm;(0.5分)在后牙,它是指上后牙颊尖顶与下后牙颊尖顶之间的垂直距离。(0.5分)
14.下列哪种涎腺肿瘤中不含肌上皮细胞 ( )
A.多形性腺瘤 B.肌上皮瘤 C.基底细胞腺瘤 D.Warthin瘤
15.易于早期浸润神经的涎腺肿瘤是 ( )
A.多形性腺瘤 B.粘液表皮样癌 C.腺样囊性癌 D.肌上皮癌
A.下颌第一前磨牙 B.下颌第二前磨牙 C.上颌第一前磨牙 D.上颌第二前磨牙
A.上颌磨牙的牙冠较直 B.下颌磨牙的牙冠倾向舌侧 C.上颌磨牙的颊尖钝而舌尖锐D.下颌磨牙一般每空0.5分,共10分)
1.经腭大孔进针可麻醉 神经。
2.腭肌包括5对,分别为 、 、 、 和 。
3.颞下颌关节的关节盘可分为 、 、 和 。
A.管周牙本质 B.管间牙本质 C.球间牙本质 D.前期牙本质
6.增强釉质对咀嚼力的抵抗,而不易使之劈裂的结构是 ( )
A.釉丛 B.釉梭 C.绞釉 D.直釉
7.釉质平滑面龋在光镜下观察,病变由里向外可分四层,其中范围最大的一层是 ( )
16、翼内肌是呈四边形的厚肌,有浅、深两头。浅头起于 上颌结节 和 腭骨锥突 ,深头起于 翼外板的内侧面 和 腭骨锥突 。两头夹包 翼外肌 下头肌束向后外止于下颌角内侧的翼肌粗隆。
17、恒牙牙弓的形态,通常可分为三种基本形态,它们是 尖圆 形 方圆 形 椭圆 形。合位在临床有重要参考意义的并 且相对稳定的下颌位置只有三个,即:牙尖交错位、 后退接触位 和 下颌姿势位 。
第一部分:听力理解(Part I Listening Comprehension),共20题,考试时间为1 5分钟。
1.Why is the woman still working?A.Because she doesn't like to have a rest.B.Because she wishes to be a boss somedaV.C.Because her boss asks her to work late.D.Because she has to finish her report.2.What can be implied from this conversation?A.Henry is not a hard-working student.B.Henry is busy with his book report.C.Henry iS 100king after his sick brother.D.Henry has prepared well for the math examination.3.When will the conversation most probably take place?A.on the 10th. B.On the 8th. C.on the 12th. D.On the 11th.4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Wife and husband. B.Teacher and student.C.Employer and employee. D.Policeman and driver5.What does the man suggest they do about the notes?A.Forget them untillater.B.Go over them right awaV.C.Discuss them with Professor Smith.D.Move them away from the tea cup.第二节:听下面两段材料,每段材料后有2~3个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,每段材料仅读一遍。
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