《乔布斯传》翻译笔记段落精选《乔布斯传》翻译笔记段落精选【英语原文】He also flowered intellectually during his last two years in high school and found himself at the intersection, as he had began to see it, of those who were geekily immersed in electronics and those who were into literature and creative endeavors. “I started to listen to music a whole lot, and I started to read more outside of just science and technology—Shakespeare, Plato. I loved King Lear.” His other favorites included Moby-Dick and the poem of Dylan Thomas. I asked him why he related to King Lear and Captain Ahab, two of the most willful and driven characters in literature, but he didn’t respond to the connection I was making, so I let it drop. “When I was a senior I had this phenomenal AP English class. The teacher was this guy who looked like Ernest Hemingway. He took a bunch of us snowshoeing in Yosemite.” (Chapter 1 Childhood: School)【译文】高中生涯的最后两年里,乔布斯的心智也迅速发展成熟。
Steven Paul "Steve" Jobs (February 24, 1955 –October 5, 2011) was an American businessman, designer and inventor. He is best known as the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc. Through Apple, he was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution and for his influential career in the computer and consumer electronics fields.史蒂芬?保罗?乔布斯,通称史蒂夫?乔布斯,(1955年2月24日-2011年10月5日),是美国商业巨子,设计家和发明家。
As Apple floundered, Jobs took control of the company and was named "interim CEO" in 1997, or as he jokingly referred to it, "iCEO". Under his leadership, Apple was saved from nearbankruptcy, and became profitable by 1998.在苹果公司陷入危机之时,乔布斯接管了公司,在1997年被任命为“过度CEO”,他自嘲自己是“iCEO”(英语中过度一词为interim,取首字母i,组成iCEO一词)。
有关乔布斯的英语作文素材 乔布斯生平中英文对照
NOBODY else in the computer industry,or any other industry for that matter, could put on a show like Steve Jobs。
His product launches, at which he would st and alone on a black stage and conjure up a “magical” or “incredible" new electron ic gadget in front of an awed crowd,were the performances of a master showma n。
All computers do is fetch and shuffle numbers, he once explained,but do it f ast eno ugh and “the results appear to be magic”. He spent his life packaging that magic into elegantly designed, easy to use products.He had been among the first, back in the 1970s,to see the potential that lay in the idea of selling computers to ordinary people。
In those days of green—on-b lack displays, when floppy discs were still floppy,the notion that computers might soon become ubiquitous seemed fanciful. But Mr Jobs was one of a handful of pio neers who saw what was coming。
乔布斯传记精选英语段落乔布斯传记精选英语段落1:Jobs had formed a club at Homestead High to put on music-and-light shows andalso play pranks. (They once glued a gold-painted toilet seat onto a flower planter.) Itwas called the Buck Fry Club, a play on the name of the principal. Even though they hadalready graduated, Wozniak and his friend Allen Baum joined forces with Jobs, at theend of his junior year, to produce a farewell gesture for the departing seniors. Showingoff the Homestead campus four decades later, Jobs paused at the scene of the escapadeand pointed. See that balcony? That s where we did the banner prank that sealed ourfriendship. On a big bedsheet Baum had tie-dyed with the school s green and whitecolors, they painted a huge hand flipping the middle-finger salute. Baum s nice Jewishmother helped them draw it and showed them how to do the shading and shadows tomake it look more real. I know what that is, she snickered. They devised a system ofropes and pulleys so that it could be dramatically lowered as the graduating classmarched past the balcony, and they signed it SWAB JOB, the initials of Wozniak andBaum combined with part of Jobs s name. The prank became part of school lore andgot Jobs suspended one more time.乔布斯传记精选英语段落2:As soon as Jobs got the call from Wozniak that Sunday afternoon, he knew theywould have to get their hands on the technical journal right away. Woz picked me upa few minutes later, and we went to the library at SLAC [the Stanford Linear AcceleratorCenter] to see if we could find it, Jobs recounted. It was Sunday and the library wasclosed, but they knew how to get in through a door that was rarely locked. Iremember that we were furiously digging through the stacks, and it was Woz who finallyfound the journal with all the frequencies. It was like, holy shit, and we opened it andthere it was. We kept saying to ourselves, It s real. Holy shit, it s real. It was all laidout the tones, the frequencies.乔布斯传记精选英语段落3:Jobs s craziness was of the cultivated sort. He had begun his lifelong experimentswith compulsive diets, eating only fruits and vegetables, so he was as lean and tight as awhippet. He learned to stare at people without blinking, and he perfected long silencespunctuated by staccato bursts of fast talking. This odd mix of intensity and aloofness,combined with his shoulder-length hair and scraggly beard, gave him the aura of acrazed shaman. He oscillated between charismatic and creepy. He shuffled around andlooked half-mad, recalled Brennan. He had a lot of angst. It was like a big darknessaround him.乔布斯传记精选英语段落4:Seventeen years earlier, Jobs s parents had made a pledge when they adoptedhim: He would go to college. So they had worked hard and saved dutifully for hiscollege fund, which was modest but adequate by the time he graduated. But Jobs,becoming ever more willful, did not make it easy. At first he toyed with not going tocollege at all. I think I might have headed to New York if I didn t go to college, herecalled, musing on how different his world and perhaps all of ours might have beenif he had chosen that path. When his parents pushed him to go to college, he respondedin a passive-aggressive way. He did not consider state schools, such as Berkeley, whereWoz then was, despite the fact that they were more affordable. Nor did he look atStanford, just up the road and likely to offer a scholarship. The kids who went toStanford, they already knew what they wanted to do, he said. They weren t reallyartistic. I wanted something that was more artistic and interesting.乔布斯传记精选英语段落5:In February 1974, after eighteen months of hanging around Reed, Jobs decided tomove back to his parents home in Los Altos and look for a job. It was not a difficultsearch. At peak times during the 1970s, the classified section of the San Jose Mercurycarried up to sixty pages of technology help-wanted ads. One of those caught Jobs seye. Have fun, make money, it said. That day Jobs walked into the lobby of the videogame manufacturer Atari and told the personnel director, who was startled by hisunkempt hair and attire,that he wouldn t leave until they gave him a job.。
乔布斯名人名言英语带翻译:1. Life is brief, and then you die, you know?人生短暂,过着过着你就没了,明白么?2. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.领袖和跟风者的区别就在于创新。
3. We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?活着就是为了改变世界,难道还有其他原因吗?4. I would trade all of my technology for an afternoon with Socrates.我愿意用我所有的科技去换取和苏格拉底相处的一个下午。
5. Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected.成为卓越的代名词,很多人并不能适合需要杰出素质的环境。
6. There's a phrase in Buddhism, 'Beginner's mind.' It's wonderful to have a beginner's mind.佛教中有一句话:初学者的心态;拥有初学者的心态是件了不起的事情。
7. Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water or do you want a chance to change the world?你想用卖糖水来度过余生,还是想要一个机会来改变世界?8. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.谨记自己总会死去,是让自己避免陷入“人生有所失”思考的最佳方法。
In the end, what you believe can become what you believe.整合汇编简单易用(页眉可删)乔布斯传读书笔记精选范文集总乔布斯传读书笔记1暑假,妈妈给我买了一本名叫《乔布斯传》的书,我读了几页,觉得非常好看,我爱不释手。
第一本书是《活出生命的意义》(Man's Search for Meaning),作者是维克托·弗兰克尔(Viktor Frankl)。
第二本书是《被解放的思想》(Liberation Upon Hearing in the Between),作者是巴拉迪特·翁培哲。
第三本书是《设计的诅咒》(The Design of Everyday Things),作者是唐纳德·诺曼(Donald A. Norman)。
史蒂芬·保罗·乔布斯(英语:Steven Paul Jobs,1955年2月24日-2011年10月5日),简称为史蒂夫·乔布斯(英语:Steve Jobs),苹果公司的创办人之一,并曾任苹果公司的董事会主席、首席运行官,同时也是前皮克斯动画工作室的董事长及首席执行官(皮克斯动画工作室已于2006年被迪士尼收购[3])。
乔布斯被认为是电脑业界与娱乐业界的标志性人物,同时人们也把他视作麦金塔电脑、iPod、iTunes Store、iPhone、iPad等知名数字产品的缔造者[10]。
Steven Paul"Steve" Jobs(February 24, 1955 –October 5, 2011)[2][6][7]was an American computer entrepreneur and inventor. He was co-founder,[8] chairman, and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.[9][10] Jobs also previously served as chief executive of Pixar Animation Studios; he became a member of the board of directors of The Walt Disney Company in 2006, following the acquisition of Pixar by Disney. He was credited in Toy Story (1995) as an executive producer.[11]In the late 1970s, Jobs, with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, Mike Markkula[8]and others designed, developed, and marketed one of the first commercially successful lines of personal computers, the Apple II series. In the early 1980s, Jobs was among the first to see the commercial potential of Xerox PARC's mouse-driven graphical user interface, which led to the creation of the Macintosh.[12][13] After losing a power struggle with the board of directors in 1985,[14][15] Jobs resigned from Apple and founded NeXT, a computer platform development company specializing in the higher-education and business markets. Apple's subsequent 1996 buyout of NeXT brought Jobs back to the company he co-founded, and he served as its CEO from 1997 until 2011.In 1986, he acquired the computer graphics division of Lucasfilm Ltd which was spun off as Pixar Animation Studios.[16] He remained CEO and majority shareholder at 50.1 percent until its acquisition by The Walt Disney company in 2006.[17]Consequently Jobs became Disney's largest individual shareholder at 7 percent and a member of Disney's Board of Directors.[18][19] On August 24, 2011, Jobs announced his resignation from his role as Apple's CEO.On October 5, 2011, Apple announced that Jobs had died.[20][21][22] He was 56 years old.。
乔布斯 中英文介绍
My first meeting with Steve Jobs about 30 years ago. Since then, after half time, between the two of us as colleagues, competitors and friends relationships. 我与乔布斯的首次会面约在30年前。自那时以来 的后半生时间中,我们两人之间为同事、竞争对 手以及好友的关系。 比尔盖茨(Bill Gates) Today is a very sad day. Steve created the trend with this generation of technology is unparalleled. Steve has such charm and intelligence, he encouraged people to complete the impossible dream, he will always be remembered as history's greatest inventors of the computer. 今天是我们非常悲伤的一天。史蒂夫创造的这一 代潮流与技术是无与伦比的。史蒂夫如此具有魅 力和才智,他鼓舞人们去完成不可能的梦想,他 将永远被铭记为历史上最伟大的电脑发明家。 埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)
You only need one button, all operations can be done 你只需要一个按钮,就能完成所有的操作 You can listen to music, watch movies, take pictures, play games,and make a phone calls and so on. 你可以听音乐,看电影,拍照,玩游戏,打电话,等等 So he received many honors,and he is a talented person 他荣获了许多荣誉,是一个天才
1. “创新区分谁是领导者,谁是追随者。
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower成功没有捷径。
2. “追求卓越。
Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected爱你所做的,做你所爱的3.“成就伟大事业的唯一秘诀在于热爱你的工作。
The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If y ou haven’t found it yet, keep looking.求知若饥,大智若愚4. “如你所知,我们并不生产我们吃的大多数东西,我们穿的是别人制造的衣服,说的是别人创造的语言…我的意思是,我们总是在利用他人的劳动果实和经验。
You know, we don’t grow most of the food we eat. We wear clothes other people make. We speak a language that other people developed. We use a mathematics that other people evolved… I mean, we’re constantly taking things. It’s a wonderful, ecstatic feeling to create something that puts it back in the pool of human experience and knowledge.初生者的心态是禅宗的做法,这让你能看到事物的本质。
《乔布斯传》读书笔记Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.求知若饥,虚心若愚。
乔布斯最让人钦佩的一点是学文科(哲学+书法)的来干工程师的活,还取得了巨大的成就!他改变了六大产业:一是个人电脑,开创了个人电脑时代;二是动画电影,他带领皮克斯在动画领域挑战迪斯尼,并带领了动画电影的进入新领域;三是音乐,ipod的问世改变了人们收听音乐的方式,改变了音乐行业的发展方向;四是个人电话,iphone横空出世,带给人们极大的震撼,改变了人们对手机的概念;五是平板电脑ipa d的发布,使苹果公司达到了空前的高度;六是数字出版业。
乔布斯传读书笔记120XX年10月6日,苹果公司的创始人,IT世界的传奇人物史蒂夫·乔布斯传去世,10月24日,《史蒂夫·乔布斯传》在全球发售,此书由著名作家沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)在过去两年与乔布斯面对面交流40多次、对乔布斯100多位家庭成员、朋友、竞争对手和同事的采访的基础上撰写而成。
下面店铺为大家带来史蒂夫·乔布斯传记英语段落摘抄,希望大家喜欢!乔布斯传记英语段落摘抄1:When Paul Jobs was mustered out of the Coast Guard after World War II, he made awager with his crewmates. They had arrived in San Francisco, where their ship wasdecommissioned, and Paul bet that he would find himself a wife within two weeks. Hewas a taut, tattooed engine mechanic, six feet tall, with a passing resemblance to JamesDean. But it wasn’t his looks that got him a date with Clara Hagopian, a sweet-humored daughter of Armenian immigrants. It was the fact that he and his friends had acar, unlike the group she had originally planned to go out with that evening. Ten dayslater, in March 1946, Paul got engaged to Clara and won his wager. It would turn out tobe a happy marriage, one that lasted until death parted them more than forty yearslater.乔布斯传记英语段落摘抄2:Jandali was the youngest of nine children in a prominent Syrian family. His fatherowned oil refineries and multiple other businesses, with large holdings in Damascus andHoms, and at one point pretty much controlled the price of wheat in the region. Hismother, he later said, was a “traditional Muslim woman”who was a “conservative,obedient housewife.”Like the Schieble family, the Jandalis put a premium oneducation. Abdulfattah was sent to a Jesuit boarding school, even thoughhe wasMuslim, and he got an undergraduate degree at the American University in Beirutbefore entering the University of Wisconsin to pursue a doctoral degree in politicalscience.乔布斯传记英语段落摘抄3:Later in life, when he was the same age his biological father had been when heabandoned him, Jobs would father and abandon a child of his own. (He eventually tookresponsibility for her.) Chrisann Brennan, the mother of that child, said that being put upfor adoption left Jobs “full of broken glass,” and it helps to explain some of hisbehavior. “He who is abandoned is an abandoner,” she said. Andy Hertzfeld, whoworked with Jobs at Apple in the early 1980s, is among the few who remained close toboth Brennan and Jobs. “The key question about Steve is why he can’t control himselfat times from being so reflexively cruel and harmful to some people,” he said. “Thatgoes back to being abandoned at birth. The real underlying problem was the theme ofabandonment in Steve’s life.”乔布斯传记英语段落摘抄4:Like Jobs, Wozniak learned a lot at his father’s knee. But their lessons weredifferent. Paul Jobs was a high school dropout who, when fixing up cars, knew how toturn a tidy profit by striking the right deal on parts. Francis Wozniak, known as Jerry, wasa brilliant engineering graduate from Cal Tech, where he had quarterbacked the footballteam, who became a rocket scientist at Lockheed. He exalted engineering and lookeddown on those in business, marketing, and sales. “I remember him telling me thatengineering was the highest level of importance you could reach in the world,”SteveWozniak later recalled. “It takes society to a new level.”乔布斯传记英语段落摘抄5:During his senior year he got a part-time job at Sylvania and had the chance to workon a computer for the first time. He learned FORTRAN from a book and read themanuals for most of the systems of the day, starting with the Digital Equipment PDP-8.Then he studied the specs for the latest microchips and tried to redesign the computersusing these newer parts. The challenge he set himself was to replicate the design usingthe fewest components possible. Each night he would try to improve his drawing fromthe night before. By the end of his senior year, he had become a master. “I was nowdesigning computers with half the number of chips the actual company had in their owndesign, but only on paper.”He never told his friends. After all, most seventeen-year-olds were getting their kicks in other ways.。
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2013.2.5When it was finished, Fernandez told Wozniak there was someone at Homestead High he should meet. “His name is Steve. He likes to do pranks like you do, and he’s also into building electronics like you are.” It may have been the most significant meeting in a Silicon Valley garage since Hewlett went into Packard’s thirty-two years earlier. “Steve and I just sat on the sidewalk in front of Bill’s house for the longest time, just sharing stories—mostly about pranks we’d pulled, and also what kind of electronic designs we’d done,” Wozniak recalled. “We had so much in common.Typically, it was really hard for me to explain to people what kind of design stuff I worked on, but Steve got it right away. And I liked him. He was kind of skinny and wiry and full of energy.” Jobs was also impressed. “Woz was the first person I’d met who knew more electronics than I did,” he once said, stretching his own exp ertise. “I liked him right away. I was a little more mature than my years, and he was a little less mature than his, so it evened out. Woz was very bright, but emotionally he was my age.”∙pull [pul]n. 拉,拖,拉绳,影响vi. 拔,拉,拖,扳动vt. 拉,拔∙packard ['pækəd]n. 帕卡德(姓氏)∙sidewalk ['saidˌwɔ:k]n. 人行道=pavement(英)∙homestead ['həumsted;'həumˌsted]n. 家园, 田产∙typically ['tipikli]adv. 代表性地, 作为特色地∙skinny ['skini]adj. 皮状的(体积小的), 皮包骨头的∙prank[præŋk]n. 开玩笑, 恶作剧, 戏谑v. 盛装, 装饰, 打扮∙stretch [stretʃ]n. 伸展,张开adj. 可伸缩的vt. &vi. 伸展,张开,延伸∙even ['i:vən]adj. 平坦的, 偶数的, 相等的adv. 甚至, 恰好, 正当v. 使平坦, 相等∙emotionally [i'mouʃənli]adv. 感情上地,冲动地∙mature [mə'tjuə]adj. 成熟的, 到期的, 充分发育的, 考虑周到的vt. 使...成熟, 长成vi. 长成, 成熟; 到期∙wiry ['waiəri;'wairi]adj. 金属丝的,坚硬的,瘦而结实的In addition to their interest in computers, they shared a passion for music. “It was an incredible time for music,” Jobs recalled. “It was like living at a time when Beethoven and Mozart were alive. Really. People will look back on it that way. And Woz and I were deeply into it.” In particular, Wozniak turned Jobs on to the glories of Bob Dylan. “We tracked down this guy in Santa Cruz who put out this newsletter on Dylan,” Jobs said. “Dylan taped all of his concerts, and some of the people around him were not scrupulous, because soon there were tapes all around. Bootlegs of everything. And this guy had them all.”∙Beethoven ['beithəuvn]贝多芬∙Mozart ['məutsɑ:t]n. 莫札特∙track [træk]n. 小路, 跑道, 轨道, 踪迹; 惯例, 常规v. 跟踪, 追踪∙incredible [in'kredəbl]adj. 难以置信的, 惊人的∙Cruzn. 克鲁兹∙Santa ['sæntə][美]=Santa Claus n. 圣诞老人∙concert ['kɔnsət]n. 音乐会, 一致, 和谐vt. 制定计划, 通过协商达成一致vi. 合作∙glory ['glɔ:ri]n. 光荣,荣誉,壮丽,赞颂vi. 为...而骄傲自豪interj. 用于表示惊叹∙scrupulous ['skru:pjuləs]adj. 小心谨慎的, 细心的,严谨的∙newsletter ['nju:z'letə]n. 时事通讯, 时事分析, 时事传报Hunting down Dylan tapes soon became a joint venture. “The two of us would go tramping through San Jose and Berkeley and ask about Dylan bootlegs and collect them,” said Wozniak. “We’d buy brochures of Dylan lyrics and stay up late interpreting them. Dylan’s words struck chords of creative thinking.” Added Jobs, “I had more than a hundred hours, including every concert on the ’65 and ’66 tour,” the one where Dylan went electric. Both of them bought high-end TEAC reel-to-reel tape decks. “I would use mine at a low speed to record many concerts on one tape,” said Wozniak. Jobs matched his obsession: “Instead of big speakers I bought a pair of awesome headphones and would just lie in my bed and listen to that stuff for hours.”∙chord [kɔ:d]n. 弦, 和音, 情绪∙san jose [.sænhəu'zei]n. 圣何塞(美国加利福尼亚西部一城市)∙tramp [træmp]n. 重步声, 流浪者v. 践踏, 重步行走∙stay upvi. 熬夜∙venture ['ventʃə]n. 冒险,风险,投机vt. 敢尝试,谨慎地做,冒险一试vi. 冒险做∙berkeley ['bə:kli]n. 伯克利(男子名,美国加州西部城市)∙brochure ['brəuʃə]n. 小册子∙interpret [in'tə:prit]v. 解释, 演出, 翻译[计算机] 解释∙concert ['kɔnsət]n. 音乐会, 一致, 和谐vt. 制定计划, 通过协商达成一致vi. 合作∙deck [dek]n. 甲板,桥面,楼层vt. 装饰∙awesome ['ɔ:səm]adj. 令人惊叹的,难得吓人的,很好的∙headphone ['hedfəun;'hedˌfəun]n. 头戴式收话器, 双耳式耳机∙obsession [əb'seʃən]n.[U]痴迷;困扰,成见[C]使人痴迷的的人(或物)∙match [mætʃ]n. 比赛, 火柴, 对手, 般配的人, 配偶v. 使...相配, 与...竞争, 相配∙reel [ri:l]n. 卷筒,线轴vi. 蹒跚地走,旋转,骚乱,退缩,摇晃vt. 卷,卷...于轴上, 旋转Jobs had formed a club at Homestead High to put on music-and-light shows and also play pranks. (They once glued a gold-painted toilet seat onto a flower planter.) It was called the Buck Fry Club, a play on the name of the principal. Even though they had already graduated, Wozniak and his friend Allen Baum joined forces with Jobs, at the end of his junior year, to produce a farewell gesture for the departing seniors.Showing off the Homestead campus four decades later, Jobs paused at the scene of the escapade and pointed. “See that balcony? That’s where we did the banner prank that sealed our friendship.” On a big bedsheet Baum had tie-dyed with the school’s green and white colors, they painted a huge hand flipping the middle-finger salute.Baum’s nice Jewish mother helped them draw it and showed them how to do the shading and shadows to make it look more real. “I know what that is,” she snickered.They devised a system of ropes and pulleys so that it could be dramatically lowered as the graduating class marched past the balcony, and they signed it “SWAB JOB,” the initials of Wozniak and Baum combined with part of Jobs’s name. The prank became part of school lore—and got Jobs suspended one more time.∙planter ['plɑ:ntə]n. 种植者, 耕作者, 殖民者∙senior ['si:njə]n. 年长者,上司,毕业班学生adj. 年长的,高级的,资深的∙homestead ['həumsted;'həumˌsted]n. 家园, 田产∙campus ['kæmpəs]n. (大学)校园∙gesture ['dʒestʃə]n. 手势,姿态vt.& vi. 作手势表达∙principal ['prinsəp(ə)l, -sip-]adj. 主要的n. 负责人, 校长, 资本∙fip [fip]n. 工厂检验计划adj. 封口的, 密封的动词seal的过去式和过去分词∙escapade ['eskəpeid]n. 大胆行为, 恶作剧∙Bedsheet [bedʃi:t]n. 床单∙lore [lɔ:, lɔə]n. 学问,知识n. (鸟等的)眼端∙banner ['bænə]n. 旗帜,横幅,大标题adj. 特别好的,杰出的vt. 用横幅装饰,以大标题报道∙salute [sə'lu:t, -'lju:t]v. 行礼, 致意, 问候∙balcony ['bælkəni]n. 阳台∙pulley ['puli]n. 滑车, 滑轮,皮带轮∙march [mɑ:tʃ]n. (March)三月n. 示威游行vt. 使前进,使行军vi. 行军,进军∙swab [swɔb]n.拭子,药签,医用海绵,拖把v.擦净,以棉花棒涂敷于∙jewish ['dʒu(:)iʃ]adj. 犹太人的∙initial [i'niʃəl]n. (词)首字母adj. 开始的, 最初的, 字首的vt. 签姓名的首字母于n. 绳,索v. 捆,绑vt. 绳子∙snicker ['snikə]vi. 窃笑n. 窃笑∙shading ['ʃeidiŋ]n. 底纹, 留下阴影动词shade的现在分词形式∙dramatically [drə'mætikəli]adv. 戏剧地,引人注目地从戏剧角度,显著地∙balcony ['bælkəni]n. 阳台。