



The FL-2000 Series offers a wide variety of precision flowmeters for use in medical, industrial, chemical, and laboratory applications at an economical price. Units are available with or without valves.Acrylic FlowmetersB-15aFL-2000 SeriesSpeciFicationSaccuracy:Models FL-2001–FL-2025: ±5% F.S. Models FL-2031–FL-2069: ±3% F.S. Models FL-2071–FL-2128: ±2% F.S.Float: Black glass stainless steel Body: Clear acrylicSeals: Buna “O” Rings with brass or PVC fittings FKM “O”-Rings with stainless steel fittingspressure: 100 psig max @ 21°C (70°F)temperature:65°C (150°F) max @ 0 psigFittings: Brass std; stainless steel optional except for FL-2071 through FL-2128, which have 1 NPT PVC fittings onlyValves: Models FL-2001 throughFL-2069: brass standard; stainless steel cartridge type (optional)FL-2071 through FL-2128: Optional plastic in-line gateU e asy-to-Read english or Metric Scales U W ater Ranges from 4 ccM to 20 GpM, air Ranges from 40 ccM to 4000 LpM U t hreaded Brass inserts for Quick installation U e asy Disassembly and assembly for Maintenance U D urable one-piece clear acrylic construction U S table, easy-to-Read Float U S uperior Quality appLicationS U a ir Sampling equipment U a quaculture U D esalinization equipment U G as analyzers U M edical Systems U p hoto processing equipment U W ater treatment andDistribution SystemsFL-2013 air, shownsmaller than actual size.FL-2066-nV Water, shownsmaller than actual size.B(13.5)B-15bFL-2091 through FL-2128 DimensionsFL-2097, shown smaller than actual sizeTo order with plastic integral gate valve, add suffix “-V” to model number for additional cost for FL-2090 Series, and FL-2120 Series.For optional 10-point NIST certificate add suffix, “-NIST” to the model number, for additional cost and two weeks to the standard lead time.Ordering Example: FL-2095, flow meter , 100 to 1400 LPM Air FL-2127-V, flow meter , 4 to 36 LPM water, with valves.Units are standard without valves.To order with plastic integral gate valve, add suffix “-V” to model number for additional cost.For optional 10-point NIST certificate add suffix, “-NIST” to the model number for additional cost and two weeks to the standard lead time.Ordering Examples: FL-2075, flow meter valve, 100 to 1400 LPM air.FL-2080, flow meter valve, 2 to 19 LPM water.FL-2041-nV, shown smaller than actual size.FL-2053, Water,shown smaller thanactual size.FL-2066-nV, shown smaller than actual size.To order with stainless steel valve, add suffix “-SS” to model number for additional cost.To order without a valve, add suffix “-NV” to model number and subtract from cost.For optional 10-point NIST certificate add suffix, “-NIST” to the model number, for additional cost and two weeks to the standard lead time.Ordering Examples: FL-2036, economical flow meter , with brass valve, 14 to 150 SCFH Air.FL-2036-NV , economical flow meter ,without brass valve,14 to 150 SCFH Air.BFL-2060, air, shown smaller than actual size.Dual scales supplied std: SCFM/SCFH, GPM/GPH and LPM/LPH To order with stainless steel valve, add suffix “-SS” to model number for additional cost.To order without a valve, add suffix “-NV” to model number and subtract from cost.For optional 10-point NIST certificate add suffix, “-NIST” to the model number, for additional cost and two weeks to the standard lead time.Ordering Examples: FL-2060, flow meter with brass valve, 0.5 to 5 SCFM. FL-2069-NV , flow meter no valve 2 to 20 LPM.FL-2091, air, shown smaller thanactual size.B-15cFL-2021-nV, Water, shown larger than actual size.Units come standard with brass valves and operator’s manual.To order with stainless steel valves, add suffix “-SS” to model number for additional cost. To order without a valve, add suffix “-NV” to model number and subtract from cost.For optional 10-point NIST certificate add suffix, “-NIST” to the model number, for additional cost and two weeks to the standard lead time.Ordering Examples: FL-2005, economical flow meter with brass valve, 2 to 20 SCFH air. FL-2005-NV , economical flow meter without valve, 2 to 20 SCFH air.accuracy: ±5% Full Scale panel MountB-15d。



Serial Interface Converter RS232/RS485 or Serial Interface Converter RS485/RS485 • Galvanic Isolation • Transient Protection • Line Termination
Oct 2010 – Ruogu.Zhang, Copyright © 2010 Elster Group All Rights Reserved. Elster and its logo, are trademarks of Elster Group
二代以太网卡(Ethernet(2*) Module)
10 / (100*) Mb/s 自适应网络. • 通过”IE浏览器”远程前面板操控 • Modbus TCP/IP • 远程诊断及组态.
电源模块 (“PSU”)
• +24V= Input (3A Fuse). • +24V= Output (1.6A Fuse).
处理器和存储器 (MPU)
• 32位处理器 • 内存及存储器 • 两个串口(RS22/485).
信号输入 (Input Module)
• 2x Hart, 每路可连接3块变送器. • 4x 4-20mA 模拟量信号. • 1x 三线制 PT100温度信号. • 2x 频率信号 (最高可到 5 kHz). • 3x 状态信号.
硬件配置 接口
Oct 2010 – Ruogu.Zhang, Copyright © 2010 Elster Group All Rights Reserved. Elster and its logo, are trademarks of Elster Group






●非责任报警的参数符号qN low未修正的流量值低于Lo qNpresN High压力值高于PressureN High的值。

presN Low 压力值低于PressureN Low的值。

tempN High 温度值高于T emperatureN High的值。

tempN Low 温度值低于T emperatrueN Low的值。

只对涡轮流量计turbN lf如果有涡轮流量计报警发生(叶轮故障)(低频)只对涡轮流量计usN eff.1% 1声道的发射效率低于预设的%限制usN eff.2% 2声道的发射效率低于预设的%限制usN eff.3% 3声道的发射效率低于预设的%限制usN eff.4% 4声道的发射效率低于预设的%限制usN eff.5% 5声道的发射效率低于预设的%限制●责任报警的参数符号presN max 压力高于pressureN max的值presN min 压力低于pressureN min的值presN df. 正在使用的压力值是默认值pressureN dfPresN hart 流量计算机和压力变送器通讯失败,或者是压力变送器处在报警状态tempN max温度高于temperatureN max的值tempN min 温度低于temperatureN min的值tempN df. 正在使用的温度值是默认值pressureN dfT empN hart流量计算机和温度变送器通讯失败,或者是温度变送器处在报警状态qN high未修正的流量值高于HiN q. 的值超过1分钟znN high基准的压缩因子超出允许的znN high值znN low基准的压缩因子超出允许的znN low值只对涡轮流量计turbN hf如果有涡轮流量计报警发生(叶轮故障)(高频)只对涡轮流量计usN paths 声道号定义错误usN secur流量计的安全报警位被设置usN level1 精度减小报警usN level2 精度减小报警usN comms 在最近的5秒钟内没有一个有效的通讯信号●温度报警tempN alrm温度低于t-alarm的值,并且qb高于Lo.q超过1小时在下列项中的X将表示接、插板槽的编号1,2,3,4或者是5。



Main Totals总累计量页面+Vb1工况总累计量+Vn1标况总累计量+E1 能量总累计量+M1 质量总累计量Current Hour n-acc 当前小时总累计量页面+Vb.ch.na1工况当前小时累积量+Vn.ch.na1标况当前小时累积量+E.ch.na1 能量当前小时总累计量+M.ch.na1 质量当前小时总累计量Current Day n-acc 当前天总累计量页面+Vb.cd.na1工况当前天累积量+Vn.cd.na1标况当前天累积量+E.cd.na1 能量当前天总累计量+M.cd.na1 质量当前天总累计量Current Month n-acc 当前月总累计量页面+Vb.cm.na1工况当前月累积量+Vn.cm.na1标况当前月累积量+E.cm.na1 能量当前月总累计量+M.cm.na1 质量当前月总累计量Previous Hour n-acc 前一小时总累计量页面+Vb.Ph.na1工况前一小时累积量+Vn.Ph.na1标况前一小时累积量+E.Ph.na1 能量前一小时总累计量+M.Ph.na1 质量前一小时总累计量Previous Day n-acc 前一天总累计量页面+Vb.Pd.na1工况前一天累积量+Vn.Pd.na1标况前一天累积量+E.Pd.na1 能量前一天总累计量+M.Pd.na1 质量前一天总累计量Previous Month n-acc 前一月总累计量页面+Vb.Pm.na1工况前一月累积量+Vn.Pm.na1标况前一月累积量+E.Pm.na1 能量前一月总累计量+M.Pm.na1 质量前一月总累计量Line Condition>>>GeneralLine Condition工况QLine.1工况瞬时流量Qn.1标况瞬时流量ed.1压力在用值ed.1温度在用值Calculations 压缩因子计算Zn.1标况压缩因子Z.1工况压缩因子K.1压缩系数CFV.1放大系数VOS Diagnostic 声速核查Spd of Sound.1 测量声速dSOS.1 理论声速Gas vel.1 气体流速Line Condition>>>Stream1Hourly Flow Rates小时瞬时流量QLine.1工况瞬时流量Qn.1标况瞬时流量qE.1能量瞬时流量qM.1质量瞬时流量Daily Flow Rates瞬时流量以天计Flow Rate Per Second瞬时流量以秒计Presure压力Pres.sens1.1压力变送器数值Pres.keypad.1压力替代值ed.1压力在用值Temperature温度Temp.sens1.1温度变送器数值Temp.keypad.1温度替代值ed.1温度在用值Z Factor 压缩因子计算Zn.1标况压缩因子Z.1工况压缩因子K.1压缩系数CFV.1放大系数Ultrasonic Data超声波数据Num Path.1超声波通道数4个通道Samp.Rate.1采样率(10~15正常)Spd of Sound.1测量声速Gas vel.1气体流速Meter Type.1流量计型号Ultrasonic Path 1超声波通道1 Valsamples1.1 采样率(10~15正常)Efficiency 1.1效率因子(80%以上)Cpp 1.1测量声速Vpp 1.1气体流速Agclevel_A 1.1探头A电压增益Agclevel_B 1.1探头B电压增益Agclimit_A 1.1探头A电压增益上限Agclimit_B 1.1探头B电压增益上限Ultrasonic Path 2超声波通道2以下以此类推Gas Data>>>Preset 预设值、替代值Received接收值Used 在用值Edit 编辑模式—密码11111、改组分替代值Edit—1111—Stream1—Gas Dataa上下键挪动光标到要改的组分上,并按回车b输入所改的组分值,并按回车c重复a和b直到把所有组分更改完毕d按F4键,选择Exit,选择Exit & Save,完毕。








FC2000-IA流量计算机在天然气测量上,天然气的压缩因子的计算上严格按《GB/T17747.1-1999 天然气压缩因子的计算,第1部分:导论和指南》,《GB/T17747.2-1999天然气压缩因子计算 第2部分:用摩尔组成进行计算》(又称为AGA8-92DC计算方法)及《GB/T17747.3-1999天然气压缩因子计算 第3部分:用物性值进行计算》(又称为SGERG-88计算方法)进行计算。






流量计算机报警列表非责任报警列表:NON-ACCOUNTABLE ALARMS名称实例警告示意q1 low工况流量低于已设定的低流量限值. The uncorrected flow rate is below the value of Lo qN.qN lowpres1.1 High压力值高于压力警告上限. The pressure used is above the values of PressureN High.presN Highpres1.1 Low压力值低于压力警告下限. The pressure used is below the values of PressureN Low.presN Lowtemp1.1 High温度值高于温度警告上限. The temperature used is above the values of TemperatureN High.tempN Hightemp1.1 Low温度值低于温度警告下限. The temperature used is below the values of TemperatureN Low.tempN Lowturb1 lf叶轮故障(针对涡轮表-低频). An lf turbine meter alarm (blade failure) has occurred.turbN lfus1 eff.1%第1声道效率因数低于预设值. Meter path 1 efficiency is below pre-set % limit.usN eff.1%us1 eff.2%第2声道效率因数低于预设值. Meter path 2 efficiency is below pre-set % limit.usN eff.2%us1 eff.3%第3声道效率因数低于预设值. Meter path 3 efficiency is below pre-set % limit.usN eff.3%us1 eff.4%第4声道效率因数低于预设值. Meter path 4 efficiency is below pre-set % limit.usN eff.4%us1 eff.5%第5声道效率因数低于预设值. Meter path 5 efficiency is below pre-set % limit.usN eff.5%责任报警列表:ACCOUNTABLE ALARMS名称实例警告示意presN max pres1.1 max压力值高于压力报警上限. Pressure sensor 1 is above the values of pressureN max.presN min pres1.1 min压力值低于压力报警下限. Pressure of sensor 1 is below the values of pressureN min.pr1.N unit pr1.1 unit正在使用的压力变送器单位错误. The selected pressure units do not match the units indicated by pressure sensor 1.presN hart pres1.1 hart压力变送器故障或通信失败.A communications failure has occurred between the Model 2000 and pressure sensor 1.tempN max temp1.1 max温度值高于温度报警上限. Temperature sensor 1 is above the values of temp.N max.tempN min temp1.1 min温度值低于温度报警下限. Temperature sensor 1 is below the values of temp N min.te1.N unit te1.1 unit 正在使用的温度变送器单位错误. The selected temperature units do not match the units indicated by temperature sensor 1.tempN hart temp1.1 hart温度变送器故障或通信失败.A communications failure has occurred between the Model 2000 and temperature sensor 1.qN high q1 high 工况流量高于已设定的高流量限值.(1 min) The uncorrected flow rate is above the value of Hi qN. For more than 1 minute.znN high zn1 high基准压缩因子超过高限.Base compressibility outside tolerance znN high.znN low zn1 low基准压缩因子低于低限. Base compressibility outside tolerance znN low.znN calc zn1 calc基准压缩因子目前无法计算. Base Compressibility cannot be calculated.zN calc z1 calc相对压缩因子目前无法计算. Compressibility cannot be calculated.Calibrate Calibrate 系统目前工作在标定模式下.Unit is in the calibrate mode.turbN hf turb1 hf 叶轮故障(针对涡轮表-高频).An hf turbine meter alarm (blade failure) has occurred.usN paths us1 paths 声道号定义错误.(多为流量计中有个别声道停止工作)Wrong number of acoustic paths specified.usN secur us1 secur 流量计安全报警位打开.(流量计处于可编辑状态)Meter security alarm bit set.usN level1 us1 level1 精度降低报警.Reduced accuracy alarm.usN commsus1 comms流量计与计算机间通讯故障.(停止通信5s 以上)No valid communications from the meter for last 5 seconds.tempN alrm temp1 alrm温度低于t-alarm 值,且工况流量超过1小时. Temperature below t-alarm and qb above Lo.q for more than a preset time interval.警告码列表:WARNING CODES以下列项中X表示插板槽的编号1,2,3,4,或5.名称实例警告示意Warn ipXWarn ip1插槽 X 上丢失输入信号.Missing Input board in user position X.Warn opXWarn op1插槽 X 上丢失输出信号.Missing Output board in user position X.Warn comXWarn com1插槽 X 上丢失通讯信号.Missing Comms. board in user position X.Warn brdXWarn brd1错误的插件安装在插槽X 上.Wrong board type in user position X.CalDefaultCalDefault系统在使用默认的校准数据.Unit is currently using Default Calibration data.op1 brdXop1 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出1超出预设范围.Pulse Output 1 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.op2 brdXop2 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出2超出预设范围.Pulse Output 2 on Output Board in position X isOverrange.op3 brdXop3 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出3超出预设范围.Pulse Output 3 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.op4 brdXop4 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出4超出预设范围.Pulse Output 4 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.op5 brdXop5 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出5超出预设范围.Pulse Output 5 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.op6 brdXop6 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出6超出预设范围.Pulse Output 6 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.op7 brdXop7 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出7超出预设范围.Pulse Output 7 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.op8 brdXop8 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出8超出预设范围.Pulse Output 8 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.op9 brdXop9 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出9超出预设范围.Pulse Output 9 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.op10 brdXop10 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出10超出预设范围.Pulse Output 10 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.op11 brdXop11 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出11超出预设范围.Pulse Output 11 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.op12 brdXop12 brd1插槽X 上的脉冲输出12超出预设范围.Pulse Output 12 on Output Board in position X is Overrange.故障码列表:FAULT CODES以上列项中X表示插板槽的编号1,2,3,4,或5.名称实例警告示意Fault ipXFault ip1插槽X 故障或丢失输入板.Faulty or missing Input board in user position X.Fault opX Fault op1 插槽 X 故障或丢失输出板.Faulty or missing Output board in user position X.Fault comXFault com1插槽X 故障或丢失通讯板.Faulty or missing Communication board in user position X.Fault brdX Fault brd1 插槽 正在使用错误的功能板.Wrong board type in user position X.Fault datFault dat没有或者在用不完整的组态设置数据.No or incomplete data for operation.另附: FC2000面板LED 状态灯 Indicator LED’s on the Front panel电源指示灯,常绿;责任报警灯,常红,即便现场工作回复正常,此灯也只能在确认报警后才能消失;非责任报警灯,常红,若现场工作回复正常,此灯自动熄灭;故障灯,常红;低流量(管线停输)或高流量(流量持续超过流量上限1分钟)报警灯,常黄.。



一、控制面板电源接通绿色责任报警红色非责任报警红色错误操作红色流量上下限报警黄色上翻键用来把菜单上的高亮条向上移动到所需的数据行上.下翻键用来把菜单上的高亮条向下移动到所需的数据行上返回或者回车键2.2.1.3 信息键信息键用于显示附加的屏幕帮助或者是信息。



二、主菜单 F4总量(TOTALS)管线工况(LINE CONDITIONS)气体数据(GAS DATA)设置(SETTING )预设置数据(PRESET DATA)编辑(EDIT)报警(ALARMS)显示(DISPLAY)系统(SYSTEM)一般信息(GENERAL INFO)1 总量 totalsVb --未修正的体积总量(工况)Vb-c—未对流量计的非线性进行过修正的体积总量Vn—修正后的体积量(标况)M—质量流量E—能量流量次级菜单:主总量(Main Totals)报警总量(Alarm Totals)当前一小时(日、月)累计总量:(Current Hour, Day and Month accumulated Totals)●前一小时(日、月)累计总量(Previous Hour, Day and Month accumulated Totals)当前一小时(日、月)非累计总量(Current Hour, Day and Month non-accumulated Totals)●前一小时(日、月)非累计总量(Previous Hour, Day and Month non-accumulated Totals)当前一小时(日、月)报警累计总量(Current Hour, Day and Month accumulated Alarms Totals)前一小时(日、月)报警累计总量(Previous Hour, Day and Month accumulated Alarms Totals)当前一小时(日、月)报警非累计总量(Current Hour, Day and Month non-accumulated Alarms Totals)前一小时(日、月)报警非累计总量(Previous Hour, Day and Month non-accumulated Alarms Totals)2 管线工况(Line Condition)这一项是只读的显示项,一旦被选中将会显示所有的在这台机器里的管线工况,包括:流量波峰流量和当时发生的时间和日期管线压力和温度管线工况和基准状况下的压缩因子修正系数流量计信息这些条目将分成数页来进行显示,每一页最多只显示 4 条,相关参数Line coudition1、hourly flowe rates 每小时流量 1/32qn.1=_m3/hr2、daily flowe rates 每日流量 3/32qn.1=_m3/day3、flowe rates per second 每秒流量 5/32qn.1=_m3/sec4、pesk flow rates 波峰流量 7/325、Pressure 压力 10/326、pressure averages 压力平均值 13/327、corrected pressure 修正压力 14/328、temperature 温度 15/329、pressure temperature 平均温度 18/3210、z.factor 压缩因子 20/323 主菜单功能项::气体数据(Gas Data)这一项是只读的显示项,一旦被选中将会显示所有的在这台机器里的气体数据,包括:相对密度高位和低位热值按摩尔百分数表示的气体成分这些条目将分成数页来进行显示,每一页最多只显示4 条,并附有适当的符号刻度因子、和单位。








在新弹出的窗口中起个名字,下拉菜单选择1 Stream Ultrasonic,然后点击OK。

注意:通常情况下该软件会自动识别Comms Port,如未能识别请到设备管理器中查询。

如仍未能找到USB-Serial Port相关内容,请再次确认数据线是否连接好,然后重装安装盘内的驱动。





双击左上角Hardware图标,选中Slot 2 – Input 2 Board,出现温变、压变设置页。

重要:如果温变和压变走两个Hart Loop,相关接线见文末附图1,则该配置不用改动。

如果温变和压变走同一个Hart Loop,即在上诉情况下将温变+和压变+并成一根,温变-和压变-并成一根,则该配置需要做如下改动。

首先设置压变,在图示的框中填1,同时需用手抄器将对应压变的地址改为1.然后设置温变,HART Loop1保持不变,更改Transmitter2,将左侧内容拉入First 的框中,在Address框中填2,同样需用手抄器将对应温变地址改为2。

注意:最后将HART Loop2中的内容清除。

六、左侧主菜单中选择Stream 1-- Ultrasonic,然后在右侧红框中输入与这台流量计算机对应的流量计的最大流量值。






5G通信技术的应用将为FC提供更快速 、更稳定的数据传输,实现更高效、 更实时的信息交流。
云计算技术的发展将为FC提供更强大 的计算能力和存储空间,实现更高效 的数据处理和分析。
FC将广泛应用于智能家居领域, 实现家庭设备的互联互通和智能 化控制,提高家庭生活的便利性 和舒适性。
FC将在智慧城市建设中发挥重要 作用,实现城市设施的智能化管 理和服务,提高城市运行效率和 居民生活质量。
FC将在智能交通领域发挥重要作 用,实现交通工具的智能化管理 和调度,提高交通效率和安全性 。
确保使用fc的行为与目的相一致 ,避免滥用或误用。
在使用fc前,应充分了解其功能 和限制,以便更好地服务于工作 或生活需求。
遵守国家法律法规和政策,不得使用fc进行违法活动或传播违法信息。 尊重他人的合法权益,不侵犯他人的隐私、知识产权等。
加强个人信息保护,确保在使用fc过程中不泄露个人敏感信 息。

fc是一种基于计算机和网络的软件工具,用于实现自动化测试和性能测试。了解fc的基 本知识和功能,有助于更好地使用fc进行测试工作。

FCM2000 质量流量计中文手册(V 0[1].7)

FCM2000 质量流量计中文手册(V 0[1].7)
1.1.11 电气安装中可能的风险
z 电子连接只能由有资质的人员根据接线图完成。 z 要遵守操作手册中关于电子连接的信息,否则可能会影响电子保护等级。 z 流量计系统要接地。 z 电源的连接必须要符合相应的国家和国际标准。每个仪表要安装隔离保险丝,保险丝
应 安 装 在 仪 表 附 近 并 明 确 标 识 。 仪 表 的 防 护 等 级 为 IP67 。 过 电 压 种 类 为 Ⅱ (IEC664)。
铭牌包括下列规格: CE-标志(认证机构的标志编号),证明仪表(压 力设备)符合PED/DGRL的要求。
b) 压力设备尺寸≤DN25[1”]
设备的口径和压力等级。 制造压力设备的材料和垫圈材料(接液)。
制造年份和根据PED(压力设备指示/DGRL)介质组 1=危险液体、气体(包括不稳定气体)的可应用 介质组的规范。
当外壳盖子被拆除时,EMC和人员保护将失效并存在电击风险。 在打开外壳盖子之前请切断电源。
1.1.12 在Ex-区域使用可能的风险
在Ex-区域,电源、输入输入信号和接地有特殊要求。请注意操作手册中“Ex-保护”一章的 特别说明。
1.1.13 操作中可能的风险
z 磨损性介质和/或气蚀可能引起承压部件的损坏。 z 测量高温介质时,接触流量计表面可能会导致烫伤。 z 侵蚀性介质可能导致腐蚀和/或磨损。加压介质可能从流量计泄漏。
1 基本安全信息和使用方法
ATEX-认证 ATEX-温度等级 订单号 完整型号 电源电压和最大功率 流量计尺寸和防护等级 环境温度 过程连接和压力等级 流量计管道材料和标定因子 标定精度 最大流速和TAG-号码


MKFLO-2000F 中文版
说 明 书
超 声 波 流 量 计
2 MKflo-2000F 系列中文版超声波流量计说明书

一 概述 ............................................................... 5 § 1.1 引言 ........................................................... 5 § 1.2 特点 ........................................................... 5 § 1.3 工作原理 ....................................................... 5 § 1.4 用途 ........................................................... 6 § 1.5 产品型号编码规则 ............................................... 6 § 1.6 接线图 ......................................................... 7 § 1.7 性能指标 ....................................................... 7 二 产品介绍 ........................................................... 9 § 2.1 便携式超声波流量计 ............................................. 9 § 2.2 固定式超声波流量计 ............................................. 9 § 2.3 手持式超声波流量计 ............................................. 9 § 2.4 超声波热量计系统 .............................................. 10 § 2.5 超声波水表 .................................................... 10 三 显示与操作 ........................................................ 11 § 3.1 窗口简介 ...................................................... 11 § 3.2 显示代码状态 .................................................. 11 § 3.3 按键 .......................................................... 12 § 3.4 菜单预览表 .................................................... 13 § 3.5 菜单窗口详解 .................................................. 15 四 安装测量 .......................................................... 30 § 4.1 怎样操作 ...................................................... 30 § 4.2 快速输入管道参数和步骤 ........................................ 31 § 4.3 选择测量点 .................................................... 32 § 4.4 探头接线 ...................................................... 32 § 4.5 安装探头 ...................................................... 32 § 4.5.1 探头安装距离 ............................................ 33 § 4.5.2 探头安装方式 ............................................ 33 § 4.5.3 V 法 ................................................... 33 § 4.5.4 Z 法 .................................................... 33 § 4.5.5 N 法(不常用的方法).................................... 33 § 4.5.6 W 法(极不常用的方法) ................................. 33 § 4.5.7 插入式传感器的安装 ...................................... 33 § 4.6 检查安装 ...................................................... 38 § 4.6.1 信号强度 ................................................ 38 § 4.6.2 数据数量 ................................................ 38 § 4.6.3 总传输时间、时差 ........................................ 38 § 4.6.4 传输时间比 .............................................. 38 § 4.6.5 安装时注意的问题 ........................................ 38


FCS-2000现场总线控制系统 FCS-2000现场总线控制系统
FCS— FCS—Fieldbus Control System 现场总线控制系统是分布控制系统 (DCS)的更新换代产品 DCS)的更新换代产品
Modbus协议 协议
硬件—FCS2000— 硬件—FCS2000—川仪十八厂 软件— 软件—TRACE MODE5
用于一个自控系统操作站和控制器的软件的 全部数学和图形组件的集合,具有统一的信息联 系和一体化文档系统。
工程中有可能包含几百个节点,也有可能只包含1 个控制器或操作站节点 节点之间可以通过局域网、串口、电话线路或无线 通道联系起来 工程结构在通道库编辑器中产生和编辑,并以ctm 为扩展名保存
在任何一个设备中,如果启动了TRACE MODE 软件的服务器功能,则该设备被称为节点。节点 有可能是控制器、操作站或公共记录器
同一工程的各个节点可以通过局域网、串行接口、 拔号网络或无线网络互相联接
4096个通道,1024 个对象,1024个 FBD-程序 128 个通道,128 个对象,128个 FBD-程序 512 个通道,1024 个对象,1024个 FBD-程序 1024 个通道,256个对象,128个 FBD-程序
MODE®5包括开发系统和运行模块,开发程序包用来编写各种应用程序, TRACE MODE 5包括开发系统和运行模块,开发程序包用来编写各种应用程序,运行 模块用来运行由开发程序开发出的各种程序。 模块用来运行由开发程序开发出的各种程序。 a.开发系统包括 个编辑器:通道库编辑器;数据描述编辑器;模板编辑器。 开发系统包括3 a.开发系统包括3个编辑器:通道库编辑器;数据描述编辑器;模板编辑器。 在通道库编辑器中,可以建立控制系统的数学基础: 在通道库编辑器中,可以建立控制系统的数学基础:记录所有在控制系统中的工作 控制器和I/O板卡的配置描述,并对它们之间的信息流进行设置。 I/O板卡的配置描述 站、控制器和I/O板卡的配置描述,并对它们之间的信息流进行设置。这里还记录所 有的输入/输出信号,以及这些信号与数据采集和管理系统的通讯情况。 有的输入/输出信号,以及这些信号与数据采集和管理系统的通讯情况。在这个编辑 器中,还可以设置访问或信号生成周期,规定预处理和控制的规则, 器中,还可以设置访问或信号生成周期,规定预处理和控制的规则,设立技术工艺 界限,编写控制和数据处理程序。并且,还可以设置工艺参数存储,网络交换, 界限,编写控制和数据处理程序。并且,还可以设置工艺参数存储,网络交换,以 及解决某些其他问题。 及解决某些其他问题。 在数据描述编辑器中,可以开发控制系统的人机界面部分。首先, 在数据描述编辑器中,可以开发控制系统的人机界面部分。首先,可创建工艺 对象的静态图形,然后在其上面插入控制和显示的动态控件。其中包括数值输出区、 对象的静态图形,然后在其上面插入控制和显示的动态控件。其中包括数值输出区、 图标、柱状图、按钮、数值输入区,以及转换为其他图形元素等。 图标、柱状图、按钮、数值输入区,以及转换为其他图形元素等。 开发系统中还包括一个专门的编辑器—模板编辑器 模板编辑器, 开发系统中还包括一个专门的编辑器 模板编辑器,以便开发工艺流程的报表 模板。 模板。 利用这些编辑器,可以开发:实时数据库;数据处理和管理程序; 利用这些编辑器,可以开发:实时数据库;数据处理和管理程序;显示工艺流程状 态的图形界面并对之进行管理;利用模板生成报表。 根据许可权的不同, 态的图形界面并对之进行管理;利用模板生成报表。 根据许可权的不同,利用开发 系统可以建立不同通道数的工程。 系统可以建立不同通道数的工程。 b.运行模块包括如下模块 运行模块包括如下模块: 实时监控器② 人机界面③ 辅助功能。 b.运行模块包括如下模块:① 实时监控器② 人机界面③ 辅助功能。实时监控器用 来启动操作员工作站, 来启动操作员工作站,对工艺流程进行全面监视和控制


• 对流速剖面畸变和涡流有最好的检测和补偿能力 • 双反射声道布置可以测量涡流的角度和强度 • 自排污式的探头设计与安装方式 • 探头带压更换方便 • 编码多脉冲发射方式: 提高抗噪声干扰能力 • 线性度最好 • 重复性最好 (相对于高压实流标定装置优于0.1%) • 在流量段精度最高 (反射式声道布置 更长的声程) • 令人印象深刻的稳定性 • 从加拿大 TCC获得的证据 • 为完整的计量技术 – 全能量计量理念而设计 • 口径从 4” 到 64” ,压力等级可达 ANSI 2500
2co()stabtb a
气体超声波流量计 – 类型
CheckSonic-1S Q.Sonic系列
Elster 气体超声波流量计
Elster 气体超声波流量计的发展历史
Q.Sonic 气体超声波流量有C系列和S系列
Q.Sonic-C, 结构紧凑的可带压更换式探头 Q.Sonic-S, 可配置能带压更换的探头或不能带压更换的探头
Q.Sonic-5S TwinSonic
• 更换探头不需要重新标定 • 无压损 • 量程范围宽 • 双向计量 • 无可动部件 • 对脉动流不敏感 • 对污染不敏感 • 维修维护费用低 • 可与多种型号流量计算机连接
TwinSonic-3C TwinSonic-4C TwinSonic-3S TwinSonic-5S
CheckSonic-1S CheckSonic-1H CheckSonic-2S CheckSonic-2H CheckSonic-1C Q.Sonic-3H CheckSonic-2C FlareSonic**

FC2000流量计算机中文 PPT

FC2000流量计算机中文 PPT

选择菜单 事件打印 事件选择 间隔打印 间隔选择
选择菜单 参数选择树 页面大小 报告格式
FC2000流量计算机是基于 Windows® 软件开 发的,可以在笔记本电脑上运行并通过前面板 红外接口与FC 2000 流量计算机通讯。 大多数功能都可以通过前面板上的键盘实现。 所有功能均有多道密码和保护开关保护。
Nmi Test Report to prEN12405 (2000) “Gas-volume electronic conversion devices”. Nmi Test Report for compliance to EN 50081-1(1992) & EN 50082-2 (1995). Relating to Emission and Immunity standards for EM transmissions (CE marking). Metrological Approvals pending in Spain, Netherlands and Ukraine.
– Modbus RTU or ASCII 协议。 – 串行打印机. – 超声波流量计接口. – 在线色谱仪接口.
MODBUS 通讯的特点:
Modbus 通讯的特点:– 全用户可编程结构
– ASCII 或 RTU. – 所有数据和记录条款都可以查询。 – 用户可选的数据寄存器和容量.
16 bit, 32 bit or 64 bit 可接口大多数系统。
– 报警记录 , 带发生/清除时间的警告和错误记录。 – 超过160 种报警可以被记录。 – 单独的LED 报警指示.



5300 Business Drive Huntington Beach, CA 92649USAPhone: 714-893-8529 FAX: 714-894-9492E mail:********************or **************************Website: Blue-WhiteIndustries, Ltd.F-2000Page 2TABLE OF CONTENTSSection Heading Page1.0 Features 32.0 Applications 33.0 Specifications 33.1 Physical 33.2 Dimensional Drawing 43.3 Temperature vs. Pressure Graph 44.0 Flow ranges 55.0 Mounting Options 66.0 Electrical Wiring Connections 86.1 Enclosure Knock-Out Instructions 86.2 Optional Circuit Board Installation 86.3 Model RT Circuit Board Wiring 96.4 Model FHXX and FCXX Sensor Wiring 107.0 Operation 117.1 Theory of operation 117.2 Model RT Operation 117.2.1 Model RT Applications 117.2.2 Model RT Features 127.2.3 How to Determine Calibration Constants 127.2.4 Programming the Model RT 157.2.5 Calibration Constants 167.3 Programming flow chart 188.0 Maintenance 198.1 Troubleshooting 19F-2000 parts list 20...F-2000 exploded view 21F-2000 Page 31.0 FEATURES2.0APPLICATIONS!Battery powered rate and total!Extended battery life mode (screen blanks after 30 seconds)!Easy to read, eight digit LCD display!Installs quickly on existing pipe!Factory programmed!Field programmable front panel push buttons!No pressure drop !Weather resistant enclosure (NEMA 4X) !Corrosion resistant PVDF sensor!Corrosion resistant ABS enclosure!High accuracy!Extended flow range!Front panel security lockout!Minimal maintenance required3.0 SPECIFICATIONS3.1 PhysicalMaximum Working Pressure..................300 psig (20.7 bar)o oMaximum fluid temperature....................200 F (93 C) - saddle and sensor onlyo o200 F (93 C) - polypropylene and PVDF inline unitso o140 F (60 C) - molded PVC tee unitso o140 F (60 C) - when mounted on PVC pipeo o o oAmbient temperature range....................32 F (0 C) to 110 F (43 C)Enclosure.............................................NEMA 4X (acceptable for outdoor use)NOTE: Protect the LCD display from direct sunlight.Sensor Accuracy...................................±1% of full scale readingRepeatability.........................................±1% of full scale readingPower requirements..............................15 VDC Nominal (12 - 24 VDC Absolute - DO NOT EXCEED 24.0 VDC) Model RT units only...................Four standard AA alkaline batteries or 12-24VDC Plug in transformer(Battery life expectancy 1 year minimum)All units ....................................12-24VDC (plug-in transformer supplied)Model AO analog output board...............Linear, Non-isolated, powered loop. 250 ohm max for 4-20 ma / 500ohms minimum for 0-10 VDCModel PC Process control board............Relay SPDT, NO/NCMaximum switching load 8 amps @ 115 VAC, 220 VAC, 230 VAC7 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive load)Maximum fluid debris size......................0.020” diameterF-2000Page 44.0 FLOW RANGESNote: Due to increased wear on the paddle and axle, continuous operation at the upper 25% of theflow range is not recommended3.3 Temperature vs. Pressur eNote: Pressure and temperature limits are inversely proportional.PSIg (BAR)TemperatureWhen mounted on Molded PVC Tee or PVC pipe units180°F (82.2°C)190°F (87.8°C)200°F (93.3°C)170°F (76.7°C)160°F (71.1°C)150°F (65.6°C)When mounted on Polypropylene and PVDF inline units 100°F (37.8°C)90°F (32.2°C)80°F (26.7°C)70°F (21.1°C)0 (0)60 (4.1)120 (8.3)180 (12.4)240 (16.5)300 (20.7)Fig. 2140°F (60°C)130°F (54.4°C)120°F (48.9°C)110°F (43.3°C)3.2Dimensional DrawingMETRIC PIPESPipe Size50 MM - PN 10 & PN 16 63 MM - PN 10 & PN 16 90 MM - PN 10 & PN 16 110 MM - PN 10 & PN 16 160 MM - PN 10 & PN 16 200 MM - PN 10 & PN 16LPM 14200 - 4200070.0 - 700.0110 - 1100230 - 2300350 - 3500720 - 72001150 - 11500LPH 16600 - 6600013800 - 138******** - 21000043000 - 43000070000 - 700000M3H 14.20 - 42.006.60 - 66.0013.8 - 138.021.0 - 210.043.0 - 430.070.0 - 700.0SADDLES - Standard Flow [Min - Max]160 MM - PN 10 200 MM - PN 101700 - 170002700 - 27000100000 - 1000000170000 - 1700000100 - 1000170 - 1700Fig. 13.25 in.(82.55 mm)4.00 in.(101.6 mm)4.00 in.F-2000®BLUE-WHITE INDUSTRIESFlow Monitoring SystemTOTALCLEAR CLEAR SETPOINTENTER8888.8888MA BATCH # RATE TOTAL SETPOINT(101.6 mm)F-2000Page 5GPM = Gallons Per Minute LPM = Litters Per Minute OZM = Ounces Per Minute GPH = Gallons Per Hour LPH = Litters Per HourM3H = Cubic Meters per HourGPD = Gallons Per DayLPD = Litters Per Day SADDLES - Standard Flow [Min - Max]Pipe Size 1-1/2” IPS 2.0” IPS 3.0” IPS 4.0” IPS 6.0” IPS 8.0” IPS GPM 115.0 - 150.030.0 - 300.060.0 - 600.0100 - 1000250 - 2500400 - 4000GPH 1900 - 90001800 - 180003600 - 360006000 - 6000015000 - 150******** - 240000GPD 121500 - 21500043000 - 43000086500 - 865000144000 - 1440000360000 - 3600000575000 - 575000010.0” IPS 12.0” IPS600 - 6000800 - 800036000 - 36000048000 - 480000865000 - 86500001150000 - 11500000LPM 160.0 - 600.0100 - 1000250 - 2500400 - 4000900 - 90001500 - 15000LPH 1 3600 - 36000 6000 - 60000 15000 - 150000 24000 - 240000 54000 - 540000 90000 - 900000M3H 1 3.60 - 36.00 6.00 - 60.00 15.0 - 150.0 24.0 - 240.0 54.0 - 540.0 90.0 - 900.02200 - 220003000 - 30000132000 - 1320000 180000 - 1800000132 - 1320 180 - 1800IPS PIPESMOLDED INLINE BODIES - min - max operating flow rangePipe Size 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 1-1/2” 2” 1-1/2” 2” 2” 2”2.00 - 20.00GPM 48.0 - 480.0.800 - 8.0003.00 - 30.005.00 - 50.00GPH 120 - 1200300 - 3000GPD 1100 - 110002800 - 280004320 - 432007200 - 72000180 - 1800LPM 180 - 18003.00 - 30.007.00 - 70.0011.0 - 110.020.0 - 200.0LPH 420 - 4200 660 - 6600 1200 - 12000M3H 0.180 - 1.8000.420 -4.2000.660 - 6.6001.20 - 12.00.500 -5.00020.0 - 200.0.400 - 4.000.800 - 8.0002.00 - 20.0030.00 - 300.0120 - 1200550 - 5500700 - 70001100 - 110002800 - 2800048.0 - 480.0 60.0 - 600.01.00 - 10.002.00 - 20.003.00 - 30.007.00 - 70.00 120 - 1200 180 - 1800 420 - 42000.060 - 0.6000.120 - 1.2000.180 - 1.8000.420 - 4.20010.0 - 100.0240 - 24004.00 - 40.0010.0 - 100.0600 - 60005700 - 5700014400 - 14400014400 -144000600 - 6000 900 - 900015.0 - 150.040.0 - 400.040.0 - 400.0 2400 - 240002400 - 240000.900 - 9.0002.40 - 24.002.40 - 24.004.00 - 40.00360 - 36006.00 - 60.006.00 - 60.0020.0 - 200.0240 - 24001200 - 120008600 - 860005700 - 570008600 - 8600028800 - 288000360 - 36001500 - 1500025.0 - 250.015.0 - 150.025.0 - 250.070.0 - 700.0900 - 9000 1500 - 15000 4200 - 420001.50 - 15.000.900 - 9.0001.50 - 15.004.20 - 42.001RANGE#111222231312242” 15.0 - 150.0900 - 900021500 - 21500060.0 - 600.0 3600 - 36000 3.60 - 36.0022”2.00 - 20.00120 - 12002800 - 280007.00 - 70.00420 - 42000.420 - 4.2006MACHINED INLINE BODIES - min - max operating flow rangePipe Size 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 3/8” 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/2” 2” 1-1/2” 2” 2” 2.00 - 20.00GPM 48.0 - 480.0.800 - 8.0004.00 - 40.006.00 - 60.00GPH 120 - 1200360 - 3600GPD 1100 - 110002800 - 280005700 - 570008600 - 86000240 - 2400LPM 180 - 18003.00 - 30.007.00 - 70.0015.0 - 150.025.0 - 250.0LPH 420 - 4200 900 - 9000 1500 - 15000M3H 0.180 - 1.8000.420 - 4.2000.900 - 9.0001.50 - 15.00.500 - 5.00020.0 - 200.0.400 - 4.000.800 - 8.0002.00 - 20.0030.00 - 300.0120 - 1200550 - 5500700 - 70001100 - 110002800 - 2800048.0 - 480.0 60.0 - 600.01.00 - 10.002.00 - 20.003.00 - 30.007.00 - 70.00 120 - 1200 180 - 1800 420 - 42000.060 - 0.6000.120 - 1.2000.180 - 1.8000.420 - 4.20010.0 - 100.010.0 - 100.0600 - 600014400 - 14400014400 -144000600 - 600040.0 - 400.040.0 - 400.0 2400 - 240002400 - 24000 2.40 - 24.002.40 - 24.004.00 - 40.00360 - 36006.00 - 60.006.00 - 60.00240 - 24008600 - 860005700 - 570008600 - 86000360 - 36001500 - 1500025.0 - 250.015.0 - 150.025.0 - 250.0900 - 9000 1500 - 15000 1.50 - 15.000.900 - 9.0001.50 - 15.001RANGE#1112222235341-1/2” 1.00 - 10.0060.0 - 600.01440 - 14400 4.00 - 40.00 240 - 24000.240 - 2.40052” 1800 - 1800030.0 - 300.043000 - 4300006000 - 60000100 - 1000 6.00 - 60.0011-1/2” 15.0 - 150.0900 - 900021500 - 21500060.0 - 600.0 3600 - 36000 3.60 - 36.0011-1/2” 2.00 - 20.00120 - 12002800 - 280007.00 - 70.00 420 - 42000.420 - 4.2004F-2000Page 6Panel MountRotating DisplayStep 2: Rotate 90°Step 3: Re-attach ScrewsStep 1: Remove Two ScrewsFig. 6Angle Mount on Horizontal Pipe45° Acceptable45° Acceptable RecommendedVerticalFig. 7Fig. 9Fig. 8in..032.0003.622 ±mm).80.00(92.0 ±F -2000P A NE LB RA CK ETS TUDSW A SH E RSHE X NUT SC A P PL U G5.0Mounting OptionsF-2000 Page 7Optional Pipe and Wall Mount Adapter KitWall MountPipe MountF-2000®BLUE-WHITE INDUSTRIESFlow Monitoring SystemTOTALCLEARCLEARSETPOINTENTERF-2000®BLUE-WHITE INDUSTRIESFlow Monitoring SystemTOTALCLEARCLEARSETPOINTENTEROrdering InformationFig. 10Fig. 11Kit Number71000-30171000-30271000-30371000-30471000-30571000-30671000-307DecriptionWall Mount KitPipe Mount Kit for 1-1/2” pipePipe Mount Kit for 2” pipePipe Mount Kit for 3” pipePipe Mount Kit for 4” pipePipe Mount Kit for 6” pipePipe Mount Kit for 8” pipePipeDisplayModuleMountingBaseScrewWire toSensorClampCapPlugWallWallScrewMountingBaseDisplayModuleWire toSensorScrewCapPlug71000-414 Pipe Mount Kit for 10” pipe71000-415 Pipe Mount Kit for 12” pipeF-2000Page 8Option A: Conduit Connection1. 2. end).Option B: Liquid-Tight Connections1. 2. edges.3. Notes:For the large liquid-tight connector (3/4” knock-out), the acceptable cable diameter is between .200 - .394 in (5.1 - 10.0 mm).For the small liquid-tight connector (1/2” knock-out), the acceptable cable diameter is between .118 - .255 in (3.0 - 6.5 mm).6.0F-2000 Electrical Wiring Connections6.1 Enclosure knock-out Instructions6.2 Optional Circuit Board Installation 1.Carefully align optional board’s Pin Header with the Pin Header socket located on the main circuit board.2. Press firmly into place.3.Secure the board with the two screws provided.F -2000E n c l o s u r e C o v e rN .C .N .O .C F -2000-P C (OP T I O N A L B O A RD )F -2000-A O (OP T I O N A LBO A RD )F -2000-R T(MA I NB O A R D )CAUTION: DISCONNECT POWERSOURCE BEFORE SERVICING.F-2000 Page 9J3J2J4J17654321JumpersSIP Socket forF-2000 PC BoardSIP Socket forF-2000 AO BoardBackup BatteryConnectorTerminal BlocksF-2000 RT BoardF-2000 PC BoardMounting ScrewBushingsF-2000 AO BoardMounting ScrewBushingsJumper ConfigurationBAT = ONP H MInstalled (open)InstalledJumper Positions6.3 Model RT Circuit Board WiringCAUTION: DISCONNECT POWER SOURCE BEFORE SERVICING.Terminal ConfigurationF-2000Page 106.4 Model FHXX and FCXX Sensor wiringRED Input Supply Voltage (+ 6 to 24 Vdc)BARE Signal Output (square wave)BLACKGround (-)RED Signal Output (Sine wave)BLACKGround (-)Model FVSRED Input Supply Voltage (+ 6 to 24 Vdc)BARE Signal Output (square wave)BLACKGround (-)7.0 HOW TO OPERATE THE F-20007.1 Theory of Operationpaddlewheel to spin. Pulses generated by the spinning paddlewheel are counted and multiplied by scaling factors. The resulting flow rate amounts and total flow amounts are displayed on the LCD readout. Pressing the enter button located on the front panel toggles the display between flow rate and total flow or allows entry into the programming mode. Pressing the clear total button while the total flow value is displayed will return the total to zero (must be activated in the programming mode - not the factory default setting). A small icon will light at the bottom of the LCD indicating the mode being displayed.The MODEL PC includes all of the features of the MODEL RT as well as a relay which can be used to switch external electrical equipment when user programmed setpoints are reached. The relay must be assigned to respond to either the rate value for rate alarm applications (rate mode), or to the total value for batching or proportional feed applications (batch mode). Only one may made be used at any one time. When assigned to the batch mode, the display can be toggled to show four different values, the rate of flow, total flow, current batch number or current batch total, by pressing the enter button located on the front panel. A small icon will light at the bottom of the LCD display indicating the mode being displayed. The model PC is described in a separate instruction manual.The MODEL AO includes all of the features of the MODEL RT as well as a 4-20mA or 0-10VDC output signal which isThe MODEL AP includes the features of all three F-2000 models, the RT, PC, and AO.7.2 How To Operate The MODEL RT7.2.1 What Was The MODEL RT Designed To Do?!Display the rate of flow up to eight digits.!Display the total amount of flow up to eight digits.!Output an open collector signal (NPN) that is proportional to the flow rate.Operates by batteries or plug-in AC transformer.!Greater than 1 year battery life.!Front panel user programmable.!Front panel programming can be disabled for security.!Front panel total reset can be disabled for security.!Programmable battery saving mode. (Screen blanks after 30seconds)!Programmable decimal point locations for both rate and total modes.!Display can be mounted on the sensor or panel mounted (1/4 DIN). See figure 6 and 8.!Display can be rotated on sensor. See figure 6.!Display can be mounted on a pipe or wall with optional mounting bracket kit. See figure 8 - 11.!Display can be panel mounted up to 250 ft. from sensor when used with AC coil sensor.!Display can be panel mounted up to 1 mile from sensor when used with Hall Effect sensor.!Optional circuitry, AO (analog output) and PC (process control) boards, can be field installed at a later time.!Pressto toggle between RATE and TOTAL display modes. The icon will!for at least 1.25 seconds to enter the programming mode.mode. See section 7.1.!While the TOTAL mode is displayed, press to reset the total amount tozero. (Must be enabled in the program mode - see page 24, step 6.)7.2.3 How Do I Determine My Calibration Numbers?When ordered as a complete system, the F-2000 MODEL RT is factory programmed to the flow range you specified when you placed your order. See section 4.0 for various flow ranges.Note:The F-2000 model AO and PC functions will always require field programming. All F-2000 models will require field programming when components are purchased separately. See section 7.2 and 7.3.The following screens are used to input the calibration constants and to turn on or off the various features of the MODEL RT. The MODEL RT has six different input screens. They are listed in the table below.Before programming the unit, the following calibration constants must be determined. Remember, whenpurchased as a complete system, the model RT is pre-programmed at the factory. No further programming is necessary.7.2.2 What Features Are Available On The MODEL RT?Step 1 Where would you like your displayed flow rate decimal point located?Desired Location= D (Decimal Rate Factor) Note: Four decimal places maximum.rXXXXX = 1XXXX.X = 10XXX.XX = 100XX.XXX = 1000X.XXXX = 10000Enter your D here.rStep 2 What time factor would you like to use in your measurement?Example: Per Minute = 60 secondsPer Hour = 3600 secondsPer Day = 86400 secondsFill in the amount of seconds you desire here.Step 3To determine your flow rate K-Factor, the following information is needed.a. What size pipe you are going to install this meter on?inch pipeb. What schedule pipe are you using? Sch 40 or Sch 80 or Inlinec. What is your flow range?Low Flow or Standard Flow (refer to pages 16 & 17)d. Using the data you specified above, locate your K-Factor from the correct table. Pages 16 & 17.e. What is your K-Factor?f. If you are going to be using gallons as your unit of measure, you can go directly to Step 4.g. To convert K-Factor to other units of measure, use the following formulas:Ounces = K-factor ÷ 128Liters = K-factor ÷ 3.785Cubic Meters = K-factor ÷ 0.003785Write your new K-Factor number here.Step 4Calculate your Rate Scale Factor (S ) using the following formula.r D from Step 1, Seconds from Step 2, K-Factor from Step 3.r D x Secondsr K-FactorS =r Write your S (Rate Scale Factor) number here.r Example:D= 10r Seconds = 3600K-Factor = 63.52S =r 10 x 360063.52S =r 3600063.52S=r 566.751Step 5Where would you like your displayed accumulated Total Decimal (D ) point located?t Desired Location= D (Total Decimal Factor) Note: Four decimal places maximum.t XXXXX= 1XXXX.X = 10XXX.XX = 100XX.XXX = 1000X.XXXX =10000Enter your D here.t Step 6 Determine your Total K-factor.Your Total K-factor and Flow Rate K-factor are the same if the same units (i.e., Gallons, liters, etc.) Are displayed for both. However, you can use a different unit of measure for your total display. Follow the instructions in step 3-g to convert to a different Total K-factor unit.Write your Total K-factor here.Step 7 Calculate your Total Scale Factor (S ) using the following formula.t S =t D t KExample:158.8200.0170S =t D tK S =t S =t Note:The Total Scale Factor may becarried out to four decimal places.Write your Total Scale Factor (S ) here.t7.2.4 How Do I Program The MODEL RT?Note:While in the programming mode, if no buttons are pressed within twenty seconds, the programming mode is automatically exited without saving the input of the last screen. See page 18 for programming menu flow chart. Step 1 Entering the Rate Scale Factor.!!Enter the Rate Scale Factor (Sr from Step 4, page 14).!it is selected.!Pressmodified.!When finished, pressStep 2The Rate Decimal Point Location screen.!Press!This value should match Page 13, Step 1, desired decimal location. Ex. 0000.0Step 3 The Battery Save Mode On / Off screen. Factory default = OFF!Pressonce you’ve selectedyour setting.Step 4The Total Scale Factor screen is selected.!Enter the Total Scale Factor (Sfrom Step 7, page 14).t!Press!Press!When finished, pressI.P .S. PIPE (Meets ASTM-D-1785)Step 5The Total Decimal Point screen is selected.!The Total 2 screen is where you enter your Decimal Point Factor for your totalizer.Use the information you calculated on DtStep 6The Front Panel Clear Total Button Enable / Disable screen is selected. Factory default = OFF (disabled)!Step 7Press and hold downfor at least 1.25 seconds to exit the programming mode.7.2.6 Calibration ConstantsStandard Flow Range - LPM (liters per minute)Molded Inline Bodies (Male NPT connection)METRIC PIPE PN10 & PN16 (Meets DIN 8062)Note:The values in the following tables are based on laboratory testing of nominal pipe dimensions. The F-2000 sensor is factory calibrated to ±1% of full scale linearity. Your actual accuracy will vary based on your pipe I.D. And other installation factors.Saddle Mount Models (Pipe Insertion connection)3/8” - 1” pipe sizes - Low Range #2 - GPM (gallons per minute)Low Flow Range #2 - GPM (gallons per minute)Standard Flow Range #1 - GPM (gallons per minute)Machined Inline Bodies (Female NPT connection)Saddle Models (Pipe insertion connection)Standard Flow Range - GPM (gallons per minute)Low Flow Ranges #3, 4, 5, 6 - GPM (gallons per minute)1-1/2” - 2” pipe sizes - GPM (gallons per minute)Molded Inline Bodies (Male NPT connection) - continuedSCREENDESCRIPTIONMODIFYING7.3Programming Menu Flow Chart8.0 MAINTENANCEThe F-2000 requires very little maintenance, however, some conditions will cause increased wear or possible damage to the unit.!Periodically remove the sensor assembly from the pipe fitting and inspect the meter for signs of wearand obstructions. Clean the paddle of any foreign objects. Replace the paddle and axle if worn.!Although the meter is capable of operating at the high end of the flow range, continuous use at veryhigh flow rates (upper 25% of the calibrated flow range), is not recommended. The paddle and axle life is related to the rate of flow and the fluid being measured. Corrosive fluids moving at high flow rates will cause increased wear requiring frequent inspection and maintenance. Ceramic, titanium or nickel axles are available for extreme corrosive environments.!Although the F-1000 is designed to withstand outdoor conditions, a cool, dry location where the unit canbe easily serviced is recommended. The life of the LCD display will be severely reduced when installed in direct sunlight. Do not install the meter so that the LCD is in direct sunlight.!O-rings should be inspected periodically. Immediately replace the o-rings at any sign of wear, swelling,cracking or discoloration.!Battery operated models. Replace the four AA batteries every 12 months. The program memory willnot erase when replacing the batteries. The unit will function normally for approximately 2 minutes while replacing the batteries. To replace the batteries, open the front panel of the enclosure by removing the four Phillips screws. After replacing the batteries, be sure the foam insert is in place before closing the front panel.!Test the electronics by removing the sensor assembly from the pipe fitting and spinning the paddle byFig. 12Locate notch on the sensorStep 2: Push shaft out in the direction shown.Replace the paddle, then press shaftback into place in the oppositePADDLE REMOVALSituation Cause SolutionLeaking Improper installation Pipe Fitting Manual pages 6 thru 10Worn or damaged o-rings Pipe Fitting Manual pages 6 thru 10Flow rate reading is inaccurate Improper installation Pipe Fitting Manual page 6 Improper velocity profile Pipe Fitting Manual page 4 Flow rate is out of range Model RT Manual page 4No displayDead batteries Model RT Manual page 19 Blocked paddle Pipe Fitting Manual page 7 Damaged electronics Model RT Manual page 19Battery save mode is ONModel RT Manual page 18Display shows zero flow Improper alignment / installation Pipe Fitting Manual page 7 Worn paddle and / or axle Model RT Manual page 19 Damaged electronics Model RT Manual page 198.1 TROUBLESHOOTINGF-2000 Parts ListItem Part Number Description Quantity1 70000-783 Paddle assembly Kynar 12 90003-021 O-ring 022 Viton E60 23 90007-589 Axle PVDF 14 71000-238 Sensor body AC coil 1’ cable 171000-289 Sensor body AC coil 25’ cable 170000-290 Sensor body Hall effect 25’ cable 15 90011-080 Screw #6-32 x .37 PH pan B 18/8 56 91001-280 Union nut 17 76000-628 Retainer sensor cap 18 90006-550 Cap sensor body SS 19 90012-208 Switch overlay F-2000 110 71000-356 Cover F-2000 w/ Switch overlay 111 90006-592 Gasket F-2000 housing neoprene 112 90010-227 Circuit board F-2000 RT 113 71000-311 Kit Circuitry model F-2000 AO (AO Board 90010-229) 114 71000-316 Kit Circuitry model F-2000 PC(PC Board 90010-228) 115 90011-155 Screw #6-32 x .31 PH pan SS 416 76001-149 Enclosure F-2000 sensor mount 176001-150 Enclosure F-2000 panel mount 117 90006-593 Gasket F-2000 1/4 DIN panel mount 118 90008-331 Cap plug P-48 1/2 NPT red F-2000 119 71000-294 Kit F-2000 1/4 DIN panel mount 120 70000-500 Connector liquid-tight 1/2 in. 221 70000-589 Connector liquid-tight 3/4 in. 122 90008-332 Plug 1/2 in. 223 90008-340 Cap plug VTP-25 red 124 90011-038 Stud screw #10-32 1.62 long 225 90011-092 Star washer #10-32 226 90011-026 Hex nut #10-32 227 90008-333 Plug 7/8 in. 128 90013-222 Foam pad 1/4 in. thick 129 90008-254 Battery clip 130 90010-233 Battery holder F-2000 4x AA 131 90008-330 Battery alkaline AA 432 90008-336 Power supply 115VAC/15VDC 190008-337 Power supply 220VAC/15VDC Europe 171000-310 Power supply 230VAC/15VDC 1F-2000Page 21F-2000 Exploded View1015871617181961211291314154322326252427283231302911155552022F -2000®B L U E -W H I T E I N DU S TR I ESF l owM o n i t o r i n g S y s t e mT O T A L C LE A R C L EA R S E T P O IN TE NT ER8888.8888S I Z E A A B A T T E R YSIZE AA BATTERYP .N. 80000-355Rev 6/25/2014Warranty!Blue-White flowmeters are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship for 12 months from date of factory shipment. Warranty coverage is limited to repair or replacement of the defective flowmeter only.!This warranty does not cover damage to the flowmeter that results from misuse or alterations, nor damage that occurs as a result of: meter misalignment, improper installation, over tightening, use of non-recommended chemicals, use of non-recommended pipe dopes or adhesives, excessive heat or pressure or allowing the meter to support the weight of related piping.!Flowmeters are repaired at the factory only. Call or write the factory to receive a RA (return authorization) number. Carefully pack the flowmeter to be returned, including a brief description of the problem, chemical used, and a descrip-tion of the application. Note: Write the RA number on the outside of the shipping carton.!Prepay all shipping costs. The factory does not accept C.O.D. Shipments. Damage that occurs during shipping is theresponsibility of the sender.Users of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) with the WEEE marking per Annex IV of the WEEE Directive must not dispose of end of life EEE as unsorted municipal waste, but use the collection framework available to them for the return, recycle, recovery of WEEE and minimize any potential effects of EEE on the environment and human health due to the presence of hazardous substances. The WEEE marking applies only to countries within the European Union (EU) and Norway. Appliances are labeled in accordance with European Directive 2002/96/EC.Contact your local waste recovery agency for a Designated Collection Facility in your area.ARKANSASBT Environmental, Inc Bill Thomason225 Castleberry Street Hot Springs, AR 71901501-624-3837CALIFORNIA (NORTHERN)Howard E. Hutching company (Repair Center)7190 Penryn Plaza Penryn, CA 95663800-568-3958Swimco Electric Co.753 Camden Avenue Campbell, CA 95008408-378-2607CALIFORNIA (SOUTHERN)Blue-White Industries (Repair Center)5300 Business DriveHuntington Bch. CA 92649714-893-8529COLORADODenver Winpump 5754 Lamer ave .Arvada, CO 80002303-424-3551CONNECTICUTCronin-Cook & Associates 24 West Road Vernon, CT 06029860-875-0544Rice Pump & Motor Repair 5740 Powerline Road Ft. Lauderdale FL 33309954-776-6049American Pump7580-A W. Tennessee St.Tallahassee, FL 32304850-575-9618Jerry Lee Chemical Co.3407 W. Old Fairfield Drive Pensacola, FL 32505904-432-9929Picard Chemical1670 S. Congress Avenue W. Palm Beach, FL 33406561-965-3434ILLINOISMullarkey Associates (Repair Center)12346 S. Keeler Ave.Alsip, IL 60658708-597-5558MARYLANDCentury Pool Service, Inc 5020 Nicholson Court, #201Kensington, MD 20895301-231-8999NEW YORKSherwood Specialties, Inc.875 Atlantic Ave. ‘B’Rochester, NY 14609585-546-1211NORTH CAROLINASouthern Industrial Sales 1903 Herring Avenue Wilson, NC 27893800-872-7665SOUTH DAKOTASon-Aqua Distributing Jim Robinson2447 W. Main Street Rapid City, SD 57702605-343-7716TENNESSEERock City Machine 307 3rd Avenue South Nashville, TN 37201615-244-1371TEXASAlamo Water Refiners 13700 Hwy. 90 West San Antonio, TX 78245210-677-8400Shelter’s Water Refining Robert Shelton2708 E. Randol Mill Rd.Arlington, TX 76011817-640-6188。



FlowmetersFor liquid Flow of 0.03 to 475 GPHF-17FLR2008FLR2004shown smaller than actual size.U G ood for Many Aggressive/Corrosive Slurries or Liquids U N EMA 4X (IP66) Enclosure U M easures Flow Rate and Total Flow U R S 232CommunicationsThe FLR-2000 Series meters and FLV-2000 Series offer a solution for real-time metering and control of chemicals which are injected, pumped, dosed or dispensed.Flow ranges of less than 0.07 GPH to 79.20 GPH at pressures from 20 to 250 psi meet the general range of use in water, waste water, industrial, CPI, food and beverage, and pharmaceutical marketplaces. The ±1% full scale accuracy insures precision. A 4 line x 20 character digital display enablesthe user to gather information, reset totalizer and input control commands within seconds. RS232 or 0 to 5 Vdc and relay outputs are standard. An advanced material coating process combined with a PVC body provide resistance to aggressive flow media. The wet side of the flow system is isolated from the electronics yet close coupled for easy installation, operation and maintenance. FLV-2000 models allow the user to remotely set a pump rate or proprtional valve setting.SpecificationsAccuracy: ± 1% full scaleRepeatability: ± 0.5% full scale Linearity: ± 0.25% full scaleResponse Time (Typical): 50 mSVolume Flow Units: GPM, GPH, CCM, LPMTemperature Range: 0 to 70°C (32 to 158°F)Temperature Coefficient: 0.05%/°C Turndown Ratio: 50:1Standard Conditions: 25°C and 1 atmosphereMaximum Pressure: 17.2 bar (250 psig)Humidity Range: 0 to 100%Supply Current: 0.25 A with back lighting on meters, 0.35 A with back lighting on controllersSupply Voltage: 15.0 Vdc maximum @ 300 mA maximum current on meters and 500 mA on controllersInput Standard Signals: 1 digital input, TTL/CMOS compatible; 1 analog input, 0 to 5 Vdc equals maximum flowOutput Standard Signals: 2 analog 0 to 5 Vdc outputs flow rate; 1 RS232 serial port, 19200 baud rate, 1 dry closure relay output, SPDT 0.5 A DC for flow/no flowSetpoint Output: FLV models use one of available 0 to 5 Vdc outputs for a remote setpoint signal; RS232 also available for outputPower Consumption: Less than 3.5 W Indicating Display: 4 line x 20 character back light LCDInterface Screens: Membrane touch switch with 11 menu screens Connectors:Electrical: Weather tight circular high-density connectors Mechanical: 1⁄2" NPTStandard Wetted Materials: PVC, FKM O-rings Dimensions:26.03 H x 18.09 W x 12.3 cm D (10.25 x 7.125 x 4.875")Pressure Drop: Typical, full scale,20 to 60 psiF-18Ordering Examples: FLR2006, 50 cc/min max flowmeter. FLV2003, 5 cc/min max flowmeter with remote setpoint.FLV2003PHP-314-GFLR2004F。

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– 报警信号可以任意组合。 – 可编程频率和符号空格比。 – 正常开或正常关输出。

通讯模块的特点:两路光隔离串行通讯 RS232 或RS485 口,通 讯速度为115 k波特. 可编程功能:– – – – Modbus RTU or ASCII 协议。 串行打印机. 超声波流量计接口. 在线色谱仪接口.

FC2000 流量计算机的特点

FC2000 流量计算机适用于:
– 气体涡轮和腰轮流量计 – 气体超声波流量计 – 带多个差压变送器的孔板流量计 – AGA 3, ISO 5167 STOLZ & Reader-Harris 天然气压缩因子的计算

ISO12213 (SGERG) AGA NX19 AGA 8 (Full Analysis) Fixed.
数据记录16 种不同的数据表格,每种表 格是在1分钟到一个月的间隔下不同参数 的记录。 所有参数均可以记录。 多达全部25,000 项内容可以用不同的精 度格式记录 ( 8 bytes). 所记录的数据可以通过Modbus通讯口连 续读取。


诊断:– 自检测并修正内存及破坏的数据。 – 流量计检验操作. – 压力温度变送器检测.

支持与多路涡轮流量计和孔板流量计连接。 支持与在线色谱仪连接。 采用全MODBUS通讯协议,支持与 PLC , SCARDA 或其它监督系统连接。
Features Physical

定制的设计制造结构。 外型尺寸:- 19” 后支架. 高128mm, 宽213 mm , 长235 mm。 可以提供带可选的固定组件的面板。 电源直流 21-28 V。
MODBUS 通讯启动界面


Modbus 启动项 清单 更新/存储功能键

串行打印机 可编程功能包括:– – – – – 打印事件或间隔. 完全用户可编程的报告. 不同的事件或不同的间隔有不同的报告。 页面大小可编程. 用户输入的函头和内容.
Infra Red Programmer
Rear View

报警:– 报警记录 , 带发生/清除时间的警告和错误记录。 – 超过160 种报警可以被记录。 – 单独的LED 报警指示.

串行通讯至 “Uniform”. 丰富的流量计报警功能. 流量计校正. 可以进行压力温度扩展修正. 焊接和法兰片修正. 流量计各声道效率及极限可编程. 连续通讯检验. 无效数据检验. 流量计安全报警检验. 声道数检测. 组合声错误道报. 双向20 点线行修正。


输出单元的特点:四路电隔离的电流输入信号在 0 - 20 , 4 - 20 or 0 - 24mA 范围内可选。 12位数子式光隔离晶体管输出用于报警或脉冲 输出 (计数). 所有输出键的功能均使用组态软件来确定。

– 模拟输出信号是从分辨率16 bit 的数/模转换器得到 – 输出信号的最大误差是 0.15%. – 由软件来进行刻度.
MODBUS 通讯的特点:

Modbus 通讯的特点:– 全用户可编程结构
– ASCII 或 RTU. – 所有数据和记录条款都可以查询。 – 用户可选的数据寄存器和容量.

16 bit, 32 bit or 64 bit 可接口大多数系统。
– 用户可选的寄存器地址 – 记录选择的数据的时间和数据.

Rack mounting Counter Module with up to four 8 digit electromechanical counters. Printer unit using ink ribbon with integral paper rewind. 19” Rack for cabinet mounting, will hold two M2000 or one M2000 with a printer and counter module. Infra Red Programming Cable.

Nmi Test Report to prEN12405 (2000) “Gas-volume electronic conversion devices”. Nmi Test Report for compliance to EN 50081-1(1992) & EN 50082-2 (1995). Relating to Emission and Immunity standards for EM transmissions (CE marking). Metrological Approvals pending in Spain, Netherlands and Ukraine.
两路光隔离的RS232 或 RS485 的串行通讯口 ,速度为 115 k波特.
MPU & 存储板

输入单元的特点是:两路 HART® 输入,每路接多达三路的智能变送器。 四路 4-20 mA 模拟输入。 一路 PRT 温度输入。 两路光隔离高频输入。 三路光隔离数据输入用于报警或开关信号输入。
输入模块的特点 (智能式)

全数子式系统使用HART协议与压力温度变送 器通讯 以保证最大系统精度。 环境温度的影响仅限于内置的变送器的精度, 不会因模/数转换带来新的误差。
输入模块的特点 (模拟)
模拟可选的压力和温度4-20mA输入。 可选的 PRT 温度传感器直接输入。 使用高精度的24 bit 模/数转换可以使测 量误差最小。 可用于标定的软件。 环境温度的影响 < 0.005%/°C.

选择菜单 事件打印

间隔打印 间隔选择


选择菜单 参数选择树



FC2000流量计算机是基于 Windows® 软件开 发的,可以在笔记本电脑上运行并通过前面板 红外接口与FC 2000 流量计算机通讯。 大多数功能都可以通过前面板上的键盘实现。 所有功能均有多道密码和保护开关保护。

LCD 图形模块化显示和键盘:
– 点阵图形显示。 – 集成的背景的灯。 – 对比度可调。

– 定制的键盘。 – 功能键。
bit 高速处理
4M RAM 数据内存. 4 M 程序闪存。 1M 启动和重新启动EEPROM。

FC2000 流量计算机介绍
田友雷 Instromet 中国有限公司
FC2000 流量计算机
FC2000 流量计算机是专门设计从气体 涡轮流量计、腰轮流量计、超声波流量 计和孔板流量计输入信号,用于高精度 气体流量计算的流量计算机。 FC2000 流量计算机软件是基于 Windows开发的。