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1. 由that引导得宾语从句。that只有语法作用,没有实在得意义,在口语与非正式文体中可以省略、例如:

He said (that) he wanted to stayat home。

She doesn’tknow (that)she is seriously ill.

I am sure(that)hewill succeed。

2。由连接代词who,whom, whose,what, which与连接副词when, where,why,how引导得宾语从句。这些连接代词与连接副词在宾语从句中充当某个成分。例如:ﻫDoyouknowwho (whom) theyare waiting for?

He asked whosehandwritingwas thebest、

Can you tell me wherethe No.3busstopis?

Idon't know why the train islate。

3。由if或whether引导得宾语从句。if与whether在句中得意思就是“就是否”。例如:ﻫI want toknow if (whether) helives there.ﻫHe asked me whether(if)Icould help him、ﻫ(二)宾语从句得语序

宾语从句得语序应为陈述句得语序。例如:ﻫIhear (that) physicsisn’t easy、ﻫI think (that) you willlike this school soon、ﻫCan yo utellme howIcanget to zoo?ﻫPleasetell mewhenwe’ll have the meeting。

(三)宾语从句得时态1ﻫ。如果主句得时态就是一般现在时,宾语从句该用什麽时态就用什麽时态、ﻫI don’tthink (that) you are right、

Pleasetell us where heis.ﻫCanyou tell me how I canget to the railway station?

2、如果主句得时态就是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用相应得过去时态(一般过去时, 过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时)。例如:

Heaskedwhattime itwas、

He toldmethathe was preparing for the sportsmeet。ﻫHe askedifyouhad written to Peter.ﻫHe said thathe would go back to the U。S、soon、

3。如果宾语从句所陈述得就是客观真理,其时态常用一般现在时、例如:ﻫOur teacher said that January is thefirst month oftheyear.ﻫScientis ts have proved that the earth turns aroundthe sun。


运用虚拟语气得情况在表示建议suggest 、advise、propose;要求demand 、desire、request;

决定decide;命令order、command、require; 坚决主张insist; 等动词后跟宾语从句,用虚拟语气:(should)+v。(原形)

Eg: I suggested that you(should)study hard.

He ordered thatwe (should )gooutat once.


1、Your T-shirtis so cool、Could youtell me ________?

A。where youbuyitﻩB、where do you buy it

C、whereyou bought itﻩ D.where did youbuy it

2.—Excuseme 、Could you tell me_____ I can get to theSpace Museum?

--Of course。You can take bus No.1、

A、where B。howﻩ C. if D、why

3。—Do youknow ________the newmobile phone last week?

-—Maybe900yuan、I'm not quite sure。

A。how much shepaid for ﻩﻩB。how much will she pay for C。how muchdid shepay for

4. Michael Jordan hasfailedoverandover again in his lif e、And that's ____he succeeds。

A。what ﻩB、whenﻩﻩC、why D。where

5. Alicein Wonderland is a fantastic movie。It’s about______、

A、how did Alice end the RedQueen'sreign of terror(恐怖统治)

B、whatdid Alice end the Red Queen’s reign ofterror

C、howAlice ended theRedQueen’sreignof terro r

D. what Alice ended the RedQueen’s reignof terror

6。—Do youknow________thegirl in redis?

-I’m not sure. Maybe ateacher。
