哪句最能戳中你?1. 我们就是孩子们以后的回忆了,有了孩子,你就是孩子未来的幽灵。
2. 在这里起源不意味着在这里消亡。
3. 当我在外太空高度休眠,或者以接近光速航行,或者接近黑洞的时候,时间会产生变化,会比平常慢很多,我们的时间会不一样,等我回来的时候我可能会跟我女儿一样大。
4. 多了年龄,也多了智慧,还有重逢的喜悦。
5. 他们是五维空间的生命体,对他们来说时间可能是另一种空间实体,过去可能就是一个可以爬进去的山谷,而未来,是一座可以爬上去的山。
6. 我们曾仰望星空,思索我们在星辰中的位置;而今我们只会低垂头颅,忧虑污泥中的身躯。
7. 你做了父母之后,最重要的,那就是要保证让你的孩子感到安全,所以不能跟一个十岁孩子说世界末日到了。
8. 我们去了多久?二十三年四个月零八天9. 你说过等我们再见面时,我们可能是一样的年纪,今天我就到了你离开时的年龄,所以现在就是你应该回来的时候了。
10. 我害怕的是时间。
11. 爱不是人类发明的东西,它一直存在,而且很强大,是有意义的。
12. 我们无法给机器人设定怕死的程序。
13. 根本不是什么他们,而是我们自己。
14. 没有父母应该看着自己孩子死去。
15. 不要温顺地走进这个良夜,激情不能被消沉的暮色淹没。
love is the one thing that transcends time and space.我们就是孩子们以后的回忆了,有了孩子,你就是孩子未来的幽灵。
(love is the one thing that transcends time and space.· 其他译本:爱是唯一能穿越所有维度的矢量。
· 影院译本:爱是一种力量,让我们超越时空的维度感知它的存在。
《查理九世外星怪客》中的佳句1.查理九世中的好句好段1 . 多多在心里暗暗自叹:到底要用什么法宝才能让外星狗査理现出原形呢2 . 亚瑟家这座古老的大庄园就和他的主人一样-----大西洋船王的名号一样,气派而又充满了神秘的气息。
3 . 这只会说话的小狗叫查理九世,是一只拥有贵族血统和超群智慧的神奇小狗,除此之外,它还是小伙伴们公认的冒险队“老大”!4 . 他们很快走到第四条隧道洞口,里面静悄悄黑洞洞的,多多才往里踏进一步,“哗啦”一声,一大群东西被惊动了,飞了出来……5 . 夏天,毒辣的阳光将植物烤的东倒西歪。
6 . 一幢巨大的木质建筑赫然出现在他们眼前—从外表看,像是一座上世纪二三十年的带的废弃火车站!不过眼前的建筑摇摇欲坠,让人怀疑脚步稍微迈重一些,就会把它震塌;破碎的玻璃里没有一丝光亮,而门前更是杂草一片,看起来已经荒废已久。
2.查理九世17 外星怪客好词浩瀚无边、生机勃勃、漩涡 --引子鬼鬼祟祟、影影绰绰 --p7树影婆娑、寒意袭来、幻觉、僵硬 --p14泪光、无声、无形压力、凝视 --p33水泄不通、焦头烂额、迫不及待、确凿 --p46拦截、骚动、狠狠、啼鸣 --p74消失、毁灭、漂浮 --p99蛛丝马迹、逃之夭夭、惊愕 --p113机械、枯槁、不耐烦 --p155点头、特殊、功成名就 --p178崭新、落空 --p184到p184正文结束,其余部分是解密游戏和下部预告。
3.查理九世中的好词好句一、好词迎刃而解、连绵起伏、进退维谷、出类拔萃、雾气朦胧、若有似无、雕梁画栋、美轮美奂、节外生枝、剑拔弩张、遮天蔽日其实这套小说有很多好词好句,这里先找一些,其他的你自己去找吧二查理九世好句1 . 多多在心里暗暗自叹:到底要用什么法宝才能让外星狗査理现出原形呢2 . 亚瑟家这座古老的大庄园就和他的主人一样-----大西洋船王的名号一样,气派而又充满了神秘的气息。
3 . 这只会说话的小狗叫查理九世,是一只拥有贵族血统和超群智慧的神奇小狗,除此之外,它还是小伙伴们公认的冒险队“老大”!4 . 他们很快走到第四条隧道洞口,里面静悄悄黑洞洞的,多多才往里踏进一步,“哗啦”一声,一大群东西被惊动了,飞了出来……5 . 夏天,毒辣的阳光将植物烤的东倒西歪。
玩具总动员十句经典句子英文回答:1. "To infinity and beyond!" Buzz Lightyear.This iconic catchphrase from Buzz Lightyear is aperfect example of his adventurous and optimistic spirit.It is often used to express determination and excitement about exploring new possibilities. For example, when I was faced with a challenging project at work, I would say to myself, "To infinity and beyond!" to motivate myself to overcome obstacles and achieve success.2. "Reach for the sky!" Woody.Woody, the cowboy sheriff, often says this line to inspire his fellow toys to aim high and never give up. It can be used in various situations to encourage someone toset ambitious goals and strive for excellence. For instance, when my friend was feeling discouraged about his studies, Itold him, "Hey, reach for the sky! You can do it!"3. "You've got a friend in me." Randy Newman.This heartfelt song from the Toy Story soundtrack reminds us of the importance of friendship and support. It can be used to reassure someone that they are not alone and that they have someone who will always be there for them. For example, when my sister was going through a tough time, I told her, "Remember, you've got a friend in me. I'm here for you no matter what."4. "I'm not a toy! I'm an action figure!" Buzz Lightyear.Buzz Lightyear's initial confusion about being a toy instead of a "space ranger" is captured in this humorous line. It can be used in a playful way to assert one's identity or uniqueness. For instance, when someone mistakenly refers to me as a "kid," I might jokingly say, "Hey, I'm not a kid! I'm an adult! Well, at least in age."5. "The claw!" Aliens.The cute and lovable aliens in Toy Story have a fascination with "The Claw," a game machine in the arcade. They exclaim this phrase when they believe they are being chosen by the claw. It can be used to express excitement or surprise. For example, when my friend surprised me with concert tickets, I exclaimed, "The claw! You're amazing!"6. "I'm not a sad toy. I'm a cool toy!" Rex.Rex, the insecure and anxious dinosaur, often tries to convince himself and others that he is not just a "sad toy." This line can be used humorously to boost one's confidence or self-esteem. For instance, when I tried a new outfit and felt unsure about it, I might say, "I'm not a sad dresser. I'm a cool dresser!"7. "You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity." Buzz Lightyear.Buzz Lightyear delivers this line to Sid, the toy-destroying neighbor, in a moment of superiority. It can be used sarcastically to express disapproval or pity towards someone's actions or behavior. For example, when a colleague tried to take credit for my work, I might say, "You are a sad, strange little person, and you have my pity."8. "I can't do it. These short little arms!" Rex.Rex's self-doubt and frustration about his short arms are captured in this line. It can be used humorously to express a feeling of helplessness or inability to accomplish something. For instance, when I struggled to reach something on a high shelf, I might say, "I can't do it. These short little arms!"9. "You've got a playdate with destiny!" Mr. Potato Head.Mr. Potato Head uses this line to encourage Hamm, the piggy bank, to take risks and embrace new opportunities. It can be used to motivate someone to seize the moment andmake the most out of life. For example, when my friend was hesitant about pursuing a new job opportunity, I told him, "Hey, you've got a playdate with destiny! Go for it!"10. "That's not flying. That's falling with style!" Woody.Woody says this line when Buzz Lightyear attempts to prove he can fly by leaping off a staircase. It can be used humorously to point out someone's unconventional or unique approach to a situation. For instance, when my friend tried a different cooking technique that didn't turn out as expected, I might say, "Well, that's not cooking. That's burning with style!"中文回答:1. "到无尽的宇宙,超越极限!" 巴斯光年。
巴斯光年的经典语录巴斯光年(Buzz Lightyear)是迪士尼动画电影《玩具总动员》系列中的角色,他是一名睿智、勇敢和乐观的太空游侠,深受观众的喜爱。
1. "我是巴斯光年,来自星际警备队!"("I am Buzz Lightyear,I come in peace.")这句经典的开场白是巴斯光年的自我介绍,展示了他作为太空游侠的身份,以及他对和平的愿望。
2. "在无尽的宇宙中,到处都是无法预料的冒险!"("To infinity and beyond!")这句经典台词是巴斯光年的座右铭,它强调了巴斯光年对未知世界的探索和冒险的精神。
3. "我不是玩具,我是一个行动派!"("I'm not a toy, I'm an action figure!")这句话展示了巴斯光年对自己的身份的坚持和自豪,他认为自己是一个行动派,而不是普通的玩具。
4. "勇气不是没有恐惧,而是面对恐惧并克服它。
"("Courageis not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that somethingelse is more important than fear.")这句话讲述了勇气的真正含义,巴斯光年认为勇气并不意味着没有恐惧,而是在恐惧面前判断出有更重要的事情而去克服它。
电影英语 疯狂外星人句子
Today is best day ever moving dayFor who?Answer:the boovWho are the boov?Answer:best species ever at running awayAll boov setters please report to your assigned transportYou are allowed one carry-onExcusing me pardon the me friendBoov do not friendWho am iI has been given this name by my many many friendI am very excitement to make a new fresh startWe are all moving to best planet ever for to hidingOur new homeCaptainMy fellow boovI has saved us againA bit lowerUp a bitPerfect walk awayThanks to my leadership skillsWe are safe from our enemyGive daddy some sugarCaptain has saved us againWe are now arrived at best hiding place yet in the milky wayThey will never find us hereBest of yetThis planet is full of great stuffLook at these delicious fruitsThat makes me feel so goodWhat fun at a partyBoov do not partyAlso this planet is inhabitedBut do not worryThe native savages are simple and backwardsThey are so ugly they are cuteEverything you need to know about them can be found in These comprehensive pamphletsThey are lucky the boov have comeRejoiceThe boov are arrivedNow we are turning off your gravity temporarilySo as to make your mandatory relocation easierAnd more funSo what is up?You areYou,ll never catch meEnjoy you the frozenAs we take this short flight to happy humanstownAnd rest of planet is for boovWelcome boov settlersAll humans have been relocatedYour homes are now readyThis planet may be a bit of a fixing-it-upperBut that is okayBoov are best at deciding what is usefulAnd what is notStep aside clean-up crewUnlessToday i starts a new life with new friendsIn a new homeResidents may now enter sector 179This is meAnd that is why today is best day everWelcome home neighborsBoov do not have neighborsThat is owing to the size and topography of our former planetCan i borrowing a cup of sugarBut nowOur closer proximity can leads to friendshipYou are all invited to my warming of house partyBe careful up thereMom,s not hereIt,s just a videoI think pig wants to join usIt,s not funnyMom it,s just snowI don,t know anything about snowWe,re from b we don,t have snowI,m sending this to everyoneSector 195 is ready for occupationWe can,t wait for mam we gotta goLet,s go find mamWe have had many enjoyable talksWe talk only because i,m not allowed to moveYou are always saying the funny thingsPerhaps you can say them at my warming of house party tonightI will notparties are useless and take up valuable boov timeSince you are at your busynessI shall send an e-vite to youSo you can join later during your leisure minutePlease do not sendI enjoy my leisure minutei have sent directions to my living spaceYou sent directions to everyoneIt is not my faultWhyfor put “send”button right next to “send all”?This is just bad designYour invite has been sent to entire galaxyOur enemy the g will receive itAnd can use direction for to find usYou have doomed our speciesI did not mean to i am sorriesYou are arrestingI was just trying to invite you to mySecurity has been compromisedArrest that boovAutopilot i needs helpHelp is available in paris at boov headquartersNo autopilot any place but parisYou must takes me to a place with no boovThe only remaining spot on planet with no boov in antercticaGroup hugTake me there nowYou are fugitive boovInitiating self-destructGotcha got youWhatfor ate you did thisI am boov beloved by all humansI know what you areExcellent can i come into the out nowYou can never come into the out ever againYou are just having to take away the piece of woodI will shoot forth the lasers from my eyeballsYou can do that?If you shoot your eye lasersThen i,ll have no choiceBut to explode your headYou humans cannot to explodeWe just don,t muchIt,s considered rudeThen i am granting you a truceYou are not to exploding headsAnd i will not do my devastating eye LaserCan i come into the out nowThis is what you get for stealing planet and abducting peopleYou are thinking a mistakeBoov do not steal and abductBoov liberate and befriendGuess who made this oneThis is so beautifulWhat,s happeningLife form detected not human move alongIt,s all your faultYou stole my momSmell ya later boovWait smell me nowI can to fixing your carI seen you has broken itYou didn,t break itI,m very good driverIt,s supposed to leak like thatI know the fugitive boov has made yet another in a serious of horribleYet unintentionally humorous mistakesBut let me reassure youThe signal he broadcast is being handledThe g are going to find us againThe boov has ruined everythingAnd i really love this planetLook at all the great stuff they,ve gotLike this a headbandAnd for evening wearYou slide it downYou got a beautiful spare tireWho would wanna leave this behindI have got to fix thisSummon the big brain boovsWe could create an alternate realty with on g in itThen go live thereHow long would that takeBased on our current technologyThat,s a lot of yearsWe could lay on the groundAnd make the g think we are deadWhat if we logged into the fugitive boov,s emailAnd cancelled his e-viteAnd cancel his invitation and the g never receive itNow type in the password and cancel that messageIt was a good idea of me to make all passwords “passwors”It did not workHis password is uniqueFetch me my inhalerHis mistaking is leading the g right to usShow me his inviteYou are all invited to a partyJust head to the milky wayCome if you like to have funMy best friend k will be thereThe internet does not lieYou can find hisI am putting you in chargeIt is not my joyI am only a mid-level traffic boovI admire your cowardiceBut i want every boovcop on planet smekland searching this cityWe need his passwordOr we will all be destroyed by the gThat boov has made his final mistakeYou were supposed to fix itWhat is thisIt makes excellent fuelMom,s gonna kill meNow i am prepared to accept one of your traditional gestures of human gratitudeActually our tradition is to punch you in the noseHold stillYour gratitude is impliedYou can drives firstI,m trying to hide from the boovI,m not bringing one with meYou ,ll just turn me inI just needs a rideI haves official boov business out of in townBut i fixed your carI let you out of the freezer we,re evenWhat did you do to my carWhat does you meanIt should to hover much better nowIt,s carIt didn,t hover at all beforeHow do you stop this thingI have apparently reversing the proceed and anti-proceed controlsI noticedStop is go go is stopWhyfor you do this?Boovs and humans are friendsWe,re not friends you kidnapped my momWhat did i sayI know how to find herThat information is at boov central commandIn oaris now let me to insideThen promisePromise you,ll help me find her orI,m leaving your boov buttI promise but if you do not wish to be capturingIt must be mowHere we comeWe,re gonna find out where they put momI shall set the gps to take us straight to the paris Destination entered antarcticaWhat are you doingHow did that happenKeep your boov paws off my carYou vehicle is infestedHe,s my petDon,t touch himNow he is vibratingIs he going to explode?He,s just purringWhy do you haves this thingIs it usefulDoes it give meat or milkYou just have pets for fun and companionshipYou has me for companion on the shipBut we are friends all humans and boovCaptain has decidedUntrueCaption is genius and best at running awayHave you not heard the legend of the shusherLong ago our enemy the g invited the boov to a peace meetingBut captain wisely fled in terrorAnd he took a great trophy the shusher Run awayWhy is it called the shusherSeriouslyYou guys had to ruin the statue of liberty You will not get away with thisBoov patrolThey are looking for youDon,t distract the driverI too has to break pee orAs you calls it the number oneWe also has the number twoI does not have to go the number threeIt would not be safe for youWe only does it once a yearI would not call it a holidayBut you does need to take the day offThat,s enoughYou can,y come in hereThis is the girls roomDo not eat the blue mintsThankfully there is a large bowl of leminade Be out in a secondWe,re going to parisGoing to see my momHere i comeHold still for arrestingBut i will be a hero boov for getting your password You has in nick-time saved usWhat is the purpose of your faceYou were gonna ditch meI never lieAnd you know how i knowBecause every time you lie you turn greenYou promised to help me find my momThat,s not how it worksYou have to help me get to parisI must hideI don,t careI wanted was his passwordThis is not a sustainable friendship modelI assume by now we have apprehended the fugitive Where is itThis is number one disasterHis message most not reach the gThis planet was hard to find and i will not abandon it Someone fetch me my stress blankieSo soothingNow here is a boov who knows how to do his jobTell meYou have found the fugitiveAnd where is heThere is a tiny problemTiny as long as it,s tiny who caresBefore i got the passwordI erased himParis is danger for both of usIt crawls with boovDoes you have a plan for once we are get thereBoov are superior in this wayIf probability for success falls below 50%Boov give upYou do notExactlyEnough with the rippingTell you whatLet,s have some tuneageWhat is thatDriver gets to pickThis is not even musicThis is just noiseInvoluntary physical responseYou have tricked me into listening to a debilitating sonic weaponIf you want humans to not hate youYou could start by liking some of our stuffConfusion what is happening to my bodyHow long before this kills me?I am not in control of my own extremitiesI do not want it to workIt is shaking in a most undignifiedMy hands are in the air like i just do not careThis is not how a boov behavesI am overheated with shameI must cool my coreWe were having funMy temperature is back to happinessAnd to show i do not hold against you any grudge-ment I have brought you delicious snackingChewy plastic ringsI really do not enjoy your human gratitude customs Where have you beenYou were gone foreverThat is not accurateI thought you were dead or hurtBut you cannot just leave someone along like thatPut yourself in my shoesHow could i wears your shoes?My pods are too smallIt,s an expressionIt means try to feel how someone else feelsI,m just a kidI,m not supposed to be by myself all the timeWhich is a crime by the wayBut when i founded youYou were already aloneSo i thinks normal for youWhen boov are youngWe are kept in the warming ovenIs this normal for humanUsuallyWe don,t cross the atlantic by ourselves until we,re 16None of this is normalDon,t you get itYou ruined everythingI was finally happy here there where i lived with my momDo you know how hard it was for me to fit in how long that took7th grade girls are meanI did not realizeWe will resume the finding of momStop saying thatHow do you not understand this?How would you feel if some horrible aliens took your mother from you?I vacuumed here as fast as i couldWhatfor is you plan for figuring out boov,s password?I got anythingWe could type in random numbers and lettersYou know what the g will do if they find usAnd that is why we keep running awayWhy do these g hate you so muchWe calls g the “takers”Because if you has somethingThey takes itLike if you has a sandwich or a planetBut they,re not coming to this planet right?Not to worryThe big brain boov will to fix my mistakeBut i will still be very punishedWe has a ruleNine mistake and you are outHow many mistake do you haveWhen i,m stressed out my mom tells me jokes Boov do not do telling jokesIt,s not that hard i,ll teach youYou would say “who,s there”You are thereJust ask meYou did not let me finish my responseYou did it againThat is the jokeand therefor interrupts meI know that,s why it,s funnyDon,t make me get out more tapeI said i am doomedBut does you listenYou are driving me to the crazyIt is never too late to run away that is the boov mottoBut we,re not doing thatI have a planIs your plan to run away?All we have to do in sneak into the cityGet into the great antennaUse it to find my momAnd then sneak out againBut it still will not work because my face is knowIf l am seen by any boovI am 100 popular for being arrestedWhat if i could fix that?It is like looking at a completed strangerI,m not doneIt,s not evenYou are a worker of miraculous transformationWho is this boovExpress elevator departingThis is uber freakyThese are the smartest boov you have?You must be very quietYou do not want to break their concentrationI thought the big brain boovs would have stopped myBut they have still not figured out my passwordHow is the possible wait a minuteDoes this mean those horrible monster g thingies will come to earthAnd what happens thenThere will be no finding of momThen you,ve gotta fix thisBy to the way is your skull flexibleIt will be probably okay hold stillI shall input my passwordI wonder why no noe guessed thatI do not knowIt has workedThat was closenessYou still have to find my momThat is simplicity we shall now searching onYou,ve been saying that for two weeksShe has big grean eyes and beautiful brown skinSo tell me where she isOr find me a boov who canI can,t believe it my mom,s in aAnd i has cancelled my e-viteI can finally come out of the hidingDid you really think you could escapesYou seeI was just coming to tell youThe computer recognized you as the fugitive boovBut he,s a hero boov nowI has fixed my mistakeBut before thatYou has made your mistakeAnd many mistakes before thatActuallyI still has to erase youYou cannot guarantee you would not make a mistake againBut i would not but you mightWe could go round and round let,s do it againBored nowDrop the bubble gunsOr i will mess with thisGravity thingyShe could not possibly reach the gravity thingyBoov technology is far too complicated for simple human to figure outThis human got an a in geometryShe figured it outrun for my lifeOut of my wayI am captainI can,t hold youYou weigh like a thousand poundsTrust meWhat are you waiting forI cannot touchIt will not work if i drive itFine i,ll driveYou are terrible driveI am not paying for thatThis time i got you and you cannot escapeI has found our carI do not know whyfor you brought thatWe already hads food in the carIt,s not foodIt,s artThen it is badStars do not look like thatIt,s not about how they lookIt,s about how they feelThey feel hotHow long till we get to aYou hear thatI can,t wait to tell mom i actually went to paris Which you know she always wanted to do Maybe we could both come back hereWe do have a flying car nowWhat is the purpose of your faceI has confusionI do not wish to be erasedIt is possible i will continue making hilarious mistake That is not making me feel betterMy mom says your mistake are what make you human That is not that makes you boovCaptain telled us that the humans needed usThat the human were just the like the animalsAnd that we could to make them betterTeach to themWe were told he humans were simple and backwards It is what we thoughtBu i am thinking now that we were thinking wrong And that captain is the wrongestI am thinking the boov should never have come so s So i am saying the sorry to youIt was a new home a new countryI tried to make friends at schoolBu i was this nerd from barbadosBut you dids to get an “in geometry”I know when the other boovs said “ho”They were not happy to see meThe true isAmong boov i do not fit inI fit outShe is so amazingShe saved up everything she hadSo we could move and things would be better for us I cannot wait to meet momHow did they find usThey,re not attackingBecause they are running awayThere can only be one reasonThis makes no senseI stopped the messageG cannot to finding usThen how did theyThere must be some other reasonEngage weapon systemWe,ve been hitClick and ticket weare to crashDon,t just stand thereNow i,ll never make it to aIt is rude interrupt the songMaybe you could take the parts from it to fix our car We,re not getting this close and giving up Always with the running towards dangerStop being such a boovIt,s our only chance come onThis has low probability of successFor whatFor you to change your mindIt is just a droneThat could have been badnessBut we are not safelyG mothership willbe here soon enoughCan you use any of thisLikely to cause thermonuclear fissionIt is g super-chipWhy is it called a super-chipIt is mostly marketingBut it is key for the g are having machines that are stronger and better at everythingSo we can never fight them with equaltudeCan we use it to fix car?Car will fly againIt was low probability of successQuicklyWe must fix the car and find momThat is the thing i saidI know this would all work outYou were awesomeWe,re gonna find my momYou,re gonna show everything the super-chip and be a big heroAnd even captain will have toThat,s a lot of peopleGet lostYou guys really are good at running awayThat,s where we saw my momHurry up it is the last shipI,ll back with momWe,re almost thereOver hereI don,t understand she,s in thereTell me the truthThere is no timeYou can come with meYou will be safelyMy mom,s not on that ship is sheYou promised to help me find herAnd you,re leavingYou lied to meA lie is a bad thingI did a thing so you can liveI,m not goingMy mom is hereYou will never find herStaying now does not make hopeG mothership will be here soonIt destroys planetsWe must run away nowIt is trueHuman cannot even understand simple things You don,t leave your familyBut you can,y understand thatBecause you,re just a boovYou,ve never been my friendThey are always finding usMake a pathI,m holding a babyIt is the fugitive boovHe is running towards the dangerCaptain we are achieving new highest speedsWhat has you doneWhat is that thingThere is only one super boov on this ship and you know who it isYou,re looking at himI invented running awayAnd look at thisYou telled us these thingsAnd we all believed themBut then i met a humanAnd she is not like you saidShe is brave and smartAnd cares about other humansIn a way that we boov do not even care about each otherShe even cares about meAnd i,ve very little to earn thatThe boov may be superior in many waysBut not in the ways that i now thinks are most importantI have had enoughHow dare youWe need a new captainI thinks it should be ohHe cannot be captainHe will not know how to operate itIt is very complicatedHeavy on one endLight on the otherI am not a leader boovI makes far too many mistakesYou are not the only boov who makes mistakesFor examplesMy mistakes is not being our friendI saw who did thatI hold grudge you knowWant me to host partyGo awayYou are supposed to be saying “who is there”But i saw your ship leaveBur you came bake what are you doing hereIt is where i belongsI gave you a promisei,ve been looking everywhereI was so scared we,d never see each other again I never would have stopped looking until i found you They are still lookingG are not the takersWe must demonstrate our affections laterThere is still one problemWhat is thatThat is g mothershipIt is here to destroy the planetIt,s going to destroy the planetNut i haves a planWhat are you doingTip cannot come into the out nowI am fixing my mistakeYou can,t do this on your ownBut i haves hopeDon,t do this by yourselfIt is useless to yellThey,re not gonna see himIt,s not gonna workJust open itDistracting the driverThe ship,s stoppingStop fasterHe,s gotta get out of thereHelp me with this thingYou,re aliveBut you scared me so badWhat was all thatG was not here because of my invitation Thought g would have been happy to attend G was here because g was tracking the rock What was in that thingIt is entire next generationAll of themNo wonder they,ve been chasing youApparently that g is last gThat is why rock was so importantWithout it he was alonelyAnd would someday be extinctlyI have that same colorParties are so much more fun when other people show up Is it time to pick it up a levelThis is gonna be sweetDrop it like it has a high temperatureWhat is happening to my bodyI has a new start in a new home with new friendsAnd now every day is best day ever。
巴斯光年,英文名称Buzz Lightyear 。
1. 我听到了一个令人震惊的消息,原来这个世界上真的存在外星人。
2. 当我看到那辆车在高速公路上以200公里/小时的速度飞驰而过时,我感到十分震惊。
3. 这个城市发生了一起恐怖的地震,震惊了整个国家。
4. 在我上大学的时候,我意外地发现我的室友是一个著名的音乐家,这让我感到很震惊。
5. 当我听说我的朋友竟然中了500万的彩票,我简直不敢相信,这消息真是震惊到我了。
6. 这个公司竟然在不通知员工的情况下突然倒闭,让所有人都感到震惊。
7. 我刚刚看到了一则新闻,说这个世界上竟然有人能够在一分钟内吃下100个汉堡,这简直太震惊了。
8. 我刚刚看到了一个视频,一个小孩居然能够在几秒钟内解开魔方,这简直让我震惊不已。
9. 当我看到这个画家创作的作品时,我被他的天赋和创意所震惊。
10. 这个科学家发现了一个全新的物种,这个发现让整个学术界都感到震惊。
Elliot: He's a man from outer space and we're taking him to his spaceship. Greg: Well, can't he just beam up? Elliot: This is REALITY, Greg. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E.T.: E.T. phone home. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: How do you explain school to a higher intelligence? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: Maybe it was an iguana. Elliot: It was NO iguana. Michael: You know how they say there are alligators in the sewers? Gertie: Alligators in the sewers. Mary: All we're trying to say is, maybe you just probably imagined it. Elliot: I couldn't have imagined it! Michael: Maybe it was a pervert or a deformed kid or something. Gertie: A deformed kid. Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun? Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis-breath! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun. Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis breath! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mary: If you ever see it again, whatever it is, don't catch it, just call me and we'll call somebody and have them take it away. Gertie: Like the dogcatcher? Elliot: But they'll give it a lobotomy or do experiments on it orsomething. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: Maybe he's some animal that wasn't supposed to live. Could be a monkey or an orangutan. Elliot: A bald monkey? Gertie: Is he a pig? He sure eats like one. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: You could be happy here, I could take care of you. I wouldn't let anybody hurt you. We could grow up together, E.T. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keys: Elliot, that machine, what does it do? Elliot: The communicator? Is it still working? Keys: It's doing *something*. What? Elliot: I really shouldn't tell. He came to me, he came to me. Keys: Elliot, he came to me too. I've been wishing for this since I was 10 years old, I don't want him to die. What can we do that we're not already doing? Elliot: He needs to go home, he's calling his people, and I don't know where they are, and he needs to go home. Keys: Elliot, I don't think he was left here intentionally, but his being here is a miracle, Elliot. It's a miracle and you did the best that anybody could do.I'm glad he met you first. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: [Michael imitating Elliot] I found him, he belongs to me! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: You must be dead, because I don't know how to feel. I can't feel anything anymore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Steve: Did your goblin come back? Michael: Shut up. Greg: Well, did he? Elliot: Yeah, he came back. But he's not a goblin. He's a spaceman. Tyler: Ooh! An Extra-Terrestrial! Where's he from? Uranus? Get it? Your anus? Greg: He doesn't get it Ty. Tyler: Get it? Your anus? Greg: He doesn't get it. Elliot: You're so immature! Greg: And you're such a sinus supremus. Elliot: Zero charisma! Greg: Sinus supremus! Elliot: Zero charisma! Greg: Sinus supremus! Elliot: Shut up Greg! Pretty Young Girl: Hi Elliott. Greg: Sinus supremus! Elliot: Zero charisma! Greg: You wimp! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyler: Douche bag. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mary: A pizza? Who said you guys could order a pizza? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tyler: We made it! Oh shit! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: [as Yoda] "You have absolute power! Eerrp!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: What do I do? Michael: I don't know. You have absolute power, remember? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliot: Oh, God! E.T.: Elliot. Elliot: What? E.T.: Elliot! Elliot! Gertie: I taught him how to talk. He can talk now. Elliot: Wait. Canyou say 'E.T.'? E.T.? E.T.: E.T. Elliot: Aha! E.T.: E.T.! E.T.! E.T.! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: We're all going to die and they're never going to give me my license! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael: Where's the playground? Elliot: It's near the preschool! Michael: Where's that? Elliot: I don't know streets! Mom always drives me! Michael: Son of a bitch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elliott: I'm keeping him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Mary hits E.T. with therefrigerator door] Gertie: Here he is. Mary: [absently] Who? Gertie: The man from the moon. But I think you've 。
1. 外星人纳米机械散发着微弱的蓝光,仿佛在向人类发出神秘的信号。
2. 它们体积极小,可以轻松地穿过人类无法通过的障碍物,甚至可以在人类身体中自由穿梭。
3. 外星人纳米机械的外壳闪烁着翠绿的光芒,犹如一颗晶莹剔透的宝石。
4. 这些纳米机械在人类面前表现出极高的智能,可以快速适应各种环境和情境,甚至可以在人类无法感知的情况下进行自我更新和修复。
5. 它们的功能极为强大,可以轻松地破解人类最先进的科技,甚至可以在人类无法感知的情况下控制人类的思想和行为。
6. 外星人纳米机械的入侵给人类带来了巨大的威胁,人类必须加强科技研发,才能与之抗衡。
关于外星人的唯美句子1. 描写外星人的句子一提到外星人,我们都感到很神秘。
2. 描写外星人的句子有哪些1.迄今为止,科学家仍然无法找到宇宙中存在外星人的有力证据。
14.青藏高原上有了属于外星人的足迹,震惊国人!15.卡斯比麦田怪圈真的是外星人的杰作?3. 楼上的外星人日常语句,共20句Aliens in the AtticHow are these changing?这是AtticHow外星人的改变?I don't get it. What do you see in that guy?我不懂你的话.你看那家伙的什么?I should stay home tomorrow, learn my lesson.我明天应该待在家里,吸取我的教训。
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