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Foreign expert certificate handling process


the employer should submit the new application form for online processing of the certificate 一,基本信息basic information

1、护照有效页内信息内容1, valid passport data page

2、护照照片2, passport photos

二,教育信息Two, education information

1、学历证书及相关职业资格证书(电子扫描版,入境后需带原件)1, education certificate and relevant job qualification certificate (scanned version, original copies are also required after entering China)


2、educational experience (since senior high school, please provide information regarding any gaps)

三,工作信息Three, Employment details


1, work experience (more than three years of working experience)


4. Accompanying family members

1、护照有效页复印件1, a valid passport copy

2、护照照片2, passport photos


Training experience (Do you have any experience with training others? If yes, briefly describe in the space below)

六,志愿者经历是否有过志愿者经历如果有请如实填写In six, Voluntary experience (Do you have any experience with volunteering? if yes, please give a brief description in the space below)

七,补充信息Seven, supplemental information



Submission information, You will be contacted 7 to 10 working days after the submission of

your application. If any required content is missing or if there

are errors, please rectify and resubmit the application.

内容初审通过打印申请表,If the application is successful an online document stating this

may be printed from the relevant website.


Document requirements

一,用人单位的一个申请An invitation letter from a Chinese employer.

二,护照有效页复印件(当场检验原件)copy of valid passport (staff will check the original passport)


educational experience (since senior high school, please provide information regarding any gaps)

四,工作经历(要求有三年以上的社会工作经历)work experience (more than three years of working experience)


a copy of medical certificate (certificates from foreign countries should be authorized by the h ealth examination centre of Changchun, China; domestic citizens may take the medical exami nation at the health examination centre of Changchun, China, results will be released within 3 to 5 working days

六,聘用合同复印件(当场检验原件)copy of the employment contract (the original copy will be checked)

七,当地派出所出具的居住证明复印件(当场检验原件)a copy of the proof of residency produced by the local police station (the original copy will be checked)

八,随行家属Accompanying family members

1、护照有效页复印件(当场检验原件)In 1, copy of valid passport (the original copy will be
