



国际救生设备规则英文版International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Regulations1. Introduction2. Application3. Types of Life-Saving AppliancesThe LSA regulations cover a wide range of life-saving appliances that must be carried on board ships. These include:3.1 Lifebuoys: Ships must carry a sufficient number of lifebuoys that are easily accessible on both sides of the ship. These lifebuoys must be fitted with an appropriate buoyant lifeline and must be properly marked or illuminated.3.2 Lifejackets: Ships must carry an adequate number of lifejackets for all persons onboard. These lifejackets must be capable of being worn and easily donned, holding the wearer in an upright position. Additionally, they must be equipped with a whistle, a light, and a retroreflective material for enhanced visibility.3.3 Immersion Suits: Ships operating in cold waters must carry immersion suits that protect individuals from hypothermia in case of abandoning the ship. These suits must be of an approved type and provide adequate buoyancy and thermal protection.4. Testing and MaintenanceThe LSA regulations also specify the testing and maintenance requirements for life-saving appliances. Ships must ensure that all life-saving equipment is regularly inspected, tested, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines and the regulations set forth by the IMO. This includes regular checks of buoyancy, functionality of lights and signaling devices, and proper stowage of life-saving appliances.5. Certification and Documentation6. Training and DrillsTo ensure the effective use of life-saving appliances, the LSA regulations require ships to conduct regular training and drills for the crew. These drills must include instructions on how to operate and maintain life-saving appliances, as well as practical training in launching and recovering lifeboats, using lifebuoys and lifejackets, and proper procedures during emergencies.7. ConclusionThe International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Regulations play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of ships and individuals at sea. By outlining the design, construction, maintenance, and training requirements for life-saving appliances, these regulations aim to enhance the preparednessand response capabilities of ships during emergencies. Adherence to the LSA regulations is essential to promote a culture of safety and protect lives at sea.。



保险英语常用词汇insure保险;投保;保证insurance保险;保险费;保险金额underwriters保险商(指专保水险的保险商)保险承运人insurancecompany保险公司insurer保险人insurancebroker保险经纪人insuranceunderwriter保险承保人insuranceapplicant投保人insurant,theinsured被保险人,受保人tocover(effect,arrange,takeout)insurance投保insurancecoverage;riskscovered保险范围insuranceslip投保单insuredamount保险金额insuranceagainstrisk保险insuranceclause保险条款insuranceinstruction投保通知insurancebusiness保险企业insuranceconditions保险条件PICC(People’sInsuranceCompanyofChina)中国人民保险公司riskinsured,riskcovered承保险项risk险别toprovidetheinsurance为...提供保险leaflet说明书fineprint细则insuranceexpense保险费premiumrate保险费率premium保险费insurancerate保险费率表insuranceproceeds保险金(保险收入)insurancefreeof(from)particularaverage(FPA).平安险(单独海损不赔)insurancewithparticularaverage(WPA),basicrisks.insuranceagainstallris ks.综合险,应保一切险riskofbreakage破碎险riskofclashing碰损险riskofrust生锈险riskofhookdamage钩损险riskofcontamination(tainting)污染险insuranceagainsttotallossonly(TLO)全损险riskofdeterioration变质险riskofpackingbreakage包装破裂险riskofinherentvice内在缺陷险riskofnormalloss(naturalloss)?途耗或自然损耗险riskofspontaneouscombustion自然险riskofcontingentimportduty进口关税险insuranceagainstwarrisk战争险AirTransportationCargoWarRisk航空运输战争险overlandTransportationInsuranceWarRisk陆上运输战争险insuranceagainststrike,riotandcivilcommotion(SRCC)罢工,暴动,民变险insuranceagainstextraneousrisks,insuranceagainstadditionalrisks附加险riskoftheft,pilferageandnondelivery(TRND)盗窃提货不着险riskoffreshand/ofrainwaterdamage(wetting)淡水雨淋险riskofleakage渗漏险riskofshortageinweight/quantity短量险riskofsweatingand/orheating受潮受热险riskofbadodour(changeofflavour)恶味险,变味险riskofmould发霉险ondeckrisk舱面险oceanmarinecargoinsuranceclauses海洋运输货物保险条款transportationinsurance运输保险overlandtransportationinsurance,landtransitinsurance陆上运输保险insuranceagainstairrisk,airtransportationinsurance航空运输保险parcelpostinsurance邮包运输保险oceanmarinecargoinsurance,marineinsurance水险(海运货物保险)AllRisks一切险average海损ParticularAverage(P.A)单独海损GeneralAverage(G.A)共同海损MarineLosses海损partialloss部分损失totalloss全部损失healthinsurance疾病保险,健康保险sicknessinsurance疾病保险insuranceformedicalcare医疗保险"majormedical"insurancepolicy巨额医药费保险insuranceduringaperiodofillness疾病保险lifeinsurance人寿保险endowmentinsurance养老保险insuranceonlastsurvivor长寿保险topurchasehealthinsurance购买健康保险tohaveahealthinsurancepolicy购买健康保险AdditionalWordsandPhrasespolicy-holder保险客户extrapremium额外保险费additionalpremium附加保险费保险英语词汇Aabandonment 委付abandonmentclause 委付条款accident 意外事故accountingperiod 结算期actofgod 不可抗力actualtotalloss 实际全损actuarialmethod 精算法actuary 保险精算师additionalpremium 附加保险费additionalrisk 附加险advanceprofit 预期利润aggregatelimit 累积限额aggregatedloss 累积损失all-riskspolicy 一切险保单antiselection 逆选择applicant 投保人application 投保单approved 承保assignmentclause 转让条款average 海损、海损分摊averageadjuster 海损理算人averageclause 共同海损分担条款保险英语词汇Bbalance 所欠款项beneficiary 受益人binder 暂保单bindingslip 暂保单breakageofpacking 包装破碎险broker 经纪人保险英语词汇Ccapacity 承保能力captive 自保公司captivepools 自保组合cargodamageadjustment 货损理算cargodamageinspection 货损检验cargodamageprevention 货损预防cargodamagereport 货损报告cargodamagesurvey 货损检查,货物损坏检验cargoinsurancepremium 货物保险费cargoinsurancerate 货物保险费率cargoinsurer 货物承保人cargopolicy 货物保单,货物保险单cargopremium 货运保险费,货物保险费cargounderwriter 货物保险承保人(商),货险承保人,货物承保人cashloss 现金赔款cashvalue 现金价值catastrophe 巨灾catastrophe excessofloss(CXL)巨灾超赔\巨灾超赔分保categoriesofinsurance 保险类别cedingcompany 分出公司ceding(insurance)company 分保公司ceding,retrocession(forreinsurance) 分保certificateofcargodamage 货损证明certificateofinsurance 保险证明、保险凭证cessionlimit 分保限额ChinaInsuranceClause(CIC) 中国保险条款claim 索赔claimassessor 索赔人claimsettlement 理赔claim-prone 容易出险claimsandarbitration 索赔与仲裁claimsassistance 理赔协助clashandbreakage 碰损,破碎险cleancut 结清方式coinsurance 共保co-insurance 共同保险co-insurancecompany 共同保险公司combinedratio 综合赔付率commencementandtermination 起讫concurrentinsurance 同时保险consequentialloss(CL) 后果损失constructivetotalloss 推定全损contingentliquidity 或有流动性continuedinsurance 继续保险co-relatedrisks 关联风险cover 承保、责任额covernote 保险证明书,承保单,保险证明covernote 暂保单(证明同意承保的临时文件)coverage 受保范围保险英语词汇Ddamage 损坏赔偿金damagecargoclerk 理残员,货损管理员damagecargolist 货损单,残货单damagecertificate 损坏证明书damageclaim 损坏索赔damagedbyothercargo 由其他货物损害damagedcargolist 受损货物单damagedcargoreport 受损货物报告书,货物损害报告deductibles 免赔额depositpremium 预付保费destroyed 毁坏disbursementpolicy (船舶)驶费保险单dividendsystem 红利制度doubleinsurance 双保险dualvaluationclause 双重价值条款保险英语词汇Eemployer 业主Endorsement 批单endorsement: 签注endowmentinsurance 养老保险endowmentpolicy 人寿定期保险单eventlimit 事件限额exgratiapayments 通融赔款excessloss 超额赔款excessoflosscover 超额赔偿excessofloss(XL) 超赔分保exclusion 除外责任EXLprotection 超赔保障exposedareas 风险承受区域exposurerating 风险评估extended-terminsurance 过期保险extracharges 额外费用extrapremium 额外保险费extraneousrisks(additionalrisks) 附加险保险英语词汇Ffacultativebusiness 临分保facultativereinsurance 临时分保faultliability 过失责任financialquotashares 成数分保fineprint 细则finiterisk 有限制的风险finiterisktransfer 有限风险转移floatingpolicy 浮动保险单franchise(deductible) 免赔额;免赔率freeofallaverage(FAA) 全损赔偿freightinsurance 运费保险freightpolicy 运费保险单fullcoverage 全额承保fullinsurance 全额保险fullinsurancevalue 足额保险价值fullliability 全部责任保险英语词汇Ggeneralaverage(GA)共同海损graceperiod 宽限期grossnetpremiumincome(GNPI)总净保费收入groupinsurance 团体保险guaranteeofinsurance 保险担保书保险英语词汇Hhazard 危险因素healthinsurance 疾病保险,健康保险heavydamage 严重破坏holisticrisktransfer 整体风险转移hookdamage 勾(钩)损险hourclause 小时条款保险英语词汇I保险英语词汇J-LJjettison 投弃Llawofinsurance 保险法lawoflargenumbers 大数法则leaflet 说明书lessexposed 损失可能性小letterofguarantee 保函,保证书liability 责任liabilityinsurance 责任保险licensebond 执照保险lifeassured 人寿保险投保人lifeexpectancy 平均余命lifefund 人寿保险基金lifeinsurance 人寿保险lifeinsuranceactuary 人寿保险精算师lifeinsurancereserve 人寿保险责任准备金lifeTable 生命表lightdamage 轻度破坏limits 投保限额lineslips 分保条liquiditysupport 提供流动资金Lloyd 劳合社loading 附加费loading 人寿保险附加费lossadjuster 损失理算人lossoccurrence 损失发生lossoccurringbasis 损失发生基础lossofprofit 利损险lossparticipation 分担损失lossratio 损失率lossratio 赔付率losssettlement 损失赔付保险英语词汇Mmailcontractor 承包商mainrisks 主险maintenance 保证期maliciousdamage 恶意损害marineinsurance 海上运输保险,水险marinelosses 海损medicalinsurance 医疗保险mortalitytables 死亡率表(用于计算保险风险)multipleclaim 多次(重复)索赔multipleinsurance 重复保险mutualinsurance 相互保险mutualinsurancecompany 相互保险公司保险英语词汇NNatCatpooling 自然灾害共保naturalcatastrophe(NatCat)自然灾害naturalpremium 自然纯保费netretainedlines 净自留额netretainedlosses 损失净自赔额noprofitcommission 无纯益风险no-claimsbonus 无索偿奖金non-life 非寿险non-proportionalreinsurance 非比例再保险notification 告知保险英语词汇Oobject 标的obligatoryreinsurance 固定分保oceanmarinecargoclauses 海洋运输货物保险条款ondeckrisk 舱面险openpolicy 预约保险单openpolicyinsurance 预约保险originaldeductibles 原始免赔额originalrate 原始费率overinsurance 超额保险overland(transportation)insurance 陆上运输保险保险英语词汇Pparcelpostinsurance 邮包运输保险partialloss 部分损失particularaverage(PA) 单独海损peril 危险、危险事故perilsofthesea 海上风险permitbond 许可证保险placement 安排policy 保单、保险单、保险契约policyholder 保险客户\保险单持有人policypackage 承保多项内容的保险单policyproofofinterest 保险单权益证明policyreserves 保险单责任准备金policy-holder 保险客户policyholder 保单持有者policy-holder 保险客户pool 共保组合、合保pool 联营pooladministrator 共保组合管理人portfolioentry 未满期责任的出帐portfoliooutgo 未满期责任的入帐possiblemaximumloss(PML)可能最大损失post-financing 后融资post-funding 后融资pre-financing 先融资pre-funding 先融资premium 保险费premiumrate 保险费率premiumrebate 保险费回扣previouslosses 既往损失primaryinsurancecompany 原保公司、主保险商principal 业主principleofcompensation 补偿原则priority 分保自留额、自付责任priority(deductible) 优先(免赔额)proceeds 收益professional 专业险profitmargin 利润边际property 财产险propertycovered 受保财产propertyinsurance 财产保险proportionalcover 比例分保proportionalreinsurance 比例再保险proximatecause 近因punitivedamage 惩罚性损害pureendowments 定期生存保险purerisk 纯粹危险保险英语词汇Rraininsurance 雨水保险rainstorm 雨暴rate 费率rating 费率recovery 追偿金reinstate 复效reinstated 继单reinstatement 恢复保额reinstatementvalueinsurance 重置价值保险reinsurance 分保、再保险、转保reinsured 分出公司reinsurer 分保人(分保公司)、再保险人rejectionrisk 拒收险renewcoverage 续保renewal 续保;延期renewalpremium 续保费renewingcoverage 续保reserve 准备金retention 自留、自留额returnperiod 重现期revokelicense 吊销营业执照riotinsurance 骚乱保险risk 险别、风险、保险,保险额riskcarrier 风险承担人riskcovered 承保险项riskinsured 承保险项riskmanagement 危险管理riskpremium 风险保费\风险贴水、风险溢价riskunit 危险单位riskscovered 保险范围保险英语词汇Ssalvagecharge 救助费用salvagevalue 残值,获救货物或船舶的价值secondeventcover 第二事件承保set-off 抵销settlementofclaim 理赔sicknessinsurance 疾病保险socialinsurance 社会保险solvency 偿付能力solvencymargin 赔偿能力spreadloss 分散风险standingcharges 维持费用stoploss 赔付率超赔sub-contractor 分承包商subjectinsured 风险标的subrogationcenter 代位求偿权sueandlaborexpenses 施救费用suicideclauses 自杀条款suminsured 保险金额、保额surplusinsurance 盈余保险surveyatjettyrisk 码头检验险surveyincustomsrisk 海关检验险保险英语词汇Ttariff 费率表tariffzone 险区terminsurance 定期保险TG 拐点周期theinsured 被保险人,受保人timepolicy 定期保险单topographicmap 地形图totalloss 全部损失totalsuminsured 总保额treatiesbusiness 合同分保treatyreinsurance 合约再保险treaty-limits 合约限额turnover 营业额保险英语词汇Uunderinsurance 低额保险underwriters 保险商(指专保水险的保险商)、保险承运人、保险公司underwriting 承保underwritingpolicy 承保政策unvaluedinsurance 不定值保险unvaluedpolicy 不定值保单utmostgoodfaith 最大诚信保险英语词汇V-ZVvaluedinsurance 定值保险voluntaryinsurance 自动保险Wwaiverandestoppels弃权与禁止反言windstorm 风暴workingcost 营业费用workingexpenses 营业费用writing 承保writtenpremiums 承保保费[文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意!]11 / 11。



a型钟形罩vdma24561标准1.这款罩子符合VDMA 24561标准。

This cover meets VDMA 24561 standard.2. A型钟形罩是一种常见的工业设备罩子。

A type bellows cover is a common industrial equipment cover.3. VDMA 24561标准规定了罩子的尺寸和材料要求。

VDMA 24561 standard specifies the size and material requirements for the cover.4.这个标准还包括了对罩子的可靠性和耐久性的测试方法。

This standard also includes test methods for the reliability and durability of the cover.5. A型钟形罩能有效地保护机械设备不受灰尘和污染物的侵害。

A type bellows cover can effectively protect mechanical equipment from dust and contaminants.6.根据VDMA 24561标准,罩子的使用寿命至少应该达到50000个往复运动。

According to VDMA 24561 standard, the service life of the cover should reach at least 50,000 reciprocating movements.7.这个标准还要求罩子在极端工作条件下不应该产生噪音和振动。

This standard also requires that the cover should not generate noise and vibration under extreme working conditions.8. A型钟形罩适用于各种工业机械设备,如数控机床和注塑机。



英文美句摘抄大全1. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." - Eleanor Roosevelt未来属于那些相信自己梦想之美的人。

——埃莉诺·罗斯福2. "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon生活就是你在忙于制定其他计划时所发生的事情。

——约翰·列侬3. "You can't judge a book by its cover." - Anonymous不能以貌取人。

——匿名4. "In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln最终,重要的不是你生命中的岁月,而是你在这些岁月中的生活。

——亚伯拉罕·林肯5. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln预测未来的最好方法就是创造未来。

——亚伯拉罕·林肯6. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs做出伟大工作的唯一方法就是热爱你所做的事情。

——史蒂夫·乔布斯7. "If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things." - Albert Einstein 如果你想过上幸福的生活,就把它与一个目标联系起来,而不是与人或事物联系起来。



中国经典谚语英文解释Chinese Idioms: A Window into the Chinese CultureChina, a country with a long history and rich cultural heritage, is known for its numerous idioms that have been passed down through generations. These idioms, commonly referred to as "chengyu," are an integral part of the Chinese language and provide unique insights into Chinese wisdom, philosophy, and way of life. In this article, we will explore some of the most well-known Chinese idioms and provide English explanations to help non-Chinese speakers better understand their profound meaning.1. 一日千里(yì rì qiān lǐ) - "Cover a thousand miles in a single day"This idiom is used to describe rapid progress or an advanced development. It originated from the story of a legendary creature called "peng," which was said to have the ability to fly long distances in a short time. Therefore, when someone achieves a significant accomplishment or progresses rapidly, this idiom is used to depict their remarkable speed.2. 画龙点睛(huà lóng diǎn jīng) - "Highlighting the dragon's eyes"This idiom refers to adding a vital touch or providing a crucial detail to make something perfect. The dragon is an important symbol in Chinese culture, and its eyes are believed to be the most important part of its body. Thus, when someone adds the finishing touch or makes a crucial contribution that greatly improves the outcome, this idiom is used.3. 杯弓蛇影(bēi gōng shé yǐng) - "Seeing a bow reflected in a cup as if it were a snake"This idiom is used to describe someone who is overly suspicious or sees imaginary dangers. It originated from a story where a person, seeing a bow reflected in a cup of wine, mistook it for a snake and became frightened. Therefore, when someone reads too much into a situation or interprets innocent actions as something harmful, this idiom is used to depict their excessive paranoia.4. 纸上谈兵(zhǐ shàng tán bīng) - "Armchair strategizing"This idiom refers to discussing military tactics without any practical experience or understanding of the situation at hand. It implies that merely talking about something without real-life experience or knowledge is ineffective. It originated from ancient times when military strategies were drawn on paper, but their effectiveness was uncertain until they were tested on the battlefield.5. 车水马龙(chē shuǐ mǎ lóng) - "A sea of vehicles and a dragon of horses"This idiom is used to describe heavy traffic or crowded streets. It paints a vivid picture of a chaotic scene where vehicles and horses are moving in all directions. It originated from the bustling streets of ancient times, which were filled with carriages and horses. This idiom is commonly used in modern China to depict crowded and congested urban areas.6. 亡羊补牢(wáng yáng bǔ láo) - "Mend the sheep pen after the sheep are gone"This idiom encourages taking preventive measures and beingprepared beforehand. It tells the story of a shepherd who only realizes the importance of repairing the sheep pen after losing some sheep. Therefore, it is used to remind people to take action before it's too late and to rectify problems when they are still manageable.7. 自相矛盾(zì xiāng máo dùn) - "To contradict oneself"This idiom describes a situation where someone's own words or actions contradict each other. It originated from the concept of two warriors fighting each other with spears, but their weapons get entangled and become useless. Thus, when someone says or does something that conflicts with their previous statements or actions, this idiom is used to point out the contradiction.8. 守株待兔(shǒu zhū dài tù) - "To guard a tree stump, waiting for rabbits"This idiom refers to waiting for opportunities to come without taking any proactive action. It originated from a story where a farmer accidentally killed a rabbit while chopping wood. He then decided to wait for more rabbits to come by, foolishly expecting them to jump into his arms. Therefore, this idiom is used to criticize someone who relies solely on luck without making an effort to achieve their goals.9. 一箭双雕(yī jiàn shuāng diāo) - "To shoot two hawks with one arrow"This idiom describes achieving two goals with a single action or solving two problems simultaneously. It originated from the skillful archery of ancient hunters, who were able to kill two hawks with a single arrow. Therefore, when someone manages toaccomplish multiple tasks by taking efficient actions, this idiom is used to depict their resourcefulness.10. 纸上谈党(zhǐ shàng tán dǎng) - "Discussing the Communist Party on paper"This idiom refers to talking about a subject without deep understanding or practical experience. It originated during the early days of the Communist Party in China when some intellectuals debated the party's ideology without truly understanding its principles or the reality on the ground. Thus, this idiom is used to criticize those who engage in superficial discussions without real knowledge or experience.These examples provide a glimpse into the richness of Chinese idioms and their cultural significance. Each idiom tells a story or conveys a moral lesson, reflecting the values and beliefs of the Chinese people. By understanding these idioms, non-Chinese speakers can gain valuable insights into the Chinese culture, mindset, and way of life. So, next time you encounter a Chinese idiom, remember the story behind it and appreciate its profound meaning.Chinese idioms, also known as "chengyu," are a fascinating aspect of the Chinese language and culture. With a history dating back thousands of years, these idioms have been passed down from generation to generation and continue to be an integral part of daily conversations in China. Understanding Chinese idioms not only helps non-Chinese speakers appreciate the beauty and depth of the language but also provides valuable insights into the Chinese culture, mindset, and way of life.One of the distinctive features of Chinese idioms is their concisenature. Chinese idioms are typically composed of four characters, making them short and succinct. Despite their brevity, these idioms carry deep meanings and often draw upon rich cultural references and historical events. Therefore, decoding and understanding Chinese idioms require not only linguistic proficiency but also a familiarity with Chinese history and culture.Chinese idioms often use vivid imagery and metaphors to convey complex ideas and moral lessons. These metaphors are derived from a range of sources, including mythology, folklore, historical events, and natural phenomena. For instance, the idiom "一日千里" (yì rì qiān lǐ), which means "Cov er a thousand miles in a single day," originated from the mythical creature "peng." The peng was said to have the ability to fly long distances quickly. Thus, when someone achieves rapid progress or succeeds in a short time, this idiom is used to describe their remarkable speed.Another idiom that draws upon mythical creatures is "画龙点睛" (huà lóng diǎn jīng), which means "Highlighting the dragon's eyes." In Chinese culture, the dragon is considered a powerful and auspicious symbol. The eyes of the dragon are believed to be the most important part of its body. Therefore, when someone adds a vital touch or provides a crucial detail that greatly improves something, this idiom is used to depict their significant contribution.In addition to mythology and folklore, historical events also serve as inspiration for Chinese idioms. For example, the idiom "车水马龙" (chē shuǐ mǎ lóng), which means "A sea of vehicles and a dragon of horses," vividly describes heavy traffic or crowdedstreets. It originates from the bustling streets of ancient China, where carriages and horses would fill the roads, creating a chaotic and congested scene. This idiom is commonly used in modern China to depict crowded urban areas.Chinese idioms also often convey moral lessons and wisdom. For instance, the idiom "亡羊补牢" (wáng yáng bǔ láo) means "Mend the sheep pen after the sheep are gone." This idiom encourages taking preventive measures and rectifying problems in advance. It tells the story of a shepherd who realizes the importance of repairing the sheep pen only after losing some sheep. Thus, this idiom serves as a reminder to take action before it's too late and to be proactive in anticipating and preventing problems.Many Chinese idioms also reflect the Chinese philosophy and approach to life. The idiom "自相矛盾" (zì xiāng máo dùn) means "To contradict oneself." It depicts a situation where someone's own words or actions conflict with each other. It originated from the concept of two warriors fighting each other with spears, but their weapons get entangled and become useless. This idiom is used to point out inconsistency and irrationality, emphasizing the importance of coherence and logic in one's thoughts and actions.Moreover, Chinese idioms often promote the value of resourcefulness and efficiency. The idiom "一箭双雕" (yī jiàn shuāng diāo) means "To shoot two hawks with one arrow." It describes achieving two goals with a single action or solving two problems simultaneously. It originated from the skillful archery of ancient hunters, who were able to kill two hawks with a single arrow. Therefore, this idiom highlights the importance of beingingenious and finding innovative solutions to maximize effectiveness.It is worth noting that Chinese idioms are not confined to ancient times but continue to be used in modern China. They contribute to the richness and beauty of the Chinese language and help preserve the country's cultural heritage. Moreover, Chinese idioms serve as a common ground for the Chinese people, fostering a sense of identity and belonging. Understanding these idioms allows non-Chinese speakers to better connect with Chinese language and culture and opens up avenues for meaningful cross-cultural communication.In conclusion, Chinese idioms, with their concise nature and profound meanings, provide a window into the Chinese culture, mindset, and way of life. Drawing upon mythology, folklore, historical events, and moral lessons, these idioms encapsulate the wisdom, values, and beliefs of the Chinese people. By unraveling the stories and metaphors behind Chinese idioms, non-Chinese speakers can gain a deeper understanding of Chinese language and culture, fostering greater appreciation and cross-cultural connections.。

SQA-保险原理Principles of Insurance-Section3 Life Insurance

SQA-保险原理Principles of Insurance-Section3 Life Insurance
Unit charge; Annual management charge; Policy fee; Initial charges

Types of Funds (p.138) • Changing your mind
Whole life
• Supplement information for initial units and accumulation units This kind of charging structure effectively works like this: - The first two years contributions (and the first two years of any subsequent increase in contributions) are invested in "initial units". - Initial units though will typically have an annual management charge of about 4.75% - Year 3 contribution and onwards are invested in "accumulation units". - Accumulation units will typically have an annual management charge of 0.75% The net result is that contributions invested in Initial Units will grow at a much slower pace than contributions invested in Accumulation units. It is through this mechanism that the pensions office recovers their up-front costs (commissions etc.).





1. 表示覆盖或包含:- The book cover is beautiful.(书的封面很漂亮。

)- The blanket covered the entire bed.(毯子覆盖了整张床。

)- The exam will cover the first five chapters.(考试会涵盖前五章。

)2. 表示保护或遮挡:- She covered her face with her hands.(她用手捂住了脸。

)- The umbrella covered us from the rain.(伞挡住了我们免受雨淋。

)- The building was covered in a layer of dust.(建筑物上覆盖着一层灰尘。

)3. 表示报道、介绍或评论:- The newspaper covered the event extensively.(报纸对这个事件进行了广泛报道。

)- The magazine covers the latest fashion trends.(杂志报道最新的时尚潮流。

)- The documentary covers the life of a famous musician.(这部纪录片介绍了一位著名音乐家的生活。

)4. 表示弥补或代替:- Can you cover my shift tomorrow?(你可以替我去上班吗?)- The insurance will cover the cost of the damage.(保险会支付损坏的费用。

)- My savings will cover my expenses for the next month.(我的存款能支付我下个月的开销。


In this way insurance is paid directly, bypassing many legal issues that can arise when a person dies.
Bypass:绕过,避开; 不顾
在保单约定的保险期限内,以死亡为给付条件的保险,保险金额在保 单上载明。
优点:保费低廉 现金价值很低或者没有 分类
递增保费定期寿险:保险人每年根据死亡风险重新确定保费水平,并通知投保人 续保,直到被保险人死亡或者达到保单所规定的最高续保年龄为止。保额可能恒 定,也可能与某消费价格指数挂钩,还可能采取保费恒定但每年根据保费水平和 死亡率水平重新调整保额等不同形式。
1. 凸出的 outstanding ears 招风耳 2. 显著的;杰出的;重要的
She is an outstanding actress.
她是一个杰出的演员。 3. 未解决的;未完成的;未偿付的
The outstanding debts must be paid by the end of the
Critical illness cover
Permanent health insurance (PHI)
Personal pension plan
定期寿险 终身人寿保险
投资连接保险 重大疾病保险

36种 常见被滞留缺陷(证书、救生、消防、载重线、船体、油船、液货船)

36种 常见被滞留缺陷(证书、救生、消防、载重线、船体、油船、液货船)
年度检验过期NO PERIODIFra bibliotekAL SURVEY

“You can bet your life”翻译成“你可以赌命”?错的离谱!

“You can bet your life”翻译成“你可以赌命”?错的离谱!

清明小长假刚刚过去,但是假期里发生的一件事却让小赵非常尴尬,他和几个朋友一起约着出去郊游,其中有一个美国朋友,本来那个朋友也能听懂一些中文,可小赵为了卖弄自己在大学辛辛苦苦才考出来的英语6级,他逮住一个机会说了一句“You can say that again?(你能再说一遍吗)”,听完这句话之后,朋友们并没有觉得有什么奇怪,因为每一个单词的意思大家都懂,组合在一起不就是那个意思嘛,但是旁边的美国朋友却有些懵圈,聪明的你知道“You can say that again?”这句话到底是什么意思吗?那就继续往下看吧。

在日常英语表达中,会有很多“You can/can't”开头的短句,单词虽然简单好记,但是有时候它表达的意思却是天壤之别,比如文章开头提到的“You can say that again?”,它的意思并不是“你能再说一遍吗?”而是向对方表达自己赞同的意思,可以翻译成“你说的没错”,这也就难怪那个美国朋友一脸懵圈了。

例句:A:This horrible weather has been killing me.(这恐怖的天气真的折磨我。

)B:You can say that again.(你说的没错。

)像这样的表达方式还有“You can bet your life”,这句话可不能翻译成“你可以赌你的生命”,它真正表达的意思是当你确定某个事情或者事件在未来肯定会发生,可以翻译成“肯定,确切”,比如:A:Will I need a coat today?(今天我需要穿外套吗?)B:You bet your sweet life! It'scolder than an iceberg out there.(是的。


)再和大家科普一个,这句话和咱们常说的“人不可貌相,海水不可斗量”有着相似的意思,它就是“You can't judge a book by its cover.”这句话表面意思就是“不能根据封面去判断一本书”,引申义也就是我们常说的“不能以貌取人”,例句:He seemed like a bit of a jerk to me, but I guess you can't judge a book by itscover.(虽然它看上去有点傻傻的,但我觉得不应该以貌取人。



●补充残疾给付——免缴Waiver of premium (WP) 保费1、残疾免缴保费给付Waiver of premium fordisability benefit2、投保人免缴保费给付Waiver of premium for payorbenefit3、残疾收入给付Disability income benefit●寿险提前给付附约Accelerated death benefitriders1、终末疾病给付Terminal illness benefit2、重大疾病给付Dread disease benefit3、长期护理给付Long-term care benefit储蓄型人寿保险——年金保险趸缴年金Single premium-annuity期缴年金Periodical premium-annuity即期年金Immediate annuity延期年金Deferred annuity终身年金Life annuity——纯粹终身年金Straight life annuity——固定期终身年金Life income annuity withperiod certain——全额偿还终身年金Life income with refundannuity确定年金Annuity ceratin限期生存年金Temporary life annuity个人年金Personal annuity联合年金Joint annuity定额年金Fixed-benefit annuity变额年金Variable annuity准投资型的人寿保险——分红保险分红保险Participating contracts可分配盈余Distributable surplus红利分配方式1、现金红利法Cash dividend approach2、增额红利法Additions to benefits approach投资型的人寿保险一、变额寿险Variable life insurance——单位基金连结保险(英)Unit-linked policy——权益连结保险(加)Equity-linked policy——投资连结保险(新、中)Investment-linked life insurance二、万能寿险Universal life insurance三、变额万能寿险Variable universal lifeinsurance健康保险一、医疗保险Medical expence coverage ——免赔额条款Deductible clause——共保条款Coinsurance provision●基本医疗保险Basic medical expense coverage1、门诊医疗保险2、住院医疗保险Hospital expense coverage3、手术医疗保险Surgical expense coverage4、综合医疗保险Comprehensive expensecoverage●高额医疗保险Major medical insurancepolicy1、补充高额医疗保险Supplemental major medicalpolicy2、综合高额医疗保险Comprehensive major medicalpolicy●补充医疗保险Supplemental medical policy1、牙科费用保险Dental expense coverage2、处方药费保险Prescription drug coverage3、眼科保健保险Vision care coverage4、生育保险二、疾病保险Disease coverage重大疾病保险Critical illness insurance三、残疾收入保险Disability income coverge四、长期护理保险Long term care insurance团体保险团体保险Group insurance总的团体保险单Master contract费率厘定1、手册费率法Manual rating2、经验费率法Experience rating3、混合费率法Blended rating一、团体人寿保险Group life insurance——团体定期寿险Group term insurance——团体终身寿险Group permanent insurance雇员福利计划Employee benefit plan二、团体年金Group annuity团体延期年金Deferred-group-annuitycontract预存管理年金Deposit-administration-annuitycontract即期参与保证年金Immediate participateguarantee annuity contract协调给付条款Coordination Of BenefitProvision (COB)。



保险英语词汇Aabandonment 委付abandonment clause 委付条款accident 意外事故accounting period 结算期act of god 不可抗力actual total loss 实际全损actuarial method 精算法actuary 保险精算师additional premium 附加保险费additional risk 附加险advance profit 预期利润aggregate limit 累积限额aggregated loss 累积损失all-risks policy 一切险保单antis election 逆选择applicant 投保人application 投保单approved 承保assignment clause 转让条款average 海损、海损分摊average adjuster 海损理算人average clause 共同海损分担条款保险英语词汇Bbalance 所欠款项beneficiary 受益人binder 暂保单binding slip 暂保单breakage of packing 包装破碎险保险英语词汇Cbroker 经纪人capacity 承保能力captive 自保公司captive pools 自保组合cargo damage adjustment 货损理算cargo damage inspection 货损检验cargo damage prevention 货损预防cargo damage report 货损报告cargo damage survey 货损检查,货物损坏检验cargo insurance premium 货物保险费cargo insurance rate 货物保险费率cargo insurer 货物承保人cargo policy 货物保单,货物保险单cargo premium 货运保险费,货物保险费cargo underwriter 货物保险承保人(商),货险承保人,货物承保人cash loss 现金赔款cash value 现金价值catastrophe 巨灾catastrophe excess of loss(CXL)巨灾超赔\巨灾超赔分保categories of insurance 保险类别ceding company 分出公司ceding(insurance)company 分保公司ceding, retrocession(for reinsurance) 分保certificate of cargo damage 货损证明certificate of insurance 保险证明、保险凭证- 1 -cession limit 分保限额China Insurance Clause (CIC) 中国保险条款claim 索赔claim assessor 索赔人claim settlement 理赔claim-prone 容易出险claims and arbitration 索赔与仲裁claims assistance 理赔协助clash and breakage 碰损,破碎险clean cut 结清方式coinsurance 共保co-insurance 共同保险co-insurance company 共同保险公司combined ratio 综合赔付率commencement and termination 起讫concurrent insurance 同时保险consequential loss (CL) 后果损失constructive total loss 推定全损contingent liquidity 或有流动性continued insurance 继续保险co-related risks 关联风险cover 承保、责任额cover note 保险证明书,承保单,保险证明cover note 暂保单(证明同意承保的临时文件)coverage 受保范围保险英语词汇Ddamage 损坏赔偿金damage cargo clerk 理残员,货损管理员damage cargo list 货损单,残货单damage certificate 损坏证明书damage claim 损坏索赔damaged by other cargo 由其他货物损害damaged cargo list 受损货物单damaged cargo report 受损货物报告书,货物损害报告deductibles 免赔额deposit premium 预付保费destroyed 毁坏disbursement policy (船舶)驶费保险单dividend system 红利制度double insurance 双保险dual valuation clause 双重价值条款保险英语词汇Eemployer 业主Endorsement 批单endorsement: 签注endowment insurance 养老保险endowment policy 人寿定期保险单event limit 事件限额ex gratia payments 通融赔款excess loss 超额赔款excess of loss cover 超额赔偿excess of loss(XL) 超赔分保exclusion 除外责任EXL protection 超赔保障exposed areas 风险承受区域- 2 -exposure rating 风险评估extended-term insurance 过期保险extra charges 额外费用extra premium 额外保险费extraneous risks (additional risks) 附加险保险英语词汇Ffacultative business 临分保facultative reinsurance 临时分保fault liability 过失责任financial quota shares 成数分保fine print 细则finite risk 有限制的风险finite risk transfer 有限风险转移floating policy 浮动保险单franchise (deductible) 免赔额;免赔率free of all average (FAA) 全损赔偿freight insurance 运费保险freight policy 运费保险单full coverage 全额承保full insurance 全额保险full insurance value 足额保险价值full liability 全部责任保险英语词汇Ggeneral average(GA)共同海损grace period 宽限期gross net premium income(GNPI)总净保费收入group insurance 团体保险guarantee of insurance 保险担保书保险英语词汇Hhazard 危险因素health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险heavy damage 严重破坏holistic risk transfer 整体风险转移hook damage 勾(钩)损险hour clause 小时条款保险英语词汇IIBRN reserve 已发生但未报的损失储备金,IBRN储备金import cargo insurance 进口货物保险increased value clause 增值条款increased value insurance 增值保险increasing coverage, extending coverage 加保Incurred but not reported losses(IBRN) 已发生但未报的损失indemnity limit 赔偿期限indemnity period 赔偿期individual losses 单一损失industrial insurance 产业保险inflated claim 超额索赔inherent nature of cargo 货物的固有性inherent vice 内在缺陷inherent vice of cargo 货物固有缺陷inspection of cargo 积货鉴定,货物检验,检查货物- 3 -inspection of cargo GA or PA 海损(单独海损或共同海损)鉴定inspection on damaged cargo 货物残损检验installment insurance 分期付款保险Institute Cargo Clauses (ICC,I.C.C.) 协会货物(保险)条款insurability 可保性insurance 保险,保险费,保险金额insurance act 保险条例insurance against risk 保险insurance agent(s) 保险代理,保险代理人insurance amount 保险金额\保险额insurance applicant 投保人insurance assessor 保险公估人insurance broker 保险经纪人insurance business 保险企业\保险业insurance capacity 承保能力insurance certificate 保险凭证\保险证书insurance claim 保险索赔insurance clause 保险条款insurance commission 保险佣金insurance company 保险公司insurance conditions 保险条件\保险契约约定条款insurance contract 保险合同insurance corporation 保险公司insurance coverage 保险范围,保额insurance declaration sheet(bordereau) 保险申报单(明细表) insurance division 保险部insurance document 保险单据insurance expense 保险费insurance fond 保险基金insurance industry 保险业insurance instruction 投保通知,投保须知insurance law 保险法insurance on last survivor 长寿保险insurance period 保险期限insurance policy 保险单\保单insurance premium 保险费insurance proceeds 保险金(保险收入),保险赔偿金,保险赔款insurance rate 保险费率表insurance securitization 保险证券化insurance slip 投保单\投保申请书insurance subject 保险标的insurance treaty 保险合同insurance underwriter 保险承保人insurance value(insurance amount) 保险金额insurant 被保险人,受保人insure 保险、投保、保证insured 被保险人insured amount 保险金额insured loss 保险损失insured property 参保物业Insured Value 保险价值insurer 保险人、保险公司,保险商insurer (underwriter) 承保人、保险人investment insurance 投资保险保险英语词汇J-LJjettison 投弃- 4 -Llaw of insurance 保险法law of large numbers 大数法则leaflet 说明书less exposed 损失可能性小letter of guarantee 保函,保证书liability 责任liability insurance 责任保险license bond 执照保险life assured 人寿保险投保人life expectancy 平均余命life fund 人寿保险基金life insurance 人寿保险life insurance actuary 人寿保险精算师life insurance reserve 人寿保险责任准备金life Table 生命表light damage 轻度破坏limits 投保限额line slips 分保条liquidity support 提供流动资金Lloyd 劳合社loading 附加费loading 人寿保险附加费loss adjuster 损失理算人loss occurrence 损失发生loss occurring basis 损失发生基础loss of profit 利损险loss participation 分担损失loss ratio 损失率loss ratio 赔付率loss settlement 损失赔付保险英语词汇Mmail contractor 承包商main risks 主险maintenance 保证期malicious damage 恶意损害marine insurance 海上运输保险,水险marine losses 海损medical insurance 医疗保险mortality tables 死亡率表(用于计算保险风险)multiple claim 多次(重复)索赔multiple insurance 重复保险mutual insurance 相互保险mutual insurance company 相互保险公司保险英语词汇NNatCat pooling 自然灾害共保natural catastrophe(NatCat)自然灾害natural premium 自然纯保费net retained lines 净自留额net retained losses 损失净自赔额no profit commission 无纯益风险no-claims bonus 无索偿奖金non-life 非寿险non-proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险notification 告知- 5 -保险英语词汇Oobject 标的obligatory reinsurance 固定分保ocean marine cargo clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款on deck risk 舱面险open policy 预约保险单open policy insurance 预约保险original deductibles 原始免赔额original rate 原始费率over insurance 超额保险overland (transportation)insurance 陆上运输保险保险英语词汇Pparcel post insurance 邮包运输保险partial loss 部分损失particular average (PA) 单独海损peril 危险、危险事故perils of the sea 海上风险permit bond 许可证保险placement 安排policy 保单、保险单、保险契约policy holder 保险客户\保险单持有人policy package 承保多项内容的保险单policy proof of interest 保险单权益证明policy reserves 保险单责任准备金policy-holder 保险客户policyholder 保单持有者policy-holder 保险客户pool 共保组合、合保pool 联营pool administrator 共保组合管理人portfolio entry 未满期责任的出帐portfolio outgo 未满期责任的入帐possible maximum loss(PML)可能最大损失post-financing 后融资post-funding 后融资pre-financing 先融资pre-funding 先融资premium 保险费premium rate 保险费率premium rebate 保险费回扣previous losses 既往损失primary insurance company 原保公司、主保险商principal 业主principle of compensation 补偿原则priority 分保自留额、自付责任priority (deductible) 优先(免赔额)proceeds 收益professional 专业险profit margin 利润边际property 财产险property covered 受保财产property insurance 财产保险proportional cover 比例分保proportional reinsurance 比例再保险proximate cause 近因- 6 -punitive damage 惩罚性损害pure endowments 定期生存保险pure risk 纯粹危险保险英语词汇Rrain insurance 雨水保险rainstorm 雨暴rate 费率rating 费率recovery 追偿金reinstate 复效reinstated 继单reinstatement 恢复保额reinstatement value insurance 重置价值保险reinsurance 分保、再保险、转保reinsured 分出公司reinsurer 分保人(分保公司)、再保险人rejection risk 拒收险renew coverage 续保renewal 续保;延期renewal premium 续保费renewing coverage 续保reserve 准备金retention 自留、自留额return period 重现期revoke license 吊销营业执照riot insurance 骚乱保险risk 险别、风险、保险,保险额risk carrier 风险承担人risk covered 承保险项risk insured 承保险项risk management 危险管理risk premium 风险保费\风险贴水、风险溢价risk unit 危险单位risks covered 保险范围保险英语词汇Ssalvage charge 救助费用salvage value 残值,获救货物或船舶的价值second event cover 第二事件承保set-off 抵销settlement of claim 理赔sickness insurance 疾病保险social insurance 社会保险solvency 偿付能力solvency margin 赔偿能力spread loss 分散风险standing charges 维持费用stop loss 赔付率超赔sub-contractor 分承包商subject insured 风险标的subrogation center 代位求偿权sue and labor expenses 施救费用suicide clauses 自杀条款sum insured 保险金额、保额surplus insurance 盈余保险- 7 -survey at jetty risk 码头检验险survey in customs risk 海关检验险保险英语词汇Ttariff 费率表tariff zone 险区term insurance 定期保险TG 拐点周期the insured 被保险人,受保人time policy 定期保险单topographic map 地形图total loss 全部损失total sum insured 总保额treaties business 合同分保treaty reinsurance 合约再保险treaty-limits 合约限额turnover 营业额保险英语词汇Uunder insurance 低额保险underwriters 保险商(指专保水险的保险商)、保险承运人、保险公司underwriting 承保underwriting policy 承保政策unvalued insurance 不定值保险unvalued policy 不定值保单utmost good faith 最大诚信保险英语词汇V-ZVvalued insurance 定值保险voluntary insurance 自动保险Wwaiver and estelle 弃权与禁止反言windstorm 风暴working cost 营业费用working expenses 营业费用writing 承保written premiums 承保保费保险英语缩写语1ALOPAdvance Loss Profits预期利润损失险,利损险ARTAlternative Risk Transfer新型风险转移BIBusiness Interruption Insurance 营业中断险CARconstruction all risks建筑工程一切险(建工险)CICChina Insurance Clause中国保险条款CLConsequential Loss 后果损失CXLcatastrophe excess of loss巨灾超赔分保EARErection All Risks 安装工程一切险(安工险)EEI Electronic Equipment Insurance电子设备险 of all average一切海损不赔险\全损赔偿f.g.a./faafree of general average共同海损不赔险 of damage损坏不赔F.P.A./FPAinsurance free of (from) particular average平安险(单独海损不赔)- 8 -F.R.E.C.Fire Risk Extension Clause For Storage of Cargo at Destination HongKong, Including Kowloon ,or Macao出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款F.W.R.D.rain fresh water damage Risk淡水雨淋险FCSR & CCfree of capture, seizure, riots and civil commotions掳获,捕捉,暴动和内乱不赔险FPAfree from particular average 平安险G.A./GAgeneral average共同海损(保)G.A.A.general average agreement (bond)共同海损协议(合同)G.A.C.general average contribution共同海损分摊额(保)GNPIGross Net Premium Income总净保费收入I.P.A.including particular average包括单独海损(保)IBRNIncurred but not reported losses已发生但未报的损失ICCInstitute Cargo Clauses, London伦敦协会货物条款(保险)IWLinstitute warranty limits (伦敦保险人)协会保证航行范围l.& d.loss and damage损失与残损L/ALloyd's agent劳埃德保险公司代理人,劳埃德船级社代理人Lkg/Bkgleakage & breakage漏损与破损LOIletter of indemnity保函,也称损害赔偿保证书mscamissing cargo灭失货物NatCatNatural Catastrophe自然灾害保险英语缩写语2O.R.owner's risk船舶所有人或货主承担风险O.R.B.owner's risk of breakage破损风险由货主承担O.R.D.owner's risk of damage损失风险由货主承担O.R.F.owner's risk of fire火灾风险由货主承担P. chgsparticular charges特别费用(保)P.& I. clauseprotection and indemnity clause保护和赔偿条款P.& I. club Protection and Indemnity club (Association)船东保赔协会P.L.partial loss部分损失(保)PAparticular average单独海损Pandi clubProtection and Indemnity club船东保赔协会payt.payment支付,赔偿PICCPeople's Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司PICC RePeople's Insurance Company of China Re中国人民保险公司再保险公司PMLpossible maximum loss可能最大损失PTLpartial total loss部分和全部损失PTND,P.T.N.D.theft, pilferage and non-delivery偷窃、提货不着险S.P.A.subject to particular average平均分担单独海损SRCC/ against strike, riot and civil commotion 罢工,暴动,民变险TG 拐点周期TLO/ against total loss only 全损险TPLThird Party Liability第三者责任险TRNDrisk of theft, pilferage and non-delivery 盗窃提货不着险U/wunderwriter保险人WA, WPAinsurance with particular average水渍险/一切险(承保单独海损)XLexcess of loss 超赔分保保险英语短语"major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险Alternative Risk Transfer(ART) 新型风险转移American cargo war risk reinsurance exchange 美国货物战争险再保兑换Amount for General Average Sacrifice of Cargo 货物共同海损牺牲金额Automatic Premium Loan 自动垫交保险费贷款Broken and Damaged Cargo List 货物残损单- 9 -Cargo Loss Prevention Committee 货物损失保险委员会cargo proportion of general average 共同海损货物分摊额certificate on damaged cargo 验残证书,残损货物检验证书Commencement and Termination of Cargo Insurance 货物保险期限Contributory Value of Cargo 货物共同海损分摊价值covering all eventual risks 投保一切以外风险covering all marine risks 投保一切海运风险Exclusive Liability of Cargo Transportation Insurance 货物运输保险除外责任free of particular average (FPA) 单独海损不赔General Average Contribution Due to Cargo 货物共同海损分摊金额General Average Sacrifice of Cargo 货物共同海损牺牲Incurred but not reported losses(IBRN)已发生但未报的损失Inspection Certificate of Cargo GA or PA 海损鉴定证书inspection certificate on damaged cargo 残损货物检验证书Insurance Protection Fond 保险保障基金outstanding claim reserve 未决索赔准备金Outstanding Loss Reserve 未决赔款准备金report of cargo damage survey 货物损害鉴定书susceptibility of goods to water 易受水浸性the People's Insurance Company of China 中国人民保险公司the stipulations for insurance 保险条款To Cancel 退保To Cover 承保to cover (effect, arrange, take out) insurance 投保to have a health insurance policy 购买健康保险to provide the insurance 为…提供保险to purchase health insurance 购买健康保险Unearned Premium Reserve 未到期责任准备金保险英语句子1(1)Mr. Zhang met Mr. William in the office of the People' Insurance Company of China.张先生在中国人民保险公司的办公室接待了威廉先生。



acceptance policy 核保政策accounting period 结算期aggregate limit 累积限额aggregated loss 累积损失antiselection 逆选择ART (Alternative Risk Transfer 新型风险转移balance 所欠款项barrages 堰坝captive pools 自保组合catastrophe risk 巨灾风险ceiding company 分出公司cession limit 分保限额claim-prone 容易出险claims assistance 理赔协助clean cut 结清方式coinsurance 共保commencement and termination 起讫cover 承保cover 责任额deposit premium 预付保费destroyed 毁坏earth caves 土坏房屋EPAevent limit 事件限额ex gratia payments 通融赔款excess loss 超额赔款exclusion 除外责任exposed areas 风险承受区域facultative reinsurance 临时分保fault zone 断层区finite risk 有限制的风险flash floods 骤发洪水flooding of rivers 洪水泛滥frame structure 框架结构full coverage 全额承保full insurance value 足额保险价值full liability 全部责任Geophysics Institute 地球物理研究所health insurance 疾病保险,健康保险sickness insurance 疾病保险insurance during a period of illness 疾病保险insurance for medical care 医疗保险"major medical" insurance policy 巨额医药费保险life insurance 人寿保险endowment insurance 养老保险insurance on last survivor 长寿保险social insurance 社会保险personal property insurance 个人财产保险insurance of contents 家庭财产保险险别Free from Particular AverageF.P.A. 平安险With Particular Average W.P.A. 水渍险All Risks 一切险risk of breakage 破碎险risk of clashing 碰损险risk of rust 生锈险risk of hook damage 钩损险risk of contamination (tainting 污染险insurance against total loss only (TLO 全损险risk of deterioration 变质险risk of packing breakage 包装破裂险risk of inherent vice 内在缺陷险risk of normal loss (natural loss 途耗或自然损耗险risk of spontaneous combustion 自然险risk of contingent import duty 进口关税险insurance against war risk 战争险Air Transportation Cargo War Risk 航空运输战争险overland Transportation Insurance War Risk 陆上运输战争险insurance against strike, riot and civil commotion (SRCC 罢工,暴动,民变险insurance against extraneous risks, insurance against additional risks 附加险risk of theft, pilferage and nondelivery (TPND 盗窃提货不着险GNPI 总净保费收入hailstorm 雹暴heavy damage 严重破坏hollow brick wall 空斗砖结构hour clause 小时条款hurricane 飓风individual losses 单一损失insurability 可保性insured losses 保险损失intensity 烈度layering 层次less exposed 损失可能性小liability 责任light damage 轻度破坏line slips 分保条loading 附加费loss occurrence 损失发生loss occurring basis 损失发生基础loss participation 分担损失loss settlement 损失赔付magnitude 震级malicious damage 恶意损害moderate damage 中度破坏multi-story building 多层建建筑Munich Re 慕尼黑再net retained lines 净自留额net retained losses 损失净自赔额no profit commission 无纯益风险non-proportional reinsurance 非比例再保险notification 告知object 标的obligatory reinsurance 固定分保original deductibles 原始免赔额original rate 原始费率paid-up capital 已付资本peak accelerator 峰值加速度peril 危险risk of fresh and/of rain water damage(wetting 淡水雨淋险risk of leakage 渗漏险risk of shortage in weight/quantity 短量险risk of sweating and/or heating 受潮受热险5保险英语翻译risk of bad odour(change of flavour 恶味险,变味险risk of mould 发霉险on deck risk 舱面险6保险英语翻译保险业词汇Terms used in insurance industryaccident意外事故险actuarial method精算法Advance Loss Profits (ALOP预期利润损失险,利损险Advance profit预期利润broker经纪人Business Interruption Insurance (BI营业中断险captive自保公司casualty意外伤害险catastrophe巨灾险ceding company分出公司claim索赔claim settlement理赔combined ratioPICC Re 中保再placement 安排PML 可能最大损失policyholder 保单持有者pool 共保组合portfolio entry 未满期责任的出帐portfolio outgo 未满期责任的入帐premium 保费previous losses 既往损失priority 分保自留额priority 自付责任3保险英语词汇表proportional reinsurance 比例再保险rainstorm 雨暴rating 费率reinforced concrete building 钢筋混凝土建筑reinstatement 恢复保额reinsured 分出公司reinsurer 再保险人retention 自留额retention areas 滞洪区return period 重现期revoke license 吊销营业执照seaquake 海震second event cover 第二事件承保securitization 证券化seismic demage 震害set-off 抵销shear wall structure 剪力墙结构single 险位超赔spread loss 分散风险stop loss 赔付率超赔storm surges 风暴潮susceptibility of goods to water 易受水浸性tarrif 费率表TG 拐点周期tidal wave 海啸topographic map 地形图综合赔付率Consequential Loss (CL7保险英语翻译,保险专业词汇。

letter格式模板 cover

letter格式模板 cover



cover letter格式模板1April 13,2000P.O.Box 36BIIT UniversityBeijing,ChinaDear Sir/Madam:Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies.In addition to my knowledge of business processes,I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm.Currently,I serve as manager for BIT Company‘s Information Industry Division.Briefly,some of my accomplishments include:Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue,which enables client to monitor business performance Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL databaseMy business acumen,technical expertise,and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects.The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.Sincerely,Gu Bincover letter格式模板2Dear Sir,I would like to ask you to consider my qualification for the position in sales that you advertised in last week#39;s newspaper.I graduated from the College of Business in June of 1986.Since that time I have been taking night courses at Polytechnics in Sales Techniques and Mass Media Advertising.I have worked as a vehicle salesman for the Ford Co.for the past three years.At present I am their chief salesman and account for over one half of the sales.Before my present employment,Iworked for the Chains Department Store as a salesclerk in the electrical appliance section.We worked mainly on commission and I was able to earn a substantial amount although I was very young.I would like to make a change now because I feel that I can go no further in my present job,I feel that my ability and my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position,and it appears that this will not be forthcoming at my present position.If you would like to know more about my ability,I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.Sincerely yours,cover letter格式模板3Dear Sir or Madam,It’s greatly appreciated that you can share your ti me to read my self—recommendation letter.My name is Wang Jiang,22,majoring in English.I will graduate from HuBei Normal University in June 2009 with honors.In the course of four—year university study,I was appointed as vice monitor and the chairman of the League Member.Now I am the member of CPC.Thanks to my industry,I have passed TEM4,CET6 ,TEM8.Meanwhile,four years I reaped many rewards,such as national scholarship,the first ranking scholarship,the second ranking scholarship,3 good’s student,outstanding student leader9 f2 m and excellent League Member,etc.:|H,“Only after polishing,the sword will be sharp;only after suffering severe winter,the plum blossom will be fragment.”After four—year hard study,I have possessed the quality to be a qualified English teacher.I got the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University as well as the first price in normal students’teaching lesson .Four—year hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge.Now,I have mastered the basic English skills:listening,speaking,reading,writing and translation;and also have a good knowledge of grammar,phonetics,linguistics etc.Additionally,extensive reading has broadened my mind.It acquainted me with western countries’culture and custom.Hard working also rewards me with high scores in examination.With a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge,I also developed myself in all-round way.I have been paying special attention to foster my managerial ability,coordinate ability and cooperative ability.So I have done lots of jobs during my college life,such as working as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies,an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials,Inc.HuangShi Branch,a private tutor.I have notonly done a good job but also have leant a lot from such experiences.(三)积极开展通信建设企业人员培训和资格认证工作。



Life Of Riley2019-03-05cover:白虎作曲 : Jurrivh作词 : EACH9/银舌19HOOK:EACH9天命在我手里包上金属壳hustle everday rap money on my mind横冲直撞不屑运用任何套路你可以伤害我但小心我的报复天命在我手里包上金属壳hustle everday rap money on my mind横冲直撞不屑运用任何套路你可以伤害我但小心我的报复VERSE#1 EACH9追求我爱的骂一些我恨的bro这多么简单简单到看不见路的尽头魔鬼天使将我包围把我麻醉待放的花蕊逐渐在枯萎不管结局如何哥们绝不后悔追着房价追着欲望不想活的太累选择成为玩家但是不去犯罪我把hard life变成我的派对感谢上帝赐予我的魔力你对我的恨都变成我的活力诱惑在我面前像是九条尾的狐狸随便来向你展开我的腹地我很赞成和平与爱但是对傻逼例外傻人有傻福但傻逼没有 Each9 NineTeen的Swag你也算Trap歌手劝你跪着听完NineTeen的腔调with my chigga NineTeen 一起暴走把你那些傻逼歌曲全部删掉God bless me 天赋异禀在天空飞行穿梭的光阴我特别好奇是谁说的天津没有说唱歌手当我出现在你们眼前时候 hater必须全部给我跪下磕头HOOK:EACH9天命在我手里包上金属壳hustle everday rap money on my mind横冲直撞不屑运用任何套路你可以伤害我但小心我的报复天命在我手里包上金属壳hustle everday rap money on my mind横冲直撞不屑运用任何套路你可以伤害我但小心我的报复VERSE#2 NINETEEN把这人生当比赛万众瞩目之下万众期待恨我自己太牛逼恨我自己太厉害oh homie each9 nineteen nine家伙都拿好已经瞄准fake chigga在遇到我们之时就已经game over不用放出必杀技送葬者 young nineteen出来的气场就能让你们全归西无法阻止的诱惑掉进我的Trap让我尽情挥霍时间人生就是比赛和平与爱和平与爱我把他做成糖果分给你一块。

济南英语一模作文life skills

济南英语一模作文life skills

济南英语一模作文life skills全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Life Skills: A Journey of DiscoveryHi there! My name is Emily, and I'm a 10-year-old student in the fifth grade. Today, I want to share with you some of the amazing life skills I've learned so far, and how they've helped me grow into a more confident and independent person.One of the most important life skills I've learned is time management. At first, it was really hard for me to balance schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and playtime. I would often procrastinate on my homework, leaving everything until the last minute, and then feel super stressed out trying to get it all done. But my parents taught me how to make a schedule and prioritize my tasks. Now, I set aside specific times for homework, piano lessons, and just hanging out with my friends. It's like having a roadmap for my day, and it really helps me stay organized and on top of things.Another life skill that has been super useful is cooking. Can you believe that I can actually make my own meals now? It allstarted when my mom asked me to help her in the kitchen. At first, I was a bit reluctant because I thoug篇2My Life Skills JourneyHi there! My name is Emily and I'm a 10-year-old student in the 5th grade. Today, I want to share my thoughts and experiences about something really important – life skills. You might be wondering, "What are life skills?" Well, they are abilities that help us deal with everyday challenges and make good choices in our lives.When I was younger, I didn't really understand the concept of life skills. I just went to school, did my homework, played with my friends, and followed whatever my parents told me to do. But as篇3Life Skills: The Keys to Unlocking My PotentialHi there! My name is Emily, and I'm a 10-year-old student in the fifth grade. Today, I want to share with you some of the most important life skills I've learned so far. These skills might seemsmall, but they've already helped me a lot in my daily life, and I know they'll continue to be useful as I grow older.One of the first life skills I learned was how to tie my shoelaces. It might sound silly, but being able to tie my shoes independently was a huge deal for me. I remember feeling so proud the first time I managed to tie the perfect knot without any help from my parents or teachers. It gave me a sense of accomplishment and confidence that I could do things on my own.Another crucial life skill is time management. As a student, I have to juggle homework, extracurricular activities, and playtime. At first, it was challenging to balance everything, but my parents taught me how to create a schedule and prioritize my tasks. Now, I know when to work on my assignments, when to practice my violin, and when to have fun with my friends. Time management has helped me stay organized and avoid feeling overwhelmed.Speaking of friends, one of the most important life skills I've learned is how to communicate effectively. Whether it's expressing my thoughts and feelings to my parents, asking for help from my teachers, or resolving conflicts with my peers, being able to communicate clearly and respectfully is essential. I've learned to listen actively, choose my words carefully, andunderstand different perspectives. These communication skills have allowed me to build stronger relationships and navigate social situations more smoothly.Another life skill that has been invaluable is problem-solving. Life is full of challenges, big and small, and being able to think critically and find solutions is crucial. In school, I've learned various problem-solving strategies, such as breaking down complex issues into smaller parts, considering different options, and trying out different approaches until I find one that works. This skill has helped me tackle tricky math problems, resolve disagreements with friends, and even figure out how to fix my bike after a minor accident.One of the most recent life skills I've been working on is money management. My parents have been teaching me the importance of saving, budgeting, and making wise spending choices. I've learned to differentiate between wants and needs, and to set aside a portion of my allowance for saving and charitable donations. Managing money responsibly is a skill that will serve me well throughout my life.Resilience is another life skill that has been crucial for me. Life isn't always easy, and sometimes we face setbacks or disappointments. I've learned that it's okay to feel sad orfrustrated, but it's important to pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep going. Whether it's a poor grade on a test or a conflict with a friend, being resilient means not giving up and continuing to work towards my goals.Finally, one of the most valuable life skills I've learned is how to take care of myself. This includes everything from maintaining good hygiene and eating a balanced diet to getting enough sleep and exercise. Taking care of my physical and mental health is essential for me to perform my best in school, have the energy to pursue my hobbies, and simply feel good about myself.As you can see, life skills cover a wide range of areas, from practical tasks like tying shoelaces to more abstract concepts like communication and problem-solving. While some of these skills might seem small or insignificant, they've already made a big difference in my life, and I know they'll continue to be valuable as I grow and face new challenges.Learning life skills isn't always easy, but it's incredibly rewarding. With each new skill I acquire, I feel more confident, capable, and prepared for the future. I'm grateful to my parents, teachers, and friends who have helped me develop these skills, and I'm excited to keep learning and growing.Remember, life skills aren't just for adults – they're essential for all of us, no matter our age. So, take the time to learn and practice these skills, and you'll be setting yourself up for success in whatever path you choose. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be writing about even more amazing life skills I've mastered!篇4Life Skills: My Journey of LearningHi there! My name is Emma, and I'm a 10-year-old girl who loves to learn new things every day. Today, I want to share with you my thoughts and experiences about life skills – those important abilities that help us navigate through life and become better human beings.When I was younger, I didn't really understand what life skills were all about. I thought they were just a bunch of boring things that grown-ups wanted us kids to learn. Boy, was I wrong! As I grew older and started learning more about life skills, I realized how incredibly valuable and exciting they are.One of the first life skills I learned was communication. My teacher taught us how to express ourselves clearly and listen attentively to others. At first, I found it a bit challenging to speak in front of the class without feeling shy or nervous. But withpractice and encouragement from my teacher and classmates, I became more confident in sharing my thoughts and ideas. Now, I love participating in class discussions and even giving presentations!Another life skill that has been really useful for me is time management. I used to struggle with completing my homework and chores on time, but my parents taught me how to create a schedule and prioritize my tasks. It was tough at first, but once I got the hang of it, I felt so much more organized and in control of my day. I even started waking up a little earlier to have a more relaxed morning routine.One of my favorite life skills is problem-solving. I remember when I was younger, I would get really frustrated whenever I encountered a challenge or a difficult situation. But my teacher showed us different strategies to approach problems, such as breaking them down into smaller parts, looking at them from different angles, and seeking help when needed. Now, I feel more confident in tackling any obstacle that comes my way, whether it's a tricky math problem or a disagreement with a friend.Another life skill that has been incredibly valuable for me is emotional intelligence. My parents and teachers have helped meunderstand and manage my emotions in a healthy way. I've learned how to identify and express my feelings, empathize with others, and handle conflicts in a respectful manner. This skill has not only improved my relationships with my family and friends but also helped me develop a better understanding of myself.One life skill that I'm still working on is decision-making. Sometimes, I find it hard to choose between different options, especially when they all seem appealing or when the consequences are unclear. My parents have taught me to weigh the pros and cons, consider my values and goals, and even seek advice from trusted people when needed. I'm getting better at making decisions, but I know it's a skill that will continue to develop as I grow older.Another life skill that I've found incredibly useful is teamwork. Through group projects and team-building activities at school, I've learned how to collaborate effectively with others, respect different perspectives, and contribute my strengths to achieve a common goal. Working in a team has taught me valuable lessons about communication, compromise, and the importance of supporting one another.Creative thinking is another life skill that I've been exploring and enjoying. My art teacher has encouraged us to think outsidethe box and approach things from unique angles. Whether it's painting, writing stories, or coming up with innovative solutions to problems, I've learned that creativity is not just about being artistic – it's a way of looking at the world with fresh eyes and embracing imagination.One life skill that I believe is crucial for everyone is adaptability. Life is full of changes and unexpected situations, and being able to adapt and adjust to new circumstances is a valuable asset. My parents and teachers have taught me to embrace change with an open mind, be flexible in my thinking, andseek opportunities for growth and learning even in challenging times.And last but not least, one of the most important life skills I've learned is resilience. Life can be tough sometimes, and we all face setbacks, disappointments, and failures. But my parents and teachers have shown me that it's not about never falling down –it's about having the strength and determination to get back up and keep going. I've learned to view failures as learning opportunities, to persevere through challenges, and to never give up on my dreams and goals.As you can see, life skills are not just boring things that adults want us to learn. They are the tools and abilities that will help us navigate through life with confidence, compassion, and success. From communication and problem-solving to emotional intelligence and resilience, these skills have already made a significant impact on my life, and I know they will continue to be invaluable as I grow and face new challenges.Learning life skills is an ongoing journey, and I'm excited to keep exploring and developing these important abilities. Who knows what other amazing life skills are out there waiting for me to discover? One thing is for sure – I'm ready to embrace them with open arms and an eager mind.Thank you for taking the time to read my thoughts on life skills. I hope my experiences and perspectives have inspired you to appreciate and cultivate these valuable abilities in your own life. Remember, life skills are not just for grown-ups – they're for all of us, no matter how young or old we are. So, let's continue learning, growing, and becoming the best versions of ourselves together!篇5Life Skills for KidsHi there! My name is Emma and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to talk to you about some really important things called "life skills." These are abilities that can help us grow up to be capable and happy adults. Even as kids, learning life skills now will make our lives easier and more fun. Let me share some key life skills that I think are awesome to learn.First up is communication. Being able to share our thoughts, feelings and needs with others is super important. It helps us make friends, work through disagreements, and understand each other better. Good communication means listening carefully without interrupting, speaking clearly, and being respectful even if we disagree. At home, I practice by sharing about my day at dinner. At school, I raise my hand and wait to be called on in class.Next is time management. There's so much to do with school, activities, chores and playing. Learning to make a schedule and prioritize helps us get it all done without going crazy! I write out a weekly schedule for homework, piano practice, soccer and fun time. I set reminders to stay on track. This way I don't end up rushed and frazzled at the last minute.Another awesome skill is money management. Even as kids, we can learn how to budget, spend wisely, and save for goals. Myparents give me an allowance for doing my chores. I keep a portion for spending, but also put some in my savings jar for that new bike I want. I track my spending so I don't blow through my money too fast.Here's one that's becoming crucial - digital literacy. With so much technology and time online these days, we need to know how to use it responsibly and stay safe. This includes caring for devices, protecting privacy, identifying misinformation, and balancing screen time with other activities. My parents have taught me rules like never sharing personal info online and limiting recreational screen time.Problem-solving is an amazing life skill. Problems are a normal part of life, big and small. Having strategies to work through problems calmly and find solutions is so helpful! I've learned steps like defining the problem, brainstorming options, picking one to try, and evaluating if it worked. This makes anything from friend troubles to homework much easier.We can't overlook basic life skills like hygiene, household chores, and preparing simple meals. Taking care of ourselves and our living spaces promotes health and independence. I make my bed, tidy my room, brush my teeth without reminders. I can alsomake simple things like sandwiches. These skills will really pay off when I'm older!One of the most important life skills in my opinion is resilience. Being resilient means bouncing back from disappointments, failures and hard things that happen in life. It's about having a positive mindset, not giving up, and believing you can get through it. I've had to be resilient when I struggled to learn my multiplication tables or didn't make the travel soccer team. I took it one step at a time, asked for help, and kept trying.Those are just some of the many valuable life skills we can all work on, even from a young age. I know a lot of it seems simple, but practicing these skills day-by-day prepares us for more independence and success. So let's get started - our future selves will thank us!篇6Life Skills: The Secrets to Becoming a Superstar!Hi there, friends! Are you ready to unlock the secret powers that will turn you into a real-life superhero? Well, get ready because I'm about to share some awesome life skills that will make you unstoppable!First up, let's talk about being responsible. This one is super important because it shows that you're a trustworthy and dependable person. When your parents or teachers ask you to do something, like cleaning your room or finishing your homework, you need to follow through and get it done without being reminded a million times. It's like having a superpower that keeps you on track and makes people proud of you!Next, we've got communication skills. This is like having a magic wand that lets you express yourself clearly and understand others. When you're good at communicating, you can make new friends easily, solve problems with your family, and even get better grades at school by asking questions and expressing your ideas. It's a total game-changer!Now, let's talk about teamwork. This one is all about working together like a well-oiled superhero squad. When you have good teamwork skills, you can collaborate with your classmates on group projects, play sports as a team, and even help your family out with chores. It's like having a secret power that multiplies your strength and makes everything easier!Alright, time for my favorite life skill: creativity! This is the superpower that lets you think outside the box, come up with amazing ideas, and solve problems in unique ways. Whetheryou're writing a story, painting a picture, or building a fort out of blankets and pillows, being creative is like having a magical wand that turns the ordinary into the extraordinary!Oh, and we can't forget about time management! This skill is like having a superhero sidekick that helps you stay organized and use your time wisely. When you're good at managing your time, you can get all your homework done without feeling stressed, have plenty of time for fun activities, and never miss out on anything important. It's like having a secret weapon that keeps your life balanced and awesome!Last but not least, let's talk about problem-solving skills. This one is like having a superhero utility belt filled with all sorts of tools to tackle any challenge that comes your way. Whether you're struggling with a tricky math problem, navigating a conflict with a friend, or trying to figure out how to build the coolest fort ever, being a good problem-solver means you'll always find a way to save the day!So, there you have it, friends – the ultimate life skills that will turn you into a real-life superhero! With these powers in your arsenal, you'll be unstoppable. Just remember to practice them every day, and before you know it, you'll be soaring through life with confidence, resilience, and a whole lot of awesomeness!。

嘴角扬起微笑的句子 英语

嘴角扬起微笑的句子 英语

嘴角扬起微笑的句子英语1、The woman went out and forgot to make-up, the best remedy is to show your smile.2、Life is a mirror.When you smile in front of it ,it will also smile and so will it when you cry to it.3、A smile is the language has multiple meanings.4、You smiled and talked to me of nothing and I felt that for this , I had been waiting long.5、With a smile the speaker, to bear the responsibility.6、With smile, failure, with strong to create happiness!7、Life is faced with a true smile, is watching over the obstacles in the future.8、Try to make at least three people smile each day.9、When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.10、The smile is faint, the light cloud, knead in sadness.11、Life, is a colorful picture, the smile is a beautiful color.12、When life give you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.13、Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.14、I smile, continue to pride.15、Dont go for looks;they can deceive. Dont go for wealth; even that fades away. Find the one that makes your heart smile.16、Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, ends with a tear.17、The face of light, shadow just behind us.18、Theres nothing more beautiful than a smile that struggles through tears.19、Sunshine and flowers in the philosophical smile, the sad and painful sigh in the pessimistic.20、Nobody ever died of laughter. ----Max.Beerbohm21、Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. ----Victor Borge22、Men show their character in nothing more clearly than by what they find laughable. ----Anonymous23、Perhaps I know why it is man alone who laughs; He alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter. ----Nietzsche24、It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.25、Life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles with sniffes predomi-nating.26、If you don’t learn to laugh at troubles, you won’t have anything to lau gh at when you grow old. ---Edward W.Howe27、If you smile when one is around,you really mean it.28、Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.29、The smile, really is the benevolence symbol, the joyful fountainhead, is intimate with the others themedium. Had the smile, humanity’s sentiment has linked up.30、Laughter is the privilege of human. -- Carnegie31、The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter. ---Mark Twain32、Humor is the soul of a smile. The most profound sense of humor is a mortally wounded heart smile. -- Zhou Guoping33、Never stop smiling, not even when you are sad, someone might fall in love with yoursmile.34、When you smile, the world loved him; when he laughed, the world became afraid of him. -- Tagore35、A smile is the language has multiple meanings. -- Spitler36、Only in your smile, I just have to breathe. -- Dickens37、No matter how things, please quiet please! This is the life. We want to do the acceptance of life, brave, bold, and always with a smile. -- Luxemburg38、If have person it is without rhyme or reason. Smile at you, it must be for some reason. -- Ma Changshan39、Life is like a song like that fluent, easy smile Chang Kainai; but in everything it can still not smile, only worth living. -- Willcocks40、Just one laugh makes the person ten years younger.41、Smile is the best name card.42、Behind the clouds are still brilliant sunshine.-- Ron flo43、Always have faith, old thinking"". If you do one thing, to worry about" if I can’t", then you will have no courage.-- Gai Jiaotian44、You took away my smile and left me your sweet smile.45、Rough people often laugh but never smile, educated people often smile but never laugh.46、Smile. Dont forget the smile, for yourself, for everyone, in the reminder.47、At that time, your smile, flustered my youth.48、With my far-etched smile, I can live up to no ones pride.49、Some smiles are like bandages. Although they cover up the wound, their heartache is still painful.50、Be kind to everyone you meet and smile at them.51、Life is a process of choking, crying and smiling, and the greater part of it is choking.52、When we were young, we used tears to represent grievances. When we grew up, we used tears to interpret smiles, but we used smiles to cover up sadness.53、Cherish those eyes that give you warmth and trust, thats the angel smiling!54、Wrinkled areas only indicate that smiles have been there.55、Its better to forget it and smile than to remember it and be sad.56、Smile is a language with multiple meanings.57、When I was a child, I smiled a little, but when I grow up, it is a kind of expression.58、When something that made you laugh in the past can only make you laugh now, you are middle-aged.59、Kindness is irresistible, but it should be sincere, not a fake smile or mask.60、When I was young, a smile was a mood. When I grew up, a smile was an expression.61、Snow sunshine, looking up at him and smiling, the landscape is gentle, as it was first seen.62、Maybe when one is really helpless, one has to smile besides smiling.63、It is not the sunshine that makes the world brilliant, but the girls smile.64、Maturity does not mean that the heart is getting old, but that tears are turning and smiling.65、What is really valuable is a penny-free smile.66、You never give me a look back, but I always smile at you.67、Life is too short to leave time for regret. If its not the end, please keep smiling.68、Leave your tears to those who love you the most, and your smiles to those who hurt you the most.69、You smiled and said that I thought too much, but I smiled and said that everything had changed.70、Beauty is Gods smile, music is Gods voice.71、I smile. Whenever I am sad or happy, I only have to smile.72、Getting a last smile is better than getting the first joy.73、We smiled and said: we stay where time is, in fact, has been silently swept away by the torrent.74、As long as you smile, I will accompany you to smile in your heart.75、The most beautiful thing in the world is the smile that comes out of tears.76、Waiting for a warm smile, you do not come, I am not old.77、Start, child, and begin to know your mother with a smile.78、Once tried to count your wounds with a smile, but in the end, tears flowed out of your eyes with a smile.79、You smiled at me without saying a word. And I know Ive been waiting for this for a long time.80、Three things help ease the toil of life: hope, sleep and a smile.81、The sign of a persons maturity is to learn to be cruel, to be independent, to smile and to abandon unworthy feelings.82、Beauty is power, and a smile is its sword.83、you said with a smile i think too much, but i was said with a smile feel everything changed.84、snow, the color of the sun, looks up at him smile, and gentle, like first.85、some smiles are like band-aids, although to cover the wound, but it still hurts.86、life is too short, dont have time to regret. if it is not an end, smile always forward.87、smile. dont forget to smile, for the sake of oneself, for everybody, in remind myself.88、perhaps one in real helpless when, in addition to smile, also had to smile.89、rude people often laugh but never smile and educated people smile often but never laughed.90、kind irresistible, but it should be sincere, not false smile or mask.91、when the past things make you laugh, but now i can only make you smile, you went into middle age.92、ever tried, with smile count you to hurt, but in the end, but tears eyes with the smile outflow.93、we said with a smile; we stay in the time of his place, actually has long been a flood swept away quietly.94、life is made up of sob cry and smile of a process, and the greater part is choked.95、you smiled at me, dont say a word. and i know that for this i have been waiting for a long time.96、when we use the tears on behalf of the aggrieved, grew up we smile with tears, but witha smile conceal sadness.97、get a last smile is better than to get the original a joy.98、waiting for a through a tender smile, you dont come, i am not old.99、make the world is not the sun, but the girls smile.100、when i was a child smile mood, to a smile is a kind of expression.。



Level Term Life AssuranceHelping you decideThe Financial Services Authority is the independent financial services regulator. It requires us to give you this important information to help you to decide whether a level term life assurance policy is right for you. You should read this document carefully so that you understand what you are buying, and then keep it safe for future reference.What is the purpose of this document?This document is designed to give you a summary of information to help you decide if this product is suitable for you. You should seek financial advice and discuss your plans with anyone who may be affected by your financial decisions. Before you make a purchase, you should read this and all other related documents and clarify any questions that you may have.SuitabilityThis product is suitable if you want to ensure your family receives a tax-free payout in the event of your death in return for either regular monthly or annual premiums.If you are in any doubt about the suitability of this policy to meet your needs you should seek financial advice.Its aims•To give your beneficiaries a guaranteed lump sum if you die during the policy term •To allow joint life cover that will pay out benefits on the death of the first of the lives assured•To give the option of Terminal Illness Cover Your commitment•To pay regular monthly or annual premiums for the duration of the policy•To get appropriate financial advice•To give complete and accurate information on your application•To tell the insurers about any changes in your personal circumstances that occurbetween signing the proposal form and the start of your policyRisks•Once set up, you will not be able to change the terms of your policy•The policy has no cash value at any time and cannot be surrendered•You will not be able to make a claim once the term of the policy has expired •Money will not be returned from the policy on expiry even if no claim was made•The insurers have the right to refuse a claim if you fail to disclose a material fact •Inflation may erode the value of the chosen sum assured during the term of your policy •If you stop paying your premiums at any time,the insurers will terminate your policy30 days after the payment was due and nopremiums will be returned to you•Once the policy has been terminated, you will not be able to reinstate the policy •Although any payout from this policy is free from any liability to tax under currentlegislation, money left to your estatecould become liable to inheritance tax•If you select the Terminal Illness Cover –the decision of the insurer’s Chief MedicalOfficer is final and takes precedent over any other life expectancy diagnosisQuestions and answersHow does the Level Term Life Assurance Policy work?In return for either a regular monthly or annual premium (details of which are contained within your illustration or quotation) made over a fixed term, your estate or beneficiaries (if written in trust) will receive a tax-free payout in the event of your or your partner’s (on joint life applications) death during the policy term.You can elect to provide your beneficiaries with a series of tax-free, regular income payments over a set timescale, or pay them a commuted tax-free lump sum. Commutation is calculated by taking interest rates and other relevant, prevailing factors into consideration.Your premium will not change throughout the duration of the policy.How does the Terminal Illness Cover work?The Level Term Assurance policyallows you to select Terminal Illness Cover.A terminal illness is defined as any medical condition which is expected to cause death within 12 months of the diagnosis.The cover will pay out the sum assured as a single, tax-free lump sum in the event that you or your partner (on joint life applications) are diagnosed with a terminal illness prior to 18 months before the policy’s expiry date.If a medical practitioner diagnoses you with a terminal illness, you should contact us immediately either by telephone or in writing at the address on page 5 for a claim form.If the insurer’s Chief Medical Officer agrees with the diagnosis you will have two choices: - To take a regular income, payable for the remainder of the policy termOr- Take a commuted tax-free lump sumIf you choose the second option, the policy will then cease. In either case you will not have to pay any further premiums and no additional claims can be made.The decision of the insurer’s Chief Medical Officer is final and is based on their comprehensive medical knowledge and extensive experience in this specific area.The cover must be selected from the outset of your policy and the terminal illness sum assured will be the same amount as the life assurance i.e. will decrease over the duration of the policy.How is the premium calculated?Your premium is based on a number of factors:•The amount of cover you choose•Term•Your age•Your gender•Your occupation•Your pastimes•Whether you smoke•Your medical history What are the tax implications?Tax is a complex issue and varies from person to person so you should discuss your own tax position with your Financial Adviser.It’s important to note however, that whilst any payout from your policy is not liable to taxation under current legislation, if the tax free lump sum is paid back to your estate after you die, it could become liable to Inheritance Tax (IHT).Your Financial Adviser may be able to mitigate any potential IHT liability by placing the policy in trust.The rules governing taxation are subject to review and can change.What happens when I die?Your estate must contact the insurers immedi-ately, either by telephone or in writing to let them know.What is a Trust?Trusts offer a means of holding and managing money or property for people who may not be ready or able to manage it for themselves. Used in conjunction with a will, they can also help ensure that your assets are passed on in accordance with your wishes after you die. What happens if I want to cancel my plan?A cancellation notice will be enclosed with your policy documents providing full details about the cancellation procedure which outlines the right to change your mind within 30 days.If you do decide to cancel within this 30 day period, we will refund your money in full.If the insurers do not receive your cancellation notice within the 30 day notice period they will automatically continue your policy.How do I apply?Please complete the form on this site.The insurers may subsequently contact your doctor for a General Practitioner’s Reportto verify the information provided on your application. They will not always apply for this however, so it is essential that you provide comprehensive details about your health so that they can fully understand your condition and provide you with an accurate quotation. There are some instances where you may be required to undergo a medical examination if,for example, our Chief Medical Officer requires further information on a particular aspect of your application.If at any time there is found to be any misrepresentation or non-disclosure of your health conditions, the insurers reserve the right to cancel or amend the terms of the policy and invalidate any future claim.If you wish to include Terminal Illness Cover you must select it at the outset and indicate this on your proposal form. No additional underwriting is necessary for this type of cover.Financial AdviceWe do not provide advice so you should consult your own Financial Adviser.Other important informationLawThe law and courts of England and Wales will apply in legal disputes and your contract will be written in English. We’ll always write and speak to you in English. CompensationYour Financial Adviser has a duty to recommend only products that are suitable for your needs and financial situation. You have a legal right to compensation if it is proved that at any time their recommendations were unsuitable when they were given and under the circumstances which they were made.You may be entitled to compensation if the insurers cannot meet their obligations due to insolvency.The Financial Services Compensation Scheme may arrange to transfer your policy to another insurer, provide a new policy or, if this is not possible, provide compensation. Compensationdepends on your policy and the circumstances of the claim. For example, most insurance contracts are covered for 100% of the first £2,000 and 90% of the remainder of the claim.Further information about compensation arrangements is available from The Financial Services Compensation Scheme, who can be contacted at:The Financial Services Compensation Scheme 7th Floor Lloyds Chambers Portsoken StreetLondon E1 8BNTelephone************ Web: Email:******************.uk。



2.cover 走过一段路程
1)We covered 50 kilometers yesterday.
2)By sunset we had covered thirty miles. 到日落的时候, 我们已走了三十英里.
3.cover v看完,读完(多少页)
How many pages have you covered?
1.cover v,覆盖 cover...with.... 用....覆盖....
1)She covered her face with her hands.
2)Cover the table with a cloth. be covered with 被...覆盖....
The mountain is covered with snow all the year around.
4.cover v占地面积 cover an area of ---The city covers an area of 500 square kilometers.
5.cover v报道.采访
1)Who will cover the event?
2)The BBC will cover all the major games of the tournament.
B. take
C. get
D. make
7. How many pages have you ______ so far? I’d like to read the book too if you have finished it.
A. looked
B. seen
C. turned
D. covered
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美之心路 The path of Beauty
启蒙新声 Enlightenment
文明的邂逅 Encounter of Civilizations
一瞬之光 Treasures in Time
98 99
信望爱 Eternal Performance
传世崇光 Perspective
Life Magazine
生命向往 Aspiration
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
发现边疆 Frontier
14 15
灵感与激情 Passion
流动的命运 Expectations
一生的远行 Eternity
回到上海 Shanghai Return
62 63
望乡 Homeland
醒来 Wakening
未来进化报告 Futurist
伟大的旅程 Life is a Journey
人生博物馆 My Life as a Museum
望族 Heritage
海国图志 To The Sea
中和年代 Harmony
先锋灵感 Pioneer Inspired
创造的时光 Creations
未来迭变 Pass the Future
74 75
文化敬启者 Culture
人间春晓 Romanticism
国家的品格 Glory & Dream
86 87
时间停驻 Le temps Suspenda
仰望星空 The Starry Night
上善之道 Beyond Faith
消逝的中国 The Lost China
舞动生命 Dance
You are joy
梦回伊甸园 Garden ofgest Journey
水御行 心悦远 Sensibility
风雅八咏 Aestheric
大道寻音 The Pianist
人.热情.梦 Forever Now
真我如我 Humanity
光耀生命 Light on Life
隽永未来 A Legend Forward
灵犀 Spirit
灵感印记 In Tribute to Inspiration
大师之路 Encounter & Masterpieces
人生旅伴 文艺景象 大地在心 看不见的城市 Companian Renaissance Earth Mind to fade off in my life. Invisible Cities this is the birthday gift to Yan Lailai,whom jc missedLife so much in the first half of 2014.This is the last thing i can provide to you. And in the last, you arein destined Wish you all the best. 海的真谛 Authentic Ocean 跃!马之悦 Tribute to equus 善心之眼 Eye of Empathy 守望手艺 The crafemanship Keeper 游逸旅人 Journey of Colletctor 另一种生活 Ways of Living 创造之旅 Voyage of Creatiion
人生两仪 Forms of Life
寻道自然 A Tribute to Nature
美学珍玩 curiosite
上膳溯源 Origin of Gourmet
不老 Forever Young
人生景行 Life in Colors
越界中国 Another China
盛世之源 The Spirit of Scotland
38 39
蓝梦中国 Blue is the Color of Dreams
启蒙与复兴 Before the Renaissance
变革的主人 Master of Innovation
返本还源 A touch of ZEN
原爱 Eternity Love
天佑中华 Heaven Protect China
首都 Peking
东方游记 Le Voyage D'orient
长江家书 Home
世说传奇 The Legendary Years
谒真 Living Portfolio
黄金时代 The Golden Age
50 51
红与黑 Energy
沿海中国 Another China
大地徘徊 The Long Wonder
原生的力量 The Call of Shangri-La
记忆与现实 Towards the South
营造中国 China under Construction
人间智慧 Living on Earth
人间喜剧 Theatre
新青年 La Jeunesse
清平乐 ZEN
中国人的世界观 How China Really Sees the World
55 56
革新之路 Evolutionary Road
57 58
民艺复兴 Folk-art Renaissance
逐梦中国 Gone the Golden Dream
坚韧的源泉 Origins
持灯的使者 Enlightenment
江南:似水流年 Reminescence
漫长的等待 Tenacity
西行漫记 A Tale of two lines
传承 Mentor
上善若水 Pure Empathy as Water
天工开物 Possession Genesis
天与地 China on Move
生命的律动 Sympony No.9
26 27
少年中国 Young China
非凡岁月 Once Upon a Time in China
中国科学精神 Chinese Science Revolution
天地并存 Naturescape
变化中的中国人 Understanding China