羟基磁珠 (Beads OH)
磁珠法纯化D N A原理磁珠法核酸纯化技术采用了纳米级磁珠微珠,这种磁珠微珠的表面标记了一种官能团,能同核酸发生吸附反应。
硅磁(Magnetic Silica Particle)就是指磁珠微珠表面包裹一层硅材料,来吸附核酸,其纯化原理类型于玻璃奶的纯化方式AMPure bead :NaCl,7% PEG8000标准的AMPure xp是用来筛选掉100bp的DNA片段,通过改变PEG8000的含量可改变至(MAX 300bp,MIN 50bp),PEG8000的浓度越高越能筛选出片段小的DNA Streptavidin magnetic bead (链霉亲和素磁珠):Streptavidin(SA)链霉亲和素,magnetic磁性的,亲和素能与生物素之间存在强度最高的非共价作用(称作BAS系统)二者结合形成复合物的解离常数很小,呈不可逆反应性;而且酸、碱、变性剂、蛋白溶解酶以及有机溶剂均不影响其结合。
玻璃奶:是一种白色硅颗粒,能到50kb大小的DNA(双链,单链,线状,超螺旋),结合原理:在高盐状态下,玻璃奶周围的负电荷被打破,并允许DNA磷酸负电荷与玻璃奶特异性结合,在低盐时(H20或1X TE)溶解分离DNA<100bp时,高盐状态下结合率高;DNA>100bp时,低盐状态下结合率高;pH<时,结合率高。
Anti-DYKDDDDK Magarose beads
Anti-DYKDDDDK Magarose Beads目录1.产品介绍 (1)2.试剂准备 (1)3.样品纯化 (2)4.试剂兼容性 (3)5.问题及解决方案 (3)6.订购信息及相关产品 (4)1.产品介绍Flag标签是一个由八个亲水氨基酸组成的多肽片段,定位在融合蛋白表面,因此更易与抗体结合以及被肠激酶分解。
Magarose Beads系列产品具有超顺磁性、快速磁响应性、丰富羟基官能团和相对集中的粒径等特点,是医学与分子生物学研究中重要的载体工具。
Anti-DYKDDDDK Magarose Beads是以抗flag(DYKDDDDK)抗体为亲和配体,一步纯化原核、酵母或哺乳动物细胞表达的flag标签融合蛋白。
表1.Anti-DYKDDDDK Magarose Beads产品性能性能指标基质磁性琼脂糖微球配体Anti-DYKDDDDK Antibody结合能力(/ml磁珠)>1mg DYKDDDDK标签蛋白粒径(μm)30-100储存缓冲液PBS,0.01%Tween-20,0.02%NaN3磁珠体积磁珠体积占悬浮液体积的20%储存温度2°C-8°C2.试剂准备2.1样品准备上柱之前要确保样品溶液有合适的离子强度和pH值,可以用平衡液对样品或细胞培养液稀释,或者用平衡液透析。
平衡/洗杂液:50mM Tris,0.15M NaCl,pH7.4洗脱液:0.1M glycine HCl,pH3.0竞争性洗脱液:50mM Tris,0.15M NaCl,100-500ug flag多肽/ml,pH7.4中和液:1M Tris-HCl,pH8.03.样品纯化3.1磁珠预处理将Anti-DYKDDDDK Magarose Beads颠倒数次,保证磁珠完全混匀,取计算量的磁珠悬浮液,转移至离心管中,放置在磁分离器上,静置大约1min,待溶液变澄清后,用移液器吸弃清液。
Strep-TagII蛋白纯化磁珠(BeadsMagroseStrep-Tactin)Strep-Tag II蛋白纯化磁珠(Beads Magrose Strep-Tactin)货号:M2350规格:5mL保存:2-8℃,保质期2年产品内容:Strep-Tag系统是模拟链霉亲和素-生物素系统的新型蛋白纯化系统,Strep-Tactin对Strep-Tag II 的亲和能力与链霉亲和素相比,至少强10倍以上,且分离纯化条件温和,在生理条件下即可实现蛋白的分离纯化;此外,与其他tag相比,Strep-Tag II为8个氨基酸的小标签(WSHPQFEK),由于标签小,仅为1kDa左右,不影响融合后蛋白质的结构和功能。
Beads Magrose Strep-Tactin磁珠采用特殊的蛋白偶联工艺,将Strep-Tactin蛋白共价偶联到超顺磁性磁珠表面,制备了一种专为高效、快速分离纯化Strep-tag II蛋白的一种新型功能化材料,实现并搭建了提取速度、提取量及纯度兼得的蛋白纯化平台。
产品特性:产品名称Beads Magrose Strep-Tactin磁珠粒径30~150μm配基含量~6mg Strep-Tactin/mL Gel融合蛋白结合量1~7mg Strep-tag II蛋白/mL Gel悬液浓度10%(v/v)磁珠悬液保存液1×PBS(0.1%Tween-20+0.05%NaN3)Binding/Washing Buffer10mM Tris-HCl,150mM NaCl,1mM EDTA,pH8.0Elution Buffer 2.5mM desthiobiotin in Binding BufferRegeneration Buffer0.5M NaOH or1mM HABA in Binding Buffer注意:磁珠蛋白结合量与目标蛋白特性相关,此处仅做参考值。
ECOgene Beads 展示资料
一氪生物ECOgene Beads说明资料产品说明:ECOgene Beads是一款基于磁珠的DNA纯化试剂。
试剂通过特异包被的磁珠颗粒及缓冲液体系,可以对常规PCR、酶切、连接等分子生物学反应溶液中DNA 进行纯化回收,通过DNA分子与磁珠颗粒可逆性的结合及释放,配合磁珠颗粒在磁场中的快速分离汇集,达到高效,快速,便捷的DNA纯化目的。
试剂组成规格:5ml、50ml、450mlECOgene Beads可储存于4℃保存12个月,使用前需恢复至室温并混合均匀,溶液正常状态为质地及颜色均一的悬浊状溶液。
流程简介:ECOgene Beads处理流程可以简要分为以下三个步骤:1.磁珠与待纯化的DNA溶液混合,结合DNA分子,然后通过磁力架进行富集。
2.清洗磁珠以去除杂质3.从磁珠上洗脱纯化后的DNA分子具体流程及说明详见《附件1:ECOgene Beads使用说明书》性能展示1.纯化效率:使用1.8倍反应溶液体积进行回收,纯化效率达80%以上。
回收产物2100检测结果2.片段选择性纯化效果使用0.9倍反应溶液体积进行片段选择性回收,纯化Illumina标准小片段DNA 文库,有效去除接头二聚体。
纯化前纯化后3.应用于高通量测序文库构建中效果用于Illumina DNA小片段文库、RNA表达谱文库及血浆游离DNA文库构建中的纯化步骤,文库峰图正常,无二聚体残留。
产品实物展示:充分混匀的ECOgene Beads为棕褐色悬浊液体。
附1:ECOgene Beads使用说明书(50mL)【产品名称】ECOgene Beads/核酸纯化磁珠【包装规格】50ml/瓶【用途说明】ECOgene Beads核酸纯化磁珠采用超顺磁性磁珠颗粒,可用于PCR反应、DNA酶切反应、DNA修复反应、DNADNA,(1)使用前,将磁珠从2-8℃冰箱中取出,在室温条件下震荡混匀,平衡30min。
抗体功能化磁珠-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述在概述部分,可以介绍抗体功能化磁珠的背景和重要性。
文章结构部分的内容可以如下所示:1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下结构来进行介绍抗体功能化磁珠的相关内容:第一部分:引言在引言部分,首先会对抗体功能化磁珠的概念进行简要的介绍,包括其定义和原理。
第二部分:正文正文部分将分为三个主要部分:2.1 抗体功能化磁珠的定义与原理在这一部分,将详细介绍抗体功能化磁珠的定义和原理,包括什么是抗体功能化磁珠,以及其原理是如何实现的。
2.2 抗体功能化磁珠的制备方法这一部分将介绍抗体功能化磁珠的制备方法。
本公司提供MagBeads TM1 μm羧基磁珠及MagBeads TM1 μm羧基磁珠(低非特异性),由聚苯乙烯和纳米氧化铁组成,具有低的血清蛋白非特异性结合力、良好的生物相容性。
与国外知名厂商同类产品相比,MagBeads TM1 μm羧基磁珠及羧基磁珠(低非特异性)由于特殊的表面结构及亲水层修饰,羧基密度都较高,既能保证磁珠有较多的官能团与目标蛋白/核酸等相连,提高偶联率,又能降低非目标蛋白/核酸等生物分子的非特异性吸附。
图1:MagBeads TM羧基磁珠扫描电镜图,羧基磁珠表面偶联各种生物标记分子的示意图以及MagBeads TM羧基磁珠,羧基磁珠(低非特异性)与国内外公司同类产品比较羧基磁珠的主要应用是作为体外诊断磁珠法化学发光试剂的重要原料之一。
抗体纯化磁珠(Beads Magrose Protein A/G Antibody Purification)规格:20T保存:2-8℃,保质期1年产品内容:Beads Protein A/G抗体纯化磁珠系列产品是由NHS活化的超顺磁性微球与Protein A/G共价结合形成的复合微粒。
用户可根据目标抗体的种属来源及亚型选择磁珠的类别,Magrose Protein A,Magrose Protein G磁珠与不同抗体的亲和性比较参见下表。
产品特性:产品名称Magrose Protein A Magrose Protein G磁珠粒径30~150µm30~150µm磁珠浓度10%(v/v)10%(v/v)配基Protein A Protein G介质Magrose Magrose抗体结合能力25~30mg Human IgG/mL Gel25~30mg Human IgG/mL Gel保存温度2~8℃2~8℃Binding/Washing buffer PBST(pH7.2~7.4):137mM NaCl,2.7mM KCl,10mM Na2HPO4,2.0mM KH2PO4,0.1%Tween-20Elution buffer100mM Gly,0.1%Tween-20,pH2.5Neutrilization buffer 1.0M Tris-HCl,pH9.0Storage buffer PBST(含0.05%NaN3)适用范围:适用于血浆、腹水、组织培养上清液等样品中的抗体纯化,也可用于抗体固定及其它相关研究。
操作步骤(以纯化人血清IgG为例):1、样品处理:取人血清100µL至 1.5mL EP管中,接着加入900µL Binding/Washing buffer,充分混匀。
免疫磁珠链霉亲和素磁珠(免疫捕捉、纯化)100~500nm免疫磁珠 |链霉亲和素磁珠(免疫捕捉、纯化) 100~500nm关键词:免疫磁珠、链霉亲和素磁珠(免疫捕捉、纯化) 100~500nm免疫磁珠、链霉亲和素磁珠 (免疫捕捉、纯化) 1umSera-Mag™ 链霉亲和素磁珠和 SpeedBeads链霉亲和素磁珠可用于捕获生物素化靶分子,进行快速和可靠的蛋白质组学分析。
Sera-Mag™ and Sera-mag SpeedBeads 链霉亲和素磁珠,对于生物素化靶分子显示出较高亲和力和灵敏度,具有快速反应动力学,从而可以提高基因组学和蛋白质组学应用的通量和精密度。
性质:具有较低(2500 至3500 pmol/mg)、中等(3500 至4500 pmol/mg)或较高(4500 至 5500 pmol/mg)生物素结合载量,优化测定开发较低解离常数确保紧密的配基结合较低非特异性结合可实现更高的精密度和准确度结合了大比表面积、高灵敏度、物理性能稳定性和快速反应动力学的特点均匀的链霉亲和素涂层可获得可靠结果粒径均一,1um 的粒径可提供较大比表面积和出色的批次间重现性。
Sera-Mag™ SpeedBeads 和Sera-Mag™ 链霉亲和素磁珠,不仅有快速反应动力学,而且有较低的非特异性结合,可提高免疫测定和分子生物学应用(如用于基因组学和蛋白质组学的样品制备和测定开发)中的通量和精密度。
磁珠纯化原理TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】磁珠法纯化D N A原理磁珠法核酸纯化技术采用了纳米级磁珠微珠,这种磁珠微珠的表面标记了一种官能团,能同核酸发生吸附反应。
硅磁(Magnetic Silica Particle)就是指磁珠微珠表面包裹一层硅材料,来吸附核酸,其纯化原理类型于玻璃奶的纯化方式AMPure bead : NaCl,7% PEG8000标准的AMPure xp是用来筛选掉100bp的DNA片段,通过改变PEG8000的含量可改变至(MAX 300bp,MIN 50bp),PEG8000的浓度越高越能筛选出片段小的DNA Streptavidin magnetic bead (链霉亲和素磁珠):Streptavidin(SA)链霉亲和素,magnetic磁性的,亲和素能与生物素之间存在强度最高的非共价作用(称作BAS系统)二者结合形成复合物的解离常数很小,呈不可逆反应性;而且酸、碱、变性剂、蛋白溶解酶以及有机溶剂均不影响其结合。
玻璃奶:是一种白色硅颗粒,能到50kb大小的DNA(双链,单链,线状,超螺旋),结合原理:在高盐状态下,玻璃奶周围的负电荷被打破,并允许DNA磷酸负电荷与玻璃奶特异性结合,在低盐时(H20或1X TE)溶解分离DNA<100bp时,高盐状态下结合率高;DNA>100bp时,低盐状态下结合率高;pH<时,结合率高。
首先说一下磁珠的起源:磁珠的发明构想最初来自于挪威科技大学的化学家John Ugelstad,他在1976年以聚苯乙烯(Polystyrene)为主要材料,制造出均匀磁化的球体粒子。
1979年Vogelstein等报道在高浓度碘化钠存在下玻璃粉末作为吸附剂用于从琼脂糖凝胶中提取DNA片段,而后基于硅胶和其他具有亲水性表面的载体的固相核酸纯化技术广泛发展起来(Vogelstein B,Gillespiet D. Proc A,1979,76(2):615~619)。
NHS Magnetic Beads说明书
NHS Magnetic Beads保存:2~8℃保存,有效期1年。
产品说明:Mag NHS 表面为NHS 基团修饰,能够与带有伯胺基团的蛋白和其他分子形成稳定的肽键,用于亲和纯化抗体、抗原和其他生物分子。
与传统的羧基、氨基磁珠相比,表面含NHS 基团的磁珠无需事先采用EDC/NHS 或戊二醛进行活化,只需简单地将含伯氨基的生物配体溶解在试剂盒自带的Coupling Buffer 中,室温下将蛋白与NHS 磁珠混合1~2h 便可将生物配体共价偶联到磁珠上,具有操作简单、偶联条件温和、生物配体偶联快速高效等优点。
产品信息:1.试剂盒的组成序号试剂盒组成备注数量1Beads Magnetic NHS 10mg/mL 1mL/5mL 2Washing Buffer A 使用前冷却到4℃5mL/15mL 3Coupling Buffer A 100mM 2-吗啉乙磺酸(MES ),pH4.8(用于等电点小于7的生物分子的偶联)5mL/15mL 4Coupling Buffer B 200mM NaHCO 3,pH8.3(用于等电点大于7的生物分子的偶联)5mL/15mL 5Blocking Buffer 3M 乙醇胺,pH9.05mL/15mL 6Storage Buffer1xPBS ,可根据需求添加0.1%proclin-300客户自备2.磁珠基本信息注:结合能力与生物配体本身特性有关,此处仅做参考值。
产品信息Mag NHS 粒径~2μm 结合能力≧30μg 兔IgG/mg浓度10mg/mL 保存溶液DMACBeijing Solarbio Science &Technology Co.,LtdTel:400-968-6088Fax:3.与不同分子量大小蛋白质的结合能力Protein分子量(kDa)NHS磁珠结合能力(μg/mg of bead)IgG15050Streptavidin5324Protein A/G5021Protein L3639注:结合量会受蛋白质活性伯胺基团和仲胺基团的数量影响,此处仅做参考值。
磁珠(Magnetic beads)Magnetic beads are used to suppress high frequency noise and spike interference on signal lines, power lines, and to absorb electrostatic pulses.The bead is used to absorb the UHF signal, like PLL, RF circuit, oscillator circuit, memory circuit with ultra high frequency (DDR, SDRAM, RAMBUS etc.) are required in the power input part and magnetic beads, and the inductance is an energy storage element, used in the LC in the low frequency oscillation circuit, filter circuit and its application the frequency range is less than 50MHZ.The main function is to eliminate the magnetic beads in transmission line structure (circuit) RF noise, RF energy is AC sine wave components in the DC transmission level of DC component is useful signal, and the electromagnetic energy is useless RF RF interference along the transmission line and radiation (EMI). To eliminate these unnecessary signal energies, the chip magnetic beads act as high frequency resistors (attenuators) that allow DC signals to pass through and filter out AC signals. Usually the high frequency signal is above 30MHz, however, the low-frequency signal is also affected by the chip magnetic beads.The chip magnetic beads consist of soft ferrite materials, and form a monolithic structure with high volume resistivity. Eddy current loss is inversely proportional to the resistivity of ferrite material. Eddy current losses are proportional to the square of the signal frequency. The advantage of using chip beads: miniaturization and lightweight, high impedance in theRF noise frequency range, eliminating EMI in the transmission line. The closed magnetic circuit structure can better eliminate the winding of the signal. Excellent magnetic shielding structure. Reduce DC resistance so as not to produce excessive attenuation of the useful signal.Significant high frequency and impedance characteristics (better elimination of RF energy). Elimination of parasitic oscillations in high frequency amplification circuits. Effective work in a frequency range of several MHz to several hundred MHz.To correctly select magnetic beads, you must pay attention to the following points:1, what is the frequency range of the non required signal?;2, who is the source of noise?;3, how much noise attenuation is required?;4. What are the environmental conditions (temperature, DC voltage, structural strength)?;5 、 what is the impedance of the circuit and load?;6. Is there room for placing magnetic beads on the PCB board?;The first three can be judged by observing the impedance frequency curve provided by the manufacturer. In three the impedance curve curves are very important, namely, resistance,reactance and impedance. The total impedance is described by means of ZR22 PI fL () 2+: =fL. Through this curve, a magnetic bead model with a maximum impedance in the frequency range of the desired attenuation noise is selected, and the bead size as low as possible at low frequency and under DC is attenuated. The magnetic impedance of the wafer is affected by the excessive DC voltage. Otherwise, if the temperature rise is too high, or the external magnetic field is too large, the impedance of the magnetic bead will be adversely affected. The reasons for the use of chip magnetic beads and chip inductors are chip magnetic beads or chip inductors, mainly in applications. Chip inductors are needed in resonant circuits. To eliminate unnecessary EMI noise, the use of chip beads is the best choice. Application of chip magnetic bead and chip inductor:Chip inductors: radio frequency (RF) and wireless communications, information technology equipment, radar detectors, cars, cellular phones, pagers, audio equipment, PDAs (personal digital assistant),But the mechanism is quite different at different frequencies.At low frequency, impedance by the inductive reactance of a low frequency when R is small, high permeability magnetic core inductance, so a large amount of L plays a major role, the electromagnetic interference is reflected and inhibited, and then the core loss is smaller, the entire device is a high inductance Q characteristic of low loss, and the inductance easily therefore cause resonance at low frequencies, sometimes using ferrite beads after interference enhancement phenomenon.At high frequency, impedance by resistance elements, with the increase of frequency, magnetic permeability decrease, resulting in inductance inductance decreases, but decreases the inductive component, then the core loss is increased and the resistance component increased, which leads to the increase of total impedance, when the high frequency signal through the ferrite, the electromagnetic interference is absorbed and converted into form the heat dissipation.Ferrite suppression devices are widely used in printed circuit boards, power lines and data lines. If a ferrite suppression element is added at the entrance of the power line of the printed circuit board, high frequency interference can be filtered out. Ferrite magnetic ring or magnetic beads are used to suppress high frequency interference and peak interference on signal line and power line. It also has the ability to absorb static discharge pulse interference. The size of the two components is proportional to the length of the magnetic beads, and the length of the magnetic beads has a significant influence on the inhibitory effect. The longer the magnetic bead length, the better the suppression effect.Two, magnetic beads and inductance differenceInductors are energy storage devices, and magnetic beads are energy conversion devices. Inductors are mostly used in power filter circuits, with a focus on restraining conductive interference;Magnetic beads are mostly used in signal circuits. They are mainly used in EMI. The bead is used to absorb the UHF signal,like PLL, RF circuit, oscillator circuit, memory circuit with ultra high frequency (DDR, SDRAM, RAMBUS etc.) are required in the power input part and magnetic beads, and the inductance is a storage element, used in the LC in low frequency oscillation circuit, filter circuit, the frequency of application the range of little more than 50MHz.1. piece inductance: in the electronic equipment PCB board circuit, will use the perceptual element and the EMI filter element in great quantities. These components include chip inductors and chip magnetic beads. The following describes the features of these two devices and analyzes their general applications and special applications. The advantage of SMT is its small package size and the ability to meet actual space requirements. In addition to impedance, current carrying capability, and other similar physical characteristics, the other performance characteristics of through-hole connectors and surface mount devices are essentially the same. In the case of chip inductors, inductors are required to implement the following two basic functions: circuit resonance and choke reactance. The resonant circuit includes resonance generating circuit, oscillating circuit, clock circuit, pulse circuit, waveform generating circuit, and so on. The resonant circuit also includes a high Q bandpass filter circuit. In order for the circuit to resonate, a capacitor and inductance must exist in the circuit simultaneously. There is a parasitic capacitance at the two ends of the inductor, which is due to the ferrite body between the two electrodes as a capacitive medium. In a resonant circuit, the inductor must have a high Q, a narrow inductance deviation, and a stable temperature coefficient to achieve a narrow band of the resonant circuit,Low frequency temperature drift requirements. The high Q circuit has a sharp resonant peak. The narrow inductance bias ensures that the resonance frequency deviation is as small as possible. The stable temperature coefficient ensures that the resonant frequency has a stable temperature change characteristic. The difference between the standard radial lead inductance and the axial draw inductance as well as the chip inductance is simply that the package is different. The inductance structure comprises a dielectric material (usually an alumina ceramic material), an upper winding coil, or a hollow coil and a ferromagnetic material. In power applications, the main parameters of the inductor are the DC resistance (DCR), the rated current, and the low Q value when used as choke. When used as a filter, a wide bandwidth characteristic is desired, so the high Q characteristics of the inductor are not required. The low DCR guarantees minimal voltage drop, and the DCR is defined as the DC resistance of the component in the absence of AC signals.2. chip beads: Chip Beads function mainly exist in the structure of transmission line (PCB circuit) RF noise, RF energy is AC sine wave components in the DC transmission level of DC component is useful signal, and the electromagnetic energy is useless RF RF interference along the transmission line and radiation (EMI). To eliminate these unnecessary signal energies, the chip magnetic beads act as high frequency resistors (attenuators) that allow DC signals to pass through and filter out AC signals. Usually the high frequency signal is above 30MHz, however, the low-frequency signal is also affected by the chip magnetic beads.The chip magnetic beads consist of soft ferrite materials, and form a monolithic structure with high volume resistivity.Eddy current loss is inversely proportional to the resistivity of ferrite material. Eddy current losses are proportional to the square of the signal frequency. Advantages of using chip beads: u miniaturization and lightweight. It has high impedance in the RF noise frequency range and eliminates EMI in the transmission line. The closed magnetic circuit structure can better eliminate the winding of the signal. Excellent magnetic shielding structure. Reduce DC resistance so as not to produce excessive attenuation of the useful signal.U significantly high frequency and impedance characteristics (better elimination of RF energy). Elimination of parasitic oscillations in high frequency amplification circuits. Effective work in a frequency range of several MHz to several hundred MHz. To correctly select magnetic beads, you must pay attention to the following points: what is the frequency range of the non required signal?. Who is the noise source?. How much noise attenuation is required?. What are the environmental conditions (temperature, DC voltage, structural strength)?. What is the impedance of the circuit and the load?. Is there space to place magnetic beads on the PCB board?. The first three can be judged by observing the impedance frequency curve provided by the manufacturer. In three the impedance curve curves are very important, namely, resistance, reactance and impedance. The total impedance is described by. Typical impedance curves refer to DATASHEET of magnetic beads.Through this curve, a magnetic bead model with a maximum impedance in the frequency range of the desired attenuation noise is selected, and the bead size as low as possible at low frequency and under DC is attenuated. The magnetic impedance of the wafer is affected by the excessive DC voltage. Otherwise, if the temperature rise is too high, or the external magnetic field is too large,The impedance of magnetic beads can be adversely affected.The reason why u uses chip magnetic beads and chip inductors is the use of chip magnetic beads or chip inductors, mainly in applications. Chip inductors are needed in resonant circuits. To eliminate unnecessary EMI noise, the use of chip beads is the best choice. Applications: chip beads and chip inductors: RF chip inductor (RF) and wireless communication, information technology equipment, radar detectors, automotive electronics, cellular phones, pagers, audio equipment, PDAs (personal digital assistant), wireless remote control system and low voltage power supply module etc.. Chip beads: clock circuit, analog circuit and digital circuit filter, I/O input / output internal connector (such as serial port, parallel port, keyboard, mouse, telecommunication, local area network), radio frequency (RF) between the circuit and the logic device is susceptible to interference, power supply circuit to filter the high-frequency conducted interference, computer. Printers, video recorders (VCRS), EMI noise suppression system and mobile phone in tv.Three. Selection of magnetic beads1., the magnetic bead unit is Ohm, rather than Hunter, this point should pay special attention to. Because the unit of magnetic beads is nominal according to the impedance it produces at a certain frequency, the unit of resistance is also ohm. Magnetic beads on the DATASHEET generally provide frequency and impedance characteristic curve, generally to 100MHz as standard, such as 1000R@100MHz, meaning that when the 100MHz frequency, magnetic beads impedance equivalent to 600 ohms.2. the ordinary filter is made up of lossless reactance element,Its role in the circuit is to return the stopband frequency back to the signal source, so this filter is also called a reflective filter. When the reflected filter does not match the impedance of the signal source, a portion of the energy is reflected back to the signal source, resulting in an increase in the interference level. In order to solve this problem, the ferrite magnetic ring or magnetic bead sleeve can be used on the input line of the filter. The eddy current loss of the high frequency signal can be converted into heat loss by using the ring or magnetic beads. Therefore, magnetic rings and magnetic beads actually absorb high frequency components, so they are sometimes referred to as absorbing filters.Different ferrite inhibitory elements have different optimum inhibitory frequency ranges. Generally, the higher the permeability is, the lower the frequency of inhibition is. In addition, the larger the volume of ferrite, the better the inhibitory effect. When the volume is fixed, the long and thin shape is better than the shorter and thicker, and the smallerthe inner diameter, the better the suppression effect. But in a DC or AC bias conditions, there exists the problem of ferrite saturation, the greater the inhibitory element cross section, the more easily saturated, can withstand greater drift. EMI absorption magnetic beads / suppressdifferential mode interference, through which the current value is proportional to its volume, the two disorders caused by saturation, reducing the component performance; suppression of common mode interference, the power of the two lines (positive and negative) through a ring at the same time, the effective signal to differential signal, EMI absorption magnetic beads / no influence on it, and for the common mode signal will show larger inductance. There is also a better way to use magnetic rings, which is to let the wires passing through the magnetic rings move repeatedly to increase inductance.According to the principle of electromagnetic interference suppression, it can be used reasonably.Ferrite suppression devices should be installed near the source of interference. The input / output circuit shall be as close as possible to the inlet and outlet of the shield. The absorbing filter composed of ferrite, magnetic ring and magnetic bead should pay attention to its application besides the high permeability lossy material. Resistance in circuit of high frequency component of the show is about ten to several hundred, so its role in the high impedance circuit is not obvious, on the contrary, in low impedance circuit (such as power distribution, power supply or RF circuit) in use will be very effective.Four. ConclusionBecause ferrite can attenuate high frequency and let low frequency pass through almost unimpeded, it has been widely used in EMI control. The magnetic ring / bead used for EMI absorption can be made into various shapes and widely used in various occasions. Such as in the PCB board, can be added to the DC/DC module, data lines, power lines and so on. It absorbs the high frequency interference signal on the line, but does not generate new zeros and poles in the system, and does not destroy the stability of the system. The utility model can be used in conjunction with the power filter to improve the performance of the high-frequency end of the filter and improve the filtering characteristics in the system.。
硅磁(Magnetic Silica Particle)就是指磁珠微珠表面包裹一层硅材料,来吸附核酸,其纯化原理类型于玻璃奶的纯化方式AMPure bead :1.2M NaCl,7% PEG8000标准的AMPure xp是用来筛选掉100bp的DNA片段,通过改变PEG8000的含量可改变至(MAX 300bp,MIN 50bp),PEG8000的浓度越高越能筛选出片段小的DNA Streptavidin magnetic bead (链霉亲和素磁珠):Streptavidin(SA)链霉亲和素,magnetic磁性的,亲和素能与生物素之间存在强度最高的非共价作用(称作BAS系统)二者结合形成复合物的解离常数很小,呈不可逆反应性;而且酸、碱、变性剂、蛋白溶解酶以及有机溶剂均不影响其结合。
玻璃奶:是一种白色硅颗粒,能0.2kb到50kb大小的DNA(双链,单链,线状,超螺旋),结合原理:在高盐状态下,玻璃奶周围的负电荷被打破,并允许DNA磷酸负电荷与玻璃奶特异性结合,在低盐时(H20或1X TE)溶解分离DNA<100bp时,高盐状态下结合率高;DNA>100bp时,低盐状态下结合率高;pH<7.0时,结合率高。
1. 蛋白纯化 2. 免疫检测 3. 细胞分选 4. 特异性核酸分离 5. 生物感测器 6. 药物筛选和输送。
1. 磁珠准备:首先,需要获得表面带有羟基的磁珠。
2. 活化羟基:在某些情况下,羟基可能需要被活化以促进偶联反应。
3. 偶联反应:活化的羟基随后可以与目标分子(如生物分子、药物、染料或其他化学实体)反应。
4. 纯化和表征:偶联后,磁珠通常需要通过洗涤和纯化步骤来去除未反应的试剂和副产物。
硅磁(Magnetic Silica Particle)就是指磁珠微珠表面包裹一层硅材料,来吸附核酸,其纯化原理类型于玻璃奶的纯化方式。
1. 细胞裂解:核酸必须从细胞或其他生物物质中释放出来。
(1) 机械作用:包括低渗裂解、超声裂解、微波裂解、冻融裂解和颗粒破碎等物理裂解方法。
有报道超声裂解法提取的核酸片段长度从< 500bp ~> 20kb 之间,而颗粒匀浆法提取的核酸一般< 10kb。
(2) 化学作用:在一定的p H 环境和变性条件下,细胞破裂,蛋白质变性沉淀,核酸被释放到水相。
上述变性条件可通过加热、加入表面活性剂(SDS、Triton X-100 、Tween 20 、NP-40 、CTAB、sar-cosyl 、Chelex-100 等) 或强离子剂(异硫氰酸胍、盐酸胍、肌酸胍) 而获得。
二、检验项目1. 磁珠纯度硅羟基磁珠应具有高纯度,不含杂质。
2. 磁珠粒径硅羟基磁珠的粒径分布应均匀,并符合特定要求。
3. 磁珠形状硅羟基磁珠的形状应规则、表面光滑。
4. 表面处理硅羟基磁珠的表面应进行适当的处理,以提高其与待检测样品的结合能力。
5. 磁性性能硅羟基磁珠应具有稳定的磁性能,以便实现磁场下的分离和纯化。
6. 生物兼容性硅羟基磁珠应具有良好的生物兼容性,以降低对生物体的免疫排斥反应。
7. 化学成分硅羟基磁珠的主要化学成分应为硅羟基材料,含量应符合预定要求。
8. 稳定性硅羟基磁珠应具有较好的稳定性,能够在不同环境下保持原有性质。
9. 安全性硅羟基磁珠应无毒、无害,确保在使用过程中不会对环境和生物体产生不良影响。
10. 功能性硅羟基磁珠应具有预期的功能性,如吸附特定物质、释放药物等。
Streptavidin Magnetic Beads亲和磁珠特点
亲和磁珠为均匀、单分散的磁性颗粒,可选粒径包括纳米(50 nm, 100 nm)、亚微米(150 nm, 200 nm)和微米(0.5-12 μm)。
丰富的亲和配体通过共价方式引入到磁珠表面,使得Absolute Mag™亲和磁珠具有更多的生物结合位点,磁珠使用量少,非特异性结合率低,已被应用于免疫分析、蛋白纯化、核酸分离提取、细胞分选、酶的固定等多个领域。
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羟基磁珠(Beads OH)
Beads Mag OH系列磁珠专为核酸提取和纯化设计而成,表面修饰大量的硅烷醇基团(羟基),能在高盐低pH条件下与溶液中的核酸通过疏水作用、氢键作用和静电作用等发生特异性结合,而不与其他杂质(如蛋白)结合,迅速从生物样品中分离核酸,操作安全简单,非常有利于核酸的自动化和高通量提取。
Beads Magrose OH为羟基修饰的磁性琼脂糖微球。
与传统磁珠相比,Magrose OH在溶液中具有更快的磁响应性,同时保持良好的分散性、极低的非特异性吸附及更丰富的结合位点等特性,能够在特殊化学试剂的作用下改性成环氧基、羧基、氨基等基团,可将多肽、蛋白、寡聚核苷酸等生物配体共价偶联到微球表面,是医学与分子生物学研究中重要的载体工具。
产品名称Mag OH-500Mag OH-1000Magrose OH
*水化平均粒径,Malvern Nano测定