Unit 11 谎言的真相




说谎的真相英语作文英文回答:The truth of lying is a complex and multifaceted subject that has been studied by philosophers, psychologists, and linguists for centuries. There is no one definitive answer to the question of why people lie, but there are a number of theories that attempt to explain this phenomenon.One theory is that people lie in order to avoid punishment or gain rewards. For example, a child might lie to their parents about getting into trouble at school in order to avoid being punished. Similarly, an employee might lie to their boss about completing a project on time in order to get a promotion.Another theory is that people lie in order to maintain their self-esteem or protect their social status. For example, someone might lie about their income or job titlein order to make themselves look more successful. Similarly, someone might lie about their relationship status or family history in order to avoid being judged negatively by others.A third theory is that people lie in order to create a more favorable impression of themselves or others. For example, someone might lie about their accomplishments or skills in order to make themselves seem more impressive. Similarly, someone might lie about their feelings or intentions in order to make themselves seem more likeableor trustworthy.Whatever the reason, lying is a common part of human communication. In fact, some research suggests that people lie an average of two to three times per day. While somelies are harmless, others can have serious consequences.For example, lying can damage trust, ruin relationships,and even lead to criminal charges.It is important to be aware of the potential consequences of lying before you tell one. If you arecaught in a lie, you may lose the trust of those around youand damage your reputation. In some cases, you may evenface legal consequences.If you find yourself tempted to tell a lie, there are a few things you can do to stop yourself. First, try toidentify the reason why you want to lie. Are you trying to avoid punishment, gain rewards, or protect your self-esteem? Once you know the reason, you can start to developstrategies for dealing with the situation in a more honest way.For example, if you are tempted to lie to avoid punishment, you can try talking to the person you areafraid of and explaining the situation. If you are temptedto lie to gain rewards, you can try working harder to achieve your goals in a more honest way. And if you are tempted to lie to protect your self-esteem, you can try building your self-confidence in other ways, such as by setting realistic goals and celebrating your accomplishments.Lying is a complex and multifaceted subject, but it isimportant to remember that it is never the best solution. There are always more honest and ethical ways to deal with difficult situations. If you are tempted to tell a lie, take a moment to think about the potential consequences and try to find a more honest way to deal with the situation.中文回答:说谎是人类交流的一种常见方式。



































如果这句话是真的,则它是假的;如果它是假的,则它是真的。因此, 这句话既不是真的也不是假的,形成了一个悖论。
根据已知的前提和推理规则,推导出结论,判断说谎 者。
分析说谎者话语中的模态词,如 “可能”、“必然”等,推断其 真实意图。
探讨说谎者悖论等模态悖论在说 谎问题中的应用。
运用模态逻辑的推理规则,分析 说谎者的陈述,揭示真相。
在社交场合中,适当的“白色谎言”有时被视为一种社交技巧,用于避免冲突或保护他人 感情。然而,这并不意味着所有谎言都是可接受的,需要根据具体情况进行道德和伦理的 考量。
一个法官告诉囚犯,在下周的某天会对囚犯处以绞刑,而具 体哪一天将出人意料。然而到了周末,囚犯仍未被处刑,于 是囚犯根据法官的条件推理出自己不会被处刑,但结果却在 周日被处刑。
囚犯的推理基于法官的条件,但法官可以违反自己的条件来 处刑囚犯。因此,囚犯的推理虽然看似合理,但实际上并不 成立。

unit 11 The Real Truth about Lies解析

unit 11 The Real Truth about Lies解析

Blurt out: say sth. suddenly and tactlessly 脱
He blurt out the bad news before I can stop him.
我还没来得及阻止他, 他已冲口说出了这个坏消息 。
Try to blurt out this sentence on your second visit to a company or office. Everyone will be happy to see you as well.
He spared her feelings by not criticizing her husband in front of her.
他没当她的面说她丈夫的不是, 以免使她难堪。
He is perfectly fair and impartial and never tries to spare anybody's feelings.
The passage can be divided into four parts: • Part One: (Paragraphs 1-6) Reporting two survey results, the writer introduces the topic that telling lies is common. • Part Two: (Paragraphs 7-11) people are lying with a familiar reason: they don’t want to hurt others.
Distinguish truth from falsehood 分辨真假



Ashtar: 9/11 - It's Time for the Truth! *Ashtar Teleconference 9/6/11"Well good evening, Beloved Family, we are so pleased to be here in this grand Company! It is so special, and this is an especially momentous occasion, with an opportunity unparalleled无比that we have here. And the reason that we have this opportunity is that we have never had the energies as clear, as strong, and as empowering授权to do this healing."We are coming up 准备好了端上来upon what you call the tenth anniversary纪念日of that event known as 9/11. It is an event of infamy. It is an event that of the most heinous 恶毒的proportions 比例, and it is an event which has impacted挤压upon the entire of Planet Earth and beyond, since the very day in your time that it occurred. And it is most generally regarded as a totally negative event, but the thing that has happened as a result of that event - well there are several things: Directly before and after for several days time, as we have discussed before, the consciousness of the Planetwas One. It came together in a high vibration, it had not held before. And those who knew that the World was returning to Love and Peace – Homecoming回归归国, the result of the Harmonic Convergence, 和平聚会and so on -those ones knew that it was a time un-paralleled 并行in recent times to send Love, and be a part of the great awakening of Love which took place, Love in Oneness."And ever since then as this day approaches, as people remember it - because it is being quite highly promoted提升in all of the news media Worldwide - and this is being done by the Rupert Murdochs and others, in order to promulgate传播and continue the fear, which was the primary reason for doing9/11 - get the people afraid, so that they can be enslaved, controlled, and so on, and so on. Well, you know the Patriot Act 爱国者法案and all of those things.They put out熄灭a lot of publicity宣传公开, but what is happening also is that every year on the anniversary of 9/11, some of that spike阻止长钉刺突re-occurs in the consciousness. And now is anopportunity for the consciousness to rise higher than ever for several reason s, another one being the positive积极的aspect方面of 9/11, which is that people - more and more people - stood up and said: 'Wait a minute, this story that we're hearing does not quite hold water, 站得住脚or whatever. It seems to be holding something that's rather icky讨厌的令人作哎, sticky, gooey, and not at all truthful.' Well you know the Truth of this is icky, sticky, gooey, if you really want to put it into some kind of a physical体检term把叫作,术语,学期,期限,条款, and that, we should say the untruths, the lies, are icky, and that has been sticking, and these ones have been, as we say, bringing it up again in your faces, with the anniversary of 9/11."Now, you have someone who is one of the most accomplished liars of all time, promoting his new book, which is kind of like his, before the actual public trial审讯, plea 恳求of innocence清白.You know the one we mean? We have called him Mr. Dick before, and we mean it. And you can thinkwhatever you want to on that. We do use your lingo 行话术语隐语sometimes to get the point across.理解This one is one of the greatest, most accomplished liars of all time in the history/herstory of Planet Earth.And what he is trying to do is keep the fear going to justify证明合法all of the things that he did, including starting a war, not just one place, but many places, after 9/11, including doing such things as outing暴露无遗远足,体育比赛Valerie Plame, for instance. She is a direct link to the Truth of 9/11."And by the way, we want to restate重申this one too, because, you need to know this! Al Qaeda is a CIA training program for terrorism恐怖, so there is no 'enemy.' And you might say, 'Yes, but you know Al Qaeda and the CIA, and all that...' No! They're players upon the stage, and that is one of the Truths.The greatest Truth, that those who can get beyond the shock震惊, or to borrow one of the Shrub's灌木favorite phrases短语, 'the shock and awe敬畏' of the Truth which is coming out - they know that we are going beyond, we are taking this Truth, and we are literally逐字using it to stop the hurt, and start the healing."Because, when you can look it in the face and say, 'OK, I see the truth, and I understand the reasons why, what the different roles upon the stage, the actors and actresses, were wanting to accomplish in their roles. And I can say, Congratulations, you did a great job!' and that's a form of thanks. And I can say, I forgive you, which is the absence缺乏of judgment,判断it is simply, that, all right, there were some things that came out of 9/11, primarily a wakeup, and more and more people are waking up, and more and more people are starting to realize the Truth, and then of course, that shatters all the lies that have been told as a result."Now you can go back further in history/herstory, and you can find other lies. They are abundant in every aspect, not quite every society, but for the most part, every society that has existed from thetime of Yeshua, and even before, and you can find lies. A nd you can find w hat you call re-writes, creative re-writes of what really happened."Where does this all lead? Well it's led up to逐渐引到9/11. It's led up to delays, ten years of delays. The Truth of it is that NESARA(国民经济安全保证改革法)was to be announced待安排待通知that morning, and just for those of you who weren't aware of that, the computers that were going to change over the World banking system were located on the first two floors of the North Tower. There was a lot of gold under those towers as well.The broadcast was to come from that part of the Pentagon五角which was bombed by a drone嗡嗡的声音,plane, and there was a gigantic communications 通讯中心center fifty feet under the ground where that circle盘旋was drawn to be sure the plane hit within that circle, in the State of Pennsylvania.宾夕法尼亚"Now we will have a guest speaker** who will go a little bit more into the reasoning why 9/11 was chosen to take place where it did. Let's just suffice 使满足合格足够用it to say tha t it was to attack the country in the World which has been the most vocal 声乐作品元音歌唱的有声的in speaking for human rights –Kumbaya到这儿来, everybody's equal, everybody's free, and so on, and so on. Of course you all know by now that that was part of the package of lies. But where it is true is not in 3D, it is true in the hearts, it is true in the minds that are looking into the higher dimensions; it is true in the wisdom, and yes, in the genetics. It is true in the children, the Indigos; the Indigos, who understand the difference between being free and not being free, better than any generation in the World. And the Crystals, the beautifu l young children who are here now, who understand Love, and that Love is the way to be. Boy, they've got the Truth! They've got the essence, and they know!!!"And so we have all of these millions of people all over the World, all here on some kind of a mission,all in some degree of knowing, and recognizing real Truth from 3D, some Truth, and a lot of lies. And sometimes the lies are so sticky, that they actually stick to the Truth, and it is very difficult to see what's true and what's not."So we have Truth rising, because it is actually coming from the higher dimensional perspective, and it is inspiring the scientists, the shopkeepers, the people who were in the streets when 9/11 occurred, the people who saw all of the guys from the letter 字母agencies, the alphabet字母表,入门,初步agencies, come running out of the woods 逃离险境to that circle in Pennsylvania, the people who understand that FEMA联邦应急管理局was all set up the day before, and not only that - they never take any more than one unit, two for extreme disasters –极端的灾难they had six on the ground that day in New York City, the d ay before 9/11, and so o n, and so on, and so on. These are documented备有证明文件的3D events."This is what happened, and more and more people are being inspired to know that something isn'tquite right - their wisdom eyes are opening up. Their hearts are reaching out and they're saying,'We need Peace here. How can we have Peace? We need to get to the bottom of this stuff. We need to be able to look at it with Compassion同情. We need to get beyond, and how do you get beyond? You have to go into Forgiveness. You have to go into, All right there are some who need to be in front of the World with some Truth attached to them, instead of lies, and then we all need to come together and heal everything!'"That's where we come in. We're going to start the healing process tonight, or today as the case might be, wherever you are. We have the empowerment许可授权within this Ohana. I like that word! It's Lemurian, it's Hawaiian, it's beautiful! And it says 'Family,' and that's Who We Are, Beloved Ones. We are Family!And most of all We Are Love, and We Are One, and we have reached a point - we may have mentioned this a time or two, but just in case 以防万一you missed it - I want you to be absolutely certain that we can see Truth, and the Truth of you,Beloved Ones, is that you have come to join with this Family, whether this is your first time, or your hundredth time, or whatever. You are a part of this group of Light Working, Miracle-Creating Healers for the Planet and Beyond. And it is to come together when we do these Exercises that we have so much impact影响撞击冲突, and yes, others are working too, in similar groups, as individuals, in small groups, or whatever, but we have impact, and we have abilities to see the results, and we can assure you, we are already getting results, as we all lift together into high vibrational loving Oneness!!!"And why we are telling you this is because, first of all you deserve 值得to be thanked, you deserve to know who you really are. You are Lights, you are beams of Light, and You Are Love, as we all are. And we are here to express that Love as we reach out to everyone, everyone Worldwide - even those who don't realize that we're coming up on this anniversary that we just spoke of. Now the energies, and the times, and the cycles, and the ages havechanged, and this is another reason why we have the empowerment许可to do what we do. Now we understand that there were some who might have been joining us, but who do not have electricity, some whose homes may still be under water, or have been washed away by recent events. *** "And so we do want to take a moment, or more, to address演说these happenings which are occurring in such great numbers Worldwide, and with such speed, one upon the other. No sooner does one seem to be played out结束, or finished, thenano ther something comes up, whether it is nature, Mother Gaia, or whether it is something in the news. You heard a lot of news tonight, did you not?**** And you may have already heard some of it, and some of it may have bee n news. What is particularly significant象征意义is that KOS知识组织系统himself was on the news. He is the one you know who is the King of Swords宝剑, and Sananda is with him in a most special way. And he is in charge of t 负责掌理the ones we call the W hite Knigh ts政治改革家,白色骑士(政治上的革新者), the White Hats, andhe has special mission and purpose, and if he comes on the scene出场and speaks, then you know things are really heating up加热. And why? It's b ecause it's time. It's time as you measure time. It's time for all of these things to be happening, and so crashings彻底的are taking place, and at the same time elevations海拔高度are taking place, and it is one big huge event - the Ascension event that everything else is leading to!!!.."And so we honor and we thank all of those who have participated 参与in any wa y, even those of you who have not been right, shall we say, in the fire, or in the flood, but who have sent your Love, and your healing to those who were caught up in these things. And know that everyone is loved upon the Planet, and that the Planet, that is Mother Gaia, is preparing paradise as Planet Earth ascends, the original Garden of Lemuria. Well, it's one big endless garden, with beautiful bodies of water, and waterfalls - and see the rainbows in the waterfalls, and see the sun shining always beautifully, not burning, but giving life to all, and the waters so pure,you can drink them, anywhere, anytime! And the birds singing, and the animals so at Peace, and yes, those Starseeds who came - see their Lights shining. You might see orbs魔法球. You might see Lightbodies. You might see y ourselves, B eloved Ones, because that's who you are. Not all of you came from the same place. That's OK. Lemuria was what you call the original melting pot 熔炉of Planet Earth, indeed."And everyone came to pause for a moment and enjoy the beauty, and the Peace that Mother Father had created, and that Mother Gaia was sustaining维持, and to pet the animals, and to smell the fragrance of the flowers, and the trees, and all that was growing there, and to commune with the very minerals, and the rocks, and to walk upon the sands, and bathe in the waters, and all of that was wondrous and wonderful. And th en at some point it was recognized that it wa s the moment to create time, to lower into the 3D vibration, so that time could be measured, because it didn't exist before then. And it was time to lower the veil 面纱offorgetfulness, so that those of you who had come would take on all of the qualities of the third dimensional human being. No, it didn't happen in an instant. It was gradual逐渐平缓的."And there were times when you were in between where it was painful, yes, but you carried on because you knew that you had a mission and a purpose. And you knew that someday you'd go home to Who You Really Are, and that someday,every body who wanted to, would g o Home and take their human bodies, of course transformed改变, joyfully transformed, and be what you call the Ascended Planet Earth. And so that time is very close that has been for etold预言and kno wn since the beginning. Not in so many calendars around the World, but there are those who know, who know and who have shared it with the World. And now is the time to share what you know, Beloved Ones. You can simply say it's time for Truth ; 'Here's some Truth for you!'"We are asking you to email Obama, and Beloved Dennis Kucinich, who knows all of this and more,because he is from another place, as is Obama, and they know full well what their missions are. And you can trust them, and you can send them an email and say, 'We know! And we know the Truth and we're ready to do everything that Truth has set us free to do. And so it is!' It's time. It's time to let the leaders of Peace know that you know the Truth. And if there are others that you choose to inform告知, that is wondrous indeed. It is about Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude accompanying all of your messages. It is not about forwarding传递转发促进, or paying forward为付出代价the attachments附着物of the icky, sticky, lying stuff. Oooh' there's a picture isn't it? I t is for you to stand tall with your Truth, to know that you are here to heal whatever hurt there is coming from that Truth, and to move into the next phase阶段of Ascension Preparation. "The Truth has to come out. It has to be cleared, it has to be healed for everyone who wants to make the Ascension. Now if you look on your calendars and you say, 'Well, there seems to be somewhat of a shortened time until this Ascension date,' stay inhigh vibration. The empowering energies which are coming in are exponentially speeding up the results of the Ascension process. Everybody who wants to be there and move up is going to do so. Everybody is more and more enlightened, everybody is more and more empowered, and it gets faster and faster and faster as it goes!"So there is no such thing as losing the opportunity because time has passed. Nobody is missing the Ascension train, if you want to call it that, or you might want to call it a rocket火箭! How's that? Nobody is going to miss that. Now you must know people who are still paying more attention to who wins the latest football game, than Truth. So this is what we're talking about. We're talking about getting the word out there, and saying, 'Well here's some Truth!' And the reason that we're suggesting that you take these links that fabulous Fran is posting,***** is because they speak the 3D lingo. "Now if you want to send some channelings along with it, that's perfectly all right - you know, the words of the messengers - but we're talking aboutspeaking 3D to those who are not awake yet, because what's going to happen is they've got a little 'knock, knock,' going on anyway. And if one link is opened up that makes some kind of sense for them, ah hah! The Light of Truth is just waiting to burst through whatever blockages they've got. Give them a little sliver of Truth, and you've got the whole Sun shining through into their beings! Now that's a beautiful picture is it not? And you don't have to say Ashtar told me this. You can say, 'I came across this, and I find it quite interesting. I think you might find it interesting, too!'"What we're going to do tonight as part of our healing process is to take and shine that Light of Truth on all the 3D mucky stuff anyway, so that we can create a kind of immunity bubble for everybody, whether they already know the Truth or not, so that the stuff that Murdoch puts out and others like him - oh, those FOXY PEOPLE, give it a rest - they're working overtime trying to figure out who can create - you know there's a lot of competition among those people on the Foxy Channels - Murdochgives a prize to who can get the fear meters up to the highest level you know. So what we're going to do is disengage the fear meters, and engage the Love meter, the Oneness meter - the consciousness measurement - and those meters are going to go up out of sight!!!****** Does that sound pretty exciting, Beloved Ones? Well, we just wanted to give you an overview."You already know why this is so important. You know the Truth has to come out, and the sooner it does, the sooner the next step, and the next, and the next. And, yes, the gold coming into everybody's bank account from St. Germain's Bank is going to happen! There is a saying you have on Planet Earth, and it's a good one. It has been misused and abused at times, but here it is in the highest Light. 'The Truth shall make you free!' Well let's just say the Truth can recreate you in a higher dimensional vibration, and you have to let it come in, and forgive whatever part of it needs forgiving, and be able to look upon it with Compassion, and then look out at your fellow sisters and brothers, and say, 'OK, I'mgoing to send some Truth to you with so much loving high vibration attached, so much Light, so much clarity. And by the way I'm here if you want to talk, or communicate. I'm going to hold your hand if you want me to. I'm going to help you come into a higher vibration of being, into the Light of Truth, so that you, Beloved One, are no longer a victim of the lies, and the fear that the lies have created within your being, and within the consciousness of Planet Earth, and the Universe beyond.' Now feel how good that feels! We're talking about you, Beloved Ohana, Beloved Family, we're talking about you, and all of those who choose to join with us. There are those who will join with us tonight, who won't even know that they're joining with this particular Exercise.******"But, just by being Love, their energies will further empower what we are doing here. So let us pause for a moment to thank all the World for opening to receive the Light, even if it's just a sliver. And let's thank those who are clinging to the dark, and assure them that they are indeed free to receive the Lightthat we're sending out, even if they don't choose to open it right at this minute. It is there for them as well, like an email. We Love emails - they're so effective! So Beloved Ones, I Ashtar, stand with you and this grand company of Ohana, Family, and of all of those who join with us, who come through the veil as you bring yourself up to meet in the high dimensions of Love, and Joy, and Peace for the world."And it is the United States of America which still is in charge of announcing certain announcements, that is, those who are already knowing the Truth, and knowing the Truth of their missions. But it is for the World to join in. So be not concerned if you are in another country. We Are All One. Oh, yes, we'd like to announce that this is also the beginning of One World, united in Love, in Joy, in Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Peace for all!!!"And so I thank you for being with us. W e shall have a brief musical, what do you call it, interlude,******* and our guest speaker shall be coming forth to say the words which are in all of our hearts anyway,that we may join and empower Truth, and the Love which is the wave that it rides on. And so it is! Salut!"*/ashtar_911_trut h.html** St.Germain*** Hurricane Irene and East Coast flooding**** Tara & Rama/***** St.Germain's article 9/11-It's Time For The Truth/default.html ****** St.Germain's 9/11 Healing Exercise/stgermain_911_h ealing_.html******* O America sung by Celtic Woman/watch?v=XfxUohD_PlM。



全大学英语综合教程5课文翻译1Unit1One Writer's XXX作家起步时1.我从两三岁起就知道,家中随便在哪个房间里,白天无论在什么时间,都可以念书或听人念书。























说谎的真相英语作文The Truth about Telling Lies。

Lying is a common phenomenon in our daily lives. We often find ourselves telling lies for various reasons, such as avoiding punishment, protecting ourselves or others, gaining personal benefits, or simply manipulatingsituations to our advantage. However, the act of lying is not without consequences. In this essay, we will explore the truth about telling lies and its impact on individuals and society.To begin with, lying can have detrimental effects on personal relationships. When we lie to someone, we betray their trust and create a barrier between us. Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship, be it between friends, family members, or romantic partners. Once trust is broken, it becomes difficult to rebuild and can lead to strained relationships or even permanent damage. Moreover, lying often leads to a cycle of deception, where one lierequires another to cover it up, creating a web of deceit that becomes increasingly difficult to maintain.Furthermore, lying can have severe consequences onone's mental and emotional well-being. Constantly living in fear of being caught in a lie can cause immense stress and anxiety. The guilt and shame associated with lying can lead to feelings of self-doubt and low self-esteem. Additionally, lying can erode one's sense of integrity and authenticity, as it requires individuals to present a false version of themselves to the world. This internal conflict between the truth and the lies can have long-lasting negative effectson one's mental health.In addition to its impact on individuals, lying alsohas broader societal implications. In a society where lying is prevalent, trust and honesty become undervalued virtues. This can lead to a breakdown of social cohesion and a lackof faith in institutions and authority figures. When lying becomes the norm, it becomes increasingly difficult to discern the truth from falsehoods, leading to a societybuilt on deception and manipulation. Moreover, lying canhave legal consequences, as perjury and false testimony are considered criminal offenses in many jurisdictions.While the negative effects of lying are evident, it is important to acknowledge that there may be situations where lying is deemed necessary or even morally justifiable. For instance, in cases where telling the truth could endanger someone's life or cause irreversible harm, lying might be seen as the lesser of two evils. However, such situations should be rare exceptions rather than the norm, as habitual lying can lead to a multitude of problems.In conclusion, the truth about telling lies is that itis a destructive force that can harm personal relationships, erode one's mental and emotional well-being, and have detrimental effects on society as a whole. While there may be rare instances where lying is justified, it is crucialto recognize the long-term consequences and strive for honesty and integrity in our daily lives. Only by valuing truth can we build a society based on trust, respect, and genuine human connections.。



谎言与真相作者:暂无来源:《检察风云》 2011年第22期文/阿碧每当警方抓到一个犯罪嫌疑人时,审讯是常用的手段之一。


















Unit5TheRea1.Truthabout1.iesRandyFitzgera1.dAttheUniversityofVirginiainChar1.ottes∖∙i1.1.e.PSyCho1.OgyprofessorBe1.1.aDePau1. ogot77studentsand70townspeop1.etovo1.unteerforanunusua1.projectΛ11keptdiariesforaweek,r ecordingthenumbersanddetai1.softhe1.iestheyto1.d.OnestudentandsixChar1.ottesx r i1.1.eresidentsprofessedtohaveto1.dnofa1.sehoods.Theothe r140participantsto1.d1,535,The1.iesweremostoftennotwhatmostofuswou1.dca1.1.earth-shattering.Someonewou1.dpretendtobemorepositiveorSUPPOrtiveofaSPOUSeorfriendthanheo rsherea1.1.ywas.orfeignagreement½ithare1.ative,sopinion c.AccordingtoDePau1.o.womeninthei rinteractionswithotherwomen1.iedmost1.ytosparetheother,sfee1.ings.Men1.iedtoothermengene ra1.1.yforse1.f-promotingreasons.Moststriking1.y,thesete1.1.ers-of-a-thousand-1.iesreportedthattheirdeceptionscausedthem,'1.itt1.epreoccupationorregret”.Mightthat,too,bea1 .ie?eofprevaricationiscommon- Eorexamp1.e,20,OOOmidd1.e-andhigh-schoo1.ersweresurveyedbytheJosephsonInstituteofEthics-anonprofitorganizationinMarinade1.Rey,Ca1.ifornia,devotedtocharactereducation.Ninety-twoPercCntoftheteenagersadmittedhaving1.iedtotheirparentsinthePreViOUSyear,and73percent characterizedthemse1.vesas"seria1.1.iars"»meaningtheyto1.d1.iesweek1.y.Despitetheseadmiss ions.91percentofa1.1.respondentssaidtheywere"satisfiedwithInyownethicsandcharacter".Thinkhowoftenweheartheexpressions*,Γ1.1.ca1.1.you"or,wΓhecheckisinthemai1."or"Γms orry,buthesteppedout*.Andthenthereaι,eprofessions-1.a½yers,pundits∙PRc onsu1.tants——whosemembersseemtospecia1.izeinshapingorspinningthetnιthtosuitc1.ients*needs.1.itt1.ewhite1.ieshavebecomeubiquitous,andthereasonswegiveeachotherfbrte1.1.ingfibsar efami1.iar.Consider,forexamp1.e,aSouthernCa1.iforniacorporateexecutivewhomΓ1Ica1.1.Toni .Hcgoeswithhiswifeandsontohismother-in-1.aw'shomeforThanksgixingdinnereveryyear,Tomdis1.ikesher"specia1."pumpkinpieintense1.y. Invariab1.yhete1.1.sherhowwonderfu1.itis.toavoidhurtingherfee1.ings."What'sSTOngWiththat?"TOmaskedMichae1.Josephson-presidentoftheJosephsonInstitute,Itsaquestionwemighta1.1.ask。



What you may not know about lying, liars and lie detection: 关于撒谎、测谎、撒谎者,你所不知道的那些事儿:
1、Ironically, people who are trusting are better lie detectors. 有点讽刺的是,那些信赖的人往往更容易识破谎言。 2、 Creative people are more dishonest and daydreamers are better liars. 具有创造力的人往往不太诚实。爱做白日梦的人更会撒 3、Sadly, we lie most to those we are closest to. 可悲的是,我们对最亲的人,撒谎最多。 4、Lying to yourself can improve your performance during competitive tasks. 在竞争激烈时,对自己说谎可以改善工作表现。
A fabrication is a lie told when someone submits a statements as truth, without knowing for certain whether or not it actually is true. Although the statement may be possible or plausible, it is not based on fact. Rather, it is something made up or it is a misrepresentation(歪 曲) of the truth.
Top 5 Fibs Told By Men 1.I didn’t have that much to drink. 2.Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine. 3. I had no signal. 4. It wasn’t that expensive. 5. I’m on my way. Top 5 Fibs Told By Women 1. Nothing’s wrong, I’m fine. 2. I don’t know where it is, I haven’t touched it. 3. It wasn’t that expensive. 4. I didn’t have that much to drink. 5. I’ve got a headache.

unit 6 the real truth about lies 课程思政

unit 6 the real truth about lies 课程思政

unit 6 the real truth about lies 课程思政随着社交媒体的兴起和信息爆炸式的增长,谎言似乎已经成为了人们日常生活的一部分。


那么,关于谎言的真相究竟是什么呢?1. 谎言的定义和本质谎言一般指的是故意说出不真实或误导他人的话,其目的往往是为了欺骗、隐藏真相或获得个人利益。


2. 谎言的影响及后果谎言会给人们的生活和社会带来许多负面影响。


3. 谎言的种类和表现形式谎言的种类繁多,包括直接谎言、隐瞒、夸大和歪曲等。



4. 揭示谎言的重要性揭示谎言是维护社会秩序和促进社会进步的重要环节。


5. 培养识别谎言的能力培养识别谎言的能力对每个人来说都非常重要。


The Truth About Lying 关于说谎的真相 朱迪斯

The Truth About Lying 关于说谎的真相 朱迪斯

The Truth About Lying 关于说谎的真相朱迪斯维奥斯特1.I've been wanting to write on a subject that intrigues and challenges me the subject of lying. I've found it very difficult to do. Everyone I've talked to has a quite intense and personal but often rather intolerant point of view about what we can and can never never tell lies about. I've finally reached the conclusion that I can't present any ultimate conclusions, for too many people would promptly disagree. Instead, I'd like to present a series of moral puzzles, all concerned with lying. I'll tell you what I think about them. Do you agree?我一直想写一个令我深感兴趣的话题:关于说谎的问题。






你们觉得对吗? Social Lies社交性谎言2.Most of the people I've talked with say that they find social lying acceptable and necessary. They think it's the civilized way for folks to behave. Without these little white lies, they say, our relationships would be short and nasty. It's arrogant, they say, to insist on being so incorruptible and so brave that you cause other people unnecessary embarrassment or pain by compulsively presenting them with your honesty.I basically agree. What about you?和我交谈过的大多数人都说,他们认为旨在促进社会交际的谎言是可以接受的 也是必要的。



谎言的真相综合英语作文Title: The Truth About Lies。

In the intricate web of human interaction, lies often find their way into the narrative, complicating relationships and distorting realities. Yet, amidst the chaos they create, lies also reveal profound truths about human nature and society. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of lies, exploring their consequences, motivations, and the underlying truths they conceal.Firstly, lies serve as a protective shield, shielding individuals from facing uncomfortable truths or consequences. In personal relationships, white lies are often employed to spare feelings or maintain harmony. For instance, telling a friend their new haircut looks great when it clearly doesn't may seem harmless, but it preserves the friendship by avoiding unnecessary conflict. Similarly, in professional settings, people may fabricate excuses to cover up mistakes or shortcomings to safeguard theirreputation or career prospects.However, the repercussions of lies extend beyond the immediate moment. They erode trust, which is the cornerstone of any relationship, be it personal or professional. Once the truth comes to light, the damage inflicted by the lie can be irreparable, leading to fractured relationships and lingering resentment. Moreover, habitual lying can lead to a loss of credibility, with individuals being perceived as untrustworthy or deceitful, thereby hindering their ability to build meaningful connections.Despite the negative consequences, lies persist in society due to various motivations. Fear often drives individuals to deceive, whether it's fear of judgment, rejection, or punishment. People may also lie to maintain a sense of control over their lives, crafting narratives that align with their desired outcomes or societal expectations. Additionally, lies can be a means of self-preservation, allowing individuals to navigate complex social dynamics and protect their interests.Moreover, lies are not solely confined to interpersonal interactions; they permeate every level of society, from politics to media to advertising. In the realm of politics, misinformation and deceit are commonplace tools used to sway public opinion or maintain power. Similarly, the media can manipulate truth through selective reporting or sensationalism, shaping public perception and influencing behavior. In the consumer sphere, advertisers often employ embellishments or false promises to entice consumers, capitalizing on their desires and insecurities.However, beneath the veneer of lies lies a deeper truth about human vulnerability and the quest for acceptance. In a world where perfection is idealized and flaws are stigmatized, people resort to deception as a means offitting in or preserving their self-image. The pressure to conform to societal standards or meet unrealistic expectations drives individuals to conceal their true selves, perpetuating a cycle of deception and disillusionment.In conclusion, lies are a pervasive aspect of human existence, woven into the fabric of society and interpersonal relationships. While they may offer temporary relief or serve ulterior motives, lies ultimately undermine trust and integrity, corroding the very foundation of human connection. Yet, within the labyrinth of deception, lies also unveil profound truths about human nature andsociety's collective psyche. It is only by confronting these truths and embracing authenticity that we can cultivate genuine relationships and foster a culture of honesty and transparency.。



说谎的真相英语作文初一The Truth About Lying。

Lying is a common human behavior, and it is often seen as a negative trait. However, the truth about lying is more complex than we think. While it is true that lying can cause harm and damage trust, it can also be a tool forself-preservation and even kindness in certain situations.Firstly, lying can be a way to protect oneself from harm. For example, if a person is in a dangerous situation and needs to escape, lying may be the only way to do so. Additionally, in some cultures and societies, lying is seen as a form of self-defense against oppressive or authoritarian regimes. In these cases, lying can be seen as a necessary and even heroic act.Secondly, lying can sometimes be a way to spare someone's feelings. For instance, if a friend asks if they look good in a new outfit that doesn't suit them, telling awhite lie can be a way to avoid hurting their feelings. Similarly, if a child asks where babies come from, a parent may choose to tell a simplified version of the truth to avoid overwhelming them with information.However, it is important to note that lying can also have negative consequences. When people lie, they risk damaging trust and causing harm to others. In some cases, lying can even lead to legal consequences, such as perjury or fraud. Therefore, it is important to consider the potential consequences before choosing to lie.In conclusion, the truth about lying is that it is a complex behavior with both positive and negative aspects. While lying can be a tool for self-preservation and kindness, it can also cause harm and damage trust. It is up to each individual to weigh the potential consequences and make a decision about whether or not to lie in a given situation.。



谎言的真相英语作文Title: The Truth Behind Lies。

In a world where truth is revered and honesty is often touted as the best policy, lies seem to be condemned universally. However, delving deeper, one realizes that the truth about lies is far more complex than meets the eye. Lies, while often seen as malicious or deceptive, can sometimes serve as shields, protectors, or even bridges in human interactions. Exploring the multifaceted nature of lies reveals a spectrum of intentions, consequences, and moral dilemmas.First and foremost, it is essential to acknowledge the various motives behind lying. Sometimes, lies stem from a desire to protect oneself or others from harm. In such cases, lying may be perceived as a form of self-defense or an act of altruism. For instance, a person might lie about their whereabouts to avoid a dangerous situation or fabricate a story to shield a friend from potentialrepercussions. In these scenarios, the intention behind the lie is not malicious but rather protective.Furthermore, lies can serve as social lubricants, smoothing interactions and maintaining harmony within relationships. White lies, often considered harmless, are prevalent in everyday communication. Complimenting someone on their appearance or expressing enjoyment of a meal, even if one's true feelings differ, are common examples. These lies are not intended to deceive but rather to upholdsocial conventions and avoid unnecessary conflict or discomfort.However, lies can also be wielded as tools of manipulation or deception. When used with malicious intent, lies can inflict harm, breed mistrust, and erode the fabric of relationships. Whether it's lying to exploit others for personal gain, gaslighting to undermine someone's reality, or spreading falsehoods to manipulate public opinion, these deceptive practices can have profound and far-reaching consequences. The line between harmless fibs and damaging deceit can be perilously thin, and distinguishing betweenthe two requires careful consideration of intent and impact.Moreover, the prevalence of lies in society raises challenging ethical questions about honesty and integrity.Is it ever justified to lie to protect oneself or others? Where do we draw the line between tactful diplomacy and deceitful manipulation? These moral quandaries have puzzled philosophers, ethicists, and ordinary individuals alike for centuries, reflecting the complex interplay betweenpersonal values, societal norms, and situational factors.In confronting the truth about lies, it becomes evident that blanket condemnation oversimplifies a nuanced phenomenon. While deceitful lies pose genuine threats to trust and integrity, not all falsehoods are created equal. Context, intention, and consequences must be carefully weighed when evaluating the ethical implications of lying. Moreover, fostering a culture of honesty and transparency requires cultivating empathy, understanding, and open communication, allowing individuals to navigate thedelicate balance between truthfulness and tact.In conclusion, the truth about lies is far from black and white. Lies, with their myriad motives and consequences, occupy a complex and morally ambiguous terrain. While some lies may serve noble purposes or preserve social harmony, others can inflict harm and undermine trust. Navigatingthis moral landscape requires careful discernment, ethical reflection, and a commitment to fostering genuine connections based on trust and honesty. Only by confronting the multifaceted nature of lies can we hope to unravel the truth hidden beneath their surface.。

综合教程The real truth about lies翻译谎言的实质

综合教程The real truth about lies翻译谎言的实质

综合教程The real truth about lies翻译谎言的实质大多数人都会撒个小谎。


























Unit 11The Story of an EyewitnessJack London1 The earthquake shook down in San Francisco hundreds of thousands of dollarsworth of walls and chimneys. But the conflagration that followed burned up hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property. There is no estimating within hundreds of millions the actual damage wrought.2 Not in history has a modern imperial city been so completely destroyed. SanFrancisco is gone. Nothing remains of it but memories and fringe of dwelling houses on its outskirts. Its industrial section is wiped out. Its business section is wiped out.Its social and residential section is wiped out. The factories and warehouses, the great stores and newspaper buildings, the hotels and the palaces of the nabobs, are all gone. Remains only the fringe of dwelling houses on the outskirts of what was once San Francisco.3 Within an hour after the earthquake shock, the smoke of San Francisco’sburning was a lurid tower visible a hundred miles away. And for three days and nights this lurid tower swayed in the sky, reddening the sun, darkening the day, and filling the land with smoke.4 On Wednesday morning at quarter past five came the earthquake. A minutelater the flames were leaping upward. In a dozen different quarters south of Market Street, in the working class ghetto and in the factories, fires started. There was no opposing the flames. There was no organization, no communication. All the cunning adjustments of a twentieth-century city had been smashed by the earthquake. The streets were humped into ridges and depressions, and piled with the debris of fallen walls. The steel rails were twisted into perpendicular and horizontal angles. The telephone and telegraph systems were disrupted. And the great water mains had burst. All the shrewd contrivances and safeguards of man had been thrown out of gear by thirty seconds’ twitching of the earth-crust.5 By Wednesday afternoon, inside of twelve hours, half the heart of the city wasgone. At that time I watched the vast conflagration from out on the bay. It was dead calm. Not a flicker of wind stirred. Yet from every side wind was pouring in upon thecity. East, west, north, and south, strong winds were blowing upon the doomed city.The heated air rising made an enormous suck. Thus did the fire of itself build its own colossal chimney through the atmosphere. Day and night this dead calm continued, and yet, near to the flames, the wind was often half a gale, so mighty was the suck.6 Wednesday night saw the destruction of the very heart of the city. Dynamite waslavishly used, and many of San Francisco’s proudest structures were crumbled by man himself into ruins, but there was no withstanding the onrush of the flames.Time and again successful stands were made by the firefighters and every time the flames flanked around on either side, or came up from the rear, and turned to defeat the hard won victory.7 An enumeration of the buildings destroyed would be a directory of SanFrancisco. An enumeration of the buildings undestroyed would be a line and several addresses. An enumeration of the deeds of heroism would stock a library and bankrupt the Carnegie medal fund. An enumeration of the dead ― will never be made. All vestiges of them were destroyed by the flames. The number of the victims of the earthquake will never be known. South of Market Street, where the loss of life was particularly heavy, was the first to catch fire.8 Remarkable as it may seem, Wednesday night, while the whole city crashed androared into ruin, was a quiet night. There were no crowds. There was no shouting and yelling. There was no hysteria, no disorder. I passed Wednesday night in the path of the advancing flames, and in all those terrible hours I saw not one woman who wept, not one man who was excited, not one person who was in the slightest degree panic-stricken.9 Before the flames, throughout the night, fled tens of thousands of homeless ones.Some were wrapped in blankets. Others carried bundles of bedding and dear household treasures. Sometimes a whole family was harnessed to a carriage or delivery wagon that was weighted down with their possessions. Baby buggies, toy wagons and go-carts were used as trucks, while every other person was dragging a trunk. Yet everybody was gracious. The most perfect courtesy obtained. Never, in all San Francisco’s history, were her people so kind and courteous as on this night of terror.10 All night these tens of thousands fled before the flames. Many of them, the poorpeople from the labor ghetto, had fled all day as well. They had left their homes burdened with possessions. Now and again they lightened up, flinging out upon the street clothing and treasures they had dragged for miles.11 They held on longest to their trunks, and over these trunks many a strong manbroke his heart that night. The hills of San Francisco are steep, and up these hills, mile after mile, were the trunks dragged. Everywhere were trunks, with across them lying their exhausted owners, men and women. Before the march of the flames were flung picket lines of soldiers. And a block at a time, as the flames advanced, these pickets retreated. One of their tasks was to keep the trunk-pullers moving. The exhausted creatures, stirred on by the menace of bayonets, would arise and struggle up the steep pavements, pausing from weakness every five or ten feet.12 Often, after surmounting a heart-breaking hill, they would find another wall offlame advancing upon them at right angles and be compelled to change anew the line of their retreat. In the end, completely played out, after toiling for a dozen hours like giants, thousands of them were compelled to abandon their trunks. Here the shop-keepers and soft members of the middle class were at a disadvantage. But the working-men dug holes in vacant lots and backyards and buried their trunks.13 At nine o’clock Wednesday evening, I walked down through the very heart of thecity. I walked through miles and miles of magnificent buildings and towering skyscrapers. There was no fire. All was in perfect order. The people patrolled the streets. Every building had its watchman at the door. And yet it was doomed, all of it.There was no water. The dynamite was giving out. And at right angles two different conflagrations were sweeping down upon it.14 At one o’clock in the morning I walked down the same section. Everything stillstood intact. There was no fire. And yet there was a change. A rain of ashes was falling. The watchmen at the doors were gone. The police had been withdrawn.There were no firemen, no fire-engines, no men fighting with dynamite. The district had been absolutely abandoned.15 I stood at the corner of Kearney and Market, in the very innermost heart of SanFrancisco. Kearney Street was deserted. Half a dozen blocks away it was burning onboth sides. The street was a wall of flame. And against this wall of flame, silhouetted sharply, were two United States cavalrymen sitting their horses, calmly watching.That was all. Not another person was in sight. In the intact heart of the city two troopers sat their horses and watched.16 Surrender was complete. There was no water. The sewers had long since beenpumped dry. There was no dynamite. Another fire had broken out farther uptown, and now from the three sides conflagrations were sweeping down. The fourth side had been burned earlier in the day. In that direction stood the tottering walls of the Examiner Building, the burned out Call Building, the smouldering ruins of Grand Hotel, and the gutted, devastated, dynamited Palace Hotel.证人亲历杰克·伦敦1 旧金山的地震摧毁了不少墙壁和烟囱,价值成千上万美元。

Lie to me第一季知识点总结

Lie to me第一季知识点总结

Lie to me第一季知识点总结第一集1.向对方询问某事时,对方一侧肩抖动表示对方对你的所言不自信2.身体和语言不一致,表示他在撒谎3.惊奇、害怕的表情在脸上超过一秒,表示是假装的4.对方对你的质问表示轻视,通常你的质问会是真的5.对方对你撒谎时,会有更多的眼神交流,来判断你是否相信他的谎言6.对你的问题生硬的重复是典型的撒谎方式eg:“你去过他家吗?”“我没去过他家。

”7.说话或思考时把手放在鼻子上是想要掩饰什么的举动8.说话时一直把手放在裤兜里或抵着大腿,是紧张的表现9.描述一连串发生的事情,如果事情是编造的,他可以按虚构好的顺序说,但是却无法倒叙重复10.人在害怕时,会做些事情来使情况维持现状,而不论这些事情会不会造成更坏的影响11.性兴奋会使人的瞳孔放大12.微笑的时候眨眼睛说明真的想到令人幸福的事13.人在害怕时会出现生理逃跑反应:血液从四肢回流回腿部,做好逃跑准备,手部会先变冰凉第二集1.人说谎时,有时会下意识的退缩,不自信2.嘴角向下瘪,是经典的犯错表情3.人说谎的时候会摸脖子4.纵火和强奸,这两种犯罪通常都是想证明自己的权力5.下巴用力,是生气的表现6.眉毛上挑,挤在一起,是恐惧的表情7.没有表情也是一种表情!!8.说话很急,将物品放在胸前形成一种障碍:刻意与对话者保持距离,焦虑9.眉毛上扬,下颚下垂:惊讶10.摸脖子:说谎,除非他脖子疼11.重读音过高:说谎但是人耳难以分辨12.纵火和强奸高度相关,都是权利欲的表现13.说话时手腕甩动:说谎这个动作可以发生在手臂放在桌面,站立时双手指尖交叉或者自然下垂,同时带着小臂的自然摆动14.说话时下巴很用力/说完话抬下巴:生气15.五官向面部中心聚拢:暗暗反感第三集1.皱眉并且嘴唇紧闭伴随上翘,劲部以上有后移表示厌恶2.话语重复,声音上扬说谎3.越受欢迎的孩子,越会撒谎4.当人的脸部表情,两边及其部对称时有可能表现的感情不真实5.说话缓慢,轻柔表明内心极度悲伤和焦虑6.双手紧握并有摩擦一种典型的自我安慰的姿态表明自己不相信自己在说什么的时候使自己自我安慰7.真假发怒,突然大声说话并伴随强烈的肢体语言如果2者有时间差,则有伪装8.真正的凶手看到受害人的照片时表现恶心轻蔑以致于害怕第四集1 眉毛往下皱在一起,眼见上扬,眼袋紧绷:说明进行有计划的行动,带有攻击倾向。

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Lying is an act of aggression--against the recipient of the lie. Lies hurt people, they hurt companies and shareholders and they hurt relationships.

Have you ever told fibs?
She told innocent fibs like anyone else.
11. LANGUAGE invariably: ad. always WORK

It's invariably wet when I take my holidays. She invariably forgets to take her keys.

A lie stands on one leg, truth on two. - - - Benjamin Franklin Truth is completely spontaneous. Lies have to be taught. - - - Richard Buckminster Fuller Jr. It is always the best policy to tell the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar. - - - Jerome K. Jerome Truth is the safest lie.
professed to know everything about sculpture.
professed the greatest respect for the law.
2. earth-shattering: of the greatest importance to the whole world
John blurted out that he dreamed of becoming a computer programmer.
13. lubricant :n. a substance such as oil which causes a machine to operate more easily
The Real Truth about Lies
If your good friend buys a new mobile phone which you dislike intensely, and asks for your opinion about it, what will you say? 2. When do you think people lie? 3. Why do people lie? 4. To whom do people most likely to lie? 5. How would you feel if somebody lied to you for your own good? 6. WARMING What’s your UP view of white lies? ACTIVITIES 7. Have you ever lied? Examples.

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. - - - Henry David Thoreau

Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous ruin, To speak dishonorably is pardonable. - - - Sophocles
14. tangled: plicated or made up of many confusing parts

After listening to his speech I thought his ideas and opinions were so tangled that I could not vote for him. The floor of the forest was covered with tangled grass.
1. 2.
How does the author introduce the topic? What is the result of Professor Bella DePaulo’s survey? What conclusion can we draw from the result?
After The
years of hard work, they finally made an earth-shattering discovery.
new invention is of earth-shattering importance.
3. feign: v. to pretend to have or be; to put on a false air of She feigned to be ill in order not to do the exercises. He feigned surprise and they all believed him. 4. spare one's feelings : to avoid doing something that would upset somebody He simply wished to minimize the fuss and to spare her feelings. WORK LANGUAGE We carefully avoided mentioning the news to spare his feelings.
12. blurt out : to say something suddenly and without thinking, usually because one is nervous or excited

To our surprise,he blurted his secret out at table.

Байду номын сангаас

- - - Jewish Proverb

It is hard to believe that a man is telling the truth when you know that you would lie if you were in his place. - - H. L. Mencken I never know how much of what I say is true. - - Bette Midler Let us begin by committing ourselves to the truth- to see it like it is, and tell it like it is- to find the truth, to speak the truth, and to live the truth. - - Richard M. Nixon , Speech, 9 Aug. 1968, Miami, accepting the presidential nomination.

Part 3: Para. 12-15 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF THE The consequences of telling lies TEXT Part 4: Para. 16-18 Discussing whether lies should be avoided at all costs

By the end of last century, the computer had become ubiquitous.

We are now confronted with the ubiquitous spread of English.
10. fib: n. a small unimportant lie
7. pundit : n. a person who is an authority on a particular subject; an expert

Mr. Johnson is a well-known political pundit. We've invited a foreign-policy pundit to give us a lecture.

Part 1: Para. 1—6
Introducing the topic by reporting two survey results Part 2: Para. 7-11

Telling little white lies is a common practice and the reason for telling such lies is familiar --- we do not want to hurt others.
Lying is also an act of weakness. The liar is unwilling to bear the responsibility of the truth-telling. Lying is the lazy way, the selfish way. Lying is an antisocial act, injuring the person lied to and any relationships binding liar and victim.