维多利亚时代【英文】 victorian period
![维多利亚时代【英文】 victorian period](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2501f5f0910ef12d2af9e797.png)
Victorian Period
• Women for suffrage – did not succeed until 1918 (30 & over) • Universal adult suffrage 1928 extended vote to women at age 21 • Factory Acts – limited child & women labor • State supported schools est. in 1870; compulsory in 1880; free in 1891 • Literacy rate increased from 40% to 90% from 1840-1900.
• First Reform Bill in 1832 extended vote to all men who owned property worth 10 lbs • Second Reform Act in 1867 gave the right to vote to working-class men (except agricod
• Intellectual Progress
• Understanding of earth, its creatures & natural laws (geology, Darwin – theory of evolution) • Industrialization of England depended on and supported science and technology.
Victorian Period
• Paradox of progress
• Victorian – synonym for prude; extreme repression; even furniture legs had to be concealed under heavy cloth not to be “suggestive”
Factory Children
• Mill owners said that they had to keep their prices down. That was why workers' hours had to be long, and wages low. Women and children got lower wages than men, so the owners employed a lot of women and children.
• • Children as young as six or seven worked up to fourteen hours a day in the mills. Their pay
was about three shillings (15p) a week. Many were killed or injured by the moving parts of the machines they had to clean. Others were maimed by a foreman's fist or strap. Sadly, many of them were forced to work by their own parents. Their fathers were out of work, and the family needed the few shillings that they could earn. • • Some decent employers paid their workers a fair wage. Some even built good houses for them, and ran schools for their children. Some mill-owners took part in a movement for factory reform. Most mill-owners were against the reformers, though. They said that shorter hours for children would put up their costs, and bring them to ruin. • • Mill-owners did not obey Parliament's first acts cutting mill hours. But an act passed in 1833 said that inspectors would enforce the law. The act banned all children under nine from cotton mills. Children over nine were allowed to work, but there were strict controls on their hours. By 1847, ten hours per day was the limit for boys and all female workers.
Victorian Era 维多利亚时代
![Victorian Era 维多利亚时代](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a9d80a01f18583d048645905.png)
Aristocrats £30,000 Merchants, bankers £10,000 Middle-class (doctors, lawyers, clerks) £300-800 Lower middle-class (head teachers, journalists, shopkeepers, etc.) £150-300 Skilled workers (carpenters, typesetters,etc.) £75100 Sailors and domestic staff £40-75 Laborers, soldiers £25
It accelerated the migration of the population from country to overcrowded c 1876 the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell The radio was invented in 1895 by Guglielmo Marconi. The camera, toilet, sewing machine, vacuum, train and stamp were all created during the Victorian Era. Factories began to be powered by steam. The police force was created during this period.
Great Expectations
Children and crime: Many destitute children lived by stealing and they were seen as threats to society. Something had to be done about them to preserve law and order.
• The housing shortage: Workers wanted to live nearby their working places because it was time-saving. As a result of these demands and overcrowded conditions, the housing became scarce and expensive; therefore, so many people preferred slum-housing.
• Prostitution:Beginning in the late 1840s, major
Queen Victoria ( 1837-1901)
An age of transition Thanks to industry and trade, England became the wealthiest nation
“The sun never sets on England”
• Britain was unchallenged military power • Britain dominated Global trade and expanded as a colonial empire in India, Australia, Africa and Brazil
After Albert died she wore black for the rest of her life.
In 1863 John Brown saved Victoria when she was involved in two carriage accidents. They became good friends, and she was so upset when he died in 1883 that she never rode a horse again.
Victoria fell in love with a man called Albert, who was German. She proposed to him in 1840 and they were married soon after.
Victoria and Albert had nine children. Victoria loved having photographs and paintings done of her with Albert and their children. Let’s look at some of them.
The was born in 1882. She had eleven brothers and sisters. When she was young she was never left alone as her mother feared she might be murdered by one of her uncles.
Queen Victoria died in 1901, when she was 83. She was buried in a white dress and her wedding veil. London was decorated in white and purple for the occasion.
Victorian Drama
The theater was a flourishing and popular institution during the Victorian period. The popularity of theater influenced other genres. Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde transformed British theater with their comic masterpieces.
Charles Darwin(达尔文)
Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens
Pickwick Papers (1836-7) 《匹克威克外传》 Oliver Twist (1837-1838)《奥利佛.退斯特》 The Old Curiosity Shop (1841) 《老古玩店》 Dombey and Son:(1846_48) 《董贝父子》 David Copperfield: (1849-50)《大卫*科波菲尔》 Bleak House (1854) 《荒凉山庄》 Hard Times (1854)《艰难时世》 Little Dorrit (1855-57)《小杜丽》 A Tale Of Two Cities (1859) 《双城记》 Great Expectations (1860_61) 《远大前程》
English Literature in the Victorian Period
Queen Victoria
English Literature in the Victorian Period
Victorian England(维多利亚时代的英国)
![Victorian England(维多利亚时代的英国)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8dfd21ed700abb68a882fb14.png)
• This refers to the period between 1837 • and 1901 when Queen Victoria ruled Britain . • The term "Victorian" is often associated with the style of bulidings and furniture of the period,but more importantly with the strict moral attitude toward sex that many people had or pretended to have.
• Major Themes • Background
• 《米德尔马契》,是英国女作家乔治· 艾略特的第七部长篇小
说。该书于1862年开始动笔,但不久由于Thornton Lewes的患病而 搁置。次年艾略特重新开始写作,并把一些分散的情节结合成一个整 体,1871-1872年完成。单卷本于1874年出版,销量颇为理想。 • 小说的题目米德尔马契是作者虚构的英国省城。省城附近的庄园住着 布鲁克先生的侄女西莉亚和多萝西亚。多萝西亚希望找到学者型丈夫, 于是不顾众人反对,和比她年长27岁的牧师卡苏朋订了婚,并预见卡 苏朋的侄儿威尔· 拉迪斯拉夫。与此同时,27岁的利德盖特来到米德 尔马契,创立新医院,倡导医疗改革。改革触动了当地医生的利益, 利德盖特被迫娶了米德尔马契市长之女罗莎蒙德为妻,被她套取大量 钱财。 • 婚后的多萝西亚十分孤独,威尔与她谈得投机,爱上了她,结果被卡 苏朋禁止踏入家门。布鲁克要参加选举,要拉威尔办报造势。詹姆士 爵士同西莉亚结婚生子。后卡苏朋突然逝世,威尔留在米德尔马契。 最后多萝西亚放弃财产与威尔结合,利德盖特则因无法实现抱负,50 岁去世。
The Victorian Period 英国文学·维多利亚时代
![The Victorian Period 英国文学·维多利亚时代](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a4811f84b14e852458fb57a6.png)
The critical realists were unable to find a good solution to the social contradictions. The chief tendency in their works is not of revolution but of reformism.
→Common sense and moral propriety (得体) became the predominant
concern in literary works.
Changes in Ideology
• Religious collision • The widespread of Utilitarianism(功利主义)
• Famous poets:
Robert Browning Alfred Tennyson Dante Gabriel Rossetti Gerald Manley Hopkins Algernon Charles Swinburne
The poetry of this period was mainly characterized by experiments with new styles and new ways of expression.
→With Industrial Revolution in full swing, England accumulated large amounts of profit and settled down to a time of prosperity and relative stability.
The Victorian Age英国文学维多利亚时期
![The Victorian Age英国文学维多利亚时期](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6897f1ccbb4cf7ec4afed0a8.png)
--The 1st Reform Act of 1832 and the 2nd Reform act of 1867 : reform in the electoral system leading to a more democratic society
---,1830, 1850, 1900, Public railway across England and an underground rail system beneath London ---Great Exhibition of 1851 and Crystal Palace (locomotives, machine tools, power looms, reapers, steamboat engines and etc)
huge profit worse living condition workers long-hour working never-adequate food
the Chartist Movement
What is the Chartist Movement ? 宪章运动
The Victorian age (1832-1901)
◆ Historical Situation An Age of Unrest and Dispute
Social unrest unemployment, poverty, slums in large cites, terrible working conditions; Chartist Movement; petitions for women’s suffrage; the Married Women's Property Acts Intellectual diversity
维多利亚时代(Victorian era),前接乔治时代,后启爱德华时代,被认为是英国工业革命和大英帝国的峰端。
它的时限常被定义为1837年~1901年,即维多利亚女王(Alexandrina Victoria)的统治时期。
亦有学者认为,应将通过改革法案(Reform Act 1832)的1832年视为一个新的文化时期的开端。
换言之,自从狄更斯在维多利亚女王即位的同年发表第一部小说起,小说领域就新人辈出,争奇斗艳。19世纪40年代出现了勃朗特姐妹的《简·爱》和《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights,1847)50年代萨克雷以其《名利场》向魅力加经久不衰的狄更斯提出挑战,60年代特罗洛普成描绘维多利亚中期的社会现实的“肖像画大师”,70年代艾略特发表了他的传世之作《米德尔马奇》(Middlemarch,1872)80年代《唯我主义者》(The Egoist,1879)的作者梅瑞狄斯和巴特勒开始受到广泛关注,90年代哈代的一系列富有悲剧色彩的“威塞克斯”小说为维多利亚时期的小说划上一个圆满的句号。当然,梅瑞狄斯,哈代和巴特勒生活在心就相替的转折时期,他们的创作内容和风格上与维多利亚的小说家们相比,有很大不同,也有很大创新。梅瑞狄斯的小说以喜剧讽刺手法见长,是最先涉及婚外恋和妇女解放问题的作家之一。他还善于使用殿玉和隐喻,善于对于人物进行心理分析。巴特勒的小说偏重对维多利亚时期的宗教和家庭进行犀利的批评,他的《艾瑞璜》是一部讽刺社会传统的乌托邦小说,采取颠倒和夸张的讽刺手法,艾瑞璜这一名字就来自于“乌有乡”(NOWHERE)一次地倒写。哈代的小说带有浓厚的“乡土气息”和“宿命色彩”,实际上则表达了作家对工业化所造成喧嚣和丑恶的都市生活的一种反抗。他善于使用象征手法和心理描写,既继承了现实主义小说的优良传统,又表现了一个现代作家的艺术创新。他的小说揭露社会的伪善和不公,为小人物的灾难和不辛鸣冤,然而又透射出某种无奈和迷茫。
维多利亚时期的散文也成就斐然.仅一长串散文家的名字就令刮目相看:卡莱尔,纽曼(John Henry Cardinal Newman ,1801-1890),穆勒(John Start Mill,1806-1873),罗斯金,阿诺德,赫胥黎(Thomas Henry Huxley ,1825-1895)和佩特等等.他们主要的作品,如卡莱尔的《法国革命》,《过去与现在》,纽曼的《自辩》(Apologia pro Vita sua ,1864)穆勒的《论自由》(On Liberty,1859),罗斯金《威尼斯之石》,阿诺德的《文化与无政府》,《批评文集》(Esasays in Criticism,1865-1888),赫胥黎的《人在自然界的位置》(Evidenceas as to Man’s Place inn Nature ,1863),佩特的《文艺复兴历史研究》(Studies IN The History Renaissance ,1873)等,都应其独具的风格与魅力被载入英国文学史册。佩特在《风格》(Style)一文中指出散文是一门特殊的,恰好适合现代世界的艺术,它更适于表现现代生活“混乱的多样性和复杂性”。散文家对这一世界做出各种各样的反应,以不同风格在混乱中寻求秩序。卡莱尔在《论英雄》(On Heroes )中非常强调作家的责任,他的写作追求一种预言家的效果,而罗斯金更是事事都发表独到的见解,散文的内容涉及宗教,政治,经济,美学及现实生活的各个方面,说理方式也各不相同。穆勒和赫胥黎依靠思路清晰的逻辑推理,模仿18世纪散文家崇尚的理智,明快当文风,不带浪漫主义感情色彩。卡莱额外任何罗斯金则更靠近17世纪的文风,他们的所谓的“复调风格”对读者的耳朵和眼睛都有一种感染力,以生动的综合效果打动读者的心弦。
“Construction of the sewer beneath Fleet Street, London, early 1860s. By 1858 the stench of the sewage from the Thames had become so overwhelming that the House of Parliament at Westminster found it impossible to meet; construction of a city-wide underground system of sewers…began the following year.”
– 1800=75% rural versus 1900=75% urban
Power and Empire
• Richest nation (first industrialized nation) • Most powerful nation
– unchallenged military supremacy – empire covers ¼ of earth’s surface
The Victorian Era
• Placed high value on honor, duty, moral seriousness, and sexual propriety. • Still have brutal factory conditions, low wages, and crowded cities, but the 1830s mark the beginning of political and social reform acts. • Shift from agrarian society to industrial society creates a middle class (neither rich nor poor).
Charles Dickens
查尔斯·狄更斯 (1812-1870)
晚年的演讲、朗诵生涯 最终,shi了
主要创作 14部长篇小说 & 中短篇小说
创作的第一期(30年代) • 《匹克威克外传》 • 《奥利弗·推斯特》 • 《尼古拉斯·尼古贝》 • 《老古玩店》 • 《巴纳比·拉齐》
1.1832-1848, the first reform bill—the industrial capitalists gain their power in Parliament. --This bill extended the right to vote to the industrial capitalists and the lower middle class, but not the workers. 2.The Whig Party, which represented the interests of the industrial capitalists and businessmen, came into power. 3.The Chartist movement—in 1845,– the capitalists not take responsibility for the poverty of the working class– workers launched large scale demonstrations. 4.The Heyday of the Victorian Age.the country enjoyed two decades of peace and prosperity—by 1848, England produced one half of the world’s pig iron; 5.by the early 70s, England had become the workshop of the world and the world’s banker.—it was a period of complacency, stability and optimism. 6.By 1890, England continued to grow in strength. the British Empire had comprised more than a quarter of all the territory on the surface of the earth—the empire on which the sun never sets.—a period of serenity and security. 7.The fierce competition of newly risen rivals, Germany, The Us, Japan and Russia. Economic crisis continued to hit the country.
English Literature of the Victorian Age 维多利亚时期的英国文学
![English Literature of the Victorian Age 维多利亚时期的英国文学](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f68ff532376baf1ffc4fad48.png)
English Literature of the Victorian Age1. The Victorian Period:Chronologically the Victorian period roughly coincides withthe reign of Queen Victoria who ruled over England from1836to 1901. The period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history. II. Historical Background1. economy: Industrial Revolution (1760 – 1840)2. politics: Chartist movement (1838 – 1848) 宪章运动3. science: Darwin’s theory of evolution(1859)4. society: the women question Queen Victoria ( 1837 – 1901)The early years of the Victorian England was a time of rapid economic development as well as serious social problems.III. Critical Realism1. definition----English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the 40s and in the early 50s. It found its expression in the form of novel. The critical realists, most of whom were novelists, described with much vividness and artistic skill the chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint.2. Features:Victorian literature, as a product of its age, naturally took on its quality of magnitude & diversity. It was many-sided & complex, & reflected both romantically & realistically the great changes that were going on in people’s life & thought. Great writers & great works abounded.a. introduction of characters from the working classb. strong hatred for vices in the societyc. an illusion of bringing about social justice and harmony by reformsd. an interest in woman emancipation (Charlotte Bronte)3. Representatives:Charles Dickens; William Thackeray etc.4. Features of Victorian novelsIn this period,the novel became the most widely read & the most vital & challenging expression of progressive thought. While sticking to the principle of faithful representation of the 18th-century realist novel, novelists in this period carried their duty forward to the criticism of the society & the defense of the mass. Although writing from different points of view & with different techniques, they shared one thing in common, that is, they were all concerned about the fate of the common people. They were angry at the inhuman social institutions, the decaying social morality as represented by the money-worship & Utilitarianism & the widespread misery, poverty & injustice. Their truthful depiction of people’s life & bitter & strong criticism of the society had done much in awakening the public consciousness to the social problems & in the actual improvement of the society.Victorian literature, in general, truthfully represents the reality & spirit of the age. The high-spirited vitality, the down-to-earth earnestness, the good-natured humor & unbounded imagination are all unprecedented. In almost every genre it paved the way for the coming century, where its spirits, values & experiments are to witness their bumper harvest.The Chartist Movement (1836-1848)The English workers got themselves organized in big cities & brought forth the People’s charter, in which they demanded basic rights & better living & working conditions. They, for three times, made appeals to the government, with hundreds of thousands of people’s signatures. The movement swept over most of the cities in the country. Although the movement declined to an end in 1848, it did bring some improvement to the welfare of the working class. This was the first mass movement of the English working class & the early sign of the awakening of the poor, oppressed people.UtilitarianismAlmost everything was put to the test by the criterion of utility, that is, the extent to which it could promote the material happiness. This theory held a special appeal to the middle-class industrialists, whose greed drove them to exploiting workers to the utmost & brought greater suffering & poverty to the working mass.Critical RealismThe Victorian Age is an age of realism rather than of romanticism-a realism which strives to tell the whole truth showing moral & physical diseases as they are. To be true to life becomes the first requirement for literary writing. As the mirror of truth, literature has come very close to daily life, reflecting its practical problems & interests & is used as a powerful instrument of human progress.Dramatic MonologueBy dramatic monologue, it is meant that a poet chooses a dramatic moment or a crisis, in which his characters are made to talk about their lives, & about their minds & hearts. In “listening” to those one-sided talks, readers can form their own opinions & judgments about the speaker’s personality & about what has really happened. Robert Browning brought this poetic form to its maturity & perfection & his “My Last Duchess” is one of the best-known dramatic monologues.Further Reading:After the Reform Bill of 1832 passed the political powerfrom the decaying aristocrats into the hands of the middle-class industrial capitalists, the Industrial Revolution soongeared up. Towards the mid-century, England had reachedits highest point of development as a world power. Andyet beneath the great prosperity & richness, there existedwidespread poverty & wretchedness among the workingclass. The worsening living & working conditions, themass unemployment & the new Poor Law of 1834 with itsworkhouse system finally gave rise to the Chartist Movement (1836-1848).During the next twenty years, England settled down to a time of prosperity & relative stability. The middle-class life of the time was characterized by prosperity, respectability & material progress.But the last three decades of the century witnessed the decline of the British Empire & the decay of the Victorian values.Ideologically, the Victorians experienced fundamental changes. The rapid development of science & technology, new inventions & discoveries in geology, astronomy, biology & anthropology drastically shook people’s religious convictions. Darwin’s The Origin of Species (1859) & The Descent of Man (1871) shook the theoretical basis of the traditional faith. On the other hand, Utilitarianism was widely accepted & practiced. Almost everything was put to the test by the criterion of utility, that is, the extent to which it could promote the material happiness.Charles Dickens (1812-1870)I. Life:1. a middle class family2. once was a child labor in a shoe-blacking factory3. a clerk, a reporter, a writer4. the poets’ cornerII. Major Works1. Oliver Twist;雾都孤儿2. David Copperfield;大卫·科波菲尔(autobiographical)3. Hard Times; 艰难时世4. A Tale of Two Cities双城记III. three periodsa. optimismb. frustrationc. pessimism1. Period of youthful optimistSketches by Boz 《博兹札记》(1836); The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club 《匹克威克外传》(1836-1837); Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》or 《苦海孤雏》(1837-1838); Nicholas Nickleby《尼古拉斯·尼克贝》(1838-1839); The Old Curiosity Shop《老古玩店》( 1840-1841); Barnaby Rudge《巴纳比·拉奇》(1841)2. Period of excitement & irritationAmerican Notes 《美国纪行》(1842); Martin Chuzzlewit 《马丁·翟述伟》(1843-1845);A Christmas Carol 《圣诞颂歌》(1843); Dombey & Son 《董贝父子》(1846-1848); David Copperfield 《大卫·科波菲尔》(1849-1850)3. Period of steadily intensifying pessimismBleak House 《荒凉山庄》( 1852-1853); Hard Times 《艰难时世》(1854); Little Dorrit 《小杜丽》(1855-1857); A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》(1859); Great Expectations 《远大前程》or 《孤星血泪》(1860-1861); Our Mutual Friend 《我们共同的朋友》(1864-1865); Edwin Drood 《艾德温·德鲁德之谜》(unfinished) (1870)Distinct Features of His Novels1. Character Sketches & ExaggerationIn his novels are found about 19 hundred figures, some of whom are really such “typical characters under typical circumstances”, that they b ecome proverbial or representative of a whole group of similar persons.As a master of characterization, Dickens was skillful in drawing vivid caricatural sketches by exaggerating some peculiarities, & in giving them exactly the actions & words that fit them: that is, right words & right actions for the right person.2. Broad Humor & Penetrating SatireDickens is well known as a humorist as well as a satirist. He sometimes employs humor to enliven a scene or lighten a character by making it (him or her) eccentric, whimsical, or laughable. Sometimes he uses satire to ridicule human follies or vices, with the purpose of laughing them out of existence or bring about reform.3. Complicated & Fascinating PlotDickens seems to love complicated novel constructions with minor plots beside the major one,or two parallel major plots within one novel. He is also skillful at creating suspense & mystery to make the story fascinating.4. The Power of ExposureAs the greatest representative of English critical realism, Dickens made his novel the instrument of morality & justice. Each of his novels reveals a specific social problem.5.unnatural happy endingHis Literary Creation & Literary AchievementsCharles Dickens is one of the greatest critical realistic writers of the Victorian Age. It is his serious intention to expose & criticize in his works all the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy & corruptness he saw all around him. In his works, Dickens sets a full map & a large-scale criticism of the 19th-century England, particularly London. A combination of optimism about people & realism about society is obvious in these works. His representative works in the early period include Oliver Twist, David Copperfield & so on.His later works show a highly conscious modern artist. The settings are more complicated; the stories are better structured. Most novels of this period present a sharper criticism of social evils & morals of the Victorian England, for example, Bleak House, Hard Times, Great Expectations & so on. The early optimism could no more be found.Charles Dickens is a master story-teller. His language could, in a way, be compared with Shakespeare’s. His humor & wit seem inexhaustible. Character-portrayal is the most outstanding feature of his works. His characterizations of child (Oliver Twist, etc.), some grotesque people (Fagin, etc.) & some comical people (Mr. Micawber, etc.) are superb. Dickens also employsexaggeration in his works. Dickens’ works are also characterized by a mixture of humor & pathos. William Makepeace ThackerayI. Lifea. born in India;b. studied in Cambridge;c. gambling and bad investmentsd. has to make a living by writing articles for newspapers and magazines.II. featuresa. Just like Dickens, Thackeray is one of the greatest critical realists of the 19th century Europe. He paints life as he has seen it. With his precise and thorough observation, rich knowledge of social life and of the human heart, the pictures in his novels are accurate and true to life.b. Thackeray is a satirist. His satire is caustic and his humour subtle.c. Besides being a realist and satirist, Thackeray is a moralist. His aim is to produce a moral impression in all his novelsIII. Vanity Fair ----masterpiece1. title: from John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress.2. Subtitle: “A novel without a hero”the bourgeois and aristocratic society as a wholeno positive characters (c) female3. plot( p193 -196)Read the story from P137 to P138 by yourself. Make clear about the development of the plot and relations between main characters. (Rebecca Sharp, Amelia Sedley, Joseph Sedley, Sir Pitt Crawley, Rawdon Crawley, Lord Steyne, George Osborne, William Dobbin)Amelia: good-natured, sentimental, and simple-mindedGeorge Osborne: snobbish, caustic, selfish and simple-mindedJoseph Sedley: vain, selfish, effeminateWilliam Dobbin: good-natured, honestIII. Comparison between Thackeray and Dickenssimilarities:① both representatives of critical realism;② both novelists, humorists;③ both criticized the Victorian society satirically.2. differences:① D described the common people, T mainly described the lives of aristocrats and rich people.②D was a sentimentalist. T was a cynic who doubted the goodness of human nature as a spectator.③ D advocated social reforms, T was not a crusader for good causes.④ D was a romanticist, T was against all romantic conventions.George eliotI. life1. George Eliot (1819-1880), pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans, was born on Nov. 22, 1819 into anestate agent’s family in Warwickshire, England.2. Though brought up under strict religious influences, she early abandoned religious beliefs, adopted agnostic opinions about Christian doctrine, & showed a great interest in social & philosophical problems.3. At the age of 39, she started he literary career. Being a woman of intelligence & versatility, she quickly found herself ranking high among the great writers.4. In 1857, she wrote her first three stories which were later published in book form under the title of Scenes of Clerical Life.II. Literary Career1. her three most popular novels came successively, Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860) & Silas Marner (1861), all drawn from her lifelong knowledge of English country life & notable for their realistic details, pungent characterization & high moral tone.2. 1863, Romola, a full elaborately documented story of Florence in the time of Savornarola.3. Felix Holt, the Radical, her only novel on English politics.4. 1872, Middlemarch, a panoramic book, George Eliot’s greatest achievement5. 1876, last novel, Daniel Deronda.These novels, together with a number of poems & a collection of satirical essays, The Impressions of Theophrastus Such, constitute a formidable body of work from a woman frail in health & working constantly under the apprehension of failure or worthlessness.III. Achievements1. Writing at the latter half of the 19th century & closely following the critical realist writers, George Eliot was working at something new.2. By joining the worlds of inward propensity & outward circumstances & showing them in the lives of her characters, she starts a new type of realism & sets into motion a variety of developments, leading in the direction of both the naturalistic & psychological novel.3. In her works, she seeks to present the inner struggle of a person & to reveal the motives, impulses & hereditary influences which govern human action.4. She is interested in the development of a soul, the slow growth or decline of moral power of the character.5. Eliot holds the belief that a certain act in daily life will produce a definite moral effect on the individual.6. Most of her novels are characterized by two features: moral teaching & psychological realism. IV.The theme of her worksAs a woman of exceptional intelligence & life experience, George Eliot shows a particular concern for the destiny of women, especially those with great intelligence, potential & social aspirations. In her mind, the pathetic tragedy of women lies in their very birth. Their inferior education & limited social life determine that they must depend on men for sustenance & realization of their goals, & they have only to fulfill the domestic duties expected of them by the society. Their opportunities of success are not even increased by wealth.Charlotte Bronte & Emily BronteI. Life of the Bronte sistersCharlotte(39), Emily(30) ,Anne(29)1. born in Yorkshire moors, daughters of a poor country clergyman.2. 2 elder daughters died in the charity school3. Charlotte and Emily once worked as governessesII. Jane Eyre 简·爱III. Wuthering Heights 呼啸山庄1. Plot (P264-268)a story about two families and an intruding stranger2. Point of view: first person point of view;3. narration: two dramatic narrators (Mr. Lockwood, and Nelly Dean)IV. detail-reading (268-278)1. content: Final meeting of Heathcliff and Catherine before Catherine’s death2. narrator: Nelly Dean3. their love: passion, love, agony, horror4. Catherine:a common girl who met an uncommon love. In her heart, the struggle between true love and tradition never ceased, and finally caused her early death.5. theme :a. criticism upon the materialism and social discrimination.b. hatred and revenge are meaningless; only love lasts forever.6. features: Romantic color (private passion and personal emotions; description of nature; Gothic elements)Gothic NovelThe word “Gothic”originally implied medieval, but in the later 18th century, when the Gothic novel became influential, the word added the implication of mystery, horror and supernatural. Gothic novel is a type of prose fiction which flourished in 1790s and early years in the 19th century. It once refers to the novel which produces stories set in lonely frightening Gothic places. It is now generally applied to literature dealing with the strange, mysterious and supernatural designed to invoke suspense and terror in the readers.On Gothic NovelThere is a strong Gothic strain in many mainstream 19th century works, including the works of the Brontes, Dickens, Edgar Allan Poe, and Hawthorne.In the 20th century, the genre flourished notably in popular horror fiction and films.Jane eyreSignificance:1. one of the most popular & important novels of the Victorian age.2. its introduction to the English novel the first governess heroine.II. Point of viewfirst person point of viewIII. Character (Jane Eyre)1. a naïve, kind-hearted, noble-minded woman who pursues a genuine kind of love.2. a middle-class workingwomen (governesses) struggling for recognition of her rights & equality as a human being.3. possessed of strong feelings, fiery passions & extraordinary personalities.IV. Themethe struggle of an individual towards self-realization.V. Style1. realism (criticism of the existing society) combined with romanticism (horror, mystery & prophesy)2. intensity of vision and passion3. The vividness of her subjective narration, the intensely achieved characterization4. vivid description of her intense feelingsVI. Detail-reading (Chapter XXIII)Jane finds herself hopelessly in love with Mr. Rochester but she is aware that her love is out of the question. So, when forced to confront Mr. Rochester, she desperately & openly declared her equality with him & her love for him. The passion described here is intense & genuine.Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)I. life1809: Born at Somersby rectory, 4th son of the rector.1827: Poems by Two Brothers. Enters Trinity College, Cambridge.1829: Friendship with Arthur Hallam. love with Emily Tennyson.1831: Father dies.1832: brother Edward goes insane.1833: Hallam dies.1834: love with Rosa Baring1838: Engaged to Emily Sellwood.1840: Engagement broken off.1844: Has an emotional breakdown.1850: In Memoriam published anonymously. Marries Emily Sellwood. Appointed Poet Laureate. 1852: Son Hallam born.1862: Has first audience with Queen Victoria.II. Works:1. Poems by Two Brothers2. Poems, Chiefly Lyrical3. Poems (two volumes)4. The Princess5. Maud6. The Idylls of the King7. In MemoriamIII. Break, break, break(p294)IV. Features:1. T’s thoughts on the problems of life, death and immortality2. the conflict between the spirit and the flesh3. classical materialsRobert Browning & Elizabeth BarrettI. LifeLegendary love, happy marriageII. E’s WorksFrom Sonnets from the Portuguese(p305)III. Features:1. theme: love2. Feature: reason & emotion3. significance: set up new belief for Victorians who were thrown into a crisis in faithRobert BrowningRobert Browning (1812-1889) was born in a well-off family & received his education mainly from his private tutor, & from his father, who gave him the freedom to follow his own interest. In 1833, he published his first poetic work Pauline, which brought great embarrassment upon him. But in his second attempt Sordello (1840), he went too far in self-correction that the poem became so obscure as to be hardly readable. He even tried play writing but failed. All these frustrating experiences forced the poet to develop a literary form that suited him best & actually give full swing to this genius, i.e. the dramatic monologue.In 1846, Browning married Elizabeth Barrett, a famous poetess whose famous book of love poetry was Sonnets from the Portuguese. In 1869 Browing’s masterpiece, The Ring & the Book, came out. In 1889, Browning died & was buried in the Poet’s Corner, Westminster Abbey, beside Tennyson.My Last Duchess"My Last Duchess" is Browning’s best-known dramatic monologue. The poem takes its sources from the life of Alfonso II, duke of Ferrara of the 16th-century Italy, whose young wife died suspiciously after three years of marriage. Not long after her death, the duke managed to arrange a marriage with the niece of another noble man. This dramatic monologue is the duke’s speech addressed to the agent who comes to negotiate the marriage. In his talk about his "last duchess," the duke reveals himself as a self-conceited, cruel & tyrannical man. The poem is written in heroic couplets, but with no regular metrical system. In reading, it sounds like blank verse.V. the Dramatic Monologue戏剧独白The dramatic monologue is a soliloquy in drama in which the voice speaking is not the poet himself, but a character invented by the poet, so that it reflects life objectively.Thomas Hardy(1840-1928)I. Life (novelist and poet)a. Born in Dorchester —“Wessex”b. close to peasantryc. belief in evolutionII. Works:1. Tess of the D’Urbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》2. Jude the Obscure《无名的裘德》3. The Return of the Native《还乡》4. Far from the Madding Crowd《远离尘嚣》5. The Mayor of Casterbridge《卡斯特桥市长》III. Tess of the D’Urbervilles1. subtitle “a pure woman”2. Plot (p315-319)3. Pessimistic philosophy; critical realism; symbolism; naturalism;IV. H’s Ideas of FateMost of Hardy’s novels are tragic. The cause is not man’s own behavior or his own fault but the supernatural forces that rule his fate. According to Hardy, man is not the master of his destiny; he is at the mercy of indifferent forces which manipulate his behavior and his relations with others.John Galsworthy(1867-1933)I. lifeBorn in a rich bourgeois familyA representative of bourgeois realism in English novel of 20th centuryII. work1. The Island Pharisees岛国的法利赛人2. The Man of Property有产业的人3. Forsyte Saga福尔赛世家4. The End of the Chapter尾声III. Forsyte Saga(p352-356)1. powerful sweep2. brilliant illustrations3. deep psychological analysis4. satire & criticismIV. point of viewG’s works give a complete picture of English bourgeois society. Yet his criticism was limited to the spheres of ethics and aesthetics. Facing the crisis of British imperialism and the growing forces of socialism, Galsworthy began to idealize the decadent bourgeoisie.1. Modernism in English Literature prevailed during the 20s and 30s of the 20th century2. OriginThe concept of modernism emerged in the eighteenth century when the classicists mocked those who opposed them and called them modernists. Now it is a comprehensive term applied to international tendencies and movements in all creative arts in the 20th century. In a broad sense, it is applied to writing marked by a strong and conscious break with traditional forms and techniques of expression.3. Major philosophical Influences on modernism1) Darwinism 2) Marxism 3) Freudianism4. Major ideas of modernism1) It employs a distinctive kind of imagination. Thus it practicessolipsism( 唯我论). It believes that we create the world in the act of perceiving it.2) It implies a historical discontinuity, a sense of alienation, loss and despair. It rejects traditional values and assumptions. And it looks forfresh ways of looking at man’s position and function in the universe.Many modernists are philosophical existentialists.3) It elevates the individual and his inner being over social man andprefers the unconscious to the self-conscious. It celebrates passion andwill over reason and systematic morality.4) It rejects the traditional rhetoric by which tradition values and assumptions were communicated. It is bent on stylistic innovations and experiments with language, form, symbol and myth.4. Modernist movements1)Symbolism 2)imagism 3)aestheticism 4)expressionism5) the stream of consciousness 6)surrealism 7) existentialism8) theatre of the absurdLawranceI. TitleThe representative of psychological fiction.II. Life(p415-417)III. works(1) Sons and Lovers儿子与情人(2) The Rainbow虹(3) Women in Love恋爱中的女人(4) Lady Chatterlay’s Lover 查泰莱夫人的情人IV. Sons and Lovers1. autobiographical2. the Oedipus complex3. themea) the damage caused in family relationship by industrial forceb) the split of human beingsc) natural love as the only cureWoolfI. title:The representative of “stream of consciousness”school of novelII. LifeA novelist, critic and feminist; nervous breakdown since childhood; self-suicide III. Works1. Mrs. Dalloway达洛维夫人2. To the Lighthouse到灯塔去3. The Waves海浪4. A Room of One’s Own一间自己的房间5. Modern Fiction现代小说IV. Mrs. Dalloway (p441-445)V. point of view1. She challenged the traditional way of writing.2. She thought the depiction of details darkened the characters.3. She called the writers for writing about events of daily life that gave one deep impression.V. Influence(1) The stream of consciousness presented by Joyce and Woolf marks a total break from the tradition of fiction and has promoted the development of modernism.(2) However, because of the newness in form but hard to understand, this kind of fiction cannot attract readers.(3) The writers showed interest in the psychological depiction of the bourgeoisie but neglected the conflict that most people cared about at that time.James joyceI. Title: the representative of the “stream of consciousness”school of novelII. “stream of consciousness”1. definition:a psychological term indicating “the flux of conscious and subconscious thoughts and impressions moving in the mind at any given time independently of the person’s will”2. time: in the 20th century3. foundations:a. the literary device of “interior monologue”内心独白b. Freud’s theory of psychological analysisIII. J’s worksa. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man青年艺术家的画像b. Dubliners都柏林人c. Ulysses尤利西斯d. Finnegans Wake芬尼根觉醒IV. significance of his worksa. He changed the old style of fictions and created a strange mode of art to show the chaos and crisis of consciousness of that period.b. From him, stream of consciousness came to the highest point as a genre of modern literature.c. In Finnegans Wake, this pursue of newness overrode the normalness and showed atendency of vanity.William Butler Yeats(1865-1939)I. title“the greatest poet of our age –certainly the greatest in this (English) language”-----T. S. Eliot II. LifePoet and dramatistIrishLifelong love for Maud GonneIII. Works1. The Responsibilities责任2. The Land of Heart’s Desire理想的国土3. When You Are Old4. The Winding Stair盘旋的楼梯5. The Hour Glass时漏6. The Tower塔IV. FeatureHe is a celebrated and accomplished symbolist poet, using an elaborate system of symbols in his poems. But read as a whole, his poetry is elucidated by itself and gives the reader many memorable stanzas and lines of great poetry. (moon, water, rose)V. Themes1. Patriotism;2. love;3. civilization;4. age;5. the relation between imagination, history and the occultVI. When you are oldWhen you are old and gray and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read , and dream of the soft lookYour eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man love d the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face;And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)I. TitleA representative of critical realism in modern English literatureII. lifeIreland;socialist Movement;criticize the evil of capitalism;support the forces of revolution and democracyIII. works (plays unpleasant)Widower’s Houses 鳏夫的房产Major Barbara巴巴拉少校Heartbreak House伤心之家Mrs. Warren’s Profession华伦夫人的职业The Apple Cart苹果车。
![维多利亚时期背景介绍THE VICTORIAN AGE](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4660e86aa300a6c30c229f7a.png)
THE VICTORIAN AGE (1832-1900)- Historical introduction and general characteristicsThe name of Victorian Age comes from Queen Victoria (1819-1901). She became queen of England and Ireland and the Empress of India when she was very young. She married with Prince Albert who was her cousin. They had 9 children and they married with other European royal families.In 1861 Prince Albert died and Edward, his son, became king when he was 60. Q. Victoria was admired and loved by British people because she introduced a period of stability to Britain, industrialisation and Imperialism.The way of life changed completely: A way based on the ownership of land to a modern urban economy based on trade and manufacturing. This was a time of progress: the telegraph, rail ways, photography, the sewing machine, great manufacturing cities (Manchester, the industrial north cities of England).The imperialism: this is a country of traders, new dominios appeared. More than a quarter of the world was British. Britain also had a very important fleet, which carry the goods to the metropolitan.- Periods:1.- Early Victorian (1832-1848):Technological development and the opening of the reform parliament.The Reform Bill: it was a response to the demands of middle classes, who were taking control of England's economy. It extended the right to vote to all males owning property worth £ 10 or more in annual rent.The State had a system of economic liberalism in which the State doesn't participate in the rules of economy, industry work. There were many abuses from industrialists and manufactures.Gradually there was a great conscious in the society of children's work. The state told that children between 9-14 years could only work no more than 12 hours a day. The working class lived in Slums (neighbourhood very poor).The abolition of the Corn Laws because there were high tariffs established to protect English farm products from having to compete with low prized products imported from abroad. This is the end of protectionism.T here were also a group of reforms who were called the Chartists, they wrote “the people'scharter” (1838). It was a kind of people rights. They asked for a Universal Manhood suffrage.2.- Mid Victorian (1848-70):Because of the new inventions this is a period of prosperity (agriculture, industry...). in 1851 was “The Great Exhibition” in the Chrystal Palace, London. It shows the new inventions and congratulations of English empire.In this period there were a confrontation of ideas:Utilitarianism: it is a theory based on the idea that the rightness or wrongness of an action is determined by whether its consequences are conductive to general utility. The main thinker was Jeremy Bentham (Wrote about social happiness. He believed that individuals acted by self-interest). The utilitarians applied this idea for all the institutions, for everything.Opposed to the utilitarianism: Thomas Carlyle, he thought that intellect had limitations and couldn't explain everything and he turned to the humanism soul, a sort of religious belief was necessary to explain things.It was a group of writers who were shocked for the condition of living in some parts of England and they wrote a series of novels, “condition of England Novels” they were about living in the slums and they critiqued the oppression of working class.Elisabeth Gaskell´s “North and South” and Benjamin Disraelis “Sybil of the two nations”3.- Late Victorian: (1870-1900):The U.K. had more competitors in trade, e.g. The United States and Germany which was becoming an empire.It is a period in which workers began to join in associations, which are called trade unions. The first workers who went together were miners and textile workers. A very important association until today is called The Trade Union Congress (1868), which is the assembly of all the associations. From here we have an order of workers and a political party, Labour Party (1906)GENERAL CHARASTERISTICS OF VICTORIAN LITERATURE1. - Prose: The beginning of a new kind of prose, the lyric prose, is a prose that not only communicate ideas, it express it beautifully. In this time the readers wanted for advice from authority and some writers provided advise, people needed a guide. E.g. Thomas Carlyle, John Henry Newman, Mathew Arnold. It's full of prepositions because of this didactic style and parallelisms.2. - Poetry: It was considered superior than prose, novel theatre. They said that the writing of agenius must be poetry. There were two main romantic inheritances in poetry:1.- the use of retrospective forms: archaic language. They revived many old forms (particularly the mixture of lyric and elegy which influenced others forms like epigram).2.- experimentation with genres. Some poets continued the movement of colloquial diction into poetry (Robert Browning)3. - Novel: The main theme is man in society (family, business, friends...). they don't speak abut the past, speak about things that were happening in that time. (Dickens, Brontës).4. - Drama: Theatre had a little importance (Oscar Wilde, George Bernal Shawn)THE BRONTËS- Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855)- Emily Brontë (1818-1848)- Anne Brontë (1820-1849)Their father, Patrick Brontë was a clergyman in Yorkshire. He had six children, his mother died very soon. The four eldest were sent to a boarding school. The two eldest died of tuberculosis so the four children that remain were educated at home.He encouraged the children to learn by their own. Mr Brontë discussed poetry, history and politics with his children. The children themselves created a world of fantasy. Mr. Brontë gave his son a book of wooden soldiers, the soldiers became for them the centres of an increasingly elaborate set of manuscripts. They created new countries like Angria, Gondal. They wrote little novels of these imaginary countries.They worked as teachers and governess and they wanted to set up their own school. They wen to Brussels to study language.Branwell (the brother) was a very talented as a writer and painter, he took drugs and alcohol and died in 1848. In the funeral Emily caught a cold and it developed into tuberculosis and died in December, a year late Anne also died.- Charlotte Brontë: “Jane Eyre”, the novel examines many sides of the circumstances of women show a new move towards freedom ad equality.- Emily Brontë: “Wuthering Heights”, it is a novel of passion, an early psychological novel.- Anne Brontë: “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall” With an unusual central female character andinvolving complex relationships and problems.CHARLES DICKENSHe was born in the south of England, his father was a clerk, he went to prison and Dickens had to work in a factory (blacking workhouse) when he was 12 years old. He lived in different parts of London and knew poverty and London slums. He used this material in his novels.He became a reporter, he worked in many magazines and published in one of these magazines several sketches of the life and manners of the time these were together in one volume “Sketches by Boz”.He was asked to write “The Pickwick Papers” in 20 monthly numbers. He published his novels by instalments, he had to maintain the interest of the readers in order they want to read the following chapters. While he was writing the novel knew how was the reaction of the people, what people preferred and he could change the direction of the novel. Many critics think that the novels published in this way have a loose structure.He got married Catherine Hogarth, they had ten children, the couple separated because he had an affair with an actress. He went to America twice making them read his novels. He left his last novel unfinished.Sentimental work:- “Oliver Twist” (1837-38): it shows a great concern about social problems. He had very strong opinions against the factories in which children worked. It is a story of a poor boy that worked in a factory and describes his situation. He went away and discovered a band of thieves who taught him to be a thief. The novel is a mixture of melodrama and realism.- “The curiosity shop” (1840-41):This is the story of little Nell, a girl who lives with her grandfather. Her grandparent borrows money to a miser who takes the shop because he can't pay. They have to go away because the miser persecuted them.- “A Christmas Carol”: Scrooge a very bad miser received the visit of 3 ghosts which show past, present and the following Christmas and showed how bad he is.- “David Copperfield” (1949-50): The hero David, becomes the kind of success which Victorians admired, he is rich, he marries, and a general sense of happy ending is given. This novel was based in part of Dickens's own childhood and his success.Works after 1850:- “Bleak house”: it is a satire of the delays of law. It's a process which never ends.- “Hard Times”: it is an attack on capitalism, society and industrial life.- “A Tale of cities”: historical novel on the French revolution.- “ Great expectations”: it is about an orphan who has a secret benefactor. He help a prisoner to escape, the convict later helps him.General characteristics:He saw the world as a fresh experience. He had an extraordinary range of language, he could use colloquial and formal language. Great characters and intense emotionalism.THOMAS HARDY: “Far for the Madding Crowd”The tittle comes from the poem “Elegy written in a country churchyard”. It was published in 1874 in a magazine in serial form. He had to write in the way the readers wanted to know what was going to happen in the next chapter. It had a great success. When it was published he was 33 years old and it was his 4th novel.All Hardy's novels are settled in Wessex (the south west of England where there are a lot of counties, it is an imaginary noun).Hardy was very pessimistic and the main theme of his novels is the struggle of man against the indifferent forces that rule the world, his novels are tragic.In the first chapter, there is an introduction of the two main characters: Gabriel Oak and Bathseba; it is located in the countryside, rural setting.The narrator is omniscient, he controls everything. They are confident, they are sure of them. He goes through the novel controlling the novel, he could also change the point of view.Man in society is the main characteristic of Victorian novels. Gabriel is seen from the point of view of others.The basic idea is that he was just an ordinary man: Hardy conveys these ideas offering images of behaviour.GEORGE ELIOT (1819-1880)Her name was Mary Ann Evans, she used a pseudonym for his publications. She was born in the Church of England. At the school she converted into Methodism, which is very strict in words. She was a very cultivate woman, she was agnostic because of her intellectual formation. She translated religious texts and the critic about it. She was strongly influenced by religious concepts of love, morals, duty and behaviour.She became the assistant editor of a magazine, “The Westmister Review”. She felt strongly in love with the editor but this love was not reciprocated. Later she felt in love with Herbert Spencer but again this relation didn't go well. She met another writer G.H. Lewis, they felt in love and they went to live together until Lewis' death(1878). When he died she married her financial adviser (two years later) and seventeenth months later she died.Works:She translated many religious books. She knew Italian, German... she translated Feverbach's “Essence of Christianity”. It is important because she agreed with Feverbach view that religious beliefs are an imaginative necessity of man and a projection of his interest.Her novels were published by instalments. She has been considered the first modern English novelist.In the first generation the writers considered themselves as providers of advise and public entertainers. They wrote books to enjoy and offer them some advice. The new writers of the second generation took their job very seriously, they considered themselves as novelists, professional writers.Eliot takes her works seriously as novelists, the structure has to be perfect. She was a moral writer in the sense that she believed that the responsibility for a man's life and fate lay firmly on the individual and his moral choices. The individual has to decide in every situation and has the responsibility of his life. But the individual decisions are not external.She wrote: “Adam Bede”, “The Mill on the floss”, “Silas Marner”, “Romola, “Felix Holt”, “Middlemarch”, “Daniel Deronda”.We can represent her novels in two circles:“Middlemarch”: It was published in a serialised for. It is considered a masterpiece. The tittle is the changed name of a city where the action happens, Middlemarch is the provincial of Coventry. This novel is set during the years of the 1st reform bill. It has a multiple plot, with many arguments, several interlocking sets of characters, so she created a network that enclosed the whole life of this city.One of the stories is the story of Dorothea Brooke and Mr. Casaubon. She is an intelligent idealistic young woman and married Mr. Casaubon (a pedant). She wants to share her husband's world. When she married she realized that her husband has plans but didn't worked at them, she loses the respect of him. She begins to fell in love with Ladislaw.Another history is Dr. Lydgate, a young and very ambitious man who had plans, he wants to stablish professionally. A very beautiful woman plans to marry him, her name was Rosamand.They married but it didn't go well because she is materialist and selfish. He gets involved in some problems. In a determined point, Dorothe sees Rosemand and Ladislaw together and she decides not to love him.All the characters Know each other, at the end all the plots have relation between them, it makes a perfect portrait.THOMAS HARDY (1840-1928)He was born in Dorchester. His father was a stonemason and he worked as an apprentice to several architects, learning the profession. He began to write poetry and in the period of 1870-3 he published his first three novels, his great success came with his fourth novel, “Far from the Madding Crowd” (1874). Then he left architecture for novel writer. The most important novels that he published are “The return of the native” (1878), “The major of Casterbridge”(1886), “Tess of the D'urbervilless” (1891), and “Jude de Obscure” (1896).He became a very well known figure in London. His works were very tragic. The critics criticised his two last novels, they said that they were very immoral and pessimistic and because of this he abandoned the fiction novels and wro te only poetry, such as “Wessex Poems” (1898). He called himself “meliorist” and said that the world could be better by human effort. He received a honorary degree from Cambridge University.Work:The main theme is the struggle of man against the indifferent forces that rule the world: how people suffer because of fate who are more powerful than him. The disparity between the things that people wanted to be and the things that actually they are, between human ambition and fate. The fate is completely eternal and is important, also the social conditions.The characters are not the masters of their own fate but they can achieve dignity by endurance. He offers some sense of human in the description of rural characters.“Wesssex” is the name he gave to the south west of England. He changed the names of the places, the villages are real but the name is invented.“Tess of the D'urbervilless” : Tess is a country girl who is seduced by Alec, a rich young man, she gets pregnant and Alec leaves her. The child dies so she is very miserable, she has to work as a maid. She meets another man, angel, who is the son of a priest and they married. In the wedding night, Tess told about Alec and Angel abandoned her.Tess has to accept to become the mistress of Alec because of her bad situation. Angel returns to look for his wife, but Tess and Alec are living together. Tess gets mad and kills Alec. She is hung because of this.OSCAR WILDE (1854-1900)He was born in Dublin. His father was a very famous surgeon and his mother was a very well known poetess in Dublin. She was very controversial, provocative, excentric and Oscar had her influence. He was very estrange physically: tall, fattish, big dreamy eyes, too fleshy, big mouth, at the same time he was beautiful and awful. He dressed extravagantly because he didn't feel ashamed of his appearance.He learnt from his mother how to be funny courageous and he was a transgressor (to break the rules of society). He went to Oxford and he was a very good student. He caught syphilis from a prostitute. At the age of 29 he married Constance Lloyd. They had 2 children but soon Constance was a very sexual object for him. He convinced his wife to stop having sexual relationships, but they continued living together.By this time he wrote books of poems, tales, fairy stories. He was an excellent conversationalist, he speaks beautifully, funny, witty. Some writers said he looked like disgusted at first impression. Under this image, superficial, trivial, he was transcendent, he belonged to a poetical movement called Aestheticism whose motto is art for art sake.In 1891 Oscar met Lord Alfred Douglas (Basic) who was 21 years and Oscar 37. Basic was a young rich selfish, conceited, frivolous, cruel man. Oscar felt in love desperately in love with basic, who introduced him to the world of underground and make Oscar's life very awful. Oscar tried to leave him but he couldn't because he loved him and Bosie threatened Oscar to suicide if Oscar left him. Bosie's father was the marquis of Queensberry, he knew the relation between them and they became enemies.Meanwhile Oscar published his only novel “The portrait of Dorian Gray”, is a sort of gothic novel. Dorian wanted to be young forever. He wanted to try forbidden things.The real success came with his plays: “Lady Wardermere's fan” (1892); “A woman of no importance (1893); “An ideal husband” (1895); “The importance of being Earnest” (1895). ð Witty, funny, word plays, paradoxes.15 days after the streno of the last play Bosies's father left a note in Oscar's club accusing him of being sodomite. Oscar didn't want to answer. Bosie told Oscar to take his father to court because of difamation. The case was a hopeless case, because during the trial all the things they had done appeared and Oscar was arrested and taken to a jury. During this second case all the people he had met in the underground come to the court and told all the things they had done.He was sent to prison. Two years of force labour and his name was a matter of shame. His novels were retired of libraries; his novels never were represented again. His wife changed her surname and her child's. After 2 years he was a broken man and his friends took him to France. Oscar accepted to see Bosie again, who left him when discovered that Oscar didn't write and had lost his glamour.“The Ballad of Reading Gaol” (1898) about his prison experience.The last work published after his death “De Profundis” (1905) is a letter to reproche to Bosie, a confession.ALFRED, LORD TENNYSONHe is the Victorian poet, he wrote the model of Victorian poetry. Queen Victoria was an admirer. She was a widow for 40 years and found consolation in Tennynson's poetry. He is the poet of love and loss.His father was a priest, he was the fourth of twelve children. Their father taught them privately: classical language, philosophy, reading. He went to Cambridge and became friend of a group of artists and writers. One of them was Arthur Hallan, who was his confident, adviser, closest friend. He became engaged Arthur's sister, but died at the age of 22 and this provoqued a great depression in Tennynson, it was the origin of the poem “In Memorian” (1850)Before 1850 he had written many books of poems although they didn't became famous. He became Poet Laureate; before this publication he had the recognition of his works and it gave him a lot of money.Works:“Poems, chiefly lyrical” (1830); “in Memorian” (1850);“The charge of the light Brigade”(1854): it is inspirited on a piece of news on the newspaper about the soldiers who died in the Crimean War.“Maud” (1855): It is a monologue and best seller“Idylls of King” (1859): It is about King Arthur.General characteristics of his literature:Great virtuosity of technique. He studied the poetry of his predecessors and achieved a great technique.He had a great capacity to link scenarios to states of mind. His vision of nature is not idealistic as romantics. He prefers rural things rather than urban.Preoccupation with the problems of his days: about technological changes, he thought that it was positive but he was very worried because of horrors of industrialism (slums, working conditions, working of the children).He was an admirer of Yeats.“In Memorian”He started it in 1833. It is a series of poems put together around the same theme: the death of his friend. More than an elegy is a group of poems about anxieties and doubts about the meaning of life, what a rule of a man was in the world and doubts because of the death of his friend. It is a poet diary upon his reflections on this matter.ROBERT BROWNING (1812-1889)/ ELISABETH BROWNING (1806-1861)Robert is admired for two things:moral toneinnovations in poetry- Robert browning was born in London, he was the son of a banker, and educated basically at home because his father had a great library and he read a lot.At the beginning he wrote personal poems. Some critics attacked his poems and he was embarrassed because of this, so he changed his way of writing( very personal), which became more obscure.After 1936 and during ten years, he wrote plays but without success, but it was a good practice for a new model of poetry which he developed; dramatic monologue. It was his best known kind of poetry because he could write in a personal way under a character.“Dramatics Lyrics” (1842) it was the first collection of this kind of poetry.After 15 years in Italy, he and his son came back to England. He wrote “Dramatis Personae” (1864) which was a monologue; “The Ring and the Book”.- Elizabeth was a very well known poet who was semi-invalid, under the control of her father. She was kept at home, she had a tyrannical father, she was very well educated.She published “Poems” (1844) and Robert read it and enjoyed it very much and they stablished a correspondence. After a time they became engaged secretly. In 1846 they got married secretly and eloped to Italy and stayed there for 15 years. There she discovered that she wasn't invalid and they were very happy. The product of their love is “ Sonnets from the Portuguese” (1850): a sequence of forty four sonnets in which she recorded the stages of her love for Robert Browning, a sequence she presented under the guise of a translation from the Portuguese language.“Aurora Leigh”(1857)Differences between Browning and TennysonTennyson was the Victorian poet who was worried with the topics of the age. But he explored the topics of the day in a different way: faith/doubt, Good/evil.The main difference is the style. Tennyson belonged to the lyrical tradition. Browning had a more colloquial, prosaic tone, his poems are like prose.The social world within which this dilema has to be resolvedThe centre of her novelsA small group of individuals involved in a normal dilema。
维多利亚时代文化英语介绍维多利亚时代文化英语介绍For much of this century the term Victorian, which literally describes things and events in the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901),conveyed connotations of “prudish,” “repressed,” and “old fashioned.” Although such associations have some basis in fact, they do not adequately indicate the nature of this complex, paradoxical age that was a second English Renaissance. Like Elizabethan England, Victorian England saw great expansion of wealth, power, and culture. (What Victorian literary form do you think parallels Elizabethan drama in terms of both popularity and literary achievement?)In science and technology,the Victorians invented the modern idea of invention ——the notion that one can create solutions to problems,that man can create new means of bettering himself and his environment.In religion, the Victorians experienced a great age of doubt,the first that called into question institutional Christianity on such a large scale. In literature and the other arts,the Victorians attempted to combine Romantic emphases upon self, emotion,and imagination with Neoclassical ones upon the public role of art and a corollary responsibility of the artist.In ideology, politics, and society, the Victorians created astonishing innovation and change:democracy,feminism,unionization of workers,socialism,Marxism,and other modern movements took form. In fact,this age of Darwin,Marx,and Freud appears to be not only the first that experienced modern problems but also the first that attempted modern solutions. Victorian, in other words, can be taken tomean parent of the modern —— and like most powerful parents,it provoked a powerful reaction against itself.The Victorian age was not one,not single,simple,or unified, only in part because Victoria's reign lasted so long that it comprised several periods. Above all, it was an age of paradox and power. The Catholicism of the Oxford Movement,the Evangelical movement, the spread of the Broad Church, and the rise of Utilitarianism, socialism, Darwinism, and scientific Agnosticism,were all in their own ways characteristically Victorian; as were the prophetic writings of Carlyle and Ruskin,the criticism of Arnold, and the empirical prose of Darwin and Huxley;as were the fantasy of George MacDonald and the realism of George Eliot and George Bernard Shaw.More than anything else what makes Victorians Victorian is their sense of social responsibility, a basic attitude that obviously differentiates them from their immediate predecessors,the Romantics. T ennyson might go to Spain to help the insurgents, as Byron had gone to Greece and Wordsworth to France;but Tennyson also urged the necessity of educating “the poor man before making him our master.” Matthew Arnold might say at mid-century thatthe world,which seems T o lie before us like a land of dreams,So various, so beautiful, so new,Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain.but he refused to reprint his poem “Empedocles on Etna,” in which the Greek philosopher throws himself into the volcano,because it set a bad example;and he criticized an Anglican bishop who pointed out mathematical inconsistencies in the Bible not on the grounds that he was wrong,but that for abishop to point these things out to the general public was irresponsible.。
Some important events
• 1837:Victoria becomes queen • 1850:Tennyson succeed Wordsworth as poet laureate • 1851:The Great Exhibition in London • 1859:Darwin's The Origin of Species published • 1901:The death of Victoria
• It can be divided into 3 periods:
Early Victoria Period (1837-1848) Middle Victoria Period (1848-1870) Late Victoria Period (1870-1901)
• The early period is a period of great social unrest动荡的局面 (Chartist Movement 1838-48); • Reform Bill (1832) was enacted, giving right to representation of growing cities and 50% raise of electorate to middle class.
The situation of men was very different,they could read the ancient Greek and Latin works which contained many descriptions of sex, homosexuality in colleges. For the middle-class and upper-class men , premarital sex would have been with servants and prostitutes, the result of this double standard was that there were about 80,000 prostitutes only in London in the Victorian Age , which standed for the hypocrisy and bad conscience of the Victorians.
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Named after Queen Victoria
When 18 year old Princess Victoria became Queen in 1837 no one dreamed she would reign for the rest of the century for another 64 years.
• Lives of millions were changed as suddenly the masses were able to travel further than ten miles in one direction.
The Rich Class
• enjoyed entertaining in their lavishly decorated homes – They associated clutter of ornamentation and showy display with wealth and so crammed their homes with furniture, knick knacks and pianos.
Working Conditions
• Millions of workers lived in slums or in vacated old decaying upper class houses. The occupants of slums had no sanitation, no water supply, no paved streets, no schools, no law or order, no decent food or clothing.
Hale Waihona Puke The Railway – A symbol of
• The railways moved goods, foods and people faster than canals or horse drawn wagons.
• The greatest factor in transforming Britain into an industrial nation.
Victorian Prosperity
• Country becomes Urban (cities) • Elite enjoy the development of new machinery
and new work methods. • Poor are the underpaid workforce consisting of
The Poor Class
• In a poor family—all worked—parents and children. Their were no child labor laws.
• Very few poor children were allowed an education as this would interfere with their labor time.
• Many now had to walk miles to factories to work beginning at 5.30.a.m—never less than ten. The brutal degrading conditions were so awful that drunkenness and opium taking was common as homelife had so little to offer
Society and Social Class
• In church the higher classes sat at the front in reserved pews and lower classes at the back.
• The wives of wealthy industrialists were clothed in prominent finery as they were the social representatives of their husbands.
adults and children living in wretched poverty. • By 1850 half the country's former peasants were
squashed into Britain's cities. The growth of industry, the building boom, the swift population spurt and spread of the railway changed the character of Britain too rapidly for many to understand.
• A new social class emerged: the middle class. An outward display of wealth through clothing and possessions .
Work houses and Poor Law
• The Poor Law Amendment abolished systems of poor relief that had previously existed, replaced by workhouses.
• The treatment in a workhouse was little different from that in a prison leaving many inmates feeling that they were being punished for the crime of poverty.