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Unit 3 Enquiries and Offers

I. Teaching Aims and Requirements: 1. Students learn to know the basic points of enquiry and quotation.

2. Students master some useful sentences about enquiry and quotation.

3. Students can make enquiry and quotation in fluent English.

4. Students can finish the exercises well.

II. Important Points:

1. Students know the basic points of enquiry and quotation.

2. Students master some useful sentences about enquiry and quotation.

1) Your price is higher than those we got from elsewhere.

2) How long does your offer remain valid?

3) The size of our order depends greatly on your price.

4) If your price is favorable, we can book an order right away.

5) All the quotations on the list are subject to our final confirmation.

III. Difficult Points:

1. Persuade your end-users to place an order with you.

2. State your products’ strong points compared with other products when making

enquiry and offers.

3. Make an enquiry and offer in fluent English.

IV . Word Study:

1. enquiry (inquiry )n. 询价,询盘,询购

A customer of ours has made an enquiry for hand-made leather gloves. Please

tell us what you can offer in this line.


enquire v. 询盘,询购

A lot of customers have approached us to enquire for mohair sweaters.


2. offer 报盘

firm offer 实盘,确盘

non-firm offer 虚盘

an offer without engagement 没有约束力的报盘/虚盘

to make sb. an offer for sth.向某人报某货

Please make us a firm offer for 2,000 Minolta Cameras Model 10-F CIF Vancouver.

请报2,000台美能达相机,型号10-F CIF 温哥华实盘.

to offer sb. sth. 向某人报某货

We’d like to offer you 200 “Goodbaby” Brand bicycles at $40 per set.


U n R e g i s

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3. quote v. 报价

to quote sb. a price for sth 向某人报某货

Can you quote us your lowest price for Item No.223? 能否就223号货报最低价?

quotation n. 报价

to make sb a quotation for sth.向某人报某货

If you can increase the quantity of your order, we’ll be able to make you a better

quotation. 如果你们能增加订货数量,我们就可以报更好的价格.

4. supply n. 供货,供应

supply position 供货情况

steady supply 稳定的货源

fresh supply 新货源

short supply 供应短少

plentiful supply 充足的供应

supply over (exceeding) demand 供过于求

supply v. 供应,供给

to supply sb. with sth.供给某人某物

We can supply you with this item on a regular basis.我们可以长期向你供应此货.

5. CIFC5% : CIF 含5%的佣金,第二个C 是Commission 的缩写

6. Our offer will remain good for only 3 days. 报盘有效期仅为三天.

表示报盘”有效”的词,除good 外,还有available, valid, open, firm, effective 等


1) Our offer is valid/good/available/open/firm/effective for 3 days.

2) Our offer is kept valid/good/available/open/firm/effective for 3 days.

3) Our offer is held valid/good/available/open/firm/effective for 3 days.

4) Our offer is valid/good/available/open/firm/effective until October 1.

5) This offer is subject to your acceptance within 3 days.

6) This offer is subject to your acceptance reaching us before Octber1.

7) This offer is subject to our receipt of you acceptance within 3 days.

8) This offer expires on October 1.

7. How’s everything going? 一切都好吗?


How goes it with you ?您近况如何?

How is life ?生活过的好吗?

How is business ?生意如何?

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