美国NutriBullet公司的NutriBullet RX电子椰子汁机说明书

·启动保护当加大油门后两秒内未能正常启动马达,电调将关闭动力输出,油门摇杆需再 次置于最低点后才可以重新启动。
(出现这种情况的原因可能有:电调和马达 连线接触不良或有个别输出线断开、螺旋桨被其他物体阻挡等)。
·堵转保护当电调检测到电机发生堵转时,电调会彻底关闭输出并不再尝试重启电机,此 时需将油门摇杆置于最低后重新推动油门摇杆,方可清除错误并重启电调恢复动力输出。
·油门信号丢失保护当电调检测到油门遥控信号丢失0.25秒以上即立即关闭输出,以免因螺旋桨继 续高速转动而造成更大的损失。
保护功能1、调整LED灯色使用工具将紧固灯罩的M3×8螺钉取出,按照以下对应的灯色设置开关,设置 成功后原方式组装将灯罩紧固。
2、更换桨叶· 用工具依次将两个桨叶紧固螺钉外六角M6x22取出,换上完好桨叶,若需要 更换桨夹则继续使用工具将桨夹紧固螺钉M3x10取出更换整套桨夹加桨叶。
· 安装桨夹桨叶时先将底盖安装在电机上面,再依次安装桨片、螺旋桨垫片、上 盖(桨夹)以及最后的螺钉紧固;注意安装桨叶螺钉夹紧后桨叶可自由旋转并 确保桨夹与电机紧固螺钉拧紧同时使用螺丝胶。
XRotor Pro-H60A-14S-BLDC-RTF-HW-V2 电动模拟器说明书


· 电调与相关连接部件连接前,请确保所有电线和连接部件绝缘良好,短路会毁坏电调。
· 请务必仔细连接好各部件,若连接不良,您可能不能正常控制赛车,或出现设备损坏等其他不可预知的情况。
· 使用此电调前,请认真查看各动力设备以及车架说明书,确保动力搭配合理,避免因错误的动力搭配导致电机超载,最终损坏电调。
· 顶级竞赛专用:内置10种常用模式,适合所有1/10竞赛,即选即用。
· 机身上采用电子按键开关,寿命长,可靠性高,同时带有外置开关接口,可连接外置开关(已包含),适应不同需求。
· 内置强大的开关模式BEC,最大电流10A,支持5-7.4V线性调整(调整量0.1V),更好的适应不同电压要求的舵机及设备。
· 支持电调固件升级(需另购多功能LCD编程盒或WiFi模块),享用最新功能。
持续/峰值电流160A/1200A型 号XERUN XR10 Pro G203产品特色02注意事项04产品规格05连接电子调速器电调第一次使用或遥控器更改过油门“TRIM”微调、D/R、EPA等参数后,均需重设油门行程,不然可能会导致无法使用或误动作。
油门校调步骤如下图所示:06设置电子调速器设定油门行程1XERUN XR10 Pro G2车用无刷电子调速器使用说明书01声明1. 连接马达:连接有感无刷马达与无感无刷马达的方式有差异,请务必遵照如下接线方式: · 连接有感无刷马达时:电调与马达相连有严格的线序要求,电调的#A/#B/#C必须与电机的#A/#B/#C三线严格一一对应,用6针感应线把电调与电机的感应口对接。
RF Power Solutions商品目录:2023年11月 Wireless Infrastru

ProductCatalogRF Power Solutions forWireless InfrastructureNovember 2023The Leading GlobalPartner in RF PowerCreated in 2015, Ampleon is shaped by 50 years of RF Power leadership and is set toexploit the full potential of data and energy transfer in RF. We share the passion for RFtechnology which is what we radiate to our customers, suppliers and partners.Since 2019, 5G NR (New Radio) is rolling out and it translates into new, extremelychallenging requirements for our RF Power components. Ampleon is addressing theserequirements with technology-agnostic solutions, utilizing market-leading LDMOS, GaNas well as other semiconductor technologies.The continuous increase in cost and environmental awareness is forcing the basestation efficiency requirements to reach new levels. At the same time, we see a trendtowards higher power and higher bandwidth product solutions. These developmentsspur Ampleon’s highly talented engineers to develop new architectures and designapproaches which enable more compact and less visible base stations.As the demand for wireless infrastructure services grows rapidly, operators are facedwith the need to get much more capacity from their dedicated frequency spectrum. Thischallenge can be addressed with Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology.Conventional MIMO typically uses two transmit and two receive antenna elements todouble the capacity. Massive MIMO (mMIMO), however, goes further and is using up to64 simultaneous transmit and receive streams to create a much higher network capacity.Ampleon is offering integrated RF power solutions for 5G mMIMO base stations as well asfor small cell and macro base stations.Download the latest version/mpc2Wireless Infrastructure Product Catalog - November 2023 | Wireless Infrastructure Product Catalog - November 2023 | 3Wireless Infrastructure Product Catalog - November 2023 | 4Recommended PA SolutionsLine-up Peak Power800 W500 W300 W48 V LDMOSBLM9H0610S-60PGBLP9H10S-850AVT70 W28 V LDMOSBLP9G0722-20GBLC10G15XS-301AVT BLM9D1822-30B3 - 8 W 1.8 - 3.8 GHz xiD28 V LDMOSB11G3338N81D 28 V LDMOSB11G1822N60D BLC10G19XS-600AVT 40 WFrequency10 W1 GHz1.8 GHz2.7 GHz3.6 GHz 5 GHz 48 V LDMOSBLP9H10-30GBLC9H10XS-505AB10G2327N55D BLM9D0708-05AM BLM9D0910-05AMWireless Infrastructure Product Catalog - November 2023 | 5Macro ProductsThe RF Power transistor selection guide is available on: /products/mobile-broadband Its easy-to-use-parametric filters help you choose the right RF power transistor for your design.When selecting Ampleon’s Macro solutions you choose:• A full line-up of solutions for which Driver and Finals work seamlessly together, covering 4G and 5G requirements as well asmobile legacies• A combination of best-in-class, reliable and secure LDMOS technology, together with low-cost and outstanding thermal packaging and advanced design methodologies, all of which are produced and tested with highly automated volume-scale capabilities, delivering: - Very consistent and reliable performance - High line-up gain with low gain variation - High linearized efficiency- Record power and efficiency from a single packaged transistor across different frequency bands- Compact and cost-effective line-up solutions, thanks to integrated drivers and Doherty optimized finalsMacro FinalsMacro Drivers6Wireless Infrastructure Product Catalog - November 2023 | Wireless Infrastructure Product Catalog - November 2023 | 7Wireless Infrastructure Product Catalog - November 2023 | 8Massive MIMO ProductsThe RF Power transistor selection guide is available on: /products/mobile-broadbandIts easy-to-use-parametric filters help you choose the right RF power transistor for your design.When selecting Ampleon’s massive MIMO (mMIMO) solutions you choose:• Ampleon’s Massive MIMO portfolio based on LDMOS and GaN integrated Doherty solutions, offers high consistentperformance in a compact size. Enabling cost efficiency and ease of use in 4G and 5G mMIMO PA’s: - Excellent DPD linearization with Ampleon’s LDMOS and GaN technology - Compact footprint to meet space requirements in mMIMO antennas - High line-up gain- Very consistent performance- Proven track record in high volume supplymMIMO Line-upmMIMO FinalsWireless Infrastructure Product Catalog - November 2023 | 9mMIMO DriversWireless Infrastructure Product Catalog - November 2023 | 10Small Cell ProductsThe RF Power transistor selection guide is available on: /products/mobile-broadbandIts easy-to-use-parametric filters help you choose the right RF power transistor for your design.When selecting Ampleon’s Small Cell solutions you choose:• LDMOS technology breakthrough within the GaAs dominated small cell market, offering:- Up to 300 MHz instantaneous bandwidth - Higher output power for coverage increase - Higher linearizable efficiency - Excellent DPD linearization- Very compact product family in standardized package footprint for ease of deploymentSmall CellACP3-1230-4SOT1250-4(32.2 x 10.1 x max 4.5 (mm))ACP3-1230-6SOT1258-5(32.2 x 10.1 x max 4.5 (mm))ACP3-780-4SOT1273-1(20.6 x 9.8 x max 3.7 (mm))* Not drawn to scalePackage PortfolioACP3-1230-6SOT1258-4(32.2 x 10.1 x max 4.5 (mm))Ampleon `s package overview is available on /packagesACP3-780-6SOT1275-1(20.6 x 9.8 x max 4.0 (mm))Overmolded Plastic (OMP) Packages*OMP-780-6FOMP-780-6F-1(20.57 x 9.78 x max 4.0 (mm))OMP-780-16GOMP-780-16G-1(20.75 x 9.96 x max 4.0 (mm))TO-270-2GSOT1483-1(10.67 x 6.1 x max 2.0 (mm))LGA 7x7LGA-7x7-20-1(7.0 x 7.0 x max 1.0 (mm))OMP-400-8GOMP-400-8G-1(10.3 x 10.3 x max 4.0 (mm))LGA 7x7LGA-7x7-20-2(7.0 x 7.0 x max. 1.0 (mm))OMP-780-4FOMP-780-4F-1(20.57 x 9.96 x max 4.0 (mm))OMP-1230-6FOMP-1230-6F-1(32.25 x 9.78 x max 4.0 (mm))PQFN 8x8SOT1462-1(8.0 x 8.0 x max 2.2 (mm))PQFN 12x7PQFN-12x7-36-1(12.0 x 7.0 x max 2.2 (mm))DFNDFN-4.5x4-6-1(4.0 x 4.5 x max. 0.85 (mm))DFNDFN-7x6.5-6-1(7.0 x 6.5 x max. 0.85 (mm))Air-Cavity Ceramic (ACP) Packages*SOT1249BSOT1249B(20.3 x 9.8 x max 4.65 (mm))Air-Cavity Plastic (ACP) Packages*Package namePackage version (L x W x H (mm))L e n gt h W thH gh tLGA 12x8LGA-12x8-34-2(12.0 x 8.0 x max. 0.98 (mm))Committed to Your SuccessAt Ampleon, we are passionate about your success. Rest assured that we deliver world class innovation fora broad range of applications. In line with your challenges increasing, we continuously improve and enhance our LDMOS technology and strengthen our footprint in GaN.During the entire process from design to delivery, you will enjoy outstanding technical support from well trained staff and knowledgeable Field Application Engineers (FAEs) as part of our distribution network. Whether you require load-pull data, application boards, samples, ADS / AWR models or other, you will be accompanied in every step on the way to success.Our application engineering resources are spread around the globe, with our offices (Nijmegen / The Netherlands, Toulouse / France, Smithfield / USA, Shanghai / China) providing local customer support.SupportDatasheets, test reports and simulation models are available online on: /support/documentation.To make sure your request is processed quickly and directed to the right contact partner at Ampleon, please contact us via:/contact.Order samplesTo support customers in designing new products, Ampleon supplies samples and demonstration boards.Samples can be requested via our online e-samples store: /samples (please register at first log-in).For inquiries, please contact your local sales representative listed on: /contact.Additional information• /products• /applicationsDevice Naming ConventionOperation frequency, for single band = highest frequency (22 = 2200 MHz), for multi-band (1822 = 1800 to 2200 MHz)F: Ceramic packageC: Air-cavity plasic (ACP) package M: MMICP: Overmolded plastic (OMP) package B: Semiconductor die made of Si C: Semiconductor die made of GaNG: 28-32 V supply voltage D: Integrated Doherty (28 V)AD: Advanced integrated Doherty (28 V)H:50 V supply voltageTechnology generationP 1dB power level @ the supply voltage of Datasheet; PAD and GaN = P 3dB V: Leads for external decoupling W: Supply through decoupling leads Gullwing shaped leadsGF LSA GVTItalic = OptionalBLC 10A: Asymmetric Doherty (PAD); asymmetric integrated Doherty P: Symmetric Doherty - push-pull configurationM: 50 ohm matched output T: Internal video decoupling M: Multi-chip deviceL: High-frequency power transistor - - PQFN / LGA / TO270LS ACC / ACP2S OMP780 / OMP400XS ACP3COMCPackage Naming ConventionOMP -ACC: Air-Cavity Ceramic Package ACP: Air-Cavity Plastic Package DFN: Dual No-lead Package H-PAM: High Power PAMLGA: Land-Grid Array Package MCM: Multi-Chip ModuleOMP: Overmold Plastic PackageP(QFN): (Power) Quad Flat No-lead Package PAM: Power Amplifier ModuleWCP:Wafer level Chip-scale Package12301230: SOT539780: SOT502650: SOT1228400: 10 x 10 mmL x B in mm for DFN / PQFN / MCM / PAM / FEM-FNone: No Leads (DFN / PQFN / MCM / PAM)F: Straight Lead (standard)G: Gull-Wing Lead (standard)S: Straight Wide Lead W: Gull-Wing Wide Lead-Outline versoin number08Total I/O count, excluding GND / heatsink / exposed die pad, including voltages1Notes。
Lodestar X2相机说明书

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Mornsun LS05-23BxxDR3 高功率 AC DC 转换器说明书

5W,DIY AC/DCconverterRoHSEN62368-1FEATURES●Ultra-wide 85-305VAC and 70-430VDC input voltage range ●Accepts AC or DC input (dual-use of same terminal)●Operating ambient temperature range:-40℃to +85℃●High I/O isolation test voltage up to 4000VAC●Multi application,compact size,flexible layout ●No-load power consumption 0.1W●Output short circuit,over-current protection ●Plastic case meets UL94V-0flammability ●Pollution level Ⅲ(meet IEC62368-1)LS05-23BxxDR3series is one of Mornsun’s miniaturized potting highly efficient green power AC-DC Converters.They feature wide input range accepting either AC or DC voltage,high reliability,low power consumption,reinforced isolation and strong applicability.All models are particularly suitable for industrial control,electric power,instrumentation and smart home applications which have high requirement for dimension and don’t have high requirement on EMC.For extremely harsh EMC environment,we recommend using the application circuit show in Design Reference of this datasheet.Input SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.Unit Input Voltage Range AC input 85--305V AC DC input70--430VDC Input Frequency 47--63HzInput Current 115V AC ----0.2A 230V AC ----0.1Inrush Current115V AC --20--230V AC--40--Recommended External Input Fuse 1A,slow-blow,required(The actual use needs to be selected according to the application enviroment)Hot PlugUnavailableOutput SpecificationsItemOperating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitOutput Voltage Accuracy 10%-100%load --±5--%Line Regulation Rated load --±1.5--Load Regulation 10%-100%load--±3--Ripple &Noise *20MHz bandwidth (peak-to-peak value),10%-100%load--80150mV Temperature Coefficient --±0.15--%/°C Stand-by Power Consumption230V AC--0.100.15W Selection GuideCertificationPart No.Output PowerNominal Output Voltage and Current (Vo/Io)Efficiency at 230V AC(%)Typ.Capacitive Load(uF)Max.ENLS05-23B03DR3 3.3W3.3V/1000mA 682200LS05-23B05DR35W 5V/1000mA 711500LS05-23B09DR39V/560mA 74680LS05-23B12DR312V/420mA 75470LS05-23B15DR315V/340mA 77330LS05-23B24DR324V/210mA77100Note:The nominal output voltage refers to the voltage applied to the load terminal after adding external circuits.Short Circuit Protection Hiccup,continuous,self-recovery Over-current Protection≥110%Io,self-recovery Minimum Load10----%Hold-up Time 115V AC input--8--ms 230V AC input--40--Note:1.*The“parallel cable”method is used for ripple and noise test,please refer to AC-DC Converter Application Notes for specific information;2.The product is able to work with0%-10%load and with stable output.General SpecificationsItem Operating Conditions Min.Typ.Max.UnitIsolation Input-output Electric Strength Test for1min.,leakage current<5mA4000----VACInsulation Resistance Input-output At500VDC100----MΩOperating Temperature-40--+85℃Storage Temperature-40--+105Storage Humidity----95%RHPower Derating +55℃to+85℃ 1.67----%/℃85V AC-100VAC 1.33----%/V AC 277V AC-305V AC0.72----Safety Standard Design refer to IEC/UL62368-1,IEC/EN60335-1, IEC/EN61558-1&EN62368-1(Report)Safety Class CLASS IIMTBF MIL-HDBK-217F@25°C>1,000,000h Mechanical SpecificationsCase Material Black plastic,flame-retardant and heat-resistant(UL94V-0)Dimension27.60x18.50x7.80mmWeight7.5g(Typ.)Cooling method Free air convectionElectromagnetic Compatibility(EMC)Emissions CECISPR32/EN55032CLASS A(Application circuit1,4)CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B(Application circuit2,3,5) RECISPR32/EN55032CLASS A(Application circuit1,4)CISPR32/EN55032CLASS B(Application circuit2,3,5)Immunity ESD IEC/EN61000-4-2Contact±6KV/Air±8KV Perf.Criteria B RS IEC/EN61000-4-310V/m perf.Criteria AEFTIEC/EN61000-4-4±2KV(Application circuit1,2)perf.Criteria BIEC/EN61000-4-4±4KV(Application circuit3,4,5)perf.Criteria BSurgeIEC/EN61000-4-5line to line±1KV(Application circuit1,2)perf.Criteria BIEC/EN61000-4-5line to line±2KV(Application circuit3,4)perf.Criteria BIEC/EN61000-4-5line to line±2KV/line to ground±4KV(Application circuit5)perf.Criteria BCS IEC/EN61000-4-610Vr.m.s perf.Criteria A Voltage dip,shortinterruption and voltagevariationIEC/EN61000-4-110%,70%perf.Criteria AProduct Characteristic CurveNote:①With an AC input between85-100VAC/277-305VAC and a DC input between70-120VDC/390-430VDC,the output power must be derated as per temperature derating curves;②This product is suitable for applications using natural air cooling;for applications in closed environment please consult factory oroneof our FAE. Additional Circuits Design ReferenceLS series additional circuits design referenceLS05series additional components selection guide(No EMC devices)Part No.C1(required)C2(required)L1(required)C3(required)C4CY1(required)TVSLS05-23B03DR310uF/450V(-25℃to+85℃,85-305VAC input;-40℃to+85℃,165-305VAC input)22uF/450V(-40℃to+85℃,85-305VAC input)820uF/6.3V(solid-state capacitor) 2.2uH/36mΩ/3.3A220uF/16V0.1uF/50V1.0nF/400V ACSMBJ7.0ALS05-23B05DR3470uF/16V(solid-state capacitor)LS05-23B09DR347uF/35V SMBJ12ALS05-23B12DR3270uF/16V(solid-state capacitor)4.7uH/60mΩ/2.2A SMBJ20ALS05-23B15DR3220uF/25V(solid-state capacitor)LS05-23B24DR3220uF/35V SMBJ30A Note:1.C1is used as filter capacitor with AC input(must be connected externally)and as EMC filter capacitor with DC input(must be connected),and it is recommended to use the capacitor with ripple current>200mA@100KHz.2.We recommend using an electrolytic capacitor with high frequency and low ESR(ESR of C3at low temperature of-40℃≤1.1Ω)rating for C3(refer to manufacture’s datasheet),electrolytic capacitor can be used for C2when applied in normal and high temperature bined with C2,L1,they form a pi-type filter circuit.Choose a capacitor voltage rating with at least20%margin,in other words not exceeding80%.C4is a ceramic capacitor,used for filtering high frequency noise.3.A suppressor diode(TVS)is recommended to protect the application in case of converter failure and specification should be1.2times of the output voltage.Environmental Application EMC SolutionLS series environmental application EMC solution selection tableRecommendedcircuitApplicationenvironmental Typical industryInput voltagerangeEnvironmenttemperature Emissions Immunity1Basic application None85-305V AC -40℃to+85℃CLASS A CLASSⅢ2Indoor civilenvironmentSmart home/Home appliances(2Y)-25℃to+55℃CLASS B CLASSⅢIndoor generalenvironmentIntelligent building/Intelligentagriculture3Indoor industrialenvironment Manufacturing workshop-25℃to+55℃CLASS B CLASSⅣ4Outdoor generalenvironmentITS/Video monitoring/Chargingpoint/Communication/Securityand protection-40℃to+85℃CLASS A CLASSⅣ5OutdoorindustrialenvironmentElectricity/Grid-40℃to+85℃Class B CLASSⅣElectromagnetic Compatibility Solution--Recommended Circuit1.Application circuit1——Basic applicationApplication circuit1Application environmental Ambient temperature range Immunity CLASS Emissions CLASS Basic application-40℃to+85℃CLASSⅢCLASS AFUSE1A/300V,slow-blow,requiredR124Ω/3W(wire-wound resistor,required)LDM 4.7mH/Max:15Ω/Min:0.2A Note:R1is the input plug-in resistor,this resistor needs to be a wire-wound resistor(required),please do not select chip resistor or carbon film resistor. 2.Application circuit2——Universal system recommended circuits for indoor civil/general environmentApplication circuit2Application environmental Ambient temperature range Immunity CLASS Emissions CLASS Indoor civil/general-25℃to+55℃CLASSⅢCLASS BComponent Recommended valueR124Ω/3W(wire-wound resistor,required)LDM 4.7mH/Max:15Ω/Min:0.2ACX0.1uF/310VACFUSE1A/300V,slow-blow,required Note1:In the home appliance application environment,the two Y capacitors of the primary and secondary need to be externally connected (CY1/CY2,value at2.2nF/250VAC),which can meet the EN60335certification.Note2:According to the certification requirements,the X capacitor needs to be connected in parallel with the bleeder resistance,the recommended resistance value is less than3.8MΩ,and the actual need to be selected according to the certification standard.Note3:R1is the input plug-in resistor,this resistor needs to be a wire-wound resistor(required),please do not select chip resistor or carbon film resistor. 3.Application circuit3——Universal system recommended circuits for indoor industrial environmentApplication circuit3Application environmental Ambient temperature range Immunity CLASS Emissions CLASSIndoor industrial-25℃to+55℃CLASSⅣCLASS BComponent Recommended valueMOV S14K350CX0.1uF/310V ACLDM 4.7mH/Max:15Ω/Min:0.2AR133Ω/3W(wire-wound resistor,required)FUSE2A/300V,slow-blow,required Note1:According to the certification requirements,the X capacitor needs to be connected in parallel with the bleeder resistance,the recommended resistance value is less than3.8MΩ,and the actual need to be selected according to the certification standard.Note2:R1is the input plug-in resistor,this resistor needs to be a wire-wound resistor(required),please do not select chip resistor or carbon film resistor. 4.Application circuit4——Universal system recommended circuits for outdoor general environmentApplication circuit4Application environmental Ambient temperature range Immunity CLASS Emissions CLASSOutdoor general environment-40℃to+85℃CLASSⅣCLASS AComponent Recommended valueMOV S14K350LDM 4.7mH/Max:15Ω/Min:0.2AR133Ω/3W(wire-wound resistor,required)FUSE2A/300V,slow-blow,required Note:R1is the input plug-in resistor,this resistor needs to be a wire-wound resistor(required),please do not select chip resistor or carbon film resistor.5.Application circuit5——Universal system recommended circuits for outdoor industrial environmentApplication circuit5Application environmental Ambient temperature range Immunity CLASS Emissions CLASSOutdoor industrial environment-40℃to+85℃CLASSⅣCLASS BComponent Recommended valueC122uF/450VMOV S14K350CX0.1uF/310V ACLDM330uH/960mΩMax/0.31ALCM 3.1mHR147Ω/5W(wire-wound resistor,required)CY3/CY41nF/400V ACFUSE2A/300V,slow-blow,required Note1:According to the certification requirements,the X capacitor needs to be connected in parallel with the bleeder resistance,the recommended resistance value is less than3.8MΩ,and the actual need to be selected according to the certification standard.Note2:R1is the input plug-in resistor,this resistor needs to be a wire-wound resistor(required),please do not select chip resistor or carbon film resistor.6.For additional information please refer to application notes on . Dimensions and Recommended LayoutLS05-23BxxDR3series dimensionsLS05-23BxxDR3series recommended padNote:There is a slot(non-metallic hole)between pin4/5.For details,please refer to the recommended dimensions or pad.Note:1.For additional information on Product Packaging please refer to .Packaging bag number:58220074;2.External electrolytic capacitors are required to modules,more details refer to typical applications;3.This series is a potting product,at least6.4mm creepage distance between the primary and secondary external components of themodule is needed to meet the safety requirement,refer to the recommended welding hole design in the external dimension drawing;4.Unless otherwise specified,parameters in this datasheet were measured under the conditions of Ta=25℃,humidity<75%,nominal inputvoltage(115V and230V)and rated output load;5.All index testing methods in this datasheet are based on our company corporate standards;6.We can provide product customization service,please contact our technicians directly for specific information;7.Products are related to laws and regulations:see"Features"and"EMC";8.Our products shall be classified according to ISO14001and related environmental laws and regulations,and shall be handled byqualified units.Mornsun Guangzhou Science&Technology Co.,Ltd.Address:No.5,Kehui St.1,Kehui Development Center,Science Ave.,Guangzhou Science City,Huangpu District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:86-20-38601850Fax:86-20-38601272E-mail:***************。
pfr指标 -回复

pfr指标-回复PFR指标,或者以全称为盈利能力比率(Profitability Ratio),是衡量企业盈利能力的一种财务指标。
常用的PFR指标有几个,包括净利润率(Net Profit Margin)、毛利润率(Gross Profit Margin)和利润增长率(Profit Growth Rate)等。
以下是这些指标的具体计算公式:1. 净利润率= 净利润/ 总收入净利润率是衡量企业销售业务后所产生的净利润占总收入的比率。
2. 毛利润率= (销售收入- 成本)/ 销售收入毛利润率是衡量企业销售商品或服务后所获得的毛利润占销售收入的比率。
3. 利润增长率= (本期净利润- 上期净利润)/ 上期净利润利润增长率是衡量企业净利润增长的比率。
通过分析PFR指标,企业管理者可以获得以下方面的洞察:1. 盈利能力评估:PFR指标可以反映企业的盈利能力。
2. 经营成本控制:通过计算毛利润率,企业管理者可以了解并控制销售商品或服务的成本。
3. 投资决策:利润增长率可以帮助企业评估投资项目的潜在回报。

详见第 2 页的“电池低压保护阈值”和“过热保护”功能 说明。 1、 更换放电能力强的电池。 2、 更换低速电机,或将减速比提高。 3、 将电调启动加速度(启动模式)设置得慢一些。
好盈科技 EZRUN 系列车用无刷电机电子调速器(ESC)说明书
Ver: HW-13A-V2-101014
关闭电调电源开关, 开启发射机电源开关
2.8V/Cell 3级 75% 75% 20% 12%(宽) 7.50度
20% 4级
40% 5级
60% 6级
100% 8级 9级
3.0V/Cell 3.2V/Cell 3.4V/Cell 7级
按住“SET”键,然 后打开电调电源开关 进入相应的设定项,红 灯闪烁,闪烁次数代表 该设定项当前设定值
编程项目说明: 1. 运行模式(Running Mode) : “正转带刹车”模式下,车辆仅能前进和刹车,但不能倒车,该模式通常用于竞赛; “正反转带刹车” 模式则提供了倒车功能,通常用于训练。 “正反转带刹车”模式采用双击式倒车方式,即在电机正转情况下,油门摇杆第一次从中点区域推至 反向区域时,电机只是刹车,不会产生倒车动作;当油门摇杆快速回到中立点区域并第二次推至反向区域时,如果此时电机已停止,则产生 倒车动作,如果电机未停止,则不会倒车,仍是刹车,这样做的目的是防止车辆行驶过程中因多次点刹而造成误倒车。 “直接正反转”模式 适用于攀爬车,这时同时要将拖刹车度设为 100% ,利用拖刹来实现刹车功能。 2. 拖刹(Drag Brake)力度:拖刹是指当油门摇杆从正向区域转入中点区域内时,对电机产生一个微量的刹车力,这样做可以模拟有 刷电机的碳刷对电机转子的阻力,适合减速入弯等场合。 (值得注意的是,拖刹会消耗比较多的电量,使用时选择合适的拖刹力度即可) 。 3. 电池低压保护阈值(Low Voltage Cut-Off) :这项功能主要是防止锂电池过度放电而造成不可恢复的损坏。电调会时刻监视电池电 压,一旦电压低于设定的阈值,则在 2 秒内将输出功率降为一半,这时请立即靠边停车,电调在 10 秒后将完全切断动力输出。对于镍镉/镍 氢电池,当电池组电压在 9V-12V 之间时,电调会将该电池组认同于 3 节锂电池;当电池组电压小于 9V 时,电调会将该电池组认同于 2 节锂 电池。比如,当单节锂电保护电压阈值设置为 2.6V/Cell 时,对于电压为 8V 的镍氢电池组,会被认同于 2 节锂电池,于是此镍氢电池组的低 压保护阈值就是 2.6×2=5.2V。 4. 启动加速度(Start Mode / Punch) :可根据个人习惯、场地、轮胎抓地特性等条件,选择从“柔和”到“非常劲暴”等四种启动 加速度,这个功能对于防止启动时轮胎打滑非常有用。此外,使用“非常劲暴”模式时,对电池的放电能力要求较高,若电池放电能力较差, 不能提供瞬时大电流,则反而会影响启动效果。当启动时出现停顿或瞬间失去动力时,则可能是电池电量无法跟得上电机启动的大电流,这 时需要降低启动加速度,或将齿轮减速比增大。 5. 最大刹车力度(Brake Force):本电调提供比例式刹车功能,刹车力度的大小和油门摇杆的位置相关,最大刹车力是指油门摇杆处 于刹车极限位置时所产生的刹车力。请根据车辆的具体情况,及个人的使用习惯选择合适的最大刹车力参数。 6. 最大倒车力度(Reverse Force):选择不同的的参数值可以产生不同的倒车速度(一般情况下推荐使用比较小的倒车速度,以免因 倒车太快时导致难以控制而撞车) 。 7. 初始刹车力度(Initial Brake Force):也叫做最小刹车力度,是指在刹车初始位置作用于电机上的刹车力,在它的作用下可以达 到类似点刹的效果,默认值是等于拖刹力度以便形成柔顺的 刹车效果。 8. 油门中立点区域宽度(Neutral Range) :油门中立 点区域如右图所示,请根据个人习惯进行调整。 9. 进角(Timing) : 此功能有几个作用:1、兼容不 同的电机。某些电机在默认进角下无法正常工作,需要调整 合适的进角方可正常工作。2、通过调整进角,可以微调电机 输出的最大转速,进角越高,则最大输出转速也越高,同时 消耗的功率也越大。3、通过调整进角,可使电机工作在最佳 效率点。 “进角”为高级编程选项,请仔细测试更改进角后的 效果后,再决定是否确实需要更改。 10. 过热保护(Over-Heat Protection) :当启用该功 能时, 电调在内部温升达到厂方特定预设值时自动关闭输出, 而且绿灯会闪烁,直到温度低于预设值以下后才恢复输出。
OPB706A B C和OPB707A C Reflective Object Sensor 商品说

Reflective Object SensorOPB706A, OPB706B, OPB706C OPB707A, OPB707CObsolete (OPB707B)Description:The OPB706 consists of an infrared Light Emitting Diode (LED) and an NPN silicon Phototransistor mounted “side -by -side ” on parallel axes in a black plastic housing. The OPB707 consists of an infrared LED and an NPN silicon Photodarlington mounted “side -by -side ” on parallel axes in a black plastic housing.On both OPB706 and OPB707, the LED and Phototransistor / Photodarlington are molded using dark infrared transmissive plastic to reduce ambient light noise. The Phototransistor / Photodarlington responds to light from the emitter when a reflective object passes within its field of view of the device.Custom electrical, wire and cabling and connectors are available. Contact your local representative or OPTEK for more information. Applications:• Non -contact reflective object sensor• Assembly line automation • Machine automation • Machine safety • End of travel sensor • Door sensorFeatures:• Choice of Phototransistor (OPB706) or Photodarlington (OPB707) output • Unfocused for sensing diffuse surface • Low cost plastic housing• Designed for use with PCBoards or connectors4 2OPB706OPB7073 4 12DIMENSIONS ARE IN:INCHES[MILLIMETERS] RoHSOPB707A, OPB707CObsolete (OPB707B)Absolute Maximum Ratings (T A = 25° C unless otherwise noted)Input DiodeOutput Phototransistor (OPB706) | Output Photodarlington (OPB707)Notes:(1) RMA flux is recommended. Duration can be extended to 10 seconds maximum when flow soldering. (2) Derate linearly 1.25 mW/° C above 25° C. (3) Derate linearly 1.67 mW/° C above 25° C.Electrical SpecificationsOPB707A, OPB707CObsolete (OPB707B)Electrical Characteristics (T A = 25° C unless otherwise noted)Input Diode (see OP165W for additional information) Output Phototransistor (see OP505W for additional information) | Photodarlington (see OP535 for additional information) Combined Notes:(1) Crosstalk (I CX ) is the collector current measured with the indicated current in the input diode and with no reflecting surface. (2) The distance from the assembly face to the reflective surface is “d ”.(3) Measured using Eastman Kodak neutral white test card with 90% diffuse reflectance as a reflecting surface. Reference: Eastman Kodak,Catalog #E 152 7795.(4) Lower curve is a calculated worst case condition rather than the conventional -2 Ω limit. (5) All parameters tested using pulse techniques.Electrical SpecificationsOPB707A, OPB707CObsolete (OPB707B)OPB706 - Output Current vs Forward Currentvs Temperature0. Current - mAN o r m a l i z e d O u t p u t C u r r e n tOPB706 - Normalized Collector Currentvs. Object Distance0. to Reflective Surface (inches)N o r m a l i z e d O u t p u t C u r r e n tOPB707 - Normalized Collector Currentvs. Object Distance0. to Reflective Surface (inches)N o r m a l i z e d O u t p u t C u r r e n tOPB707 - Output Current vs Forward Currentvs Temperature5101520253035404550Forward Current - mA。
好盈科技有限公司 XERUN -SCT PRO车用无刷电子调速器( ESC)说明书

同时也兼容无感无刷电机;↓内置开关稳压模式(Switching Mode)BEC,具备强大的电流输出能力,即使工作于4S锂电时也无需外挂UBEC;↓丰富的可编程参数,适合各种使用环境;↓优异的启动效果(9种启动加速度选项)、出色的加速性能和油门线性度;↓比例式刹车:5段最大刹车力度调节、8段拖刹力度调节、4段初始刹车力度调节;且兼容传统机械式碟刹系统;↓多重保护功能:电压过低保护(用于防止锂电池过度放电)、过温保护、油门失控保护、堵转保护;↓单键编程设定,单键恢复出厂默认参数;↓可选购轻巧便携的车用电调编程设定卡,方便外场使用。
↓底面有安装孔,便于安装;【车用无刷电子调速器产品规格】备注1:电调上的散热风扇由内置BEC供电而不是从电池组直接取电,所以使用5V 风扇即可,无需考虑输入电压的高低。

Power Analyzer ComparisonVitrek YokogawaFeatures PA900 PA910 PA920 WT1800E WT3000E WT5000 # Channels per chassis 1-4 1-4 1-4 ¹ 1-6 ¹ 1-4 ¹ 1-7 ¹Multi-Unit Operation Up to 1000 units measurement sync and efficiencygrouping 2 units measurement sync4 unitsmeasurementsyncBase Accuracy (Watts) 0.045% readingno adder forrange0.045% readingno adder forrange0.024% readingno adder forrange0.03% rdg. +0.05% range²0.01% rdg. +0.03% range²0.01% rdg. +0.02%range²A/D Converter 22 bits 24 bits 24 bits 16 16 18 Sample Rate 910kS/s 1.2MS/s 1.2MS/s 2MS/s 200kS/s 10MS/s Effective Sample Rate 384MS/s 384MS/s 384MS/s 2MS/s 200kS/s 10MS/sMeasurementBandwith up to 5MHz (-3dB) up to 5MHz(-3dB) 1MHz maxup to 10MHz(-3dB)Harmonics Capabilityup to 500th(~435kHz Max) up to 500th (~600kHz Max)up to 500th(~300kHz max)³up to 100th(~60kHz max)³up to 500th(1.5MHz max)³Max HarmonicFundamental 435kHz 590kHz 2.6kHz³ 2.6kHz³ 300kHz³Max continuiousVoltage 1,000V RMS 1000V RMS 1,625V RMS3,300 V Peak 1,000V RMS 1,000V RMS 1,600 V PeakInterface USB,LAN, RS-232C, GPIB³ LAN, USB, GP-IB,VGA³RS-232³, LAN³,USB³, GP-IB, VGA³LAN, USB, GP-IB,VGAGraphical History up to ≈500 parameters always recording (2ms to 584million years)Not provided.Built In Compliance Testing EN50564, EN61000-3-2/-12, User specified harmoniclimits, and more.Optional software and PC required.Data Update up to 2ms (10ms without increased error)up to 50ms (200ms without increased error)Motor Input (optional) Speed/ Torque/Direction (Analog or Digital)³Torque/A/B/Z(Analog/Digital)³Speed/Torque(Analog/Digital)³Torque/A/B/Z(Analog/Digital)³’⁴Dimensions, weight 5.5 X 9.75 X 11.2"7 lbs.5.5 X 9.75 X 11.2"7 lbs.5.5 X 9.75 X11.2" 7 lbs.16.75" X 18 X 7 "≈33 lbs.16.75" X 16.8 X 7" ≈33 lbs.16.75" X 16.8 X 7"≈33 lbs.⁵Pricing $6,695.00 $10,475.00 $15,875.00 ≈17,000⁶≈$21,000⁶≈27,000⁶** See Additional Notes on Page 2.Additional Notes:¹ Must be factory configured for specific channel count. Reconfiguring or increasing channel count requires return of the unit to the factory ² Accuracies specified for 6 months, Vitrek accuracies specified for 2 years. See power accuracy curve on other side for conditions which affect accuracy³ Factory installed option required.⁴ WT5000 available with 2 sets of MTR options.⁵ Weight only includes main unit only with /M1/MTR1/DA20 installed. Additional ~1-2lbs. Per element⁶ To be used only as a guide. Pricing subject to change. Optional features /option may apply.Power Accuracy CurveWT5000 Test ConditionsTemperature: 23°C±5°CHumidity: 30%RH to 75%RHInput waveform: Sine waveλ (power factor): 1Crest factor: CF3Sync source signal level: Same as the frequency measurement conditionsWired condition after zero-level compensation or measurement range change.45Hz – 66Hz。

注 1: 请注意以下连接顺序:必须先将 BEC 排线插上设定卡,再给电调接电源,否则设定 卡不能正常工作。 二、对于无内部 BEC 电路的电调
如果电调上有“BEC OPTO”标记,说明该电调是没有内置 BEC 电路的,因此对于这类电 调,在用设定卡进行参数编程时,必须单独为设定卡供电,即需在设定卡右上角的“Batt.” 插座中接入电源(4.8-6V)。通常可以使用接收机电池组为设定卡供电,请参阅下图。
Manual of Program Card
按 这个键,即可上下选择各个设定项,选择后该设定项的某个发光管会闪烁,然后按 这个键即可以选择要设定的参数,闪烁的发光管对应所选的参数值。设定好后,按 键。这 时蓝
音乐设定对照表:(● 表示发光管亮,○ 表示发光管灭)
○ ○ ○ ○ 关闭乐曲(无歌曲) ● ○ ○ ○ 铃儿响叮当(圣诞歌)
○ ○ ○ ● 苏珊娜
● ○ ○ ● 斗牛士之歌
○ ○ ●
● ○ ● ● 英雄凯旋曲
1. 刹车:开启刹车,则油门关闭后,马达迅速停止; 关闭刹车,则油门关闭后,马达随惯性逐渐停止。
2. 低电压保护方式:指当电池电压低于所设定的保 护阈值时采取的保护方式。
3. 低电保护阈值:当采用的是锂电池时,则“低/ 中/高”表示将每节锂电电压的保护点分别设为 “2.6V/2.85V/3.1V”;当采用的是镍氢/镍镉电 池时,则“低/中/高”表示将低电压保护点分别 设为初始输入电压的 0%(无保护)/45%/60%。
铂瑞通 RF Power 解决方案目录说明书

ApplicationCatalogRF Power Solutions forMultiMarketOctober 2023The Leading GlobalPartner in RF PowerThis catalog is designed to give you an updated overview of our wide range ofMultiMarket RF Power application reports targeting Navigation and Safety Radio,Broadcast, as well as Industrial, Scientific and Medical applications.With brand new products constantly emerging, we continue supporting customer needsfor current and future applications while ensuring longevity for business continuity.Highlights of this catalog include:• AR211135: 13 MHz ultra-compact over 90 % efficiency amplifier design with ART2K0FE• AR211072: 650 MHz high-efficiency 50 V particle accelerator amplifier design withBLF978P• AR201110: 960 - 1215 MHz avionics long-pulse 700 W GaN HEMT amplifier design withCLL3H0914L(S)-700• AR191191: 470 - 700 MHz ultra-wide band 1100 W asymmetric Doherty amplifierdesign using BLF989EAll new application reports are are based upon latest GaN and LDMOS technologygenerations, adhering to the highest quality and reliability standards from our ownfactories as well as from leading external manufacturers we partner with.Download the latest version/acmm2Application Catalog - October 2023 | Application Catalog - October 2023 | 3Navigation and Safety RadioApplication ReportsThe RF Power transistor selection guide is available on:/applications. Its easy-to-use-parametric filters help you choose the right RF power transistor for your design.Radar4Application Catalog - October 2023 | Application Catalog - October 2023 | 5Mobile RadioRadar (continued)Application Catalog - October 2023 | 6Mobile Radio (continued)Non-Cellular CommunicationsApplication Catalog - October 2023 | 7Non-Cellular Communications (continued)Broadcast Application ReportsThe RF Power transistor selection guide is available on:/applications. Its easy-to-use-parametric filters help you choose the right RF power transistor for your design.UHF/D-TVFM/HDR/DAB Radio8Application Catalog - October 2023 | VHF/D-TVApplication Catalog - October 2023 | 9Industrial, Scientific and Medical Application ReportsThe RF Power transistor selection guide is available on:/applications. Its easy-to-use-parametric filters help you choose the right RF power transistor for your design.Lasers & PlasmaCO210Application Catalog - October 2023 | Healthcare / MRI* For access, please contact our local sales representative via:/contactCO 2 Lasers & Plasma (continued)Particle AcceleratorsIndustrial HeatingIndustrial Heating(continued)Committed to Your SuccessAt Ampleon, we are passionate about your success. Rest assured that we deliver world class innovation fora broad range of applications. In line with your challenges increasing, we continuously improve and enhance our LDMOS technology and strengthen our footprint in GaN.During the entire process from design to delivery, you will enjoy outstanding technical support from well trained staff and knowledgeable Field Application Engineers (FAEs) as part of our distribution network. Whether you require load-pull data, application boards, samples, ADS / AWR models or other, you will be accompanied in every step on the way to success.Our application engineering resources are spread around the globe, with our offices (Nijmegen / The Netherlands, Toulouse / France, Smithfield / USA, Shanghai / China) providing local customer support.SupportDatasheets, test reports and simulation models are available online on: /support/documentation.To make sure your request is processed quickly and directed to the right contact partner at Ampleon, please contact us via:/contact.Order samplesTo support customers in designing new products, Ampleon supplies samples and demonstration boards.Samples can be requested via our online e-samples store: /samples (please register at first log-in).For inquiries, please contact your local sales representative listed on: /contact.Additional information• /products• /applications。

关键词:双轴矢量旋翼飞行器总体设计中图分类号:Innovative design of two axis vector rotor carrier aircraftQING YUN PANG FENG LIANG WANG(Yantai Nanshan University, Yantai, Shandong, 265713)Abstract: With its unique advantages, small rotorcraft has become one of the hotspots of unmanned aerial vehicle research at home and abroad. In this paper, a two axis vector rotor carrier aircraft is designed. Firstly, starting from the overallstructure design, the selection of the power scheme is discussed, the aircraft control system is designed, and then the manufacturing process and process are briefly described, thethree-dimensional model is drawn, and finally the flight test is carried out. The flight test results show that the biaxial vector rotor carrier aircraft is reasonably designed, with the advantages of ultra-low altitude flight capability, large load, flexible and stable control.Keywords: Biaxial vector Rotorcraft overall design1.研究背景目前无人机在人们的生产、生活及军事等领域表现出了巨大应用价值,如物流运输、资源勘探、农业植保、紧急救援等。

Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告好盈网络技术江苏有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:好盈网络技术江苏有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分好盈网络技术江苏有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。
1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务、计算机软硬件、电子商务技术的技术开发、技1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。

目录一、企业背景 (5)1.1 工商信息 (5)1.2 分支机构 (5)1.3 变更记录 (5)1.4 主要人员 (6)1.5 联系方式 (6)二、股东信息 (6)三、对外投资信息 (6)四、企业年报 (7)五、重点关注 (8)5.1 被执行人 (8)5.2 失信信息 (8)5.3 裁判文书 (8)5.4 法院公告 (8)5.5 行政处罚 (9)5.6 严重违法 (9)5.7 股权出质 (9)5.8 动产抵押 (9)5.9 开庭公告 (9)5.11 股权冻结 (9)5.12 清算信息 (9)5.13 公示催告 (10)六、知识产权 (10)6.1 商标信息 (10)6.2 专利信息 (10)6.3 软件著作权 (10)6.4 作品著作权 (10)6.5 网站备案 (10)七、企业发展 (11)7.1 融资信息 (11)7.2 核心成员 (11)7.3 竞品信息 (11)7.4 企业品牌项目 (11)八、经营状况 (12)8.1 招投标 (12)8.2 税务评级 (12)8.3 资质证书 (12)8.4 抽查检查 (12)8.5 进出口信用 (12)8.6 行政许可 (12)一、企业背景1.1 工商信息企业名称:好盈网络技术江苏有限公司工商注册号:320214000436373统一信用代码:91320214MA1XXFMK3Q法定代表人:虞喜贤组织机构代码:MA1XXFMK-3企业类型:有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股)所属行业:软件和信息技术服务业经营状态:开业注册资本:1,000万(元)注册时间:2019-02-20注册地址:无锡市新吴区龙山路2-28-411-1营业期限:2019-02-20 至无固定期限经营范围:网络技术、计算机软硬件、电子商务技术的技术开发、技术服务、技术咨询、技术转让;设计、制作、代理和发布各类广告;会展服务;市场营销策划。
(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)登记机关:无锡国家高新技术产业开发区(无锡市新吴区)行政审批局核准日期:2020-11-191.2 分支机构截止2022年02月03日,爱企查未找到该公司的分支机构内容。

●最高转速可以达到210000 RPM(2极马达)、70000 RPM(6极马达)、35000 RPM(12极马达)。
2.电池类型:Li-xx(锂电池)/ Ni-xx(镍镉.镍氢)两大类电池,默认值为Li-xx(锂电池)。
●当设定使用的是Li-xx 电池,则自动判断锂电颗数,低/中/高情况下每颗电池的截止电压分别为:2.5V/2.75V/3.0V。
例如使用3 Cell 锂电,设定为中截止电压,则低压呵护阈值为:2.75X3=8.25V。
●当设定使用的是Ni-xx 电池,低/中/高情况截止电压为开机时输入电压的60%/65%/70%。
好盈科技 XERUN Bandit G2R 无感无刷电机 使用说明书

04安装和连接05BANDIT G2R使用说明书· 功率、转速大幅提升,相比Bandit G2马达,Bandit G2R扭矩提升 约4.5%,KV提升高达6.8%,最大输出功率提高6.1%。
高扭力、高转速、大功率使之成为 Stock竞赛神器;· 源于超级跑车轮毂造型的设计灵感,造就了动力澎湃的电机外观设计;· 兼具有感无感功能,支持无感无刷电调及有感无刷电调;· 连续可调的20至50度机械进角(此区域内电机效率最佳,小于20度或大于50度会使电机的效率降低)。
满足您所需的动力需求;· 精密加工,转子轴向虚位极小,无需薄铜片进行转子辅助定位,彻底避免了因薄铜片磨损而导致电机故障;· 极高品质的用料(如200度耐温的转子和200度耐温漆包线)确保电机经久耐用。
进角调整03产品规格01注意事项02产品特色07BANDIT电机零部件包含如下:1)轴承 x 1(3.175x9.525x3.967mm) 2)电机转子 x 13)电机金属面壳 x 14)电机金属底壳(内含感应板) x 15)电机固定螺丝 x 3(M2.50x45mm) 6)感应板尾盖 x 17)尾盖固定螺丝x 1( M2.50x6.0mm) 8)感应线 x2 (80mm及200mm)零件清单08易耗品及升级件(零售市场的可选购产品)06装配说明BANDIT电机结构设计牢固、拆卸简单,易于维护。
1. 装配电机转子; 2. 装配金属底壳; 3. 装配电机固定螺丝; 4. 装配感应板尾盖; 5. 装配尾盖固定螺丝。
(注:拆卸时的顺序相反;*更清晰的装配图请见好盈官网: /cn/)电机金属面壳 x1电机转子 x1电机金属底壳 x1电机固定螺丝 M2.50x45mm感应板尾盖x1尾盖固定螺丝x1M2.50x6.0mm电机需焊接三根输入线。
pfr指标 -回复

pfr指标-回复PFR指标,全称为Profitability Index (利润指数),是一种用于评估投资项目是否值得进行的财务指标。
PFR指标的计算公式如下:PFR = 净现金流/ 投资金额其中,净现金流是指项目在各个时间点产生的现金流入和现金流出之间的差额,它可以通过项目的现金流量表来获取。
具体来说,PFR指标可以在以下几个方面得到应用:1. 项目选择:PFR指标可以帮助企业在众多投资项目中进行筛选,优先选择那些PFR较高的项目。
2. 投资比较:当企业面临多个投资项目的选择时,PFR指标可以作为比较的依据,选择PFR较高的项目进行投资。
3. 项目扩展和分期投资:PFR指标可以帮助企业评估是否值得对已投资的项目进行扩展或继续投资。
1. 优点:(1)简单易懂:PFR指标的计算方法简单明了,只需要将净现金流除以投资金额即可得到结果,便于操作和理解。
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· XRotor-50A电调底部含有拨码开关,可设置LED开启/关闭、LED灯色、 进角、电机转向。
型号XRotor 10A XRotor 20A 持续电流10A 20A 瞬时电流(10秒)
15A 30A BEC 无无锂电节数2-3S 3-4S 参数选项进角(高/中)进角(高/中)重量6.5g 14g 尺寸
36.5x16.4x4.1 mm 52.4x21.5x7 mm 典型应用*(以四轴为例)
250级四轴330/450级四轴* 上表中的典型应用针对四轴飞行器而言。
· 首次使用XRotor无刷电调或更换遥控设备后需要进行油门行程校准。
· 当电调驱动盘式电机出现异常或者要求达到更高转速时,可尝试更改进角参数(注:电调出厂默认为中进角)。
1. XRotor-10A、XRotor-20A、XRotor-40A进角参数设置:
2. XRotor-50A进角参数设置10A