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5. 从业者是一个雇员工程师,他以自己的名义签订合约为他的雇主以外的其他人开展专业工程工作,他必须向客户提供其作为雇员身份的书面说明,以及他为客户提供的服务所带来的局限性,必须确信其工作不与他对雇主的责任相冲突,必须告知雇主他的工作。
ASCE7-05标准第1——4章(第1章:概论;第2章:荷载组合;第3章:固定荷载;第4章:活荷载)附:对应英文原版中页码标准1.概论 (1)1.1 使用范围 (1)1.2 定义 (1)1.3 基本要求 (1)1.3.1 强度 (1)1.3.2 耐用性 (1)1.3.3 自身张力 (2)1.3.4 分析 (2)1.3.5 抵消结构运动 (2)1.4 一般结构整体 (2)1.5 建筑物和其他结构的分类 (2)1.5.1 建筑物占有本质 (2)1.5.2 有毒、巨毒和易爆物质 (2)1.6 对现存结构的扩建和改造 (2)1.7 荷载试验 (3)1.8 大多数意愿决定的标准和其他参考文献 (3)2. 荷载组合 (5)2.1 概论 (5)2.2 符号和含义 (5)2.3 使用力学设计进行概率荷载的组合 (5)2.3.1 可行性 (5)2.3.2 基本组合 (5)2.3.3 包括洪水荷载在内的荷载组合 (5)2.3.4 包括大气中冰荷载在内的荷载组合 (5)2.4 采用安全应力设计进行额定荷载组合 (5)2.4.1 基本组合 (5)2.4.2 包括洪水荷载在内的荷载组合 (6)2.4.3 包括大气中冰荷载在内的荷载组合 (6)2.5 非常状况下的荷载组合 (6)3. 固定荷载 (7)3.1 固定荷载 (7)3.1.1 定义 (7)3.1.2 材料和建筑物的重量 (7)3.1.3 固定服务设备的重量 (7)3.2 土壤荷载 (7)3.2.1 横向压力 (7)3.2.2 地面和地基的隆起 (7)4. 活荷载 (9)4.1 定义 (9)4.2 均布荷载 (9)4.2.1 要求活荷载 (9)4.2.2 隔板的规定 (9)4.3 集中荷载 (9)4.4 栏杆、护轨系统、扶手杆系统、车辆栅栏系统和固定梯的荷载 (9)4.4.1栏杆和护轨系统的荷载 (9)4.4.2扶手杆系统的荷载 (9)4.4.3 车栅栏系统的荷载 (9)4.4.4 固定梯的荷载 (9)4.5 未规定荷载 (10)4.6 部分荷载 (10)4.7 冲击荷载 (10)4.7.1 电梯 (10)4.7.2 机械 (10)4.8 减少活荷载 (10)4.8.1 概论 (10)4.8.2 重的活荷载 (10)4.8.3 客车修理厂 (10)4.8.4 建筑物的特殊使用 (10)4.8.5 单向板的限制 (10)4.9 屋面活荷载的减少 (10)4.9.1 平面屋面、斜屋面和拱形屋面 (10)4.9.2 特殊用途的屋面 (11)4.10 吊车荷载 (11)4.10.1 最大轮荷载 (11)4.10.2 垂直冲击力 (11)4.10.3 横向力 (11)4.10.4 纵向力 (11)4.11 大多数意愿决定的标准和其他参考文献 (11)美国土木工程师协会建筑物和其他结构的最小设计荷载ASCE7-05,包含1号补充说明国会图书馆出版物目录编写数据建筑物及其他结构的最小设计负载/美国土木工程师协会,结构研究所出品标准包含目录的参考书目和索引“ASCE/SEI7—02修订本”ISBN 0-7844-0809-21.结构工程学---美国2.标准,工程学—美国I。
AB Sciex液质联用使用说明file structure and maintenance
11.1 IntroductionThis section will cover Analyst® Software file structure in a Windows NTenvironment as well as routine computer maintenance to help keep your system running optimally.11.1.1 File Structure on Drive C1.On most factory supplied Dell computer systems two hard drive partitionsshould be present, Drives C and D. Analyst® Software is typically installedon the C drive. The path shown in Figure11-1 is where you will find theAnalyst® Software Program Files.Figure 11-1File Structure on Drive C2.Within the Analyst folder, four sub folders are present:bin contains the Analyst® Software program files.WARNING!There is no reason to ever change anything in this folder.Firmware contains the instrument system controller firmware. These files are used following installation and some software upgrades andshould otherwise be left unchanged.File Structure and MaintenanceHelp contains the built-in help files as accessed from the Help menu inthe program.Simulation contains the instrument data files needed to run Analyst®Software in simulation mode.11.1.2 File Structure on Drive D1.If Analyst® Software was installed as it is typically, the Analyst Data folderwill be found on drive D, which is normally significantly larger than driveC. This folder will contain all the data, methods and other importantinformation related to the acquired/processed data. If Analyst Data folderis located on the C drive and your D drive is larger than your C drive,please contact support for details on relocating this critical directory.Figure 11-2File Structure on Drive D2.Within the Analyst Data folder are the following:Projects - In Analyst® Software all acquired data resides in the Projectsfolder. The API Instrument project is a unique project and should notbe duplicated in the same drive or used for general data acquisition.The user is encouraged to make a copy of the API Instrument projectfolder in either a disk or another drive. The other projects are user-created and used for general work.Workspaces - Workspaces hold saved window layouts from Analyst®Software. This is mainly useful in Explore mode when displayingprocessed qualitative data.CompoundDB - The compound data base file, “CompoundDB”, is anMS Access file used in conjunction with Automaton (Analyst® Softwareadd-on feature) to contain compound tuning information.File Structure and MaintenanceCompoundLib - The compound library file, “CompoundLib”, is also an MS Access file that contains user-created compound library entries.11.1.3 The Projects Folder1.The file structure of a typical Analyst® Software project is outlined inFigure11-3.Figure 11-3Project Folder Structure2.Within each of the project folders are the following:Acquisition Methods – All Analyst® Software and user created acquisition methods are saved in this folderBatch – Batch Sample lists saved from the Batch EditorLog – Any text reports generated by Analyst® Software are saved in this folderMetabolite ID Files – contains global settings used in the metabolite ID softwareProcessing Methods – Scripts for processing in Explore mode can be stored in this folder; they will appear on the Script menu in theprogram.Project Information – quantitation settings files exist here. See the Quantitate tutorial for more detailsQuantitation Methods – Integration methods used for quantitationResults – Saved Results Tables from Quantitate modeTemplates – Saved Report Templates.File Structure and Maintenance11.1.4 The API Instrument Project Folder1.The following highlighted folders within API Instrument Project folder inFigure11-4 are a number of special folders are not found in user-createdprojects. In addition, unlike user-created folders, the Metabolite ID Filesand Processing Methods folders do not exist in the API Instrument folder.Figure 11-4The API Instrument Project Folder2.Within the API Instrument Project Folder are the following:Acquisition Scripts – contains scripts readily accessible in the BuildAcquisition Batch EditorBundler – A special program that takes all aspects of a .wiff file andcompiles them.Configuration – Hardware configurations are saved here.Example Scripts – contains some script informationInstrument Data – A file called instrumentdata.ins is found here. Thisfile holds all the critical calibration and resolution information andmore. Making a copy of this folder and keeping it on a separate disk ishighly recommended (see also ParamsSettingsDef.psf below).Method Tables – contains critical instrument parameters and accessedonly by a qualified service engineerParameter Settings – Core instrument files dictating potential linkagesand starting points for automatic tuning are contained in the fileParamSettingsDef.psf found in this folder. Making a copy of this folderand keeping it on a separate disk is highly recommended.Preferences –All settings (parameter, tuning, instrument, processing,appearances and queue) are saved as Tunedata.tun, within this folder.File Structure and MaintenanceProcessing Scripts – contains scripts available in the Scripts drop down menu of all projectsQueue Data – n/a Tuning Cache – All data created in manual tune by pressing Start instead of Acquire is found in this section with a generic time date stamp as its name. Using Windows Explore, you can move these files to any data folder for further analysis.11.1.5 File and Computer Maintenance1.There are certain folders that should be “cleaned out” once a monthThe Windows Temp folder. If your computer is running WIndows 2000 or Windows XP , this folder and temporary internet files can be cleaned up by running the Disk Cleanup program (Start/Programs/Accessories/SystemTools/ Disk Cleanup) and selecting the appropriate drive to clean up (it is best to run this on all drives).The Tuning Cache folder in the API Instrument Project folder.2.Defragment the hard drive and run ScanDisk. Commercial programs to defragment the hard drive that have been used in conjunction with Analyst ® Software are Symantec’s SpeedDisk (part of Norton Utilities) and Executive Software’s DiskKeeper. Neither one has been officially tested or approved by AB SCIEX and other programs may or may not be superior in performance. In Windows 2000 and Windows XP a defragmenter is built into the operating system (Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools/Disk Defragmenter).3.Once Every Six Months:Clean out extra data from API Instrument folder Backup projects not in use to keep Hard Drive from filling up. (we recommend that all labs have a back up policy in place just in case!)Tip!The Tuning Cache folder contains data acquired when pressing the Start button in Manual Tune. How often this folder is cleaned out depends on how often the Start button is used in Manual Tune.。
sensor technology or sensing technique or sensing technology
输入检索式 optical fiber or fiber optic or fiber
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研究方向——光纤传感技术 关键词:传感技术sensor technology、sensing technique、sensing technology 光纤optical fiber、fiber optic、fiber 检索式:sensor technology or sensing technique or sensing technology AND 二次检索optical fiber or fiber optic or fiber
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• ASME与ASTM被ANSI引用的标准,在其原标准号之前冠以“ANSI/”,其余 部分不变。 管法兰和法兰管件标准 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ASME B16.5-2009 ANSI/ASME B16.5-2009 ANSI B16.5-2009 无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢公称管标准 Standard Specication for Seamless, Welded, and Heavily Cold Worked Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipes ASTM A312/A312M–06 ANSI/ASTM A312/A312M–06 ANSI A312/A312M–06
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B 1.X 螺纹连接 B 16.X 法兰、阀门、管件等连接件 B 18.X 螺栓螺母系列 B 31.X 管道 B 36.X 管道制造尺寸 B 73.X 水泵 B Y.X 图形符号
美标风载荷计算表概述说明以及解释1. 引言1.1 概述美标风载荷计算表是一种用于计算建筑物或结构物在风环境下所承受的风压力、风荷载和风力的指南和参考文献。
1.2 文章结构本文包括以下几个部分:引言、正文、解释美标风载荷计算表的关键要点、结论以及结束语。
1.3 目的本文旨在对美标风载荷计算表进行全面且系统性地说明与解释,以便读者能够深入了解其应用并正确使用该计算表。
以上是我为您撰写的“1. 引言”部分内容,希望能够满足您的需求。
2. 正文2.1 美标风载荷计算表的定义和背景美标风载荷计算表是根据美国建筑学会(ASCE)所制定的设计规范,用于确定建筑物在不同风速下的风荷载情况。
2.2 美标风载荷计算表的重要性和应用范围美标风载荷计算表是设计过程中必不可少的参考工具之一。
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ASC 品牌使用指南说明书
ASCDecember 2017 logo user guideThis guide sets out the basic rules onpackaging, restaurant menus, fish how to use the ASC logo on product counters and promotional material.Protecting the ASC's trademarksThe ASC owns the trademark of the logo, the abbreviation "ASC" and its name "Aquaculture Stewardship Council"and reserves all rights in relation tothese trademarks.The Marine Stewardship Council Inter-national, MSC's trading company, will act as the ASC's agent regarding the licensing and administration of the ASC logo.On behalf of the ASC, the MSC's Licensing Team will issue logo license agreements and approve logo use on products. Only organisations that have signeda licence agreement may display theASC logo. Unauthorised display isprohibited and will be treated as atrademark infringement.responsible source by using theShow your customers that yourseafood comes from a certifiedASC logo - a trusted and recognisedindicator of responsible aquaculture.WelcomeWe’re here to help you: pleasecontact the Licensing TeamThree easy steps to successfully using the ASC logoStep 1Add the ASC logo to your materialsOnce you've signed a licence, the Licensing Teamwill provide you with a high resolution copy of the logo. Incorporate the ASC logo, claim and Chain ofCustody code into the design of your materials, following the rules set out in this guide. Correct use ofthe ASC logo will speed up the approval process.The three ASC elementsThe ASC logoThe ASC claim versions:The ASC Chain of Custody codeThe ASC logo comprises of eightfeatures, which may not be separated from each other or altered in any way:A The phrase 'Farmed Responsibly'B The letters ASC, the abbreviation of the Aquaculture Stewardship CouncilC The word 'Certified'D The ASC's website addressE The fish logoF The letters TM indicate that this logo is a trademarkG The checkmarkH The white keyline which outlinesthe logoEvery ASC labelled product must carry a Chain of Custody code following the format of ASC-C-xxxxx that refers to the producer of the product. It can be displayed anywhere on your materials and should be readable.The code will be provided by yourcer tifier or supplier.Thank you for choosing a product that has met the ASC's global standard for responsibly farmed seafood. Together we can help transform aquaculturetowards environmental sustainability and social responsibility. 1This product comes from a farm that has been independently certified to the ASC's standard for responsibly farmed seafood. 2The [insert seafood species] in this product comes from a farm that has been independently certified to the ASC's standard for responsibly farmed seafood. 3From an ASC certified responsible farm. 5Menu and fish counter claim: Seafood with this logo comes from an ASC certified responsible farm. This product has met the ASC's global standard for responsibly farmed seafood. 4Note: The Licensing Team is not responsible for validating any additional claims, legal requirements or other labelling guidelines.132See Chain of Custody code section for more informationClick here for translations of the ASC claimFormatsThe ASC logo is available in two formats: horizontal (landscape) and vertical (portrait).ColourThe aqua green version of the ASC logo is always preferred. However, if your packaging is black and white, or the same Pantone green, you may use the solid Monotone version.Pantone 326CMYK 81 0 39 0RGB 0 178 169Hex #00afabHorizontal VerticalASC aqua greenThe white keyline which outlines the logo must always be displayed. No other colour may be used.other brands or logos• S uggests or implies that non-cer tified seafood is ASC certi fie d• C reates an association with products that are not from a farm cert ifie d to the ASC standardDo not distort the shape of the ASC logo✗Do not use the ASC corporate logo✗Do not alter the design, lock-up, or separate the elements of the ASC logo✗Do not tilt the ASC logo✗Do not place items or text over the ASC logo✗Using the ASC logo on cans and jarsFor non-square packaging it can be difficult to define 'front of packaging'as products can be stacked on shelves in different ways.ASC-C-XXXXXPRODUCT NAMEASC-C-XXXXXPRODUCT NAMEASC-C-XXXXXPRODUCT NAMEASC logo on the labelASC logo on the lidASC logo on the sealMenu useMENUASC-C-XXXXXMENU ASC-C-XXXXX Place the ASC square next to your ASC certi fied dishes and use the standard logo as a key.Use the initials 'ASC' for identifying your ASC certi fied dishes and the standard logo as a key.To explain which species on your menu are ASC cer tified without using the ASC square,display the standard logo with spec ific claim identifying ASC cer tifie d species.Use the ASC square as both, indicator next to your ASC certi fied dishes and key. You may also use a black and white square when choosing option 3.'Seafood with this logo comes can be placed anywhere on the menu.Your Chain of Custody code and the ASC claim: 'All our [species] comesfrom an ASC certi fied responsible farm. ' can be placed anywhere on the menu.To promote your dish as ASC certified its seafood content must be at least 95 per cent ASC certified.ASC ASCIf thereís not enough space...You can display the ASC logo on the price tagand place a poster or display stand at your fish counter showing all three elements:•The ASC logo •The ASC claim •The Chain of Custody code of your company ASC-C-XXXXXFresh fish counter useIf you would like to identify a product as ASC certified by using a fish tag, bandor similar mark, specific rules apply:Good to knowAs a consumer-facing product, a tagged seafood item can be sold by a retailer without the retailer needing to have ASC Chain of Custody cert ification.Use of fish tagsA S C-C-X X XX XPRODUCT NAME PRODUCT NAMEPRODUCT NAMEADVERTADVERTASC-C-XXXXX• a re covered by Chain of Custody cer tification• h ave previously been approved by the Licensing Team• d isplay the ASC logo on thepack shot. Exemption for Modi fie d Atmosphere Packaging (MAP), fresh fish and caterer's dishes.Using the ASC logo topromote certified productsSeafood products may only be promoted if they:If your company sells ASC cer tified and non-certi fie d seafoo d or publishes materials that refer to both, the ASC logo must be accompanied by supporting text to make it clear to consumers which products are ASC cer tified.PRODUCT NAME ASC-C-XXXXXPRODUCT NAMEASC-C-XXXXXOther promotional usePromoting Chain ofCustody certi ficationIf you would like to promote your organi- sation's Chain of Custody certi fication without making any reference to spec ific products, you must use the ASC logo with supporting text and your Chain of Custody code. Approved wording:"We are ASC certi fied. Look forthe aqua green ASC logo."We do allow room for flexibility (e.g. due to space constraints) providing the meaning is not lost.Approved supporting text:ChooseAsk us aboutAll our [insert species] is Proudly servingWhen using the ASC logo with supporting text, the text must be adjacent to and clearly associated with the logo.Good to knowYou may develop your own wording to accompany the ASC logo,providing you seek approval from the Licensing Team before publishing.A product should always display the Chain of Custody code (CoC code) of the owner of the seafood at the time of placing the product into its ASC labelled packaging.Which Chain of Custody code should be displayed?Which company is the licensee?The licence holder is thecompany that is the owner of the seafood at the time the ASC logo is applied.seafood ingredientsA product carrying the ASC logo may contain 5% non-certified seafood in the total seafood content.Total net weight of non-ASC-certi fied seafood ingredients*Total weight of the combined ASC certi fied and non-ASC certi fiedseafood ingredients in the finished product**excluding water and added saltIf your seafood product contains more than 5% non-ASC certi fied seafood:You cannot show the ASC logo on the packaging at all✗You may not use any text referring to the ASC on the front of the packaging ✗Instead, please use version 3 of the ASC claim on the back of the packaging. It references the seafood ingredients which are actually cer tified:Version 3: The [insert seafood species] in this product comes from a farm that has been independently cert ifie d to the ASC's standard for responsibly farmed seafood. ✓Don't forget to display the ASC Chain of Custody code next to the claim.✓You need to specify in the ingredients section which seafood ingredientis cer tified. For example 'ASC certi fied Atlantic salmon' or 'Atlantic salmon - ASC certi fied'✓You can calculate the percentage of non-ASC certi fied seafood ingredients in a product by using the following formula:Click here for additional calculation guidelinesUsage costsOnce you've signed a licence, you are liable to pay annual fees and, depending on the logo application, royalties.Once you've signed a licence you willpay an annual fee. The level of the annual fee payable is determined by the total net value of ASC labelled seafood sold by your company during a calendar year (January - December), except for menu or fish counter items where the annual fee is based on net purchases.The annual fee is due at the beginning ofeach royalty year, which starts 1st January. For existing licensees, the actual sales from the previous royalty year are used to determine the annual fee. For newlicensees, the annual fee will be based on an estimation of sales for the royalty year.£ 0 - £ 130,000 GBP £ 160 GBP £ 130,001 - £ 330,000 GBP £ 800 GBP £ 330,001 GBP plus£ 1,600 GBPAnnual feeRoyaltiesIf you are using the ASC logo onconsumer facing products, you will also need to pay royalties* starting at 0.5% on the net wholesale value of your ASC labelled seafood sales. For fresh fis h counter or menu items and retailers the royalties will be charged on net purchases.*During the whole supply chain of a product, royalties are only collected onceConsumer Facing product: a product that could be available for sale to consumers in its current packaging.Non-Consumer Facing product: the opposite of consumer facing, e.g. an item that is repacked or unpacked within supply chain.£ 0 - 10,000,000 GBP0.5%£ 10,000,001 - 20,000,000 GBP 0.45%£ 20,000,001 - 30,000,000 GBP0.4%£ 30,000,001 - 40,000,000 GBP 0.35%£ 40,000,001 GBP and greater0.3%Report your salesThe Licensing Team will request a completed turnover declaration on a quarterly, bi-annual or annual basis - depending on how much ASC labelled seafood your company has sold - in order to calculate the annual fees and royalties.****************19。
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