
或登陆大连理工大学网址() 网络教学
密码:nhce111 (数字1,不是字母l)
3. 按要求输入个人信息。
5. 点击“我的验证码”,分别输入读写教程和听说教程书后的光盘包装上的验证码。
6. 如遇到问题,参考“学生使用指南”。

1 Webmail 简介................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 登录 Webmail...................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Webmail 页面框架............................................................................................................... 2 1.3 退出 Webmail...................................................................................................................... 3 2 我的邮箱......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 首页..........................................................................................................

家校 E 通Web使用手册版本号:GT_JXT_V1.0南京高泰科技有限公司声明本手册属南京高泰科技有限公司版权所有,侵权必究。
家校E通Web管理系统使用手册撰稿:责任审阅:更新时间:2008-8-31目录1系统说明 .......................................................... 1-1 2系统使用 (2)2.1系统登录 (2)2.2操作主页面 (3)2.3家校互动 (4)2.3.1教师短信 (4)2.3.2学生点评 (4)2.3.3平安短信 (6)2.3.4群发评语 (7)2.3.5群发成绩 (9)2.3.6自定义组 (10)2.3.7校内留言 (12)2.4信息互动 (13)2.4.1收件箱 (13)2.4.2发件箱 (15)2.4.3草稿箱 (15)2.5学校管理 (17)2.5.1班级管理 (17)2.5.2学生添加 (19)2.6成绩管理 (20)2.6.1考试信息 (20)2.6.2成绩统计 (23)2.6.3成绩分析 (24)2.7智能课表 (25)2.7.1班级课表 (25)2.7.2我的课表 (26)2.8业务统计 (27)2.8.1短信使用统计 (27)2.8.2积分使用统计 (28)2.9系统管理 (28)2.9.1问题反馈 (28)2.9.2个人属性 (29)2.9.3使用手册 (30)2.9.4修改密码 (30)2.9.5退出系统 (30)家校E通Web使用手册1 系统说明家校E通web管理系统教师角色的主要功能如下:教师:学生考勤信息查询通知公告查询评语发布及维护家庭作业发布及维护成绩发布及维护网上短信虚拟号码(教师可以选择使用终端或虚拟号码接收网上短信)智能课表批量导入功能(成绩、评语等信息批量导入)学校信息查询班级信息查询及维护下面一部分将对上述功能的使用方法和注意事项作详细说明。

(只适用于内地应届高考申请人)Study@PolyU 网页网址: .hk/study按此进入网上入学申请系统eAdmission System 网上入学申请系统请点选“内地应届高考考生”新用户:请按“Create an account开立用户”开立户口及递交入学申请。
New User新用户请在此输入你18位数字的国家身份证号码。
输入完毕后,按“Create anaccount开立用户”并往下一页。
Applicant Account Created户口开立成功请按此启用户口My Account and Personal Information用户及个人资料Select Programme Type & Programme Choice选择课程类别及报读课程Current JEE Details 应届高考资料English Qualifications英语考试成绩如欲暂停填写,先按“Save储存”已填好的资料,然后按“”往下一页。
Other Information其它资料如未获相关奖项,不需填写此部份。
Uploaded Documents上传文件已上传的有关文件会在此显示出。
Survey 问卷Application Number申请编号递交申请后,即获取的一个申请编号。
Payment 缴交报名费Application Summary (1)申请摘要 (1)按此更改你的登入密码按此更改你的个人资料按此可进入系统更新你的申请资料Application Summary (2)(2)Important Point to Note重要注意事项香港理工大学会以短讯及电邮发放最新入学消息予申请人,请确保你所提供的通讯资料正确,以免错失重要的资讯。

请多多谅解!联系人:人力资源管理处◊什么是NetID ?♦NetID是网络身份标识,充当网络应用中的身份证”作用,它是中山大学成员在校园网上的重要身份标识。
任何人对其所使用的NetID 及相关授权的服务不具备继承、赠予、出租、出借及买卖的权力,违反此规定将被视为侵犯中山大学信息资产及危害校园网络安全的行为,将会受到行政纪律处分,对情节严重者将会依法追究责任。
◊怎么申请NetID ?♦医院统一为新职工申请,不需要员工个人申请,一般医院每月一次报名单给学校生成NetID。
以下是短信样式:上牛!僖息技术帮助台1尊敬厂JSNetlO激活码为t 裁活请到Iws:他swedum 如已激活请忽略!!特别注意!!自10月20日以来,中山大学信息处将使用按需发送激活码短信的方式以避免误删激活码短信的频繁发生。
若有需要激活,请按照以下程序获取激活码:1.联系我院人力资源管理处确认个人的信息,电话:0755-********2.需要netid申请人本人致电帮助台获取激活码,电话:020-********, 选择“网络与信息技术业务”,选择“ NetID账号及密码问题”,选择“教职工用户”,选择“人工服务”3.核对用户的职工号、姓名、身份号码、手机号码,核对无误后可以发送激活码◊怎么激活NetID ?♦可在/ (我的中大)中,点击右上角激活”,按提示确认必须遵守的使用条款并输入有关资料的真实信息核对无误后,会显示您的NetID (请记住您的NetID, —般是姓名姓拼音全拼+名拼音首字母+数字)。

客户端用户手册目录1.1考试端机器环境要求 (1)1.1.1硬件环境...................................................................... .. (1)1.1.2软件环境...................................................................... (1)1.2 考试前的准备工作 (1)1.2.1系统级组件下载注册 (1)1.2.2系统评分检测...................................................................... . (5)1.3系统登录...................................................................... . (8)1.4登录后考试前...................................................................... . (9)1.5考试...................................................................... . (10)1.6交卷...................................................................... .. (13)1.7试卷评析...................................................................... .. (15)1.1考试端机器环境要求1.1.1硬件环境CPU:PⅣ 3.0以上内存:512M及以上剩余硬盘空间:1G+考生人数*5M以上局域网网络要求:Switch-10M及以上通信协议:TCP/IP1.1.2软件环境学生考试端必须是IE6.0/7.0浏览器,并且必须通过IE浏览器访问服务器端进行考试。

广东工业大学邮件服务系统用户使用手册目录I 登录 (5)II 便捷的导游栏 (5)III 通过Web界面管理信件和目录 (6)III.1 系统文件夹 (6)III.1.1 未读邮件 (7)III.1.2 收件箱 (7)III.1.3 送件箱 (9)III.1.4 草稿箱 (9)III.1.5 垃圾箱 (10)III.1.6 用户自建文件夹 (10)III.1.6.1 创建文件夹 (11)III.1.6.2 删除文件夹 (11)III.1.6.3 查看信件 (11)III.2 备份箱 (11)III.3 查看邮件与写邮件 (13)III.3.1 查看邮件 (13)III.3.1.1 看信件原文 (14)III.3.1.2 打印信件 (14)III.3.1.3 存入地址薄 (15)III.3.1.4 加入过滤器 (15)III.3.1.5 阻止发信人 (15)III.3.1.6 阅读信件 (15)III.3.1.7 内码转换 (15)III.3.1.8 回复信件 (15)III.3.1.9 全部回复 (16)III.3.1.10 转寄 (16)III.3.1.11 删除信件 (17)III.3.1.12 查看其它信件 (17)III.3.1.13 返回 (17)III.3.2 写邮件 (17)III.3.2.1 信件超时提醒 (17)III.3.2.2 收件人 (18)III.3.2.3 主题 (18)III.3.2.4 抄送暗送 (19)III.3.2.5 保存草稿 (19)III.3.2.6 使用信纸 (20)1III.3.2.7 使用地址簿 (20)III.3.2.8 使用树形地址簿 (21)III.3.2.9 信件优先级 (21)III.3.2.10 预览/打印功能 (22)III.3.2.11 要求对方回复 (22)III.3.2.12 个性化签名档 (23)III.3.2.13 附件 (24)III.3.2.14 存入送件箱 (25)III.3.2.15 支持带附件信件转发 (25)III.3.2.16 支持信件的原文转发 (26)III.3.3 HTML信件支持 (26)III.3.3.1 HTML信件的编辑 (26)III.3.3.2 HTML信件的阅读 (28)III.4 地址簿 (28)III.4.1 地址簿介绍 (28)III.4.2 个人地址簿 (29)III.4.2.1 使用个人地址簿 (29)III.4.2.2 创建个人地址簿 (30)III.4.2.3 导入个人地址簿 (31)III.4.2.4 导出个人地址簿 (31)III.4.2.5 编辑个人地址簿 (31)III.4.2.6 删除个人地址簿 (31)III.4.3 组地址簿 (32)III.4.3.1 创建组地址簿 (32)III.4.3.2 使用组地址簿 (33)III.4.3.3 编辑组地址簿 (33)III.4.3.4 删除组地址簿 (34)III.5 查找 (34)III.6 过滤设置 (35)III.6.1 过滤器 (35)III.6.1.1 过滤器的使用方法 (36)III.6.1.2 过滤器的创建 (36)III.6.1.3 过滤器的修改 (37)III.6.1.4 过滤器的删除 (38)III.6.1.5 导出过滤设置 (38)III.6.1.6 导入过滤设置 (38)III.6.2 白名单 (38)III.6.3 黑名单 (39)III.7 个人设置 (40)III.7.1 参数设置 (40)III.7.2 修改密码 (43)2III.7.3 提示问题 (43)III.7.4 界面设置 (43)III.7.5 语言设置 (44)III.7.6 签名档 (45)III.7.6.1 签名档的创建 (45)III.7.6.2 签名档的编辑 (46)III.7.6.3 签名档的删除 (46)III.7.7 自动转寄 (47)III.7.8 自动回复 (48)III.7.9 设置POP (49)III.7.9.1 POP3收信 (49)IV POP3和SMTP (51)IV.1 POP3 (51)IV.2 SMTP (52)V 邮件系统增值服务(可选) (53)V.1 手机短信 (53)V.1.1 短信的开通 (53)V.1.2 发送短信 (54)V.1.3 邮件到达通知 (55)V.1.4 资费标准 (56)V.2 安全邮件 (57)V.2.1 什么是安全邮件 (57)V.2.2 如何取得公钥和私钥 (57)V.2.3 如何发送安全邮件 (59)V.2.4 如何阅读安全邮件 (60)V.3 视频邮件 (61)V.3.1 录制视频信息 (62)V.3.1.1 插件的安装 (62)V.3.1.2 视频邮件录制 (62)V.3.2 将视频信息作为附件发送 (63)V.3.3 选择压缩质量 (63)V.3.4 视频邮件的发送 (63)V.3.5 视频邮件的阅读 (64)V.4 语音邮件 (65)V.4.1 插件的安装 (65)V.4.2 语音邮件的发送 (65)V.4.3 语音邮件的读取 (66)V.4.4 注意事项 (66)V.5 移动书签 (66)V.5.1 书签列表 (66)V.5.2 建立一个书签 (67)3V.5.2.1 书签的编辑 (67)V.5.2.2 书签的删除 (68)V.5.2.3 书签的移动 (68)V.5.3 书签组 (68)V.5.3.1 添加新组 (69)V.5.3.2 更改组名 (69)V.5.3.3 删除组 (69)V.5.4 书签发布 (69)V.5.5 书签导入 (70)V.6 网络存储 (71)V.6.1 新文件夹 (72)V.6.2 上载 (73)V.6.3 下载 (73)V.6.4 移动文件 (73)V.6.5 文件重命名 (74)V.6.6 查看文件 (74)V.6.7 删除文件 (74)V.6.8 文件共享 (74)V.6.9 客户端FTP的文件上传与下载 (75)V.6.10 网络存储作为主页空间的使用 (76)V.7 日历 (76)V.7.1 日历 (76)V.7.2 事件 (77)V.7.2.1 添加事件 (77)V.7.2.2 查看事件 (79)V.7.2.3 修改事件 (79)V.7.2.4 删除事件 (79)V.7.3 任务 (80)V.7.3.1 创建任务 (80)V.7.3.2 查看任务 (81)V.7.3.3 修改任务 (81)V.7.3.4 删除任务 (81)V.7.4 选项 (81)V.8 发送通知 (82)V.9 全局地址簿 (83)V.10 费用信息 (83)V.10.1 过期时间 (83)V.10.2 交费记录 (84)V.10.3 邮箱续费 (84)VI 邮件系统与网关的整合 (85)VII 退出 (85)4I登录本邮件系统具有高可靠性,高速度,高安全性和较强兼容性等优点,系统信息丰富并且易于操作。

四川大学邮件系统(教师版)客户端配置目录一、Foxmail设置 (2)二、Outlook设置 (4)三、Mac系统自带邮件客户端设置 (10)四、苹果手机自带邮件客户端设置 (16)五、安卓手机自带邮件客户端设置 (37)一、F oxmail设置1.新建账号安装好Foxmail客户端之后,双击打开,进入向导设置。
其中,IMAP 服务器端口:143,SMTP服务器端口:25可选择SSL加密连接,推荐选择SSL。
二.Outlook设置(以Microsoft Office Outlook 2007为例)1. 点击“工具”栏,选择“账户设置”,如下图红框所示:2.选择“电子邮件”标签栏,点击“新建”,如下图红框所示:3. 默认选择,点击“下一步”。
如下图所示:4.选择【手动设置或其他服务器类型】,点击“下一步”,如下图所示:5.选择【Internet电子邮件】并点击“下一步”,如图所示:A.【POP3】账户类型:接收邮件服务器和发送邮件服务器均填写,注意用户名填写完整的邮箱地址test@ ,再点击【其他设置】如图所示:点击【发送邮件服务器】,勾选【我的服务器(SMTP)要求验证】,【使用与接收服务器相同的设置】,如图所示:可以使用默认设置,接收邮件服务器端口号是110,发送服务器端口号是25,如图所示:也可选择SSL加密连接,推荐选择SSL。

2 补充材料(阅读)、补充材料(听力)、词汇练习(word game) 及视频赏析网上答题操作说明
• 如前所述进入课程首页后,点击首页上方课程资源(如图(1)所示),若选择授课讲义,即 可以看到教师上传的补充材料(阅读)和补充材料(听力)(图2),点击下载即可答题。若选 择补充学习资料,则进入resource center, 即可进行视频赏析和完成词汇练习(word game)(图3)
一、初始登陆 二、网络平台操作说明 三、注意事项
读写译 网络学习任务 (课前预习部分)
1课文结构与理解,quiz 网上答题操作说明
示例: a. 如图所示,登录后请选择班级
b. 然后在首页下方点击自己所注册的课程(注:该指南以新编大学 英语综合教程2为例)
c. 进入对应课程后,请选择所学单元(如图,以unit2为例)
d. 在unit 2目录中选择in-class reading,点击进入,再选择exercise, 即可以去完成课文结构与理解(即reading comprehension); 如在目录中 选择quiz, 即可以完成课后巩固练习的单元测试。
2 视听说课程(新视野视听说教程)网络任务 操作指南
视听说 网络学习任务
新视野大学英语视听说教 程 2(第二版)Further
listening 部分
听力专项练习 (听力 500 题)

向 License Key 添加服务
1. 选中要添加服务的 Licengned Services 按钮
Power by 数据中国大讲坛
Email: above@
3. 点击编辑按钮 4. 在 Assign or Unassign this License to the services 窗口,选中 Unassigned Services 栏中要添加的服务 5. 点击 Assign 按钮 6. 点击 OK 按钮
从 License Key 移除服务之前,请停止相关服务。 1. 从 Domain Navigator 中选中要移除服务的 License Key
2. 点击操作区上的 Assigned Services 按钮
3. 点击编辑按钮 4. 在 Assign or Unassign this License to the services 窗口,选中 Assigned Services 栏中要移除的服务
Power by 数据中国大讲坛
Email: above@
1 License Key 管理
1.1 如何替换新的 License Key
按照下列步骤替换新的 License Key: 1. 登录管理控制台 Administration Console 2. 停止相关服务 3. 从 License Key 移除服务 4. 导入新的 License Key 5. 向 License Key 添加服务 6. 启动相关服务
停止相关服务 停止 Integration Service 服务
1. 从 Domain Navigator 中选择 Integration Service 服务

Scholastic Oracle Cloud Supplier Portal User GuideTable of ContentsIntroduction to the Supplier Portal (3)What is the Supplier Portal? (3)Navigating the Supplier portal (3)Logging in (3)Homepage Navigation (4)Notifications (5)Overview Menu (6)Summary Tab (6)Orders Tab (7)Schedules (8)Negotiations Tab (9)Request for Quote (RFQ) (10)Receiving an Invite for a Negotiation (10)Viewing the RFQ (10)Creating a Response (12)Award Decision (18)Purchase Orders (PO) (20)PO Notification (20)Review PO Details (21)Acknowledge a PO (22)Enter/Revise a Promised Ship Date for a Schedule (24)Manage Schedules (26)Order Life Cycle (27)Invoices (29)Create and Submit an Invoice (29)Miscellaneous Charges (33)Create Invoice without PO (34)View Invoices (36)View Payments (37)Supplier Preferences (39)Introduction to the Supplier PortalWhat is the Supplier Portal?The Scholastic Supplier Portal is a secure, web-based workspace that provides our vendors with full visibility to Scholastic transactions, including request for quotations (RFQ), purchase orders, and invoices.The Supplier Portal plays a key role in Scholastic’s Or acle ERP transformation, as this tool helps improve communication with our suppliers by automating and streamlining the source-to settleprocess.Navigating the Supplier portalLogging inOnce your password has been set, click on the “Oracle Fusion Prod” icon to reach the Supplier Portal home page.Once your password has been set, log in on the home pageHomepage NavigationOn the home page, click on the Supplier Portal icon to open the “Overview” page.NotificationsAt the top right corner of the home page, a bell icon will display your pending notifications. This includes new purchase orders pending acknowledgement as well as invitations to a negotiation.Note: Clicking on the notification brings you to the PO or Negotiation in questionOverview MenuThe overview page provides a snapshot into Scholastic’s most recent transact ions as well as anything requiring attention.Summary TabWorklist: A list of all pending notifications sent to the current supplier user. These are the same notifications found in the bell at the top of the page. Please note that most notifications willalso be sent via email.Watch list: Contains a set of saved searches which display counts of urgent or recenttransactions, possibly requiring action, such as Orders Pending Acknowledgment. Clicking awatch list entry navigates direct to the screen so that user can begin working on the transactions immediately.Contains the header detail of our purchase orders. The header contains the PO issued date andthe total $ amount ordered. The item level detail, quantity, and ship-to locations can be foundin “Schedules”.Orders with Recent Activity: A list of orders that have been Opened, Changed, or Canceledwithin the last week. This date can be manually changed to display more or less orders. Indicates an orderhas been cancelledA purchase order “Schedule” contains the quantity, ship-to location, and promised ship date.An order with a ship date in the past is highlighted with an alert. Schedules must be kept up todate. The promised ship dates that you provide are visible for everyone at Scholastic.At the bottom, “Recent Receipts” will list all purchase order schedules received within the lastweek.Indicates a promisedship date is past dueNegotiations TabRequest for Quotation (RFQ) transactions that the supplier is involved in or is invited to by Scholastic. It provides a quick summary to easily monitor the status and responses.Request for Quote (RFQ)Receiving an Invite for a NegotiationThe Scholastic Sourcing group has the ability to invite vendors to bid on projects through theSupplier Portal. If your organization is invited to a negotiation, you will receive an email as well as a notification in the Supplier Portal.The email invitation will include a PDF overview of the project. There is also a link that will take you directly to the RFQ in the Supplier Portal.Viewing the RFQYou can view the RFQ by clicking on the link the email notification. Another option is to go to the Supplier Portal and navigate to the Negotiations tab. Click on the negotiation number inquestion.This will bring up the RFQ cover page with the time remaining to respond displayed. On the left hand side of the RFQ, you will see links to the different components of the RFQ.Click on the Overview link. This will bring up the Overview page, which has key dates tied to the RFQ. On the right hand side, you will find attachments to the RFQ. The attachment will have the requirements for the RFQ along with instructions, quantities, and any other relevant information.Click on the Lines link. This will bring up the line items tied to the RFQ. In some cases, due to complex requirements, there will be one placeholder line visible with the advanced requirements included in an attachment.Creating a ResponseWhen you decide to bid on an RFQ, you must first acknowledge that you will participate. You can do this from the Negotiations dashboard by scrolling to the “Open Invitations” section. Highlight the negotiation, and click on the Acknowledge Participation button.This will bring up the Acknowledge Participation popup. You can select Yes or No, and enter a comment to the Scholastic buyer.At this point, if you refresh the Negotiations dashboard, you will see YES listed in the ‘Will Participate’ column. You can create your response by highlighting the Negotiation and clicking on the Create Response button.Another way to create a response is to open the RFQ and click on the Create Response button on the upper right hand sideThis will bring up the response page. Enter the quote expiration date, an internal quote number if you have one, and any notes to the buyer. You can also attach any correspondence by clicking on the + sign next to Attachments.You can attach more than one file by clicking on the + sign.Once you attach a file, it will show up on the main screen. You can remove the attachment by clicking on the X next to the file name. Hit Save and then Next.This will bring you to the “Lines” screen. Enter unit costs for the lines along with a Promised Ship Date.For most negotiations, the Scholastic buyer will give the supplier an option to create your own line by clicking on the + sign under Create Alternate. This is especially useful if you want to incorporate a unique idea or proposal.On the Alternate Line screen, you are required to enter a description, response price, and response quantity. You can enter a note to the buyer and also attach files to the alternate line.After hitting Save and Close, the alternate line will be added to the RFQ response.Hit Save and Next. This will bring you to the Review screen, where you can view the response as a whole. There are tabs for the Overview and Lines. When you are ready to submit the response to Scholastic, hit Submit.You will receive confirmation that the response was submitted.Award DecisionAfter the Scholastic buyer receives all bids, they will award either the whole job, or part of the job.If you are selected, you will receive an email notification as well as an Oracle notification confirming which lines of the negation were awarded to you. If you are not selected, it’s up to the Scholastic buyer if they want to inform the suppliers systematically that were not selected. You would receive a similar alert, but t he awarded lines amount will be “0”.Clicking on the notification will bring up the award decision. In the screenshot below, one line was awarded.Here is a screenshot of an award decision where nothing was awarded:Another way to view the outcome of the RFQ is to go to the Negotiations home screen. Scroll down to Completed Negotiations. The little green circle with a check mark indicates that the bid was awarded, while the note “No award” in the amount signifies that your bid was not accepted.Purchase Orders (PO)PO NotificationWhen a Scholastic purchase order is issued, you will receive an email notification with a PDFattachmentIf an acknowledgment is required, the email subject will include “Requires Acknowledgment”. A notification alert will also be displayed at the top of Supplier Portal to note an action is required.When a “R evised” PO is received, the email subject will include the “Revision #”Review PO DetailsOpen the attachment in the email to view a PDF of the purchase order. Additionally, on the “Orders” overview tab in the Supplier Portal, all recent PO’s will be listed under “Opened”. You will have the option of viewing a PDF, opening the order for acknowledgment, as well as updating the order with a confirmed promised ship date.Acknowledge a POSome Scholastic POs will require a supplier acknowledgment within the Portal. The PO will not be considered “open” until the Supplier completes the acknowledgment process. If a PO requires acknowl edgment, the email subject will note “Requires Acknowledgement”. You can acknowledge the PO from the link in the email or log into the supplier portal and click on the “Pending Acknowledgment” link in the Watch list.Note: A notification alert will pop-up as well as a task in the “Work list”. While both of these serve as links to the PO, it is suggested to acknowledge an order by using the link in the “Watch List”, as this method is most efficient.A “Manage Orders” screen will be displayed with all orders pending acknowledgement. Click on an order #.The PO header and details will be displayed. At the top right of the screen, select the “Acknowledge PO” button.You may need to acknowledge both the order (under “Terms”) and each Schedule line. You are given the option to “Accept” or “Reject”. Please only “Accept” the PO using this process. If there is something wrong with the order, please reach out to your Scholastic buyer via email or phone.In the top right hand corner, hit “Submit”Then hit “OK” and “Done” to close out of the order.The acknowledgment has been sent back to Scholastic and the order status is now “Open”.Enter/Revise a Promised Ship Date for a ScheduleOn every order, we send a “Requested Ship Date”. We expect that every supplier will respond with a “Promised Ship Date” confirming when you can ship. These dates are loaded into the Scholastic system for reporting purposes, so it’s i mportant that they are populated for every order and kept up to date.From the “Orders” or “Schedules” tab, select an order to edit:This brings you to the PO screen. The top part contains the PO header information with your supplier information. The “Lines” and Schedules” tabs at the bottom contain the PO detail.In the previous screenshot, the requested ship date is 4/26/18. However, the promised ship date is blank. In order to enter a new promised ship date or revise an existing promised ship date, click the “Actions” button on the top right of the screen and select “Edit”.A warning message pops up to confirm that any action will create a change order. Click “Yes”.In the “Schedules” tab, enter a new promised ship date and a change reason if applicable.Enter a description of the change order you made at the top o f the PO and then hit “Submit”.Note: Hitting “Save” will save your work, but will not send the updated date back to Scholastic. You must select “Submit”.After hitting “submit”, a popup message confirms that your changes have been sent to Scholastic. We will reach out to you with any questions.Manage SchedulesTo search and view all orders and schedules, select the task button while in the Overview screen in the supplier portalIt opens up a tab on the right side with a number of options. Under “Orders”, select “Manage Schedules”.The Manage Orders screen allows you to search all PO Schedules, open or closed. The default search is “All”, but you can search using a number of parameters, as well as setup custom searches. You can also easily tell which schedules don’t have a “Promised Ship Date” by sorting the field. In fact, all of the fields are sortable.Order Life CycleWhen you select a PO to view or edit, the “Order Life Cycle” graph can be found on the top right of the screen. It is a graphical view of the dollar amount ordered, received, delivered, and invoiced. Select “View Details” for additional information.The Order Life Cycle now displays a complete order summary including in-transit shipment information (pulled in from our OTM module), receipt dates, and invoice status.InvoicesCreate and Submit an InvoiceThe Scholastic Supplier Portal allows you to submit invoices directly to Scholastic. Processing your invoices through the supplier portal will increase the speed that your payment isprocessed. In the task list, select “Create Invoice”.In the “Create Invoice” section, s elect an order from the “Identifying PO” drop down list. This will populate most of the fields. Then enter y our internal “Invoice Number” and today’s date.In the “Items” section, hit the “Select and add” button to choose the PO lines you’d like to add to the invoice.Select the line(s) and hit “Apply”.Then hit “OK”. The item(s) has been added to the invoice.In the quantity field, enter the shipped quantity.Note: This version of Oracle Cloud does not allow overage to be invoiced. Theinvoiced quantity cannot exceed the order quantity. We are working with Oracle to correct this in a future release. For now, please work with the buyer to revise the PO when the shipped quantity exceeds the ordered amount, or add the overage amount as a miscellaneous cost under “Shipping and Handling” at the bottom of the invoice.In the Location of Final Discharge, enter the tax Province to capture the correct tax code.Once all the line items have been added to the Invoice, click on the Calculate Tax Button. Your taxes should now be calculated on the Invoice.Note: if you calculate tax after only one line item is picked, it will not work on anysubsequent line items.Miscellaneous ChargesHit the “Add” button under “Shipping and Handling” and select “Miscellaneous”. Enter an amount and descriptionNote: Freight is not a viable option as all of our shipments should route through the Scholastic Logistics group via the OTM system.Hit “Submit” to send the invoice to ScholasticA pop-up message will confirm that the invoice has been submittedCreate Invoice without POFor services completed where a Scholastic PO wasn’t issued, please submit an invoice using the “Create Invoice without PO”.On the invoice header, enter your invoice number, today’s date, and attach any pertinent documents. You must also enter the email address of the buyer at Scholastic who will receive and approve the invoice.Must be TODAYS DATEFor the invoice details, hit the + icon to add a line. Select a ship to and Location of Final Discharge, enter an amount and a description of the services provided.To add taxes, hit the “Calculate Tax” button.Note: Location of Final Discharge much be populated in order to calculate taxes on the invoice.Add miscellaneous charges at the bottom under “Shipping and Handling”.Hit “Submit” at the top of the screen and you’ll receive a confirmation message that your invoice has been submitted.To search for all submitted invoices, o n the Task Menu, select “View Invoices”Select your “Supplier” name, and hit search. You can use the fields to narrow your search as well as create custom searches. You can see the Invoice Status, as well as a Payment Number to confirm that a payment has been made against your invoice. Please note that all of these columns can be sorted.To search for invoice payment status, on the Task Menu, select “View Payments”Select your “Supplier” name, and hit search. You can use the fields to narrow your search as well as create custom searches. You can also see the payment status to confirm that a payment has been made. Select a “Payment Number” to see the complete detai ls of the payment.Complete payment detail will be displayedSupplier PreferencesOn the home page, select “Set Preferences”Select “Regional” in the General Preferences list to review the option to update your date and time format, preferred number format, primary currency, and time zone.Select “Save and Close” when finished.Select “Language” to change the primary language of the website. The default is “American English”。


图 1 学习大厅登录界面l学生用户名为本人学号(普本同学为8位数字,无字母及其他字符;金审同学为js后面加7位数字,格式如:js1234567,所有同学初始密码均为111111);点击“学习大厅功能简介学习大厅有2大功能栏:顶部菜单栏与底部信息栏。
如图1、图2图 1 顶部菜单栏图 2 底部信息栏菜单栏菜单栏包括了各系统模块的快捷按钮,包括切换班级、退出系统等功能。
如图3图 3 个人信息修改页面修改个人信息后,点击“图 5 学习测试菜单“教学辅助”菜单:包括系统各辅助教学模块,如约课、作业、提问等。

网络与计算中心上机上网用户手册2006年9月目录1.校园网用户上机上网须知 (2)2.申请开设校园网账户及邮箱流程(教职工) (4)3.使用校园网资源交费流程(教职工) (5)4.新生开设校园网账户流程 (6)5.学生上机及上网交费流程 (7)6.学生上课机时加费流程 (8)7.学生上机口令修改流程 (9)8.学生宿舍初次上网设置方法及须知 (10)9.学生宿舍访问国外网站的方法 (13)10.网络故障报修及处理流程 (14)11.学校邮箱的设置及使用方法 (15)12.视频点播VOD的使用方法 (16)附,网络常见问题解答 (17)校园网用户上机上网须知为了加强校园网用户的管理,保障学校资源得到充分及合理的利用,网络与计算中心自2001年以来,引进了北京大学开发的“校园网目录管理系统”,该系统的投入使用有效地实施了对校园网用户的管理,并方便了用户,确保每一位用户只需一个账户和密码,即可获得校园网所有相关的服务。
凡开设校园网账户的用户,可以享受以下服务:(1)使用机房机器上课;(2)使用机房机器自由上机上网;(3)浏览国内网站;(4)浏览国际网站;(5)使用学校电子邮箱收发邮件;(6)校外访问校内校园网资源等3. 收费政策(1)使用机房机器上课及自由上机、上网机时费:1.8元/小时,包括:国内及国际上网费【注】开始上课前网络与计算中心根据教务处课程及课时安排,折算成机时费,加入学生账户。
Poly 远程监控和管理系统说明书

MAXIMIZE UPTIME, OPTIMIZE RESOURCES BENEFITS• Higher reliability, uptime, and security for mission critical, customer-owned Poly endpoints installed on-premises• Decreased demand on your internal IT resources, resulting in lower total cost of ownership (TCO)• Proactive notification and remediation through actively polled managed endpoints to determine their health, and pre-defined alarm thresholds for the passive monitoring of each managed endpoint• Advanced and intuitive reporting capability to quantify returnon investment• Higher level of service with delivery of measurable service level objectives (SLOs)• Flexibility to scale your collaboration investments to meet changing business requirements POLY REMOTE MONITORING AND MANAGEMENTFOR ENDPOINTS ESSENTIALS, SERVICEIt’s clear that collaboration solutions are mission critical to your success. That’s why it’s imperative to maximize system uptime, but not at the expense of your IT resources. With remote monitoring and management of your Poly video investments, yourIT team has access to resources with technology, interoperability, and networking expertise. Using an innovative, industry-leading platform that’s built to monitor your solution around the clock, you’ll save the expense of developing and investing in these resources internally.INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING CORE ACTIVITIES:• Onboarding• Remote monitoring and management of managed endpoints on an ongoing, global, 24x7 basis • Event, incident, problem, change, and configuration management• 24x7 access to the service deskDATA SHEET_REMOTE MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT FOR ENDPOINTS, ESSENTIALS SERVICE©2019 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Poly and the propeller design are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 9.19 461834SERVICE OVERVIEWPoly Remote Monitoring and Management for Endpoints, Essentials Service lets Poly remotely monitor and manage the performance of your immersive telepresence, video endpoints, or any Poly system using these products as a base codec. We provide predictable system reliability, high availability, and security for all aspects of your endpoints; greater flexibility to scale your collaboration investments to meet changing business requirements. Robust reporting to oversee management activities and make IT decisions.REMOTE MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT FOR ENDPOINTS, ESSENTIALS SERVICE PROVIDES:• An assigned project manager and release engineer for the onboarding project • Active and passive monitoring of managed infrastructure to ensure proactive remediation, with the goal of maintaining and increasing overall service availability, ensuring that the service is fully operational • Expert event management as a first-level response to a potential service operation issue, providing Poly with the ability to detect, interpret, and initiate appropriate actions to ensure and support service stability • Purpose-built tools and processes for problem identification, resolution, and reporting, resulting in >60% of issues proactively identified, >95% resolved remotely, and >99% uptime • Incident management to maintain and restore service functionality in a timely fashion • Change management, performed remotely, to resolve an incident or to return the managed infrastructure to its optimal performance level • ISO 27001 security and ITIL compliance OPTIONAL BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP MANAGER For customers with critical business requirements for their managed endpoints and need for a senior consultant to guide them in all aspects of Poly’s Managed Services relationship, we highly recommend the addition of a Business Relationship Manager (BRM). As your primary interface with Poly, the BRM provides service and utilization reports, and directs all applicable Poly resources to ensure efficient production environments for the managed endpoints.In addition to Remote Monitoring and Management for Endpoints, Essentials Service, Poly offers Remote Monitoring and Management for Infrastructure Service for customer-owned Poly Unified Communication and Collaboration (UC&C) infrastructure installed on-premises or in a customer’s data center with 24x7 technical support.BOTTOM LINE Poly Remote Monitoring and Management for Endpoints, Essentials Service significantly reduces the demand on your IT resources, making it the ideal solution to keep your internal teams nimble and focused on the core business.*Please note that prior to commencement of the Remote Monitoring and Management for Endpoints, Essentials Service, all devices on the customer’s premises must be covered under the Advantage service or Immersive Care service support program, coterminous with the term of the Manage Services contract or beyond the term of the Managed Services contract. All managed devices must be updated to Poly-supported versions within two major releases of the latest Poly generally available release.For more information regarding Poly services, please contact your authorized Poly representative.DATA SHEET_REMOTE MONITORING ANDMANAGEMENT FOR ENDPOINTS, ESSENTIALS SERVICE。
Singtel MyConnect 端用户指南说明书

MyConnect PortalUser GuideVersion 1.11.0 | March 2023Copyright © 2023 Singapore Telecommunications Ltd (CRN:199201624D). All rights reserved. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. Singapore Telecommunications LimitedTable of ContentsChapter 1: Overview (3)1.1What is MyConnect Portal (3)1.2 Overview of Features (3)1.3MyConnect Portal Login Access (4)Chapter 2: User Profile (6)2.1My Profile (6)2.2My Security (7)Singapore Telecommunications LimitedChapter 1: Overview1.1What is MyConnect PortalMyConnect Portal allows you to manage your enterprise network performance and security with confidence.1.2 Overview of FeaturesFeatures available on MyConnect Portal include:•Access to available products such as SD-WAN, SD-Connect, ConnectPlus IPVPN and Global Internet services, SingNet, Meg@POP, IP Transit (STiX) and MetroEthernet via servicesummary page•View product details via service inventory page•View circuit details and performance metrics•Incident creation and managementSingapore Telecommunications LimitedSingapore Telecommunications Limited 1.3 MyConnect Portal Login AccessOn your web browser, enter MyConnect Portal URL: https:///login.Login PageLogin with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)• Enter your username and password and click “Login ” button.• For first-time users, you will be prompted to set your login password when you click on thehyperlink in the activation email sent by Singtel upon account creation.Mobile App OTP• Select SMS OTP or Mobile App OTP depending on your preferred method (Please note that2FA is mandatory). If you’re residing outside of Singapore, you can select email OTP verification option.• For Mobile App OTP, enter your one-time password from your mobile authenticator app. • For SMS OTP and Email OTP, click on the link in blue to retrieve your one-time password viaSMS or email based on your selection.• For first-time users, you will be given access via Mobile App OTP (Please refer to Chapter 2 –User Management - Section 2.2 My Security , to learn more about Two-Factor Authentication OTP setup).Singapore Telecommunications LimitedSMS OTPClick “Submit” button to continue.Reset Password• To reset your password, click “Forget Password?” • Enter the email address of your locked account. • Fill in the form accordingly and click “Submit ”.• An email would be sent to the registered email address with a hyperlink that can be used toreset the password.• You will be asked to set the new password For more information, please refer to FAQ .Note for Admin: If the security question’s answers are lost, the admin can reset that by selecting theuser’s name in User Management and clicking “Reset Security Answer ” button:Lost Device• Click on “Lost Device ” link.• Enter your recovery answers and click “Submit ”.• Once your answers are successfully verified, an email would be sent to the registered emailaddress with a hyperlink to register a new device or reset your OTP settings.Singapore Telecommunications Limited Terms & ConditionsNote: For first time users, you will be directed to Terms & Conditions acceptance page upon successful 2FA login. Please read and accept our Terms of Use to proceed to access the portal.Chapter 2: User Profile2.1 My ProfileOn menu, click on user icon and select “User Profile ” to view or update your profile.You can edit the following information of your profile• Title• First and last name • Email address• Alternate email address • Office and mobile number•Attachment Password (Note: This password will be used to open your email attachments)Singapore Telecommunications Limited Click “Update ” button to save your details.2.2 My SecurityOn menu, click “My Security ” Tab from My Account page.You can do the following actions:• Change password.• Setup or manage your Two-Factor Authentication. Change PasswordAll fields (marked with asterisk) are required:• Current password • New password • Confirm PasswordSingapore Telecommunications Limited Click “Save Changes ” button to update your password.Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)My Security Page – View for users who have enabled their Two-Factor AuthenticationIf you have already enabled the OTP Verification, click “Configure OTP ” button to configure the OTPsettings.Singapore Telecommunications LimitedMy Security Page – View for first-time usersFor first-time users, “Enable OTP login ” button will be displayed. Click to set up your Two-Factor Authentication (see section Two-Factor Authentication – OTP Setup to set up the OTP).Singapore Telecommunications Limited Two-Factor Authentication – OTP SettingsIn the OTP Settings page, you can do the following options• Update your recovery questions and answers. • Reset your OTP via the “Reset OTP ” button. • Disable any one of the OTP methods. • Change password.If you have not verify your mobile number, click the “Verify ” button:Singapore Telecommunications Limited• Click on the link in red to retrieve your one-time password (OTP) and enter the OTP receivedfrom SMS/Mobile App/Email based your mode of OTP selection. You may choose to set it as your default OTP method.• Click “Verify ” button to continue.Once verified, click “OTP Settings” button to navigate back to OTP Settings page.Two-Factor Authentication – Reset OTPOn OTP Settings page, click “Reset OTP” button.•Select the method that you wish to reset your OTP.•Enter your OTP from your mobile authenticator app or mobile SMS.•For users residing outside of Singapore and has selected email OTP as their default 2FA mode, you can enter your OTP received from your email.•Click “Yes, continue” button to confirm.Click “OK” button to navigate to OTP Setup page.Singapore Telecommunications LimitedSingapore Telecommunications LimitedTwo-Factor Authentication – OTP Setup (For Reset OTP and First-Time Users)• Select Mobile SMS OTP or Mobile App OTP Tab.• For Mobile App OTP, enter your OTP generated from the mobile authenticator app. • For Mobile SMS OTP, click on the link and enter your OTP received from your mobile. • Click “Verify ” button to proceed to the next step.• Once verified, you can proceed to step 2.Singapore Telecommunications LimitedFor users who are residing outside of Singapore, you can select “Email OTP ” as your mode of OTP.• Click on the link available, a verification code will be sent to your email address. • Enter the OTP received from your email.• To proceed to the next step, click “Verify ” button.Once verified, you can proceed to step 2.Select your questions and enter your answers accordingly. Click “Save” button to save your details.Click “OK” button to complete the OTP setup.Singapore Telecommunications LimitedSingapore Telecommunications LimitedTwo-Factor Authentication – Disable OTPOn OTP Settings page, select any one of the OTP methods and click “Disable ” button.• Select the OTP method that you wish to disable your OTP.• For Mobile App OTP, enter your OTP generated from the mobile authenticator app.• For Mobile SMS OTP and Email OTP, click on the link and enter your OTP received via SMSor email based on your selection.• Click “Yes, continue ” button to confirm.。
Polycom RealAccess用户指南说明书

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS1.4|November 2015 |3725-71943-001C1 Polycom® RealAccess™Copyright© 2015, Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, translated into another language or format, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Polycom, Inc.6001 America Center DriveSan Jose, CA 95002USATrademarks Polycom®, the Polycom logo and the names and marks associated with Polycom products are trademarks and/or service marks of Polycom, Inc. and are registered and/or common law marks in the United States and various other countries.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. No portion hereof may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, for any purpose other than the recipient's personal use, without the express written permission of Polycom.Disclaimer While Polycom uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up-to-date information in this document, Polycom makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy. Polycom assumes no liability or responsibility for any typographical or other errors or omissions in the content of this document.Limitation of Liability Polycom and/or its respective suppliers make no representations about the suitability of the information contained in this document for any purpose. Information is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The entire risk arising out of its use remains with the recipient. In no event shall Polycom and/or its respective suppliers be liable for any direct, consequential, incidental, special, punitive or other damages whatsoever (including without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, or loss of business information), even if Polycom has been advised of the possibility of such damages.End User License Agreement By installing, copying, or otherwise using this product, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement for this product. The EULA for this product is available on the Polycom Support page for the product.Patent Information The accompanying product may be protected by one or more U.S. and foreign patents and/or pending patent applications held by Polycom, Inc.Open Source Software Used in this Product This product may contain open source software. You may receive the open source software from Polycom up to three (3) years after the distribution date of the applicable product or software at a charge not greater than the cost to Polycom of shipping or distributing the software to you. To receive software information, as well as the open source software code used in this product, contact Polycom by email at***************************.Customer Feedback We are striving to improve our documentation quality and we appreciate your feedback. Email your opinions and comments to *********************************.Polycom Support Visit the Polycom Support Center for End User License Agreements, software downloads, product documents, product licenses, troubleshooting tips, service requests, and more.Polycom ® RealAccess™ Frequently Asked Questions Refer to these frequently asked questions while troubleshooting the Polycom® RealAccess™ service delivery platform.What are the virtual machine requirements to deploy RealAccess?You can find this information under Server Requirements in the latest Polycom RealAccess Release Notes .What are the firewall rules for RealAccess?You can find this information under Firewall Rules Checklist in the Polycom RealAccess Getting Started Guide .How is my data stored and who can see it?Data storage and other security concerns are addressed in the Polycom RealAccess Security White Paper . How long does it take to onboard and begin using RealAccess?If firewall rules are in place, the process should take around a week.What if the RealAccess agent is unable to establish a VPN tunnel?Check the Firewall Rules Checklist in the Polycom RealAccess Getting Started Guide to make sure that the relevant ports on your firewall are open.What if the agent is unable to reach the Polycom RealPresence ® DMA ® and Polycom ® RealPresence ® Resource Manager systems?Using the ping utility from the RealPresence DMA and RealPresence Resource Manager systems, ping the agent IP address. If the ICMP is disabled on the customer network, do a trace route instead.If you are successful with a ping or trace route, check that TCP port 8443 and TCP port 2341 arebidirectional between the agent’s IP address and the RealPresence DMA and RealPresence Resource Manager systems.Troubleshooting: No Priority One ticketsRealAccess is not a service that affects components, so no support ticket should be designated asPriority One.What if the agent reaches the RealPresence DMA and RealPresence Resource Manager systems, but there is no data displayed on the portal?If no data displays on the Utilization, Performance, or Capacity pages, do the following with the RealPresence DMA system:1Make sure that the user credentials created for RealAccess have at least auditor privileges.2Using a REST client and RealAccess credentials, run the following API command on the RealPresence DMA system and see if it works: https://DMAIPAddress:8443/api/rest/billing(Note: The CDRs are pulled every five minutes.)If no data displays on the Assets page, do the following with the RealPresence Resource Manager system: 1Make sure that the user credentials created for RealAccess have at least auditor privileges.2Using a REST client and RealAccess credentials, run the following API command on the RealPresence Resource Manager and see if it works:https://RPRMIPAddress:8443/api/rest/devices/export-inventory(Note: The inventory is pulled every 24 hours.)What if everything is properly configured, but data still does not display on the portal?If your agent and RealPresence Platform products appear to be properly configured, check your entitlement information on the RealAccess About page.Separate subscriptions are required for RealAccess Platform Access and RealAccess Service Analytics, as shown in the following figure.Entitlement information on the RealAccess About pageIf your subscription is active and you are still having connectivity issues, contact your Polycom Representative.How do I log in to RealAccess?Log in at . You will receive a link to verify your email address and can then enter your login information.●Active Directory Check the Active Directory SAML file provided by the customer and escalate toengineering support.●Non-Active Directory RealAccess is a self-service sign-in platform. Using a valid email addressfrom your domain, you sign up as a first-time user and receive login credentials through aconfirmation email.How much bandwidth is needed for RealAccess?Bandwidth usage is minimal. CDRs generated by your RealPresence DMA system are pulled every five minutes, and the inventory from the RealPresence Resource Manager system is pulled once a day.Can the number of registered users be limited?No, each user with a valid domain can create a RealAccess account using an email address.Does the agent ever need to update?Any OS patches, updates, and hotfixes for the agent are pushed through the tunnel already established between the agent and the portal. This happens in the background during the maintenance window, and service is unaffected.Can penetration testing be performed on the agent?Penetration testing on the agent is done on a case-by-case basis. Contact your Polycom Representative for more information.What if the IP address or the network configuration that I am running the RealAccess agent on changes?Go to the agent page on the RealAccess portal and submit a request for new instance files (.OVA or .VHD, depending on your deployment). When you receive the files, implement the new .OVA or .VHD delivery. What if the RealPresence DMA or RealPresence Resource Manager IP address or login credentials change?Go to the agent page on the RealAccess portal and update all configuration information. Then click New Jobs.。

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Handling with Calendar ...................................................................................................................20
Request a Meeting ...................................................................................................................................................... 20 Scheduling Assistant .................................................................................................................................................... 21 Sharing a Calendar....................................................................................................................................................... 22
Password Management .................................................................................................................... 3
Change Password .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Password reset information .......................................................................................................................................... 3 Forgot your password ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Email Messaging............................................................................................................................... 6
Compose and Send an email ......................................................................................................................................... 6 Send an email with an attachment ............................................................................................................................... 6 Reply to an email ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 Reply all to an email ...................................................................................................................................................... 9 Forward an email......................................................................................................................................................... 10
PolyU Connect Email User Guide
Version 1.0 Last Update: 31st March, 2011
PolyU Connect: .hk/connect ITS HelpCenter Support: .hk/HOTS ITS Help Center Support Hotline:
Login to PolyU Connect Email
1. Go to .hk/connect and click the login button. 2. Enter your email address (NetID@connect.polyu.hk) as Windows Live ID and password and click Sign in.
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PolyU Connect Email User Guide Contents PolyU Connect Email Service............................................................................................................. 2
PolyU Connect Email User Guide
PolyU Connect Email Service
With PolyU Connect Email, you can email on Web and on your mobile phone. As a PolyU Connect user, you can use this free mail service to communicate with your classmates, students & friends and benefit from having: Full access to your email from the Web using Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox browsers (not fully support with Google Chrome) Support for all versions of Outlook client Mailbox with size 10GB capacity Access to your own address book or one that you create, as well the ability to create new distribution lists Viewing the real-time availability of your contacts and make chatting with them online Calendar sharing and contact availability views for scheduling meetings Access to your email from your mobile device when you’re not online using a PC
Login to PolyU Connect Email ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Controlling Your Messages ..............................................................................................................11
Handling with Inbox Rules ........................................................................................................................................... 11 Automatic Replies ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 16 Reading Receipts ......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Language settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 18 Integrate your mobile phone to PolyU Connect Email................................................................................................ 19