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Chapter 1 Daily Negotiation

Chapter 2 Sometimes it’s fast and easy

Chapter 3 Playing Fair



L did my best for my clients, but l never screwed a contractor to gain my client an unfair advantage, and that earned me a reputation for being fair.

*2. Remember there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Everything has a price and somebody pays for it.


3. 万一出问题,你交不出货,我们可能就赶不上圣诞节铺货了。如果你能快个两到三个星期交货,他们可能就会选你。

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 4. Make all the prices subject to confirmation, so you can’t be held to them.每个数值都要去确认,免得别人挑你毛病。

Chapter 4 Honesty is the Best Policy

1. 我觉得如果要靠贿赂,才能把产品卖出去,那么这个产品就有问题。我不希望推荐某个产品,然后再为不好的产品辩解。

L feel if a man needs bribes to sell his product, It can’t be very good, and l don’t want to defend a poor product purchased at my recommendation

2. 言归正传,我需要中程喇叭,你上次骗我买的那种。

___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3.I have missed your sense of humor. Nobody else sees things quite like you do. it’s your gift.


4. Having a reputation for honesty is important in doing business and following the advice above will go a long way, but that’s not everything.



Chapter 5 Motivation

1. It’s no secret that it’s easier dealing with the highly motivated than someone who doesn’t care.


2. 而这里的重点就是:若对方意兴阑珊,不想和你做生意,你就得激发他们的意愿。

So the message here is that if the other side isn’t that interested in doing business, then you have to inspire them

3. 你能否传真一份电脑的估计单,跟额外服务的项目清单给我吗?___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

4. We tested the units from several companies and yours had the best overall performance, but frankly because of the price I was told to make a deal with Brooks. Their price is more reasonable.


1. 这些不愿意谈交易的人把时间花在讨论除了交易之外的事情,他会告诉你,他提供的条件已经很棒,所以你不接受的话,就是个傻瓜。The non-dealer spends his time talking about everything except the deal, or why his offer is already so good you’d be a fool not to accept it.

2. The strategy is to wear you down to the point you just give up and agree to his term, and it works.


*3. 要打败这种人的唯一方式就是“以其人之道,还治其人之身”。The only way to beat a non-dealer is to use his own game against him.

4. We studied the issue and determined the old value was far less than fair. The new value is much more realistic.

