


above par 高于票面值

absolute advantage 绝对优势

acceptance (l)承兑;承兑票据,(2)承诺acceptance of bill of exchange 汇票承兑;票据承兑acceptor 承兑人

accident insurance 意外保险

account (1)帐;账户,(2)科目,(3)客帐account payable 应付帐款

account payee only 只限存入抬头人账户;只可转帐account receivable 应收帐款

accountant 会计人员;会计主任;会计师

accumulated dividend 累积股息

acid-test ratio 酸性测验比率

active partner 参与经管合伙人;活跃合伙人ad hoc committee 临时委员会;专责委员会administration 行政

advertising 广告

advertising agency 广告公司;广告代理商advertising appeal 广告诉求

advertising media 广告媒介

advice note 交货通知书

agent 代理人

aids to trade 贸易辅助服务

air freight 航空货运费

air transport 航空运输

air waybill 空运提货单;空运提单

All Ordinaries Index 所有普通股指数

allocate 分配

allotment 分配数

allowance (l)折让,(2)津贴

amalgamation 合并

American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, The 香港美国商会annual general meeting 周年大会;年会

annual report 年报

ante-dated cheque 倒填日期的支票

arbitrator 仲裁人

Articles of Association 组织章程

Asian Development Bank (ADB) 亚洲发展银行

asset 资产

association 社团

at par 按票面值

auction 拍卖

authorized capital 注册股本;法定股本auto-pay 自动转帐支付

automatic credit transfer 自动转帐收款automatic teller machine 自动柜员机average clause 受保范围;损失条款avoidable risk 可避免之风险

financial institution 财务机构;金融机构financial market 金融市场;财务市场financial statement 财务报表

financial year 财政年度;会计年度finished goods 制成品

fire insurance 火险

firm 商号;商行;企业

fixed asset 固定资产

fixed capital 固定资本

fixed deposit account 定期存款账户fixed liability 固定负债

floating debenture 浮动抵押公司债券foreign corporation 外国公司

foreign exchange 外汇

foreign exchange control 外汇管制foreign exchange rate 汇率

foreign trade 对外贸易;国际贸易forfeited share 没收股份

founders' share 创办人股本;发起人股本franchise 营业特权;专利权franchisee 特许权使用人

franchisor 特许权拥有人

franking machine 邮戳机

free alongside ship (FAS) 船边交货价

free currency 自由货币

free on board (FOB) 船上交货价;离岸价

free port 自由港

free trade 自由贸易

freight 运费

fringe benefit 额外利益;附带福利

full liability 全部责任

fund (1)基金,(2)资金

futures contract 期货合约

futures deals 期货交易

futures market 期货市场

futures price 期货价格


gearing ratio 资本与负债的比率;资本借贷比率

general average 共同海损general partner 普通合伙人general partnership 普通合伙

gilt-edged security 金边证券goods 货品

goodwill 商誉

grading 等级

gross loss 毛损

gross margin 毛利

gross profit 毛利

quick asset 速动资产

quick ratio 速动比率

quiet possession 不受干扰享用权quota 配额

quotation 报价单


rail transport 铁路运输

rate of return 报酬率;收益率;盈利率;回报率rate of stockturn 存货周转率

rate of turnover 周转率

re-export 转口;转口货

receipt (1)收据,(2)收入

recorded delivery 记录派递

red chips 红筹股

redeemable preference share 可赎回优先股redemption 偿还;赎回

refund 退款;退现

registered capital 注册股本;法定股本Registrar of Companies 公司注册官registration of companies 公司注册

reinsurance 再保险;分保

remittance 汇款

remittance advice note 汇款通知书

rendu 卖方负责运费之报价

repossession 收回已出售之货品

requisition 请求单

reserve 公积金;储备

resource 资源

restricted license bank 有限制持牌银行

retail banking 零售性银行业务

retail cooperative society 零售合作社

retail price 零售价

retail trade 零售业;零售贸易

retailer 零售商

retained earnings 滚存盈余;保留盈余;营业盈余

return on investment 投资报酬率;投资回报率revenue reserve 收益储备;保留盈余

revocable letter of credit 可撤销信用证

rights issue 股权发行;供股

risk pooling 分担风险;风险汇合;风险汇聚

risk transfer 风险转移

road transport 道路运输

royalty (1)特权,(2)使用税;版税;专利税S

safe deposit box 保管箱

salary 薪金

Sale of Goods Ordinance 售卖货品条例

借记单debit note

更正发票corrected invoice

合并发票consolidated invoice

预付发票prepayment invoice

租用发票hire invoice

税务发票tax invoice

自用发票self-billed invoice

保兑发票delcredere invoice

代理发票factored invoice

租赁发票lease invoice

寄售发票consignment invoice

代理贷记单factored credit note

银行转账指示instructions for bank transfer

银行汇票申请书application for banker's draft

托收支付通知书collection payment advice

跟单信用证支付通知书document.ry credit payment advice 跟单信用证承兑通知书document.ry credit acceptance advice 跟单信用证议付通知书document.ry credit negotiation advice

银行担保申请书application for banker's guarantee

银行担保banker's guarantee

跟单信用证赔偿单document.ry credit letter of indemnity 信用证预先通知书preadvice of a credit

托收单collection order

单证提交单document.presentation form

付款单payment order

扩展付款单extended payment order

多重付款单multiple payment order

贷记通知书credit advice

扩展贷记通知书extended credit advice

借记通知书debit advice

借记撤消reversal of debit

贷记撤消reversal of credit

跟单信用证申请书document.ry credit application

跟单信用证document.ry credit

跟单信用证通知书document.ry credit notification

跟单信用证转让通知document.ry credit transfer advice

跟单信用证更改通知书document.ry credit amendment notification 跟单信用证更改单document.ry credit amendment

汇款通知remittance advice

保险人发票insurer's invoice

承保单cover note

货运说明forwarding instructions

货运代理给进口代理的通知forwarder's advice to import agent

货运代理给出口商的通知forwarder's advice to exporter

货运代理发票forwarder's invoice

货运代理收据证明forwarder's certificate of receipt

托运单shipping note

货运代理人仓库收据forwarder's warehouse receipt

货物收据goods receipt

港口费用单port charges document.

入库单warehouse warrant

提货单delivery order

装卸单handling order

通行证gate pass


通用(多用)运输单证universal (multipurpose) transport document.承运人货物收据goods receipt, carriage

全程运单house waybill

主提单master bill of lading

提单bill of lading

正本提单bill of lading original

副本提单bill of lading copy

空集装箱提单empty container bill

油轮提单tanker bill of lading

海运单sea waybill

内河提单inland waterway bill of lading

不可转让的海运单证(通用) non-negotiable maritime transport document.nbsp (generic)

大副据mate's receipt

全程提单house bill of lading

无提单提货保函letter of indemnity for non-surrender of bill of lading 货运代理人提单forwarder's bill of lading

铁路托运单(通用条款) rail consignment note (generic term)

陆运单road list-SMGS

押运正式确认escort official recognition

分段计费单证recharging document.公路托运单road consignment note

空运单air waybill

主空运单master air waybill

分空运单substitute air waybill

国人员物品申报crew's effects declaration 乘客名单passenger list


A.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险 A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号 A/C = Account 账号 AC. = Acceptance 承兑 acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺 a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户 ackmt = acknowledgement 承认,收条[/color] a/d = after date 出票后限期付款(票据) ad.advt. = advertisement 广告 adv. = advice 通知(书) ad val. = Ad valorem(according to value) 从价税 A.F. B. = Air Freight Bill 航空提单 Agt. = Agent 代理商 AI = first class 一级 AM = Amendment 修改书 A.M.T. = Air Mail Transfer 信汇 Amt. = Amount 额,金额 A.N. = arrival notice 到货通知 A.P. = account payable 应付账款 A/P = Authority to Purchase 委托购买 a.p. = additional premiun 附加保险费 A.R. = Account Receivable 应收款 Art. = Article 条款,项 A/S = account sales 销货清单 a/s = after sight 见票后限期付款 asstd. = Assorted 各色俱备的 att,.attn. = attention 注意 av.,a/v = average 平均,海损 a/v = a vista (at sight) 见票即付 经贸常用词缩写(D)、(E)DD/A =documents against acceptance, 承兑后交付单= documents for acceptance,= documents attached, 备承兑单据 = deposit account 存款账号 d/a = days after acceptance 承兑后……日付款 D.A. = Debit advice 付款报单 D/D,D. = Demand draft,documentary draft 即期汇票,跟单汇票 d/d = day’s date (days after date) 出票后……日付款 d.f.,d.fet. = dead freight 空载运费(船) Disc. = Discount 贴现;折扣 DLT = Day Letter Telegram 书信电 D/N = debit note 借方通知 D/O = delivery order 卸货通知书 D/P = documents against payment 付款后交付单据 Dr. = debit debter 借方,债务人 d/s. = days’sight 见票后……日付款


国际贸易词汇 A above par 高于票面值 absolute advantage 绝对优势 acceptance (l)承兑;承兑票据,(2)承诺acceptance of bill of exchange 汇票承兑;票据承兑acceptor 承兑人 accident insurance 意外保险 account (1)帐;账户,(2)科目,(3)客帐account payable 应付帐款 account payee only 只限存入抬头人账户;只可转帐account receivable 应收帐款 accountant 会计人员;会计主任;会计师

accumulated dividend 累积股息 acid-test ratio 酸性测验比率 active partner 参与经管合伙人;活跃合伙人ad hoc committee 临时委员会;专责委员会administration 行政 advertising 广告 advertising agency 广告公司;广告代理商advertising appeal 广告诉求 advertising media 广告媒介 advice note 交货通知书 agent 代理人 aids to trade 贸易辅助服务 air freight 航空货运费 air transport 航空运输 air waybill 空运提货单;空运提单

All Ordinaries Index 所有普通股指数 allocate 分配 allotment 分配数 allowance (l)折让,(2)津贴 amalgamation 合并 American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong, The 香港美国商会annual general meeting 周年大会;年会 annual report 年报 ante-dated cheque 倒填日期的支票 arbitrator 仲裁人 Articles of Association 组织章程 Asian Development Bank (ADB) 亚洲发展银行 asset 资产 association 社团 at par 按票面值


B组 BAF 燃油附加费Bunker AdjustmentFactor BAF燃油附加费,大多数航线都有,但标准不一。 B/L 海运提单Bill of Lading B/R 买价Buying Rate C组 CFR本钱加运费〔……指定目的港〕 CFR〔cost and freight〕本钱加运费价 C&F 〔本钱加运费〕:COST AND FREIGHT C&F本钱加海运费COST AND FREIGHT CIF本钱、保险费加运费付至〔……指定目的港〕 CIF 本钱,保险加海运费COST , INSURANCE , FRIGHT CIF 〔本钱运费加保险,俗称到岸价〞〕:COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT FOB 〔离岸价〕:FREE ON BOARD CPT运费付至〔……指定目的港〕 CPT 运费付至目的地Carriage Paid To CIP运费、保险费付至〔……指定目的地〕 CIP 运费、保险费付至目的地Carriage and In sura nee Paid To CY/CY整柜交货〔起点/终点〕 C.Y.货柜场Container Yard CY 〔码头〕:CONTAINER YARD CFS 〔场〕:CARGO FREIGHT STATION C/D 〔customs declaratio n〕报关单 C. C.〔运费到付〕:COLLECT C.C运费到付Collect CNTR NO. 〔柜号〕:CONTAINER NUMBER C.O 〔certificate of orig in〕—般原产地证 CTN/CTNS〔carto n/carto ns〕纸箱 货柜效劳费Container Service Charge C/〔CNEE〕收货人Consignee C/O 产地证Certificate of Origin CAF 货币汇率附加费Currency Adjustment Factor CFS 散货仓库Container Freight Station CFS/CFS散装交货〔起点/终点〕 CHB 报关行Customs House Broker COMM 商品Commodity CTNR 柜子Con tai ner D组〔到达〕 DAF边境交货〔……指定地点〕 DAF 边境交货Delivered At Frontier DES目的港船上交货〔……指定目的港〕 DES目的港船上交货Delivered Ex Ship DEQ目的港码头交货〔……指定目的港〕 DEQ 目的港码头交货Delivered Ex Quay DDU未完税交货〔……指定目的地〕 DDU 未完税交货Delivered Duty Un paid DDP完税后交货〔……指定目的地〕 DDP 完税后交货Delivered Duty Paid DDC、IAC直航附加费,美加航线使用 DDC 目的港码头费Destination Delivery Charge DL/DLS〔dollar/dollars〕美元 D/P〔docume nt aga inst payme nt〕付款交单 D/P 付款交单Document Against Payment DOC 〔document〕文件、单据 DOC 〔文件费〕:DOCUMENT CHARGE Doc# 文件号码Document Number D/A 〔docume nt aga inst accepta nee〕承兑交单 D/A 承兑交单Document Against Acceptanee DOZ/DZ〔doze n〕—打


关于国际贸易的一些常用词汇 出口信贷export credit 出口津贴export subsidy 商品倾销dumping 外汇倾销exchange dumping 优惠关税special preferences 保税仓库bonded warehouse 贸易顺差favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制import quotas 自由贸易区free trade zone 对外贸易值value of foreign trade 国际贸易值value of international trade 普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT 关于价格条件的一些常用词汇 价格术语trade term (price term) 运费freight 单价price 码头费wharfage 总值total value 卸货费landing charges 金额amount 关税customs duty 净价net price 印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 港口税portdues 回佣return commission 装运港portof shipment 折扣discount,allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价wholesale price 目的港port of destination 零售价retail price 进口许口证import licence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证export licence 期货价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price 国际市场价格world (International) Market price 离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board 成本加运费价( 离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight

国际贸易 术语

国际贸易术语 国际贸易是指各国之间的商品、服务和资本流动交换活动,是不同国 家之间经济交往的重要方式。国际贸易活动中存在大量的术语,下面 我们将对一些国际贸易术语进行解释和说明。 一、FOB(Free On Board,离岸价) FOB价格是指卖方将货物装载到在码头或装货港口的船上,并完成通关手续后的价格。此时卖方完成了货物所有的交付义务,运费和保险费 也都由买方承担。FOB价格通常用于海上运输。 二、CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight,成本加运费加保险费) CIF价格是指卖方已经包括了运费和保险费在内的价格。这种价格通常适用于进口商还未确定如何处理货物,并需要卖方负责将货物送至目 的港口的情况。 三、TT(Telegraphic Transfer,电汇) TT是一种用于跨境支付的快捷支付方式。汇款人可以通过银行将应付 款项直接转账到收款人的账户,这种方式便于双方及时付款和收款, 并大大减少了货款纠纷。 四、LC(Letter of Credit,信用证) LC是一种在国际贸易中广泛使用的支付方式。买方向银行开具信用证,卖方在完成货物交付后向银行要求付款,并提供合适的单证证明。这 种方式可以保证卖方能够及时收到货款,也可以降低买卖双方的信用 风险。

五、FTA(Free Trade Agreement,自由贸易协定) FTA是两个或多个国家之间的贸易协定,旨在消除或降低贸易壁垒,促进自由贸易和经济合作。签署FTA可以有效降低贸易成本,提高贸易 效率。 六、CEPA(Closer Economic Partnership Arrangements,更紧密经 贸关系安排) CEPA是一种经济合作协议,旨在促进香港与中国内地经济发展和合作。通过该协议,香港和内地可以在资本、货物和服务等方面更紧密地合作,提高贸易和投资效率。 七、MFN(Most-Favored-Nation,最惠国待遇) MFN是一种国际贸易中的待遇,指给予进口产品的最佳关税、贸易措施等待遇。MFN待遇在世界贸易组织等机构中被广泛使用,旨在确保贸易平等和自由。 总之,国际贸易术语是国际贸易中不可或缺的部分,熟练运用这些术 语可以帮助企业更好地完成贸易活动,降低贸易成本,创造更多效益。


国际贸易英语单词大全 以下是一些与国际贸易相关的英语单词,供您参考。这个列表可能无法覆盖所有的词汇,但包括了一些常见和重要的术语。 Export(出口) Import(进口) Trade(贸易) Tariff(关税) Customs(海关) Invoice(发票) Bill of Lading(提单) Quotation(报价) Contract(合同) Shipping(装运) Freight(货运) Port(港口) Container(集装箱) Incoterms(国际贸易术语) Exchange Rate(汇率) Payment Terms(付款条件) Letter of Credit(信用证) Inspection(检验) Customs Clearance(清关) Trade Agreement(贸易协定) Balance of Trade(贸易差额) Commodity(商品) Market Access(市场准入) Dumping(倾销) Subsidy(补贴) Embargo(禁运) Sanctions(制裁) Free Trade Zone(自由贸易区) Trade Barrier(贸易壁垒) Trade Surplus(贸易顺差) Trade Deficit(贸易逆差) Gross Domestic Product (GDP)(国内生产总值) Trade Bloc(贸易集团) World Trade Organization (WTO)(世界贸易组织) North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)(北美自由贸易协定)


外贸词汇大全 国际贸易 出口信贷export credit 出口津贴export subsidy 商品倾销dumping 外汇倾销exchange dumping 优惠关税special preferences 保税仓库bonded warehouse 贸易顺差favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制import quotas 自由贸易区free trade zone 对外贸易值value of foreign trade 国际贸易值value of international trade 普遍优惠制generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇most-favored nation treatment-MFNT 价格条件 价格术语trade term (price term) 运费freight 单价price

码头费wharfage 总值total value 卸货费landing charges 金额amount 关税customs duty 净价net price 印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 港口税port dues 回佣return commission 装运港port of shipment 折扣discount,allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价wholesale price 目的港port of destination 零售价retail price 进口许口证import license 现货价格spot price 出口许口证export license 期货价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailing price 国际市场价格world (International)Market price


国际贸易相关单词 1. 进口 - import 2. 出口 - export 3. 贸易 - trade 4. 关税 - tariff 5. 贸易协定 - trade agreement 6. 自由贸易区 - free trade zone 7. 世界贸易组织 - World Trade Organization (WTO) 8. 贸易摩擦 - trade friction 9. 贸易逆差 - trade deficit 10. 贸易顺差 - trade surplus 11. 贸易保护主义 - trade protectionism 12. 贸易自由化 - trade liberalization 13. 贸易平衡 - trade balance 14. 投资 - investment 15. 对外投资 - outward investment 16. 直接投资 - direct investment 17. 跨国公司 - multinational corporation 18. 跨国贸易 - international trade 19. 海外市场 - overseas market 20. 货物 - goods 21. 服务 - services

22. 货币汇率 - currency exchange rate 23. 贸易关系 - trade relations 24. 贸易伙伴 - trading partner 25. 进出口商 - importer and exporter 26. 进口配额 - import quota 27. 货物清关 - customs clearance 28. 贸易政策 - trade policy 29. 商业合作 - business cooperation 30. 贸易数据 - trade data。


国际贸易常用单词 1.trade terms 贸易术语 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1519305691.html,IC china chamber of international commerce 中国国际商会 3.FOB free on board 离岸价,目的港船上交货 4.FOB under tackle FOB吊钩下交货 5.FOB liner terms FOB班轮条件 6.FOB stowed FOB包括理仓 7.FOB trimmed FOB包括平仓 8.CFR COST AND FREIGHT 成本加运费 9.CIF COST INSURANCE AND FREIGHT 成本、保险费加运费,又称到岸价 10.FCA FREE CARRIER 货交承运人 11.CPT Carriage paid to 运费付至 12.FAS free alongside ship 船边交货 13.DAF delivered at frontier 边境交货 14.DES delivered EX ship 目的刚船上交货 15.DEQ delivered EX QUAY 目的港码头交货 16.DDU delivered duty unpaid 未完税交货 17.DDP delivered duty paid 完税后交货 18.EXW EX WORKS 工厂交货 19.point of delivery 装货港 20.deliver on board 交到船舷上 21.without delay 毫不迟疑的 22.sufficient notice 充分的通知 23.freight forwarder 货运代理人 24.actual carrier 实际承运人 25.not unloaded 未卸下的 26.carriage and insurance paid to 运费、保费付至 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1519305691.html,mission佣金 28.discount 折扣 29.price including commission 含佣价 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1519305691.html, 净价净的 31.delivery 交货 32.shipment 装运 33.time of delivery 交货时间/交货期 34.time of shipment 装运时间 35.loading on board vessel 装船 36.dispatch 发运 37.prompt shipment 迅速装运 38.immediate shipment 立即装运 39.port of shipment 装货港 40.partial shipment 分批装运 41.transhipment 转运 42.sea transport/ocean transport 海洋运输 43.liner transhort 班轮运输 44.sailing schedule 航行时间表 45.voyage /trip charter 定程租船 46.time charter 定期租船 47.weight ton 重量吨


外贸常用词汇大全一、国际贸易 出口信贷 export credit 出口津贴 export subsidy 商品倾销 dumping 外汇倾销 exchange dumping 优惠关税 special preferences 保税仓库 bonded warehouse 贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制 import quotas 自由贸易区 free trade zone 对外贸易值 value of foreign trade 国际贸易值 value of international trade 普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT 二、价格条件 价格术语trade term price term 运费freight 单价 price 码头费wharfage 总值 total value 卸货费landing charges

金额 amount 关税customs duty 净价 net price 印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 港口税portdues 回佣return commission 装运港portof shipment 折扣discount,allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价 wholesale price 目的港portof destination 零售价 retail price 进口许口证inportlicence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证exportlicence 期货价格forward price 现行价格时价current price prevailingprice 国际市场价格 world InternationalMarketprice 离岸价船上交货价FOB-free on board 成本加运费价离岸加运费价 C&F-cost and freight 到岸价成本加运费、保险费价CIF-cost,insurance and freight 三、交货条件 交货delivery 轮船steamship缩写S.S


外贸英语词汇大全(进出口贸易必备) 下面是小编整理的外贸英语词汇大全(进出口贸易必备),希望对你有所帮助! commerce, trade, trading 贸易 inland trade, home trade, domestic trade, internal trade, interior trade 国内贸易 international trade 国际贸易 cash sale 现货 hire-purchase 分期付款购买(美作:installment plan) competition 竞争 competitor 竞争者 competitive 竞争的 unfair competition 不合理竞争 dumping profit margin 倾销差价,倾销幅度 trademark 商标 registered trademark 注册商标 registered office, head office 总公司,总店,总部 foreign trade, external trade 对外贸易,外贸 terms of trade 贸易条件 free-trade area 自由贸易区 import, importation 进口 importer 进口商 export, exportation 出口 exporter 出口商 commercial channels 商业渠道 customs 海关 customs duty 关税 quota 配额,限额 item 项目,细目

commercial transaction 买卖,交易manufacturer 制造商,制造厂 middleman 中间商,经纪人 dealer 经销商 wholesaler 批发商 retailer 零售商 tradesman 零售商 merchant 商人(英)批发商,(美)零售商concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者consumer 消费者,用户 client, customer 顾客,客户 buyer 买主,买方 stocks 存货,库存量 purchase 购买,进货 sale 销售 bulk sale 整批销售,趸售 wholesale 批发 retail trade 零售业


一.国际贸易常用英语词汇进出口贸易词汇 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1519305691.html,merce, trade, trading贸易 2.inland trade, home trade, domestic trade 国内贸易 3.international trade国际贸易 4.foreign trade, external trade对外贸易, 5.外贸 6.import, importation进口 7.importer进口商 8.export, exportation出口 9.exporter出口商10.import licence进口许口证11.export licence出口许口证12.c ommercial transaction买卖,交易13.inquiry询盘14.delivery交货15.order订货16.make a complete entry正式/完整申报17.bad account坏帐18.Bill of Lading 提单19.marine bills of lading海运提单20.shipping order托运单21.blank endor sed空白背书22.endorsed背书23.cargo receipt承运货物收据24.condemned goo ds有问题的货物25.catalogue商品目录26.customs liquidation清关27customs cl earance结关 二.贸易价格术语 1.trade term / price term价格术语 2. world / international market price国际市场价格 3.FOB (free on board)离岸价 4.C&F (cost and freight)成本加运费价 5.CIF (cost, insurance and freight)到岸价 6.freight运费wharfage码头费 https://www.360docs.net/doc/1519305691.html,nding ch arges卸货费 8.customs duty关税 9.port dues港口税10.import surcharge进口附加税11.import variable duties进口差价税https://www.360docs.net/doc/1519305691.html,mission佣金14.return commi ssion回佣,回扣 15.price including commission含佣价https://www.360docs.net/doc/1519305691.html, price净价17.whole sale price批发价18.discount / allowance折扣19.retail price零售价20.spot pri ce现货价格21.current price现行价格/时价22.indicative price参考价格23.custom s valuation海关估价24.price list价目表25.total value总值 三.贸易保险术语 1.All Risks一切险 2.F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average)平安险 3.W.A. / W.P. A (With Average or With Particular Average)水渍险 4.War Risk战争险 5. F.W.R. D. (Fresh Water Rain Damage)淡水雨淋险 6.Risk of Intermixture and Contamin ation混杂、玷污险7.Risk of Leakage渗漏险8.Risk of Odor串味险9.Risk of Rust


外贸常用词汇大全 对外贸易亦称“国外贸易” 或“进出口贸易”,简称“外贸”,是指一个国家(地区)与另一个国家(地区)之间的商品、劳务和技术的交换活动。这种贸易由进口和出口两个部分组成。小编为大家整理了外贸常用词汇大全,希望对你有帮助哦! 一、国际贸易 出口信贷 export credit 出口津贴 export subsidy 商品倾销 dumping 外汇倾销 exchange dumping 优惠关税 special preferences 保税仓库 bonded warehouse 贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade 进口配额制 import quotas 自由贸易区 free trade zone 对外贸易值 value of foreign trade 国际贸易值 value of international trade 普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP 最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT 二、价格条件 价格术语trade term (price term) 运费freight 单价 price 码头费wharfage 总值 total value 卸货费landing charges 金额 amount 关税customs duty

净价 net price 印花税stamp duty 含佣价price including commission 港口税portdues 回佣return commission 装运港portof shipment 折扣discount,allowance 卸货港port of discharge 批发价 wholesale price 目的港portof destination 零售价 retail price 进口许口证inportlicence 现货价格spot price 出口许口证exportlicence 期货价格forward price 现行价格(时价)current price prevailingprice 国际市场价格 world (International)Marketprice 离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价) C&F-cost and freight 到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight 三、交货条件 交货delivery 轮船steamship(缩写S.S) 装运、装船shipment 租船charter (the chartered shep) 交货时间 time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter; 装运期限time of shipment 定期租船time charter 托运人(一般指出口商)shipper,consignor


国际贸易英语常用词汇 1. Import - 进口 2. Export - 出口 3. Trade - 贸易 4. Customs - 海关 5. Tariffs - 关税 6. Duties - 关税 7. Free trade - 自由贸易 8. Trade deficit - 贸易逆差 9. Trade surplus - 贸易顺差 10. Trade agreement - 贸易协议 11. Trade barrier - 贸易壁垒 12. Trade dispute - 贸易争端 13. Trade war - 贸易战争 14. Trade policy - 贸易政策 15. Trade liberalization - 贸易自由化 16. Trade restrictions - 贸易限制 17. Trade negotiations - 贸易谈判 18. Trade imbalance - 贸易不平衡 19. Trade bloc - 贸易集团 20. Trade partner - 贸易伙伴 21. Trade deficit - 贸易逆差 22. Trade surplus - 贸易顺差 23. Import quota - 进口配额 24. Export quota - 出口配额 25. Import duties - 进口关税 26. Export duties - 出口关税 第1页/共8页

27. Import restrictions - 进口限制 28. Export restrictions - 出口限制 29. Trade balance - 贸易平衡 30. Trade organization - 贸易组织 31. International trade - 国际贸易 32. Trade deficit - 贸易逆差 33. Trade surplus - 贸易顺差 34. Balance of trade - 贸易差额 35. Import/export license - 进出口许可证 36. Fair trade - 公平贸易 37. Foreign trade - 外贸 38. Cross-border trade - 跨境贸易 39. Trade barrier - 贸易壁垒 40. Trade protectionism - 贸易保护主义 41. Trade representative - 贸易代表 42. Trade mission - 贸易代表团 43. Trade commission - 贸易委员会 44. Trade associations - 贸易协会 45. Trade fair - 贸易博览会 46. Global trade - 全球贸易 47. Bilateral trade - 双边贸易 48. Multilateral trade - 多边贸易 49. Trade dispute settlement - 贸易争端解决 50. Trade balance sheet - 贸易收支表 51. Trade deficit - 贸易逆差 52. Trade surplus - 贸易顺差 53. Trade finance - 贸易融资 54. Trade barriers - 贸易壁垒 55. Trade restrictions - 贸易限制 56. Trade liberalization - 贸易自由化


国际贸易英语词汇集锦 export, exportation 出口 exporter 出口商 import licence 进口许口证 export licence 出口许口证 commercial transaction 买卖,交易 inquiry 询盘 delivery 交货 order 订货 make a complete entry 正式/完整申报 bad account 坏帐 Bill of Lading 提单 marine bills of lading 海运提单 shipping order 托运单 blank endorsed 空白背书 endorsed 背书 cargo receipt 承运货物收据 condemned goods 有问题的货物 catalogue 商品目录 customs liquidation 清关 customs clearance 结关 trade partner 贸易伙伴 manufacturer 制造商,制造厂 middleman 中间商,经纪人 dealer 经销商 wholesaler 批发商 retailer, tradesman 零售商 merchant 商人,批发商,零售商 concessionaire, licensed dealer 受让人,特许权获得者 consumer 消费者,用户 client, customer 顾客,客户 buyer 买主,买方 carrier 承运人 consignee 收货人 protectorate (被)保护国 asylum 庇护;避难 forntier region, border region 边界地区 boundary negotiation 边界谈判 status quo of the boundary 边界现状 never to attach any conditions 不附带任何条件 non-aligned countries 不结盟国家 patrimonial sea 承袭海


国际贸易英语词汇大全 国际贸易英语词汇合锦一贸易价格术语 trade term / price term 价格术语 world / international market price 国际市场价格 FOB (free on board) 离岸价 C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价 CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价 freight 运费 wharfage 码头费 landing charges 卸货费 customs duty 关税 port dues 港口税 import surcharge 进口附加税 import variable duties 进口差价税

commission 佣金 return commission 回佣,回扣 price including commission 含佣价 net price 净价 wholesale price 批发价 discount / allowance 折扣 retail price 零售价 spot price 现货价格 current price 现行价格 / 时价 indicative price 参考价格 customs valuation 海关估价 price list 价目表 total value 总值 贸易保险术语 All Risks 一切险 F.P.A. (Free from Particular Average) 平安险 W.A. / W.P.A (With Average or With Particular Average) 水渍险War Risk 战争险 F.W.R.D. (Fresh Water Rain Damage) 淡水雨淋险


国际贸易英语词汇Distributorship经销 Distributorship agreement经销协议 Exclusive sales / exclusive distributorship独家经销/包销Exclusive distributor独家经销商 Right of exclusive sales独家经营权 Agency代理 Agent代理商 Principal委托人 Sole / exclusive agency独家代理 Exclusive agency agreement独家代理协议 Invitation to tender招标 Submission of tender投标 Bidding documents招标文件 Opening of tender开标 Auction拍卖 Consignment寄售 Consignor寄售人 Consignee代销商 Counter trade对等贸易 A barter易货贸易 B counterpurchase 互购parallel/reciprocal trade平行贸易/对购 C buy-back 回购/ compensation trade补偿贸易

D offset抵销 Letter of intent意向书 MOU: Memorandum of Understanding谅解备忘录Processing trade加工贸易 Processing with imported materials进料加工Processing with customer’s materials来料加工Futures trade期货交易 Futures market期货市场 Commodity exchange商品交易所 Clearing house清算所 Close price成交价 Hedging套期保值 Selling hedging卖期保值 Buying hedging买期保值 FDI: Foreign Direct Investment外国直接投资Fix-capital input固定资本投入 Horizontal expansion横向发展 International capital movement国际资本流动Anticipated return预期回报 Economy of scale规模经济 Diseconomy of scale规模不经济 Business stages: A inquiry询盘 B offer发盘
