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Class________ Name________ No_____


Module 1----2必背重点句

1. These are my holiday photos. 这些是我的假期照片。

2. She looks so young. 她看起来很年轻。

3. To tell you the truth, I’m two hundred years old. 实话告诉你,我两百岁了。

4. How old are you? I’m ten years old. 你几岁了?我10岁了。

5. Today’s my birthday, I’m so excited. 今天是我的生日。我非常激动。

6. It’s a new computer game. 这是个新的电脑游戏。

7. You’re forgetting something. 你忘记了一些事情.

8. Only joking. I’m really 75 today. 开玩笑而已。我今天真的是75岁了。

9. This birthday card is from your dad and me. 这生日卡片是我和你爸爸给的。

10. Who’s the old person? He’s my grandpa. 这老人是谁?他是我的爷爷。

11. The baby is wearing a birthday hat. 这婴儿正戴着一顶生日帽。

12. The parents are giving her a birthday present. 父母正送给了她一份生日礼物。

13. They are singing a birthday song. 他们正在唱生日歌。

14. She is cutting the birthday cake. 她正在切生日蛋糕。

15. The children are eating the birthday cake. 这孩子们正在吃生日蛋糕。

16. They are having a birthday party. 他们正在开生日派对。

17. They are playing party games. 他们正在玩派对游戏。

18. Are you listening to the radio ? No, I’m not. 你正在听录音机吗?不是。

19. What are you doing? I’m playing the guitar. 你正在做什么?我正在弹吉他。

20. Are you still painting your picture? No, I’m not. 你仍然在画画吗?不是。

21. I’m reading a story–book. 我正在读故事书。

22. I’m working on the computer. 我正在用电脑工作。

23. What are you doing? I’m cooking the dinner. 你正在干什么?我正在煮晚饭。

24. We are hungry, but dinner isn’t ready yet. 我们饿了,但是晚餐还没有准备好。

25. We are really having fun. 我们真的玩得很开心。

26. I enjoy reading. 我很享受阅读。

27. I’m having great fun. I’m fishing in the sea. 我玩得非常开心。我正在海里钓鱼。

28. What are you doing out there? 你正在外面那个地方干什么?

29. Are you playing ball games with him? Yes, I am. 你正在和他打球吗?是的、

30. Happy birthday! Thank you ! 生日快乐!谢谢!

31. Is today your birthday? Yes, it is. / No it isn’t. 今天是你的生日吗?是的。/ 不是。

Module 3---4 必背重点句

1. Our team is the winner. 我们小队赢了。

2. It’s not boring. It’s fun. 它不是无聊的。它是有趣的。

3.What’s wrong, Sally ? Your part is very important.怎么了,Sally? 你的角色是很重要的。

4. It’s very interesting for the parents. 这会使你们的父母感到很有趣的。

5. Sally likes telling stories. Sally喜欢讲故事。

6. She doesn’t like wearing the school uniform to tell the story.她不喜欢穿着校服讲故事。

7. I have an idea. 我又一个主意。

8. What do you think of this TV play ? I think it’s fun. 你认为这电视剧怎样?我觉得它很有趣。

9. Is the boy in blue shorts running fast or slowly? He’s running slowly.


10. Are they playing table tennis well or badly? They’re playing table tennis well.


11. Dim and Jim are running across the field. Dim 和Jim正跑着横过跑道。

12. What programmes do you like? We like TV plays. 你喜欢什么节目?我喜欢电视剧。

13. He likes sport programmes. And he likes listening to the radio.


14. There’s a cartoon on TV. Turn on the TV, please. 电视上正播着一卡通片。请打开电视。

15. What’s your favourite sport? My favourite sport is swimming.


16. Yongxian is catching up now. 永宪正赶上来。

17. Some children are falling over. 一些孩子跌倒了。

18. She’s waving a lunch box. 她正挥舞着午饭盒子。

19. Which sports are you good at? I’m good at doing the long jump.


20. We also have many gold medals from the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.


21 Are you a setter of a world record ? 你是世界纪录创造者吗?

22 Olympic Games, here we come! 奥林匹克运动会,我们来啦!

23. Yongxian is getting the baton. 永宪正在接棒。

24. Mike’s still running. 迈克仍然在跑。

25. Chinese women athletes are very good at table tennis too. 中国女运动员也很擅长乒乓球。

26. I’m sure your mums and dads will all like the play this evening.


27. I think she can be a fairy. She needs a white dress.


28. Is he jumping high or low? He is jumping low. 他正跳得高还是低?他跳得低。

29. What programmes does he usually listen to? He listens to music programmes and news.


30. What do you think of films? I think they are interesting/ boring/ fun.

1. Would you like some orange juice? Yes, please. /No, thanks.


2. What do you usually have for breakfast? 你通常吃什么做早餐?

I usually have porridge,noodles,rice noodles,bread or buns for breakfast. And I like rice
